Topic: Mage Come to Call


Date: 2014-07-03 19:44 EST
Shea had not been to Rhydin often as of late. She had been drawn to the city once. But since then she had stayed away. She could feel the eb and flow of the city even with out setting foot within it.

She could feel those who had been give alliance pendants. She could feel their lives. Like a beating pulse of a heart. She could close her eyes and pick them all out. Shea had not stood before the place before her in some time. There in the northwest cliffs of the city. Tucked away in to the hill side over looking the sea beyond. It stood like a temple of the old world. A wash of white in moon or sunlight. Shea did not know from what era the place was from, for it had an ancient feeling to it.

Iron gates stood open. As they often did. For anyone even those with out magic would feel that the place was warded. It was protected from magic. Shea had appeared outside the gates as a respect to those wards. Though as she was now she could have easily just appeared before the doors. The magic there would not hold her back nor away, no matter its powers.

But Shea had a deep respect for magic and protections. She walked lowering her green hood from her head. She had come unarmed save for the magic eb and flow about her. The wind caught in her hair. A mix now of dark blue and silver. Her eyes trained upon the doors were an eerie pure silver.

She could feel one of those pulses here. Within this building. Hera Fyre called the sisters of Scathach allies and friends. But Shea had also at one time been an ally and friend to them. It had been an age since she truly aided them here within the city. But Shea had woven a spell of protection over those she knew well. It was all she could have done before she had left the forsaken city to care for her daughter.

It was for the children of The Alliance that Shea GreenStone returned to the The Scathachian Sanctuary. She had bid Hera to give Isuelt "Illea" DeRomiano one of the alliance pendants, not only as a token from Shea but as a token from the fire child too. Hera did not often show affection to anyone. But Shea knew that she held the women within those walls in high regard.

The time was midday, the sun cast its warm glow over the court yard as Shea cross to the main door. She knew there were people within, she could sense them mulling about, getting ready for the night. Night brought battles and war to Rhydin most every night.

Shea stepped up to the door and knocked. She could have easily opened it and gone with in even if it was locked. But again Shea could stick to others rules even if she was beyond them now.

She could only hope that Issy was indeed within the compound and that she had not left the alliance pendant behind for then it would be harder to find the warrior within the city. Harder but not impossible. Shea had something to discuss and hoped that Issy was not to busy. She a knew the nightly war and battle in Rhydin came first, and she could respect that. Now she waited to see who would answer the door.


Date: 2014-07-05 18:35 EST
As it would happen, Shea's luck seemed to be on the upswing. For it was not often that Isuelt spent time at the Sanctuary as of late. However, she'd come off of a late night of aiding Sgt. Cullen and the Watch and had just awoken and had her 'breakfast' when the knock at the door caught her on her way to the showers. As she pulled open one half of the heavy oaken double doors, Isuelt's expression took a moment to show that she recognized the woman on the threshold.

"Shea! It''s been ages." She stood there marveling a second more before she remembered her manners, "Come in, please. Come in." And sweeping back, she opened the door fully to bid the woman welcome. She hoped that this was a social call, but lately, visitors to the Sanctuary were coming for more than a cup of tea and a bit of a chat. "Is everything well?" Isuelt slowly shut the door behind Shea and stood with the woman, watching her intently, in the cool marbled foyer of the Scathachian stronghold.


Date: 2014-07-06 20:13 EST
Somethings would never change. Somethings were destine to. But when those doors opened Shea smiled to none other than Issy herself. Shea had looked up, as she was still her slight five foot six inches, in to those same dark eyes many years ago. When she had first become an ally to the warriors of Rhydin. Shea was glad to see that there was a welcoming warmth within those chestnut hues. "It is good to see you as well my friend." When she was welcomed within Shea crossed the threshold.

She could feel the wards that protected the place welcome her as they had many years before. Yet this time the magic that welcomed her made an soft eb of breeze flow through her two toned hair. Years before the feeling had rushed her when the wards had welcomed her. Now they spoke to her in hushed tones.

Shea noted Issy's attire, and stature. The warrior had likely had a late night. Shea knew the drill in Rhydin. How often had Jade or Hera come home looking much as Issy did now. Standing in the marbled entry way Shea offered Issy a soft smile. Shea could feel everything, every soul within the place from the moment she entered. But her silver eyes were trained in Issy. Shea noted with a smile that Issy wore the pendant Shea had bid Hera to give to the Scathachian.

When the question was posed Shea wondered how she would answer it for a moment. Shea did not wish to begin with doom and gloom. So as ever Shea would be blunt. " I can not say that things have been well, nor that they have been ill. But I do not wish to start with that."She looked over the entry way, she had always felt such welcome within this place. It held a honored glory and ancient feel to it.

" I would rather go in, settle and discuss a few things. Bland normal things like the weather and the state of the city behind us, before I set to my reasons for coming here." Shea knew Issy could likely do with a sit down, a cup of something, and a moment to just relax before they spoke of business.

Those silver eyes dulled just enough that one might see the iris and Shea tucked a strand of silver and blue hair behind her elven ear. Shea would let Issy lead though the mage knew thew ay in and would know ti even if she had never stepped foot within the place before. "What say we settle with a cup of something and talk for a moment of bland things?"


Date: 2014-07-17 19:31 EST
"Bland things." Isuelt lowered her chin to glance at her toes, though the more honest reason was to hide her smirk. "I've seemed to forget there are such things in the world as 'bland.' Usually when people come to our door, it is anything but bland. Usually it is fire and brimstone, and murder and chaos. But for you, my friend, bland shall be done." Backing up and allowing Shea to be ushered through the marble foyer and into one of the larger receiving rooms off of the entrance way, Isuelt, who was dressed not in her signature black leathers, but a softer fabric more inclined to be cotton, sat down upon one of the couches in the room. The fireplace was dark and cold, as was the norm in the warmer summer months of Rhydin; still the room, with its crimson drapery and mahogany flooring boasted a certain level of welcoming warmth.

A tanned, toned bare arm gestured for Shea to join her as she began, "How have you been, my friend" You look as if life has been treating you not unkindly." Indeed, Shae had the appearance of vigor and health about her with no new scars in sight. Scathachians were trained to notice such things. "As far as the weather, I can say that I am enjoying it. Though not as much as some of my Sisters who prefer to spend their downtime on the beaches of Rhydin." Isuelt leaned back against the couch cushions and lifted her hands to reach to her hair, effectively pulling her long espresso tresses into a ponytail and subsequent twisted bun after a fashion. "And as for the state of the city, well..." Thoughtfully for a moment, she measured the pros and cons of what she was about to invoke. "All seems to be status quo. No new or overwhelming forces are overtaking us, so everything seems to be trudging along at a pace that we are all comfortable with. Even if it's not all wine and roses."

Playfully, the Scathachian warrior winked and grinned to Shea, knowing full well that this woman was more than familiar with the catastrophes that the city had seen. And Isuelt was more than thankful for the part that this ally had played.

"As for me?" Coyly, a side swept smile touched her lips. "I've been keeping out of trouble."


Date: 2014-07-17 21:29 EST
Shea smirked softly. The idea of anything that could be bland in Rhydin as worthy of a smirk. For the city was known for its chaos. Shea knew exactly what Issy spoke of. Normally those who came here tot his place of safety did not come o talk of bland things. In all truth Shea had not come for simple reasons. But to start with doom and gloom had seemed somethings she had done all too often.

"You honor me." Shea followed inside. Though it had been a long time since she had stepped foot deeper in to the Sanctuary.Shea noted that very little seemed different. Though looking back to Isuelt Shea noted the warrior did not wear black, nor leather but cotton. The wears a more relaxed priestess.

When she was gestured to sit Shea sat reclining upon that same cozy couch. The hearth was cold but the room did not need it as the day beyond was warm. The room was colored in tones of red the common color of the warriors of Rhydin.

Shea smirked once more at the question and to the fact that Issy saw much more than others did. Shea bore no wounds, none that could be seen. As always her elven blood kept her looking young despite the silver that now streaked her dark hair. "I am well." Which was a partial truth. Shea was not ill,and she had never felt stringer in all her years, but there was that sense of doom and gloom in those silver toned eyes. Those eyes that were so unlike the young jade hues that had first taken this very place in so long ago.

"The warmer months have often been my favored in Rhydin." Shea had been to few of the beaches within the cites bounds. Perhaps before her time in Rhydin was done Shea would go and sit and watch the water. Even though it was warmer out Shea still wore that green cloak over her shoulders, some how the mage was never hot. Perhaps it was that natural eb of breeze that always followed her that kept her cool.

Silver hues watched Issy closely as that dark hair was pulled in to a pony tail and then twisted in to a bun with. It opened up that fine tan face and showed off those dark chestnut eyes that held more within them than most would dare to look for, bu Shea saw it all.

Shea caught that wink. "It has never been wine and roses here. I have my own connections to know how the city fairs." Shea wore her own pendant one that was similar to the one she had Hera gift to Issy. Shea had eyes and ears within the city. But she enjoyed knowing what one who lived here and fought more often than not knew of the city.

Shea nearly laughed tot hat coy answer. "Now that I know can not be true. You stay out of trouble" Some how I do not see that as a possibility." Leaning back against the couch Shea took a moment to idly brush back a strand of that fallen silver toned hair behind her elven ear where it mixed in with her natural dark blue hair.

There was a moment of pause the mage took. Shea wished that she could come with good and warm tidings once or twice more often than she came with news of doom and gloom. But then what were allies for it not for the good and the bad"

"There is always something stirring in the city. Though I have not sensed anything since I came here." And she would know. Keeping for the moment to bland things, Shea looked back to the warrior beside her.

"The seasons in Edhel Ndor nearly mirror those here, it has begun to warm, yet there are places where the cold still clings. My family seems to ever expand with births of children and loving couples getting married and joining in The Alliance. And when what is coming is over, you should come and see it. I think Edhel Ndor would appeal to you. It is unlike any other place most have been."

Taking a thoughtful breath now Shea pondered just how to put what she had to say.

"It is for my home and my family that I have come. I wish I had come with better things to speak of than doom and gloom. And perhaps one day I will come with those better tidings. But now I think I must speak of less bland things."


Date: 2014-08-11 20:10 EST
It was what she had been waiting for. Those things less bland were usually thought of as business as usual for the Scathachian Sisters; for they saw to it that those who came with troubles, left with a clear conscience and an uplifted chin. The Scathachians throughout the world took care of others' troubles and made problems disappear.

It was then that Isuelt sat up straighter and leaned a bit forward, balancing her forearms upon her knees in a posture that dictated total attention. Her dark eyes trained on Shea as she nodded slowly and began, "Your home sounds like a beautiful place." A well-placed pause then as she inclined her chin rather pointedly at Shea, "I should be honored to help such a beautiful place in any way that I can." A few stray tendrils of deep espresso clung to her shoulder as long as they could before they tumbled down as the priestess continued to nod slowly, "And as for your family, consider them family to the Scathachian Order. They will be aided as we would aid you, my old friend. Tell me, what can I do for you?"


Date: 2014-08-12 15:43 EST
Shea smiled wistfully. Wishing she could bring better tidings and something better to talk of rather than dark times. The warrior there beside her had seen far to many dark times, and Shea knew that Issy would see through more in her life yet to come.

"You honor me." Shea inclined her head softly. Edhel Ndor was beautiful and Shea was confident that one day perhaps soon that Issy would see it. But for now Shea set her mind on why she had come. "You deeply honor me and mine. There is war coming to Edhel Ndor. It has been stirring for some time now. I have seen far more than I wish."

Those almost eerie silver eyes looked off for a moment. "There will be death and change. We have allied that will fight with us, and they gather as we speak. Hera will fight with us, and it is odd, she came long ago to Rhydin for you, for the friendship you have. And she has become one of my most powerful friends and allies." Shea took a breath.

"When the battle is done. Nosgoth will no longer be apart of our allied realms. Though we hold no ill will to them. What comes will rip it and those of that realm away. Those we love, Victor, Lang, Darkmere and the others of Nosgoth will be torn away though a powerful magic. I have already sent many away. And prepare to tell both Hera and Jade that they will never again see the men they love. And that even if they do, they will not remember them. The magic that comes, it is deep and dark. It will rip the memories of them from everyone. There are only a handful that will recall Nosgoth and those whom I have chosen to send there to save. We will lose friends, allies, family. We will be broken."

Shea sat back a moment and ran her hand through her two toned hair. Those shock of silver against the dark blue. " I do not come to ask you to fight for us, but rather to offer your goddess given strength to the warriors who may end up back at your door. Hera will come here after the battle is done. Her lover will be gone, and her memories of him will fade, and she will only know that he is gone, and even if she happened to see him here in Rhydin she would not know him, nor recall him. She will need her strong back up. I have a feeling that both she and Jade will return here and pick up the fight to save Rhydin. The city could not want for two stronger warriors. "

"And perhaps in many years to come, the daughters of the alliance may come here, and seek the wisdom and guidance of the Scathachian Order. My humble request is that the order is Edhel Ndor's ally. For there are warriors in Edhel Ndor that are happily the ally of the city and the order. " Shea glanced to the pendant that Issy wore the one Shea bid Hera give to the warrior.

" Hera, Jade and perhaps even myself may need the wisdom here in the days and weeks to follow. "Looking about Shea smiled dimly. "I have always felt welcomed here, from the moment I first came through those doors . And you and all the sisters and all the Order are welcome in Edhel Ndor and the halls of GreenStone. We could not wish for more powerful allies. So that is why I have come, to tell you what is to become and to give you one more token."

Shea flipped open that dark green cloak and reached in to the folds and pulled out a very ornate looking box, that fit in to her open hand .The wood was dark and rich, the scroll work upon it was made by elvish hands.

"Among the few that will recall everything I will bare the memories and the knowledge that will be taken from many of the rest of my kin and family. But my time on this physical plane is growing short, my destiny lies in something greater. But I wanted to offer you this, along with the alliance pendant it will be a way for you and yours here to contact me, no matter where I might be. As an ally, friend and wise counsel."

Shea flipped back the lid of the box. Within was the most curious sight. It appeared to be an orb, it glowed first brightly, then dimmed and seemed to almost pulse with darkness. With the orb if one looked seemed to eb the very essence of wind,and there was even a faint sound of chimes every time the orb went from light to dark.

"It is part of me, I summoned it. From my own essence. It holds light and dark, and the wind which has always been my element. It will protect and heal , and is safe to be touched." Shea knew Issy's knowledge of magic and did not want to worry the warrior.

" And if I am ever needed here for any reason all anyone must do is open the box and touch the orb, no matter what color it has taken on. I will feel that persons thoughts and come to aid if needed, or simply offer what wisdom I can, if that be the case."

Shea closed the lid softly and held the box out to Issy.

"Take it and my thanks and blessings. My family and I, are glad to ever be the allies of The Scathachian Order. And most honored to have such powerful warriors as our allies and friends."