Topic: Closure

Delana Sinclaire

Date: 2015-08-11 00:02 EST
((The following takes place after The Shadows Dance Adventure))

Love is like a circle No beginning and no end A broken heart will mend If you love it like your best friend

Handle Your heart with care It's as delicate as a wing When the storms come again Pray for resolution

"Resolution" by Prince

Delana ducked under a low-lying branch, making a careful inspection of the clearing lying before her. Off in the distance, down the slope of the mountains making up this part of the Dawnsbreak Mountains, she could see the rooftops of her home of Torrence. Not that she minded seeing her home again, but the mysterious note that delivered to her through the garrison made her understandably cautious. Meet me at Miner's Pass. The only relatively clear passage into the Dawnsbreak and the ore mines, Miner's Pass was a well-known spot to the townspeople. No name was on the note, and the young woman wondered who would have sent it to her, or even knew she was a scout for the army. As far as she knew none knew about her exploits during the endgame of the siege of Cisroe beyond her friends and their parents. She would not make a valuable prisoner, but she was still being cautious.

A snapping twig brought her about, shoulder-length hair whipping around her neck as her bow came up, arrow drawn and ready to fly. A lanky young man stood some paces away, having stilled when she whirled around, his eyes wide. "Whoa, whoa, Legs! It's me!"

"Jaeg!" A cry of delight came from the young woman as she dropped her weapon and ran over, leaping up to hug the young man. Jaegar had been one of the few friends Delana had while growing up, being the brother of her first love Mikael. He had always called her "Legs", since even from a young age her legs had been quite long and noticeable. Letting him go, she stepped back, looking up at him, eyes suddenly narrowing slightly. "What's going on, Jaegar" Why all the secrecy"

"Always to the point." Jaegar tried to crack a smile, but it seemed brittle to Delana. "I'm sorry about writing to you the way I did, but I didn't know if you'd want to see me, if I signed the note." Delana scoffed, shaking her head at that.

"Gods, Jaeg, why on earth wouldn't I want to see you?" There was something wrong, that much was obvious, given his fidgeting as he stood there. Her eyes widened suddenly, as a nasty thought came to her. "What's going on' Has something happened to mum or dad?" Jaegar shook his head.

"No, nothing like that." The young man shook his head, almost violently. "They're well, as is your sister." Jaegar shifted uncomfortably, until the smaller Delana took his shoulders and shook him.


"We found him."

Delana Sinclaire

Date: 2015-08-11 21:22 EST
His words made no sense for a moment, until she thought of just who "him' could be. Delana stepped back, eyes widening at the news, and Jaegar led her to a fallen tree to sit down. "There was a freak storm." He began by explanation, sitting down beside her. "The littlest Marshal girl was swept into the creek and went over Darglan Falls." Delana nodded, knowing the area as she and Mikael used to meet there when they were younger teenagers. "Several of us went diving trying to find her"and we found him."

The sunny day grew colder as Delana listened mutely, a hand coming to grip the necklace and the ring there. "I knew you'd want to know." Jaegar continued quietly. "I recovered this." He reached into a pouch, pulling out a small ring, gleaming in the sun despite a bit of tarnish around the edges. Delana's eyes found the etchings in the ring, matching those of the one she wore on the necklace, the second of the pair of promise rings the two had exchanged under the roar of the falls.

"How?" She managed to choke out, unwilling to reach out and touch the ring, even though her soul screamed for her to take it. Jaegar's face darkened and it took a few seconds for him to reply.

"There wasn't much left." He immediately regretted those words, seeing Delana's expression, and he hurriedly continued. "Hi"its hands were bound, and the feet were tied to a large rock." Delana's stare snapped up from the ring to his eyes, and the young man saw the spark of anger rising in those simmering blue eyes.

"Pietr?" Hissed, as the young woman looked down toward the distant roofs of Torrence. "That fucking bastard!" Pietr Gardner was the elder son of the Gardner clan, the family that owned the ore mine and the largest cattle ranch of the region. Her father had arranged for Delana's marriage to the odious Pietr, but the young woman had been quick to join Gharnholme's forces when they had marched into the small town. It was well known among the younger generation of Mikael and Delana's feelings for one another and Pietr had openly threatened Mikael to try to drive a wedge.

As Delana pondered, her thoughts returned to the way Pietr had gloated when Mikael had disappeared, saying he had met another and run off. "That lying PIG!" Hopping up, the young woman started down the hill, only to stop at Jaegar's hand on her arm. "Let me go Jaegar."

"De, don't!" Delana looked back, sending blonde locks flying, at the urgent tone in his voice. "Old man Gardner, he's got a bunch of sell-swords on his land now. Says they're for protection." That brought her up short, and she turned toward Jaegar.

"That doesn't make sense! He doesn't have that much to need a lot of mercenaries, and the town provides guards for the mine!"

"I know, but he has a whole bunch of "em down there!" Jaegar pointed toward the town, and the sprawling plains beyond. "They're armed, and I've seen several in heavy armor." That caught Delana's attention, as a tiny voice inside screamed warnings.

"Jaegar, I want you to tell me about these guards." She took the young man's elbow and led him back to the fallen tree. "Tell me everything you can."

Delana Sinclaire

Date: 2015-08-21 23:32 EST
Sarlis Gardner pulled the belt of his robe tight as he headed down the stairs toward the front door, where a loud banging had roused him from his sleep. On the second floor landing his younger son Gustav rubbed sleep from his eyes, grumbling toward his wife to get back to bed. Yanking the door open Sarlis glared at the man standing there. "Well, what is it!"

The man, Torvarn by name, bristled at the tone, but reminded himself that this man was paying the wages of himself and his men for now. "The barn's on fire." He pointed to the left, where a growing glow shown around the corner of the house. Silas cursed, and turned back into the house. "Gustav! Wake Pietr, and get your arse to the town. Rouse up some help!" Without bothering to wait for a reply, he grabbed Torvarn's arm, dragging him toward the end of the ranch house's porch. "Git your men over here!"

"You want us off your guard to put out a fire?" Torvarn's tone was incredulous, earning him a scowl from Silas.

"I pay yer wages, gods dammit, so git yer asses over here and help!" Torvarn merely shrugged and turned to hop off the porch, heading toward the small barracks that had been made near the fence and calling for his men to rouse from their sleep. Behind the elder Gardner Gustav bolted down the steps, pulling on a light coat as he headed down the road toward Torrence.

"What's goin" on?" Pietr was hopping on one foot, pulling on a boot as he came out the door.

"Barns on fire. I want you gitting the animals out!" Silas nearly shouted at the young man even as he was directing the house servants to form a bucket brigade from the small pond to the burning barn.

Gustav was halfway to the town when shapes rose in front of him, and he found himself tackled by a heavy form. Before he could recover strong hands had pulled his arms back, heavy iron manacles snapped into place. "What the hells" Let me go!" Thrashing about to break free only earned him a hard cuff to the head. "What the hells is this shit?"

"Quiet, shavarst." A thick voice growled and another heavy fist slammed into his jaw, and Gustav tasted blood in his mouth. "Is this one of them?"

"Aye." Came another voice from behind the hulking shadows, a softer, obvious female voice. ?"Tis the younger son, Gustav." Gustav heard a soft grunt, then several words in a dialect he couldn't understand before he found himself dragged to the side of the road and dumped on the ground, the cold metal of a spearhead pressed against his neck in obvious threat.

Delana Sinclaire

Date: 2015-09-04 14:39 EST
"Get the horses to the pond!" Pietr shoved one of the stablehands toward the bunched horses, then turned to sprint around the burning barn. A long line of hired hands and mercenaries stretched between the pond and the barn, a living bucket line trying to put out the flames. Sarlis was extorting them to work faster, at times hitting a passing stableboy with his cane as he hurried past.

"We got the animals out!" Pietr panted, bent over to rest his hands on his knees as he worked to catch his breath.

"Good!" Sarlis cursed as a gout of flame shot from the roof of the large building, the flames clawing toward the sky. "Shit, all the feed-hay's goin" up in smoke!" Pietr could only nod in agreement, though his father did not give him a chance to answer as he spun around. "Dammit, where's Torvarn!"

The mercenary was with his men, who were daring the flames to pull boxes clear of the barn. He heard the bellowed question to his whereabouts but pointedly ignored the call. "Vigo, remind me to start looking for a new patron." He grumbled to another of the men who chuckled darkly as the two carried a box between them.

Sarlis turned back toward his son, started to yell something else then abruptly hit him across the small of the back. The younger man yelped with the sudden impact. "Hey, what?d I do?"

"Where's the damned buckets!" The elder Gardner shouted, pointing down toward the pond. Pietr didn't notice for a second what he was talking about, but it quickly dawned on him the problem: the bucket line had nearly vanished. "Gods dammit!" Sarlis Gardner was fairly hopping in place in anger. "I'll kill "em! Kill "em!"

"I'll get them going!" Pietr, always eager to muscle around the hired hands, jogged in that direction. Skirting the edge of the burning barn he started down the small path, a fist rubbing into an open palm as he shouted for the stablehands to get to work. His oaths and promises of punishment died as the barn partially collapsed behind him sending flames roaring into the sky and illuminating the grounds with flickering lights. Several hulking shapes were moving between the barn and the pond, firelight gleaming dully from blackened weapons and armor.

Pietr turned and ran back up the trail, waving his arms as he screamed warnings as loud as he could. Sarlis merely stared at his elder son with a dumbfounded look and even Torvarn looked up from where he was directing his men in trying to save the barn's contents. "Arms!" The mercenary commander cried out, guessing at the shouting even if he had trouble hearing over the roar of the flames. "Take arms!" His men, well trained, immediately dropped what they were doing and snatched up whatever weapons were at hand. And not a moment too soon, as a screaming mass swept around the corner of the burning barn toward them.

"Northras!" One of the soldiers cried out, just before he was bowled over by the charging press. Torvarn cursed even as he shouted orders. The yard quickly degenerated into a swirling melee as the barbarians, both fur-clad and armored, fell on the sell-swords with their typical abandon. Sarlis moved as fast as he could toward his house, leveling curse after curse on the Northras and any and all in general. He slammed the heavy oak door shut in the face of two screaming barbarians, sliding the bolts in place to lock it behind him. The old man glanced up the stairs where several ghost-white faces peered down at him, the wives and children of his sons.

"Git back ta??The rest was cut off as an axe-blade smashed through the door by his head sending splinters flying. The old man staggered away from the door as the axe was ripped out, then another heavy blow echoed off the door. The sharp tinkle of grass was drowned out by screams of fear from the women and children as they started scrambling in all directions.

Delana Sinclaire

Date: 2015-09-04 17:13 EST
Torvarn was in a sea of whirling chaos, as his men were engulfed by the flowing tide of barbarians. Screams of pain filled the air as one after another fell to the blades of the Northras. Knocking one back he grabbed Vigo's shoulder, pulling him toward the barn. "Try to get away!" He shouted over the din. "Get as many out as you can. We'll meet up in the mines!" His lieutenant nodded, and then turned to fight his way to the next man to spread the word. Torvarn batted away a sword, ducking down to make a low swipe at the barbarian. He used the distraction to spin away, ducking behind the corner of the blazing barn where he took off at a dead run. Torvarn fully expected an arrow in the back at any second, and upon reaching the treeline a minute later he paused to look back, muttered thanks to the gods on his lips. Indistinct shapes milled about the yard in front of the main house, and the captain hoped that at least some of his men had escaped as he turned to trudge toward the rendezvous point.

Pietr Gardner quickly found himself surrounded by Northras warriors, and the young bully held his hands in the air. "Don't kill me! I surrender!" He yelled, dropping to his knees as the barbarians pressed in. His hands were jerked behind him, tied with a leather strap, and he was roughly pushed toward the house. He could see his father and wife being forced onto the porch by spear-wielding barbarians, the wife and children of his brother Gustav behind them. The old man was cursing the Northras until one, weary of the tirade, backhanded him hard enough to send him reeling into another, who shoved him roughly back to his feet. After that, Sarlis wisely held his tongue.

The Gardners were gathered into a tight knot, with the barbarians surrounding them in a loose circle. The women were trying to calm the young children. To the side several Northras broke open the boxes Torvarn's men had been dragging from the burning barn. One turned, waving toward the main group and talking excitedly in his native language. One large barbarian, clad in a massive fur cloak, walked over. Bending down he pulled a gleaming sword from the opened box. Snapping something to the ones about him he turned back to the gathering, the circle parting to allow him entry into its center, where he stopped before Sarlis.

Delana Sinclaire

Date: 2015-12-31 19:40 EST
"Sarlis Gardner," he started, in accented but passable common. "You stand accused of harboring fugitives, arming those same fugitives, and plotting rebellion." The old man started to speak, but barely uttered a syllable before the sword was tossed to the ground at his feet. "We have recovered the proof. You also stand accused of murder."

"I aint killed nobody!" Sarlis snapped, having backed away from both the discarded weapon and the hulking barbarian that spoke. "Only ones killing around here are you and your savages!" The assembled warriors muttered darkly at the comment causing the captured Gardner's to press closer to each other.

"Commander Javvik." The voice, soft, obviously female, brought the commander of Torrence's garrison around to where one had stepped forward from the crowd. Her hood hid her features but it was obvious the barbarian knew her. "I have a claim here, and evidence that the elder Gardner son committed murder."

The hulking Javvik nodded, glancing back toward the Gardners. "You were saying, old man?" He chuckled darkly in the sputtering Sarlis's face and that brought the old man's ire to a boiling point.

"Damn ye all! You ain't gonna prove nothing with one of your barbarian bitches!" Pietr groaned softly as his wife stepped up to try to calm her father-in-law, but Sarlis would not be deterred. "You think the city council will take her word over mine?" Spittle flew as he raved, waving his arms in his anger and provoking some quiet laughter among the assembled Northras. "Aint no way they'll believe an outlander over a Gardner!"

"I am no outlander!" The sudden scream from the woman jolted the old man to silence, and brought Javvik back around to face her. She had stepped into the center of the ring, and now yanked back her hood, letting platinum-blonde hair spill around her shoulders to gleam in the dying fire of the barn. "My name is Delana Sinclaire, daughter of Ranulf Sinclaire, cobbler of Torrence!"

Sarlis gaped, mouth opening and closing like a fish, stunned to silence like the rest of his family. Pietr stared as though he had seen a ghost, and perhaps, he had. "I am Delana Sinclaire, and I accuse that man of killing Mikael Sturngard, my betrothed!" She pointed directly at Pietr, her words having started a low grumbling among the gathered, stony glares being tossed at the young man.

"What's this shyte!" Pietr jerked his shoulder from the grasp of his guard and started forward, only getting a couple of steps before he was stopped again. "You were MY betrothed! Ran off like a slut!" He ignored the shocked look from his wife, eyes locked on Delana.

"A betrothal forced is not a betrothal make!" She shouted back angrily, holding her hand high in the air. Firelight gleamed off a ring she held. "Mikael and I exchanged rings before my father promised me to you, you fucking shavarsti!" Her use of the Northras curse brought another amused round of laughter from the barbarians, and an approving nod from Javvik. "They found his body, weighed down at the bottom of Darglan Falls." She stepped toward Pietr only to be restrained by Javvik's hand on her shoulder. "Did you throw him in before or after you told me he had run off, you bastard!"

Before Pietr could respond, she spun around, addressing the assembled tribe now. "I claim harvsshta on Pietr Gardner!" Now it was the barbarian tribes turn to be stunned, and their prisoners to look on, puzzled. "By tribal law, I claim harvsshta on the murderer of my promised one!"

Javvik looked at the young woman for several long seconds and then around the ring slowly, clearly weighing matters. Finally he nodded once, coming to a decision. "Harvsshta has been claimed, brethren!" He shouted, slowly circling to look about the gathered Northras. "Does any come to support her place in the tribes?"

"I can!" From the second rank of the circle a man stepped forward, the left side of his face bloody from a sword stroke. "I am Borrak, son of Daegor of the Lamoss." He spoke loudly, to carry his voice to all present. "This woman joined our warband after we took Torrence. She has since joined Warlord Terrak's warband, where she is prized for her ability with a bow and as a scout." He nodded to Javvik, and then to Delana, who gave him a small smile of thanks in return.

"Borrak, son of Daegor has spoken of her as a part of the tribes." Javvik slowly turned in a circle, following the ancient tradition. "Can any speak of her deeds?"

Delana Sinclaire

Date: 2016-02-20 00:08 EST
"I can!" The voice, feminine, came from the back of the pressed ranks, and the barbarians parted to let the speaker move forward. It was immediately obvious she was not a Northras, from the points of her sloped ears parting the crimson mane, to the supple leather armor she wore. The newcomer looked around, her emerald green eyes finally locking on the Gardner family. "I am Cieara Jade DeAuster, daughter of Lucius and Fiona DeAuster."

Delana's face brightened at the sight of her friend, but she refrained from rushing over to give her a welcoming hug. Sarlis Gardner reflected the shock of his family, for the name DeAuster had long been associated with dark tales from the fortress hidden in the mountains and forest north and east of Torrence. The barbarians muttered approval as they fell to one knee. Behind the kneeling warriors Cieara's brother Daniel stood silently, arms folded as he watched the proceedings.

"Delana was with me in the final assault on Urevan's manorhouse during the battle in Cisroe!" Cieara slowly turned, her glittering eyes reflecting her delight at being the center of attention, if only for a moment. "She helped me keep the gates open, allowing his manorhouse to be taken and the battle won!" Delana's hand moved almost unconsciously to her shoulder, where she bore the angry pink scar from her wound in that fight.

After Cieara had finished, Javvik rose to his feet, beckoning his warriors to also rise. "Cieara, daughter of Lucius and Fiona, has spoken of her deeds!" He pointed to Delana. "Harvsshta is satisfied." Turning, he pointed to Pietr, a scowl coming to his features. "Release him!" As the warriors holding Gardner started releasing his bonds Cieara moved over to her friend, who had removed her cloak and handed it to one of the barbarians. Two of the female warriors stepped forward also, drawing her into a small knot of the women, and as Cieara watched they wiped their fingers across Borrak's bloody cheek and quickly sketched swirling patters across Delana's cheeks and arms. Delana barely shuddered at the touches, her thoughts set on the task at hand.

"What's going on?" Sarlis demanded, and when no one answered him he kicked the lower leg of the nearest barbarian. "What the hell isack!" His voice choked off as the large warrior turned, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him from the ground as easily as if he was a sack of potatoes.

"Trial by combat." Rough-accented common was the growled reply, before the old man was flung into the small crowd of his family, sending the women and children staggering backward to keep him from falling. Pietr looked almost lost in the circle where he had been shoved, nothing like the blustery young man that frequently terrorized others in the village with his physical size and family power.

Delana Sinclaire

Date: 2016-03-29 23:16 EST
Clad in only a sleeveless leather jerkin and breeches, Delana stepped away from the small knot of women, transformed by the crimson whorls into one of the Northras tribesmen. Cieara joined Javvik and Daniel where they stood to the side, the warlord to oversee the trial. "Good work, maur sethar." Daniel whispered, clasping her shoulder gently as they watched. Cieara glanced up at him, eyes twinkling in the dancing firelights.

"Thanks, Danny!" she replied, then turned back to watch as Javvik began to speak. "Delana, daughter of Ranulf, and Pietr, son of Gardner. You are to be judged in the eyes of the gods." His hand sliced down, the signal to begin.

"You bitch, I'm gonna kill you!" Pietr shouted as he moved forward, ham-fist arcing toward her chin. Having dropped into a light crouch, Delana sidestepped easily, bringing a knee up into his lower stomach, and her elbow down on the back of his neck as he bent forward with a croaked gasp. Dancing away, her foot shot out and connected with his backside, sending him reeling into the circle of barbarians. Pietr was roughly shoved back into the circle, where he again charged Delana, who ducked under his wild swing and slammed her own fist into his stomach. She winced as she rolled to the side to avoid a kick, coming back into a crouch easily. Compared to the trainers Fiona had her working with Pietr was a lumbering ox, huffing as he turned toward her.

"Get him De!" Cieara shouted out, nearly hopping in place as she watched the fight. All around the warriors were taking up her enthusiasm, many banging fists on their shields as they yelled support. Pietr's wife screamed in terror, trying to get to her husband, and had to be physically restrained by her guard.

Delana leaped up as Pietr came at her, her boot almost connecting with his nose, grazing the tip as he jerked back quickly. She landed lightly, but was turned away from him. She realized her mistake as a heavy fist hammered into her side. She cried out in pain staggering away, and a second blow sent her to the ground. "You stupid bitch!" Pietr roared as he kicked her side, sending her into the air for a split-second from the force of the blow, and then he reached down and yanked her up by her hair. He was nearly incoherent with anger, his fist rising to hit her again. Cieara also cried out in anger, and now she had to be restrained by Daniel from running to her friend's aid.

She would not have made it in time. A glint of steel, a small dagger drawn from her boot, and Delana's fist punched up to drive the blade into Pietr's crotch. The man's eyes crossed in sudden pain, and he released her hair as he staggered back, both hands moving to cover his injured groin. Ignoring the howls from the barbarians and Pietr's family Delana slowly rose, tossing the dagger aside as she slowly moved forward, holding her side where he had kicked her. Pietr had slowly sunk to one knee, and she insured that a heavy blow to his cheek sent him to the ground. A vicious kick to his groin forced a scream from him, and he rolled in agony on the ground.

Going to one knee, Delana jerked him to his back, her aqua-green eyes alight with rage and pain as she raised a hand to strike him, holding it over her shoulder as she glared at him. Pietr stared at her, his own eyes glazing over in pain, a soft whimper coming from the bully-boy. The gathered Northras were still roaring, demanding blood, but it was cool raindrops that jerked her back into motion, smashing him back to the ground. She stood over him for a moment, chest heaving as she gulped in welcome air, the screams of the Gardner women and din of the barbarians barely registering on her consciousness. Rain fell in increasing strength as she finally turned toward the waiting Javvik and DeAuster's, the bloody sworls swiftly disappearing in the fall of rain.

"Commander, do you have any Acolytes here?" The warlord nodded, and she looked back down to Pietr. "Give this piece of trash to them then." She spit on the fallen Pietr, and then slowly staggered forward, to be swept away by Cieara into the crowd as two warriors moved up to grab Pietr's shoulders and haul him to his feet.

Away from the farmhouse, where Daniel and Javvik was finishing the job of tallying the find of weapons, Cieara and Delana sat on a fallen tree at the edge of the forest. The young blonde's head lay in her friends lap, tears mingling with the rain falling on the two as Delana finally let her grief come out, Cieara's hand gently stroking wet bangs as she comforted her friend.

Delana Sinclaire

Date: 2016-04-23 17:22 EST
Later that night, Cieara leaned back against the headboard, again cradling Delena close. Her friend slept fitfully, tossing under the light covers as she moaned softly. Cieara stroked her forehead gently where it lay in her lap, sending soothing tendrils of energy into her friend to calm her somewhat in the dark dreams. It still amazed her the sheer coincidence that had brought herself and Daniel on a task given by their father Lucius to Torrence at the same time that Delana had received the letter from Jaeger. Coincidence and timing that saw them arrive an hour after information had been brought by one of the village men that the Gardners were sheltering escaped members of Urevan's personal guard. They had joined Javvik in the attack, and had not known Delana was anywhere near until she had stepped forward to confront Pietr.

How is she? Daniel's voice echoed in her mind, in the close connection that their family shared due to the infernal blood. He had finished at the farmstead and had retired to chambers set aside by the burgomiester, while Cieara had accompanied Delana home to a somewhat awkward reunion with the young blonde's family. While Delana's mother and sister had welcomed them both into the modest home Ranulf was more reserved. He still felt the embarrassment of Delana running off to join the army marching toward Cisroe after having worked out arrangements with Silas Gardner for their children to marry.

Cieara looked down to Delana with a soft smile. Bad dreams, but she will be all right. She brushed a cool hand across her friend's smooth cheek. It was easy enough for her to sense the hole in Delana's psyche, now that the unspoken hope she had carried for years, in which the young man to whom she had first felt love would one day miraculously reenter her life, had been shattered. She is going to need us in these coming days, Daniel. Even if she nae say it openly.

I know. Came his reply. She's lucky to have a friend like you, maur sethar. Like us, maur brathair. Cieara immediately countered with a nod, even though she was the only awake person in the room. You be her friend also. I know, sethar. I know. But tonight, you are the one she needs. Take care of her. Cieara looked up to the ceiling and nodded again, a silent agreement made.

Delana Sinclaire

Date: 2016-06-04 21:56 EST
The following morning, many of the inhabitants of the village gathered in the town square in front of the small building that served as a town hall and prison. Javvik had stationed several warriors around the square, just in case, but he did not expect trouble from the townspeople. The people of Torrence, after the initial shock of the lightning-strike that decimated the small garrison and subsequent occupation, had come to begrudgingly accept the barbarians. The gold they spent for food and goods to stock the small tent-garrison was even more welcome.

The Gardner men, minus Pietr, had been lined up on the porch, Gustav having been reunited with his family after they had been brought to town. Both were in chains, and a burly Northras stood silently behind each. The Gardner women and children sat on a small wagon to the side of the town hall, also under heavy guard. The haughty women sat silently, aware of the many hostile glances from the crowd. The family had never been popular, having lorded their fortunes above the rest of the village, and now they were on the receiving end.

The crowd quieted as the door opened and Clarence DeHart, burgomiester of Torrence, stepped onto the porch, Daniel moving up to stand beside him at the railing. DeHart nodded, and then spoke up. "Citizens of Torrence, I have been given the newest dictates and laws of the realm." That sent a nervous buzzing through the villagers, for the family name of the new ruler of Mercivya held an even darker reputation than the tribes of the highlands. The current generations had grown up under the pall of Gharnholme, and stories abounded of the attempt by the church of Leorne and Valiaene to reclaim the keep hidden by the low mounts and forest to the northwest.

"Fellow citizens," DeHart continued, the able politician looking about the crowd slowly. "Our new lord has decreed a time of celebration for the peoples of Mercivya in this time of change." He smiled, happy to relate the missive Daniel and Cieara had delivered the day before. "For the next two months, no taxes will be collected from the people, so that they may share in this new beginning." The crowd was quiet for a moment, as the enormity of that news sank in. For years now the tax caravan had ever been a hated sight, the required payments bleeding most dry. Then, slowly, with one, and then another, clapping began, and quickly the entire square was filled with shouts and cheers.

Turning, he motioned to the hereto-silent Daniel. "I present to you, prince-regent of the realm, Daniel DeAuster!" Daniel stepped up, smiling lightly as he waited for the crowd to die down. Well, here we go.

"People of Torrence, We hope this is the beginning of a new era." Not used to speaking in front of an entire crowd, the young man swallowed, before he continued. "The new laws as ratified by the rulers of Mercivya are fair to all, singling out no one." Blue eyes moved to the two prisoners, to which he pointed. "Even to those who would fight the ways of change."

"Sarlis Gardner" DeHart said, his voice harder than before as he stepped up again. "You and your family have been found guilty of giving aid to refugees and rebels of the state." The words sounded strange coming from the small-town mayor, as he read from the paper he held.

"We aint done nothi?"Sarlis started to rant again, but a hand clamping down on his shoulder stopped him cold with its strong squeeze.

"The weapons and armor found in your barn was proof enough." DeHart shot back, the paper wadded in his fingers. "The fact that several of your so-called "guards" wore emblems of the Urevan family added to that."

"Normally, the punishment for this would be death." Daniel said coolly, bringing another muttered rush from the crowd. "However," he continued, "In the spirit of the day, I am setting aside that punishment." The elder Gardner's face took on a measure of his customary arrogance, until he heard Daniel's next words. "You are hereby stripped of all lands and possessions. Your home will now be the garrison of Javvik's warband, and your lands, including the mines and cattle, will be given to the city."

"You can't do that!" Sarlis cried out, as his son looked on in stunned silence. The women in the wagon were alternately listening in horror and crying softly, as Daniel laid out the sentence. "That's my land, my things!"

"I can do it, and have done it!" Daniel snapped, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Unless you want to share the fate of your murdering son?" A pointed reminder of Pietr's absence. "It is done."

As he and Burgomiester DeHart stepped back, Javvik's warriors forced the still-chained Sarlis and Gustav to the wagon. They would escort the family safely out of town and down the road that ultimately led toward the southern border with Malirid. Many of the crowd followed the wagon to the edge of the city, jeering the Gardner's and their fall, laughing all the more at the threats Sarlis hurled back at them.

(Written with help from Daniel. Thank much!)

Delana Sinclaire

Date: 2016-06-21 14:17 EST
The morning sun was warm on Delana's bare back as she bent over, shimmying out of her breeches carefully in the swaying boat. Cieara held out a hand to help steady her as she undressed, the pants joining her jerkin and boots on the bottom of the small boat. Sitting back down, she shifted slightly, the wood cool through the thin protection of plain cotton panties.

"You're certain about this?" The redhead asked, watching her friend as she bent over to grab a rope, slipping her foot into the loose noose at its end. Delana nodded, sitting back up to look at her.

"I"need to do this." She said quietly, and then on impulse, leaned over to wrap her dear friend into a tight hug. Cieara returned that hug tightly, willing comfort to her friend through that gentle touch, the demon within her easily letting the feelings slip though the contact of fingertips to bare back. Cieara had been worried for her somber friend all morning. The young blonde had slept fitfully, finally waking at daybreak and telling Cieara her plan. Cieara, of course, had agreed immediately.

Delana finally released her friend, sniffling softly as she turned and slipped over the side of the boat. Cieara picked up a heavy stone and set it on the side of the boat, balancing it easily. "Ready?" She asked. Delana took several deep breaths, nodding on the last one. At the nod, Cieara let the rock splash into the clear water of Darglan Falls. The other end of the rope looped around Delana's foot was tied around the rock, and in a second the young woman was yanked under the surface.

The water was cool, and growing cooler as she sank toward the bottom. The water was very clear, with just a bit of haze from the rains the night before. The bottom of Darglan Falls was rough with large algae-covered rocks and long growths of local weeds growing from the rich bottom soil. The rock thumped on the bottom, sending up a small puff of silt into the water. Delana floated at the end of the rope, using her arms to turn about as she looked around. Her hair haloed around her, forcing her to brush it away from her eyes. That was when she spotted the rock Jaegar had told her about. Using the tension of the rope to pull herself down, she removed the loop from her ankle and swam in that direction.

Grabbing the rock, she used it to pull herself around and there, nestled in a small crevice, was the skeleton. Rotted clothing hung in scraps around the algae-covered bones, the face of the skull facing thankfully away from her. Rope twisted around the wrists and ankles, testament to what Jaegar had told her. Gently, she brushed the forehead of the skeleton, sending a small cloud into the water. She felt a tightening in her chest, not only from the slow depletion of oxygen, and from a part of her almost jammed a foot between the rocks and simply inhaling deep, to be with him forever. Instead, she took the small silver necklace she had wound around her wrist earlier and slipped it over the skull to rest around the neck. Two golden rings were on the necklace, gleaming in the light filtering down from the surface. A last gentle brush of a cheekbone, and she kicked against the rock, propelling herself toward the surface.

Breaching the surface of the water with a splash and gasp, Delana felt hands slip under her shoulders, and Cieara easily lifted her into the boat. "Dee" Dee, are you ok?" she asked, even as she slipped a blanket around Delana's shoulders. Delana nodded, clutching the blanket tightly around her to ward away a cold that was not in the air. Cieara rowed back toward the shore, where Delana quietly dressed.

"Cie, lets go home." She finally said as she finished tying the straps of her jerkin tight. Cieara nodded, sending fiery bangs fluttering in front of her eyes.

"Sure hun! Danny and I can stay in Torrence for a few days before we head back." She started for their horses, but Delana's hand caught hers, stopping her.

"I don't mean Torrence, Cie." She gave her friend's hand a gentle squeeze, needing the support. "I don't have anything left here." Cieara nodded, noting the seriousness in Delana's eyes, and hand in hand, the two headed for the horses and their meeting with Daniel.

* Written with the help of Cieara's player. Thanks so much!