Topic: It gets worse....

Dracina Hemdagg

Date: 2007-04-13 21:30 EST
Ever since sweet Nocent had given her the Serpent Ring of Aluthmang, Dracina had been enjoying these envigorating walks in the day. No longer did that accursed sun burn at her pale, soft flesh like years of old. Once again, she could actually enjoy the light. She literally spent whole days just wandering the city, exchanging friendly greetings with people along the crowded streets. The cursed energies of the ring were a true boon to her.

Many times in the past when she attempted to venture out into the light, her own infernal energies could only provide her protection from the sun's rays for a scant fifteen minutes or so. That was hardly enough time to enjoy herself, the sun having always managed to eventually thwart her power to the point where it would start burning her again. But not anymore....those days were days of the past. Now she could walk outside at any time of the day without ill effect among the living creatures she used as food.

The current road she walked up gradually climbed a hill, not too steep but an eventual ascent. She offered a smile to a group of people that walked passed her the other direction. If only those sheep knew that a wolf was wandering amongst them, waiting for a member of the flock to break away. She had done so other recent days such as this, picking out an unthinking and unknowing victim who would feed her insatiable appetite. Who would have expected a daywalking vampire"

She turned a corner into an alley, the thought of food driving her feet. There were many connecting alleys within Rhy'Din, and there was rarely a time when she did not catch someone wandering them alone. People on hurries seeked shortcuts, never showing concern for what might lurk in such ill lit areas where the overhanging roofs of buildings created many shadows for predators to hide.

Dracina fondly remembered a recent week where a large man with a knife approached her and demanded whatever currency she was carrying. The man had been in utter shock as the tiny woman in front of him lifted him up and tossed him against a wall. The mugger had no time to react when he found her teeth at his throat, drinking his life away. He was yet another nameless face to go with all the others that she killed.

The vampiress laughed at the memory and herself as such fond reminiscing often got her lost in Rhy'Din's alleyways. She glanced around a moment as she took a few steps, trying to get her bearings straight. It took her only a moment to recognize that she was a few blocks from where the walls of Rhy'Din divided the West End from the more eastern neighborhoods. A few bends down that way should take her down south to the southern road that led into the West End itself.

She smiled and followed the alleys that way.

It wasn't long before she heard the laughter of children and she stopped just within the alley itself. Out on the road, there was a group of small human girls playing, none of which could be more than 6 years of age. They were passing a medium-sized pink ball between each other, not a care in the world. Dracina simply watched from the shadows of her alley with mirth and amusement.

Suddenly one of the girls who had her back to the alley missed the catch of the pink ball and it sailed over her head into the alley. It hit the ground, bounced a bit, then rolled toward Dracina's pair of black high heels, and stopped. The elven vampire listened with further amusement as the girls argued over who would go get the pink ball. Eventually two of them gained a smart tactic and elected the other to go get it. Ah....children....

The girl sheepishly wandered into the alley, her eyes trying to accustom themselves to the shade within. She soon found that she wasn't alone in here and it was already too late to turn back.

"Looking for this?" asked Dracina, holding the ball in her hand and appearing ever so imposing in that long, black dress she wore.

"Uh....yuh...y-y-yes...." replied the girl, unsure and afraid of this strange woman who lurked in the alley.

"Well come get it then, sweety," Dracina answered with a very charming smile, offering the ball in her hand.

The small girl shrugged and walked over to the blonde elf, reaching for the ball with her small arms. She didn't know what hit her next as Dracina moved with alarming speed and seized her and sank her sharp fangs into her neck.

Children were small and did not have a lot of blood to consume, so the feeding was quick. The girl's body dropped lifelessly and pale at Dracina's feet. The child's friends were growing concerned outside the alley, calling her name?"Michelle! Michelle!" It was time to take care of the evidence and depart.

When the two girls grew brave enough to walk into the alley, all they found was their pink ball and a small pile of smoldering ashes whose smoke created a funny smell. Nowhere in sight did they see their friend Michelle for they did not know that the ashes were their friend's remains. They'd never see Michelle again.


Date: 2007-04-19 11:23 EST
Some time later...

There is an old belief that, like vampires and werewolves, demons are not comfortable in daylight, that it makes them weaker, more vulnerable.

Not so. Demons are just as powerful at the height of the sun as they are during the witching hour - they just happen to prefer the night over the day, as it suits their personality better.

Which is why, as the hour approaches midnight, Lupinius is found on a patrol of WestEnd, a shadow that moves among the other shadows as if a part of them. He doesn't have a specific reason for being here, except that he's been feeling restless. There's not been much action from the dark evil that stalks the city, and he has the unsettling feeling that something big is coming. Living for a couple thousand years is enough time to let one learn patience, but even so, he prefers action to waiting for the next move.

As he moves between shadows, something familiar flashes across his senses, then vanishes.

What the...?

He turns about, examining his surroundings. He's in a narrow alleyway, one of the hundreds in WestEnd. After a while, they all look the same, with only subtle differences to mark them. He registers in his memory the apearance of this particualr place, keeping the image in his head for future reference, before retracing his steps. He has the itching feeling that it might be important.

It doesn't take long - the scent is easy to find.

Children...apprehension mingled with sudden terror...charred flesh and bone...and tangled with it all...not one, but two familiar scents.

He remembers the scent of the undead all too well, from the hideous (and yet still, in a dark way, somehow amusing) message left at the gates of the Sanctuary. And it is underlaid with something else...a familiar stench that only he and perhaps one other would know.

"I am a demon...and we know our own when we find them," he had told her.

This doesn't have the same pull on his other side that the scent he had described to her did. But it is similar, nonetheless. This confirms to him what he had suspected from the first - this particular vampire is working with the enemy.

He follows the burnt smell, and within a few steps comes across a pile of ashes. From the smell that lingers here, he can tell several things - that this pile of ash had once been human...a blood left at the scene...probably a quick, painless, terrifying death for such a one. He kneels at the sight of the pyre, noting the sixe of the pile. Not a very old child, either. Anger wells in him, as cold as ice, as hot as as the fires of Hell.

Death, he knows, is a part of the Circle of life, some dying so that others might live. But this...this is wrong. There is nothing natural about this - death is supposed to be in the service of life, not death.

The ashes and scent are fairly fresh, he notes...this happened recently, though - if his senses aren't lying to him - that makes no sense...the evidence is too old to have been laid this eve, when the undead come out of their hiding from the sun.

Too fresh to have been last night...too old to have been tonight. The implication is nearly impossible to accept, yet - as someone once taught him - if all you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

Somehow, this particular undead has gained the ability to walk in daylight.

He exits the alleyway, headed to the Sanctuary. The Sisters should know about this.