Topic: Fear, Death and Blood. (Mature 18+ For Violence and Gore)

Ruinous One

Date: 2009-08-26 01:45 EST
((Themes in this Story Thread are of a Gothic Horror nature, and are at times Violent and bloody. If you are a person that finds such things to be upsetting, I please recommend that you may not wish to read further. If you are a person that is not upset by the themes in this stroy, please enjoy and have a good day.))

Kanaas and his six minions found their way to the West End. In the form of Wolves and Ravens, they made their way to an abandoned warehouse. This place with its underground storage rooms would serve as a staging area. First order of business though, the dozen or so Homeless in the warehouse had to be dealt with. Five women, two men and five children ranging from young to teenaged. The poor souls never knew what hit them, quickly from the Shadows, the Vampires came.

Women and children running and screaming in terror, as they were fell upon by the Vampire minions. Each Human was torn and ripped from limb to limb. Throats ripped out and hearts torn from their chests. Blood like rivers flowed from each, the Vampires drank. The two males tried to fight off Kanaas, but it was of no use. Their makeshift clubs did little to hurt the Vampire Lord, he grabbed them both my their necks. Lifted off the ground both men were and he crushed their neck and feasted from their chests. He sank his scaley, fanged muzzle into their chests and just chewed into their flesh.

When all was done, Blood and flesh scattered all over the room. The heads of the dozen homeless torn off and thrown into the Barrel fires. The bodies were carried off and thrown into the Sea, food for sharks and other fish.

Soon it would be daylight, after the cleanup. Kanaas went to one of his other sanctuaries. The six minions went to rest in their nest. So begins Fear, Death and Blood.

Ruinous One

Date: 2009-08-26 20:05 EST
Three bodies were found by the simple Bystanders of the westend this afternoon, and Authorities were brought in to investigate. Three men, all local Street Priests, one of Pelor, one of Odin and one of Belanus. Each man found in a backalley, torn to shreads, left in a pool of Blood. Each one had also been drained of Blood. Their hearts were ripped out as well and their heads torn off.

At each crime scene, the words in the Blood of the Priests went as such.

"Fear those that walk in the Night."

The City Coronor has from preliminary examination, determined that all three men died in the same fashion and at the same time. The first priest, one known as Father Gessian, a priest of Pelor, was found by two young boys playing in the alley by a place known as the Green Ox tavern. The second priest, Brother Zerian, a priest of Odin was found by one of the local West End Brothel girls. She was so distraught she had to be taken to a nearby Clinic.

The third victim, Acolyte Jessir, a priest of Belanus was found not only with his heart and head torn from his body. He was also found hanging upside down from a rope made of clotheslines. Several women doing their washing found the body, screaming bloody murder.

According to a Town Guard statement, which confirmed the Coroner's report, the attacks fo these Holy Men, were at the same time and done by the same group. Possibly three suspects, but there are no real leads as to who did this so far. Police are working with the Locals and the Churches that the three Street priests were affiliated with.

In light of this attack, the Local guard has advised all people not to go down any dark alleys by themselves and to stick to main and well litghted streets. That is until this menance has been dealt with.

Ruinous One

Date: 2009-08-27 14:05 EST
It was a most horrible and sad sight really when poor Jessica and her friend Mary were found with their eyes and ears ripped out. Worst of all as they were found by their brother, Lewis. Walking in on the three darkly clothed and shadowy beings. The poor twins all of sixteen winters, their lovely golden blonde hair soaked through with blood. Course it was not long when the fould trio fell upon Lewis, only Twelve years of age. His screams echoed through the house as his back was ripped into. Then tossed arround like some Rag Doll.

Their Father, George had just come back from working on the Docks. To his horror finding his young boy and his lovely twin girls ravaged to pieces. Blood soaking into the carpets, and into the walls, in his rage, George charged at the monsters. The three Vampires, servants of Kanaas went to strike, that is until their Master came forth and stopped them. He laughed at and taunted George who held up a Golden Crucifix in some form of protection..

"Stand back foul beasts of Hell, you monsters that killed my children!"

Kanaas simply striding, undaunted ripped the small crucifix out of George's hand and then crushed that very hand. Bones cracked, snapping it, the human just crumpled in pain, crying out. Kanaas in his dark form, looming over the human man, who himself begged mercy and bowed to Kanaas. The former Darklord could only smirk at this and spoke, his voice cruel and cold..

"Ah, now we have it, a first, a Mortal that supplicates himself before those who are his betters. One who sees that we are your Masters, for we are Lords over the Undead and the Living. You shall live human, take now what you can and burn this home. And tell others what was done here, as a testament, those that defy us shall suffer for it."

George could only comply, there was not much he could do, lest he join the fate of his son and daughters. The Vampires and their Master left, as they did George with a very injured hand, took what he could and set fire to his home. Raving to those he found why he did this, crying and in pain, poor George was taken to the West End's Insane Asylum. By morning of the next day, his house and his children now three skeletons were burned to a cinders and ash.

Ruinous One

Date: 2009-08-28 14:36 EST
Grinning Nelly and her three boys, Roger, Thomas and Hardwick, all known in these parts as the Bloody Pranksters of the West End. Grinning Nelly who was thought to be a Hag, her sons DemonSpawn. The Father was never known and the boys were bad news all arround. Arrested for Theft, Assult, Murder, Extortion and so on. But the Town Guard could never make it stick, and Grinning Nelly who always grinned with a wicked smile, she was worse. She led her boys on deadly games that caused people in the West End to die, gruesome deaths were always the end result.

Well the joke was on Nelly and her boys, Nelly's sons had brought their latest victim, a young woman, all of twenty to their so called FunHouse. A place that had a deadly, trapped-filled maze like basement. But you see Kanaas was in a mood of folly, and decided to play a trick on the Bloody Pranksters. He didn't like competition either, so he and four of his minions made their way to the so called FunHouse. When they appeared before Nelly and her boys, Roger behind the oldest attacked with his large meat cleaver. As the rest of his family laughed away, the cleaver went down and simply bounced off of Kanaas' left arm. Then he started to laugh, a cold and wicked laugh, as did his minions.

Screaming in absolute horror, Nelly who was really a coward at heart, ran, as did her boys. Their poor victim cowering in a corner of the upstairs parlor. Kanaas and his servants tossed Nelly and her boys into the maze and the joke was turned. First it was Thomas, the youngest, he fell into a pit trap filled with spikes. He was skewered through the head and chest. Soon after it was Roger the oldest as he ran right into a blade trap that took his head clean off. Kanaas saw that one in motion, grateful that didn't get him. Roger's head tumbled to Kanaas, who promptly brought his foot down crushing it. Bone and blood squishing out, a bloody trail of footsteps left behind.

Then Hardwick, the middle son and not so bright turned arround to meet one of Kanaas' vampire minions who torn into the man's neck and drained Hardwick dry, the gruggles of blood and gasps echoed in the Maze. Heart torn out and head ripped off from Hardwick's body, blood painting the floor and walls.

Nelly herself made her way to the Maze's center, it was not long before Kanaas and his four minions found her, cowering in the dark, praying for mercy and salvation from the Vampires. The Vampire Lord and his minions just laughed, and Kanaas spoke.

"Your prayers fall on deaf ears old woman, the Gods are distant and cold. There is only two options Death and Undeath, one leads to utter Oblivion, the other saves you from Oblivion."

Nelly now weeping and begging..."Please great Lord, have mercy and grant me release, save me, I will obey you forever." The feared and hated Nelly was now kneeling, humble and affraid. Kanaas smirked and bite into Nelly, she felt absolute bliss from his bite. And she grinned again, as she thought she was to be a Vampire. The joke was on her, Kanaas simply snapped her neck and tore her grinning-faced head clean off. His minions feed on her headless corpse.

They went back upstairs and found the young woman and granted her mercy, but only so she could spread the word. Nelly and her boys might have been Dark, but now there was a Greater Darkness. And that Greater Darkness just consumed Nelly and her boys. The young woman ran off screaming her head off.

When the Town guard came back to Nelly's house, on the footsteps of the porch they found Nelly's still grinning and blood-covered head stuck on a pole of wood that had been spiked into the wooden floorboards of the porch. Words in blood had been scrawled on the Front door.

"There is always a Greater Darkness to consume the Lesser Darkness."