Topic: Unprovoked


Date: 2011-08-04 23:56 EST
By the time Isuelt had reached the Temple District, she was leaning heavily on Annie Pauwau. The two warriors' path had been cleared by the black dragon, Stormshadow. While Isuelt had started off strongly, making comments that the three of them resembled a less than lucid trio of Artemis, she had sunken into silence as the blood continued to ebb from her body and pour from her shoulder. The portion of the leather duster that Annie had so mercifully donated was now slick with blood and was having trouble staying in place on the Scathachian's shoulder. Isuelt's side and hip also throbbed with pain from her injuries. In truth, the small dart-like needles that had barely penetrated the thick leather of her bodice and breeches, though the skin that lay beneath the impact sites felt as if it were burning.

The streets were blurring together now and the tall Scathachian took a deep breath. They must be close by now. Isuelt still had no idea what had really happened. She had been sitting at the bar, talking to a man who had introduced himself as Donal Kidd, brother to Stephen and Robert. The sound of splitting wood behind her had taken her attention and as she had turned around, a keenly honed blade propelled itself deeply into her shoulder. What she didn't know what that had she not moved her body to see what the noise was about, the blade had been aimed squarely at her back. She had been knocked clean off of her chair by the blow and by the time she was able to assess what was sticking out of her arm, and head in the direction that the shot came from, she had been struck again. Thin, razor sharp needles had come spraying through the hole in the wall of the Inn and while the seasoned warrior was able to fend off most of them, two had struck her waist and side.

Annie had happened downstairs at that moment, but Isuelt wasn't aware of it. Instead, she was grunting in pain and trying to get out onto the porch to see who was sending in wave after wave of weapons at her. As it turned out, it really didn't matter that she was able to see the origin of the strikes. It was machine. A human-looking robot. Or someone inside of a robotic suit. Black and violet were the hues of the metal body of her attacker. Another assault was fired from the arms of the suit, more needles, though this time, Isuelt had help. A second black robotic-suited body interfered, sending the violet-hued individual into a structure across the street, while both Annie Pauwau and Stormshadow aided the Scathachian warrior in thwarting the hair-thin sharpened darts coming at her. Although none hit their mark, Isuelt's shoulder was bleeding freely now as she took a knee and pulled the blade from her arm. Annie ripped a portion of her duster to help wrap the wound, and the two joined the black dragon in returning back to the Inn to check on any wounded. The iron-suited duo remained locked in battle and managed to fight their way into and back out of the Inn once more, followed by the fiery blast of Stormshadow.

With the Inn and its patrons on the mend, Isuelt knew she needed to get to a healer. She had lost a lot of blood and her body was aching from the onslaught of sharpened weapons. The entire journey south across the river toward the Temple District, there were nagging questions swimming in her mind. Who was in the purple suit" At one point during the melee, Isuelt had come face to face with them and heard a metallic voice slither from the mouthpiece, "Die, Scathachian bitch! Revenge is mine!" Isuelt pondered that perhaps Temple Bha"al had something to do with it. Who was in the black suit' And just what did either of them want with her" The questions were still swirling in her mind as she was laid down on a cot of clean sheets and the priests of the Temple of Divine Light began to aid in her healing. As Isuelt's eyes fluttered closed, due somewhat to loss of blood, but more from relief at being in a safe haven, as her lips muttered, "Who's revenge?? for only the priest working on her shoulder to hear.