Topic: Family Feud-Trinity a Scattered


Date: 2006-12-15 03:25 EST
Me sister's are flamin' good girls. Kindest 'earts I know. Love 'em both with every ounce of tha part o' me that can do so. The rest is scoundrel and 'arridan and none careful.

There are two, plus myself, in this Braze Trinity, as us Me and Faliena refer to our such selves as. Then, little Mabel, or Marmalade as we refer to 'er as. Dear li'l Mabel. Reed-y little plum; ripe and devastating. So soulful and haunted. An' so young.

Faliena is the middle one, the one I 'arras most. I'm the oldest in this bunch, bouquet of trouble. I'm the leader and the one who struck out first. As 'appens.

I was born, as myth or strung out legend would 'ave it, in a Shire or Shore town to a normal couple with normal aspirations. Then the apocolypse o' sorts and we all disbanded. Including t'em. Leavin' t'ree kids to wander and peck at what scraps they may find.

I refer to myself as Milla. Merietta makes me want to wet tha sheets! I'm no gravediggin' son of a witch; a daughter I am of a fatal cloud. Withered and ruggered and boulder like; you rub 'gainst me and the scratches are fierce. Angry red.

Dunno why I've done most I do but never been one ta ponder. I hate silence, I hate royalty, I hate magic. All of which, a scattered trinity, that loves me, but in practice, destroys me. I'm such some three-pronged jerkey has it good in theory; to rectify my bitter self, but it 'aint ta 'appen yet. I trip over certain words, enjoy my rationale and pride myself on standin' on my own two feet and tha toes of my enemies. ::grins::

I miss my family, Mabel I will bring 'ere soon 'nou', to toss and tease into a s'arp tongued, razor minded wippet. In my image. My s'adow. Kill my pretty, KILL KILL! No such blood lust, not always. But she falls with the wind she does, and such luck is poor. Up the upwind and down with the downfall, she's like tinsel.

I 'av been t'inkin to a recent rendezvous. T'ere was four of us, y'see. McKonner; god damn King! Red-leathered lies! a Priestess who's silk and rosemary tells me t'ings I oug't not know; for fear of it's spell and a man I a'int never known before t'at eve, called Lucky. Charming it was. Oh oh, and that feckin' flamin' phantom 'anded w'iskey pourer. Ah! And the w'isky was blue!

I nee' a place ta cras' Another fellow, Tramp. 'e's a chap t'at walk my c'allengin' paths. 'e s 'ands are elegant and long; I was compelled in t'a strangest ways.

Vampire, he was. Wonder w'at it feels to be sucked dry?



Date: 2006-12-17 01:13 EST
I conferred with the McKonnor to no end t'at satisfied me. I asked of him and 'e propositioned me. After all I lure in t'e R'ydin men. I 'ad to laug' at t'at.

T'ings c'ange, I know t'at muc'.

I love my sister, I love bot' of t'em but only am I fit to protect. I am t'e fittest in the mentals, the bodies and the bloody pat' t'at is t'a insides. Gory as it is I am t'a puller t'oug'.

I am s'ocked at t'e man, yet. No one s'ocks me(least t'ey didn't before)I didn't figure before I'd 'ave to beg. Rotten scoundrel. Less t'an I!

Mabel, darling sweet girl-c'ild to arrive any day in t'e week by carriage. I meet 'er at the docks. I worry now.

I need a place to crash. If only for 'er.



Date: 2006-12-17 17:01 EST
Well feckin' well. I 'ooked up. And I cannot quite explain the surprise of t'e occurance and t'e fact she was...incredible. Best of bot' worlds. Don't need a man or a woman. ::Laughs::

T'ink I'll initiate Mabel into West End wit' a a spray can fest a sorts. She needs some mischief. Too good for 'er own good.

The squat is bot'ering me now. It's too cramped. I am as'amed to s'ow 'er t'e place. Wanna 'old 'er and love 'er. Wanna give 'er a teddy. Ah, gud nabbit. I nee' a beer and a root.



Date: 2006-12-22 01:35 EST
I'm movin in wit' Scamp. ::Grins:: Free rent and no loss of blood. 'Less 'e eviscerates me durin my sleep. Gotta be too good to be true. Or karma is 'ugging me. Surely I deserve t'at now.

Feckin' redknight can lick my boots and fancy me from far. Oug'ta 'ave kicked 'im one in t'e groin!

Mabel arrives in two days.



Date: 2006-12-28 01:37 EST
I 'eld 'er charmin' chin in my 'and and 'eld back tears. Croaks. None such t'ings to come from me. Not yet. No there, by the docks. Old crews mig't see. I 'ad enoug' to worry for.

I laid 'er down in the Scamp's apartment, taking the couch he offered. Saw the 'ouse mate. Wasn't talkative. Like 'im already. ::laughs::

'Eaded out early next mornin' feeling excited and perplexed. Took her for breakfast on a benc' by a park. We didn't say not'in much, but she finally asked me about my skin. I shrugged and told 'er I was the same inside. She smiled big and hugged me. Gettin' god damned mango all over my jacket! Lucky for 'er she's blood. Lucky for 'er s'e so cute.

We went for a stride. Took the darl w'ere t'e streets diverged and spraypaint I 'ad at the ready. Never seen a kid laug' so muc'. Love 'er.

'Eaded off again. Down the Barrio and out to t'e Tempest Club. S'owed a couple folk, made sure toot' for toot' and eye for eye stayed put, but too she had both stay 'tact s'ould t'ings get spunky.

Went back 'ome and had some wine with the Noble. He didn't say muc' and I wonder w'at he will end up wanting. Karma has sat me 'ere for a reason, aye?
