Topic: A hidden tunnel.


Date: 2009-12-06 23:24 EST
Rhaine's fingers touched the paper with hand-drawn map. Okay, here is the warehouse....She placed the parchment under the scanner, and typed in the coordinates.

"Aquira" I need a Keidain AI, here and now. Plus a set of null-transport gatepoles, and security system. The coordinates are the exit point. How much time do you need to arrange this?" "Is that some project of yours," Aquira seemed to find this really distasteful, "or something Council-approved?" "RhyDin export lane." "Okay. An hour before first exit." "Good."

She looked around the warehouse. Place good enough to make it a fortress. With the appropriate effort, of course.


Date: 2009-12-06 23:51 EST
The air in the middle of the large room thickened. Several uniformed Mentari materialized, as well as a cart with cyberlarvae.

"Rhaine imGair," one of them stated. "Naturally. We have twenty standard hours, gentlemen. After this, the place has to become ours, completely. I'm providing the magical protection, if you're curious."

In the next twenty hours the warehouse turned into a madness. Metallic vines pierced the walls, silplast leaves formed the new cover of interior, liquid living metal and strange organics reformed the place. In the middle of the madness the Mentari seemed at home - ideally at home, eyes half-closed, sending commands to the quasi-life.

Meanwhile Rhaine installed tiny organic-based devices in each corner. Perfectly engineered, protected from mechanical damage by Mentari quasi-life, these created a web of disguise, dissipating any change in magical fields, or storing it in special accumulators. Dampeners, accumulators, and "fake activity" simulators created the magical image of a regular warehouse rented by a local.

Finally the modifications were over. The null-gate was installed, and hidden from view. The Mentari left. Rhaine was left alone in the new location, a tiny spot of Mentar.


Date: 2010-01-02 18:44 EST
Vampiress watched Aquira placing cell cultures into the scanner. All of them were in the same bioprotection suits - though Rhaine knew well enough that the disease could do nothing to to her. In the end, she has already done to herself anything it could do, and much worse.

The tests have proved that the virus fit into specifications ideally. She has observed the changes in RNA sequence depending on the magical impulse series, and in the magical matrix depending on the chemical reagents added into the culture. How sweet....Didn's she love it when a design behaved properly. Aquira and Rhaine took turns connecting to the sequence scanner, to map all variants of RNA sequence alterations.

"Why are you doing that?" Keith asked. "We can simply remove this outpost" "Yes, imGair, why' Don't tell me you actually care about what happens to locals" "I actually care to see how you two deal with the stress and the filovirus. And how the locals react to the threat. And a few other things. I'm not intending to see this city wiped out." "And that data you're forcing us to record....Do you really think locals," Aquira spat the word, "would have any skill to use them?" "Just in case, create recommendations in terms understandable for simians. Aquira, you are the best Mentari biologist on the Four Moons. I know that. We've been hiding for much too long, we need real stress testing for our skills. Not what our excessively safe system offers."

Finally the datapad was done with. Keith checked for compatibility with human computer systems. Poor locals who'd have to go over all this....Rhaine connected to neural interface and went over the data. Right. Full maps of viral genome including those for magic and chemical induced alterations, matrix for magical energy impulse treatments the virus was sensitive to, research on genetic ancestry of the virus....She went over recommendations supplied, added a few corrections. A sneaky grin slithered onto her lips, which made Aquira shudder in her black bioprotection outfit.

"You are not waiting for Kel girl?" "No. I want this delivered to locals. As soon as possible"


Date: 2010-01-02 18:45 EST
She didn't even bother to change from her bioprotection suit. Good that Mentari were always keeping aesthetics in mind, and it looked quite good on her. One-piece matte blackness, with a silver line encircling her neck and shoulders, that was so much different from the clumsy stuff local epidemiologists had to wear. Arriving at the Annex, she found Governor already there and in the center of attention. Recognizing most of these duelist folks was a matter of using structured memory. Finally, she found a place to watch Governor and his wife for a while. How do dhoine get so careless, she thought. She has seen Matt in the Dockside a few times, but the district wasn't even closed to outsiders! Did the dhoine not think about possible spread of the disease" Where were teams in bioprotectors, why wasn't the district isolated" Why were those who do venture into Dockside still in the Arena and careless about others"

"Evening. Please excuse me for bringing up an unpleasant subject. Do you happen to know a research team with primary focus on current filovirus outbreak?" she finally decided to speak to Koy. In the end, if men were careless, women should have some brains to use and memory to keep the information?


Date: 2010-01-02 18:45 EST
"Nuff, guys. We're having a three-days vacation, since it's Falconfly's time!" Rhaine announced with a hardly concealed laugh. Finally that race for information was over. Now it's up to Matt to use the info available, and if he fails, he fails, Rhaine would simply watch....perhaps. She considered her options. No more, she's done more than enough. Time to realize that these dhoine aren't supposed to have a nursemaid. Especially a nursemaid of her position within the Temple and within the Althos line.

Aquira grinned at her. Leaning back in her container-type-chair she looked at the intertwining translucent textures of the ceiling, away from the scanner. "Finally remembering that you don't care about them, imGair?" she said acidically, taking off neural interface headset, letting soft golden-red hair flow down freely. "No, just remembering that I'm supposed to care for my delightful team," Rhaine's tone matched Aquira's. "Keith, when you're done drooling, configure the null-t, will you please?" "I'm not drooling! I'm admiring! Just don't forget about bringing some local beer, okies" In case you're going to that Inn?" "Any other orders" Candies" Pastry' Come on, use that chance to push one of Triumvirate around," laughing, Rhaine picked up a jacket to go over her bioprotector suit, and left.


Date: 2010-01-02 22:36 EST
The Inn was loud as usual. Rhaine picked up several cans of beer, and got herself a cup of coffee when she sensed a familiar spectral image. Artemus. She sighed - mentally, of course, there was not a single chance she could show she did notice him.

The communicator buzzed on her wrist. "Bad news. Another new mutation," - Aquira's voice in her mind was angered. "Does that mean we're here for FalconFly's?" "Hell no. It can't be in a marker segment. So we're leaving, and having fun," Rhaine replied. She had to finish her cup of coffee at least, and find a moment to spend with Artemus.

It's been well over a year since he decided to leave RhyDin for a reunion with nature. More like two years, she reminded herself. He returned and for a few months they've been meeting almost daily - unless her duties took her elsewhere.

"Whazzup?" Rhaine tried to mock one of local accents. As usual, it's been a miserable failure, and as usual it triggered a laugh she loved so much. "Yeah, my language skills have been dead for a couple of centuries. So, what?s the headache of the day?" " the moment this bottle. Not sure what?s written, but don't want to rub the dust away as it will either ruin the text further, or...well...I've found a djinn bottle on the same shelf I got this one from before." Artemus had shown her that dust-covered object. She decided not to use scanning. In the end that was his fun. "Up for being adventurous?" "At least to have fun for a few hours, before I take off for Mentar Station," Rhaine replied. Again to Mentar. A place she considered the best refuge from the outside world for many purposes. "How are your projects there going along" And I am still interested in that trip you mentioned a while back. I'm sure you would prefer having me up there, so I can't get in your hair down here," the shifter continued. Right, she mentioned a trip to Mentar once. So he did remember. But "get in your hair down here?"!

"Had you tried being an obstacle for me, if you just dared to interfere....applying minimum effort I would have melted you into a quartz boulder and placed in my garden as an accent to peony flowers. I could have simply cleansed your mind from any memory of me, or even my name. In case I wished to. I could have simply said 'It's been sweet, bye' or just left without any goodbyes"

Of course her memory presented her the quote instantly. It took some effort NOT to say it aloud. In the end, Artemus has hardly any time for spending his leisure time reading.

"You may come along if you like. Because of this epidemic in Dockside I'm dreaming of a day without my nose in the project," she said instead. She knew Artemus would doubt her motives. Naturally. She was an asmodean after all. And telling him too much would....would what - make him leave" Make him despise her for what she is"

And would it really matter to her, if that ever happens"

She attempted to shift the subject towards the coming trip. In the end, it was the time of FalconFly's, the most anticipated and loved holiday of Mentar. But Artemus seemingly paid no attention, he even suggested he might help Matt's researchers. Something vampiress hated about him - his manner to poke his nose into just about every danger. Especially when she knew how dangerous it really was...

"I've already prepared a datapad for Matt - you'd consider it fun to read stuff from it. Though almost got my fangs knocked out by Koy" she said, laughing silently. "Did you insult Matt, her, both, or dhoine in general?" "Insult' Do you really think I'd throw insults around" I was merely in my bioprotection suit, without a slightest hint of fashionable. So probably Koy thought it was an insult to her refined sense of beauty", she kept the light tone. And grew serious, realizing that it won't distract the shifter enough. "And while we're at it....Please, please, please promise not to poke your curious feline nose into the Dockside without appropriate protection. I can get you one of our lab bioprotector suits, might take a day, but don't go without it."

"I just....can't allow anything to happen to you." Was it a thought of concern, or did she say it aloud"


Date: 2010-01-03 21:54 EST
When they arrived at the outpost (the definition had stuck to the warehouse - at least in their company), Keith had already finished configuring the null-t port. Aquira was rummaging through a catalogue of newest Chilian fashions, modeling the looks of them on her using a holo-screen. When Rhaine and Artemus came in, she didn't even bother to switch off the terminal.

No. Aquira was seemingly stunned. She looked from Rhaine to Artemus, and seemed to have trouble finding words. She stared at Artemus as if the man had been a ghost for a few seconds. "'d be bringing a local with us?" there seemed to be another word swallowed. "Why not. It's Falconfly's time, we do have tourists around for that week, don't we?" Rhaine seemed careless.

Next moment Aquira issued a shutdown order to the computer, and flexed. "Let's get out of this city. Even the air here stinks." "Hey, what about my beer?" Keith grinned. "You get to have all the fun, why don't I get to have a beer?" As a reply, Rhaine tossed him the cans.

The doorway into the null-port opened.


Date: 2010-01-11 14:03 EST
Alain was already in the Inn when she arrived. Matte blackness of bioprotector was normal in this world, she didn't have to explain the purpose of the suit. Stretching to climb on a bar stool, she grabbed herself a mug of lager as Alain actually greeted her. "How are you, Rhaine?" "Definitely enjoying RhyDin in its worst. We got the outpost set up fully, despite the additional issues demanding attention of my team," she preferred at-length reply. "Nothing too bad?" he seemed to be nearly not concerned. "Ah, definitely nothing too bad for business. I had to order my team to perform an urgent research of filovirus outbreak in Dockside. Currently the results have already been given to Governor, and I'm having fun waiting for reaction. And for the imports - it's all ready and set, and first containers for your poor marketing specialists are already in, I'm feeling nearly sorry for them."

Oh yes. And Matt's been showing his public interest in what - in Tour de RhyDin and other dueling-related crap. Common sense, hellooooo' Good that he did at least trouble his own pocket research teams with that, but how about bringin in every damn resource possible"

"Filovirus?" Alain frowned. "Ah. Well, you can check the news. They're fun nuff. A fine hemorrhagic fever in Dockside, very interesting virus mutation," she spoke with a certain share of fascination. "It's most fun to study. Both the virus and locals' reaction to the outbreak." "Mm. Any races it's targeting over the others?"

Smaaaart human! She was nearly glad that one of this otherwise careless folk finally got a good question.

"Oh. You want more info' Just say it before I talk you to death. I do keep my nose in the tests I force my team to do," she grinned. Matt was supposed to make sure the information gets to each and every interested party. If he didn't....that was his problem. Even a copy sent with a brief note in RhyDin Post where to go for another one would have been good. "Anything that could kill my workers, I'd like to know about," it looked like Rhaine had certainly ruined Alain's relaxed evening. "Ah. The basics in this case," Rhaine did her best with mad-scientist-attitude. "It targets most organic carbon-based races, with fatality rates from 90 percent for Elves and Fae, to less than 30 percent for elementals. Undead are immune, dragons - nearly immune. By Midnight, there's no need to panic that much, it's not airborne yet! It's less deadly for humans than for elves, still about 80 percent fatality. I do not know if your workers are human though."

"Yet," he chuckled softly, almost mirthlessly. "You know what RhyDin can do....and a virus with a mortality rate that high is bound to draw in bioweapons 'prospectors.' " "Ah," vampiress was nearly radiant. "You want it to be isolated for being used as a weapon' We can do that, certainly. It's not that hard, just have to watch what Governor chooses to do" "Oh, I'm sure there are corporations hard at work on that already..." his eyes narrowed, just a little. That was reasonable, vampiress mused. "With the information we've given.." she sneaked in a smile. Oh yes. With the info from the datapad she's given Matt, 'investors' into biological warfare would have no problem creating a weapon.

"What I'd prefer is a safer waterfront I can return my ships to," he finished his scotch. "The Barony's turned profitable....but her ports will never have as much potential as the West End. I'd hoped to send my ships back as soon as Prop-Three-Seven cooled off..."


Date: 2010-01-11 14:22 EST
"If Governor doesn't waste time on this, and possibly tries to contact the most efficient ones, the outbreak can be dealt with," she smiled sweetly and flexed in her matte black bioprotector. "In any case, why not make your workers were pretty bioprotection suits like the one I wear" Yes, it's no use to me, I merely like the color." "I plan to....but it'll still be bad for business. Suits protect your people, not consumer confidence, nor that of the populace. Getting rid of the problem that's ideal."

"I'm not going to go through the headache of convincing the Council about bringing an industrial biosynthesis complex here," she grinned, showing off her fangs. Convince me. "The Council's not in the business of protecting its interests?" his eyebrows rose just a little. "RhyDin has that Riverview clinic where doctors spend most time dueling instead of doing actual work, for example," she grinned, using the chance to spit toxin in that direction. "I would have to convince the Council that RhyDin actually needs our interference. Which would be hard, since there are some more or less modern hospitals here"

"And if the Council had a....more stable base of operations to work off of?" "Oh really?" there was a theatrical quirk of silvery eyebrow. "Say that they did," folding his hands before his chin, fixing his gaze on her. "What then?" "Well," she flexed like a snake on the bar stool and took another sip of beer. "It takes about twenty hours to prepare and deliver the necessary equipment. Trained pro's - they are always there, though they would hate being dragged into this medieval city from the week of FalconFly's. We can be rather effective when necessary. That's twenty hours counting from Council decision. So far no one in RhyDin has done a thing to use the data we have supplied, so it's hardly the most urgent matter for the local officials"

Alain began to roll up a cigarette, and gestured to see if she would like one. Hell no. Tobacco was one thing she never understood. "How would they feel about doing most of their laboratory work in, say....Star's End. With other professionals from a company called HEAT," he was not so hypothetical, after all.

"If your pro's can keep up with us. And that's a big IF, you know...Plus, we might consider moving a well-set complex back to Mentar Station rather troublesome. If we are convinced that it's too much trouble compared to the opportunity to work here," she made the possible deal sound even sweeter. A Mentari lab! Perhaps rather outdated one, but still better than anything locals may have. "Is it worth the expense" ...Or is this problem going to go away without our help?" "So far it looks like it isn't going to go away by itself unless the Dockside is entirely isolated. Which would hardly be done. And away without outside interference....well, based on what I see, there has to be some interference, at least bonking some sense into locals," she sighed mournfully and visibly fake. "I take it you have information, the knowledge to get it done....but putting it into practice on your own isn't within your company's interests. Or isn't feasible," Alain said lighting his cigarette, taking a drag."...If I gave you the support you needed to put a solution into effect — one within our authority, obviously isolating a district is outside anyone's means..."

He leaned in to whisper - something rather predictable.

Why does everyone with a tiny bit of opportunity considers this outbreak a good chance for politics-related games" Including myself....


Date: 2010-01-18 22:59 EST
The number of deaths in the Dockside was now over three hundreds. And growing. First cases were reported in Old Temple, and Querylon seemed to have trouble providing potions to cope with the symptoms. Rhaine paced nervously around her quarters on Four Moons.

"Any news?" she asked Aquira. "None, imGair. Looks like we've drowned them in information. Will you please stop circling like a caged tiger?" "Sorry, dear. I'm merely upset with the slowness of locals" "Just don't ruin this vacation. I'm not really happy to skip Falconfly finals"

It was time to talk. Definitely. Especially with Alain with his corporate interests trying to press matters with potential collaboration.


Date: 2010-01-20 00:04 EST
The outpost seemed too small now, as three patients were around at the same time. At least the closed lab compartment was empty, with all the termostats, sequencors, scanners, all other Mentari equipment in autonomous mode. Rhaine checked on cell cultures, on the synthesis progress, on nano-assembler line. And some people think Althos aren't orderly....we are, we just have our own kind of order. In the large room, where the beds and patients remained, a box with Mentari toys was empty, contents scattered around, the youngest patient playing out seemingly some grand space battle. "When are you letting us outta 'ere?" the boy asked, looking at vampiress. "Governor has promised a visit of his experts, to see how you're recovering" "But I'm well nuff, ain't I" And mama and pa?" "You are, dear."

The woman was too shy to talk, but her husband did inquire. "So we gonna have gov'nor 'imself 'ere, lady?"

"If he finds time, of course," Rhaine replied with a near-human smile. "He promised, at least. Without his experts' evaluation I can't continue helping people." "So he gonna make ya stop?" "His newspaper journalist probably would." "Screw 'im, lass. Yunno you do good, we know you do. All 'dat matters"

Rhaine's smile was soft and sad.


Date: 2010-01-21 19:57 EST
Tired. She left the Outpost after waiting for any sign of Matt's expert team for infinite, slow, dragging hours. Daily contacts with humans seemed to leave her more and more vexed with each passing day. While the Althos' part of team was having fun at the FalconFly fest, she had to remain in the medieval city....Oh great joys of leadership...

Taking a mentari field sample kit, including a probe with a full set of delicate glass-like needles, she finally left for Dockside, hardly aware it was already late morning. The stealthsuit adjusted automatically, and her eyesight was the last thing to give her a hint.

One of the houses with a few prospective cases seemed more agitated than before. Humans in and out. Humans in local variant of hazmat gear. Vampiress shook her head, trying to get rid of dizziness, and cussed quietly.

"Idiot. It's past 10 AM. They're planet-humans, not your half-insane team. They work during the daytime".


Date: 2010-01-21 20:52 EST
Analyzing her brief morning visit to Dockside, she found what was triggering mental alarms. One of spectral images was familiar. Rhaine scanned her memory for identification. Maranya, doctor she had mostly seen in the dueling venues. Mental note in the "people database" was added. In the end, humans do tend to live and worked during the day, no need to judge others by your own half-sane ever-time-critical style of living.

She put down the latest genome map scanned (without any new mutations, what a relief), and logged into the neural interface.

"Medical, RhyDin, list, techlevel order".

Riverview was among the top, together with Atreblan Lady's Hospital. Rhaine nodded in a silent agreement. If they work primarily during the daytime, it was high time to check if Matt had passed the data to them. She had met Dr. Le Amon from the Lady's Hospital, and ensured they've had data in sync, now it was time to try to talk to humans.

Daytime. She shuddered visibly, knowing how she'd have to wear the disguise shell, and thus - hide from sunlight. Stealth suit off, remaining in matte black of bioprotector, vampiress touched the silver line encircling her shoulders. The nearly-invisible glass-like layer over her skin would suit two purposes - cover her from the sunlight, and support a hidden network connection.

Walking out of the Outpost, she stepped over the unfinished grand space toy battle.


Date: 2010-01-23 23:57 EST
Though seemingly curious about the lady in black Le first greeted Topaz with a warm hug and Lucien with a short nod before she turned to look at Rhaine. "As much as I'd like to assume you came to pay me a visit and perhaps share a glass of wine I can sence that isn't why you are here." Rhaine smiled slightly at the suggestion. "Wine is hardly the most urgent issue. Information sharing and your expert opinion - these are." She was as straightforward as an asmodean knight could be. "Though Midnight knows I'd prefer a painkiller if one could work..." she muttered hardly audible.

Topaz would have made the introductions, but Lucien was quicker.

"Rhaine Rustovich." Le nodded to her with a grin. "I see why Topaz likes you. We can get to murdering pain before you asbcond with information." Le's elven hearing worked just fine. "What is it you'd like information on?" Le started to lead the group down the hallway toward the research wing. "This," she handed Le the datapad with copy of every bit of data she's given to Matt. "It may be too much of geneticist gibberish for Governor Simons, but your reputation of a doctor and researcher seems enough recommendation. So far we've used the solution for the filovirus-based disease spreading in Dockside, and the solution is nearly ready for mass production. Oh....sorry I'm rambling," she paused for a moment. "We've had nineteen people gone through this treatment, we simply have no facilities for a large number of patients. We're a reasearch group after all..." Rhaine looked embarrassed. Research group working on their own accord and against the regulation of Four Moons council. Le took the data pad and scrolled through the information as she listened. Her steps only slowed to press her hand to a pad by a door. Once the door swung open she continued, certain her guests would follow. "Nono, do go on." Le poked her head into one of the offices lining the hall. "Groupak, I need the most recent compilation on RVPN45-0." She nodded to Rhaine again, already continuing down the hall. "We had to name it something, your designation works too." "What's in a name. I have to balance between making this available and keeping my team out of sight." Rhaine appeared to glance around with curiosity. "Feels like back at Four Moons," she admitted with a smile "Hold up, Jomer!" Le called to a short man in a green lab coat. "Dr J. Pakar, Rhaine Rustovich. Please show her your latest test results while I check if one of our patients would like to meet Rhaine. Full access." "I appreciate this, Dr Amon," Rhaine bowed slightly. Her eyes were gradually covered by thick pale mist visor, sparking with pale cyan sparks (and magic-intense as possible).

"It's a nice place to call home." Le smiled at Rhaine's compliment. Topaz, Lucien, why don't you step in here, have some coffee and we'lll join you once your friend has all she came for?" Le opened a door for the couple and handed Rhaine the info pad back. "I'm glad to be able to help out." With that Le went on her way and left Rhaine with Jomer. Topaz winked to Rhaine.

Vampiress looked calmly at the man in green lab coat. "Any data is appreciated. And you can compare them with what we got. So that our data pool is large nuff," she held the datapad awkwardly. "Our testing methods may be similar based on what I already know of this place," she suggested. "Not a problem. "Jomer adjusted his glasses in an approving fashion of Rhaine's figure. "Could even put it all on a pad like that. Should have a spare."

Jomer went on to show Rhaine to his lab. He thought of his anyway, though several people were working there. He was particularly proud to show the beautiful woman a few of the slides under his microscopes so she could see for herself how well the new med worked under varying circumstances. Rhaine had to stick a transparent disk to her forehead - to make sure she could see the slides - and also opened several files on her own datapad.

It looked like a part of solution suggested by the Mentar group was more of an overkill type, something of "universal antivirus" sort adjusted for a particular virus. Quick, effective, specific, but potentially dangerous.

"We had some experiences with Psilon biological weapon caches," vampiress smiled. "So developed a solution that requires adjustment only, which we've done."


Date: 2010-01-30 19:51 EST
"Are you totally nuts"!" Keith for once didn't hold back his emotions. "If the council knows we're working there before the official decision, we may simply be called off and Gair subline annuled for such a policy violation! And this journalist would babble for sure, at least something, I know this kind of people!" "I know. The Council has to think a bit more than their own arse's for once. When the issue is time-critical, it's critical, we're merely being nice to the local environment" "Not at the cost of Gair line!" "That's why I'm looking for locals that would make use of our information," Rhaine sighed. "Doctor Amon from Lady's Hospital in Atrebla and this nice researcher she employs, Jomer, did find our data interesting. They have already developed a solution of their own, and are considering our data as well. Plus Governor has promised a team of his experts to take a look at our solutions." "I hope you did not tell much to this....newspaper planetlubber I've seen you talking to, after you've met Governor," Keith spat without the slightest shadow of respect. "You may be a Founder but sometimes your actions are as illogical as a jirrikki's". "I've spilled no names, Keith Althos-Althos," her voice seemed to have snake tail rattling behind it. "Even at the cost of having his article attack directed at my nerves since he had no names to target." "You mean this planetlubber is blubbering something dishonoring us indirectly?"

Rhaine turned around on her heels, looking at Keith. "It's his choice to make premature conclusions known to public. At least his article doesn't endanger us," she spoke, unable to hide the effects of having to remember every bit of information she's ever obtained.

Mentari looked at her, his dark eyes turning sad. "I have not read it. And I'm sorry you had to read it."

"Nothing to be sorry about. Beings like him are somewhat similar to bad weather and lack of technology to alter it."

She slipped on the lab chair, but didn't connect to the scanner. For a while her face was nearly human, vivid like water, reflecting the stress and tension of the past days.

"Just retreat to Mentar, Keith. Enjoy the FalconFly's with the others."

While the holidays last, remained unsaid.


Date: 2010-03-08 01:11 EST
Leaving the data and what Mentari considered a basic set for a field geneticist lab in Riverview, Rhaine and Keith returned to the Outpost. In the end, Althos-Gair's were a research group, not a hospital, and having them performing hospital functions would have been inefficient.

"You think it would help them?" "It should. Doc Valkonan appears to be a rational enough woman to have our data vetted and used if they don't contradict their ideas of ethics. Let's hope she doesn't mention us" "True. That article in the Post has nearly put us into danger of annulment." "I'm planning to use that, Keith. For the benefit of Althos Bloodline". "You're as much of a forked-tongued snake as my sister, imGair"