Topic: Of Rolling Thunder and Pouring Rain


Date: 2007-11-12 15:34 EST
Soundtrack Option Hell's Bells, by AC/DC


Her perch was far above the street level. Ewan delt with the city below, Icer from above. But somewhere right in the middle, where everything came together was a massive jumble. A jumble of good, bad and the worst sort: those who fancied themselves as "neutral."

It was in this middle, in this massive jumble, that the coming war was rumbling forth. She could feel it...she could smell it...she could nearly taste it. It left a sharp metallic taste at the back of her throat and woke her up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. Her nightmares and daydream visions were becoming more and more violent; she felt as if Scathach, herself were trying to send a warning.

All she knew was that more and more often as of late, the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood up at attention; and that when walking through the West End, she could feel that not all eyes upon her were benevolent.

Cloaked in her signature black, the Judge squatted in a hunched fashion watching the street below. Her silhouette was barely discernable against the dark night sky. And just as those tiny hairs began to stand up once more on the back of her neck, they were met with moisture. The storm clouds had begun to unleash their bounty upon Rhydin's West End.


Date: 2007-11-14 16:57 EST
As the rain poured down, the Judge pulled her hair tightly back to avoid any lapse in peripheral vision. She stood from her crouch and made her way from what was almost certain to be a slick rooftop, to a neighboring flat-topped building. From this new vantage point, she knew that if she looked hard enough, and in the right places, she would be able to see most of her Sisters patrolling their areas. The Scathachians had come out in force this night. They all had had dreams, visions, and general feelings of uneasiness about this night. There was no getting around it, something smelled rotten upon the air; and it was coming closer.

She faced the west, she could see the lights of the dockside trail off into the blackness of the sea. A chuckle escaped from her throat, muffled only by a far-off strangled roll of thunder. All of this trouble, all of this death and danger were contained within the confines of this city. Cut off from the violence was the sea, with its cozy velvet blackness spreading far and wide. The ocean boasted no worries, no regrets.

A cold, wet breath was stolen from the stormy sky. She recalculated her footing and her thoughts. Better to dwell on things over which she had control. But that was her, always reaching for what was out of reach, always endeavoring to mend the shattered, always falling from the highest heights. A gloved hand wiped the water from her nose and cheek. It was going to be a long night and she needed her sense in the forefront of her mind. She couldn't explain why, but even here in the West End, upon her sentinel's perch, she felt as if she should be somewhere else, she should be looking in another direction.

Perceval Tucker

Date: 2007-11-25 12:00 EST
Tucker watched Isuelt from his vantage point across the same roof she was currently perched upon. He had already been there when she had made her way to that flat roof top. He was pretty sure she was aware of him, but she took no regard of him. Perceval simply observed her silently, letting the rain run off of him.

Something was wrong in the city. He couldn't put his finger on it, but it was something bigger than he was used to dealing with. Common thugs, muggers and thieves were his forte, but this"this uneasiness he felt, it made a knot in his stomach. He had come out tonight to try to get a feel for it, though, as of now, he felt nothing more than the rain on his shoulders and the deep base of rolling thunder. Maybe this muscular Scathachian knew something he did not' Then again, maybe she was up here doing the same thing he was.

Tucker stood up straight, allowing full view of himself now. It was not a good idea to sneak up on a Scathachian, but that was not his intent. He watched her briefly for several more moments. He could see the tenseness in her shoulders; an uneasy mood was obvious about her. Maybe it was time to try to put the pieces together"

Perceval remained in his place and spoke across the rooftop and above the droning sound of the rain to Isuelt.

"You feel it too, eh?"


Date: 2007-12-09 21:29 EST
She drew a long breath, though her eyes did not look over to her inquisitor. She had seen a shadow earlier, and had guessed at its source. It was almost like a test. Isuelt had been testing herself a lot lately. She had been curious if she still was as sharp as she had been when she had first left the Island. She would need all of her skills to be honed to as sharp a razor's edge as her blades were. Night was coming, darker than ever before.

"Yes," her quiet husk of a voice strangely pushed its way through the rain-spattered night without drawing too much attention. She now looked to the man who stood on the neighboring rooftop. The Judge could not be positive, but she sensed a familiarity from this one. Another test for the Scathachian, she easily leapt from the flat roof of one building to another to stand beside him. Her gloved hands were not resting on her blades.

Another look to the smoke-encircled male, yes, she did recognize him. He had spoken up in the Inn perhaps several months ago, in acknowledgement of the work the Scathachians had put into the city. "Perceval, was it?" Isuelt had an uncanny memory for supporters, it was rivaled only by her memory for enemies. "Tell me, sir, what is it that brings you out on a fine night such as this?" as she swept angry raindrops from her cheeks, a smirk alighted her features.

Before he responded, her dark eyes darted back down to the street and over two rooftops. The Scathachians were out in full force tonight. It seemed that everyone smelled something rotten. And this was something far fouler than the docks' usual low-tide grunge.

Perceval Tucker

Date: 2007-12-16 08:09 EST
Perceval gave a nod at the acknowledgement of his name, returned Isuelt's smirk with the slightest of smiles of his own and then followed her gaze to the streets below. "I couldn't sleep." he said. "I figured I'd come out and enjoy the night air." Then, nodding in the direction of her fellow sisters on patrol, he continued. "It seems your sisters are having trouble sleeping as well."

His gaze returned to Isuelt now as the rain fell on his face and chest. He had always been impressed by these Scathachians; they were always on top of things. Having a regiment full of them during his military time would have been quite a site to see. These women played hard ball and they were just the people whose corner he wanted to be in with when it came down to nut-cuttin" time.

Tucker looked back to Isuelt and spoke directly, but with a respectful tone. "Now that we've dispensed with the pleasantries, Isuelt, maybe you can tell me what?s troubling you, because between you and me, something reeks in the air and I don't want to wait around for it to rear its head." Then his face took on a more concerned look. "Problem is, I can't seem to figure out where it's coming from. I've been shaking down every piece of filth from here to the docks and none of them seem to know anything.?


Date: 2008-01-11 16:53 EST
The left side of her mouth lifted in a small smirk. "Trouble sleeping...maybe you could say that. But for now, I'm working." A hand reached up to push some of the sopping hair from her face. The rain was really beginning to get on her nerves. As if the job of the Judges wasn't hard enough already, a storm had moved in to make visibility dismal. "So are the rest of the gang," Isuelt nodded to a cloaked shadow keeping close to the building across the street. "There are nine of us, plus a few other allies," water dripped from her chin as she turned to look at Perceval, "Like yourself."

Her boots barely made a sound above the rythmic pounding of rain on the rooftop as she moved closer to the retired soldier. "Things are coming together around here," a glance heaven-ward, "Like this storm. Elements coming together, minimally harmful if not highly annoying on their own. Wind, cold, rain, thunder, lightning. Then they come together and it feels like the world is ending." Her dark gaze was once more returned to the streets below. "Kinda starting to get that feeling now."

A shread of lighting forked the sky on the western horizon, capturing her attention. Isuelt had been jittery lately, though her hands would never betray her. Her focus had been on a razor's edge, ready to pounce. It was no wonder every loud clatter and every prolonged creak of floorboard had the tiny hairs on the back of her neck standing at attention. The Judge's gaze was next pulled back toward the heart of the West End. The sickly glow of gas lamps smoking against the storm and sallow yellows pushing through streaked glass windows sorrowfully illuminated that end of the city. She was thinking how the West End looked like it was throbbing tonight, pulsing. All the lights looked to be ailing with the same sickness.

"Probably just the storm." She knew she was most likely wrong, but it made her feel better to blame something other than the unknown.


Date: 2008-01-12 20:00 EST
Chapter 6 Waterlogged

She couldn't remember a time when she was more homesick. She was huddled into a doorway, the wind yanking at her cloak, the rain lashing at her cold skin. Phin sighed as she slunk into a daydream of sparkling sandy beaches and warm breezes wafted through lush palm trees. The Island was constantly calling to her, and she almost always answered. But tonight, she was on patrol with the rest of her sisters.

As cynical as she was about existence in Rhydin, she knew that some of her sisters thoroughly enjoyed life here. Jenai had found love and a family here, Trixie and even Issy had found relationships. Phin fought for their happiness, as well as the average citizen. She thought that most of the citizens here were pleasant enough, she simply couldn't wait to go home. And during weather such as this, she was more impatient than ever.

Issy was joined by another figure now on the roof; Phin could clearly see the two silhouettes. She blinked and pulled her hood higher against her blond hair, though she didn't know what good it did. She was waterlogged and dripping, cold and ornery. The leather wraps around her wrists felt slick and ungiving; she cracked her knuckles and stepped out from the shelter of the doorway.

So far, the night had been quiet except for the incessant thunder and the annoying rhythm of the rain. Only earlier in the evening had she had any action at all; and even that turned out to be nothing. A woman had called her over excitedly asking if she was a Scathachian. Delphinea replied in the obvious affirmative, only to learn that the woman wanted help disciplining her young son. A disappointed Phin expressed her inadequacies at "mothering skills" as she had moved on, further into the West End.

She couldn't understand it. It was so quiet, and yet, there was such an ill feeling on the wind. Surely something would come along soon.


Date: 2008-01-14 15:01 EST
Suspense built in the air and it was clear to those who knew how to listen that it was more than just an oncoming natural storm. Jewell had smiled a little at the Sisters" grumbling when a few had left the Sanctuary together, stepping out into the night as champions of justice. They pulled the layers they wore tighter around them, trying to protect their skin from both air and the rain that threatened, knowing that it would be a useless gesture should the heavens decide let loose the storm down upon them. They did not thank Jewell when she looked up at the sky and pronounced, "It will rain all night."

The rain did not bother the Fae, though she was less than pleased with the cold, like it did the Sisters. For Jewell, it was a welcome thing: another veil of concealment against the unfriendly eyes of the night. It helped that she could dance between the raindrops, none touching her unless she wished it. She usually worked alone on nights such as this, leaving the Sisters" sides and disappearing through the curtain of water that fell from the sky. She would run across rooftops heedlessly, never slipping, never cursing as her feet splashed through yet another growing puddle. Jewell would even dare to stand openly on the parapet of a building, peering down at the streets far below without any worry that anyone could peer right back at her'she was mistress of the water and the water protected and concealed its own.

Tonight was different, though. Jewell got little joy from the rain that came pouring down upon them all. With tension rife in the air, she stuck close to the Sisters, trying to always keep within signaling distance of at least one of them. It was a precaution taken both for their protection and her own; she knew she moved easiest and with less scruples through such weather than any of them, easily and quickly coming to their aid if they were in need, but she also knew that she was more than likely no match for whatever was out there, stirring the drums of war that echoed silently in the air, no matter the weather. In fact, Jewell was sure that neither she nor any of the Sisters alone were a match for what they were pitted against, whatever that might be. Dreams had brought her back to RhyDin and what she found kept her on the streets, night after night, as anxiety plagued them all. Something was coming.


Date: 2008-01-16 02:35 EST
The tall Judge pulled her darkly hued cloak over her muscular shoulders. Her black boots made little noise as she carefully strolled along the winding streets of the West End. Keeping closely to the shadows, Mirage was quite familiar with this part of town...and it was blatantly rotten.

Still, despite the pounding thunder overhead and the steady downpour of chilled raindrops coating her sleek form, there was an unfaltering stillness this eve which was both intangible and downright eerie. Since they left the Sanctuary earlier, Mirage had kept a close eye on Isuelt from the ground as the stubborn Scathachian leader had taken to the rooftops for her novel "aerial view" of things. It never ceased to amaze Mirage how Issy could always seem to pick out the smallest of details from any of her silent stone perches far above the humming city.

Mirage swore that Issy had gargoyle blood in her. It was truly uncanny.

The dark-haired Scathachian had stopped directly below the building upon which Isuelt was encamped. Mirage had soon noted that there was another hulking figure on the building adjacent to her. This other large person seemed to be carrying on a smooth dialogue with Isuelt, but Mirage could not make out the details of the conversation due to the noise of the intense storm and their high positions on the rooftops.

Isuelt, who had slowly moved to the other roof to join this large man, had not changed her posture, however, and neither had the stranger. No immediate danger presented itself, so Mirage quietly pulled herself back under the wide cover of this building's archway as she drew forth her blessed blades.

If Isuelt had indeed found a solitary ally out here in the rain, then maybe the evening was not as oppressively ominous as it felt. On the other hand, if Issy had stumbled onto a potential maniac, then Mirage was going to make certain that her fellow Sister had all the backup that she needed. Serena also knew that both Delphinea and The Empress were in the vacinity as well, since she had stopped and spoken with the powerhouse Scathachian warrior and the fiercely loyal Water-Fae earlier in her patrol.

Very well, it was settled. Mirage entered the building and swiftly made her way towards the staircase which would take her to the rooftop.

Despite her optimism, something out here in the ironically dead calm of this stormy night felt terribly wrong.

Perceval Tucker

Date: 2008-01-19 08:52 EST
"Probably just the storm." Isuelt had responded. Tucker had listened carefully as the Scathachian spoke. He could see the concern in her, but, like him, wanted to brush it aside.

His eyes moved now to the clouded sky; the rain spitting down on them and the lightning streaking through the atmosphere. Concern grew in him as well. There was nothing worse than having a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach and nothing to blame it on, unfortunately though, this was the reality.

Tucker took a step toward her as he spoke in a compassionate tone. "Isuelt, I haven't managed to be around this long without listening to my gut, and I doubt you or your fellow Judges would feel comfortable dismissing this suspicion either." His gaze moved to the sky once more, apprehension hanging in his eyes. He spoke again, this time with a frustrated tone. "I need to do something." Looking back to her now, "but I have no idea what."

Perceval moved closer to the buildings ledge and looked down over RhyDin. "I fear for the people of this city." And just as his words ended, a crack of thunder resonated through the air, reinforcing his words as well as his concern.


Date: 2008-01-19 16:40 EST
The Scathachian heard this loud crash of thunder as she sped up the many stairs towards the rooftop. This particular roar of thunder was definitely louder than the others had been. It made the hair on the back of her tanned neck stiffen.

Mirage steadied herself as she finally reached the top of the landing. In front of her was the doorway to the rooftop...the doorway to both Isuelt and this hulking stranger. She paused only momentarily to listen at the door for any sounds of combat or a struggle. All she heard was the pounding prattle of the rain and thunder.

Her gloved fist pushed the heavy door open as her eyes peered out into the darkness of the tempestuous night. After seeing no immediate peril, the Scathachian warrior quickly slipped out onto the wide rooftop and quietly closed the door behind her to avoid making any noise that would betray her presence. Mirage would make herself known when the time was right.

The stealthy Judge searched for a few moments before her eyes finally spotted the tall figures through the rain's heavy tendrils. Both Isuelt and this unknown man seemed to be in casual stances, without any signs of ill will or violent intent present. Mirage circled a bit before closing the distance between them. Her strong hands tightly gripped the hilts of her blessed Scathachian blades as she forcefully spoke aloud above the racket of the storm, "Illea. Is everything alright?"


Date: 2008-01-19 17:21 EST
Janet moved only slightly from her high perch to look up at the angry clouds that rattled with thunder and the occasional bright flash of lightening. She did not shiver as her face escaped the protection of her cloak's hood and the fat droplets of water covered her visage. Blinking away the water, she shifted from her position and moved to the next rooftop.

She kept to her positions along the tallest rooftops, giving her a bird's eye view of her surroundings. It made it easy to notch and aim her bow when she could see everything. She was possibly the closest to the docks, the smell of dank salt deeply intertwined with every breath. Her slick movements were blended with the darkness that shadowed the contours of each building as her powerful bare feet clung to the wet rooftops with a natural familiarity.

Every one in a while, Janet could catch the movements of her Sisters on patrol. Not because they were noticeable, but Janet knew where to look. She kept a close eye on every Sister available, ready to assist and to stand beside her loved ones. There was a heavy layer of tension that built over with time, and Janet could see it in their staunch patrolling. Everyone felt something was just a smudge different this night, and the rolling storm only added to the oppressive suspense.

She had been watching Issy and another shadow from a different rooftop for some time now. By watching their stances, it did not seem to be a threatening situation and so she did not make her way there. Yet now there was another shadow present to join, but Janet could recognize her Sister Mirage from any distance. They were very similar in their styles to one another...they thought and fought the same. Janet's strong feet guided her to another damp rooftop, still within her designated area, but it moved her just a bit closer to the trio.

Moving her dark eyes to see if she could spot Phin, Jewell or any other ally, Janet pressed her muscular back to the side of the stone chimney, but certainly not enough to restrict the range of her deadly arrows. From this position, the Scathachian carefully watched.

Scorpion Wraitharan

Date: 2008-01-21 21:16 EST
What a f**ken storm.

When they had all left the Sanctuary to begin this patrol, the rain had been coming down steadily, but this s**t was downright intense. He had heard little Jewell make a reference to the fact that it was going to be raining all night, but he had thought at the time that she was just being a wiseass. Unfortunately, this was not the case.

The Don Mega pulled his black cloak tightly around his broadly set shoulders as he slowly walked down a shadowy road in the heart of the West End. He took note that the winding streets were becoming increasingly more deserted due to the raging thunderstorm. S**t, even he was starting to feel a bit on edge...anxious even.

What the hell was he doing out here anyway' What the hell was he doing in RhyDin was a better question, he supposed. Fact is, he had literally crossed an ocean for this insane bulls**t. He had left behind both his criminal empire and the "tangible knowns" of Metro to be here, hunting the vague and bloody trail of some psychotic lunatics in the dead of f**king night in the middle of one of the fiercest damn storms he had ever seen.

Why?"" Well, one good reason kept popping its chocolate brown tresses back up in his face: Issy.

Scorpion had to remind himself of this fact time and time again throughout this entire miserable ordeal. It still floored him to think that he was now actually helping to enforce the f**king law rather than sidestepping it or simply bowling it the f**k over. Irony at its f**ken best once more.

After rapping with some well endowed ladies of the night who refused to be turned away from potential funds due to some "stupid a** rain", Scorp continued his determined stroll deeper into the soul of the West End. He was heading back to the arranged area where Isuelt and some of the other girls had laid claim to tonight . It had basically been a solid three and a half hours of little to no new information; he wanted to see how they all were faring and, of course, to check in on Issy.

Corny s**t right' Yeah prolly. Even so, The Don Mega couldn't help himself. Despite the fact that Issy was truly a colossus of a warrior; downright nasty with all of her weapons, her bare hands and feet, and even with her lethal voice, Scorp still felt that she might be in way over head on this one. F**k it, he thought that all of them were. Best yet, the "nWo pimp extraordinaire" from MC had made no secret of this when talking to Isuelt, Jewell, and to his boy Brian Ravenlock. This conversation was of course before Bri had left town to attend to some very personal matters.

"Keep your head up Big Man," B-Lock had told him, "Make sure you keep an extra set of eyes on your own six. These sick f**ks aren't playing."

That farewell seemed like an eternity ago, the morning when B left with his girl Jenai. Still, however, this sick and twisted game of cat and mouse eerily persisted. It hung over everything here like a f**ken death shroud.

As he rounded a sharp corner and stalked down yet another darkly vacant street, Big Sexxxy couldn't help but think that this whole hellish mess was about to come crashing down hard. Harder, in fact, than anyone either expected or would truly care to fathom.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2008-01-21 23:14 EST
From atop his perch, the eldest Ravenlock let his eyes pan the expanse that was WestEnd once more...He cursed himself a bit, as he knew he should have been in bed home with his beloved and their children. He should be doing a lot of things, but this is where he needed to be....he felt it. It called to him, the drums of war once more beat with the most determined of sounds, and as with that stormy night a month passed, Brian Ravenlock was more than ready to rush head long into the Abyss once more for the sake of those he and his beloved head closely.

The storm intensified yet again, as the torrential rain swept WestEnd in sheets of ice cold rain, and howling winds...Underneath the half mask he was so fond of wearing, Brian smiled. Honestly, he missed this...More than he cared to admit, and that night a few weeks back, it was made evident.

Mate...Father...Businessman, it didn't matter. He could not change what he truly was inside, as was the same with his beloved Jenai. They were fighters, plain and simple. And tonight, Brian felt something in the winds; something in the bone chill of the torrential rain. He knew it would not be long before Jenai joined him, and the others.

Waiting a moment longer, Brian looked towards the blackened skies, as he took a deep breath once more of that chilled air. The expanse of his lung tingled from the action, and it made him feel that much more alive! Arms extended, his eyes closed as he let loose with a primal cry of sorts. Remaining that way for a few moments, he looked downward, and noted a most familiar sight. And like that in an instant, the eldest Ravenlock had begun his descent from building to building, finally ending up on the corner of an old abandoned building, as he eyed a someone he hadn't seen in quite some time.

The Don Mega, Himself.

Using an old fire escape type ladder, Brian slid down quickly and moved from the alley into the middle of the street, right in the path of Scorp. Pulling the half mask down, Brian pointed to the Big Man and called out.

"A little nasty for a walk, eh?"

Outside, Brian was glad to see his old friend...Inside he was glad as well, yet he was more...Anxious...The drums called to him, they sounded time and again, and with such an intensity that he felt he had to be there...He had to seek them out...Since that first night back in WestEnd, they have called and taunted, Brian deep within. So many gathered it seemed, and still beat just as hard...Could anyone else feel this" Could anyone else hear them' So many questions, and so little answers. Shaking that aside for a brief moment, Brian saluted his friend with a two fingered type.

"Red is on the way, Brother. Where's Isuelt?"

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2008-01-22 17:57 EST
She liked to call this one the "Now you don't see her—Now you do." On the ledge of the building where Perceval, Illea, and most recently Mirage were gathered, a figure suddenly appeared, seated several feet away. Her long legs hung down over air and the fall that would greet her if someone gave her back a good shove. Her strong, bare fingers curled around the edge of the stone.

She was in full attire; the twin blade handles stuck out at forward angles from her hips, the alternating red-n-black cat-suit decorated with diamonds covered her body even as her blonde hair plastered down and tugged into two pigtails below her ears.

The visible skin of her head and neck was painted a startling white. All except for the jet black areas of her domino mask, the defined heart on her cheek, and the rolling curls of her dark-lipped smile. The stage make-up was flawless, despite the rain. Decades of tracing the same lines night after night had made them perfected.

At the center of her throat, set into the magicked suit, was the hallowed Scathachian garnet. She kept her chin up to show it off, as sharp eyes watched the streets below through slivers left below her top lashes.

Not a word from the Harlequin. Just the smile around the full lips pressed tight.


Date: 2008-01-22 21:30 EST
Eddie usually took the far-ranging patrol - her size and superior speed allowing her to cover the distance more quickly and efficiently. Usually, she completed her circuit - with a swing past the Pi compound just to assure herself everything was fine, making it back in time for a few hours sleep before her temple duties.

Tonight, however - things were different.

She had awoken soaked in sweat for the first time in months - since returning from her long holiday with Jaden, yet this time she didn't remember the dream. The day went on as normal - until her patrol. The rain poured over her - soaking her strawberry hair, matting her ponytail to the back of her neck. Her nimble feet barely made the puddles ripple as she moved through the alleyways - only the drips from her black hoodie spattered as she flew past. Something niggled the back of her distracted mind - a sense that something big was going down, and soon. Eddie picked up even more speed, as fleet-footed as her sacred namesake "Diana".

Shielding her eyes from the pounding rain, Eddie looked up and caught sight of some of her Sisters - Issy, and Mirage by the recognizable silhouettes - Trixie too, her posture unmistakeable, and someone else she didn't know - male, by the look of the hulking shadow in the rain. The attitude seemed friendly enough, but Eddie eased a hand toward the chakra on her hip - just in case an unseen evil was lurking. A glance around the perimeter caught the shapes of more of her Sisters - Janet up on one side, Phin a far distant on the other - Jewell, Brian - and the really big guy that Issy liked, which made Eddie lowly giggle.

Then, the heavy weight of the moment - the flash of lightning, the crash of thunder - hardened Eddie's youthful face, as she glanced up at the rooftop, waiting for whatever the dark night would bring.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-01-22 22:08 EST
On nights like this, many mythologies claimed, the gods and giants came out to play, while mortal men with none left to pray to sheltered and shivered in their hovels, and so powerless, hoped the fiery white spears of the gods hurled from the heavens would not strike them, nor the thundering of the giants roll over and crush them.

This was a thunderstorm to stir jealousy in gods and giants alike.

The magic streetlamps of the West End fought valiantly against the downpour, flames hunkered down for the assault and holding tightly to their fortifications like it was some beloved motherland they suffered for; but something sinister conspired with wind and rain to dim the lights. What scattered shapes dared move in the cacaphony were illuminated only in briefest moments when the clouds overhead exploded in flashes that themselves could only penetrate so far.

In such intermittent light, a predator in concert with and in perfect knowledge of the symphony of thunder and lightning could creep from corner to corner, ducked into cover with every flash, gaining on unsuspecting quarries unfortunate enough to be caught without shelter, or driven to wander by what had to be the most dire of purpose.

For a hunter, it would be so easy to creep close....close enough to breathe in the scent of the prey, coil for the strike, and...

"You're late."

Alain was leaned in an alleyway, rainwater coming in streams off the brim of his fedora, the color of his bright blue eyes dancing with every flash of lightning, though the pupils remained stoicly still, fixed on the goliath that was Scorpion, only several feet away. He checked over his shoulder, waiting for the next lightning flash to be sure he was not hunted - or as sure as his eyes could be.

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2008-01-23 08:57 EST
And with the very next trigger of light was Jenai's black clad form moving right past Alain.

"Already hiding in the back?"

Only the end of her flame red hair peeked out from under the black wrap she wore to hide the signature trademark. Silent as ever, it was routine for someone brought up for this to follow some laser flinging hobbyist turned pro. But she was only where Brian knew she would be, When they said they had each other's backs, they meant it rain or shine or even hell.

Narrow eyes landed and watched him, narrowing just a little bit more before she was on her way to catch up to Brian and Scorp. "Where's your back up Alain?"

And then she was out of earshot completely and lost in the dark rain looking for the others.

Her dropleg pouches never shifted as she went on her way, a tiny vibration from a pearl earring warmed to the core even in the cold. They'd been looking for a little outing, and what? They didn't think they'd come" Just because you don't live at home anymore doesn't mean you forget who your family is"

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2008-01-23 11:34 EST
"You're late."

Brian could only somewhat smirk, as a hand lifted to the earring he wore. A finger lightly caressed it's pearl, as it vibrated softly. The words from the detective came as no surprise, as Brian was hardly alone, as Jean-Luc padded along side the Ravenlock. His eyes glanced to the alley, a moment longer. His smirk then turned to a warmed smile, as he lifted to the half mask upwards once more.

"Where's your back up Alain?"

Brian simply smiled for a brief moment, and just as quickly it faded. They were on the clock, and it felt like business was indeed going to pick up. Brian watched her slip from the shadows and make her way, past the men and once more into the dark, as he shook his head and allowed just one more smirk.

"That's my woman, and I'll be damned if we don't &*^% like rabid animals when this is done.."

Looking to the Moor Cat, Brian nodded and Jean Luc padded along as well, slipping into the shadows in the general direction Jenai had headed. Looking to Scorp and then to Alain, Brian offered a two fingered salute as he turned and walked farther along the road into whatever may come.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-01-23 12:27 EST
For the arrogant posturing of Jenai, the detective did not even nod. However he noted the Scathachian and her spouse was subtle, and lost to the noisome war between light and shadow. She was hurrying out of earshot, and Brian moved off too....which suited him just fine.

Alain had business with the Don Mega tonight.

The next flash of lightning illuminated a stony expression, more interested in lighting a cigarette for the moment. The eave of the building afforded him little shelter from the rain, but holding his soaked fedora over his lighter, the cigarette managed to snatch the flame.

Long gone were the hip holsters and heavy blasters when first he worked with the Scathachian Sisters. A .38 revolver rested in a leather shoulder holster better suited to a cop than a mercenary.

"How go the negotiations?" Alain asked, the words divided by a flash, punctuated by a distant rumble.

Frank Paszinski

Date: 2008-01-23 13:30 EST
On nights like this, Frank didn't give two shits about myths or legends. Staying buried in oft illuminated shadow was trying enough without his mind wandering to how jealous a titian might be of the fury of nature. Frank might, however, give you a somewhat accidentally poetic dissertation on the fury of his assault rifle. The very same one who's barrel tracked a pair of unknowns near his boss.

Scorpion, he was okay with, from a mission standpoint. Scorpion was expected. He'd been briefed on Scorpion. Unknowns were bad, and thus, were treated with extreme prejudice.

His finger eased off the trigger, the rifle coming down slightly as the pair moved off. He spit. A smoke would be good about now. Stupid rain. Stupid cold.

The fury of the storm dispersed the shadows again, illuminating the gray-clad marine crouched in the far alley. Frank spit, and used the follow up flash to toss Alain a nod that was far more '^*$#ing get on with it.' than 'I'm here for ya.'

Nobody needs 'back up' with Frank around.

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2008-01-23 15:02 EST
One had to absolutely love conditions like this, and everone's favorite Mithran heroine, Kerrithra lived for said conditions! The rain! The wind! The darkness! And so many people to play with! A night like this, save the wetness to some degreee was made for Kerri and she sure as hell would make the most of it, and even have a little fun with it!

Moving from spot to spot, Kerri made whatever mental note she could in reference to several scents in the area. Some were all too familiar like Issy, Issy's man, Jen and Bri. Trixie, who had once saved our heroine's ass like no other, and even that Eddie chick who jumped all over the place like Kerri.

And then there were those who she was not familiar with, like the man talking to Iss' sex machine. He looked decent enough, and then it hit Kerri like a mallet upside the Head! The sherlock who was at the bar! The one Raven sent the drink to! Laughing inside, Kerri made a point of this, and move on a bit. That was until a new scent came to her attention!

Humans and their toys were rather funny at times, and Kerri knew Raven to be one to carry heat, but this night the Mithra sex-pot knew the Raven was not carrying any heat, and someone else was. And that someone was well hidden, and would have slipped by had Kerri not had the acute and finely honed skills of a Mithran scout. Night vision, and a serious case of nocturnal ADHD, not to mention her damned snout gave Kerri a somewhat advantage. As she watched the man with the pretty gun, as if he were wearing brightly colored JAM bermuda shorts in a snowfall with nothing else in the background. Actually, Kerri thought he was kinda cute, till she caught sight of what he was aiming at for a moment. So now he had her full attention, hands down.

Well he did, until he relinquished his attentions from Jen and the Raven. So Kerri in turn, released her notched arrow, and quivered it once more. A fang-a-licious grin took form, as green eyes of mayhem twinkled. Maybe he could hide better after a bed romp with our heroine. Kerri kept it in mind, as he didn't look half bad, but his spitting, ew! Course, her Cor was cuter. But hey, a girl can dream can't she?

"Natcho Libre, big dog. Yeah, you get to live another day, mi amigo. Maybe on that another day ya can romp with mah kittay. Nya-ha-ha. Oh yeah, gotta work!"

Laughing to herself, Kerri didn't care who saw her at this point. She'd make herself know to anyone, and sides— No matter what anyone says, everyone needs back up in some form or another. Insurance babies, that's what momma was talkin' bout, Willis. Anyways, Kerri waited a bit longer, and then linkpearl'd her findings to the Raven and his woman. Then in a flash the Queen of Mithran Mayhem was yet another ghost, as she looked for Eddie!


Date: 2008-01-23 15:52 EST
"Illea. Is everything alright?"

Mirage had emerged from the shadows to lend her weight to the rooftop. Isuelt was familiar with the Scathachian protocol, viewed as "nosey" by some. The world deemed womankind as "soft, weak and catty." Scathachians, by contrast were resilient, fierce and compassionate, especially toward each other. They were a family, pure and simple. And while they could get on each others' nerves like any sisters could, they would defend each other to the death and never think twice about offering up a last breath if it would help the other.

Isuelt smiled warmly at Serena, but stepped a bit closer to Perceval to signal the lack of danger. "Everything but this damned storm. Mirage, this is Perceval. Perceval, this is my Scathachian Sister, Mirage." No sooner had she finished making the introductions than she caught a glimpse of change in the sky's shaky silhouette. Her dark eyes darted to the corner of the rooftop where a Trixie now lay outlined where there had been none before. She had always admired "Tricky's" abilities, even if some of society would view her as a "cursed abomination."

"And that is Tricky Trixie," she added pointing to her other fully loaded Sister. She wasn't sure how Perceval would react to the apparent "entrapment." The Daughters of Scathach were sometimes so intimidating without meaning to be, that they scared off even the most worthy of companions. Those with less heart had been known to tear off in a run, screaming confessions as they went. Isuelt heartily doubted that Perceval would be such an individual, but she didn't want him to feel any more on edge than they all already were.

"We're out in force tonight, like almost every night. Lucky you, ya get to actually see us this time and let everyone know that we just don't sit home on our asses in front of the fire braiding each others' hair," a somewhat quirky grin was alighted on her lips as another streak of sharp lightning rented the sky.

She decided to extend an invitation to Perceval, "He's going to be joining us on our little session tonight." If he chose to decline, it would not be looked down upon. If he chose to accept, he would be vouched for by herself as well as Mirage and Trixie, hopefully. Sometimes the Daughters of Scathach could be staunch in just who they let into their intimate circle. Isuelt endeavored to give Perceval a "free pass" as she had to Alain, Scorp, Corinsson and Mallorek. If anyone had problems with them being privy to Scathachian information, they were invited to take it up with Isuelt.

She hadn't seen any more Sisterly silhouettes down below, but she knew that they were there. She could feel them near. This was perhaps the only magic that could be attributed to the Scathachians as a whole; the magic of family and the heartstrings that kept them so deeply intertwined.

Perceval Tucker

Date: 2008-01-24 09:25 EST
Tucker gave a smile and a congenial nod to each Sister as Isuelt spoke their name. He studied, them, as he does with most people he meets. These Sisters; they never fail to amaze him. They give so much of themselves and rarely receive their due recognition. Tucker hoped to be only a shadow of what they were. True he had the luxury of 30 some odd years of battlefield experience, but these women were pure to him. Their hands weren't covered in needless blood. Maybe that's what he was doing out here, night after night; he needed redemption from his past.

?"we just don't sit home on our asses in front of the fire braiding each others' hair." Tucker smiled just as the streak of lightning and its inevitable crack of thunder followed, almost like some sort of malevolent laughter at Isuelt's jest. He smiled not at the joke itself, but the underlying truth to it. Many in this line of work say that they aren't in it for the gratitude. He knew however, that a little bit of thanks or a kind word every now and again is a welcome respite.

Acknowledging each woman in turn, Tucker addressed them. "Keeping the peace and protecting the innocent is an honorable calling. Personal honor and a devotion to service above self, I believe, are the motives which drive the Sisters to discharge their responsibilities in full measure. It would be my honor to work with you ladies tonight."

Then, giving a nod to Isuelt, he continued, "Might I suggest that we focus our efforts on one thing this evening; find out what it is that has us all on edge."

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2008-01-24 16:55 EST
It was another night. What time he spent away from home was divided between below and above. The frequency of news via the Tunnelers when he visited those dank mazes was no more than before and of the usual variety. That a few more appearances above ground in the inclement weather brought additional whispers and words, but Ewan kept his own counsel.

The rain had brought high water into the Tunnels, and it required more care in use so as not to be trapped between or drop into a high rise of water below. Tangy scents harsh upon the nose brought more than a few handkerchiefs wrapped about lower parts of faces. More took time above ground, and Ewan could not blame them. Though the rain soaked and seeped, running into eyes and gave away shadows positions in their falling, it was better than snow and less caustic to the lungs than below.

With care, he unlatched the corner of the alleyway drain and pushed up slow with the care of silence. He did not set it aside, but kept it in hand as he lay sideways into the shadow of a stack of crates and drew his legs up from the secreted Tunnel exit. Only then, with the control to keep it quiet, did he replace and latch the drain cover.

His rusty blonde hair was soon soaked beneath the black cloth used to conceal it. A peak over the crates to see this particular alleyway was clear of visitors that might cause him difficulties. Scratching rodents and scattering bugs rushed away at his footfalls along the sidewall of the alleyway to its mouth.

Plinking staccato rain against stones, he listened for its distinctive sound on other surfaces, in particular that of metal. Pressed against the corner in shadow of the tall building, he brought up the edge of vengeance, turning the pit of maliciousness in him alive and roiling. This was not the edge of the Sedlaral caves where his intent was clear, but the patrol was calling for the keen arc of his retribution with as high a voice. The hair bracelet around his wrist edged its awareness, and he bade it patience. One day, one night, in time, the souls would be at rest.

A chorus of light, syncopated thunder, and Ewan pressed on through the trilling rain.


Date: 2008-01-25 09:33 EST
"Uhhh," Delphinea sighed after the last electric shock ripped across the heavens. There was just no letting up of this insipid rain. What she hated the most, however, was the nagging cold. Rain wasn't all bad, after all, especially if it was warm and brought relief from a sticky, humid summer day. This weather, though, was far from summer. The wind tugged at the blonde hair along her neck, rendering it hopelessly wrapped in curls.

She had hugged the shelter of the block for too long. She knew that she should be on the move, it was just that she was stalling, waiting in desperate hope for a break in the storm. Her prayers were ignored and Phin knew she should start heading back toward the docks. She would do a final sweep of the Southside area before heading back to the center of the WestEnd.

Phin could always be counted on to do as she was ordered. She was a soldier, through and through; she almost took pleasure in taking orders. It was simple to this Scathachian: do your job, do it well. And nothing, not even the cruelest of winter storms would prevent this soldier from completing her mission tonight.

"Just a little mercy?" her shadowed eyes looked skyward as she headed down the street, as she shoved off from the shelter of the buildings. The tall, hulking form of the Judge moved westward in the middle of the street.

There were remarkably less people out now than when she had first begun her patrol. Even rats seek shelter in the rain, she thought. The others, the poor law-abiding citizens of the WestEnd were usually in their homes behind locked doors well before sundown these days. She had even begun to see fewer familiar shadows. Isuelt and the others were left to their own very capable devices; Phin figured it was better to go where others were not. While they couldn't be everywhere at once, Delphinea figured that she would still give it her best shot. She tended to be more of the lone wolf, anyway. She had always admired Trixie, Rae and Akemi for their kinship in this matter.

After passing the dimming beat of the Club Blue, Phin thought it odd that she could almost still feel the rhythm of the dance club striking at her bones. Even after she was blocks away, it was still a singular sensation; one that chilled her even more deeply than the wind that began to play havoc with her cloak.

Dark Lover Night

Date: 2008-01-26 14:32 EST
The rain had soothed her somewhat, that loud clamour of raindrops smacking into the tiles " the gushing and trickling of streams collecting into the drainpipes outlining the buildings, directing the flow down to the wide drains and onto the street below.

Like a harsh flood sent from Justice to cleanse the streets of blood. The Judges would do just that - they will cleanse this place, for the Sisters were all prepared for what was to come " that oncoming storm and its electricity that has been silently collecting for many months. They will be rid of these foul deeds hanging in the air like a mist of choking death? And she will be there to watch it fall short of succession.

Laufeia had been there for as long as the rest of them; though had kept herself purposefully out of sight up until now. She knew they would sense her, and her growing worry. Although many of the Sisters are in tune with the area " feeling the injustice like a thorn in the eye, Laufeia has been most upset and disturbed with the simple overall "feeling" of the city. This feeling starting barely a few weeks after she had arrived for the first time. Something was familiar " but what"

The nasty feeling, that has been brooding for so long, has made Laufeia increasingly distant from her Sisters, so much so that she consistently patrolled the city searching for this intangible surreal darkness which she had been sensing. Searching, but coming up with nothing.

She loved her Scathachian Sisters so very much; she loved them like daughters more than students and she loved the way of Scathach. Laufia would do nothing to bring shame onto them or onto her own self. But even that was hard to contain within a shell of a beast that was screaming to get out. Criminals should fear her just as she is, yet when the gloves are off?"

Laufeia stood on the edge of her own perch several rooftops away, her body nearly consumed in blackness of the night. Her body looked deformed " her silhouette an odd contortion that shifted and wiggled about, her eyes a brilliant bright yellow oval and serpentine, a second set of eyelids sliding across to consume the light every so often.

From afar, she didn't look like the Laufeia they knew " no. From afar she was the lone and mysterious Llamia, the one that many of the Scathachian students feared and respected back on the sacred Island.


Date: 2008-01-27 18:48 EST
Mirage lowered her blessed weapons once Issy displayed a posture of friendship towards this massive man named Perceval Tucker. A small but warm smile was offered to her friend and mentor, Illea, before turning her attention back to the stranger. After looking the powerful male up and down one single time, Mirage genuinely nodded her head to their newfound ally.

Above the raging storm she clearly spoke, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Tucker. Any friend and ally of Illea's is one of mine as well. Mother Scathach's blessings upon you...and upon all of us this ill fated eve."

Her dark eyes looked past both of them and out into the wild, rainy night. Another grin slowly broke the rigid stoicism of her face as she saw her deadly Sister Trixie sitting ever-so casually on the building's ledge. To her fellow Scathachian Sister she also offered a nod as she spoke once again, "This storm is hell-sent. I don't truly know why, but I was definitely drawn in this particular direction tonight. Something is undeniably wrong out here. It's nearly suffocating. I therefore agree with you Mr. Tucker...we should seek out the origin of this oppressive uneasiness and if possible confront it...before our unseen fears materialize. Materialize and wreck atrocious havoc."

After looking once more to Trixie, Perceval and then finally to Issy, the tall Judge quickly sheathed her blades and folded her wet, muscular arms across her chest. There she silently stood as she waited on the next order from the Scathachian leader.

Scorpion Wraitharan

Date: 2008-01-28 22:54 EST
The Big Man moved slowly as he neared the dim alley. As the storm commenced, Scorp's mind drifted for several seconds back to the "old times" in Metro. Old times. Yeah, they seemed like an eternity ago. Damn it. Things could have been much different, so much simpler if he had just told her then that he wanted to....

The clipped voice of Alain D'Mourir did not so much surprise him as it did remind him that there was ill work about this eve. Old memories of old times were quickly pushed aside.

Scorp stopped dead in his stance as the dark sky poured buckets of frigid rain upon his broad, cloaked shoulders. Just as he was about to address the accomplished detective, he unexpectedly heard the familiar voice of his boy B-Lock calling out to him.

Admittedly, Scorp had to look twice and stare hard through the rain's thick aqueous tendrils in order to make sure that his mind wasn't playing evil tricks on him. Hah. No tricks. He definitely saw Brian Ravenlock step up to him from seemingly out of nowhere.

"B-Lock!" he shouted above the smashing rain, "What the hell are you doing back, brah"!"

The Don Mega tightly smacked fists with the elder Ravenlock as he continued to respond to Brian's quick-fired queries, "Nasty night' Brother, this is the worst f**ked up mess of a storm I have ever seen. I was on my way to ahhh...catch up with Issy and her crew. They are over that way man. They're stalking the buildings; peeping s**t out. I tell you what boss, let me wrap up some s**t with Alain here, and then I'll meet up with you over with the crew. We definitely have some catching up to do brah."

As Scorp prepared to continue, the red haired Scathachian warrior, Jenai, suddenly brushed past the gathered men, leaving them all speechless. What else could one expect from a Scathachian. Attitude and grace. Ya' had to love it...well either love it or get rolled the f**k over!

As he watched Jen pass through them and move off into the darkness, The Don Mega finally realized that Brian and Jenai must really be back for more than just a simple visit. Apparently, "the good guys" had some old friends back on the beat. Issy would be pleased indeed.

A stiff nod of his head to the flame-haired Scathachian priestess as she stalked by, and then, just like that, she was gone into the night after her fellow Sisters. With that, Big Sexxxy flashed the Wolfpack sign with his ebon gloved fingers to Brian as a token of deep respect to his friend. After the elder Ravenlock threw over his patented two fingered salute in response, Scorp reached over and patted him on the shoulder with a genuine familiarity. "Congratulations on everything B-Lock. It's good to see you. Really good, man. Bust on up ahead and I'll link up with you in a few."

As Brian nodded and walked off into the night to join up with Jenai, Scorp finally realized that good folks, just like those two, were caught up in the middle of something really ugly. Yeah, B was a very formidable protector of the weak and his Scathachian counterpart encompassed true Justice itself, but this whole thing was getting blacker and more obscene by the day.

The rules, so it seemed, were all breaking down. All of them. Odd thing was, it felt almost natural to Scorp, in a truly surreal way. Ya' roll with the wolves, you come up with fleas. Only the gods knew how many "wolves" he had honestly rolled with to get in a marked position of power in MC, and he was always looking to move much, much higher. Being bad, being the world's label of "a villain", is all that The Don Mega had ever really known.

Maybe it was too late for him. Not everyone can switch their innate ideologies so quickly. Good and evil were abstract concepts and oftentimes had battlelines that were quite blurred. As it was, the peculiar pieces on this manic chess board were in a methodical flux, and soon Scorpion himself would have a gigantic decision to make. A decision that would decide not only his fate, but perhaps the fate of his very soul as well.

Scorp slowly turned to the shadowy figure of Alain who was patiently waiting in the alleyway; his damp fedora keeping the glowing cigarette alive. The Don Mega could tell already that this detective had solid composure; a certain style that was going to take him places. Good.

"How go the negotiations?" Alain asked, the words divided by a flash, punctuated by a distant rumble.

The polished gangster from the heart of Metro City closed the distance between them as he extended his strong, gloved hand to the drenched gumshoe. "Good evening Mr. D'Mourir. I apologize for keeping you waiting out here. Really not a good night to be stuck out here in the tirade of the elements. As for your question, the negotiations are...well, just like the word itself....'negotiable'. But sincerely my friend, I think I have secured the profound interest of a potent third's only a matter of time."

The angry storm rallied onwards.


Date: 2008-01-29 00:02 EST
Serena always did put things smoothly. In fact, Isuelt would not have been surprised if she had become a member of the High Circle if the fiery Mirage had stayed put on the Island. Isuelt's lips flushed as she nodded to her Sister, in spite of the bitter storm.

"This rooftop, nor the way down, isn't going to be any less slick as the night wears on. We should head down toward the streets." If they had indeed caught sight of someone who needed their attention, slipping down the drainpipe to apprehend him would never do. "I am going to head up a few blocks more," they were presently gathered a few blocks up from the Alley Cat Club.

Isuelt had plans of taking the bridge further north and speculating just outside of the WestEnd. She simply had the odd feeling that by lingering in the heart of the WestEnd, she was sitting in the wrong place. She had the peculiar sensation that her eyes were being pulled wide of the mark on purpose. Those little hairs on the back of her neck were standing at attention as she made her way toward the door leading to the stairs. Her teeth were grinding together as she anxiously moved down to street level, Perceval, Mirage and Trixie behind her.

"How about a bit north tonight?" it was a question posed to the trio, as well as herself.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-01-29 00:34 EST
He took Scorpion's hand for a firm shake, holding onto it as he spoke: "To think I greet my Judas so warmly..." He let go and stepped back, the flash of lightning illuminating a grin. In the second flash, in the middle of a deep rumble, he made a simple gesture to the alleyway across the street, and the sentinel there - Move on.

The wind picked up with a howl, descending like a divebomber from the black clouds and whistling through the streets. The falling water flew sideways, and Alain's cigarette went out. He let it drop to the street and stared at it. "...Bad omen if I ever saw one."

But superstition rarely held the detective back, however often that ignorance had hurt him in the past. "The third party....they offer their best?"

Frank Paszinski

Date: 2008-01-29 03:01 EST
Frank watched the exchange through the scope on his rifle, crosshairs following the big man's hands. Oh, well, they shook and nobody'd died yet- hadn't even been stabbed! How quaint. It's not that he -wanted- to put lead in anyone, but, well, he had trust-issues. There it was.

Apparent confrontation avoided, he turned his eyes- and his rifle- skyward, sating some other twinge of paranoia. Nonetheless, he caught the signal. He snorted and looked around again- something wasn't quite right. He made a mental note to invest in some night-vision. He waited for a flutter of lighting and signaled the Eagle back.

The alley was empty with the next flash.


Date: 2008-01-29 09:46 EST
Eddie padded closer to the throng of people in the rain - most known, a couple off to the side not so much - but since everyone was still standing, she kept her chakrum on her slender hip as she neared the others.

A flash of a grin lit the young Judge's face as she caught the unmistakable silhouette of Kerri - the Mithra and her often tag-teamed during her patrols, much to the misfortune of criminals who happened to cross their paths. Eddie paused just behind her shoulder - slicking back her soaked and tangled bangs so she could at least make an attempt at seeing who - or what - was out there.

As Issy and the others worked their way down to street level, Eddie's attention focused on her Elders - whichever direction they went, wherever they ended up on this dark and stormy night - Eddie would follow. A finger trailed over the razor-sharp edge of her chakrum as she kept up her attentive vigil; waiting for any sign of which direction her Elders would go.

Perceval Tucker

Date: 2008-02-02 08:17 EST
"How about a bit north tonight?"

The lead Scathachian had posed the question to them, and Tucker nodded in agreement. He was just as sure about where to start looking for the origin of this ill feeling as much as the next person. Going with your gut feeling had always been Tucker's way of operating. It had gotten him out of many a sticky situation, but at the same time, it had landed him in worse places than he had been in before. Regardless, he was still alive and that's all that mattered. He wasn't about to change his MO.

"May I suggest splitting up?" Perceval offered. "There are four of us. We can cover more ground if we move two by two. I propose that Isuelt and another move north, as you suggested. I'd like to move to the west and then south along the docks to the ship building yards. From there, we can move back east and then north through the heart of the WestEnd. We can all meet back up at the bridge in one hour."

Tucker had delivered his suggestion in the most respectable manner that he could muster. This was the Judge's operation and he didn't want any of them to feel as if he was trying to take it over. They were all out here for a common purpose. Whichever way the Scathachian's wanted to play it was fine by him. The military supervisor in him, however, was hard to suppress.

"If that arrangement sounds alright with everyone, we can leave it up to Isuelt to determine the teams."

Scorpion Wraitharan

Date: 2008-02-05 02:22 EST
The Big Man nodded confidently to the very observant gumshoe, Alain. That was the second time since they'd been having these "little meetings" that D'Mourir had made some obscure reference about this infamous man named "Judas".

Scorp made it a point this night, however, to remember that name so he could look up the reference later at The Great Library of Rhydin. He just had to satisfy his curiosity and see if this name was something which he should take offense to or be prepared to defend against at a later time.

He couldn't help it. Being ignorant meant being unprepared. The Don Mega was never unprepared.

The rain was coming down harder now...if that was even humanly possible. It was as if the heavens themselves were weeping. No. More than just weeping. They were inconsolably lamenting and wildly mourning the loss of a beloved friend.

"...Bad omen if I ever saw one." , Alain murmured in the darkness as his trusty cigarette was extinguished by the whipping tendrils of chilled rain. Honestly, Scorp couldn't refute that point.

Unfortunately Scorpion Wraitharan, Metro City's most flamboyant gangster, was always superstitious and often times in the worst way. If something felt uneasy about a looming deal, a new person, or even an important meeting, The Big Man was not above promptly distancing himself from whatever it may be. Just walk away and ghost until that sentiment of dread either subsided or until he changed the parameters of whatever "game" he was toiling in or with.

"The third party....they offer their best?" the detective asked him above the booming thunder.

Scorp momentarily paused to collect his thoughts. The lightning crackled once more and illuminated the dim sky. "Yeah. I'll have more details tomorrow night, but I definitely got that feeling off of them. They want blood....and in a major way. Hungry eyed bastards, no doubt. Listen D'Mourir, I want to be absolutely sure that all contingencies are set in motion before we pull the trigger on this."

The Don Mega then gazed upwards through the rain and towards the distant rooftops which were engulfed in shadows. His stern gaze was undeniably gearing up for 'show time'. "As we agreed, let's keep all of this between us. I really think it would be best that way for the time being..."

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-02-06 17:23 EST
"I'm ready for her," was his cool reply. "My people will back me up if I need it."

He looked out at the street beyond Scorpion. He didn't like being here - it gave him the feeling he was watched more than he could watch, at least to any effect. Very low visibility, even when the rain abated.

If the gods were not frightened from their celestial thrones by the storm rolling over, perhaps they had been washed down to earth' Swept away into the gutters to drown....It would certainly make sense of their curious neglect of RhyDin City.

"I'll keep my end quiet. If the Security Division's covering me, they won't even know why."

As if to make up for the silence, lightning flashed three times and thunder rattled the alleyway. When the distracting crashes had finished, murmuring off into the distance, the Detective was walking away.

Dark Lover Night

Date: 2008-02-09 12:43 EST
Laufeia heard voices far off. They were muffled voices that rung the tones of her fellow Sisters mixed with others who she did not know, but assumed they were either allies or simply friends of the Judges. There was something of a smile crossing those lips in the darkness and with a turn if her head, she gazed downwards past the guttering and spotted others lurking below.

A sharp hiss replied to her thoughts, and she turned to observe Bobbie slithering past her cheek to also have a look to see what was going on.

"Let's go meet the others, shall we?" She hopped forward, plummeting to the ground. Silently she landed there in the street with knees bent so much that she nearly knelt there silently on the wet ground. Standing in the ray of a lamp she was revealed to be wearing her simple leathers, with Bobbie the Purple Boa wrapped about her neck like a scarf " and as usual, appeared from somewhere under the collar of that zipped multi-coloured dotted rocker jacket.

The twin swords were of course also sheathed in an X formation upon her back.

Pushing herself to stand fully, she placed her hands onto her hips. "There's enough rain to drown a rat.?

His only reply was another hiss, and so she chuckled.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2008-02-12 23:04 EST
Getting back on track, Brian broke off from Jenai and made his way deeper into the bowels that was WestEnd, still the storm raged onwards much to his possibly misplaced pleasure. Constant updates between Jenai, 'Gorgonite' AKA Kerri, and himself kept him in decent in the arena of awareness, as 'B-Lock' went from block to block.

What set most on Bri's mind more than anything was the severe lack of people in the streets tonight. So far save Alain, Scorp, the others 'Big Sexy', and Gorgonite had spoken of, he had seen not a fricken soul. That, more than anything caused Brian a bit of concern. Shoving that concern aside, Brian had to smirk a bit as he recalled the quick talk he and 'Big Sexxy' had a few moments past.

"B-Lock! What the hell are you doing back, brah?!"

"I heard ya were puttin the band back together, thought I might tune up an see what kinda music I can bring to the table. Sides, we're family, brother. Don't matter far we roam, we always come home."

B-Lock grinned a bit...As he was brought back to the here and now. Honestly it was damned good to see the big man again, and while he wouldn't openly admit it to his beloved, he did miss the big f*cker. But this wasn't the time for that, as something up ahead caught Bri's attention once more. Tensing a bit, he nearly made for a small door way for some type of cover, and just as quickly forwent that idea, as he once more realized that whoever or whatever everyone was here to attempt to find, more than likely knew exactly where each of them were. So out in the open he waited..

As just in front of him, a small black kitten bolted across the alleyway from one garbage can to another...Bri would be lying if he told you he didn't tense up at that exact moment...Or for the few moments that followed. Sighing somewhat to himself, Brian fished in a pocket and procured a small piece of jerky and tossed it towards the kitten, who in turn emerged from it's cover and sniffed at it curiously. Brian was then on his way, as he thought back once more to Scorp...

"Nasty night' Brother, this is the worst f**ked up mess of a storm I have ever seen. I was on my way to ahhh...catch up with Issy and her crew. They are over that way man. They're stalking the buildings; peeping s**t out. I tell you what boss, let me wrap up some s**t with Alain here, and then I'll meet up with you over with the crew. We definitely have some catching up to do brah."

"Handle yer business, Brother. Then we got some sh*t to discuss, and come catching up to do....At the Blue. I wanna toss my hat in your ring so to speak. Anyways, we'll hammer that sh*t out later, brother. Stay in one piece till then."

And that was that...Few words indeed between the men. Few words that carried volumes in the realm of content, for those who were not in the know, so to speak. Brian knew he would see Scorp soon and that was all good. For the moment his mind once more at intersection of 'Here & Now' was back to his beloved Jenai and their partner in crime, Kerri. More the former than the later, as he continued on his path to hook up with Jenai.

Northward...Northward felt right. And that was the direction the eldest Ravenlock went...Towards that which seemed to call each of them in one way or another.

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2008-02-12 23:24 EST
Skulk-Skulk-Slink-Slink-Slither-Slither-Slosh-Slos h. Slosh-Slosh!" What the f*ck was that"!

That friends and readers was one verily pissed off Mithra, as the torrential storm caused an empty flower pot above to tip, and rightly deluge our kittily endowed heroine.

After what seemed to sound like a bad night of shore leave for a buncha sailors that were on an island full of extremely unkempt, gargantuan, not to mention quite hairy lesbians with no booze anywhere on the isle, Kerri made a slight detour to one of 'safe houses' that Erin had made mention of so long ago. After locating a 'care package' she had left months back, the Mithra changed once more and went back to work.

So far so good— and 'SO WHAT!'

Kerri's inner monologue was in rare form, as she kept the link pearl contact between herself, Raven and Red busy with her somewhat chaotic ranting. It had gotten so bad she was told to 'shut the f*ck up' more than once! Still her spirits were upbeat given the cirumstances. She knew Raven and Red didn't mean it, and yes she was rather jabbery— with good reason. Fear tends to do that to people.

Continuing, Kerri caught wind of 'Edster' as the young sister was perched on high, while the Kittay'd one held to the low ground once more. She knew Eddie had seen her, and had a bead on her to boot as well as the others, so Kerri used a special hand signal that she knew only Eddie would understand. For those who didn't know it meant— 'Neener-Neener-Neener!'

And like that Kerri was also turning in tune with the others, and soon vanished into the darkness. Her fear still lingering like a bad date with a hot guy.


Date: 2008-02-13 11:25 EST
Jewell had been trying to keep within visual distance of Mirage for the last hour or so but had lost sight of her a few minutes back. She was not concerned"yet. She had seen the Sister disappear in the direction from which, if she stood still and listened ever-so-carefully, the voices of her friends drifted through the wet night, the raindrops carried them to her: at first only one sister, and then at least two, she hoped the one that joined latest was Mirage; and a male voice, she was sure of it, but not one she immediately recognized but she certainly would have known him if she saw him. She was only a few buildings away but out of sight, eyes trained on the ground below her as she listened for any signs of a scuffle her pointed ears would hear even above the crashing thunder.

When none was apparent, she moved on. She stepped lightly along a thin, slick ledge, the width of a tight rope perhaps, having to step over the protruding head of a gargoyle that was in her way. She was silent in her work, eyes not watching where she was going'she trusted her light, nimble feet to not lead her astray in a fall"but steadily cast on the streets below, on the dark windows of the buildings that were everywhere and went on and on. Their enemies could be hiding in any of them, couldn't they' Watching them, waiting. She felt the watchfulness and it made her all the more cautious. Only when a flash of lightning rent the sky did she make any noise"a tiny gasp"and press herself flat against the brick wall. Rain and thunder she could withstand, but lighting she cared not for; it irritated her senses, threatened death and harm in the most painful of ways for her. Around the edge of the building she went, thinking it high time that she came at least within sight of another ally again.

She leaned perilously far out over the ledge she was standing on, not even holding on to the building behind her to ensure her own safety, and looked up and down the long street she was now standing above. Lady luck blessed her with a glimpse of Laufeia passing below a streetlight about a block away; both the Judge and her pet snake, Bobbie, were a welcome sight. Jewell shielded her eyes from the falling water to confirm that it was Lauf, now moving in the direction The Empress had last heard the voices of the other Sisters, before she took up actually running along that dangerously thin ledge to trail behind the elder Sister. She jumped the spaces between buildings, landing on another ledge without ever breaking her stride, without ever slipping. Her secret' Her boots never touched down on the brick and concrete the buildings were made of, or the water that made them slick as can be; Jewell was running on air.


Date: 2008-02-14 10:50 EST
Finally there was a flash of something blue in amongst the thunder clouds, as the dragoness kept watch from the air.

Ice blue eyes scanned those below, following their movements. She recognized most, though there seemed to be a few she'd not met yet; that would have to be for another time.

Veering to the right and then straight up as lightning flashed nearby, Icer winged her way above the storm clouds, following the scattered band deeper into the West End.

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2008-02-15 03:54 EST
Even through half-smiles and introductions, Trixie had stayed quiet. That, in itself, should have been a warning. The edge in the air was palpable; it rested just past the stench of broken ozone and rain-drenched pavement. She could feel muscles going rigid in other people. The sensation alarmed and aroused her, simultaneously.

When the trio called her down the steps to the streets below, she took up the rear, walking mostly on her toes. She didn't even realize she was doing it, anymore. Once in the suit, things became second-nature.

On the street, she finally peered around at the faces of her current company. She didn't scowl, or make much in the way of an expression, really. She just checked them out, one by one, sometimes with the wriggle of her nose. When both Illea and Tucker had spoken, she decided to take her cue.

?"Chea. Splittin" up is usually a solid plan. No twosies, though, Percy." There, she grinned, one well-placed flicker of lightning adding a glint to the canines exposed.

"No "fense, or nothin". Best I play alone. Ladies, gent"happy huntin"." She puckered the black-painted lips with a mock bow, adding a step away into her flourish. Her slippers bat water to either side as she spun away from them and headed for a side-street, a whistle dodging and weaving through raindrops. It was a merry little tune. She broke it long enough to speak conversationally into the storm.

"Good ta" smell ya, WhiteSnake." She thought she caught a whiff of something else in the water. Something regal. But she couldn't be sure, so she didn't address, yet.


Date: 2008-02-16 14:14 EST
Mirage quietly followed the other three down the wide staircase of the building until they finally were at the ground level. Once she, Issy, Trixie, and the muscular newcomer Perceval were planted on the damp stone of the winding street, her eyes scanned the area for any signs of either trouble or nearby allies.

Her attention, however, was quickly tugged back to this group of four when Trixie made her declaration that she would go it alone for the next chunk of patrol time. Mirage's first instinct was of course to grab her elder and violently shake some sense into her. Mirage the consummate diplomat.

This aggressive feeling, nonetheless, was not prompted from disdain or hatred. Make absolutely no mistakes on this; Mirage adored, respected, and even feared Trixie, but The Harlequin persona of the Judge sometimes literally drove Mirage to drink.

Forever "The Loner", Trixie was and would probably always remain the one true rebel of the sect. Mirage somewhat understood why her Sister preferred things this way, but Serena was still overtly protective of Trix and honestly had deep rooted anxiety about her safety out there...tonight...alone.

Or perhaps not truly alone. That in itself was the problem.

Things were very different here in Rhydin now. The shadows themselves were creeping and skulking within every dim corner; looming as if they were some ravenous vultures waiting for these heroes to commit a fatal error. Strange and watchful eyes were seemingly always on them while innate feelings of dread, which defined unnatural and reeked of pure evil, constantly nagged at the conscious mind. Frustration and uncertainly were unquestionably abound. This shroud of trepidation which was hanging over the West End, and within each of Mirage's Sisters and allies, was nearly unbearable.

The Scathachian quickly calmed herself, however. She knew that Trixie was going to do things as she saw fit, and to confront her would only end in more strife between them. No one needed that right now. Not here. Not them. Not tonight.

As the heavy rain poured down from the skies, Mirage placed her hand down on Trixie's rock hard shoulder and gave it a solid squeeze. Over the grumbling of the storm she spoke to her Sister, "We'll be heading north, just like Illea said. Meet up with us in a couple of hours, okay' And Harle...please be careful."

Her gloved grip fell from The Harlequin's arm and returned to her side. She then nodded a wet head to her Scathachian counterpart whose face looked quite intimidating and supernatural in its eerily painted guise. It would truly be unfortunate to be on the wrong end of Trixie's wrath.

Suddenly, Mirage thought that she spied some shapes approaching the area of the gathered quartet. Her hands once again dropped to the hilts of her polished blades as she addressed the small gathering. The Judge's voice was lower now, but had lost none of its usual edge, "Heads up. We may have company."

Isabella Dawnshadow

Date: 2008-02-18 14:28 EST
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here." William Shakespeare - The Tempest Music to Read by: Midnight Syndicates - Born of the Night

Sparks danced from sharp heavy claws, dragged upon the surfaces of nearby buildings that loomed black in the cold. Blurred and indefinable, only the glowing of hungry red eyes shone through the murky vision. To tall to be cats, those eyes were feral and vicious, radiant without the aid of light to offer any refraction. Flickering in the shadows they watched. Like ominous fireflies, the shine snapped on and off with the pace of a beating heart.

Some distance away a light flared and died in a showering of glass, the box lamp of a simple town watchman crashed and mingled with a sudden terrified scream. The sound hung heavy in the air. Seeming to offer a muffled echo before the wind finally captured it and drew it off across the black menacing clouds above.

From above a chorus of sound rolled, mingling with the booming voice of thunder. Cold, icy shrieks unleashed. Was it just the wind" Lightening danced across the heavens. Curiously hued those ragged spikes. Blues bleeding into purple, jagged fingers shed that eerie second of illumination upon circling forms above. Horned and tailed, like prehistoric birds, but in that moment of sight, great maws opened to howl their song to the intensifying storm. Lips curled back, exposing the deadly snapping of razor edged fangs.

A rasping chorus of hissing joined this ever-growing symphony. Smaller forms, squat but swift, moved in the murky night. Playing tag with the darker shadows, they scampered past watchful eyes with the ease of creatures used to such wicked evasions. A blaze of sickly, puss laden yellow eyes that peered upward but in a flash that image was gone. So swift was that vague impression of something unnatural and malevolent. Some might question if that brief vision was real or a product of their own erstwhile imaginations.

More cries rose in the crescendo. Were they hapless innocent victims perhaps? Yet it hardly mattered as several youths fled from those unseen monsters. Only three of six, or perhaps seven would reach that Scathachian quartet. Their features lost under a gory sheen of rain and bloody rivulets. While their frenzied eyes lacking sanity were wide with horror. Unable to stop those deranged howls of mindless terror that flew from panting lips.

Behind them, their fallen comrades lay still upon the cobblestones. Shadows inky black growing wider around their bodies, with the dance of rain rippling amidst the gruesome sheen. The coppery scent of blood unleashed to tickle the senses, so thick that even the storm couldn't lessen its effect.

It was a sinister unnatural stillness that consumed the area. The pall of death hung there, while time slowed to a crawl and only measured by the increased pulse of pounding hearts. But the aura of inertia was soon shattered when a blood-chilling giggle cut through the hissing sheets of heaven's wrath. Those indistinct forms sprang to life, dancing away with mocking spins and rolling tumbles. Macabre nightmarish jesters at play, whose very movements reflected their contempt of the Scathachian watchers. Before they scattered into shadows in a flurry of taunting motions and chilling laughter.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2008-02-18 16:48 EST
Choruses of lightning distorted images in bright faltering to black. Ewan wove his way along the dismal paths exchanging the gloom of the Tunnels below for the stretch of sodden earth above. None of the Tunnelers had magic about them, but the guards of the Holding Houses did. It was there he went to find another point of view.

Climbing the maze of catacombs into the recesses of the great library, Ewan came into the low lit stacks. The hour made use of the library unlikely, but some of the keepers were still in the building. One wrinkled a nose in Ewan's passing, accustomed to the man's appearances but not the particular stench the Tunnels had placed in his clothing. Ewan paid the keeper no mind, and went to the alley exit. Turns and twists led him to the nearest Holding House.

"S"blood, you stink," Juliana's pert nose wrinkled when he entered her office at the Whistling Downs Holding House.

"You are here late."

"It's in the air, and I'm not talking about your smell. Good lord, man, take a shower before you head back out. The world could track you." Juliana tossed a report across her desk in his direction. "Look at that."

"Arcanes are feeling a bit uneasy?" He looked at the ledger style report.

"Not just the arcanes, Corinsson. Something's not right tonight. Some say they've been spotting others like us out and about, but can't confirm much more than that with the storm playing merry hob with their sight."

Ewan gave a nod and returned the paper to Juliana who cast it onto a stack of others. "I will take that shower you suggest and then return out. See if I cannot spy out a cause or purpose. Keep them in threes, even fours maybe tonight, Juliana. Spread the word. None of the Holding House walks alone tonight."

"Except you," she snickered.

"I am not alone,? he turned without a smile.

The shower had warmed and vivified. Redressing, he noticed the gifted cloth did not seem to hold any of the smell. He borrowed fresh linen garments and then his leather armor. Blades crosswise along his back, gift cloth snug along his scalp concealing his hair, and he returned to the search. From broken shadows and mangled corpses of buildings, he made slow and steady progress north seeing exchanges of signs to others. He did not reveal himself. The barrier rattled inside him between the rage and patience, and he held its balance clear as a storm flashes between dark and bright in the glance of a lightening strike.


Date: 2008-02-18 17:06 EST
Isuelt had accepted her Sister, Trixie's, exit as she had so many times before. She knew that the Harlequin was more at ease 'hunting' in a manner that was most comfortable to her; she also knew that that manner was not always accepted by the general public. She had simply extended her love, blessing, a wink and a smile to Trixie as she departed.

She turned her eyes then to Perceval and Mirage, and was about to speak when an ungodly screech pricked her ears. Isuelt had always fancied herself as quick, but as heaven would have it tonight, she was not quick enough. Snapping around, dark eyes wide, trying to pierce through the rain, she only saw bits of shadow darting into the protection of buildings, alleyways and larger shadows.

Then, everything was still.

The shriek continued to hang in the air like nails on a chalkboard; it shook her spine until she shivered.

The Scathachian wasted no more time, it was like this was what she had been waiting for, this was what the night had been longing to bring them. Both blades were drawn, a metallic crescendo sang out cold and clear against the storm. Her jaw was set, flinching only once as she looked back at her counterparts. Isuelt's brow lowered, her expression changed so quickly, going from familial to business in a heartbeat. Dark eyes widened, daring someone or something to come into their line of vision. The rain dripped off of her sword blades as a dark foreshadowing of the blood that would take its place this night. She started off for the last place she caught sight of the rolling, almost frolicking laces of shadow. That sound of malevolent cackling was still hanging on a memory as she began what she hoped she wouldn't regret.

As an answer, the sky belched forth a shriek of lightning and a roar of thunder, clapping themselves against the Rhydinian night.

And so it began.


Date: 2008-02-18 18:22 EST
No lightning rent the sky and yet Jewell gasped. She had almost caught up to Laufeia when she felt those shadows come alive: dark, creeping things that inhabited the darker places of Dream and had now crossed over into the world of the living. Pausing in her heedless run along the sharp ledge, flattening herself invisibly against the building's wall, her shout of warning to the nearest Scathachian died on her lips as the watchmen's scream heralded his death and alerted others to the possibility of theirs. Blood had just been spilt this night on the streets of RhyDin, a sacrifice to the gods of war to bless the errands of those who would make war on the Sisters. Jewell spared only a moment to wonder if her own blood and that of her allies would join it, mingling to pain the cobblestones in red.

There was no time for further contemplation as shrieks cleaved the air, the further chill of darkness running down her spine the only precursor to those sounds. What good were her other senses when they gave her too few seconds to act, to warn, before all were made aware"by the awful cacophony of noise that suddenly filled the night, glimpses of shadows that were imbued with life and evil intent, and victims of a new menace that ran away, scarred with horror"of the creatures that suddenly manifested themselves out of the very darkness she and her allies had been using to conceal themselves.

Darkness would serve them no longer. With her back pressed firmly against the wall, Jewell closed her eyes and relished the light that was her own. With her hands pressed flat against the brick, silver poured from her fingertips, her whole body suddenly illuminated with the living stardust that was her magic, her glamour. A beacon, yes, she practically lit up the night with that sudden, silver, ethereal light. There was no clearer way to make herself a target or to shout, "Here I am!" However, it was a light of resistance: pure and otherworldly in nature; cold, burning, a threat to those it opposed.

With her eyes closed such, she no longer saw the world for what it supposedly was, but looked beyond the five mortal senses. She spit out a curse at what was revealed to her, needing no more prompting to take action. Leaving the Sisters to deal with those they could reach?crawling, hissing, sniveling things that now haunted the streets'she chose the other avenue available to her. Unsheathing her long sword, instantly imbued with the silver radiance that beckoned her enemies to her, she sprung up from ledge to ledge until she reached the building's summit, and then took to the air.


Date: 2008-02-19 13:12 EST

The Southside Docks.

When Phin had first arrived in Rhydin, this was the first place she had to deal with. Rather than an amused or satisfied smirk on her lips like some of her fellow Sisters might have, Delphinea just shook her head remembering the man she had to choke and all but beat for his familiarity with her. At least, she hoped, he had learned his lesson. She rolled her eyes thinking about that blowhard from the Inn. Baker something or other. What was it that made her such a beacon for the searing foolishness of men" Focus. Stay focused.

Standing facing due west, the hulking brute of a Judge looked more macabre than avenging. Soaked to the bone and none too happy about it, Phin tried her best to stay focused. In this storm, the docks were quiet. No ships coming into port, none leaving. No dock workers working, no sales for ware. Except for the nagging rain and the occasional split of lightning, the scene should have been still, almost peaceful. Still, there was something not right about it. Something was off. Like a nagging gut prophecy, Phin knew something was very wrong here. But what"

Her feet set forward, not used to the confining boots. The sloshing sound made her long for the warmth and heat of the Island even more. Focus. Stay focused. A, a scream. What was it' She turned quickly, a wet strand of blonde hair slapped her across her chin. Nothing but darkness and shadow. She didn't reach for her blade, nor the bow at her back. Instead she watched, steadfastly. Surely it was a trick of the light, or lack thereof. The shadows up against the barrels in front of the DeVernon Dockside Warehouse were...moving? Shifting and darting, impossible. Delphinea looked up expecting to see lightning or the moon in a clearing of clouds, something to account for this strange phenomenon that held her attention captive. Nothing but the blackest clouds as the rain spat on her cheeks.

And then, quiet. Eerily so. Her eyes looked back to the shadow play against the barrels. Completely still. Almost as if there were no shadows at all. She was marveling at this inconsistency, but did not finish her thought. Before Delphinea could take a step forward, she was hit hard by something cold, icy cold, on her right side. Nearly knocked down, she stumbled forward, trying to keep her balance. Her skin stung where she was violently pushed.

Gasping, her heart racing, she readied herself for battle. Close range, best to go with the blade. But sooner than she could draw her weapon, she was hit again from behind. That cold, painful sensation creeping over her skin where she felt the hostile force. And that sound, it was a keening that rattled the soul and practically made her teeth chatter.

The wind picked up, aiding in the assault, a crescendo of lightning adding its own punctuation. She could feel hands on her now, though glacial grips they were. She fought to get to her feet, fought to stay focused. She had battled through worse than this, she lied to herself. Struggling, she pulled her sword free and shrugged off the hold that gripped her like death itself. Spinning around, blade ready to face her attackers, she stuttered in surprise. There was no one there. Then movement caught her eye to the right, a shadow. Inky black against the veil of darkness cast by the moonless night. But eyes, eyes the color of blood in the daylight. A flicker of shine to suggest an outline. One, two. Four of them. Small, malevolent creatures the eye could hardly see.

"Bless my hand and guide my wrath, never failing from your path," she recited as she had so many times before. Delphinea, Daughter of Scathach, began her counter-attack. The first one, sliced clean through in an arc from her blessed steel. The others, seeing their vanquished brethren, scattered. The creature closest to her, gave poor chase and was ended as Phin hoisted her sword in both hands and brought in vengefully down through the small shadow-being's skull. He stuck there momentarily before he, too, vanished into nothingness.

A blur of black, a sting, a blur of red. Phin's face was rocked to the side as her cheek met with the sharp claws of another of these strange nightmarish fiends. She reached out with her bare hand and caught hold of it, though the cold scorched her skin. Holding the squirming, screaming thing aloft, she swiped at him with her blade, rendering him halved. Though she had slaughtered three of the four emissaries of hell, her ears rang with their high-pitched screams. Blood, watered by rain, ran down her face as she looked up and saw several more of the creatures leaving their shadowy protection of the warehouse and barrels. They sped around the corner, making their way east, away from the water.

Delphinea quickly sheathed her sword and drew her bow, knocking it cleanly, and took off after them. The angry sea roaring at her back, laughing as the Priestess followed the trap to hell.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-02-19 21:49 EST
For a place as dark and sinister as the West End, it's easy to convince yourself you are alone. And it's true....on a level.

On another, it's a lie whispered in secret from this city's underworld. That the shadows here are only shadows, the raging lightning and rain of the gods merely water coalescing in the air and static drawn up from the ground, and the hairs rising on the back of your neck do so because you're only human, and even if you're something more, you can scare yourself stupid over nothing with the best of them.

The only truth in any creature with good in his heart being alone in this district in the witching hour, is that the eyes upon him are filled with nothing but malicious intent.

Alain was too far off to hear the screams, though when they happened, he paused, lifted his eyes to the air....shook his head, and moved on.

But the dark witch's hunters wouldn't let him go so easily.

Feet slosh their way through a deep puddle, an uneven spot in the cobblestones, and when he comes out the other end, he hears a splash behind him. He whirls, and sees....only darkness. A brief flicker of light' Or a strange reflection from distant lightning?

He turns around slowly and hears a whistle he now knows isn't from the wind. Movement. Something approaching. He whirls and sees a flash of red - two eyes bearing down on him - before he fires. Thud.

That gunshot's buried in the depths of rolling thunder, but the other ones might not be. A dozen eyes flash to life all around him. Five bullets left, and he gets the nasty feeling creatures made of shadow won't give him the time he needs to reload a revolver...

His teeth set, and the world becomes a little stranger - but it won't much help him see beings made of shadow. One of the little devils snarls, and Alain's reply: "Bring it."

The five remaining shots ring out in rapid succession, almost perfectly paced with two seconds between each. With the shadow creatures flitting around him, and him whirling on his feet to keep alive, the battling light and dark in the sky overhead becomes all the more dizzying.

The fifth creature drops, and he can smell his own blood. On his arm, and on the claws of the last little imp. It chitters and snarls, bobs on its feet, and lunges.

He couldn't describe the way the creature felt to the touch if he wanted to, but his hand finds its neck and he slams it. Once into the wall - the second time, its neck strikes a windowsill, and it falls silent. It evaporates before he can even toss it.

Barely a moment to breathe, and there's another chitter, another pair of eerie, glowing eyes. It's far enough away - Alain loads in a single bullet, aims, and squeezes the trigger, and with an unsatisfying click, the fickle West End extension of the Nexus decides the pistol won't fire.

He'll have to get the weapon's charms renewed.

Not just red, but a mix of red and yellow eyes accompany a chorus of chittering and cackling. Old Temple's out of the question. Hopefully they won't cut him off from the bridge to the Marketplace, his only other way out of the West End. He holsters the revolver and takes off at a run, hotly pursued by devils made of shadow.

Last Knight

Date: 2008-02-20 18:00 EST
Helluva night.

There were times when going to the Red Dragon for a cup of coffee was more trouble than it was worth. Tonight had definitely been one of them. Renna's devil daughter - or whatever the hell the girl was - that strange woman who kept pushing whiskey at him, Izira's odd manner. Boudicca, pissed off at him for no reason he could tell. Scathachians dancing in the street over Renna's imprisonment - at least they weren't storming the Guardhouse to drag her out into the streets and lynch her. Well, not yet, at any rate.

Some nights, things just wouldn't go right if you bribed the Fates with chocolate. The tension in the air over the WestEnd was so thick you could cut it with a knife and serve it on a platter; as the first rain droplets hit him, he shook his head and sighed. What a night for freezing rain and fog, peals of thunder, gusts of hurricane wind....usually, he liked the rain. It made him introspective, suited his melancholy and broody moods.

He'd been happy unusually often lately, throwing himself into his work and other distractions with a fierce, manic joy. Maybe this was just the downturn of that, his moods swinging like a pendulum. Maybe he was's not like he and Izira were particularly close, after all, or he and Boudicca. And really, what did he care if Renna's creepy little apprentice glared at him with that disturbing crimson eye..."

Ugh. Just thinking of that stare on him made him shudder. He could still feel that eye on him, creepier than a goose crossing his grave. Creepier than damn near anything. Seemed like just about everyone had been staring at him, tonight...

Awareness struck him with a slap of cold realization, not unakin to the slashing chill rain beginning, the skies weeping overhead like a broken child. There were still eyes on him, watching from the rooftops, peering from the shadows. The night was alive in the WestEnd, and a chill ran down his spine.

"It never goes smooth," he mourned quietly. The night exploded into violence as the shadows boiled with terrible life, all snarling teeth and slashing claws. He reacted on instinct, muscle memory and fast reflexes saving his life neck once again; a half twist, a sharp duck, taking the brunt of the rush across his protected back, suddenly straightening to flip the attacker away. He'd barely recovered his balance when the second one barreled into him, claws digging in under his coat, rending and tearing. He howled in pain as he went over, rolling across the cobbles, grappling desperately. The shadowthing ended up on top and started to dig its claws in again when he lashed out with the living fire dwelling within, blasting it backwards, ripping it off of him.

It lay in a smoldering heap as he rolled shakily to his feet, but already the first one had recovered from his throw. It rushed again, snarling gutturally, hungrily. No time for guns or sword; his foot-long fighting dirks appeared in his hands as though by magic, and he leaped for it even as it leaped for him.

Silver blades and ebon claws flash in the crazy flicker of the lightning, blood both crimson and sable dripping from their wounds and being washed away in the sluice of rainwater as they stamped back and forth, struggling for dominance, slashing, biting, clawing. Paladin spun into a roundhouse kick that barely missed, deflected the parry with a fold of his coat, and smashed an elbow into the thing's razor teeth, grunting with the impact even as he felt the fangs shatter. It howled through a mouthful of enamel splinters just long enough for Paladin to jerk his arm back, twist slightly, and bury a blade in its throat.

More of them came, bubbling up out of the shadows in a chittering, squealing tide. This is pretty fethed up, even for the WestEnd- he thought dizzily. No time to check the wounds on his sides - one of them felt deep, probably nicked a rib. No time even to catch his breath. He'd had worse, and though his sides were cold and damp with rushing blood, he knew he wasn't out of it yet.

The dead body evaporated around his knife, banished back to whatever abyss had spawned it. One of the little ones was rushing in, yapping like some sort of terrier hellhound, all glowing eyes and gleaming claws. He shifted his feet rapidly, slid back and lashed out with a low side kick, swinging for the bleachers. The steel toe connected like a wrecking ball, launched it in a short, flat arc that ended with the shadow creature splattered across a wall.

Paladin didn't stay to watch it land - letting the momentum of his kick swing him around, he spun on the ball of his foot and launched himself down the street, running flat out. Behind him, the creatures bayed like starving jackals and gave chase.

Down King's Street, catch the fast left onto Freak Lane. The curio shops were closed at this late hour, their proprietors no doubt huddled in their homes, listening to the fury of the storm, trying to ignore the bloodcurdling noises that occasionally slipped past the peals of thunder. They would get no restful sleep tonight, their dreams haunted and uneasy.

Paladin flicked his knives back into his sleeves as he ran, slid his hands under his coat - hissing as he connected the raw tears along his sides - and drew his pistols. He fired on the move, half-twisting to bring his guns to bear while keeping up his sprint. The .45s beat out their heavy drum, once, twice, making more of those shadow figures drop and vanish - and then, all too soon, fell silent. Whether it was the WestEnd's nature or some property of the storm or the strange shadowy creatures it had brought, John Browning's finest legacy had been struck mute. Steam hissed from their silent barrels as the rain struck them.

Paladin swore bitterly, dropped the guns back into their holsters, and concentrated on running. Some nights...

A disturbance up ahead, more of the monsters. Bubbling up from storm drains and out of alleys, dropping off the rooftops like black hail, eager to join in the coming slaughter. Did they eat people" With teeth like that, they certainly weren't vegetarians...

He had no intentions of finding out. With a flick of his wrist like a stage magician removing a handkerchief, he produced a fistful of gleaming throwing knives. Bree Dawnsteel's best. He flung them and leaped, landing in the thick of the growing mob with his sword drawn, punching and kicking, hacking and slashing, cutting his way through the mass with simple, straightforward brutality.

He had barely reached the far side, legs bleeding from a half dozen fresh wounds, when the first pack slammed into the second. The shadow creatures bit and clawed at each other frenziedly as they struggled to reach the lone Guardsman who had so frustrated them. Confusion reigned.

In chaos, there is profit - here, a chance to gain some ground, do some damage to the creatures that have been dogging him.

He was digging in his coat when one of the terrier-sized ones came snarling out of a side street and lunged for him, mouth gaping impossibly wide. Quick as thought, he punched at it, burying his arm to the elbow - down its throat, into its gullet. It slavered and gnawed at his impenetrable sleeve, undaunted by his arm protruding out of its stomach - he winced in pain and disgust at the horrible chill stabbing his hand, spun again and whipped his arm sharply, hurling it back into the snarling mass.

The shadow-thing impacted and was immediately submerged in the melee. It had just begun to reemerge when the 'present' he'd left behind in its stomach detonated - a polished, egg-shaped and sized obsidian orb. A moment of time, snatched from the heart of an erupting volcano and held captive by powerful magic. He wasn't sure that it would work, in the crazy magic of the WestEnd, but work it does - releasing that pent up heat and fury in a cataclysmic blast that rocks the street, nearly deafens him. The center of Freak Lane was torn apart, taking most of the mob with it.

Most, but not all - there was no time to congratulate himself, no time even for a pithy one-liner. He was almost at the turn to Rochefort when the bomb went off, and cobblestones started zipping by his head. He dropped and slid into the intersection like a runner coming into home plate, ignoring the bruising impact of cobblestones along his battered legs - slapped a hand against the ground to propel himself back to his feet, taking the right turn into the next street with hardly a drop in speed.

He'd pay for it later, if he lived - pay for all of this, later. It hasn't been five minutes since it all started, and the wounds on his side were icy cold and numb, a stark contrast to the fiery slashes along his legs. But the end is in sight, the bridge across the Rhydin River to the Market district just ahead. He wasn't sure how he knew that there was safety on the other side of the bridge, but like Ichabod Crane with the Headless Horseman close behind, he knew that once he was across the rushing waters, he'd be safe.

And then he saw the other running man, so familiar, and his heart plummeted. Alain D'Mourir, private eye and security expert. Maybe not a friend, but someone he'd be proud to call one. What the hell brought him to the WestEnd on a night of storm and fury?

Paladin gritted his teeth. He could make the bridge - one step ahead of the pack that pursued him, long ahead of the ones dogging D'Mourir. With Paladin across the bridge, the shadow things would almost certainly turn on the gumshoe, rend him limb from limb.

It's not even really a decision.

Delila... Paladin thought fiercely, despair gripping his soul for the first time. ...I'm so sorry, darlin'... He spun lightly on his feet, skidding to a stop along the cobbles just short of the bridge, facing the pack of shadows.

"Come on, then!" He roared, sword and fighting knife leaping to his hands, his rage expressing itself in a flaming corona all around him, searing the pouring rain to steam. "Come one, come all! Let's see how a free man dies!"


Date: 2008-02-20 23:41 EST
Eyes, she could feel them upon her as the dragon wove her way through the stormclouds, a roar mixing with thunder as one of the shadowy devil's struck a wing, that was it's last mistake.

Jaws sank deep into the imp as it went to strike another blow, the little beastie howling in pain and agony as it died in crushing jaws, before the body was released, dropping to the ground below.

Backwinging as another came in, jaws parted, sending the next to an icy end, the imp frozen solid plunging toward the ground below and shattering into a million little pieces.

Still she pushed onward, keeping track of those on the ground.


Date: 2008-02-20 23:41 EST
She took to the air like an avenging angel. Although she did not need them necessarily to fly, ethereal silver wings sprouted from her back, scattering silver dust wherever she moved. She was not surprised when several of the flying beasties, their massive jaws open in welcome, veered off whatever course they were on and came right for her; her energy would call to them. With her eyes, they were hard to see, wisps of shadows amongst darkening clouds that were only truly illuminated during those frightening bursts of lighting. However, she was no longer looking at the world from a mere sensual point of view. Overlaying that of the physical world were those of other dimensions and planes of existence. There, the Unseelie Fae's minions were hard to miss: dark stains marring the scape with their existence.

Jewell met a group of six head on in a clash of elven steel, claws, horns, and jaws. With a two-handed grip on her sword, she crashed through the flock. She kept her blade before her: cutting with its edge and burning with the magic that danced around it. The first pass only brought down one with a stroke of luck and soon the others regrouped and were upon her again. There were too many to out-fly and out-maneuver.

She was soon wielding her long sword one-handed, freeing her other hand to fend off the other beasts with short bursts of mana energy. Those short bursts, while helpful at driving the winged creatures off for a moment, were only really effective at provoking them to come back at her harder, quicker, angrier due to the burn-like wounds"eating away at their very being"those energy blasts induced. Her sword, haloed by the silvery illumination of her magic, was more effective; it cleaved through the monsters, negating their very existence. That was only when she got a direct hit, though. She had to go through many times of lopping off appendages, and hearing the awful, terrified shrieks ringing in her ears, before she even took down another one of them.

Fighting in the air was possibly harder than it looked; Jewell was open from all sides. As she cut one monster right through the middle, another came at her from below and latched onto her ankle with its powerful jaws, causing her to scream out. It didn't like the taste of her, though, once it pierced that resilient outfit of hers, or the way the way the air around her'saturated with her magic and energy"made its skin smolder. It bit into her extra hard before releasing her, just in time to get its protruding snout lobbed off vengefully by the Fae's blade. Another caught her across her cheek before she ended its life, impaling it on her blade and then kicking it off as it dissipated unwholesomely into the air.

A brief burst of lighting distracted her for a moment, long enough for the two remaining monsters in the vicinity to come at her at once. The one latched itself onto her back with its powerful claws, digging into her shoulders, while the other attacked from the front, attempting to impale her with its horn. A quick burst of energy in the face of the one clinging to her back, and making ready to tear out her jugular, sent it reeling away while she flew forward to meet its friend. She swung as the creature flung its whole body at her. She had to throw up her hand to catch its horn, but it did not relent in its attack and they quickly became a tangle of limbs and claws. Her blade was doing her little good in such close quarter fighting and she tried to reach for one of her many daggers, while continuing to attempt to keep the monsters from impaling her, when they hit a pocket of anti-magic.

Anti-magic works in many different ways. Jewell had encountered and avoided many such pockets and waves before in her time spent in the WestEnd. They were often very clear to her: black holes to her other-senses in a world filled with light. When she was in the air, wrestling with a beast that was wrapping its leathery tail around her neck and slowly choking her, pockets of anti-magic were hard to detect, let alone avoid. The Fae and fiend, locked together, literally rolled right into it. Instantly, she felt as though she lost control of most of her body as the abilities she would normally never even think twice about using"like gravity manipulation"were suddenly gone and she went plummeting to the ground, dragging the night creature with her.

She released her hold on her sword as they plummeted, using a two handed grip to snap the creatures neck as its teeth grazed her nose in an attempt at a bite. It broke apart into smoke as she came closer to the ground; and she realized her vital mistake in killing it so soon as the cobblestones loomed closer: she had rid herself of the one thing that could have broken her fall.

Jewell's sword clanged onto the street only about three dozen feet or so from where Alain was, a harbinger to her own fall from the sky. Moments before she hit the ground, magic returned to her. She used it in a frantic attempt to slow herself down as well as cushion the impact the inevitably awaited her, trying to call the rainwater to catch her. It worked....sort of. At least it worked enough that she did not break any bones. She threw her arms around her head, trying to tuck herself into a ball and roll when the laws of gravity reasserted control over her and brought her crashing onto the cobblestone street. She hit the ground on her left side'sending a shower of silver sparks (faerie dust) and rain drops (gleaming a brilliant blue) bursting around her to go bouncing across the pavement like little sprites before they absorbed into the ground"and rolled in a tangle of arms, legs, and wings to a stop on her stomach.

She wasn't given a moment to lie still and recuperate from her fall from heaven. The second monster, which she had blown away from her before her deadly descent began, had been hot on her trail as she fell. Aware that more of the creatures were out there, and probably nearby, Jewell was already making an attempt to move seconds after she face planted into the earth, reaching clumsily in the direction she thought her sword was as she tried to push herself up, dazed and distracted from her crash landing. The monster used this opportune moment to swoop around her once before plunging down at her.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-02-21 00:45 EST
A lot of factors can come into a single moment, especially when one is making a decision that can mean life or death. Slightly wounded on one arm and rather winded but otherwise unharmed, Alain comes skidding around a corner towards the bridge. Not far from where he once jumped onto a trawler packed with gunpowder and suicidal maniacs...

There's chittering up ahead of him, and shouting. He slows and squints through the rain long enough to make out the shape of Paladin, providing him with a diversion to get to the bridge. He checks over his shoulder and sees the shadow creatures are catching up again, beady eyes illuminated by a flash of lightning.

Whatever his decision would have been, it's interrupted by a sword clanging nearby, and then the appearance of "Jewell," he says, too quiet to be heard in the din. There's something barreling towards her, leaping through the air, eyes flashing...

Crack! The iron rod he'd located moments before leaning against the corner of a warehouse apparently makes an excellent bashing weapon. The creature yelps, and is silenced by a sharp jab to the skull. Alain even gives it a good twist, and the shadow-being melts away.

"Good of you to join us, Empress."

His teeth are set. There's nothing he can do for Paladin now, so he stands several feet in front of Jewell while she collects herself, and the chittering mass surges towards him...


Date: 2008-02-21 20:54 EST
Despite her usual silence during patrolling, Janet had to chuckle as Trixie popped out against the darkness of the night. The Harlequin seemed to have no worries of wearing her usual black and red suit with white makeup. Some would call her foolish for standing out, but Janet admired her ability to stay concealed. Rolling her amber eyes around, she gave a saucy grin with seeing the Don Mega. It seemed that the night called for all of those that could not resist the dark. With a minor adjustment to her bow on her back, her bare foot directed her to another building, where she nimbly crouched and blended.

The quick Diana almost flew by her sight, and Janet could not help but study the area around the youngest Scathachain. With a stroke of luck, the angry storm hurled lightning, and it brightened her view enough to assure that everything was safe. Making an irritated sound, she sneered up at the clouds, as if expecting them to cease their path for her wishes. Instead, only more fat droplets missed the hood of her cloak and landed on her face. "Hmph."

Staying on her high perch, she watched several more familiar faces crept out into the night. Their numbers were large and despite the security, it was unsettling. All of the strongest warriors out on the same night ? it was a temptation to the Goddess herself. As the storm continued on, Janet began to sympathize with cats that hated the rain. The constant wet and cold made her move again to keep the blood warm and flowing. Despite dampness and chill, her adrenaline was pumping without a sign of giving way. Not one could deny the tempo of storm with the accelerando of unease.

And then she heard shrieks that curdled blood.

Everything happened so quick after that. Several groups or people that she had been watching reacted, Jewell's catching the most of her attention. Ready to move, her access to her bow and arrow was practiced and some would call it graceful. Her movements were quick from rooftops, having faith that her calloused feet would find purchase against the slippery surfaces. She heard the fire of gunshots, the ringing metal swords, but most of all she heard the eerie silence that filled the voids.

Thump thump.

Her heart raced, and she nearly passed a prized place to see almost everyone. Not bothering to conceal herself now, she resembled a standing statue on top of an older building. She did not panic as the small creatures blended so well into the darkness, and relied on the beat of her arrows instead. Against the still buildings, they might as well be completely white to her senses. Arrows were released, singing with the need to meet and match their target.

Janet's concentration was now no longer on the chill and rain, but instead of the dance of the attacks.


Date: 2008-02-21 22:14 EST
Jalleia has no explanation as to why she continuously finds herself roaming in the shadowy crevices that make up the West End. Part of it seemed foreign and disgusting to her, and part of it felt like home. She has yet to discover towards which extreme she feels more strongly.

She has spent the evening in many a store, cafe and bar, becoming even more acquainted with the Murder Row-esque surroundings. As the darkness began to bleed into the sky and storm clouds rolled in, Jalleia felt that she should be getting home.

The rain and wind that buffets everyone else along seems to stop short of her frame, nary a drop of water hit her cheek, nor a hair was blown out of place. She walks lazily about, lifting her gaze to the sky and watches lightning cut the clouds into pieces. Although, should she be paying attention, she would have noted she'd taken at least six wrong turns. Jalleia is only brought from her trance when she hears the crashing of the sea in the distance. She vaguely recalls the path she wants is no where near here.

Suddenly, something sweeps her feet out from beneath her, and she crashes into the cobblestones. The air leaves her lungs in a rough sigh, and a searing pain jolts through her right shoulder blade, but Jalleia is more occupied with the creature that scurries across her ankles into the darkness. The heckle it leaves behind is reminiscent of an imp's from her homeland, and she stares after it in disbelief. Until she hears the sound quadruple.

Jalleia shoves to her feet, glowing greens raking her surroundings for the location of these beings, but all she finds is shadows and rain. The sparse street lights are dim and far away. Irritated as she is at her attacker, as she hears it at her back, she balls her right hand into a fist and whipping around, crashes her knuckles deeply into its wretched face. Blood red, shining eyes roll back and the creature falls to the ground. She cries out at the aftershock of her attack: sharp cold shooting up her arm and immense pain in her hand, rendering her right arm useless. And thus her ability to use her sword.

"Fa'lah!" she curses under her breath, hunching slightly over. She can no longer trust her ears thanks to the claps of thunder, wind and rain that circle her. Jalleia looks down at the ground and sees the one she had punched was gone.

Her right arm hangs useless at her side, still tingling from the after effects. In her left palm crackles a large ball of green lightning, akin to softball size. She stumbles forward as something slams into her back, and once more turning sharply, pushes the sparkling mass of energy from her palm into the face of her assailant. It wriggles and screeches in pain, and then disappears from sight, but she's not finished. She spots a blink of red from her right, and throws her left arm out, and a second spiraling ball of lightning rockets into the chest of another of the creatures, sending it backwards through the air and skidding on the ground into nothing.

In the next instant, she feels claws scrape her temple and barely miss her left eye. Blood oozes and dribbles immediately as she kneels, wincing. Her left hand ghosts over her face to stop the flow. Jalleia feels uneasy at her inability to tell where these things are coming from. In her lack of concentration on it, the barrier that keeps the rain and wind from her body diminishes, and in minutes, she's soaked, golden curls breaking free from her brow and sticking to her cheeks.

In her incapacitation, she feels razor sharp teeth sink into her right forearm and she screams as the creature who dared such a thing heckles into her flesh. With but a glare, the thing erupts into a mass of emerald fire and dissipates into shadow.

It is then that she hears the thunderous footfalls of the nearing Scathachian, Delphinea, closing in on her, though she doesn't know if they are friend or foe. Jalleia stands, and despite the pain in her arm, draws the sword clumsily from its ghost sheath on her hip and holds it aloft as she licks her thumb and drags it down on side of the blade. At the touch, the weapon begins to flicker a violent shade of crimson and she stands ready, the usually emotionless mask of her face twisted in anger. She is lost, surrounded by enemies and left alone by friends. Jalleia squares her shoulders and assumes a fighting stance as she awaits the next attack.


Date: 2008-02-22 12:13 EST
Just starting to rise, Jewell was unaware of the creature threatening impending doom for her until it was near enough that she could feel the air from the beat of its wings. Still too dazed to actually make a decent defense for herself, she moved her arms back over her head as a cheap protection, preparing for the onslaught of pain when the loud crack! of iron against the creature's body rang in her ears, followed by that yelp before it dissolved into nothingness.

She looked up, pushing herself slowly to her knees, and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she had never been happier to see Alain D"Mourir in her entire life.

"Good of you to join us, Empress."

"Yeah, I thought I would just," she coughed, a familiar metallic taste filling her mouth; that was never a good sign, but she couldn't yet determine if the blood came from the stream that was trickling down the side of her face or from more serious, internal injuries, 'drop in. Yah know'see what was going on down here."

It apparently wasn't going too well down here, as she soon noticed. She hadn't gotten past her knees, thinking that was a feat in itself, when that chittering noise reached her ears. She looked around the protective form of Alain, eyes widening at the sight of the group that was nearly upon them. With apparently nothing more than a length of iron in Alain's hands, they stood no chance. Vision steadily returning, she acted as quickly as she could. Making a gesture as if she meant to push the air before them at the minions of death, Jewell actually gathered the excess water that was thickening on the streets with the continued rain'the snow and ice clogging the sewers and providing little escape for the additional precipitation"and sent it like a mini tidal wave at the incoming creatures. It wasn't meant to really take them out, just to buy them time to get the heck out of there.

"Run," she spit out at him, grabbing her sword as she forced herself unsteadily to her feet. Her left foot, the one that had been mauled when she was in the air, almost gave out; in fact, the entire left side of her body was feeling less than stellar from her crash landing, not to mention she was pretty sure her shoulders were both bleeding down her back. The rain helped, though, as she no longer prevented it from soaking her entire frame, letting it embrace her and wash away the blood as she reached to grab Alain's arm and pull him' well, she didn't know where, just away!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2008-02-22 15:19 EST
"Chewie...I got a bad feeling about this.." ~ Some very lucky former smuggler. "Copy that, Gorg. I'm headed Northbound and will cut towards the Market District, we can hook up with Jen and Luc and then move from there. QRU?"

A momentary pause. "Copy, that. Eddie" No I haven't seen her yet. I did see Scorp tho, and Alain. No, I will not get Alains shirt for your collection, you need to let that go. Seriously, it's creepy. Eddie" Roof top" Yeah, figures. Well try not to have too much fun."

"Icer" I sensed her nearby, but this weather is playing hell with everything. Wha" No I have not been peeking into people's wind— Listen we aren't here for games, Ker— I know wha— Listen, zip it. Ops only! Okay...Jen, baby you copy that' Market District border. Okay, I am at point Alpha, and am contin—"

"What the f*ck" Baby' Ba— Jen, I got screaming...Sh*t it sounds like it's all over the— I got- Someone cut across, headed eastbound! I'm in pursuit! Jen, Kerri you got this! East from point Alpha, and it's an alley! G onna dead end soon! More screaming! I'm cutting the bend, North and will adv—"

"Oh f*ck me...Jen!" Gorg, can you hear me!" Baby!" Sh*t, it's a slaughter! I got body parts all over the pla— Like some kind of animal, I dunno. Wait a sec...Oh gods...It's children!"

"Huh?" Gun fire" Baby! Say again, I can— Gorg!" Say again, I can't hear you! Listen, make for the gunfire if you can track it, we need to regroup! Whatever happened here it's do— Jen!" Baby, was that yo—"

"Gorg, say again either of you?! Look, if ya ca hear me, just make for the district border, like we said, and we can regroup, and head back in!" Several curses escaped Raven's mouth, as narrowed eyes looked about the dead end for a brief moment, and then towards the chaotic heavens. A quick regaining of himself was in order, as he knew he needed to get back to the girls and regroup, before heading back in. As good as Kerri's tracking had been, he could not count on that, now that something went south with the linkshell. The screaming and gunfire didn't help matters, as he realized it was finally 'Go time'. His main hope was that they somehow heard him, and would be enroute. Whatever the case, as sickening as the scene before him was, there was nothing he could do for these poor souls...Still, it chilled him to the bone...He hadn't seen this kind of work since it all began, not to mention the work performed by Renna herself. As he turned around, to make his way out, something slammed into his gut with the force of a battering ram, causing Raven to fly across the alley itself! He never saw it coming.. A sickening 'thud' followed, as his body slammed back first into the far wall, for a moment everything began to go black....A violent cough erupted, as blood was spat out more than once, leaving a crimson stream underneath black half mask he was wearing. Vision blurred, nearly instantly, while his body began to sink towards the floor. His eyes blinked in rapid succession, as he worked to get his bearings once more. Time moved at a stand still for him, yet in reality he knew it had only been seconds. Motor skills came back in a rush, as legs scrambled in a near flailing attempt to gain some type of vertical base, as hands lifted to his ears in hope of stopping that damned ringing. Vision began to clear once more, as his legs found solid ground, and gained stabilty. A hand lifted to the half mask, jerking it down roughly. His mouth opened wide, as he breathed deeply, while his hand smeared that crimson mask that had been bestowed upon him, courtesy of whomever knocked the hell out of him. The ringing within his ears finally gave way, as his hearing was once more restored, and that is when he heard it.. A sickening chorus...That was the first thing that came into his mind...Something akin to being deep within the bowels of the Den of Shadows, during it's pinnacle. A twisted combination of a twisted laughter, and the snarl of some feral beast, still he saw nothing. The Alleyway itself was clear, as far as he cou— No...The thunder crashed once more, as lightening took over the sky for a brief moment, illuminating the area just enough...That is when he saw it...Saw them. Several forms gathered at the mouth of the alley itself, some larger than others. Some looked to be on all fours, others looked to be bi-pedal...Claws...Were not seen, but were definitely heard, as their scraping sent a sickening shiver that the coldest of rains would have a hard time comparing to. And their eyes...The bastard child of black and red...A fierce deep glow, that seemed to pierce the soul. Looking around the alley quickly, he processed as best as he could, as his hand moved to the sheathed blade that was settled on the ground at his side. The impact knocking it loose earlier, and in all honesty it was a blessing, as Raven drew 'Pulgasari' from it's sheath. The enchanted blade reacted in kind, as Raven slowly pushed from the wall...Bit by bit, careful steps were taken backwards, as his 'company' moved foward in a stalking like manner. Smaller ones moved before the larger ones, like pawns in a sense. The larger ones had fanned out in a somewhat spread pattern as they increased the ground they covered, in regards to the exit. In a somewhat respectful sense, he nodded in acknowledgement, as the lightening crashed once more, the rain pouring down, cascading Brian Ravenlock once more...At that moment, he truly understood....That if the others were involved in something similar, that this was sincerely something that no one would be walking away from, unscathed. If this had happened to others, then they each walked into the one thing each of the gathered had feared...The deadliest of traps. Of course, he recalled the proverbial tales of cornered prey.. That they indeed were the most deadly... He knew deep down, the gathered were not 'easy meat' by any means, and whom or whatever decided to commit this cowardly, yet strategically sound counter offensive, would find their prey more than willing to give as good as they got. Thoughts drifted for but a moment, as he took one step foward, the enchanted blade held low and aloft, it's tip scraping the cobblestoned street, as yet another step was taken. The opposition paused momentarily, one would guess in somewhat surprise, but in truth he had no idea. A silent prayer to Altana, and Scathach followed suit, a prayer for his beloved and his family, to those who came to thie dealist of battlegrounds on this night. At the same time, his free hand slid to his back, and deftly emerged with several small faintly glowing orbs. Then, Raven faintly smirked, as his eyes closed. {"Icer, if you are out there, and you can hear me...I need you! Look for the light.} What happened next was a blur of sorts, as his hand flung the orbs at his opposition! As each collided, either with creature or floor, a blinding light erupted from each one, causing anguish amongst the unknown creatures, as some howled in reaction, others clawed at their own eyes, some shrank away, and that is when he charged them head on. 'Pulgasari' hummed in reaction to it's masters needs. It was Raven's time to strike!

Last Knight

Date: 2008-02-22 15:59 EST
Rain and thunder, cold and storm But he has rage to keep him warm This foe is black as shadowed night They swarm unnumbered towards the fight And there he stands, with bright blades drawn - One lone Guard, who prays for dawn...

As death poems go, it stinks; he gets the feeling he should tack a 'Burma Shave' on somewhere at the end. The hell with it. Nobody expects Shakespeare on a battlefield, and anyway, outside that initial moment of despair he doesn't really plan on dying this eve. He leaps forward as they rush him, breaking the momentum of their charge, stealing their initiative. The street has gone pitch black with their mass; it's hard to get an accurate count when you're fighting creatures of gossamer and nightmare, as indistinct as a half-remembered dream.

His thrice-blessed steel flares with a pure white light as he slams into the leading edge, sword and dirk weaving in graceful, lethal patterns. He dances through their ranks, leaving a visible trail behind and around him as the fallen vanish in death. They have the numbers - he holds the rest of the cards, even as worn and weary as he'd been, just a moment before. Tapping that core of righteous anger makes the pain of his wounds and the weariness of his legs seem vague and distant as he leaps, spins, and cuts. He is strong and skilled, swift and sure, sweeping through the crowd like a harvester reaping grain.

But quantity has a quality all its own. They press him on all sides, struggling to get close enough to rend him, tear him, bring him down. They snarl and snap at each other in their eagerness to reach the hated foe, crowding forward even as their front ranks are demolished by fire and steel. One bounds off the backs of its brothers, only to be intercepted by a series of slashes that cuisinart it, scattering pieces across the street. Another dives in low, and gets a steel-toed boot to the skull for its trouble. Even with the number he kills and wounds, there seems no difference in the tide of darkness that chokes the street. He hurls himself into a backflip as a dozen charge him at once, leaving them in a dogpiled heap to tear at each other; their chaotic, vicious natures are doing as much as his sword arm to keep him alive. The distraction buys him just enough time to glance back over his shoulder - and only the eerie calm that descended on him when he shouted his challenge keeps him from gaping like a poleaxed steer.

D'Mourir is still there.

It takes a flash of lighting for him to realize why - the blue haired form pushing herself to her knees is distantly familiar and obviously wounded. She flings her arms out, sending a tidal wave of water gushing down the street, pushing back the pack that had been harrying Alain - trying to buy them enough time to run. Even at that distance, through the curtain of torrential rain, Paladin didn't think it was going to be enough.

Gods damn it. If he fell, and neither Alain or the woman made it to safety, then his death would be worthless. Not the way he wanted to go, nevermind that dying to this pack of half-rate horrors would be an insult he simply could not bear. And Gods damn the fething WestEnd. If his guns worked, or if he could rely on magic to behave properly, then he could try to pick off the ones rushing the pair, or throw up an 'instant wall' to hold this mob back while he rain to the rescue. Hell, if he could get into his bag of tricks, he had a thousand ways to buy them all time - but he needed someone to buy him time to get into his bag. Catch-22.

When all else fails, be creative. He snaps his blades back into their sheathes and lashes out with a wave of pyrokinetic fire, driving the shadows back on their heels, throwing up a wave of steam as the rain hit it. When their vision clears, they just barely catch his boots disappearing through a window - across the street and through the boards covering it in a split pair of seconds. With a howl of incandescent fury, they rushed to pursue - tormented and frustrated by the squishy man-thing who was, somehow, so impossibly hard to kill. They poured into the building after him, bursting through boarded windows, the padlocked door, even the rotting walls in their haste - forgetting all about the two figures at the end of the street, staggering towards the bridge.

Lady, please let this building be abandoned, Paladin thinks desperately as he races up the crumbling steps, across floors that gaped with holes to the ground below, through which he could see the house filling with shadow-shapes. He hopes it is - the orange condemned sticker by the door had helped fuel his decision to pick this one. That didn't always mean anything, though, in this part of town.

Too late now for second thoughts. You made your decision in a heartbeat - you lived with the consequences for a lifetime. As he ran, he set the building ablaze.

Plaster walls, wooden supports, mildewed wallpaper soaked from the leaky ceiling; get the fire hot enough, and everything burns....and he's burning so very, very hot. The house becomes an inferno behind him, something the shadow beasts are too intent to notice, right up until he slams the attic door in their faces, its pulpy oak bursting into white-hot flames. Too late for most of them to escape as the house burns to ash around them. Too late to do more than scream in pain and frustration and bitter, bitter rage.

Paladin doesn't slow down as he hit the roof; on the contrary, he pours on all the speed he has, and prays to Saint Jude that it's enough. One of the reasons he'd chosen this building was because it stood apart from its neighbors like a single rotting tooth in a gappy smile, giving the blaze he planned less chance to spread. He hopes. Oh, Gods, I hope.

His heart freezes as he approaches the edge; there's almost a twenty foot difference in height between his building and the next - with his the shorter. He figures he can cover the thirty foot difference between the two easily enough, but a fast calculation in his head leaves him wanting. Not that far. Not that angle. He adjusts his target and aims for a dark window on the far face.

Crash through, roll with the impact. He slams hard into a sofa, makes it to his feet, stumbles over a coffee table. Go figure, he manages to pick the occupied one. Finding the front door takes a moment, and he's barely gotten it unbarred, unlocked, and unchained when the owner comes out of the bed room with a shotgun. Ducking buckshot as he dashes into the hall, thinking bitterly, Oh, yeah - his guns work! Fething WestEnd!

Down the hall, up the stairs to the roof - the next jump is easier, and this is the building closest to the river, and Alain.

Thank Lelune, Paladin thinks gratefully. They're still alive.

He flings himself off the building with a rebel yell, fire sprouting in his hands.


Date: 2008-02-22 16:45 EST
Delphinea and her swift feet were pounding pavement, hastening pursuit of the shadow goblins. Like the rest of her sisters, her pulse was remarkably steady. War was what they trained for, no Scathachian could be called flighty on the battlefield.

She whipped around a corner and subsequently came to a skidding halt. Tall and still, weapon in hand, Jalleia stood in the clear passageway. Delphinea thought it could be a trick of the brain, the shadows coming together to join in a fray. But, given the blood on the woman, she thinks better of it. "Proclaim yourself!" the tall blonde's voice powered through the clatter of rainfall. Although, she was quite sure the woman would not be foe, she had to ask. Such was the state of the WestEnd and the siege being laid this night.

Delphinea also stayed the order of "Get behind me." This woman was a warrior as well, there was no mistaking that. And as she had been chasing the shadow goblins this direction, she must have chased them directly at this woman. And, besides what appeared to be minor injuries, the female had more than held her own.

Allies were a blessed thing in a time like this. Lengthier introductions would have to wait until later, "I am Delphinea Quinn of the Scathachian Temple. You are safe with me. Follow if you wish, your help would be appreciated." Phin was still aiming at following the creatures west, she wanted to see exactly where it was they were running to.

Feeling the mix of blood and rain drip from her own chin, she was aware that valuable minutes were ticking away. She nodded her head to the woman and started to jog after where the last of the shadowy nemeses had disappeared. She was sure that the woman would finish the brief introduction along the way.


Date: 2008-02-22 17:27 EST
The blade within her right hand spins rapidly, chucking water from its edge and creating a whirlwind of bright red. Jalleia steps fully from the shadows and very directly shoves her sword outwards and holds it aloft at Delphinea.

"Proclaim yourself!"

"I proclaim myself irritated," she spits out through the rain, though as glowing greens move over Delphinea's form, her weapon lowers. "However, you hardly match their description." It can be noted that her right arm shakes heavily as she does so, blood mixing with rainwater on the back of her hand and fingers.

"I am Delphinea Quinn of the Scathachian Temple. You are safe with me. Follow if you wish, your help would be appreciated."

Her head turns, and she slides out of the other female's way, contemplating her words. She has no knowledge of any 'Scathachian Temple,' and the, what she guessed were supposed to be, reassuring words made her chuckle. It's a long moment before Jalleia lets her right arm relax, still holding her sword, and turns to follow the female at a brisk pace. Upon catching up with her, she slides a glance her direction and manages a sideways nod.

"Jalleia. I assume you've seen the hellions about...what exactly are they' I must pay these creatures back for what they've afflicted upon my face."

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2008-02-22 19:54 EST
Giving to give no quarter and asking none in exchange, Raven charged head long into the mass of whatever the hell those creatures were, that were in his path. His center of gravity shift lower, as his free hand once more went to his back and unsheathed 'Tyris', to accompany her brother 'Pulgasari' in dance.

No sooner than he commited to the second blade, he was in the midst of the enemy, and business had indeed picked up. Instinct reared itself once more, as each blade was swung in such a manner, that one would have to look carefully, in order to see just what he was trying to accomplish, as some of the smaller creatures fell to strikes of the enchanted blades.

A hellish chorus of demonic howls, and screeches erupted in response, as the larger forms, urged the remaining smaller ones foward! In response, Raven pressed his attack with an outright old fashion kick to the head, of one unfortunate creature that happened, to get two close. That was quickly followed, by a twist of his his body once more, as another leapt past him, allowing his cut to strike it's mark.

The creature that had just been kicked, screeched in sheer pain for a moment, as 'Tyrsis' found her mark, burying herself into it's neck. 'Pulgasari' just a thought later, found his own mark alongside his sister, as the creatures blood spewed from it's neck, like some twisted fountain of blood. Now headless, the form slumped to the ground, still twitching along side it's own head.

No time to rest, as he now went for the one that overshot him prior. Pivoting to the left, he found his mark and bolted straight for the creature! Each blade ran through it's target, as Raven toppled over with the creature in a somewhat death roll that sent him farther into the alley. The opposite of what he wanted to do. Moving to his feet, He drew the katana 'Pulgasari' from it's body, and attempted to do the same for 'Tyrsis', but the old sword would not budge. He tried again, and again and no avail, the sword was simply stuck. Once more he cursed himself, and that was all he was able to do, as he turned to face his attacked and was tackled head on by two of the smaller ones!

A screech of delight erupted from the remaining creatures in the alley, as Raven was sent backwards, dropping the katana, and crashing into a pile of crates against one of the walls. His attackers continued to tear and lash at him from any angle the pair could manage to find. A wet warmth was felt, as his arms gave way to the claws of his attackers, the scent of his own blood was in the air, and he knew something had to be done, and quickly.

His arms still crossed over his face and body, as he tried to find some kid of a gap, hell anything would have done at that moment, as as one of the creatures widely opened it's maw as he howled aloud, he found it.

He balled his fist, backhanded the second one, as it watched the first howl, and as it back peddled, he balled his fist as hard as he could, and rammed it down into the mouth, down the throat of the howler as far as he could. Not caring in regards to what was in their, he reached for anything and pulled as hard as he could! He figured, like a terran canine known as the 'pit bull', if the dog attained 'lock jaw', you can always ram an arm into it's mouth, grab the base of it's neck with your free hand, and snap it's f*cking neck!

While this didn't work the same, the mechanics were there, as the creature shrieked as best as if could with a fist full of Raven in it's mouth. A flail followed suit, and then nothing...Siezing the moment, he used it's limp form, as a blunt object and slammed it's form into that of the second one, sending it against the wall in a crumpled heap!

A rageful series of screeches were the reply to his actions, as he ripped the mouth eater from his arm, and looked to his blood soaked hand, and his attackers...Slowly he smeared the blood all over his face, which in turn took wore a twisted expression, as he moved towards the Katana. As he took 'Pulgasari' in hand, he eyed the rest and nodded..

Then he roared..

Such a vengeful cry, a guttering roar like no other he had ever unleashed before, not since It had been a part of him, not since she had tapped into his being, and took It for herself. With no regards to anything else, he charged foward and engaged the remaining monsters head on yet again! Red and black were the only colours the eldest Ravenlock saw, and Red and Black would rain down upon those who would stand in his way.


Date: 2008-02-22 22:35 EST
"Jalleia. I assume you've seen the hellions about...what exactly are they' I must pay these creatures back for what they've afflicted upon my face."

Delphinea's voice did a sound job of carrying over the storm's rumblings and their footsteps as they ran through narrow alleyways and along the storefronts of the WestEnd. "I know not what they are, other than sent from the depths of some dark hell. They are running in this direction, I want to see where they are retreating to. Perhaps we shall find the answer to your question there." Phin's voice, never one to sink to sarcasm or nastiness, was clean and clear, even if her ears had pricked at the chuckle and tone from this woman.

The docks were now distant to their backs as the pair covered ground quickly, the slick sounds of feet on wet pavement gave a new rhythm to the evening. Delphinea could see hear the roar of a man and the chittering of those creatures they tailed. Turning another corner, she saw a lone man engaged in heated battle. She recognized him; it was her Sister Jenai's partner. No hesitation was entertained, she knocked her blessed bow and let one, then two arrows fly to aid the Elder Ravenlock in his scrimmage. Her swift and sure-footed self then headed quickly in that direction with her arm waving for Jalleia to join her.

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2008-02-23 11:43 EST
It clawed , one then the other slowly calculating at the roof's lip. Watchful malicious eyes dull, but mouth wet with an anticipation that it was there. Was There. A flapping tongue licked what one would call its lower lip one last time.

Slick and wet, its head gained a sideways cant and slowly fell from its neck to roll and drop to the streets below. Jenai's gloved hand caught the chakram on its return flight.

Racing across the rest of the roof, she loved the vantage she had now, or the view she knew she would have. Should have. Brian, she knew, was going to be in line of sight as well as with whatever nasties he was fighting. Most others may be filled with fear hearing their lover in battle, but as long as she could hear him, Jenai knew he was alive! And the sound of war, battle, and fury filled the Priestess's body with something that she could never describe. She wanted in, she wanted a part of this chaos.

The blackened sword she rarely dawned now felt hot on her back as she approached the prone headless form of the monster. Hands flying back to grasp the hilt she growled, kicking the corpse over the edge and out of her way. The spot was hers now to jump from, and below was something she had not seen if in what felt like forever, Ravenlock's haunted weapons. Jenai felt her heart skip a beat and swell just moments before the Blessed Sword took on a life of it's own. Sending a bolt riveting up her arm, so sharp, so fast, she looked to the sword in shock when she should have looked to her left.

It was like something fell out of the sky, and her its target. She felt the wind knocked out of her as stars flashed in her vision. The Bastards! I thought only that bitch shadow cheated! She'd been charged from the other roof and her vision cleared just in time to see what hit and now grappled with her. Jenai knew she was gonna hit the ground as they flew from the roof and hit it hard...better get that breath and fast or you'll not get another girl!

Her sword was in hand, but the long sword would never get there! The chak's would not reach her hands, her arms where kept at bay by it's arms had fallen away. It all happened in the blink of an eye but felt like forever....until the air was forced from her lungs. Nasty West End it loved to come up and greet you!

Now time flew, no time for self pity. She heard Brian off....she heard another set of steps, maybe? She saw the flash of teeth and a felt hot pain rip on her forehead. The fu*ker bit me! Another split second that felt too long, the monster flailed and snapped again at her, somehow the fall must have knocked it enough too, giving her just the right amount of time to swing and kick back, pushing the taunting beast with her feet planted to its chest. Its weight and thrashing fought against her, but gave her the room to grab the shivs tucked in her hip belt. The beast sent it's claws cutting into her strong legs, shredding the black wraps into ribbons and blood stains.

Jenai let out a pain filled growl into the air as she let the bastard drop onto her. Lashing out at her face with its rancid breath and teeth once only, she snapped back almost mockingly as the shivs, on in each hand, sunk into opposite sides of its odd shaped neck and in a wink of one of its vicious eyes, met in the middle.

If the bitch had blood, it was hot, it was thick....and it poured like a snapped pipe across the blades and the fists that held them, and finally pooled on the Priestess's own neck. It was all she needed....or actually didn't need. Lilac eyes had grown deep amethyst as fresh blood and fight filled her nose. Slowly she rolled out from under the demons form and got to her feet with enough blood on her throat, chest and thighs, it was hard to tell where her's ended and the beast's began. The black scarf that had hid her hair fell away, ripped by the teeth that lashed her forehead and blood masking down her the side of her face.

Lost to Berserker, she lifted the blacked long blade in one hand; chakram tightly hugged in the other, she called out a Temple prayer to the Goddess, as the blood that fell this eve would be a tribute and the West End would be her temple tonight!

Perceval Tucker

Date: 2008-02-23 13:09 EST
Tucker took a step back and watched for a moment. Though there was nothing wrong with rushing into battle, he was more of the type to observe and gather information if he had the chance. Not only that, but he wasn't quite as spry as he used to be. He couldn't help but grin watching the women in action. They lived for this.

He watched as these shadowy creatures were dispatched one after another. They were even eradicated from the sky; catching a quick glimpse of Icer leading an aerial assault. What troubled him, however, was the sudden surge in numbers. Where had they come from' He could understand a random beastie here or there running around the WestEnd, but not this many, not all at once.

Out of the corner of his eye he caught the glimpse of some bystanders moving his way. About five people, no doubt, wanting to get a good view of the fight. "Great?" he muttered to himself, ?"my hesitancy has earned me crowd control duty." Moving down the street toward the group, he began calling out to them and motioning them away from the area. "Stay clear of here folks! This is nothing you want to get involved in!"

About fifteen feet from these people is when the stench hit him. He winced, looking quickly about for the origin of the smell. The odor was akin to rotten eggs, but worse. As if something was rotting on the ground in front of him. That's about the time he remembered. He had smelled this same stink about six months ago.

Taking a step back, he narrowed his eyes at the approaching group. They didn't walk, they slumped and shuffled. Tucker gritted his teeth and grumbled, "Zombies."

The last time he had dealt with this lot, Tucker had to make do with a discarded axe handle he had located in the alleyways of the city. It did the job; smashing heads like rotten melons. This time, however, Tucker was prepared. Un-slinging the pack from around his back, he removed a mace.

Tucker had received this weapon years ago. A gift from a group of clerics whose temple his regiment had protected during a skirmish. They were innocent bystanders of war, but they did appreciate the need to protect oneself. It was roughly three and a half feet long with the end being a massive ball of steel studded with spikes and topped off with a blade. The handle was wrapped in ornate leather and held a counterweight at the end.

Tucker was not much of a believer in religion, however the clerics had told him that it was "blessed". What that meant, he had no real idea, but he did take the mace with him on his travels. He would bring it to all of the shrines, mosques and tabernacles he came across. It had been "blessed" by countless other monks, clerics and holy men of all religious denominations. It was covered in runes placed there by each holy man who had put there hands on it. Carved into the handle was the name of the mace given to it by the original monks who forged it from a holy flame; "Gods' Will".

Which God, Tucker had no idea. All he knew was that it made pretty good dents in things. The runes, he had later discovered, were the same thing repeated over and over, the exception being the word "God" which was replaced with the name of the particular holy man's deity who was blessing the mace.

Dropping the satchel to the ground, Tucker took a good grip on Gods' Will and looked to the group again, now roughly eight to ten of them. He gave a slight smile, and moved forward, wading into the undead gang?

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2008-02-23 18:35 EST
Secrecy dropped against the obviousness of the frays scattered like mad marbles along the maze of West End streets and alleyways, Ewan walked openly in the streets. Fleet footed messengers, their purpose to relay information and that alone, paused at his signal to gasp out their news before continuing on their way.

Both blades unsheathed, one gifted by Sid and the other born in the heated forges of his homeland, he settled in easy acceptance and took the offered hand of his Mistress Death for the his beginning dance. He reached out with Her gift to him, let the blades sing their dirge for those dispatched against the keen edges.

His route skirted the fingerlings of the district that stretched outwards to the city towards the crossing bridges. Senses alive to the cries of friend and foe even from the skies that twirled and twisted a merry go round of destruction. Ewan had nothing to offer above, and below he only maintained the clearing of his own path. No smile nor word passed emotion through his lips, and emerald eyes focused on each deed as it was done.

Undead took turns in their fortunes, begging for dominance in their putrid ranks. Rag-tag scampers of shadowy, dagger teethed demons pounced their sharp advantages and met resistance to their intentions beneath the much abused armor by the cloth below. Barely beaten aside strikes slit fleshy cuts along the backs of his hands and upon his cheeks. Though the attacks found no purchase beyond the gifted cloth, the weight of the hits thrummed bruises against legs and arms.

Heated in body, cool in spirit, Ewan marked his path with the dead and looked not to them in their fall, only in the direction of those living.

Scorpion Wraitharan

Date: 2008-02-23 18:48 EST
As Alain moved away into the storm's embrace, Scorp pondered their brief meeting. Alain was thorough and frankly he liked his "business attitude". The gumshoe was very dependable. And that was always a good trait to have, whether you were a detective or a shady gangster.

His thoughts were suddnely interrupted by an odd sensation. As the lightning decorated the sky, and the thunder resonated throughout the dark city, Scorp grew very, very cold. It was hard to outright describe, but it felt as though the temperature in this area had dropped nearly thirty degrees...and almost instantaneously.

As The Don Mega pulled his thick, black cloak tighter about him, he caught some sharp movement out of the corner of his eye. A smaller, but very fast "something" darted behind some large metal cans, scurrying right by him at an alarming speed.

A rat' No way, too big. Then what?

No rodent he knew of had eyes that damn near glowed like piping embers and teeth that made an unnerving chattering noise as it "babbled". No sooner than he had entertained these quick thoughts, did the crazed beast hop forth from the cans and fiercely swipe at him.

The Big Man was quite quick in his defense out of sheer street instinct, but this happened way too fast even for him. The claws of this shadow creature swiped over his cheek and lacerated his face at the goatee line.

"S**t! You little bastard!", Scorp hissed as the chittering beastie ran to the mouth of the alley. Scorp put his gloved hand to his burning face and then examined it. The black glove was coated in a layer of wet blood from his cut face. The claw marks on his cheek and chin began to throb and sting as the cold rain struck the wounds. Scorp angrily spit on the side of the alley's floor, and turned to face the little c**ksucker that did this. He was now thoroughly pissed.

The summoned beastie stopped its scampering run at the mouth of the alley, about forty feet away. The thing was not more than two feet tall, but it was muscular and far from weak. It sharply turned around and looked back at The Don Mega. As those slanted red eyes squinted, a distinct smile spread across its dark face. Rows of sharp teeth, like some bizarre caricature, were clearly evident in the glint of moonlight. A hissing, gurgling nose rapidly erupted from its throat as the storm continued to pour down on them.

Un-f**king-believable! This f**ken thing was laughing at him! This ***damned, miniature bastard was laughing at him!

What the hell kind of place is this"!!! What the hell is that thing"!!! Eyes like that! Teeth like that?""! And the f**ker was laughing at him! Laughing"!! Oh, not good. Not good at all. This damnable creepish thing was intelligent. That could not bode well at all.

Scorp slowly drew his powerful handbow....that wonderful street sweeping "Bitch-a*s punk eater" designed and built for him by the infamous Stagmin back in MC. He was so gonna pump this little bastard full of steel. Welcome to buck-town you little f**ker.

Keeping a keen eye on the mocking beast, Scorp violently kicked over the three metal cans in the alley to ensure that no more of those little s**ts was hiding in wait to rabidly feast on his flesh once he turned around. The steel cans made an awful racket on the hard ground as they fell and flipped, but Scorp didn't really give a flying s**t. Nothing behind those cans but lingering trash and a few scared roaches. Good.

The Big Man irately glared at the monster that was waiting for him at the alley's maw. "Come here you little son of a bitch...? Scorp muttered as he took off at top speed after the evil thing. He was determined to punk this ugly, little f**ker.

Seeing the large man in black hastily approaching, the shadow creature laughed defiantly once last time before running off into the wet streets. All the way, the bloodthirsty monster chittered in some dark and obscene tongue as it dashed with inhuman speed onto the block where Issy and her small group were located.


Date: 2008-02-23 20:22 EST
Jalleia skids to a halt on the cobblestones, a wave of water being kicked up from her soles. As the male's massive roar cuts through the air, her ears are drowned of all sound, and momentarily, she stoops, shaking her head. It is an event that certainly doesn't help elevate her mood.

The first thing she does is sheath her sword the best she can, her right arm in too much pain and irritation to do much other than hang by her side. Her left arm, perfectly fine however, raises over her head, palm splayed to the stormy heavens. A spiraling ball of neon green lightning begins to circle over her hand and it grows to the size of a human head.

"HAH!" she calls, whipping it into the air underhanded. It soars towards the male and the nearing Delphinea, hanging above them like an ominous disco ball before it explodes. Skewers of emerald rain down and find marks in any stray creature that dares try and hide. The rest of the green shower serves as a light to give bearings to those fighting so they're not caught off guard. Jalleia is faster with magical attacks, and these creatures seem to respond to them, so that's what she decides, and dark lips twist into a sneer as she sprints towards the other two. Lightning isn't the only ability in her arsenal.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2008-02-24 15:28 EST
"A new challenger has arrived! A new challenger has arrived! A new challenger has arrived!" ~ Street Fighter II <Capcom JPN & USA> The rage Raven felt manifested itself, something fierce as he fought like a literal caged animal, as he went toe to toe with the creatures that barred his path! The katana 'Pulgasari' slashed and struck until it was nearly covered completely with the thick blood of the monsters, in frustration due to it's current lack of effectiveness, was tossed aside, as Raven soundly kicked one of the remaining smaller ones as hard as he could send it into the others, for but a brief moment. Long enough to each behind his back once more, and draw forth the elven mail gauntlets, that Gorgonite had given him.

The spike gloves offered a ember tint, as finger's flexed for the briefest of moments as heavied breaths were taken, like a bad cliche', he offered the 'Let's get it on' hand gesture and was quickly taken up on said offer, as a pair of the remaining small ones leapt towards him. Sidestepping the first, he reached out, snagging it by the back of it's next and hurled it into a pile of crates along the opposite end of the alley, and with a quick pivot gave the second attack a vicious elbow that connected literally with it's mouth! It's own teeth cutting skin, as the elbow became hot with Raven's own blood.

Still he would not relinquish, and pressed the attack, as his free fist found it's mark! Knuckle spikes impailed leather flesh of it's face with ease, as the creature yelped in pain and staggered back. In reaction, the others at the mouth of the alley roared yet again, as elongated claws scaped against the soaked cobblestoned floor. Backing up, he prepared for whatever would come, as he had not faced the larger ones as of yet, a grimaced expression came across his blood stained face as the realization set in, that he had only so many rabbits to pull out of his *ss. He would have to dig in deep if he was to see anyone else after this. That is when everything changed. Blood spewed forth from chest of one, as two arrow heads literally busted from within the creature itself! In a maddened flail, it howled and shrieked, slashing at it's own chest in some twisted attempt to do something about the arrows, as steam and blood continued to exit it's flailing form. Seeing his prayer answered, Brian stepped up the offensive, grabbing the one he had been pummeling, and flinging it into the trio that were before him, that was when he noted something taking to the sky, as the green orb went overhead.

Backing away, he shielded himself as the spectacular display commenced! The creatures howled in utter chaos, as the magick commenced to it's task. Writhing and shrieking, they covered themselves, in whatever manner they could, the pain evident from their twisted expressions. The light however served another purpose, as he could now see them...They were something twisted, as a combination he could not truly describe, something from a nightmare of sorts, there was no true way to describe it. Not that it mattered, now another chance...A better chance! Narrowed eyes looked around the ground for something, and luckily he had found it fairly quickly. Sticking out from under a pile of trash, looked to be the head of an old mace, it's spikes as plain as day courtesy of the magickal show overhead. Scrambling, Raven reached into the pile and jerked as hard as he could. For some reason it would not budge! " Mother F*cker, come on! I said come on you tossed away piece of sh*t, come on now! Now!" Another hard yank, and another and finally it gave! Pulling it free, he nearly had to do double take, as he noted a hand attached to the handle, and to that hand was an arm. Working the fingers free, he shook his head and set the arm to the ground, his narrowed eyes looked to the monsters, and behind them, as he could make out something closing in. He knew business had picked up once more, and it was go time again. That proverbial second wind kicked in, as his body set aside the pain that wracked it, and let the adrenaline surge, like a wave. A quick glance to the arm once more, as he hefted the mace. "Thank you, whoever you are." An instant later, he was charging yet again, the mace held in both hands, drawn back. Another cry of vengeance, and he rear back and swung with all he had at the largest one he could see! The impact felt instantly, as leathery skin and bone caved to the heavily swung mace! Blood erupted from it's eyes, and ears as if it were juice from a grape. No other thought, to anything as he went for the next in what was yet another shower of blood! In his rage however, he never saw the smaller one he had tossed aside, or it's friend as they moved to their clawed feet and were now behind him...


Date: 2008-02-24 16:22 EST
In his rage however, he never saw the smaller one he had tossed aside, or it's friend as they moved to their clawed feet and were now behind him...

...Delphinea, however, was in the process of knocking arrow number one. She had given wide berth to the curious green light and its sparks, and had come around to be facing the opposite end of what she had walked in on: Brian Ravenlock taking it to the strangle little shadow demons.

After shielding her eyes from the shock of green lightening that Jalleia had commanded, she was able to see much clearer. This time, her confidence and quickness with the bow were as sure as if she were in daylight back on the Island.

The first arrow erupted from her bow, lovingly blessing upon its way with a word from the priestess, the second followed only a second later. Both found their marks.

As Brian turned around to momentarily feel a new resurgence of battle, he saw both creatures, almost within an instant of each other, sprout blackened arrowheads from their eye sockets. Each shadowy menace halted and stood their ground, their expressions stuck in some macabre halfway point between surprise and malice. Then, each feel to the shadowed ground to melt away into nothingness, leaving two Scathachian arrows in their stead.

Delphinea stood ten yards behind them, looking to Brian, her bow clenched in her hand. "Lord Ravenlock. I am Jenai's Sister, Delphinea," she wondered if he remembered her from the War Council at his compound all those months ago. "And this is Jalleia," she motioned to her newest ally, the wielder of the green light that had lit their darkness.


Date: 2008-02-24 16:52 EST
"Thank you, whoever you are." Jalleia ultimately believes that the male is speaking to her, and she chuckles. Her left hand wipes sheet after sheet of water from her brow and hair. Her beret has long since been lost, and the blood on her left temple long since washed away. Now, there are only three deep gashes that look black in the green light.

Her head turns to observe Delphinea and her prowess with a bow, and she also nods to her, satisfied. As her hand lowers from her temple, hues of purple and black begin to crackle between knuckles gently, readying just in case.

"Lord Ravenlock. I am Jenai's Sister, Delphinea."

"Ravenlock.." realization slides into her tone as glowing greens resettle on the male. "You are Alex and Jewell's relative," matter-of-factly stated. Jalleia stays silent as Delphinea introduces her, the fingers of her right arm twitching erratically. Dark lips purse as she realizes they were beginning to go numb. Was there poison in those abomination's fangs? To better comfort the sensation, she lifts her arm with a fair bit of trouble and settles her right hand deep within the pocket of her puffy, black jacket.


Date: 2008-02-24 18:10 EST
Perceval had run into action, at first pushing bystanders out of the way. It would be a little while still before Isuelt realized that some of these bystanders were actually no longer living, yet still walking. Her concentration was focused on the diminutive diabolic distractions that were wheeling around and screeching in some ungodly racket.

She knew that Mirage had her back, and after another glimpse over her shoulder to solidify both her and Perceval's well-being, Isuelt started for a gaggle of these gruesome creatures. It was nearly impossible to get a good look at them in this ill-favored light; they seemed to be shadows themselves. "This is going to be a pain in the ass," she began as she whirled her blades a few times in wide arcs, getting ready for battle. The seemed to scatter, all running in a common direction. Her first instinct was to pursue them and see what these little buggers would lead to; but that plan was stopped short.

A tremendous symphony of catastrophe wafted out of the alleyway just up ahead to her right. She saw one of those shadowy troublemakers squirt out of the narrow passageway. Her eyes and ears correctly picked up speedy footsteps, behind the thing, thundering toward the street. Was that the clamor of garbage cans being overturned? Bumped into' Perhaps this was the grand ringleader of this mess of chittering nightmares; and it sounded like a big one.

Quickly sheathing her right blade, Isuelt pressed her back to the brick wall just to the left of the alleyway opening. Her eyes were looking across the opening , judging the pace and location of the footsteps. Her free hand was flexing, ready to muster her ample strength and lead her well-muscled arm out straight into a clothesline.

She only had seconds to go, the footsteps were getting louder, closer. She could hear breathing.

She would have to wait a second more, she would have to wait until it was nearly at the opening, nearly escaping. She would have to time it flawlessly.





Her right fist balled up as her mighty arm straightened and raised up. A perfect linear expression of strength: her sculpted muscles stood at attention, her shoulder providing the iron-clad anchor for her precisely perpendicular arm as it swung out across the narrow alleyway with a more than potent surge of power.

Scorpion Wraitharan

Date: 2008-02-24 21:19 EST
It took The Don Mega a few good steps to get into high gear, but once he had picked up enough speed, he was moving like a focused rhino after that hideous little bastard who cut his face. Through the pouring rain, Scorp kept his eyes on the beast as it turned and ran. He clearly saw the creature dart from the mouth of the alley and seemingly run straight across the street, so Scorp was firmly set to do the same.

Well, the best laid plans and all that bulls**t right' As Scorp reached the mouth of the alley, moving destructively like Big Blue's Brandon Jacobs unleashed, his pursuit of the shadow goblin came to a crashing end.

In this case, "crashing" was truly the appropriate word to use. Crushing or devastating would have had equal merit as well, for Big Sexxxy got laid the f*ck out!!

From her hidden position, the very muscular arm of Isuelt DeRomiano seemingly came out of thin air and slammed into his chest with the force of a Herculean demigoddess. Seeing how Scorp's speed only further propelled him into the flattening clothesline hit, it was no large surprise that he ended up on his a*s with a heavy grunt.

Had he been a shorter man and this same shot from Issy hit him in the throat, he most likely would have been killed...his trachea crushed under the extreme force from the ironclad strike. It was evident from this colossal wallop, that the Scathachian warrior was in no playful mood this eve. Too bad that she didn't know this was Scorp. And too bad The Big Man didn't know that this was his Issy who just kicked his a*s!

Hah. Irony never rests, it only breeds.

Now, being no stranger to sneak attacks, The Don Mega at least had the wherewithal to remember the golden rule of Metro City when getting knocked down in the line of fire: NEVER, EVER DROP YOUR WEAPON.

Hold tight to his formidable handbow he did, not firing off a single bolt after being clotheslined by Isuelt's powerful forearm and bicep. He was knocked flat on his back, looking upwards. Then, after drawing a quick but deep breath, Scorpion sat straight up with both gloved hands gripping the handle of his gun. Though his face was wet with rain tainted red from his wound, he acutely focused his eyes in front of him.

He had to. No choice. It was do or die.

Scorp knew that he truly needed only one good shot. The deadly poison he had coated his bolts with before leaving the Sanctuary tonight would do the rest. Nasty sh*t this expensive stuff was. Supposed to be amazingly strong. Earlier this week, he had bought some of it from this infamously sinister "Asian themed" locale called The Onyx Lotus. Time to see this death-juice work!

F*ck it though! Lets make sure this is a head shot...just for good measure.

The Don Mega of the nWo laid there on his broad back in the wet alleyway. His black outfit nearly blending in with the dark hues of the cold, stone ground. Scorp tightly held his gun in front of him, primed and accurately aimed at the looming shadow now standing before him.

His infamous trigger finger began to tense. GAMETIME NWO-ites!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2008-02-24 22:08 EST
Standing there in a bloodied mess, he never saw them...Bent somewhat over a moment, he breathed deeply, as ribs that hurt like f*ck, expanded with with his lungs. Each deep breath, was a reminder of his own mortality. Still he just needed a moment, just a moment. That however was something he did not have, as he grimmaced openly, his hand tightening on the bloodied spiked mace. Quickly he wheeled around, and readied to swing low, his mouth opened to cry out once more!


Like that, in an instant, they were felled in a bloodied mess, as they learned to see in a whole new manner courtesy of one Scathachian sister. A sister, Raven was more than happy to see. That also went for her companion, who had joined her.

As the monsters vanished into the great beyond, Raven went to a knee a moment and nodded to the pair in gratitude. A gratitude he could not measure, as he knew he had nearly gotten in over his head.

"Lord Ravenlock. I am Jenai's Sister, Delphinea. And this is Jalleia."

He remembered, more than she would know. From the first meeting of the gathered, to their encounter in the Inn, when he had been attacked by the girl, that had been tracking him months ago. Back then he had asked her to not reveal that he and Jenai would be returning, and she did him the honour of keeping her word in regards to that request.

That was something, he would not easily forget.

Moving to his feet once more, the mace was dropped as it clattered loudly on the cobblestoned flooring, his eyes regarded the pair yet again. He didn't know if they could read the expression on his blood stained face, but if they could they would know how thankful the eldest Ravenlock truly was. A somewhat raised arm and fist in the air was given to them in recognition, as a heavied breath was taken yet again. A bit of blood spat from his mouth, as he finally spoke.

"Sister, I thank yo— Delphinea. I was in a bad way, and you have given me another shot at this...You and you—"

"Ravenlock...You are Alex and Jewell's relative."

Blinking a moment, he looked to the Highborne, as if he had in fact seen a ghost of some sorts. It was a strange expression, even underneath the thickened black mask of crimson. Slowly, his mouth opened as he spoke once more.

"Sinu a'manore (Well met.), Sin'dorei (Child of the Blood)...Doral ana'diel" (How fares you?)"

He stood there, as comfortable with the words, as if he had known them for the longest of time. For that brief time at least. Then just as suddenly, he shook his head a bit, as a gauntlet was slid off and dropped next to the mace. His hand lifted to his head to rub his temple slowly.

"I apologize...Blacked out a tad. Some elixir and I'll be right as rain. Anyways, thank you Jalleia, your magick was incredibly efftive and could not have been timed better. I owe you one...And yes, I am the eldest Ravenlock, brother to Alex and Jewell. Well, met."

Moving about, he located 'Pulgasari' and went for 'Tyris' in turn.

"I do not know what is going on, but by the sounds of it, we need to be elsewhere. We have people waiting on us and counting on us, and I have a woman to find as well. Go on ahead, and I will be right behind you, I just need to right myself a bit."


Date: 2008-02-24 22:37 EST
She'd heard her brother by way of the link, but just couldn't get to him at the time, taloned paws digging into another of the winged Hellions that had dogged her through the stormclouds.

One wing had a nice new tear through the sail membrane, but she paid little to no attention to that, weaving, her way through the sky, and sending a few more demons back to whence they'd come, before finally making it to where her brother was.

Circling once, twice, she landed near Brian, shaking off a mixture of rain and crimson blood.


Date: 2008-02-25 01:09 EST
The force that hit her arm jarred her, but she was expecting a blast. She grunted and gritted her teeth as her muscles shook from the blow. If she had not timed her strike so well or locked her elbow, she would have been spun around into the brick wall as her arm was hit. While she did everything as she wanted to, it still took her a moment to get into position.

The massive form she had assaulted had hit the ground, hard. She heard that much even if the darkness and rain were still playing havoc with her vision. She pivoted and squared around, sword primed and seeking the throat. Isuelt could see a sliver of light glinting off of something metallic, the tip of a hand bow" She snarled and made ready to drive her blade into the chest of whomever, whatever this was. She didn't know how long she had until she heard the "click, click, BANG!" and her life would be over. She had to make this count, she had to put every ounce of force and bodyweight behind this last thrust. She took a deep breath and quickly wrapped both of her strong hands around the pommel of her weapon. Her eyes blinking only a second to clear them of water. She was ready. The last thing she watched was the rain collecting and running down the blood groove in the center of the blade, dripping profusely onto...

"Scorp?" The pupils of Isuelt's eyes were dilated as far as they would go, she couldn't believe it. She blinked harder and peered forward. There was Big Sexxxy, on his a**, on the ground, rain pouring down at him, his handbow aimed at her nose. "What in the hell are you doing?!" the exasperation in her voice was edged with sincere gratitude. Gratitude that both of them had hesitated for a moment.

Dispatching her weapon, she reached a hand down to her lover, gloved fingers strong and ready. Had they not been in the middle of a melee, or in front of a public that was either running or fighting for their lives, she would have kissed him desperately right there. Issy had already lost one mate on the battlefield, she would be damned if her Scorp would lose his life this time around.

"C'mon, Wraitharan. We've got our work cut out for us tonight," a glance over her shoulder checking on Perceval and Mirage's progress with the vicious creatures let loose on them. Black leather met black leather as their hands gripped each other. Isuelt hoisted, helping the Big Man to his sturdy feet. The pair stood in the mouth of the alleyway, pulses racing, looking out at the street.

Just then, it occurred to Isuelt that these members of the public that were pushing forward for a closer look at the battle were shuffling more than rushing. Their faces, as the lightning split the sky overhead, were grey and their mouths hung dumbly open. Black gums sported strangely sharp protrusions, puffy mismatched features were staring them down. Isuelt and Scorpion were gazing at a horde of undead, ambling right for them.

Her voice was barely audible, escaping on the muttered breath that was pushed forward out of her mouth, "Oh, sh*t..."


Date: 2008-02-25 01:36 EST
All Hell had literally broken loose.

Mirage was indeed correct when she observed that they had "company". Company indeed, from the damnable Abyss itself! After dueling with the nasty, little shadow goblins, who had viciously leapt out from behind every dim alleyway and dark patch in their immediate area, the Scathachian soon noticed that her well-muscled legs were steadily bleeding. And all courtesy of the razor sharp claws of those dreadful monsters.

Mirage knew she had sustained three or four deep cuts on both her calves and on her left thigh. She too, of course, had returned the favor to these little chittering bastards; slashing at them skillfully with her blessed blades while doing her very best to rid RhyDin of as many of these freakish cretins as she could lay siege to.

Always making sure not to stray too far from their immediate patrol group, Mirage kept a close eye on both Perceval and Issy during the fierce fray. After she decapitated the last of the shade goblins in her direct radius, she glanced over at Perceval just in time to see him rushing into a group of slowly shambling "people".

The tall Judge tilted her head in surprise, as she watched him angrily hack into a group of aloof pedestrians. He seemed determined and willing to murder these folks. Why in the name of Scathach would he be attacking those innocents?

Mirage rushed over to that area, but before she could pose her query, the answer was thrust upon her. Those the gods those decomposing, unspeakable faces. As the rain fell and the lightning illuminated the region, the Scathachian saw those many eyes staring blankly forwards, lifeless and glazed over with a sickening film. And those teeth. Teeth that hungered for fresh human flesh as bloodstained, rotting hands reached and pawed for their next meal. Unfortunately, the ghouls saw that next meal in the hulking form of Perceval.

Zombies. Serena absolutely loathed the undead. They were the one group of foes that she had never been comfortable in dealing with, even under the most opportune circumstances. These in particular, the mindless, fetid cannibals. It unnerved her quite a bit to think that these things once had real lives, families, hopes, and dreams. All of which were now locked inside of a corpse's decaying carcass.

Snap out of it Mirage! The Scathachian warrior quickly assessed their position, seeing Issy waging a successful siege on the alleyway and Perceval in real immediate danger. With that, she sheathed her swords in favor of her bow. Knocking an arrow, she followed her massive ally's lead and began targeting heads.

Serious cranial trauma or raw decapitation were the only sure proven methods to ship these walking piles of pus back to Hell. She wasn't ready to take any chances.

Being mindful not to hit Perceval, she set her sights on a zombie nearest to his blindside. After whispering a quick prayer to her goddess, the Judge let loose her arrow. The streaking missile found its lumbering target. It sped and buried itself into the forehead of this grotesque female zombie, whose hungry mouth was craving the warmth and flavor of Perceval's very skin. The arrow's sharp tip burst through the back of her head, taking portions of putrid brain matter with it. The creature fell over dead in a pool of its own jellylike blood. Dead, for good this time.

She deftly repeated this as many times as necessary to help Perceval successfully make his heroic stand. Thick blood was flying everywhere, and rancid bodies were quickly piling up. The stench of death was permeating the very air that they were all breathing.

It was nightmarishly surreal. Mirage knew this hellish night was ill-omened. They all had. But what would be next'

Goddess help them.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-02-25 11:14 EST

He looks over his shoulder in Paladin's direction, but then Jewell's tugging on his arm, and he decides on a new priority - see the Empress across the river. The creatures seem to love alleyways, so maybe main roads are harder for them to block off...

"This way!" He's only tugged a few feet before he takes point, clutching the iron rod like a soldier with a rifle, thinking there has to be a better weapon somewhere, forcing himself not to think of the creatures racing behind them, and trying not to think of Paladin and what may become of him.

He can see the slope that begins the bridge, and barely make out distant lights through the heavy rain - Old Market. The way looks clear.

Lightning flashes, and he finds out the way is, in fact, blocked.

A dozen pairs of eyes glow in the light, the illumination outlining their shadowy forms. Alain takes a few slow backwards steps, clutching the makeshift weapon, frowning. He glances over his shoulder at Paladin upon his landing and then keeps his back to the man.

They're surrounded. "I think we're in trouble."


Date: 2008-02-25 17:44 EST
As she lets them converse, Jalleia continuously tries to flex the fingers of her right hand but finds it exceedingly painful and extremely hard to do so. Jolts of ice cold and searing pain shoot up from her head to her elbow, causing her to grimace in the rain.

Her head lifts as the male spoke in her own tongue, her right foot sliding backwards along the ground. He is no Highborne...the human creatures were not allowed in Silvermoon. Jalleia cannot place where he may have learned Thalassian, and therefore nods.

"Bal'a dash."

"I apologize...Blacked out a tad. Some elixir and I'll be right as rain. Anyways, thank you Jalleia, your magick was incredibly efftive and could not have been timed better. I owe you one...And yes, I am the eldest Ravenlock, brother to Alex and Jewell. Well, met."

"It was merely a trifle I assure you...Although, I am also in need of.." speech ceases as the dragoness circles, and her gaze follows it as she lands. Jalleia is not used to untamed dragons given free reign. She looks to Delphinea at the male's suggestion of leaving, a questioning glance that silently asks just how many more are involved in this horrific event.

As the male seems fine, she awaits Delphinea's decision. Although confident in her skills, wounded as she is, she would rather have at least one back-up party.


Date: 2008-02-25 20:21 EST
Ice blue eyes glanced to Jalleia, though now was not the time for introductions. Minor abrasions and tears in her wings were forgotten as she saw them...zombies.

Oh, how she hated zombies! Nostrils flaring as she watched the undead horde shuffle awkwardly forwards, and she was off again. Her long tail snapping against fleshy necks, sending heads flying, and bodies piling up.

One that managed to grab hold of a wing, got a clawed hindleg to the head, as she kept them at bay.

Last Knight

Date: 2008-02-26 22:14 EST
He lands, crouched, with fire in his hands and rage in his eyes. The four story drop doesn't seem to have bothered him much; he's up again in a heartbeat, lashing out in a series of flaming punches and kicks that blasts his foes to ash, lights up the night like a lightning strike, buys the beleaguered heroes some room to breathe - and reveals more coming.

"D'Mourir, we really need to stop meeting like this." He says over his shoulder as he draws his sword and dirk again. "Ma'am, nice to see you again." He recognizes the blue-haired lady from the Red Dragon, now that he sees her up close, although they've never been introduced.


Date: 2008-02-28 11:24 EST
She's easily swayed by Alain's redirection, trusting in the fact that he knows better at this point where they ought to go as she was still unclear of where they even were. The slope of the bridge and the lights flickering past it in the distance gave her an approximate clue as to where they were, her mind working furiously to fill in the details, situate their location in the city, and come to a conclusion regarding the path Alain was clearly leading them on. Their destination: Old Market.

Old Market sounded good to her right now and she pushed herself to move faster towards it, even as each step sent a sharp pain up her left leg. She almost ran right into Alain as he backpedaled, their way blocked by a host of those shadowy forms. If they couldn't go any further towards the bridge, Jewell turned so her back was to Alain's, facing the very shadow creatures they had been running from.

The building bursting into flames and the man that came leaping from the fourth story window only serves as a momentary distraction as she's bracing herself to fight once more. That silver light re-ignites around her sword once more and spreads across her form, weaker than it had been earlier as the magic in the area continues to flux. She takes a step away from Paladin, even as he greets her, that fire in his hands bothering her sensitivities despite the rain pouring down upon them. She does not return the civilities, more focused on the rush of little monsters coming closer and taking one or two down with quick little bursts of mana from her left hand that she's formed in the shape of a gun, the energy shooting forth from the tip of her pointer finger.

"I can try something fancy?" she bites out between clenched teeth, trying to send another wave of water against the onslaught only to watch it fizzle out and die before it gets to the creatures, the nature of the WestEnd working against her here, "but I don't think it'll work."

Perceval Tucker

Date: 2008-03-01 10:08 EST
The body does all sorts of foul things when you die. Capital amongst these is the production of bacterial gas. During life, one of the intestines primary functions is to contain the bacterium that is used by your body to break down foods. When you die, however, that bacteria is no long held in check and breaks free from the intestine, running rampant throughout the body. It causes what is known as the "bloat stage" of decomposition. Ever wonder where flatulence comes from' There you go. Now imagine the body's bacteria not just eating what is in the intestine, but the body's bacteria eating the body. It leads to all sorts of unpleasant sights and smells.

Tucker swung God's Will liberally. The mace was an incredibly effective remedy against zombies. The skulls of the undead were already soft, like spoiled fruit. Some heads literally exploded when struck, releasing their bounty of gases followed by an unmatched putrescent stench. There was also the spatter of rotten brain matter and putrid spinal fluid. It was akin to crushing moldy pumpkins filled with aged vomit.

The first was dispatched quickly enough, however, zombies had a tendency to swarm around you quicker than you'd like. Tucker had now found himself in this precarious position. Dodging gnashing teeth and swiping claws, he tried his best to keep his distance from these decaying foes.

Suddenly, zombies began dropping to the ground around him. He paused for a moment, finally noticing the arrow shafts either whizzing through or getting lodged in the skulls of the rank enemies. Quickly he shot a look and a grin to the fit and athletic one they called Mirage. A quick nod to show his appreciation, and he was back into fray.

It wasn't long before each zombie from this particular group had been exterminated. Tucker backed away from the pile of bodies, keeping a close eye for any possible re-animation. The rain was more of a blessing now, washing away the spattered filth from his chest and arms. He moved vigilantly back down the street stopping next to Mirage. Once again, he gave her an appreciative smile while nodding toward her weapon. "Nice bow."

Kacilla Lynne

Date: 2008-03-02 21:49 EST
A crash of thunder and a sharp ozone smell of lightning filled the air, but the sound of torrential rainfall was almost enough to drown both of those out. Unfortunately, it couldn't hide the shrill chittering of small fanged creatures, the moan and the stench of the undead. Or perhaps that was a fortunate thing, since it meant Kacey had warning when all the hells broke loose. On her way back from a job that had run far too late, the skies had opened up. Shortly thereafter, so did the shadows, sending these ghouls into the streets.

Not in the habit of carrying any blade, much less a sword, to a job site, Kacey was making do. Her toolbox was a solid weight in one hand, sturdy enough to stand up to the abuse of being a shield against demon-things and zombies alike. Just luck that she'd had her sledgehammer with her " that was her weapon now. She kept a grip on the toolbox until something with far too many teeth and claws three inches long ripped it from her grasp. It was the creature's last mistake.

Abandoning the make-shift shield meant Kacey could wrap both powerful hands around the handle of the sledgehammer and swing it with all her strength behind the blow. She wasn't muscle-bound, as some were, but her slenderness was deceptive. Strength that could put the sledgehammer through walls of brick and concrete dealt easily with the monster's skull. Foul blackness sprayed over the creature's companions, splattered against the wall and over Kacey. The rain washed it away almost as fast.

Hair and water mixed and strands of dark brown were plastered over the mask that was the set expression of her face. Once she had fought with a fierce grin on her face, a grin of delight in her skill and the challenge of battle. Now she just killed, and the look on her face was remote, withdrawn and impassive. An unwary resident opened the door of his house. Sensing easier prey than the carpenter, chittering monsters flowed through the shadows towards the man's open door. Kacey screamed, then.

Screamed out not with fear, but anger. Sheer rage that broke the impassive mask of her face. The man froze on his doorstep, as a deer freezes before the wolves, then bolted back inside and slammed the door. Kacey charged into the back of the mass of monsters, swung the sledgehammer as if it were weightless. They turned, as one, and boiled back at her. Now the grin. Fierce, feral, angry and above all, masking the fear.

There were others on the streets, fighting the creatures. She could see flashes of light that were not lightning " blue, white, red ? and hear the shouts and cries and choked gasps for breath between grunts of effort. But the others weren't here, on this narrow, twisting street, not at the moment. She didn't know who they were, much less how to summon them if her scream had not already attracted attention. So she turned her back to the brick of the frightened man's house, braced shoulders and heels against that rough solidity, and swung her sledgehammer. Nothing magical or gods-blessed about it, just a tool for demolition which she turned to another purpose.

Rain poured down. Thunder cracked, and the sharp smell of ozone and foul blood filled the air. Kacey would certainly feel the pain of her wounds later, when the places torn by claw and fang had been bleeding too long. While she was fighting, she rarely noticed a wound, or only enough to compensate for the weakness. Rain poured down. Black blood and red mingled and washed down the overflowing gutters, and the battle went on.

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2008-03-06 11:13 EST
"Fast and quick as ya may be, you'll never catch my kitty! Whoa! Woot! Wha ha! Ha ha ha and HA! Oh that was close! Woooo! To be da man ya gots to beats da man! Rawr biatches! You can't see me! Ha! Oh ho! Eep! Huh"! Reinforcements eh' Natcho Libre! We dun fear the undead, or the dead dead! Ha! Oh shave my ass and call me 'Charlotte' what Renna's undead lingerie sale is THAT!?"

We apologize folks, as it seems Kerri here done got herself in another mess...And this time no Duke Boys to help her out, kinda bad eh' Me? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't introduce myself, my name is— Well that ain't important right about now, as it seem hell done broke loose in this here WestEnd. Funny thing about hell, folks. Some people hate it, and some people love it, and then we have these here geniuses like Kerri here who think it's a free ticket to DollyWood or sumthin'. By the way she was actin' ya think it was free waffle day, down at the WaffleHouse. Course, she ain't fighting Waffles, and if she was, I don't think she'd have enough LogCabin to go round. But I Digress, folks. Back to the story at hand. Or at least a bit of ketchup...Heh, Sorry a bad play on words ah know.

So let's get to work, then. After splittin' from Raven n' Red, our heroine here decided to check into something, and got soaked for her efforts. Dryin off, she then headed deeper into maze that is WestEnd. That's when all hell broke loose, or as she put it, 'We all got clocked in for overtime, biatches', her words folks. Anyways, After seein' a family bein chased, she went into action and dispatched the chasers with extreme prejudice, and by that I mean her swords dun care what color your ass is. they kill ya just the same.

That bein done, Kerri here went ahead and escorted families from their homes to a main drag in the area and shoo'd them along, so she could get back to work. She heard Raven, and Red and figured they'd be okay for the time bein' an sides she could never turn her back on children in need. Call it her maternal bone or whatever, I dunno. So back and forth she went, cuttin and a slicin', all the while making it a game for those she helped. Funny ain't it' Well it was up until, a buncha of whatever the hell those things were decided to block off one street and then call in some back up, seems like our little kitty cat may have bitten off a bit more than she can chew, I tell ya what.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2008-03-07 16:31 EST
Blades crossed as scissors and sliced the noxious creatures head from its body to go rolling among other discarded parts of body. Ewan did not hesitate to watch, but swung the blades, one back behind, the other across his body, as he turned to clear out a circle about him and review the situation. Some foolish creatures met with the blades, but were not dissuaded from their onslaught until such choice was made for them by the loss of their heads.

It was not precisely what Ewan had anticipated informing one of his employers about when the bargain was made some year ago or more to keep an eye on activities in this part of town. It surely fell under the category of overtly unusual, and it was certain Ewan needed to make his way to the Marketplace and at least update the Barrister.

The bargain a private one, sending a Tunneler or guard was impractical and impossible. A cry of rage heard in a street nearby, joined in the chorus of other battles that sang up and down the alleyways and streets of the district. The pipes of this part of town were crying loud and large the tune of grim conflict. Ewan knew a Tunnel entrance was not far off, but he would draw some, maybe too many, of the ghastly horde in after him.

A twist of his blade caught one of the creatures upon the neck without the necessary force to decapitate, and the head went lolling off to the side, as Ewan kicked out behind him to get some room to move and cast one decrepit body into another. His brigantine frayed and broken at bands attacked by dark hands, bracers long since lost against the tug and fraying of ties. It was, in large part, to the layer of gift cloth he was not worse off than the few cuts to his cheek and back of his hands. His toes were certainly bruised by the fall of feet and heads upon them in his death driven dance.

The huff of a breath laced with grim amusement, Ewan twirled the blades in hand, just briefly to keep the creatures at bay while he let his palms get cold air and dry some. In that moment, he took to a run, intending a stop by the cry he heard to see if that section was in hand before he raced on, battling through until easier paths were found, to deliver the message. Maybe on the way, he would see who all was out in this mayhem of morbid madness.


Date: 2008-03-09 03:02 EST
CLAP! CRASH! BAM! Brianna hated the rain"Ugh and that smell!

The air reeked with the foul smell of rotten flesh. It was pungent, sickening, and in many ways oh so nauseating that she would lose what little "meal" she had to hold on to. The storm was not helping the smell dwindle or fail; if anything the storm, the water, made the cannibalistic mounds of rotten flesh more pungent. That did not help vampires with heightened senses.

Lightning. Streaks tearing across the sky like a fierce monster, never able to be tamed. The lights, the lights. Oh, how they disrupted the flow of darkness, it was beautiful. The lights, the chaotic lights, it disrupted the day walker's thinking as she lifted her nose and curled it to the growing smell of decay.

Puff! The fire of the candle was now out. The needle was set aside, crude syringe now emptied. The rubber band around her arm was removed as she closed her eyes. That smell, the whole mess was enough to kill her buzz. Shaking her head, she grunted as slightly glazed eyes opened to look around the lightless room. Turning she looked towards the window as a brow lifted. What was clambering in the West End today"

Another strobe of chaos burned through the night. A churn of green came over her as she looked out the window. Cursing lightly, she snorted as she saw what was making the smell so pungent. Zombies. Great. The whole idea of them frankly made her sick. Brianna hated the walking dead. Ironic no'

Damn her and her ways. Sighing, she closed her eyes as she began to mutter to herself," The Lord is my Sheppard I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me besides quiet waters, he restores my soul." Kneeling down as she approached the couch she groped under it. Pulling out two twin blades she sighed as her words continued," He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake."

Turning on her bare heels, she moved towards the door. Holding up one of the blades she looked to her reflection. There against the silver edge, was her face looking back at her. She always looked tired, always looked frail, but no one knew of her talents. Granted her black hair was dangling over her head in a mess of curls that swished over her side. Blue eyes were slightly blood shot and glazed as she smiled a fanged smile, all and all she was okay.

The window"

The clap of her bare feet came as she turned to look at it. The clear glass glimmered as she eyed it. Flash! There was more light as it danced in her hues. She was just going to meander out the door, but she had a much better idea. Bah! She could get a new window. The fabric of her ruffled skirt swayed as she lowered her blades, pace quickening as the skin tight shirt on her torso wrinkled slightly.

Then she was running as her voice came again," Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;" Crash! Glass broke around her as she flung her body against it. Her figure spiraled through the air as she sucked in a breath. The rush was over, the buzz, dead, but the thrill was growing. She fell as she spoke," Your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

Falling down she looked at the corpses below with loathing and hate. The smell grew nearer, the further she fell. Story after story being left behind before " Crack! She landed in a kneeling position. The cobbled stone beneath her long bare feet was broken, cracked, sunken in. More lightning clapped and crashed around her as rain began to kiss and lick at her tanned flesh. Eyes lifting they were reddening with rage as she saw the uneven numbers steadily growing. How unfair.

The glint of an arrow from the tall woman Mirage was spotted; she knew where to go now. Blades spiraled forwards as she shot through in a run. More words fell from her lips as she swerved through the vile undead flesh before her," You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies." Sadistic was her smile as the rush came of her blade.

Splat! A head fell at her feet as she left it behind. A body tumbled in her wake. More words rumbled from her lips as the billow of the thunder called in the night," You anoint my head with oil; my cup over flows." Rain was still licking at her flesh as she pushed forwards. The light of lightning came as her blade delivered another head slicing blow. Another decaying body toppled, finally freed from the cursed walk of a zombie. The man had spoken, she didn't understand his words, she was still too far away to hear them. Watching the path before her she murmered," Surely goodness and love will follow me all of the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

One more head fell, and she was in the circled group. Sadistic smirk still on her face as she paced on her bare feet. Eyes going to the zombies as they continued to overpower her with their pungent stench. A sick look grew on her face as she shook her head. The thunder billowed as her wet hair clung to her flesh. The droplets of water then clung and ran over her skin in beads.

Blue orbs turned to the bow weilder as she flashed a slightly fanged smile," Right then" Too late to join the dance?" Snickering she nodded and looked back to the swarming undead as her voice called over a billow of thunder," Ambrianna Hesstia Slythe, the Third?" The name seemed to trail on the lightning as she licked her fangs," At your service."

A rumble, a flash of light. Let the rain...pour"


Date: 2008-03-09 16:31 EST
Delphinea had never been outwardly intimidated in her life. At least, that is what all who surrounded her had always thought. Pious to the core, this Priestess of Scathach served her Goddess to every and any end and with never a hesitation. She was unflappable in battle, ever-focused in competitions, and sober-faced in her everyday rituals and conversations. To think that nothing unnerved the strapping lass, however, would be faulty.

Having a heart so steadfast and so pure, having a soul so lily white and virtuous did not come without price. Religion can, at times, give way to a darker fancy. A drum of superstition beating quietly under the lips' movement of prayer. An edge of fear that stems from the contrary of a beneficial deity; the absolute horror of the absence of that divine grace in the face of the unthinkable: That is what can lurk deep and hidden within the heart of a cleric.

Those that should not be walking were walking. Walking toward them. Delphinea felt the icy touch of rain and fear mix and run down her back. Undead, cursed beings. Oh Scathach! How could you allow such atrocities to grace this fair plane?

Delphinea's grip tightened on her bow. For an instant it seemed as if she could not tear her eyes away from the sight that was closing in on them. "We have to go. Now." Was all she said. She didn't even look to Brian, Jalleia or Icer. Her voice was steady, her hand was solid. Yet inside, she was nearly quaking to see the unnatural and the ungodly happen just before her eyes. It was time to go.

The zombies were lumbering from the western side of the group. Logic dictated to run to the east. "Come! Toward the Marketplace!" Delphinea knew that Icer would have the easiest time of it, and perhaps she could take all of the undead on in one fatal swoop. Still, to be able to make a stand in an open area, rather than sandwiched in between tall buildings and long, twisting alleyways made more sense from a battle standpoint. She was sure that those chittering shadow imps were not far off, either. "We will face them in the Marketplace!" And with that, the hulking Scathachian muttered a prayer under her breath as lightning forked through the sky. Her broad, sandaled feet began eastward, toward the bridge that would lead them into the Old Market.

Hope of Shin Tang

Date: 2008-03-09 17:54 EST
The stench was unbearable.

She hated that smell.

Perfume was so much nicer. Or the inviting vanilla aroma of the rouge stain she sometimes applied to her cheeks and lips.

And the noise!

The awful racket of shambling dead, undead, living dead, whatever. Hope had always thought that zombies and like creatures gave her kind a bad name.

There was something about the weather, too. It just wasn't likely that Mother Nature would spit down so furiously upon any city.

One thing was for sure. She didn't like the feel of this one little bit. She had been wandering earlier after sunset around the Hands Over Hollywood, then over to Club Blue. The smell hadn't gotten any better. Hope had ascended to a relatively quiet rooftop to keep an eye on things. She was no shrinking violet when it came to confrontation, but she was no lover of war either. Hope much preferred the laid-back, luxuriant lifestyle of artists and musicians. She had found a small, but promising haven here in Rhy'Din. And now, this upheaval seemed to threaten even the small patch of peace she had found.

With her ivory arms folded over her chest, her body draped in its usual gossamer fabrics of grey and silver, she watched the streets. She thought it was odd that those Scathachian women were crawling all over the rooftops themselves, as well as the avenues below. Not a good sign.

A worse sign" Zombies all over the place, scattering those who would dare oppose them. And just what were those punitive shadowy vermin" Hope did not like the looks of them.

And a peevish Hope was not a good start.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2008-03-09 23:06 EST
A nod given to Icer upon her landing as Raven gave himself a quick once over. His body ached in places he early forgot they used to, the aches and burns yet another testament that this night was in fact reality in the most severe of ways. The task of quickly gathering his gear was taken up again, as he reclasped his harness. Extra precation was taken this time to make sure they were as tight as they could be, as his ribs literally cried out more than once, during his last exchange with the undead..

Looking to the Highborne yet again, he offered a nod and faint smile as he looked to Icer once more and said, "My heart sister will not harm you, Highborne, I assure you. She is as commited as any of u—." And off Icer, went into battle again, and looked to be giving out far more than she would ever take, gods bless the dragonkin in these times of crisis indeed. To think there were actually those simpletons who mocked this same devastating force of nature, just for drinking from a water dish...If only they were here to see the 'War Beast' in action.

Recovering 'Tyrsis', and 'Pulgasari', he quickly wiped off each blade and sheathed them once more, and then clasped the mace to his tactical belt. Cuts were minorly treated, as the rest would have to wait for a proper exam. A new half mask was pulled from a random pocket, and tied about his neck. His hair tied back again, and he was as ready as he would be for whatever was to come. His eyes panned above, and towards the alley's mouth as he felt the presence of his one true heart, and a smile worthy of her formed underneath the blood encrusted mask he wore.

"Looks like my other has arr—"

"We have to go. Now."

That got Raven's attention, as his body tensed once more, the edge he felt was razor sharp, as hairs stood on literal end. His mouth opened to speak, but no words came save the elder Sister's..

"Come! Toward the Marketplace!"

"It's time, isn't it?"

As Kerri would have said, 'No time for love Dr. Jones', or some other insane catch phrase to simply say, it was time to 'get it on', the half mask pulled up and tightened once more, as knuckles and neck cracked in unison, as his body reminded just exactly where it hurt, but that was a moot point, indeed.

"We will face them in the Marketplace!"

"To the Market, we make for the Market! To the Market!"

The words screamed aloud to whomever would hear them, as he repeated himself once more. Bolting from the alley, he caught sight of his beloved from his peripheral, and turned to his Jenai with a most relieved look on his face, as he ran to her, while the others ran their course! And just like that, his resolve was strengthened tenfold, as pain was set aside, and for that moment all was as right as it could be, it had to be that way...Because in all reality he knew, if this was in fact the beginning, then all would not be right by any means, as this night progressed.

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2008-03-09 23:31 EST
"We will face them in the Marketplace!"

"To the Market, we make for the Market! To the Market!"

Mithran ears caught that loud and clear, as our heroine squared off with what looked like a large pile of ass on a stick, minus the stick folks. Yep, at least that was her assessment of the sitch-ee-a-shun at best! In any event, the Queen of Mithran Mayhem took a more serious approach and decided it was time stop fartin' around and slap a good 'ol the end on this piece of monkey crap that was before her.

Innocents evacuated" Check!

Big ass pile of undead zombies blocking your path' You betcha!

The need to seriously get the fuck outta dodge to join in the naturally bad ass battle that will no doubt take place in some bad as fashion' You know this, dawg!

A hand written note barring you from being held liable for collateral damage caused in the sheer bad assery you may cause during the course of the evening" Forged and readied, Boss!

A seriously large piece of military ordinance, that will cause some major van-damage and no dount fuck something up way beyond recognition?? Oh hell the fuck yeah, brother!

Reaching back behind her, and into her pack, Kerri whupped out an RPG launcher, and grinned quite evily! A push of a button, and the RPG extended, the site popped out and the safety released, as Kerri took to a knee and begin to laugh aloud!

"When ya get to Mid Boss Hell, you tell em Kerri Tu'Atha sent your sorry asses! Say hello to my 'lil friend, pinche juevitos, el tengo un gato en me pantolones, bastards! Nya ha ha ha ha and HA! FIRE IN THE HOLE!"

The rocket let fly, and slammed into the group of undead, exploding instantly, sending fried dead ass parts all over the place, folks. It wasn't pretty by any means, and the locals would have a bitch of a time getting those scorch marks out of the cobblestone and surrounding area! Just as quickly as it happened, it ended with yet another cackle from our fluffy heroine, as she tossed the used launcher aside and pointed to the smoldering remains!

"Kerri 1, and undead bastitches, ZERO! Nya ha ha ha and HA! I pwned you! Superior fire power, and a sexy butt! Look at it, LOOK AT I— Oh yeah, I gotta find Red and Raven! Ack!"

On her way again, in an instant. That's Kerri for ya.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2008-03-10 00:06 EST
Throughout the night, the statue had been watching them. But strangely enough, this statue was unaffected by the falling rain that pattered on rooftops and the ground alike. If one looked close enough, one could see the persistent dome of force that abruptly stopped the water only a few inches above the statue's head, akin to an umbrella. But if one was looking that closely already, one would see that the statue was not a statue at all, picking at the different textures and the subtle movement between hands.

Jamie was here on request of a deal she had forged with a curiously evil entity calling herself "Nocent". Like all agreements of Chaos, the only formality exchanged was words of promised power that could easily be ignored or "forgotten" later if it was convenient. Her requested duty was simple, to simply observe the actions of these particular individuals in the West End and report later. It was dull work, but if she could squeeze valuable favors out of it, so be it.

She had crouched on the high rooftop for hours as she observed them. She wore a formfitting black tank top, pants, and high heeled boots that reached to her knees; her most covert outfit. She had been passing much of the time filing her long, black, claw-like nails. She had to admit; however, that the conflict heated up when the vicious beasts of shadow erupted from somewhere farther south and began laying waste to everything in their path. When the individuals engaged the monsters in combat, she started watching intently, her nail filing slowing somewhat. The various patrols of undead creatures added to the amusement of the mix.

The red-skinned demoness took note of a growing migration of these unlikely heroes towards the Market Place. Many of them had already been crossing the bridge to that area. She let out a sigh as the desperate struggle began moving out of her clear range of sight. She didn't want to miss a second of this entertaining battle.

Moving would probably reveal her presence, but with as many of these winged monsters plaguing the area, Jamie could potentially blend in. Her great, bat-like wings stretched to their full span and, tossing her nail file to the side, she lifted to the air. The dome of force that acted as her umbrella against the rain followed as she soared over the buildings as she pursued in parallel the moving combat between the curious mix of warriors and the fell beasts of darkness. Passing over the river far below, she grew closer to the Market Place.

Hopefully before her quick flight attracted any unwanted attention, she landed promptly on another high roof and assumed a low crouch in her perch. Her dark eyes continued to observe the frantic combat as the unlikely heroes hurried to their probable last stand in the markets. She chuckled low to herself instinctively, unable to deny her amusement.

Oh the interesting life that a demon lived....


Date: 2008-03-10 01:41 EST
Thankfully, her arrows laid waste to many of the foul monsters. Yet still, they came. From the side streets, from around blunt corners, and in steady numbers they crept, after the warm flesh of mighty Perceval. The city, caught in the grip of this unholy storm, was ringing with the ungodly moaning of the undead. That horrific lament which nearly drove Mirage insane and was an affront to Mother Scathach herself.

Her tanned biceps bulged as she held steady her bow. Mirage continued to carefully choose her shambling targets before allowing the large arrow to fly and forcefully strike their rotting heads. One after another, after another they fell; looking like deranged unicorns with the crimson arrow shaft extruding from their pale foreheads. Those that she did not slay, Perceval laid waste to with his hefty blunt weapon, powerfully crushing their brain matter into quivering pulp.

Mirage reached to her back once more...her defined jaw tightened...her trusty quiver was finally betraying her...only one arrow left. Damnable beasts!

And then, out of the storm, they suddenly had more company on this night of ill tidings. Brianna was now amongst them. That imposing, dark-haired, barefoot warrior had abruptly descended from above and was expertly wielding her blades in combat. Without hesitation, Brianna had effortlessly decapitated the zombies who had drawn a little too close to Mirage for comfort. The cautious Judge was ready for just about anything tonight; she saw those honed fangs of the newcomer. They were just like her Sister Trixie's.

Serena promptly observed the stranger's body posture and behavior as Brianna calmly said, "Right then"Too late to join the dance" Ambrianna Hesstia Slythe, the Third"At your service."

This new arrival, who appeared to be kindred of some sort, was now staring down the street at the ghouls, her blue eyes boring into them. Mirage could literally feel the intensity rising off of this woman. Almost as though this stranger wanted to slay these foul abominations as much as she did.

A wise Scathachian always trusts their inner instincts. Mirage was no exception.

"Thank you Ambrianna." Mirage quickly, but steadily said. "I am Mirage of the Scathachian Sanctuary. If your heart is true, then your help is greatly appreciated and most welcome here, friend." The Judge then snapped her sharp gaze forward and saw that Perceval was dispatching with the last ghoul in this particular horde with his impressive mace. After the last fetid skull was caved in with "Gods Will" , the massive hero ran to rejoin her further away from the spot of the massacre.

"Nice bow," were his words. Without missing a beat, "Nice mace," was the focused Scathachian's smooth retort. She exhaled, "Perceval, meet the talented Ambrianna Hesstia Slythe, The Third. An apparent ally in this malevolent onslaught."

While she spoke, Mirage's dark eyes glared past the mounds of bloodied, rotting corpses which she, Perceval, and Brianna had dispatched with. Her gaze was now on the twenty or so more of these grotesque things that were lurching towards them from further down the wet, foggy road. And yet, still more clawing forth from some of the longer alleyways.

The Judge carefully glanced around for Issy. Serena immediately saw that Illea and another tall well-built figure, whom she couldn't recognize in the heavy rain, were still at the mouth of the same dead end alley where she had left her. They were definitely not engaged in battle. Off to Isuelt's far right, a slow moving, groaning pack of the undead was drawing steadily nearer to them.

The Scathachian warrior swiftly flung her bow onto her back and drew both of her blessed blades from her hips as she looked to Perceval and Ambrianna, "We have to help them! Now!"

As the malignant crowd of ravenous ghouls, stained hands outstretched for the promise of balmy flesh and rich blood, drew closer to Issy and the sizeable person with her, Mirage felt her blood pressure starkly rise as her mouth went dry. On long legs she hurriedly ran forth in order to aid her Sister and mentor. All the way, Mirage pointed with her left sword and loudly shouted above both the thunder and the incessant moaning "Illea! They're coming!!!!"


Date: 2008-03-10 13:10 EST
The rain poured down on her as she bowed her head to Perceval and Mirage lightly. Wet drops dripping on her forehead as she pursed her lips. Blue eyes danced over the alley ways as she kept her silence. The two figures, male and female, seemed to be stalked by the undead in their thirst for flesh. Brianna turned green and shook her head. Shifting on her bare feet she glanced over more around the pair that she was with, noting that there was nothing more to slaughter here.

Shaking her head again she looked to Perceval and Mirage as she spoke," Not to be rude, but who was the idiot that woke up the dead?" Snorting agitatedly as she looked around once more to the area. When she saw and heard Mirage call out for rallying help, it was almost instinctual. Brianna shot forwards as her legs pushed off with all her strength forcing her towards the decay of flesh.

The lightning flashed wildly again around her, bright cascades of light billowing in the sky as she focused on her plight. Those blades were extensions of who she was, of who she could be. Slashing, diving, weaving through the corpses she didn't stop to give 'hellos' to the friends of Mirage and Perceval. There was just too much delight in ridding the West End of the cannibalistic undead.

The wild side of Ambrianna was urging to come out. Blue eyes were transforming into crimson ones as she set her sights. There was no desire for the thirst, after all that's why she did those drugs, to stop her hunger for blood and the taste of punctured flesh. The rush of the drugs was still working to some extent, though she didn't feel the buzz. If anything, it kept her safe even in this animalistic rage which was burning ever brighter.

Ambrianna adored a fight, the clash of blade against blade, but the 'death? of the undead and their foul stench was more than enough for her. They were always worth a good one sided fight. Some things were worth fighting for, and to rid the world of the false, the worst of undead was a true vampire's passion. The joy of seeing body after body topple to their death at her blade was deliciously shown on her face. She wasn't sadistic, just her smile was, this destruction of the brainless ghouls was more than amusing to her, for now.

Ambrianna snickered as she swung her blade forwards, the slice of flesh at her steel was giving her such a tedious rush that she just craved for more of the undead to be gone. There were now living people to protect, the West End wasn't only filled with undead, but somewhere in here there was also the innocents living. Living beings who deserved a fate better then to become one of the hungry undead. She would see to it, if she had to, that not one innocent met harm's way. After all, this was her pact after she herself was turned due to that rather crude evening bite so long ago.

Rain, it was feeling good as it pummeled her skin, kept her blade's clean, and started to wash away the smell of decay and rot. Wrinkling her nose she glanced to Perceval and gave him a reassured smile as she continued the bombardment of the undead flood. Ambrianna stuck close as well to Mirage, as she went to the aid of friends and of her new found allies in this plight. Granted she probably would have gone on her own, but these people, this Priestess, seemed more then alright, they seemed to be 'the good' she had been looking for in this intolerable place.

The prayer was repeated in her head as she continued in the fray. Gritting her teeth, her eyes seemed to be bouncing to the words as she thought," Goddess, oh sweet goddess of life" Guide my steps, and prove to me that this choice tonight was right.? Unlike her sister, Ambrianna was more than willing to believe that there was some greater power out there, determined to keep the balance in this chaotic world.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-03-10 17:40 EST
I can try something fancy....but I don't think it'll work.

Paladin's words were lost to the snapping of jaws and the crazed chittering of their dark enemies, but Jewell's came between a lightning flash that startled the imps, and the roar of thunder that followed it. The detective looked over at her and pointed: "Make it work! I'll buy you time!"

To make his point, he stepped forward, whirled the iron rod, and jabbed it like a spear into the snapping jaws of an imp who would not wait for his brethren and had decided to pounce prematurely. Its little roar turned to an enraged bubbling in its throat, and it would not die, workings its jaws and flailing its sharply clawed arms and legs. With a roar of his own Alain reversed the weapon to swing the other end into a line of the devils, snapping one neck and bowling two others over. The skewered imp snapped its jaws loudly and continued to claw wildly at the air, and Alain looked over his shoulder at it, and that's when an idea occurred to him.


He slid his hand back along the weapon to heave the improvised 'hammer' over his head and crashed down into the skull of a monster with a satisfying crack. He swung once left and once right, bludgeoning the creatures as hard as he could and breaking their ranks, and when he heard a snarl behind them too close to comfort, he swung the weapon around and jerked suddenly back on it.

The skewered imp sailed off from the rod, outstretched claws slicing and knocking down two charging creatures, and hit the wall of a building with a crack. It disintegrated before it could slide back down to the street.


Date: 2008-03-11 16:41 EST
Jewell bit back a sharp retort in reply to Alain's command; the battlefield was not the place to be fighting over nonexistent rank and who should be giving who orders here, especially when he had just saved her life moments before. Besides, she could be a dutiful soldier when she needed to be and Alain didn't really need for her to expound on how her magic could very well blow up in all their faces; she was sure he knew that.

"Yeah right, time," she muttered, crouching down a little as Alain provided the cover she needed with his Imp-flail maneuver. She had to admit, it was pretty cool to watch and it did give her some time to act, but it wasn't quite time that was the problem here. The problem was she could still feel the magic in the area fluxing badly. Empty, dark waves of anti-magic shifted and moved around them and Jewell knew the real fight, for her, would not be against the little beasties but for control over whatever magic she chose to utilize.

A plan formulated in her mind in seconds and she put it into immediate action, using the pouring rain once more to her advantage. She quickly used her elemental abilities"that included everything from manipulating the form water took to moving its molecules"to take control of the steady fall of water from the sky. She had to fight for control of her mother element, the anti-magic threatening to break apart her extension of energy and give her a serious case of spell-backlash every minute. She merged the flood of raindrops together and then froze them into dangerous spears of ice. The process was slow in her mind, heavy concentration and precision needed to maneuver the rain water in the direction and form she wanted it in, but happened in a matter of milliseconds in reality, when the water was still far above the surface of RhyDin.

The second step to her plan required even more finite control from her, unless she wanted to accidentally impale Alain or Paladin. In a struggle of will, she kept control of the spears she had created from the rain and pulled them down to the ground faster than the natural rain had been falling. The sharp icicles hurtled towards both enemy and ally alike, veering off course at the last second to go smashing against the ground around Alain, Paladin, and even her own form. Those that had not been diverted from their original path plunged down, as thick as the sheet of rain that preceded and followed the onslaught of ice, upon the screeching imps.

It all went pretty well according to plan, except for the beasties that somehow missed getting touched by the deadly spears or had only been marginally injured by the ice-fall. In addition, some of her magic had been warped by the lovely nonsense of the WestEnd and what were supposed to have been lethal icicles, brought down to impale the creatures, had turned into bright white daisies that fell softly upon the group like snow. The remaining group, however, should not have been too much for the boys to deal with as Jewell rose shakily to her feet, spitting out a mouthful of blood; she had bit through her cheek, wrestling with a nasty patch of anti-magic there at the last moment.


Date: 2008-03-12 03:57 EST
"My heart sister will not harm you, Highborne, I assure you." Jalleia's uninjured hand lifts to cut the male off, and she offers him a smile.

"I have never been less worried." Her head swivels around as she watches the droves of undead approach with calm indifference. Jalleia has seen her fair share of such creatures. Days upon days of travel and killing those you once conversed with, laughed with and spent a great deal of time with would numb you to it. As the dragoness seems to have everything under control, glowing greens slide over to Delphinea whose calls are drowned out in Jalleia's ears by the mighty roars and unpleasant death gurgles of battle.

"Come! Toward the Marketplace!"

She nods to both the call and the situation, turns on a booted heel and dashes after the muscled female. She forces herself to hold her right arm tightly to her side, as each step sends jolts of ice cold pain throughout the entire limb. Gritting her teeth and making a mighty leap, Jalleia closes the distance considerably between them, and her head tilts in Delphinea's direction.

"They trail us," she says dryly, a hint of irritation spilling through in her tone. No doubt the other female by now can hear the few zombies that escaped Icer's assault mixed in with the incessant heckles of the tiny demonic creatures they had faced previously.

Without warning, Jalleia once more skids to a halt and whips around. Her drenched golden braid whips at her collarbone, and flings a wave of water outwards. Her left arm moves in a sweeping motion as she does so, a jet of sparking black and purple erupting from the base of her palm. The concentrated shadow follows her direction, straight into the necks of three oncoming undead. Their heads release themselves from their bodies, spinning rapidly whilst spewing thick gore from severed veins and tendons. The creatures crumble to the ground one by one, as dominoes, and twitch as if clinging to the fake life that possess them.

Within the next second, Jalleia finds herself upon the ground, a yell of pure agony tearing through her throat and echoing around them as she crashes down upon her wounded arm. The small demon that had been the cause of this crawls upon her left side, claws and teeth brandished, slicing through her clothing.

Even though she feels blood once more begin to ooze from her right arm, she lashes out with her left and catches hold of the creature by its face. Her long fingers dig into its flesh, nails already stained maroon turning black in no time as they mix with the demon's blood. It shrieks and wails in her grasp, clawing at her wrist to no avail.

It then erupts in a burst of emerald fire, and Jalleia's hand lowers while she rolls to her back. She knows this isn't the last of them, although the fact that she isn't alone allows her these moments to collect herself. Her chest rises and falls in steadying breaths, her left hand sliding over her wounded arm and gripping it gingerly. The faintest touch causes pain, but she needs to stem the bloodflow. Glowing greens close tightly to the rain that threatens to pelt through her eyelids, and she grits her teeth, waiting for the excruciating sensation to taper back off to bearable.

Last Knight

Date: 2008-03-14 00:12 EST
"You're a man of many talents, D'Mourir," he says dryly as he watches the detective spin about and decimate the charging horde with his 'imp-flail'. He doesn't care that his words are most likely lost in the roar of thunder, the drowning thrum of the rain; it's hard to hear anything over the rush of blood in his ears, anyway. He spins, cuts, kicks; it's easy to keep the ground around him clear, but he has to keep moving, leaping lightly back and forth, to keep them away from Jewell and Alain. As many as he kills, there's always a dozen more to fill the empty spaces, springing up like Hydra's heads to threaten once more. Too many are slipping by him; Alain's holding his ground, but for how long? There were so fething many...

Too many.

He's gathering his mental focus to again try and burn the horde away, heedless of a trickle of blood leaking from his nose; the power of the mind, the innate gift of the flame, is not something to be drawn on lightly. He's burned so very, very brightly tonight....but he knows he's got a little more left. Enough to buy them time, at least...

He hears D'Mourir say something about buying time; no, that was before he'd put his improvised bludgeoning device to good use, wasn't it' What was the man talking abou-

And the rain turns to ice, and stabs down like a thousand vengeful spears.

He cries out in shock, and he's about to lash out with his stored flame to turn the rain away when he realizes something else has done so, already - the falling icicles are deflecting away from the heroes, shattering on the stone, riddling the massive horde. The enemy falls, most of them evaporating like bad dreams, leaving only stains on the cobblestones and shards of ice that are already beginning to melt.

Some still stand, though, and Paladin lets the flame fall away from his mind, releases his tenacious grip on his gift, to lunge forward with more mundane weapons. His blades flicker like lightning as he dances. He turns, watching Alain mop up his last foe.

"I'd forgotten how nice it was to work with such formidable allies," he calls gaily over the noise of the storm. Despite his jovial tone, he's watching Jewell like a hawk, ready to dart to her side if it looks like she's about to fall. It was easy enough to tell who was responsible for that icicle rain, and it looked to have taken its toll on her. "We should make the bridge before anymore show up, but we need to get moving now." He spins the dirk in his off hand lightly along his fingers and makes it vanish back up his sleeve.

Hope of Shin Tang

Date: 2008-03-17 15:54 EST
While the rain had done its best to weigh down the silver gossamer fabrics rippling over her ivory form, her rebellious platinum curls defied the weather and retained a bounce and vigor that was nearly impossible. Hope was not so much contemplating this fact as she was watching the antics of those below her. The tenacity of the shadowy minions, the stench of the zombies and the valor of the heroes was enough to provide even this discerning Toreador with enough entertainment to stop her in her tracks. The epic struggle between good and evil, as Hope saw it, was a beauty unto itself; and she couldn't tear herself away.

The Marketplace was filled with the crezendos and glissandos of a steel symphony. Only another odd presence could rip Hope's enraptured attention from the recital. Quite her contrast, a female being wrapped in sanguine skin and bold black apparel crouched to her right. This creature had wings of night where Hope had none, and was the very color of Hope's most sacred desire. For Hope, the scent of her wafted upon the stormy night air like lilacs at sunset. It was only natural that the Toreador would take note of her. Hope's kind were driven by survival and nuance, and this creature was a bit of both.

The soggy gossamer figure rubbed an ivory digit over her painted bottom lip as she pondered the presence of such a creature. The agitato tempo continuing below without her full attention. The wind lifted a curl from her pale forehead just then, as she began to formulate a theory.

Interesting, she thought. This piece is as yet an unmatched edge to the puzzle. And I am sure that the performers are unaware of her superior position. Hope decided to keep an eye on the red-skinned succubus Jamie for the time being, she was positive that a plot twist would likely stem from her.


Date: 2008-03-18 00:14 EST
Eddie had gotten just a little sidetracked - but she had to keep innocent bystanders out of this mess, even if it meant forcibly chucking them out of the area.

Fleet as her namesake, Diana ran back towards where she'd last seen Issy and Mirage, and the man with them - and found her path blocked by chittering little beasts with fanged mouths and glowing eyes. Goblins - is that what these things were? That's what she heard people screaming as she herded them off to safety. She paused, murmuring a prayer as she unhooked her chakrum - letting it fly, severing the scalps of half a dozen before it returned to her hand. The ones that didn't fall all turned towards her, and leapt en masse for the youngest Sister.

As she drew her sword, she felt her ring bite into her hand - a reminder of just what she was fighting for. She gripped the hilt hard - and with a battle cry, she leapt full into the fray.....Blood and bone sprayed as she forged a path through the goblins - taking the most direct route towards her Sisters, severing limbs and heads in a blur - bashing in skulls with the pommel of her sword when they tried biting her flesh.

At long last, she emerged within the sight of her allies - rain-soaked to the bone, bits and pieces of goblin clinging stubbornly in her hair, blood dripping from long scratches and teeth marks down her arms. Faintly, she heard the rallying cry to go to the Marketplace - so her attention turned that direction, and she ran faster than she ever had in her young life.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-03-18 01:22 EST
Alain didn't have time to register Jewell's attack, and then it was over. He wanted to stand in awe, even congratulate her, but growls still sounded out in the darkness, and he moved with Paladin to meet them.

Finally, they had a little breathing room. Alain spun the iron rod twice to settle into both hands, still feeling pretty cocky after the "imp-flail" manuever.

He nodded to Paladin's remark, catching the gist of it in spite of the noise, and grinned: "If I'm going to hell tonight, at least I'll go with good company."

He knew there was little time to revel, though. He hurried onto the bridge, scanning ahead, and turned around to wave on his companions. "Coast is clear! It'll stay that way, God willing!"

Kacilla Lynne

Date: 2008-03-18 13:40 EST
"Come! Toward the Marketplace!"

"To the Market, we make for the Market! To the Market!"

"Coast is clear! It'll stay that way, God willing!"

Shouts that were barely audible over the crack of thunder and down-pouring rain were a distraction. But, oh, was that distraction welcome. Kacey gritted her teeth and swung her sledgehammer again, crushing in the skull of one of the zombies that had followed the chittering shadow-things. She hated the smell of zombies.

She hadn't cleared much of a patch " there were far more dead beasts than she could account for. The solitary man with the twin swords she thought she had seen" Kacey could only nod to herself, taking deep gasping breaths in the brief moment of respite. Those shouts offered hope and a chance of survival.

Half-limping from a slash that had gone through boot leather to her calf, Kacey swung the sledgehammer onto her shoulder where it dripped black gore down the back of her shirt. Lurching into as much of a run as she could muster, she headed for the Old Market. Skidding on broken, melting icicles and the bodies of dead monsters, delay came from a monster that wasn't so dead.

Half a zombie, legless. Kacey shouted when its bony, rotting fingers closed around her ankle " it sunk its teeth into boot leather " her sledgehammer swung ? there was a spray of clotted undead blood. It mixed with the rest of the gore on the streets. Kacey had to pry away the bony fingers and free herself from the truly dead torso before she moved on.

So the coast didn't stay entirely clear. Kacey lurched back into her uneven, half-limping run, and raced after the others, others she couldn't make out in the dark and rain, for the bridge. Shadows chittered in her wake.


Date: 2008-03-18 22:40 EST
He called her formidable. That was nice; it made her smile despite the pain that shot up through her leg as she straightened. Jewell eyed the wound at her ankle darkly for a moment, but there really wasn't time at the present to do anything about it as both Paladin and Alain pointed out. They needed to cross the bridge and to cross it fast. Everything would be okay once they were in Old Market, she reassured herself. Once they were in Old Market, her magic would work normally and she would be fine; she would be better than fine! She would be formidable.

She waited for Alain's signal that it was all clear before she started moving under the watchful eyes of Paladin; it was nice to be with such good company that made sure you didn't face plant it into the ground after just going through all that trouble saving your friends. Jewell managed to stay on her feet, although her first few steps were unsteady and she seemed to have a little trouble finding that usual beat to run to, her gait almost staggered. The second she stepped onto the bridge, however, a change occurred. She found the rhythm she needed as magic started to pulse through her veins, uninterrupted and undisturbed, and picked up the pace. "God willing" Pssh, try Empress willing,? she cracked her lame joke, an attempt at showing that she was fine after that little magical display despite the paleness of her visage and the slight tremble in her limbs.

Each step she took away from the WestEnd brought a measure of relief. She released the control she usually kept over the natural silver illumination of her skin, lighting up the immediate area around her quite well, and focused the energy elsewhere in her body: mainly to accelerate the healing of the wounds she had already obtained and preparing a store of energy in the event that they encountered more foes.

Scorpion Wraitharan

Date: 2008-03-22 03:26 EST
The menacing shadow loomed. The Don Mega smirked. His gloved finger tensed to squeeze the delicate trigger. Just a hairline more pressure and the poisoned bolt would fly forth and most assuredly buck its target between the eyes. Extinguish with EXTREME prejudice.


Scorp's lips moved and his voice leapt forth before he even realized what he was now saying, "Issy"!! What the F**k!?"

A stunned look on his usually very well composed face betrayed The Don Mega's exasperation on both the fact that he and Isuelt had deadly weapons trained on each other and that she had undisputedly knocked HIM flat on his a*s! He agitatedly shot back, "What am I doing?"! Me"! Are you outta your f**ken head sneaking up on me like that"! I almost killed your a*s!"

Without any further hesitation, probably due to a complete lack of anything else sensible to say at this very second, his black gloved hand reached up and gripped tightly onto his lover's fist. The Big Man's heart was pounding; his lips were dry despite the night's heavy rainfall.


He and Issy had almost just iced each other. Here. In the middle of this f**ked up alley a long a*s way from or both of them almost got smoked over a *@#$&#$ missed signal. He almost lost her. She almost lost him. Un-F**ken-Real! The Big Man was literally still holding his breath.

As his Scathachian queen helped this perplexed gangster to his booted feet, Scorp finally exhaled. Quickly dusting himself off, he carefully looked over Issy to make sure that she was okay. She didn't look injured. Good. Damn good.

Big Sexxxy glared towards the mouth of the alley as he pointed and spoke above the roaring thunder "This freaky a*s, little s**t took a swipe at me, laughed, and then the sleazy bastard ran out there to the street!"

Scorp's cheek was throbbing from the vicious claw attack, and his powerful chest was aching from the ironlike clothesline strike from his muscular Issy. Time to bitch about that crap later. Work to do. They both now moved to the maw of the alleyway and glared out into the street.

Wow! It was a dramatic bloodbath out here. How the hell did this s**t go down so fast AND get so @#$*@# out of hand"!! Scorp saw the distinct outlines of both Mirage and the hulking Perceval engaging many others in a fierce battle. His gaze then promptly shifted to Brianna. Who the hell was she"! Definitely a newcomer amongst them, this dark-haired woman in bare feet was moving like a whirlwind with her swords, laying waste to the newly gathered cluster of foes who were trying to get after Mirage and the mace wielding Perceval.

Foes" Wait a minute. Last Scorp knew, he was hot after some little demonic imp-like son of a bitch who had attacked him like a coward. Now, just like that, these three warriors in the street were locked in battle with a gaggle of other people. And there was a s**tload of 'em!!

It honestly took Scorp a few moments for this whole grisly scene to finally settle into his conscious mind; a few moments for this sheer horror to register with the ruthless gangster who was now indeed very far from home. It was ultimately Issy's forced words which brought it all home: "Oh sh*t..."

Scorp felt the acidic bile creep up his esophagus, longing for a daring release through his slightly opened mouth. The Big Man remained focused enough, however, to keep it all in check. His dark eyes studied the many bloated, decomposing faces which methodically moved through the onslaught of the heavy rain. Those ever-vacant stares, the slackened jaws slavering with a ropey discharge and dried blood, and that ungodly f**ken moaning. That moaning was louder than the @#*$@#$ storm itself.

Unreal. Unholy. Undead?"

Walking corpses" No f**ken way! Those are the stuff of made up c**ksucking stories"! Just silly, f**ken fantasy! Then why the hell is this "fantasy' now lumbering towards us trying to claw our f**ken eyes out and feast on our ***damned flesh"! What kind of f**ked up nightmare was this"! Yes! It had to be a nightmare! Sh*t! What the f**k had he maneuvered himself into?!

The Big Man, who was the consummate overseer of crucial events back home, could do nothing but watch this horrific scene play out in front of him. He did not readily move, even as he distinctly heard the desperate voice of the Scathachian warrior Mirage as she ran towards their alleyway position shouting with extreme urgency, "Illea! They're coming!!!!"

Scorp prayed that he would simply wake up. All nightmares have to end sometime...


Date: 2008-03-22 19:39 EST
It was strange.

In that split second, she'd seen an eternity flash by her mind's eye. It registered late, but it still registered. Scorpion Wraitharan and Isuelt DeRomiano, for all their flirting, fighting, cavorting and messing around, had almost killed each other. Some back in Metro would have called it 'Poetic Justice.'

"What am I doing?"! Me"! Are you outta your f**ken head sneaking up on me like that"! I almost killed your a*s!"

"Sneaking up on you? I didn't sneak up on you, you came barreling out of that alley like hell on wheels!"

"This freaky a*s, little s**t took a swipe at me, laughed, and then the sleazy bastard ran out there to the street!"

So alike they were, Isuelt and Scorpion were miserable without each other. And while some would see their oft bickering as incompatibility, it was really more of a secret code between the lovers. Mirage's call was heard, Isuelt knew that the creatures were zeroing in on their position. There was no more time for their speed of pleasantries.

Superstitious by nature, both Isuelt and Scorp were more than out of their element here. Still, the warrior in Isuelt was as strong as she needed it to be at this moment. It was as if that warrior side detached and came to the forefront; Illea was in charge now.

She took two steps away from Scorp and lifted her Scathachian sword. The wet steel was brought close to her lips as she kissed her blade in the rainy moonlight. It was blessed, sacred. She prayed that it would not fail her.

Her voice was low, gruff, "Stay behind me. Don't let them touch you. Or bleed on you." She didn't look at Scorp, but her words were meant for no other. Her job was now two-fold. Take out as many of these creatures as she could to cut a path out of here, while protecting The Don Mega of Metro City.

She took a deep breath as her steps started propelling her forward, into battle. As she raised both of her blades, lightning illuminated the scene as the thunder crackled and sizzled its way through the city. A yell rattled her vocal chords as she slashed downward with both weapons, rendering the undead before her into ribbons. Nearby others, as if sensing the demise of one of their comrades, turned and focused their attention on the Scathachian and Big Sexxxy. Like so many of her Sisters and allies were doing at other locations throughout the WestEnd, Isuelt was cleaving heads from bodies in a surreal encounter. She kept her mouth tightly shut and her limbs relatively close to her, her attention was split between what she was doing and what Scorpion was doing. She would keep him under her watchful eye for the rest of the night until the both of them were off the battlefield and safe in bed.

The storm seemed to lighten only for an instant, Isuelt could see a clearing. There was a gap in front of her; she could see Perceval, Mirage and another woman. She could also see a clear path to the bridge that would lead them north. Isuelt could have also sworn that she caught side of Icer's shadow up above. "We've got to get out of here. Get to the bridge, let's get to the bridge!" The stench around them was almost unbearable, and the gore scattered over the street was making for perilous footing. Isuelt reached back and grabbed hold of her lover's arm, "C'mon!" Her boots pounded the pavement, treading carefully over putrid body parts and rain watered puddles of bloodstained gore. The moans of those zombies yet to meet a weapon were still around them and Isuelt wanted nothing more than to put serious distance between herself, her allies and them.

"Mirage! Perceval! Let's get to the bridge! We'll make another stand at the Old Market!" She was sure that her Sister would bring the other woman who was there with them. Introductions would have to wait until later.


Date: 2008-03-22 22:12 EST
Through the chilling rain, Mirage arrived at the alleyway just after Brianna. The Judge watched momentarily as the acrobatic kindred's twin blades began decapitating the rotting heads of the cannibalistic ghouls who were desperately trying to tear into the warm flesh of all the allies gathered here.

Seeing her newfound ally putting in serious work, Serena wasted no time in joining the fray. Her eyes sharply focused on the other person trapped with Ilea. Thankfully, it was The Don Mega! Good! At least there would be another ally out here with them to fight against this grim insanity. By Mother Scathach's grace, they would need all the help they could muster if they were ever going to see another tomorrow.

Now, Scorp and Issy were stuck behind quite a few of these sickening creatures and there was only one way to get them out, and that was to make a path! Or more appropriately, to carve one!

As cold hands of death brutally reached for her tanned throat, Mirage skillfully wielded her blades and threw all of her strength into destroying the brain matter of each of these monsters in front of her. With an even swing, her blessed blades sliced through the skullcap of a particularly fetid ghoul causing jellylike blood to sloppily ooze forth from between its rotting teeth. Must keep putting them down. As she fought on, Brianna was in the Judge's peripheral vision, but at this moment she had lost immediate sight of big Perceval and his devastating mace.

With Isuelt and Scorpion forcefully slaying the zombies closest to them, and the rest of the allies doing the same on the outer margin of the undead, Mirage could finally see a small path opening up. As both Illea and The Don Mega skirted out through the path, Mirage distinctly heard Illea shout above the raging storm, "Mirage! Perceval! Let's get to the bridge! We'll make another stand at the Old Market!"

Mirage ignored the heavy rain water which was angrily lapping at her eyelids, and forcefully repeated Issy's order to ensure that all of those present would be on the same page, "Perceval! Brianna! Fall back to the bridge! We'll all regroup and make a stand at the Old Market! Together...come on!"

With that, the tall Scathachian Judge pulled back from immediate combat and made a swift attempt to locate Perceval. There, away from the groping hands of the ravenous zombies, Mirage took an accurate headcount of her allies before thankfully departing this grotesque roadway littered with the unholy bodies of the dead.

Run! Yes, run now to the bridge. Regroup at the Old Market. Better ground. Lose them or make another final stand at the Old Market. Run!

The shuffling, lifeless footsteps continued onward. The bloodcurdling moaning commenced, even above the fury of the heavy thunderstorm. The monsters were following.


Date: 2008-03-23 22:34 EST
The rain was starting to bother her. Clothes on her frame were getting soaked and heavy, weighing her down. Each time they came to a dip in the cobbled stones her long toes sunk into mud, some places as deep as her ankles.

That squish between her flexing toes was not irritating, but pulling her feet free was becoming more and more of a hassle. Each puddle she rushed through, her bare feet were cleaned in a minimal way. Lifting with each steps, if one was observant, they could see the broad flats of her feet were nearly black. It didn't matter if the rocks she stepped on were jagged or even if they teased at her ironlike flesh, threatening to break into them. Her mind was focused on one thing, the battle.

They were cutting through to the woman and the man. Strong toes curling against the stones and then flexing outwards as she launched on them forwards through the deathly chaos. Dirty feet sliding forwards she yelped at the feel of fleshless fingers coiling around her arm. Eyes snapped back to see what was gripping at her when she saw a eyeless face, pits of darkness, and gray bone looking back at her as a blade shot down towards her.

Clink! She blocked it with her twin blade as she gritted her teeth. This was new, this was new! Skeletons, another undead she hated! Shink! Her blade screeched across the skeleton's blade as she cursed under her breath. Freeing herself from its weak grip she glared at the rather intimidating skeleton in half armor looking back at him. Twisting on her feet she had to think as she gritted her fanged teeth. She couldn't just f*cking stab the beast, no, because there was no flesh for the damn thing to die.

Nodding to Mirage as she called out for her to follow she looked around. There had to be some way to slow them down. Snarling she narrowed her eyes as she spotted it. Her voice came out as she let the French roll off her tongue," Fichue droite quand mon bourdonnement est " sa haute." Crouching down on her knees, Bri sneered as she looked over to the oncoming skeleton; shaking her head she leapt forwards.

To slow them down this was necessary. Dexterous toes latched onto the edges of crates as she shouted over her shoulders to Mirage," Go! I'll catch up!" She was serious as she pulled up on the mountain of boxes. The wood splintering at her knees and bare feet as she grunted. She didn't care, pain was pain as she shook her head of it. Toes wiggling, she stood at the top and found her eyes searching about the area. This was going to have to be done with brute strength. No problem.

Looking down she saw the "bone head" below her climbing up after her. Great. This was going to have to be done fast. A deep breath was taken as she leaned back in her spot. Slowly Brianna pushed herself between the crates and the wall. The calloused balls of her feet tensed as her long toes flexed and curled out. Pushing on the boxes she grunted, great.....they were full. Closing her eyes her legs extended and crate after crate came toppling down like dominoes over the zombie hoard and the skeletons joining the fray, for now they were blocked. At least she hoped so.

Brianna was now falling. She yelped again as she toppled into the boxes. Her eyes closed she winced as she felt one slam into her shoulder. Pop! Her toned arm was out of socket. Wincing she shook her head and climbed from the boxes. Hunched over she took a gage of the area around her. Good, she had landed on the right side.

Again her toes sank in the mud, the squishing goo sliding between each long digit as she charged forwards. The ones that had been unscathed, those zombies that had managed to keep from getting clipped or crushed were sliced through as she rushed after Mirage and her friends. Sticking with them had proven to be more then amusing, as she went through the grim night. The "buzz" still going stronger as the feeling of cold rain, of mud, and of cold air were intensified with each move she made. Hair steadily clinging to the vampire as she soon found her way to Issy's side; she nodded lightly.

Blades slashing and dicing at the rotting flesh she had left behind at the arrival of the skeleton. For now she was at a draw. Brianna didn't know which one was worse, the Zombies and their frank cannibalism or the Skeleton and their mindless need for destruction. Again her voice came as she called out to Mirage, the sight of another skeleton horde coming, "Okay f*ck this! GET DOWN MIRAGE!", Her opinion voiced, she sneered as she shot forwards.

Powerful toes lifting her up like a ballerina, she spun on them as her other thick foot rocketed forwards in the air. Sucking in breath, her fingers started to spark as she twitched. Chants were uttered under her breath as mighty blades were stowed at her back. Magical doom coming as she struck such a elegant pose. Slamming down her bare foot, Brianna watched as raw earth lurched up from her toes forwards into the skeletons. The front masses seeming to take the brunt of her blows.

"Ha ha! Take that you.- Oh sh*t!" More zombies. Damn it. Blades once again slicing forwards, the warrior moved back into the group she could now call 'allies' as she grunted," Where the hell are they all coming from"!" She so hated the undead.


Date: 2008-03-29 14:33 EST
Her large, sandaled feet kept sliding as she ran through the wider streets of the WestEnd. She didn't much care for that at all. Of course her only solution would be to leave her sandals behind, and in this weather with goddess knew what abroad, there was no telling whether that would be a fatal mistake. Instead, Delphinea tried to dig her toes into the soft and soggy leather to better her grip on the ground below her. It seemed to work, at least for the time being.

The group was headed north now, toward the Marketplace. As they headed to the bridge that would lead them directly into their destination, a flagon of lightning was unleashed overhead. It briefly illuminated the bridge and the group getting ready to cross it: Delphinea, blood dripping from her cheek and her shoulder, Jalleia clinging tightly to her injured right arm, Brian keeping up and Icer flying up above.

Delphinea in the lead, thought she saw something on the railing of the bridge as the lightning flashed. She couldn't be sure however, and as her feet slowed, she slipped a bit again. A tight-lipped mumbling where anyone else would have sworn, she then reached down, unfastened her sandals and removed them. They simply were not meant for the Rhydinian weather; they would become more of a hindrance in battle than being barefoot. She quickly tucked the waterlogged leather straps in through her belt and looked over her shoulder to her powerful companions. Her broad bare feet now embraced the wet filth of the ground; long, powerful toes gripped as mud covered her tan skin. Were there an enemy's mouth and nose gasping for oxygen under those massive bare feet, Phin would be grinning with victory.

"I think I saw something on the bridge!" she yelled to the others. "I can't be sure though," her eyes squinted to peer ahead of her once more, as she tried to refocus on the darkness. Nothing was illuminated.

The now barefoot Scathachian braved the cold of the standing rain puddles as she reknocked her weapon and started ahead slowly. With Brian and Jalleia behind her and Icer up above, she was ready for anything.

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2008-04-02 22:37 EST
From her new roost on a high building just across the river, Jamie continued her observation. The resourcefulness of the unlikely heroes was pleasantly surprising, including the wild magical powers that the blue-haired female had displayed. Large things always did find a way to fit into small packages, and such ability was not an exception.

The flickering of icicles decimating an entire throng of unholy beasts crowded in a street was a spectacular show to watch. Such a pity that the woman had lost control and the last bits of the ice attack turned into flowers instead. She couldn't help but laugh at the sad display that ended it. Such problems were reason why most sorcerers and wizards trained to condition and discipline their power.

To outsiders like herself, the knowledge of harnessing and fully controlling such abilities came much more naturally. She still remembered the bliss of awakened instinct of what she was capable of when she had been turned. There'd be nothing like that again.

Jamie's solid black eyes did not waver from the intense performance of brave or foolish heroism by the mortal beings far below. As they all now joined to race across the bridge, she felt pleased by having moved earlier. She wouldn't have wanted to miss their planned antics in the Marketplace further north. If they were as amusing as the icicles turning into flowers, she'd likely have to get a needle and thread to stitch her sides together later.

It was then she felt a pair of eyes on herself, and considering it was her task to observe the events out here, it was utterly unexpected that someone would be watching her. She turned her gaze toward the source of the other, finding the woman crouched not too far from herself on the next building. One look told her that there was no pulse in this beautiful creature's veins....a vampire undoubtedly.

She returned the curious stare with a small smile. The demoness herself had once ranked among the kindred, but that had been a long time ago and before she had met Jade. With the smile, she sent a light wave of her hand before bringing her attention to the band of heroes that struggled against evil.

That is, she would have, if she hadn't felt the Prime Material twist and something as malevolent as herself tear its way into the world. Her eyes darted toward the south, back to the West End, as she stood up in momentary shock.

What is happening down there? she thought silently in rising curiosity.

With a dismissive shrug, she remembered her place and crouched back down on the roof to watch the heroes. Whatever it was, she was certain she'd find out sometime later. Right now, she had a duty of spying to complete.

Kacilla Lynne

Date: 2008-04-07 14:50 EST
Kacey would have been shocked, even dismayed, to know that anyone used the term hero to apply to her. She wasn't a hero struggling against great evil " she was a carpenter, an ex-mercenary with far too many evils on her own soul. She was just trying to survive the night. Far ahead of her, across the bridge and running to the Old Market, there was a silver glow. Flashes of lightning showed another group starting to cross the span " was that Icer overhead" Behind her, shadows crawled and chittered with far too many teeth.

From her right as Kacey lurched with half-limping run and sledgehammer dripping black gore came another group; Mirage, Tucker, others Kacey didn't recognize at all. Behind them were more of the zombies and skeletons. The violent wave of earth was enough to set her stumbling, but not enough to knock her off her feet. Good thing, too, as the malevolent swarm of shadow-demons, gnarled imps of teeth and claw rode the wave of earth forwards. They were more nimble than the undead.

Thin, cold mud splashed underfoot, and did little to add to the misery of down-pouring rain and ozone-sharp lightning in the air. Kacey's voice was raw from shouting as she screamed from the edge of the bridge across to Mirage and the others, "FROM THE LEFT! Watch the left!" It was all the warning she had time to give against the imps before again her sledgehammer swung out and sent a spray of black ichor into the rain.

Kacey didn't try to hold ground, not with so many of the hell-spawn so close. Not without the ability to knock the threat back. She backed up, onto the slick stones of the bridge, and lashed out with the tool-turned-weapon. Small space cleared, she turned to once again lurch into the limping run that was all she could manage. There were others ahead. If they could all just make it to the Marketplace " they could make it through this unholy night.

Scorpion Wraitharan

Date: 2008-04-07 23:02 EST
Dragons. Shadow Monsters. Zombies.

Now he had seen it all! Or so he thought.

Zombies. He remembered his boy Slapjack always making direct reference to the "Hoo-Doo-Voodoo' magic that clever white men would use to summon up the ravenous dead. Slap had of course insisted that their purpose for doing this was to kill all of the black folks in keep the brothers down by letting the zombies eat them!

Slapjack's words, laced with ruthless and suspicious agitation, were suddenly ringing in Scorp's stunned head: "You gotta split their motherf*cken wigs nigga. Smash their funky a*s domes or cut the ***damned things right off. That's the only way to send their punk a*ses back to cracka Hell!"

Despite this insightful wisdom from his right hand man, Scorp solemnly hesitated, which was something that The Don Mega never did. The sickly groaning of the zombies was truly deafening. He could hear it well above the splashing of the heavy raindrops and over the torrential roar of the thunder.

Issy now stood just out in front of him, and Scorp saw his Scathachian warrior go to work on these grotesque monsters who had seemingly escaped from some petrified child's most vivid nightmare. Her twin swords skillfully cleaved into rotting flesh, either cleanly severing their heads or splitting their domes like a putrid piece of fruit. She was like a whirlwind. She refused to yield to any of these monstrous things.

The Don Mega still could not believe this sh*t was going down right in front of his battle tested eyes. He had spilled plenty of blood in his days, but it had been *living* blood rather than coagulated jelly. Finally, Scorp's vacation from reality was quickly revoked as a mottled, pale hand, ripe with cracked, filthy fingernails hungrily swiped over at him; just grazed his chest in a vain attempt to snatch at his covered skin.

Scorp sharply inhaled, a sour mix of rainwater and blood from his wounded cheek filled his mouth. It was then that he inadvertently locked eyes with a decomposing face which stared right back at him, complete with vacant, bloodshot eyes and a ravenous snarl. The Don Mega broke his trance like a wannabe punk's neck and realized just how deep they were in this pooling mess.

He tightly clutched his repeating handbow with both gloved hands and let his MC street knowledge take over his muscular form. Time to put in work. Now, Scorp was always damn good with his of the things that he had truly excelled at all throughout his crime-filled life. Quickly spitting the blood and rain concoction in his mouth to his left side, The Big Man took aim, squeezed the trigger and started letting the powerful bolts fly. He popped off and popped off, expertly moving to the next ghoulish target even before the previously fired bolt had effectively buried itself into its intended forehead.

>CAP! CAP! CAP! CAP! CAP! CAP! CAP!< Bolts flew and forcefully put their zombified targets down in a pile of their own fetid flesh. Big Sexxxy was straight bringing MC here to the twisted streets of Rhydin. It was on!

When the bolts were eventually depleted, Scorp hastily holstered his handbow and reached for a special item on the inside of his ebon cloak. Let those others worry about fancy swords and sleek sabers. F*ck that. The Don never left any crib without his faithful ball bat. Designed for him by Stag himself, the weapon was firmly wrapped in vicious barbed wire and strategically plated with portions of flat reinforced steel. An apocalyptic weapon which accurately reflected the real barbarism of his home.

Move. He simply could not afford himself the luxury to think at this time. To dwell in thought on this terrifyingly outlandish encounter would be enough to make him desperately flee for the safety of the *known* entities of the world. The "known commodities" as he always said.

Scorp simply forced his innate wrath to take over both his mind and his body. Pushing past Issy, he ferally swung the nasty bat like an extension of himself, using his sheer physical dominance to run the scene. He brutally smashed several skulls and underlying pulped brain tissue with the force of a mythological tempest unleashed; he was not allowing any of those horrific creatures to box him and his Scathachian back in that literal dead-end alley.

A sudden change of scenery...Reinforcements! F*ck yeah! That much he did see out of the corner of his keen eye, despite the fury of the ongoing storm . The blood covered Metro gangster could definitely make out the tall figure of Mirage and that wild barefooted chick, Brianna. One he knew, the other he did not. Right now he honestly didn't give a flying sh*t who the support was! Help was help! Both were putting in serious blade work to help him and Issy clear a path through the determined ghouls who greedily craved each of their life-forces along with their warm, balmy blood.

Big Perceval had to be out there somewhere near the back of the gaggle or at the periphery of this out of control mess, but Scorp didn't have the time to locate his exact position. No way was he taking his direct gaze off of these piles of walking puss. If they caught ya slipping, it was lights out. No joke.

As he fought on, Issy soon gripped his arm and strongly pulled him towards a wider break in the undead line. As she towed him, Scorp's bat continued to pulverize looming heads with the gangland mentality that he was raised with. No rest for the wicked. No rest for the wicked. Keep swinging Big Man.

Finally, they were all past the blood-lusting hands, and hungry, gnashing teeth. This group of isolated fighters was now heading for some bridge. Issy had clearly shouted to make for the bridge and then go forth to the "Old Marketplace?. Sh*t! The damn ghouls were steadily following them.

The Don Mega's keen mind was soaring like an unruly hawk now: What if when we get there, the zom....Don't think Big Man. Don't think.

They all continued to run with determination as the cold rain baptized their exposed heads and washed away some of the vile gore which irreverently littered their forms. On this insane night of chaos, even the storm was playing its macabre role like a poised thespian.

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2008-04-08 06:55 EST
It was at least twenty-five minutes before she got back to where she'd left Percy and her Sisters, for while she had been unseen for most of the assaults, she had not been inactive. With her two hands full (one with a blade, the other with the limp body of a broken shadow), she snarled from the darkness she'd taken cover in. A flash of lightning showed that the Harlequin had become more colorful in her time away; her eyes were venomously green (close to neon), and the white/black painted face was smudged in some places, torn in others, and splotched with bright red all over. Her suit, too, had some pretty nasty scratches in it—-as did the skin beneath.

She wasn't in the clear, yet, though, because while she could smell her family and while she could almost see them up ahead, they were blocked from her by a swarm of foul-smelling, lurching bodies. Ugh. The Undead. She rolled her eyes as her upper lip quivered, stitching itself back together where it had been split.

"Fuck me." She muttered, not able to do much else, now that her top canines had extended to their full length, the tips just brushing her lower lip.

Well, at least she could be a momentary distraction to some of them, right' Of the mind that it would be tacky to yell out to them, she instead did her best imitation of a pitcher, wound up, and hurled the body of the little devil at the back of one of the more meaty corpses. The zombie staggered as the creature splattered into (and half-way through) its decaying body, causing it to slump forward and grope stupidly at its back. The rotting bodies closest turned at the disturbance, and she took a step nearer, to fully grab their attention. Her free hand reached back for the twin of the sword already at the ready as the once living, all in various forms of decomposition, moved to say hello. Schink. She scraped the metal faces of her blades together, like a fork and a knife preparing for a fitting meal, and started straight for them; Trixie channeled her inner bowling ball.

Her arms shot back, the points of her weapons piercing into raindrops as she tucked her already healed face in towards her chest. She felt the hands on her before her head actually connected with any bone or tissue, but she waited until her skull banged into a ribcage before swinging her arms forward to form a grand circle. Weak muscles were shredded. She heard them break apart. She heard the crunch of brittle bones. She felt the carnage and she wrapped herself in the stench of it. Trixie couldn't stop herself. She was like a windmill, what with the way her arms whipped around to slice and to dice, her elbows snapping back to connect with empty eye-sockets. She gnashed her teeth and she smiled at the gore. The way the bodies sounded when they dropped was b-e-a-utiful.


Date: 2008-04-08 23:16 EST
Isuelt and Scorpion had fought and pushed their way from the claustrophobic mouth of one of Rhydin's many alleyways and had gotten to something of a clearing. The Scathachian looked to her lover and silently gave a prayer of thanks for seeing them both through, at least this far. "You okay, Scorp? You know you love this, babe," she smirked realizing fully the superstitious nature of him as well as herself. "Don't think I don't know that you wouldn't put up with this sh*t for anyone else but me."

Her attention was then immediately on those allies now gathering with them. Although Trixie had not yet rejoined them, Isuelt silently counted: Scorp, Kacilla, Brianna, Perceval, Mirage. All were accounted for. And then she caught sight of her: "Eddie!"

The youngest of the Scathachians was running at full speed, she had indeed chosen her initiation name of Diana wisely. There was little time to waste. If they stayed for reunion and reflection on what had just happened, the rest of the shadow demons, skeletons and zombies would surely reach them. Isuelt deferred to the earlier call to retreat to the Marketplace. They were not far from the North Bridge, after all. "C'mon! Let's keep moving!" Her boots pummeled the pavement, sending water and gore splashing in every direction. The decided rumble around her signified that the group was moving as one, all were in this together.

The lampposts on the arches of the bridge were almost close enough to make out the sputtering rhythm of the flames against the storm. Once over the bridge, it would be only a matter of moments until they could take a stand in the vastness of the market stalls. The tunnel vision of the WestEnd would be behind them. An open battlefield was always the better battlefield, said the old general to herself.


Date: 2008-04-09 01:18 EST
Still squinting against the harsh rain, though it was beginning to lighten up a bit, Phin began to make out not one but several figures near the bridge. She impatiently wiped the water from her eyes and brow as she heard Jalleia and Brian coming to a halt next to her; she tried willing a fork of lightning to illuminate the scene before them. No luck.

Her blonde head, made darker by the rain, looked to her right then to her left. "I'm not so sure that..." She paused, she saw a glint. No, a pair of glints. Blades. Two of the figures were using twin blades. That meant one thing to her. "Wait," she slowly started forward, now training her eyes to discern the female forms.

She nodded finally, pleased with her finding. "It's okay, I think. I think those are Scathachians over there." She was fairly certain that Jalleia's eyesight was superior to her own, and certainly Icer was up above keeping tabs on the situation. "They've got those...those dead things over there with them."

Even before having her guestimations had been corroborated, she called out, "Hey! By sword and scale!" The brawny Scathachian started out on bare feet towards her Sisters and those gathered with them.


Date: 2008-04-09 01:59 EST
Jalleia figures that she has taken more than enough of her own sweet time lying on the ground as she is. In one heaving motion, she gracefully pulls to her feet and turns on a heel, running after the fleeing figures of Delphinea and Brian. The dragoness' wing beats get a narrow-eyed look.

As she skids to a halt beside the barefoot Scathachian, a fresh wave of dirty water sprays into the air and mingles with the dwindling raindrops. Jalleia trains her gaze towards the aforementioned bridge silently, using it as means of a distraction away from the searing sensation of what feels like massive shards of ice coursing through the entirety of her right arm.

"It's okay, I think. I think those are Scathachians over there. They've got those...those dead things over there with them."

"You are correct, there are indeed several parties.." she mutters musingly, tasting the aftermath of Jewell's magic on the air. Dark lips curve into a sneer, and the tip of her tongue slides along her wet mouth. "Magic has also been used."

However, her assessment is drowned out by Delphinea's battle cry. For a moment, Jalleia is uncertain whether she should follow or depart, but as the thought of facing a stretch of unknown territory in her condition, alone as well, enters her mind, she crouches low and darts after Delphinea with viper like speed, her lowered left hand already housing a spinning ball of green lightning.


Date: 2008-04-10 04:10 EST
Brianna was lost in a trance, lost in her rush as she stood there, ghouls, zombies, and bone heads galore it seemed. The group she was with was moving over a bridge. She had to think. Think, think, think! Then it smacked her in the face. She looked back at the group behind her as they moved. There was time for just this. But she'd need to clear the area. Sucking in a breath her finger twitched with crimson sparks. Oh how easy it would be just to "zap" something. Yet, she refrained as she shot forwards towards a zombie that was leading the perusing condemned.

Blades were still stowed on her back as she dug her bare toes into the ground. Then a sound of wind came sweeping over her ears as she shot into the air. Launching like wild fire onto the groaning creatures shoulder. There was a hiss from her lips, crimson glowing eyes burning with rage as she sunk her fingers downwards into the flailing brute's skull. It lurched as she then moved her other hand down in the exact same motion. Embedding her hands firmly into the creature's brain.

A horrible laugh came from her as she started to pull her hands apart, flesh ripping at her finger tips filled the air. Snarling, she saw the brain get torn in two as she looked down at the now dead creature stuck on its feet. There was a snicker as light crashed behind her in the chaos. Then the neck split in two, blood splattering her wrists and hands as she continued to tear and rip at the flesh.

Feet wiggled as she launched back off the creature's shoulder. With a jerk of her arms apart there was a pop as her arm snapped into place. A riiiipppppp of flesh came as well as the zombie was cleaved in two from head to toe. Flopping the body on the ground she turned to look at the coming beasts. Toes tapping as rain quickly washed her body free of blood.

The vampiress snickered as her fangs showed in a wide grin. Blades were pulled from her back as she looked over her shoulder, she had to buy more time for the heroes. Twisting the blades in her hand her body swayed and turned on her feet as she took yet again another elegant pose. Shocks of red surged from her hands and into the blades as they came down in a driving surge into the ground.

"Bum bum bum." Came from her lips along with another snicker as they damned came closer to her, oh how she loved this part coming. Twisting her blades she pushed them forwards along with the earth as sparks surged through her favorite element. She had over two hundred years of experience at her finger tips with magic. Waggling her brows she called forwards to the beasts, groaning and moaning filling the air from their mindless pursuit," London bridges falling down, falling down, falling down, London bridges falling down, my fair lady!"

The earth lifted as she tapped a dirty foot at the edge of her sparks. A leg lifted and a toe was wiggled as she brought her foot on that leg forwards. Turning it to the side she pointed it outwards towards the ever closing brood. Snickering again she spoke lightly," Down, down, down" we all fall down" well you do at least."

The blades were jerked from the ground as the lifted earth started to turn up into a wall. It swayed back towards the beasts suddenly stopped behind it. There was a waggle of her brows as her bare foot lowered in a stomp. Then the lifted earth fell back over the ghouls, zombies, and the bone heads with a oddly amusing, SPLAT!

"Heh!" Was said rather emotionlessly as she looked back towards the group still making their way across the bridge. Shrugging she turned on her toes and started some sort of skipping, prancing motion towards them. Oh so clear that she was on a wonderful high. For all was known she could have been looking at a field of flowers at that moment. Stragglers were sliced down, the gap behind them and the damned things a bit longer. Still she didn't move with carelessness. No she was quite alert as she returned to Mirage's side. Saying in a sing song voice," Somebody say something about moving" I was starting to like this place?? Snickering ensued as she kept her pace, brandishing her blades as foes came and went wave after wave.

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2008-04-10 04:51 EST
Covered in bits of other "people", she finally attracted a little too much attention to herself. She felt one of the zombies paw at her neck, yet just when she turned around to chop the hands off, there was a smaller beast gnawing at her leg. God. A fucking kid" She winced as she swung her knee up and dropped her elbow down simultaneously, shattering the skull against her leg. That, of course, hurt like a bitch, but Scathachians sucked it up.

The more she dispatched, though, the harder it was to stop her chest from heaving and the more difficult it became to ignore the gurgle and growl of her innards. She knew she had to get herself out of the mass to regain some sense, so as they groped and moaned, Trixie tried to disentangle herself from the throng. If she could just get over to the"

What the Hell" Suddenly, she felt the Earth move under her feet, but it wasn't the sky tumbling down. No. First, it was the shadow of a wall that she was on the wrong side of. Trix snarled when she felt the wall shake, whipping her neck around to bite back the fingers that were trying to hold her, thrashing for a wild moment. Her heart sputtered into high gear as she literally tore limbs from the sockets to break free—once she was unhindered, she made for a narrow passage at the side of the wall, suddenly very thankful that she was faster than the average bear. The structure dropped behind her, crunching and crushing up a sickening melody as she squeaked by. She arrived in time to see Brianna skipping off towards Serena, leaving a moody Trix in her wake.

The Harlequin's throat rumbled with an unpleasant growl as she shoved the gory swords back into the holders, the teeth of a previous victim popping off her skin as her body mended. She stayed shaded in red, with the white face-paint stared out in rare pristine patches. It about matched the glint of her fangs. Trixie kept her distance from the pack, in order to calm herself down enough for round two (or was it three").

Besides, she didn't like vamps.


Date: 2008-04-12 11:00 EST
Eddie was close enough to Issy to hear her call - and she poured on even more speed. Sometimes being the smallest had its advantages, as she dodged and weaved around the bigger puddles of rain-slick mud - narrowing the still-wide gap between her and her Elders.....

Even as a chattering, clattering mass swarmed into the young Judge's path, nearly taking her off those swift feet, she ran. As it was, Eddie spun into a crouch, quickly slicking back her sopping bangs. The bones gleamed in the patchy light, empty eyesockets turning towards her - 24 of them! Twelve skeletons, all seeking to keep the Judge from reaching Issy. Well - at least it wasn't the rotting, flesh-eating zombies....

She kept her blades sheathed, as there was nothing to cut up on the fleshless bones. Instead, Eddie lashed out with a wicked sweep of her toned leg, sending a pair of the attacking skeletons crashing into piles of bones not even dogs would touch. A quick reset, a leap worthy of her namesake, and another evil skeleton went flying into a building - shattering into dust. Raking fingers of bone had her whirling with her closed fist, driving into the sternum of the skeleton clawing at her. In short order - and with no small effort, the dozen skeletons were little more than bone chips and tooth fragmenets by the time she was through.

Finally, Eddie made it back to Issy's side - giving her strong Elder a crooked, little grin. She was very scratched up, bleeding here and there from deeper wounds, but she was far from done - in fact, she was ready for much more.

Perceval Tucker

Date: 2008-04-13 20:44 EST
"Running, I hate running." Tucker thought to himself as he skirted up the street toward the bridge. His idea of running wasn't really, well, running, it was more like a trot; with his mass and his age, it was really the best he could muster up, not to mention, as said before, he hated running.

Now imagine if you would a polo player, galloping down the field at an express pace. Every now and then, the player leans from his horse to the right or the left, striking the ball solidly with his mallet as he progresses along his way.

Now we have Tucker; lumbering down the street with his formidable mace in hand. He's already broken a sweat, but his endurance is almost never ending. Along his path, zombies limp in his direction. They claw, they gnash their teeth, they drool ungodly looking fluids from their mouths. As he passes them, Tucker would lean to the left or the right, depending on his target, and soundly bash his opponent's skull into pieces. If a bystander were to watch him go by, it would appear as if throttling zombies was done as more of an afterthought; as if the undead were more of an annoyance and that he had something much more pressing on his mind.

Real frankly, Tucker just wanted to get to where he needed to be so he could knock off all this silly running business and do some real fighting. He was pretty sure that his comrades felt the same.


Date: 2008-04-14 02:50 EST
As Eddie's quick strides met up with the group, Trixie's flourish of an entrance completed their number. Isuelt, Scorp, Brianna, Kacilla, Mirage and Perceval, in that order, were making their way across the bridge when the call was heard during a transitory lull in the storm's clamor.

"By sword and scale!"

Delphinea's voice sounded and Isuelt's eyes searched for the familiar source. "Great Scathach soars!" came the prescribed answer. As Isuelt's boots came to a slow on the north side of the bridge, she knew the Old Marketplace was only a block away. She turned to watch the rest of her group, as well as Phin's cross the viaduct. They were a force now, a regimen: Brian, Delphinea, Jalleia and even Icer above joined with the group of eight to make an even dozen. Isuelt reached out to grip hold of Delphinea's shoulder. Her cheek was gashed and bleeding freely. Injuries were not exclusive to the blonde Amazon, however. Jalleia, whom Isuelt had yet to know by name, was agonizingly holding her arm. Indeed, most of the twelve had injuries already, be they slight or severe. With the exception of Harlequin, who enviably healed just as quickly as a blow could land, Isuelt knew that with their increased numbers came an increased chance of victory. Isuelt saw the new additions as a heavenly blessing; it was more than outstanding to see them and know that they were safe.

An oddly silent flash of lightning illuminated the North Bridge; zombies and a scatter of those shadow demons were beginning to make their way across. Thankfully, however, there was more than enough breathing room between the undead and our heroes due to their scramble to escape the twistingly tight streets of the WestEnd. "Great. They just won't give up," Isuelt snipped, looking to Scorp.

The Marketplace was just beyond the next group of buildings, she could see the open area from where she was. "We're almost there!" Her dark eyes caught sight of a few darkened silhouettes darting about as they closed in on their target. It would be another few running paces, however, before she could make out just who it was that was already occupying the favored battle space.

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2008-04-14 09:35 EST
"To the Market, we make for the Market! To the Market!"

The words screamed aloud to whomever would hear them, as he repeated himself once more. Bolting from the alley, he caught sight of his beloved from his peripheral, and turned to his Jenai with a most relieved look on his face, as he ran to her, while the others ran their course! And just like that, his resolve was strengthened tenfold, as pain was set aside, and for that moment all was as right as it could be, it had to be that way...Because in all reality he knew, if this was in fact the beginning, then all would not be right by any means, as this night progressed.

She sent a sharp wolf whistle out to her Sisters as she saw them starting to head out!

"Remember Strath baby?" She sent him a most mischievous wink and feral smile. Undead or undead-ish everywhere and outnumbered, undermanned....She was still giving him the grin when her main sword arm went out straight to her side, the blacken'd swords' tip scrapping the wall, leaving a trailing scar. Until one of the 'Nasties' stepped out of a break between two buildings in a short lived spray of blood. It's head bounced with that cocoanut sound to the street. What ever the body did after that Jen and Brain took no notice

Her red hair was coming undone, the black shreds of the wrap and her clothing waved like personal battle banners as she ran full sprint with Raven towards the Market Place. They both looked like they were on the losing end of a bar brawl, their own blood caked, battle fatigues torn, ripped, unserviceable. She knew she's feel all this later, berserker blood flew thru her now as much as she was fighting it. Fight smarter not harder....smarter not harder.....

Now if any couple knew this market place like Jenai and Brian, she wouldn't have to say a thing, nor would her battle partner. She knew which and what they would do. Turn, up, over, jump. The Cake shop was near!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2008-04-14 22:04 EST
"Remember Strath baby?"

His mouth opened to answer...That was until blood had begun to spray in all directions! Blue eyes widened, as he noted that feral smile all the while, the walls were painted crimson, much akin to themselves. Damn it how he loved that woman!

An 'I love you' was mouthed to her, and just as quickly Raven and Red were off toward the others, in hot pursuit, as he heard the battle cries of the others, and followed suit with a roar of his own! Something broke in from the right, and was quickly smashed aside as Brian wielded the mace once more, it was then than he realized what the hell they were now fighting!

"F*cking undead!?"

Another came and was smashed aside, as he worked in tandem with Jenai, one already knowing where the other was, as they pressed their way, fighting tooth and nail, to finally reach Isuelt and the others! What a sight! As Raven took a quick moment, to gain his bearings, and looked to his beloved once more, as another explosion light up, the square for a moment. Watching Jenai decapitate another, Raven grinned and smashed yet another. Seeing a break int he action for the briefest of moments, he rightly grabbed his woman roughly and kissed her as it had never kiss her before! Yes, she was so damned hawt!

Looking to her eyes, as he tugged his half mask up once more, Raven winked to Jenai.

"Babe, Strath was never as hot as this, when we get done here, I am going to do you like no one's business.."

Another wave pressed in, As they braced themselves for what was to come, and then in instant they were blinded, as arms instinctively went up for protection, as the zombies exploded, sending debris everywhere! Suddenly, a cackle like no other could be heard as Kerri burst through the flames, her armor singed, and in some spots smoldering, as she held a pair of 'potato stick' granades in hand. Looking to Raven and Red once more, Gorgonite yelled out yet again, as many of her lostest boys passed her, escorting others away from the danger area. Looking to Red and Raven again, Kerri grinned that fangy grin of hers, and held the grenades aloft.

"Often immitated, never duplicated biatches! WOOT!"

And like that, the grenades were lobbed back in the direction they had come from, as they street erupted in explosions, sending bits and pieces of undead all over the place. Cackling again, the Queen of Mithra Mayhem, grinned to the pair!

"And baby here makes three, mah peeps! Man where the hell have you been guys! You are SOOOOOO lucky, I decided to tail ya...Ha! I said Tail, anyways! Hey we're by Yotsuba's cake Shoppe! I hope they got out alright! I'm gonna check, see ya soon! WOOOT! Lostest boys, roll out!"

And off she went again, as Raven and Red took off yet again, catching up to Isuelt and the others!

Luna Eva

Date: 2008-04-15 02:26 EST
"Doctor Luna! DOCTOR LUNA!"

The screaming and pounding bolted Eva out of bed. Her gun scratched across the bedside table as she ran down the stairs to the door. Eva cracked the door open and an arm burst through, a whole body frantically trying to come with it, pushing at the door, smearing the frame with blood.


Eva threw open the door, and a small blond girl fell into her arms, soaking wet. Blood dripped from a jagged cut on her arm and neck. The girl shook with every boom of thunder as Eva dragged her up the stairs.

"There's something in the Marketplace, something in the have to"

"It's alright, you're gonna be just fine." Eva could smell alcohol on the girl's breath as she settled her in the chair. Probably on the way back from the Inn. The girl continued to babble as Eva assessed her injuries, trying to grab at her with her red slicked hands.

"There's something in the Marketplace....Marcus....Marcus....he's still there....with the thing....the have to"

Eva looked down at the girl, at the terror in her blue eyes, and then moved past her to the window. A flash of lightning lit up the square just long enough for Eva to see a black unmoving lump. Eva cursed.

"Don't go anywhere. Do you understand?" As fast as she could, Eva pulled on a pair of pants, and her boots. She grabbed her gun from the table, and her black medical bag from the floor, hiking it up her shoulder and ran down towards the door. "Don't open the door for anyone but me!"

It was pouring down on the square, and Eva's boots splashed as she ran, her tank top instantly soaked to her skin in the cold rain. The blood was almost washed away from the lump that had been Marcus, but there was so much of it, Eva could smell it before she dropped her medical bag and knelt beside him. She could also smell his death. Eva rolled his body over, one hand holding her gun. His throat was torn out, his mouth opened in a silent scream. With her right hand, Eva closed Marcus' eyes. What could do this"

Then she heard it behind her. The click of claws on the cobblestones, a low growl. Something was there. The something that ripped out poor Marcus' throat. Eva froze. The growl was steady, remaining at a distance. With as little movement as possible Eva pulled back the safety on her gun. The rain nearly swallowed the sound of a round being chambered. Not nearly enough. Eva stood and turned, just in time to see the beast barreling towards her at full tilt, its skin gleaming in the wet, its teeth bared. No time to shoot. Eva ran.

The thing was faster than her no doubt. Eva's boots pounded the cobblestones. Terrible place to run. Could it maneuver" She glanced over her shoulder as she cornered around one of the permanent stalls, then another, then another. She could hear the beast struggling to follow, distance growing between them. Was it a dog" A rabid dog" It wasn't barking, just growling, and each time she looked over her shoulder, it seemed to disappear into the shadows. What the hell was it"

Eva made another turn, and found herself in a long aisle between rows of shoulder to shoulder permanent stalls. Only way out was straight ahead. Eva broke for the end, and then heard the beast behind her. She couldn't outrun it. She stopped and turned suddenly, facing the oncoming beast. Did it have wings? She didn't have time to think. She braced and squeezed the trigger, firing into the moving shadow as it bounded towards her. Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. The thing didn't stop coming at her. It leaped up, jaws open, black eyes bulging with hunger for her throat. Eva did the only thing she could think of. She ducked.

The beast flew over her head, landing behind her, its claws skidding and scrabbling to come back on her. Eva tried to stand, but her boots slipped on the stones and fell backwards. Her gun clattered away to one side. She jerked with her body towards it but there wasn't enough time.

The beast lunged for her. It looked like pure darkness. Like nothing she'd ever seen before. She brought her arms up to protect herself, the thing clawing at her as she wedged a hand around its neck. She kept her arm straight and strong, squeezing as hard as she could while jaws hung open just above her. The beast's putrid breath was hot on her face, its thick drool dripping onto her cheek and neck. It growled at her, panting. Eva looked up into the darkness of the beast, holding him back with all the strength that she had, then she took a deep breath and screamed.


Date: 2008-04-16 12:37 EST
precariously paws danced along the rain slick roof edging. ling made sure to avoid any and all puddles of blood. monster or human. it was all disgusting and dirty.

ling heard, listened. night shimmering eyes wide for light took in every little fight and every big fight. the humans and humanish where too busy. the otherworldly paid him no mind. if mind was had. no mind. no mind cat.

he curled into a crouch and watched the screaming female, ears flat back to keep the rain out of them. his tail twitched with the flash of lightning before he was off to watch the next fight.

precariously paws danced along the rain slick roof edging.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-18 20:25 EST
They're across the bridge, and Alain's broken off from the others in search of 'equipment.' His first stop" The future home of Kaldi Gourmet Coffee Imports, a little shop close to the Marketplace, owned 50% by himself, 50% by ex-Governor Helston.

A stack of papers lies on the counter of a shop that is otherwise empty. Well, not quite empty.

He turns his pants pocket inside out, wringing out water and dropping keys into his palm. He's soaked, head from toe, and beginning to shiver, but hypothermia is pretty low on his list of concerns. Along with bills - he rolls his eyes at the papers and ducks over to a cabinet behind the counter as another thunderbolt rattles the little building to its foundations. He unlocks three different locks, jerks the cabinet open....and finds exactly what he's looking for.

A scream pierces the night, blended into rolling thunder, but he picks it out. He puts the weapon over his shoulder and takes off into the night, slamming the door shut and locking it behind him - no need to turn his latest investment into a war zone, after all.

When he locates the source, the weapon is lowered and ready, the magazine pushed back into place, sticking up and out at an angle from the barrel itself. It's a submachine gun, an IZMASH-701 to be exact, and while it looks an awful lot like one of the old Sten SMG's, it's an impressive little beast in its own right.

Anastas Iskandorj gave it to Alain when he returned to RhyDin and gave up all his weapons, and gave him a little lesson about it. It fires enormous .45-caliber bullets at an impressive rate, 160 rounds per minute at about 1100 feet per second. It is, according to Mr. Iskandorj, the hand cannon of SMG's.

"Anka, I hope you're right," he mutters, flips the selector switch, and squeezes the trigger.

Three bullets race out into the night, two of them colliding with the beast baring down on Eva, the third striking the wall behind them. It slumps against the wall, limps about to snarl at Alain, but the detective marches closer. Close enough to safely open up with the IZMASH on fully automatic.

The roar of the gun is punctuated by the thunder, and when the thunder fades and the clip is empty, the creature collapses, riddled with holes. It's his only clip for that gun, but he's cold, bleeding now from cuts on his arm and chest, and really pissed off at these things.

"Good to see you, doctor," he says to Eva; he shoulders the weapon, draws his revolver, and extends his other hand, slick with rain and blood, down to her to help her up. "Are you all right?"

Dark Lover Night

Date: 2008-04-19 18:04 EST
Laufeia had her own problems to deal with. When it came to her patrols, she normally did it alone; for it was not common for anything major to rise up in Rhy"Din, and present any major obstacles for any single Scathachian. Not unless of course you consider this horde of wandering brain-eating zombies, a problem. She rarely removed her swords for small prey, and in such a situation, it was the case.

Walking towards the crowd of cumbersome slowly advancing ghouls, Laufeia had found that glint of feral hunger reflecting from the undead eyeballs of her enemies, as she tore at throats with her own bare clawed hands, her bare-footed spin-kicks literally removing heads. The further she stepped, the more the Undead bodies fell " like leaves to a gale force wind.

Bobbie relaxed for the moment, resting around her neck like a scarf, the rest of his body disappeared as usual into the dark and often unexplored recesses of her leather multi-coloured spotted jacket, "Can you smell them, Bobbie" Are my Sisters okay??

The sharp hiss had brought a smile to face, just as her brown scaled mutated claw idly tossed the head of one of the Undead, aside, her serpent glowing amber eyes glaring out to the cowering ghouls that now kept well out of her way. Despite their lack of intelligence, the innate desire for self-preservation apparently shone through the rotted minds, and allowed her quick passage.

Not to say she didn't kill any that got too close, mind you. She had to reduce the numbers after all, as she stealthily made her way across the bridge, and towards the Marketplace where the heavier action seemed to be moving. Laufeia would hate to be the person who had to clean up all this mess, in the morning.


Date: 2008-04-27 10:09 EST
Jewell watched Alain jog at a brisk pace down the street until he was out of sight, making sure no little creatures jumped out and attacked him while his back was turned. None did and they were all apparently safe for the moment, although the Fae's ears could still pick up the distant cries of both the night-creatures and their victims. They weren't that far away.

She slumped back against a brick wall—wincing as the rough surface came into contact with her mauled shoulders—and inhaled, seemingly not alarmed by the slight, wheezing sound she made as she did so. Grey eyes moved from the street Alain had disappeared down, in search of supplies or something, to her sole remaining partner. She did not know Paladin well but that mattered not, not tonight at least. "Take a breather for a second?" she asked him; even if he didn't need it, she certainly did. Despite her usually stellar endurance, getting mauled, falling from the sky and basically face-planting into the street, pulling off that fancy little magic trick and having to fight with the WestEnd to save them all from the beasties and herself from spell-backlash, and then running a mini-marathon over the bridge to top it all off, had taken its toll.

She was taking a breather whether he wanted to or not apparently, sliding down against the wall until she was sitting in a puddle of rain water, desperately pulling off her left boot. Rolling up the material of her ruined left pant leg, she eyed the torn flesh of her ankle. It did not look good. She extended her leg, letting the heavy rain clean the blood away from the wound. "Give me a few minutes and I'll be healing up pretty well," she commented aloud, "then I'll be good to go another round."

"Now if I can only find?" she started muttering to herself as she pat herself down, wincing as she touched the left side of her abdomen. She was pretty sure she had bruised her ribs, at the very least, but there was little she could do about that right now; fortunately, the suit she wore for scouting helped to make sure her side didn't get joggled or stretched too bad until she did have the time to do something about the injury. Another few mutters, "No...not there," before she gave a little, "ahah!" and removed a small tube of something out from behind one of the straps along her legs. She held whatever it was aloft triumphantly, grinning at Paladin as her cold, numb fingers worked to unscrew the cap.

"This is Goldenrod," she explained as she hastily spread the cream from inside the tube on her ankle wound. Instantly, the wound started to heal until the open cuts were almost completely closed over. "It really only works well for Fey, and it can't heal bigger things but at least I can stand now." To demonstrate this, she actually sprung up to her feet, holding the wall as she pulled her boot back on. She spread a little bit of the cream on the cuts on her face and then on the ones on her shoulders that she could reach. "Yeah," Jewell gave a swift, confident nod and grin, "now I'm good to go."


Date: 2008-05-06 11:41 EST
As the groups started to coalesce and come together in the Marketplace, the storm seemed to stall. It was as if the very heavens had thrust their mightiest blow, and now seeing that the heroes had persevered, skulked back to regroup and rethink their next means of attack on the upholders of justice in Rhydin. The rain eased to a light drizzle, the winds slowed their screeching. Even the thunder seemed a distant snore on the horizon. The torches along the North Bridge and in the Marketplace flickered back to health, revealing bloody injuries and welcomed familiar faces. There were Scathachians, friends, allies all gathered together. The sight of them, banged up as some of them were, was enough to provide Isuelt with a second wind and a swell of confidence. No matter what else the hellish night had in store for them.

"Everybody okay?" she panted. Isuelt was breathing hard, her heart was racing still. She reached out and silently squeezed Scorp's arm, half reassuring him that she was okay, half reassuring herself that he was still beside her.

In the odd quiet that followed the latest swell of the storm and their panicked mad dash to the Marketplace, Isuelt heard a woman's scream. She turned and looked just beyond the Marketplace toward the residences of Rhydin's Central Section. The "pop-pop-pop" of Luna's gun had been lost in the earlier thunder and clattering of boots. But her scream was heard by the Judge, and no doubt the others gathered.

"I don't think we're done yet," Isuelt hurried off toward the close proximity of the call for help.


Date: 2008-05-07 13:15 EST
Delphinea's bare feet were starting to numb. The hard motion on the concrete paired with the temperature bore no favors to the blonde island girl. She nearly bowed her head as she arrived near to Illea and Mirage, so overjoyed she was to see them. The back of her hand reached up and smeared away the fresh blood from her cheek as the running had gotten her heart pumping and blood flowing once more. Dark blonde locks had spirited down her forehead and were stubbornly stuck there, clinging with rainwater.

Her bluest blue eyes looked back to Jalleia and it was then that she noted her Sister Jenai had joined Brian Ravenlock. She also beheld Harlequin and Diana, Trixie and Eddie to most. For this, she was supremely glad. In times of crisis as well as in times of recreation, there were no people she trusted more than her Sisters. Now that they were here, there was a proverbial light at the end of the tunnel; even with the lightning simmering down. Her sun-caressed face was bound to light up all the more as soon as Laufeia, her favorite teacher, reached them.

Phin aspired to recognize those gathered: she noted Illea's beau, Scorp, the blue-haired fae, Jewell, and several unfamiliar females and an unknown male of soldierly proportion. Phin noticed another red-headed man, and if she had been quicker, or not as busy pushing rainwater from her eyes, she might have seen Alain go tearing off just after the scream that Illea had called attention to. As she watched her elder turned and pursue the one that needed help, her shoulders rose in a deep breath. She knew that while they should not split up any more than necessary, she couldn't let Illea go alone. She hurried after her Sister, bow knocked.

Yotsuba Urashima

Date: 2008-05-08 22:15 EST
"Hidari!"* Hai!** "Migi!*** Hai! "Massugu! Massugu!"**** Hai! "Abunai! Abunai! Wakarimasu ka"! Hai Hai! Tasukete! Kaji! Kaji! Hidari! Kaji!"***** Ikimasho!****** Hai! From atop a stack of crates, with the voice of a fierce wartime general, little Yotsuba Urashima directed what remained of the Battle Priests of the Urashima Clan, as they vigorously defended, the area around the cake shoppe that beared the young green haired general's name, all two dozen of them, or so. Her mother, and father hard at work, maintaining the protective barrier, that encompassed the shop itself, as well as a bit of the surrounding area, allowing others to assist in the escort of civilians to a safer locale via a portal, as the marketplace literally became ground zero, in regards to the swarm of undead. Several battle cries in basic and japanese accompanied the chaos that surrounded the building, as shinto spells were cast forth again and again, the magic a literal beacon for the undead within the vicinity, as many changed their direction, and were headed directly towards the Cake Shoppe and it's defenders.

The priests adjusting to this shift in the tide, readied themselves, as mystical relics were called forth, and adorned quickly! Enchanted spears, and shields appeared, and were equipped as a makeshift phalanx was in preparation, should the barrier somehow give way. Others continued to cast holy spell after holy spell upon the undead masses, as the rest maintained the evecuation, that looked to progressing decently, albiet slowly.

As powerful as the swarm was, the priests countinued to hold their ground, as dark magick clashed light magick with an age old famililarity. Jinta-Shinto, worked with Yotsuba's parents to maintain the spiritual barrier that protected the masses within. Shuha-Shinto continued their purificiation spells, and heal those wounded as best as they could, which unfortunately was limited at best given the circumstances. The Mizoku-Shinto assisted in the healing, and evactuations, the remaining were the Tatakai-Shinto, who readied the phalanx and with good reason, as it seemed the tide was indeed turning on the Urashimas. The swarm intensified, in reaction to the priests actions, a classic case of action and reaction, as the barrier gave bit by bit, causing the priests to literally exahuast themselves to the brink.

Suddenly, it all had ceased....The swarm literally stood still, as some of their number looked behind them a moment. Some of the priests in turn took the moment to attempt to focus themselves, and regain their mana, as seconds turned to minutes, as other undead ran unchecked throughout the marketplace. Suddenly, little Yotsuba looked to the darkened heavens, her eyes widening in complete and utter shock, as whatever color the young general had in her face quickly vanished. Pointing to the sky she screamed at the top of her little lungs, as others looked to the direction she indicated.

"Hikkomemasu!! Hikkomemasu!! Hikkomemasuuuuuuuu!"*

Whatever it was, it was huge, at least the size of a small cottage. It was airborne, and literally aflame, and it was heading directly towards the gathering of priests and their barrier.

"Abunai! Abunai!"

Scrambling from the stack of crates, the little Urashima ran for whatever cover was near, as others went into action putting whatever they had left into the barrier. Others scambled to get people to the portal and out of whatever was to come. Cries from the various Urashima's filled the air, as they knew it was too late to do anything else save, take cover and pray the barrier would hold somehow.

Seconds is all it took, as the flaming object crashed into the barrier with the force of a small earthquake! The impact literally leveling adjacent buildings to heaps of rubble, as undead and human alike were literally floored. Smoke, and debris filled the air, enveloping those around, as the world literally began to stand still for those present.

The green eyes of Yotsuba, opened slowly to reveal that she was in fact still alive, and as the little one looked around, so were the others. Shaken, but alive...It had held, somehow it had in fact held. gods above, it held!

"Anone! Anone! Daijobo Desu! Anone! Daijobu Desu!" Sugoi!!"**

Others joined in the cries of the littlest Urashima, as they realized they were alive, and the barrier held. Cheers came forth from the priests and civilians alike, as people began to check on one another. Their hearts were filled with a great joy, and relief even though they could not see outside, it did not matter, they were alive and again the evacuation began, as they went back to work once more.

Yotsuba rallied with cries of joy, and scrambled to find her parents. Then, just as suddenly, as they had been cheering, they were floored once more, as another shuddering impact swept over the barrier itself! Getting to her feet, the little Urashima looked to the general area of the impact, as others were already moving towards it, rallying cries filling the air, as another shuddering impact swept the dome, and yet another!

It was then, that the barrier had given it's last. It had given way.

In an instant, the swarm had moved into action, as undead met, Shinto battle priest head on, in what looked like a seriously one sided battle. Still the phalanx that the priests organized would not yeild, just yet. They were Urashimas! They would not be easy meat for these undead abominations! Not while they lived and beathed! So fight they did, as they worked their way between two large piles of debris, forcing the undead to adjust somehow, and fight a 'corridor style' offensive. Desperate, yes. But what else did they have" Others joined in, as Holy spells were once more cast, and recast against the swarm, and healing affects on the Urashima fighters in turn.

Running from the battle, Yotsuba went to find her parents, only to find them surrounded, but those who had been evacuating. The little one attemped to press through those around her parents, only to be grabbed by an older female priest and pulled away. Shaking her head defiantly, Yotsuba cried out for her parents. She cried again and again, and no response was the little Urashima's answer.

Struggling as hard as she could, Yotsuba finally freed herself, and scrambled to where her parents were, despite what the others were crying out to her. Yotsuba cried out again for her mother and father, again and again, until she forced her way through the people, to find her mother and father.

Her cries ceased.

The young priestess simply stared at the sight that beheld her. There before her, and others, lay her mother and father. Arm in arm, were they. They had died in one anothers arms...They had died keeping the barrier up as long, as they could.

The cries of battle began to close in on those who remained near the portal and Yotsuba's parents, as the swarm was now pressing it's superior numbers against the remaining dozen or so fighters. Still, Yotsuba stared. Not a word from the girl. Others around her, made for the portal, as they understood their time was incredibly limited. Still, Yotsuba stared.

Chaos abound, and still she stared..

*Left! **Yes! ***Right! ****Straight ahead *****Watch out, do you understand? Yes, yes! Help! Fire, fire! Left, fire! ******Let's go

*Withdrawal!! Fall back!! Withdrawal!! **Listen! Listen! It's all right! Listen! It's all right!

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2008-05-08 22:17 EST
"Holy shit did you see that!" Lostest boys get a move on, we're missin' out on a big 'un! Move it or lose it! Hoooooooo!"

Kerri's eyes gleamed with a want only those closest to her could understand. The self proclaimed queen of Mithra Mayhem and our heroine (self proclaimed mind you), know this was the one. This is what she was here for. This was her level 75 elite ass kicking and name taking moment, oh hells yeah it was SO on! All she needed was a chicken, and her Leeroy Plushie, and she would so be set.

But since they weren't present, the lostest boys would have to do. The numbers crunching in the Mithra's head, as she pondered what odds she and her two dozen strong lads might run into, of course that was quickly tossed aside, as she knew the lads were as off center as she was, and could care less, so long as there were asses to kick and names to take. So quickly, the militia closed in on the location of Yotsuba's cake shoppe, and ground zero for a bad ass battle! Boo yeah indeed.

"I got a visual, Boss! Undead and a shit load of em! Some priests too! Man, they are tossin down! It's a mess down there, I think we n—"

"Natcho Libre, Muchacho! No time for love Doctor Jones, let's do this chums! Kerriiiiiiiiiiiiiii Seeeeeeeeexy-butt!"

"Oh shit, she went in there. Jeezus, Boss. Stick to the plan chums! Stick to the plan!"

Leaping from stone to stone, Kerri went straight into the battle, with her lostest boys in tow! Closing the gap between themselves, and the undead, they ran through the small gap that Urashima's had kited the undead swarm through, and collided on the undead's six in a clash of steel, and undead flesh, bone and whatever else those bastards had on em! Cries of 'Lostest!' filled the air, as they went to work using their surprise attack to their advantage.

The priests in turn, shifted their focus, and went into a fully defensive position, keeping the swarm in check, preventing an escape. Kerri in the thick of it looked like a kid at play, leaping and bounding from opponent to opponent. Her boys sharing her zealous demeanor, as the felt the tide shift, and coupled with that, the healing spells of the priests.

Still while the tide shifted the undead would not yield so easily, and of course a cornered prey can be the most deadly. Their bearing gained again, and undead fought back, again and again, as they pressed back and forth with the humans. Kerri feeling the tide turn, had a twisted idea and began to bark orders to her followers, who in turn cried out loudly as they could to others, while they back tracked with the priests to the cake shoppe building itself, the three story structure still intact surprisingly.

As soon, as they cleared enough, Kerri grinned that toothy grin and looked to the two who remained with her, and quickly went to work, as they began to lob molotav cocktails at what was left of the swarm, the fire quickly spreading among the undead, which promptly shrieked in rage, and went into a frenzy, as they crashed into eachother, and soon were in pursuit of Kerri, and her duo which were hauling ass away from the shoppe, still hurling cocktails behind them.

"Go go go go go go! Oh man, where the hell is that damned Ice Dragon! ICER Where are you!?"

"Hey Red! If you can hear this, grab Raven's ass, and give us a hand! An hurry it up, we're runnin' outta booze!"

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2008-05-15 03:37 EST
With all the walking dead and infernal devices going on around the city, one had to assume a particular someone who is commonly accused of being such a Daemon with rather familiar capabilities to show up, and cause some rather much needed destruction.

Preparations were always made. Renna always had a plot; a backup plan, a vessel to bring her back to this life. And such a vessel, walked amongst a crowd of slow, yet towering, very animate black cloaked skeletons. The small figure dressed in the similar garbs of her protectors continued on as fast as her little legs could carry her, onwards across the bridge, partly obscured by those around her.

As each passing step took them past various dead creatures of zombie and human alike, the fallen stood again. Slowly raised from their second deaths at the hands of the Scathachians, slowly the black oil crept from their eyeless sockets and gaping maws, slowly did the black cloaks form and the mark of the Pentagram in its phantasm carve into the bone of their foreheads.

Lucy tilted back her head, causing the cowl's hood to slip by and reveal the saddened lips. As the newly risen crowd of Black Monks stopped half way across the bridge, she stepped forward to the very front, and sighed. Watching those on the other side.


Date: 2008-05-15 18:12 EST
OOC Note: Forward warning this post has quite a bit of drug refrence" Granted most of Brianna's posts do! XD Enjoy!]

It was raining, the thunder crashing through the sky. Light was dwindling all around. The moan of rotten flesh was echoing through the senses. Darkness, death, and the constant pour of water set the overwhelming mood of the night. Chaos was abundant"The sress of it all seemed quite threatening. The night was right for the living to dwell in pure fear.

Then there was Brianna, skipping with vengence. The family Slythe's black sheep, well she was a bit off. Granted she was quite aware of the situation, but she was in a world all her own. She was excited and over eager for the setting taking place al around her. The chance to do something good was over whelming. Could have been the fact that she was able to rid the world of cursed beings, or the "drugs" rushing through her system. It was the drugs"yeah' The Drugs.

The sickening smell wasn't even bothering her anymore, it's pungent aroma wasn't disturbing her. That was until she once more turned. Her eyes widened as arms swooped out towards her, pulling her in within a swell of decaying flesh. A wailing screech came from her lips as the smell devoured her senses. Gasping for breath she fought back the growing lurch in the back of her throat threatening to break free. Her eyes were searching for help, for the group she was supposed to be with. Where were they'

There was a flicker of Mirage in sight, but everyone else was lost to the stench, the numbers, and the cold arms. Another howling cry came from her as she began to resist. Her hands and arms were pulling free from the grips eager to pull her into despair. She was surrounded by a mess of Ghouls. They weren't after her flesh; they weren't after something to devour, no, these beasts wanted to be the end of her. They were after death.

Her blades! They were gone! Again her orbs shot around while she searched, silver glimmered, but they were outside the groping mess, "Damnit! Right when my high was getting good!" Now she wasn't happy. It was time to assess the possibilities she could explore. She had to get free from this and return to the group.

Another rush surged through her body, the crimson drive was starting to nag. The drugs were wearing off and the beast was pushing free. Fangs extended then retracted as thirst fought drug, extend, retract, extend, retract' it was starting to get painful. Not good! She knew what was coming, the risk that could become a reality," Damnit! Not now!" Came another cry from her lips, this time in a pained manner.

The massive swell was swarming around her in a hungry mass. She had to focus on one problem at a time. For now, the Ghouls would have to wait. The safety of the living was more important to Brianna. Fingers were groping at her frame, some not her own. Tra-La-La land was turning out to be a nightmare!

As lightning flashed above her in a cascading ray she felt an unwelcomed hand grope at her security. That was a no, no in this vampire's rule book! The lesser beast was freed with that action of gropage. It was as if an 80's Earth song had burst into play in her chaotic mind. The big hair, the classic sound, all of it coming to life in an incomprehensible flow that had yet to gain its footing in her head.

The ballet show was back as her toes turned slowly, now clung to by clumps of mud and filth that she had trekked through. Her long, bare feet were only being supported by the tips of her toes while they curled and arched. The grace of an angel was in the middle of a swarm of animated flesh. One foot seemed to lift up to the heavens, all the while the vampire's" eyes closed.

"Where have all the good men gone And where are all the gods Where's the street-wise Hercules To fight the rising odds Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed Late at night I toss and turn and dream of what I need"

Right as the music gained its footing she smirked. Her eyes snapped open and her senses took off in a wild dance. Her grace filled poses remained while she took in her surroundings. The Ghouls shot forwards ready for her to fall to her knees. Her leg did come plummeting down, almost chaotically. SLAM! Her foot collided with the cemented ground leaving in an indent in the earth. Rock shot up around her while her eyes blazed a fire red. The sound of something whistling through the air came as the lifted earth rotated and circled around her forming a protective torrent. Shredding, slicking, and crushing the hostile flesh around her.

I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night She's gotta be strong And she's gotta be fast And she's gotta be fresh from the fight I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light She's gotta be sure And it's gotta be soon And she's gotta be larger than life larger than life.

It was time. Her hand shot for her assurance greedily. Panic was on her breath as she inhaled the air around her. A needle, vile, and rope were gathered up and brought before her eyes. Blue and golden swirls danced in the vile, forcing her to lick her lips hungrily. The thirst was putting up a fight as she resisted the alluring scent coming back from where she should be, it was a new scent. The animal in her was nagging at her to look for it and taste it.

Somewhere after midnight In my wildest fantasy Somewhere just beyond my reach There's someone reaching back for me Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat It's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet

Still the earth spiraled around her; all the while that rope was being wrapped around her arm, producing the vein she needed. The cap was pulled from its protective spot over the needle. Another hungry lick was made as she emptied the vial of air, only sparing a single drop. Her eyes closed slowly as she found the vein. A raw growl was made in the back of her throat as she felt the slick silver pierce her skin.

I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night She's gotta be strong And she's gotta be fast And she's gotta be fresh from the fight I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light She's gotta be sure And it's gotta be soon And she's gotta be larger than life larger than life.

It wasn't instant, it wouldn't be instant. Once the vial was empty the needle was freed from her flesh. A deep breath was drown while the wound sealed almost instantly. Thirst would be the first to go but that scent. It was alluring her still, something was pushing beyond her hunger as an animal, something was nagging at her to taste it even now. No, she had to resist!

Up where the mountains meet the heavens above Out where the lightning splits the sea I would swear that there's someone somewhere Watching me

Crimson eyes opened. A flat look was given to nothing in particular, as her brows furrowed. A fanged smirk glimmered on her lips while the earth stopped dancing around her. It hovered in the air for the fraction of a minute before it came tumbling down. Bouncing on the ground by her bare feet as her rank toes wiggled lightly. She was starting to feel the pulse of adrenaline, of delicious intoxication.

Through the wind and the chill and the rain And the storm and the flood I can feel his approach Like the fire in my blood

The odd needle was still clutched in her hand. It wouldn't be released until she smelt "it", the foul rotten flesh of an undead cannibal creeping towards her. That hand holding the needle shot up, the same cold look on her chiseled face. The needle was driven through the beast's skull while she stood there, peeved on having to use a fraction of her security. The figure of the undead fell limp, ceased to hunger, and fell down to the ground atop the masses of already decaying flesh that lay there lifeless. The mixed worlds of Tra-La-La land and Reality seemed to be more exciting and far more pleasurable then the taste of a warm neck.

I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night She's gotta be strong And she's gotta be fast And she's gotta be fresh from the fight I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light She's gotta be sure And it's gotta be soon And she's gotta be larger than life larger than life.

The rumble of thunder, the flash of lightning, and the pour of rain all made this figure seem but a meek shadow surrounded by the hungry. Wails, moans, and screeches all filled her ears as the swell lurched out for her. As they closed, their groping hands beckoning her nearer. The scent of their flesh tangled through her nostrils, but then there was that scent.

I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night She's gotta be strong And she's gotta be fast And she's gotta be fresh from the fight I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light She's gotta be sure And it's gotta be soon And she's gotta be larger than life larger than life.

Eyes snapped towards the scent, towards its source in an instant. Time seemed to slow as her breath quickened. Her heart skipped a beat and her lips let out a gasp. It was something different while she stood there, watching in those few distracted seconds. Stunned and captivated as she took in every fine detail...of her" the priestess" the judge" Mirage.

The music died, everything went silent. Not even the wailing moan came to her ears. All there was, was the scent, the image of Mirage seemed to stop time for the Vampire. Biting her lip she sucked in a breath, but suddenly it turned into a pained scream. Her eyes shot closed as she was jerked back to reality. Teeth were sinking into her shoulder as she grunted. Flailing until a Zombie head fell before her feet. Blood was oozing from her shoulder blade. Pain grunted from her lips while the toxic Zombie plague was destroyed by the blood already controlling her. Being a vampire had its pluses.

Now she was swarmed and unarmed. Another flustered cry came from her. Her lips parted as she shouted angrily," Would you beasts just f*cking die already!"!"!" All the while her figure was being swallowed by the ravenous Ghouls hungry for her death.

Headless figure after headless figure was sent flying to the outside of the fray. She was fighting the best she could. One by one pulling the heads of the Ghouls clean off. Tossing the head and body into different directions so as not to become whole again. She was very out numbered, very out numbered. All she could do was let Tra-La-La Land wait a while. She would have to wait for her blades to come close or backup to play hero in shiney armor.

"Dandy little mess this is Ambrianna" Woo...Way to get distracted?" Another head was torn off while she nagged at herself," But that smell" Oh that smell...No, no' no' can't get distracted. You can get distracted later Ambrianna" Later." Pop, snap, another head and body to add to the growing numbers," Just keep removing heads" I wonder if she's single...or even like that' NO! No, no! Get back to the heads Ambrianna Hestia Slythe!"

Ahh the scattered mind of Brianna, so beautiful" Thus the process was repeated. Body pulled into her clutches, loss of said head from body, then tossed aside...Granted she continued to wonder what was becoming more and more captivating. Mirage. It was like a Tic-Tac-Toe game that always ends in a draw" Wee!

"I wonder if she likes take out?" Brianna was in deep thought mode," Maybe Chinese?? Pop, off went another head. Oi she was hopeless. She couldn't get her mind off Mirage!

Perceval Tucker

Date: 2008-05-15 20:06 EST
Tucker had just caught up with the group while holding the stitch that had formed in his side from all the running. He wasn't as good as he once was, that's for sure. Taking a quick look at those who were present, he then gazed over his shoulder at the mass of undead still approaching over the bridge.

"The hell with all this running!" He pointed defiantly at the ground, "I'm stayin" right here!"

Just then the sound of gunfire erupted into the night. Tucker gritted his teeth in annoyance knowing that the undead annoyance wasn't the only issue they were dealing with now. He watched Issy and Delphinea take off in the direction of the gunshots, but turned back to the bridge, standing his ground. Perceval pounded his mace on the earth like a batter at home plate and furrowed his brow, watching the undead gang approach.

"I ain't goin" anywhere!" Wiping his face dry of rainwater, he scowled, "Let's end this."

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2008-05-15 20:37 EST
The gunfire was defintely heard, as well as the deafening cry of the big man. Watching Isuelt, and the others split off, halting himself in turn, awaiting whatever would come, his eyes glancing occasionally to his beloved. His eyes once more went to the big man, as Brian truly felt sorry for whatever would come his way.

Planting himself in a similar fashion, he could only think back to Vana'diel, back to when the Shadowlord's orcish forces took city after city, back to Strath, as he and his beloved alongside others braced for whatever scourge had thrown at the defenders...It was a similar song and dance, only the partners and locations had changed.

"Hey Red! If you can hear this, grab Raven's ***, and give us a hand! An hurry it up, we're runnin' outta booze!"

"The hell?"

A hand lifted to his link pearl in surprise, as he could hear Kerri clear as day, for the first time since this had begun. A concerned look on Raven's face, as he turned to Jenai a brief moment, as he replied.

"Gorg, where are you?! Gorg"!"

"Yotsuba's! Undead, place is a wreck, runnin outta booze an headed to the grand fountain, got em on my ass, so where the hell are you!?"

All it took was one look to Red, and he knew what needed to be done. They had the numbers here, but Kerri didn't. Nodding to Red, Raven looked around to the others.

"We're needed at the grand fountain, we'll catch up when we get the rest of our group, Godspeed!"

Swords in hand, Raven took off from the others, with Red in tow, as the pair ran at a dead heated pace to make to Kerri and her people. There was no time to reply, and no thoughts involved, as the pair navigated the chaos that engulfed the Marketplace. No words between them, as they worked in tandem once more, one knowing exactly where the other was, and what they were thinking, even more so than at home with their own family, here in the field they were one. And as they did so, enemies fell before the pair, as they continued to work their way towards Kerrithra.

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2008-05-15 20:57 EST
"Cheeks, Tiny let's go go go go go go! Just a lil' bit farther! Hurry up, will ya I'm running low!"

With a feline burst of sheer speed, Kerri moved farther ahead of the pair, and cut a sharp corner. The self proclaimed 'Queen of Mithra Mayhem', and newly titles 'Queen of Bait', took the spare moment she was given, to ready the last two cocktails she had, as she waited for Cheeks and Tiny to run past her.

They never did.

Feline ears pricked with intensity, as what she heard instead, were cries of utter anguish and pain of an unfathomable nature! They were coupled with the sounds of flesh tearing, and bones snapping...Not to mention, the shrieks, and wails of the undead..

She knew...gods she knews, and all it had taken was seconds...Seconds!

Turning the corner, Kerrithra Al'Tuatha's eyes widened in an utter heart wrenching, pain filled shock...What she witnessed would haunt her for all her days to come...Would follow her to her grave, and still be with her when she would come face to face with Altana. No one deserved to die that way, no one deserved what befell Cheeks and Tiny, no— What was that' She heard it...A voice, it was Cheeks! He was ali— No...She heard it...A gurgled last request, that she knew she had heard, her hearing was not impaired, she heard what the lostest boy had cried out, just as others piled atop the boy...With tear filled eyes, Kerri nodded and knew what needed to be done.

The undead, had no idea she was even there, as they went to the task of shredding the two young men, with extreme prejudice...Others joined, as the group literally tore them limb from limb, how Cheeks managed to cry out was beyond belief, but she heard it, she knew it.

The cocktails were lit, and held aloft in each hand, as Kerri moved closer to the pack of undead, her tearful eyes were stoned, as she watched them...Her lips trembled as did the rest of her body, the rage built like nothing she had ever felt, more than anything the 'handlers' could have ever done to her, this rage was something that could not be worded...

They were her children, her children! Her boys! And she would see them avenged somehow, it didn't matter what she had to do, she would avenge them, and it started here and now!

"I'll rip you undead fuckers piece by piece, I'll hunt your kind down, your masters down, I will grind you into dust, I'll tear your master's heads off and shit down their throats, I hope they are watching! You undead mother fuckers !! DIE AGAIN!"

What followed was a cry of uncontained rage, and pure anguish. It was a Mithra's way of telling the gods above and below she would keep her word, it was a way of telling those who went ahead, that they would be avenged, it was her way of telling all who could hear, what she felt, and what she would send back to her opposition a thousand fold!

The cocktails flew, as the undead still paused from her earlier vow, had no time to react...Glass crashed against the ground, as the entire group was engulfed in the flames of Kerri's rage. Undead shieks filled the air, as bodys flailed, and thrashed with savage intensity! Kerri stood there and watched with all emotion voided from her face...She simply watched.

"Holy Water, ya buncha fuckers .."

As the undead continued to thrash within the flames, they fell one by one, in what was a truly disgusting, yet wonderous scene. After a few minutes, it was over...The flames had run their course, the undead were laid in unkept piles along the cobblestoned road, as some still twitched somewhat. Regaining herself somewhat, Kerri headed towards where Cheeks and Tiny were. No real thoughts, save seeing them one last time, or rather what was left...Something had to be buried, she owed them that much, sh—

Something caught her attention...Turning sharply to her left, she saw them...Undead...Another dozen or so faced her, their hollowed eyes literally seeing right though, Kerri, as they slowly moved towards her..

Her mind cried to move, her body tried to comply in turn, yet nothing happened...Shock. She was in shock, and could not move, or speak, as her eyes watched their approach..

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2008-05-15 21:25 EST

Kacilla Lynne

Date: 2008-05-16 00:49 EST
They had reached the Marketplace. And then, instead of banding together into one force that could have stood together against the undead that were pouring across the bridge " people had scattered. Screams and gunshots had lured away Alain, Issy and Delphinea in one direction. Kacey had seen Tucker turn to stand his ground " a vampire injecting herself with something " two others run off towards the grand fountain. Jewell and Paladin were still in sight; Tucker's solid frame looked like a wall planted in the main road.

Exhaustion was an almost physical ache in Kacey's bones, and the sledgehammer she had been using as a weapon was growing too heavy. It wasn't crafted or balanced for fighting " she could feel the head starting to work loose. But among the other shops in the Market was a dealer in weapons. Kacey turned " fled " ran as if her life depended on it; it did. The weapons shop was securely closed and barred, looking virtually impregnable to the untrained eye. The owners had forgotten to reinforce the door-frame to support the heavy bars.

The sledgehammer and desperation opened the weapon's shop door by sending the whole thing crashing inwards to the ground. Kacey's voice was hoarse as she scrambled in, letting the abused sledgehammer fall from her hands. "I swear, I'll come back and repair this. I just need something now." There, against one wall, were the weapons she had come to find. Swords, an array of them. There wasn't time to spend picking out those that would suit her perfectly. She seized two slightly-swept one-handed blades and started to run back out.

Skidding on the broken pieces of the door, she went to her knees hard, scrambled back up and turned back to grab two long daggers " almost short-swords in their own right " and thrust them through her belt. Then it was back into the misery of rain and the scent of undead " and smoke. Someone had been using fire to fight the undead, again. Kacey almost gagged and sent a wordless prayer of thanks to nameless Gods that the rain was so hard tonight.

Leaning against the outside wall of the shop, Kacey permitted herself one brief shudder, a choking gasp for breath, and the flashing memory of a time just months before when undead and fire had combined to turn the city to an outskirt of Hell.

This was worse. And if those who were able didn't stand against the monsters who walked this night, who would" Kacey pushed off from the wall, pushed away memories, exhaustion, pain, and ran back towards the main road and the solid presence of Tucker. She would stand. She arrived at the same time as the wave of creatures. Her swords weren't very effective against skeletons, but Tucker's mace would be perfect against the fleshless undead.

Zombies and imps, those were her targets. She would have wept to see the horde of Black Monks if there had been time to look away from the battle that was joined. Once again black blood and ichor sprayed into the night sky. Gleaming blades were darkened and then washed clean by the pouring rain almost as fast. Was there no end to the creatures?


Date: 2008-05-19 11:10 EST
An overflowing gutter did a roughshod impression of a waterfall as the torchlight on the skirts of the Marketplace stalls reached to illuminate Isuelt's path. The moonlight of the night was absent behind the thick rain clouds, and afforded no aid in the way of visual clarity. As the Judge hurried off after the quick cry for help, she began to lose her direction. There had been no further call, no further screaming. Isuelt would find later that Alain had the situation under control as he had reached Luna first. But before she could reach the pair to discover this, a color in the night pricked her peripheral vision.

In the dead darkness of this moonless night, a throbbing red quietly made its presence known. Isuelt's booted feet pivoted and ground her heels into the wet pavement, causing a skidding splash. Delphinea, who was hot on her heels behind her elder nearly slammed into Isuelt, her bare feet having no brakes, save for her skin on the rain-slicked street. Isuelt's strong arm, spattered with only traces of blood now that the rain had done its washing duties, reached out to catch her Sister from falling. Her dark eyes, however were not on Phin. They were pointedly aimed at the rich red tapestry that wove its way through the latticed windows of the residence on the Marketplace. A residence she knew. Mallorek Manor.

"What in the hell is that?" Isuelt's voice was barely audible above the rush of water from the rain gutters overhead. She was nearly riveted to the spot by the pulsation of sanguine illumination. Before she could ask Delphinea for her thoughts, the red light waned and died. The Scathachian priestess stood silently, looking at the windows of Lucien's home, waiting for something more. Waiting for an answer.

None came.

They looked at each other, Isuelt spoke first, "I know who lives there. We'll check it out in a moment, before we..." she sighed as she glanced toward their prior direction. "I haven't heard anything else. I don't like it. We should get back to the others. It smells like a ploy." She began to second guess herself. A trap" Maybe. Someone in desperate need" Maybe. Would she damn herself if she was wrong" Definitely. Still, a general was forced to make arduous judgments in war. And this was just as faithful a battlefield as any open field. One last listen as her brown eyes looked toward her intended path. "C'mon," she began to Delphinea as her boots turned and pointed themselves toward their origin. "Let's get back to the Marketplace."

Luna Eva

Date: 2008-05-20 20:56 EST
Eva lay flat on her back on the cobblestones and tried to accept the fact that she was still alive. She sucked rain water into her mouth and nose as she struggled for breath, and coughed as a bloodied hand came into view. Alain. She reached up and grabbed his hand, letting him help her to her feet. She shivered, but not from the cold or the wet, and looked back at the bullet riddled carcass. It was a dog. A rabid dog. It had to be a rabid dog.

"I'm fine....I think....that was....Jesus..." Eva shook her head, using her hands to slap and wipe the creature's drool from her face and neck, unaware that she was replacing it with Alain's blood. "I've never seen a rabid dog in the middle of the city. Got that guy over there." With her hand she motioned towards the lump across the square that had been Marcus and her abandoned medical bag next to his body. "Ripped his throat out."

She took a couple of steps towards the remains of the animal in order to retrieve her gun from the pavement. She kept her eyes on it as she knelt, as if she expected it to come back to life and leap at her. It didn't look like a normal dog. She could still see its eyes, its jaws snapping. Eva looked down and reached for her gun. It was sitting in a pool of the creature's black blood. Lightning flashed over the Marketplace, and revealed the creature again. It wasn't just a dog. Jesus, it wasn't just a dog.

Eva stood in a hurry, her gun retrieved from the ground, and backed towards Alain. She tried to hide her shaking hands as she checked the magazine. Whatever it was, it was dead now, thanks to Alain.

Eva tilted the magazine towards the street light, and furrowed her brow at the red blood on her hands. She'd seen it before but it hadn't registered. "Alain....are you injured?" Dread welled up inside of her until she practically choked on it, shouting the words at Alain to be heard over the thunder. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?"

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-05-28 13:42 EST
Alain had been looking around, scanning their surroundings, wary of letting his guard down for even a moment (and thinking about brushing aside her question of injury) when she shouted. Bright blue eyes turned to her, illuminated by lightning that struck somewhere far south of the river, and he took a step forward. His voice was quiet but firm, and he hoped it would be reassuring - he waited for the thunder to die down before he spoke:

"They started appearing in the West End, and I swear I smelled undead, too. I ran into Jewell....she's injured, but Paladin's looking after her. There are others with us as well - Scathachians, most of them - but most of us split up when we made it across the bridge."

He then removed his coat halfway, to show where the claws had dug their way into his forearm. It was a nasty wound, though not bleeding as badly as it could be. "One of them got in a lucky shot. I don't feel woozy yet, but if you can help me, I think it would be wise to patch this up."

He didn't look at Marcus. He'd already seen him, and knew all he needed to know - the boy was dead, and beyond their aid.


Date: 2008-05-28 20:21 EST
The order from her commander given, Delphinea halted just behind Illea. The light was beginning to fade in the aftermath of the storm, though she could see that another darkening cloud was gathering on the horizon. Her cheek stung bitterly, the bloody wound was further irritated as the back of her hand pressed to it in a futile attempt to assauge the pain. Phin was cold and wet, never a good combination.

"What in the hell is that?" Illea had looked toward a building with glowing red light spilling from its silled windows. "I know who lives there. We'll check it out in a moment, before we...I haven't heard anything else. I don't like it. We should get back to the others. It smells like a ploy. C'mon. Let's get back to the Marketplace."

Phin nodded almost absently as she stared at the bloody glow coming from the residence. She was transfixed by the light show as well; it took Isuelt's voice urging her to continue back to where they had come from to ring her free of her trance. "Marketplace. Right," the hulking blonde followed after the brunette. Though she couldn't help but glance back over her shoulder at the Mallorek residence and wonder what had made the entire block seemingly come alive with a glaring and garish red purge. "Back to the others," she lamely added under her breath as she trailed Isuelt back to those gathered.


Date: 2008-06-19 09:52 EST
As soon as Isuelt and Phin reached the larger group back in the Marketplace, she saw Perceval and Kacey ready for round two. And while there weren't as many of their undead enemies to put down this time, the Scathachian figured they could all use a break. Her motivation was two-fold, however. That gleaming red light coming from Lucien Mallorek's home began to gnaw at her. It wasn't right, that much was simple.

"Everyone, cut right! Follow me!" she bellowed as she brandished her blades once more to lead the way toward Mallorek's apartments. As the group picked up speed and moved to the northeastern corner of the Marketplace, Alain and Eva made their appearance. "Fall in, you two!" Isuelt yelled over her shoulder as she spied the few remaining undead and shadowy figures following behind them. These summoned creatures of the hells would at least be stalled if they ran for cover indoors. The Scathachian priestesses could place blessings and make-shift wards over doors and the windows of the barrister's residence. And while those prayers would not fend off their hellish adversaries forever, they would at least give the rattled regimen some time to regroup, count their numbers, see to their injuries and plan their next move.

After winding through one short alleyway and around a corner, Isuelt spied the familiar sight of the Mallorek apartments. "Lucien! Lucien Mallorek!" a heavy gloved fist banged on the door, "Lucien" It's Isuelt!" there was no response from inside, which worried her only because of the red glare that had earlier blazed through the windows. It wasn't exactly odd that the barrister was not at home, in truth he had another abode between which he divided his time, and it wasn't far fetched that he should be out enjoying the distractions of the city. It was only because of the curious light show that she tried the door. Unlocked. Isuelt's expression soured all the more.

Flinging wide the door, still one sword ready for anything, she swiftly looked around and perceived a quiet, warm, and best of all dry receiving room. "Mallorek" We're coming in!" She sighed lightly, not guessing what to expect on this unusually dark night, "Okay, everyone in!" her hand flicked her blade in the direction of the room and let the allies with her file into the barrister's residence. She was looking beyond the very tall shoulder of the last man, Scorpion, and saw no sign yet of their pursuers. Good, she thought to herself, Give us time to think.

"Scathachians, wards for the doors and windows. Everyone else, fan out and inspect the dwelling. This is Lucien Mallorek's residence, make yourself known to him and if he is here, make sure he is safe!" The heavy door was shut and barred then, Isuelt herself performing a simple but effective blessing on the door as her naked hand was laid upon its warm wood.

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2008-06-20 09:37 EST
Black Monks stood silent, mimicking the state of the dead despite their mobility, and soft, gentle wheezing gasps and wraithian wails. Lucy's lips pouted further, sensing those scatter in whatever direction they were taking in the city. The girl still didn't quite grasp the layout, but either way it was certainly close to where Renna once used to hang out about, once upon a time.

She looked over her shoulder and up at the skeletal minions, staring vacantly forward, their boned smile grinning perhaps due to some twisted Undead mutation. Either that, or it was the shading of shadows that increased their malevolent formations.

With a hand directed outwards, they marched forward across the bridge finally, by the will of their Queen, they would follow the Scathachian scent, devour their flesh and move on to the source of this mass disturbance. To that place in the distance that reeked of Daemonic energy, and one very familiar aura that has held the Betrayer's notice for quite some number of months now.

"I'm sorry." Lucy whispered low, dropping her head as she turned away, and disappeared into thin air, leaving the Black Monks breaking into a sprint after the Scathachians - their battle cries the ravenous screams of the tortured souls trapped within those bones lusting for blood and final deliverance into True Death.

Luna Eva

Date: 2008-06-20 20:51 EST
It was almost too much to take in. There were more of those monsters" Others were hurt' Undead" Alain's voice was calm but the content was hardly reassuring.

Eva barely had time to look at his wound, something she could focus on, something she could understand, something that actually made sense. But suddenly, the Scathachians were all around her; strong women, bloodied women, and the other fighters that accompanied them, many twice her size, fearlessly wielding weapons of a kind she'd never seen.

"Fall in, you two!"

Fall in? Was this some sort of military operation' Eva shivered in the rain, taking a skittish step backwards. Her eyes skimmed quickly over the fast moving group. She could see injuries among them. Limbs favored, open wounds. It was enough to know she was needed.

Eva turned and jogged quickly over to her medical bag, kneeling over Marcus' dead body to pick it up. She'd never left a body before. Even during the Marketplace explosions, there were those taking care of the bodies. Marcus deserved a burial. And if he were left behind, his body would be the creatures. Eva stood up with her medical bag on her shoulder and looked up at the light in her window. She could see the girl, Marcus' girl, waiting in the window, silhouetted against the light of her apartment, watching. Eva looked back towards the Scathachians, moving swiftly along without her, then looked back up at Marcus' girl in her window. There was nothing Eva could do for her. She held up a hand, palm up, silently asking her to wait. Then turned and ran to catch up to the pack.

In the residence of Lucien Mallorek, a man Eva barely knew, she let herself into what looked like a sitting area, a living room, obliviously tracking in god knows what on her running shoes, set her soaking wet medical bag down on the floor, unzipped it, began to pile supplies on a low coffee table, and glanced towards Alain.

"Let me see your arm."

Jamie Kilner

Date: 2008-06-21 23:03 EST
Their antics within the Market Place had been nothing short of amusing as usual. She'd been enjoying the entire show, and so far she had to only move once during the entire escapade. Heroes fighting valiantly against hordes of undead corpses and demonic beasts despite the odds stacked up against them. The only more entertaining thing to watch would be sex.

And then of course, participating in sex was more enjoyable than watching it.

But Jamie's perverted mind was beginning to wander, and she had a duty to fulfill here. She needed to observe every moment of this event for that Nocent woman. She said she'd be curious to how well they had measured up.

Soon it was inevitable to not only attract the heroes' attention, but hers as well, as did the curious light show that seemed to light up the city skyline. She arched a brow curiously as she watched it, finding it to be a most peculiar display. Her wings spread out instinctively, unsure of what was about to occur. The damned thing might blow up to kingdom come for all that she'd know.

Regardless, the heroes dumbly hurried toward the building that projected the series of bright lights. Jamie found that to be rather odd behavior, but perhaps it was some manner of signal that they'd been waiting for and not something that was about to explode.

Her frustration with the unlikely heroes would soon increase as they all began filing into the glowing building. That wasn't a very considerate action at all. How was she suppose to spy on them if they were going to go hide inside a glowing house? The nerve of them....such selfish behavior!

Keeping her umbrella of force energy over her curvy frame, the rain drops bouncing from it, she took flight from the rooftop she had perched on. She gave a brief wave to the vampiress that crouched on top of the other nearby roof before flying down across the Market Place, wings flapping briefly to keep herself aloft. She soared over the various merchant stalls and tents whose canvases flapped within the wind before coming to an alley behind the glowing house.

There her high heeled boots met with pavement, causing barely a sound, leathery, red wings folding behind her back. She crouched low and crept along the outside wall before finding a suitable window to peer in through. Her solid dark eyes didn't need to adjust to pick out the heroes, being able to spot them out in the shifting light and dark easily enough.

So the game of spying continued.

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2008-06-28 20:10 EST
Emerald orbs remained wide in fear, as Kerri watched the undead's somewhat methodical approach, it was as if the Queen of Mithra Mayhem were literally stopped dead in her tracks, as she stared ahead of her, and still despite all of her efforts, could not move an inch. However if one truly took a closer look at Kerrithra, they would see that the undead were not what literally froze the young warrior, if one would glance in the direction that her emerald orbs were staring, they would see that she had seen something that had indeed been able to put the literal fear of God into her...Whatever it was, it's effect was immediate, and felt to the bone. Finally, after a moment, she regained enough of herself to vocalize. "Can't move...C'mon MOVE! Got to get back, got to find the others. No way, muchacho! I can't cash out this way, too much to do...Still haven't slept with Cor...I ca— I don't wanna die, not this way, not like this! Help me...Someone, help— Mother" Are you there" Please, give me some of your strength. I wanna see you someday, Mother. But this ain't the day!" Struggling inside and out, with all that she had, Kerri fought tooth and nail to further the regaining of herself, as she felt her body begin to succumb to the numbness that was her fear...Despite all the bravado the young woman had deep down inside, at this very moment, she was likened to a small child, abandoned in the dead of night. So alone.



Or was she?


Date: 2008-07-03 14:21 EST
Jewell was thrilled to finally meet up with Issy & Company soon after she had finished cleaning up her own wounds. She had waited in the Marketplace with some of the others as Issy and Phin went off to check after Alain; she was much better off than most of them, thanks to the aid of the Goldenrod she carried around with her, and stood on the edge of the small group, watching the darkening streets with her keen eyes. There were more of those shadow creatures still out there. Her fingers itched to grasp the hilt of her sword again and rush off into the impending darkness after them, but she refrained and opted for vigilance for the moment instead.

In that watchful stance, she noted the unwholesome glow coming from one of the buildings nearby. It was alluring, staining the stormy sky with blood much as they had all stained the streets with their own. Was it just a vision' A TrueDream sent to her during the waking hours" She was still awake, right' Jewell reached out and pinched her own arm, flinching when she did so, "Ow." That earned a glance from a few standing nearby but she ignored it, opting to look back to that red glow. No, she did not think this was just a vision. Some of the others seemed to have noticed it as well.

Her suspicions were only confirmed with Isuelt's return, as the Judge started to lead them in the direction the light had come from. Jewell fell in line, trying to let those more injured and weary than she come before her and taking up a rear-guard post along with Scorp to fend off any trouble that would undoubtedly follow behind them. She hesitated only when they arrived at Lucky's place of residence, looking up and eyeing the building with a touch of apprehension on her features. Something had gone wrong here and, Lucien's place or not, Jewell did not want to delve too deeply into what had happened, not on this night.

But, as Issy ordered everyone inside, which was much preferable than the soaking wet outside even for the water Fae at the time being, she followed suit and entered before the barring of the door; she would not let her friends travel into further danger without her aid even if her instincts were all screaming, "Turn and run!."

Once inside, her senses were assaulted with the faintest remembrance of whispered screams, barely heard now. The small hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and she lingered near the door, wanting very much to leave but unwilling to do so without her allies. She watched as Issy put her blessing upon the door before stepping forward to perform a similar ritual reluctantly. Did she really want to try and fortify this place against their enemies when she dearly wanted to depart from it' Even if she did try, could her own magic possibly withstand that of the one who had unleashed those shadowy beasties upon the WestEnd" Jewell thought not. She hesitated but finally set her hand against the wood of the door. What else could she do' If they were going to remain in Lucien's house for the time being, Jewell would make the best of it.

She did not ask for the Goddess Scathach to protect them, but warded the building with her own magic. It was like a temporary road block, formed of blue and silver threads bound together to put up resistance against any who would force entry against the will of those already within.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2008-07-04 23:14 EST
The answer to that question, was no...Kerrithra Al'Tuatha was not alone, by any means...Never, so long as those who loved her, held the troublesome Mithra dear to their own hearts. Never, so long as those who held her closely, would without a thought, walk through the gates of Heaven or Hell, to be by her side...She was one of their own, and Ravenlocks, never left their own...Ever. Not by longshot.

Screaming the Mithra's name aloud once more, Brian literally skidded around the corner of a gutted building. Gloved hands dug into the street to allow some kind of traction, as the eldest Ravenlock regained his footing once more and charged towards their loved one. A gutteral growl let loose, as 'Pulgasari' was quickly drawn, the 'undead bane' coming to life, as Raven held the blade low, it's tip scraping along the moist cobblestone, as sparks began to trail, the blade's master.

In a near instant, the undead shifted their attentions from their prey, to that which was rapidly approaching them, as they replied in kind to the Ravenlock's growl, with a sickening reply of their own, as they literally threw themselves into a frenzy, pressing towards their newly arrived aggressor, their focus soley on him..

And that, was where they erred severely..

For it was not what they saw, that was the true threat...More so, it was what they did not see, and detect, that was the real threat to contend with.

Which was made evident in the deadliest of ways, as glass shattered from above, directly in Brian's path, showering the street with shards, revealing that this Ravenlock, like the rest was never alone..

From the second floor she descended, no regard whatsoever, to the several lacerations she had just subjected her body to, in the process. Looking the part of the Valkyrie herself, in all her battle-worn glory, truly a sight to behold! Flame kissed locks escaping their confines, as Jenai fired off two chakras towards the advancing undead, her aim held true, as a pair had been taken out nearly instantly, and upon the ancient weapon's return trip, yet another had been cleaved in two. Landing upon one knee with a deadly grace, arms outstretched for the chakras, as locks of flame settled over the face of Brian's beloved. All that was exposed of her face was the snarled grimace her mouth had formed, as the chakras were caught once more, and holstered. It had only taken the Priestess seconds to complete the task at hand, if one were to blink, they would have easily missed the spectacle.

Following Jenai's lead, Brian broke into a dash, raising 'Pulgasari' above his head, as he ran straight towards Jenai herself, who had her back to him. Bracing herself, Jenai remained deadly still, as her love leaped into the air, landing on shoulders, using them to vault himself into the air. The eldest Ravenlock, soared above the enemy, coming to a skidded landing directly behind them, as they had continued to press foward. As he did this, Jenai went into action, springing forth once more, her own swords now drawn, as Brian in turn charged the undead from behind. It had only taken seconds, as the pair fought as one being body, mind and soul. The result of which was the severe decimation of their opposition.

Quickly looking around the area, to make sure it was truly over, Brian let loose a sigh of relief, and offered the goddess of his heart, a raised fist, as 'Pulgasari' was sheathed. In reply, Jenai gave him one in return, as the pair then turned towards and approached their wayward Mithra, who was still quietly staring wide eyed in the distance..

As Brian reached out to touch her shoulder, Kerrithra Al'Tuatha let loose with a terrifying cry of her own, as the Mithra fell to her knees, her arm outstretched, she pointed ahead into the darkness.

"It's too late...We're too late!"

Perceval Tucker

Date: 2008-07-06 07:49 EST
Perceval had his fill of smashing zombies for one night. Once again, he allowed the rain to wash away any residue that had been spattered there by the bashing of the undead. He had just settled his mace, God's Will, back into the sling on his back when he heard Isuelt's request for everyone to follow her into Mallorek's home. His stomach knotted as he looked at the dwelling. Something wasn't right. It knotted worse when he saw her, Eva, making her way into the home with the others.

"What the hell was she doing here!?" he thought to himself.

Their relationship had been rocky at best, and now, seeing her again coupled with the current situation at hand, he knew that things would no doubt become more".complicated.

Making his way into the home, he crouched in the corner of the main room where all were assembled. He took a moment to regain his bearings, assess his body and any injuries he had sustained. He ran a large hand through his hair, removing the excess moisture from the night's rainfall. It dripped from his hand onto the floor in quiet drops. For a moment, he became lost in the vision of the droplets, each singular, and then collecting into a larger culmination as they fell together; much like the group assembled here tonight.

The loud noise of the door being barred jostled him back to reality. His eyes drifted across the room to find Eva busy tending to wounded. He could use some medical help himself, but decided to lay low. Perceval then watched as Isuelt said her blessings for safety, then stood and made his way to the door just as Jewell was doing the same. Tucker didn't have much use for faith or belief in gods. They always seemed to let him down. The mere fact that he was carrying a mace around called "God's Will" was ironic in itself. He did, however respect other's convictions and allowed them to say their peace. By no means did Tucker believe he had had more experiences than others to lead him to his current state of faithlessness. He simply believed in one thing; the only person he had faith in to keep him safe or snatch his ass out from a precarious situation was himself.

When Jewell finished, he placed a hand gently on her shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze of reassurance, along with a slight smile, "Could be worse. We could be tendin" at the Inn."


Date: 2008-07-09 16:27 EST
Isuelt had spoken the order and Phin needed nothing else to prompt her. Another wipe of her bloody cheek by the back of her hand and she was off, moving into the next room.

"Mister Mallorek" Sir?" her voice boasted a confidence that manor's shelter helped to provide. The rain was coming down in more of a dribble now, carving tiny routes down the window's glass. The lights of the Marketplace shimmered beyond the manor's view, and while Delphinea knew that the lack of movement there did not promise the end of the night's fighting.

She swallowed and stepped to the window, pushing the heavy velvet curtains fully out of the way. Her eyes closed as her rain and blood smeared hands went to work. Although she tried her best not to spread the grime from her fingers to Lucien Mallorek's window pane, she did her duty as a Priestess of Scathach. Delphinea's lips moved in silent reverie as she petitioned her goddess to bless the house and its present inhabitants; her lashes clenched as she pushed forth all of the emotion she dared to part with at the moment. So great was their need for divine intervention.

As her hands finished tracing the window and her lips finished uttering their pleas, Phin turned around to face the room. She knew that there was a hallway outside, which would probably produce more rooms with more windows. After a last glance outside past the raindrops on the window, she willed herself to leave this room behind.

"Mister Mallorek" Hello?" she had not heard from the owner of the dwelling, still Delphinea pressed onwards, from room to room, blessing the windows and praying that those wards would not be tested.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-07-12 16:19 EST
The detective's senses were a mortal man's, his own caution and the dark turn the night had taken the only things making his hair stand on end. His immortal "rider," Kael, had nothing to offer. Whether there was no aid he could render, or no aid he felt like giving, Alain could only guess.

Alain set his wounded arm out along the table, and bloody water collected around it. "Hasn't been open too long....hope it won't get infected....It was one of the creature's claws that got me." His eyes hovered on Eva's for a few moments.


Date: 2008-07-13 03:52 EST
The Judge walked within the grand house with a completely lost look upon her tanned face. The dripping funk of the zombies and skeletons was still fresh on her exposed skin. It was only now, now that this group of lost heroes had stopped running and seemingly come together at Barrister Mallorek's home, did Mirage allow herself to dwell upon everything which just transpired.

As her wounds sung striking tunes of pain to her brain, the Scathachian warrior was momentarily lost in her absorbed thoughts. This was just supposed to be another night patrol. A tour of the West End to ensure no further outbreaks of chaos and bloodshed. What a stroke of irony at its best! All of Hell had apparently poured down upon each and every one of them, just as assuredly as the thick rains drops plunged down from the skies.

As this random collection of individuals cautiously settled inside of Lucien's house, it seemed as though this truly was a welcomed rest; a sanctum for the time being to gather their strength and pool their ideas. The night's activities, however, were far from over, as the hollow moans of the walking dead and the sinister cackling of the chittering shadow beasts still echoed throughout Rhydin's City. A nightmare indeed, from which there would be no early waking.

Mirage saw many pensive faces in here by the illumination of the dimmer lights, but one visage she did not see readily see was Brianna's. Her mysterious friend had shown up so suddenly to aide them out there, and she even made the long run for the bridge with them all. The Scathachian thought that the sword wielding kindred had journeyed with them to Mallorek's, but she could not be entirely certain amidst the chaotic clashes with those monsters and the fury of the raging storm outside. She hoped that Bri had decided to stay here with them to make their fact Mirage solemnly prayed that she did.

Now, where in the Heavens was Barrister Mallorek" That was a damned good question seeing how the large house looked very much lived in and quite recently attended as well. They had seen a distinct crimson light spill out into the darkness like a macabre beacon from this locale. Others had seen it as well, so Mirage knew that it was not imagined or merely contrived by her battle-weary mind. Despite all of this, however, there seemed to be no living sign of the crafty Lucien Mallorek here as members of the group continued to call out his name.

Mirage's sharp eyes scanned all that was visible to her. She quickly spied the powerful Fae sorceress Jewell Ravenlock, the mighty Perceval Tucker, and her own stalwart Sisters, Issy and Delphinea. Her attention then turned to the wounded detective, Alain D'Mourir, as he spoke in rather calm tones to the very drenched Dr. Eva Luna.

Serena was absolutely sure that there were still more of their allies in here with them, for their ample group was much bigger when they all quickly piled into this residence from out of the wet night. Her broad assumption was soon confirmed as she then heard voices, other then from the faces she initially saw, conversing about the violent melee from which they had just narrowly escaped.

Suddenly, without warning, a sizeable flash of lightening ripped through the tumultuous sky, further illuminating the larger room. At least the light gave the brooding Judge a brief glimpse of the identities of the other "lost heroes" who had been mysteriously drawn together here in this oddly abandoned house. Safety in numbers" Naturally.

Yet still, even this did not settle her tensed nerves. Despite their temporary shelter within a tastefully rich home, one which would usually be heralded as a secure place of sanctuary, Mirage simply couldn't shake the ominously dread filled feeling that the very walls were about to start brutally closing in on them all.

Scorpion Wraitharan

Date: 2008-07-13 16:07 EST
The dead are dead.

The dead do not walk.

The dead can not walk.

Then why in the f**k are the f*cken dead now walking"!

The Don Mega slowly sat back in one of Lucien's plush leather chairs, as he closed his eyes for a solid minute. A heavy exhale came from him as the Big Man set about to refocus his racing mind. The ravenous dead did walk. In fact, they were doing much more then just walking...the rotting creatures were trying to feast on all of them out there!

Whatever terrifying and shocking dream they all haplessly stumbled into, this unlucky group of warriors was most probably still in for one hell of a fight. Twisted sh*t like this didn't just simply end. It didn't easily die. And even if it did, it was quite obvious that on this torrential night, the dead were not staying that way.

His long hair was drenched as was his black leather armor, his heavy boots and his ebon gloves. With his trusty spiked bat, coated with the torn flesh and dried blood of the smashed ghouls, laid across his broad lap, Scorp began to methodically reload his powerful handbow. One bolt at a time, smooth and calculating; without emotion.

As he worked on his gun, Scorpion heard Issy calling out for the barrister who owned this lavish home. Her voice was exceptionally strong and determined, forever the gatekeeper that one. His Issy. Soon afterwards he heard another woman's voice, whom he thought belonged to the Scathachian Phin, calling out for the same elusively missing person. It was then that the agitated Mirage abruptly walked across his line of vision as she headed over to her Sisters. Those dutiful Scathachians, always working.

Metro City's Don Mega preferred to remain relatively still. Here, though, from the solace of the room's lingering shadows, Scorp sat and watched the others pace about and tend to their inflicted wounds. He sincerely hoped that everyone who was with them out there in that bloody mess had made it here to Lucien's. He tried to take a rough head count.

As he silently tallied it became strikingly obvious, however, that Mr. Mallorek, himself, was not at home. For some anomalous reason that did not sit well with Big Sexxxy. Okay, so where had the man suddenly gone to in the dead of night and in the midst of this heavy storm' And what about that strange red light which flooded out of this area" Did he just imagine it' Hell, did they all imagine it' Everyone here had seen enough crimson gore spattered about tonight that perhaps, in the thick rain, their eyes were beginning to play little devilish tricks on them. Scorp slowly shook his head as if disagreeing with his own attempts to formulate logical excuses.

Another deep exhale as he began to take serious note of the situation. If they were all going to remain here in this house, then the place needed to be fortified. He understood that spellcraft and magic were options, though he himself did not really understand the ins and outs of that angle. That would be best left to the supernatural tinkering folks like Jewell Ravenlock-Kidd as well as with the holy priests and priestesses of this group. Scorp, however, did understand overwhelming bulk, physical violence and raw force; these stately windows would need to be heavily barricaded. Well, either that or they could all just get the f**k out of dodge and leave this god forsaken place behind them. It was obvious that there was some serious sh*t running amuck here, nightmarish sh*t that was better left untampered with!

Taking off and just leaving Rhydin's gruesome disarray behind? Now that sounded damn good, except Scorpion knew that this non-altruistic mentality was not shared by the gross majority of the congregated people in here with him. These folks after all were real heroes, reluctant or not, it was certainly true. All here were kind hearted individuals with noble intentions and underlying principles of good. To be a real hero was unquestionably a challenging and selfless mantle to painstakingly hoist above the fray.

The Don Mega, however, claimed no such title....

Kacilla Lynne

Date: 2008-07-16 05:40 EST
Kacey knew exactly what she was tracking in on her work boots. Black gore and ichor mixed with the blood still running sluggishly down from the slice in her calf and left a foul mess with every step on the carpets. Not to mention the mud and rain and the rest of the cuts and scrapes she'd managed to acquire over the course of this unholy night. But the sight of those howling Black Monks sprinting towards the group, toward the house, was enough to drive any concerns for propriety from her mind. She didn't know the house or its owner, didn't recognize the name Issy had been shouting as they entered.

But she knew Eva by sight, recognized the doctor from after the Marketplace bombings, and seeing those medical supplies laid out so competently was enough to make her knees sag, briefly, in gratitude. She wiped the blades of her stolen swords carefully on a less-filthy patch of denim and started to sheath them " only to realize that she hadn't actually taken the sheaths to go with the swords. A muttered curse " violent enough " escaped her mouth before she sighed and just held them.

Alain was being treated for the injury to his arm; Kacey could wait her turn. Carefully she propped one sword against an end table and then limped over to one of the windows. She had hoped to find solid shutters " no such luck. Just curtains, heavy drapes. When she twitched the curtains back to look out into the heavy night, a hint of movement farther down the wall outside caught her eye.

Only for a moment, and not enough that she could tell what she had seen. She was too distracted by the sight of the Black Monks careening down the street, getting too close. Their howls and unearthly cries were muffled by the glass and further when she let the curtain fall back into place. Her hand had tightened around the hilt of sword, white-knuckled; she looked at it with a bit of surprise.

When had her nerve returned" That piece of herself she had thought lost forever" Or was it all illusion " would the walls open up and begin to bleed on her again? Almost desperately, chocolate-brown eyes scanned the walls of the room they were in. No signs; if she was going to break down, it wouldn't be now. Almost a gasp of breath before she carefully eased her grip on the remaining sword and left it leaning against the wall by the window.

While Eva worked on the detective and the Scathachians and the magic users went through the house warding every entry, Kacey limped into the kitchen. The back door hadn't been warded yet, but she wasn't going there for defense. No, it was something much simpler she was in search of. She found her goal with a tin of rich black tea and a large kettle. After some consideration, she also filled the largest pot she could find with more water and set it next to the kettle to boil. Coffee.

Mugs, one after another, were lined up on the counter. She was moving automatically, and an abstracted part of her mind whispered, shock, while another answered, protection, and then both were still. There were almost certainly more people in the house than there were mugs, but the set she had found in the cupboards were lined up and ready to be filled with nearly-scalding hot liquid of the drinker's choice.

Coffee and tea, the warm and homey scents drifted through the house while Kacey sat at the kitchen table. A mug was wrapped between calloused hands while chocolate brown eyes stared out the kitchen windows at the storm that had faded to unhealthy drizzle and the lightning that still seared the sky. It gave a strobe effect to the approaching monsters; flash and they were a little closer than before. Eventually she would remember her calf bleeding and the forgotten pain of it. Eventually she would scramble for her swords in the other room. Eventually. For now, she sat and cradled the mug of tea, and watched.

Luna Eva

Date: 2008-07-16 16:06 EST
"It won't get infected." Eva could hardly make that assurance from any sort of medical stand point, but the hard edge to her voice made it clear that she simply would not allow that to happen. There were few things Eva could control on a night like this, and treating the wounded was one of them.

From her medical bag, Eva retrieved a small stick light, which snapped on with a twist. She set it on the table, angled to provide extra light to her work area, and the wound on Alain's arm. Working on a low coffee table, was hardly comfortable. She sat on the couch, her back to the window, slid all the way forward on the edge of the seat. She placed a folded towel beneath his arm to soak up the bloody water, and to catch run off once she started cleaning the wound. Her hair, pulled back from her face, was wet from the rain, and once she had pulled on latex gloves, she kept having to brush back loose strands with her forearm.

"I'm not going to lay in stitches, Alain." She glanced up at him, opening the nozzle on a bottle of sterile saline. "They'll just tear if you have to....if there's more fighting." She paused with the bottle over his arm. "This is going to sting a little." The sterile saline washed out the wound, momentarily clearing away the excess blood, the red watery fluid soaking into the towel. Then she tore open a pack with sterile povidone iodine swabs and carefully circled the jagged wound. The discards were tossed in a plastic sealable bag, already marked with a bio-hazard symbol.

Eva leaned down to reach into her medical bag again and glanced through the open doorway that led back to the entryway. At the front door, she caught a glimpse of the familiar shape of Tucker's broad back, and immediately paused to have a longer look. There was nothing left to surprise her that night. Of course it made sense that Tucker would be there, in some way. He'd been a soldier after all. But the sight of his hand resting on Jewell's shoulder made her stomach tighten. It didn't mean anything. She repeated that to herself a few times before she finally let the movement of Kacilla through the room distract her long enough to refocus, and she got what she needed from her bag.

"This should hold it....until....well you should let me look at it tomorrow....and change the bandage tonight of course....after this is over..." It was a small tube that she held, and she squeezed out a clear looking ointment, the consistency of super glue, directly into the wound. It sealed the wound, and she quickly placed a square gauze pad over it, taping it in place. Then she stripped off her filthy gloves, adding them to the bio-hazard bag, and wrapped the wound in fresh gauze, keeping it tight but not too tight.

"Okay, all set." She nodded to Alain, and smiled faintly. The whole process had taken no more than a few minutes, and Eva was already efficiently cleaning up, preparing for the next patient, who she assumed would be Kacilla, but when she looked up, Kacilla was gone. Eva stood up, as if she might go in search of her, or stretch her legs. She pulled the rubber band from her wet hair and started to retie it, trying to capture all of the wet strands.

As Eva stood in front of the couch fixing her hair, a loud bang and crack sounded from the window behind her. Eva flinched and turned to look, letting her wet hair fall back to her shoulders, the rubber band held between her fingers. Whatever had crashed against the window was hidden by the curtain. Eva reached out to draw it back, to look at the window. She knew she shouldn't. She knew that she was better off not knowing what was out there. But she couldn't help herself. Eva pulled aside the curtain.

Marcus' severed head clung wetly to a square frame of the window, as if it had been thrown or kicked there and had gotten stuck, its downward momentum held in check by the window pane. His eyes were still wide with terror, as they were when the hell hound had ripped out his throat and a crack in the glass radiated out from beneath his cheek. Bits of flesh and gore dangled from where his neck used to be.

Eva let out a startled gasp and stumbled back, knocking into the coffee table behind her, sending her portable light skittering across the carpet, and upsetting her supplies. She stared at his face, at his terrified face. She shouldn't have left his body behind in the Marketplace. She should have brought him back to his girlfriend. After a moment, Eva just shook her head and turned away.

"Gonna have nightmares about that for the next few weeks."


Date: 2008-07-19 00:35 EST
Plop" plop" plop'splat! Ahhhh the sound of bouncing heads. Brianna was standing in the middle of a pile of oozing meat. Those orbs were gazing forwards, in a void like trans. Now where oh where did everyone go' Left, right, left, right' Drat' Where did they go'

Yeesh Brianna just follow your nose!

Great now she was hearing things in her head. Ahh those glorious doses of joy. It was dancing through her veins! She shuddered for a moment and purred. The scent was back, streaming through her nostrils. It was glorious! Her head turned to her right and her eyes closed. A resounding growl pushed from her lips and her lips parted into a wide fanged smirk.

"Ohhh yum?" Yeah, she was going to enjoy following that scent any where!

Those vampiric toes bounced and skipped through the gathering crimson pools at her feet. She began to hum as she moved in a semi rapid pace. Her lips parted in a glee filled giggle before she spun on her toes to glance about. Seeking that scent again with her nostrils she turned to her left and followed, licking her lips as the rain poured down on her.

Her lips parted in a song while she skipped forwards in pursuit," I'm running through the rain" Da" da...dee..daa. Dee'da'dee'da'da" Following my nose" da". Da'da'da..daa..da..da" Following a scent I want to lick?" Snickering madly to herself, and turning now with a spin to her right.

Either she had lost her mind orrrr". She was lost in that mysterious 'la la land' again. It was obviously a mixture of both at this point. Her lips parted and she shivered when she spotted the vile undead baring her way. Almost as if pleasure was coursing through her body. Brianna grinned for a moment and simply skipped on forwards. Her vampire's strength doing the work for her, since her blades were now secured upon her back.

Nails dug and tore at the dead flesh that moved in her way, not that she was having violent issues to begin with. She smelled like the undead herself, and her pulse was un-existent. She was completely gone beyond all comprehension. That sweet scent still playing in her nostrils the whole way.

There was a rumble from her as she skid to a stop. Big eyes peering up at the grand house before her and her jaw dropping," Bwahahaha!" This was just getting more and more interesting. Tripping like an insane drug addict, ha! The kindred didn't care up to this point what happened. Her body wiggled and she struck a pose," Hooahhh!"

Spinning on her long toes she 'tra-la-laed' onwards; moving in through the door, prior to Jewell's spell, and then spotting the 'beauty' she had followed with her keen nose. If it was possible, her jaw dropped lower and she kept her methodical pace over to Mirage's side. Her eyes were probing over the house with mild curiosity. It was all just too"creepy.

Brianna snickered once more and turned to Mirage while she waggled her dark brows," Cozy." Spinning on her toes she then gave a slow, yet very hidden glance over to the tall Judge before lowly humming. Her hair bounced over her shoulder as she sprang forwards like a curious puppy, eager to explore," Mirage" Is it a bit cold in here?" Bri turned to look at the Scathachian and grinned; just staring at Mirage as if she knew something the Judge didn't, before her expression finally turned into quite a satisfied look.

Without saying another word she glanced around for a moment, her strong arms folding behind her back. A smirk now on her lips, Brianna moved a bit further into the house," And what are we now looking for here?? Was asked as she hummed softly, eager to get on with the next bit of the show.

Hera Fyre

Date: 2008-07-21 16:50 EST
What kind of Hero crashes a party' Hera didn't ever consider herself a hero. She was a killer, plain and simple. But when she smelt the stench of death coming from the fancy manor, she knew something was up. Then, one by one she saw them. The Sisters, along with their allies. Something was definitely up.

She crashed the party, quiet literally. She landed hard on the roof top of the manor, looking down to the dead walking. The walking dead themselves were nothing new. She'd seen them before, ages ago. But every battle with undead seemed like something new; here in Rhydin the dead carried massive weapons.

The rain poured down over her, soaking Hera from head to toe, but it didn't matter; she still had the one weapon that could take those walking, foul things out. Not only Alfirin and Meneluin, those twin sister blades on her back, but within her own body, there was one thing that zombies and the undead hated most: Fire.

So, leaping from the roof top she went, drawing that golden hilted sword in one gloved hand; the blade itself came alive with flame. As she landed, she took out two foes with her as she hit the ground with a thud. What better way to make an entrance" She flicked Alfirin to the right slicing and dicing with a fluid twist of her hand, zombie blood spattered on the ground and all over her dark clothing. The smell would have made anyone gag, but looking to the right then to the left, Hera noted she was out numbered. Ten to one would have been fun, but this was twenty to one, and the numbers were growing. So, she back tracked towards that large manor, where her allies were.

The door was likely already barred and warded from the fray outside. So, looking around she hurried to pull herself up to a roof top. Her strong feet met with a few bodies as something tried to pull her back down. Hera then heard a jaw snap back as she slammed her booted foot into a face. There would be one higher window, one place where the assassin could slip in.

And as she jumped back to the roof she found it, one open window yet to be closed or warded. The ominous tingle going through her spine, however, told her she had mere seconds to run across the roof and jump through the open window before a huge ward took over the house. Sheathing Meneluin, she ran sliding along the roof in the rain to catch the window sill, and then pulled herself up and in just before Jewell's warding of the manor took over. Now to see what was going on.

"Okay," she loudly announced herself as she came in to view of a few allies. "Who ordered the dead people?" A grin crossed her fair face as she sheathed Alfirin and walked onward down the hallway. She then spied Issy and Serena amongst those gathered allies. Who better to ask what was up"

She crossed the hall slowly; this place had an eerie feeling about it and everyone here was looking around for someone, a man. So, slowly and now more quietly, she slipped up beside Serena. "Am I too late to join this party?"Her dark brows rose softly."What's with this side of town" Always dead people..So...." now onward to the real business, "What can I do?"


Date: 2008-07-23 13:31 EST
"Okay...Who ordered the dead people?" The voice was unmistakable, even though its sudden utterance surprised Isuelt. Her dark head swiveled toward the voice and her suspicions were confirmed.

"Great Hera!" She quickly made her way to the woman who was now standing with Mirage and Brianna, a hand outstretched. "How did you get in?" Her brown eyes were already making their way to look toward the window where Jewell was standing. After answering her own question, she looked to the assassin, checking her over for injuries. She was sopping wet, like the rest of them and stunk like the grave, like the rest of them. But Hera was without some of the blood, cuts and scrapes that members of the group were presently dealing with. "You okay?" She offered to her friend as she turned in time to see Scorpion coming up the stairs. Her lips flinched into a smile for him as she silently nodded her head toward her old boss and present lover.

Hera had asked how she could help, and besides Trixie, who was unaccounted for as of yet, Isuelt knew that Hera was their best bet to scope out possible rooftop escape routes. "You can take Mirage here and try to figure out how in the hell we're going to get out of here if we don't find Mallorek," she paused. "Or if we do find him and he's got no covert way out. I'm thinking rooftop, since you were successful at getting in." She sighed heavily, she hated the feeling of being cornered or trapped. And that was precisely the feeling that was beginning to surface. "I think Jewell's got the upstairs pretty much sewn up. I'm going to head back down and see to the injured, reassess our forces."

When she got down there, she would be ever grateful for the normalcy that Kacey was trying to instill in the group by putting on the kettle and coffee.

Hera Fyre

Date: 2008-07-23 14:14 EST
Hera smirked standing at silent attention as Issy called out her name. "How did you get in?" But, that question needed no answer as Hera saw Issy could see where and how she had gotten in.

"I am good." Looking the way Issy did for a moment, allies abounded. Many she had never met or even seen were present. There were no injuries yet on Hera, she had escaped without a mark on her. The blood on her clothing, arms and face was not her own. The smell of the grave lingered on that blood, which she was wiping off with the back of her sleeve. Classy.

Cyan eyes took in the others, nursing wounds. "Seems like I am one of the lucky ones." It was all in thanks to Alfirin, and those firey powers which rushed through her veins.

"You can take Mirage here and try to figure out how in the hell we're going to get out of here if we don't find Mallorek," she paused. "Or if we do find him and he's got no covert way out. I'm thinking rooftop, since you were successful at getting in." Hera gave a firm nod to that.

"I think Jewell's got the upstairs pretty much sewn up. I'm going to head back down and see to the injured, reassess our forces." A side long glance to the woman Issy refereed to then back a sweeping motion of the place taken in two seconds. "I am sure I can find a way out. I am good at that."

Then a nod was given to Mirage, " The way I got in is sealed up tight, maybe we can find a way up to an attic. Hell maybe even a weak wall with a hole in it, I think Illea would settle for anything." A shrug, windows were easy enough to slip in and out of but now the place was shut tight. This hunt for a way out may take longer than finding Mr. Mallorek, whoever that was.

"Even if we do find him and get out of here, there's a horde of hungry dead people outside. Its going to be one hell of a time." Still scanning the area. " I am thinking we split up, you go one way I go another, we could cover more ground that way." Looking back to Mirage now, " if we find a way out we can hope it stays open long enough to get everyone out." Seemed like a good plan as long as they were barred in here. Hera was sure no one liked being 'trapped' inside with a bunch of clawing zombies outside. Cabin fever might set in.


Date: 2008-08-05 12:05 EST
The bridge..., now why hadn't she thought of that before? Waylaid by numerous imps and undead, the dragoness hovered just a moment to catch her breath, ice blue eyes following those below on the bridge, the skeletons, imps and zombies just kept coming.

Soon, jaws parted wide, and she let loose a blast of icefire, aiming not at the foe, but the bridge itself. Soon there was a slick coating of ice that easily could trip up any that tried crossing, a diversion if any that might buy some time.

A toothy grin formed momentarilly as she watched one zombie topple into another, sending the ranks down like pushed dominoes, turning then, she glided toward the last place she'd seen Kerri and company, eyes squinting as lightning streaked overhead.