Topic: Pas de Loup


Date: 2016-09-18 23:23 EST
The couches and armchairs had been shoved into the corners, orbiting Harper like haphazard, upholstered satellites as she lay stretched on the floor, leaning over a book. She was spread out in center splits, back flat and stomach pressed to the ground as she scanned the pages, every so often rolling her ankles and gasping quietly in excitement before turning the page. Behind her, there was a soft sigh as someone slid into a drooping armchair.

"You redecorating, Bambi?" Harper's head shot up before she twisted her hips and slid around on the floor like the hands of a clock to face Percy who was draped over the arm of a chair with a devilish half-smile. Harper waved the book at Percy as if that was the only answer she needed.

"Just reading." As if that explained why every piece of furniture had been shoved away to expose the wood floors. She had really spent hours waltzing about the living room to the lyrical sway of the writing, but Percy didn't need to hear how she'd danced trancelike in silence across the house, absorbed in her reading. Percy tilted her head to try and read the book's spine as it waved past her face.

"On Again?" Harper giggled and smoothed the page back open. "No, no. Onegin. You know, the Russian novel" Serina let me borrow it." "And when did you develop your taste for Russian literature?" "Since it's the first ballet I'm doing with the company. It's just a little research you know, to get a feel for it. And Serina's copy has all these little tidbits drawn in." Now it was Percy's turn to laugh. "What, like tiny aliens and flying saucers drawn in the margins" Does she circle every fifth letter hoping it'll spell out some secret coded message cuz it's all a Russian conspiracy' I tried borrowing a book from her once, but she'd folded all the pages into triangles. Took me ages unfolding them all just to get through one chapter." Harper tucked her legs together and kicked in Percy's direction playfully. Serina may have had her head in the stars, always chasing myths and tall tales, but she was part of the pack. And a pack sticks together. "Actually, no. Every time Tatiana appears she draws a little butterfly. I asked her about it, and she said that's what young Tatiana is. And Onegin is that bored, malicious kid who grabs them just to wipe the scales from their wings, just to keep them from flying because he never can. To him it's nothing, but to her it's shattering. And then years later, he meets her again and she's changed, not a delicate butterfly but cold and strong, and he's just stalled. He's still that little kid and she's left him behind. In the end they've come full circle and she leaves him broken just like he did with her." Percy raised an eyebrow, obviously not impressed. "And she got all that from a butterfly doodle, did she" Well, what did you get from it, doodles and all?" Harper chewed her lip, thumbing through the pages. She hadn't thought about what she'd pulled from the novel, as she'd been too caught up with the story itself. But in the end, that had been the goal, hadn't it' How do you bring words to life" How do you paint them across the stage with movement alone" What was it she'd be trying to say' Finally, she found the line she'd been looking for, and glanced up at Percy shyly from behind lidded lashes. "I guess it just means that love is as inevitable, disastrous, and transformatory as the seasons. As the narrator says, To love, all ages yield surrender; But to the young its raptures bring A blessing bountiful and tender- As storms refresh the fields of spring.?


Date: 2016-12-06 10:42 EST
It was Nutcracker season, which always felt like coming home. Her life had been bookended by the Nutcracker. It was the first ballet she'd seen, as it was for so many young dancers. And it had been the first ballet she'd performed in, as sleepy partygoer number five. Each new piece of her life brought with it a new part. There was the board stiff doll dance, where she was carried on stage by her friend Thomas who would tickle her stomach until she collapsed in laughter during rehearsals, much to the chagrin of the director. There was the dance of the snowflakes, when she would spend hours each night washing glitter and pieces of paper from her hair. Once she'd even been hit in the head with a stray screw, as the crew just swept up whatever was left on the stage along with the paper to drop on their heads the next night. The first night was always a pristine snowfall, but by the end of the production it was a mine field of bobby pins, rhinestones, and whatever else had fallen from the dancers during their performances. Harper had worked her way through the food, from the Chinese tea dance where an errant dragon had accidentally bowled her over during dress rehearsal to the acrobatic coffee dance where her partner had dropped her so many times during practice she had to cover her torso in foundation to hide the bruises. She had been put in charge of tallying the ever-important competition of which of the boys could jump highest in the Russian dance. The rest of the company had been taking bets, and she was the only one to remain impartial. Her first time partnering with Will had been as Clara and the Nutcracker. He would make faces at her from across the wings to settle her nerves before they burst on-stage. In rehearsals he would grab her ankle and hoist her leg up in the air, dragging her around hopping behind him as he exclaimed with a goofy grin to the rest of the company "with this shoe, on this tiny foot, I was saved from the saber of the Rat King." The ballet brought with it memories as sweet as sugar plums and as bitter as Arabian coffee. But it had always been there. Though the music drove her crazy by the time Christmas actually came around, once she heard it she always knew she was home. So listening to it as she walked each night from rehearsals, nodding at passing fay and humans and whatever else roamed the streets of Rhy?Din, was surreal and comforting all at once. She may have found herself in a whole new world, shocked and awed as Clara watching candy come to life and rats brandish swords, but it was still the same Nutcracker.