Topic: 1st Necromantic Society of Rhy'Din

Nicholai Crowley

Date: 2007-10-07 19:22 EST
His steps echo'd loudly in the alleys of the West Side. He had been wandering through the streets for hours, never truly having a destination in mind. He had felt lost, almost confused, for some time. Ever since he had staged his death in an attempt to leave the Bonny Corp. Though it had worked, he did not think about what he would be doing after that. For the longest time, Nicholai had been an integral part of the company, and without those women, Anne and Mary, he had little in the way of guidance. So, he walked the streets, searching for something, but never knowing quite what that was. At least, until a familiar scent caused him to raise his eyes, looking round him as partially forgotten memories flooded back to him.

Nicholai stopped walking. There, in front of him, was the now abandoned construction site that he had found, cleared, and oversaw work on months ago for the company. The exterior of the buildings, as they had been when he had left the job, were structurally complete, though not finished, painted, or in many ways even presentable. He stood there for quite some time, just staring at the building. Then, words seemed to be whispered to him from nowhere. He knew it was likely one of his Wraith guardians, so the bodiless source did not concern him. It was the words themselves that caught his attention.

"She had said Rhy'Din needed a moral direction, a new religion. Perhaps this is where you start again Master Nicholai."

He thought of his previous life, as a man of the cloth back on Earth. Yes, he could do that. But it would take work. The buildings were designed for a rather different purpose. Some changes were needed, and, for a change, he would do them himself. He stepped forward, heading toward the nearest, largest building, a smile growing slowly.

Nicholai Crowley

Date: 2007-10-08 21:18 EST
The sweat was thick on his brow as he worked through the night. His heart, his mind, his soul (what was left of it) had a goal, and nothing would slow him until that goal had been achieved. He wasn't sure if he would be redeemed in doing this. He wasn't sure of much actually. Nicholai only knew that he had to follow through on this. It was important, in some way.

Piece by piece, he redesigned the interior of the building. He spent the little bit of money he had hiring labor (The living kind), and decorators. Soon, things began to take shape. Rooms were divided, a central amphitheater took form. Time passed without his knowledge, so devoted he was in this new cause. He only hoped that the finished product would be something people would be interested in. Especially considering who it was that was going to be running the place.

His grunts went unheard as he continued his late night work, the moon providing his only light. His head bowed, he drove in another nail...

Nicholai Crowley

Date: 2007-10-24 09:18 EST
His work was coming to a completion, and he'd decided to refine his original idea. Why should he build yet another order of religious fanatics? That was his past, not his future. Nicholai wanted something more, he wanted to celebrate who he was now, and to allow those like him or in similar interest groups, to have a place they could feel welcome. Thus, he decided upon creating the 1st Necromantic Society of Rhy'Din. He would welcome with open arms, any who practiced in the darker arts of death, no matter what form that took.

After many days of hard work, Nicholai was able to stand back, and look at what he had accomplished. The buildings had been covered in a thick layer of black paint. There were no exterior lights, nor were there any windows. The buildings were completely private and isolated. He was certain this would make any who came to feel more comfortable, thereby allowing them to discuss and learn more.

Yes, he was proud of what he had created. But the buildings were the easy part. Now he had to define WHAT the place was, and what would be provided within. With a deep sigh, he walked toward the main building, ready once more to work through the night.