Topic: Merry Christmas... from Temple Bhaal

Dracina Hemdagg

Date: 2011-12-25 21:06 EST
The wind bellowed through the snow, carrying with it a light mist that partially shrouded the night. Nearby, the Scathachian Sanctuary came into view, looking peaceful in the Christmas Eve night. Save for an occasional patrol on its grounds by a few of its sisters, nothing stirred on its grounds.

Curiously, upon reaching the Sanctuary grounds, the mist took a peculiar turn against the wind, seemingly acting of its own intelligence as it struggled against the breeze. It silently slipped past the walls, past the patrols, and toward the main gates of the Sanctuary itself. There the mist settled, swirling in place, acting as if to observe its surroundings. No one appeared to be within sight and that was when something truly more unusual happened.

The mist began to take shape, a solid shape, within the flurry of the snow. There now stood an elven woman with skin as white as death and blond hair past her shoulders. She wore a gray dress that came to her middle thigh and she carried a curious and truly horrendous ornament in her slender hands. This elf was no helper to jolly Saint Nick, but a terrible fiend animated by the Negative Energy Plane.

The elven vampiress smiled at the front gates and with an uttered spell, bored a hook into one of the doors. On that hook, she hung the ornament. It was a wreath, but not any ordinary wreath. Instead of being made from evergreen, it was made from steel wire and bore a macabre collection of dried severed fingers and eyeballs. Placed in its center was a human skull, grinning, and animated with her necromantic magics to bite the poor unfortunate Scathachian tasked to take it down.

Also attached was a short poem:

"Season's passing, All things must die, Winter is death?s season, It withers all it touches, Freezes them still.

"Still like you wil be, Once we reap your souls, Send them down, Into the flames of Hell, Fed to the Great Horned Ram, Master of all.

Season's greetings, From Temple Bhaal."

She smiled again and turned away from the gates. Carefully she observed the area again, making sure that she was not seen. Her eyes missed nothing, and there was no one to be seen. She let out a maniacal laugh which echoed through the Sanctuary shortly before her body dissolved and became the mist again.

Upward it traveled, captured by the wind again, and blown away, completing the vampire's escape....


Date: 2012-01-05 08:27 EST
Arms folded over her chest and a soured expression on her face, the Judge watched as two of her Sisters had the difficult task of removing the gruesome gift from Temple Bhaal. The mood throughout the holidays had been little above somber, as the Scathachians planned out how to deal with the newest threat from their oldest enemy. It would seem that the god of murder's minions had struck yet again.

A troubled inhale lifted her shoulders as Cray's fingers were nipped at by the central skull of the wreath, even though it had one of Delphinea's daggers through it. Isuelt's lips were a tightly bounded "o" as she watched her Sisters successfully pull the muslin cloth over the chomping teeth and the rest of the bloody wreath. Her eyebrows were low and hung closely over her dark eyes; she was ready for retaliation. She hated the waiting game - she always had. She was tired of hanging back until the forces of Bhaal made themselves known. These sporadic guerilla tactics pained every inch of her Scathachain heart.

Her fingers tapped on her bicep as she stared at the once more empty front gate door. The time was drawing near when the Scathachians would be forced to show their hand. And Isuelt could nearly taste it.