Topic: Blizzard of Ash

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2007-07-13 08:32 EST
It was a relatively peaceful time on the streets of Westend this early in the morning, as peaceful as it could ever seem to get anyways.

To the ones who witnessed this event, they will never forget it.

It was pretty simple in its design and function, what ever it's function was will never be known. From the sky from what looked like a normal cloud IT descended upon the entire western end of the city. For fifteen minutes and twenty three seconds the entire section of town was covered in suffocating grayish black ash. This ash was in constant motion as if it were in a windstorm of epic scale. It did what most ash does and made everything covered in its Grey color. Some poor orphan children would have been on the street died due to inhaling the ash, not understanding what it was.

As soon as fifteen minutes and twenty three minutes passed the ash seemed to move on to other parts of the city, but there are no reports of this happening anywhere else in the city, the only evidence left behind is a fine coating of ash on just about everything. And the various bodies of ones who were caught in its odd path, mostly children.

What does it mean, Does it mean anything?