Topic: A Little Relief?

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-23 02:51 EST
There was just entirely too much going on right now, and Lydia was feeling entirely too helpless about it all. There was nothing she could do in any situation to resolve it, fix it.

But maybe...

Maybe she didn't have to' Perhaps just offering a hand to help, or doing something to make things a little more bearable was all she needed to do' It was really all she had to offer...

"200 silver?" Are you serious?"

"Hey, a map of that prison ain't so easy to come by little lady. That, on top of the information I've given you....that's a good deal."

Dealing with random shady characters in alleys of WestEnd was not her idea of fun, but in order to get into the prison, she had to be...creative. Teleportation was her only option, but she couldn't very well go in without a plan, lest she teleport into a wall, or even a room full of much could go wrong here. "And this is the cell she's in, are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure! I was just in the joint a few days ago....I got eyes and ears....I know what?s going on."

Yes, these were definately the type of people she should certainly not be dealing with. Riskier though, would be charging in, or teleporting blindly. "I'd say this would be the best spot little lady....No guards on this hall, they're busy guarding this entryway. You get here, you're in." "Alright....thanks then...oh! And...yeah, we never met."

Lydia stood outside the building, looking it over as she shuffled her feet nervously. Taking a criminal's word, trusting it....perhaps not the wisest move, but she paid him well, she could trust him. The map didn't lie either....she was sure she could make it in without a disaster.

She ducked down behind a bush, waiting for a guard to pass. Her gaze roamed over the basket in her hands, brows furrowing as she tucked a couple things under the blanket on top. Just a few things really...some toasted sandwiches, chocolate bars, fresh fruits....a couple bottles of whiskey. Little things she could scrounge up around the Red Dragon really....One of her shoulders rolled, hoisting up a satchel she carried. Water bottles inside, lots of them. She couldn't imagine a prison providing much in the way of good food and fresh water, so maybe this would help...just a little.

Lydia wanted to get more messages too, but truth be told she didn't know who to go to in order to get's not as if she knew Issy all that well, much less the people Issy knew. Some outgoing messages though, maybe that would be possible" It's why she had that notebook and pen tucked under her arm for sure....if Issy had something to say to someone, she'd be sure they'd get it. Somehow...

That is, unless she teleported into some place she really didn't need to or got caught. But that's negative thinking! Positive thoughts...positive..

Quickly and quitely she moved on tip toes after the guard passed, approaching one of the walls of the building. Brows furrow as she juggles that satchel, basket, notebook and map in her hands, looking it over one last time. Looking over the mark on one of the cells....the cell that is supposed to be just beyond this wall.

A glance up to some bars, then a few sidesteps were taken...some mental calculations....this was it. Lydia nodded firmly before rolling the map up, setting one hand to the wall. "Gods don't let me screw this up..."

Pale eyes closed as she whispered, her body and the possessions on her person dissipating into the air immediately. After rematerlizing, she waited a few moments, no sharp pains...maybe she did this right' Eyes opened hesitantly to examine her surroundings...

What a dump, this was terrible.

"Issy?" Whispered as she peered about, taking a step away from some bars.


There goes half her skirt....that half now hanging off the bars they had materialized in...

Could be worse, really, it could.


Date: 2006-11-26 15:04 EST
The Judge was sitting up against the stone wall, her back leaning into the corner of the cell. The strange noise that almost silently made itself known was followed by the ripping of cloth and an almost mousy voice seeking out her name. In a lighter situation, Isuelt would have most certainly commented on the amount of skin being sported and something about a conjugal visit. But, this was not a lighter situation...not by a long shot.

Isuelt arched a dark brow at the appearance of Lydia. She knew her, indeed; she was Grem's girl. Many times she had seen and talked with her in the Inn. But her appearance here was a surprise, to say the least. "Lydia" What....what are you doing here" I'm over here," she added as she watched the woman try to adjust to the dim light of the jail cell.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-26 23:29 EST
Lydia was just about to reach out and reclaim that lost fabric from her skirt, but paused at that voice.

Issy's voice.

Skirt remnants forgotten, she turned towards the direction that voice came from, head canting as the beginnings of a smile pulled on one corner of her lips, but faded soon enough when the situation was remembered. Prison. Murder. Framing. Right. She moved down the bars, closer to Issy. "Gods it's terrible in here..." Dark, lonely....the fact Issy was subjected to this for so long for no reason made her sick inside. "I...alot of people are-" 'Worried about you?' No no, wouldn't do any good to say something like that.

"I just...I wanted you to know that I support you in this, yeah?" A pause. "Grem too. He said he's behind you. We both...everyone knows. That all of this is just a big misunderstanding, that you're innocent." Lydia offered a series of nods along with her words as she shuffled her feet against the floor. "Oh, I brought food and water too....I didn't know what else to do. I thought of patrolling WestEnd, but no one seemed to like that idea. So I thought maybe....this would help?"

A blink. Gods she's rambling.

Satchel of water bottles were lowered and shoved on through the bars in Issy's cell. She'd do the same with the basket, but it just wouldn't fit, so she'd stand there and hold it close to the bars so Issy could pick out whatever she wanted to.

She'd finally remain silent, let Issy speak, absorb things, eat, drink...whatever it is she needed to do. She couldn't imagine what the woman was going through or how she felt right now....being in this situation.


Date: 2006-11-28 16:14 EST
The sight of the nourishment, real nourishment, almost made her groan in ecstasy. A tanned hand fit through the bars and grabbed a hold of a water bottle, while its mate took a sandwich. As soon as Isuelt realized that there was more where that came from, her hands returned for second helpings of fruit and more to drink.

"Lydia...this very much helps. I cannot thank you enough; you didn't have to do this. Thank..thank you," words the Judge was not accustomed to saying. She lit into the first sandwich, nearly devouring half of it in the first few moments. It was not as if she had been starved here, but room temperature porridge, however "nutritious," was simply not to Isuelt's taste. Having Brian Ravenlock as a chef for so long was definitely a perk, but only now did she see the drawback.

As she finished chewing, she nodded, "I know....and believe me, I appreciate it." Isuelt prayed that her time here was almost done. Scathach knew the constable and the garrison commander didn't seem to be in any sort of hurry setting a trial date, or even filing formal charges. She was no authority on the law, but she couldn't imagine how they could keep her locked away with minimal action. "Any more news from outside these hallowed walls?" her voice was dripping with sarcasm. One water bottle was already spent as she looked to the green-haired Lydia.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-11-29 07:16 EST
There was certainly more where that came from, even chocolate and whiskey when Issy was done enjoying the more 'nutritional' portion of the food.

"Oh, it's...this was nothing, I mean...we all need to eat, and I wasn't so sure if they were feeding you right in here..." Lydia trailed off as she spoke, quietly shuffling her feet and shifting in her stance as Issy was eating. She didn't mind waiting a little bit, not at all. She glanced aside, then to the other direction to make sure they were really alone, and that no guards were about. Getting caught at this point simply wouldn't do. Seeing all was clear she turned back towards Issy. "If you need anything else from me, I'd be more than happy to do it Issy."

Having lightened her load, a hand was freed and lifted to grip one of the bars that seperated her and Issy. Really, part of her just wanted to break the woman out, but she knew that Issy wasn't allowing anyone to do that. If she was, she'd certainly be out by now. "I don't really know what?s going on....I'm sorry. I know that there are a lot of people working on it though, trying to find the real murderer and all." Lydia paused a moment before continuing, "How long are they going to keep you in here like this" They can' this much longer can they' Keep you locked away and isolated from everyone...have they allowed many people to see you? Jewell mentioned seeing you but..." Once again, she trailed off. It would do no good to overwhelm Issy with fifty questions, so Lydia bit at her lower lip and just...waited.


Date: 2006-12-01 17:47 EST
Finishing with the last mouthful, Isuelt looked at Lydia. The plethora of questions that were fired at her actually wasn't so bad. After all, she'd had a lot of chewing to do, and that gave her the time she needed to prepare her answers.

"Well, Lydia...from what I'm gathering from Jewell and the few words that I've heard from the garrison staff, I'm in here without charges and no one actually thinks I did it. Big surprise there, I know," the sarcasm in her voice was less biting than tired. She smiled then to the green-haired woman, her tone lightening a bit, "I guess right now the only thing I need is freedom. Thanks again for the food and the drinks. I know that I might be in here a while longer, hopefully not. But I realize everyone is doing their part to aid me in this."

She sighed, "I swear to Scathach, when I get out of here.....when I find the person who did this.....I....." Her cheeks flushed, her rage was boiling just beneath the exterior. Her beloved Sisters had been framed and their image soiled, this Judge would never, ever go quietly into that good night.

Lydia, however, did not come to witness a ranting vigilante. Instead, she came to help; and Isuelt truly appreciated her for it. "Anyway, I'm sorry Lydia. Thanks again for coming and checking on me. My regards to Grem, okay?" She reached out and her strong hand patted Lydia's fingers just past the bars of the door.