Topic: Lamia's Hiss

Dark Lover Night

Date: 2007-09-12 08:13 EST
Laufeia didn't normally wake up this early. This old scaly boot was almost always the last one to appear from her serpent's crypt, complete with the usual set of leathers and roughed up bed-hair. Looks meant nothing to this one, but then again when you're looking this good at age-whatever " then who cares, right"

Normally Laufeia never brooded, never sat in silence " never wore an air of silence. She always had something to talk about to the other Sisters, but'she had been acting abnormally as of late. She hadn't spoken much to anyone besides Bobbie and even then, it were mere mumbles.

Trixie's cry she heard. No"She didn't hear it.

She felt it.

It shook her very core to feel such"Sorrow. Never should one of HER Sisters feel like that. Never should someone pain her Sisters " her kin, her family. Mixed in with all the festering darkness that is Rhy"Din's city, Laufeia was beginning to loose her cool.

Notes were left on every door. Every door in the Scathachian Sanctuary had a simple message that almost all of the Sisters could fully understand and comprehend.

Laufeia"was pissed off"

It read:

"Sisters, I believe it is time we had a chat about this City we're supposed to be protecting. You are to be outside by midday. If you are not here by that time, then I will implement a little method I used to exploit to all my students back on the Island; those lazy few who didn't get out of their beds in time for their training with me.

I will drag you out here by your toes, if I have to.


And sure enough, Laufeia was there hours before anyone else. She was up at the crack of dawn in fact, waiting"

She stood outside in front of the main door with her back to the Sanctuary, arms crossed with Bobbie poised and staring in the same direction. Gently she tapped her foot, glancing to the sun that now was fully overhead. She wasn't alone though, even her nest of snakes had come out to play " all ranging from different species, pooled below her large bare feet " slithering up her legs " weaving in her hair, hanging out of the cuffs of her multi-coloured leather jacket.

Laufeia might as well be Medusa itself, for she was starting to get impatient and her sour expression which was common back on the Island, could easily turn anyone to a silent statue " shivering in her aura of dominance.

It was midday.

She tapped her foot, her serpent oval orbs lowering down to the ground. "They better not be late, Bobbie." She was sure they were up by now. Hell, some of the Sisters might have been returning from a patrol and had yet to read the letters. But did she care" No. She didn't"

Bobbie hissed softly, causing the other multitude of snakes to hiss back.

"I am not impatient." Laufeia muttered back.

Bobbie hissed again.

?" Okay, maybe just a little."


Date: 2007-09-22 18:18 EST
Strange dreams had plagued Isuelt's rest. She had taken the night off of WestEnd business, per Scorpion's request. He had said the previous night that she was running herself into the ground, and she knew he was right. Isuelt had no knowledge of the brutal murder of Leslie and the dumping of her body, or of her discovery by Trixie.

Roused from a rather restless sleep by the stripes of sunlight that went stabbing across her face, Isuelt blinked at the paper as it rattled against her opening door. Taking the note from the oaken door, she pushed it open and rubbed her eyes.

A dark brow comically rose as she muttered to herself, "This should be interesting..." She knew that Laufeia was as frustrated as the rest of the Scathachians, perhaps more so. Lamia was never one for temperance and patience. Still, Isuelt was curious as to what had brought on this sudden lust for a pow wow.

She took only a few moments to wash and dress. Then it was outside into the blistering sunlight of the late morning. Breakfast would have to wait.


Date: 2007-09-23 01:37 EST
The Judge returned home to the Sanctuary from her patrol much later than normal. There had been some "trouble" with a new and rather mysterious guild in the Northern section of the West End last night.

Trouble that had resulted in frank bloodshed.

By the time all was said and done, two of these menacing assassins had been slain and the Scathachian herself had taken a crossbow bolt to the left forearm. Her efforts, however, were more than enough to foil the brutal plan that these killers had been hatching...and likewise enough to save the poor bastard whom they had in their eminent sights.

This vicious sect definitely demanded more attention in future patrols. In any event, their potential victim was now safe and under the protection of the city guard.

When Mirage entered the Sanctuary and saw the crisp note on her door, her jaw muscles immediately tightened. The tone of Lamia's note seemed quite annoyed and painfully strict. Mirage was all too familiar with the elder Sister's temper and methodology from the Island. It was best not to keep her waiting.

Serena bathed and changed the blood soaked dressing which was covering her fresh wound from the night's violent events. She then quickly donned her leathers, her boots, and finally her crimson sash before heading outside into the sunlight to rendezvous with the other Scathachian women. Like Isuelt, she too was unaware of the recent grisly discovery made by her Sister Trixie in the Glen.


Date: 2007-09-26 19:00 EST
Chapter 32 Ding Dong Ditch

The muscular Scathachian warrior had arisen early in the morning per her usual routine on the Island of Shadow. In the confines of her spartan room, Delphinea performed the customary morning ritual of prayer and worship before the small alter dedicated to her goddess. After giving thanks and meditating on her sense of strength to dispense both justice and mercy, the Judge bathed her powerful body and put on her attire for the day.

As she exited her room and prepared to join some of the other Sisters for breakfast, she noticed the stern note from Laufeia tacked on her door. Phin took the parchment in her strong fingers and read it carefully. She nodded her golden-haired head but once, before folding the note neatly and placing it on a vanity within the confines of her chambers.

Long, bronzed legs carried the Scathachian priestess towards the main door of the holy Sanctuary, leading to the outside. As she passed some of her Sisters' rooms, Phin observed that there were similar notes attached to their doors as well. Her thoughts quickly danced over the contents of the letter and she wondered what had prompted Lamia's sudden call to arms. Certainly the state of the West End and the city in general left much to be desired. Their unseen enemies were indeed dangerous and crafty; shrouding themselves in shadow and deceit quite well in fact. Phin also knew, however, that the Scathachian leader Isuelt was the most qualified person to be in command of this Sanctuary during these perilous times. She was a rock who had rallied her fellow Sisters to attention well over a year ago in this troubled land of RhyDin. Now at present, things were at a bleak standstill...eerie but holding.

Still, it intrigued the Judge to learn more of Lamia's plans. The elder Scathachian was many things, but shy was not one of them. The brevity of her note displayed no traces of lightheartedness or dejection. Whatever Lamia wanted to discuss, it sounded quite important.

Dark Lover Night

Date: 2007-09-26 19:22 EST
To those that who had gathered"They were late. If not seconds than minutes, so they were late! God or Goddess help those who had not arrived. Still she had her back to the Sanctuary - arms crossed, hip cocked and head tiled. The untamed hair of blonde was not only the wildest thing outside of the Sanctuary, but the Serpent Bitch herself.

Her hands clenched tightly, curling the multi-spotted leather into her tight angered fists. She didn't care who she heard. They were late!

They were not breathless.

They were not scrambling to take up a single filed line!

They were not prepared!!!!!

A sign of anger came. A silent signal, a single quiet sigh to herself.

She had expected her ex-students or equal Sisters sooner.

"Where are the rest of the Sisters" Where are they"!" She hissed as the snakes pooled around her bare, dirty feet; slithering about her form while hissing in unity to Lamia's irate voice.

"Is this it"!" She raised her voice into a screech, turning sharply so that she could display her glaring, oval, green coloured eyes. "Where are the other Sisters?"!"!" She demanded to know from anyone - or anything around her.


Date: 2007-09-26 23:25 EST
Isuelt was no stranger to Laufeia's temper tantrums. She had watched this woman unload on young initiates for years; and just as she thought back then, most of Laufeia's rage was misguided.

The tall Scathachian's leathers creaked as she cocked a knee and folded her arms over her chest. Laufeia had been standing out front, her back to all of them for several moments, no doubt wanting to incite a dramatic entrance of sorts. And Isuelt was not one for dramatics, she never had been. Her eyes narrowed at her be-snaked Sister as her chin lifted. Isuelt had defended her fellow Scathachians in battle and in words for nearly over a decade; she would not let them come under fire now, from one of their own.

"Lamia, I'm sure you know that most of the others are out working." Turning her head towards Mirage and Delphinea, she nodded, "These two and I are the only ones that have been home to see your note. I suggest that you let us know the reason for your urgency and your attitude. After all, there is much to do in this city." Her lips were tight, her husky voice spilling her no-nonsense words.

Isuelt did not appreciate the intimidation factors that she had seen Laufeia use since she came to the Sanctuary. While she was experienced enough not to feel the sting of Laufeia's tongue, she knew that there were younger members here who would suddenly feel as if they were back in training on the Island if Laufeia decided to press her usual ways. And this was no time for the Scathachians to be questioning or second-guessing their abilities or actions. Isuelt had worked hard to build up a confidence, even for the youngest members of the Sisterhood. But in light of the latest setbacks in the WestEnd, she knew that there were days when that confidence level was little more than a house of cards. She would protect her Sisters to the death against shards of others, whether those shards be made of steel or words.

She knew that Laufeia was frustrated with the lack of progress they had made in making significant steps forward in the WestEnd. Indeed, they had made what many were referring to as "miraculous progress." But it still was not enough. Each of the Sisters was frustrated, and turning that frustration on each other was always the first sign of defeat. And defeat, was something that Isuelt never yielded to.

"Now, perhaps you should tell us what is so urgent."

Dark Lover Night

Date: 2007-09-27 09:25 EST
"Everything. It seems so scarily familiar?" Lamia slowly turned her back to the Sanctuary, her eyes gazing off into the distance. Almost lost in the depths of her troubled mind - but she couldn't quite fit the pieces together, "I was awoken by a howl?" She shuddered, "A howl I haven't heard in quite a while. I rushed down into the city to demand the latest reports of that night from the Town Watch, and I discovered that someone was murdered, and that they were currently dealing with the body."

Her hand had risen to her face, the snakes about her reaching over to curl around her protectively, comforting the troubled Elder Scathachian, "It had the brutal undertones of the WestEnd murders. Without a doubt"The body was found by Trixie, and later, by the female Ravenlock. That's all I know."

Lamia was a protective woman, almost too protective. If she had the power to be around all of her Sisters at once she would. If she had the power to wrap them up into an immortal shell, to keep them from harms way'she would.

But she couldn't.

"I have yet to hear from our Sister, though I am sure after what I heard she is probably mourning the death of the girl, who was named Leslie."

Lamia turned her back to them, "I am sorry for shouting at you just now, Sisters. But whatever we do to protect this city, it gets thrown back in our faces. People die in this city because of the scum who think they can take it, when they should be creating life. I have had enough."

She looked between them all, Bobbie, just nodded his head. "I know you are all trying your best. But that howl is what the people of this city are feeling, and we must silence it. We must try harder." Her hands slowly landed upon her hips, "I know you have heard this speech before. And it might be uninspiring, but I am going to make it my business to poke my nose into every little indiscretion that occurs in this city.?

Lamia paused, and lowered her head, glaring at the ground. "And if I find out who killed that girl, they're going to be swallowing down a toe-sandwich."

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2007-09-28 01:51 EST
"Mournin" would be counter-productive. We've got a job to do."

The Harlequin, fresh through the gates of the Sanctuary, kept her words short and cold. The now streaked white and black face paint was eerier than usual, what with the disarray and the stone-faced expression behind it. She didn't look to any of her Sisters directly, but she acknowledged the lot of them with a tick of her chin.

"They're tauntin" us. An" we're just sittin" around scratchin" our arses.?

She suddenly looked revolted with everything. She hated failing. She hated this inactivity. Most of all, she was starting to hate this damn city. Earth she could handle, but this was ridiculous. She briefly considered staying with her kin, but her stomach hurt and her body told her it was time to sleep. She turned away from them, heading for the SHQ while visions of corpses hung in her head.

It wasn't even the death that bothered her. She could handle death. Hell, the only reason she survived this long was because she co-existed and even craved it. No, mortality wasn't her concern—-it was the fact that these attacks were getting closer.