Topic: Something to Prove


Date: 2006-08-28 13:50 EST
Eddie had been spending most of her time away from the Sanctuary, practicing with her blades, perfecting the leg moves that put wrongdoers at her mercy. She was now able to take on a villian a foot taller than her 5'4" frame, and have him choking and gasping on the ground, a strong foot blocking off his airway as he writhed and pleaded for mercy.

This night, Eddie was skulking in the shadows in West End - patrolling the dark streets, her black hoodie up to conceal her youthful features and her strawberry hair. Her light brown eyes scanned the way ahead of her, freshly tattooed hands flexing in her fingerless gloves, as she spotted a familiar form - could it be the cook Trixie spoke so highly of? - who also seemed to be on the hunt. Slowly, a wicked grin lighting her face, she slipped in the shadows toward the tall handsome man - eager to prove she was worthy of the Sisters.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-08-29 08:31 EST
"I gotcha now ya know ya sorry piece of sh*t....Just a little more...Oh ya got some friends...That's what I'm talking about....I'm gonna be a tad late for Jen, but she'll understand...Come on ya got a mark right there...So close...No' Aw, cmon ya bunch of pansies...Wait, wait...Yes....Yes...No' Aw sh*t...Can't you f*ckers, do any better" I mean it was bad enough ya used a kid for a look out, dead give away...But now this?"

His voice barely a whisper, as the Elder Ravenlock watched on closely. He had been watching in the same spot for a little over an hour and a half, watching these pathetic savages try again and again, and fail. They did some small things, like pick the pockets of some drunks and what not, but our boy wanted more than that...He wanted to see what else they would stoop to before handing their asses to them. Through the half mask he wore he sighed a bit, but remained crouched where he was within the shadows of the small stack of crates.

"So this is what it's gonna amount to, couple of picked pockets and that's it' Should kicked your asses earlier, then I could been in bed, and woken early and made a nice breakfast with Jen, but noooooo here I am, eh"....Nani?"

Something caught his attention from the rear and caused him to go silent. A deft movement, as his gloved hand slid to the hilt of his wakizashi for the briefest of time, and then he relaxed and smiled faintly under the mask.

"Took ya long enough Eds, I was wondering when you'd come out and play. So we got five marks and a kid, nothing big as of yet, but...Hold up" Look at that.."

Brian never took his eyes off the marks, as he spoke to Eddie. So when a pair of ladies who obviously didnt belong in the area, and were too well dressed to be ignored were seen, it was too good not to pass up.

"Okay, either they are naive, stupid, or bait for someone looking for marks as well. Either way we can have some fun" You up for some fun, Eddie?"

In truth Brian hoped this would be easy, and the ladies were just naive or stupid...But after the Undead Otaku incident with Gwydion a few weeks back anything was possible. So he and Eddie waited to see what was to come, and what they would do.


Date: 2006-08-29 09:40 EST
"Okay, either they are naive, stupid, or bait for someone looking for marks as well. Either way we can have some fun" You up for some fun, Eddie?"

Eddie crouched down beside Brian in the shadows, balancing on the balls of her feet, grinning as she saw the same two out-of-place women.

"I'm always up for some fun, chef - even easy fun like this. How you wanna play it' They can't possibly be as stupid as they look can they?"

Eddie's hands rested on the hilts of her swords as she balanced perfectly still next to Brian - the night was looking better already.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-08-30 05:13 EST
"Yer right Eddie, they can't be that stupid. No one dressed like that just strolls on in here. Note the blonde on the left, she looks a bit fearful, but check out her friend the dark haired one. If that face is supposed to be fear, than I am the newest sister and I'll wear a skirt next time I go to the Inn."

A careful shift of his weight a moment, as he watched on.

"Okay, it looks like the original saps are gonna become the marks. There look out is signaling as well, and it looks like the dark hair woman is looking for something too. So here is where we stand Eddie...Do we A). Wait for the original saps to become the marks, or B). Jump on in there, take the original saps and then make an example of those Ladies who are obviously bait on a trolling line" Decisions, decisions....Or we could C). Jump on down, and take them all and get who we can....Any ideas?"

::A grin through the half mask, as the chef eyed the sister once, and offered a wink::


Date: 2006-08-31 08:38 EST
Eddie nodded as she watched the women and the original saps - the wide grin on her face making her seem even younger. "You're right - cuz I don't know if you have the legs for a skirt."

"Considering" the three options Brian suggested, she knew which one she wanted - the same one she could tell Brian wanted also:

"Chef - I'll take that option C - bet I take out more than you.."

She drew the black hoodie up over her face again - but not before returning Brian's saucy wink. She waited next to Brian - crouched in the shadows - ready to spring as the women drew closer.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-09-01 05:30 EST
"Oh yer on sweet cheeks..."

A grin under the mask, as Brian noted the returned wink and watched on a bit more.

"Okay, let give em a moment and see if these two pieces of bait are gonna become predators or if they have friends...Also, try to leave some in one piece, we may need some information. I heard how....Lively you can get."

A chuckle escaped his lips, as he shifted his weight once more.

"Wait a sec, looks like business is about to pick up."

As the youg boy of a look out for sap group "A", also known as the men waved his hands and dipped into a far alley. This cause Brian to shake his head a moment.

"Sloppy bastards....Okay Eds, why doncha see if you can slip into that alley the kid went into, and work your way to it's mouth. I'll slip around the women, and come from behind and we'll meet somewhere in the middle. Just wait for them to do something."


Date: 2006-09-01 22:11 EST
Eddie gave Brian her best sweet innocent look, batting her light brown eyes at him. "Who me - sweet lil ol' me? I'll leave a windpipe or two free for ya!"

She listened to Brian's instructions, and nodded. "OK chef-man - I wait for the creeps to start shit first." And with that, Eddie slipped into the shadows - the black of her lycra pants and hoodie blending perfectly in the shadows - even the crimson of her sash was unseen. Bare feet made no noise as she slunk behind the lookout boy, and followed him into the alley.