Topic: Bad Company

Rose Black

Date: 2014-12-30 19:23 EST
Rose was in a bad way, not just because it had been a long time since her last fix either. There had been a shock that had sent her out of control. She'd been injured and her mind was seeking the peace it knew was so very nearby. It had known it at the hands of someone we all have come to know and love but who we haven't seen in a while.

Now for a girl trying to get clean from the most addictive substance across many worlds this could be seen as a stroke of luck that he'd been MIA. But in her unconscious state, in the desperation her need drove her to find him. Like her trusted drug dealer, Rose was drifting on the edge of life and death. Her body was still somewhere on the mountain but her mind traveled.

GraveRobber smirks then leans against the wall. "Well my sexy fiendish friend" apparently you know where to find me should you ever need an escape"

In her dreams she found him, in an imagined alley way that so resembled his usual haunts it could almost be real. There was no sign of the injuries they had sustained in the real world to either of them here. Just the two of them, him in his usual grungy assortment as he leaned casually. He greeted her pleasantly enough despite his sarcastic grin and their typical banter, always working this one. Of course, now that back and forth included Rose's proud assertions that she'd kicked his drug.

She stares at a brilliant vial he pulled from his bag casually, as if by chance in the effort of obtaining a cigarette, promptly transfixed like a cat watching someone play with a string" Despite her proclamation that she'd been sober for some time, all her initial bravado vanished" It was so close so' right there" Hypnotic the way it glowed and it had this way of taking the front and center of her attention. Its light the blue heaven calling to her through the darkness.

"Makes you think" What would it hurt' In fact, I'd be making the hurt go away....Don't I deserve even a moment..?" A sigh and she moaned, longing to reach out, fingers clenching tight at her sides. She commanded them to be still but the inner battle raged as unbidden thoughts tried to intrude on her dream. Hadn't the world been better off with her safely sedated at any rate" But whether this was true or not she could only guess " it was the minds amazing ability to rationalize that would turn this into an excuse to do exactly what it wanted to do.

He watches her and smiles, lights his cigarette and spins the blue vial around his hand, holds it up to the twilight and enveloping it in smoke as he speaks, "Hell, I don't blame them really. Who doesn't want to be at total peace?" His voice drifting as he reflects, "No pain, no troubles, just the silky smooth blue ecstasy of peace" Nope, can't blame them one bit."

Rose's eyes cleared from the trance as she struggled to keep them on him instead of the beautiful vial that was so' distracting. "I'm good" I told you? that I am?" But her voice was soft as it trailed off and far less confident than before as she quickly fell into the lull of memories so dreamy while gazing into his eyes. She wanted to wake but the chills and the fire and the TRUTH were there. Relief was here" right here.

The quiver moved through her small frame as a jolt bled over into the dream world" emphasizing her compulsion' the one that had taken her to something she knew could make it better" a pitiful sigh escapes her lips. "There is no reprieve for long. Not without that damn drug?" Her eyes moved to it "one last time" even though she hated herself for not tearing away from this dream as she should have the moment she realized where her subconscious had led her. "Cool blue reason?"

How could it be that even remembering a pain free moment could make it seem so much worse" She'd been fine with that pain through many trials already, had she not' But now as the fire scorched her from the inside out, worse still - the guilt and self loathing of all those things she was facing but presently was desperate not to think about' so hard not to jump at relief. Just one shot away.

GraveRobber just stays there, leaning against that damn wall, watching her. A knowing smile adorned his lips" as he watched and waited" ever turning the electric blue vial in his hand he slowly dragged his cigarette, savoring ever inhale.

Rose had clung with everything she had to that burning stake and she could chain herself there but if she really wanted it' she'd be there in the next heart beat. Emerald eyes shifted back to him curiously as she asked, "Does it ever get better" When you've been on it a while like this..?" He must have seen it before.

A flash of remorse might have passed his face, but it was quickly replaced by a slight scowl and a swig from that bottle, he then offered her a taste. "You tell me Red, most don't survive that long" Your type," pointing a finger towards her, "whatever the **** you are" is new to me. But, whatever makes you what you are," he takes that finger, and unceremoniously pushes her hair back off her collar, 'sexy as that may be? you're still flesh and bone. And the flesh never?" he pauses for effect "ever" stops" wanting."

((Thank you to GraveRobber for the IM scene used to create this dream sequence! The thread I refer to on Mount Yasuo where Rose is physically present, can be found: here ))