Topic: Like a Bolt Out of the Blue


Date: 2007-01-23 18:55 EST
Isuelt sighed through a set of very cold and very tired lips. She had been up most of the usual. All she could think of during the last leg of her ride back to the Northwest Cliffs was a hot tub and the soft warmth of her sheets.

As she was readying to enter through the gates of the Sanctuary, she stopped. There was a piece of parchment wedged up against one of the hinges. The first thought through her mind was not a favoratble one. What with all of the unceremonious events occuring as of late, an anonymous note attached to the gates of the Scathachian Temple and home was not the most promising of omens.

Her gloved fingers gently tugged the paper free, she unrolled it and read:

Talked to some people. The killer from a few months ago most likely a woman. Same woman the Watch talked to as a witness? Ate part of a victim, or maybe drank some blood. Not sure. The one who saw left town. Thought you should know. Heard from a third party, so take with grain of salt.

The note's slanted scrawl was signed in an unconventional manner...a lone lightning bolt.

Isuelt's lips lifted into a grin as she rolled the note back up and headed inside. Maybe the bath would have to wait.