Topic: Fair Dinkum


Date: 2017-01-31 14:37 EST

...... ......

So, apparently my 'poor attitude' and 'lack of grace' in the ways of Scathach have come under question. Like I'm a loose cannon! Whatever. The old ladies who are in charge of this place say that I've got to look at my behaviour come to an understanding of our mission here and protecting the people and blah blah blah....


So, to prove to them that I'm still of Scathachian stock and that I'm taking myself and my order seriously, Sheryl says that I should keep a journal (LAME) and get my back talk and aggressiveness out that way (like it's the end of the word when I go aggro!). Then she says "rather than sleeping with guys." Cheeky!


Anyway. Here. My Journal. Like I'm a bloody teenager. More entries to follow so I can prove my worth or whatever....



Date: 2017-02-20 14:56 EST
Right, so this city's a total mental ward. More so than Craigsharbour back home, and that's sayin' a lot.

What the bloomin' hell are people around here going off about' Killing magics and faeries and monsters and what? Fucking crazy bastards. Not that I'm a huge trollop of a fan, mind you, but seriously' So, humans here are spitting the dummy 'cause they don't have the sorts of powers or magic or whatevs that these fancy magics do. So, yeah, kill'em. That's a good bloody answer. Dill move, mate.

Anyway, least ways it gives me something to do while I'm bored out of me mind. Winter's here are the worst. Bodgy at best. Beaches are closed, not even any winter swells. Plus the damned temps are near arctic!!!!! Got to wear clothes. Yeah, I'm sure this isnt the sorts of stuff you're looking for in my "CLEANSING JOURNAL" or whatever the hell we're calling it these days.


Grown woman.

Trust me with a weapon, so you have to trust me with a journal.



Anyways, that's it. I'm knackered. STUPID humans setting shit on fire and attacking people. Long night, I'm going to bed.



Date: 2017-03-10 14:49 EST
So, evidently it's "crisis averted" for now. Whatever in the hell that means in this city. From what I can see, people are still pretty out of joint about the temple muck. Talk about being set in your ways. I even volunteered to help with Katt, excuse me....the Governor's detail. Illea said not to bother her and that she would do it. Like I'm going to bother Katt! Whatever.

Anyway, we've moved from wartime behaviour, so that's good. At least I can get a bloody pint if I want to.

Yes, Illea! I know you're going to see this and I don't give a rat's piss!



There are other things that I can do if I want to, too. But I'm not an idiot, so I'm not detailing them here. So there.

Anyway, Phin told me I was meant to use this fucking journal to "reflect on how the crisis aided me in understanding the city we presently serve." Whatever.....fucking holy war and cry babies if you ask me. At least it didn't happen later in the season when the waves are up.


I think that this crisis showed how the city, its citizens and those who are here to protect can come together and create a better good and a better understanding for the community.



I'm starving. I'm heading to that rusty burger shack in WestEnd on the river. Killer patties in there. Bacon and cheese, too please!


Date: 2017-04-18 15:23 EST
So, the Beltane festival is up and coming. Aces! Finally the weather here doesn't suck. Iz was kind enough to share the scoop and good oil and let me know that I could attend. Of course, there's a hiccup. Gotta be "tastefully clothed".

.... ........

Puh-LEASE! It's Beltane! The festivals are celebrated all over the globe with naked people rooting in the fields for gods sake.

But, I didn't tell her to rack-off. It wasn't worth a zack. I was cool as a zinger. 'Sides, who knows what sort of jocks will be there. It's been a bit too long for me, if you're asking. And I don't care if you are or not.

So, looks like ol' Cinderella gets to go to the ball after all. Can't flipping wait! I'm rapt as a pig in shit


Date: 2017-06-05 15:30 EST
'Bout bloomin' time

Summer finally got her arse in gear and came. S'posed to keep this bloody thing going but I'm confessin' that entries are gonna be short while the weather's aces. Time to write" Please, time to surf.

Gettin' m'happy arse to the beach. S'been too long.

Yes, yes, the winter was very informative and I learned a lot about self-control ———holy hell but you should be amazed and singing my fucking praises right now!——— as well as communication with the highers. Illea has me check in with her, and I actually did it all winter. Ta da for me.

So, what next"

Dunno. Whatever they tell me.

For now, I'm off to the sand. Got me a hot date with the board.


Date: 2017-10-23 17:51 EST
See" I'm bloomin' perfect! It could be done, never had a doubt m'self.

The angels in the heavens wept with joy. I don't mean to big-note myself, but...oh hells, yeah I do!

—~*~— Probation lifted.—-~*~—-

I don't have to be such a bloody piker. So, now, it's back to life as usual. Look out, Rhydin! Be ready...

.,"i|"i?"i"|i",. `?"li"|"|"il?"`

"*"."(*"."♥"."*")"."*" ♥?""`?"..JANIE..???"`"♥ ."."*("."*"♥`*".")`*?.


Date: 2017-12-01 16:47 EST, the weather's not turned to hell yet, so there's that.

Girls convinced me to stay the winter, even though I actually was thinking about heading back down south. Coop's birthday this year was a biggie. 20!! What's that' How's m'baby brother twenty already?

::::::::::::: Bullocks I call about me being' older. :::::::::::::::::::::::

Rather, I'll stick around and see what the frost bastards have in store. But mark m'words, if it gets colder than a witch's bra, I'm out!

"*"."(*"."♥"."*")"."*" ♥??"`?"..JANIE..???"`"♥ ."."*("."*"♥`*".")`*?.


Date: 2018-01-18 16:48 EST

I think we all owe Janie a round of applause for how spectacular I am! __xxxxxxxxxxx______xxxxxxxxxx _xxxxxxxxxxxxxx___xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx __xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ____xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx _______xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ________xxxxxxxxxxxx __________xxxxxxxxx ____________xxxxx _____________xxx _____________xx _____________*

Yep, love on me, losers! I have been such a model probationary student that I should be awarded a bloody medal! Seriously, I have not been in and out of beds, I have been at my post every time. Except that one time after Phin let Sheryl and Issy the Hun cook that weird meat for dinner and I was technicolor yawning for a day and a half straight!!! Those girls need to seriously learn to cook before they kill someone....

I have been sex free for longer than I care to admit and seeing as how is colder than hell and I can't surf and I've got nothing better to do with my time, I'm gearing up to petition Issy the Hun for a promotion of sorts. I mean, what? Does she think this is easy' Oh, what the hell does she know about celibacy and how hard it is?"" Well, the second part anyways...

Telling you, promotion. Coming up! I'm so bloody good it hurts!


Date: 2018-04-05 17:55 EST
I know I don't need to keep this writing up for purposes of the high ups, but I actually found it massively calming. And calm is a good play right about now.

They left. They all left. Issy burned us all by not telling us that Temple Bhaal had the location of the Island. Or at least she thinks so. Renna or some such ***. Now they all left to run home to see if there's actually a home left. I'm not sure how I feel about it all. I'm wrecked that she wouldn't say anything for like years. And I'm a little peeved that she didn't say anything about Bhaalites creepin' up around here.

But I'm also feeling sort of sorry for her. Issy. She was dumped as soon as the others found out. Crammed right out of her sash and swords. They fired her, basically. Canned. Sacked. I know I wasn't always a big fan of hers, but it may have been harsh. Why not take her back with them' Punish her there? I dunno. It's not my bash, I don't make those calls. I'm just a foot soldier, yeah' Anyway, I stayed behind. I sort of felt like I couldn't leave all the work Issy'd done here for nothing. Leave it to rot. I felt like someone should stay behind and keep the Temple and Sanctuary doors open. Like we owed it to here, even though she totally pulled a bitch move on us.

Anyway, I'm here. By myself. No idea where Issy went. Athena and Phin took her blades and her sash and the rest of the paraphernalia. Even took the garnet at her neck. Like I said. Harsh. But, I guess she's good on her own. So, now I get to wait for the grass to grow and hear about what happened at home. I'm hoping it's nothing. That they find nothing there. Like it really was one of Issy's bad dreams. Have to wait and see. Like I said, grass growing.



Date: 2018-08-30 14:34 EST
Good news from afar. Got the message this morning that all is well at home. On the Island. No one's dead. Well, other than old Minerva. But she must have been pushing 200 if she was a day. Which is just as well, 'cause Illea said that she was one of her favorite teachers when she was just a girl and Izzy the Hun is gettin' to be a gray hair, herself. And I don't think that old Minerva would have done well with what?s comin' for her old student. The note also said that the High Circle would be beginning proceedings into the court martial of Illea. That alone probably would have killed Minerva. They are going to start something called gathering, where they start assigning evidence and everything so that they have a clearer idea of just what happened with Illea.

Because Athena wrote the note, she also included some stuff for me. Like how she was hoping I was behaving and conducting myself in a manner becoming Scathach, blah, blah, blah.

So, they are going to look at if they are still in danger, which hell of all if anyone really knows because it's **** Renna that has the intel on where the Island is and she's joined up with Temple **** Bhaal. So, if you ask me, we're ****.

I guess it's a good thing I'm not on the council or the High Circle, because I wouldn't want to be responsible for stripping Illea of her Scathachian identity. Even though what she did was pretty **** up. I can't imagine what would have been if the Island had been rocked and everyone was pushing daisies. Too bad we can't move the Island.

Anyway, I'm meant to go find Illea ...or Issy as I'm now supposed to call her (whatever!) and let her know that a case is being brought against her and she's to wait until she is summoned. Which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard because we all knew it was coming anyway! I mean, Athena basically said 'This is what?s gonna happen...' Whatever, Lenai does things the way she does them. All official and rot, getting her knickers in a twist. So whatevs.

Plus, how the hell am I gonna find Issy' I have no idea where she is! It's not like she lives down the hall anymore. And I've not seen her around. What if she left' What then" What happens if she doesn't show up to her own court martial" Athena was meant to have taken her back with them, but I know that the whole thing was difficult for Athena and the last thing she wanted to do was escort Iz back as a 'prisoner.'

Sometimes doing the 'right thing' sucks.