Topic: Empathy


Date: 2007-03-27 18:52 EST
Night was just about to fall, and the windows were left open as the warm breeze began to wake the city from its winter slumber. Bare knuckles softly rapped on the maple door to Jewell's bed chamber within the Sanctuary. The Empress had been staying with the Scathachian Sisters for several days now. And although the comings and goings of the Goddess of War's Stronghold were frenzied at best, Isuelt had noticed that the anniversary of Skyler Chamberland's death had recently passed.

"Jewell?" her raspy voice gently pushed forward before the closed door, "You in there?"

While Isuelt could not empathize with the separation anxiety Jewell must be feeling from her children living with Alex, she could empathize with the devastation of losing a husband. Or in Skyler's case, a lover. It took Isuelt nearly a decade to face the anniversary of her husband's death without a bottle of whiskey before leaving bed and a thousand tears before nightfall.

The Scathachian, true to her calling, was checking in to see if her friend required anything at all in her moment of need.


Date: 2007-03-28 16:01 EST
Jewell spent a lot of time alone these days. It was a calling back to the old days, the days before RhyDin, when she was only ever alone. She didn't think she would mind it so much; she had managed well enough back then, hadn't she" If she were to be honest with herself, the answer would be: not really. Consequently, she wasn't really managing well enough right now either. Wasn't it Wyh who commented just the other night how she appeared happier these days" It was true; she agreed that she indeed felt happier. However, that happiness seemed to only exist in the public venue, in the company of friends. When alone, it seemed to dissipate like a fine mist and she was left grasping at what to do with herself.

The lady who read cards, as others read the stars, was right"Jewell was forever dwelling in the past. She was certainly doing so when Issy knocked on her door. She was lying on her back, the fey mirror that Briarius gave to her months ago held aloft. She never used it for scrying, such magic held little interest for her. Instead, she used it to recreate her memories. Rather than just seeing fragments of scenes when she closed her eyes, dreams and recollections came to life on the face of the mirror for her to watch in full, indulge in.

She saw herself and Skyler sitting on a couch at the Red Dragon Inn, their couch. She was nervous, preparing to ask Skyler to come live with her. It was a big decision that she had tossed back and forth for some time: she didn't want to just parade the men she dated through her house in front of her children but she also considered her relationship with Skyler serious enough that moving in together was a step in the right direction for them.

The memories floated up in a stream of consciousness way. Thinking of Skyler moving in and how she had considered her children in such a decision led to a memory of her children being played across the glass surface. It was one of their first nights back in RhyDin, over two years ago now. Her own emotional state was less than stable, she could see the weariness and desperation written over her features; however, for the moment she was smiling pleasantly as she had all her little ones gathered around her at the dinner table. The children were all noticeably younger and tears stung Jewell's eyes presently thinking about how big they had gotten since then, how big they were probably getting now when they weren't with her.

She was lucky Issy's voice jarred her from the living memories. The knock and question broke the seducing magic of the mirror. A flash of guilt ran through her for reasons unknown to her self and she hastily hid the mirror away, sitting up and wiping furiously at her eyes to remove any traces of tears. "Yeah, I'm here. Come on in.?


Date: 2007-03-30 16:43 EST
The door opened to reveal a dark brown head peeking into the room. A quiet smile rested on the Scathachian's lips, "Missed you at dinner. Brian outdid himself. Especially with dessert." And with that the door was further pushed ajar and Isuelt stood in the doorway with a plate of Brian Ravenlock's World Famous seven layer chocolate cake. "Saved you some, though it took a lot of wrangling. They're vultures out there, you know! And Trixie's a fast draw," she chuckled and quickly moved into the room and shut the door behind her.

Isuelt hovered near the door so she could take a moment to assess the situation. Jewell looked healthy enough, considering the recent events. Still, there was something of that sparkle that had been absent as of late. And Isuelt felt that she knew what was going on. She had no idea whether or not Jewell knew of her own past, but she figured that perhaps that would come out in the proverbial wash. And if it didn't, that too was peachy with her.

No more pretenses, Jewell deserved a straight shooter. "Want to talk?" she finally left the area by the door and walked to the small secretary-style desk in the room, where she set the cake down. Her dark eyes then looked back to the Empress as Isuelt took a seat. Uninvited, yes. Unwelcomed, perhaps. Unneeded, friends never are.


Date: 2007-04-02 11:47 EST
She was missed at dinner. That managed to send a little pling to her conscience: if Issy had noticed and was concerned (which she was or she wouldn't have bothered to come in) who else had she placed in a similar position by her absence" She eyed the cake warily a moment; it looked amazing and, knowing her brother as she did, it probably tasted even better. However, lately she was struggling with the desire to eat. Anxiety and paranoia filled up her stomach on a daily basis, leaving her without an appetite and feeling almost disgusted at the sight of food. She managed a smile and slight laugh anyways, appreciating the trouble Issy had gone through to procure the slice of dessert. Since her arrival at the Sanctuary, she had learned at least one thing: trying to beat off the other Sisters for your food was part of the training to make you tougher. It was some twisted form of survival of the fittest: if you could beat off the strongest and hungriest, you got to eat. She gave a dramatized glance over Issy's shoulder to make sure the mentioned Harlequin wouldn't suddenly show up demanding her dessert, "Thanks."

Grey eyes watched Issy move across the room while her mouth opened to quickly, and politely, decline the offer to talk. A million things to say came to mind: "Talk about what?" "I'm fine, there's nothing to talk about," "Why would I want to talk?" "I guess, but I mean"I'm doing fine so there's nothing to really talk about." Not one of them seemed right or fair. Issy was too dear of a friend"one of the closest friends she had"to brush off in that manner, especially when she was making the gesture to reach out and help Jewell when she needed it. And she did need it, didn't she" Pressing her lips together, she exhaled audibly. She couldn't seem too eager here. "Yeah"I guess."

After the agreement, though, what was she actually supposed to say' She didn't know what particular problem Issy was concerned about. Mother of nature, Jewell herself probably couldn't pick one single thing to be concerned about above all the rest. Tangling her fingers up in the roots of her hair, she just looked helplessly at her friend for a minute. "I don't know what you want me to say," she admitted honestly. Jewell, despite the whole "I wear my heart on my sleeve" personality she seemed to exude, was never very good at the heart-to-heart conversations.


Date: 2007-04-05 12:15 EST
Isuelt knew how Jewell felt, she had been there before. Why say anything at all" Why put yourself through the dismal hell of drudging up all those emotions that one worked so hard to suppress" There was absolutely no sense in it. Isuelt herself had fought hard against her husband's family as well as the Scathachian Elders to keep herself in seclusion and silence after the death of her husband. But he, at least, has died in battle, at the hands of General Gothicus who was more than a worthy opponent. She couldn't imagine what Jewell was going through. While Isuelt had never made any secret out of her dislike for Skyler, she could appreciate that his death was senseless.

Isuelt moved to sit in the chair at the desk, she slowly turned to face her friend, "Nothing really. How about listening first?" She paused for a moment to bring herself up to the task at hand. Although Isuelt had long ago made her peace with what had taken her husband, a resurgence of emotion at a time like this was a distant possibility. "I know that a time marker for Skyler's death just passed. I know you've been unusually quiet. Even for you...even with everything that's happening. I'm just wondering if all of this crap, the kids and you being here are either compounding or taking away from the loss you are feeling all over again." Her dark hair fell past her shoulder as she looked down and took a breath. "Listen, Jewell, you're my friend. I'm not going to sit here and try to blow sunshine up your ass. There are enough jokers back at the Inn who can spend their time doing that." Those deep brown eyes looked up to the Empress, "I'm only going to tell you what I knew to be true when I was in your place. It's okay to feel shitty. It's okay to hate the world. It's okay to want to run, and scream, and pull your hair out by the roots. It's okay to want to hit the person next to you so hard that you just know that all of the pain inside of you will flow out into them." A small smirk, "Besides, I can take it."

Her strong body stood and fluidly walked to Jewell and sat next to her, one thick arm draping over her friend's shoulder, "I know it's okay to want those things. Or even to want something more." Isuelt struggled with what to say next; there were so few who knew her dirty little secrets. "I wanted something more," she decided on one of her secrets as extended her arm before Jewell and pulled back her long sleeve. Several haphazard scars from various battles and a pair of longer scars running nearly the entire length of her forearm, too perfect to be chance. "I know it's okay, because I know it gets better. Not today, not tomorrow. Probably not even next week or next month. But it will get better. You've just to hold tight. Find another place to put your energy. Don't do what I did: hide. You can't hide from your feelings any easier than you can hide from yourself. Trust me, I've tried. And I see two things vying for your attention right now. One is not so great, but the other is a miracle. This WestEnd business is enough to drain you dry, and that's a good thing right now. Put have of yourself there, into helping us get to the bottom of this thing. The other half of yourself, bury in Stephan. He's a good man, Jewell. Even if he is dead...or whatever. He's solid, and kind and he cares about you. You know that stupid old adage that 'Everything happens for a reason'" Well, maybe it did. Maybe the gods saw fit to send Skyler elsewhere so that you would see who you were meant for." She leaned back and looked to Jewell, trying to see if her words had helped or hindered.


Date: 2007-04-07 17:08 EST
She listened to Isuelt wholeheartedly. She did not believe many years separated the two women, though she had never inquired into a number, but guiding words from a loyal friend (no matter the age difference) when her world had been effectively turned upside down were welcomed. Grey eyes were downcast as she let the counsel roll over her. This was what she had needed to hear, to be reassured of, all along, wasn't it' That she didn't have to always pretend everything was okay, that she didn't need to just get over each incident that sent her tumbling back into despair right away, she didn't need to just bounce right back and shove grief away from her.

She looked up at Issy and grinned a touch, knowing the Judge could probably take a punch from the smaller Empress but she doubted that her friend could handle all the fury and hurt that she could pour into that blow. It wasn't just the pain of this week, this month, or even this year. It was all the pain that had been building up for the last fifteen years that she just couldn't let go. It was siphoned off in minor fights and even in the rings of the Outback, but that was never enough. Time and time again it built up, churning inside her until she found herself here: brooding, solitary, walking that thin line of sanity and wishing every moment she could just let go.

Maybe it was the much needed gesture of comfort from Issy (the arm around her slim shoulders) that made her let go and start to cry again, or some of the words she needed to hear the most, it could have even been the scars she couldn't fail to recognize. They were tears shed in mixed relief. As Issy continued to talk, she was given the opportunity to compose herself, her thoughts. So much of what was said struck home, speaking to the fears and insecurities she had been fending off on her own. "All this shit," she gestured to the Sanctuary around them, sure that Issy understood she meant the situation and not the actual building, "I think it helps. How can I possibly keep mourning when I have to watch my back every second, help to watch your back, everyone's back." She rubbed at teary eyes with the butt of her palm. "It helps not to have time to even breathe, but in those brief moments when I do get that time, and I'm by myself, it all just comes flooding back and it's worse than I could have possibly imagined. I'm just overwhelmed in every possible meaning of the word."

"And maybe Stephen is a godsend"he is a godsend. Maybe he's even what I've been waiting for, didn't even know I was waiting for, all my life; but how am I supposed to give in and open up after everything" He's just another person that'll get hurt in the end because of me, and maybe I already love him too much to do that to him." She paused a moment. "Or maybe I'm just too scared to move forward because this is too good to be true, especially for me."

She moved on to something she couldn't ignore, not in good conscience. Issy had opened herself up with her display of scarred flesh and Jewell could not betray such trust. Rather, she felt the need to repay the secret shared. She quaked inside as she rolled up one sleeve of her sweater, she couldn't even remember the last person she had divulged this too. Perfect skin was marred by only three purposefully placed scars on the under side of her lower arm until she let that guise of magic forever kept up fall away. She couldn't meet Issy's eyes as she explained the scattering of scars that decorated the top of her arm (usually hidden), thin horizontal and diagonal lines fading with time; "I thought it couldn't possibly hurt so bad as everything inside did. Sometimes it was punishment, too. I only stopped because it became more convenient to let other people hurt me, to take a few hits in a fight and then get angry, hitting them back twice as hard." She gave a little laugh and unladylike sniffle.


Date: 2007-04-16 23:28 EST
It was a strange thing to bond over: desecration of a godly gift. But there they were. Two women who had found relief from inner pain through outer pain.

Isuelt simply gave Jewell a gentle squeeze about the shoulders and kissed the side of her head. While the Empress may not have been a relative of hers, nor a Scathachian Sister, she still felt the sibling bond that she enjoyed with very few individuals. Isuelt's smile conveyed that sense of "I hear you, I've been there" that she herself had craved many times.

Then, pushing herself up from the edge of the bed, she retrieved the generous piece of Chocolate Decadence cake ? la Brian Ravenlock. "Death by chocolate would be the best way to go, you know," a chuckle as she plopped back down next to Jewell on the edge of the bed and held the plate of cake between the two of them. Her fingers broke off a gooey corner of the dessert, a dollop of frosting balanced on the treat. Holding the bite-sized piece of heaven slightly aloft, she grinned, "Here's to god-sends! May they never know how much better than chocolate they really are."