Topic: The WestEnd Offensive: War Council

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-06 02:42 EST
"Everything you requested has been readied, Sir. The couriers have already begun to seek out the specified parties, and should return with a rough estimate in regards to attendees, by tommorow. The stores have been replenished, and we will be ready for your gathering, and I have also requested some additional help for the evening, of couse they have been properly screened, before I selected them. Everything is set."

"Very good...And thank you. I know this was a bit on short notice, but I truly do appreciate this, Allen. In regards to the additonal help, please inform Kerrithra as she will be handling the security detail for the evening. Also if you could, please see if we could attach two extra bodies to the habitat detail...Jenai's rock lizard seems to be a bit agitated, and her monkey is hardly helping matters. Lord knows we don't need them running roughshod through the hall during the meeting."

"Inform, Kerrithra and see to the habitat. No problem, and no need for thanks, sir. You have done a lot for my dah, and I am glad I can help out a bit too. It's a good idea, and I like it. What you all are suggesting to do. I'm glad to be able to do something to assist. Anyways, I best be off. We have much do to."

That said, the young man known as Allen O' Rourke, offered a nod to Bri and left the office once more. From down the hall, Brian could hear the young man bark orders to various staff, as preparations were still well underway inside the Ravenlock Compound, for the upcoming gathering.

Brian once more took a seat at his desk, and slid on his antique spectacles carefully, and once more let his eyes pour over a map of WestEnd that was settled upon said desk. However, unlike other maps, this one had various 'grids' drawn out, as the city itself map-wise was divided into zone, and sub-zones.

Many hand written notes as well adorned the map, as Brian had taken information from his own garrison and other avenues in regards to criminal statistics in the area, and transferred many to this map. A slight frown a moment, as he paused and regarded past incidents, such as the murders, old and new, sexual assaults, and even trafficking of children...

For all of what had occured, little headway had truly been made in regards to this...Of course with every bit of headway that had been actually made, something else came into play that set all of that aside. This of course lead to frustration on many fronts in regards to those who had stepped up to the plate in the WestEnd. For all of their numbers and efforts, little had changed. They were nowhere near any closer to the one or ones responsible for the murders, or for that fact any of the other heavy hitters as far as crimes went.

Being reactionary didn't seem to be working, and by the words of those Brian had spoken with, it didn't do a damned thing to help the reputation of the sisters or anyone else involved with them to a degree. As most parties were either still suspected, feared, or simply distrusted. Granted the public at large only knew what was let out, or what rumours ran amok, so in all honestly they could not be blamed. So that being said, since they truly had nothing to lose, why not go all out...Why not rattle the cage, and seriously shake things up...During all this time of watching and waiting, the streets had gotten worse, and those who rose to watch those same streets had seemed to have gotten...Softer.

Maybe it was just the timing, or maybe it was the arrival of the Don-Mega himself...But Brian felt a need to change it up a bit, and hit back...Harder that even before. They head the numbers, they had the drive, they had the power...No they just needed to direct it, and use it and make everyone think twice before stepping outta line...Examples needed to be made, names needed to be taken and asses needed to be handed to people.

No more pats on the wrists, no more 'don't do it again', no more 'let's leave this one for the locals', no more being soft. An offensive is what Brian had in mind, and that is exactly what he suggested the other evening to Isuelt, Scorp, Jenai, Eddie and Jewell...And prior to that he talked with Icer as well in regards to it. So far the reaction was positive in regards to getting off their asses, and hitting back. So now it was time to figure out just how to do that, and how far to take it. Ideas and input were needed and this was just the venue for it.

Brian reached over, and picked up a small list of hand written names...Those who were already a part of this and much more. The Daughters of Scathatch, Icer and Arthur's Clan, Alex and Lain, Jade, Jewell, Wyheree, Kerrithra, Narin and Atheala, Jeskola, Storm, Shea, Lupinius, Lucien...And others who were also invloved, but remained behind the scenes. Their assistance hardly went unnoticed. Special attention was given to not inform anyone directly tied to the government at the present, as Brian did not want any lines crossed and in all honestly no leaks...

So the date was set, in a weeks time they would gather at the Ravenlock Compound he and Jenai had recently built, deep within the Northern Forest of Rhy'din...Directions were given, details made apparent and secrecy a must. Now Brian and Jenai waited to see who would advise of their acceptance of such an invitation. Brian smiled faintly to himself a moment, and set the list down as he rose from his desk. There was much work to do.


Date: 2007-04-12 11:21 EST

His head jerks up, looking off into the night. It had been a whispered voice, not an open call, but he had heard it nonetheless. He scowls momentarily, abruptly wishing he had not given his name so openly to someone. Being able to hear someone say your name no matter where you are can, after a while, get annoying, if too many people know it.

But then, he reflects, it can also have its uses.

The call does not come again, and so he goes back to the object of his night's exercise - a small, almost unobtrusive man dressed in black, moving silently through the streets below him of the West End. This one had been meeting with another, and Lupinius had seen monies pass between them, furtively.

Curious more than concerned, Lupinius had been following this one - the one who had been paid - as he had wandered the West End.


He looks up again. Louder this time. Is someone looking for him"

Abruptly, he stands. Time to see what this is all about.

He closes his eyes and focuses, then steps over the edge of the roof into the air - only instead of falling, continues walking as though on solid ground.

To the outside observer, his form wavers slightly as he takes another step...then another - into thin air. His form shimmers, fades, then vanishes entirely in moments.

From his point of view, it is as if the world fades and wavers into blackness, as though he were walking down a dark corridor made of water (which is what it almost feels like, as well - as if he were stepping into water which alternates between hot and cold almost too fast to be able to discern the temperature changes) before brightening again into...

...the Red Dragon Inn.

Or rather, just outside the front door.

Facing him is a young girl, not much older than teenage years, leaning casually against the entrance. She steps forward and bows at the waist slightly.

"You'd be Lupinius?"

He nearly confirms without thinking - after all, he'd appeared when called, so what?s the use of denying it' - but instead chooses a different tack. "Who wants to know?"

As if she were expecting this, she smiles and bows to him again slightly. "Mr. Brian Ravenlock formally requests your prescence at the Ravenlock Compound, north of the city, in the Forest of Rhy'Din. If you accept this invitation, meet him there in five day's time." She hands him a slip of paper. "These are directions to the place." She smiles brightly, bows once more, and abruptly vanishes into the Inn.

"Hey, wait a min..." He looks up from the slip of paper to find himself talking to air. Pursuit would be useless - such couriers know the trick of vanishing into crowds all too well, he knows.

Brian Ravenlock. He had heard of him, knew the man by reputation and had even seen him in the Inn a time or two, though he had never approached the man himself. Lupinius had not thought that the esteemed Brian Ravenlock would know who he was - unless this was a Scathachian matter, that is. He had heard whisperings that his consort was one of the more influential sisters.

His curiousity piqued - for the second time that night - he doesn't take long to reach his decision to go. It couldn't hurt, at any rate, to hear what was to be said.


Date: 2007-04-13 14:35 EST
Isuelt had made her way to the outskirts of the city, following the directions included in her invite. The Ravenlock Compound, as Brian and Jenai had christened their abode, was about to receive its fair share of visitors. This meeting, having been a long time in coming, was about to bring together the city's answers to the grotesque and blatant crimes that were plaguing the WestEnd. Isuelt knew that her Sisters had also positively responded to the invites and were on their way, in addition she knew that others had been invited, but she wasn't quite sure as to whom. Well, there was one "other" that she was sure about. It was the hulking specimen of a man at her side, Scorpion Wraitharan. At first Isuelt had found it slightly amusing that Scorp was involved in this whole thing. Of course, she knew that he was there because she needed him; but in the grand scheme of things, it was odd. Because while Scorp was not evil, he was no "good guy." In fact, this was a title that Isuelt, herself, had avoided for some time. Their fellowship in Metro City was anything but a stay in Pleasantville. Issy and Scorp had steered the most powerful group in the city, they were essentially the center of Metro's organized crime. Still, years had passed, and wasn't it true that people could change"

Isuelt dismounted, her boot heels dug into the soft soil. She moved with routine long, slow strides to the front gates of the Compound. She could hear Scorp's even heavier and longer strides behind her. The power couple from the Big MC stood before the thick doors awaiting entrance to the fortified Ravenlock Compound.

"Brian sure would do well back in Metro with a crib like this, cher. No?" she smirked with a wink to Scorp, taking a sultry lean towards the tower known as Big Sexxxy.


Date: 2007-04-13 15:39 EST
:;Shea was often amazed by the way news got about to her when she was away. Not a day back and all ready she had a meeting to attend, she had picked up an invite at the Red Dragon Inn. Addressed plainly to One Shea GreenStone. Shea smirked softly to she and Victor hadn't even been back a full day yet and now she was back to business. Shea had not even had the chance to think about planning when the wedding for Rhydin would be set. And now she would focus on the task at hand. The invite was to go to the Ravenlock Compound. Shea looked to the letter addressed with directions, and noted to herself to make sure to make this a very careful trip. If many were invited all those involved with this battle in the West end then it would be a great target for the foe, whom ever that foe was.::

:; Green cloaks hood was drawn high over her face as she walked. The Northern Forest of Rhy'din.Shea knew them well she had passed through them time and time again o her way to and from home. Her boots slid without a sound along the path way, through the trees she would make her way making the winds die down around her, making sure that not a soul followed her. She had no idea the Ravenlocks had such a compound perhaps it had been built as of lately. Shea had been gone a little over a week and she knew nothing had changed only gotten worse.::

::Bright jade hues looked forward through the trees she could see the compound with those Elven ears. She was certain she would arrive early, but that was Shea's way. She had come by foot leaving her horse at that No Name Inn of hers. She walked with those long slow stirdes. The strides of a warriorshea was well armed as she always was,a dagger and two swords, sheathed tightly to her right and left under ger cloak. And even with out those wepaons at her side she ahd her magic.

::She heard a voice then her ears twitched she knew that voice. Shea knew that the sisters would be here, and her jade hues took in the compound and the two at the door, Isulet and a male she did not know. At least she wasn't the first or last to arrive. Now the winds would blow and she would make her way towards the compound. Past the gates lowering that cloaks hood now with gloved fingers.::

"I had no idea such a place existed in Rhydin.." :: She had seen many great things here, the Sanctuary had blown her mind, the castles and places hidden from view seemed all the more wonderful and dangerous::

Scorpion Wraitharan

Date: 2007-04-13 17:26 EST
The Big Man followed Issy up and into the Ravenlock Compound. He liked what he was seeing already. The place was very well built and fortified quite nicely. Hold off a small army here. Just the way he would have designed it himself. Well, one small difference. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know and white with nWo all over it.

Hey, who knows"! Scorp wasn't gone from here yet, and Bri was a great prospect to be howling with the old MC crew. Brian Ravenlock, an nWo player. WolfPack 4 Life. Sweet.

He would file those ideas away for later. Right now, business at hand.

He looked down to Issy as she spoke and nodded with an affirmative response. Ever since he had gone with her and some of their group to check out that massacre over at Corinsson's stable, this whole murder fest had taken a completely new turn for Scorpion.

Killing kids and hacking innocent people up like fresh pork at a butcher's shop was so far beyond "acceptable" criminal behavior, that it was never even considered. Furthermore, these bastards were targeting his Issy and her religious sect, not to mention all of their close friends. The s**t had to be stopped. No doubt.

"I think this place has some solid potential babe," Scorp answered as he moved closer with Issy. "Definite, definite potential."

The Don Mega was dressed in his sturdy black leather armor, gloves, and boots with his ebon overcloak draped on his thick arm. Scorp was ready to get this whole ordeal started. He was quite curious to see what he had to work with here; more specifically what cast of characters were being summoned into this important fold of discussion.

It would take some explicit getting used to. Working with "good guys"; allying with the "heroes" to stop a villain. Funny. He was usually the villain, and he enjoyed always being a step or two ahead of the street pounding do-gooders with their laws, moral intentions, and wonderful speeches. Being "the bad guy' was always his role. The thug you loved to hate, or hated to love...depending on your gender.

Entirely different game they were playing here in RhyDin though, however. Here, he wasn't looking like so much of a sinister villain or ruthless kingpin when compared to the f***en jacked-up lunatic or lunatics who were slaughtering people in the city like they were mere cows.

There was ole' Irony again.


Anyway, roles had been dealt, and he found himself staunchly on the side of Isuelt and her loyal friends.

Who has he kidding, there was nowhere else he'd rather be.


Date: 2007-04-13 17:44 EST
::Shea stood a few feet back looking over the place and then back to the doors,slient steps had taken her here and now the winds surrounded her. Gloved hands moved out of the folds of that dark green cloak that hid everything under it, save for those black boots that rested upon the ground. Shea laid in waiting also for the doors to open she would great Isulet and the male with her with a bow of her head.::

"Miss Isulet" :: Jade hues looked back over the compound. Shea was watching the surround with that Elven gaze as the winds that always surrounded her form blew her dark locks behind her Elven ears. At least here she was among friends, she wondered who else would be here. How many had gotten that invite to come here and discuss things that were long past the point of mere discussion.::

::Those winds moved around the Elven mage, as she stood there a few inches back blowing through her cloak. Shea in classic style was in her classic wears, form fitting fight worthy clothing, those sheathed arms at her sides seen, she hoped that this meeting would go without incident, but she was a knight she would not idly go any where without a weapon at her side. Even some where as safe as this place looked. Her gloves she pulled off and tucked away, shifting her bare fingers back in to the folds of her cloak, but not before they raced through her hair, the slight shine of those rings upon her finger of her left hand, shown in the light for a moment before the darkness of those folds took her hands in. She stood still, almost unnaturally still, as she watched the surround, with those piercing jade hues. She was looking for anything that slunk through shadows in those woods, any foul scent upon those winds. More than ready for this meeting to begin and others to arrive, she would feel much better oddly enough in a room of allies who were well armed than out side at the moment::


Date: 2007-04-13 21:41 EST
Jewell had been eager for some time to pay a visit to the Ravenlock compound. The idea of such a place existing called up fond memories of a time when almost all the Ravenlocks were living under one roof. Part of her missed those days, longed for the time when their problems had seemed much simpler and she had been free of most responsibilities.

She also wondered if a statue of David had been brought to this new living space of her brother's.

Snickering quietly to herself, she traversed the northern woods of RhyDin with ease. Fey slippered feet were silent as she treaded over the blanket of leaves that still coated the ground from last autumn. She moved unseen, unnoticed save by those animals that belonged amongst the budding trees, and they could care less about her hardly intrusive presence.

Perhaps her friends and allies would think she was not being serious enough about this war council today: she wasn't even visibly armed! Rather, she was dressed very unwarrior-like in a pair of dark denims and a black t-shirt that read, "I Do Believe in Faeries." A war council didn't mean she couldn't fully enjoy the pleasant morning spent traveling in the woods, however, and being unarmed didn't mean she still wasn't one of the more dangerous players in this war game.

At home in the woods, even as a water fae, she stepped out of the shadow of a tree to suddenly appear by Issy's side. She adopted a stance as if she had been there some time and waiting with them: a hand on her hip, the other stroking her chin as she looked the place over. "Not bad, eh?"


Date: 2007-04-13 21:44 EST
Brian had not needed a note to contact Wyheree. He had only to think of needing her presence at this meeting, through the bond they had since the day they met. She appeared in a swirl of icy mist, in a clear spot about 20 feet from the entrance of the Compound that Brian set aside just for this purpose. It would never do to phase into a tree..

The reason for this meeting was clear. The person terrorizing the West End, using the Sisters as scapegoats, had to be found, and brought to justice - the sort of justice found at the receiving end of her ice blasts. She had been busier since her wedding - in fact, the details of the first murders were hidden from her so as not to spoil her magical day. Hearing of the rampage at Ewan's disgusted her, and she wanted to lend her skills and magic to the battle against this foul creature, or creatures.

As she headed up the path, she saw she was not the first to arrive for this gathering. She smiled and waved to Shea, and Issy. The man closest to the door received a smile and a nod, as she did not know him, but if he was here, she knew he was an ally.

The huge specimen Issy was leaning against, that was a sight Wyh never dreamed she would see. The surprise danced across her silver eyes as she paused near the Scathachian Elder, almost having to stand on tip toes to take in the enormous man by her side. A light breeze stirred her pale hair, catching her skirts as they flowed over her ankles, the white and silver garment shimmering in the light.

"It has been far too long since I have seen you, Issy - and I see much has changed." She was grinning as she inclined her head towards Issy's companion.


Date: 2007-04-13 22:40 EST
Sure she was late, the dragon glided through the forest, following the directions given, her wingbeats stirring up dust and debris as she passed.

Soon the compound was in sight, circling twice, the dragon then touched down beside Issy, crouching as carefully as she could with her swelled belly. She'd promised her brother she'd attend the meeting, even though her condition guaranteed that she probably would not be joining afterward. A nod to her sisters then as she spotted them, and nostrils quivered, taking in the scents around.


Date: 2007-04-13 23:00 EST
Eddie lurked in the shadows, following the directions on the parchment clutched in her left hand. Bare feet made no sound as she twisted her way through the woods. Upon her initiation, she had been given the name Diana - an ancient goddess of the hunt in another world, swift of foot, deadly of aim, merciless to those who would dare harm those under her protection. After the horror left on the Sanctuary's front lawn, Issy had kept Eddie somewhat sheltered from the worst of the murders, telling her the facts, without the graphic descriptions of the gore and torture. Because of this, Eddie was sleeping better, able to rest without Jenai's medicines. She patrolled tirelessly, either alongside one or more of her Sisters - usually Akemi or Trixie, or alone, depending on her mood. She kept to the shadowy alleys, saving more than one poor soul from mugging, or worse, as she dug for clues to the identity of their tormentor.

As she neared the compound, a little smile played about her lips. The Ravenlock Compound reminded her of another one, on the other side of town...She looked over the current group - the guy at the door she didn't know, the Elven lady - didn't know her either, the tall pale lady - had to be the Ice Queen she heard about, and of course, Issy and Scorpion - nice to see them together still, though it made her giggle. She moved silently, to stand behind Issy and Scorpion, waiting for her presence to be felt by her Elder, or heard as she held back the giggles - Issy with a boyfriend was just too much..


Date: 2007-04-14 00:28 EST
::Jade hues took in Wyh and Icer and Jewell all in one wide stare:: " Wyh, my friend it has been too long" :: she regared the Ice Queen with much happiness in ehr voice::

"Miss Jewell" :;Nodding to her::

"Icer" ::Shea wlaked to stand beside her dragon friend:: "are ye about to have more hatchlings..? I feel as if I have been gone for an age and msised too much all ready..." ::giving the dragona soft pet then::

::.standing there happy to be amoung friends, even the ones she did not know the names off. Jade hues studied the one in her bare feet knowing with out question that she must also be one of the sisters.Shea bowed to her as well.It seemed many had been called and they were all on their way here.::


Date: 2007-04-14 01:07 EST
A soft rumble and smile was given to Shea as her friend stood by her side and a nod to Eddie, before returning her attention to Shea.

That I am my friend, I've been so tired lately and when I was checked, it showed that I've more little ones on the way.


Date: 2007-04-14 01:13 EST
:;Shea smiled:: "Joyous news indeed my friend,I am very happy for you and you mate" ::another soft pet as jade hues looked about once more.:: "It seems this shall be one heck of a meting with all thsoe amassed here all ready.." ::Shea didnt know what to expect but was glad that this meeting had been arranged, as always she would contuine to help,in what ever way she could::


Date: 2007-04-14 11:18 EST
He approaches the compound in his lupine form, a huge, silvery-gray timber wolf, with brilliant, sapphire blue eyes and wearing a heavy-looking collar of thick, beaten silver, from which dangles an amulet of jet-black stone. The animal stands over three feet tall, its stride long and loping as it approaches the group gathered outside the Ravenlock compound. As he nears, the amulet glows, violet light glowing and brightening from it, flashing brilliantly before fading and revealing Lupinius in his more normal form.

His eyes wander across the group as he approaches, choosing to appear this time dressed in an outfit that shows an uncharacteristically casual side with a twist of darker humor to it - blue denim jeans, grey leather boots, a black t-shirt that says simply, "Everything I Need To Know About Life I Learned From Killing Smart People And Eating Their Brains."

There are faces here unfamiliar to him - a woman with white hair, a man who towers over even him at his height, and - most interesting of all - a dragon. He's seen them before, but never at a meeting. The others - Shea, Isuelt, the Empress, and the young one - he's run into before.

Sapphire eyes wander amongst them a moment more, before turning his attention to the compound. The name is fitting - the place reminds him a bit of a lot of the fortresses he'd seen in his days of wandering the world.

He can guess the purpose of this meeting readily enough - what to do about all the recent attacks, both on innocents and on the Sisters themselves. If the people already assembled are any indication, then they should have quite a formidable force with which to do something - though he has his doubts as to whether they can do anything about it. Were he the one behind all of this, he'd have been anticipating a meeting of this sort.

He walks over to a nearby tree, a thick, old oak, and leans against it, apart from the rest of the group, watching them. From deep within his sapphire eyes comes a flicker of violet light.


Date: 2007-04-14 20:38 EST
Although Isuelt had nodded to each of the newcomers as they awaited entrance into the meeting at the Compound, her movements were reserved, if not somewhat clipped.

She kept her stance beside the imposing Scorpion as she watched the conversation banter back and forth between the friends. Her impatience, already at an all-time high as of late, was beginning to lap at the edge of her tongue. The black leather-clad Scathachian warrior stood with her strong arms bulging as they crossed over her chest, her dark eyes were silently leveled on the small group taking the occasion to get caught up.

The Judge flickered a glance to Eddie, then to Jewell. Even though those gathered here had earnestly been endeavoring to right the situation at hand, Isuelt had great difficulty truly trusting those that were not initiated followers of Scathach. Jewell, of course had proven herself time and time again, being one of the first people Isuelt had met when she first had arrived in the city. Icer and Wyheree, as well, had proven to be true allies. Scorpion's status went without saying, but the others were honestly still unknown to her. However, if Brian trusted them enough to invite them, then surely she was overreacting. Still, trust was something that had always come with great difficulty and great price to Isuelt DeRomiano. More times than not, she had found herself or those she loved placed in harm's way due to a mistrust she had committed. It was no great surprise then, that this stoic and cynical woman pushed those who would positively ally themselves with her away. Everyone had their flaws, their hubris. Isuelt had a few people's shares.

"Listen," her terse voice began as she razored her eyes back on the chatter, "this is not the Inn. This is something of a clandestine meeting." She drew a breath as she attempted to keep the lid on the steaming pot, "It would do us no good to be discovered by Scathach knows who out here, before we even have a chance to begin. I think it is best, that until we are admitted, that we keep all pleasantries to a minimum." She moved to pull the bell once more, imagining that it was ringing somewhere within the compound. She knew she was edgy, she couldn't help it. She knew that all she needed was for one pair of eyes who shouldn't be watching to see them. She knew that then, it might possibly be all for naught.


Date: 2007-04-14 20:54 EST
Jewell looked aside at Issy, her easy going smile dropping. It was just an act anyways, a little facade to break up the serious situation they all found themselves in. She felt for her friend, she truly did, knowing that most of the burden for this entire hellish scenario fell on her shoulders as the leader of the Scathachian Sisters in RhyDin.

The problem was, Jewell was fairly sure that if their enemy (enemies?) was as good as The Empress thought she was (and their was sufficient evidence to support the idea that their enemy was more than good) than she already knew about this little get together. Maybe she didn't know the details but it wasn't out of the realm of possibility that she did: every last one down to who was invited, where it was taking place, and when. It didn't make Jewell feel too comfortable about actually having this war council take place but she was fairly sure that they could at least ensure whatever was said within the walls of the compound would be fairly secretive, at least for a little while.

She kept all these thoughts to herself, though, just giving Issy a tight smile as if to say, "My lips are sealed." She didn't even greet her sisters or any of the other allies that had shown up for this most important event save to give Eddie and Scorp both a nod hello. She was eager to get things started, knowing the process could take some time with this many minds coming together to share their opinions of what needed to be done. She rather hoped that there would be more listening done on most of their parts than speaking, though. Her tolerance for diplomatic-style discussions had been exhausted years ago, she much preferred action these days.


Date: 2007-04-14 21:30 EST
The Scathachian Judge quietly emerged from the wooded settling and approached the great Ravenlock Compound. It was quite a site to behold! Her fiery Sister Jenai and her likely fianc" Brian had placed a great deal of time, effort, and coin into making this new home. Their efforts certainly showed.

As Mirage rode into the clearing, she saw that several people were standing outside on the property...most of whom she at least recognized. Mirage quickly dismounted and tended to her steed. Then, she made her way over to Isuelt, who was with fellow Scathachian Eddie and her "old friend" Scorpion. Serena's long legs carried her into the cluster of invitees, who were patiently awaiting entry, so that this important meeting and fellowship could get underway.

Dressed in her "patrol" blacks, with the familiar crimson sash in plain view, Mirage was (as always) armed for any potential engagement. She deftly pulled back the hood of her cloak and smiled warmly to her Sisters. A slight bow to her teacher Isuelt and to the younger Judge Eddie was offered.

Her voice was hushed so as not to make a scene, "Greetings ladies, I'm very glad to see that I'm not the last member of our faction to arrive." She looked directly to Issy and continued, "I know that many of the other Sisters are en route Illea," then rapidly adding with a mischievous smirk, "I'm quite sure Reeni is still filling her face, but she'll be along too I suspect."

Her chin then inclined to Scorpion, who was the looming escort of Isuelt. A very big guy indeed, and she was slowly beginning to understand why everyone had taken to calling him the "Don Mega". Her face yielded a softer smile as she bowed and greeted him respectfully. This one was quite a specimen, Isuelt certainly had good choice in men.

Mirage then turned to the reminder of the warriors and wizards gathered for this affair. A special, warm greeting was exchanged with The Empress, who in all practical sense was an "unofficial" Scathachian warrior. Mirage had always endeared herself to Jewell since she was so active in helping Issy when the authorities had unlawfully imprisoned her. A strong and loyal woman Jewell was indeed!

Mirage then nodded to and greeted the great dragon Icer. It was always good to see her. Faithful and true the draconian was to them all. She was a splendid ally to have in these dark times.

Serena next turned to the female knight with the stunning jade colored eyes. Mirage had seen this impressive warrior, Shea, once before. Her intentions as a reliable ally were well known by the other Sisters. The Judge nodded to her respectfully.

Since there had never been a formal introduction, Mirage only new the ice mage Wyheree by her renowned reputation. Therefore, she courteously nodded to Wyheree, and her posture reflected sincere admiration both for the wizardress herself and for her supernatural powers.

Lastly, the Judge nodded to the casually dressed man in black. She did not know Lupinius directly, but she recalled her Sister Trixie speaking quietly with him on the day that the grisly horse and carriage ?gift' was left at the Sanctuary.

It was good that many were coming to this call to arms as it were.

Mirage immediately refocused her attention to Isuelt when she heard her Sister addressing the crowd. Adhering the subtle order of her teacher, Mirage fell into line after greeting the others and stood silently with fellow Scathachian Eddie.

She could detect the growing restlessness in Issy's tone. Serena was short of patience herself lately. These murders were growing in intensity, frequency and in boldness. Whoever was responsible for this massacre, was calling all of them out directly. A deed which would not have been done lightly considering the alliance of heroes which was amassing. Mirage knew deep down in her soul that when this whole thing broke wide open, that they were all in for one hell of a fight.

She was both energized and anxious for this resourceful meeting to begin.


Date: 2007-04-15 01:40 EST
::Sheas jade hues looked to Isulet, nodding she was right. This was not the inn and there was no time for pleasantries. Shea tucked her hair behind her ears and then was silent. If there was one thing she was good at besides what she could do all ready it was being silent. Jade hues looked towards that oak tree in the disntance, nodding to Lupinus.::

::Shea had sensed him coming,but would do nothing more than nod, before her gaze returned to the door.If this meeting was found out by any of those foes, they would have but one move to make to take everyone out that opposed them, but Shea also knew that would be one hell of a fight, and anyone even as dark and evil as this foe was would have to be rather dumb to pull any attack on this place::

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-15 06:43 EST
"Mistress, they have arrived and are gathered in the court, awaiting. Other have been detected as well, and are currently enroute from the forested entrance."

"Nye he, were there any problems with the proximity wards?"

"None at all, they each worked as specified. All were noted within the seventy five yard mark, and were tracked accordingly. The sentries picked up the others, upon entry into the forested path, near charlie point."

"Good, and the secondary sentries?"

"Currently patrolling the rear estate, and lake. Nothing out of the ordinary at present."

"Aaaaand the bear traps?"

"Bear....Traps Mistress" Um, none have been—"

"Wha"! Why the hell not!" How can one truly secure a compound of this compoundness, without a friggin' set of bear traps" Ok, ok....Please tell me the malaysian tiger traps were at least set out?"

"Um...No Mistress, I am sorry. They were not. Um...Maybe next time?"

"Hells Bells kid, what kinda perimeter do ya think we're runnin' here" No bear traps, no tiger traps" Why back in mah— Ah nevermind, The boss man won't let me run amok today anyways, and I promised JenJen the same...of course after the event, it's on."

Kerrithra ran a gloved hand over her cheek a moment, as the self proclaimed queen of 'Fear Mah Kittay', and leader for life of the 'KFC' (That's the 'Kerrithra Fan Club' for those of ya not in the know.), pondered a bit and once more looked to the young man that addressed her. By no means what she a 'Mistress' of any kind, but it had always been a dream of Kerri's to be addressed as such at least once in her life. In any event, that's not the real point of the matter.

Kerri turned once more, and nodded to the young man, while offering a toothy feline grin and hearty pat on the shoulder. Just like that, she was all business, as the Mithra tugged her leathers a bit, ran a gloved hand through her hair, and adjusted that leather choker she loved so much on her neck. With that done, Kerri waved the young man off and descended the stairs that lead into the main hall of the manor itself. A wave and kitty grin was given to staff, as she passed. For the most part, the compound was vacant save essential staff, which consisted of kitchen staff, security details, and Jenai's habitat staff. And even that was a temporary deal for the most part, as Atheala, Kerri and Jeskola were now residing there as well as other extended members of the clan such as the Vana'diel Clan.

Business was the course of the day for Kerrithra, but wasn't enough of a course that it would stop her from being Kerri. Point taken, when she decided the stairs were too bothersome and commited to hopping on the rails, and sliding down them at a near blinding speed and then coming to a stop after about a twenty plus foot skid. Which of course turned the staff upside down, as they applauded, while Kerri basked in all her Kerri-ness. And just like that, the applauding ceased with a motion of her hand and it was back to business. The staff went back to work making ready and Kerri went to find one Brian Ravenlock and Jenai Angelique.

Kerri figured others would be arriving, and knew the front of the manor was secure enough to let them mingle a bit, as she looked for Brian an Jen. A few inquiries brought Kerri to the door of the dining hall, as she slipped her head inside and raised a feline brow a bit, while her eyes took in the room.

The dining hall had completely been revamped and looked like some kind of intelligence division office, as maps were hung up along the walls, along with statistical data and graph charts, projections and more so. Also a slide projector and screen were set up on the far side of the table as staff worked busily to wrap everything up in time. Three long tables, were shifted to form one large table in the shape of a 'u', and on front of each chair were name plates and sets of folders, and other paperwork in relation to the day's event and proposed agenda for the WestEnd.

Brian was at the far end, overlooking a list with a young man who was nodding quite a bit, and then took off in a dash down the other side of the room and was soon out of sight. Waving with a waggle of gloved digits, Kerri called Bri over and grinned a toothy grin, nearly ear to ear.

"They be arrivin, Boss-man. Your sister who doesn't like me, Icer-Momma, Mister and Missis Mega, Wy-uh-ree sister, some Elf woman called Shea, and another two Scaths, one little one and a bigger one and some other guy too. We also have other enroute, and for the arrivals I got em parked in front in the courtyard, we haven't opened up yet."

Bri smirked at Kerri's description and simply shook his head, as he offered a light chuckle and responded to the Mithra.

"So let's see...Jewell, Icer, Isuelt and Scorp, Shea, what sounds like Eddie, and another sister and a male stranger. Right' Sounds good. So why haven't you let them inside and direct them to the family room?"

"Um...Cause it was more fun to watch them tense and stew a bit' Okay, I know. Bad answer. Okay, A'm off to greet them! No time for love Doctor Jones! I'll see ya in the room."

With a salute and a goose step, Kerri left the hall and bounded through the house ending up at the main doors, and with that catchy and quite toothy grin, Kerri opened said double doors and padded out into the court yard and promptly offered a low bow to those present.

"We welcome you, to our home and thank you for your attendance in regards to this matter. It is appreciated far more than you know and—"


Kerri paused a moment and rightened herself from the bow and looked to each and everyone a moment, and let out this huge sigh, that sounded more like a balloon deflating, all the while having one serious look of relief on her face.

"Sorry folks, I got a bit serious there. Anyhows, You're here and need to come on in, others will be filing in as well. We got some grubs and drinks inside, and are almost ready to go. If ya want, follow mah kitty and it'll lead ya to the promised land! Heh heh, especially you, big guy...But only if big sis'll let ya pet the kitten. Sorry! I kid I kid. Okay for real this time, folks. If you will follow me, then I can find Jenai. gods know where the hell she is around here...Probably chasing that howler monkey she brought home....Okay, let's move it."

And with that done, and a band leaders grace, coupled with a few interesting hand motions, Kerrithra began to lead the group inside the manor. She knew how serious this was, and bless her heart she tried her hardest. But that was one thing about Kerri, no matter how bad it got, she would never lose that twisted nature of hers, and like Brian and every other person attending, she could and would be counted on to do what needed to be done, no matter what the cost. And like everyone, she would be damned to have anyone think otherwise.


Date: 2007-04-15 11:27 EST
Jewell was undeniably the sister who did not like Kerri. However, she didn't seem too upset to see the Mithra open the doors to the compound and invite them all in. The kitten comments directed at Scorp did have her rolling her eyes as she made the move to follow Kerri inside.

"Good-day, Kerri," she offered a faint smile to her, trying to be amiable.

A quick look round at the room Kerri had led them into before she found a spot and made herself comfortable, at home as it were. She folded her arms behind her head and appraised the Mithra for a moment, "Where is dear Big Brother and how long do we have to wait until we can get the ball rolling?"

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-04-15 13:37 EST
Erin came up the path to the meeting with the hood pulled up on her cloak. It wasn't an outfit that was usual. Black cloak, dark pants, hair pulled back, but she thought it best no one knew she were there. Her invitation was specific— keep the government out, and tell no one.

She did both.

It wasn't hard to not tell Kitty. She wasn't around much anymore. And also, Erin didn't want her involvement to take on an official air. She was just the girl that made the coffee. Provided warmth.

But it wasn't too well known. Some people would stop by, get their coffee, talk to Erin. Or if she weren't there(more and more lately), they would come in the side door, typing the combination, getting the coffee she had left out and disappearing into the night without a word. There was still much coffee left in the morning, however.

It was best for Erin to know when certain things were to happen. Best because then she could be ready— and even, on a particularly dangerous night, have a healer on hand. Or a meal. Or a bed. You name it.

The compound was beautiful, and it caused her to whistle slowly to herself. She drew up behind the crowd and nodded without a word, hands stuck in her pockets still. Had she not been recognized, it would seem as if a small child had appeared at the meeting. So small Erin was— it was rarely noticed.

Sielnce was her best bet. She han't heard Issy, but she knew she was only partially welcome here. She also knew that listening would be more useful in the long run than jabber. So green eyes focused on each person as she took them in. Friendly enough, sure, but not the usual bouncing Erin.


Date: 2007-04-15 17:10 EST
Isuelt's words bring another sparkle of violet fire to his eyes. He is not one for pleasantries, not even giving his name to those he is not absolutely sure he can trust. How Ravenlock had gotten his name, he is still not sure - probably from one or another of the sisters - but as he is associated closely with the Sisters themselves, he is not too bothered by it.

He enters behind the group, keeping himself - as is his own custom - apart from the rest. He's never been comfortable in a group, not since the old days with the rest of the Guardians, and even then he had been with the circle but not truly a part of it. He had hoped Trixie might show - at least then there would have been someone here he could relate to on some level. Still, there's Shea, whom he senses might be the only person here who actually trusts him. He bows his head slightly to her as they enter the compound, a ghost of a smile touching his lips as he looks away and around the inside of the fortress. He's not bothered by the fact that to most here, he is regarded with suspicion at best and open distrust at the worst - to him, being what he is, that is merely another fact of life. He merely smiles and nods quietly to those who deign to notice him, doing his best to project an image of silent, accepting confidence.

He's impressed - he had expected something more grandiose, and is pleased to see that the compound lives up to its name. This room, at least, is set up for a council of war. And appropriately so - that is what they are here for.

He finds himself an open place against the wall of the room to stand and leans, casually, against it, crossing his arms over his chest and closing his eyes, using his other senses to observe the room, absorbing the room and the prescence of the others within it.


Date: 2007-04-15 18:57 EST
Shed fallen silent at Issy's words, nostrils flaring, taking in the scents of those around, most were recognizable, Erin, Alain, even Kerri though she'd not seen the Mithra in ages, when the door was opened, a faint smile was given to Kerri, but the dragon let the others go on ahead.

She'd keep watch a few more moments, scanning the horizon, taking in the scents and sounds.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2007-04-15 19:30 EST
(Sorry about mixing up your post, Icer. ^^ Had to delete my arrival....some confusion as to the setting.)

As uncomfortable as the detective is with the woods outside the city, he takes a roundabout path to the compound. It's very cold, but still he only wears a nondescript black hoodie, hood drawn up, hands in his pockets, his weapon somewhere out of sight, possibly tucked into the back of his jeans. He emerges from the woods shortly after Erin, keeping a little distance from her initially, one of the last to file into the compound. Once inside, he is still hesistant to lower his hood. This is quite a gamble....and truth be told, he's a little ticked Brian held this meeting. He was tempted not to show up, but the need to find out where everyone stands and what the plans are, overrides his paranoia.


Date: 2007-04-15 19:46 EST
Isuelt watched as more participants descended upon the scene. The Scathachian had just winked to Mirage when the heavy doors banged once and began to open.

Her arms were still crossed over her chest, she was still trying to push forth the stern exterior. A small nod to herself and she was off, Isuelt wanted to get this plan sorted out and into action. She was impatient to get to the bottom of these atrocities. While there was little chance that they would actually catch the killer or killers of the WestEnd, they at least would be once again on the offensive. She had felt as if her hands were tied for too long now, scared off by her stint in jail. Intimidated by what the people might think of Scathachians bashing heads for information, Isuelt was holding back; and it was starting to push the lid from the pot.

She patted Scorp on the shoulder as they entered the Compound, truly thankful for his presence here and how it calmed her. A tempered Isuelt was a balanced Isuelt. And a balanced cannon was more likely to hit its mark.

"Let's get the show on the road. I'm ready for some control to be coming back this way." She knew the others were just as eager as she was.


Date: 2007-04-15 19:53 EST
With his eyes closed,he can tell so much more about the various people in the room. Someone once told him that the eyes are the least trustworthy of the senses, for what you see can be deceiving in so many ways, going so far as to override the other senses, when the owner relies on them too much. Of all his senses, he relies on his eyes the least.

He can feel so many things from the others - fear, distrust, suspicion, hope, determination, curiousity - even a touch of paranoia from a new arrival, which he finds curious but not intriguing enough to open his eyes just yet. But mostly, they are tired. Tired of being taunted, of being under seige by this dark threat that none of them can seem to ferret out. Even he, with all of the considerable tools at his disposal, has only been able to get hints and clues about the nature of this evil that stalks them in their own homes. It occurs to him that perhaps the only reason he hasn't been come after himself is because whoever was doing this would have to make a direct attack upon him themselves - he is not vulnerable the same way they are, after all. All of these people have ties in this place, things that can be used to make them vulnerable.

He has only himself - an attack on any of the ones here to get to him would be useless, except perhaps to anger him. And an attack on him directly would be foolish - were he to survive, he would know more perhaps than the evil behind this would want.

A clever enemy, these people have. It is nearly impossible to fight back against that which you cannot see or reach.

Finally, he opens his eyes again, focusing his attention on the occupants of the room. It will be interesting to see what they come up with.


Date: 2007-04-15 20:03 EST
Wyh inclined her had as Issy spoke, and fell silent. She noted the arrival of her sisters, and the two women who were obviously Sisters, with a nod and a smile. These were tense times for everyone, especially for the Daughters of Scathach.

When Kerri opened the door and bounded - for that was the only word to describe her movements - into view, Wyh was hard-pressed to keep a straight face. The Mithra's ways may have been unusual, but Wyh knew she was deadly serious in a fight, and she was pleased to see that she had not imagined the battle cry she heard faintly on the winds. She kept to the middle of the group as they all walked in, silver eyes noting everything they passed. She settled in a seat, waiting for the word the meeting was to begin. Given who all was in attendance, and who was also due to arrive, she almost pitied the creatures - almost.

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2007-04-15 21:41 EST
Fashionably late...or just in time" The Harlequin was usually a straggler.

She was the second wolf to arrive tonight, trotting across the now cleared out courtyard, following the scents of the others assembled. Her form had been picked out for speed, as well as for the maneuvering it provided. With her canine stature, she'd successfully slipped through streets, legs, brush, and trees with ease, skulking along quickly on black paws with tufts of blonde fur on the digits. Really, for leaving a good twenty minutes after the other Sisters, she'd made good time.

Obviously no ordinary wild dog, the large, black wolf, with blonde patches on her chest, face, and feet, entered in through the open doors, coming upon the group. Almost all familiar scents welcomed her, the unknowns provided by the staff of the compound and the few allies she'd yet to meet. Afterall, Trixie's schedule didn't exactly match up with everyone else's.

She froze, with one paw lifted, the emerald eyes running along the people lingering around the walls and in the center of the room. In her teeth was a sizeable blue bag, which twisted around in the air as she observed for another heartbeat. Then, without any "How-do-you-do's?, she scampered off towards a nook or a cranny, in order to change. Fur was so last season.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-04-16 00:31 EST
Ewan would have been much later to the council meeting if it had not been fortunate that he was in the north area when the word came to him. It seems someone did want him at the meeting. The Tunneler had been panting when he found Ewan, "Seemed urgent to get it to you."

A nod, "Yes, thank you. I will go presently. Take your ease awhile before returning to town." The Tunneler gave a nod of thanks and went to relax near the paddock where Spirit was lazily grazing on fresh sprigs of green grass. Ewan checked his armaments and found the two daggers sufficient for the task at hand. He was also grateful he was wearing the clothing from the material given by Sid out of habit. Turning in the direction required to make his way there, he started walking, then jogging at an easy pace.

Asking him to attend was an uncertain move, and he questioned the prudence of the timing and the intent. Still, he had made vows to do what he could and know all he could. This opportunity was too sharply defined within those promises to turn down. If nothing else, he might gain another clue to his own masterwork, and learn some of their intentions.

Who exactly ?they' were was another question that rolled about his mind as he made his way toward the compound via directions provided by memory. The question found mental notes, connections and relationships made, from weeks before and the earlier news of the couriers to this meeting itself. Guessing and presuming, he could place a few faces there, or a more than few depending on how many of the Sisters were to attend. The one certainty was Isuelt was there, and he had told her on that chance meeting a cold night months ago that when need be, he could be called upon. She had called. He had answered.

Scenery passed him as vague shadow puppets on the wall of his awareness, but in time he found his way to the compound. Steps slowed as well as breath, he approached with tempered certainty. The complex's exterior was empty of persons, so either all were already inside or he had missed it entirely. The only way to make that determination was to make his presence known. What greeting he received would be a very telling sign on many fronts.

Expectations of others arrivals has him conducted inside and to the room where others were waiting, and there he stood, matching faces with bits of information tucked into his compartmentalized mind, noting some not here he had anticipated. Either he was not the last to arrive even in his tardiness or there was an unsettling lack of information coming from his informants. Both possibilities to be dealt with later and for now he opened his attention to every nuance between people and the environment that currently surrounded them. No matter what came from this mixture of attendees, the brewing itself would be very telling.


Date: 2007-04-16 00:33 EST
"Welcome friends of WestEnd! Thank you for showing-wowing! My name is Jeskola, and if you come with me we can relax just a bit while, the hall is readied!"

*The smallish Taru-taru, once known as Jes-zillah the Taru-killah gave a most respectful bow to the arrivals, from his position just aside the doorway in the foyer. On the whole, while Jes was a fully trained, decorated battle mage, and was responsible for the decimation of over a dozen stalls in the market place via a Firaga II spell, couple with Hastaga, he still looked like a two and a half foot tall, teddy bear plushie...Kinda like a semi Teddy Ruxpin, dressed as a black mage carrying a battle scythe...Kinda.

Of course this lead to problems at times, when it came to Jes. Little kids wanting to cuddle, people poking at him in a curious nature, cute girls who wanted to plant the little Taru in their lap, and gently stro— Okay, maybe it isn't all so bad. But, that isn't the point anymore. Back to the scenario.

Jes motioned the arrivals into the main hall, which truth be told didn't look so great at the time. While the compound was a sight to behold from the outside, and carried the look of citadel and more so, inside it was still a work in progress, as boxes and crated were set about, luckily in a most orderly fashion.

Steps from the foyer lead into the main hall, which carried a forested decor, courtesy of one JenJen the Terrible. In the center of the hall, was a fountain, yes a fountain. It was in the shape a large oak tree, and extended easily in height to the second floor, as branches swept out overhead, a light mist could be seen drifting from the leaves, settling upon the fifteen foot radial pool that encircled the tree itself. Intricate carvings of various creatures from another land altogether, some familiar and some not. A gift from the Kingdom of Windhurst, Jeskola's home in Vana'diel.

Just beyond that was the master stairs, which lead upwards roughly twelve feet or so and then split off, with another set going to the right, and left of the main stairs. This lead to the second floor, which at present due to the foliage could not be made out, save the extended balconies which stretched outwards, to the left and right of the tree, and could easily allow one to reach out and literally touch of climb the royal oak. Again, a work in progress. Still, if someone by chance did look up, they might see a pair of Macaws looking down upon them, or a flash of fiery red hair slipping among the branches, as a certain red headed beastie gave chace to one bothersome howler monkey. Jes looked up a bit, and simply sighed.* "Cursed Howler Monkey."

*Little furried hands reached up, and tugged to his mage robes a bit, as the Taru waved as much as he could to keep attention, and proceeded to a set of double doors to the left of the great tree, which lead into a large family room, that was simply in design, featuring a large fire place that centered in the far wall, several couches, and love seats, various tables with varied drinks, and trays of foods, and a few book shelves for measure, of course some boxes were stacked against some of the walls as well, but hardly in the way. Another testament to the job not being done. Jes bow yet again, and motioned inside to all*

"Right this way please, everyone."

*And a special Taru-Waru smile for Jewell was given by the two and a half foot terror of the Elshino Lowlands.*

"Lady Ravenlock, your brother Raven-Sama will be here in just a moment, he was readying the meeting hall, and Jenai should be around....Should she catch that cursed monkey...I hate monkeys."

"I was told we have others coming, so please be just a tad patient. If anyone needs anything, just let me know, and I will take care of it. Unless...It has to do with monkeys...I hate monkeys."

During the walk, Kerri vanished once more to gods know where. Jes, remained with the gathered, and awaited Brian and the new arrivals, which it seemed had arrived in the form of Alain, Trixie and Erin,Ewan. Jes waves them over in turn, and smiled warmly.

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-16 01:01 EST
Jenai, after all said and occasional glimpses seen, has kept a good account of who stood, walked, and even the occasional whisper around the compound.

It was in thanks to a very frisky primate that was indeed refusing to be kept out of guest's way and of course, business. Beastie vs. beast, Jenai knew the layout better, inside out and soon the Howler monkey was tucked away in the habitat meant for him.

This lead to the perfect opportunity for the soft ball of Spider Monkey fur to claim a perch on her Mistress's shoulder. Jen felt and stroked the ginger soft tail wrapped about her strong neck as she headed back in to meet and greet those invited.

Silent padding of doeskin moccasins never gave her away, the scent of tropical island flowers foreign to these lands did however. She didn't care. This was Her house.

It was Mr. Corninsson that she first came into contact with.

"Ah Corninsson," she spoke up as she took steps closer, an ever pleasant smile on her tanned face, "I'm sorry not to have met you before now, but I do know of you."

With a flick of her wrist to remove the over billowing sleeve of the poet's blouse, she extended the hand that did not maintain the playful pet on her shoulder.

"I am surprised to see one of the Governor's advisors here; I was told none of you were to attend."

She gave him time to respond as sharp lilac eyes scanned the area where the others would be gathering all too soon.

Scorpion Wraitharan

Date: 2007-04-16 01:15 EST
After greeting all those he knew and being hurriedly introduced to all the rest, Scorp turned and followed Isuelt into the large Compound owned by the badass Brian Ravenlock and his lovely Scathachian counterpart, Jenai Angelique.

After hearing Issy call the crew to order outside, he knew without a doubt that she still had every bit of her infamous moxie. A slight smile on his face as he neatly stroked his goatee with a single gloved hand, before moving into this impressive structure.

The Don Mega looked back only once as they moved inwards, then he refocused his gaze straight ahead.

He had to admit it.

Scorp was quite glad that it was time to begin the show. Strangely enough, it felt good to be out of the open, and moreover, out of the potential view of one seriously twisted and dangerous psychopath.


Date: 2007-04-16 01:31 EST
"Actually, Mr. Corinsson is here on my invitation, JenJen. He's not here for Kitty. His employer is..." Isuelt's dark eyes looked to Ewan before she winked, "is not whom one might expect." She left it at that. The understanding that she and Ewan had reached so many months ago was still entacted and was still just between the two of them.

Isuelt moved to her Sister, and tilted her head at the small monkey on her shoulder, "One pet isn't enough?" She chuckled and winked to Jen. "And by the way...what the f*ck was that thing?" a strong finger pointed to the path left by Jeskola. This compound was a veritable zoo, and that was even before all the guests for this meeting were admitted.


Date: 2007-04-16 01:31 EST
::Shea follwoed the others in,jade heus taking account of every thing, every last detail of this place. As well as those others who had arrived while they had been awaiting to go in.::

::It was a grand place, with many grand sights.Shea walked along side the others there,taking in this palce. Her steps feel in behind the others, as she follwoed.The forested decor struck Shea as something she would see at home,in GreenStone Hall. The fountian cuased her head to tilt justa slight nitch. Jade hues took in those intricate carvings of various creatures from another land altogether, some familiar and some not. Shea blinked a bit, this place was indeed like no other she had ever seen execpt for at home::

::Shea did look up at those birds above her,wondering what sort they were and how they might have come to be in Rhydin.The place must have been a work in progress but Shea liked it it had an earthy feel to it,like home,less buliding mroe nature.::

::Shea looked baout the large room as they all passed with in listening to the one who had led them all here. She took in the chairs and tables couches and seats and the book shelves and the boxes. Before she walked slowly insidea it apart fromt he others, nwo that theyw ere insideshea bretahed in deeply,as she looked towards the fire place,then over those gathered here, many faces she knew some she did not,shea took them all in with good measure,allies,jade heus flickered silver then went back to their jade color, as she looked away and back at the fire place::

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-16 01:42 EST
“I am surprised to see one of the Governor’s advisors here; I was told none of you were to attend.”

"Meowth, that's right!"

Kerri popped up outta nowhere next to Jenai, and flicked the tail of the lil' monk on the shoulder of JenJen, as emerald pools took in one, military advisor to the Governor herself, and in all essences, Brian's boss on the professional level. Someone tied to the Government indeed...Feline ears flicked a bit, as Kerri swore some courier was going to have his ass kicked if this was indeed a slip up, in regards to the invites.

But that would wait, as everyone was indeed in attendance and Kerri herself knew how much this meant, and knew everyone involved at some point, wanted the same thing in general, safety for the WestEnd, the city and for eachother. The real question in the Mithra's mind, was just how far was each of these individuals would go, and what lines would they be willing to cross in order to attain, said goal.

Kerri then heard Issy's swords and nodded a bit as a feline, toothy grin was offered, as well as a salute since Ewan was in fact Kerri's boss as well.

"Gotta go Bossman! Got work to do! Security and what not, woot!

The Mithra gave a wink to boot, and was soon off and bounding after one little green haired shinto priestess, namely the beloved Yotsuba Urashima, who was currently armed with a frying pan, and chasing two very famliar looking....Were-Squirrels, possibly of the rabid variety.

Suddenly the doors to the dining hall opened, and out came one Brian Ravenlock.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-16 01:42 EST
"Where the devil is she?"

The Scath was practically pacing at the door, waiting. So unlike her friend, to not be early; or on time, for that matter. Perhaps she had made the decision to not come at all. Which, was why Janet was ready to come after her is she was not, this was not an opportunity to pass up.

Storm on the other hand, was casually walking, the dark hue of her cloak concealing her from the neck down as she headed for the Ravenlock Compound. She found walking to be the best for wanting to clear the mind. Not to mention that the last thing she wanted to bring was attention to herself.

She had received the letter days ago, after exiting the Inn one night. She waited until she made it to the cabin to open it, somewhere safe. The seal was unfamiliar, but so was the contents until the very end. She read it over and over, copying every detail in her mind, before burning the parchment in her hands. There was dangerous business in having the paper and ink about.

She not not spoken a word of it to anyone, safe Janet. And the only reason for that being was Janet's doing. Storm was uncertain, so many people in one place was asking for disaster. But, as Janet pointed out, who better to watch your back, than those fighting the same fight"

Rather than argue, she continued to weigh her options, waiting until the last moment, and more, before heading for the compound. She paused briefly at a nearby bush, her grey eyes narrowing.

*Do not do something foolish.* No voice, no sound, just the faintest rise in a breeze. *Just wait out here, I will return shortly.* And then her steps continued. She knew better than to give the Earth a time limit, as he would hold her to the last second.

Janet had just stepped out, and then her eyes landed on the face of another. Muttering under her breath, Janet grabbed Storm by her arm and started for the voices of the other, informing those along the way of Storm's poor choice of timing. Some words of 'heart attack' and 'never late' had Storm's lips twitching in a hint of a grin, but her eyes were already glued on everything around her, being attentive without staring.

Once Janet led her, she started for the rest of her Sisters, leaving Storm to her own. The first person she saw was only a back, but it was one she could recognize well. There was another speaking to Ewan, and so rather than interrupting, she moved in her oddly silent manner to rest her hand on the middle of his back lightly. Just to signal that she was there. Staying near him, her eyes went around to the others. Many she knew, though not all.

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-16 02:03 EST
"As ever Issy, you word is golden. Please then, Sir feel free to gather with the rest."

She couldn't help but chuckle hearing Kerri though.

"And as to the pets, I have lost count. There are many more I would love to get though' but as to that?"

She followed her Sister's direction, "That is a Taru name Jes. Charming isn't he" Well charming when he and a certain Mithra aren't taunting each other over some circle dance.?


Date: 2007-04-16 02:11 EST
Janet's bare feet started towards the handful of Sisters, red sash a contrast between her own 'blacks'. A quick nod, tallying all present, all who were missing.

"Where the hell is Reeni?" A snicker escaped her then, as she moved to the end of Mirage. She was pleasantly pleased with the completion of the Compound so far; it would serve it's purpose for the time being.

She then glanced over to the one named the 'Don Mega'. She was probably one of the only Sisters that did not get to speak with him often, and so, she studied from afar. For now, at least.

She was more than happy that he was here with them, and not along the other side.

A brief glance to Eddie and Trix then, finding bonds of friendship worked over time needed at a time such as this. The Sisterhood was strong, and they they worked as a unit.

She almost wished for mercies over those they were seeking, as the lot of them were a handful of trouble. Almost.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-16 02:27 EST
The door opened, as Brian emerged from the Dining Hall, aka Black Ops, and proceeded to join the others with a warm smile and outstretched arms. Arms wrappped about his beloved a moment, as he leaned and kissed her cheek on the monkey free side, and offered a loving rub to her belly. Blue eyes took in the assembly, as Brian swallowed a bit, realizing just what it meant to have such a gathering present and what they would be discussing...Bri knew it was a ballsy venture, but then again he never got ahead by playing it safe all the time, and action was definitely needed this time around.

His eyes settled upon Ewan, as a nod was offered with a two fingered salute, and then a raised fist was given to Scorp, and Isuelt. Brian slipped from his love, and walked into the room with the rest, a pat offered to Alain's shoulder, and Erin in turn. A warm smile for Shea, and Trixie, Icer. A kiss to the cheek of one Wyheree, and of course Jewell. A respectful bow offered to Lupinis, a nod offered to Mirage as well. of course a sweet kiss to the top of one Eddie's head, and a wave to the new comers. A quick turn later, and Brian motioned to the Dining Hall room, and began that way.

"Thank you all, and I am sorry we were running a bit behind. Measure had to be taken to make sure this was as secure as we could possibly make it. But we are ready to begin. Please head into the hall, and find your places. I am being told others, will be arriving shortly."

Brian slipped inside the hall, and headed to the far end with the projector and readied his desk, as he watched the gathered, make their way inside and find their assigned seats. Once more he motioned to the tables, and paperwork.

"In front of each of you are maps, statistical data, police reports, autopsy diagrams of the first victims, sample data acquired from the university of Rhy'din in reference to hair samples that were found at the first three scenes, criminal interviews, rumoured reports and more in regards to the copy cat murders as well. Basically, this is everything I have been able to dig up in reference to this, and then some. I have recieved assistance via official channels and not so official."

A pause taken, as Brian slid on his antique spectacles a moment and let everyone settle once more.

"I am saying this once...What is said here does NOT, and I mean not leave this gathering...All of you have been invited with the utmost confidence, and while a few of us may not have gotten along in the past, I still have faith in each of us to do whatever we can do assist those citizens and friends who cannot help themselves.

What I want to do is have a quick forum before I delve into what I would like to propose. I would like us all to share what we have seen and done in regards to those, and what each of you think we can improve upon, and how to possibly go about it...Who would like to go first?"

That said, Brian took his seat and poured a glass of water, and awaited whatever was to come. It has begun, and only time would tell what would come of it.

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-16 02:48 EST
Jenai moved as if in sync with her hearts thoughts, she gave each of her sisters arms a feather light touch, thankful and warmed by seeing them again. The Empress and her beloved friends made her soul sing and flashed them a bright smile before business would start.

She leaned to the arm of Brian's chair, pale buck skin leather micros let her slip easily taking a seat there as if she always belonged that near to him.

As he spoke and the others drew closer, she lifted her hands moving them delicately drawing intricate details into the air. To those that could read her fragile movements; they would recognize a complex knitting of scrying wards and perhaps a trigger or alarm. Eddie was one that had seen her work this set on several occasions.

Every move took the length of Brian's opening and all was set.

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2007-04-16 03:11 EST
A much more human-shaped Trixie had slipped back out in time, it seemed, for she'd just been ushered into a new room with the rest of them. The almost empty blue tote bag, that once held the simple jeans and black tee outfit she was now sporting (along with the flip-flops that had been in there, too), was held carefully in her right hand. Closer inspection would reveal a small, black box was still hanging out in there.

She didn't run up to any of her family just yet, for the somber mood of the occassion had settled over her. She was content to keep some solidarity and observe each in turn, whether they be known or not, until they were once again told to move locations, this time to the Dining Hall.

She kissed JenJen's cheek in passing as she followed Brian's instructions. Of course, there was another little pitstop. Food was laid out, afterall, so Trix stacked up two plates of snacks, and somehow found a way to balance a fruit drink in her arms, too, before squeaking along to her designated place at the great, big table. She never was the seriously serious Sister.

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-16 06:00 EST
After chasing off those squirrels, Kerri made sure the security check points reported in, and when that was completed, the Mithra trailed the assembly into the hall.

Emerald pools went left to right quickly, as her tailed flicked like mad a moment, as she then stayed to the wall and soon took her seat, placing herself next to Brian and Jenai.

A gloved hand lifted to her ear a bit, as he seemed the Mithra was in her own little world, a bit. On the contrary, she was simply taking in reports of others that have been tracked enroute towards the compound, via her link pearl. A few nods later, and the Mithra relaxed a bit as she crossed her arms, and awaited to see just what this assembly had in mind.


Date: 2007-04-16 06:23 EST
One more had entered the compound, and moments later filed into the Hall with the others. While he wasn't well known to many in the realm, he was indeed known to Lord Ravenlock, Lady Jenai and Lady Kerri and was easily the main reason, Lord Ravenlock had as much information in regards to his samples from the crime scenes in WestEnd.

The young man is known as Garet Jax, son of the Abbey of Marfa, and Archeologist, not to mention in the service of one of WestEnd's most influential dealers in...Antiquities and more so. Her name hardly spoken, even by those who are close to her. He influence far reaching, and in this case her interest attained even for a brief moment. As the events in WestEnd, hit somewhat close to home, for the Lady from a far off land.

Quietly he filed in, and gave a few polite nods here and there. A somewhat wave offered to Lord Ravenlock, and his Lady Jenai, as his hands were full of various scrolls, and folders. A bit unorganized was the way he looked, but rest assured that Garet knew exactly where he needed everything. Just ask one Juleta Ponomorenko, as Garet had been responsible for the recovery of her stones. All that aside, Garet found his assigned seat, and set his articles down.

His hand lifted to adjust his small peabody spectacles a bit, and then tugged at his abbey collar to loosen it just a tad. Sometimes he wasn't too fond of that uniform, but it had it's advantages at times. As he was normally left alone when traveling, as many knew Marfa's children were helpful to the lands in time of need, and also took in orphaned children and cared for them.

Garet had no real idea why he had been summoned, since his assistance was basically on the samples, and scenes. And since Lord Ravenlock had all of the data in regards to those departments, it puzzled the young man a bit, but the Lady he served urged him to attend anyhow, as this meeting would no doubt have a great impact on many a front within WestEnd, both shallow, and deeply.

Taking his seat, Garet looked among those gathered once more, and waited.


Date: 2007-04-16 11:24 EST
She mingled about once they were all inside, greeting the different Sisters (and Scorp!) with blown kisses, winks: standard Empress greetings. She had managed to snatch a hug from Jes too, he really was too cute! Everyone else got nods in greeting as she tried to keep with the somber mood, this wasn't the Inn this was a war meeting. She could do war meeting!

She did sneak kisses to both Brian and Jen's cheeks before they were all ushered into the Dining Hall. Great minds think alike, and before she took her spot at the table she made sure to grab a good supply of snacks before Trixie could take them all! She knew better than to expect the Harlequin to share.

Of course, once she took her seat and starting flipping through the materials Brian had provided them, she wasn't quite hungry anymore. Eyes still on the page, she spoke up:

"Perhaps I should go first, Bri? I've been thinking...and information is key here and I don't want everyone to be caught unaware." She set aside the papers and looked around. "Not everyone knows this, but my house was targeted a few weeks back and I'm almost one-hundred percent positive it was our killer."

She had to clear her throat a little, this retelling making her just a touch nervous. However, she didn't let that calm, cool demeanor break at all, her face a study in neutrality. "I was followed home from the cemetery and whoever it was tried to gain entry into my heavily warded house by asking my youngest daughter to let him or her...Devyn couldn't say but if it was our killer I'll assume her. When I entered the room there was a message written in blood on the window: 'I see you' as well as a hand print. The rain obscured the footprints outside and no one was there when I looked...there was a bouquet of roses left too."

"So, whoever is doing this knows us. They know where we live, they know our's like we're just being toyed with. And frankly' I don't like being toyed with." Her tone went cold, "I know that's part of why we're here...we're all sick of this. But whatever we decide to do, we really still need to watch each others' backs because someone else already is."

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-16 12:05 EST
Emerald pools lit up like a fireworks display gone serious awry, as Kerri's hand shot into the air at the completion of Jewell's statement. For all the effort it had taken to be quiet and serious, Kerri did manage to keep to the serious but the quiet was another story altogether!

"Ohohohohohohoh and OH! You were SO followed sister dearest! The kitten in my decided to trail ya a bit, and when Raven here, found out about the house, he sent me to check it out and lemme tell ya something, I know your you and all, and far and all, but could it kill ya to own a few cats and what not"! I mean not like a sissy cat or one of the persian cats, or them...I dunno maybe a pixie bob or something! Y'know us cats are great at sensing things that are out of the— Yeowch!"

Like that one rant came to an end courtesy of one cute little Taru, and his oak staff, that cracked true upside one quite hyper Mithra's head with a thud. Jes shook his head, and climbed up the table, and parked next to Kerri, and gave her quiet the stern look.

"Kerri needs to tell the Lady Ravenlock what she found, doesn't she" So tell her-wher-u!"

And like that, Kerri focused once more, and reached across the table, grabbing a small satchel and nodded to the militant Taru, and looked to Jewell once more as she whipped out a small vial which had a strand of red hair inside.

"Mah bad fuzz-bucket! Anyways, I found this!"

Kerri sat there a moment looking like a triumphant warrior until Jes whapped her another time lightly and shook his head, and looked to Brian, who nodded a bit, as the Taru turned his attentions to one Garet Jax.

"Mister Jax, would you please take over. It seems, Kerri is...Well, you take it from here. After all it was your discovery."

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-04-16 12:22 EST
Ewan bowed over the accepted hand of Jenai, relinquishing his hold as swiftly as it had come, and kept to his silence as Isuelt answered the hinted question and silenced others" questions unspoken. He gave a knowing smile in return to the Judge's wink, but the sensation of someone moving up behind him, not exactly heard, but felt turned his head about. Storm joined him at his side, he felt the light touch of her hand on his back and he nodded to her as well, but he replied to Jenai's comment for him to gather with the others in a simple, "Thank you.?

Others arrived and he noted them, but his attention lingered on Kerri and he returned her salute with a nod. This motion is repeated when Brian arrives and does a quick nod and salute of his own. It was a strange sensation, Ewan had to admit, since most of his work in his homeland was done with little known authority. Still, as the others filed into the hall at the lead of their host, so did he. Ewan guided Storm to her chair, one of several that seemed designated for the intended attendees. A touch to her shoulder lightly as he left her there to find a seat of his own as near an exit as he could manage.

The maps, documents, and statistics laid out at the seat were reviewed in quick succession as he listened to Mr. Ravenlock's opening statement. There was one particular report he was looking for among the rest, and it was this he hoped to find: the areas that everyone was covering and when. Ewan's own information was piecemealed through observation of the Tunnelers and men of Yransea that trained in the streets. He had hoped Ravenlock would have more precise results.

Ewan, however, would keep some silence in the opening volley of exchanges. Although, he was a bit amused that Brian called the council, and yet he refrained from speaking his own ideas first to inspire the discussion. That was something to analyze as the first to speak and the domino effect was revealed.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-16 12:34 EST
Brian's hand reached for his beloved's as he smiled lovingly, while she joined him. His attentions turned back to the assembly as his sister spoke with a fire deep within, and in an instant he was taken back to the war councils of old, where it was a Ravenlock Clan of old, taking on the world at large, namely one rogue wizard called Ganon.

Bri felt his sister's resolve in more ways than one, and was deeply proud of her as she spoke, and voiced herself with such strength. Brian knew no matter how many children she had, no matter what loves life lead her to, no matter how soft she may have seemed at times...He knew that 'Just Jewell' was deep within, and ready to spring at a moments notice to rend heads from bodies like it was an old fashioned game, if the need arose. The saying is true, never f*ck with a momma bear's cub, cause she will rip you to shreds in an instant...Case in point, one fired up empress.

Kerri's outburst brought on a raised brow, and a slight chuckle...That was quickly set aside, as Jes intervened and brought up the discovery. Seeing the Taru defer to Mister Jax, Brian opened a folder and turned to a specified area, as he had already gone over the information in regards to the hairs they found previously, his eyes however rested once more on the young man from the University.


Date: 2007-04-16 12:50 EST
The dragon glanced about once more, grinning as she spotted two Golds and two silvers that touched down, adding to the safety of the perimeters, she nodded to her friends from the valley, knowing that they would do all they could to keep the meeting place safe, and best off all, secret. Turning then, she slid inside, following the sound of voices, and coming to a lean against the doorway, blinking as she'd just caught what the Empress had spoken.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2007-04-16 14:42 EST
Alain's hood is lowered around the time that Brian pats his shoulder. He nods to the man and takes up a lean in the hall where everyone is gathering, not far from Erin. Skipping the snacks and most of the formalities. Eyes linger on the big guy he passed coming out of Club Blue - Scorpion, Issy's man. He notes Ewan's presence and the way he's regarded by Jenai. Interesting.

He notes Jewell's remark, and squints at the vial, noting the red hair. There's been one assertion so far that the original killer is a female, and now another element to a physical profile is being offered up....He is skeptical of both, but awaits explanation of the hair before he addresses his own questions about both aspects of the killer's profile.


Date: 2007-04-16 15:23 EST
Rather than sitting with the rest, he remains standing, moving from his place by the wall only to go to the seat with his name on it and retrieve the stack of papers and carry them back to where he had been leaning, setting the papers on a nearby low table to carry with him later and review. Information, he had learned, was far more valuable than even money, in some cases, and it looks as if Ravenlock had done his research, gotten hold of everything available. He notes the arrival of others, particularly Trixie and another stranger with whom he is not familiar - a tall man, blond, long hair and bright green eyes, an assured way of walking that Lupinius himself is very familar with - it practically screams at his awareness that this man is a skilled fighter with the confidence to back it up, yet at the same time not cocky - a rather calm sense of assuredness in his own abilities.

It is an attitude that the demon respects more than the abilities it represents - this would be a difficult man to fight, a worthy opponent.

He redirects his attention as Trixie re-enters the room. His lips curve faintly upward in the hint of a smile, recalling the she-wolf that had entered with Trixie's scent. He had suspected that she could shift forms, as he could, but suspicion and actuality are two different things. He bows his head slightly to her as she takes her place at the table, saying softly under his breath, "Sister wolf," by way of greeting.

Again he shifts his attention to Ravenlock as he enters the rooms and welcomes them all, bringing this meeting to order, so to speak. The woman sitting next to him grabs the demon's attention as well, as she performs a complex bit of magic - he can feel the tingle in the air as whatever she is doing takes effect. This is another stranger to him, but the way she sits next to Ravenlock speaks volumes - these two must be mates. He registers her for future reference, not taking the time to observe her in minutiae for the time being - there are more important things here to keep track of.

As the stange being - a Mithra, the girl had called it' - brings the vial out of the sack and sets it on the table, he finds himself riveted by it. Or rather, what is inside it.

A single strand of crimson hair.

Abruptly, his eyes flicker with violet fire, and at the same time the amulet at his throat emits a flicker of the same amethyst light. He can feel...something...inside him stir, a sense-memory of the scent that he had tracked all over the city. The vial is sealed, but he can guess what scent that single strand of hair carries. He hadn't found any himself, not a single physical thing that had been left behind by the killer that night, but his instincts tell him what scent it would be, nonetheless. The demon in him stirs, remembering its moment of near-freedom, and he pushes it back down, easily this time - there is nothing here to give it strength, and this time it goes without being able to protest.

Still, he feels the need for caution. He has excellent self-control, but this scent...something about it is able to give his worse half great strength.

"Two things...firstly, where was this found, exactly?"

The question is simple and practical - it could possibly give a clue as to the hiding place of the evil they seek.

"And me the favor of not opening that vial in my me overly cautious, but I'd rather be safe than sorry..."

His eyes flick over to Trixie for a moment, remembering their brief conversation outside the gates of the Sanctuary. Not just for my sake, either, he thinks, remembering that she had said the scent had a troubling effect on her as well.


Date: 2007-04-16 16:03 EST
::Shea listened to Jewell as she spoke. She ahd no idea that the empress had been subject to such an atatck of sorts. She awas silent Jade hues bounced about the room, yes she had some information worth sharing but would not speak up as of yet. ::

::Shea had been patroling the west end for a while now,nearly every night before she left for hme. There was that one night she and Lupinius crossed paths, after she found that body decaying in the alley way. The scent was vial,and it seeme dnow that things were starting to fall in to place.::

:: Sheas first through had been right this was not just one person this was a group two or three at least if not more,each with a style all their own but each fitting a simple profile. These were the pawns of some higher in charge member, who knew them all.Some one close,far too close.::

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-04-16 17:39 EST
Erin keeps her distance from the crowd as well. She's not much in the mood for formalities. She stays behind Alain and to the right, greeting him with only a light touch to just above his elbow.

Mostly, she stays with her hood up, eyes focused. Who talks to who. Who smiles to who. Of course, she nods her head to anyone that looks her way. Issy. Jewell. Shea. Jen. Anyone she's meant to. And there's a real smile there when Brian pats her shoulder.

Spotting Storm and Janet, Erin steps forward to make herself known to them. Storm was a surprise of sorts, but, honestly, who wasn't involved anymore. If she were going to sit, she wanted it near the highly rational pair.


Date: 2007-04-16 18:31 EST
Isuelt had taken a seat and immediately started going through the maps and files. Her voracity knew no bounds in these circumstances; she would not have the Daughters of Scathach, nor their allies, hunted in such a cruel fashion. It had become her solemn vow to her Patroness in the deep seed of night, after all.

She listened to Jewell's account, nodding her head only once to the Empress. This story had been the source of her need to stay with the Sisters in the Sanctuary, but even Isuelt had not heard the whole tale. Her expression was the portrait of firm resolve: silent, yet it spoke volumes, as did her conduct.

Her dark eyes flicked to Lupinius as he questioned the meager evidence they had before them. Isuelt leaned back in her chair to soak up Brian's answers, as well as the atmosphere. There definitely was a feeling of stoic solidarity here, and as more trailed in, she knew it would only get stronger. Sisters, friends and allies were gathered in Brian and Jen's new home; an auspicious housewarming, to be sure.

Scathach would be proud of her Daughters, for they were embodying everything that the goddess stood for.


Date: 2007-04-16 18:55 EST
Chapter 7 Round Robin

Delphinea had only recently arrived at the Sanctuary. She had not even made contact with all of her sisters yet. So, when Illea had told her of this meeting, she was hesitant. Had things in this city gotten so far out of hand that the Scathachians needed outside help? It was nearly unheard of. But, Phin let her nose out of the air long enough to realize what was really going on here. The Scathachians were part of a larger entity here, the actions that were done to one were done to all. It was noble idea and almost extinct. Phin was pleased by her sisters and their contributions to this "outside" society.

She followed the directions carefully and was ushered into the Compound and into a receiving hall, where the visitors had gathered. She noticed Erin, whom she had met at an Inn when she had first arrived. The woman was kind enough to give her directions to the Sanctuary. Icer was there too, the dragon in whom Phin had found so much awe.

The others were completely unknown to her, with the exception of her sisters. Illea, of course was seated near the center of this gathering, Jenai was standing next to a dark haired man. Harlequin, whom she had always secretly envied for her nonchalant manner, and Mirage had taken up their usual strong stance near Diana, whom Phin was almost surprised to see here (only that she knew of Diana's departure from the Island not far preceding her own). There was another wearing the red sash of Scathach that Phin did not immediately recognize, though something about her was familiar. Perhaps this was Mari, the Scathachian who had spent time in the Outlands, whom Illea had told her about.

Phin knew that the other Scathachians were behind her, as she decided to await their arrival by the door. Though she was not alone by any means. There seemed to be a few stragglers teetering on the wisped edge of this conference. Her imposing form stood in the threshold, her light eyes were focused on the talk that ensued.

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-04-16 19:04 EST
Storm was also surprised to see Erin within those inside, curious as to her reasonings. She made a point to offer a slight smile and nodd into the direction of the sitting area as Ewan ushered her inside. Once she settled into her assigned seat, she made a point of making sure that Erin sat next to her. And if she had to switch a name or two around? She made no fuss of it.

She was also near Shea, which she felt was appropriate. Though she had been working alongside the Sisters, perhaps it would be best that those alike group together. Shea and Wyh were the closest things like her in the sense of power, and they could work off of each other in that sense.

Though she did not offer a smile, she acknowledged the touch to her shoulder with softened features. She watched him find a seat near the exit, before glancing down at what was presented in front of her. She did not know if she found him being there a comfort or not, though that went for many who were there. Perhaps they really would die in each others arms, fighting the same fight. Her lips twitched at the memory of his laughter.

She glanced casually to the vacant seats of those expected to attend. To judge how many were missing, if any, and who they were. A last glance around before she shuffled through the papers. Some of the information was new, but most was not. Storm paused as she glanced over the scenes that were in the same area, but different attackers.

A brief description of her own home was found there.

She schooled her features, before shuffling that page to the bottom. She already knew it was irrelevant here, but later in the night, she would glance to it more.

She listened attentively, glancing between those speaking, and back to the papers in front of her. She said nothing for now, finding that her ability to listen was much more valuable than the words that would exit her mouth.


Date: 2007-04-26 12:18 EST
The young man Garet watched on a bit, as his eyes widened a tad at his being address by the Taru friend of Lord Ravenlock. Folders shuffled, as Garet searched for that which Jeskola had referred to in addressing him, and a moment later, as questions in regards to Kerri's sample, Garet had found what he was looking for.

"What Lady Kerrithra—" Just like that in mid sentence he was interrupted by..

"Lady whatcha-just-say, buster"!?"

Clearing his throat once more, and nodding to Kerri in a most unsure way, Garet continued.

"What Mistress Kerri, and Jes are referring to is one of a few samples we have managed to obtain from various crime scenes, specifically in dealing with the original 'WestEnd Murderer', as she has been referred to."

As this was said by Garet, one smug looking Kerri was smacked upside her head once more, by a fairly annoyed Taru. Garet looked to Lord Ravenlock once more, and silently deferred to his former Elder within the Abbey. Lord Ravenlock, acknowledged the look and deferrment, and cleared his own throat a bit, as he rose quietly from his seat and address the assembled once more, while heading to the far wall, as a new slide was set up, and was now shown on said wall. With a pointer in hand, Lord Ravenlock began.

"To answer your question, I found the first three hair samples myself, each one at a specified location. The first was at the scene of the male and female, who were the first victims...That is specified as 'Scene A', on the maps each of you have before you. The second was located at the scene of the Guardsman, and his brother in the warehouse. That is 'Scene B', the third was located in the area around the slaughtered family that resided near my sister. That is 'Scene C'. Mind you, these are referred to from A to C, only in relation to the hairs, as to the murders themselves, we know there to have been others, and are still in the process of proving each of them, were by our original culprit.

As Kerri said, she found the last one, as she invesitagated Jewell's residence. As to how I obtained the first samples, that was through the use of luminol, a substance that allows you to see traces of blood, even if they have been cleaned away. The stuff I had was from Star's End, and was a generic type, but it did in fact do the trick, and we were able to locate samples, blood tracks, and even partial boot prints that local law enforcement was not able to. Our data is also included in each of your packets.

However, they have finally caught on and are now upping the ante, and are using that and more so, in regards to the newest incidents.I apologize for being long winded, and will give the floor back to Mister Jax, who will advise on the samples."

Garet swallowed once more, and nodded to Lord Ravenlock and lifted a hand to adjust his glasses a bit, and then the young man continued.

"Thank you, sir. In regards to the hair samples, that Lord Ravenlock and Mistress Kerri gave to me. They were taken back to the University of Rhy'din, and were subjected to a battery of localized testings. What we were able to obtain through cellular testing, and compound analysis is that the hair samples are in fact female and quite human. And yes, I understand that means it could be any red headed woman, and heavens know we have seen a huge influx of them lately. No offense Lady Jenai.

What was interesting, and was the key point of this, was a compound that was found on each of the four samples. When we broke it down further, we found it to be some type of cooled magma, a type which we have not seen before, and our reaching out to other institutes in the realm, currently we have had no luck from our collegues in Bale or Appleburg. What we do know, is that this compound is in fact identical four times over, as are the hair samples. Meaning, this person was present at each of these scenes. Unfortunately, it is not much. But it does in fact give a start. In any event, that is what I have on the samples themselves."

The young man quited a once more, and looked among the assembled as papers were shuffled once more.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-26 12:26 EST
Brian returned to his seat once more, and placed a hand upon Jenai's as he lifed hers in turn and offered a sweet kiss to it. Spectacled blue eyes gauged the gathered a bit, as he asked.

"Thank you, Mister Jax. Does anyone else have anything to add?"

Brian understood...He knew that many had their own reasons for attending, and some more than likely expected some hell bent rant and rave, and some half cocked ass kicking battle plan...Well that of course was all in due time, well the plan portion in any event, as to it's kick assness that remained to be seen. Still this was an assembly, and Brian would make sure every person had their say, and had input as well.

This would be done the right way, everything would be addressed, and with the gods blessings, each of these parties would be on the same page. But in order for that to even come to pass, voices must be heard. So once more Brian deferred to the assembled and patiently awaited whatever was to come.


Date: 2007-04-26 15:16 EST
A quick skim of the notes revealed reports from her seemingly endless patrols, which made Eddie smile. On the Isle, she was still considered too young to be involved with the planning stages of warfare and combat, and it pleased her to no end to be included here. She looked around the Hall, from Brian as he spoke, to all her Sisters, though she was very surprised to see Delphina, and gave her a nod from her spot by Trixie and Mirage.

She kept quiet otherwise, mulling over what Jewell said. A monster who preys on the innocent was the lowest of the low, the scum of the earth in her book, and she would do everything she could to see Justice served - Scathachian style.


Date: 2007-04-26 17:14 EST
:;Shea slowly rose from her chair after listening to what ahd been said.The wind mage would now speak,give ehr two cents on what she ahd seen or sensed about the west end, and those murders.A few she had merely heard about,but now she was deeply invovled in this fight, she didnt have something to add to what was said,but something of her own to add::

"I have something to add." ::Shea spoke making sure that everyone in the room would hear her and see her, she knew most of those gathered here,not by name but by whom they were with by mere sense to just know.:: " I have been patroling the West end for some time now since I came to Rhydin. I have this to add,a while back I found something in the west end.Death seems nothing new to that place,nor does the very dark presense that I felt there. I found what was left of two dead bodys,ripped apart. There was a scent there,and a sense of magic as well. I tried my best to follow the scent but it faded through the streets.But it is my view that whom ever this person or creature that we are dealign with is not working alone,there is some one at the postion of a commander,more than oneperson or being is working to make Rhydin a very bloody and dark place." :;She tucked her dark blue hair behind her elven ears,she would remain standing until what she said was noted ::


Date: 2007-04-27 10:49 EST
Still leaning against the doorframe as best as she could, the dragon glanced over the evidence, and ear twitching now and then as she kept contact via her mind link with the other dragons perched outside.

Nodding as she listened to Shea, she still kept quiet a moment before adding....the deaths in the Westend, from what I've seen, they all look as though they would have been an offering to something, or someone.


Date: 2007-04-27 18:02 EST
He listens to the analysis of the hair as given by the one Ravenlock calls Jax. Most of it is gibberish to him, scientific talk that is, for all intents and purposes, meaningless to him. He's smelled the scent that he is certain that hair carries, and that tells him all he needs to know.

Human' Yes. Female" Undoubtedly.

Evil" Indubitably.

He recounts the scene he had encountered the day before, on his way here, the little pile of ashes in the alley. It occurs to him that this would be the perfect time for that - everyone is here, after all.

"If I may..." He pushes off the wall and takes a step towards the table, looking up and down its length. He's not sure just how serious any of them take him, given his origins and dubious nature. At least they hadn't opened the vial, though - that was something.

"Yesterday, I came across an interesting little scene in an alley in WestEnd, as well - the ashes of a young child, female, probably no more than 6 to 8 years old. In itself, this is not all that interesting, except in two ways...the place reeked of undead...and the scent carried a hint of something similar to what the original perpetrator they might have been marked, or somehow aligned themselves in such a way that might be identifiable - which means, as Lady Shea pointed out, our adversaries are growing in number...and strength."

He pauses, then adds, almost as an afterthought, "Also...if my senses haven't failed me...judging by the age of the scent, the crime was commited during daylight."

He leans back against the wall as he says this last, letting the import of the words sink in and allowing the others the chance to come to their own conclusions.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2007-04-28 14:12 EST
Alain waits a moment after Lupinius speaks. He's been silent for the whole meeting, his mood dark and pensive....and yes, the news of other murders and the suggestion of allies is troubling, but the idea of an alliance of killers is one he's thought of before. Finally he clears his throat, pushes off the wall some, and speaks:

"If I may." Eyes search the room quickly, at the gazes turning to him, and he continues. "What we have to go on so far is conjecture, in regard to the killer having allies. Copycat murders have been known to happen even with the copycat murders beginning when the string of murders perpetrated by the original killer is not yet concluded....and usually without any contact between the two murderers." He rubs at his chin some. Every moment that he draws attention to himself at this meeting he is kicking himself for, but in his countenance, he keeps his cool. "I've conjectured that the original killer has one ally. The original killer has an obsession, even a familiarity with Scathachian symbolism. He or she," and he knows those words will stir particular controversy, "defaced Scathachian symbols, in a sense....but it was not simple defacing. It was use; it was an expression that indicated some familiarity. A group, a guild, in the past has defaced the Scathachian compound itself, and yet only using their own symbol. The fact that inverted scales have been one I find deeply troubling." He pauses to collect his thoughts, to look around the room again. "Many of the subsequent murders have been linked to the first because, while the use of Scathachian symbols has not been constant....the targeting of people on the street, in streets the Sisters patrol to keep safe, and the style of the kills - cleaving and a way of playing with the kills - they line up, in many cases. Subsequently, there was another killing, involving a wagon out in front of the Sanctuary, obviously to taunt the Sisters....and yet I do not feel that alone is sufficient evidence of an alliance. However, I think that killer is the same who earlier crucified a city guard. The shift of focus from government figures or random killing, whichever it initially was, to harassing the Sisters....either suggests an unusual change in the heart of the second killer, not typically seen....or that there has been some contact between these two, and for whatever reason, the second killer has seen fit to take up the cause of the first."

He licks his lips quietly. Wishes he had picked up some water. It's taking a long time to make his point. "However, while there have been other murders probably perpetrated by other killers, I don't think we have sufficient evidence to assume any alliance, and would still be cautious to assume any alliance between the first two copycats. The first killer has inspired an orgy of violence, not only varieties of copycats, but people and worse dwelling in the dark corners of this city, who have killed before....stirred, inspired to kill again. Once the original killer, and even the second, are caught, there is still going to be a lot of cleaning up to do."

"...I have a little to ask about the evidence, too, that you say establishes our killer is female and red-haired." He nods his head to the vial. "The same hair from the same person has been seen at four sites....but has Jenai been at all four sites? What about other female redheads, possibly working in the guard or in other capacities for this city' I've seen the way crime scenes here are handled....and we'd be very foolish to assume any high level of crime scene integrity." Oh, this'll go over well. "We can't assume this is a redhead, even a female. Even human, really."


Date: 2007-04-28 14:48 EST
She worked on balancing a pen on her fingertips as she listened. If she appeared bored, that was fine. She was listening intently, though. Scientific evidence, talk of the undead, Alain challenging the evidence. It was all very nice. Jewell wanted to get down to the nitty-gritty but she knew this needed to all get sorted out first.

She didn't waste anytime in speaking up after Alain. "Lupinius, right?" Looking up from her pen balancing act to look at the man with a smile. "What's the significance of it happening in the daylight' This is RhyDin, baby. Crime isn't confined to the night."

"And Alain," she offered him a smile too. At least someone appeared lighthearted at the moment, "Don't mean to blow your argument out of the water, but if Kerri found a matching hair at my house..then it's got to be the killer. No one else was at my house. I didn't inform the authorities, I didn't even inform any of the Sisters until the next day."

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-28 15:54 EST
"As well Alain, I would think someone trying to gather as much evidence as you have, would also not assume red is red. If you had indeed looked close enough, You would have seen the Reds are darker then my own. But answer your question, I have not been. Maybe your next question should be kerri, since she picked up the scent, if it was anyone in this room....she would have no doubt again, pointed them out."

She watched Alain a moment. She knew he was trying to come up with idea's and talk about what they had all been finding. But the last thing they all needed was to start finger pointing. Maybe some where used to looking over there shoulder and even loved it....but The Sisters knew they each had the others back with out knifing it.

"And I hope that cleared questions to anyone in here being our monster..."


Date: 2007-04-28 16:11 EST
Illea, like Alain and so many others, had been sitting quietly. Illea's head was dipped, almost as if she were nodding off, though her dark brown eyes were open and focused on the tip of her boot. She had been soaking in the talk, the evidence, the rebuttals, the arguments; she had been letting all of the evening's sharing buzz about in her head until she was almost at wit's end. People were jumping to conclusions, and that, she knew could be a deadly mistake. She had been there before, and watched people die because they were all looking right, when they should have been looking left. She wouldn't allow a catastrophe like that happen again, not when she was sitting right here in the middle of it.

"Enough!" the strength of her voice startled even herself. She had not meant for her tone to sound to sharp, so clipped. She had already snapped at those outside as they had awaited entry, this was the second time her temper and impatience got the better of her. The fissures were wide, but holding steady. Isuelt's dark eye glanced beside her to Scorp, she drew what strength she did simply because of his presence. She continued, ", long hair, red hair, villain's hair, whatever. This meeting is not about hair. I do have to say, however, that Alain raises a good point. There is no way of saying that that particular strand of hair represents a killer. Though, likewise, Jewell brings up an interesting point. All I can say to this, though, is even if this is the killer, are we going to be looking for everyone in this damn city with long hair?" She was pointing to Scorp, Lupinius, Brian, and Ewan. "And who's says it's definitely a woman?" she nodded to Jenai, Phin, Jewell, Janet, and Wyheree, as well as yanking on a strand of her own dark hair. "Who's to say that color cannot be changed? Alright, let's say for argument's sake that this hair is connected to the killer," Isuelt stood out of her chair and began moving through the room as she made her arguments, "Are we going to try and question every man and woman with red hair in this f*cking city' That's ridiculous. This is not about hair, this meeting is not about talking. This meeting is about action! I, for one and sick and f*cking tired of being the victim in this sick game. I'm not going to let this man or woman or group of people of whomever keep playing me. Let's get down to! mentioned to me earlier that if we take the WestEnd and run a grid over it we can divide the area into workable sections. If each of us takes a section and just start doing what we do best, then we can at the very least clean that god-forsaken area of the city! It's time to not squabble over details...we should be focusing on the big picture here." She took a breath and let her narrowed gaze roam over the room's occupants, there was no doubt about it, Isuelt was fired up and tired of being silent. "The more rabble we clear out of the WestEnd and throw into jail cells, the bigger the chance that we'll start flushing people who might actually know something about what we're dealing with here. Like or many. Something more concrete than a hair. Great detective work is our basis, but we've got to do something more than arguing over it. We've got to act on it." The tall Scathachian stood there, hands on her hips, letting her eyes fall to each of those gathered. "Brian, I think it's time we kick this f*cker into high gear. Let's see that grid chart you were talking about."

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-28 17:01 EST
Brian watched on in deep interested, as storm, Icer and Lupinus each spoke. Their words commited to memory, and paper to boot, as each made astute remarks. A quite nod offered, as a hand lifted to adjust his spectacles a bit, his attention now rested on Alain, as he took the floor and added his ideas to the pool, while Jewell and Jenai quickly responded in turn. Even the light line of fur upon Kerri's neck bristled a bit, and was noted by Bri. A hand reached out and took his beloved's, as a soft kiss was placed upon it. Brian then took the floor once more, in response.

"Alain, to clairify. Jenai has not been to any of the scenes. The only two to collect evidence was myself and Kerrithra, and a guardsmen named O'rourke. Of course this is in addition to the initial crime scene teams the locals had originally used. As to the samples being female, that has in fact been proven, as to them being human, again that has in fact been proven. The university has confirmed this. As to the compound that resided upon the hair samples, that has not yet been one hundred percent identified. Kerri has also picked up a scent from more than one scene, and advises they are indeed the same individual, now I do not know how well your nose is in regards to scents, but I know I cannot catch scents anywhere near the level of a Mithra, let along Mister Lupinius. Also given the fact that Jewell, Jenai and myself recieved 'gifts' from the murderer, namely the severed penis and lips from said crucified guard, and a set of cryptic hand written letters, all bearing scents, I am going to have to side with Kerri and Lupinius on this one, at least as far as scents go. And also with the Univerisity and Mister Jax, as far as the samples.

Now Alain bring up some great point in regards t——"

Brian's eyes widened as one Isuelt took the floor with the force of a seriously pissed off and launched wombat, via one Alex Ravenlock. The elder Ravenlock quieted and let the hell bent sister run with it...And smiled through every bit of it. It wasn't a funny smile, or a sappy one...It was a genuine, 'let's get it on' smile...And he was more than happy to listen.

"Brian, I think it's time we kick this f*cker into high gear. Let's see that grid chart you were talking about."

Kerri listened and grinnery took hold of the Mithra from Vana'diel, as she felt Issy's words from deep within. As it if a calling reached out from the beyong and slapped her upside the head, and this time it was not at the hands of a vexed Tarutaru. Refusing to sit back any longer with the cry of action in the air, leaped to her feet and yelled out with a balled fist in the air!

"F*ck yeah, Meany sister! Time to make those rat bastards 'Fear Mah Kitty!' Hooahh! You slider machiner guy, hell yeah you, ya beady savage, get to the maps and grids now! Let's do this sh*t, yo! Sword-Chucks! Suckaaaaaaaaah!"

And like that, Kerri sat back down proud of her lil rompish outburst as only she could be, while Brian sat perplexed a moment and quickly regained his senses and stood quietly, and offered a somewhat bow to the newly crowned 'Terror Twins', as he took a pointer in hand once more, and regards the map that was now displayed on the far wall for all to see.

"Well alright then, Ladies. How can I refuse such a request, and at the same time keep my body whole and in tact to boot. Let us kick this f*cker into high gear, and get to the bread and butter. Sword-Chucks, and all of that too."

Jeskola sat there with his furry paws in his face, stunned...A facepalm of facepalms, so to speak. Brian regards the gathered once more, as he offered a pat to his old friend's shoulder, and motioned to the large map with was a incredibly detailed overhead map of WestEnd, with enough detail to even note some pieces of a newly crafted wombat launcher that was being built behind the old Ravenlock Dojo, and a few danc— well 'Ladies' sunning themselves on the roof of one 'Club Blue' and more so...In any event, this was one finely crafted map, and Brian knew he owed a serious favour or five from some of the Ragolian pilots from Star's End on this one.

The map itself was divided evenly in a grid system, columns for letters and numbers, the letters went across the map, and ranged from A to H, and the numbers went down from to 1 to 8. Quietly, staff went among the assembled, and places maps in front of each of them, along with a small packet in turn, which emcompassed, crime statistics for the assigned grids, including what types, perps, local hiding holes, guild activity, and more so.

Kerri's handiwork came out in spades, as various guilds, were mentioned, and noted, including one once thought to be defunct 'Night blade' guild, and a few other points of interest, like an elven eatery that refuses to serve elf to eat. Again, Kerri...Nuff said. Brian nodded to the staff, as they completed their tasks and vacated the assembled once more.

"Well this is what we have....WestEnd, and lately one helluva warzone on many fronts...In the last six months, this place has degraded in such a way it can no longer be ignored. Murders, rapes, vanishings, human trafficking, even children! Loads of petty deals as well, and they too will be swept into this gambit.

The goal here is to take back WestEnd by any means necesarry. I am not making any bones here people, lines will in fact be crossed, and some even stomped outright. Isuelt said jail, and I can agree with that, but there are also cases where statements will need to be made, examples MUST be shown to the masses to let them see we are doing what needs to be done, what the locals cannot or will not do.

If we find someone outta line, we kick them back in...And take a few teeth and more with them. We find a rapist, we make it so he won't do it again, we find a killer, we make sure they don't do it again. We find some thugs, we lean on em till they give us someone else to lean on, and the same goes for these petty assed guilds. We put so much f*cking pressure on these sons of bitches that someone or something will in fact HAVE to give...Icer's clan will provide aerial support, and logisticals as well, my goal is to have assigned grids for members here, and grid by grid we take back this area of Rhy'din.

Grid by grid, broken bone by broken bone. We make sure those bastards fear us, more than they would their bosses, and we make it so their bosses will agree it will be more beneficial to let us do what we need to do and move on so they can get back to business, so long as they keep to their petty sh*t and don't draw our attention again. I know I am over simplifying a bit, and forgive me, of course we will go over details and what not, but what I need to know is this..

Who is on board for this...We are going to cross lines, we are going to bury some others, we are going to make marks all over this city, and we will become the enemy in some way or some others, and I assure you we will in fact attract attention. In that event it doesnt matter, cause our killer knows us all anyways, and knows where to find us, so f*ck it...They want to see us, they will 24-7, and in the WestEnd! We will no longer run, and will no longer chase shades, instead we will hammer away bit by bit, stone by stone and wall by wall until we get to where we need to get, and we will do so by any means.

So, if you cannot feel you can do this, or if you feel down the line you cannot commit to this, you can leave now."

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-04-28 17:49 EST
Ewan sat in silence, sometimes looking to the speaker and sometimes not. Rantings held no interest for him. The grid now presented did interest him. It was not unlike the grid created for the entire of Rhydin town to be used to coordinate city patrols and private security interests. An idle scratch as his cheek, and he began with sober words, "The evil that began this is not alone and it isn't confined to the West End. There is magic involved, unless you know a way to animate mutilated flesh without machinations of any sort." He looks to a few that perhaps do know such methods. "Such things are outside of my ability. There are other elements of evidence I have seen that I do not hear mentioned, but perhaps they are unimportant. Being a mortal, I find things like two fine puncture wounds in a neck revealing and of importance where others may not." He gave a shrug and one hand flipped over palm up indicating his nonjudgmental feelings on the matter.

"Forgive me my lack of colorful metaphors or outright enthusiasm," the slight lift to one corner of his mouth barely broke the stoic demeanor. "I will support your endeavors in the ways that I can, but I will not offer over all my resources. I trust Isuelt to use what I have offered in the past to good use and purpose," he bows his head to the Judge. "I am not a man to put all of my eggs in one basket, and for my part, I intend to keep some of my resources hidden as they are best used in that fashion." A grim smile, "I do not doubt that you have considered such as well, and intend to do the same."

Moving to sit up straighter, he continued, "But I digress. Let me add that I will not stand in your way as long as you keep to your purpose and do not take a good intention and run mad with it. There are still people living in the West End, and I caution you to examine your "any means" by options first before letting frustration drive you too far." He looked to the more enthusiastic speakers and those he finds less than predictable, and for some the words were unnecessary. "I will leave now if you think it best, but I would prefer to stay in silence, only speaking when my opinion is requested, so I know what decisions are made and in that way be better able to keep your options unhindered by the city guard and government."

The words were lengthy and he hated speaking so much. Rarely could he get his ideas or his intentions across to people, and he felt he had failed in doing so once again. So he returned to silence and waited with an unreadable countenance.


Date: 2007-04-28 22:26 EST
Wyheree listened intently, as she leafed through the reports, the details quickly memorized. Garet, Lupinus, Icer, Jewell, Alain - everything that was said added to the knowledge held within the papers. After Issy and Brian spoke up, and the grids were distributed, after Ewan had finished speaking, Wyh lifted a delicate hand.

"Undead that move unhindered in the daylight is unusual, even for RhyDin. Any pre-emptive strike taken needs to take that detail into account. The usual methods for dealing with the strongest of the undead are ill-suited to residential areas."

Wyh paused a moment. "I am as angry and frustrated as everyone else here. I am tired of reading the Oracle each and every month to find more horrors, not less. My concern is in the collateral damage - I wish to see these brutalities cease, but I also wish for innocent lives to be spared."

Her silver eyes flickered down to the grids, then back to Brian. She said nothing else. Brian knew, and had always known, her feelings. She now voiced them for everyone else to hear.


Date: 2007-04-29 01:50 EST
"All right, stop. Hold on right there. Now, I think we've got to stop before we all jump to conclusions," Isuelt looked down and sighed heavily, only to lift her gaze to Lupinius. "You saw a pile of ashes, right' Now, I'm not doubting you outright, I don't even know you really. I'm just thinking that this pile of ashes...I mean, it could be anything. But you're saying that it was an eight year old girl" Give me a break! I know no nose that could possibly pick that up. And that this...this...crime was done during the daylight?" She paused and looked around the room to see if anyone else was ready to surmise what she was about to. "What crime" I mean, shit, as far as we know, those ashes could be someone's trash! Okay, so you might have smelled something like...I don't know bone, or hair or something...but it's f*cking ashes! And as far as when this thing, whatever it was, was burned" I mean, this is the same thing with the hair. We're taking tiny little details and creating a story! We've got to stick to the cold hard facts and deal with them, not be blowing things out of proportion. That isn't going to get us anywhere. We've got to stick to the action, and let the little things just sit on the sidelines right now. I mean, kindred walking around in the daylight"! C'mon, people, enough!"

Walking to the map and running her fingers over it, she started anew, this time turning her comments to Wyheree and Ewan, "And no, of course we're not going to go running around and bashing heads of everyone we see. We're Scathachians, has everyone forgotten what that means" It means that we champion the weak and defend the defenseless! And if that means breaking a few hands and legs of people we know are criminals, then so be it! And while we're at it, I think that if we kidnap a few people that we know are linked with criminals and escort them bound, blindfolded and gagged back to the Sanctuary for a private questioning session in one of those hidden rooms below, then so...f*! Now, let's knock this precursory crap off and get back to assigning grids."

She began counting the grid squares to herself, thinking that one or two, possibly even three could be covered by a single person. Isuelt nodded to herself, she could almost feel the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. One thing was quite solid; no ground would be made in the case until they got out there and started turning over rocks.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2007-04-29 09:42 EST
Alain nods to Jewell, but after Jenai's words, he pushes off the wall to grab the edge of the table, caught in the middle of a 'now hold on just one hot second' face when others speak up. Namely Issy. Eyebrows go up as he watches her blow off steam not once, but twice. Assigning grids. His incensed expression fades into a reserved coolness as he draws back from the table again, folding his arms over his chest. Blue eyes slowly search the room, and he wonders....he's trusted these people with so much already....can he trust them all with the route of his patrols? There isn't a soul among them he thinks would ambush him....but it's still a difficult, very vulnerable move for him to make. So for the moment, he waits.


Date: 2007-04-29 09:52 EST
She pushed her chair back from the table as Issy and Brian traded the spotlight, leaving Ewan and Wyheree time inbetween to speak as well. Legs were crossed as she slunk down low in her chair, undisguised interest and a little amused smile touched at the corner of her lips. It was go time.

"I'm sorry to be a nuisance," though the tone of her voice indicated that she didn't see herself as being any such thing at all, "but before we get about assigning grids just one thing to point out. The world is changing and some kindred do walk about in the daylight."

She had originally thought to provide an example but soon realized that that would not have been prudent. The last thing she wanted to do was throw suspicion on the one she named, especially since he was currently courting her.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-04-29 09:56 EST
Erin folded her arms across her chest as she listened. Once it calmed down, she wordlessly placed a hand atop Alain's arm for a moment. Gentle squeeze. She left it there, below the table level, but reassuring. Calming.

Leaning forward, she examined the map in front of her. I think, perhaps, Issy is right. Maybe she should take over?

A soft smile to her friend, then.

Akemi Sato

Date: 2007-04-29 09:58 EST
She wasn't there— and then she was. Just behind Issy, leaning over her shoulder to peer at the papers she was looking at. A tilt of that head, hair like a spilled inkwell falling over her strong shoulders.

"I want that one." And she pointed at the grid with Erin's house in it. "Cold at night, and all." She was kidding, of course. The way she kidded that was almost too serious.

"Whatcha think?" A wink to her Sister as she dropped soundlessly into a nearby chair.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2007-04-29 10:10 EST
He looks a little over at Erin as she squeezes his arm....then gives her hand a little squeeze. He hates this meeting. He hates how everyone's handling this case, including himself. And he hates the risks he keeps having to take....especially if it puts Cassie in danger. But if they're serious about covering every inch of this city, and that's the only way to flush out the killers if they're lucky, or people attached to the killers if they're smart about it...

"Here." His hand leaves Erin's, and he points at one of the grids. "This is the turf Cassie and I will cover." It's close enough to their office, but not too close, either. He doesn't explain that this is what he's patrolled before, or what other interests he has in that area of the city - some cards in his hand are better kept hidden. Eyes flicker to Issy....linger on Jenai....and then finally simply rest on whoever happens to be opposite him. "And I think our actions should be at minimum cautious, reserved, unless we are positive we have a solid lead." Gaze moves to Ewan now, as he adds, "Swinging blind will serve only to bring elements of this city down on us, and rightly so." Bearing in mind his remark about the guard.


Date: 2007-04-29 14:24 EST
A Piece of the Pie

Phin's hulking form detached from the back wall to join her sister before the grid. Her blonde head nodded to Akemi, then to Alain. She believed they had the right idea, just as Isuelt did. It was indeed go time.

Her blue eyes raked over the grid as people began to stake out their claims, so to speak. "Here," she pointed to the large grid that covered most of the Southside Docks, "I will take these." The big girl figured that she had already made something of a name for herself when she had first arrived. The way Phin operated, she rarely failed to make lasting first impressions. Especially when she left ill-mannered men gasping for air. Perhaps she could use the occasion to offer the oily dockworker redemption for his earlier actions? Anything was possible, through Scathach's grace.

Phin turned from the board just then and looked to Isuelt and bowed her head, waiting for her other sisters to join in and take their places.


Date: 2007-04-29 18:42 EST
He stays on his place against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest, listening in completely silent observation. The challenges, the rants, the demand for action - all a waste of time, and yet what else could they do' He has the vague suspicion that no matter how things are portioned out, until the threat is sought out and dealt with, the WestEnd is going to be under the thrall of whatever dark force is currently ruling it.

But that is not his place to say. He had offered his information and a bit of speculation, only to have it denounced. He doesn't necessarily hold that against the denouncer - after all, she didn't know he had had literally centuries to hone his senses to the point that he can pick four scents out of a crown of a hundred and follow them all without fail. What may seem like magic to some is in fact basic animal senses combined with over a millenium's worth of experience.

Sighing inwardly, he simply pushes the thoughts aside and focuses on the grid laid out before him. An efficient plan, this - division of labor evenly spread out to assure the maximum available coverage. He's not sure how much good it will do, but he's aware that every little bit of help counts.

"I am readily availabe to help wherever I am needed, of course. Those of you who know my name have but to say it, should you have need of or night. I've always said that sleep is an overrated commodity, and demons have no trouble with daylight."


Date: 2007-04-29 23:31 EST
Mirage nodded her head in total agreement with Isuelt's agitated, but appropriate outburst. Serena favored the direct approach of her mentor and friend the best. She had little patience for wild speculation, despite some of its poignant relevance. All in all, Issy and she were like peas in a pod on matters such as this.

As she listened to Jewell and Lupinius speak, she of course understood that all of the good folks gathered here in the Ravenlock Compound assuredly had noble intentions. But unfortunately, she was craving swift action and results just as Issy was. This whole twisted thing, from the day it began, had haunted her nightmares and turned her usually iron stomach. Something had to give. This was definitely a marching start in the right direction, Serena believed.

Mirage's ears were also keenly poised as Issy spoke strongly of kidnapping those scumbags who basically had it coming. Yummy. Her and Akemi would be putting in a lot of work on those assignments if they indeed came to fruition. Mirage loved nothing more than dragging a trash-talking, well renowned criminal back to a "quiet place" for Scathachian interrogation. The abducted, naturally being tightly gagged and tied.....preferably gagged with either red duct tape or with her own crimson sash! Red gags always made it lethally clear to the criminals just who they were dealing with.

No one was above justice. No one. Kidnappings just served as a friendly reminder to all the villains that anyone can be gotten to. No corrupt and dark empire was unshakable in the face of righteousness. Mirage, her Sisters, and their loyal allies here would both protect the weak and flush this maniac out into the open.

Akemi and Delphinea had begun to carve up the grid as did this mysterious man named Alain. With crisp nods to Eddie, Janet, Trixie, Isuelt, and Jenai, Mirage slowly moved towards the grid to stake out an interesting piece of the West End to patrol. She wanted to catch this son of a bitch and whoever was associated with him/her so badly that she could taste it. Brian Ravenlock was right, it was time to take the fight to them.


Date: 2007-04-30 00:58 EST
::Shea was silent just listing, she would fight with them all of them.She need not say it.Those jade hues flickered to silver,watching them all. Listening to Issy, and Brian and all the rest their as words were spoke, Brains hung in her mind::

"Grid by grid, broken bone by broken bone. We make sure those bastards fear us, more than they would their bosses, and we make it so their bosses will agree it will be more beneficial to let us do what we need to do and move on so they can get back to business, so long as they keep to their petty sh*t and don't draw our attention again. I know I am over simplifying a bit, and forgive me, of course we will go over details and what not, but what I need to know is this...

Who is on board for this...We are going to cross lines, we are going to bury some others, we are going to make marks all over this city, and we will become the enemy in some way or some others, and I assure you we will in fact attract attention. In that event it doesnt matter, cause our killer knows us all anyways, and knows where to find us, so f*ck it...They want to see us, they will 24-7, and in the WestEnd! We will no longer run, and will no longer chase shades, instead we will hammer away bit by bit, stone by stone and wall by wall until we get to where we need to get, and we will do so by any means.

So, if you cannot feel you can do this, or if you feel down the line you cannot commit to this, you can leave now."

::Shea was in this on board the whole way, not about to leave,not about to give up. She rose to her feet the winds always at her side rose and fell through her hair and cloak:: "As long as their is a fight to be had I shall help in what ways I can " :;This to Brian and all thsoe others there,Shea was in this fight, she was not about t give up,and not about to stand down:: "By magic or sword, This must end"

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-04-30 12:19 EST
As each chose their section, Ewan noted it, filing each away in his mind. He had not heard anything of rotations, overlaps, combining diverse talents, or any other such measures, so it seemed to him at this point, nothing was changing. They were still mostly strangers, still not trusting, and still not working together.

The net had holes, and they were gaping ones. His expression remained unchanged as he planned how to compensate for this with the teams and systems he had moving in the West End in case this particular issue was not discussed once the areas were selected. If they would not blend their talents, then he simply would on his side of things.

For a moment, his countenance changed, the brow furrowed, as he twisted about the difficulty on this matter. He had gathered some information on peculiar talents of some of them from listening and observation, but others were a mystery, and even others he had no idea why they were here at all. He roused up his patience, schooled his expression, and watched on hoping those that made no specific claim would be assigned so he could adapt his efforts accordingly, otherwise this could become a bumbling mess and that would serve only their enemy.


Date: 2007-04-30 13:23 EST
The dragon had settled against the doorframe, looking like she'd fallen asleep, though now and then one of her ears twitched as she listened to both the mind speak from her comrads and the bickering inside the compound. She didn't even move toward the grids as the others claimed territories as their own to patrol.

You know..instead of bickering amongst yourselves...we may get a lot more accomplished if everyone works together.., as of right now, many of the dragons from the valley have consented to help patrol from the air, my own sister even agreed.., one ice blue eye opening to scan through the crowd gathered, besides, single patrols could easilly be overcome should they find anything.

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2007-04-30 14:13 EST
Trixie McAllister did not speak. She listened. She wasn't the Sister that most took seriously, anyway. She was just the bloodhound, the bite.

She looked up to Brother Wolfe several times, even after he'd fallen silent. He wasn't saying it. He wasn't talking about that smell, but she just knew in her little half-breed heart that it was something he was remembering, even now. She didn't blame him for not mentioning it. She hadn't been able to tack down what it was, so trying to explain it to those of less powerfully sniffers would be pretty damn difficult. She had sympathy for him, especially when Izz knocked him down. Hell, that's why she was shutting herself up. Of course, in her silent style, she was also failing to mention that the "practical joke" hadn't had the same scent attached to it. Allies were almost certain—even if they weren't in contact, it was one murderer supporting another. And that was very dangerous.

She glanced to Izz before letting her eyes tick around to each of the other Sisters. Then their friends. Finally, to that strand of hair. The smell..that thing that had been at the crime scenes...that wasn't female. She'd be willing to bet the strand of hair was, though, even if she couldn't sniff it from here.

She gave a grunt to herself as she held her tongue in place and idly pushed around a cracker with her fingernail. She took up a nice slouch and let her stomach churn in hormonal angst as the council went on around her head. She would take last picks at the grids. Or she'd just do her own thing, like usual. She always had graveyard, anyway.


Date: 2007-04-30 17:55 EST
She frowned as people just started calling out lots and choosing for themselves. Her thoughts were along the same lines of Ewan, only she spoke up. Sitting up straight once more, she called out before anyone else could start marking their territory on the map, "Hold up!"

"Don't you think there might be say...a more organized and rational way of going about this?" She didn't wait for an answer or even any sort of response, "Yeah. That's what I thought."

Shaking her head, she looked around the room, "There are several things to consider before you all start marking your territory by pissing on the table. One, is just one person going to be assigned to each section' If so, is that person expected to be out there every single night kicking ass" That doesn't make much sense. Also, we're neglecting the fact that we're better off in pairs and if we have only one person in each section...that's not the safest or most effective way, although many of us do prefer to work alone."

"Another thing, some of us have particular talents that are useful in different situations. Maybe we should be considering all that and pairing people accordingly before everyone starts getting grabby for their routes? It's not like there isn't more than enough to go around."

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-05-01 00:51 EST

Brian rose once more and looked among the assembled, as he shook his head a bit and politely motioned for a bit of quiet, and then continued.

"This will not work this way, we cannot just pick and choose as we see fit, there is much to consider, and that is why we are here, and more importanty, why I am glad Lord Ewan was asked to attend."

Blue eyes came to rest upon the quiet man, as Brian nodded slowly to himself. Brian knew his own limitations better than most, and while door kicking, and name taking were some of the things the boy was incredibly good at, coordinating a large scale event such as this was not truly something he was suited to, granted if worse came to worse, he would do what his family was known for, doing it all on the fly.

However, this is not a time or a mission for that, this was something that needed to be done carefully, and tactitians were the key to that, and honestly, Brian knew of no better than the Governor's own Military right hand. Brian offered a respectful nod to Ewan once more, and spoke.

"Lord Ewan, this is truly where I think you can help us beyond compare. I don't expect, nor want this to turn into a witch hunt, and the what not. I do in fact want our point to come across strongly, I do want that WestEnd taken back, and yes we want examples and statements, but I want it done the right way, like my sister said, certain talents for certain areas, shift rotations and more so. We need whatever assistance you can offer in helping us set this into motion. Icer and her clan can cover the skies, and offer logistical support, but we need some direction on what to assign and where to move with this, and honestly, I am not the person for that task. So please, what can you do."

Hardly a man to not admit when he cannot do something, Brian left it at that. He knew Ewan was an talented man, and trusted Kitty's judgement. Brian sat once more, and took Jenai's hand into his own and awaited a response.

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-05-01 16:02 EST
Ewan did not restrain the surprise fully at being deferred to in this matter. His brows rose briefly then he gave a respectful nod to Brian and to Jewell. "Both of you have made valid points, and touched upon my very thoughts and concerns. From what I have heard you want to be seen, and you want to turn the tides. Organization is a way to do that, for now," a wry smile, "but more than anything, you must keep changing within that organization. We have to become an organic thing, able to work with each other seamlessly, adjust to each others skills and weaknesses, and that takes trust."

He eyed the few standing away from the table near the walls. "Right now, I have difficulty trusting those who cannot even sit at table with us. If we are going to be attacked here, which I find improbable but not impossible, being against a wall is not going to help you much." Ewan left the decision to them to remain where they were or take up a seat and moved on, "The city guard is under reorganization, and in that, I hope to be able to compensate for what areas and times this group cannot cover the West End. My suggestion, however, is for you all to work something similar. You need the areas you cover to overlap by a block," his hand moved to indicate his meaning, though he lacked the strange device of a pointer, but hopefully the intention is clear. "I would advise working in trios, two waylayers and one runner."

A pause, he leans forward, his hands palm upward, "Some of you have skill to send messages through arcane ways, and a runner would not be necessary. You all need to share your strengths and be aware of your weaknesses. Bravado serves no one here." Ewan rubbed his lower lip briefly, and continued, "I cannot select your groups, as I do not know all of your skills, though some I can hazard guesses. I do recommend those that are more attuned with battle match up with those more accustomed to stealth. The way you approach things will be different and compliment each other."

He looked to the grid again, "You also need rotations, unexpected rotations. I suggest either based on degrees or random lots, though the later is more difficult and requiring checking in or messages being sent." A tilt of his head, "Rotations not only in areas but times would also be helpful, but that adds a layer of complexity I think might be too difficult to obtain. We do not have enough people here to do this, but, I should be able to get a runner for each of you, if you want to make this an effort of pairs. Again, perhaps the discussion should start with grouping talents. If we discover such suggestions will not work, I have other ideas."

Ewan paused his comments at that moment for the attendees to work this out or other ideas and refinements be made. This would only work if everyone felt a part of the process.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2007-05-02 00:54 EST
"...I was foolish and impulsive, to pick a grid so quickly. But I hoped only to stir others to action." A look around, remaining near the table from when he'd pointed at a grid, arms folded. "Apparently that's happened. But working in groups, with the point of making our presence known, on patrols..." Eyes shift to Brian, then to Ewan. "I support this idea....but my talents, as they are, are better placed elsewhere." Fingers settle around his elbows. This easily could, and probably will, be taken the wrong way. "However, I have every intention of sharing relevant information with the people involved in this operation."

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-05-02 02:54 EST
It was not unusual for the Air to remain silent for so long. Slow to speak and quick to listen, her attention was always on the speaker, even if her eyes trailed to catch reactions. Her eyes then trailed down at the grid, though the composure remained on her face. It seemed that everyone had valid points, and was able to at least try to work together.

It was more of a start than she had expected; and it was on the move of becoming organized.

She glanced over towards Ewan as he started to explain the groupings of people, the lack of schedule in rotation. She bit on her lower lip in thought as she looked down at the grid again, dividing the number of people into groups, groups into rotations. They had enough people to make it work, though it would certainly not be easy.

"I have ways to communicate in silence, so a runner is not needed with me." Though her voice was soft, there was presence behind it. She was more than accustomed to making herself known in large groups where everyone had a voice that needed to be heard. "I think it will help if some of us have worked together before, such as Janet and myself." A small glance to the Scathach, before continuing. "Also, I believe there is enough of us here gifted with any use of magic to have at least one in each group. Variety can be an advantage here, if we do it correctly." It was not her place to make groups, nor to assign herself to a person and a place. Grey eyes lifted up, shifting between Issy, Ewan and Brian.


Date: 2007-05-02 09:15 EST
He listens to the one they call Ewan speak, keeping his peace. He is not usually one to work in groups, not since the old days, having been better served by working alone lest someone take his nature as a demon to the extreme when they (as was inevitable) found out about it. But, then, he had been asked to attend, and Ewan had a good point. Time to start being a part of the group. He moves forward on silent feet and takes his seat, picking his sheaf of papers up from the small end table as he goes.

As he settles into his seat, he clears his throat and speaks. The voice is low, deep, with the slight undertones of a growl that might be suggestive of something canine in nature.

"My apologies, Master Ewan, and the rest of you," he says. "I haven't worked within a large group in some time, and after a while one tends to let slip team ettiquette."

He looks around at the rest of them thoughtfully, a glimmer of violet light shimmering in his eyes for a moment as he does so. Trust is not something he gives easily - being hunted for a few lifetimes can do that to you, especially when most of the people you come across would trade their own mothers in for the price of a hot meal and a few shots of whiskey - and so he doesn't want to reveal what he is capable of to the fullest extent.

On the other hand, he also senses that holding too much back might be a mistake.

"I would be good in a number of ways. I can run swiftly, and even faster in my other form. I can move between two points instantaneously, but I can only do that if I'm called by name, and only to the person whom calls me. It makes me available at a moment's notice, but not much of a runner, unfortunately. My greatest skills - and most of yours here, no doubt - lie in combat. I am capable of being stealthy, when it is called for, or I can be more direct. I also happen to know a few magic tricks, have some healing skills...and I have senses that most of you here do no possess." His eyes flicker just slightly, from sapphire to amethyst and back to sapphire again. "My first weakness is that, unfortunately, I am a demon, and can't enter certain places - anything warded against evil stops and harms me when I'm in this shape. I can switch to being a wolf and get around it, but my capabilities are more limited in that form."

He takes a deep breath, glances at Trixie and holds her gaze for a fraction of a moment. He doesn't want to reveal this second part - it makes him uneasy to think of what their reactions will be. But it is a weakness, and something that they need to know.

He looks around at the rest of them and continues. "My second weak point is...this thing we're looking for. The reason I asked that the vial not be opened is because of something about this...thing - be it man, woman, demon, whatever - that attracts and strengthens evil. At least, that's my theory, after my particular experience. The night of the murder of the family - the big one just down the road from the Sanctuary - I found its scent and followed it around the town. I never found an end to it, except in the water, where I couldn't follow it anymore. At any rate, something about this scent..." He takes another breath and closes his eyes, remembering. "Its scent is vile indeed, but almost like a drug to the demon part of me, the evil side. I've spent my entire lifetime keeping that side of myself under a rigid control that most of you here can't begin to imagine...and it only took a trace of this scent to nearly undo it and let that part of me out. I assure you all that this is not something you want to happen. Hell, I don't even want it to happen."

He opens his eyes again and looks around, his gaze settling on each of them in turn. It occurs to him that he should have sat at the table from the start - it is almost like belonging to something again, and the feeling is something that he discovers, almost hesitantly, that he likes. "You may take this information as you see fit. I only tell you all this because it is something you need to know, and Master Ewan makes a valid point - without this knowledge of each other, we can't work together. I've only had this trouble once, but once is enough, and while I have it under control at this precise moment, it would be foolish of me to think that it could not happen again."

He sits back in his chair, relaxing. Most of them will never know what measure of discipline it took to let that admission out - it was something that only two people in the room knew about, and he had intended to keep it that way. So much for secrets, then.

Trixie McAllister

Date: 2007-05-02 12:18 EST
And once he said it, she almost sort of smiled.

"He isn't alone, either," came the Harlequin's confession. Something about her voice was off. There was a foreign quality to her tone, and those of sharp nose would pick up on the disarray she was in. It was a more forceful control in her speech, considering being "in heat" didn't often allow her such company as this.

"I'm not-a purebred demon, but that thing...that's pretty bloodthirsty. An' like Big Bad things of our kind, it's intoxicatin"."

She shifted back in her seat, fingers wrapping around the ends of the chair's arms. She looked to Ewan, nodding a bit, before glancing away.

"Like most Scathachians, I got a bunch-a trainin". My swords are my tools but I...I'm pretty strong an' capable without 'em. I have a few shapes I can take—-one allowin' for speed, the other for stealth...the last one juss' for destruction. I can do daylight, but I'm better at night. Also, like Wolfe over there, there are some places I can't enter—namely residental type places, 'less the owner invites me in." She thought hard for a minute, trying to figure out what else to say. "And, as ya prolly gathered, I can smell super well...uh...I can bite,' I'm weak ta' silver."

She nodded as she mentally reviewed her list. That covered most things, didn't it' Wait. A darker look spread over her, followed by a fidget in her seat.

"But, uh, if I'm around that scent too long, I dunno what I'm capable of. My other sides aren't always so stable, so...around certain elements—blood, death...that vileness..." She ticked her chin towards the vial with the hair. "I don't reccommend trustin' me enough to be too close. If I turn, you leave me to what I'm doin'. An' if I turn on you...then you do what is necessary. Ya don't let friendships stand in the way."

She figured it was pretty clear what she meant there. There was a look Izz-ward during it, too. Izzy, though younger and a Scathachian for less time than she, was clearly the more responsible leader-figure. She wanted Izzy to internalize that order, and to be ready to voice it back to the other sisters should the situation ever arise. The Harlequin would rather have justice delivered to her then be responsible for the fall of family.

All that needed to be said had been, and so she returned to eyeing the snacks on her plate, even if she wasn't particularly hungry.


Date: 2007-05-02 15:11 EST
::Shea had been sitting there listening.She agreed with storm those with magic could be placed in groups with others that may not have such magics. She listened to Lupinius. She had known all of what he said,she was there one of those nights with that scent and he had spoken to ehr about some of that but not all of it. Perhpas it was time for her to stand and say exactly what she could do, then again. Maybe not would she be heard if she stood? ::

::Her powers were different from Storms different from anything at all. Shea remained in her seat just listening. She agreeded that in order to wrok as a team they would ahve to known one another, weaknesses,powers and everything. So she rose, not knowing what good it would do but she figured she'd try:: " I have been siting here listening to all this discussion,I agree that working in teams would be better than working alone, through some of us here may be more prone to doing so. Those whom are good at collecting evidence and such things do tend to work better with out a huge group slowing them down." :

:A breath, She awas rathe rused to working n groups,leading them following.A knight wasnt often known for working in such groups, but shea was not justa knight.:: " some of you here do not know me, and I do not know you. My name is Shea, for those whom do not know me. And for the record I will state that I am more than able and willing to work in a group. For those whom do not know me I am a wind mage, and unlike miss Storm I am not a pure elemental. My powers are different from those here whom might carry other elements"

:; fingers tucked those blue locks behind her elven ears:: "I am elven,and the magic that is bond in my blood is different,but no less powerful. I am capable of using said elements and it does not end with wind. I am also skileld at meele and ranged attacks,and if need be can be sly and sneeky though I am better at being direct." :;She gazed through the room, past Strom,Wyh , Jewell those who also carried the powers over the elements.:: "I can sense things as some others may not be able to,and I will help in what ways I am needed. I will follow any orders given,and go with which ever group I may be assinged to if thta is the road this council decides to take. " ::She looked to Brian, then over the room, past those faces she knew and the ones she did not; then sat down, with out another word. ::


Date: 2007-05-03 12:05 EST
Janet was quiet along with many of the other Sisters. They were one unit, and only really needed one voice to represent them. She knew just as much as the others, if not a little less. She paid no mind to it, and used this meeting for their advantage.

Janet offered a cheeky smile to Phin, recognizing the strong Sister as the newest member. It was rare for Janet to not know a Sister from the Islands, but she had every intention to change that. As she was already adapting well to the wonderful woman around her. She sneaked food from Trixie's plate every now and then, well aware of her love of food.

Janet was seated between the Trixie and Mirage, two ladies she would never want to be without. She already had such a strong tie to Mirage, after there work together on the archery fields, and Trix, could one resist'

She glanced around to all of her Sisters, even the Don Mega, who remained surprisingly quiet. Issy though, she made sure her points got across. And why not' She spoke for all of them, and Janet would stick by her side to the bitter or glorious end. She looked over Issy to the last Sister to join them, or, at least to make her presence known. Sneaky thing.

Her attention then went to Storm, and she offered a small nodd. She was sure it would be best to work with the Air again, and she would have it no other way. Her amber eyes go to the grid again, awaiting for the groups that were to be made to bring an end to all things.


Date: 2007-05-03 12:49 EST
Wyh listened, committing everything said to memory. She knew most of the people gathered, at least by sight, the unfamiliars being the newest sisters, and the one who finally sat at the table. Revealing strengths and weaknesses would insure that pairings would match talents and keep everyone safe.

"Most of you know me. For those of you that do not, I am Wyheree Ravenlock Black, sister to Brian, Jewell and Icer. I am an Ice Mage, my magic is drawn from the elemental planes, similar to that of Shea's."

She paused a moment. "I am not versed in stealth. My magic is very - showy. There is no hiding blizzards and ice storms, and since I am one of the only wielders of Ice, I fear I would be known at once. What I offer is instant support, should the need arise. Jewell and the Sisters have tokens of mine, that I can sense, as they are a part of me. I can appear very quickly, as I can phase into the Ice Plane, and reappear where I am needed. Brian can attest to the power I possess, and I will not hold back in the defense of anyone here. In addition, my duties in the Inn and at the Oracle provide excellent opportunities to gleam information that might prove useful."

Another pause. "My weakness is obvious. While I can tolerate non-magical fires of small or medium size, large bonfires, and any magical fire, wreak havoc with my magic." A little shiver ran through her as she remembered her few encounters with fire.

"I would assist in any way that would best enable us to find those responsible for these horrors."


Date: 2007-05-03 13:55 EST
In her seat by her Sisters, Eddie watched and listened. Her skills were well-known to her Sisters, and pretty obvious to those around. She was the smallest of the Scathachians, both in height and weight, which gave her a distinct advantage in sneaking up on her enemies. She walked without making a sound. She was deadly accurate with the chakra. Her foot techniques were unparalleled. Her weakness was her lack of real experience. Being 18, she hadn't been involved in major campaigns on the Isle. On RhyDin, she was more than able to take down muggers and rapists and other crimials, but she had never been tested - until now. She didn't have to say it, her Sisters knew, and the others would too just by her appearance.


Date: 2007-05-03 14:26 EST
Kristia was making a fashionably late arrival. Trotting down towards the Compound, the slender red-head was sitting atop a muscular pinto mare. The horse's hooves clunked downwards, breaking twings and rustling grass. Giving a gentle pull on the creature's reigns, Kristia made a "Ssh," sound as they rounded closer to the compound. Having not really recieved an invitation, she'd caught word of the meeting through the grapevine. She wanted to help, really, but stopping outside the building where friends and acquantinces gathered inside was as far as Kris would travel. Swinging one leg over the horse's back, she delicately slid down th horse onto the ground. Fingers still loosely curled around the reigns, she used her other hand to pat the horse's neck, trying to steady the animal. Tuning into her Dhampire senses, Kris was attempting to eavesdrop. Ears perked and eyes wide, she focused earnestly on the conversations inside. Suspicious looking? Probably. But as an openly admitted flesh-peddler, Kris didn't want to risk putting herself in a middle of a group that was well on it's way to becoming the justice of Rhydin. That just wouldn't be good for business.


Date: 2007-05-03 22:38 EST
For those who may not know, I am Icer, the dragon spoke as her eyes remained closed and she still kept to the wall, it wasn't that she was being antisocial, but it was hard to sit near a table full of people when one's stomach was rather swelled with eggs.

She twitched an ear as a message was received from the Gold sitting atop the compound and she grinned, as for me.., I can heal a little, I am also able to use thought speak with those open enough, in fact.., we have a visitor right this moment it seems.., plus my usual defenses.

Instead of telling those gathered, she prefered to show them, and taking in a breath, jaws parted as she sent blue flames toward the floor beneath herself, freezing the floor solid. I also can use a little fire, and lightning, though they are last defense.

She was listening to the gold describe the "guest", and she bit back a grin, both eyes still closed, well..., shall we let Kristia in, or is she going to stand outside all day?


Date: 2007-05-05 15:33 EST
Illea had found her way back to the chair she favored during the discussions that followed her outburst. Her strong arm was draped over the chair back as she was turned, listening. Only once had she turned to exchange a glance and unspoken words with Scorp. Her head was beginning to pound just behind her eyes. Isuelt knew that focus in a meeting of this magnitude would be a flighty thing, but she also knew that each of the people gathered here possessed heightened tempers and emotions. The situation at hand in the WestEnd needed to come under control, and of course so many minds would have differing opinions on just how to lasso the beasts that were plaguing the city. What she feared more than this killer, however, was the possibility that this meeting would inspire not action, but spur arguments between the very different people gathered.

Isuelt licked her lips and cast her dark eyes to the floor, the voices continuing to drift on the warm air of the room. Those gathered were chiming in with their strengths and weaknesses. Isuelt did not think that her input in this department was needed, she figured that all gathered had a pretty good idea about what she brought to the proverbial table. So, she listened to the others, most of whom she knew; only cringing slightly when Icer froze a door solid. A quick glance was aimed at Brian and Jenai, wondering if they had the means of cleaning up after such a ....rather intense group of individuals. It did however bring a shadow of a grin to her lips as her dark eyes looked to Scorp.

She drew a deep sigh, she knew that this meeting was a means to an end. The end of the nightmares of the WestEnd. And when the final plan was decided, Isuelt was sure that it would be a sound one, with the backing of all those present.


Date: 2007-05-07 10:25 EST
She was debating in her head as those around the table started to list their abilities (almost as though they were listing their qualifications to participate in this fight). On the one hand, she didn't really feel it was necessary for those around her—even though many of them were her closest friends and family members—to know everything that she was capable of doing. There was the chance that it could be used against her by those she was not so close with some time down the line. There was also the possibility that her list of "I can..." would unnerve some of the less magic savvy in the room.

At the same time, they all needed to be able to trust each other to make this whole deal work. Also, how could they properly pair groups together if they didn't have all the information they needed? Knowledge was power and knowledge of herself could possibly help move things along if someone was able to think of an application of her abilities that she had not considered at the time.

She settled in the middle: an abbreviated list.

"Most of you know me, and know to an extent what I can do." She spoke with the utmost humility and modesty now, in no way trying to flex her muscles in an attempt to show off. "The most obvious is that I can control water in its variety of forms. This means I can also alter the form it takes, meaning I can change water into ice or even steam." She kept it simple, no need to explain how her ability to freeze water extended to the water inside a living body or that she could mimic the pressure of the ocean floor.

"I also have the ability to manipulate mana energy, which is the basic life energy all around us. This, coupled with some of my more basic talents, allows me to heal to an extent. However, when I do so the energy usually comes out of me."

"I can also defy gravity," a pause, "you With or without my wings. I can basically walk silently on almost any surface since I don't actually need to touch the ground. I also have control over what is known as glamour. It's the magic of illusion in many ways, allowing me to control what others see." A demonstration was in order and with a snap of her fingers it was a red head that looked quite similar to Jenai sitting at the table where Jewell had once been. A little shrug and the effect wore away, dissipating. She spoke again more gravely, softly, "Glamour can be a lot more dangerous than that, though, as it also allows me to control some people's minds to an extent. I can recreate their memories, take them from them. I have little to no practice doing so,'s not something I take lightly."

And her mood shifted, a smile springing up again, "Also, as a veteran bar brawling, I can beat an opponent with any number of objects including but not limited to beer pitchers and bar stools." She had to thank Brian for that training.

Scorpion Wraitharan

Date: 2007-05-08 17:53 EST
Words were flying left and right. Hey, everyone's entitled to their opinion. Not entirely different from the plush meetings of the crime bosses back in Metro.

The Big Man smirked a bit when he heard his "darling" Isuelt rattle a few cages and then fire off hard on some people. She naturally caught some awkward glares in response. That was Issy, a passionate leader to the core. Take her or leave her...there was no bulls—t.

The Don Mega was usually a leader himself at these sort of meetings. He guided the pace and usually, more times than not, led the way to the path of final resolution. Not here though; this was a unique and interesting group of strangers.

The assembled folks in this Compound were casually throwing around terms like "Sorcery", "Undead", "Dragons, and "Demons" as though these things were all common household entities. To him, this was all big news. This was really some far out s—t!

Provided that these people weren't entirely full of crap, Scorp knew that he was outgunned by the company here in terms of special abilities or "powers" as they were. He was going to have to rely on his homegrown skills and sharp wits to help catch this insane pr—k.

He noted several of the looks and glances which came his way during the body of the meeting. One that he happened to spy from the gorgeous, but deadly Scathachian, Janet, was met with one of his usual relaxed and coy grins along with a cocky nod of the head. He hadn't met this one yet. Definitely have to change that.

Though his eyes swept to and fro, Scorp's keen ears never ceased in their intense listening to the proposals being discussed at the table. Interesting individuals indeed. Everyone had their own ideas, including him.

When the time was right, and the direction clear, Scorpion would inquire more deeply about the strongest criminal elements here in the West End. He would find out who the crews in charge were and moreover who the real bosses were. Dirty was already getting him some important info, but Scorp wanted the direct input of these beings who delved so deeply into uncanny magic and the powers of the supernatural.

He looked at it this way, if the concerned members of this room wanted to help, then there must be others out there of equally impressive abilities who wanted to hinder. Those were the folks that Big Sexxxy wanted to hook up with. Those were the forces who could eventually provide this wily gangster with the crucial information needed to help nail this homicidal son of a bitch and whomever was helping him or her.

Scorp had a very distinct way with those of "darker hearts". He always had. Never a deal he couldn't broker or a lunatic he couldn't get close to. Any serious help he could provide here would thus rest with him getting closer to the more sinister and vile elements looming in this crazy city. He would have to tap into the minds of the real villains, and on their terms at that.

For now, however, Scorp knew he needed to continue his education of RhyDin right here amongst Issy, the Sisters, and those allies whose smiles and deeds were most likely of more noble and kind origins than his own.

The Council went on...

Reeni Baxter

Date: 2007-05-09 00:08 EST
Better late than never, right' The tall Scathachian slipped in, her bare feet silent as she prowled through the crowd more gracefully than one might imagine a woman of her stature could be. Reeni folded her muscular figure into a chair near her Sisters and folded her arms; listening silently as those around her listed their various talents and weaknesses. Seemed like they had a rather diverse group of people. A good thing, that was. Could cover many more of the weaknesses like that. That blue gaze roved over all those assembled. Most of the faces were familiar. Those that weren't, were memorized. If they were here, they were friends. She remained silent for the moment. Her Sisters knew her strengths and weaknesses; they knew that she was just human, but that she could fight with the best of them. They all knew that her talent with the chakrum was common knowledge, and that until she had something important to add, she wouldn't distract or draw focus away. With this many people in a room, it was far too easy to stray from the point. Reeni's silence was also giving her time to size up those that she didn't know. Watching and listening was one of her strong points. Sometimes you missed the subtle things if you were always doing the talking. It also made what you said that much more important when you finally broke the silence to add something. The platitude "silence is golden" did indeed apply in some cases.


Date: 2007-05-09 11:19 EST
Having said his piece, Lupinius sits back in his chair, listening to the others. As Trixie speaks, he gives her the ghost of a smile, his eyes flickering violet just once, a show of gratitude that is more than he'd be willing to grant anyone else. He hadn't expected her to speak up - indeed, had expected her not to - but it seems that there is more to this one, at least, than meets the eye. Out of all the people in this room, she is the one he'd like to work with most, though he knows that that would not be a good idea - two people matched so evenly in strengths and skills shouldn't be paired up when their skills would be more effective when paired with others. And then there's the problem of...the smell...the other.

Still, he bows his head slightly to her - it is more support than he had expected.

His gaze continues around the table, noting those who speak up right away, one after another, cataloguing weaknesses and strengths. He also notes those who sit and merely listen, not speaking up for themselves. People not to be trusted, in all probability. There may be a touch of paranoia in that thought, he thinks, but then...he'd rather be safe than sorry.

It occurs to him then that maybe being here isn't such a good idea - out of them all, he is as much a danger to them as he is a help, especially with knowledge of their various strengths and weaknesses. He has a control over the feral side, an aid to assist him in keeping that down...but he's only encountered the scent, and that was enoudh to nearly push him over the edge.

What will happen, he thinks, if he were to meet this enemy in person?

He looks around at all of them again, this thought at the forefront of his mind. He's not fool enough to think he would be the sole cause of their downfall, were he to be pushed back to the point of evil, but with what he knows already, he would be dangerous enough.

Perhaps, he thinks, it is time for me to take my leave...

Ewan Corinsson

Date: 2007-05-09 11:38 EST
Many had spoken, particularly those with what he had felt held arcane abilities. Others had not and seemed unlikely to do so at this point. Ewan watched body language as people spoke. Who looked to whom, those that sat back and those that leaned forward. How casual they all seemed except one, maybe two. Those that stiffened with discomfort told by the shifting of muscles in the neck or the unlooked for check of another.

A slow shake of his head and a sigh, he could not expect others to give up their nature in a moment. "Mr. Ravenlock, I think it might be time for the blending of talents, but there needs to be one who coordinates this, and it cannot be me."

He went on without hesitation, "To this I will make these recommendations, but I leave it to you all to make the decisions. First of all, we have those that feel effects of nearness to evil, darkness, what have you. Those need to be paired with someone who can either kill them or keep them from placing their foot on that dark path. Can we be certain of either? No, but it is the only solution. To leave such alone in this is to beg for them to turn against this group unchecked."

"Second, while I respect that magic works in ways I cannot begin to fathom, I must say I do not trust to tokens that call to others. Coming an instant after is nothing like being there from the beginning of trouble. There is prevention and there is cure, and a cure can come too late. Prevention never does." He rubs at his brow and waves it off. "I digress; let me leave it at this. Talents are known as much as is willing to be given. It is time to move forward, match up, pick areas and rotations, and I will coordinate what I can from the watch's side to keep out of your way or assist."

He was done and looked to the many leaders of this group to use their senses and take what they have to start the new movement in this macabre opus.


Date: 2007-05-12 18:19 EST
"That cannot be all there is to solve this."

He has kept his peace for most of this meeting, for the most part content to let others guide it. Oh, he can lead when it is required for him, but for the most part he is content to be a spearcarrier, third from the left, second row back - one of the unnoticed. With the possible exception of the dragons and one or two others, however, he'd be willing to bet that he's been around longer than anyone here, and seen more than one type of evil.

"I'm certain I am not simply speaking for myself when I say that a meeting of this sort is long overdue. This evil has been attacking the Scathachians from the beginning - not simply attacking, but targeting them specifically. You have been complacent about this for far too long, and now it is beginning to spread. Were I the one behind this, I would have been expecting something like this, and I would be anticipating this sort of response. I myself am often in the WestEnd quite often, and have seen the Sisters - as well as others - out there almost constantly, and yet this enemy has still avoided you. Whoever this is, they are cunning, resourceful, and insidious."

He takes a deep breath before continuing. "I have been around a long time, and I have seen and fought against evil of many types. I myself was evil, once. I can tell you from my own experience that an organized patrol - no matter how aggressive - will not be sufficient to drive this enemy out and into sight, or even prevent whoever it is from acting further. It may hinder their movements somewhat, but - if what I am thinking is correct - they have others by now to help them further their goals."

His gaze fixes on Corinsson for a moment. "I am not normally influenced by evil. Nor, do I think, is Trixie. Whatever this's something that I've never come across before. Having been around for over a thousand years, that's saying something. I believe you are correct when you say that - at least in my case - I should be teamed up with someone who can subdue me, should something happen. But even that is not enough of a precaution, or solution. This evil requires a different response, something that is on their level of cunning. I believe this will not be easily accomplished by anyone here, however - it is said that whoever hunts monsters should take steps to insure that, in the process, the hunter does not become what they are hunting. What you are proposing here is a direct, open response, a step that is in the right direction. But we also need something more subtle, as well - something they will not see coming."

He pauses for a moment, leaning back in his seat once more. "I am not saying that doing this is pointless - I am simply saying that it is not enough. We need to come up with somethng that will halt the activities of the enemy, force them into a direct confrontation. Organizing patrols of the WestEnd will only encourage them to seek more subtle ways of pursuing their goals."

He lets silence fall again, having said enough. He cannot give them a solution he does not have, after all. It would be up to the group as a whole to brainstorm between themselves and figure out an answer.

Jenai Ravenlock

Date: 2007-05-14 06:00 EST
(( temp lock on thread for post assignments ))

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-06-01 06:16 EST
Looking around the room, Brian acknowledged what he heard with a series of nods, and a lean to his beloved. A hushed whisper, and then a motion to Kerrithra, to get the Mithra to lean towards them both. After a quiet three way conversation, Kerri in turn moved to Jeskola who was already busy at work scribbling on a large note pad.

Kerri commited to a face palm, as she saw Jes was already ahead of she, Brian and Jenai. Those crafy ass Tarus. Seeing Kerri face palm, Brian smiled and knew it as well. Jes was that damned good when he wanted to be. Turning to face the gathered more so, Brian lifted his hand for the floor, as he stood. A nod to Lupinius, as he responded.

"Lupinius, I appreciate your honest output. Especially in regards to your pairing. Let it be know, I trust you completely, and I mean that. Not all of us are angels by any means...I speak from personal experience in that matter."

A swift look to Scorp, as he said the angel comment...Brian knew Scorp's intentions were not as noble as everyones, then again everyone had their own vices in this matter, Brian hardly cared. He knew and trusted each of these individuals, and would not have invited them, had he not done his homework on each and every one of them. He knew when the chips were down, Scorp and everyone else would do what needed to be done. That aside, Brian continued.

"This is just the beginning, as far as 'under the radar' ops, that is on a need to know basis for the moment, until we have our players in place. When that is done, those with the talents required will be contacted to see if they are interested in participating, also on a logistical front, Garet has people looking in other avenues as well.

As far as this particular front goes, we are moving to shake things up severely. I am aware that our foes are cunning, as we all. We understand they like to lie in wait, and we understand we need a direct confontation. But, until that time comes we need to do whatever we need to do and we need to act quickly, and decisively in the matter.

I honestly believe this person is not alone, I believe others are assisting...Too many variables and too much is going on to simply be one person, not to mention the new faces that seem to pop up and suddenly show an interest, like that guild girl that really wanted Isuelt to have dinner with her guild, the vanishing romani, the possible reappearance of the 'Night blade' guild and other factors.

If these forces are not together, we need to ensure they do not get together somehow...We need to make it know, we will not tolerate this madness any longer and that is exactly what we will do. We— Huh' Thank you, Jes."

Brian took the offered note pad from the Taru and nodded to him in thanks, as Jes retook his seat and smiled to himself. Brian's eyes panned the listing, as he too smiled to himself, knowing the Taru really had done his homework as well, pouring over Brian's many files on the indiviuals present, and city statistical data and more so. Clearing his throat a bit, Brian stood once more.

"Jes, has worked the number and statistics folks, and he believed this will work best for the moment, until we recruit others. First off heavy hitters will be assigned the docks, and warehouse district. What I mean by heavy hitters more specifically, are those who are adept at melee combat, close quarters for the warehouses, and those who can flat out brawl their asses off for the docks.

We will pair them with either Wyheree or Jewell, since they are Ice and water adept. I would like to see a minimum of three per patrol, two melee and one magick adept. The reason, I want pairs of three there is due to the massive activity in the docks and warehouse district. Icer should be able to supply air cover via her clan. For this I am suggesting, Isuelt, Reeni, Scorp, Serena and Delph. One of which can alternate between groups.

For the lower maze like alley regions such as the 'bottoms' and 'catacombs', I would like to see those who excel in agility, like Eddie, Jen, Kerri and or Akemi, and Janet...I would like to back them with Storm or Shea, since wind adeption would be very beneficial to clear out areas should the need persist. The melee units can take to roof tops and go thru the allies as well.

I would like to have Trixie work with Lupinius, and Jes. Jes will have a wolf mount to keep up with the pair. They will be patrolling the outer bands of the WestEnd itself, but have the speed and power to back anyone else up should the need arrive. A sort of rapid response team, if you will. The dragons can assist with transport too. The reason I ask for Trixie to pair with Lup, is for his own concern. I know Trixie can keep him in check and if need be, Jes will do what he can as well.

Kerri can be seated as a back up to the trio, making it a quartet if need be. They will also alternate with patrols if the need arises to use extra sensories to track, and work scenes. At this time, I don't see us needed that right away, as this will be our first time out.

I will be mobilizing the 'RMF' special forces unit as well, and will be requesting assistance from Epona, The Huge Giant Crab, Woody Ravenlock for recon, my heart sister Edea, and I will be asking Jade to assist as well. We will take the left over common areas. We also have the local law enforcement as well, to contend with. I am sure they will do what they can, as they would rather not face this alone any longer.

I know we have smaller zones, and I am generalizing here. But I think this can work, and Jes has never lead me wrong in his strategy direction when we campaigned in Vana'diel. Please look over the areas and tell me what you all think, if we can settle this, we can start this movement, ASAP."

Brian quieted once more, and took the hand of his beloved and offered a loving kiss to it, as he waited to see what everyone had to say.


Date: 2007-06-01 15:27 EST
:;Shea listened intently to Brian . Shea knew those bottoms and maze like catacombs all too well. But Shea was not the only wind elemental here,and seeing as how Storm was also a wind elemental Shea would let Storm back them up if she wanted. Shea's skills could always be used else where,her talents lied not only in wind elemental..Jade hues rested upon Brian and Shea rose to her feet slowly. Not sure how she was going to put this but :: " Though I know the bottoms and Catacombs all too well, I think that Storm may be of more use to that group, she and Janet have worked together before, and since I am the lesser known of the two wind elementals here,I will lend my hand else where. I can be of use as more than a wind elemental mage." :: How else could she put it,Shea was very skilled with her wind elemental, but her skills didnt end there,balde,bow,other elementals Shea was a well trained knight , but she would go where she was told...::

Storm Divine

Date: 2007-06-01 16:16 EST
Storm was listening to Brian as he made a tentative list of groups. And as she was mentally forming the groups to her mind, she heard the words 'catacombs' and 'Storm' within the same sentence. It took a mental check to make sure she did not grimace on the spot. No matter how many times she had ever experienced being underground, it never took away the initial fear. The separation of the open sky, and the overwhelming feel of Earth, her natural weakness.

She glanced over to those gathered, curious as to any objections and or suggestions. A finger started to tap silently on the table top as she looked to Shea, who spoke first. The sound of being surround by her opposite never failed to bring her heart a few paces faster, no matter how prepared she was for it. The feeling past as quick as it came, though it left a bitter taste in her mouth.

Though perhaps this conversation was best to work out just between the small groups, it seemed that maybe doing it here and now was an opportunity as any other. "I do not see why there cannot be both of us." She offered casually, her finger still tapping quietly. "Not to mention that the alleyways and catacombs are quite a large area. Though of course, you are welcome to do as you wish."

She was careful to keep her tone usual and even, as well as keeping underlying thoughts hidden behind her grey hues. Perhaps after she would catch a word with Shea, and share things that were best for her ears only. Not out of distrust to others, but because Shea would understand her reasonings.


Date: 2007-06-01 16:22 EST
::Jade hues shifted to Storm as shea sat down once more with a nod,true the area was quite big, she just didnt wish to step on Stroms toes,-so-to-speak. But thinking it over Shea understood Storms reasonings. And gave a curt nod to that:: " That will work for me...." :: Was all she would say as she sat back down fully. Shea and Strom were light night and Day,Shea knew that. Storm had her weaknesses and Shea ahd hers,but even though the two shared an element in common they were very very different.:


Date: 2007-06-02 19:16 EST
He listens to Ravenlock, nodding to himself. It is the good leader that does not mind having things pointed out to him, that takes advice freely and has the patience and openness of mind to actually listen.

He has the feeling that he could like this guy, given time.

What catches him by surprise, though, is who he's teamed up with.

Trixie, he doesn't mind. He supposes he could even learn to work with the little being that so strongly resembles a teddy bear (though, privately, he has his doubts. It'll be funny, though, if it turns out that the teddy bear can morph into a thirty foot snake and devour the first guy who laugh at him...). The reasoning for it, the purpose of such a team - it all makes for perfect sense. But, still, he and Trixie had more or less concurred that this thing had the same kind of influence on the both of them, due to their similar natures.

Oddly, though, something else occurs to him, a thought that almost feels like it isn't even his.

Then again, there is the chance - however small - that you two might act to support the other against this, as well.

Strange thought. But maybe accurate, too.

It occurs to him, then, that it might not be a bad idea to see if his method of teleporting - going to wherever it is that he is called - will work if he's bringing someone else with him. For a fast response team, nothing beats being there right when you are needed - especially if you're bringing friends.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-06-08 05:40 EST
Glancing about the gathered once more, Brian nodded to Icer with a wink.

"Actually sister, that would be a good idea, so have Kristia join us, I am sure someone of her talented state could offer something to what we intend to do, at the very least on the information front. Sides, we haven't seen her in a while, and it would be nice for us all to catch up. Kerri, can you extend the invite, please?"

Another kiss placed to his beloved's hand as he looked around once more and offered a nod to Storm, Shea and lastly Lupinius. Brian figured by some of the responses he may have touched on some sensitive areas, but he knew these were strong people, both in mind and in heart, just as much as body. He knew every one of them might be altered in some way, by the time this ordeal was concluded. He already knew many of them were, including himself.

Still he trusted them, each and every one of them. Had he not, he would not have made such a bold move, as to gather so many for this purpose. Someone said, life isn't about how hard you get pushed. It's about how hard you push back, when it decides to shove you around. Brian took that to heart in many ways, and would make sure that WestEnd was all about how hard the gathered would push back, when they made their move.

Once more a kiss was placed to Jen's hand, as he looked about the tables, and each of them in turn.

"Any suggestions" Comments" Changes" By all means, don't hold back for anything. Each of us as of this moment, are placing our lives in the hands of those around you. So do not feel you need to hold anything back on any front."

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2007-06-08 05:48 EST
"Kerri, can you extend the invite, please?"

Emerald hues blinked, as Kerri was lost in thought watching Trixie and Lup-zilla. So this is who she would be working with, Hmmm....Nice! A grin formed, not a regular grin, but the toothy, 'oh sh*t it's on' type o' grin. Kerri remembered what Trixie had done for her, and admired the sister like no one's business, and in turn she did her homework on Lup as well, since the day he first approached the sisters.

She was liking this more and more, even if she had to work with that staff whacking 2 foot tall teddy bear of black mage mayhem, called Jeskola. Still he did manage to take out half the market place that once time a little girl called him a vermont teddy something the proceeded to squeeze him and poke on the most hilarious of places. And he had 'Fenrir' to boot, so he would be just as fast as each of them. So rapid response was a nice to way to put it, and Kerri would make sure to hold up her end.


"What"! Oh Yeah, Kris— Oh her! Okay, A'hm on it!"

All that was left was a tanned flashed, and the sound of the door closing, couple with a man yelling about being bowled over, and Kerri screaming she was sorry and for him to stop being a nancy. Next stop, outside and one Kristia.


Date: 2007-06-09 15:35 EST
If one thing was certain, it was that talk was not Isuelt's strong point. She had always been more of an action kind of girl. Her knee was bouncing impatiently, a physical manifestation of her need to actually move outside and kick a little ass. To be sure, there was nothing wrong with sitting around planning, wars would never be won if no one sat back and looked at the strategy stages and changes. Still, Isuelt was and would always be a soldier, through and through. The blood and adrenaline of the battlefield was were she felt most at ease, most at home, most herself.

Pressing a strong, corded hand onto her bouncing knee, she slowly stood up and nodded. She nodded once as she looked about the large room filled with proclaimed allies. The plan was a good one, and only time would tell if any changes needed to be made. For now, she was ready to go.

Her fingers were lingering on her hips as she spoke, "I'm game, and ready. We'll set this in motion tonight. As of right now, the WestEnd will be taken back and claimed from the hands of the malefactors." Her tone was crisp and deep, her throat was somewhat parched. But not as parched as her hands were for the blood of the guilty. With any luck, the skin of her fingers would be drinking well as early as tonight.