Topic: Dinner and Resolution

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-07-20 17:00 EST
Brian left the Inn in a good mood, despite the chaos cause earlier by two distinct parties. His talk with Isuelt was a good one, and had him feeling better about things, and they way they would be dealt with. It was decided Brian would cook dinner at the Sanctuary that night, and Kerri would also attend. Brian adjusted his cloak, due to the heavied rain and made his way towards the boarding house. Despite the weather many were still in the strees, and it took a bit of time to reach his home.

Upon reaching their home, Brian made his way inside and looked for his beloved. Finding a not explaining she had some errands to run, and would be back in a bit, Brian left a note explaining about dinner plans at the Sanctuary and hoped Charlotte would attend, so they all could have a good meal and come to a decision on Kerri and Brian's situation. Brian left directions and explained he had some shoppin to do and would meet her at the Sanctuary, as he had to prepare for the meal itself. A fresh change of clothes later, and Brian was once more the door and headed to the Market place. Regardless of the Rain, Brian knew the vendors would be out in force, as most could not afford a day of no sales.

So off he went to the market, no real idea of what the hell he was going to prepare for the sisters, his wife and Kerri. His thoughts drifted to french, and he cringed...He hated preparing french dishes...It just wasn't in him, then italian came to mind...That in itself was a good idea, he just didn't want to spend a ton of time in the kitchen, and prep time for most italian dishes he was used to was a good stretch of time and he was not fond of that. He pondered Japanese, bit didn't know if the sisters would take to that, as he recalled how they ate the last meal he made....A grin on his face, and it was decided...Good ol fashioned hamurgers, and beef hot dogs, and he'd toss in some grilled veggies to boot, and some fries. Yeah, it was a safe bet, easy prep, easy clean up and easy belly fillin' and it was in fact a winner all around.

So off Brian went, as items were collected and peoples talked to. It was a good way to spend the day, despite it's chaotic start. After a quick stop to the new cake shoppe in the market place, Brian was Sanctuary bound in his cart. A quick stop to the Boarding house before he left town to collect the grills and a few choice sauces he loved to use. The weather was clearing, so he also grabbed his favorite pair of docker styled khaki shorts and a nice polo shirt that was dark blue in colour, after all with nice weather one must grill and look their best. Once that was done, Brian was off. He hoped Kerri got his message at work and would attend.


Date: 2006-07-21 10:09 EST
After settling Jenai at home, Isuelt knew that she had a few "errands" to run before the dinner meeting tonight. She really wasn't sure what Brian had in mind...inviting Kerri to the Sanctuary?

Isuelt grinned against the rain thinking that would have been an idea for earlier when the Scathachians were trying to tail her. That way they wouldn't have had to go far at all. Still, Brian had brought up the possibility of those transmitters at the base of his and Kerri's spines. Isuelt felt a bit squeamish, knowing that if the Judges were asked to remove them, they would be opening an extremely sensitive portion of the body. And paralysis was not something she wanted to be responsible for.

The thoughts had run through her mind as she finished her outing, and stopped by the Red Dragon to purchase wine for the evening. She figured it was the least she could do. Grem had aided her in selecting three bottles and she was now ready to head back. The rain was lightening up as the thunder storm was blowing its last, the day was readying to come to a close.