Topic: The Night Cometh


Date: 2006-11-10 19:43 EST
***<<The following events transpired in the West End of RhyDin five nights ago>>***

"It is in these times that we praise the Heavens for bestowing unto us their chosen heroes. Thank thee for your guardian spirits." -BOOK OF COMMON LIGHT

As she concealed her tall, cloaked form in the gloomy darkness, her thoughts drifted back to the Island of Shadow. Such delusional times they were....a true illusion to her blackened soul. The salty scent of the whispering ocean coupled with the fresh breath of revitalizing wind often brought her to a place of clarity. The serene isolation was oftentimes a godsend. Such ravenous, blood-sick rage.

Voices drawing near. A man's confident tones. A woman's gale laughter. Her emerald green eyes snapped open like a sleek serpent arising from its deadened slumber. Those eyes immediately fixated upon her unknowing prey as they moved out into the dark night.

This was not the Island.

The ill-famed alleys of the West End......the place stank of stale sweat and fresh urine. The stranger paused in the alcove...not hesitating, but just watching for a moment. Drug addicts and dwellers of the street looking like skeletons draped in dirty brown skin and filthy rags, sat shaking and moaning in their hellish euphoria. There must have been twenty of them scattered about the damp alley. Their unwashed bodies were lined up along the wall and stuffed into the corners like piles of living garbage. A thick, smokey haze hung low in the air, obscuring the finer details of the vermin infested street.

She had been stalking these two lovers for the better part of the evening. Something drew her to their union. Perhaps it was the way he looked at her......or conceivably it was her innocent smile. Truly, it mattered not.

They were poor or at the very least of simple means. Not depraved, mind you, like their surrounding neighbors in this sinful maze of winding streets and black pathways...just of meager earnings. There was no promise of a wealthy future nor of a luxurious life for this pair. No. They held in each other the promise of a new life....of new dreams.....together. This couple were no strangers to this part of town.....the drunkards of the city seemed to pay them no mind as they continued on their course to a destination that they would never reach in this fleeting lifetime. They turned down a deserted alleyway. How nice.

He was of muscular proportions, this man. He wore impressive steel on his belt. A warrior perhaps? If this was so, then his skills were as meager as his lifestyle. T'was a pity for him.

He felt a cold iron grip on the back of his shoulder as he was suddenly spun around. The man's lovely female counterpart let forth a single high-pitched scream when Giminicka thrust her serried dagger upwards through his strong chin. The cruel blade was forced completely into his leathery flesh until nothing but the skeletal hilt was visible beneath his trembling mandible.


Date: 2006-11-10 19:54 EST
The noise itself, she thought, was far more invigorating than the ocean's gentle murmur. The sickening, wet reverberation as the razor-sharp steel struck its ample mark utterly aroused her. Like one slicing into a large, ripened piece of citrus fruit.....the slurp of the blade echoed in her head as this stranger was instantly transformed into a sheath of flesh and bone for her famished knife.

He gurgled as he choked in a thick soup of his own collecting blood and ropey saliva. Only when Giminicka retracted the blade from his throat did he fall to the cold stone road like a lifeless puppet. Her tall, shadowy form glared down at his convulsing body.

"Dance." She whispered in an icy tone. "Dance little puppet. for me you capricious son of a bitch."

He twitched and squirmed like a dying insect as his vitae ebbed forth and formed a magnificent ebony silhouette about his once powerful body.

A smile sliced across Giminicka's face like the slit trail of a thin razor. 'No dancing for your life tonight little man..' she mused in her twisted mind. 'Your show has ended.....take your final bow.' Lord Bhaal would indeed be pleased.

Her eyes raised from her first victim to pierce the soul of the dead man's companion who seemed to offer no appreciation for this masterpiece being performed in front of her. She tried to scream again. Her voice throttled by the terror which her eyes and mind were being forced to relive. This gruesome scene replayed nearly a dozen times in her frightened conscious like a waking nightmare. If only this were the very last piece of horror she would behold......the gods would be merciful indeed.

Giminicka's crimson gauntlet gripped the young woman's throat......lifting her from the ground until her feet kicked and flailed well over twelve inches off of the street. Giminicka then took a painful moment to study this tender young woman as she strangled her. Her eyes grew so wide and radiated with such a brilliant shade of blue even in this dark, desolate night. It was a deep, untamed cobalt like the ocean......that rich blue hue of the turbulent sea which surrounded the Island that Giminicka had once called home. How she had often fantasized about those same waters turning red with blood as they angrily churned. No......more than simply turning red with blood....overflowing with it. Gory seas lapping hungrily at a shore which was littered with rotting flesh and skeletal remains........a twisted baptismal pool of blood-spattered slaughter for as far as the human eye could see.

The victim hung helpless in her strong hands. She gagged in vain. Barely audible were her strained attempts to breathe. Her light brown hair fell neatly down her small back as her throat and mouth impatiently gasped for air which never came.


Date: 2006-11-10 20:05 EST
Strangulation was truly a divine deed to partake in. Watching this fragile woman choke and hearing her suffocate was a sheer symphony to Giminicka. With effortless flexing of her dominant fingers she controlled the destiny of this meek creature. Oxygen had become a scant luxury indeed. Her pink, velvet tongue seductively danced along the dry border of her gasping lips. Finally, when the victim's struggling began to quiet and her gorgeous eyes rolled into back into her head, Giminicka decided that this little one was bowing out of their game far too early.

The relentless warrior irreverently dropped her body to the grimy street. The ensuing flurry of gasping which sprung forth from her prey's bruised throat and quivering lips only served to arouse Giminicka even more. Within her powerful and sinful body, deadly passions were awoken. Like a dark spider descending from its webbed fortress, she lowered herself onto the much smaller female. Straddling her, Giminicka lowered her face to the gasping mouth of her quarry. Their lips met..........soon after, there was a kiss. And such a kiss it was.......

Giminicka's "tender" embrace was firm and determined. Using her own lengthy tongue she vigorously herded the tongue of the stunned woman into her hungry mouth. She slowly opened her malicious eyes. As soon as she experienced the sound and twisted sensation, it stung her mind and caressed her depraved persona. That sopping, slushy noise, which caused her to silently orgasm in this dim alleyway, was a doorway to her own private Eden. Powered by her strong muscles of mastication, Giminicka's teeth tightly clenched shut. Into this piece of raw quivering meat they sank. Like a famished beast, she tore and minced with her set jaws. With a final deliberate twist of her neck, echoed with an animalistic snarl, she tore the girl's tongue from her mouth. Blood spewed forth from the woman's mouth like a completely full glass which had been carelessly split.

Giminicka rose to her full, towering height......her own malevolent face spotted with shreds of torn flesh which clung to her chin and neck. Crimson raindrops covered her corded throat in a chaotic array. She slowly drew the deadly sword from off of her back.

A cleaving swing through the stale night air. The priestess of Bhaal severed the woman's legs from her body, adding further to the grim magnum opus of gore which decorated this lonely roadway. Tissue, muscle, ligament, and bone simply split and surrendered their unity under the razor-sharp assault of this cursed weapon.

She did not wait for her prey to bleed to death before she continued her demonic work. Giminicka stoically carved the inverted Scales of Justice on the woman's exposed back with the very dagger she had used to skew the woman's hapless lover. It easily tore through her soft flesh and left behind a harsh mockery to those who had dedicated their lives and pledged their souls to upholding the doctrines of righteousness......such silly dogmas these "justice bringers" followed.


Date: 2006-11-10 20:15 EST
Soon....the mutilated woman stopped her agonizing routine. The squirming and incoherent gurgling faded into was finally over for this tortured soul. Darkness at last.

The priestess reached into her own mouth and removed the detached, dripping tongue which she herself had partially devoured. Her long, muscular legs carried her to the far wall of the alley. Giminicka's attention had once again been claimed. She stared expressionlessly at the wall for nearly ten minutes. Her jaw clenched.

The sign on the wall. That damnable sign hung before glared at her sardonically.....loudly chanting that sickening proclamation: "THOSE WHO SEEK RIGHTEOUS VENGENCE, SEEK THE SCATHACHIAN SACNTUARY"

" it I shall." she hissed. "I shall seek it....and I shall see it sanctified with the wailing sorrow and pain of you and yours before I am through."

Using the severed tongue, she smeared the massacred woman's blood all over the sign in a frenzied pattern. Amidst the gruesome graffiti left on the Scathachian picture....only three bold letters were unmistakably clear: S I N

"My sisters..........I will see you soon."

"It is in these times that they curse the Heavens for allowing the unholy abominations amongst us to rule the night. The Hells be praised." -BOOK OF COMMON DREAD


Date: 2006-11-11 22:06 EST
Another person had mentioned it to her. The blood on the Scathachian poster. The word "SIN" frozen in time for all the world to see. Isuelt, herself, had been seeing it in her own mind, even when she desperately fought to wipe the image clean. She and her Sisters were being targeted"again.

She had been on patrol since she had been made aware of the grizzly murder in the West End; the two people slain, mutilated frankly, in an alleyway. Frustratingly, she had seen no one who really knew anything. Or at least she had found only people who were afraid to talk, either way she was getting no where fast. And that was simply something that this Scathachian loathed more than most.

Impatience was an art form with Isuelt. Over and over in her life she had fallen under its spell and had been told that nothing good would ever come from pushing too hard. If memory served her correctly, the last person that had said that to her had ironically, himself, been pushed".pushed out of a second story window by the impatient Judge.

But these were not things that were to be thought of now, Isuelt chided herself. She was back in the West End once again, though she had sworn up and down to her Sisters that she was taking the night off and getting some rest. The truth was, she had one of those proverbially "bad feelings" about this whole business. It was not because the murder was senseless".most murders in the West End were. It was not because it was gruesome".she had seen worse on battle fields. What did not sit well with the dark Scathachian was the nagging feeling of d"j" vu. Granted, she had never seen any of this before, but there was an odd, parentless sense of familiarity that she could not ignore.

It haunted her.

She could not get the image of the two bodies out of her mind. She had seen them"though not until the next morning. On routine patrol, she had come upon a small group of citizens who were frazzled and frightened. She found that they had good reason to be. That, coupled with the obvious venom spat on the poster for the Sanctuary, left goose bumps on her flesh and a severe chill in her bones

Isuelt was in the West End once more tonight. She was standing on a corner before a dilapidated warehouse, absently fingering the garnet at her throat. If ever there was a night when the gypsy needed the protection and the sight of her patroness, Scathach, it was tonight. It was on nights like this when Isuelt didn't think of herself as Isuelt"but as Illea.


Date: 2006-11-13 22:10 EST
Ever since the gruesome and horrific murders, Eddie stepped up her patrols in the West End, desperately searching for evidence to clear the Scathachian name - her sisters' names, Issy's name. Whoever committed these crimes had gone through great lengths to smear the Sanctuary's reputation, especially Eddie's Elder Sister Issy.

Issy was as close to a mother as Eddie ever had. Her life on the Isle of Shadows had been all about training from the time she was eight years old. When she firs arrived in RhyDin, she was a green, raw Warrior. Coming to the Sanctuary had been the best thing to happen to Eddie, for there she found purpose - a reason for being in RhyDin. She took her patrols throughout the West End very seriously. She wanted more than anything in the world to be as strong a Warrior as Issy - she wanted Issy to be proud of her.

So Eddie searched all her haunts for information, and found that her usual informants shied away from her. Those that once trusted her feared her now. So, Eddie scoured the streets alone, and woe to anyone who crossed her with evil intent. She was determined to repair the damage to the Sanctuary all by herself if needed.