Topic: Holiday Feast & Loved Ones

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2006-12-25 09:37 EST
She hummed and slipped quietly thru the halls, leaving a card under each of her sister's doors. It was for Family and friends....and this was the only Family Jenai had ever known. click pic to enlarge.

(( *Please note other then the climate, all magic will be void and null at this dinner to allow every friend and family member to be on equal ground, to for one night forget grudges and past transgressions. All manner of creature and blood will be allowed to attend unharmed for this is for friends and family to unite and reunite. There will be no weapons nor magic allowed.

I would like to thank Wyhree for helping with the Climate, it will be snowing but never touch the feast and guest while the weather will be warm enough in the glen to remove heavy cloaks and coats. Intended Place will be the Great Hall but subject to change. We can start at 2100 est and finish when ever it pleases all. ))