Topic: Jail "Break" - Take 2

Lucky Duck

Date: 2006-11-30 02:40 EST
Words were tightly wound. Emotions were barely held in check. Volumes were spoken aloud as well as in the silence that fell in between. Neither man was willing to concede his point. Both remained firmly entrenched in their positions. The very air in the room seemed to sizzle. "What will they do if I don't let her go, Viktor?" The magistrate and the barrister were long past the facade of formality. "String me up like they did with...," the man's voice was rising and his ruddy complexion was growing a dark red as he struggled to get out the name that caught in his throat. "Are you that blind not to see this for what it obviously is"!" the barrister interjected his own voice rising. "Don't you..." "What?" Lucien practically roared at the magistrate. The barrister's own features had turned a deep crimson hue. "What is going on, Marcus" What the hell is going on around here? Holding people on suspect witness testimony' As if that wasn't obvious enough, there is someone refuting your witne.." "The word of a thief!" the magistrate countered. Lucien didn't even pause to make note of the man's rebuttal. "She's being treated like she's already been convicted!" The magistrate glared at the barrister's accusing tone, but Lucien continued. "She's in isolation. No visitors allowed. Ignoring a judge's bail order! Obviously you don't have anything to go on, because no charges have been filed!" The barrister slapped the signed bail order on the magistrate's table. "What happened to....Cromwell...," the name hung between the men heavily, both men gritting their teeth. "It should be enough evidence, to leave doubt as to my client's guilt." Lucien rose to his feet and slammed his briefcase closed, punctuating his last statement. "I expect my client released in an hour's time." The barrister's tone was once again calm and quiet. "Have the Constable look for my carriage and driver. My Co-counsel will be by to pick up her up, Magistrate."


Date: 2006-12-01 16:46 EST
She arrived at the Garrison, conveyed by Lucien's carriage. She was alone but too elated to be nervous. It was excitement that had her picking every piece of imaginary lint off her suit"newly tailored just for this stint as a co-counsel"and checking the briefcase containing the bail money for the umpteenth time just to ensure that it was there.

She calmed herself down as they stopped before the entrance, assuming that cool manner that she had worn the last time. She brushed her suit off one more time and tucked an errant lock of dirty-blonde hair behind a rounded ear before allowing Gwyr to hand her out of the carriage. The handle of the briefcase was clutched protectively in her hand as she made her way inside, new heels clacking crisply on the stone.

She smiled at the Constable upon entering the building; it was the flirtatious smile of Jewell but the forcibly friendly smile that a politician might wear. She set the briefcase on the table and held out a card out to the man, "It contains all of the bail money, in gold, for Isuelt DeRomiano and this is the combination." When he didn't take the card from her hand she set it on top of the case. "You can count it if you'd like, I won't be offended." Her tone implied that she would certainly be offended if he did decide to sit down and count the money with her standing there, yet hazel eyes almost dared him to.

"No ma"am, I trust that it's all there. We know where to find you if it's not," that barely veiled threat caused her smile to widen just a fraction although her eyes remained cool. It was clear how displeased the man was at having his prisoner released and, perhaps, how displeased the Magistrate who had to given him the order to do the releasing was. "If you'll just follow me,? and taking out a key the Constable led her back towards the cells.


Date: 2006-12-01 22:54 EST
Isuelt was picking at a few stray pieces of straw that had seemingly embedded themselves in her dark hair. Sleep had abandoned her not but ten minutes before.

Her attention was grabbed by the sound of footsteps in the hallway outside her cell, not one set of paced steps, but two.

Unusual, yet not so unusual as the sound of the metallic rattle that followed.


Next was the chimed grinding, as the iron key was pushed deep into the lock. The pins were seduced into synchronicity with the key, the tumbler pushed aside.


Isuelt blinked as the door opened slowly, ushered dramatically by the whine of the hinges. In the corridor outside was one of the uniformed guards, and another unexpected surprise. Jewell.

Another blink from the Scathachian, as she got slowly, smoothly to her feet. Secretly, she wondered if her mind was beginning to play tricks on her by displaying this oasis.


Date: 2006-12-01 23:14 EST
She tried her best to look patient as the Constable opened the door. In reality, she exuded impatience with the persistent tapping of the toe of her shoe on the floor, the crossing of her arms, and the pattering of her fingers against her upper arms. Really, he was just taking all day with this task! There was a moment, right before he opened the door, that she almost reached over to grab the keys and do it for him.

Alas, he got the lock open and with a condescending smile to her—which she returned with with a smile that was hardly comforting—he pulled the door out to reveal Isuelt's cell.

Jewell shifted her illusion slightly; it was a bit tricky to show her true nature to one and hide it from another but she managed it briefly enough so Issy would know it was her and not some stranger coming to call. She let it fall over her completely again after seeing the recognition in Issy's eyes—she did not want her friend to make the mistake in calling her by the wrong name. The last thing they all needed was some legal trouble over the fact that Jewell had deliberately lied about her identity. A minor technicality in her mind, but she doubted they would see it that way.

"Miss Isuelt," at least her voice was still nearly the same, she managed to keep her enthusiasm from it, although her smile was growing stronger by the minute. "I'm Mister Lucien's co-counsel, Natalie. Your bail has been paid in full so you are free to come with me."

It was hard but she kept from flashing a triumphant smile at the Constable and just gave him a polite nod before leading Issy off to the freedom she deserved.


Date: 2006-12-01 23:46 EST
Your bail has been paid in full so you are free to come with me.

Jewell....for an instant.

Now "Natalie, the co-counsel" in the next instant.

Isuelt didn't fully comprehend what was happening. But she didn't need to. She got the gist; she was getting out.

Only a few steps, but it seemed as though she were stepping across eons of time. Time she had spent cooped up when there was a killer on the loose, and her Sisters were in danger.

The Scathachian kept her expression in check as she crossed the cell's threshold. However, she did exchange a wink with Jewell as the guard turned his back to close the cell door.

Silently, side by side, Isuelt and Jewell left the garrison. The conversation in the carriage on the way home would hold keys of a more informational nature...


Date: 2006-12-02 10:57 EST
She traded a grin with Issy in return for the wink but otherwise kept her expression as neutral as she possible could; she knew the alternative would be gloating triumph in the face of anyone and everyone they passed and that just wouldn't do.

"Thank you for all your help," was the last thing she uttered to the Constable and his men before she left the Garrison at Issy's side, hopefully never to return.

She restrained herself even when they were out of the building, doing nothing more but smiling aside to her friend—who she desperately wanted to embrace—and nodding in the direction of the carriage. "Lucien has been kind enough to offer us the services of his carriage today, so if you'll just follow me."

It was hard to sound so professional and bland when she was giggling with glee inside. Her friend was free and all she wanted to do was dance! Gwyr handed them both into the carriage with instructions to head for the Sanctuary, Jewell assuming that's where Issy would want to go first.

Only when the door closed did Jewell let restraint fly to the wind—along with her crafted image—and attack her friend with a tight hug. "Oh my, I missed you so much!" So much for professional and controlled.