Topic: The Other Side


Date: 2013-01-25 14:04 EST
It had been a trying couple of days. As the ambulance pulled away from the house, Mataya stood on the stoop, arms wrapped about herself, shivering in the dawn snowfall. She'd sent Elena off to the hospital with her ....friend ....not expecting to hear anything for a couple of hours at least, and while Juno was already back in bed, making the most of a couple of hours more sleep, 'Taya knew she wasn't going to settle until she knew her little sister was going to be okay. And by little sister, she meant her little sister's ....what? Boyfriend" Lover" Stray dog" She sighed, closing the door as the ambulance turned the corner out of sight, and leaned her forehead against it, biting her lip hard. She'd made a real mess the day before. It was just bad luck that he'd gone fully into withdrawal now, before she could patch things up with El.

Max had definitely noticed the build up of tension within their household over the last couple of days. And while it bothered him, he had remained silent, simply observing the women around him. Mataya looked like she was wound so tight she was about to snap like a violin string. The one time he spied Elena in the kitchen, she looked angry, moody and tired. Juno was a bright spot, but he could see the worry in her, too. The ruckus that had woken them from their sleep was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. He'd stayed back, in their bedroom, watching as the ambulance pulled away with a stretcher and Elena. And as Mataya stood in the glow of the lamplight, he watched her, too. When she went inside, he let the curtains fall closed and turned to leave the bedroom. Grabbing 'Taya's favorite robe and slippers, he made his way to the kitchen. Placing the garments aside, he started the coffee and waited for 'Taya to join him.

It wasn't long before she pushed herself away from the front door, still worrying at her lower lip with her teeth, still hugging herself tightly against the feeling that she'd messed up badly enough that it might not be forgiven anytime soon. Pushing her hair out of her face, 'Taya moved into the kitchen, following the smell of the coffee, knowing that Max was there, waiting for her. Waiting for an explanation that was more than a little overdue. She stepped up to him wordlessly and pushed herself into his arms, breathing out a heavy sigh against his chest as she clung on. "Good morning, I guess."

Max enfolded her into his arms, allowing her the respite of the peace that the embrace would give. He kissed the top of her head, a reassurance that not everybody in the household was upset with her. And while he wasn't sure about the details of what had happened, he had the intuition to know that whatever had taken place between 'Taya and her sister, it had been bad. 'Taya was never the quiet one, usually able to relay her upsets within a few minutes or hours. This had been brewing inside of her head for two days. To Max, that was long enough. "Wanna talk, babe?"

There was a pause as she assembled something to say that wouldn't either immediately put her fiance on her side, or confuse him even further. She knew it couldn't be easy living in the same house as angry siblings, though until now she and Elena had been on a pretty even keel. It stung to know that she hadn't given her little sister the trust she had so obviously earned. "I messed up," she said finally, drawing back to tuck herself into her robe, pushing her hair back off her face. "And she's right, it is complicated. It's a long story, and I don't really understand it, but ....She's absolutely right. How the hell can I expect her to trust me when I don't trust her?"

When 'Taya moved away to put her robe on, Max grabbed two clay mugs from the cabinet and began to pour the coffee. He listened, stirring cream and sugar into a mug and gently nudging the other to her to fix as she saw fit. "Okay, start at the beginning. I have questions, but I'm sure you'll answer them in the telling." He turned then and reached to put his hand upon her shoulder. "Tell me everything. Okay?"

"Okay." She sighed, leaning her hip against the counter as she took up the coffee he nudged over to her, taking a slow sip. It was a long story, but she could at least relay it to Max as it had been told to her, and as she had experienced it. "All right, first thing you need to know ..." She talked for a long time, long enough for the morning light to begin streaming in through the big glass windows in the kitchen and illuminate them where they stood together. 'Taya pulled no punches, either, blandly stating her wrongful assumptions and accusations, the very reasonable explanation for why the author Michael Donnelly had just been taken away in an ambulance, and even the comparison Elena had made between her two elder sisters.

By the time she was done, her coffee was cold, and she was close to tears. "I thought I was doing the right thing, you know" I thought I was helping my little sister because she needed me to do it. But I'm not, Max. I'm helping her because ....I'm trying to prove I'm better than Tess and Tony and Mama all rolled into one. She's got every right to be angry with me."

While listening, Max had refilled his mug twice. He didn't interrupt, and he had been correct: she did provide the answers to his questions. The big one was where his clothes had disappeared to. When she was done, he pulled her close and held her. It was a supportive and comforting move, all in one. But Max had learned to be objective, knowing that no matter how much 'Taya tried to keep the story neutral, there was always more to it than met the eye. "Listen to me," he whispered as he held her in that warm, cozy kitchen. "I know that's not true, at all. You love your sister, even with all her bumps. I know that it hurt you for El to say that you're worse than Tess." He stopped then, bringing his hands to cradle her face between them. Arching his back, he ducked so he could look 'Taya in the eyes. "But she knew it, too, baby. She only said it to hurt you. You remember when you were going through withdrawal. You'd say anything to hurt anybody around, to make them feel as bad as you. She didn't mean it, 'Tay. I promise you that."

"But that's just the problem, Max, I'm judging on me," 'Taya pointed out unhappily. "I'm expecting her to behave exactly the way I did, and she's not. She's four months sober, nearly five, and she hasn't given in once. Hell, she's even helping someone else go through the exact same thing." She shook her head, letting out a shaky sigh. "She's a lot stronger than I am. I need to stop looking at her like a kid, 'cos she's not. She's gonna get through this, and she'll be great. I just ....I wish I hadn't jumped straight to the wrong conclusion. I saw the bottle and I saw red. I didn't give her a chance."

Anybody else talking about Mataya that way and he'd be seeing red. But this was Mataya speaking about herself, and that only caused Max to get more concerned. "You also didn't have your siblings around for support," he reminded her gently. "She is lucky I didn't find that empty bottle or I'd have kicked her out on the spot. She's done nothing to give you real reason to believe that she's going to stay clean, 'Tay. It's natural to believe the worst. Isn't that what people say' Prepare for the worst and hope for the best' Baby, don't kick yourself for having a natural reaction. And don't you dare be jealous that she's kicking this habit easier than you kicked yours. Alcohol is one thing, cocaine is another ball of wax. You can't compare apples to oranges."

She shook her head, but there was a faint smile on her face for the way he leapt so quickly to her defense, even against herself. "It doesn't matter what you're addicted to, darlin', it's just as hard to get off one as it is to get off the other," she told him gently, squeezing him about the waist with soft gratitude. "That's not the point, though. I told her that she'd hurt me by not telling me her problems. And then I threw them straight back in her face. I had Tony when I was coming out of my problems, and he never once told me that he was anything but proud of me for kicking it. He never assumed to my face that I would drop straight back down again." She sighed again, leaning back against the counter. "I think El's gonna talk to Mama. Maybe it'd be better for her not to be here, who knows" All I know is ....wherever she goes, that Michael guy'll be going with her."

Mataya was right in that Max hadn't known the demons of addiction, couldn't possibly know what a recovering addict had gone through. Somehow, in his crazy life, he'd never been addicted to anything. He wasn't going to argue with her about it, it would have been pointless. And he wasn't going to argue with her about her feeling guilty, either. That was something she'd have to face up to and conquer on her own. He'd be beside her, for support, but he couldn't fight that battle for her. After sipping the last of his coffee, he put the mug in the sink, then drained 'Taya's mug into the sink as well. "Maybe that's not a bad thing, babe, this Michael guy going with her. Maybe she's finding her niche, helping out people who are like her. It might be good for her, no matter where she ends up."


Date: 2013-01-25 14:06 EST
There was another long moment of quiet as Mataya considered this carefully. "She loves him," she said softly. "I don't know how, but in the middle of all this mess, she's found someone to love. I didn't even know she knew Michael Donnelly until she told me that was who was curled up in her bed yesterday. And if she can help him through this, who am I to get in the way, right?" She sighed yet again, the sound a low explosion of discomfort. "I don't know, Max. I'm doing something wrong, and I can't see what it is. And I really don't wanna have to tell Mama about this."

"Wait, didn't he write a book or something?" Max thought the name sounded familiar. "Anyway, I think you aren't doing anything wrong. This isn't exactly charted territory for any of us." He shook his head and then pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I think that you and El should talk. If you feel badly about how you behaved, apologize to her. It may surprise the both of you." He smiled then, a warm smile and eyes full of love. "And don't tell your mom about a spat between you and El. If she tells, that's her problem."

"I don't think she will. She's too damned stubborn to go crying to Mama because big bad 'Taya was a bitch." But Mataya was smiling again, for the first time in almost twenty hours, relieved that Max had accepted what she'd told him and set it aside. Relieved that she'd made the right decision in keep him out of the initial conversation. The last thing anyone needed right now was for she and Max to be at each other's throats because he tried to throw her sister out onto the street.

"Ah, there she is," he reached to caress her cheek, and leaned to kiss her smile. "So, if El stays, we set down a few rules. First one being, nobody raids my closet without my permission!" He was teasing; there wasn't anything Max wouldn't do for Taya and her family. "Seriously though, I don't mind her having a fella here, so long as everybody who lives here is alright with it, including Juno."

Her smile stayed during the kiss, dissolving into a faintly guilty laugh at the rule he laid down. "Well, I did send her off with a bag of your clothes from the fresh laundry," she confessed. "He doesn't have anything but what he arrived with, you know." Leaning into Max, 'Taya could feel herself relaxing. "I don't think Juno minds," she added quietly. "Hell, she probably knew the minute he arrived. If he'd been trouble, I don't think she would have kept it to herself."

He could feel her relax, and with it, the tension dissipate with the morning sun. It was the first time in two days that the house felt peaceful and not so much like a war zone. Checking his watch while keeping his arms around her, he sighed. "No, she wouldn't. So our house is open to both of them, if they decide to stay." With another kiss to her temple, he finally pulled from her. His stomach rumbled and he decided that it was time to eat. "It's been a couple of hours, think we should call to see how things are going?"

"No, I, uh ..." 'Taya hesitated for a moment, but nodded to herself as she drew back. "I'm gonna give her until midday. If she wants me to know what?s happening, she'll call. I gotta start trusting her sometime, don't I?"

"It's not a matter of trust, babe." Max had pulled eggs from the fridge and set about whisking them in a bowl. "We care, and she needs to know that." He paused, the exertion of whisking eggs causing his silence. "Especially after that spat. Go ahead and call while I'm making breakfast." He blew her a kiss and reached for a non-stick frying pan.

She hesitated a moment longer, torn between bothering her sister and leaving her be, but Max was right. Elena needed to know she at least cared, that they all cared, if they were going to patch over the split that had formed. 'Taya moved to hug her fiance, pressing a kiss between his shoulder-blades. "Thanks, hot stuff," she smiled, squeezing him gently before stepping away. "I'll be back in a coupla minutes."

Max smiled, now in the process of cooking the scrambled eggs. He scraped the bottom of the pan with the spatula he held when she kissed him between the shoulder blades. "Take your time, baby. I'm not going anywhere." He turned his head to look at her over his shoulder. "And if she wants to talk about the argument or anything other than how her boyfriend is doing, tell her it can wait until she gets back home." He couldn't help but admire 'Taya. She might not think so, but he could see the strength in her that emanated from her very core. "Love you."

"You're so good for me these days." She dropped another kiss on his shoulder before moving toward the living room, calling back to him over her shoulder as she dialed the hospital. "Love you back! Don't forget to call Juno for breakfast, she's starting rehearsals today for the season opener." A moment later, her voice had lowered, clearly asking whoever had answered the phone for information about her sister and the man who had been taken out of their home that morning.

"Just these days?" he teased back and watched as she left the room. And, in traditional Max fashion, he called Juno to breakfast. At the top of his voice. "Juno! Breakfast is ready, baby girl!" Lifting the pan from the stove, he turned off the burner and began to scoop the eggs into individual plates. "Come and get it!"

There was a groan from upstairs, clearly put on, and the sound of a particular redhead's footsteps came thumping down the stairs. Despite the disrupted sleep of the morning, Juno was disgustingly chipper as always, bouncing into the kitchen with a merrily declared, "Morning!" She stole the spatula from Max's hand as she skipped past, using it to deliver a healthy whack to his backside, and dropped it into the sink, pulling open the fridge to search for juice.

"Morning!" he called back, just as chipper. Just as well that she stole the spatula, he had finished using it. But when he got whacked, he jumped and grabbed his backside. "Hey now! No funny stuff, young lady." He attempted to be stern, attempted to be parental, but he just couldn't quite pull it off. Not in the face of Juno's sweet temperament. Arranging the plates with forks beside them, he drew the glasses down from the cabinet for the juice Juno was fetching. "How's my girl this morning, hmm?"

He should have known better than to ask her that by now; he always got an honest answer, even if it was one he really would rather not hear. "Horny," Juno informed Max with a grin, pouring juice into the glasses as she nudged him in the ribs. "When am I allowed to, you know, do the moaning thing you and Matty do every day?"

It was even better that Juno was pouring the juice, because with Max's reaction to her response, there would have been none in the glasses to drink. "Juno," he leaned against the counter-top to give her an exasperated look. "The answer is, 'I'm good, thanks. How're you?' when somebody asks how you are. Except for me. Me you tell if you're not feeling good or something is wrong. But horny' That's not something I, as your father, really need to know." He glanced around, hoping 'Taya didn't overhear. She may laugh out loud. "And as for when" Only you really can say that, when you find the right guy." He grinned then, folding his arms over his chest. "You know, the one that I approve of." Which means, Sorry. Juno. Never.

"Sooo ..." The little redhead twisted, tipping her head back to look up at him with the grin she could only have learned from Mataya. "What happens if some guy just appears in my bed and doesn't say no?" Juno asked with laudable wickedness. "Could happen." She winked, bouncing up to kiss Max's cheek as she claimed a plate and glass for herself. "And I'm good, thanks. How're you?"

Max paled a little bit when Juno brought up the current situation that El found herself in. He hoped that a mysterious guy didn't suddenly appear in Juno's bed. Max might have to kill some innocent guy for that. "No. Can't. Won't. I say so." As if that was the end all, do all to the conversation. But he knew better. Juno was far too clever for her own good. Far more clever than Max was, and he admitted it freely. He was even proud of how clever Juno was. "And you're a little smart a$$," he chuckled, kissing her temple as he passed her by to straddle a stool and sit at the counter to eat.


Date: 2013-01-25 14:08 EST
"How'd you know my a$$ is smart?" Juno asked instantly, thumping said backside down onto a stool of her own to begin eating. "Could be going commando, whatever that means. What does that mean again?" Innocently suggesting that he'd already told her once, which Max certainly had not. If he had his way, she'd still be in pigtails and wearing an iron chastity belt, too. She glanced toward the living room, her green eyes taking on that unusual sense of being unfocused as she listened to more than just 'Taya's end of the phone conversation. Despite the best efforts of Mataya, Max, and Ethan, her tutor, Juno still had yet to grasp the basic concept of privacy.

Max set his fork down and rubbed his face with his hand. When he cleared his field of vision, he could see that Juno was eavesdropping once again. Reaching out, he snapped his fingers before her face. "Hey, what did we say about listening in?" Canting his head, he kept his eyes on hers, waiting for the mist to clear. And while Max appreciated Juno's gifts, he knew that it was wrong to invade privacy. But Max was sorely tempted to ask Juno what was being said. He kept that part to himself.

The little Sanagi jumped as his fingers snapped close to her nose, her eyes suddenly focusing on him once again. She rolled those eyes at his comment. "Sorry. They're just ....antsy, both of 'em. El's really scared." That was another problem; Max might not have said he wanted to know, but Juno still answered the question, whether it had been vocalized or not. Someone needed to reinforce those privacy rules with her, yet again.

"Juno," Max started, but then shook his head. "It's just need a filter. Just because you know what?s in people's heads, you don't have to say what they're thinking or answering their questions before they ask. It's going to freak people out." He tried to explain and be as understanding as he could be. But being a human with no talent at all except to get on stage, how could he understand" "It's just not what polite young ladies do. Okay?"

The young woman grumbled a bit, but conceded the point. Ethan was forever telling her to get out of his head, after all, and he was a lot less tactful about it these days. The last time he'd caught her rummaging through his mind, he'd threatened to never come back again. "Okay, okay," she sighed, stuffing her mouth with eggs as Mataya came back into the kitchen.

The older woman looked tired, but there was less tension about her now. At least, less tension to do with an argument. She sank down on the stool left open between Max and Juno, smiling as the latter bumped her arm and winked. "Morning to you, too," was her response to unspoken affection, wrapping an arm around Juno in a brief hug before lifting her juice to her lips. Her eyes flickered toward Max. "Remind to get a bag together for El before I go out," she asked quietly. There was no point keeping any of this private from the little telepath in their lives, after all. "Apparently Michael's been sedated, and they're intending to keep him under for at least a couple of days, until the worst is over. But she won't leave him, so's up to us to make sure she eats and washes and all that."

Max was about to ask Juno what her plans for the day were when Mataya came back into the room. So, instead of asking, he quietly chewed on his eggs and waited until Mataya updated the little family on what was going on with El and her friend. "We can take turns," he offered, "taking her clothes and food." He put down his fork and wiped the grease from his lips. "How's she holding up?" He reached over and nabbed a bit of egg from Juno's plate and grinned at her in a victorious sort of way after popping it into his mouth.

Ignoring the protest from Juno, 'Taya smirked and stole some of Max's eggs to even the score, even as she continued talking. "She sounds scared," she told him, knowing that Juno already knew this. "I think because we didn't take her to the hospital while she was like this, she thinks it's more serious for him. I don't know how to reassure her."

"Hey now," Max picked up his plate to prevent further pilfering. "Well, just let her know that he's in the best place possible and getting the very best care." He shrugged, nothing more than they could do than that. "And just be, you know, supportive. That's all we really can do, babe." He offered 'Taya a smile before forking more eggs into his mouth. It was his last bite, and he scraped the rest of his eggs into Juno's plate, because kids obviously need more food to grow on.

"I tried." 'Taya shrugged, looking down at her fork as she stirred her eggs. She didn't really have an appetite this morning, despite the busy day ahead of her. "I think things will get better when Tony and Anya get here. Apparently he called Elena yesterday, and they actually, yanno, talked for the first time in months." Beside her, Juno perked up, swallowing her mouthful hurriedly. "I'm gonna get to meet Uncle Tony?" she asked excitedly. "Do I get to see him dance" Will Max wear tights?" Her eyes twinkled impishly as she looked over at Max, daring him to say yes or no.

So Tony and his prima ballerina were coming to town. More in laws. Max ran his hand through his hair, but kept his face peacefully devoid of emotion. "Well, that's good that.." He then turned a look on Juno. "You know, little girl, I just might. You'll have nightmares for weeks! In fact, I've got my Rocky costume upstairs. Want me to get changed?" Oh, the challenge was on, again. Will it ever end between father figure and daughter figure"

"Ha! You should see the next play," Juno challenged right back again. "I get to strip on stage!" As she cackled, Mataya snorted into her juice, knowing perfectly well that the girl was only going to strip down to the petticoat and corset of her costume. Still, she had a feeling Max just lost the first round of the day.

"Wh-wh...." Max shook his head and blinked rapidly. Then he turned his attention to Mataya. "Did you hear what....did you know this?" And then he was swivel-head, looking between the two women in his life. "No way that's happening, not on my shift."

"Oh, hell no, you're not putting me in the middle of this," 'Taya laughed, pushing back from her place to stand up. "Dude, it's theater, not porn. And you know A Doll's House - the kid's playing Nora. The confrontation scene, remember?" Juno beamed, delighted to have riled Max up so early in the morning. "Besides, the only other person on stage is Jon," she offered up, crowing inwardly at the shock on her father's face. "Wardrobe malfunction, he'll be all over it."

Max didn't know what to do or say. He attempted, a few times, to open his mouth to speak. But all he accomplished doing is harrumphing and popping his mouth closed with a frown. Of course he knew the play, he'd even played Jon's part before. But still. This was Juno! And even if Jon were to be the only one on the stage, there was going to be an audience full of perverts just waiting to wrap their disgusting thoughts around his little girl.

As Juno cackled again, very pleased with her morning's work, she skipped up from her seat, her plate clean, and pecked a kiss to Max's cheek. "Gotta go, got rehearsals and all that." She squeezed 'Taya in a warm embrace. "Things'll work out, Matty. Promise." 'Taya smiled, hugging her daughter back just as warmly. "I know, baby girl," she nodded, teasing Juno's bright hair out of her face. "Go on, go to work. And stop teasing Max, I need him full functional for at least the next week." Snickering, Juno stepped back, grabbing up her keys from the counter and ruffling Max's hair. "See ya later, daddio!"

Max stood there with a chagrined look on his face and arms folded across his chest. He received the kiss to his cheek and the ruffle to his hair with silent obtuseness. He only unfolded his arms to smack Juno on the behind with a resounding pop. "Have a good day, Punkin!" he called out to her, then turned a grin on 'Taya. "Need me fully functional?" He grinned crookedly, let his arms fall to his sides as he sauntered over to his fiancee.

Letting water fill the sink to begin washing up, 'Taya lifted her head to look up at Max, one brow rising warningly. "Hey, hot stuff, no making me late for work again," she warned him with a smile, patting his cheek with a soapy hand. "I've got something I want you to do for me, anyways."

"Well there's something to quickies," he whispered, nibbling on her ear as his hands felt to her hips. He pressed himself into her back, and reached to help her do the dishes from behind her. "I'd do anything for you, baby. What is it?"

She laughed softly, enjoying the way he encircled her. One thing Max had mastered over the past couple of years was an unerring sense of when and how to hold her. He could make her feel safe and wanted, or sexy and wanted ....but always wanted. "You're incorrigible," she told him fondly. It was a word she'd only recently learned, and it was coming out at random intervals, not always in appropriate places. "Well ....I can't make enquiries on Earth, not with Nicoletti and his family out there looking for any and all De Lucas," she said reluctantly. "I, uh ....could you check up on Michael Donnelly' Find out whether we can get some of his stuff here" It's gotta be weird for him, not having anything to call exclusively his."

Max gave up on doing the dishes, and wrapped his arms around her waist. Laying his head upon her shoulder, he sighed contentedly. "I can most definitely do that," he whispered with a kiss to her neck. And if Max had done any mastering, he hadn't a clue about it. Wanting and needing Mataya De Luca came as naturally to him as breathing. She'd saved him, on many levels and was the reason he woke in the morning. "What do we know about him so far" It'll give me a place to start."

"Mmm." The kiss that touched her neck bled the last of the tension from her, proving once and for all that Max was definitely no longer a source of stress in her life. They really should get around to getting married again at some point, but things were going well. There was no rush. "Bestselling author; lives in Boston, Massachusetts ....uh ....Yeah, that's all I've got. But, yanno, you've got contacts with agents. I'm sure you can find his."

"Easy peasy," he continued to kiss her neck and his hands moved up her stomach with feather soft caresses. "Mmm, come to bed, I'll wash the dishes later. Please?" Being alone in the house for the first time in weeks, Max was feeling more romantic than he had in a long time. He wanted to run about naked as a jaybird and make love in every room.

"Max ..." It was half a whine, and half a moan, a sound he knew only too well given how randy he was at all hours of the day and night. And, to be honest, Mataya wasn't resisting. She needed to feel wanted and needed, to know that she hadn't screwed up so badly that everything was going to fall apart. Twisting, she abandoned the dishes in the sink to curl her hands into Max's hair, drawing him down for a kiss that made her toes curl happily. The Shanachie could wait for a couple more hours. This was more important.

((This family really is more than a bit of a mess right now, isn't it' Poor Max! Stayed tuned for more fallout - uberlicious thanks to Max's player for indulging me!))