Topic: A Chance Meeting


Date: 2007-06-11 01:42 EST
Dapper gent not so much. Kasey strolled in and avoided the main crowd, letting his cigarette pave the way. Red-tipped glow just another flashy addition to what already screamed "It Boy," if there was such a thing. Ask him and find out. Bleach-blond crown and shifty eyes, strangely at one in a twenty-something guise.

"But tha' ye be ye, aye Jewell?"

"I?" Jewell blinked, her own features mirroring the confusion on Sid's. "I thought we were just.."

Aside from the usual, there was a glorious makeout session, mid-counter. The couple at the bar were of no interest to Kasey, so he swaggered on, taking up a stool further down. He threw a wink to the pretty blue-haired lady, before shifting his focus to the one she was speaking to...

"Cor!" Hearing his voice and whipping around to smile and wave. "Leavin' so soon, sexy?"

Jewell eyed Cor suspiciously but he was saved from her confused questions as she saw Kasey and blew him a kiss.

"Frell, he be leavin'," said Sid, turning about, forearm to the bar top, bottle up to pale lips she courses a look over to the blonde, smoking male.

Kasey peeled the cigarette from his mouth and wrapped the kiss in a perfect smoke ring, grinning between gutter-thoughts before returning Sid's obvious look. Now there was a familiar presence.

"I need a man..woman?" Jewell's words faded as she looked around for one to take advantage of.

Oh, but Kasey could accommodate the Empress quite easily...on the first, not the latter. He chuckled between intervals of smoke, then drowned the cigarette into the nearest tray. Then, into his pockets went his hands, an easily disappear-reappearing act. Presto, change-o, and he retrieved a folded paper from his trousers, segmented in eighths, then quarters, as he carefully spread it upon the counter.

"What is the world coming to?" He looked quite the new-age philosopher, without the cheesy overabundance of turquoise and jade. No, Kasey had rather plane tastes as far as jewelry was concerned, and none, mind you, were of the religious origin.

Charna speaking brought Sid's gaze about before Kasey had finished unfolding the paper. A pucker of lips in air kiss to the vixen. "Jus' as ye be, loverly one," said the Ancient, winking, taking another swig and eyes turn back to the blonde one and his paper. And, just like that the eerie light left glamoured blues. Quicksilver no longer flashing and she was suddenly sober.

His face was one of youthful concern, an activist spurned by some atrocity, a warrior, a bleeding hearted hero. Mirrors were wonderful things for the practice of faces.

But, distraction abounded and Charna got a smile and another wink.

Distraction, the fiend. Kasey, creature of torment, would have to do better than just the wearing of worry and the occasional glance. He drew another cigarette - from his ear, no less - and made it a point to fumble with his light.

"Anyone got a light?" Poor nicotine addict without a match. His last lay in ruin, bent at its middle and spent. He gave his best helpless expression, met with a spin of his stool.

The male on Charna's left with the blond hair was heard, a hopeful smile adopted as she leaned a little his way. "I'll give you a light if I can have a smoke?"

He met the Vixen's lean with one of his own, already offering up the smoke in his hand while his other drew one from the pack in his shirt pocket. He was all out of ear space.

"Much obliged." Eyes starved of blue flicked momentarily over at Jewell, and his mouth might have twitched as his head turned round once, then back at Charna.

Charna smiled big, face lighting up in an almost childish way. Sleight of hand, though a little rusty, still helped the trusty lighter appear in her right palm within a matter of moments. She opened it up, and hit the wheel to give it life.

Jewell flinched back from Charna as the lighter came to life again, it was a rather jerky motion. She didn't even seem to notice Flimmer perched on her head. "Need to go find me a man." She eyed the floor, it seemed awful far away, but she was intent on sliding off the bar onto her feet.

Charna's free hand gingerly plucked the cigarette from him, coo under her breath. She was so easy to please. All she asked was to be able to feed -most- of her vices. Hearing Jewell, she twisted her torso that way, arms still outstretched towards Kasey. "You sure you're alright to do that?"

Nothing like the birth of fire, the flash of flame to stir the senses. Kasey moved slow, like one who took great care into where he placed his footfalls, where his shadow fell. He closed the distance, leaning in with a boyish face wrapped in dark brows and a blond widow's peak. His own cigarette dangled from his mouth, caught fire, and grew smaller.

"I do this all the time," said Jewell, objecting to Charna, almost sounding offended. That was, until the floor moved out from under her and deposited her on her butt.

"Oh dear," said the near-youth, hanging back, puffing at his borrowed flame. He winked at Charna and then moved for the Empress, offering an armful to help her off the floor.

Charna winced sympathetically to the fae, but she couldn't exactly jump to help. She didn't want to burn the poor gent, right' She turned when she heard him speak, grinning at his expression.

"Pleasure doing business with you." She offered in a merry little way as she set the cigarette betwixt her lips.

Jewell rested her head back against the barside and started laughing. One hand went for Crystella, the other for Kasey as she attempted to get to her unsteady feet. She leaned forward to grace the latter with a kiss to the corner of his mouth.

"The floor is no place for pretty things." Kasey looped her round the middle, and lifted. His smile was soft as she struggled to regain her footing. Ever the gentleman at the planted kiss, he returned with one of his own - to her cheek of course. The ring on her finger was quite obvious.

"It's not it's not..unless there is a man there with you." With his help she was on her feet, it was just a matter of staying there long enough to get somewhere to sleep.

Another obvious scene was the pairing of two across the way " Sid and PJ, ahh alcohol - but Kasey had little time to be or look amused. The lovely one was speaking. "Oh, but there are much more comfortable places to occupy.."

"Empress" There's a room upstairs that I'm not using tonight. Want me to tuck you in?" Charna posed.

Kasey was about to suggest several more comfortable places when Charna broke in with a suggestion of her own.

"Do you ladies need assistance?" Charming, flash of a smile, still wrapped in fire - his only vice.

"Will you stay with me?" Jewell asked Charna. If someone didn't know better, they could swear she was so using a line on her. "I'm scared of the dark."

"Aren't we all?" Philosopher Kasey gave another hearty chuckle, then leaned on the bar beside Jewell.

Charna smiled around the cigarette, dark curls swinging with the nod. "Of course, darling. I'll bring you some water, too." She was all affection as she sliiiiiid down towards the floor.

" are the sweetest thing to ever walk these lands, Charna." She was a pro, her words not slurred despite the massive amounts of alcohol.

Somehow Charna managed not to fall. Her concern for Jewell's well-being seemed to be negating her usual clumsiness. She took a final drag of the cigarette, before snubbing it out in an ashtray. Normally, she'd consider that a waste. "Don't go making me blush, love. Come on..." She slunk over to Jewell's side.

Taking care not to interject further, less succumb to rudeness and want, Kasey took up a stool nearby, watching between slow drags. Full of smoke and nicotine and charm, he settled his feet on the stool leg, snatching the abandoned poster to study it once more.

"Poor little waif.." Kasey mixed his amusement with sorrow, ashing the cigarette to his side, in a tray.


Date: 2007-06-11 01:43 EST
"Than' ye, loverly PJ," said Sid, winking to Reap then the Badsider babe as she rose as if some silken thread pulled from above, eyes flickering a look over to Kasey.

"Sleep sweet, lightest travels through the Dreamin', Jewell. Charna." Pressing the small of her back against bar's edge just an arm's length from the smoking male. A slight wrinkle of her nose for the scent of tobacco.

"Bothering you?" Said between the cigarette and Sid, with a look to the former, and an apologetic grin. Perhaps it obscured some private joy.

Turning then, she looks to Kasey. "Nae much. Me mate uses tobacco. 'Tis jus' nae a thin' Truebloods favor."

"Trueblood" As opposed to false blood?" Maybe it was a joke, maybe not. He did look playful enough, even as the women were falling all over themselves in their mutual drunken stupors. Should he attend to them yet again? Kasey pondered this and Sid's proximity.

He gave her a grin as he snuffed his vices into the ashtray between them.

Letting the questions hang, she slugged back more Midnight Tears and then thrust out her hand. "Sid."

"Kasey." Ahh, contact. Was there hesitation in those eyes of his" Too pale to be of normal inheritance, though perhaps he hailed from up North....He took her hand into his, an easy slide of smooth fingers, virile and delicate all at once.

Long fingers of strangely elegant design clasp about Kasey's, eerily lit glamoured blue eyes reminiscent of painted glass that hides some mysterious secret behind it moving to his own. "Kasey. Pleasure." Said with a wry twist of thin lips as her hand withdrew after appropriate time.

New found smile between Newfoundland coloring, Kasey tapped his temple, mock tip of hat. And with his reclaimed hand, he took up the little paper, dog-eared at the corners, wrinkled in segmented folds, and thus began to refold it, right before those glamoured blues...

Fingertips brush over a pressured lump in denim pocket, gaze struck on the paper and then tearing away as if it pained to do so, but she was off and around the bar in a breath. "So, new to Rhy'Din, Kasey?" Distractions were leaving by the boatload. Not good.

"It was a business move." Answer for a question unasked, though avoidance of a timeline might be the real motivation. Kasey said nothing with his smile, nor with his smooth model fingers, tucking the parchment into a pant pocket.

Still holding the ever-full bottle, her free hand picks up a black one from the shelves marked with skull and crossbones and her own name, pondering both with a look as she leans more casual than she feels to the back counter. Scale-like motion of the bottles, head bent, dark threads crack slight at the edge of glamour and she peers up through silvered bangs at him. A sardonic quirk of a spun lace brow. "Aye' Business good, then?"

"You might come by sometime. I might be competition, but I aim to please.." In a tone that said he aimed for much more than that, slow and sultry and a hint of danger. He seemed to dance around her and the barstool, feigning a grasp for something left behind but coming up with something new. A card, tucked between two fingers, The Burning Girl in clever bold script..

"Nightclub. Good as anything new can be. The Burning Girl." Well, he did have a sense of humor. "Speaking of which, I should I should probably drop by too." He glanced at his wrist for a watch more or less forgotten, but something about Kasey said he had no need of time pieces, modern or otherwise.

Having moved back to the patron's side to avoid the inevitable if she'd stayed behind the bar, eyes watch the blonde one move and then flit to the card produced. "The Burnin' Girl. Aye. Clever name. An' where be this establishment?" Taking up the card and looking it over before raising her eyes back to the pale ones of his. "As for competition' Methinks Rhy'Din be 'avin' the highest bars an' taverns per capita aside from a place known on several Earths as New Orleans."

"WestEnd. Where else?" His smile seemed chiseled to his young face, but did it twitch at her mention of several Earths" With a nod and another tip of an invisible hat, Kasey shrugged and glanced at the door. "All the more reason for me to be getting on, then...Bloodthirsty business and all."

"O' course, where else." The Ancient seemed put out at that. #$%^&* she missed the quiet. "Well, if'n ye mus', ye mus'." Was that slight narrowing of slanted eyes on the blonde one"

"Mayhaps I be strollin' with ye. If'n ye dun mind. I mus' need be away, meself." Before Scottie was getting cancer from the amount of cigarettes smoked in her absence.

"Goodnight, Sid. And it was a pleasure.? He turned on his heels and threw a spring suit-jacket over a shoulder. The poster, folded and rolled into a sizeable shape, peeked out of his pant pocket as he moved, bidding its own farewell as he stalked to the door. He was too quick for the offer of company. It was a well thought-out plan, fulfilled with the closure of a door.

The Trueblood didn't miss a thing, though she oft seemed oblivious. Bottle to hand, a nod to Darren and Aubri, she moves forth to the door. Little birds abound the realm, all with eyes for her. She would watch, she would follow whether he chose to let her or not.