Topic: Days of the Past

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-13 22:50 EST
As found within the historical vaults located deep within the Keep of Gharnholme, dated some 100 years before present day:

Meeting him again face to face had been a shock to say the least. She had hidden it well, behind the cold reserved mask that was her normal expression, but the inner turmoil was still felt and controlled with an iron fist. If he even remembered, she couldn't even tell, with his features hidden behind that scarf and the cold glowing red eyes didn't offer much in the way of recognition.

"Ah, Lord DeAuster, please meet my Head Tarn. Fiona DeWil." Lord Brutin said lazily with a casual wave of his hand. The dark haired man was in his usual place within the Slaver's Association Hall, and holding court as she often thought in her mind. Sprawled out in that casually elegant way of his that many woman were drawn into, much like a beautiful web and he the large exotic spider just waiting to leap and capture.

There was an exchange of short nods and little more and she was moving away, feeling the clammy sensation of skin under the leather of her gloves. To look at her, none would even know she was shaken up. Indeed, she maintained her chilly demeanor with amazing skill.

Taking up her position behind Brutin, as was her normal mode of behavior, she fell to stony silence, often becoming part of the furniture, while around her conversation flowed. Brutin didn't expect her to speak, as it simply wasn't something she bothered with, but her ice green eyes kept a constant vigil. Shifting about and taking in locations of various individuals, except this day, she found her gaze drawn like a magnet to him. She had heard the rumors of course. The stories of the Death Knight even reaching the distant realms of Zymire and she even knew that his marriage had been pre-maturely aborted. In a way it was rather a curious form of Karma returning, at least she had comforted herself at such a frivolous thoughts

Fact of it was, when she had caught word of his death, she had actually grieved, to the point even her father had noticed, but to this day didn't understand why. She had never spoken about the only lover she had ever had. Her private life was as carefully guarded as her emotions now and few knew much including those closest to her.

That brief fling so long ago had taught her a very valuable lesson, one she had taken with great attention and had not allowed anyone else even close enough since. Every one that had tried had been held at a pointed distance and the more insistent felt the sharp end of her dagger. She had given of her body and her heart only once and been played the fool, and has sworn to never allow herself to be duped from that day when he had told her it was over and the heart ripping reasons why.

A moment and their eyes clashed again, hers frosty as a winter morning and his narrowing behind the dark cloth covering much of gray features. She still could sense any emotion behind the stare, just felt the waves of chill washing from him. She had a moment to mourn the loss of beautiful dove gray eyes but quickly squelched it before turning away with a thinning of rose pale lips and a snaking slide of a single thick black braid.

Already, feelings she had long thought dust were stirring up and she wasn't amused by it. Caught staring was one sign she was slipping and she sought to get a hold of herself. At her side the dagger hissed softly, calling a hand to stroke lightly against the black hilt and she mentally stilled its complaint. Garith was picking up on her mood and responding in his normal way.

Memories she sought to bury started to break free, floating up on the surface of her mind like bubbles from a deep, dark lake. It angered her, so she caught back a low growl only to hear the words she sorely dreaded. "DeAuster there will be with working with you Fiona." Her employer informed her and she found her jaw aching with sudden and bone jarring tension. Her eyes narrowed for only a microsecond before she gave a short nod to Brutin. To say anything at this point would only create questions she simply wouldn't answer. The man was already curious enough without adding more reasons for him to dig and prod.

He had changed quite drastically. The vitality he once displayed, with the almost pure light that both drew and repulsed her was now gone. Leaving in its wake a chilling aura. He was no longer of the living and yet he still walked, carried onwards by some unknown force she didn't recognize. What motivated him now was a guess, but she suspected it might very well be hate. Yet while much of the man she knew was gone, she could sense that a vast amount remained, hidden behind the mask of ruin.

Her "New" partner just stood near the door with his arms folded and said not a single word. As silent as a tomb he was and she couldn't sense a damn thing from him, which was galling for one of her nature. Brutin of course was emitting his delight in heavy waves, having managed some sort of coup getting the Death Knight into his employ but for her, a job she was generously paid to do had just become her own personal nightmare.

Thankfully it was one of the slower nights, with just others of the Association dropping by to touch base with the "Big Man". None of the typical heroes seeking to save some gibbering featherheads from they're enslavement, or any of this competition strolling in to make trouble and banter. In some ways she resented that, for it would have been something to take her mind of the thoughts she really didn't wish to brood upon and on the other hand, all she wanted to do was escape his presence.

Over the course of that evening, she heard from the rasping hollow voice he now had, as he spoke with Brutin that he was also a slave owner and could only think with wry irony just how low the pious do fall, and yet even that gave her a twinge of conscious. Knowing that somehow some way, she might be responsible for what had befallen him.

Forcefully shifting her thoughts away from such paths she was soon thinking it curious. She had worked as an assassin and still did on rare occasions, taking the odd job here and there. She had been an enforcer for one family here, and then another, and had even worked under the directions of a few Kindred clans. She was for the most part, comfortably well off, no longer needing to hold a job for support, but did so by choice. Something to keep her busy and her skills well honed. She held high rank with two guilds and stood in battle for them even now and was allowing one haunt from her past shake her usual serene calm. Had she met him again in all her previous jobs she may not be as surprised as she was now. Of all places to again meet, the Slavers hall wasn't one she ever would have imagined.

Thoughts drew a faintly satirical smile on her soft lips briefly as she waited the time until Brutin would turn in and managed reasonably well to control the direction of her thoughts. She refused to allow them to dip into the waters of the passionate couplings they had shared, but kept them more to the innocuous. She barely spoke and just remained as still as Lucius was in her position behind Lord Brutin. Thinking the night was wearing on much slower, or perhaps it was the tension weighing upon her that just made it seem endlessly long and tiring.

Emotions she had hoped were gone from her, having spent years of time binding them down were all suddenly alive and pushing at her mental restraints and she was feeling some resentment over that. This one man whose mere presence was rattling the foundation of all her training, was simply unacceptable, but she could not even let on the effects, for to do so, would show a weakness. A crack in the ice she encased herself with and this she simply could not allow to be seen.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-13 22:58 EST
Nearly a generation and a half had passed since the Massacre of Cord's Crossing, and the spot where the small road leading to the valley of Ravensfast split from the main roadway between Malarid and The Duchy of Urevan bore an evil reputation. Travelers did not tarry in the area, fearful of the stories now circulating of the "valley of death", a story widely circulated after a small boy had come running into the hamlet of Briarstone. Barely able to speak, he had ranted about fire taking the keep, and of "the master with glowing red eyes."

It was enough for the church council of Leorn to convene an emergency meeting. With no message, mundane or magical, from Arch-cleric Vladimir Glashion the church leaders voted to send an expeditionary force to find out the truth of the situation. Made up of the Ordo Militant, operatives of the Ordo Malleous, fighting forces of the United Dragons of Light and healers of the Church of Tymora, the small army made it's way into the valley itself.

Only five of a force of nearly one thousand returned. Of these, three were declared insane, and a forth put to the question by the Ordo Hereticus for the disturbing ranting. Only one, a knight of the Malleous, could give an account of the tale.

The road leading into the valley passed over the crest of a small ridge, the true entrance to the valley. The woods bore a pall about them, and as the army advanced all went quiet. The pickets of the army had barely crested the hill when they were met by several slowly walking up the road toward them. At first thought to be local villagers, the truth became deadly evident as they closed, and the charnel odor of death reached the pickets, but too late as the zombies started to attack. The first were easily beaten back, but others shuffled from the woods, many dressed as servants and guards of the keep, as well as villagers and an unfortunate caravan to seek shelter at the keep.

As the shadows of the towering mountains crossed the road other undead joined the fray. Ghouls leaped from the branches of trees and erupted from the ground, often in the middle of the company. Slowly, the force was whittled down, and to the horror of those priests attending the wounded the slain would jerk back to hideous unlife after a few moments, a dark spell working around them.

Step by the step the combined forces fought their way within sight of the keep's granite walls, where the leader received hope. As the army fought its way into the plains the great doors of the keep opened, and six armored warriors rode out, weapons flashing as they cut a path toward the beleaguered army. Cries of triumph rang out as the keeps knights joined the battle lines, the ranks opening to allow them entry. The commander of the army rode forward to the leader of the knights, but his welcome died on his lips at the sight of the fleshless skull and blasted armor, a second's worth of shock before his head left his shoulders. After that, the battle became a rout as Sir Herzog and his skeletal knights rampaged through the army arrayed before the keep. Only a few escaped, most of those dying at Cord's Crossing of their wounds.

The knight reported catching a glimpse of the courtyard, and the charnel house it had become. The Church Council was shocked by the news the knight brought, and sent the man to his chambers for rest as they debated the debacle. The knight was found the next morning in his cells, hanging from a noose made from his bedding. A last note, penned in his blood, lay on the table. Darkness and Death wait beneath the oak and elm.

The Ordo Malleous declared the Valley of Ravensfast Purgatis. No further attempts to take the keep would be made, and the records of Ravensfast and the terrible fate befallen were sealed in the Libram Malederium, known only to the Lord Inquisitors of the Ordo Hereticus. And thus Ravensfast passed from the annals of man.

But the keep continued, the valley gaining an evil reputation. Even the surly orc-tribes of the mountains quickly learned not to venture too close, and the shamans gave the valley the name Gharnholme, the orcish word for "ghoul-hold." It was a name intrepid trader's brought from the wilderness, and it gained universal use in a short time, to the private amusement of the dark lord residing there. As years stretched on, Gharnholme became a name used to scare children into behaving. "Be good, or the demons of Gharnholme will come get you!" Occasional strange happenings, the disappearance of entire families from outlying farms or lost caravans, were blamed either on the insular Northras barbarians, or more popularly, the dark forces of the keep. The Ordo Hereticus knew the truth, but more often than not, could not arrive to stop the undead raiders until it was too late.

And today, thirty years later, even when the bright summer sun graced the caps of the mountains, snowbound all year around, verdant green forests were alive with the sounds of nature and people went about their lives, those living in the shadows of those mountains would glance to the north, and feel a chill run through their bodies and souls.


Air rippled around the hard form of the nightmare as Dante reentered the Material plane, hooves flaming as they struck the hard ground. Circling, the fiendish horse pawed the air before settling with an indignant snort. Lucius DeAuster dismounted, sliding Deathlight from its sheath on Dante's saddle, to be returned to its sheath at his hip as he dismissed the nightmare. As the beast faded from view he started toward the doors leading into the keep.

Around him a troop of zombies shuffled, being led to a place of containment by one of the black-clad Acolytes. The arrival of the twenty-some-odd men and women had been a shock, one of the first that the deathknight had experienced since his return. Their leader, Karthos, had managed to piece stories and legend together, and had sent a missive to Gharnholme, requesting an audience with the undead warrior. Lucius had agreed, intrigued by the audacity of the request, and fully intending to kill the fool and his followers afterward. Karthos had impressed him, however, with his zeal to his deathgod, and changing his plans, Lucius had welcomed the small band. Now, the Acolytes had all the undead they could study, and in return, had fashioned spells to make the zombies faster in their movements. A trade Lucius found amicable.

Stalking up the steps to the doors, Lucius banged them open and entered the keep. Around him the granite walls still bore the evidence of the fires that had gutted the place, years before. The undead cared not what their surroundings looked like, and the Acolytes made their home in the old barracks. No webs adorned the walls, nor did lichen grow here, the aura of the place keeping away such mundane flora and fauna.

Down the hallway that once opened into the main hall of the keep a set of stairs descended into the earth, exiting out into a small antechamber, with three passages branching off. A nearly invisible form shifted in one corner, a skeletal hand coming up to tap a blackened breastplate in salute. Lucius nodded once to the skeletal warrior that had been the paladin Gauth as he moved through an arched doorway and down a darkened hall. Passing through another arch, the deathknight entered The Underhalls.

Carved from the living stone, the hall was as large as any lord's greeting hall, two stone pillars rising on either side partway down to the other end, where a raised dais awaited, an ornate oaken chair ready to receive the Lord of Gharnholme. Settling into the chair, arms resting on the hard armrests, He brooded silently, the flickering eyes dimming as he sat in thought. It had been quite a shock to see Fiona again, even for one such as him self. Brutin was a wily one indeed, to have her as his head of security. A leather-clad finger idly tapped the armrest as he thought over the meeting.

Outwardly she had not changed, except maybe for a narrowing of eyes. Yet her demeanor had radically changed. There was an ice-hard edge to her now that had not once been there. Probably a result of the parting they had shared, he mused to himself.

That cast dark thoughts further still back, to that fateful night in his study. After that night he had borne the guilt of his actions, but after his return, he had stepped into that chamber again, and felt nothing. No guilt, no regrets, nothing but a dull hollowness. Indeed, he had discovered that now, the only thing he felt was hatred, a white-hot hate to his enemies. It blossomed in combat, which is why he sought out challenges like he did.

Thinking back over the day, however, the image of ice-green eyes peering at him over the scarf covering her lower face, of the long black hair hanging in the ponytail, once again stirred something within the dead chest. Her melodic voice had graced his ears, bringing back memories long buried. Nights of passion unbound, made the sweeter by the illicit meetings determined by their life's paths. As he had stood, silent sentinel by Brutin's door, he had wished to see her face uncloaked again. The mental image was not enough.

And for the first time in a decade, something else besides hate and anger stirred within the deathknight. What it was, he could not put his finger on, and that drove him into deeper brooding. Curiosity perhaps" Had she found another" Was she happy in her life's lot' Questions haunted him until, deep into the night, he decided on a course of action. It was time to again meet Fiona.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-13 23:00 EST
She felt him enter. No need to turn to see, the sharp senses of her nature bristled at the feeling. It likely made the boot pressing into the man under it just a little harder, forcing breath from him even more. The words she then spoke, enforced with the cold radiating from winter green eyes was soft and chilled with no emotion at all. "Seek to touch me again "Milord" and I will remove ye hand next instead of just ye finger."

The Gorean lord had been told not to try and touch her, and had failed to listen and now clutched his bleeding hand and wheezed under her weight. Adding just a little more force, making him aware she could have crushed him before she wheeled away. A graceful bend and the finger she had sliced off was picked up and deposited deftly into a pocket of shadows.

This was one part of the job she utterly loathed. Some appearing from other realms and assuming due to her gender she was easy picking's for their lusts. She had forsaken that side of her nature ages past and defended her own body with deadly force. Behind her, the most recent one to face that well hidden wrath was slowly picking him self off the floor to the sound of Brutin's amused comment. "I told you not to do that Bartale. Fiona does not like to be touched by anyone that I have seen. None yet has managed to breech that icy exterior of hers and it's why I hired her to start with. She's cold and deadly with a reason."

Oh she was hearing the words as well, but was quickly containing the rage that threatened to explode and all the while, she could feel those glowing red eyes upon her and it was only making matters worse. Sending her towards the bar where she made herself a drink with restrained efficient movements. Flame dancing over the spoon with the bubbling of hot sugar before dropped and stirred about in the small glass. One gloved hand rose then, pulling the silken mask from her lower features, allowing for the first sip of the Absinth. The sickly green fluid catching the light in a manner that made it appear to glow eerily.

She had not yet looked his way, but knew where he was standing. Right to the right of the doors that lead into the Slavers Association hall, so her inner senses declared. Her leather-encased palm was placed on the flat surface of the counter top as she took a lean and just tossed back the deadly drink she preferred. The poison neutralized with the heated sugar cube. Savoring the bittersweet flavor of anis that the potent mixture offered, she carefully arranged her expression and reined in her straining temper.

She assumed it was her own over imaginative mind but she felt sure the Death Knight's gaze had stayed fixed upon her for a full five minutes or more, but still could not sense any emotion from him. It didn't surprise her having discovered what his nature was and only once she felt sure all emotion was buried deep her dark head lifted and frosty cold winter green eyes clashed with his.

Seeing him again was making it harder to control the rages of her demonic side. Working along side him was making matters even worse but she wouldn't allow any hint of thought or feeling show on the pale-lit visage that now regarded him with an arching of a raven brow.

Sounded faded, the voices of those Brutin was regaling with some tale or deep, dropped and was lost in a rise of white noise. Yet still nothing showed on impassive features. She might take out her emotions later and clinically examine them in private, but here and now was not to be allowed.

Luck of course was with her, as a challenge rang thought her mind. War games while frivolous to her did often interfere with her duties here, but Brutin only found it amusing. Her record thrown at others for she wasn't one that lost often but now had the perfect excuse to get the hell out of this place. "Milord Brutin, I shall return shortly."

No explanation offered she just strode off with a confident glide towards the door. Moving past Lucius with a faint respectful nod of her head and once she was out of sight, letting the shadows enfold her. Back to top

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-13 23:03 EST
She took the time to ponder the various emotions in her movement towards the field. Resentment, pain, anger, all tangling up with memories she had sought valiantly to forget. The day she had walked away from his keep, leathers torn and her heart in tatters has been the very same time the building of the walls of ice she now maintained had started. She didn't want anything trying to breech those barriers, not even her own wayward and foolishly sentimental memories.

The brief battle was used to her own advantage, the man she faced sent bouncing and bleeding across the hard cobbles of the courtyard. She unleashed the anger that was boiling up inside on a hapless victim that had likely assumed her and easy mark for the game. Fiona however, did not play fair and by the time it was over she stood a blood covered and battered victor and watched as her opponent was carted off to the prison. "Fio, do you think you could ease up just a little in these fights?" Anath her Guild Commander requested, as he stepped up beside her to offer a clean towel.

"Why?" Blood soaked gloved fingers taking the towel with a hard flinty look shot up at him where he towered her over her.

He just gave her that curiously twisted smile. "Because Healers cost me money and that one you nearly destroyed will be needing them aplenty."

A soft snort given as she wiped the blood from her pale face and then started to inspect her self for the various damages inflicted upon her leathers. "Most that challenge me, be knowing I nae play "Nice". Tis nae my way and I'll not change to ease anyone's pain, even that of ye own purse Anath."

"You watch yourself then. The one you just beggared up but good is the Enemy Guild Leaders current play toy. She might not take kindly to the ruin you made of him." Now she could feel his amusement and just looked up with another soft snort.

"Then he should nae have tried to kiss me then. Tis his own fault, for most also know I do nae care to be touched in such manners." Her ice green eyes just hardened and glittered dangerously.

"You just make sure to keep a watch. That work you're doing for Brutin isn't in one of our safe locations so anything is bound to happen. She has access to assassins and it's sure you just became a major target."

That little bit of knowledge just made her shoulders lift in a shrug. Let them try and take her out. Most of them were not even born when she was working steadily in that very same field. She wasn't concerned and saw it as more of an inconvenience then anything else. "Aye, I will be watching Anath."

"Well, this war is nearly done." He didn't hide the mockery in his voice, as it was more field games. The ritual of battle lost to the one on one nature of the games.

A glance shot up as she found a gash in her dark night leathers, noticing the dark hair and blue eyes of the tall form without any sensation at all inside. Such was easier to deal with then that cursed Death Knight. "Who be winning thus far?"

"Oh us of course. Looks like the coffers will be filled up with more points then I can push, which will only put us in direct line of fire of those power hungry Leaders looking to boost their own treasury."

"Recruit more then." This stated blandly as Fiona didn't practice that. She earned her rank as a commander through battles and sweat and didn't see any reason at all to seek others. She wasn't a people person to start with. "I shall see ye later Anath."

She didn't even wait for him to reply just side stepped off into the dark embrace, her own injuries healed up enough to manage and was soon returning to the Hall of earlier.

Upon arriving of course she walked in to see a variety of things. A woman on the floor hunched up and weeping, while around her several "would-be? heroes were trying to get at Brutin and there in the middle, holding them off with surprising ease was the Death Knight. Blood splatters on the floor and the injured already heading for the exit, causing her to step to the side to let them pass. A raven brow arching with a faint smirk as it looked like she had missed much of the usual conversation. "Free her or DIE!"

"Grow up boy, she "wanted" that collar." Usually followed with course laughter from Brutin. "I'll make a 'real" Woman of her, then you can buy her back for a price."

"I'm going to KILL YOU!" Which inevitably ended with their blood coloring the marble floors of the Hall in copious amounts. Of course usually in the middle of it all was the diminutive Tara, Brutin's unstable secretary, picking her way over the red puddles and muttering "Droolers."

This situation looked much the same and as it did seem as if DeAuster had a good handle upon matters, she didn't interfere, oh no, she merely took up a lean against the wall he had vacated and watched. It took a surprisingly short amount of time before only the wailing woman was left on her own, wallowing in her stupidity. So many thought they could bed Brutin and brag, but in fact, he used that lure and just collared them instead without the benefits of sexual release.

Fiona he did respect, as she lacked any urges that he was aware of in that direction and had simply not shown any sign of interest with him or anyone else for that matter. She was in a word, frigid. It was likely one of the many reasons he had sought to hire her. She was by all accounts, immune to the lustful urges of most other woman she suspected.

The cold voice of death did touch her ears as her "Partner" was returning to his place near the door. "Thank you for your help." With only the rage easily felt she just gave a jaded little smile before pushing from her lean and off she moved again, putting space between the Death Knight and herself. None would even notice her behavior as unusual except for herself. She simply didn't want to be near him and was making sure to keep a healthy distance. "Ye seemed to have it under control Milord. I didn't wish to impede.?

In that single moment she sensed he was looking for something and again, berated her own wayward thoughts that she was the key to what ever he sought. It was bad enough she had to deal with him, but she wouldn't be an amusement again for him, no matter what the situation. Instead she assumed her position behind Brutin, and idly toyed with a deep gash in the snug leather enfolding her forearm. Her pale features were still uncovered and streaked faintly with the glaze of blood but otherwise she looked cold and serene while she settled into guarding.

Deep inside her the emotions were in turmoil, for she wasn't able to bury the memories and was slowly realizing it. Perhaps, she just needed to try and purge herself of them instead. Remind herself of the fool she had been. He had been her first lover, her only lover and had lost her self within his arms. Perhaps it was that reminder that deepened her resolve now.

Winter cold green eyes narrowed as they lifted and she looked at the creature across the room. He was a threat to all she had worked hard to acquire. The walls of ice she had constructed inside were shaking and she considered the menace to them. Even now her Demon was stirring and if unleashed, she may end up falling back into emotions she would rather forget, once again losing her pride and her dignity. So few had even gotten that close to the truth she now hid and it seemed an evil twist of fate that one who had, was now staring back at her and she could feel nothing at all from him. He was a void of any emotion or thought and made him even more dangerous to her piece of mind.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-13 23:11 EST
He was indeed staring, looking into that coldly perfect beautiful face. Outwardly he was like a statue, stinking of blood from the recent "heroes." Standing with his arms folded, the silent guardian watched not Brutin, but Fiona.And as he watched, memories continued to play over his minds eye. One time, he and Fiona had met in the verdant gardens of Bastion's park, as the sun had set behind the spires of the city. They had shared tender hours, merely sitting and quietly talking, learning more about each other. Leather-clad fingers flexed slightly, as he could still feel the pale fingers in his own, so warm despite the chilly exterior.

Tender moments, and a relationship had bloomed. One he had thrown away, for "duty" and "honor." The mere thought brought a hidden sneer, the cold aura surrounding him growing as the anger swelled within. He had been a fool, and had bitterly cursed himself in the years since he had exacted revenge against Glashion.

Now, he watched her, as she fiddled with the torn leathers, the fait traces of blood easily picked out with the now-superior vision. He growled softly at that, at the thought of someone hurting her, and now he paused, wondering at this new-flaring emotion. Hate, but steered for a differing reason. Fiona was dangerous, deadly in her craft, but now, she threatened to turn the dark world of his existence on its ear.

It was something he needed to see to, if time could be found. But Fiona did not make it easy. Her mastery of the shadows made catching her by herself impossible, unless she wanted to be caught. So, for now, he would have to wait.

Cold emerald-green eyes met his own, and supple fingers came away from the gash in her leathers to belatedly pull the silk scarf up, covering her lower features. To the deathknight, it was akin to the sun setting, casting him again into a dark world of dark thoughts and ash feelings. Though, now, there was a glimmer there. While he knew he was damned, and would not, could not turn back from the road he now traveled, perhaps amends could be made to others.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize others were speaking. Brutin was watching two house slaves cart out the bodies of the girl's 'saviors", taking a delight in the soft sobs of the wench kneeling before him. He was ordering her to strip, which she was reluctantly, or so it appeared, doing. "A fine catch you have there, Lord Brutin." Another slaver, of one of the minor houses, comments as he watched her position herself as Brutin ordered her to.

"Perhaps, but it would be better if she were able to wear the white." The two men guffawed at the comment, while other red-silks, dutifully kneeling beside their masters, shot venomous looks at the new girl, who was kneeling in a poor nadu before Brutin. Fiona stood behind the slaver lord, the injured arm half-hidden under her cloak, ice-green eyes watching all intently. It was hard to keep his own attention at matters at hand, and again Lucius silently cursed himself for the weakness he was experiencing.

"I'm certain she will ably make herself valuable." The minor slaver chuckled again as he brought a goblet up to take a drink.

"Perhaps." Brutin, leaned forward, and looked to Lucius. "DeAuster, what do you think?"

Lucius was well aware of the eyes, especially one pair, on him, but outwardly there was no sign at all of any unease. "She is a wanton slut, wishing to claim she has bedded the master slaver." His low timbre filled the room, carrying a cold edge as palpable as the aura surrounding him. The kneeling woman shot him a dirty look, a mark of protest starting to come, but was cut off as Brutin leaned over and slapped her hard.

"I believe you're right, DeAuster." Behind the master slaver Fiona clapped her hands together, and two of the crimson-cloaked tarnsmen stepped forward to grab the protesting woman by her arms. "Take her to the sleen-pits. After she cleans them, if she is still wet, take her to the barracks to service the men." The girl's shrieks of anger and fright filled the audience chamber as she was dragged out. As Brutin and his guest laughed, Lucius had the distinct impression a hidden smirk was directed at him.

Two days after, Brutin decided to go out for the evening. It was a habit frowned upon by Fiona, as he ALWAYS seemed to attract trouble. But, he would not be dissuaded, so it fell to Fiona, Lucius and two other tarnsmen to escort him. Brutin picked a small hole-in-the-wall tavern, settling at a table near one corner to hold court. Fiona stood behind him, Lucius to the right and across the table, the two tarnsmen on the left, trying to edge away.

While they had not spoken, Lucius and Fiona did work well together. When another slaver came to pay his respects, something in the way his bodyguards acted had the two's nerves on edge. A surreptitious nod from Fiona had the tarns easing over, as she otherwise remained silent and unmoving. Lucius watched silently, eyes boring into the larger of the two, who seemed almost orcish in build.

The storm broke suddenly, one of the bodyguards grabbing the slaver's shoulder and hauling him back, sending him tumbling to the floor as another's blade flashed down, to be caught on the hissing dagger of Fiona's. The tarnsmen dived at the rear two, while Lucius intercepted a roundhouse from the brute before him. The blow was strong enough to level a normal man, but preternatural strength stopped the hamish arm cold. His own fist lashed out, the brute ducking surprisingly quick.

Fiona sent her opponent staggering back with a quick succession of slashes, the lithe elf ducking and weaving in the chaos that was erupting around them. As was typical in such places, stone-cold killers erupted at the sight of spilled alcohol, the entire tavern quickly dissolving into a mass of flailing bodies. She moved easily through the press of combatants, weaving well enough to shame Brutin's best red-silks as she traded blows with the warrior. He fell back into the crowd, tossing another into her path. Garith slashed out, catching the living missile near the ear and carving a bloody gash down to his collarbone.

Lucius was locked in a bear hug with the brute, the armored deathknight lifted from his feet as his opponent bellowed in triumph. Lucius growled softly, channeling eldritch power into a burst of energy that flowed directly into his opponent's chest. Howling, the brute dropped Lucius, flailing at his chest as his skin crawled and burned. A heavy blow to the side of his head sent the thug to a knee, and the deathknight's hands gripped either side of his head, wrenching hard to the right.

Letting the corpse hit the floor Lucius turned, catching sight of a glint of metal. Behind the battling Fiona another had appeared, a dagger coming up to strike her in the back. Lucius reacted, raising a hand to point at the sneaking rogue. *DIE*

As the hand reached the apex the rogue stiffened suddenly, eyes glazing over before he dropped like a marionette with its strings cut. Her dagger carving open her opponent's neck, Fiona glanced back at the thud, and then shot a glance to Lucius. Eyes narrowed slightly, as she turned back to the fight at hand. A fight which was quickly over.

The bodyguards of the slaver were either dead or being manhandled into a kneeling position in front of Brutin. The slaver himself had slunk away during the fracas, which continued with the other patrons of the tavern. With a look of disgust Fiona moved to speak with Brutin, who was standing in the shadow of a pillar, watching it all with a smirk of satisfaction. "It would be best if ye went back tae the halls."

"Why' You and your men have things well in hand." Brutin chortled softly, but Fiona shook her head, sending the long ponytail whipping around her. "Nae. Too many about have their blood up." She looked to the tarnsmen holding the captured bodyguard. "Take him and Lord Brutin back to the Halls. And nae let them out of your sight."

"Fiona, you are no fun at all!" The pout was a put-on, as Brutin started for the door, the tarnsmen dragging the struggling man between them.

The brawls were starting to die down, the tavern's bouncers knocking heads together and tossing people into the street, as Fiona knelt beside the one who was apparently trying to backstab her. Two things jumped out at her; One, this one was better equipped than the ones that had attacked Brutin, and two, a small pin she discovered under the lapel, bearing the logo "DV."

"Dark Vengeance." She breathed, and then glanced around again. Someone knew that they had stepped away from the safety of the SA halls, and had targeted her. With a soft growl she let the body drop again, after taking the pin.

"I trust you are not harmed?" The chilling timbre of Lucius preceded the unnatural coldness surrounding him, but neither registered to Fiona as she rose and whirled to face the undead warrior.

"And what, pray tell, were ye doing?" Her voice was soft, deadly in its tone. Most who heard it did not live to hear it again. Lucius, however, looked on impassively.

"I thought it was obvious. I was protecting you." The words grated on Fiona's nerves, sending already frayed nerves jangling. Her hand rose and slashed through the air dismissively.

"Frell that!" She snarled, holding up the pin. "Ye have interjected yourself into a war ye have no part of." She was fairly simmering with rage at this point. She had felt the man as he moved behind her, preparing to strike. She had planned to take him down, and present him to Anathesisus as a captured prisoner. Now, however, things were more complicated.

"He was about to kill you, Fiona. I acted to stop him." Lucius shot back in reply, his already low voice dropping in tone as his starburst eyes bored into her own. An indignant light came to Fiona's eyes, as she started at the dead man.

"Ye insufferable, self-absorbed idiot! I nae need your protection!" Her hand rose, connecting hard with Lucius's cheek, ripping down the scarf as she pulled it back. Frosty emerald eyes widened at the sight she beheld, for Lucius's left cheek was partially missing, the ivory of his jawbone and teeth clearly visible against the pallid flesh. Lucius slowly brought his eyes back to bore into hers, knowing what she was seeing, and softly he spoke.

"Aye, enjoy the mar of my damnation." Teeth visibly gritted together as he leaned closer to the shadow-assassin. "THIS was my reward, for blindly following faith and honor." Crimson eyes flared as he leaned back again, his hand coming up to hide the ragged wound with the scarf as he continued. "This is my reward, for throwing away the only person I truly had feelings for, to fulfill a gods-damned political commitment.? He didn't realize fully what he was saying at the moment, but merely let the heat of the moment carry him.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-14 14:46 EST
She was enraged, and the temper she so carefully controlled flared wildly momentarily in her wintry green gaze before her restraints took hold and dragged the emotion back with impressive speed, leaving only the serenely cold mask in place. "I nae ever wished such a fate upon ye Lucius. Nae. I had hoped ye would have the kind of life ye wanted."

One that didn't include her of course and with that thought, she was spinning away. She had to secure her charge and then seek out her guild leader and attempt to explain the death of an assassin. In truth, she had to get away from him. Emotions were becoming too chaotic to contain and the words he uttered only made then claw and struggle inside. He had made his choices so long ago and she had not mattered in them then, so didn't trust the words spoken now.

Even with his wrecked features and the chill radiating off him, she was still drawn to him. She was the moth to the flame but this time she didn't wish to be burned. So she ran. Unusual for her, as she never fled from anything, but even as unhurried steps carried her out the Tavern door, she was fighting the urge to dash. For the next hour, she then buried herself in dealing with the matters at hand.

Lord Brutin had already retired for the night, so she set up guards and sent off a few to find the slaver that had attempted to set him up. That one would likely be brought in by the morning. Next, she had to see Anath. He of course wasn't pleased about the death of the Assassin, but as nothing could be done to change the situation, he assured her he would handle the flack it was certain to generate within the Council. Once all that was done, she was able to get some time for herself. Seconds upon closing the massive door of the Guild Hall, she was sliding off into the weave of black, letting it carry her off where she could collect her scattered thoughts without interruption.

The last time she had sought solace in the dark woods, had been after the shattering of her emotions. Fragments of it had hung within her breast then cracked and jagged edged. With the drama of youth, she had sought her own company to grieve the loss of something not to be hers along with the lost innocence of her own soul. Her father hadn't understood her behavior and if he saw her now he would be just as confused.

She had been raised to control all emotions and guard against the nature she carried. It was deeply a part of what she was. Something she never could change, anymore then she could round her ears or alter skin color for more then a few hours. She had accepted it and now she sought that restraint, seeking a way to once again bury the rocketing feelings.

Where she stood now was a quiet place, well off the beaten track, where nothing had scarred or marred the beauty of the view spread before her. The lake glowing from the sliver of moon above and the sound of night activities rose in a crescendo to her senses. Yet the serenity of her hiding place didn't ease her bubbling emotions, but here she didn't feel the need to guard against them so rigidly. None would see the strain on her pale features or the raw emotion that shone in the bleak green eyes.

In private she could allow some of the memories to rise. Remembering with perfect clarity that first night. The heat and the pain, the sensations of touch and lust she thought she would drown in it. Reason hadn't mattered much, for even as she knew she should draw back, pure impulse had consumed her. At the time she hadn't found an answer for it. He was wrong for her with his God and his pious ways, and still when she was in his arms, he had felt ever so right. Even now, wiser and more controlled then ever, she still had no answers to that conflict.

Some would say there was something wrong with her. As he had been the only one she had ever stupidly allowed to touch her heart. Over the years many had tried and all had failed to get close. To touch and seek to attract her notice, but she had shunned them all. Not one had appealed, nor created a single spark of interest and then out of the blue, he was back, changed, colder, and dead and she was unable to still the heat of emotion that threatened to consume her.

She must remember the facts. He had used her, slacked his lust on her body as he saw her as little better then a whore. Her nature in his eyes had declared that and damned her to such misrepresentation, and where his perfect Sapphire wouldn't ever allow such hedonistic past times, she hadn't put up even the smallest of a fight against it. At the time, she hadn't ever felt such hunger for anyone and even today, the same could be said. He had used her, and then cast her aside to marry that virginal frigid bitch, uncaring of Fiona's feelings or her childish dreams.

She found it ironic that he had claimed to love that creature and desired her at the same time. Fiona was dark where as his betrothed had been fair. She was shorter, with more curves, and the blond had been tall and willowy. Elegant and placid as a glass of water and she was and just as bland of flavor as far as Fiona had been concerned. While she hadn't hidden herself from him, hadn't held back anything, and even now she cringed at the things she had spoke of. Her secrets nearly all exposed to one that had turned around and wounded her with words she had never expected. "It's over. I'm to wed another more suitable."

Oh at the time she had been furious. Her bloodlines if she had cared enough to display them were as pure and long as the lands she hailed from. Her cousin was a queen, and yet, those words had not once fell from her lips. The truth of it was, she simply hadn't been "good" enough to be considered a wife. Hell, she hadn't even been clean enough but for back room liaisons masquerading as romantic interludes. She had been gullible and now had to find the strength to not let on any emotion at all.

His nature now, hardly suited such attentions. She was aware of what he was and knew full well he had no interest in a dalliance of any physical disposition. So in that she had no fear. It was her erstwhile emotions that she would need to contain. It was the only redeeming feature in what she felt was a nightmare of errors on her part.

Settling her self down upon the thick stretching root of the large oak, she rested her back against the towering trunk and just lectured herself in silence. She wasn't a blind idiot now. She needn't fear any attention from him that would shake her resolve, for he was one of the undead, a warrior for Death. Lust, as far as she knew, was normally found under the "life" category and made him incapable of such urges.

She gave a moment to ponder his words. It was apparent he did at least remember her, but hard to know the extent, considering his cold emotionless eyes and the grave like rasp. For a moment she had felt his rage and did wonder if he thought she had been part of his current state. She hadn't done it consciously, but wouldn't been at all surprised to have been accused of his corruption.

"Pull ye self out of it Fiona." It was so bad she was starting to think she could feel him near and for just a moment believed she was letting her chaotic imaginings take over. It was the hissing of her blade that did alert her that someone was indeed invading her peace and she froze where she sat.

It was a desperate gathering of wandering emotions she was quickly struggling to stuff back into the rattling closet of skeletons within her mind and slowly, her inky black head turned to stare into the darkness just outside the bower of trees. It just was not possible he had dared to follow her. Had he" Would he" Why would he?

Frosty cold green eyes started to narrow now, thinking perhaps it was another one of those Assassins of DV sent to kill her. Tense and expectant now, she rocked up with a lazy motion to her feet. She wouldn't go down without a fight and would be on her feet to face them. They dared hunt her down in a place she considered a private sanctuary and for that someone was going to pay, and pay dearly.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-14 14:57 EST
As Fiona turned and headed for the door of the tavern Lucius fumed, fury radiating off of his dead form, the chill of the grave growing as the rage bloomed. Turning to the tarnsmen, he directed them to take the prisoners to the SA dungeons. Brutin's torturers would extract what the slaver lord would need, soon enough.

Turning from the tavern, ignoring the protests of the tavern owner about broken furniture, he stepped into the shadows and vanished form view. A power he had discovered after his fall, shadow walking made for an excellent way to travel, as well as capturing surprise in combat, as the doomed members of the RhyDin Council had learned, too late. The fools had thought the myriad guilds and groups of the realm would accept their arrogant proclamations; they had been wrong. Now, one remained alive, if you could call being trapped in a realm of shadows alive. It had amused Lucius to join with his erstwhile enemies in the Knights of Takhisis and the other independents in crushing the Council.

He stepped from the shadows in the Underhalls, moving the few steps to sit down on the dais; arms stretched upon the armrests as he silently brooded. She had turned and walked away. Walked away! Crimson eyes flared for a second, and then dulled again as the momentary anger dimmed again. Did she really dismiss him just like that'

No. This would not be tolerated. Fiona would know how he had felt after their parting. She used Sapphire like a bludgeon on him, not knowing the truth of the situation. The blonde-haired bitch had been using him to climb the social ladder, and had not cared for him. Probably welcomed the advances of that thrice-damned Corbane. Such had his thoughts turned, in the years sitting on this very throne, brooding over events.

"Ah, the mighty warrior returns from fresh triumphs, I see." The voice, higher in tone than his own, echoed through the Underhalls. It's owner stepped through the doors, ornate, voluminous robes billowing around the lean form as his walked, almost seeming to glide, toward the dais.

"I am not in the mood right now, lich." Lucius growled softly in reply, cerulean orbs finding the crimson-glowing eyes of his visitor. Skin stretched pale over hollow cheeks, the mark of decay arrested. The deathknight's visitor bowed low at the waist, a mocking of deference to royalty. Such was the game the undead played.

"Ah, but dark moods are the perfect time to make dark plans." Soft laughter filled the dreary hall as the lich straightened, arms folding into the sleeves of his robes. "You do remember our plans, yes?"

"I have not forgotten them, Daugolozan." His arm moving to slash through the air, Lucius leaned forward. "And they proceed as we have decided. But other matters need tending to currently."

Daugolozan regarded Lucius for a long moment before he again spoke. "Now, now, DeAuster, there is no need for the temper. We are all friends, after all."

"Perhaps my lord is simply thinking of matters of state right now, lord Daugolozan." The new voice, as light as the others were dark, replied before Lucius could growl a response. A pale hand came from behind his throne, running a ruby-red nail lightly along the deathknight's shoulder greave. Slowly, almost akin to a snake uncoiling from a winter lair, the newest arrival stepped from behind the throne, draping her self over a bare armrest. Pale skin bared along long legs and the tone midriff to best advantage, the woman again laughed softly. "After all, he IS the lord of a growing domain, one which we both serve, lich."

A look of distaste flickered over Daugolozan's features, as he regarded the woman. "DeAuster, I cannot believe you still allow that. . . that. ....Marilith have run about the place." He fairly spit out the last, his eyes giving the appearance of narrowing in his annoyance.

"Zaleena has her purposes, Daugolozan, as do you." Lucius rose from the throne and stepped down the dais, drawing a pout from Zaleena, who slipped down to sit in the throne, legs cast over the armrest as she slowly drew a finger over the red silk outfit she wore to smooth it down. Lucius paid her no mind, stepping over to face the lich, eye to eye. "You continue your experiments here at my suffrage."

"And don't you forget, it was I who came up with the plan to dominate the most powerful groups of the nearby realms from within." Daugolozan spat back, his own eyes now blazing as brightly as Lucius". "Along with my plans to make a better breed of undead, we will cow this realm, and the others soon enough."

"Indeed." Growling softly, Lucius half-turned, extending a hand to Zaleena, who quickly slipped from the throne to glide down to the other two. "Zaleena, I want you to work with Daugolozan here for the next few days in helping him obtain what he needs in his experiments." The demoness's expression fell at his words. "What' No, you can't be serious!" Her expression aghast and mirrored Daugolozan's own. "Do I have to?"

"DeAuster, I have no need of this"creature's help." His venomous tone had Zaleena's pink tongue flashing out at him in a petulant expression.

"Enough!" Lucius roared, causing both to jump. "You will do this, while I tend to other business. And when that is settled, we will return to our own plans. I have spoken!" Whirling, he stalked toward the doors leading to the passage to the surface, leaving the two to stare at one another.


Date: 2006-08-14 15:01 EST
"I have spoken!" The words, a high-pitched mockery of Lucius's last comment, had Daugolozan giggling softly as he moved around his laboratory. Set up in what used to be one of the servant quarters of the upper keep, his laboratory was filled with tables of bubbling beakers and glass tubing, and bookshelves lined the walls. The lich was carefully pouring a mixture into another beaker, still chortling softly. "The utter arrogance of that whelp is astounding."

"Can you blame him?" Zaleena joined softly with his laughter, lounging in the comfortable chair behind Daugolozan's desk, heeled feet resting on its corner. "There's not many who can match him in power, you know." "Yes, but that arrogance will be his downfall, if he is not careful." Setting the beakers on the table, Daugolozan approached the desk and the marilith. "He does not suspect our alliance, I trust?" "As much as I bitch about you, I daresay no." Red lips curling into a smile, Zaleena looked up at the undead man. "Nor does he suspect your true nature, Dauggy dear."

"Excellent." Hands rubbing together, the lich moved around the desk, to caress her cheek almost gently. "Our little ruse is earning dividends already, my dear. I have a lead on two new artifacts already."

"And you want me to try to track them down?" An eager light came into the marilith's emerald green eyes, as she moved to stand. Daugolozan nodded, stepping away to take a parchment from the near table to hand to her. "This is the best direction I have to the first. Follow it, and see what you find." Zaleena gave a quick glance to the parchment, which was rolled up with efficient movements and tucked into the waist of her fluttering skirt. "If DeAuster asks, you're looking for spell components for me."

"Of course." Stepping closer, Zaleena gave the lich her best smile, batting her lashes coyly. "We'll celebrate when I get back, yes?"

"Ah yes, we will celebrate." Teeth flashed as Daugolozan smiled. Zaleena quietly pouted as she turned to head to the door. She was been trying hard to attract DeAuster's attention, the better to control him, but the deathknight seemed oblivious to her charms. And be damned if Daugolozan wasn't reacting either. Alas, she would have to just try harder!

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-14 15:03 EST
Storming into the darkened hall, Lucius stepped into the shadows, using the threads to feel his way through the dark domain. The dark weave thrummed with power, as well as the signatures of several who could travel through them. One such aura he now focused on, and moved toward.

Stepping back into view, he glanced around. He stood in the bowl of a large oak, near the edge of a forest clearing. Eyesight as sharp as an eagle at night looked around, as well as other sense he now possessed. She was near.

He should have known Fiona would still be angry with him. Their last meetings had not been easy. He did not blame her for that, would not even blame her for locking away the times they had shared into a small corner of memory, to be cast away from the light of day. After all, he was a pox to her, a weak and vain mortal who could not control his emotions and lust; a man who could not even make a correct choice.

So be it, he would live with that. That man was dead, purged of the weakness in the fires of the dark rebirth. She may pity and hate him, but they would come to an understanding, if they were to be in close company again. To do otherwise would welcome disaster and he would not do that!

He saw her stand as he neared the edge of the clearing, looking in his general direction. She had gained much in her years, and moved just as lithesome as he remembered. That brought a moment of memory, a playful moment one night, in the garden of a manor house they had shared for a weekend. He had chasing her through the paths of the garden in a light springtime rain, and the supple movements as she evaded his grasps. The memory gave him pause, but then, with a flaring of the twin nova's that were his eyes, he stepped past the ring of trees into the clearing, into her view.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-14 20:11 EST
Ice-green eyes narrowed slowly at the sight of him stepping from the veil of trees and her lips took a faintly thin line, but she did return the grumbling dagger to her hip sheath. The snap of the security strap loud to her own ears even as she was battling the rage of emotions rising inside at the mere sight of him. She was reminded momentarily of the first time she had laid eyes upon him, so long ago. For a brief moment, with the darkness and the faint glow of the moon, she was thrown back to the Garden's of Lord Damrin. The lighting making the old Lucius and the new blur for a moment and made her voice sharper then usual, as she battled to get them straight in her swirling thoughts and muffle the sharp pang the memory brought. "What do ye want DeAuster?"

That grave shrouded voice of his sent a chill over her, but it's effect was hidden from his starring crimson eyes. "I wanted to speak to you."

"Why?" She snapped out with a spin and started back to resume her seat under the large tree. Her gaze sought the peaceful view, hoping it would still the turmoil that was sweeping over her senses. She should have known her retreat, would have made him more determined. He had proven that in the past, and apparently that side of him hadn't faded. Glancing at him as he started to move closer and her eyes flickered with irritation before she contained it. In fact, it looked as if he was more unyielding now then before.

"We will be working together closely. Your current behavior will not aid that." The emotionless words caused a muscle in her cheek to jump with the sudden clenching of teeth.

Eyes colder then the arctic cut his way and she smirked faintly. "Ah, I see. Well then, if my "behavior" is a problem for ye, I can always quit. I nae need to work nae more." It was taking all she had not to lash out in some way. She wanted these insane feelings to return to where she had pushed them down deep inside, and left them to rot and was more then willing to do just as she said. She could feel the cracking of the carefully constructed walls she had built around herself and felt a stir of panic. More memories surfacing in light of her racing thoughts, little moments captured like an artist renderings. Meetings in moonlit gardens, serene forests and even out of the way Inns and every last one was designed to torment her.

She could feel his silence, but as she battled to entrap her roiling emotion she just let him have the time to contemplate her offer. She had cast aside such things years back, the moment he had pushed her away. She found she liked her cold life and the lack of emotional upheavals that such frivolous things as "Lust", "Love" and "Passion' could create. History had shown time and time again, how such things could be the downfall of nations and races, so that choice had been an intelligent one.

Only those nights like this, when she sought peace for herself, did she occasionally mourn the loss of her own optimism and even the innocence of her youth, but she did prefer the colder calculations of a wise mind. She wasn't driven by such baser needs like so many around her. Commonly now, her behavior was not motivated by her own urges and she did prefer it. It gave her a certain edge in most instances and allowed her to keep her distance with ease.

She had worked for a Demonic clan for a time, and had been something of an enigma to them, for she hadn't cared to embrace their more hedonistic ways, and hadn't had any trouble at all shunning the advances cast her way. Her cold, emotionless and distant demeanor had held her apart and allowed her to do her job without anything to cloud her judgment. Such was her idea of perfection and she wished nothing to unsettle her perch.

Coming to a stop a few feet away from her and upon hearing her response arms lifted and folded over his armored chest. It was his turn for those red eyes to narrow and likely if she had seen his ruined face she might of caught the sneer, but as it was covered she only noted the stance. "I never thought you a coward Fiona."

For just a moment her eyes flickered with an array of hot emotions but the fire was doused seconds upon springing to life with rigid control. Gloved hands resting on her bent knees flexed but the fists never were born, instead she took some quiet even breaths and then gave a shrug. "Think as ye will. Nae matters to me how ye might take my actions. I gave up decades back wondering, or caring what ye might think of me." A raven brow arching with the arrogant tilt of her chin and her wintry green gaze flicked over him with derision.

"Ye did make that rather plain at the time. Of course I could also thank ye." This time rose pale lips took a bitter turn and she gave a low, frosty laugh. "Ye did teach me that I was a fool and that emotions were a waste of time. Nae to mention that "Love" is but a frivolous illusion, shadows have more substance then such a, " A soft snort floated from her, "vague feeling. Tis but a pretty word to excuse more primal urges and nae anything to waste me time upon."

She could feel the rage growing inside him and the sheer energy it was radiating did have her coming slowly to her feet. Her movements unhurried and she forced them to seem almost casual. Cutting another sharp look his way and just gave a tight brittle little smile. She had one thought coming to her mind and that was simply to get away from him before she lost the tenuous thread she had on her wayward emotions, but she also had some pride and wasn't about to flee, even if her emotions were storming fragile defenses.

"Was there something else ye be requiring then DeAuster?? A nimble step up on the thick bark covered root she was nearly as tall as he was now, and just took a lazy lean against the massive trunk behind her. Her gloved hands now moved towards the low-slung belt riding her slim hips, with thumbs hooking to rest in a casual pose.

Her ice-green eyes now rested upon him, just waiting for some sign or response so she could spring to action. The anger wasn't stilling, in fact she was almost sure it was growing even more ominous. A confusing thing, as she had been the one cast aside, and no matter the reason, the rejection still stung, even if she hated to acknowledge it.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-15 09:09 EST
Watching her as she moved, he remained immobile simply standing with his arms folding over the blasted chest plate. "Aye, milady DeWil, I have one more thing to say. . ." He watched her closely, as he waited to see what her next response would be.

A raven dark brow arched slightly but she also remained unmoving, and just regarded him with the chilly gaze she had perfected over the course of years past. "Alright then, say what ye wish." It was taking everything she had to remain still and managed to appear coldly serene and she was actually starting to resent his presence and what it was creating within her. "I wish to apologize for what I did to you." Could it be, the timbre of his voice, however sepulchral, softened just a bit' Perhaps, as he remained unmoving, except for his cloak, stirring lightly in a slight evening breeze.

That brought a low sharp laugh from her and her head turned to look out over the water; the movement sending the long sleek braid she wore swaying faintly behind her. "Aye, ye apology be accepted." Assuming that would be plenty enough to get him to leave her in peace now. "It's in the past and best left to rot where it should, don't ye think DeAuster?" Had he expected forgiveness" Who knows" He remained motionless, though, even if his tone returned to its normal resonance. "Just as I should be rotting in a crypt?" His head tilted slightly as he regarded her.

Her features tightened again, only for a brief flash of a moment and then she forced herself to relax and just turned her gaze back to resting upon him. "I told ye already I nae ever wished any of that," hand moving in a sweeping gesture in his direction. "Upon ye, DeAuster." Had I wished ye dead, I would have nae warned ye about the assassination contract, now would I" "

"Indeed. And I wished to tell you I was sorry for hurting you." Her gaze was returned evenly, for it was not easy to nonplus the undead. "I have thought about it for some time, hoping I would be able to tell you this one day. "

Rose pale lips twisted into a mockery of a smile and she shifted, the tension riding her body as mercilessly as the feelings all struggling to sweep past her controls, but she restrained them with sheer force of will. "Then consider ye have assuaged ye soul of any wrongs ye might have done to me, real or perceived."

"Perhaps, if you truly meant that, would be able to." No change in the tone, which would unsettle many who worked with body language. "I cannot change the past, Fiona, however much I may want. I can only mark the future." And now, he did move, an arm slowly sweeping around. "And that future is serving under you. That, I will do to the best of my ability." Now some of the temper she was struggling to contain slipped past the walls she erected around them and her winter green eyes shot to meet his and then just ground down her teeth before responding. "Fine, and what are ye hoping for in the future DeAuster" I have been trying to stay strictly professional so nae see much reason for this discussion."

"Because we have a history, one made worse by my rash actions." The arm came back down, folding against his chest again. "I felt it better we at least attempt to confront our past, so we can work together."

She had hoped he would have forgotten that past but knew such a wish was fruitless and now, she felt a need to move, stepping down lightly from the stretching root and away from him with another sinuous sway of her braided hair. "So, how, pray tell shall we confront it DeAuster" "

"Now is the perfect time to vent your anger at me." He said simply, as he turned slightly, watching her move. "I would not want you distracted in the middle of combat, where you could be hurt."

"I nae see any reason for venting any anger upon ye now for my own misconceptions of the past DeAuster. It will not distract me or get in the way in the event of combat either." A smirk he likely couldn't see as she was walking away from him slowly towards the lake edge. "I nae care enough to bother upon such things."

"And for that, I am sorry." He could not say anything more than that. He did not know how to make amends. "If I knew how to change things, I would."

She turned around and looked at him and then time her laugh was calm, soft and low. "Nae ye wouldn't. Ye would do as ye did before. The same thing as before, ye be a creature of habit and if ye nae knew what was to come, ye would still be wedded to ye own kind. There is nae any going back DeAuster. What's done is done and it truly is best to leave it to the dust of the ages."

"Would I?" He growled softly. "If that is what you wish, then so be it. But I have to ask. . .?" And again, the quizzical tilt of his head. "Can you stand side by side with me?" She sauntered towards him and came to a stop beside him with her expressionless ice-green eyes meeting his and a brow arched. "If that be ye way of asking if I will cover ye back DeAuster, then the answer to that is yes."

"Just as I will protect you." He nodded slowly. He had already proven that earlier, with the assassin. "I hope I have not inconvenienced you, in killing the assassin." Lucius was not repentant of the deed itself, however.

"My Guild leader is handling it, so any inconvenience will be his and nae mine." She shrugged that off easily and then moved away from him, she only had a certain amount of tolerance after all.

Such he expected, as she moved away. He didn't expect forgiveness, couldn't ask for it. He could only offer regrets. "That s good. I will have the bodyguard interrogated, and will find out what he knows."

"Aye. If he knows anything, ye be hoping." Her behavior actually wasn't uncommon she didn't like anyone getting to close and was usually stepping away to keep her own personal space clear of any other interference.

"If he knows anything, I will learn it." He growled softly, with a soft nod to her. "Is there anything in particular I should ask him about?"

"Other then who is behind the attack, now. Ye see, working for Brutin, there is always something going on. Someone is attempting to usurp his power by fair means or foul. Tis the beast of the business ye might say. They peddle in flesh and thus, nae have much regard for even their own." She commented softly.

"I do not remember this particular slaver." But, being new to the circles, it was entirely possible he had yet to meet that one. "Is it possible, given the assassin being there at the same time, that this was a ruse to get to you?"

Turning around her hands moved down to rest on her belt as she regarded him and then gave a light toss of her dark head, sending the plait dancing against her back. "Aye, it's possible. I have something or a reputation and there be plenty enough wishing to bring me down."

"I will find out if that was the case." A slow nod to her, with the pinpricks of is eyes blazing for a moment. "You have done well for yourself, I see."

A humorless smile flittered over her pale features then and she gave a slow nod. "Aye, I've done well enough. I nae need work now, but do such by choice. All this, be more to stave off boredom and rust then anything else."

A soft chuckle, as he nodded. "You have drawn the attention of someone, it seems some one with power. And this, could be dangerous." He looked to her, and found even the humorless smile appealing. "I will strengthen the patrols around the hall."

"Ye nae need do that DeAuster. I am quite capable of taking care of me self. I have done such for years upon more and am still here. " A raven brow arching again while she continued to regard him across the clearing. "The patrols can always be put to better use, then for any concerns regarding myself. It's only what I expect considering the duties I hold."He slowly nodded to her. "As you wish, milady DeWil. I will see to the interrogation. I will report to you as soon as I have extracted any useful information."

She moved towards him again, forcing herself to meet his glowing red eyes but her own gaze gave away nothing to the inner turmoil she was feeling. "Aye, that will be fine. So, have we now covered everything ye wished DeAuster?"

Lucius slowly nodded, his own emotions also hidden. It was amazing, feeling again, after all this time. "For now, milady. Unless you have something else to add?" "Nae, nothing more to add. Ye have a good evening." She was going to wait until he left them pace herself to exhaustion but for the moment she looked cool and unruffled, unlike how she felt inside.

With a nod, he turned and headed for the edge of the clearing. "Be well, Fiona." Said as he reached the trees and paused, a slight twist as though he was looking back. She returned his nod and was heading back towards the tree, the facade erected starting to crack but she held it long enough and once he was out of sight, she didn't need to guard so much against it.

Stepping into the shadows the deathknight faded from view, the aura of cold fading as he did.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-15 14:23 EST
Once he was gone, she could relax, if what she was doing could be called such. She was more in edge then before. A curious thing her anger was more towards herself then him now. True, she felt bitter about him and his place in the past, but the fact was, it was she who had the problem. It came down to her having to stop fighting the reminders and just let them go, maybe it will help her come to grips with the abrupt return of the only man she had allowed herself to love.

Remembering now, with keenly sharp details the first time she had ever laid eyes on him. She had little knowledge then of the impact he would have upon her, but now, against her will she was drawn quickly into those long lost days. Those memories feeling as if they had happened a life time ago.

It had been just another job. She was to find a way to get close to such a politician, a creature of vast vanity and stolen power so the request had claimed. Her father had offered it to her, knowing her own personal dislike of such creatures. She didn't care for their two faced antics and had dispatched a few on her own for the simple pleasure of it. Thus, when the Dubh Order had received this contract, she had been the perfect tool for this illicit operation.

It had taken her some time to find a way to get close to the mark. Each step had been done with great care after all. He was well guarded and his home was fortress of traps both physical and magical. Her usual means of travel appeared to have been recently blocked, meaning to her that he might have gotten some intelligence about his imminent demise.

He was just the type she could enjoy watching the life fade away from. He was seen as something of a hero in the regions he was based, but his secrets were as dark as the abyss. The veil of goodness that he wore appeared to work on most, but she did have some inside information about Lord Damrin's dark closet of snakes.

It wasn't that he was more evil then good that irritated her. On the contrary, that would have amused her. It was his belief that he was above everyone else. He was better then the rest. He didn't have to answer to anyone and could do as he liked, and he would never be caught. This was where she found the disgust rising. This creature thought he was on the side of good, yet condoned actions against those he felt were his enemy in the most devious of forms. It was a trait many of those self proclaimed "Do-Gooders's" often did. To her, this was it's own sin. It's own form of evil. One shouldn't hide what they truly were.

Not to mention, she had discovered over time, that those that claimed right to the "Good" and "Light' were far more inclined to back stabbing, betrayal and out right murder, all in the name of "Right". Their "Right".

It then took her a few weeks to get into a position for action. Using a few of her father's ties, she took on the role of which she had been born and yet usually sought to avoid. A visiting Noble's daughter from Sarion, recently sent on a tour of the regions of Zymiar. Of course she didn't use her real last name, but by using the contacts was able to slide comfortably into the guise she knew rather well and into the very circles Damrin traveled.

With some slight manipulations upon one particularly greedy family, seeking a rich connection, she was offered a place to rest and relax for a few days before continuing on with her travels. While there, an invitation to a formal ball was then gifted. It was all rather simple really. Such societies seldom look past the appearance to what lay beneath a pretty surface. Not to mention, Ladies of breeding, simply didn't fall into the category of dangerous. At least not in the minds of those she now found herself associated with.

While she had a certain confidence when it came to her chosen profession, she found the antics of the Upper Classes rather a vapid affair. It was true her own linage was as pure and regal as their own, her upbringing was not a study in insipid giggling and vacant thought. So, even as she did attempt to blend in, her nature alone made her stand out as a rather serious young lady. She often heard the comments, said under a breath or under an over laced fan, that she was odd.

"Must be living out there without proper associations I wager." One feather headed Miss commented.

"Lucky she has money or she would be on the shelf forever." Another patronizing matron was over heard.

This hardly caused a moment of concern. She didn't need to fit into this world for long, thankfully. This would be her own personal vision of hell. She was not seeking a Husband, having little need for such forms of protections. Nor was she vain. Shallow was simply not a part of her nature and after looking on upon an entire region of it; she thanked the Goddess she had been blessed with a full functioning brain.

The night of Ball was a clear one. Stars shimmering like silver dust in the black sky. The home of Damrin was lit up with bright lights and candles lost in tinsel flowers that lined the drive. If one was of a whimsical mind, it could have been called Magical by its very design. He spared little for cost in this display of power and wealth and it showed in the opulence.

She had refused to adorn herself in the common pale shades favored by the current fashion. The mere thought of wearing anything pastel had nearly made her ill, not to mention, she might need to flee swiftly, and a light colored garment would hardly aid such a flight. Hence, she had chosen to wear an emerald green velvet dress instead. Red would have been better for it did hide bloodstains, but at the horrified look on her hostesses face at the suggestion, she had to alter this rather swiftly. Claiming she had only been making such a quip in jest.

With every known manner of pomp, they were lead into the massive ballroom. Joining the already large crowd of guests under the sparkling candle lit chandeliers. Knowing only to well it would be some time before she could slip away unnoticed, she forced herself to smile and be introduced to Societies elite.

Eventually, she managed to excuse herself and slipped out into the dark gardens for a breath of air and a means of getting a fast look at the lay of the lands, as was her habit. She never failed to determine the best routes of escape before committing to any job and this one would be no different.

It was outside where she first saw the man. While the darkness masked his features, his aura was a touch hard to miss for one of her unique nature. Few in this realm were what she could call holy, but this one, gave off the light of being the real thing. Ice green eyes watched as he spoke with one of the Lords and her sharp ears strained to hear, but the soft rose scented breeze caught the words from her attempts making this impossible.

"What in the Goddess's name is a Paladin doing here?" Was the thought as she continued to watch from the safe veil of shadows. For how long the two men stood there she could not say, but eventually they parted company with the customary salute of hands and still she watched as he returned to the sparkling room inside.

It was the inkling of worry now that brushed over her mind. Her dagger was hissing, having felt the presence and was hardly helping alleviate the sudden sense of unease. She wasn't used to such emotions and with her usual calm reasoning, decided to find out just why one of those Holy Creatures was here. His attendance could conceivably ruin her plans and that hardly pleased her.

Determined, she turned and quietly slipped back inside. It took her only a few moments to locate her prey, amidst the thong of pale dresses, satin tunics and military uniforms. One single passing thought about how he also looked just slightly out of place among the strutting peacocks before she brushed it aside and set about discovering who he was and why he was in Balevar this very night.

She was not one for pursuing the opposite sex. She had little time for the frivolous foolishness of liaisons or even casual romps, however, even she could admire this man. He stood well above the other men in the room, exuding a certain confident dignity that the rest lacked in this realm of vanity. The long shag of auburn hair and trimmed beard gave him a wild look that stood out. It was obvious he was not from this Balevar, but again, the fission of unease fluttered along tensing nerves. Why was he here"

His posture alone told her he was Military. The sword at his side made her skin crawl in the most unpleasant manner, but this did not deter her, not at all. She had never let the unexpected shake her, and she wasn't about to start now. Paladin or not, she would finish out the contract.

With a few carefully placed queries, she learned his name. She also had her own swift perceptions confirmed. He was not from here, but was said to be a Foreign Dignitary. Hardly a post she needed to fear. He was military as well, but the rank seemed to escape the simpletons she questioned. This information soon relieved much of her concerns. He wasn't a worry for her apparently and was only here as just another guest to this over stuffed party.

It was that cold tickling that raced up her spine that warned her, mere moments before she heard the voice of one of her recent informants calling to her. Upon turning her tension returned with a fury along with the suddenly intense heat rising on her thigh where her demon dagger rested.

Her careful attempt at casual interest had sparked the heart of a matchmaker, who was now attempting to drag this DeAuster the Paladin towards her. Her knowledge of such classes was slightly limited. She had the basics, but as she didn't know his true power, this might get ugly very swiftly. He would sense her true nature if she wasn't careful.

Drawing upon every discipline she had, she sought to mask the half he would likely detect. It was likely one of the most difficult tasks she had attempted in some time and the strain would cost her later, this she knew. However, she could hardly run now. That would draw unwanted attention and that she simply couldn't have. Instead, she pasted a polite smile on her face and braced for impact.

The faint wince as they were introduced, told her quickly she had not been successful in fully masking the Half Demon side. Luckily, there was several people around her and if he didn't look to close, he might not realize it was coming from her. The trick would be to keep this little introduction quick.

"Lady Fiona. May I introduce Lucius DeAuster. He's an Ambassador from one of those Clannish Realms. The name escapes me at the moment." The lady beamed a broad smile up at the slightly pained looking man.

"Lord DeAuster, This is the Lady Fiona, she's cousin to the Duke of Sarion."

If he was one of those that could detect lies, he would find only truth. She was Lady Fiona and she was cousin to Parllan, but after that, it did become slightly murky. Digging deep inside, she turned on her most charming of smiles and offered a velvet green hand towards him. "Tis" lovely to meet ye Milord."

"Milady." Came his response in a low deep voice and bowed with just enough effort to be barely polite over the splayed fingers.

Unable to bring herself to giggle in the manner common of the ladies here, she offered a quiet laugh instead, while drawing her fingers away. Pity he was of a Holy Order as even that innocuous touch had created a bit of confusion internally. Part found it appealing and the other side and shuddered in revulsion. "What bring ye to our fair land Milord?"

"Business." Just that one word and he seemed to need some air. His brow darkening slightly as it was suddenly assaulted by a severe headache. "If you will excuse me Ladies." And away he went, not looking back.

"Well!" The matchmaker huffed. "That was rather rude, don't ye think Lady Fiona."

"Nay, nay. He must be a very busy man. Ambassadors usually are. Now, I must find some refreshment. If ye will excuse me Milady Tristina." Waiting as was expected for a response before she fled.

"Oh yes dear. Do get some of that lovely fruit wine. It's divine really."

"Ah, yes. That sounds just the thing. Thank ye Milady."

Freedom! She was off. Gliding towards the doors towards the garden. The Paladin wasn't a threat after all. She had managed to withstand a full on confrontation without notice. Her disguise was still intact, even if her nerves yet danced about from the brief contact of hands.

"Should have used the Succubi smile on the creature." Garith hissed as she paused in the darkness of the garden and prepared.

"One doesn't do that in mixed company Imp." She whispered while brushing the skirt down over her legs and took a quick survey of the upper floors from that vantage point in the darkened garden paths.

"Aww, but it would be so much fun to try and corrupt the Holy." A snickering, devious laugh followed.

"Aye, perhaps, but I nay have time for such. Besides, tis" possible he would be immune."

"Not likely! I wager he isn't." More bubbling hisses falling from the blade now resting in her velvet fingers.

"Tis" possible he is, now hush up ye babbling beast. We have a contract to fulfill."

"I will shut up if you at least try the smile on the next Holy One we see."

"Aye, fine ye pesky demon. If I see him again, I shall throw a lingering dream upon his thoughts. Satisfied?" Ice green eyes flashing as she glowered down at the blade just hissing in her hand.

"Oh! Oh...Wonderful! I shall hold ye to that promise!" He then fell to silence as he agreed and she slipped smoothly into the shadows to locate the prey.

Senses stretching with the aid of shadowy Sentries, she found many of the usual wards of the place had been lowered for this stuffy gathering and smirked to herself. Unseen eyes sent back impressions in a collage of colors and snippets of words. Even at the chaos of which she was well used to, she caught her prey's location and was off, slipping easily into the embracing night.

Others were with him, she noted and prepared to wait for as long as needed for him to be alone. She amused herself by taking Damrin's companion's measure. Most looked as over blown as he was.

"A dim witted lot Eh Mistress?" The mental hissing of Garith floated over her thoughts and she could only agree. "One thinks that even if ye fell into sight, they wouldn't even notice."

"Oh I think they would." For one younger man did seem to be shifting uncomfortably and looking around. It was as if he could sense he was being watched. Odd, most in this realm were usually to self-centered to notice what time of day it was let alone be sensitive enough to feel anything other worldly. Not only that, it was that one who fled first. Making some rushed excuses and moving out the door as it already hunted.

Once he was gone the rest slowly followed Her target actually remained behind. Placing the array of papers into the desk and locking it, in what she found a slightly nervous manner. Making one mental note to collect those papers before she departed, for not only did the Dubh Order deal in assassinations, but also found information to be very lucrative.

Easing from the pocket of a deep corner shadow, she moved up behind Damrin without disturbing even the air. In mere seconds he sank face down over his desk into his own growing pool of blood. He didn't even have a moment to cry for help for it happened that fast. While it was true she would have liked to make him suffer just a little longer, the location and the level of guards surrounding the place made such pleasure wasteful and dangerous.

Yanking the drawer open with the splintering of the lock that had contained those papers, she peered at them a moment then efficiently gathered them up and slipped them into the bodice of her dress with a faint smirk at the blood happy dagger. "I am thinking this little contract might prove to be vastly profitable eh Garith?"

Even as the demon blade gurgled in agreement he was carefully wiped upon the satin doublet of Damrin. "I did get just a touch nervous when that Novice Paladin was here, but it seemed that worry was unfounded. He ran like a scared little puppy!"

Fiona froze then. The words echoing in her head then her teeth snapped with lips pursing into a tight line. "Damn!" Before she sheathed the dagger, she dragged its tip down over the edge of the restricting skirt. Sliding Garith home, her fingers tore the offending garment from well above her knees, leaving only the stocking clad legs exposed. "Looks like it will be a bit of flight and fight after all."

Even before she had tossed the length of cloth into the waiting shadows, the door crashed open and there the light already blazing openly from the full blown Paladin poured into the room, nearly blinding her. Not only that, he had effectively blocked any shadow avenues of escape for the glow sent them fleeing at it's very touch.

Undeterred, she moved with preternatural speed towards the window. So fast that it would have appeared as if her feet hadn't even touched the floor. Below the moat waited, but she wasn't concerned about taking a dip. It was that foul sanctified sword being drawn that had her tensing up well-deserved apprehension.

Eyes meeting for a moment, hers narrowed and intent in a mirroring of his, but the Paladin's also glinted with some religious fervor she never would understand. Then, they widened with surprise, a surprise she took full advantage of and smoothly swung her legs up on the window ledge.

"Smile at it!!" Hissed the dagger, vibrating with stinging heat on her thigh." You promised! Smile at it! Throw it off guard!?

Muttering for a moment as her gaze dated towards the wavering of that sword and what pain such a thing could inflict on one of her kind. It was due to that she simply reacted. If the action slowed him down even a little, it would be all she needed to escape undamaged. Thus, she unleashed that farewell smile. Using an arsenal of demonic abilities and every expendable bit of power she could afford in it's offering.

This was not a commonly used weapon for her, so she was also startled at the stunned expression that fell over the Holy Man's face, but she didn't wait to see for how long. Instead, she slipped from the window like an autumn leaf from a tree, letting the air catch her and pull her safely into the shadows that waited long before the icy cold waters of the moat could claim her.

She shook herself from her memories, realizing the hour was growing late and she still needed to rest. Rising with a lazy stretch from the seat on the tree and in seconds was melting into the shadows.

A few minutes later and she was entering the austere apartment she held in the city. It was a pristine place, uncluttered and elegant, but there wasn't any of her own personality found at first glance. In truth, where one might learn about her was back at her father's own Keep, here, was but a place to rest and little more. She wasted little time in shedding her leathers and was soon bathing away the grim of the earlier fight and checking the various injuries with a sort of detached air. Some bruises a few cuts, all already starting to heal with her half demonic nature.

Such an amusing thing, were as she might have corrupted Lucius, her involvement with him, had woken her demon side, and the little things like the faster speed of healing was just one of the bonuses along with more then a few drawbacks as well. Back then she hadn't been able to heal as swiftly without aid.

With her thoughts roaming she was dropping into the large canopied bed and pulling up the covers, feeling the crisp sheets dragging against her aching form and just sighed. Chilled nights like this also didn't help contain the memories either.

At least her dreams wouldn't interfere with his, for she doubted he slept and soon enough she was drifting off into the quiet rest and reverie, the one memory from earlier just continuing to play even as she slept.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-15 14:24 EST
In her sleep she tossed and turned with movements that spoke of her discomfort but try as she might, her mind wouldn't let go of those old memories. In the dreaming plain she didn't have the controls or ability to stop them. Yet she still muttered in protest as the next vision began to flow.

It had been almost too easy finding Ranuff's hold. The dark stormy night having made movement easy for one of her kind, with the shadows dancing wild with every flash of lightening above. Over the grounds she traveled, passing without even a visual ripple under the heavy water soaked tree branches. The lights of the mansion glowed in a haze a head, but she paused, going stone still and watched the figure entering.

Imagine that. She hadn't seen that one in quite sometime, but she had not forgotten him. Senses shivered in warning, of what she couldn't say, however, the job was not yet done so she couldn't heed that sudden emotion. Ice green eyes narrowed as one gloved hand rose, drawing the black silk mask down over her pale features. Perhaps he was only there for this party and nothing more. The thought was cold comfort, as her time was limited. News of the Skull had reached the Duibh Order just two nights back, and the ruling set in mere minutes. It had to be acquired at any cost for that knowledge was to remain a secret.

Ranuff's home was not warded against her kind, which was a surprise, considering he had been seeking information about Shadowweavers for some time. Apparently he had not met any Wizards that could protect against such unconventional magery that no effort had even been applied, and suited her just fine. In mere moments, she was sliding through the threads of black right towards the energy only she could sense, the beconing of the shadow skull drew her as a light would likely draw that paladin.

Once inside the room it was nothing for her to drift, listening and watching from the protection of candlelight and looming forms that mottled the study's floor. She watched DeAuster as he inspected the location and took notice of his facial expressions. It was likely the storm outside that had put this Holy one in a foul mood, or something else. None of which should matter to her, but oddly did.

She continued to observe silently as the small elegant poof entered the room. He had the look of a scholar but not for the knowledge, but for the power it gave him. A rather weasly sort of fellow she would enjoy killing if given the chance.

She was allowed a moment of amusement as the Paladin's bad temper was made more overt, his words and manner more speaking of his disgust in such matters of mythical fables then any fact. It was the exposing of her objective however that brought her attention around severely. It was what she was here for, and nothing, not in this inconvienent and uncommon facination with that Holy man, would prevent her from taking it.

"Merely stories to frighten children and apprentices." Those words made her smile behind the mask. Aye, indeed they were often spoken about in such ways. Few knew those old stories had been born in fact and if her Order had anything to say about it, they would remain as nothing more then pure fable.

She waited until the moment she felt she could act, hearing the tension rising in the Paladin's voice and noting the shock upon the nobleman's face and she shifted, fading into solid form and simply attacked. Her intent wasn't to kill, but if it happened, so be it. Garith hissed in her hand as she swung towards DeAuster, the pommel taking the lead, but he moved before the blow could find its mark.

A quick shifting and she was soon dueling with a longer weapon that brought a sharp agony to her head but she persisted. Refusing to back down even as the holy weapon swung far to close for comfort. A silent command, as the shrieks from Ranuff were distracting and soon ribbons of shadows were wrapping themselves about the smaller man's throat, bring a cicession to those disruptive wails.

She danced quickly, darting up under his guard after a wide swing of that foul blade of his and managed to send a deep slash into his forearm, but the action cost her as her mask was ripped away from her face and exposing features. Eyes narrowed and flinty as she registered the shock on his face before she darted in fast with a wide swing of her dagger towards his throat and quite nearly managed it before he spun away with another unexpected movement.

He was larger, but she was faster and used that to her advantage, taking a few bone jolting blows from that sword of his as well as a few gashes that peeled through well worn leather, but held her own, waiting for him to open up a weakness in his guard. The size of the room was also a mute ally for it limited his abilty to battle her more effectively.

When it came, she didn't wait a moment but dove in fast on pure instinct. Garith's hissing demands fogging her thoughts for a moment before she realized she had brought that blade deep into a break in his armor. The falling of that hated sword broke the spell she was under and she jerked back, pushing the suddenly still man towards the floor and ripping Garith free, his mental screams of annoyance suddenly muffled inside her head.

She had only a second but knew she had to restrain him somehow and again acted on sheer impulse, dropping down and using supernatural weight to pin him to the floor. Hardly her best plan, but for the moment it would work and give her time to think. Staring down into stunned gray eyes, her own narrowed slightly at her own thoughts. "Kill him!" Garith screamed.

Yet she paused. Logically he was the enemy, but her mind wouldn't wrap around it. She had not been sent her to kill either, but that usually didn't matter. Confusion played in her mind, along with conflict. He was the enemy and she simply didn't understand this baffling emotion that was staying her hand.

She read the expression in his eyes, and perhaps it was the need to shock him or something else that made her lean down and kiss him. The action backfired, as she hadn't expected him to respond and when he did, she found herself lost in the melding of lips. Nothing like this had ever happened before and even as she warred with herself mentally at her own insanity, she finally managed to drag herself away realizing she still had a job to do. Not only that, but she could hear with sharp Elven ears the heavy thundering of boots moving towards the study.

With one last lingering taste, she hopped to her feet and went into action. She quickly retrieved the box and hastily placing the papers along with the skull into it. A short glance towards Lucius, aware that any moment he would start to move, she grabbed up the heavy chair and sent it spinning towards the window. The silence sudden shattered with the crashing of broken glass and the explosion of wood below in the garden.

Smoothly moving towards the make-shift exit, she turned back, and smiled wickedly. She had won this round again and was already looking forward to the next time their paths would cross. However, the sounds in the hall just beyond the study door gave her little time. She had to leave now and simply turned and bolted into the storm, sliding down over the window's ledge into the waiting darkness below.

She was limited however, even the few minor injuries could become deadly if she shifted into shadow form for any length of time, thus, she could only move swift and silently over the well-manicured lawn towards the street beyond the high stonewall. Rain continued to fall in a dismal mist, but she paid it little attention, simply seeking a place to take a breath within the darker and seedier area of Straddleford.

She finally came to a stop in one of the many ally ways and took a much needed breath. One gloved hand lifted, pushing dark hair from her face before she froze, hearing a sound she didn't expect. Slow measured steps were moving right towards her and she felt her teeth grinding down hard. Even without seeing, she knew who it was, felt it even and was again struck with those baffling and confusing emotions and the serious need to understand them.

The moment the light exploded down over the place she stood, she felt a more comfortable emotion, one of fury as she drew her blade and spun about to the ready. Iced green eyes narrowed and reflected that hated glow like a furious cat. "How?"

"You cannot run from justice, murderer." He didn't answer the question and her anger expanded. She also heard the sound of those men coming nearer and knew what would happen if they caught her. Her gaze shifted to his sword, then towards the ally, gauging her own ability to get past him before the rest arrived. He had only taken one step towards her closing the distance somewhat, but she then took one as well, waiting for him to act with their gazes clashing. She would try to get away, as death was far more preferable to being caught by any city guards. However, he simply dispelled the light and she didn't wait a moment, sliding smoothly into the darkness and protection.

Why she went back and got him, she couldn't say, but as she caught sight of the men moving towards that location, she knew his actions would damn him later. One split second decision and she had him, dragging him into the darkness that was her home and out onto the safety of the rooftop.

Glancing down at the searching figures below, she looked back towards DeAuster, watching the emotions war on his face with her own confusion still muddling her understanding. Perhaps it was the mirror of that very turmoil she found in his eyes that she didn't flee instantly and leave him to his own fate. What drove her towards him she also didn't recognize for it was beyond anything she had felt before. A complete unknown urge that she found she couldn't break free from. Like some unseen hand was guiding her and she was but a puppet to it's bidding.

Heat flowed through her as his lips pressed against hers and she stopped fighting herself. Needs she had never allowed herself to accept took over, burying her logic under the sudden incomprehensible yearning.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-15 14:41 EST
As he silently stood watching the slumbering city, soft-glowing eyes gleaming under hsi drawn hood, his thoughts were unknowingly echoing hers. Replaying the snippet of memory from his perspective....

"Good evening, milord." Half-bowing, the butler stepped back as the cloaked figure crossed the threshold. "Master Ranulf is expecting you." Stepping through the threshold, the other reached up to pull back his hood, shaking water from the shoulder-length hair as it settled.

"I see that your master is entertaining tonight." Even in the antechamber he could hear the music drifting through the halls, though it had been the carriages outside that had tipped him off. The butler nodded as he shut the door.

"Yes, milord. Lord Ranulf is celebrating Maileens Harvest. However, he instructed that you be brought to his study, and he assures me his business with you is urgent." The part of the manse he led the silent paladin was markedly quieter, the sounds of the party quickly dying away. Drawing a small key from a vest-pocket, the butler opened a door and motioned Lucius inside. The smell of aged paper assailed him immediately and, as lamps were lit and raised, he saw two walls filled with shelves of books. "Master Ranulf shall be with you shortly."

Left to his own, Lucius slowly made a circuit of the room. Ranulf's tastes tended toward the exorbitant, if the ornate desk was any indication. He briefly wondered how many months a family could eat with the money this one piece of furniture would bring, and then dismissed the subject from his thoughts. Across from the desk a large window gave view to the Correll Manor's gardens. Occasional lightning flashes lit the garden in stark relief, manicured bushes towering under low-lying clouds before being plunged into darkness again. A foul night for this business, he thought, a brief look of distaste crossing his features as he turned away from the window to peruse the bookcases. Ranulf's taste in books didn't impress him either, for many dealt with esoteric subjects or ancient empires.

Perhaps it was circumstances of the request of this meeting, or perhaps it was the weather, but a clinging unease ran down his spine. The feeling that events were about to explode. The feeling he had felt many a time during his career. It was not a feeling he liked, but he also drew comfort from it. The feeling meant Leorne was with him, serving his paladin champion even as he was served in kind.

The opening door drew him out of his reverie, and he turned as the master of the manor entered the study. Ranulf Correll was not an impressive figure by any means, though he wasn't going to fat like many nobles Lucius had dealt with in the past. After making sure the door was secure, Ranulf moved over and extended a hand. Lucius returned the gesture, resisting the brief urge to give a hard squeeze. "Lord Correll, I am Lucius DeAuster. I have been sent regarding your message to the Towers of Justice."

"Yes, yes, to be sure." A wan smile tugged at Ranulf's lips as he moved behind his desk. "I'm pleased the church sent someone so quickly, and in this weather." A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a loud peal of thunder. "Such weather, indeed. I apologize for your wait. Host duties and all that..."

"Your servant, milord." If Ranulf caught the sarcasm laced in the paladin's reply, he ignored it, choosing rather to continue. Ignoring the nobleman's wave to an empty chair, he waited for Ranulf to continue.

"Yes, let us get on with business then." Cupping his hands before him, Ranulf stared up to the paladin. "Have you heard of the shadowweave?" Lucius shook his head, prompting Ranulf to continue. "There are theories that suggest a dark mirror to the traditional weave of magic. Rumors run rampant of spellcasters that can manipulate the very shadows to their own ends. "

"Merely stories to frighten children and apprentices." The paladin grunted, folding his arms before him. "Or figments of the imagination."

"Noble one, how do you then explain wraiths" Spectres" Or shadows?" Lord Correll stood and moved from behind his desk, and over to a small table next to the bookshelf. His lean fingers lifted to caress the box sitting there. "Incorporeal undead, but darker than your mere ghost."

"All you just named are aberrations and undead." Irritation was now clearly evident in Lucius's tone, head turning so he could keep Correll in sight. "Each was cast from the light of grace, and exists in the darkness of evil." The words came easily, even though his teaching had been years before.

"So are vampires and ghouls." Ranulf countered. "However, neither of those can walk through walls."

"If THAT is your argument for your theories, then you're wasting my time." Lucius started to turn toward the door, but was stayed by an upraised hand.

"My proof is in here." Beaming, Ranulf opened the lid of the box, lifting a small cloth-covered object out and setting it on the table. Engrossed as he was, he missed the scrunching of DeAuster's eyes, and the hand that drifted down to rest on his sword-pommel. "This, my friend, will prove all the 'stories" true." Reverently, he lifted the cloth, brining into view a grinning skull. Far from ordinary, however, it had a dusky-grey pallor, and one almost imagined wisps of vapor surrounded it. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Not the word I would use for it." Lucius stepped forward, narrowed eyes on the skull. "There is a taint on this." A hand came up, almost as if reaching to touch the skull, then drew back. "And how does this"thing prove what you say."

Placing the cloth back over the skull, Ranulf turned to Lucius, excitement in his features. "These remains were found near the edge of The Wastes, buried deep within one of the caves there." He kept his hand resting atop the covered skull as he spoke. "The remnants bore clothing similar to that found in the remains of ancient Karathas. But the equipment this person bore was in good condition. Not aged as we would expect." The nobleman drew out a small sheath of papers from the box. "Thus, I asked for a church representative to come and help our investigation with a divination." Lucius had been slowly glancing between Ranulf and the table, and now focused on the nobleman.

"Divination?" He was sure the look on his face mirrored the surprise in his voice, his control starting to slip. "Why in Leorne's name would you want a divination?"

If Ranulf caught the tone, he ignored it. A trait many nobles seem to possess, Lucius briefly thought, watching Ranulf set the papers aside before he turned to the paladin. "The findings that I have made are going to change everything we know about magic. Perhaps even the way we consider our place in the universe. To date this unfortunate's clothing and weapons would be the proverbial icing on the cake!"

"And this is why you contacted the Towers?" Lucius snapped, interrupting the oration. "You bring me here, show me a greyed skull, and spout stories about shadows-this and shadow-that!" His eyes bore into Ranulf's, letting that transmit his anger as well as his words. "And then you want us to bring ourselves before our god to date a pile of relics" Lord Correll, with the utmost respect, the Tower's of Justice cannot chase after dreams."

Correll sputtered, clearly not used to being spoken to in that manner, but quickly refound his voice. "Sir, your church operates on the sufferage of the Lord's Council. I have some influence there. Like it or not, you and your fellow clergy will chase after this 'dream", as you so quaintly put it."

Lucius opened his mouth to reply, but a flaring of pain in his head brought him about, sword arcing up and across in a slashing motion. Sparks flew as his blade met another and batted it away. Just as quickly it came back in, to be met by his blade again. Lucius had no time to figure out where this attacker had come from, he was hard pressed to get his sword up to parry each slash and cut.

Ranulf, for his part, had not initially seen what had brought Lucius about in such a violent way, and was about to admonish him when the intruder danced into view. His words turned into a shriek of fright, and the nobleman pressed back against the bookcase as the other two circled, trading blows. Even had he thought of running for the door, his legs refused to obey him.

Bringing the holy avenger across in a horizontal swipe, Lucius jerked back as his opponent lunged in, and felt the sting of it's blade along the back of his arm. Like his dodge, Lucius's returning slash was also a bit slow, the tip of his blade entangling in the obscuring mask and ripping it away. The pale skin and flowing black hair thus revealed was a shock, and the paladin almost fell victim to a blow that, had it landed, would have opened his throat ear to ear.

Her! Though some time had passed, those features were unmistakable. Some years before, Lucius had been sent to the land of Belevar, to oversee the current state of the church therein. While there, he had been asked to attend a ball given by a Lord Damrin. During the course of the night, the lord was killed by the woman he now faced again. Ever since, in his free time he had searched for any clue to her identity, but had found nothing.

Often had Lucius wished for a second meeting and Tyr be blessed, here was that chance! With every bit of vigor he could muster, Lucius slammed into his foe, seeking to take her off balance. She was better than that, though, not only blocking and dodging each blow, but his armor was scored by several nicks from the gleaming blade she wielded. The paladin found himself pivoting in place, working desperately to bring the holy avenger around to deflect the hissing dagger.

One small part of his mind wondered at the cessation of Ranulf's wailing, and that bit of distraction cost him. Fingers snaked around his throat and shoulder suddenly, choking the air away and forcing his guard to drop. The woman came straight in, her blade slipping neatly into the seam of his breastplate and slicing deep into his side. Pain blossomed like a dark flower inside him, Evilkiller dropped to the floor as the most intense cold the paladin had ever known seeped into his system. There was a backward jerk, and he was slammed to the floor, the blade forcefully withdrawn. His opponent hopped atop his prone form, knees pinning his arms in place.

Time slowed, and every detail of the milieu came into focus for the paladin. Searing pain in his side sharpened, along with the smell of well-used leathers. Tips of pale ears visible through the curls of ebon hair. Ranulf, on his knees near the table, hands clawing at his throat. Piercing green eyes boring into his own. Lucius knew, he was about to die.

Only, that didn't happen. Leaning over, the woman pressed full lips to his in a hungry kiss. And, to his surprise, he responded! An arm came up, snaking around her waist as he drew her close, sealing to her in way he had never done before. It seemed to last forever before she arose, tongue flicking over his top lip as she pulled away. Lightly hopping to her feet, she ran the few feet to the table, scooping up the skull and papers there and dumping them back into the box. The blade was slid away, the box collected under one arm, her other hand grasping the back of a chair. Spinning, she sent it sailing with ease through the window, glass flying into the garden along with the chair.

Levering up on an elbow, trying to fight back the pain of his wound, Lucius watched as she turned and smiled wickedly at him before seeming to melt away. Ranulf fell forward onto his stomach, audibly gasping for much needed air. Wincing, Lucius fell back again against the desk, holding a hand over his stomach while struggling to concentrate. Dimly he was aware of pounding on the door, and the splintering of the frame as Corell's house guard battered their way in. Drawing deep into his reserves, the paladin felt the healing touch of his god wash through him, knitting veins and muscle easily, though the lingering cold was present. Unsteady at first, he pulled himself to his feet and reclaimed his sword.

"Someone alert the watch. Be on the lookout for a dark-haired woman, pale of flesh but very quick." Not bothering to wait for a reply, Lucius passed through the shattered window in pursuit.

Now, where in the hells would she have gone" Pondering the question as he loped down one of the dimly-lit streets, Lucius soon stopped at one of the many intersections. Looking first left, and then right, the paladin growled in annoyance. Think, DeAuster, think! She's faster than you, so outthink her! A back way out of this part of the city, the wall!

Spinning on one heel, he took off at a swift jog, heading for the black wall that marked the outer edge of Straddleford. The alleyways there were almost completely dark, allowing for a swift road for one accustomed to such paths. Behind he heard the heavy tread of the city guard, no doubt with Correll's houseguard now, following him down the streets. He put that out of his mind, setting his focus on the chase. As he neared the edge of the Noble Quarter Lucius slowed, stretching out with his god-aided senses. To the left! The mouth of a tight alleyway beckoned him, and Lucius plunged in.

There was just enough light to avoid plowing into stacks of boxes and trash, and for him to see a dim figure near the end of the thankfully-blind alley. Lucius acted without thinking, throwing up a hand and calling upon Leorn, brining into being an intense ball of light above the alleyway. The shadows fled, leaving the figure, and indeed it was the woman, acutely visible. Still cradling the box stolen from the manor under one arm, she spun about to face Lucius, the hissing dagger firmly in hand. "How?"

Her voice was like cool rain to him, though why, Lucius did not know. Evilkiller leveled at his opponent, he cautiously stepped closer. "You cannot run from justice, murderer." Even as he uttered the words, he could hear the yells of the men following behind. Undoubtedly they had seen the light he had cast, and were closing. "You..cannot run." He said, softer this time. Do not hesitate! His mind screamed. Take her now!

The elf-woman also stepped closer, her blade slowly wavering from side to side. Her eyes darted toward the mouth of the alleyway, though Lucius knew, as he was sure she did, that she could not get past him. Looking to him again, her head cocked slightly to one side, almost quizzically. He returned the stare, again for a long second, then two, before his free hand came up, and dismissed the light. Immediately the alley was plunged into darkness again, lit by the flashes of lightning overhead. The end of the alleyway was empty, the woman having disappeared again. A neat trick. He said to himself as he sheathed Evilkiller. The voices of the men were almost upon him, and he knew not how to explain this. Nor how to explain the chase's result to the head of his order.

The decision was taken from him, in the form of a pale hand that suddenly grabbed his left shoulderguard and pulled him into the darkness. For a brief instant Lucius felt as though he was falling into the Abyss, then solid footing was his again. Blinking rapidly, he saw he was on a near rooftop, across from the alleyway. Already soldiers were entering below, torches throwing shadows against the buildings across the street. She stood beside him, only a few feet away. Her own weapon was put away, the box rested on the roof beside her.

Neither spoke, but merely stared at one another. Lucius knew he should move to attack, take her while he could. Call out for help. Anything! These logical thoughts warred with something else deep in him, something he hadn't even realized before now he had. And he could see it mirrored in her own eyes. Almost simultaneously they stepped closer, finding the arms of the other in a hard embrace. Lucius bent down to kiss her, ignoring the pounding in his head, the screaming of his teachings, and the rain that started to fall. All he knew was her, until he again fell into the Abyss.


Distant thunder awoke him, and it took a moment for Lucius to piece together where he was. He lay on a large bed, half-covered by a sheet that felt like the softest satin. And beside him she lay asleep. Fiona, he had finally learned her name. Her hair drifted across the pillows like a fan, almost obscuring her features. Slowly he sat up and slid to the bed's edge, pausing to look back at her sleeping form, then to the room itself. Pieces of armor, clothing and leather were strewn throughout the large bedchamber, and in the corner was his weapons-belt. It would be so easy now, but he made no move toward it, instead grabbing a towel to wrap around his waist as he moved to the half-open doors and onto the balcony.

The house he was currently in was in the Merchant's Quarter of the city, and the second-floor balcony gave a wonderful view of the sleeping city. The storm had moved further east, though lightning still flashed on occasion across the sky. Resting his hands on the wooden rail, he closed his eyes, letting the cool breeze wash over him, hoping it would settle the turmoil he felt. But it didn't help.

There was a faint rustling of cloth, and a moment later Fiona joined him on the balcony, tying the sash on a cotton robe. She breathed deeply of the moist air, and then looked up to him. "Ye have the look of someone with something on his mind." She stepped closer, a hand coming to rest on his arm. Softer, "Do ye want to talk about it?"

"This should not have happened." He said bluntly, the low words putting to words his crux. "I"we"it should not have happened." Glancing over to her, Lucius saw Fiona's eyes narrow slightly, and knew again, they mirrored his own.

"And why is that, Lucius?" Fiona asked simply. The question carried the weight of a rebuke, something he was not prepared for. He turned more fully to her now.

"You know why, Fiona. What you are, what I am." His hands splayed outward in a sign of confusion. "We are diametrically opposites."

"Oh yes, you're one of the noble. A paladin." Venom fairly dripped from the last word as she removed her hand from Lucius" arm. "You're the righteous arm of the faith, the one who brings justice for all." She snorted at her own sarcasm.

"You're right. I am a paladin, just as you are a murderer, a thief, and Leorn only knows what else you have done." The words came out in a rush, and Lucius realized he had said too much. Fiona's eyes fairly blazed in the candlelight from the room, and almost seemed to turn a shade of crimson.

"Murderer" HAH!" Snapping her fingers, Fiona spun to stalk to the end of the balcony, then turned back. "This, coming from a man who once sought to wipe out the goblinoids of the Dawnsbreak Mountains." She referred to a campaign two years before that Lucius, as a paladin lord of the church, had taken part. Several tribes of goblins had moved from the higher Dawnsbreak Mountains into the foothills near the old forest, and Queen Dorothy Scotts of Verrok had ordered her army to drive the tribes off. Three had been wiped out, the others fled back to their mountain warrens. Lucius started to reply, and then stopped himself, closing his mouth again.

Fiona, however, continued. " I'll make a deal with you, Lucius. IF you can answer my question, I'll go with you. I'll turn myself in, with no resistance. But only if you answer my question." After a moment, Lucius nodded assent. Taking a step closer, Fiona's voice lowered slightly, but still held the hard edge. "How is the killing of a nobleman who tortures the homeless any different from the massacre of a goblin tribe that has not attacked anyone at all??

"Amazing the silence, when one cannot answer." He growled softly to himself. Today, these many years later, he still did not have an answer.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-16 04:40 EST
Memories, such torturous things and she struggled against them, but couldn't manage to shake them off. Events and moments, feelings dredged up from the place she had thought well guarded. Rising up from the dark places she had sought to contain them forever.

The snow was fresh on the ground that winter day and she was excited. It was a new job that would bring her near to where he was, her secret lover, whom she hadn't even told her father about. She did keep her emotions carefully guarded, not letting on her delight. Stolen moments away from all others and she was finding herself becoming addicted to it.

It was a simple job, one she could manage in her sleep and after a quick inspection of the reports, saw no reason not to take it. Talcaer was located in the realms of Malarid and would surely be near enough for them to perhaps meet. She even knew a place to stay, having and old contact there who owned and operated his own Inn.

The area was in the midst of a civil war, with the noble families all vying for power so her job would be easily managed and if the man she was to kill was as vile as reports stated, she would even enjoy the work. Wouldn't take her but a day to do it, but of course she would get a week to determine the best course of action.

"His name is Lord Dynvan Carraent. He's a member of the Teodry, the opposing clan against the DeCort Nobleship. Tis said he has a taste for blood and often kills innocent woman he's seduced. Apparently he got his hands on a relation of the DeCort's and they wish to see him removed from his current position." Her father's words cut through her other plotting and she gave a slow nod.

"Shouldn't be to hard to learn this one's habits. Already have information about what places he frequents. Mostly the Dives and Hell Den's of Talcaer, but he's also known to attend the Debutante's balls, often fishing for new blood to ruin." The file was passed over to her and she returned to inspecting the contents.

"The employer wants this one to be a bit messy, but no leads or clues left to who did it. Carraent has many enemies and this way, it will create suspicion in many of the Teodry's allies."

"Aye Father. I think this I can manage easily." Ice green eyes lifting to meet the matched pair from her elder.

"Ye may want to take Falcon or Lire along. Both can blend in easily enough there." He then suggested, never to fond of sending her off on her own, even though she was one of the best his order had to offer.

"Nae, I am sure I can manage this one easily enough. I can always send for them later if I find otherwise." Gloved fingers moved over the edge of the prepared report, making note of a number of things.

"As ye wish Dear. Just do be careful. That one has slipped out of the grasp of a few, and it's said he's hired some effective guards to keep him self safe." Rhystil wasn't thrilled about her unwillingness to take others along, but he had realized she was well trained and if she felt if assistance was needed, she would send word.

"I am sure I can find a way around the guards father and still make it look more accidental then purposeful." A quiet smile touching the pale-lit features as she slowly rose to her feet with the soft hissing slide of dark leathers.

It took her no time at all to send word to Kralias Thaudin, Innkeeper for the "The Paladin's Coin", the name having a certain irony to it. In no time at all she was on her way, traveling through the shadows and then boarding a ship. Her abilities then, hadn't been as strong to carry her so far over deep oceans and she had to rely upon more traditional means.

Of course once she reached that distant shore near the capital of Malarid, she would certainly be sending a missive to Lucius. Her timing having worked out that by the time he arrived the job would be done and she could spend at least an evening in his company.

Perhaps if she hadn't been preoccupied the job might have gone a little smoother, but in the end of was done quietly and with success. As it was, she had taken more then a few knocks before subduing the guards and the mark. Then, she left a gory mess for the city watch to discover at daybreak before slipping away, leaving not a single trace to who was responsible. She had helped herself to the purses of all of them, so the word would likely come down to robbery. Such things in those locations were common enough.

Any guilt she may think to feel had faded the moment she had watched from the shadows as her mark had terrorized a young woman in the street. The guards hadn't even thought to stop him, making them little better then their employer in her mind. She had stopped that, and doubted the woman would even report seeing anything, if she had saw something to start with. Karma was a beautiful thing.

Of course she did have to walk back to the Tavern, as the injuries she had taken wouldn't allow her to use the shadows, but she was already elated. She now had the job out of the way and could spend time with Lucius.

Upon entering the Tavern, Kralias nodded her way and then stepped around the long counter to pull her cloak about her shivering form. "Careful there Lass, ye be a bit dirty." His low words floated upon her senses and caused her to nod. "Aye. T"was some half-hearted attack to rob me I believe. Set upon by cut purses I was."

Her sharp ears had caught sounds of some approaching out of the commons and would explain her response, for the Inn Keeper knew only to well what she did for a living. "I do hope ye have something for this. I think I have a cracked rib." "Aye Lass, have some herbs that will help. Ye go on up and I'll have one of the maids bring ye a tray." It was apparent he wanted her out of sight and with a glance shot to the side, she could see why. Several of Lucius's own compatriots were exiting the bar area.

She had no other choice then but to move up the stairs with another nod to Kralias. "Thank ye Milord." She knew what they would see. A small dark haired elf, and looked rather as if a good gust of wind would blow her right over. Her pale skin would only enhance the idea of fragility and was something she did often use to her advantage. In part due to her relationship with Lucius, she was becoming very skilled as masking her own true nature as well.

Of course some stared after her as she slowly moves up the steps, adding a bit more limp to the step and behind her she could hear the low murmer of conversation. The righteous ones asking what trouble had befell the young lady. She nearly laughed out loud as one's response struck her as amusing. "Young woman on their own are often targeted and her people should ashamed to let her travel alone."

If they only knew but she didn't tarry long, having headed into her own chamber and was soon taking stock of her various injuries. She indeed had a cracked rib, several gashes on pale skin and more then a few ugly bruises. Yet, for the most part she had managed things well. She had thought to wait a day or so longer before actually acting upon the contract, but admittedly lost her temper as the sight of that so called "Nobleman' bullying a frightened young girl.

The knock at the door had her drawing a robe on and soon rising to see to the maid, she assumed was behind it. The woman standing with a footman behind her and gave a polite smile. "Mr. Kralias thought ye be in need of a bath Milady and sent us to set it up for ye."

She could only nod and let the door swing open, allowing them to enter and in less then a half and hours time she was able to soak away the grim and the aches from her battered form.

The heat from the relaxing soak and then the subsequent herbal drink also sent, she was soon finding the comfortable bed and even before drifting off into a deep sleep, her last thought was of Lucius. Wondering if he would arrive tomorrow or the day after, as far as her personal wishes were concerned neither being soon enough.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-16 12:03 EST
Memories are funny things. They surface at the oddest times, interjecting themselves into situations where they can be the most distracting. Even more so are the memories of the past that one might wish to remain buried. No matter how much one seeks to lock them away, they always manage to squeeze out again

And the undead are not immune, either....

"The snows are coming early this year." Sir Herzog looked up into the low-lying clouds with a hint of distaste, the expression turning sour as Lucius chuckled softly from where he rode beside him. "You laugh now, but wait until we have to patrol in the mess."

"If the snows get too bad, we won't have to worry about it." Lucius replied as he reigned in his horse to lean over and present their papers to the gate guard. "We'll just scale back our patrols, since even orcs won't travel in waist-deep snow."

"Wasn't orcs I was worried about." The knight growled softly, kicking his horse's flank as the two entered the city of Talcear. The two had started from Ravensfast two days ago, pausing only to rest the horses, even taking turns dozing in the saddle and riding through the night to beat the weather. While Lucius had personal business in Talcear Herzog was continuing south toward Bastion, to meet a new recruit arriving from Dragons Land.

"Herzog, you worry too much." Lucius laughed softly, and reigned up beside a fountain. Leaning over, he clasped arms with Herzog, "I'll see you in four days."

"Aye. Be well, milord." Herzog saluted formally, then reigned around and spurred his mount down the street toward the south gate. Lucius continued straight, coming to a stop about five minutes later before a public stable. A few moments later, he was walking briskly down the street, his cloak pulled close to ward away the slow-falling snow.

He felt the disturbance before he heard the voices, kept low, coming from down a side alley. His curiosity piqued, Lucius turned to move down the alley, but was stopped at its head by one of the city guard. "You cannot pass."

A brow rose slightly at that, and a heavy-gloved hand pulled back the edge of his cloak to reveal the clenched-fist-aflame emblem of the church of Leorn. The guard's eyes widened slightly, and his moment of surprise was enough for the paladin to slip around him and move down the alleyway. To his left was a half-closed door, suspicious eyes peering around the doors edge at the commotion outside. The sign above the door proclaimed it the "Hoarfrost Tavern." One of the many dives half-hidden around the city.

Another guard moved to bar his progress, and again Lucius flashed the emblem. "I am a representative of the Tri-Spires of Leorn." Lucius growled softly, invoking one of the ranks he held in this realm.

"A representative well away from his home base." Another spoke from near the shadows, and as Lucius looked that way he noted the flinch of the guard. "Your name?" Lucius felt an edge of anger creep along his spine at the imperious tone, and in turn the edge crept into his reply.

"Lord Lucius DeAuster, Knight of the Ordos Militant and master of the landhold of Ravensfast." The shadow next to the guard shifted at the other stepped into the half-light between the two buildings. Even taller than Lucius, the lanky build was offset by the fine chain mail vestment the man wore. Glittering snow-blue eyes bore into the paladin from above a black silk scarf that masked the man's features from view. But the most startling feature was the emblem on the bared vestment, a flaming fist before a set of scales.

"Well met, Lord DeAuster." The briefest of nods accompanied the introduction, and with the emblem in evidence Lucius was lucky to receive that. "Lord Torg Margeth, of the Ordos Hereticant." The paladin's eyes narrowed slightly as he returned the nod of greeting, even as his mind raced. It was not often one met a member of the church's inquisitorial branch, even less often one of the feared Lord Questioners. There was a certain amount of enmity between the two orders, as many of the Lords Militant thought the methods of the Hereticant crossed the line they were sworn to defend.

"And what brings a Lord Questioner into the alleys of Talcear?" Lucius asked, almost conversationally as he moved to peer past the two. Margeth's hand came to his shoulder to press him back, but a scathing look had the hand releasing him. Even the most headstrong would not bar another lord of the church, not without good reason.

It was nasty to behold. Three men lay in the alleyway, mingled blood splattered along the walls and on the ground. One lay curled at the base of the wall, cold hands clutched at his stomach. A second's legs were visible through the smashed remains of a shipping crate. And the third lay sprawled in a doorway, eyes staring up at nothing. At a glance, the two had been savaged, and he felt fairly certain that the one in the box was also, given the amount of blood. "Who is he?"

"Lord Dynvan Carraent." Margeth replied, after he had sent the guards to the mouth of the alleyway with a hand motion. Lucius nodded slowly at the reply. Part of the war that was flaring up again. He was already considering what to do about the situation as he regarded the corpses. As his fingers rubbed his chin Lucius realized his question had gone unanswered.

"And why does a clan-murder attract the Hereticant?" He turned to stare at the other man, who returned the look evenly.

"There is a taint about this place, Lord DeAuster. Surely even you can sense it?" Again, a flaring of anger, this time at the demeaning tone Margeth used. "I have been sent by the Council to investigate alarming rumors that has been reported by loyal members of the clergy."

Lucius bristled at the accusatory tone, but he refused to take the verbal bait. "Indeed. I will be certain to pass word of your diligence to the Tri-Spires." Each read the other perfectly, and after a moment Margeth nodded slowly.

"Aye, well and done." Lucius returned the nod as he turned to leave the alleyway. In truth, it was as much to get away from the inquisitor as it was to return to his own business. Behind him, Margeth watched the paladin turn onto the street, his eyes narrowing over the silk scarf.

Lucius passed through the small crowds in the streets as he headed toward the inn he would be staying in for the next few days, absent nods to the ladies given as he hurried along. Herzogs trip to Bastion had come at the perfect time. He had received Fiona's message just days earlier, and had been thrilled at the prospect of her being so close. It had been easy to explain the trip and stopover, instead of traveling on to Bastion.

He paused at an inter-section turning left toward the open-air bazaar a few streets down. Even with the approaching winter intrepid traders were plying their wares in covered stalls. Lucius slowly walked down the small aisles, perusing the goods on display, though he studiously bypassed the gaudy red tent near one corner. While he knew slavery was legal in this realm, he personally abhorred it. Even catching the quick glimpse of the tent set his back on fire again. He wondered briefly how Fiona would take in the sight of his back now.

Keeping the soft growl to himself he turned back, heading for the entrance of the bazaar. The guards stationed at the entrance were given a curt nod as he passed, and then he again turned aside on impulse, stepping into a small shop he had just spotted. A small bell chimed as the door closed behind him and warmth surrounded him as he pulled his hood back.

Falls of silky fabrics surrounded him in an ocean of color and styles, and the paladin had no idea where to start looking. He was rescued by the arrival of a young woman bustling in from the back, wrapping a thick shawl around her shoulders. "Good morning! What kin I do for ye today?"

"I'm looking for a gift." Lucius replied after a few seconds hesitation. In truth, he had no idea what to do or get. The woman seemed to sense his nervousness, as she chuckled softly to herself.

"Ah now, milord, would this be for ye mistress, mayhap?" That brought a hard glance, and this time there was no hesitation in his reply.

"No. This is for my ladylove." He was looking at a nightgown folded neatly on a shelf, gloved fingers lightly touching the delicate material.

"My pardon, lord. I nae meant any offense." The clerk turned to look at her stock. "Perhaps ye could tell me what the lovely looks like, and I can help ye with the choice?"

Soon, Lucius was walking down the street with carefully wrapped packages in his arms. The shopkeeper had been helpful indeed, for when he had told her about Fiona's inky-black hair and pale skin, she had picked out a shimmering black silk nightgown and diaphanous robe. "Imported silk from deep within the Expanse, milord. Ye ladylove will look simply beautiful in it!" Lucius had agreed as he looked at the flowing silk and lace inserts, already seeing Fiona in the gown. The keep had further piled on stockings and other undergarments, insisting they completed the outfit. She had tried to sell Lucius shoes also, but he had been firm on that. Except for the one time, when he had first met Fiona, he could not remember seeing her in anything other than boots or barefoot. In the end he had bought a pair of slippers, as he had started to feel the urge to continue.

Ahead he could see the sign proclaiming the Paladin's Coin, where he was to meet Fiona when she arrived. Packages carefully held under one arm, he pulled open the door and entered, missing the ice-cold eyes watching from across the street.

"Good morning, milord. Ye need some help with that?" Lucius shook his head as he set the packages on the counter, and looked to the man behind.

"Nay. I believe I have a room waiting for me?" Glancing around, he took in the place at a glance. Finding a sitting room and bar to one side and stairs heading up. The lay out was simple, and yet efficient.

"And what name would ye be under, milord?" Picking up a small register, the innkeeper started to flip through the pages, until he came to a page only half-filled.

"DeAuster." Lucius watched the finger scan down the page, and then, a satisfied grunt. "Ah, yes, milord. Your room was made ready this morning." Turning, the innkeeper took a key from the wall and handed it to Lucius. "It's the third room on the left on the second floor. I am Kralias, master of the Paladin's Coin. Whatever ye may need, merely ask."

"Indeed." Lucius replied, picking up his packages as he did so. With a final nod to Kralias he took the stairs up, easily finding his room. Once inside, the packages were set on the small table, and the fire stoked before he removed his cloak and upper armor. Only then, did he sit down to a glass of wine from the jug already in the room and enjoy the heat of the dancing flames as he waited for her?

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-17 01:45 EST
Glancing at the missive that had been passed to her by a dark wisp of a shade and she looked it over, with her features showing a sudden tension about the eyes and lips. She was alone at the moment thus the expression wasn't as carefully guarded as it could be, and the words she read were the cause.

Fiona, Falcon is on his way to meet with ye, and should arrive sometime this afternoon and will send word. He will await ye at The Dancing Fox to fill ye in on recent developments. New information has been discovered regarding your current location and there are more risks involved then first thought. Please hold off in taking the contract until further information can be collected and verified.

Love, Father.

She wasn't at all sure what to make of this and her fingers closed tight around the thick vellum it held. It was to late now, so she would need to meet Falcon to let him know of this, and hopefully learn more about this "new information" that had her father taking risks with messages and even using the same words. It made her nervous where she hadn't been before.

Just a short time earlier, Kralias had come to her rooms, after she had her breakfast that a maid had delivered with a milder form of the healing tea again provided. Even now, much of the damage was fading on pale skin. His news however had already created a certain fissure of unrest within her. He told her the city was now under the authority of the Ordos Hereticant due to the death of a recent high Noble. Indeed, it appeared her mark had friends in both high and low places. Discovering that a Religious Order was somehow involved in this war also wasn't a surprise. She suspected they were likely playing both ends against the middle and hoping to get a foothold once the conflict was done and the victor was set. Such was the ways of most, including her own on the rare occasion. Even this duty she had taken, was part of that.

Her arm rose, flinging the parchment with some force into the hearth, then watched with impassive ice-green eyes as the greedy flames licked the words to ash. Well, even if she had wished to leave she dared not do so until the date she had specified when entering the city. It was clearly marked upon her travel papers after all. Luckily for her those were also in order. She had not even told Lucius about her status, as it wasn't terribly important to her, but it was useful sometimes to use.

Few would look twice at a visiting noble generally, and while her father was a third born, he had power he displayed openly while the Duibh Order was standing behind him and held in silence. Gold and Wealth in the end was the true power and not the bloodlines or the Gods for that matter either, as rather like the pure breeds, Deities were also as fickle and warlike.

She did chaff a bit at the prospect of having to look the part of a lady in public, but again, luck was on her side for she had brought some garments suitable for the area just in case her and her lover might go out. Her leathers would be put aside for the time and she would garb herself in a dress and in the aura of innocence.

Considering that other Paladin's where staying here in this Inn, she should have realized something was going on. She was now relieved she had thought to request a separate room for Lucius. She didn't wish to risk harming his reputation anymore then her own and even if he didn't use the chamber, the connecting door made it a very useful thing for at least appearances. Considering others of his own status were also residing inside the Inn, care would need to be taken.

It was grating to realize what she had hoped would be a peaceful idyllic interlude now had some flaws. She only hoped he wasn't bothered by them, for she certainly hoped her own concerns would fade, as she waited for the end of the week before making her own unassuming and quiet departure.

Her attention was caught then by the knock upon the door and she rose with a slow stretch from the seat by the fire to answer it. Just outside a young woman stood with a tray holding a large pot and some mugs, and a platter of pastry, and atop that a wax sealed missive rested. "Master Kralias asked me to deliver this to ye Milady." The girl didn't stay simply passed her burden over and then just dropped a quick curtsey before moving back down the hall.

Using a finger she flipped the parchment open and a smile curled on rose pale lips at the news found there. She didn't wait then, her toss spinning the message into the hearth out of habit and she was heading for that connecting door. It took Fiona only a moment to push the false wall aside and draw that door out of the way before doing the same on his side. Taking a deep breath then she stepped into the other chamber with a glance sent around. This room wasn't as large as her chamber but was just as comfortable by the look of it. Her gaze was quickly upon him and her smile grew as she watched him. "Good morning to ye Lucius. I do hope ye trip here was without trouble?"

He was instantly up on his feet and once he had placed the glass of wine down, Lucius was moving towards her. "Other then taking to long, no trouble." The words were barely out of his mouth before he swept her up into a tight hug. A smoldering kiss then followed, and once done they were both flushed and warm. "I brought you something."

Her pale green eyes lit up with humor as she gazed into his face. "Did ye now" Well then, bring them along to my chamber so I can see. There be a pot of coffee and some pastry there." Not to mention the bed was bigger then the one found in his room.

Leaving everything of his for the moment in the room appointed to him, he collected the parcels and was moving after her, entering the other chamber. The morning light had been muted by the heavy curtains drawn to hold back the brighter blaze of sun, casting a warm glow on the rich wood inside. The scent of pine, coffee and the spice scent she favored also caught his attention and brought a faint smile to his lean features.

Fiona had waited until he was inside to slide the doors closed once more and gave a soft laugh at the array of packages he held. "Ah, it looks like ye got caught by a zealous shop keeper Lucius."

He dropped the gifts on the bed and gave a nod before looking her way. "I do hope you like them. I wasn't sure, but wanted to find something special."

Her gliding silent step carried her towards him and she gave another soft laugh. "As ye got them for me, I am certain to love them." Pale fingers picking up the first and started to unwrap it, unearthing the elegant gown in rich black silk. A brow arched at that, but she laid it carefully to the side and moved to the next. Within this one the matching robe, that wasn't designed to keep one warm was found. By the time the last of the silken garments was unwrapped, she was laughing quietly. "Everything is lovely Lucius."

He was standing near and watching, with an uncertain expression on his face and she could sense he was nervous that his gift might cause insult, but she wasn't at all upset. It wasn't something she would have gotten for herself, being a bit more daring then what she usually wore, even though she did have a weakness for silk and lace.

"Why don't ye have a seat and get some coffee while I try these things on." Another first for her as she hadn't ever dressed to please a man before but if he could take the time to buy such things, she would make the effort to wear them.

She took her time, stepping behind the dressing screen. There she shed the leather pants, vest and black silk shirt and soon was sliding the delicate garments onto ivory pale skin. The black stockings shimmered against her legs as she hooked them to the garter with little trouble. She wore such things when required so knew how to handle them. The shimmering fabric was like a caress against her skin as the gown settled along the lines of her body and even the delicate slippers seemed to fit. She was a little self conscious over the lace insert, as it exposed much of her upper body to the navel in a sharp "v" but as he had seen her with nothing at all, she just pushed the worry aside. Donning the robe last, she took a few more moments to unbinding the heavy plait of her hair, releasing it from the tight braid she favored and letting the thick raven dark waves free to flow down her back.

She had no idea how it all looked, but if the expression on his face was any indication it must have looked very nice. His sharp, indrawn breath brining a touch of pink to her pale cheeks, and as the morning wore on, she didn't wear the garments long, as they were soon tangled up upon the large bed and spending a heady morning entwined in a lovers passionate embrace.

The images caused the slumbering Fiona to stir, tossing the covers aside with a sudden restless kicking of legs. She didn't wish to remember this and was valiantly striving to push the more heated memories back and somehow, found the means, pushing a fast forward button on those more sensual impressions. Racing past the private moments of heat and friction to the next part of that old, tenacious remembrance.

Whispers were moving through her thoughts, stirring up the older, baser needs and she didn't want that. She wanted to remain hidden behind the walls of her ice fortress and fought against anything that might threaten the safety found there so the voices were also shunned subconsciously even in sleep and forcefully wrested control, to just how much she could endure.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-17 01:48 EST
Moving with grace along the walkway, she mentally cursed the cumbersome green skirt she wore. Finding that having to hold up the hem was even more draining then her usual afternoon practice sessions. However, she had gotten the message and dared not wait. She hadn't wanted to leave of course, but considering that Lucius was tired from the long trip there and their late morning tryst, she had left him sleeping quite soundly and headed off towards her own business.

The Dancing Fox was located near the market square and like her own Inn of choice it also was considered more upscale. The tall Inn front rose with the tower rooms decorated like a gingerbread house, with the whitewashed front and the darker brown trim that appealed to the eye. The warm scent of spice and tobacco assailed her senses as she entered, the footman offering a polite smile as he held the door for her and inside she stepped.

Unlike most of the ladies here, Fiona didn't care for the wearing of the garish bonnets so her gloved hand rose to draw back the fur trimmed hood of her cloak instead and she then quietly looked about. It was Midday and the interior was quiet and peaceful after the chaos of the street outside. Even before she could move towards the front desk to acquire after the one she was to meet, she heard a voice coming from the common room.

"Ah, Milady DeWil, there ye are. Punctual as always." The tall form with the black hair and eyes bowed politely towards her from the doorway. "Ye father has sent me as currier." "Greetings to ye as well Milord." She wasn't sure what surname he might be using this time so went with the safest reply and moved towards him with one of those insipid smiles she had seen many affect. "I hope Father is well?"

"Aye Milady. He of course does miss ye and is as always concerned of ye care, but let us get ye some hot tea and sit for a spell near the fire. Tis a chilly realm here." His dark eyes were holding shadows of laughter even as he played the role of a perfect gentleman and escorted her towards the very spot near the hearth.

In minutes she had a ridiculously dainty tea cup in her gloved fingers and was looking over at Falcon with another vague smile moving over the rose pale lips, even as his words spoken low touched her ears.

"This man Dynvan Carraent has ties to one of the Holy Orders. Not a name one would find on their books either. He be one they hire to do their less holy works ye might say." The tall form settled back with all the casual lazy grace of a Dandy and smiled just as benign as the same.

"Nae matters Falcon. The job be done already. I saw a chance and took it, but it's caused a bit of trouble now. I think ye may have noticed when ye arrived that security is now elevated."

For just a flash of a moment a frown touched his brow but was gone before it might be noticed. "This is nae good news Fiona. Ye father nae wants ye caught up in this, tis why he sent me. I was to take this job from ye and get ye back to the Keep, post haste."

"Tis to late for that now. I can nae leave without good reason at this point, without drawing attention." She took a sip of the hot tea but her gaze remained steady upon his over the gold edge of the cup in her fingers.

"How long will ye need stay then" I told them nae more then 3 days myself." He said with a slow nod and a quiet laugh falling, for the benefit of the serving girl passing. "I said a week, for that was what I had thought I would need, but as I said before, the chance came and I took it." She replied with another honeyed smile sent towards him. "Did ye make it look to be a robbery?"

"Aye, I did. Though, I should tell ye, some Paladins did see me return to the Inn afterwards. They be thinking one attempted to mug me, for that was the story Kralias gave them." She placed the tiny cup down into its matching saucer and gloved hands folded in her lap.

He was again looking thoughtful and soon gave another nod as he put down his own snifter of brandy. "Did ye bring the purse with ye?"

"Aye, I did. I have nae even looked inside them truth be told." She was already sliding them easily into a pocket of shadows, knowing he would clearly see where others wouldn't and again gave a soft airy laugh. "It was just a little scary Milord, but I am for the most part unharmed." The sound near the door had caught her attention and it only took one glance over to see the gleam of armor as a few figures entered, with their pristine cloaks fluttering before the door was secured once more.

"Tis a dreadful thing, but I did tell ye father ye should be traveling with an escort. Tis a pity your companion took ill. Perhaps I should look to find ye another in Rysandri since it is ye next destination before ye trip home."

She nearly snorted at that, but controlled it, even as she felt eyes resting upon them where they were seated. "Only if ye can find one suitable Milord. I can nae take a prattler. I find them rather grating."

"Ye can be assured I shall see to it Milady DeWil." He was passing over some papers to her and a heavy pouch. "Ye father wanted me to deliver these to ye. Tis some more information and letters of introduction."

There was only a microsecond narrowing of her eyes that Falcon caught and sat up slowly, reaching for his snifter on the table. "Did ye wish more hot tea Milady?" He asked, and his head turned as if looking for the serving girl.

Fiona had never seen such an insignia before, the flaming fist over the scales of balance, or maybe it was justice but she knew the rest of their appearance only to well. More servants of that God Leorn, and yet, these men held a different feeling then the one she knew. Darker, crueler even, if such a thing was possible in said "holy" comrades. It made the fine hair at the base of her neck stand and she fought back the urge to shiver as chilling snow cold blue eyes clashed with her own wintry green gaze.

Much of the man's features were mystery to her, for his lower face was covered and instantly reminded her of an Inquisitor from books she had read as a child. He was a tall man that carried himself well, but something about him rang discordant to her. As her own characteristics was masked with her own youth and other assorted magical aids, she wasn't worried he would detect her half nature, but she dared not seek deeper what it was that sent jangling danger signals swimming over her nerve endings. It was one glance at Falcon and she could tell he wasn't pleased, and catching that sudden tension line near his mouth her gloved hand lifted and she placed it lightly on his arm. "Milord" I do hope ye will escort me back to the Paladin's Coin" After last eve, I nae feel so comfortable making my way back alone."

"Of course Milady DeWil, I would nae even consider letting ye walk on ye own with the sun setting so early as it does on these colder days." The line relaxed under the force of a suave smile and courtly dip of his dark head.

Of course, even before they could start to ready to leave, she would have to endure another cup of tea for the serving lass was delivering it and so she sat and they traded in small tall. Her mentioning some names she knew in the realm but had not yet seen, and him commenting about light hearted gossip from the courts of their own home. Until that single man approached, sweeping those cold eyes over them. "Forgive my intrusion, but I am curious about where you two are from' I couldn't help hearing, and noticing you speak names I am not familiar with."

Fiona's words stopped instantly, fading at the interruption with a glance to Falcon, as she had not expected them to be so, intrusive. The feeling radiating from this one was even worse closer up and she was sure it wasn't any "Holy" aura or presence causing it. It didn't have "That" sensation about it. It was starting to make her a little light headed, as if he was using some sort of mysterious skill or talent to try influence others. What ever it was, she found she didn't like it, or the one that was making her so damned edgy.

"We are from the Lands of Zymire, under our great Regent, Queen Bronwyn Astria Kallaryn Milord." Falcon replied with all the proper loyalty of the mentioned Queen's court. It was also amusing to say he was actually one of her closest councils, but this few knew with the exception of those of her family, for Bronwyn was also Fiona's oldest cousin.

There was no emotion in those vigilant eyes, which continued to regard them with unblinking intensity. "A land I am familiar with in name and location but can still say our Order knows little about." Was his reply, which was offered in only what could be called a barely civil tone.

Falcon didn't bother to hide the fleeting play of expression that moved over his finely crafted features and gave a rather casual shrug. "Our land has its traditions sir and it is a place of many mysteries. Nae only that, but we have our own beliefs that nae always are easily understood by outsiders." His own reply head just enough of an edge to just hint at the arrogance he was restraining.

"So is it true it is a land of Heathens and the Godless?"

Fiona felt sure under the black silk mask that one was smirking and just widened her eyes at him in surprise. "Indeed Milord, our home is nae that of barbarians. We have many Gods and are as educated as most here, so can hardly be considered Heathens." Her softly spoken words carrying a shocked tone that would well match the guileless expression she wore.

He shifted with the slow crossing of arms that many might find intimidating, but only managed to irritate both he was currently interrogating, but luckily Fiona and Falcon were well schooled in keeping their own expression and responses neutral. "There are rumors that your "Queen" has shunned the Church of Leorn."

Ah, the horror, Fiona thought, but wasn't at all surprised, for her Cousin's beliefs followed the land she ruled. Most practiced the ways of the old Elven powers of nature and the Gods of the Earth and Sky, for even as a youth, that had been Fiona's own path, but as her own mixed nature had started to blossom and grow, she had been drawn towards a different road.

"Our Queen does not "shun" any religion's sir. However, our homeland still follows the older ways. Times before even the rising of ye own God. Ye people would have a difficulty finding followers amongst our citizenship. Many are comfortable in the traditions as I stated before." A brow started to rise upon Falcon's face as his own words took a sharper edge. Oddly, this male seemed to be taking a sort of perverse pleasure in trying to goad them. At least that is what Fiona was starting to believe as he again spoke, the words having a rather brittle cadence to them. "Is it true your Royal allows Orcs and Ogres to roam about freely upon your soil?"

There were a few small settlements near the mountain regions to the north, and Fiona knew some of them, and found most of them peaceful enough. Of course they didn't live in a place where threats were ever constant so they had no need for the more warlike behaviors either. "We have a few there. However, they don't tend to leave their own areas and mingle with the rest of our land. Perhaps those living on our land are less aggressive then the ones here. They have been there centuries and not once in our own history that spans from the beginning of our realm have they ever caused us a single problem." Her table companion now made little effort to hide his own annoyance with this Paladin and in fact Falcon was flaunting it now. A gauntlet stretched out towards her companion then. "I do hope your papers are in order, for I will see them now." It wasn't a request but a command and for a moment Fiona was sure Falcon might decline to allow this one to review his traveling documents. Of course he did take his time removing them under his cloak and passed them over, wearing a cool and slightly tight face.

"Ye will see they are in order. I travel here often." The veneer of civility was now gone and it was apparent.

"I see they are. You only arrived today by the seal." Those were returned before those cold blue eyes rested upon her. "And yours miss." Again the hand was extended with the gleaming of armor-protected fingers.

It was a good thing she tended to carry such things with her and was soon drawing out the small book, containing the past weeks location. She had arrived late the evening before, and as her action had been on impulse and chance, most wouldn't think she was able to commit such a viciously brutal crime, so she passed them over without even a blink.

"It's Milady. She is noble blood and should be addressed as such." Falcon then growled, playing the role of protector with surprising effectiveness. "Ye have insulted our home, demanded our papers, and to be honest "sir", the lady had only recently arrived and was accosted but a night later in this "fair" city of yours. Tis nae been the warmest of welcomes."

The Paladin snapped the book closed and returned it to Fiona's waiting hand as she dutifully kept her eyes lowered, and even felt the heat of color moving over commonly pale cheeks as the words Falcon was grumbling. "As we are now patrolling the city, the lady is sure to not be harmed again." He was again looking at her with those calculating eyes of his and she was fighting the instant urge to shift under its penetration. "You were attacked when "Milady" DeWil?"

"T'was last night sir. After bonnet shopping, having noticed the ladies here have a fondness for that fashion and I nae have any and thought it best I see about finding one. I got lost, nae knowing this city and whilst wandering was," She paused with a hitch of breath, and her words going a little weaker, as any delicate creature would find such an experience unsettling. "Attacked. They took my small purse. I nae let on that I had another at the time, and I nae ever carry all my money with me anyway. T'was a harrowing thing, I felt sure they would do me harm having already knocked me from my feet at the start."

"Did you see your attackers?" It was a sharply pointed query and she slowly brought her gaze up to meet his, looking innocent and none to bright.

"Not really sir. It was dark, the nearest lamp being some distance away. I remember one smelled strange. Rather like he had been injured, for he carried that scent of. . . of. . blood about him." Again her soft words caught and carried a believable amount of horror. Elves were known for sharp hearing and other senses, but not all could see clearly in the dead of night or darkness. Of course she could, having an affinity with the shadows, but this curious man wouldn't know of that side of her nature.

"Ladies of your apparent status shouldn't be roaming about the street after dark and alone Milady DeWil." He replied in that flat droll and then with a nod he was walking away, satisfied for the moment.

Quite aware she had just been insulted, she decided to ignore that, as it had been vague anyway. She was more concerned about his interest in her and Falcon. Fiona also wasn't sure he believed her, but now, she wanted to be away from the watching eyes and was quickly moving to her feet. Outwardly she appeared a bit shaken and for once it wasn't faked, but assumed they were well used to creating such a mood in most, if his behavior was any indication at all. "Milord, I am nae feeling to well, would ye please escort me now?"

"Of course Milady." Falcon was already on his feet and cutting a smoldering glance to the three men now seated next to the entrance and still inspecting them. Muttering as he offered her his arm, he gave her gloved fingers a light pat. "Tis an affront to be sure, and they be calling "us" heathen's eh' Bah, this them that lack any manners if'n ye be asking me. Ye just ignore that lout. Ye father could buy and sell a dozen of his ilk and ye just remember that." He pitched the words low enough they would have to strain to hear them, but neither Fiona nor her companion had any doubts they had heard them none the less. His words also carried a ring of truth, even if it too, was a thinly veiled insult in kind.

Passing out into the now quiet and dark street, she glanced up at the man with her and just gave a weak smile. Her role still in place even as her free hand caught the skirt up and away from the dirty walkway as they started away, and neither spoke for a good block or two. "Do ye think he believed me Falcon?" She then asked quietly, as her ears tracked every sound near them.

"Aye, I do. One like him doesn't see woman as much of a threat. I think he thought I was more dangerous." Which made her laugh, for the Shadow Mage had skills she had yet to master and was more deadly of the pair. Of course in this instance he was actually innocent of any crimes.

"So what now?" She then asked, even as the warm light of the Paladin's Coin came into view. "Ye stay until the date ye already listed. I would suggest ye do pick up a bonnet. I will handle the order notes, for I know one lady here that can assist, and has little love for the Leorn followers. Will send word where and when tomorrow evening via a shadow messenger. Nae hide either for I suspect he will be watching for ye and myself. In fact, I shall send word for ye Father and have him send such a message delivered by the magical means some use here. Requesting that I escort ye home. Tis best to cover all bases at this juncture, for they are suspicious of any and us being outsiders, makes us easy targets." He paused a moment a few feet from the door. "Ye being a woman and me only having just arrived is the only thing likely keeping them from laying blame upon us now. This land is already in chaos and if they be here to investigate, they would like nothing better then to accuse our Queen of allying in this clan war."

That brought a sharp look from Fiona and she glanced around before leaning close and whispering to him. "Ah, but Falcon, she has taken a side." Then, without even waiting for him to answer she was slipping inside the Inn, where Kralias was already waiting for her.

"Will ye be dinning in ye room tonight Lady DeWil?" Was the first question from him even before she shut the heavy wooden door and she glanced over a shoulder at him. "Aye Kralias. It has been a trying day. Do ye know when I went to meet my Father's assistant I had to endure an inquest by one of those shiny men?" She affected a shudder, just as another one of those very creatures stepped from the common room. Instantly pale cheeks filled with rose being caught so to speak, but in fact the color was from keeping herself from laughing at the look on the man's face. "Beg ye pardon sir." She gave a quick nod and was then scurrying up the steps and exposing one slender stocking clad ankle in her haste.

She didn't even wait to listen to the conversation now occurring below instead she slipped into her own darkened room. Once the door was closed, she could see him clearly in the faint glow of the banked fire radiating from the hearth. He was still asleep, and had cast the covers from his upper half off sometime while she had been away.

She stood gazing at him for a long moment, marveling at the simple perfection of him. Toned muscle, the tousled auburn hair and trimmed beard on his chiseled face combined to make her catch a breath. Such an uncharacteristic thing for her, as no other had ever had such an effect upon her, yet this one man did. It was moments like this she could feel frightened. His association to her could create so many problems for him, and yet, she was selfish. The rational side told her to walk away, but the up until recently absent sentimental side demanded she stay for as long as possible.

She was memorizing every moment with him, savoring each smile and suddenly in the midst of shedding the hated skirt she paused with the silk falling around her stocking feet and just gasped in shock at the sudden stunning realization that had hit her. She was in love with Lucius.

It was so impossible she had another uncommon moment of feeling the purely feminine need to weep, but forced back that urge with a pressing of fingers against her suddenly stinging eyes. How had she allowed herself to fall for him' They were polar opposites. He of the "light" and her of the "dark", and she was certain he couldn't love her. Not with the same intensity. He might be fond of her, desire her, but love, was to far out of reach, and again her gaze was drawn back towards his slumbering form. She could make him love her, but even as the thought formed, she instantly shut off the whispered voice of her Demon. She would never do such a thing to anyone, let alone one she realized she really did care for. Her father had always warned her to guard her emotions but somehow, the fail-safes had malfunctioned. Her heart had settled upon one she sensed was her soul mate, but whose path did not follow her own. It was a gut wrenching realization and she quietly sank down in the chair before the hearth, suddenly unbalanced and reeling with an unexpected flooding of fear. What was she to do now"

She lost track of time sitting there, but then a quiet sound just in the outer hall, had her moving, snatching up the black silken robe from the back of her chair and pulling it on over the restrictive corset and her stocking clad legs just as the maid knocked. Even though her thoughts were scattered, she did have enough sense to pull the curtain of the bed, veiling Lucius from the lamp she lit and any curious eyes, and then moved to let the woman inside. "Evening Milady. Master Kralias sent this up for ye." If the woman was curious about the slender woman needing so much food it didn't show as she placed the laden tray on the table. "Thank him for me and ye as well." She pressed some gold into the woman's hand. "Do ye want me to set this up for ye Milady?" Fiona was then asked by the smiling servant but all she wanted was her gone.

"Nae miss, I was just changing and nae want it getting cold." Her hands were holding the robe close and praying that with all her roiling emotions they didn't pick this moment to shift on her.

"Well then Milady, ye just ring the bell if ye need anything else." Offering a quick bobbing curtsey, she was heading out the door quickly and leaving Fiona behind to just wilt. A quick look under the covered plates to find the feast of slow roasted beef, steamed vegetables, baked potatoes along with what she assumed was a bread pudding and various fruit. Unaware that she was releasing the scent into the air and did jump at the sound of his voice behind her. "Ah, that smells wonderful and I'm starved."

She hadn't even heard him move and as her head turned she peered over at him where he was slipping nude from the warm covers and her face was flushing with another rose blush. "Ah, I hoped ye rested well Lucius?"

She couldn't drag her eyes away from, for he was like a magnet and her gaze feasted upon him as he stretched lazily then moved towards her. "Oh yes, I did sleep quiet well, until you left."

She finally forced herself to look away and busied to lay out a table with hands not as steady as she would like only to end up nearly jumping once more as his arms wrapped around her from behind.

"I am curious about where you went." Warm breath and the timbre of words sent a thrill of sensation through her and caused her to go still.

Her honey warm voice caught only slightly as she responded, seeing no reason to lie to him. "I had a message from my father and went to meet his assistant. Seems he wishes me to visit a few friends in Rysandri before I make the return trip home. Lord Falcon delivered some more gold and a few letters of introduction that I will need."

The sensation of his warm lips and the brushing of his beard nearly unhinged her as her knees went weak from the impact of that touch on her senses. "I hope this doesn't mean you need to leave before planned."

"Oh nae Lucius. I shall be staying here for the few days as scheduled." Her wintry green eyes drifting closed as he brushed another soft kiss against the side of her neck and she swayed back against him. "I thought ye said ye were hungry?"

The low warm growl only drew another shiver across her own heated skin as his response floated into her ear. "I am, just not sure for what at the moment."

"It would be prudent to eat before it gets cold." Her own words holding a breathless quality that wasn't at all normal for her, but she was again falling under what ever spell he created, every time he touched her.

He released her slowly with another quiet laugh and then those slumberous dove gray eyes watched her with a slow wicked smile curling on his lips. "You are right of course, as we will need the energy later."

Pulling her robe closer around her barely clad form and just gave a soft chuckle before she sank down into the seat beside his. She was fighting the tremor in her hands as emotions were bouncing all over the place, but once she had a modicum of control she was soon partaking of the succulent feast provided. "I met one of ye Order at the Inn where Falcon is staying. Nae a name or anything, but he wasn't like ye Lucius."

"Oh?" He paused in mid bite to look over at her. "What do you mean he wasn't "Like" me?" Already a faint frown was drawing on his brow, thinking such a thing had to be more then just a coincidence as well.

Laying down her fork, her fingers entwined before her as she returned his suddenly tense regard and it dawned on her he wasn't pleased. "His vestment was different. Was a flaming fist before the scales of balance or justice, I believe, but it was nae that which I meant." She paused for a moment, unsure just what she should tell him, as he may not believe her, considering her nature, which he was quite aware of. "He felt different from ye and others like ye. Made me feel ill, but nae in the same "Holy" way ye weapons do." Teeth caught her lip a moment, picking her words with some care.

Her voice dropped a touch, still serene and soft, but holding a hesitant tone. "Ye be knowing what I am, but I am nae the dark creature ye be thinking. Tis by choice I walk the path of neutral." She then gave a low, faintly sheepishly laugh, before continuing. "Aye, I can be quite vicious and in the eyes of some I may be evil, but I nae kill the innocent. I nae will ever kill children or those known for good deeds and true kindness. Tis a fact that there be few in this realm of even other worlds where there are any that are truly innocent, but I have some morals. The man of ye Order that I met, well, I suspect he nae has any such restrictions. Tis a coldness, a malicious and merciless nature I sensed in him and it made me quite nauseous as the cadence of it, held what I can only call vindictive malevolence." Fiona's ice-pale green gaze lifted and caught Luc's intent gaze.

"Tis a man that be hiding under the blanket of purity and hides his true face with more then just a silken scarf. A face that be far uglier then many I have chanced to meet, and there be plenty in my own past that were well known to sadistic and cruel ways. T'was seen in those snowy cold blue eyes of his and felt."

She couldn't know if he would believe her. He may desire her, lust for her, but she knew there was a side to Lucius that may not allow him to trust her words. The flaw of their relationship was her profession and a fault in her nature by birth that could make it difficult for the Paladin in him to have any faith in what she was saying.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-17 12:20 EST
Fiona's news had stopped him from eating, as he listened quietly to her relating her meeting. His fork set down, he shifted to better face her, an arm moving to lie across the back of her chair. When she had finished he paused for a second, digesting what she had told him.

"He is an inquisitor." He said finally, eyes narrowing slightly as he considered his words. "I don't know why he is here, except that he's looking into the killing of some noble."

"Which would explain the feel from him." Fiona replied, still watching him closely. She could feel the anger coming from his normally calm aura, and for a moment regretted telling him. "I nae told him anything about knowing you."

"If you meet him again, tell him as little as possible." Lucius's arm slipped closer, onto her shoulders, and Fiona leaned against him slowly, her head resting on his broad shoulder. "I don't know why he is here, or why he has so much power in Talcear. The church has taken a position of neutrality in this conflict."

"Mayhap things have changed." Fiona said softly, looking up to his set features. "The slain lord, he be dead because of me." She felt the short jolt of his body, then a shift as he looked down to her. "A contract placed by the DeCort family." There. She had said it, and they young woman tensed, waiting for the explosion sure to follow.

"Which would make him a member of the Teodry." A soft grunt, as pieces started to fall into place. "But it still does not explain Margeth's being here."

Fiona had nearly fainted with relief, as he had not exploded on her. Unwilling to push it more, she changed the path of the conversation slightly. "He nae cares about the people themselves, but tis secrets he be after."

"Indeed." Lucius nodded in reply. "I will see if I can find out what he is doing here." He leaned over to gently kiss her forehead. "And, if this investigation should suspect a certain black-haired elf-lass, well, I will deal with that also."

Fiona's eyes widened slightly at that. He was saying he would interfere in an investigation, to protect her. "Nae, nae! Don't ye dare do anything to?" She had started to shake her head in protest, but Lucius brought a finger up to her full lips to stop her.

"Don't. I will not let you get into trouble about this, especially with an inquisitor about." His eyes darkened for just a moment. "They have ways to extract information even from the most zealous. You will NOT fall to him."

"Lucius DeAuster, I can well take care of meself amply, thank ye very much!" professional pride flared, and she leaned back to fix him with an icy stare. "Only one has even come close to catching me."

"Aye, and I plan on keeping you close too." Chuckling softly, he leaned forward, pressing closer to her as his hand pulled her robe open enough to slip against the tight satin of the corset. And after that, the only sounds for some time were those of heated passion.


Date: 2006-08-17 12:22 EST
"Hey, where's Lucius?" Zaleena's beatific features were clouded with irritation as she faced the ghostly form before her. Of the many beings she had met in her time, not many irritated her as much as Corbane.

"The master is currently engaged." The spectre floated before her in the passage, looking in death as he had in life, albeit a transparent apparition. Zaleena's frown deepened as she glared at the spectre, her arms folded across her ample bosom.

"Well, why don't you float on down and tell him I need to speak to him?" Zaleena's pouty lips turned upward as she put on her most charming smile. Corbane's expression, however, remained impassive.


Zaleena stared at him for a second in shock of the simple refusal, and then sputtered for a second. "Excuse me?"

"I said no, Zaleena." Now his features did change slightly, as the flash of annoyance pushed past his cold exterior. "He has given strict instructions not to be disturbed." A ghostly hand came up, finger extended to forestall any other outburst. "And do not attempt to charm me. The pathetic attempt was not worthy of a succubus, much less a marilith." The spectre spun in air and floated off, leaving Zaleena sputtering in rage behind him.


"This will not do." Daugolozan hissed in irritation, looking up from the book he had been perusing. Zaleena stood across from him, her body radiating anger from her earlier encounter with Corbane.

"Well, you can deal with that floating spook next time." The marilith growled, a tapered fingernail lightly tapping her forearm. "The damned thing flat-out refused to do what I said!"

"And what did you expect, my dear?" the dracolich leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled before him as he contemplated the demoness. "He is, after all, DeAuster's seneschal." Huffing softly, Zaleena whirled on a heel and stalked over to a nearby couch, where she sat with another petulant sigh. "What bothers me is DeAuster's apparent lack of focus recently." Daugolozan continued, rocking slowly in his chair.

"He hasn't said anything out of the ordinary to me." Zaleena studiously examined her fingernail as she spoke, a sign she was irritated. "But then, he is one of the most tight-lipped males I've ever known."

"Yes, it is too bad he appears immune to your charms." Hissing softly in amusement, Daugolozan stared over at Zaleena. "I want you to go out, and see why our "ally' has lost his motivation so suddenly."

"And then?" Zaleena peered over at the dracolich, who had leaned forward to reply.

"And then, if need be, we will eliminate this distraction."

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-17 12:26 EST
Memories, sharp as a dagger, can slice into the even the darkest of souls. The body forms scars, reminders to let one know they are alive, but how do you mend an ever-flowing fountain of regret'


Lucius lay back on the tousled bed, Fiona lying quietly beside him, her head resting on his chest. She stretched languidly, her legs entwining with his, then settled again. A pale hand lightly traced along his back, a fingernail finding and tracing one of the scars along his back, eliciting a twitch of muscles under his skin. Kiss-bruised lips turned down slightly, as she looked up to him questioningly.

"Happened about two months ago." He said quietly, as she again ran a fingernail along the pink scar. "We stumbled on a raiding party attacking one of the small hamlets near Ravensfast. Slavers looking for an easy mark." He stretched slowly, grunting with the effort as Fiona rose up on one elbow, looking up to him.

"They led us back into the mountains, and jumped us with an ambush." He continued, laying back into the pillows, with an arm behind his head to support. "Four of us, myself included, were captured. Needless to say, they were not happy about our interference."

Fiona's eyes narrowed slightly at the light tone he had taken. "What happened next?" she asked simply, her hand moving to rest on his stomach as he lay back.

"Over the next two days we headed back into the passes of the mountains." Lucius's eyes focused someplace else for a moment, as he thought about the past. "Then, we made camp, and they decided to get some payback for the one's we had killed."


Gritting his teeth, Lucius fought back the sharp grunt of pain as the whip bit into the already-torn flesh of his back again. He could feel blood running down his back from where the whip had already lashed into him, his back aflame with pain. His hands were lashed to a treebranch above him, and his armor had been stripped away after he had been knocked unconscious after the ambush.

Cold grating laughter came from behind him, undoubtedly the one wielding the whip. "Dammit, I'm gonna get this one to yell, I tell ya."

"Yeah, yeah, just like you got those last two ta scream." Unabale to stop himself Lucius glanced to the side, where Karn and Selgeth's bodies had been carelessly tossed. The two had each been subjected to the lengthy kiss of the whip, and when neither had cried out the more sadistic of the slavers had taken to them with knives. The villagers that had lived this far into the trek had been forced to watch as the slavers slowly tortured the two men, as an example.

And each had died without making a sound.

Lucius had also watched, alongside Borric, as the two men he had commanded were slaughtered. And he had sworn to make them pay for the innocent blood being spilt. He had been the next picked, however, and now he stood, another "example' to the villagers.

Coarse laughter again came, and the bound paladin closed his eyes, steeling himself for the hiss of supple leather, and the crack of the whip as it met yielding flesh. The only hiss he heard, however, was that whistling by his ear, and the gurgle of pain coming from behind him. Eyes snapped open, to see several mounted warriors thundering into the glen, with Herzog and the knights in the forefront.

The slavers scattered, scrambling for weapons in the sudden onslaught, and Lucius was helpless but to watch as battle was joined. That is, until one slaver ran past, heading for the bound villagers. Gripping the branch that he was bound to tightly, Lucius heaved himself up, his legs arcing out to catch the man around his neck, where a sudden wrench to the side snapped his neck like a twig.


"Herzog had managed to follow our trail, and arrived in the nick of time." Lucius finished his tale, and looked into the deep emerald eyes of his lover. Fiona had remained still, listening, and now she lay down again, her head buried in his chest as she hugged him tightly.

"Remind me to one day thank him." She whispered softly, and then leaned upward to press a gentle kiss to his lips.


Worn leather creaked softly as a fist slowly clenched shut, and the soft-glowing eyes blazed under the drawn hood. "Sharper than a drawn dagger." he growled softly, turning away from the vista that held no answers, the armored form fading away into the welcome embrace of darkness.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-18 03:19 EST
She woke, feeling as if her head was stuffed with cotton batting and under her eyes shadows could be seen. She had slept but the dream had been so vivid her sleep hadn't been restful. Fingers dragged the heavy curtain of black hair out of her pale face and she was soon moving into the bathroom to prepare for another day. Ignoring the array of pillows she had obviously tossed from the bed and now littered the floor.

She was tempted to run for it. It was one of her most unreasonable thoughts of late, and as quickly shunned for she didn't want him to think he had chased her off. Her pride wouldn't allow it. It was apparent to her he had no trouble at all working with her, and all the issues now were her own. Meaning, she had to get a firm grip on her re-awakened emotions and just stuff them away again, deeper and father down this time, so they would never again find the light of day.

She was going to take advantage of Brutin's stable this morning. A brisk ride might help clear up her addled brain and shake off some of the more irritating cobwebs. So, once donned in her usual night black leathers, she yanked on the kid gloves and pushed Garith into the sheath at her side, she was heading out. Fading into the waiting embrace of the shadows.

It was one of those over cast days with the chill of winter still heavy in the air as she strode towards the stable minutes later. She had brought her own horse to be kept there, as it was more convenient. Normally she would be saddling Madyrn on her own, but as the stable boy was already rushing to collect her stallion, she had no other choice but to wait.

As she leaned against the rail of the corral she caught sight of Lucius moving across the yard, but it appeared he hadn't yet noticed her. Then again, it wasn't likely he would. She wasn't standing out the in the open, nor was a stable a place where most would even think to find her. That realization brought a faintly frosty smile to her rose pale lips. Years before she had gone riding with him a time or two, but these days, she tended to use the shadows more for transport, but still, there were times when a horse was needed and thus she had brought her own.

Of course for once, luck was on her side, for as her mount was presented, she felt the whispers against her senses that he was approaching. She decided she would rather not deal with him just yet, and thus vaulted nimbly up into the high saddle, with a fluttering of her cloak, and then sent a short nod to the young man who instantly stepped back. Madyrn danced for a moment at the sudden weight upon his back but then sprang forward at her urging. Sending both rider and horse surging out over the fields towards the distant forest of Brutin's land. So swift was the stallion that by the time DeAuster made it to the stables, she would be nearly out of sight.

The plan was simple, there was a small Inn just behind the distance trees, set off the road only a short distance and there, she would get some coffee and collect her thoughts and her common sense, but with the ride there she hoped would clear her thoughts and ease her unsettled mood.

Under most circumstances, she would have felt the assassin even before they got close enough, but as her mind was obviously preoccupied, she wasn't as prepared as she would like, as suddenly her mount was skidding to a sharp stop then rearing up with a scream, nearly unseating her. It took all her skill to stay astride as narrowed green eyes caught sight of the man emerging from the corpse of trees.

In an instant she was aware of the crossbow leveled on her, as she struggled to settle Madyrn down and then her deeper senses picked up others. Ears straining and marked at least three more already moving closer, making it apparent she had foolishly run right into an ambush. She bit off a sharp Elvin curse and her gloved hand moved down towards the dagger already hissing furiously at her hip.

"Touch it and die bitch!" The large man with the bow snapped, causing her movement to still, only for the moment, as already she had used her shadows to release the peace knot.

"You can come along with us all peaceful and be declared a prisoner of war or we can force you to come along. Your out numbered and no one said you had to be breathing."

Those words just brought a frosty glittering from her eyes as she slowly swung a leg over the pommel of her saddle and then slid from her mount, with feet touching the ground silently. All the while she had kept her hands in sight, letting the others draw closer and biding her time without saying a word.

Inside her mind a plot was already being formed, of how she was going to handle it, when that sudden sensation moved over her skin and she very nearly groaned. Her new "partner" was nearly there, and even before she could act, her stallion just reared up with another wild scream and then bolted away. She had only just managed to dance away from the deadly flashing of hooves when the sound of the crossbow being released hit her. She lunged in an effort to avoid it, but didn't move fast enough, so the sudden blossom of pain in her side took her down to a knee in an uncharacteristic stumble with a soft furious hiss of pain.

Looking down she saw the fletch protruding from her right side and just growled faintly, for it was buried deep and the simple fact now was she couldn't escape into the shadows. To do so now, would ensure she would bleed to death so she had no other choice but to fight. In a sudden rise Garith was sent flying, slamming full force into the throat of the man that had just shot her. The force of her throw lifted him clean off his feet and falling backwards. She watched impassively as a cloud of dust and leaves rose from the now prone attacker then turned as another ran towards her with a shrill battle cry.

The cry was short lived as shadows exploded around her, bands wrapping and tangling the wild looking woman and in moments she was dangling limp from a high branch, the life literally squeezed from her throat by the constricting black ribbons.

Her senses stretched, seeking the other two, but before she could even move, a broken body came crashing down only a few feet away from the first one she had killed. The man's neck twisted in a very unnatural angle and then the blood curdling screams of another had her moving towards the sound.

She stumbled a few times, as the notch in her side was causing her some serious pain but she dared not yank it out for she had nothing to stanch the blood or even wrap it with. She also had seen the tip upon that first glance and knew it was pronged for maximum damage, so yanking it out would make more of a mess.

Once she moved past some of the large trees, she found DeAuster, and the screamer, who he had pinned neatly against the thick bark of a large pine tree. It looked as if most of this man's limbs had been broken already, and the Deathknight now had his arm twisted back behind him. "Who sent you?" He hissed, that cold voice of death likely being even more effective upon the weeping would be assassin then the actual pain he had to be feeling by now.

"DV! DV hired us!" The man whimpered where he slumped again the tree and his arm was released abruptly. The sudden surge of blood and feeling being released sent him falling over in a dead faint seconds later.

"Aye, I suspected as such." She muttered, having stopped to brace a leather-clad hand against a sturdy tree. "I beat her current lover senseless and now Lady Catdrina be looking to get even."

She felt him coming towards her and just gave a tight winced smile. "Ye appear to have scared my mount away DeAuster. I nae supposed ye have one of ye own nearby eh?"

"You're injured." Was his answer to that question, as he drew closer and saw quickly her situation, and a hand rose to steady her where she was leaning again the tree.

"Aye that I am." She glanced down at the arrow still penetrating her body and sighed quietly. "This is what I get for beating one to near death who be playing bedroom games with a guild leader. Welcome to me world DeAuster."

He was inspecting the damage and the moment she saw his other hand reaching towards it, she growled low. "Touch that and I will send ye sailing. I only need a way back or help to an inn that be but maybe three miles to the east. I can nae use the shadows else I will bleed out."

It was bad enough he was touching her, even though the shield of his leather glove and her own armor, but she was already feeling light headed and he of course paid her threat little mind. The first light press of his fingers on the item impaled in her flesh and she gave a muffled sound before she just sagged as a blinding white-hot pain attacked her senses. "Oh frell? tis poisoned." She managed to mutter before the lights went out and she was cast back once more in memories.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-18 03:20 EST
Another city, and she was moving through the crowded street with an easy smooth stride. The place was called Cisroe, where they boasted the quaint charm of rustic beauty. It had been a month since the last time she had set foot upon the lands of Kaylieth, but this time she wasn't there to assassinate anyone, but to deliver contracts to members of the Malarid Clan from the Queen. She had a side trip to collect another relic that had surfaced and one her father wanted to have buried again.

It was a dagger unearthed in one of the old temples out in the Distance Mountains of the Urevan region. It had apparently belonged to one of the Ancient Mages of the Order of Shanith. An Order she knew her father had personally destroyed when she was a tiny child. Duibh now kept such magic from the hands of others. Not only to keep their own secrets, but also because they didn't wish for any others to find the Dark Paths and misuse them. She wasn't even here to steal it, but to purchase it from the dealer handling the transaction. All she had to do was arrive and collect it, passing over what for most was a king's ransom, but barely made a dent in her father's coffers.

She had sent word head to Lucius of her arrival, but having not received any reply before she had boarded the ship that brought her to his lands, she didn't know if he would show.

She paused beside her companion, one of her Cousin's Stewards, a woman known as Lady Saestaer, and carried herself with more then a little dignity. She radiated confidence and old wealth in the way many wished they could, but often failed.

This trip, Fiona had little choice but the play the part of a lady, acting on the confidence of her Regent, but suspected there was more going on, that she hadn't yet been told of.

A hand drew her to a stop as the crowds in the street started to part and a troop of Knights came into sight. "Ye have care Fio." Saestaer stated as her sharp golden gaze watched the gleaming array of mounted men pass.

The one in the lead Fiona already knew and just glanced over at the taller woman with a arching of a brow. "I am always careful Milady." It was said the woman was gifted with the "Sight", but there was no telling what she might of noticed as the Paladins had ridden past.

"One of them is looking for ye. I could sense it." Was the next cryptic remark before the lady was again sailing regally into the teaming mass of humanity that filled the cobble stone street.

Fiona wasn't sure what she should tell the woman, but suspected truth might work best. "I know one of them Milady. He is a. . . Friend." She paused, as she wasn't sure she wanted to share more, as she hurried to catch up with the older noble.

"Friend perhaps, but one be here on a mission as well. I can nae tell what that is but if ye speak with him, nae mention of what brings us here, at least nae the business we have for our Regent." The penetrating eyes of the woman turned to regard the half Elven miss beside her.

"As ye like Milady. I also have business to attend for my father, as ye know. I shall simply mention that if asked." She felt oddly uncomfortable at the idea of keeping anything from Lucius, but as she knew who and what he served, and did have some faith in the lady she was with, she had no other option but do as asked. There was also the chance he wouldn't even question why she was in the city.

"They are looking for men, nae woman anyway. So Tis" unlikely they will stumble into this unless alerted. I am to speak with Lord Damarcus DeCort who be an old friend and that will be under the cover of the Albaelia Ball. I do hope ye brought something proper to wear for the party Fiona." She was smoothly changing the subject, but as Fiona also didn't think speaking about such on the street was safe, she readily nodded.

"Aye Milady. I was aware I was to attend the ball with ye. So, I did make sure to bring something suitable." Fashions here were a bit different from her own home, but having only been in these lands a month before, she was well prepared, even if she had left the bonnet behind.

"Well, we shall still pick up a few more things, as that is what Ladies do." The elegant woman gave a sudden smile and pulled Fiona along into one of the many boutiques lining the street they had been on.

It was some hours later when a very tired Fiona was able to drop down on the edge of the bed. "The Whispering Dove" was a very expensive lodging located in the better part of the city and carried a price to prove it. She was relieved to have her own room at least, for she knew that the city was packed with many for this grand Ball Lord Morcyn and Lady Shaydarria were throwing in celebration of the birth of their first child.

She thought it odd they were having the party here, but again, suspected they were also in league with her own queen and the hidden alliances being set up.

She was also clueless about where Lucius might be staying, having been unable to get away from the shopping storm of Lady Saestaer. Now she had an array of finery and more dresses she didn't really need and aching feet from the activity. However the day wasn't over yet, having learned they had invitations to several events for the evening. It was apparently a social time in Cisroe or more then likely several noble families were taking advantage of the monied guests and looking to make connections while they could.

Muffling the groan that rolled up from her she made her way into the appointed bathroom, delighted to find a bath there with actual running water. Something few places could boast, although back in her father's keep such a thing had been established even before her own memory.

She did try to beg off, really not wanting to attend any of the oft dull events, but as Garith whispered to her, she realized there was a chance she might at least find Lucius at one of the f"tes, and if little else, let him know where she was staying for the week.

In no time at all she was ready having settled on the newest gown in deep lavender, as it did make her green eyes appear darker and just as she drawing the matching gloves over her pale fingers, heard the knock upon the door. Opening it, she found the older woman all ready to go looking surprisingly stunning in a rich chocolate brown. "Ah, good, ye be ready. Here, ye put this on, it will go with the dress as I knew ye would be wearing that one." A thin box was passed over. "As my niece ye need to look the part after all, and I know ye father has nae bothered to suit ye up with such things either. He always was single minded, even as a boy and nae thinks of things a girl might have need of."

She was surprised, as the woman was distantly related to her, but didn't know she was to take the role of niece. Slowly opening the jewelry case she blinked for a moment at the delicately made color of amethyst that would indeed go perfectly with her dress and gave the lady a grateful smile. "So do I call ye Aunt now?"

"Aye, I be Auntie Eires, though if ye forget, few would think it odd. Now, let me help ye with the collar and hair combs. Our coach is already here and be sure to take ye cloak, there be a storm building off the sea and will hit soon."

How the lady knew such things was a mystery, but she had yet to be wrong so once the weight of the stones was secured about her neck and adorning the raven black hair she was collecting the fur trimmed velvet cloak and moments later being handed into a carriage.

"I do so hate such things, but appearances are important." Eires commented, as she adjusted her skirt. "Nae care for these skirts either. Tis" a strange land this one, where ladies are to be hobbled up like spirited fillies in such garments."

That brought laughter falling from Fiona, as she could only agree, and until arriving upon the shores of Kaylieth, had only seen the woman in soft doe leathers, but she did wear that with the same elegance as the dress she had on now.

Eires tucked a few strands of brown hair back into place and just settled back. "This first house be that of Lord Haven, he be another old friend of my late husbands, Tis" why I accepted his invitation and should nae be a crush. He's known to be a bookish fellow but does hold some influence. He also has an excellent palate being well traveled, so the food there will nae be of poor quality as others likely will."

Fiona just listened, having little use for such things really, but assumed the lady had her own agenda, and it was her job to ensure she was kept safe while performing it. It was a surprisingly short trip and they were soon being ushered into an elegant townhouse and meeting the small wiry fellow her companion had mentioned.

She was a little surprised, for if this wasn't a crush, she was starting to dread the other events the lady wished to attend this night, for the large gathering room was packed with people, all dressed in the finest cloth displaying their flashest gems and wealth.

In the first 15 minutes her head was spinning with the names being given her and the mauling of her gloved hand and the urge to disinfect it from the array of kisses placed upon it. She of course prevailed, pasting the mask of a smile on her face and staying close to her "Aunt' as she flittered from one pocket of people to the next like a social butterfly on a rampage.

After a while she was starting to feel a little ill from the stuffy air and just leaned to whisper quietly into Eires's ear. "I am going to step outside and get some fresh air Aunt. I will be back shortly."

"Ye do that dear. Stay near the lights, as that storm is near." The Lady answered along with a rather motherly pat on her gloved hand absently.

She didn't notice the cold blue eyes watching her as she moved through the crowd, having not seen him or those with him in the thick crowd, but as she was only seeking air she didn't have any worries.

Stepping out into the night, she felt the cool moist air and could even catch the scent of the storm that was approaching and just drew in a deep cleansing breath. Resting her hands against the balcony rail she looked out over the lighted Garden, noticing easily the various couples strolling along the walk and just let her self relax for a moment. Such events always unsettled her, as she had never been fond of crowds. Something she blamed upon her upbringing, for she had open space and plenty of room to roam that being closed up with so many others, grated.

"I do hope your having a nice evening Lady DeWil." The voice sent a sudden chill moving over her and as she turned slowly she caught sight of that unsettling Paladin stepping out the door. She noticed he wasn't wearing the vestment just the ornate armor most wore for affairs of state and special assembly.

To some he might seem attractive, but she saw the weakness of his chin. The cruel thin lips and the frigid nature behind those snow blue eyes, but all this she carefully hid with a polite smile. "Do I know ye Milord?" Offering up a baffled tilt of her head.

"We haven't been formally introduced, but I am Lord Torg Margeth." He replied, hand extending toward her and she found she had to force herself to place her fingers into his, and then watched him bow over them. Admittedly she was relieved he hadn't kissed her gloved fingers, as she knew she couldn't have refrained from shuddering.

"Well met Lord Margeth." She replied and as soon as it was polite, drew her fingers from his grasp. She didn't fidget or look flustered, but she was getting that feeling again, much worse then when she had been inside.

"I am glad to see you have a companion with you on this trip Milady." He gave what she assumed was a charming smile, but it just looked reptilian to her.

"Ah, I am with my aunt, so Tis" I that is the companion." Her words just oozed with a polite tone, even as she watched him with none of the caution she felt being allowed to show on her face or in her steady gaze. She didn't care for the way he was looking at her, as it made her skin crawl in a very unpleasant fashion, nor did she like the way it lingered upon the gems she was wearing either.

She was now praying for the storm to break, as it would give her the perfect excuse to move back inside, but she had never had much luck with the weather, for it refused to bend to her silent plea.

"Ah, yes, the Lady Saestaer. She is one I have heard of. Has many ties to this realm so it's said." There was something behind those words, but she couldn't determine what it was and just gave another nod.

"Aye, she knows many here it would seem. She was something of a social butterfly when she was younger and made many friends in her travels." If he was seeking something from her, she didn't know what it was, but felt sure he was digging.

It wasn't the storm that saved her, but the small unassuming Lord Haven, who was pushing the door of open and offering a smile. "Ah, there you are Lass. Your Aunt is looking for you. Come along now, I believe she has many others to meet before the night is done."

She managed a polite dipping of her head to Margeth before slipping away from the balcony and joining the gentleman at the door. "Thank ye for coming to get me, I nae want to keep my aunt waiting."

She could tell he was following, feeling those cold, frosty eyes boring into her back even as she rejoined Eires in the crowd. The golden eyes narrowed a touch, catching sight of the one tracking Fiona's movements and her hand clamped down upon the younger girl's arm. "Come along dear. We have many others to see before the night is done."

In a whirlwind of movement she was enfolded in her cloak and pushed into the carriage that started off rolling just as the clouds above unleashed the torrent of rain.

"I do hope that one following ye inside is not the "Friend" Fiona. Ye father nor Bronwyn would nae approve of him." She stated in what could only be called tight tones.

"Oh nae Milady. That one, be a reptile and nae one I trust at all. I met him once before. The last time I was in these lands just last month, and found him then more then a little unsettling." She didn't bother to hide the shudder of revulsion now. "He be looking for something, and I can nae sense what."

"Ye be right about that girl, but even I can nae "see" what he be wanting, which means we shall have to seek to avoid any further contact with that one." The golden eyes were narrowing in thought and then a sharp nod. " Ye send word to ye father about that one. I nae care for the look of him and think we shall create a diversion for him."

"What sort of diversion?" Fiona asked, as she wasn't following this conversation very well.

"Tell ye father to send a few here to make mischief in the city. That should keep that one out of the way. Nae like the way he was watching ye." The woman was sounding rather protective and Fiona found that curious as well.

"I shall send the message Milady. Tis? sure father will know how to handle it." She doubted her father would be as worried but she would relay the lady's concerns nonetheless.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-18 14:07 EST
The next stop was the house of Lord and Lady Granville. A rather elegant residence very near the large stately manor where the Albaelia's occasionally resided, and even more crowded then the last, which made Fiona just mutter darkly even as she slipped out after Eires from the warmth of the carriage. Thankfully the rain had stopped for the moment. A respite it would seem, as above the lightening flickered and was followed by the ominous rumbling of thunder.

Of course the moment she stepped inside, she could feel him somewhere within the sea of socializing members of Nobility. Lucius was there, somewhere and she thought with her luck, it would take ages to find him. Again she had to endure the introductions and just pasted the smile on her lips and allowed herself to be dragged along by her "Aunt". She caught sight of him a few times, as he was taller then most, but as soon as her gaze would find him, he would get drawn away.

"Goodness niece, ye be looking peaked. Perhaps ye should get some fresh air. The balcony here is covered so ye will nae end up rained upon." Eires commented and she soon found herself escorted to the double glass doors that led outside but was grateful to escape. The perceptive woman had noticed she was starting to wilt under the press of too many. Eires seemed to thrive on the energy, where Fiona found it more draining then anything she could compare it to.

"I thought I might find you out here." The rumble of his voice sent her spinning around and she couldn't stop the bright smile that lit upon her tired features.

"Ah, Lucius. I nae thought I would ever catch ye. Tis' a madhouse inside." She held back the urge to fling her self into his arms, as where they were standing was far too open to the eyes of others that might be watching. It didn't stop her green gaze from roaming over him. He looked elegant in the clothing of a noble with the armored bracers the only thing she could see of his usual gear.

"Walk with me." He caught her hand and drew it into the crook of his arm and started to lead her towards the darker area of the covered walk. "Where are you staying?"

She found his behavior a little curious but assumed it was where they were which made him seem somewhat stiff.

"I am staying at "The Whispering Dove" near the high end." She replied quietly as she let him lead her further away from the din of the party. "And ye' Where are ye staying Lucius?"

"The Flying Delight, a few doors down from your own lodgings." He glanced back towards the glow of windows with narrowed steel-gray eyes. "I saw you on the street when we arrived."

"Aye, I saw ye as well." She gave a soft laugh even as her own gaze shifted, wondering what had him so edgy. "Is there something wrong?" Fiona then asked, as his tension was starting to stir up her own again.

He muttered quietly in reply. "Nothing I can't handle." Then before she could quiz him again, he spun her about and her soft laugh was lost seconds later under the hot press of his lips against her own. She was lost instantly and her arms lifted to entwine about his neck with a low moan of hunger.

Perhaps it was the danger of discovery, or what ever had him tense, but there was an almost desperate edge felt in his touch as he dragged her closer in tight arms and the kiss became even more heated. The feeling of her silken clad form dragging a low growl from deep in his chest.

To Fiona the kiss was shattering her reason and her usual caution, as she fell headlong into it, with her fingers tangling in his hair and drawing him even closer with a soft aching sigh. She could feel his obvious need even though the soft folds of silk and just trembled with an answering yearning. So heady the feeling that she made no protest even as she felt the glide of his hand sliding up against the shimmer of her stocking clad thigh. If he wanted to take her right there, she wouldn't have minded, and even as he broke the kiss, her breath caught in a whispered moan.

Her dark head drifted back seconds later, feeling the graze of his whiskers sliding against the exposed flesh of the top of the lavender gown and just trembled again, while her gloved fingers stroked through his hair and traced his ears.

So caught up in the moment, it was a shock to hear her name being called from the house. She froze as did Lucius and she took a deep gasped breath, struggling to collect her scattered senses.

"I am sure she was out here. Perhaps she wandered out farther then she should have." Eires commented to who ever was with her.

In her ear he whispered quietly. "Find me later and don't change first. You look beautiful and I want to undress you later." Again she nearly melted, but even as she felt the heavy thudding of his heart as he hugged her close, she so wanted the night to be over just so she could be with him.

"Aye, aye. I will find ye." Her answering whisper was nearly lost as the next wave of the storm unleashed from on high and she melted away into the shadows. She was aware enough to reappear in one of the powder rooms, so she could deal fix her hair, and collect her self before emerging again. She quickly located Eires in the mingling crowd and they were again on the move, one last stop she was told and just suffered for another hour before finally the end was in sight. The next evening wouldn't be as difficult, for the only event would be the Ball, and she comforted herself with that thought.

Once back in her own room, she quickly penned a note to her father and sent it off in the hands of one of her Shadow Sentinels. Having kept her word to the lady and then, she pulled the covers of the bed back, making it look slept in before she slipped silently into the waiting shadows.

The storm was still raging outside, but she arrived dry and quickly located him within the large establishment, and just as silently drifted into view just a few feet from where he was sitting and watching the fire, and she assumed waiting for her.

Upon seeing her, he rose silently with a hand extended towards her and once her gloved fingers were caught in his warm grasp, he drew her into the glow of the single lamp lit inside the quiet room. For the longest moment they just gazed deeply into each other's eyes, words feeling suddenly useless.

She was struck again with the feelings she was picking up from him and still couldn't determine just what they were, then soon forgot, as lips parted under the tender press of his. He touched her as if she was the most precious treasure in the realms, and if she hadn't already been in love with him before, she would have been after, instead she just fell deeper under his spell.

Their lovemaking was gentle and languid, an eloquent exploration of each other as if each was etching the memory in their minds and clinging to every sensation. Then afterwards, they fell asleep, wrapped tightly in each other's arms until the first fingers of sunlight pulled her from sleep and sensual dreams.

Slipping from the bed, even though she didn't want to, she collected her things, and wrapped only in the velvet cloak, faded quietly again. They hadn't spoken much during that time for it felt as if words couldn't convey the emotions.

It wasn't until she returned to her own room she realized she had lost one amethyst hair comb and a creamy white stocking and just hoped he found them before anyone else. Putting what she did still have away, she shook out the folds of the elegant gown, hanging it up and placing it back into the wardrobe before seeking more sleep, as the next night would be just as long and likely as exhausting as the first.

The dream images became hazy then, mingling with reality, as she was sure he was touching her and started to fight against it, feeling icy fingers against her hot brow and growled faintly. Eyes fluttering open and blazing crimson as she hissed. "Nae touch me!"

Her body was on fire, and she couldn't remember why, for everything was becoming tangled up in her thoughts so she struggled against it.

In fact, if not for that Demonic side of her nature she would have died, for the Elven part wasn't strong enough to fight the poison racing through her blood stream but at the moment she wasn't remembering that. Yet, even in her near hallucinatory state, she was aware of who it was bending over her and didn't like it one bit. She didn't want him seeing her in such a weak and vulnerable state and feared what might slip out of her mouth in her dreaming moments.

She couldn't even tell or feel where she was, as her vision was clouded, but was aware it was dark and hot, so hot her body was shaking and damp. Yet him she could see clearly, the covered features tangling up in her head with the memory of the face she carried in her thoughts. Trembling taloned fingers rose, brushing against the silken scarf hiding his ruined face in a gentle touch before drifting away and her eyes closed again, muttering to herself. "It's just a dream. . . just a dream, nae more."

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-18 14:09 EST
Waking late in the day, she discovered to her surprise that her father and Falcon had arrived early in the morning. Both certainly had the skill to travel through the shadows great distances but she was aware of the hightened security in the city at present so somehow they had managed to forge dates on travel documents.

Learning later that they had simply taken the shadows to a near Zymirian ship and un-boarded once it had docked.

She hadn't thought her message would bring Rhystil personally, and then learned that it had, along with another message about the aged Dagger he wanted. Someone else was seeking it so the deal needed to be re-negotiated as a bidding war was in the works. Normally he would have simply sent Falcon or Rylan to handle the new contracts, but adding on her own note, he felt it was time to make his own appearance.

"Three more are here, but they didn't have rooms here for them, so are now staying a few doors down at another lodging for the duration." Her father was informing Eires over cups of the rich spiced coffee as she joined them.

"Tis' good to see ye Father." Fiona said as she dropped a light kiss to his cheek, then one to the lady, keeping up appearances before she also settled into a seat at the circular table. "I nae expected ye to arrive so soon."

"We had good winds at our backs Fiona." He was gazing at her quietly for a moment then gave a nod. "Ye aunt was telling me about this Paladin that seems to be taken with ye." The tremor of his voice showing more then a little disapproval in the offering, for it was obvious he didn't like whatever Eires had already mentioned.

"Aye, that be Lord Margeth Father and I nae have any interest in him in the least." Her lip took a faint curl that spoke more of her dislike then she normally would allow. She was mentally telling him of her distrust, for words spoken where others could hear, simply wasn't prudent not in the common room where they were seated.

"Ye gads, nae that pompous ass from last month Fiona?" Falcon added, arriving after apparently cleaning up from the trip, as his dark hair was still damp from the bath. "Aye, the very same. He was more pleasant this time but I still nae care for the creature." Such things wouldn't raise any brows even stated so openly, as the way it had all been worded, would seem harmless enough.

"T'was obvious he was taken with ye Fiona. He could nae take his eyes off ye last night." Pausing in the drinking of her coffee, Eires added and Rhystil instantly frowned. "Who are his people?"

Fiona offered a simple shrug and then helped herself to a cup of the strong brew all the others were drinking and some freshly cut fruit. "I nae know Father. As I said, I didn't care much for him and nae stayed long in his company."

"He's one of those Paladins of the church of Leorn, Milord." Helpfully Falcon interjected with an arrogant smile moving over the carved features.

For just a moment rage flashed in a momentary flicker of crimson in the ice-green eyes of her father then was banked as he gave a snort. "Ah, one of those "Holy" sorts. Hardly worthy of my only daughter."

"Nae all of his comrades are like him Father." Fiona commented softly then, with a quiet lifting of lashes to gaze steadily at her sire.

Rhystil gave another snort, but it was followed with a low laugh. "Aye child, there are even some of the brighter ilk that even I can like, given time and if they prove themselves. I just nae think ye wouldn't care for their ways, nor them for yours, but as ye already said ye nae like this Margeth, Tis' nae a problem anyway." She was very aware her father wanted to have a look at this one. His abilities far surpassed her own and where she might not detect his agenda, the elder DeWil just might have better luck.

"Now, as for the dagger, Falcon will be helping with it. Apparent the contract that had been set has been shaken as someone else offered even more for the relic. I will have it in the end, as the dealer will be forced to say yes to my next offer."

That made Fiona chuckle quietly, as she was more then aware her father could and would persuade the man without laying a finger on him. Such was his more honed skills in the art of mental influence.

Soon enough she was left on her own, having little to do but wait for the evening to come and the ball, so decided to take a walk. Just across from "The Whispering Dove" was a park and so it was there she was soon headed.

The storm of the night before had passed and now the crisp winter after noon air carried a clean scent she appreciated and knowing that later, it would be stuffy over used air she would breath, she took full advantage.

Finding a shaded bench under a tree and hidden by the trimmed shrubs and fragrant roses She settled down, with one hand adjusting the skirt with a frown. If not for the role she was playing she wouldn't care if she drew curious looks. Her leathers were less cumbersome and in most instances, more comfortable, for one didn't need to wear corsets or stockings under those.

She had only just settled down when that feeling touched over her senses mere moments before Lucius rounded the path. Hands clasped behind him and looking to be taking a walk, but she knew he had seen her entering the park and had followed. That realization brought a warm smile curling on her lips as she nodded to him. "Good afternoon Milord." "I hope the day is treating you well Lady Fiona?" He said with a slow lazy smile. "I wouldn't have thought you liked roses."

"Ah, roses are nice, although my fondness of them is nae as great as the love I have for lilies. " Fiona's soft honey warm laughter rose into the crisp air as she gazed at him with a shimmer of humor in the ice-green eyes.

They spent a few idyllic hours, sitting and talking, or strolling along the paths until the sun started to set and she was forced to return to the lodging to prepare for the next part of the evening.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-21 03:32 EST
Later that evening, having arrived at the grand party, Fiona was standing behind her father, just trying to blend into the colorful array of society. She again had suffered through the introductions, meeting the Albaelia couple, which seemed nice, enough, if a little formal. She was amused by the looks her father was collecting from the ladies about the place. He stood taller then most and was aging in what one could only call distinguished manner and even though his features were set in a stern expression, he still was noticed.

In the past Fiona had often said it was that mysterious air he carried, but she now wondered if she wasn't correct. The Lady Saestaer had already been drawn away by Lord De'Cort, and had left Rhystil behind to stand watch over his daughter. She was handling her business while most were watching the formidable man she had arrived with. It was amusing his daughter, that he was just standing there, with many assuming he was here to handle the alliances but in fact he was more the diversion.

Of course Lord Margeth was also in attendance and she knew he was watching, had even alerted her father and Falcon to where he was and now both were conversing mentally on how best to deal with him.

While her father might of neglected many things in regards to her gender, he had made sure she knew how to dance and deport herself in the manner of any well brought up lady so she was soon pushed into the arms of Falcon to take a turn on the floor.

"Are ye having fun Fiona?" Falcon asked as he drew her into a light spin and she gave a faux smile in return.

"Not in the least. In fact, I will be quite happy once all this social frippery is done" She was light on her feet and didn't even trod on his toes, even if she wanted to, for he seemed to be enjoying her discomfort.

"Well, it shall be all over soon. The lady will have her agreements, ye father will have his dagger and I shall be delighted to become a thorn in the side of one nosy Paladin." He gave another devilish smile and moments later, was passing her back into the care of her father.

She soon found her feet starting to ache, for after Falcon taken her out on the floor, others were now approaching her father to make the same request. It was an archaic practice she found she loathed, but being stuck in the role for the moment she had to tolerate it, grudgingly. Returning after a rather cheerful reel and ready to find something to drink she found Lucius speaking quietly with her sire and had a moment of panic.

Even as she was reeling she felt his hand tugging her back towards the floor where a slower song was playing and caught her self before stumbling to look at him in surprise. "What are ye thinking talking to him?" Her voice was pitched low and she was fighting the battle to keep her father from picking up on her sudden swelling of alarm.

"I wanted to dance with you and as it seemed I had to brave the dragon first, I did so." He smiled easily and she had the insane urge to caress the cayenne pepper whiskers on his lean face.

Flustered now, she covered it by concentrating on the slow steps of the dance, even the spin before her eyes lifted again. "Ye managed to get him to allow it, that be saying something. He nae cares for ye kind."

"I got the impression he values honesty, so just told him he had a beautiful daughter and I would be honored if he would allow me to dance with her."

That brought a rising of color to her pale cheeks and she chuckled quietly. "Ah, so ye hit him in his blind spot I see. Ye be a wicked one Milord."

His sudden tension had her glancing over towards Rhystil and was instantly feeling just as tight. Finding Margeth was now speaking with her father, and if the look radiating from the elder DeWil's eyes was any indication he wasn't pleased. Even across the room she could feel the chill from her father, as it was quickly apparent something said was sparking a dangerous temper.

"I think I be needing a drink Milord." Barely had the words left her lips and he was whisking her away towards the refreshment table. She normally didn't touch spirits, but was feeling the need for something a little stronger then juice and soon had a glass of wine in her chilled fingers. Lucius also wasn't looking at all pleased in fact he was barely able to keep the frown from overtaking his features.

She was mentally trying to connect to her father, but he was too angry to answer, but she got the distinct impression that man had possibly threatened him. None she knew ever had dared such a thing that she was aware of.

"Ask the man with ye to escort ye to the garden Fiona. From now on ye need to stay away from this Margeth." The thought rang in her head and she blinked, as she hadn't been at all prepared for it and she nearly spilled the wine.

"Are you alright Milady?" Lucius had caught the movement and was quickly wrapping a snowy linen napkin around the base of the now dripping glass.

"I think, nae I know I need to get some air Milord." Fiona's ice-green eyes lifted to meet his conveying a variety of unspoken thoughts in the exchange of gazes. "Do ye think ye might spare the time to escort me to take in some fresh air?"

He was polite enough to glance over towards her father and at the stiff nod, was leading her towards one of the side doors and in a matter of moments they were outside and she did find she needed the chill of the evening breeze, for it eased the tension now riding her. "I believe Lord Margeth may have threatened my father." Normally she wouldn't have just blurted it out, but she seriously doubted her father would sit idly by and allow that sort of insult to go unchallenged.

"Does your father know what ye do Fiona?" Lucius asked, even as he guided her along the quiet walk where many other couples were also strolling. Taking a breather from the stuffy ballroom.

She couldn't help the soft laugh that drifted from her lips, before replying. "Who do ye think trained me Lucius" My father wields power across the realm in many locations and is nae above using it. Though, this trip nae is one of my usual. I be here with Lady Saestaer, to keep her company, for it was an excuse to visit here and see ye. Father is nae here on Order business either, but personal. Tis a relic he is wishing to own and is here to purchase it. Tis all above board and all perfectly legal, for once."

"So what does Margeth have on him that he could use to threaten?" He was puzzled, for he had researched the name DeWil and had found nothing in the Order archives, with the exception of some mention with the location of Zymire.

"I nae know, other then the feeling of some threat being made and then when father did answer, he told me to ask ye to take me outside. I am so to stay away from this Margeth." She could tell Lucius also didn't like what he was hearing, picking up his emotions easier then ever. "I fear that my father may nae allow me to many more jobs here for a time." There was a hitch in her words, as that meant she wouldn't be able to see him as often and stopped to gaze up at him. "I may nae be able to see ye again for some time Lucius."

She hated to say it, but knew Rhystil well, and if the mood she was picking up from her sire was any indication, he fully intended to keep her closer to home until the threat was dealt with.

Lucius obviously didn't like that news either and even in the dark she could see the frown on his brow. "We will find a way Fiona. If we need meet in Tignus, then I will make arrangements."

She gave a weak smile and they started walking again, falling into an uneasy silence for the moment. "Come to me tonight and we will discuss it further. Without the worry of others hearing or the watchful of eyes of far to many." He then stated, giving her hand a warm squeeze.

"Aye, though I nae see a way around this Lucius. Ye nae be knowing my father. He can stubborn."

"So am I, along with persistent." He noticed then the way her eyes darted towards the house and started to talk to her about the silly garments some of the guests where wearing that night. Coming back around the curving walk, they continued to converse quietly about innocuous things and general observations only to be met by Rhystil and Falcon. "Thank ye Milord for watching after my daughter. We are leaving now Fiona, so please collect ye cloak." The older man stated with a perfectly executed bow offered to DeAuster. "We bid ye a good night Lord DeAuster."

With that, the trio moved off, the dark heads easily tracked even as they entered, for the two men were taller then average and even as he entered the ballroom once more he could still see them across near the hall.

Later that evening, having arrived at the grand party, Fiona was standing behind her father, just trying to blend into the colorful array of society. She again had suffered through the introductions, meeting the Albaelia couple, which seemed nice, enough, if a little formal. She was amused by the looks her father was collecting from the ladies about the place. He stood taller then most and was aging in what one could only call distinguished manner and even though his features were set in a stern expression, he still was noticed.

In the past Fiona had often said it was that mysterious air he carried, but she now wondered if she wasn't correct. The Lady Saestaer had already been drawn away by Lord De'Cort, and had left Rhystil behind to stand watch over his daughter. She was handling her business while most were watching the formidable man she had arrived with. It was amusing his daughter, that he was just standing there, with many assuming he was here to handle the alliances but in fact he was more the diversion.

Of course Lord Margeth was also in attendance and she knew he was watching, had even alerted her father and Falcon to where he was and now both were conversing mentally on how best to deal with him.

While her father might of neglected many things in regards to her gender, he had made sure she knew how to dance and deport herself in the manner of any well brought up lady so she was soon pushed into the arms of Falcon to take a turn on the floor.

"Are ye having fun Fiona?" Falcon asked as he drew her into a light spin and she gave a faux smile in return.

"Not in the least. In fact, I will be quite happy once all this social frippery is done" She was light on her feet and didn't even trod on his toes, even if she wanted to, for he seemed to be enjoying her discomfort.

"Well, it shall be all over soon. The lady will have her agreements, ye father will have his dagger and I shall be delighted to become a thorn in the side of one nosy Paladin." He gave another devilish smile and moments later, was passing her back into the care of her father.

She soon found her feet starting to ache, for after Falcon taken her out on the floor, others were now approaching her father to make the same request. It was an archaic practice she found she loathed, but being stuck in the role for the moment she had to tolerate it, grudgingly. Returning after a rather cheerful reel and ready to find something to drink she found Lucius speaking quietly with her sire and had a moment of panic.

Even as she was reeling she felt his hand tugging her back towards the floor where a slower song was playing and caught her self before stumbling to look at him in surprise. "What are ye thinking talking to him?" Her voice was pitched low and she was fighting the battle to keep her father from picking up on her sudden swelling of alarm.

"I wanted to dance with you and as it seemed I had to brave the dragon first, I did so." He smiled easily and she had the insane urge to caress the cayenne pepper whiskers on his lean face.

Flustered now, she covered it by concentrating on the slow steps of the dance, even the spin before her eyes lifted again. "Ye managed to get him to allow it, that be saying something. He nae cares for ye kind."

"I got the impression he values honesty, so just told him he had a beautiful daughter and I would be honored if he would allow me to dance with her." That brought a rising of color to her pale cheeks and she chuckled quietly. "Ah, so ye hit him in his blind spot I see. Ye be a wicked one Milord."

His sudden tension had her glancing over towards Rhystil and was instantly feeling just as tight. Finding Margeth was now speaking with her father, and if the look radiating from the elder DeWil's eyes was any indication he wasn't pleased. Even across the room she could feel the chill from her father, as it was quickly apparent something said was sparking a dangerous temper.

"I think I be needing a drink Milord." Barely had the words left her lips and he was whisking her away towards the refreshment table. She normally didn't touch spirits, but was feeling the need for something a little stronger then juice and soon had a glass of wine in her chilled fingers. Lucius also wasn't looking at all pleased in fact he was barely able to keep the frown from overtaking his features.

She was mentally trying to connect to her father, but he was too angry to answer, but she got the distinct impression that man had possibly threatened him. None she knew ever had dared such a thing that she was aware of.

"Ask the man with ye to escort ye to the garden Fiona. From now on ye need to stay away from this Margeth." The thought rang in her head and she blinked, as she hadn't been at all prepared for it and she nearly spilled the wine.

"Are you alright Milady?" Lucius had caught the movement and was quickly wrapping a snowy linen napkin around the base of the now dripping glass.

"I think, nae I know I need to get some air Milord." Fiona's ice-green eyes lifted to meet his conveying a variety of unspoken thoughts in the exchange of gazes. "Do ye think ye might spare the time to escort me to take in some fresh air?"

He was polite enough to glance over towards her father and at the stiff nod, was leading her towards one of the side doors and in a matter of moments they were outside and she did find she needed the chill of the evening breeze, for it eased the tension now riding her. "I believe Lord Margeth may have threatened my father." Normally she wouldn't have just blurted it out, but she seriously doubted her father would sit idly by and allow that sort of insult to go unchallenged.

"Does your father know what ye do Fiona?" Lucius asked, even as he guided her along the quiet walk where many other couples were also strolling. Taking a breather from the stuffy ballroom.

She couldn't help the soft laugh that drifted from her lips, before replying. "Who do ye think trained me Lucius" My father wields power across the realm in many locations and is nae above using it. Though, this trip nae is one of my usual. I be here with Lady Saestaer, to keep her company, for it was an excuse to visit here and see ye. Father is nae here on Order business either, but personal. Tis a relic he is wishing to own and is here to purchase it. Tis all above board and all perfectly legal, for once."

"So what does Margeth have on him that he could use to threaten?" He was puzzled, for he had researched the name DeWil and had found nothing in the Order archives, with the exception of some mention with the location of Zymire.

"I nae know, other then the feeling of some threat being made and then when father did answer, he told me to ask ye to take me outside. I am so to stay away from this Margeth." She could tell Lucius also didn't like what he was hearing, picking up his emotions easier then ever. "I fear that my father may nae allow me to many more jobs here for a time." There was a hitch in her words, as that meant she wouldn't be able to see him as often and stopped to gaze up at him. "I may nae be able to see ye again for some time Lucius."

She hated to say it, but knew Rhystil well, and if the mood she was picking up from her sire was any indication, he fully intended to keep her closer to home until the threat was dealt with.

Lucius obviously didn't like that news either and even in the dark she could see the frown on his brow. "We will find a way Fiona. If we need meet in Tignus, then I will make arrangements."

She gave a weak smile and they started walking again, falling into an uneasy silence for the moment. "Come to me tonight and we will discuss it further. Without the worry of others hearing or the watchful of eyes of far to many." He then stated, giving her hand a warm squeeze.

"Aye, though I nae see a way around this Lucius. Ye nae be knowing my father. He can stubborn."

"So am I, along with persistent." He noticed then the way her eyes darted towards the house and started to talk to her about the silly garments some of the guests where wearing that night. Coming back around the curving walk, they continued to talk quietly about innocuous things and general observations only to be met by Rhystil and Falcon. "Thank ye Milord for watching after my daughter. We are leaving now Fiona, so please collect ye cloak." The older man stated with a perfectly executed bow offered to DeAuster. "We bid ye a good night Lord DeAuster."

With that, the trio moved off, the dark heads easily tracked even as they entered, for the two men were taller then average and even as he entered the ballroom once more he could still see them across near the hall.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-21 03:35 EST
Oh the ride back, she was met with stony silence from both Falcon and her father and started to get a little nervous. Had that vile little snake seen something and told her father" No, it wasn't possibly that, for he would have never allowed her to be alone with Lucius if that had been the case.

Something else had both of them on edge and ready to snap. Her wintry green gaze moved from one to the next until she finally just growled. "Would one ye tell me what the hell be going on?"

"I believe that righteous bastard threatened ye safety Fiona. Said ye were suspected in a string of recent murders across this realm, which he can sweep away quietly if I pay him a hefty sum of gold. Murders of which I know ye nae could have committed having nae been here at the time." Rhystil eyes were narrowed and glittering dangerously. "He did make it difficult for us to take action against him as of yet, but give it a few months when ye have nae been even near this continent and the dust of his accusations settle and he will learn the dangers of such empty intimidation."

"I nae see what the problem is for I am quite capable of taking care of myself Father, and ye know this." She was frowning now as well, as what she had feared was now happening.

"He is looking to damage the name of Zymire's regent and seems to think ye are a good enough target to do that. Ye connection with the Queen is known, so if he does manage to create suspicion in that regard, ye would nae be able to travel here for some time. Ye would not get past the city guards for ye name would be tagged. Tis a fact that ye skills are not strong enough to travel the longer distances without the aid of other means, such as a ship and carriages, so for now ye will take other assignments in other regions."

He was ignoring the anger she was radiating and the dark scowl on her pale features. There were only a few things Rhystil would call a weakness, and sitting across looking almost like a petulant child was his daughter, who was one of them.

"As it's apparent there is someone doing these assassinations and it's not us, Falcon and Rylan will be remaining. I nae trust that buffoon to seek out the true killers, so my own men will investigate and I am sure they will find the truth. Until we know for sure who is behind this, ye will work the regions of Taybior, Yeadia and Mystvar. We will give this "Holy" reptile nae any other deaths to lay upon ye." A long finger was stroking against his chin while he continued to plot and frown.

She was angry and just folded her arms over her chest and glared at the pair of them, but had nothing she could say that would change her father's mind. She sent a mental curse of misery upon that damned Margeth, for his foolishness was creating a wrinkle in her wishes.

"Until we leave at the end of the week Fiona, ye are nae to go out on ye own, as least nae openly. If ye must go walking, use ye shadow paths to a nearby forest, but do nae let that man corner ye. I nae trust him and am sure he will try to trap ye somehow." He knew her well enough that forbidding her to leave at all, would be met with fury, so he was giving her a little space.

"This was the last grand event Milord, so it's unlikely he would have reason to try and catch Fiona on her own now. She can always stay in her rooms pleading a headache or some womanly illness and visit other areas near by, without that one ever knowing." Falcon suggested, as he too was aware she wouldn't handle such restrictions. She hadn't when younger and now was almost an insult.

"Aye, if that be what she is wanting to do, I nae have any trouble with that. We can always get some papers that will nae alert our stalker as well. Tis only a few more days child, so will nae be much longer."

She was still furious, but did at least understand the concerns and wouldn't fight to hard. The only one she wished to see was already near and now, neither would question where she went. A few more days was better then being shipped off instantly. Of course she was sure Rhystil would like nothing better, but to allow anyone that power over his own actions was never to be accepted.

Once back in her rooms she paced around for a while, the sound of her movements easily heard by her father, who could also sense the restlessness that was taking hold and eventually had no other choice but to block it out. Only then, knowing her father wasn't listening anymore, did she escape into the shadows, moving with smooth ease through the dark paths and right into Lucius's silent rooms. He wasn't back yet so she shed the cloak and dropped into a chair near the banked fire. She had changed into black leather pants and just a dark silk shirt and her usual soft soled boots, though the thick curtain of black hair was now down and unadorned.

She felt him even before hearing his step in the hall, but quickly slipped into the shadows hearing him speaking with one just outside and hovered there even as the door opened, sending a pool of light into the room. There was another that entered with him and they were laughing. "You are certainly right, the "Ton" of Cisroe is certainly an experience Lucius."

Her unseen gaze watched as he passed over a money pouch to his comrade. "Just make sure the men have a good time Herzog, for they have earned it."

"What about you Lucius?" The large man asked, pausing at the door and looking back.

Lucius's cloak was dropped neatly over her own and she gave a mental groan, having forgotten that and just winced in her shadow state. "I will enjoy a good night's rest after all that glitter and that will be plenty of fun for me at the moment."

"You have a good rest then. I will see you in the morning." Out he stepped, the door closing firmly behind him, with Luc stepping over to flip the lock. He turned with his gaze sweeping over the chamber. "You can come out now, he's gone."

She melted out of the shadows the threads drifting away like snaking wisps from her slim form and took a deep breath. "I hope he didn't see my cloak. Was careless of me to have forgotten that."

"He didn't notice. He's got his mind on other things." He was looking at her keenly and started closer. "What's wrong Fiona?"

"It was what I feared, but the threat was nae to my father, but me. Seems there be a string of brutal killings occurring across ye lands here and that Margeth has deemed me the culprit." A bitter little turn of lips followed her words. "Tis a funny thing, for there is only one I might claim, but the rest I am truly innocent of committing, but if my father pays him off he's offered to stay quiet. Of course, my father will nae bow to such extortion, for he knows only to well I nae am responsible for the eight other deaths." Her head lifted and she gazed up into his handsome face and her gloved fingers lifted, brushing against the whiskered cheek. "It will be several months before I might be allowed to return here. Nae anything I say will change his mind about this either, for I tried. As it is, I am nae to even leave my rooms until we depart without escort. He has allowed for me to seek some freedom by means of the shadows, but only in the forest nearby or other farther areas."

"Sounds reasonable enough to me. I nae have any plans for a few more days, we can explore the forest near by together. That is, if Margeth isn't having me followed as well."

She had no idea why the man would do such a thing to Lucius, and just frowned in sudden worry. "I nae want ye caught in this Lucius. Perhaps this all be for the best. Tis bad enough what I am, ye nae need ye name linked to a suspect in what I can only assume be some brutal killings."

"Stop talking nonsense Fiona. We will find a way to see each other, as eventually this will blow over. He will get nothing and has no proof it was you that committed all these crimes, so eventually he will have to find the ones that really did it."

"Father is going to have some of his own investigate that, and seems to think they will learn the truth far sooner then your lord justice." She moved away from him then and started the restless pacing again until he stopped her agitated movement by stepping in front of her and wrapped her smaller form against him with strong arms.

"I have a meeting to attend in Tignus next month, so if you can get away, we can meet there." His voice was soothing and she relaxed against him as his arms enfolded her in a warm embrace.

"Alright. I shall nae worry so much then. I just nae want to bring trouble down upon ye Lucius, for I lo' I long to see ye, be with ye." She had nearly said the words and caught herself just in time.

"We do have a few more days to enjoy each others company, lets not waste them on worries." She felt the sliding of his hand moving over the gleaming waves of her hair and just rested her cheek against him, listening to the steady beating of his heart and smiled quietly.

"Aye, ye be right Lucius." Her arms wrapped around him, hugging him to her tightly while pushing the concerns away.

As the memory mingled in her dreams become a kaleidoscope of sensual moments again, she stirred, throwing off the heavy weight of covers from her hot skin with a muttering of irritation. She was trying to escape the images and eventually, pale green eyes opened slowly. The lids felt weighted and heavy but she needed to shake off the feelings being stirred up all over again, only to gaze into the dead red eyes of her former lover. The sight of him, even awake made her just groan. "Why are ye haunting me DeAuster?" She sank back into the bed weakly, feeling a dull ache in her side and the laden sensation of limbs. "Bloody assassins."

"Stay still." He was pulling the covers up over her burning hot body and only then was the aware she wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing and just grumbled. "You were hit with a poisoned arrow tip. I got it out, but my healing doesn't seem to work on the poison. It will simply have to run through you until it's gone." The cold, emotionless words rolling over her and she frowned for a moment, feeling the throbbing of her head but was more irritated with him.

There was a time when he would have had a totally different reaction to having her naked in a bed, but it was becoming more and more obvious those days were truly gone. Dead as he was and she felt the insane urge to just weep over that. Of course that impulse just made her angrier and she struggled again to sit up, but didn't get far before he pushed her back down firmly.

"Where are me leathers?" Even to her own ears she sounded weak, but was thinking her father's healers might have better luck. "Where's my dagger?"

"Your leathers are over there on the dresser and your dagger is on the side table." The red glint of eyes flicked towards the blade, which wasn't a blade any longer, but an ugly looking demon imp. Garith was sitting in a squat atop the nightstand with a look of worry on his pinched and pointed features, which only eased when he glowered at Luc and hissed out several ancient insults in a tongue the Death knight likely didn't know.

She just smirked, understanding the words the imp was saying but didn't offer to translate. It was bad enough she was at Lucius's mercy; she saw little reason at all to be a peaceful or cooperative patient. If he hadn't scared her horse, she wouldn't have gotten shot to start with, but now she was worried about the stallion. "My horse, Madyrn, be he alright?"

"Yes, he's back in Brutin's stables, safe and sound." Was Lucius's instant and chilly reply to her question.

That made her pause a moment, realizing something felt strange and slowly her narrowed gaze shifted with a slight arching of a raven brow as she stared at him sharply. "Why didn't ye take me there as well" Brutin has many servants that can look after me, so why are ye here doing something so, so mundane?" There was a harsh edge to her question, as suddenly everything felt off. If this was some way for him to find atonement even after she had granted it, she was going to explode. Didn't he know this was torment to her" Was he that blind now he couldn't see that"

She, who feared nothing was terrified now, scared of her own emotions and feelings she found she couldn't control and all created by this one man. A man that no longer could feel anything all, and she struggled with a near hysterical laugh, which sought to escape her parched lips.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-21 18:44 EST
"I did not take you there because that is what your enemies would expect." He said quietly as he stood still, looking to her. She was as lovely as he remembered, and for a moment, even the undead could feel longing. "Here, I can protect you."

Fiona looked around the room she was in; sure she didn't know it and just pulled the covers up against her bare frame. "And where is here then?" She question with a pale hand lifting and pushing the heavy drift of black hair from her face as she sighed silently. She hated this feeling of disorientation.

"An inn close by where you were ambushed." Lucius stated and glanced about the room she was in. The curtain on the window was drawn, the locks on the door closed. A fire burned in the hearth, warming the room.

Sinking back into the pillows behind her, she slowly nodded as rubbed fingers against her eyes as they still felt sleep laden and a bit dry. "Ah, I know the place, just nae have ever stayed in their rooms. How long was I out?"

"Several hours. The poison was a type designed to keep you weak, by the looks of it." A glass of water was already poured, and he brought it over for her, holding it for her. "Undoubtedly to make it easy to deliver you." Lucius then added.

Muttering for a moment then, Fiona sat up slowly. "Lovely of them to nae use a poison that would kill me then." She accepted the glass from him, carefully making sure she didn't touch him while doing so and took a quick sip. Her arched lips welcoming the cool liquid against them, as she drank. "Thank ye Milord."

"You are welcome, Fiona." Lucius's crimson eyes gleamed softly under the hood, as he looked to her, judging her reactions and how she was doing." "I dressed the wound as best I could."

Just a few hours felt like days Fiona thought, and she idly dragged a hand through the long raven black hair, feeling a bit unsettled and more vulnerable then she liked. "Tis sure it will be fine then. I tend to heal rather quickly these days. I do hope this has nae kept ye from anything important."

Nearly twelve hours had passed since the attack. He had brought her here, ordered the innkeeper to keep the servants away, and then watched over her. "This is where I needed to be." Later, in his sanctum, he would have to consider his actions, and the reasons behind them.

Fiona kept her eyes from looking at him fully but that did have her shooting a brief glance his way and she gave a slow shake of her head with a faint growl in her words. "If this be some more of that atonement be looking for, ye can start for the door now."

He didn't head for the door, but moved back to the chair near the table that he had been sitting at. The imp on the dresser was noted, as he sat down again. "Atonement has nothing to do here, Fiona."

"Well the way ye said that, I can only wonder." She muttered and then took another sip of the water she was holding close and just shifted under the covers, feeling very exposed and hoped she hadn't said anything while dreaming.

"You have enemies that seek to capture you. I will not let that happen, if I can help it." Lucius replied as he sat quietly, arms folded over the chest plate. "I will have food brought up to you, when you feel more like eating."

The mere thought of food at the present made her stomach just twist and she gave a quick shake of her head. "Nae anything right now, with the exception of water. I can nae stomach food. Tis far to warm in here also."

"I remembered you once said one of the best ways to deal with poison is to sweat it out of the victim." Rising, Lucius moved to the hearth to partially draw the shutters, then to the window to crack it, letting in the cold nighttime air. "Far different than what was used against me."

"What was used against me was meant to kill. Tis what I get for the work I do and the affiliations I carry. Part and parcel." She gave a slow shrug, while pulling up the edge of the quilt a little higher on her chest. "Tis likely I need to sweat it out, but as I am alert, tis likely passing."

"They see you as dangerous." And he felt a secret pleasure about that, and then quickly added. "We have plenty of water for you, to re-hydrate yourself." Before he was moving back to the chair he sat down again.

"Aye, that's because usually, I see them coming. There was just more then expected earlier." She paused to take another sip of the water, hiding the fact she wasn't being fully honest there, as it really was her own distraction, which caused her to miss noticing them.

"This war you are involved in what would be gained by your capture?" The question was said evenly, as he watched her unblinking. Something was nagging at him, but he had yet to piece it together.

"Nae much really, other then revenge at this point. T'was supposed be a simple "mock" war and nae a real one. The drawbacks to guilds and their ilk, but I respect my Guild leader and tis only as a favor to him and his lady I even be involved. I nae like wearing a target constantly." Fiona's lips twisted faintly for a moment. "My kills and my status make me a frequent mark."

"Your skills have continued to improve." He nodded slowly, impressed. "These mock wars" What is the return for such things?" Lucius had never heard of such a thing, as War was nothing less than total annihilation of the enemy.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-21 19:24 EST
"Ah, tis for a bank. Affords guilds to increase the ranks of some. Of course, sometimes there may be to many points and nae anywhere to put them, so that leaves the guild then open for attack as others may want them. It's all rather confusing, but tis what some do when they have nae anything else." She paused again; taking another much needed drink of the cool crisp water, and then continued in the soft calm voice she was well known for. "Lets just say, I have nae lost many fights, and I have yet to be taken out in any assassination. Often times it be the assassin killed when they try. I seem to have a knack for usually detecting and killing them first." She couldn't help from frowning then, as earlier that day she had utterly failed to detect anything.

"It is a strange way to fight, though it looks as though you are flourishing." Lucius replied with another slow nod, as he would have much to digest when he returned to his sanctum. "And your significant other is a leader in this guild system?"

Now that did bring a low snort falling and she flicked a look towards him. "Nae, he's with another lady, nae I. Have little use for such things as significant others. Tis nae something I need nor seek to have."

"I would have thought you would have found someone, equal to you." He remained unmoved, except for a slow tapping of his fingertip against his armor. "Your new adornments were for him, I supposed."

Frosty green eyes just narrowed, even as color flooded her cheeks, but it only a fleeting thing as she forced it back before coolly turning to look in his direction. "Nae. They were for myself and have meaning that only matters to me alone."

"Indeed." Rising, he took the pitcher of water and moved over to refill her glass. "You wear them well." No sarcasm was in the tone, only the even modulation of the deep timbre.

"Nae say things like that. Tis none of ye business anyway." She put the glass down on the side table as he came over to refill it, not wanting him to notice the shaking of her hands and just tugged the quilt higher against her chest.

"As you wish." With the glass filled, Lucius moved back to the table to sit down again. He would respect her request. "There is one thing you have not considered yet, about your ambush."

"Which is?" He was rattling her again and she wasn't happy about it, so her tone was just a touch sharp, but she quickly pulled that back and reached for the glass, which was taken up in both hands and quickly drank deeply of the contents.

"How did they know where you were going to leave on your ride?" If he took note of her discomfort it didn't show. "And how did they know the exact route?"

"I nae can answer that, as it wasn't my normal routine. Likely means they were nearby and watching and simply assumed. Nae any sure way of knowing just how they caught me as they did." Fiona hated the fact she could read nothing from him, so felt rather blind. The only thing she could detect was the cold rage within him and nothing more.

"You are being watched." Lucius echoed her own words for a second. "Someone has gotten close, within the halls."

"Which is nae a surprise to me, in the least. I have not made many friends within the SA either. Tis mostly men that think they can touch whom ever they be liking." The single, deep and unrelenting sensation of fury he was emitting did little to sooth her jangled nerves. "Why are ye angry anyway' Tis nae ye they be trying to kill after all."

"No, they tried to kill you." He replied matter-of-factly. "And they will pay for that." He growled the last softly, as the timbre of his voice lowered slightly. "As for enemies within the SA, they respect you, after you took Haze's fingers."

"Ye might think that is the case, but fact of it is, I be a woman and one that nae kneels and strips by command. Few care for that. I be above my place in the minds of many who would nae ever "dare" speak it allowed, because I scare them or have made them kiss the floor." Fiona's answered with another idle shrug moving her shoulders. "It all nae matters DeAuster. Tis the life I live now. It all be part of it."

"And you have thrived in such an environment." Another matter-of-fact statement issued. "As I do, surprisingly."

"I make good money so if that be thriving, then Aye, I have. I nae even need to work anymore but do so by choice. Keeps the boredom away at any rate." Her frosty gaze was fixed upon the glass of water in her hand and nothing of the turmoil she felt could be noted in her words.

"Indeed." Lucius nodded once, before he rose to go check the door. "I'll have a bath drawn for you when you have regained more of your strength."

"I thank ye DeAuster, though, ye nae need stay with me now. I will be fine. The worst of the effects from that poison has passed and I am sure there be plenty of other things ye rather be doing then watching over the likes of me."

He let the last of that pass for the moment, not wishing to argue with her. "This is where I need to be." He said again softly, as he turned to her.

The look turned his way was baffled for a moment, but Fiona didn't trust her self not to read more into that and just pushed the glass to the side with her ice green eyes narrowing faintly. "That be the second time ye said that and I nae even can fathom why ye would feel that way. Tis unlikely they will find me here or attack again. By now, that war likely is done."

"I will find out while you rest. And if they do find you, they will face me first." Came his instant response as he moved to the dark corner to sit now, so as not to cause her further discomfort.

Grinding her teeth a moment, as he so obviously hadn't noticed the hint she had thrown and just gave another slow shaking of her tousled black head. "I be trying to forget times before. Tis nae so easy for me as for ye I expect. However, I will get a handle upon it and it will nae be a problem."

For a few seconds he sat silent, and then he rose to his feet. "You have no idea what is easy for me and what is not, Fiona. You have a future, while I have nothing but my memories." Now, there was feeling there, as he moved to the door. "I will watch from downstairs."

Fiona knew she should have just stayed silent and quiet and just watched as he headed for the door and gave another low quiet sigh before easing back down under the heavy covers. If lucky she would regain her strength and flee long before he returned to look in on her, at least that was the hope.

"Sleep well, Fiona." Just before he closed the door. He would head down to the main room, to keep silent vigil. Later, he would return to look in on her.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-21 21:35 EST
She cursed the weakness of her body. She cursed him for his ability to just coldly rationalize everything. He was so obviously blind to what was tormenting her and she envied his ability to just shut it all off. That had to be what he was doing. No emotion left in the man. In many cases she could respect that, but now needed to find a way to face it, deal with it and put it behind her. It was the only answer.

If he could stand it, then by Hades own kingdom, she would find a way to do the same. He wanted friendly but distant, she would do it, even if she had to swallow every last feeling she had and then some.

Now, she refused to sleep, instead she moved slowly from the bed, wrapping the top quilt tightly around her nude body and was soon settled in the chair before the hearth. In truth, sleep brought more memories and she simply didn't want to remember every last detail of that time so long back.

The soft hissing words of Garith caught her ears and she flicked a look his way. The words few could understand just rang in her thoughts. "Aye, I could ask Uncle, but I would rather nae do that. He isn't the most trustworthy of creatures after all, and any trouble he can make, he will. Tis not an option Garith, for I'll lot let that one meddle with my emotions. Took me long enough to break from him after all." Garith knew only to well how her break had very nearly killed her. The ties having wrapped her tightly into a net that was near impossible to shed and in the end had been agonizing to sever, but she had done it. One of the few that had survived she wagered as well, for the shock of her actions when realized had been real upon the perfect features of that blood relation.

A funny thing, she had those "Adornments" as Lucius called them and both had meaning to her. The first was after he had shattered her heart, and then got him self killed. The second was the break from her Uncle. What had only happened perhaps ten years earlier but seemed like decades since that time. She had fallen so easily to his will, being lost in a haze of grief and then it had taken over twenty years to free her self of his control. She was the mistress now of her own life. She made her own choices and while she had in the end sought the help of another, she now served that God by her own choice. She no longer was a tool to be used except by her own design. That experience had taught her well and she was now jaded and coldly indifferent to most, for everyone by her own realization had an agenda.

She was actually considering a visit to Ceidwynn, thinking perhaps the Goddess had an answer for her upswing of emotions, but was aware the lady would likely tell her to work it out and not offer to just remove it all. Such things did make her sigh again, deeply and with some irritation. There were never any quick fixes, and so she would just have to strive hard to bury all emotions for good. She had been doing such for nigh thirty years, so it wasn't beyond her skill to distance herself.

It was the only answer to the current dilemma. He had it far easier. He was dead where she had not ever faced such a fate. The undead had that advantaged. They were never weakened by foolish memories. Though, his current behavior didn't seem to fit with that. Why he felt this stubborn need to protect her would have amused her in the past, now it only served to confuse her.

She soon fell into a meditative state, something she had learned from her father as a child. It was the means to collecting and controlling the often, unruly demon side of her nature. She had been a difficult child, given to mood swings and rages, but had quickly learned to control them by the careful guidance of her sire, and now she used those skills to slide back behind the walled fortress she had built inside.

She lost track of time, so when the knock came upon the door she was yanked from her pondering and could only blink as a maid entered. "Milord said ye wished a bath Miss?" "Aye. That would be good." Her words were emotionless and quietly even, and for the first time in days she felt more like her usual self.

Moments later a large tub was brought inside by one of the Inn handymen and placed near the fire and soon followed by the array of pails to fill it with the steaming water. It was obviously a luxury here, but as she could well afford it, she just sat watching quietly as the work was quickly and effetely completed.

"Will ye be needing help Miss?" She was then asked and after a slow shake of Fiona's head she sent the maid off to her other duties.

Rising carefully, she found her strength was slowly returning, but was aware it would likely take another day before she was back to top condition, but even this wasn't allowed to bother her.

Placing the towels near the tub she was soon sinking deep into the hot water and felt her muscles start to relax. It did feel rather soothing, and being able to wash the sticky feeling of blood from her skin also was a very good thing.

She was aware she had likely insulted DeAuster with her uncommon questions, but considering he hadn't bothered to answer then, it hardly mattered now. Her mind was set and she was determined to handle this with the best of her abilities. He would no longer cause her to be distracted and careless. In a sudden, surprising flash she realized that in fact, the man she had loved, was well and truly gone, leaving only a cold dead, and unfeeling husk to continue on. Of all the emotions she could feel, the only ones that had any substance to it at all was of hate and fury. The Lucius of the past held so much more. It was a sad thing to realize that the depth and honor he once carried was lost forever.

She soaked for some time and soon emerged once the water had started to cool and quickly dried herself off. She took a moment to inspect the wound, and was relieved to see it healing up just fine as she had said it would. She carried a few outward scars, but most faded to only memories. The worst was likely those she carried within, but as those were never left out in the open, she didn't pay them mind these days.

It seemed that luck was with her, for she was soon easing on the repaired leathers and just smirked, as she should have known he would have thought of that. She might escape after all, for he had not yet returned. Her movements were quiet and careful as she removed ten newly minted gold talons from her own pouch and placed them neatly upon the side table near the bed. A quick call to Garith and he was lighting on her shoulder, tangling the claw like hands into her damp, unbound hair and she was ready. "I should be polite enough to leave a note, don't ye think Garith?"

The chittered hiss at her words sent her towards the small desk and drawing out the paper and quill pen and ink well.

DeAuster, Thank ye for ye help. As I nae wish to be a burden, I am returning to my own home to recover and leave ye to ye own business.

Respectfully, Fiona J. DeWil.

It was as impersonal a message and oddly suited her current state. She had found the right path to take in dealing with this. The past was just that and best left there. She did almost laugh bitterly at his some of his words, remembering them even as she folded the thick paper and placed it over the coins like a tent, his name a neat script and readily seen. Her future wasn't any different from past days. She had stopped caring about what each day would bring far to long ago to change it now. She had lived more in the past then she did now, but she was respected and feared by many. She had earned that and now it was more a matter of maintaining. One day would be like the next, until she decided to move on to something new. For now, she was comfortable in her duties and would remain unless she failed to acquire the shields to combat her own emotions that it. If she failed, which was something she didn't care to consider, she would do the only prudent thing and remove herself from what was causing it.

Another glance around the quiet room and she was fading away, letting the welcoming embrace of the shadows enfold her and was soon back in her own cold and sterile flat. This was her life now, and allowing herself to get dragged into the past just wasn't going to be allowed. That Fiona was also long gone, much like Lucius had been as well, so it was a waste of time to ponder upon "What might have been" and just deal with each day as it came. Of course telling herself that, didn't mean her subconscious would obey, but it was at least a hope she had, as she soon was crawling into her own bed and settling back to rest her weary body.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-21 21:45 EST
The quiet knock on the door brought no answer, and rather than bothering or waiting Lucius merely sidestepped into the shadows. One of the more useful tricks he had found were his after the return from the grave. The pinpricks of light that were his eyes flared for a moment at finding the room empty. Growling softly as he spied the note, he snatched up the neatly folded paper, taking in a glance the money, and opened it to read.

Later, the maids returned to find the room a shambles. The table had been shattered, as had the chairs beside. The heavy bed was flipped onto the side, sheets and blankets scattered about the room. And amidst the mess were gleaming gold coins....


With a silent nod to the guards at the doors of the SA Halls Lucius headed deeper into the compound. The Halls were really a series of compounds under a single blanket of protection, with Brutin's being the largest. He slipped quietly along the paths of the well-kept gardens, deeper into the Halls.

As Brutin had only just retired for the night, Fiona was heading towards her own office and even as she felt that stir that always alerted her he was nearby, she didn't rush her step, just continued to read over the various missives on her way down the hall.

Lucius felt her presence, just before he rounded the corner and saw her nearing him. He interrupted her reading with that low raspy voice. "Fiona." He then said as she drew even with him.

Her frosty green eyes lifted and she gave him a polite smile before returning to the inspection of her mail. Looking unruffled and unnaturally calm. "Good evening Lucius. Be there something ye need?" Fiona took a moment to push the office door and then moved inside, leaving it still open as a silent invitation to enter if he so decided to follow.

He did accept the invitation, easing the door closed behind him before he spoke. "I trust you have healed from the bolt?"

"Aye, just as I said I would." Fiona replied and then tossed the mail down on the desk before she sank into the oversized leather chair and glanced at him again. Her pale features showed none of the confusion or any weakness from the day before. "I thank ye again for helping with that situation. I nae handle being ill well."

"As I remember." Lucius nodded once, arms moving to fold over the battered chest plate. "I am glad you were not killed by the ambush or poison."

"Well, I am also glad for that myself. However, if I had fallen at that attack, it would have been my time." Blandly Fiona gazed at him with a faint tilt of her head and just folded her hands before her. "Did I leave ye enough for the payment of the room' I was nae sure what they were charging."

"I had that taken care of." He growled softly, the words muffled somewhat by the scarf. "I have already returned the money to the clerks, to be put into your next payment from Brutin."

"Ye nae need growl at me DeAuster. I nae was expecting ye to cover all the costs. I pay my own way." A raven brow arched as Fiona did notice the flicker of anger radiating from him. "As we are working together, tis better to keep things on a impersonal level, don't ye agree?"

"If that is what you wish." He nodded once, the material of his hood shifting with the movement. "I will do my best to leave it at that level, and leave the past behind." A stark reminder of her words the other night when her words that had cut deeper than anything, in over 30 years.

The first sign of any emotion brought a faint narrowing and flicker of Fio's ice green gaze as she looked at him and then forced herself to relax with some effort given. "I remember ye saying we needed deal with this. I simply assumed this be the best way. Perhaps if ye has something else in mine, ye may as well share it."

Time to lay the cards on the table. Lucius had been thinking hard about this the past days. Yes, even the undead can be confused. "I hope, one day, through my actions, I truly earn your forgiveness. And one day, we may be able to be friendly to one another."

"Then perhaps ye should ask around DeAuster. I have nae sent ye to the floor yet. I am polite to ye and strive to nae be a problem. That alone means I am being as ye say "Friendly" most others nae even get me to speak let alone pay them mind. What more are ye wanting" I have forgiven ye." Fiona knew it was herself she was having a hard time dealing with but not Lucius.

For a moment, he was silent, and then, a slow nod of his hooded head. "Thank you." Again, the moment of silence, as he regarded her, poised and serene. "You were right, in the end."

"Right about what? My memories of that time are obviously slanted as I rather thought I was completely wrong in most things. Consider it the errors of youth, perhaps. Fiona gave a casually offered shrug of her shoulders, holding back the simmering of more confusion.

She was as deadly with her tongue as with a weapon, it seemed. "You told me that blind following of faith would get me killed." Followed by an amazingly, a soft chuckle came from behind the scarf. "You were right."

A faint frown moved over her features then and she shifted for a moment in her seat then her gaze lifted to meet his crimson eyes, before replying just as quietly. "There was never anything wrong with ye following the faith Lucius. The pity of it all is that others used that faith to hide their evil be all and it was that which was flawed."

"Indeed. But, in the end, it showed me the truth. The inherent decay in the order I served." Slowly he began to pace along the floor. "The attention from the Hereticant, the arranged marriage, the assassin, all part of that decay." Stopping, he looked back toward her. "Of everything I had, you were the most honest, and I was more the fool for throwing it away."

A brittle and just slightly bitter smile touched her pale lit features for a Moment. "Well, I be glad to hear that now of course. One nae likes to be thrown over, but I nae ever wished any harm upon ye Lucius." The potential wife on the other hand she had cursed from the moment she learned about her.

" As for throwing it away, we knew back then, I was nae one ye Order would ever accept. Ye did what ye felt was best at the time. There is nae a reason to regret such things now."

"The next time you wish to kill someone without a trace, try Akaillis nectar." Returning to his spot, he watched her with those glowing eyes. "And I regret any things. It is my curse to remember the regrets also."

Fiona couldn't help but think that was a dreadful existence and just gazed at him somberly. "Then perhaps ye can put aside any regrets ye have about me. We were both young and impulsive. Tis likely if ye hadn't been poisoned as ye were, ye wouldn't even remember me." She was near certain he would have gone on with his life and had a number of fat happy children and would have forgot all about her and that time.

"I thought about you every day before, and much time afterward. My regrets are mine, as are my memories, good and bad." The timbre softened, if you could call it that. "I had hoped you had found happiness, but I did as you wished, and stayed away."

Happiness" Fiona wasn't even sure anymore what that was and just gave another one of those vague stiff little smiles, which was more then most would get from her as she didn't tend to smile at many except coldly. "I guess it would depend on what ye version of happiness is Lucius. I have managed well enough."

Lucius nodded slowly to that. "So I have heard. You have made a name for yourself in these wars." Ask a question here and there, and he had learned much about the cold killer, as many referred to her as such.

"Aye, it is the one thing I am rather good at, so it's become my life. Few seek me as an enemy and those that do, nae live long enough to do much to me." The formerly wry smile turned colder and curled upon her rose pale lips.

"Perhaps you will tell me tales of your work sometime?" He was easing away from the more delicate subject, into an area where they could be more comfortable.

"There is nae much to tell actually. Tis a matter of taking the occasional jobs offered and usually depends on the payment I get for them." Fiona's frosty green eyes narrowed again slightly. "As I nae have any sort of personal life, it keeps me busy enough but always the same thing, which is killing."

"Then it seems we have something in common." Lucius then said evenly, as he eased back into his repose.

"Tis a choice I made a long while back. I found I am nae suited to anything but this." A faint laugh fell from her then and she rocked back in her chair with boots swinging up to rest on the edge of the desk. "Nae any weaknesses to worry about except my own, so in some ways it be easier."

"Indeed." He commented while he moved to the side. "I have yet to see you have weakness, Fiona." Lucius then gave a slight pause, as he again nodded. "Speaking of weak, we have captured the slaver from the other day."

"Ah, and have ye asked him about the other evening?" Inwardly Fiona was grateful of the change in direction of the conversation. Her countenance remained calm as she looked up to the deathknight.

"Not yet. I will be doing so when I leave here." There was a hint of...something in the tone, almost as though he was lookinmg forward to the interrogation to follow.

"Ah, then ye will nae mind company." With the barest hiss of leathers Fiona stood, and motioned toward the door. With the typical silence he now had Lucius nodded, and moved to the doorway, holding the door open for her as they headed for the SA dungeons.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-21 21:47 EST
Deep below the largest of the compounds, the dungeons were a place of cold stone, torches that only dimly lit the cold corridors, and the moans of those who had displeased the Master of the SA. It was here that Jacoby now found himself.

He had been expecting the red-cloaked tarnsmen of Brutin to come for him, and had ordered his own guards to be inconspicuous when the contingent had arrived. Respectful of his position the tarnsmen had nether less ordered him to come with them, an order that Jacoby had acquiesced to quietly. Already worried, the slight man became alarmed when he had been taken, not to Brutin's offices, but down ito the dungeons beneath his compound. His first attempt at protesting earned him a threatening growl from the captain of the tarns, and the unspoken threat as the broadsword he bore was drawn. Again deferring to his rank Jacoby was not set into one of the cells, but allowed to wait in one of the guardrooms, sitting at the heavy wooden table across from the locked door.

The rattle of the lock brought Jacoby from his dark thoughts, and he rose to his feet as the door swung open, allowing the hulking armored man with the strange-glowing eyes to enter. Behind followed Brutins head of tarns, her black braid bouncing off her back as she smoothly stepped inside the room. Since Brutin himself had not come, but had sent his hired help Jacoby attempted to take back some of his confidence. "It's about time. I am a slaver of the forth circle, and have..."

"Right now you have no rank or privileges." Lucius growled softly, walking around the table moving up behind Jacoby, setting a heavy hand to his shoulder and urging him to sit again. Jacoby gasped at the soul-chilling cold of that touch, and quickly jerked his shoulder away as soon as he was seated.

Again Fiona kept her expression impassive, though he quietly found a bit of enjoyment at Jacoby's squirming, having suffered his lecherous glances more than once in the halls above. "What my associate has so..delicately put, ye currently are accused of directing a plot to kill Brutin, something we nae take lightly." Ice-green eyes locked on the blue eyes of the slaver, though she could see Lucius behind him, arms folded across the blackened armor.

"I had nothing to do with that!" Jacoby started to rise, but was again thrust back into the seat by the heavy hand on his shoulder.

"Do you think us fools, boy?" Lucius growled softly as his hand left the slavers shoulder, and Fiona shot a look in his direction. Any retort faded as she realized he was playing the 'good tarn, bad tarn' switch and bait on Jacoby. In that quick glance she also saw his fingers making quick jerking motions, unseen by the slaver.

"Nae, Lucius, He nae be a fool." She leaned over, the cold eyes narrowing as they again found Jacoby's stare. "He sought the path of quick ascension, and nae thought through the consequences." She kept her tone soft, almost friendly, a counterpoint to the soft growl from behind her. Jacobny squirmed, shooting a glance back to the hulking deathknight, then looked back to Fiona.

"I'm telling you, I didn't plan any attack on Brutin!" The fear running off the man was palpatable now, and Fiona pressed on.

"Now, ye be trying to tell us that the guard ye brought into the tavern made to kill Brutin, and ye nae had any knowledge of it?" Leaning back now, Fiona tapped a fingernail against her full lower lip. "Ye know that be hard to believe, aye?"

"Look..." Jacoby started to lean forward, and Fiona's hand moved away from her jaw, a quick motion to stop Lucius from reaching out and jerking the man back, which was what he was about to do. "...those guards were assigned to me by my chief tarn, Belloq." Jacoby glanced to the door, then back to the quiet woman. "I didn't recognize them, but he vouched for them." The slaver leaned back again as far as he dared, not wanting to get any closer to the undead warrior behind him. "I swear, I had, nor have, any plans to harm Brutin. " Fiona looked at Jacoby long and hard for several second, before nodding toward the door. Rising smoothly, she left the room with Lucius, nodding to the guards before stepping down the hall. "Well?"

"Unless he has a way to fool a lying detection spell, he is telling the truth." Lucius replied softly, leaning over a bit to speak quietly. Fiona forced herself to move away, and instead nodded.

"Aye. I nae had any feeling he was lying either." She glanced up to Lucius. "We need to speak to this Belloq."

"Consider it done."


They moved in swiftly, the guards at the gates overwhelmed before they could sound an alarm. The tarnsmen swept across the grounds of Jacoby's mansion, their path not to the main house, but the guard barracks to the west of the manor.

As he approached the door Lucius did not slow, sending the heavy oak portal smashing in with a heavy blow from his broad shoulder. Men were scrambling from their beds and the tables, looking for their weapons, but the sight of the crimson cloaks and weapons leveled at them convinced them quickly that resistance would be a foolhardy gesture.

"Where is Belloq?" The deathknight roared, grabbing the nearest of the captured guards and hauling him close.

"In his office! All night!" Glancing the way the quaking man pointed, Lucius tossed him aside and crossed the short space to the door. Like the barracks door this one was sent spinning off it's hinges, and Lucius stepped into the small chamber, Deathlight drawn and held easily in his right hand.

At first Jacoby's chief of guards seemed asleep in his chair, head leaned forward to rest against his chest. The simple fact he had not reacted to the door smashing in told another story, however, as Lucius discovered when he crossed over to grab the man's hair and pull back his head to reveal the angry slash marring his neck. "Damn!"

"Assassinated." Fiona sat behind her desk, staring up at Lucius as he stood before her desk. He nodded slowly in reply.

"Aye. And with him dead, any secrets have also been hidden again." Lucius was understandably upset, a fact Fiona noted, with a bit of curiosity. "Until we know the truth, we should add more guards to Brutin's retinue."

"Agreed." Fiona rose, rubbing a hand across her eyes. "Will ye see to it' I have a bit of business to attend to in town."

"Is it wise for you to travel, with those assassins trailing you?" Lucius slowly turned as Fiona moved to her door. "If you wait for a few moments, I will go with you."

"Nae!" The word was hissed, as Fiona turned to glare at Lucius. "I am nae wee lass that needs protection." She held up a gloved hand to forstall any other words. "I have someone to meet, and he nae likes strangers." Spinning on her heel then, she stalked from the room before Lucius could reply.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-21 21:50 EST
After a particularly difficult night, Fiona found herself yet again facing an assassin. She had just left the SA halls and was heading into town. She had a meeting with an old friend and caught the sound of one following behind her. It was starting to get old, that the bitch from that guild was holding such a grudge and Fiona was near ready to end it. Such thoughts in many cases were dangerous, but if nothing else she was now considering putting a serious scare into the woman and her worthless mate.

However, she had business first and would deal with her stalker afterwards. Luse wasn't one for waiting and she knew the money from that last job she had worked in his stead would likely land in his own pocket if she made him suffer the foolishness of the local citizenship. While she may not need the money, there was a principal of at least collecting her share. It would likely end up dumped in a bank or in some drawer of her flat, but she could also use it for something else. Something else none would ever discover. Her one and only secrete which she never planned to share.

Rounding a corner with the nearly silent figure trailing a reasonable distance behind her, she just smirked coldly to herself before she entered the seedy dive. An old place on the waterfront that had just the kind of ambiance Luse favored. Mostly filled with the lowest form of humanity the place could offer and all usually to busy guarding their own backs to pay anyone else's business mind.

She knew she wouldn't find her usual preferred drink here so as soon as she settled into a lean against the bar, she requested a bottle of red wine and a glass. Apparently the long eared assassin had yet arrived which gave her plenty of time to settle her sharp perceptive gaze upon the door and watch every one that entered. Only one stood out, even if the attitude fit the establishment well enough. He moved into the pools of shadows a vacant corner offered and she felt that icy edge of laughter ringing in her mind.

Soon enough the lithe form of Luse slipped in, with a cigarette dangling from the side of his thin lips. He wore a scowl on his sharp features and just stalked towards her. "Evening Fio. Glad to see you. Now, the pleasantries are out of the way, " He leaned towards her, voice dropping low. "What's with the freak watching you so intently in the corner?"

"That be my newest stalker Luse." Her own words were just as quietly offered, pitched so no one else except him could hear it.

"Say, mind if handle this" I have had a hell of a day and am not in the mood to deal with some snot nosed wannabe bad ass, when I am the real deal." He never even once looked that way, instead tossed money down on the bar and was soon handed a bottle of aged whiskey. He didn't bothered with a glass and it was apparent he was a regular here at the Sailor's Anchor. She heard the snap and crack of the bottle's seal and a raven black brow arched.

"If ye like, though, I would like to know who hired him first." That would require a special touch, but assumed Luse knew how to handle that need.

"Fine, I'll just hurt him first, let you do that thing you do then finish the job." He took a long deep swig from the bottle then passed her a heavy pouch, which she knew was laden with golden coins. "That's your share."

"Thank ye old Friend." She took a small sip of the only barely palatable wine and then placed the glass down, and in moments had the pouch was hooked to the side of her belt.

Drawing that wicked blade he always carried and since the assassin was watching Fiona he turned slowly and then in the quickest of movements, the dagger was in flight and the muffled cry of pain was caught. "There. The little pig is stuck to the wall. You go do what ever it is you do."

Pushing from the casual lean she headed over, drawing the protective covering of leather from her long pale fingers and soon the black nailed hand was reaching to touch the man struggling to release his left shoulder from where it was pinned firmly to the scarred and pitted wall. It only took her a moment and she had the information she needed and with a cold smile she patted the assassin on the cheek. "Better luck in ye next life friend."

She then turned and made her way back towards the bar, the man now struggling even more, thinking maybe he wasn't going to die after all.

Luse turned and again laid money down with a low muttering to the tender. "For the mess." He was then moving to take Fiona's place and in moments the "would be? assassin was dead, having not made a sound at all. None around even looked that way and she just gave another jaded little smile. It apparently had cheered Luse up as he was smiling with a sort of devious delight as he stepped back out into the light. He paused to light up another smoke before rejoining her at the bar. "I feel much better now."

"Aye, I can tell." She put the glass down again, realizing she couldn't drink it and just left it untouched.

"You let me know if you need any assistance dealing with those that hired such a novice. Some people are just to damn cheap for there own good. Crow! You do get what you paid for." He caught up the bottle and took another swig from it.

It had never failed to amaze her how he could commit the most vicious of acts and never seemed to get dirty, but he had been doing this even longer then she, so she suspected it was that experience that made such a thing possible.

"Aye, if I be needing help, however I intend to make this stop. Tis becoming and irritant and disrupting to my other duties." She placed some coins down on the bar and then pulled the glove back over her hand.

"That slaving Gig?" He frowned at her with brows furrowing deeply. "Your so much better then some high priced body guard Fio. I could get you more jobs if you want to get back to the real world."

"Nae, for now it suits me well enough. Tis light work but it does keeps me sharp. Ye would be surprised at how many enemies that Lord Brutin has collected. I stay very busy keeping him from harm. " She gave a faint smile and then once more pushed up fully to her feet. "Speaking of which, I have other business to attend to. Have a guild leader to speak to and hopefully the trouble with being stalked will end soon."

"Yeah, yeah. You just let me know if you ever plan to return to the business. I can always use another decent partner." He smirked, as it was a well-known fact he didn't like working with anyone.

"I shall, though for now I be quite happy. Give Aunt Belial my love if ye see her." A light pat to his shoulder and she was heading off. Once clear of the building she slid smoothly into the shadows and was soon emerging at the gates of the Guild Hall.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-21 21:51 EST
She quickly located Anath in his office and quietly knocked.

"Come." He looked up as she entered and a black brow quirked. "Good eve Fiona. What can I do for you?"

"Tis the Guild Leader of DV. I be here to let ye know I may kill her. We are nae at war with them and still she seeks to have me assassinated and it's starting to grate." She folded her arms over her chest while settling her frosty green eyes upon him. She wasn't asking, she was telling and by the look on his face, he didn't like it.

"There are steps on dealing with these sort of things. Will you not let me try the more diplomatic methods first?" The frown on his tanned face struck her as amusing, but she didn't smile.

"I will give ye two days Anath. If another one comes after me after that, tis no diplomatic means I will accept unless it be Lady Catdrina's head served up on a platter. If she nae wants her play toys battered, she should nae take them into her guild. He challenged me and I nae saw anywhere in the rules I need to take a fall to make some worthless boy toy look good. I am nae paid enough for that." She said this all with soft, cool tones and then gave a deadly cold smile. "She should be glad he nae succeeded in kissing me, else he would be dead instead of bruised up a bit."

"Yes, I know that Fiona. I will see what I can do and get this stopped, if not, I will give you my approval on what ever you feel you need to do to make it stop." He didn't sound the least bit pleased, but at least he was willing to try and stop it through peaceful means first and she was actually allowing it. "Are you feeling alright?" He was slowly realizing that in most cases she wouldn't have even asked first, and being that this was unusual he was suddenly worried.

"Ye did say I needed to clear such thing with ye first. I am doing so. Ye have two days starting now." She gave a sharp nod of her raven head and with a sharp spin of a heel she was off, heading for the exit. "Dark eve to ye Anath."

She returned via the shadowy paths to the SA Halls once more, emerging in the gardens and frowned, hearing the sound of loud music and course laughter. Oh lovely, another one of Brutin's gatherings. She would have to at least make an appearance but she wasn't in the mood to deal with his usual collection of dominant males and their grabbing ways. She was wearing a target, thanks in part to one of those already and wasn't sure her temper would hold. She might blow up at the next one that dared touch her and gut him on the spot.

The thought made her dagger giggle gleefully at the idea and she just strode from the darkness into the long hallway that led to the common room. Once she entered, she gave a quiet nod to Lucius standing guard at the door and was soon making her way towards the man himself. "Dark eve to ye Lord Brutin."

"Ah, Fiona! I am glad to see you made it." He sent her one of his distracted smiles, and she was quickly aware he was showing off some of his slaves. She then nodded to the two Tarnsmen standing at his back. She wasn't in the mood to play bodyguard and as those gathered looked already drunk she doubted any would seek to attack him.

To the bar she then glided, finding her usual brew hidden behind and with quiet and deft movements soon made herself a glass of Absinthe. Once she had that in hand she took up a lean against the counter and just settled into watching with narrowed and moody green eyes.

"So who is the veiled woman Lord Brutin?" One, rather swarthy male asked as his gaze raked insolently over her leather clad frame and then he was frowning at the scathing dismissal caught in the cold frosty green eyes turned upon him.

"That is Fiona DeWil. She's my Lead Tarnsmen and not one to trifle with. None yet has managed to crack that icy exterior of hers any that have tried and usually end up with missing fingers and unconscious on the floor." At least her employer was honest for those words were not a boast but pure fact.

"I bet you one of my slaves that my bodyguard, Emyr can take her down." He laughed roughly, finding he didn't like the expression he found in Brutin's employee's eyes.

"And what is it you want from me if my Tarn looses eh Celidon?" Brutin had that glint in his eye, as the idea of profit always delighted him. Considering this slaver wasn't from these parts, he wouldn't know DeWil's reputation and that made him a very easy target.

"Well, I could say the spoils of the activity. Her for the night." Again course laughter rolled arrogantly from the large man. Even if Fiona lost, the night he expected would end up as his own version of hell, as she would rip him apart before letting him touch her, but as he wasn't aware of that and made no stipulation to what would come, she allowed it.

She caught the stark flare of anger and her own eyes shifted with an arching of a brow at Lucius. She had noticed it and found it as always curious. He apparently didn't like what was being discussed however she wasn't going to say no. The idea of beating some over stuffed slaver stupid had some appeal, considering her current foul mood.

The bets where being placed as she eyed the man she was to fight. He looked smug and overconfident which brought and even colder glitter to her commonly frosty gaze. He had that look about him that spoke volumes on just what he thought of a woman actually beating him. He was assuming she couldn't do it and that brought a cold smile rising under the silken mask she wore.

Soon enough, the dancers were sent to the corner of the room and she rose, tossing back the bittersweet liquid, welcoming the burn as she downed it. She then shed her cloak, and started to remove the array of weapons she carried and all well hidden. She could feel the eyes of many upon her, but was methodical before turning back and stepping into the center of the room. Nothing at all showed on her serene features, except a sort of impassive set to her elegant visage. She was aware the man topped her by a good foot and a half, but size had never been an issue for her as she regarded him coolly.

Once both were facing each other, she heard Brutin's clap. "Begin!" And was instantly ducking under the fast swing that came towards her. The man was quick, surprisingly so but she was faster and instantly caught that outstretched arm and deftly hip tossed him to the hard marble floor before dancing back with a smirk still hidden by black silk.

He scrambled back up to his feet with a low growl and then lunged, seeking to use his superior height and bulk against her. It was rather like how she fought in the Guild games and agile and swift, she stepped to the side, letting him sail past.

Spinning around he surged forward again and even before he could lay his hands upon her, she swept his legs out from under him with a single graceful sailing turn. She hadn't yet actually hurt him, but would soon. He hit the ground with another grunt and then rolled up and managed to slam a meaty fist into her leg, nearly taking her down but she hopped back on one undamaged limb with a hiss.

Neither had drawn first blood but so far she had the higher score for Brutin was keeping track and just moved in nimble quick, and leapt high into the air with a sharp spin and slammed a hard boot into the side of his head. Down he went again and she just smiled coldly at the sight of his now split and bleeding lip.

Even though her right leg was aching from the blow, she kept moving, staying out of his reach until one fake feint caught her and she went flying backwards with blood spraying from her nose. Lucius nearly stepped in but a mental shout from her stopped him in his tracks but the rage was growing. Rolling up to her feet even before the brute could reach her, she growled low and just flat out decked him, her rock hard fist nearly shattering his throat and just dropped him where he stood. The large form tumbled over much like a felled tree, and the rasping wheeze of his shattered thorax loud in the now silent room.

Seconds later, she was wiping the blood away from her face, using the black silk that had been covering it and just glanced over at Brutin. "Ye best get a healer to him soon, else he will die."

The slaver lord, Celidon just looked at her in stunned disbelief then at Brutin before a healer was called for. "Where in the name of the Gods did you find that one Brutin?"

"That's a secret. But I did warn you, didn't I" Oh, and I'll take that redhead you brought along by the way." He was nearly spilling over with the new bounty and just gave Fiona a very approving smile.

"Now Milord, if ye will excuse me, I am going to retire for the evening." She sent a stiff nod to Brutin and after collecting the various weapons and her cloak she was on her way for the door.

She flicked a look over at Lucius, still feeling that fury rolling off of him in waves and also nodded before heading for her own office. Her gait was only slight off but only a well-trained eye would notice and was soon inspecting the damage to her face in the bathroom mirror minutes later. Her nose was broken and eyes already starting to blacken, this she noticed with detachment. Taking a deep breath she reached up with the intention of setting it back into place when she felt a hand come down on her shoulder.

"Sit." He ordered and just started to push her down into a nearby chair. She was then looking up into his shrouded features and gave a hard little smile.

"Yes sir." Her tone was anything but pleasant, as she did consider just standing back up, even as he now inspected her pale face with those red gleaming eyes.

"Stay still, because this is going to hurt." In a quick movement he set the cracked bone back into place and she fought to keep from making a sound even while spots danced before her eyes at the pain.

"Aye, ye were right. It hurt. Think I will live Dr. DeAuster?" She would have smirked, but still getting a handle on the lingering pain the twisted little smile was all she managed.

"Does that happen often?" He ignored her lame attempt at a joke and just growled his own question instead.

"Often enough." She started to rise and winced as the bruised muscle in her leg protested.

His gaze simply narrowed even more and she caught another blast of anger, which instantly drew her darkened gaze upwards at the sheer intensity of it.

"Brutin uses you as a prize and you allow it?" The words were frosty cold and colored with more of that rage.

"As I have nae lost yet, tis hardly an issue. Besides, should I ever fall, one would regret a night with me. If I am nae willing, they would only end up ripped apart." She gave a low snort and finally managed to find her feet, rising just a little unsteadily from the chair. "I did tell ye most Brutin associates with consider a woman nae much of a deterrent until they see me in action. Nae only that, but I have acquired quite a collection of fingers working here."

"That practice stops now." She wasn't at all sure why he was so angry about it. It wasn't as if it affected him in anyway. It was her personal risk and one she took only occasionally.

"As it nae directly has bearing upon ye Lucius, tis nae ye decision to make Brutin stop doing it." She was moving away from him, as the emotion he was emitting from him was becoming over powering. She sank into her own desk chair with a faint hiss as her leg sent a twinge of pain through her tired form.

"You are his employee and not one of his slaves to be bartered liked that Fiona." His voice was raising some and she just waved a hand in his direction.

"Calm ye self Lucius. Tonight, I nae declined as I was in the mood to knock that one silly. Much of the time I do, but ta be honest, it often makes more trouble as inevitably I have to deal with the slaver in question trying to take what he wishes. This way tends to prevent that later as few wish to deal with a woman likely stronger then they are. Their manhood can nae stand that." There was a derisive glitter in her frosty green eyes now, as she looked his way. "It's just one of the flaws of what is in many instances a rather easy position." She leaned and drew a flask from her desk drawer and with a flick of a thumb opened it and glanced his way again. "Nae once has he ever ordered me to do anything I nae wanted. Tis a bit of harmless fun and is nae an insult. Brutin trusts in my abilities to win."

"Perhaps so, but I don't like it." He growled again while moving towards the desk where she was now seated.

Hr head tipped back as she took a swig from the silver flask then looked over at him and just gave a faint and cool smile. "As I nae mind it, I rather think it be my decision to make and nae yours DeAuster."

"What do you think will happen if you lose Fiona?" The red eyes were now slitted lines of fury as he glared down at her.

"I will likely end up slicing up the one seeking to drag me into his bed. Tis really that simple as most nae say I need be willing and as that is the case, they will find I am nae such a fun toy for those frivolous games. Tis nae a practice of mine." Offering then a slow shift of shoulders in a light shrug. "So either way, I still win."

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-22 12:38 EST
Over the next few weeks, they did fall into a sort of routine. Both, Lucius and Fiona managing to deal with each other without too much trouble. In those moments she was reminded starkly of the past was quickly buried and she found she was able to at least work with him. They didn't speak about personal matters, which suited her just fine. If he was curious, he never asked and again, she preferred it that way.

This day had started off as no different, but halfway though it, they were off to deal with an escaped slave. With trouble brewing with an opposing Slaver's association Brutin wanted the girl found and dragged back before the sun went down so he sent Fiona and Lucius out to track her.

Heading out over the field on horseback, Fiona glanced over at him with a faintly nasty glitter in her eyes. "I am telling ye, she had to have had help. Ye mark my words the girl will likely be in the company of one or more men. Tis the way these things usually end up."

"Perhaps, but it is also possible she escaped on her own." Was his stony reply and that brought a laugh falling from her, low and quiet.

"Tis a fact most Brutin gets are only out to crawl into his bed and be able to claim such. He does have a way about him and that wicked tongue of his has trapped quite a few." She added as her head turned and sharp perceptive green eyes scanned the landscape, looking for any sign of recent passing. "Trouble is, few be all that smart enough to figure a way out without assistance and most times, tis a man they cajole into "Saving" them."

"He didn't trap you." She might be wrong but she thought she heard a bit of approval there and even a touch of smugness and just snorted.

A hand then lifted, pointing out an obviously broken limb on a tree. "There." She had to think a moment, remembering Brutin attempting his verbal seduction upon her and it hadn't even made much impact. "As for Brutin getting me, well, I nae have much interest in being 'real" woman. My power has nae ever been sexual, but far more demonic in nature, even if some say it be one in the same. Nor do I care to explore my "Slave Belly", for tis my experience that the floor be often cold and nae comfortable. " She gave a shrug and then was slithering agilely down from the saddle to inspect the ground near the splintered branch. There were signs of recent tracks there and far more then she expected as her gloved hand pushed some of the straw grass to the side.

"Aye, I be right in some regards. The lady be with others alright, just more then I first thought." Her dark head lifted and glanced up towards him before she rose to a stand once more.

He had also dismounted and was taking a look around with the flicker of those crimson eyes. A frown pulled on what little of his face she could see and he gave a nod. "Far more then just a few as you said. From the feel of this, they hadn't passed here to long ago."

"Well, I think we should track them down. I can return to the Hall and collect more Tarns once we know what we be facing." Her boot caught in the stirrup and she swung back up onto the dancing Madyrn.

He gave a nod and was soon back on his own large mount. "This might be something to do with the Imperium Fiona. If that is the case, we could be looking at a war."

"Aye, that be entirely possible, though would be a pity as the chit that would be starting such a thing is nae worth that much." She gave a frosty smile and was soon heading into the thicker shade of the forest.

She knew that Brutin's competition would have taken a dog, if it would make trouble so it was quite possible they were behind this. The girl may think she was fleeing to freedom but was only trading one collar for another. Then again, it could just be some hero with a small force at his disposal, either way the day just became more interesting by her estimation.

She couldn't tell what Lucius was thinking, let along feeling as he was as always void of any emotion with the exception of anger on occasion. She couldn't dismiss is abilities however and did wonder just why he took the job with Brutin to start with but as she wasn't wishing to have him pry about her personal life or lack of it, she suspected she best not ask. She had heard rumors that he had slaves of his own, but she found that it felt oddly off in her mind. He was undead, making the need for slaves a little useless.

She felt him close behind her, even as her mount navigated the treacherous woodlands and caught a sound in the distance, which made her pull up quietly. Her raven head turned and she nodded to Lucius as he drew up beside her with his own crimson gaze narrowed and deadly intent. "I think it would be prudent if we continue closer on foot. I know I can manage that silently, but Madyrn is nae built for that sort of stealth."

He gave a slow nod in response as both in unison dismounted quietly and secured their horses to a nearby tree. Fiona smoothly drew her blade then, who had been strangely silent through much of the ride and actually remained so and started to move closer. Her Elven grace showing as she danced over fallen trees and skimmed even patches of dried leaves without making even a single sound, nary a crack of a twig or stir of a breeze could alert any they were there.

Lucius followed slower behind her but also managed to remain just as quiet, his steps taken with some care and soon both were gazing out over a clearing. The girl was staked out and obviously had been used and in a quick inspection Fiona determined at least ten men, but suspected that possibly two or four more were standing watch.

Fiona's voice fell to a soft whisper as she leaned towards him without taking her eyes of that camp. "Shall I go back and bring twice the number of Tarns?"

His low growl was the answer as they had already been seen by one of the few she had suspected stood on guard and already they were heading towards the corpse of trees they were watching from. "I think it's to late for that Fiona."

A glance and she just gave a cold smile. "Ah, I see ye be right Lucius. Well, I was nae ever one to flee a fight." She rose from the crouch and just moved out of the protection of the woods and into the view of many. Behind her Lucius also stepped and she flicked a look at him.

Of course they were all men and she heard a few course and vulgar comments about her gender made as they were closing the distance. Cloaked as she was, they likely hadn't figured out yet who she was, but it made little difference to her. She fully intended to damage as many as possible and was confident in her own abilities to do so.

She heard the distinctive sound of Lucius's swords being drawn and just stood watching, they had the advantage of the dense woods behind them so if any sought to come from behind they would be heard. These men were all large and clumsy so she had noticed.

They quickly moved into action, working surprisingly well together as their enemy closed in and soon the air was filled with the sound of battle. The clashing of swords and dagger echoed and bounced over rocks and trees as more then one fell quickly. The scent of blood assailed her senses and she just spun in fast, the sharp razored tips having been activated deftly slicing into the throat of one as her dagger blocked another.

She had a moment to glance behind her and noticed Lucius had taken down two more then her, so redoubled her own efforts, Garith unleashed with a snap of her wrist and was buried deep in the chest of one large man who died wearing a look of total surprise.

In the melee they had become separated and she quickly realized they were centering most of the attention upon the large armored figure. She had taken down another with the loud cracking of a neck and let him fall and spun about, seeing one with a upraised sword about to bring it down upon his back. She simply reacted then, yanking a steel star from her boot and in a flash it went flying, embedding deep into the attacker's skull and he folded to the ground with the stare of death.

She didn't get another moment to appreciate her work before another one came sailing towards her, sending them both tumbling across the rough earth.

She felt the pain but shook it off as talons tore through the leather of her gloves and gouged into eyes, blinding the man before she mule kicked him several feet across the clearing and was once more back on her feet. There wasn't many left as she saw the littering of bodies around Lucius. He was an effective fighter, as the destruction he was creating was impressive. All this she took in a moment before she muttered the command and in seconds she was surging back into the mix with Garith once more in her now bared hand.

She only just managed to duck under a sudden spinning swing of one of Lucius's swords and caught the sight of battle lust in his eyes. He grunted at a sudden recognition. "Sorry." And he was again sending one more flying back with half his middle spilling into the hard packed earth and starting on the next man to capture his ire.

She wanted at least one alive and thus was calling the shadows, before sailing into another conflict, the man was better then the others, as she felt the lash of a rapier against her cheek and growled at the stinging pain it sent careening through her. But she was determined not to lose so her movements were methodical and even before he could pin her down, he found himself enveloped in ribbon of black and jerked back roughly into a tree. She left him dangling there cussing and turned again to see how Luc was fairing, only to find him soaked in blood but the last one standing amidst their two-person massacre.

"Ye be alright Lucius?" She asked, as she used her scarf to dab at the gash in her face gingerly.

He growled again, and then leaned to clean his blades on the shirt of one of those he had killed. "I'm fine."

In truth, she didn't know if he could be hurt, but suspected he might still experience pain in some degrees. As for blood, she couldn't tell if he was injured either, for he was covered in it. "Ye be a mess Lucius." Those words sent over a shoulder as she headed towards the staked out slave and quickly discovered that the girl was still alive.

He moved after her, actually taking a moment to wipe some of the gory from his armor. "She's still alive. What did you want to do with that one over there screaming?"

"I want to take him back to Brutin actually. Tis certain he will talk eventually. They always do." She had cut the bonds on the unconscious woman and was now moving around the camp, taking stock of what those that had stole Brutin's girl had. She was finding plenty of gold pouches and of few of those she pocketed. More weapons and little else to identify them as Slaver Imperials. "If he is with the SI, I can nae see anything here to state that. Tis possible they stumbled upon the slave near the keep and just took her, but as we still have that one, " She sent a jerk of her chin towards the only survivor. "He will certainly tell us who he be working with."

Rising back up she turned and looked at him with a light tilting of her dark head. The action making the long snug braid dance behind her and found him staring at her hard. "Your hurt."

"A bit, but nae anything I can't handle." She pulled her gaze away from his and started to tear the tattered remains of her gloves from her hands. "Tis a good thing I have my horse along, else I would be a hindrance. " She then poked a bit at the slice in her side of her leathers with a scowl at the mess there. "I think I may be asking soon for a raise. Tis expensive replacing leather gear."

"Let me heal you Fiona." This time there wasn't any poisons to deal with and he was already moving towards her taking something unknown from a pouch at his side.

"Tis nae much damage Lucius. I will be fine." Her wintry green eyes lifted even as he was pushing her down into a camp bench. She realized he wasn't listening to her and a frown started to build on her blood splattered and bruised features.

Seconds later she was reeling as he crushed some sort of stone and the sparks and screams just slammed into her. Unexpectedly making her nearly rock backwards at the force and sudden flooding of energy. The sensation made her shake in surprise but the pain was quickly fading. What ever he had used worked astonishingly well.

The lingering echo of a scream still rolled through her thoughts and she frowned, feeling the stretching of her demonic side, which was quickly restrained before she finally managed to draw in a sharp breath.

"I nae know what ye just did, but do warn me next time Lucius. Tis a bit, unsettling on the senses, so does require some advance notice." She was rising to her feet with a black nailed hand rising to push his from her shoulder. "Think ye can do the same for the slave?"

"I'll not waste soul stones on her. She's not at risk and Brutin is sure to have her cared for once she is returned to him." He frowned at her, obviously not at all pleased at how she had moved away from him.

In truth, that gem of his had stirred up that side of her nature and she had found his touch a little disturbing, but hadn't thought he would care one way or the other. He was dead and shouldn't have those sorts of feelings anymore. "Aye, ye be right about that. Well, lets get our prisoner and the slave and return to the SA Hall. I shall send out some Tarns to clean up this mess once we get back."

Less then an hour later, they were on their way back towards the SA's compound. Fiona's shadow bands had been replaced by the shackles Luc had brought along, and the man they had caught was left to struggle along behind their horses. The slave, still unconscious was draped over the front of Lucius's mount. The progress back was much slower then the ride taken out, but with the added burden and their new captive they had little choice.

"Fiona" Why did you jerk away as you did?" Out of the blue he asked the question she had hoped he wouldn't and she just went stiff in her seat, causing her house to fidget instantly.

"I nae like to be touched." She managed to state in what she hoped was a calm and quiet fashion.

"I know that, but your reaction wasn't just that." He sounded so sure of that, she couldn't help but glance over at him.

"Fine then, ye be wanting to know my reasons" Blame it on that gemstone of yours. Triggered something I carry inside." Her lips thinned then, as she didn't want to say more, but knew he was hard headed from past knowledge and would dig deeper if possible. Taking another slow even and soothing breath then she continued. "Unlike ye, I am nae dead and that healing device of yours nudged my demonic nature to stir, making even the touch of one undead as ye have an effect. There now, be ye happy??

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-24 15:53 EST
He thought on that for a moment, and then nodded slowly. "I should have realized such a reaction would have come from use of the soulgem." That got a strange look from Fiona, prompting him to continue. "The energy they release to heal only works on those of certain heritage. The undead, and the infernal being the prime examples."

Fiona smirked slightly, looking ahead again as they rode. "And why haven't ye used one of these miracle gems on that tear in your cheek?"

"I have." Was the immediate reply, as he turned to watch the surviving raider behind them. Seeing he was being watched the man started spewing a tirade of epithets at the two, who dismissed his threats and returned to their conversation. "While it can heal damage to my body, for some reason it fails to heal that particular wound."

"A pity?" she whispered, and looked over to him again. "How came ye to bear such a thing?" Now, it was Lucius's turn to ride silent for a moment, uncertain how much to reveal to her. Coming to a decision, he glanced to her as he replied.

"It is the by-product of experiments into trying to give the mask of living." He steeled himself for the mocking laughter he felt would come, but to his mild surprise Fiona merely looked at him curiously. "After my return, I became curious as to what was happening beyond the boundaries of the valley, so I started to look for a means to be able to blend into the populous again."

"Ah. But why not use a simple illusion spell?" Ice-green eyes narrowed slightly as Fiona glanced ahead to a copse of trees near the road, an excellent place for an ambush. "Would that nae be easier to use?"

"The illusion would mask my appearance, but not the affects of my undeath." Lucius nodded slowly, continuing to ride as though he was not worried about anything, but he was keeping a watch on the surrounding countryside. "What I tried to find was a way to completely mask myself."

Silence fell as they passed the copse, and when nothing sprang out to assail them the two relaxed, not having realized they had tensed up. "I take it then ye have given up on this search?" Fiona again cast a look to him, as he rode beside her.

"No. I have given sanctuary to a lich in Gharnholme. In return for a place to safely conduct his research he looks for a way to give me what I seek." Fiona nodded slowly, knowing something of the undead wizards. And that line of thinking brought a soft peal of laughter from her, drawing a look from the deathknight. "This is amusing?"

"Just the thought of one undead, trying to further his own undeath, also trying to give another the illusion of life." Pale lips curled slightly as she looked back to her companion. " "Tis ironic, actually." A hand came up, as she continued. "And nae use one of those things on me without letting me know first."

"Indeed." Came the reply, accompanied by a slow nod.


Later, with the raider safely ensconced in Brutin's dungeon to await his interrogation, and the slave returned to the kennels, Lucius sat behind his small desk, fingers folded together as he thought about the events of the day. Thoughts led to another quandary, the attempted assassination attempt on Fiona, masquerading as an attack on Brutin. Dark thoughts meandered, moving back to another questioning"

Bastion was one of the largest cities of the south, a hub of commerce and political power to rival that of Cisroe and even Karthenium, even further to the north, in the Northern Empires, yet close enough to exert influence here. Many trading costers maintained warehouses and offices in Bastion, as did several mercenary companies and faiths.

It was the last that brought Lucius to Bastion. Accompanied by a small retinue, led by Sir Herzog, the paladin lord had ridden hard as soon as the roads had opened again. Herzog had not questioned the trip, having noted Lucius's sour demeanor ever since they had returned from Cisroe a month earlier. A discreet inquiry had been answered with a low growl and the words "Ordos plotting", which was more than enough to shut the Paladin knight up. Having risen in the ranks of the Ordos Militant, he knew well the whispered stories about the other Ordos's.

"Herzog, find us a place to stay, then come meet me in the Halls of Strength." Lucius glanced back at his lieutenant and the other knights. All looked as road-weary as he felt, though Bran still had the wherewithal to make a comment about the smell of food coming from a nearby inn.

"Aye, milord." Herzog brought a mailed fist up to lightly clang against his chestplate and, after a nod of acknowledgement; Lucius spurred his horse onward down the street.

Still in the grips of late winter Bastion had few street side vendors out, so the muddy streets were relatively empty, allowing him a quick ride to the Halls of Strength, the building from which his order operated in the city. Unlike the Tri-Spires of Cisroe the Halls had no flowing stone towers, but were instead a series of small manor-type buildings within a walled compound in the Temple District. Meticulous-kept gardens were relatively bare, snow still covering much of the ground, though hardier bushes stood green against the grey-white covering. Here and there priests in varying degrees of adorned robes hurried through the chill air, and the quiet had a sense of peace about it.

A peace not felt by the paladin as he reigned to a halt before the doors of the main hall. Passing the reigns to a page, who hurried forward Lucius stalked to the doors and entered the Hall. Though hall was not the best way to describe the cathedral. From the small antechamber before him stretched lines of pews, a center aisle moving to the altar set on a high dais. Here, the arch-prelate celebrated mass with the citizens, officiating over everything from baptisms to funerals. Fresco's adorned the walls, and the skylight bore the painted glasswork of the holy symbol of Leorn. It was enough to impress most, but for now Lucius paid the cathedral no mind, pulling back the hood of the heavy cloak as he headed down the small side passages toward the administrative area of the Halls.

Rounding the corner, he was stopped before a closed door by a man clad in the livery of the temple guard. "Your business, lord knight?" he asked as he stood, eyes taking in the bared chestplate and the emblems it bore.

"Lord DeAuster to see the Prelate Ornorm." Lucius replied, to which the guard nodded, stepping aside and opening the door.

"You are expected, milord." Lucius grunted as he passed into the richly decorated inner sanctum of the Halls. Stifling the urge to sneeze as the cloying fragrance of incense, the paladin glanced around, taking in the rich tapestries depicting scenes of heroes of the order and the small table and leather-backed chairs. It was a waiting room, to which he snorted softly.

A charge through the door to his left was averted by the arrival of a brown-robed cleric, who quickly bowed to the paladin towering over him. "Lord DeAuster?" When Lucius nodded the cleric half-bowed again, and turned back to the door. "Yes, Prelate Ornorm awaits your pleasure." As Lucius again nodded and stepped forward the young man held out a hand. "Milord, you'll have to leave your weapon here."

Lucius stopped shirt, a brow rising. "Excuse me?" He asked, not certain he had heard right, and when the cleric repeated the request to leave his weapon the paladin laughed brusquely. "Priest, I am a member of the Ordos Militant. We turn over our weapons to no man save our brothers in arms."

"I'm sorry, milord, but our rules?" Words cut short as Lucius drew his longsword, the blade hissing softly from its sheath.

"Priest, this weapon is a blessed weapon of the order, borne by the High Lord DeMaine during the Verrok liberations, blessed by his blood and the holy water prepared by Venerated Malus." The edges of the longsword seemed to glitter softly as Lucius recanted its lineage, his eyes held reverently to the blade for a moment. "And you would deny the admittance of a holy relic of the church??

The cleric's mouth opened and closed a couple of times, and finally he turned and headed to the door. Sheathing Evilkiller Lucius followed, chuckling softly to himself.

The passage they traveled down was open to one side in a small indoor garden, and on the other by a series of offices for the clergy who maintained the day-to-day operations of the church. Rounding one corner they skirted past three clerics deep in discussion, none giving the duo a glance as they passed by. The cleric paused before a door near the end of the passage, opening it for the paladin, who entered the chamber beyond.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-24 15:54 EST
Two gloworbs, as well as a crackling fire in the large fireplace warmly lighted the room. A desk dominated the room, the wood gleaming from years of oiling and cleaning by the clerics of the Halls. Two chairs faced the cluttered desk, and to Lucius's right was a small shrine: A combination of official position and religious simplicity. And the man coming around the desk would have it no other way, he knew from past experience. "Lucius, welcome!" The rotund prelate greeted the paladin warmly, and Lucius stepped forward to clasp the offered hand, wrist to wrist.

"Ornorm!" Lucius replied just as warmly, stepping back once his wrist was released. "You're looking as good as ever." Ornorm laughed heartily, his hands resting for a second on his rotund belly.

"And you will serve penance tonight for lying to a superior." Lucius's grunt of reply had him laughing again, an arm sweeping around to one of the chairs. "Please, sit!" He rounded the end of the desk and lowered himself into his oversized chair as Lucius likewise sat dawn. "Tell me, have you heard from Jim lately?"

The question brought a smile to the paladin. Jimithar, or "Brother Jim' to those who knew him, had been an adventuring partner of Lucius some years past. Along with the dwarf warrior-merchant Ectar, the surly minotaur Kas Ord-Makov and the wizard-couple Sadoc and Valerie Correll, they had shared many adventures, culminating in the partial exploration that lead to the opening of a new passage from Verrok to the tundra-plains of Gorgothe.

"Last I heard, he was about to start ministering to the Gorgothe tribes." Lucius leaned back into the chair, hands folded over his chestplate as he relaxed.

"Now there's a task I do not envy him." Ornorm chuckled softly as he likewise relaxed. "I have to say, I was surprised at receiving a letter from you, requestiong an audience." He waved a hand, as though warding away something foul-smelling. "So officious. You know all you have to do is come to bastion to see me."

"Perhaps, old friend, but this time, I didn't come up just to reminisce." Lucius leaned forward a bit now, elbows resting on his shins. "I need to know why the Hereticant is so interested in the area around Kaylieth. Especially around Cisroe and Malirid."

Any trace of good humor faded as Lucius spoke, and now Ornorm sat up straighter, glancing around as though someone may be listening, before replying. "You don't ask for anything small, do you?"

"Then you know something." Lucius leaned forward still more. "What's going on?"

"I cannot say for certain." Ornorm quickly raised a hand to forestall any protest. "I don't. What you are asking about falls under the purview of the Hereticant." Lucius growled softly as he sat back again.

"Damn it, Ornorm, you're a prelate." And immediately he realized that he may have spoken out of turn, but decided that his rank would give him exception this time. Ornorm also let it pass, possibly holding similar thoughts.

"Prelate I am, but you know as well as I that the Hereticant, as well as the Militant, operate with a partial autonomy, and are answerable only to the High Council."

"Or their direct representatives." Lucius grumbled as he sagged a bit. He had been afraid of this hindrance, but had held out hope. Hand rising to rub at his chin in frustration, he thought for a moment, and then looked to Ornorm. "Alright, a different question. What has the Council deemed our course of action in Kaylieth?"

Ornorm smiled slowly. "That is a question I can answer." Manicured nails pressed together as he looked to the paladin. "The current position of the Council is one of neutrality, due to the current civil war."

"As it should be." Lucius noted. Ornorm continued on.

"We will give assistance to those in need, but will not aid one side over another in the conflict." Heaving to his feet the prelate circled around the desk. "This neutrality extends to the Militant, my friend."

"Indeed." Rising also, Lucius turned to keep Ornorm in view as the other continued to slowly pace. "I noticed you left out the Hereticant."

"The Hereticant has also been ordered not to interfere." Ornorm paused, glancing back to Lucius. "If they are acting within Malirid or Kaylieth in general, then it is not due to the war."

It took a moment for Lucius to work out the many levels of what Ornorm had said. The Hereticant was acting on their own, along another tact entirely than the war between the Malirid clans. "So, he wasn't there to investigate the murder of a Teodry."

"Eh' Ornorm looked confused, and Lucius dragged himself away from his musings. "Who wasn't where?"

"An inquisitor, Margeth by name." There was no hiding the look of distaste that came across his features, for the thought of the inquisitor searching after Fiona galled him to the core. A similar look flitted over Ornorm's features.

"Be careful of that one, Lucius." He said quietly, his tone deadly serious. "He's a fervent one, and from what I have seen, he'd have no compulsions at all in going after anyone he felt was spiritually impure."

"Then he had better stay out of my way." The level of anger that flashed white-hot through him was surprising, and Lucius swallowed hard, silently recalling a calming mantra to bring his emotions back under control. Ornorm stepped over, a hand coming to rest on the steel shoulder guard after a gentle pat.

"Tell you what. Let's talk about more pleasant things, over dinner?" That, along with the mantra, brought a small measure of a smile to Lucius, who nodded in agreement.

"My man Herzog is finding rooms for us in the city. So, why don't you get your cloak, and we'll go meet him out front?" With a quick nod Ornorm moved to collect his traveling cloak from the peg. Lucius waited for him by the door, left hand slowly rubbing over his right wrist, where the edge of a creamy white stocking peeked from under the leather of his gauntlet'

The hard knock at his door brought Lucius's eyes around, blazing in the dark of the room. "What?" The door opened, and one of the guards slipped a head in.

"The prisoner you brought in is ready for questioning." Lucius rose, and came around his desk.

"I'll be down in a moment." As the guard closed the door again the deathknight pulled on his cloak again, pausing for a moment to pull up his gauntlets, the right one easing back over the aged stocking he wore around the right wrist.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-24 18:44 EST
Flinging her lithe frame down into her office chair she shot a sour look over the stacks of papers she needed to review before the end of the day. Her thoughts were far from such mundane duties of course but she started to make an effort. In many ways it was easier with Lucius taking over certain duties she had never cared for, such as the interrogations. Her training had never covered such things, although her father did have many that specialized in those aspects. She however had never been fond of torture, although she had to act in such manners a few times over the years. Even then she hadn't ever really developed a taste for it so gladly relinquished that side to her new professional "partner".

It allowed her time to finished up the payrolls for the Tarnsmen and setting up schedules for the next few weeks. Tedious as the job was she methodically worked until the pile on her large desk was only a memory.

Gloved fingers pushed the light drift of hair from her brow as she heard the giggles and shrieks out in the hall. The sound told her it was likely Brutin chasing his eccentric secretary with that flyswatter again. The thought made her smirk faintly as the girl was truly a handful but could claim to be one of the very few that Brutin was obviously fond of above most others.

Rising she took up the organized documents and was soon depositing them on Tara's desk for the Lord himself to review and sign off on. Once this was done she was able to depart. She had another appointment to keep and quietly side stepped into the shadows.

Some minutes later she was striding down another long hall and entering Anath's office. Outside the storm that had been threatening for most of the day had finally broken, and the gloomy cast was in direct conflict with the warm comfort found in his santium. "Greetings Anath." She said as she pushed the door closed behind her.

The dark head bent down over papers on his own desk lifted and he gave a distracted smile. "Ah, Fiona. Right on time as always."

"Well" Did ye get the woman to back down?" She took a casual stance before him with arms folding lazily over her chest.

"I tried, but all I got for the effort was a lot of double talk." Leaning back as one large hand pushed the papers to the side and he stretched for a moment. "I even told her that if she didn't call off her assassins, you had promised to deal with her yourself."

A raven brow arched for a moment before Fiona's lips started to curl into a cold dangerous smile. "And what did she say to that prospect?"

"She seemed to be amused by it. I don't really know if the woman is sane to be blunt. She's got some idea in her head that because she's a Guild Leader, she is safe from such threats." There was a mild frown on his tanned features as he made that statement. "I did tell her otherwise, but she just told me to get a handle on my pet dogs."

That comment brought and even harder glint to her pale icy gaze and the smile became even more vicious. "So she be thinking I am ye pet dog now?" He rocked back with a low laugh and just shrugged. "I think she was trying to insult me, but I found her words only proved she's unfit to lead. That simple. I also had made a point of bringing a few other Guild Commanders along as diplomatic assistance and truthfully, the four I had asked all think it might be best if she was removed quietly from her position." The blue gaze now swung to rest upon her with a spark she wasn't able to identify.

She was listening without movement, but as he spoke her eyes were narrowing slightly, sensing something more was about to come so she simply waited for him to finish.

"This decision was made and an alliance in turn created. It was not only me she sought to insult, but all the others as well. She's thinking she's better then us and carries more weight, so in turn we are going to pay to have her removed."

"I told ye I wished this job Anath. Ye know I can handle it with little trouble and I nae even require any payment at all." She snorted now, as while she may be semi-retired she felt sure she was still one of the more competent assassins they could find.

"Yes, which is why we want to hire you to do this job." Sitting up he rested his forearms on the desktop and gazed at Fiona steadily. "She does carry some power, but with us hiring you, outside of your guild affiliations, that will misdirect the line of fire when her allies get up in arms about it. That woman has more enemies then most. Now, we would like this to look like an outsider did it if at all possible."

"I nae care if her allies all line up to take shots at me. That woman has pushed to far." She did shift then, arms unfolding with slow control movements as she stepped towards the desk and soon her gloved palms were planted down as she leaned into it. "Fine then. I will take the job. What be the earnings to do this?"

"Ah, first there are some stipulations. So this doesn't just fall upon my guild as you are my representative, the payment is set so you can hire others not connected with any guilds as well."

This brought a frown to her pale-lit features but only for a moment, as she knew who to get and slowly her dark head nodded. "Aye, I know a few I can get that nae have any affiliations with guilds presently."

He pulled a heavy pouch laden with gold from his drawer and tossed it down. "That's $50,000 in gold to start. You will get the other half once the job is done."

She didn't wait, just scooped up the heavy bag with a smirk. "Nae often I get paid for a job I would have done easily for free."

"True, but this way, your just doing a job you were hired to do, making it less a guild duty and more an outside contractor. No single guild in our alliance will be targeted this way against Catdrina's allies." He smirked as it was a sly way of handling things, but apparently he wasn't telling her everything, for it was apparent to Fiona that the woman had to have done worse then just verbal insults. It did make her wonder just what the bitch was holding over other Commanders heads, but she pushed that thought aside. It wasn't her problem or her interest. She now had a job to do and would complete it without asking questions.

"This will be taken care of before the end of the week Milord." She tossed the pouch in her hand as she returned to her full height and smiled quietly. "I have faith that you will Fiona." He gave another one of those mild grins and then watched as she strolled towards the door.

Returning to her own office in the SA halls, she was just settling back into her seat when she felt that familiar sensation he was near and moving closer still. Wintry green eyes lifted as he stepped into the room, just as she dropped the pouch on her desk, the sound loud in the otherwise quiet room. "How goes the interrogation Lucius?"

"He's not cracked yet." The glowing dots of his eyes moved to track the sound coming from her desk.

"Ah, well I was just hired to kill the one making such trouble for me." Fiona made a gesture towards the black leather bag where it settled with a faint smirk. "I just have to hire others to assist. Those nae involved with any guilds, to make it look like and outsider did it."

"I shall assist you." It wasn't a question but by her thought more a foregone conclusion and her brow arched again.

"I nae planned to ask ye Lucius. I was thinking of a few others that work in this field." She was tugging a glove from her hand and then glanced over at him again. "I do appreciate ye offering of course. . . "

"If they want it to look like someone else's work, this I can do. I am also not active with any Guilds. "

While she didn't trust her feelings in regards to this one man, something in his tone carried the thread of anger and that brought her ice green eyes swinging back up towards him. If she didn't know better, she might think he was angry over her being a target. Of course it was more likely he just thrived now upon inflicting death and any chance presented he would take due to his nature.

A faint frown marked her brow as she considered allowing him to take part and then gave a shrug. He was good at what he did and considering he was already dead it wasn't likely he would be easily injured in this adventure. Then again, she wasn't sure she wanted to work with him in this aspect of her life.

"If I am seen, they will come looking for me." He growled, seeming to read the emotions she hadn't guarded as they moved over her ivory pale features. "If any see ye, that would still lead them back to me. I nae think we want that." She was trying to hide her thoughts now and just lifted impassive eyes to meet his.

"Maybe, but I can always say her antics caused trouble for Brutin, and he in turn requested she be handled." Now she could detect nothing from him and just frowned again.

"He is right after all Fiona." The lord in question commented from a lean he had taken up against the doorframe. Idly twirling a flyswatter in one hand. "All these assassins are bad for business."

She knew that wasn't true, but it would sound reasonable if needed, but she was now annoyed as it looked as if Brutin was going to add his two cents. "In fact, you don't have any other choice. DeAuster" You have a new duty and that is to make sure my Head Tarn here doesn't get killed. Meaning you stick with her while not here."

That had her scowling darkly and her green eyes narrowed to slits of only barely restrained fury. "Milord, I do have other jobs I do. Nae only that, but I do nae live in ye compound either. I nae want Lucius dogging my ever step!" Her usually unflappable manner faltering, and the sudden sweeping anger had her rising slowly from her seat and glowering at both.

"Then let the man help deal with this woman and he won't need to follow you around. The trouble will end and hence the need for him to guard you." He looked almost delighted at getting a rise out of the usually stoic Fiona and she could see the twinkle in those eyes of Brutin's.

It took Fiona only a few moments to get herself back under control. Swallowing the rage, as she was sure they were both conspiring against her. To what end was just another question she felt sure would never be answered.

"Fine then. He can come along and assist." The words coming out just a little stiffly even as she forced her features into that serene mask she generally displayed.

Lucius just remained silent through that exchange, but she felt sure there was likely a smirk behind that scarf he was wearing. Even undead the man still managed to get what he wanted. Of course as she now had a guard she would need to plan out the method for getting to the woman and deal with her quickly. It was the only way open if she didn't want him being her personal shadow. "Just one thing. Once this Guild Leader is dealt with, he nae needs to be stuck following me about."

"Of course not Fiona." Brutin just smirked in that way of his and drifted off, but she was sure she heard that evil man laughing.

Muttering now. "Would serve him right if I served notice for this." Followed with a sharp look at Lucius. "As for ye, this be my job. Ye will follow my orders in how things will be done. Ye understand me Lucius?"

"Yes." His veiled head moved in a slow stiff nod.

She again got the distinct feeling he would still do as he wished and not as she wanted. The Lucius she remembered had been just as determined in similar ways. Taking up a pen she shot another look at him. "I am sending a message to one I know that may be of aid in this as well. Hopefully he will be available."

"And if he is not?"

"Then we may be on our own doing this. I promised the one hiring me for the job, that it would be done in by the end of the week. That be a claim I aim to keep." Moments later a shadow was carrying away her request to Luse where ever he might be. "Ye nae need guard me either. Tis Brutin's way of trying to annoy me after all, and as I do keep my word, be assured ye will be told when and where this assassination is to take place."

Yes, she was dismissing him. Her temper was hanging on the every edge and she needed her space now. Of course he didn't move and that drew another sharp narrowing of her green eyes as she looked his way. "Ye did hear me eh Lucius?"

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-24 19:13 EST
"Aye, I heard you." The sepulchral voice growled, muffled by the hiding scarf. "I will assign a tarn to watch this hallway, and to follow you discretely as you move about the Halls."

"Like blazes ye will!" Fiona's tenuous hold on her temper was fast slipping. "I'll nae have any man follow me about the place."

"Fine. I'll find one of the female guards then." Lucius spun on a heel and started out the open door. "I will speak to you later, Fiona." The heavy door shut a fraction of a second before a heavy crash echoed, the sound almost bringing an amused smirk to the dead man's visage.


Later that evening, Fiona moved along the shadow paths to her flat, hoping that the deathknight had not sensed her leaving. After she had calmed down she had sent orders for him to question more fully the man they had captured.

Now, pouring a measure of absinth into a glass and preparing the sugar cube, she tentatively stretched out with hyper-sensitive senses. No dark cloud marred her search, and she sighed softly to herself. "Bloody dead fool. Insufferable, both of them!" Lumping Brutin into the mix for insisting she have a guard, she tossed back the potent drink, and then moved toward the bedroom.

Raindrops hitting the stucco roof told her the thunderstorm that had been threatening all afternoon had finally arrived, and the soft roar of pouring rain made a surprisingly soothing backdrop as she eased into the warm water, ebony hair haloing around her as she let the heat slowly seep into her muscles. She remained there for a long while, her head leaned back against the porcelain edge of the tub, until the cooling water spurred her to finally stand and reach for a towel.

She was tying the belt of her robe when she felt the tickling sensation on the edge of her senses. Frowning slightly, she moved to the window and looked out into the blackness of the storm. Only a few lights from the houses across the street sent small shafts of light into the wet streets, and only the occasional guard moved through the downpours. But, she knew he was there.

"Damn fool. Hope he catches his death of cold." That thought brought a small smirk, as she turned from the window and headed back to her bedroom.

Watching the curtain fall over the window Lucius remained unmoved. The deathknight was standing on a roof across from Fiona's apartments, arms folded over the battered chestplate. Unheeding of the rain, his eyes flared slightly under the cover of the drawn hood.

His gaze swept along the street below him, landing for a second on the city watchman as he trudged along, swearing softly at the weather. With none else visible, he returned the unwavering gaze to the building across from him, it's windows now dark.

"I've seen some frelling weather, but this is some frelling weather!" The honey-sweet voice behind him brought no reaction, and Zaleena moved to stand beside him, leaning an arm on his shoulder-guard as she relaxed next to him. "And what?s got you so entranced, hmm?"

"Thinking about my next course of action." He didn't look at the marilith, but instead trained his gaze on the darkening city. The demoness chuckled throatily as she stepped back and around to face him.

"And what have you come up with?" She gave him a dazzling smile, letting the wind blow her cloak open slightly and allowing the rain to wet the purple shift she wore. Waiting for a second, the smile faded slightly when Lucius did not react to the sight of the silk fabric faithfully hugging her damp curves.

"That is not your concern." He growled in reply. "A pet project of my own."

"Well, that smelly lich is asking questions." Zaleena pouted as she leaned into him, letting a tapered fingernail run along the engraved filigree of his armor. "Do we really need him, Lucius?"

"He is useful, for now." The pinpricks of light that were his eyes blazed slightly. "His alchemical experiments will greatly enhance our forces, when the time is right."

"So we're still sticking to the plan?" Limpid eyes moved to gaze up at him, and the material of the heavy cloak shifted as he nodded. "Good!" She coo"ed softly, pressing against him, her arms wrapping around him in a hug. " Now I can go tell Smelly to go take a leap, and quit bugging me!"

"Indeed." Lucius said softly. When he spoke no more Zaleena stepped back again, the smile still firmly in place as she used her innate magics to teleport away from the rooftop, leaving Lucius to his silent vigil and thoughts.

Zaleena Veil

Date: 2006-08-25 15:02 EST
Fading back into view in an alleyway the cheerful smile was replaced by a more sinister grin. Zaleena inwardly chided herself for playing such a vapid airhead at times, even as she peered out into the damp streets. The smile became more predatory as she spotted the guard walking slowly this way.

The demoness waited until he was even with the alley before "Excuse me! Excuse me!" Her voice paused the guard, who looked into the alleyway before approaching.

"Miss, are you hurt?" He asked, laying the halberd he carried to the side as he knelt beside Zaleena, who had slipped down along the wall. Her eyes fluttered in reply, and as the man leaned closer to check her she whipped her arm around his neck, drawing him closer still, her lips melding to his in an intense kiss. He stiffened at the first touch, but as her lips parted against his he relaxed, responding to her advance.

That relaxation was mental as well as physical, and the marilith's mind sipped into his, a crushing presence backed by the infernal will. After a moment, when she pushed the guard back and stood he merely watched, eyes now vacant under her domination.

"Now, my good man, how about you tell me all about this little neighborhood." Eyes twinkling Maliciously, Zaleena caressed the man's cheek. "Lets start with who lives on this street."

Zaleena learned plenty from the man, about many of the various families and characters that lived on the street, but none was useful. It made little sense to her what would attract the Deathknight to such a location to start with, so now she would just have to watch Lucius closely to see what or who had him so uncharacteristically distracted.

The taciturn Deathknight was usually hard to read but she had picked up a touch of pique. Something or if what she suspected, someone had somehow managed to draw his attention and she had good reason to learn just what it was.

She was pretty sure it wasn't the Sullivan family with all their many fat children or Old Lady Betham, or even the Hobo living out of one of the burned out husks of a building nearby. Such mundane sorts would hardly even draw the gaze of one such as DeAuster. Which meant, this distraction was something serious and potentially profitable to her at a later date. Coming to this decision she was soon removing any memory of her questions from the mind of the Night watchmen and sent him on his way before she herself returned to keeping and eye on her prey.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-25 15:14 EST
The storm outside grew more fierce and angry. With the heavy rain battering in a stucco rhythm against the protective glass of the window, echoing about the room as she listened to it as her mind raced and the feeling of his presence hadn't yet abated. The darkness was also becoming almost oppressive and soon she gave up on sleep and sat up sharply in the bed with a faint growl. Covers flung to the side as she rose and once more drew the silken robe about her slim frame.

She was soon pouring herself a glass of wine and shooting hard looks over at the window. She could feel him just outside. Watching and brooding, she was sure. She was aware he hadn't cared for her tone earlier and now suspected this was his form of payback.

That thought sent another flaring of anger, but she quickly reined it in. She had a momentary thought to just show up and clock him one, but just as swift as she considered it Fiona pushed it aside. She couldn't rest with him lurking outside, that was apparent and now she frowned again before stalking towards the window.

Fingers caught the edge of the curtain and drew it back slightly, catching the flicker of those eyes of his through the mist and rain and just snorted. She could leave him out there and hope he gets a bad case of rust or invite him inside, because either way, his being near was going to prevent her from getting any rest at all.

Pondering this for a moment, she just gave another mutter, Elvin words falling in a short curse before making a single motion with her hand. If he saw it, he would know he could enter.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-28 22:22 EST
A few seconds later he faded into view, stepping away from the shadowy wall as though it was a mere doorway. "What's wrong" Has something happened?" Fiona gave an exasperated sigh and shook her head, sending ebon waves around her shoulders.

"Nae, tis nothing like that." She growled, taking another long sip of her wine. "I can nae sleep with ye hovering about, like some kind of vulture."

"I was not intending to disturb your sleep, Fiona." He replied, arms folding before him again. "I am merely performing my duty."

"And there ye go again, about ye damnable duty." The half-elf slashed her arm through the air dismissively. "ye never change. And just look at ye!" A frown marred the pale features now, as she looked at him. "Ye be dripping all over!"

There was a small puddle forming under Lucius, as water slowly dripped from his soaked frame. "Get ye to the doorway!" Fiona snapped, pointing at the hardwood entrance to her condo. With a slight pause Lucius moved to the hardwood, as Fiona growled softly again while getting a towel to sponge up the puddle. "Aren't ye uncomfortable wearing that wet armor?"

"The elements do not cause me concern." Lucius replied, the timbre echoing in the small antechamber. Fiona muttered again, rising to look in his direction.

"Well, I cannae sleep with ye hovering over me. So we need to think of some other arrangement." Even as she said this Fiona knew he would refuse.

"I will not leave my place." Predictably, Lucius stubborned up, returning her gaze evenly. "I can, however, ease your mind, I believe."

"And how can ye do that without nae leaving?" Fiona snapped the question, feeling a dull ache in the back of her skull. In reply, Lucius pulled a bench to him and sat down.

"I will rest, and in return you should be able to also." Hands resting on his knees, the deathknight went still, the glow of his eyes dimming to near nothing. Fiona immediately felt the easing of the almost-oppressive aura, as even the chill that surrounded him retreated. She stepped closer, looking at him with a puzzled expression, bringing a hand up to slowly wave in front of his half-covered face. When Lucius did not respond she snorted lightly.

"Bloody impossible man." She growled softly as she stepped back, and then turned to head back to her bedroom. "Just impossible."

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-28 22:26 EST
She tried to sleep and yet every effort to do so failed, leaving her staring blankly up at the darkened ceiling and still acutely aware of his presence in her apartment. She couldn't push the memories away so now she lay back cursing her own weakness. He was just a dead thing now, not the man she knew so long ago. Hell, he never had been the man she believed she knew. He had been little more then an illusion of her own mind. The glow of first love so she had been told tended to blind one to the real truth and to reality.

It was a mild flicker of sensation and she caught the scent of one of her Uncle's party pals around, but considering where she lived, that wasn't all that uncommon. He had fingers in many realms and here was one that allowed for corruption unbound. Filing it away, she let her mind continue to wander, even if the sensation only made her more unsettled and eventually, she gave up even trying to sleep. Rising and pulling on her robe she stalked out of her bedroom and headed for the small but tidy kitchen and sought a bottle of wine.

Some moments later she was leaning against the counter and watching him over the rim of her glass. In that trance like state he did look dead. It wasn't a feeling she found at all satisfying either. Even after everything that had happened, she had not wished death or this state of undeath upon him.

It was a case of pure irony she thought. A man so steeped within a Faith of ritual and supposed goodness to have come to such a condition, it was difficult to understand. She hadn't been pure enough. Clean enough. Fact of it was, she hadn't been at all light enough for him to wish to wed. No, instead he sought someone else. One better suited to the life he longed for, that it was almost sad to see what he was now reduced to. An unfeeling husk of what he once was. In another twist of fate perhaps, he was but of shadow of his former self. All that purity and pious ideals crushed under deception and betrayal, created by Lucius's own kind.

The realization of that almost made her laugh, but instead she just snorted quietly and took another sip of the fragrant wine.

He had shattered her heart and left her just as frozen inside. Her emotions those of cold, unemotional detachment until he had walked in back into her sphere and left her feeling exposed somehow. She loathed feeling anything at all now she was trying to find a way to deal without and not let the resentment spill forth like bile. Vulnerability simply didn't suit her she believed.

In her own mind she was reluctantly starting to understand that the past couldn't be changed. Nothing of that was left inside Lucius now. She knew he remembered, but doubted it had much effect. She could leave of course, but she was a DeWil and had never fled a fight in her life. This was hardly a good enough reason to take flight like a coward. She would go to war with her own emotional side and fully intended to win the battle to box all those memories back up and lock them away forever.

A glance down at the glass of wine in her hand, seeing half gone already and just sighed. She didn't handle alcohol well, and yet it seemed to allow her to think without getting all tangled up in her confused thoughts. The answer was simple really. She would have to make the effort to be a friend, but a distant one.

She was determined to attempt to push back the memories plaguing her of a time before, when she allowed herself to feel. Such things she had learned were dangerous to her own piece of mind and would never be allowed again. Resolute, she downed the last of the wine and with one last brief flick of ice green eyes towards her "guard" she headed back to her head. This time sleep didn't elude her, for with the aid of the wine she had consumed she fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-28 22:28 EST
She sat upright in her bed in a sudden movement and glanced around. The air was silent and quiet and across the room a feeble light struggled past a crack in the dark curtains that held back the day. She was disoriented for a moment, while pushing back the thick silken quilt from her nightgown clad form she didn't see him standing in the doorway. The moment she did she fought the sudden urge to cover up. Telling herself that dead men didn't care one way or the other after all and considering she was at least covered, her personal modesty was still intact. "Morning Lucius."

She was pleased at the quiet modulation of her voice. No accusation in it, just a polite tone.

That chilling rasp of his response gave her the urge the shiver, but she stifled that. "Morning Fiona."

Rising a moment later with a lazy stretch she quickly made up the bed before finally reaching for her robe, acting much as she normally would without a watcher at her back. "I nae know about ye, but I need some coffee." Yanking on her robe she was brushing past him and heading into the kitchen to make some.

"I need nothing." He replied while following her back into the large main room.

She didn't say anything for a time, while making her thick morning brew but soon enough felt her scrambled brain was once more in order after downing the first cup. "I will need to meet with a few sometime this afternoon, so if ye intend to continue trailing me, ye may want to make arrangements. Though I do warn ye, those I am speaking with are rather jumpy."

"Jumpy?" Arms folding over that dull breast plate of armor covering his chest while the red eyes regarded her.

"Aye, as many assassins are. Ye might make them a bit more edgy then normal, for they nae know ye." She had a few lined up to meet, including her old friend Luse. The long eared elf was one she hoped could spare the time to take the job of all of them. "I am hoping to get one that be an old friend to assist, but if he can nae do such, I do have some others I can call upon for the job."

"I am sorry if I will make them jumpy but keeping you from harm is my current duty and one I will fulfill." It was an emotionless declaration that made her grind her teeth, but her resolution was now etched in her thoughts so she just nodded.

"Aye, and I am aware of that. I simply be letting ye know for all I will see, are also potential dangers. Nae telling if any one of them may have already been hired to kill me." That was one chance she was taking, but as Catdrina had thus far been using her own forces, she wasn't too concerned, just being cautious.

"If they seek that, they will die." No boast, just stone cold conviction in his response to her warnings.

"Well as it be obvious that I can nae shake ye, I would ask that ye now let me dress without hovering about. While ye may have seen me naked in the past, the past is gone and I wish to be allowed the luxury of some privacy. So, if ye will excuse me." Coffee cup placed down into the sink, she was again gliding off in a trailing of silken robe tails and heading for her own room again. Once inside with the door shut behind her she took a deep breath.

She didn't want him in her bedroom again. It was the one area that showed more of her other nature then anything else. Simple and elegant, with just faint touches of sensuality in the types of cloth and colors she chose. The bed alone was a study in tactile sensations of velvet and silk. Large and comfortably adorned, and the drifting of lace over the top gave it a far more sexual air then she ever wanted others to see. However, this was her home for the moment. She had every right to indulge herself in at least one aspect of her cold life, but she didn't want anyone to know about that. It was far too personal and these days, she didn't even allow such liberties. Even Lusiphur was unaware of many things regarding her past and she aimed to keep it that way.

Soon enough she had showered and was dressing. She wasn't rushing either for she doubted the undead one had any problem cooling his heels while waiting on her. Until this job was complete, he had nothing better to do but to wait after all.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-08-31 19:38 EST
Waiting in the living room as Fiona dressed, Lucius slowly scanned around the austere room, soft-glowing eyes taking in the contents at a glance. He had no problem giving Fiona her privacy, for if any chose that moment to attack, he would simply step through the shadows and take them from behind.

The ability to move through shadows was just one of the powers he now possessed, one of many whose simple purpose was to kill. Fireballs, summoning magic's, even the power to give pain or death with but a word was now his. The strength of three men, and the weaknesses only to a holy person of high piety.

Such was his existence now. It had taken much to stir him from his throne in the Underhalls, but slowly, and with the backing of the necromancer Daugolozan, he had returned to the realm of the known, moving into the purview of those he had once fought with his core being. The alliance with Natolii Soulbinder and her shadowknights was a healthy boon to both sides, one he silently thought would haunt their enemies for years to come.

But now, things had changed. Moving across to the hearth, his attention focused on a gleaming dagger there. Not the bound dagger that Fiona favored, but one from long ago. As he studied the gleaming lines thoughts moved back into the fog of decades, back to a city far north. Fleeting thoughts of fire and shining steel, flitting through the black shroud of memory.

With a bit of surprise, Lucius found that the thoughts of that night stirred something within the dead chest. It was a feeling he had not experienced for some time, and even now he was unsure if it was real, or another ghost of the past. Like so many that had surfaced to haunt him these past days.

As he pondered these thoughts, his hand rose to gently run along the finely-honed edge of the dagger, resting in a simple display bracket. It had been a present to Fiona, given to her after a trip into the Northern Empires. The reasoning for his trip northward had been simple enough: find out why the inquisitor Torg Margeth was so interested in Fiona and her family. The answers had quite possibly been the reasons he had started to doubt his faith in the church of Leorn, and paved the way for his downfall"

"What do you mean, they cannot see me?" Lucius stood, fists resting on the desk of the young clerk, who was trying to appear calm in front of the obviously annoyed paladin.

"The councillers are in conclave at the moment. A closed conclave." He hurridly added, already seeing the next demand about to be voiced. Lucius growled again in frustration, straightening to glare at the acolyte.

"They did receive my letter?" Weeks before Lucius had sent a missive northward from the Tri-Spires to the church council in Castle Dragon, informing them of his impending visit. Now, after two days of trying to see the heads of the Ordos Hereticant, his temper was rapidly reaching the end of its limit.

"Yes, milord, they did. But with the current raids from the Dawnsbreak mountains appearing to be led by Demonslayor, the entire council has turned their attentions to finding the blackheart."

Snorting, Lucius turned without another word and stalked out of the small office, Herzog falling into step beside him. "They're avoiding me." The senior paladin said simply as the two walked through the halls of the compound that housed the church.

"That much is plain, milord." The veteran replied, shooting a baleful glance to an acolyte who appeared to be listening too closely as they passed. As the novice scurried away Lucius looked to his companion.

"But, the question is why?" Pausing at an open archway, the paladin lord looked out over the city. Castle Dragon, while giving its name to the entire city, was a modest-sized keep built on a small island, assessable only by boat and the two drawbridges that normally extended out across the water from either side. The city itself stretched nearly three miles in a circle around the drawbridges, with the noble families and various orders, both religious and other, living in gardened manors of the walled inner city, and the commons stretching from the grey granite walls to a wooden outer palisade. The city was quite a sight on a clear night, with the lights on the streets rivaling those in the heavens.

Having grown up in a small village an hour up the coast, Lucius knew well the sight, but right now it offered no solace. "I think it's time to call in some favors, Herzog."

"Aye, milord." The younger paladin nodded. "I'll do some discrete asking around the barracks." He glanced out to the city, the myriad roofs touched with gold as the sun descended toward the sea. "I also have some friends in the city watch. Perhaps they know something about this buildup."

"Good idea. But don't do anything to attract attention to yourself." A quick nod, and Herzog moved away, leaving Lucius to stare out over the city and think about the problems at hand. He had sent Fiona a note before leaving Ravensfast, to let her know of his plans. He had received no reply, though he left before any could have arrived except by the swiftest reply.

"What kind of game is being played here?" he growled softly to himself, fists clenching against the wooden railing....

"I said, are ye ready to go, or will ye be standing there for the rest of the morning?" Fiona's frosty tone dragged Lucius's attention back from the thoughts of the past. He slowly turned toward Fiona, who was regarding him with her icy mask in place.

"I am ready.? He replied, falling in step behind her as she turned and headed for the door.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-01 01:36 EST
"I said, are ye ready to go, or will ye be standing there for the rest of the morning?" Fiona's frosty tone dragged Lucius's attention back from the thoughts of the past. He slowly turned toward Fiona, who was regarding him with her icy mask in place.

"I am ready." He replied, falling in step behind her as she turned and headed for the door.

Pushing all other thoughts from her mind except for the task at hand, she slid smoothly into shadow once her flat door was closed and locked. Inside the dark realms her eyes made out the various forms of shadow and mist that moved within but she didn't pause, just navigated the paths with proficiency and ease garnered from several decades of use. Time inside the dark ribbons was often difficult to follow, but for her it seemed swift before she was emerging. Stepping out into a filthy ally.

This location of the city couldn't even be called seedy, for it was far worse then that. The dregs of all kinds slunk about the garbage ridden lanes. In daylight, some could be seen rushing from one door to the next but at night, only the more vicious and dangerous would dare roam here.

Even as her gaze lifted to look upwards towards the gray sky, she felt Lucius behind her. It was still early for most, but an assassin's hours had no limits. "Tis the "Crow's Foot" where we are to go. Only about 10 yards across the lane." She didn't expect him to reply but when she started to walk in that direction he would know the reason.

Icy green eyes drifted over the shaded gray buildings in a habitual sweep while she stepped around some foul smelling pile of garbage. Her nose crinkled slightly with the assault on her senses but little else showed on impassive features.

Pausing she looked back to see Lucuis directly behind her. For such a large man he moved with an unnatural silence she found unsettling. Above them the sign swung drunkenly, with a faint creak muffled by the drifting breeze coming off the snaking river just a short ways down. One chain holding it up having broken and never been repaired. It was just the sort of place Luse would like. A dark local where few looked to close at those inside or even outside and tended to turn a blind eye to any nefarious activities.

A gloved hand lifted and sent the door swinging inward. A faint smirk played on her lips, as it was silent in its movements, likely the only thing ever kept in some sort of decent shape. Wouldn't do for anyone to hear the comings and goings of the low lives that inhabited this part of town.

Her eyes quickly adjusted to the dimmer light that struggled in the gloom to fall and out of sheer habit her hand drifted down to rest idly upon the dagger. It took her no time at all to locate her target. The figure of the long eared elf was lounging in a chair with the back of it resting negligently against a protective wall. Inwardly she felt a fissure of humor at the sight. He looked as if he had last slept some 5 years back with the black hair a tangled mess. A cigarette dangled from his thin lips and on the table rested his common bottle of whiskey, no glass of course. He didn't move, seeming to be almost asleep where he sat but she knew otherwise.

Those dark eyes of his missed nothing and those ears, likely heard them even before they had crossed the road.

The flare of sudden light and the smoke was lit with a plume rising seconds later. "Yer late Fio." Luse muttered with a flick of a hand to motion her over.

"Nae. I am never late and ye well know that Luse." Was her reply as she made her way over with a graceful glide and settled into a seat with a thick supporting beam at her own back.

Black eyes lifted with a subtle squint as Luse's attention was not upon her but on the one traveling in her wake. "Who the hell is that?"

"That. . . Is my bodyguard." The words sounded even enough, but Luse still let out a bark of laughter.

"Bodyguard" You?" Snorting he sat up with a thud of chair legs to the floor and leaned his duster clad arms on the table edge and the piercing jet dark blue gaze remained upon the towering anti-paladin.

Lucius returned the gaze with a stony silent presence that made the elf wave his hand at him. "Would you sit the frell down" Making me nervous looming like that."

"Luse, this be Lucius DeAuster, another Tarn leader with the SA. Lucius, this be Luse." There wasn't any last name mentioned for Luse. Yes, she knew it, but ever aware of potential ears around, she wasn't going to advertise. Professions such as the one Luse still maintained, some discretion was expected.

Another snort at the comment of Tarn and ash was flicked to the side before he took another deep drag. "Never cared for those, but figure the money must be damn good."

Settling into a chair between the pair, Lucius's heavy form made the wood under him moan in protest but it held him nonetheless. He had not yet said a word but did nod his head at the introduction.

"I have seen you around. Your one Tasha likes to torment. That whole silent moody personality she's got a thing for I figure." He gave the quiet man one last look before his attention shifted to Fio. "So what?s this job you need done?"

"I need a guild leader "handled" in your own special way my friend." She was already sliding the pouch across to him. "This is half of what ye will get when we complete the job."

All business now, he plucked the bag of gold from the table and it vanished swiftly into the coat. "When, where and who?"

"When, as soon as possible. Where would be the guildhall of Dark Vengeance, and this be the name of the mark." She pushed a scrap of parchment towards the dark haired elf and it was snatched up for a look. The name brought a smirk to the sharp features and a low, deadly chuckle.

"Ah, I know this one. A right bitch she is. Messed with another friend of mine a time or two in the past. Hell, almost tempted to do this one for free."

"Free?" A brow lifted slightly as she had not known Luse to do many jobs out of charity in the past.

"I did say "almost". But I know one thing about this job I am going to enjoy this one. One less sleazy backstabbing whore in the realms means I am even doing something of a civic duty also." His tone was full of sarcastic humor now. "Tonight good for you Fio' I am between jobs at the moment, so can go anytime."

"Do ye need a layout of the guildhall?"

"Nope. Been there before. Remember, at one time I was sucked into that guild hell until I got smart and bailed from it." The sting of sulfur touched her senses as another cigarette was lit with a snap of a match against his boot heel.

Having worked with him before, he had the mind of a stone cold killer and never forgot the layout of any place he didn't like. For her self it was a matter of always knowing the exits and she did suspect Luse felt the same.

"Tonight it is then. Where shall we meet ye?" Her gloved hands now folded casually together on the table as she waited for him to reply.

"Under that twisted old oak near the graveyard. Just after the sun goes down." A halo of smoke rose up around the tangled black hair. "So, tall dark and silent will be coming along?" Again Luse's gaze rested upon Lucius with a smirk.

"Aye. Until this "problem" has been handled, I be his charge." Took all she had to keep from staying "Stuck with him." But there might have been a hint of that emotion in her tone as it caught Luse's notice.

"Ah, ya don't like the gloomy pit bull eh Fio?" He was snickering and that made her eyes narrow faintly and had him backing down fast. "Look on the bright side. He can handle some of the guards the cat woman will have. I remember her." That being said with distaste obvious in the statement he made. "She likes having men at her beck and call. So he might prove useful. Just hope he can fight better then his brilliant conversation implies."

"Aye. He can fight and tis hard to kill being another bonus." She replied evenly with a flick of her eyes towards Lucius and finding no sign of any emotion at all from him. Most would have had to dispute such words that Luse had spoken, but he just sat listening in that grave like stillness that made her itch to push him over. Instead she rose to her feet with a nod to Luse. "We shall meet up after the sun sets. Until later old Friend."

Luse gave a two-finger salute before the chair was tipped back and boot heels hit the edge of the table and returned to that seemingly lazy lounge of his. "Later Fio and you too DeAuster."

Rising as well, the chair he had been seated in shook and Lucius returned with a nod to the Elf and was then moving out behind Fiona. Having not said a single word during the entire exchange.

Fiona was now thinking of preparations. Already her shadow Sentinels were slipping unnoticed into the DV hall and would wait and watch. She would know just what to expect going in as they would inform her of all activities taking place prior to their arrival there.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-01 01:37 EST
Returning to the SA hall, it was business as usual. The days acquisitions tallied, the various meetings of other slavers that often reported to Brutin continued into late afternoon. She had assigned guard duties to four of the Tarnsmen as she would be absent that night, and knowing that Gorean lord, he would still have his usual evening entertainments. Once the last paper had been dropped onto Tara's desk, she was making her way out. Out of professional consideration she did swing by Lucius's office, sending a sharp knock upon the door. Seconds later entering at his rumbled "Come." and took up a quiet lean against the dark wood frame. "I am heading home to prepare. Did ye wish to meet me there once ye are finished or at the graveyard?"

"If you wait a moment, I can escort you." He replied, already rising from his own chair with that eerie silence she was coming to expect.

"Aye, I can give ye a few minutes if ye need it." Her own features showing no expression at all. Arms folding as she watched him draw the heavy cloak about his tall form.

"I am ready." Coming to a full stop a few feet from her and gave a stiff nod in her direction. She instantly pushed from the lean and started off down the hall.

"By what my sentinels have reported there only be about ten standing guard at the DV guild hall. Should nae be much trouble for us, however that woman could have some other forms of defense still unknown."

In truth, Fiona was actually looking forward to the nights coming activities. That irritating female would no longer be a bother to her once it was complete. Meaning she would no longer require Lucius DeAuster haunting her every movement. And while she might fight the effects outwardly, inside she was finding it harder to hold in the emotions all struggling to break loose from the icy walls she had erected so long ago.

"Ten will not be difficult to deal with." The raspy dead voice responded.

"Aye, ye be right about that, but tis nae ever a good idea to leave much to chance. This one is known for being unstable after all. Tis likely she feels confident due to a reason. One I have nae yet determined. So it be best if we tread with care." Words floating off as she slipped smoothly into the waiting arms of shadows and was moments later striding across the wooden floor of her own flat.

"I shall be only a few minutes, DeAuster." She didn't wait for him to reply just stepped into her own bed chamber and shut the door quietly. A quick change of leathers, then lacing on the re-enforced corset that also doubled as more storage for a variety of blades along with more protection. She then yanked on the flat-heeled boots, pulling them up snug against her thighs and deftly inserted the stacks of silver stars into the hidden pockets they sported.

Picking up her cloak she was once more moving out to join her waiting body guard. Fully armed and ready, she slung the silken scarf about her neck and nodded to him. "Time to go DeAuster."

Again she received only a nod and once more they both moved into the shadow paths. Navigating easily towards the rendevous point.

The last lingering glow of the sun was just fading as they arrived under the twisted old tree. A quick look about from cautious green eyes found none around in the ancient graveyard and just stepped over to lean against the rough bark of the oak. Luse had not yet appeared so they would need to wait a short time longer.

"How did you come to know this Luse, Fiona?" A startled look turned towards him, having not expected him to speak, let alone ask her anything remotely personal. Her brow arching slightly, considering how she should answer that query.

"Ah, Luse be a very old friend DeAuster." A faint smile flickered over her ivory pale features then.

"Is he one of your Order?" Arms folding under the heavy drift of his cloak as those glittering red eyes regarded her.

"Oh nae. Luse is not one to work well with others in general. Ye might say we used to run in the same circle for a time." There was an almost amused tone in her voice, unaware of what or how the Deathknight might take it.

"Is he an old lover of yours then?" Perhaps she was imagining it, but there seemed to be a bit of a growl in that question and again her gaze shifted to meet the blazing red eyes watching her intently.

"That is nae any of your business if he is or nae." Her own tone now making it apparent she wouldn't answer, for frost fairly dripped from her instant reply.

Her sharp ears heard the sound of leather crunching and that raven brow arched again as she continued to peer at him blandly. "Who I might bed, be it past or future is private and nae to be shared with anyone." The words "especially you? fluttered over her thoughts but she managed to not utter them.

The only response he made was the narrowing of those cold crimson eyes but before anything more could be spoken Luse arrived, walking quietly along the path towards them.

Fiona shifted gears instantly and quietly filled him in on what she knew regarding the security of the place and also what she wasn't certain of.

"This should be simple enough. Bitches like that think ten is an impressive number, but for any professional worth the gold, it means little." The flare of light as another cigarette was lit, giving Luse's face a sinister cast for but a moment. "Next question, we leave any of those Yahoo's alive?"

Fiona hadn't considered that, not really wishing more problems and frowned for a moment. "Do ye think we should?"

"Yer asking me?" A bark of laughter and the long earred elf gave a slow shake of his head. "No. I have never been fond of leaving any witnesses, but have had a few guild jobs in the past where they seem to like that sort of drama."

"Then nae, we leave no witness alive. I personally abhor drama of that nature." Replying instantly with a dry curling of lips along with the slow shaking of her inky black head.

"Then it's all good with me. Lets get this party rolling." Dark eyes flicked then towards the Deathknight. "Try and keep up Dusty." And off he went, moving with surprising speed towards the guild quarter of the city.

Right on his heels was the Shadow Assassin, but the undead warrior was able to keep up easily. A fact that seemed to surprise Luse, as he glanced back a few times, expecting to have lost him.

Methodically they worked, removing the guards on duty outside first, silent and deadly, as the bodies quietly piled up against the outside wall. Pausing to watch Lucius for a moment, Luse gave an approving nod before glancing over towards Fiona. "Not bad for a dead guy."

She smirked behind the silken mask before fading out of sight, only to reappear moments later at the door, having unlocked it to let the others inside. The trio moved inside just as silently.

Pausing a moment she let her senses stretch, rapidly determining the various locations of more guards. "Two, down the left hand hall. Four upstairs, two stationed at the guild leader's door. Two left at the back door."

"Lets sweep out the lower floor first." The elf stated quietly with eyes narrowing slightly before he started down the hall to the left.

Ice green eyes glittered while she turned to the right, slinking her way down towards where the other two were posted. She felt Lucius behind her but having been expecting that she merely pointed at the one she was going to take, leaving him the other. In a matter of seconds, two more bodies slumped to the floor without any sound at all. The Backdoor was now clear.

They met Luse back at the stairs leading upwards. With hand signals, she soon was slipping off into the shadow paths, coming out behind one of the guards with a blade already in hand and instantly silenced him forever and leaving the stairway clear for the two below; Another hand motion alerting them both that 5 were left now.

So far it had been all too easy, at least that was what Fiona was thinking. Often jobs this simple were unique, but not impossible, but had expected more resistance. It wasn't over yet, so she was still on guard, even as Luse and Lucuis quietly and efficiently dealt with the last remaining men at Catdrina's private chamber door.

Moments later, Luse was down on a knee with pick in hand and working on the lock. While it was true Fiona could just simply shadow walk inside, there was always a risk of trap, so she let him work. It was much like other times in the past. Her skills tended to enhance is and vice versa.

It was Lucius that held up a hand and growled low. "She's got dogs in there with her."

That information caused Luse to frown darkly. "Dogs" I hate dogs." A brow arched slightly as she hadn't heard anything and would have expected them to have started barking. Yet, no sound came from the room they were about to enter. "How shall we do this then?"

"Enter fast and hard. I will deal with the woman. Dead guy you take out the dogs and Fiona, you take out any unexpected little surprises we might find."

Having come this far and with a large amount of money just waiting for the completion, Luse wasn't leaving and his tone alerted the others to that fact.

They gave a nod in unison and in seconds the door did explode open with Luse leading the way. In a brief moment the silence was shattered with the sudden howling of four bound wolf hounds, the screaming of the woman and the man in her bed and Luse's snarling growl as he lunged for his pray.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-05 00:14 EST
Lucius's own movements sent blood spraying, as he did indeed silence the baying beasts with one smooth swing of that sword of his while Fiona simply looked on.

The lover was scrambling away, the man's face showing his shock and horror at the sight of the three, but even before Fiona could move, the Deathknight was on him, snapping his neck with the crunching sound of bones snapping under the vicious twist. It only took her a second to notice it wasn't the same one she had beaten into a near coma from the last war and just snorted faintly.

It was over in minutes. Catdrina's body left crumbled upon the bed, still twitching faintly with her neck neatly cut from ear to ear. "Time to go. Got trouble heading this way." Lusiphur muttered then, wiping the General off on the bed covers before slipping the blade back into place. His even sharper senses picking up on the sound of shouts a fair distance away.

The three quickly moved then, Fiona taking the shadows along with Luc, but emerged only a short distance away from the building to await Luse. Her elvin eyes watching him nimbly navigate down the side from the second floor. In minutes he joined her with a flashing of an evil smile. "Another successful endeavor I would say."

Before she could even reply the entire compound was alive with lights. A frown blooming as they suddenly found themselves under fire from both gun and arrow and quickly had to dart for cover. Luse's laughter soon turned into cussing under the barrage as all three dove into the nearby strand of trees and brush.

Hissing faintly, having preferred a less then dramatic escape, Luse shot a look her way. "Time to part company. You get back to that slaver hell asap. I think I am going to lead them a merry chase for a time." Her response was a short nod as two of her Sentinels moved off with him as the fleet footed elf shot away, leaving her and Lucius to escape by her more usual methods. Into the shadows they both moved then, soon exiting into Fiona's personal office back at the hall.

It had taken a little more then an hour to do that job. Now it was time to establish an alibi. Flicking a look over at Lucuis as he stood in stony silence near the door and arched a brow. "Tis but a suggestion, but ye may want to clean up a bit before anyone be seeing ye." She was already pulling fresh leathers from a closet and was soon heading for the bathroom with the intent of changing. Emerging in minutes looking clean, calm and serene.

"Ah, there you two are." Brutin's voice came from the door as he pushed it open. "I just got a new girl for the block. Won her in a simple game of chance. Need one of you to take her down to the quarters." The sharp blue eyes moved over the Deathknight a moment then gave a mock frown. "Lord DeAuster, can't you take a moment to change after beating on our latest prisoner and change" What will my guests think seeing one of my head Tarn's covered in that traitor's blood?"

"That you are not one to be doublecrossed Milord." The chilled rasp of his voice was the response.

"Perhaps so. However, I would think you should go and clean up, if only to save the sensibilities of Tara. You know how she gets when she scents blood." A smirk following before he was off striding away down the hall calling out to one of his associates.

"I shall go and handle the newest slave while ye go clean up as his lordship has requested." She smirked faintly before drawing the silk back up over pale features. Even before she stepped out into the hall she glanced back and gave a gracious nod. "Thank ye DeAuster for ye aid in recent matters.? Gliding off then and back to her evening work.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-05 20:28 EST
Strolling silently down the halls after having spent another evening in the company of Brutin and his compatriots, Fiona was not in the best of moods. Fending off those casually wandering hands of the Gorean sorts was part of her job, but not something she typically cared for. This time she didn't even get a chance to slap or severe fingers, as Lucius was quick to intercept.

She had not taken part in the battle this night, instead the Death knight had been the one wagered upon. The exception being for gold and slaves verses any time alone in her company. That actually suited her fine. However she didn't care for the implications made by DeAuster's behavior, nor the comments that inevitably followed such actions.

She was no man's property after all. Yet, the rage seemed to grow with every proposition she fended off. Not her own of course but Lucius's it seemed. It was a curious thing but not something she really wished to ponder upon long.

As it was, she had finally managed to excuse herself from the reveries Brutin was so fond of and even held her temper as sharp ears had heard the comments made upon her departure. "Fools" she thought. "Aye, a right comely bitch ye have there Lord DeAuster." Indeed, it was likely that one statement that set her teeth on edge. Not to mention he didn't even attempt to deny it.

With her head throbbing, and cluttered with such trivial thoughts she was ill prepared for the sight she found upon entering her office.

A small woman sat perched on her desk with her bare feet dangling over the side and wearing a curious little smile on gamine features. "I was wondering when ye would finally show up child."

Fiona's brow arched slightly even as she strolled towards her chair and sank down with a faint narrowing of ice green eyes upon the lady in question. "What brings ye here Milady?" The soft words coming politely from rose pale lips as she sank back into the leather embrace of her seat.

"Ah! Nae one to even attempt an exchange of polite pleasantries?" A frown drawing upon the eternal's brow, and over laughing eyes as she continued talking. "How are ye dear" How be the family' What have ye been up to these past days?"

A low soft snort at the questions but she replied evenly to them, after a light shrug of shoulders. "I am well. My family fairs fine, and as for my time, tis' spent in the usual way."

"So ye say, but I know ye child. There be something going on, else I would nae be picking up on ye turmoil. I know ye be spinning and as that be the case, I came to have a look at the one causing it. After all, tis' been a great while since ye "felt" anything. So, Aye, I be most curious." The raven haired woman rocked back where she sat and grinned wickedly. "So tell me, what is he like" Must be something to have rattled your cage so to speak."

"It is nothing for ye to concern ye self with." Fiona's tone taking a frosty bite then, as she fought back the instinctive stiffening of her frame.

"Och! Come now child. I know ye well." This stated with a waggle of a sooty finger. "I also know nature and it can only be a man causing such strife. Unless it be a woman, but I nae ever thought ye went that way."

"Nae, tis' nae a woman." Drily answered with a hint of a smirk. "There be plenty that might think such, but ye be right about my preference there Milady."

"Well then, I wish to have a look at this male that has ye sleep disturbed and mood swinging like a pendulum." A look of satisfaction was quickly followed by the glint of expectation in glimmer bright night blue eyes.

The faint sound of grinding teeth was the reply before another forced shrug offered. "He be busy."

"Is that so' Ahh, well I can still take a look. Ye know I can be discreet and as I don't let just anyone see me, tis' a moot point really." Persistently pushing towards her goal the small woman did not intend to relent and that was apparent.

As luck would have it, in that moment there was a short sharp rap on the door. Feeling the hair on her neck standing she nearly growled, for her senses were already warning her about just who the visitor was.

"Be that him?" That all to perspective woman picking up on the sudden radiation of stress, like a small vulture. "Answer him Fiona!" She then commanded.

"Come." The word falling from Fiona's lips with reluctance and even a touch of annoyance apparent in the frosty edge the tone carried. Of course the bane of her troubles was marching through her office door with some papers in his hand.

Ceidwynn just gasped at the sight of him. Taking in the cold dead aura, the frigid glitter of crimson eyes and the scarf masking his face and just moaned faintly. "Oh my, tis' worse then I thought!" She wailed to only Fiona, as the lady was not letting him see her. "Fiona, That MAN be nae breathing!"

"These are the new papers for Brutin's newest acquisitions." The raspy voice rumbled as the documents were placed down on her desk, mere inches away from the sputtering Deity.

While she wasn't fully certain, Fiona thought for a moment he might have sensed her guest for those glowing eyes of his did flare brightly, but as he said nothing she didn't think she needed to fill him in, instead leveled what she hoped was an expressionless gaze upon him.

"Be there anything else DeAuster?"

"No. Lord Brutin simply wished these to be delivered." Arms folded over the broadly armored breastplate as he gazed down at her.

"Oh my, my, my! I had hoped this might be a good thing, but nae this! Fiona child how can this undead creature be of interest to ye!" The lady of shadows and the forge of life was up and pacing, circling unseen around Lucuis's form and just wringing her hands. "Ye father will likely blame me for this, and it is nae my fault. Must be that taint of ye mother's." She paused then, hand lifting into the air. "Aye, that must be it! That I can fix after all. Well. . ." She tugged at a wave of inky hair and sighed. "I might be able to fix, maybe."

Fiona had to battle back the urge to reply to the woman, just sat up straight and took up the papers instead. "Thank ye DeAuster. I shall take care of this now." Polite her tone and she nodded her head to him. She had hope he would leave now, but as always her wishes never did come to pass.

"I apologize if anything said or done earlier offended you." He started, only to stop as she shot a hard look at him with one black gloved hand lifting, as if to still the words he uttered.

"Ye nae need to apologize Lucius. Tis' all a part of the job." Swallowing back the growl that wished to break from her mouth.

"As you wish then." This was followed by a stiff bow and he was moving again towards the door. _________________


Date: 2006-09-05 20:33 EST
"He is at least polite and respectful, but still Fiona, he is hardly suitable. In that condition tis" unlikely he could father children let alone perform and I know for a fact ye nature might require such abilities! Remember, I do "know" ye mother. That one is insatiable." The tiny woman huffed a bit. "Pity as I am sure he was something to look at when alive."

The moment the door closed behind the Death knight, Fiona just slumped back in her leather seat and glowered with narrowed eyes at the now fretting Goddess. "I knew him when he was alive. He be part of my past. That is all. Once I have worked out what troubles me, it will be as it was before Milady, so have nae any further thoughts regarding a man siring children with me. Tis" nae likely to happen anytime soon."

"Ye have care Fiona. That one comes from magics old as my self, if nae even older then that. Nae kind ones to inflict such a torment on any one I add." She spun about and there was a somber pall cast now on her pale features. "Retrieve ye heart child, for that one may not have the ability to care for it. Tis" nae part of his nature."

"As I nae have given or lost my heart Milady ye have nothing to fret upon. DeAuster be an associate now and little else. As for what brought ye here this night is my inability to settle the past regarding him. Tis" likely I am potentially the cause of his current state. Indirectly perhaps." A wry, jaded smile shadowed over Fiona's pale features then. "I was nae good enough for him due to my dark nature when he was alive, but I may still have planted the seed to his corruption."

"Balderdash!" Ceidwynn exclaimed then. "Nae anyone can corrupt another without permission. Tis" more likely it was his poor treatment of ye that caused it, instead of ye doing it by spending time together. So by his own actions he wrought his own torment."

"Perhaps." Fiona didn't fully believe that, knowing far more regarding the end of that relationship so long ago. She knew deep inside what she had done as well, and was aware that it to was part of her current confusion.

"Now be the time to clear the air Child. Tis" only a suggestion but until ye face what troubles ye now, ye will nae find peace regarding that dead man." The lady twisted around to gaze at Fiona, her eyes glittering with a sort of spectral sheen. "Find one that be alive be another suggestion."

That final comment almost brought a bark of laugher, instead Fiona just cleared her throat and shrugged casually. "Considering that the males I tend to deal with I nae hold in very high regard, nor find all that appealing, I shall pass on the latter, Milady."

A frown marred the marble features of the deity at her charges reply, and then sighed. "Ye be young and tis a pity ye be so guarded Fiona. There be plenty about that would care little of ye darker side and accept ye for what ye are. Tis a matter of ye actually finding them that be the trouble"

"Nae any trouble at all Milady. I nae wish that sort of strife now. Tis my experience that such entanglements only lead to emotions best left buried. Ye are right about one thing, it be time to shake off the past, but nae with any intention of finding another male to disrupt what I find to be a rather serene and comfortable existence." Her arms rested easily on the edge of the desk as she leaned into it.

"Ye nae still have. . . Feelings for that. . . Creature do ye Fiona?" It was the almost sorrowful tone used by the lady that made the shadowmage pause, considering that question with some care.

"Aye, I believe I do still carry some affection for him, but more as a figure from days long gone Milady. Tis" hard to forget that first great love. The first mad passion is nae something many woman can dismiss from the mind easily." Nor had she forgotten the pain it had inflicted and she was slowly becoming aware that part of her current state had much to do with the simple act of true forgiveness. And while that was not something she was very familiar with, she felt it might be time to learn just how to achieve that to save her own state of mind.

"I would offer to return him to life as I do have the ability, but I fear what it might bring down upon me. One shouldn't meddle far in the affairs of other Gods, and most certainly nae ones I don't know. Tweaking that annoying Uncle of yours is one thing, but sticking my fingers into powers uncharted. . . " Words just faded off there with a pensive expression. "Such things tend to have certain requirements, none of which ye could acquire."

"Have nae fear MILADY. I will not ask that of ye. DeAuster obviously made some contract that be his and his alone to handle. Tis not my place to question it, nor tamper with the balance of it. In the end it was his own choice so any alterations to what ever deal he made, is his alone to determine and request."

This woman she now regarded had saved her, but it had been by her own request. A plea for help as she sought to break away from her own foolish mistake in contracting to her Uncle, she had fought to break from those bounds and had she not had the aid of Ceidwynn, she would have died. Such things Fiona did not take lightly. She had then bound herself to the fate of this single Deity, and so far she had not a single complaint. In truth the lady was surprisingly undemanding much of the time. In many ways she was the mother Fiona never had as a child. Hence why she was tolerant.

"Aye. Ye be right about that. Ta be blunt, the energy about that one, be the likes I have nae ever seen. Makes me hesitate tampering with the source after all." A wry smile graced Ceidwynn's face. "Call me a coward if ye like, but I am an old, nearly forgotten god, so my powers while formidable, are not as strong as they once were."

Pale rose lips twitched faintly, hearing the note and the meaning behind the words. "Tis nae the energy you can wield Milady, but the wisdom of the ages that makes ye stronger then most others."

"Ah, flattery Fiona" Starting to mellow some?"

"Ye might say that, aye. In truth it be realizing that I can nae ignore what has come before. I intend to face it and move beyond it's grip." The raven black head nodded slowly. Aware that she was going to have to face Lucius and once done, and hoped the tension she felt at his mere presence would fade to a memory.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-06 23:33 EST
The following day she took a moment out of hectic activity to leave a note on Lucius's desk. She had picked a neutral location to meet him. A place far from the prying eyes of those around as Brutin was well known for collecting such information. As that one seemed to have an unusual interest in her private affairs, she took steps to prevent him from learning anything she didn't wish known.

"The Silver Sabre" had once been a beach front manor house but now was an upscale inn and tavern in one of the many resort towns that dotted the ocean side. Set high on a cliff it boasted a clear view of the crashing waves below. In the summer patrons could sit out on a wide deck and take in the salty sea air and listen to the thundering of the sea below.

Fiona had been there a few times in the past, usually to either take a contract or to complete it. As far as she knew, none of Brutin's usual associates went there and thus made it a good location. She had also reserved one of the private sitting rooms the place provided for a variety of meetings and discussions of their more monied guests. The thick walls and the discretion that the place was known for would suit her purposes.

Striding down the long hall towards her own office she considered the possibility that Lucius may decline her request, but even as the thought was pondered upon, she sensed he wouldn't. She seldom requested his presence so whatever emotion now within his undead form that could be called curiosity would likely cause him to appear. The note had been simple.

"DeAuster, We need to talk. Please meet me at "The Silver Sabre" in Cacieous Point at 8 sharp. FD"

She didn't ponder upon what she would say, knowing to attempt to do that would only end up talking herself into circles. Would be best to simply state what she needed and be done with it without any fancy words. Thus she finished the rest of the afternoon in her usual efficient way and as the time chosen came closer she made her departure from the Hall.

Arriving a good 20 minutes earlier having simply shadow walked after leaving the grounds of the SA, she was soon escorted into the somber chamber. The dark walls gleamed with the sheen of fresh polish. The faint sent of pine in the air. Tossing her cloak into an over stuffed chair she looked about casually. Strolling towards the one window and gazed down into the wintery, wind swept sea. Even with the light gone she could still see the caps of white dancing just beyond the shore.

She was aware of some others around, having picked up the disturbances in the shade. Even in the off season the place still hosted guests. The clientele often noblemen or politicians. Some she had done jobs for in the past.

Feeling an uncommon edge starting to build, she strolled over to the small bar provided and poured herself a small glass of the deep red wine and forced herself to take a seat as she waited. Still refusing to mull over what she was going to say. Knowing it would only cause her thoughts become even more tangled.

Leather clad legs crossing as she settled into a seat near the warmth of the fire, one boot started to do an impatient bounce while she took to watching the ticking clock on the mantle. She knew he would arrive right at 8. It was his way after all, but her usual patience was slipping.

She felt him arrive even before he stepped into the quiet room. The door was drawn shut behind him while he shed the cloak that was already soaked from the storm that had broken outside. A raven brow arched slightly as she took another sip from the wine glass held casually in a gloved hand.

Sitting up for a moment to place her drink down on the low table and nodded to him. "Good evening to ye DeAuster. Glad ye came."

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-07 11:09 EST
He merely regarded her with those dead red eyes and slowly arms folded over his armored chest with a nod. "What did you need to speak with me about?"

"Ah, tis time to clear the air I be thinking." Smoothly sitting back, her posture didn't change even if there was just a hint of a strain in the line of her lips. "Ye be wanting me to work with ye without strain and as of late I be finding that nae easily done."

The only response she was given was that almost unnoticeable narrowing of eyes but as she wasn't done, she simply waved to a seat. "Tis nae your fault DeAuster. It be my own issues. This I will admit, however tis time I, explain some thing to ye." her words started to slow for a moment.

Frosty green eyes shifted down, watching the firelight dancing off the ruby colored liquid in the glass for a moment with a faint frown creasing her brow. "I had been thinking that much of your behavior is some misguided idea ye may be carrying. Perhaps a means to assuage some guilt ye may have in regards to my self." He was still silent, as if waiting from insult to come his way and she took an even breath. "Well, as I have decided to confess, then it be time to just do that."

A lean taken to once again pick up the glass. "To start, Aye, I still am bitter. Tis hard to nae be after all. Ye were my first lover, and being so callously tossed aside leaves a very unpleasant after taste ye could say. Ye also wounded my pride." She idly swirled the wine around in the glass with only a glance sent his way. First lover and only lover to date really, but doubted he needed to hear that. Confession as it was, had its limits for her. "One nae likes having their mistakes return after so long. Stirs up old resentments, but I am working on that."

"I see." Emotionless and cold those words, which made her suspect he had no idea at all.

"Next, it be about that last night. When I gave ye the contract." That time she was certain she felt a flair of emotion, but couldn't pin down just what it was, for it was mingled with rage as most she could pick up from him were. She took another sip of the drink in her hand, forcing some of the internal tension to ease by sheer force of will. At this point she wasn't sure there was any delicate or even diplomatic means to explain her own fault in what had occurred but was about to make her best attempt. "Ye be knowing of my duel nature. Of course back then, I wasn't able to control it as I can now." She gave a sharp mental laugh, as she was finding it just as hard to manage as she had then, but could say she understood it more at any rate. "If ye still be feeling any guilt regarding what happened. Be assured now ye nae forced your self upon me that night. If anything, my own juvenile attempts of using that nature caused it." She moved suddenly then, rising swiftly to her feet and paced away towards the window.

"I don't think I am understanding this Fiona." He growled then, but remained unmoving and yet those glowing crimson eyes watched her.

"Ye were so angry and when I couldn't escape into the shadows, ye might say I panicked." Her quiet words hung in quiet room. "I thought I could use my demonic abilities to persuade ye to let me go, but ye see it backfired instead. Had I known then how to use them, it wouldn't have happened as it did." Offering a light shrug, then before she turned to look over at shoulder at him. "Until ye came along, that side was nae something I knew well or used often, so as I said, t"was a novice effort that nae had quite the desired result."

Now she could feel the anger and tensed up a bit more, but having decided to clear the air on that matter she wasn't done and simply turned about to look at him straight on. "Upon meeting ye again I first thought I might be the cause of ye current state, but am nae so sure now if that is the case."

Her black head tilted slightly, sending the long braid swaying with the reflection in the dotted glass behind her. "Any misplaced guilt ye be carrying can now be laid to rest. Ye nae raped me as I suspect ye think." In fact it had been the most intense sexual experience she had ever had with him. But that tidbit of information remained hers alone. Hand lifting then. "However I can nae take the responsibility of having caused ye downfall DeAuster. One I know that is very old and wise told me recently that corruption starts inside. I could nae corrupt ye without us both being fully aware of it. So in that, I accept nae any blame. Ye accepted that bargain."

Oddly enough she did feel better admitting her part in their last meeting. Perhaps her own duplicity in all of it had colored her views of the past as well. Never the less she was going to finish. "Tis time to say I shall make every effort to forget. I shall not say we will be friends and given ye nature, tis" unlikely that friendship is even on the table, but I can manage to be professional and civil and not let that lingering bitterness get in the way if able." A faint, turning of lips in what was a rather weak smile and she continued. "Ye owe me nothing DeAuster. I wish to lay the past to rest and let it done for both of us here."

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-07 14:02 EST
He stood for a quiet moment, the soft glow of his eyes ebbing a bit as he seemed to withdraw into himself. To Fiona it was like a chill wind easing, as the aura surrounding the undead warrior shrank back. "No, you were not to blame for what I have become." His words were almost a benediction. Finally he moved, slowly pacing to the far all of the room, the heavy cloak fluttering around his legs as he slowly turned. "We once talked about destiny."

"Aye, I remember." Fiona answered automatically, though in the back of her memory the words echoed softly. Lying back in bed, rain pounding softly on the window, the two lovers had sleepily talked about the future.

"I said then, I felt as though I was destined for something different, a path I could not foresee." Slowly he walked back across the room, only pausing to look at Fiona when he neared the hearth. "Call it a premonition or worries about the Inquisitor that had been hounding us. Whatever, but it came true."

"The contract?"

"Indeed." His eyes on the flames, Lucius let himself fallback to the memories, so distant by mortal reckoning, but only yesterday for them. "Two weeks, after our last"meeting, I was felled by an assassin using Akailis extract." Fiona slowly nodded in understanding."

"A slow death." Well versed in poisons, she knew exactly what he had suffered at the end. A part of her at one time would have celebrated the successful hit, but any feelings were kept carefully hidden away, her features maintaining a cool outward demeanor. "The Akailis plant is not easy to obtain, so your killer was either a warrior of his own right, or well connected."

"The latter, as his patron was none other than one of the Council's Inner Council." The words were fairly spat, and Fiona took a prudent half-step backwards, feeling the chilling air returning full force. "Glashion wanted my lands and wealth, and not only had myself removed, but also the one who would have shared that title."

And good riddance! She couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corner of her lips, but Fiona remained quiet, hoping that her inner feelings did not come close to the surface. "As I lay there dying, someone came to me, offered me a chance to return and have my revenge. I took the offer, and my last thoughts were of you, and to kill the ones that had taken me down."

A delicate tapered brow rose at that, and to cover the uncomfortable silence that followed the pause Fiona took a long sip of her drink. "I returned from beyond, and have retaken what is mine." Unclenching his fist slowly, Lucius looked over to Fiona. "What I did to you?" He quickly held up a hand as she started to say something.?"No, not that night, but in leaving you the way I did, it was wrong. I put my pride before my good sense."

"Pride goeth before a fall." Fiona said, the tone almost sugary-sweet. Any expression Lucius may have had was hidden behind the heavy scarf, but the look he shot her way was easily imagined.

"I have made mistakes. I cannot take them back, and I can only say I am truly sorry for any pain I brought you." Turning, he faced her fully, his eyes holding their normal intensity again. "We make a good partnership working for Brutin, you and I. While perhaps not friends, I believe we can build on this new partnership."

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-08 17:32 EST
"Aye, I think ye be right. I shall at the least make every endeavor to do just that." A faint nod of her head towards him, even as she still considered his words. Some of it she found slightly amusing. He had retaken all that was his, but unless he was planning on raising his long dead bride from the dead, he still had some things left unfinished.

As she was hoping to find some level of peace with him, she didn't comment about his pride or good sense. Hindsight such as it was could still be colored by the here and now. Words likely designed to put her at ease. Undead as he was, it was likely still something he might attempt.

His remarks about her being in his last thoughts had nearly made her laugh. Was likely her own warnings to him he remembered as his heart slowed in that lingering painful death. She had been telling the truth then, but suspected as before he simply hadn't trusted her dark nature enough to believe it until it was simply to late.

She refused to delude herself. She had given him her heart so long ago, but now knew he never could have felt the same about her. "Pride before good sense, Indeed." she thought with a mental snort.

Turning away to look out of the window, she hid the sting that gave her and shrugged it aside. She wouldn't let her emotions rule her now. It would only bring disaster after all.

At least now she felt confident she could handle this enforced partnership and still maintain her reputation as a "Ice bitch". Perhaps he would back off on this need to protect her when she was capable of taking care of herself.

"Was there anything else you wanted to discuss with me Fiona?" He then asked in that emotionless rasp she was becoming used to.

"Just one thing. I nae wish Brutin to know anything about our past DeAuster. Tis nae any of his business and it would simply give him some ideas. Which the man nae needs." She turned to look just at him with a stony expression of her own.

"Of course." He stood unmoving and still while those cold red eyes of his regarded her.

"That be all then. I shall see ye in the morning then DeAuster. I thank ye again for meeting with me." Her ice green eyes had narrowed again, feeling something moving just outside and if the energy was right it was another of her uncle's party toys. Twice in such a short time meant trouble for her and she carefully placed the now empty glass down on the tabletop.

For only a moment her anger flared, but was switched off rapidly as she moved to take up her cloak. "Forgive me, but there is something I just noticed I need to deal with DeAuster. Dark eve to ye."

She didn't even wait for his reply, simply slipped away into the darkness she knew well and in minutes was stalking that creature from her uncles Realm. There was no way of knowing what the being had learned and she was going to make sure it could impart nothing to that relation of hers.

Emotions from that past had caused her to make an agreement with Morningstar, and there was no way she was going to give him anything to use against her again.

It was a chase across the landscape. Her uncle's agent was moving and eluding her with surprising skill, a fact that was making the anger harder to contain. Eventually she had little choice but to relent having lost the trace and just stood on the edge of a rain soaked cliff and glowered out into the stormy darkness; Eyes flashing with the sheen of crimson, stark and furious. "Ye will not control me again Uncle."

At her side Garith just hissed low. He was the one thing left from that time. A bound blade she couldn't discard, for it carried part of her very life in its core now. The dark imps energy was also her own and upon learning what would happen if she sought to break from it, she had deemed it unwise. Instead she had spent ages instead, bending the energy to her own will. It now served her and no one else. The dagger might not fully agree with her decisions but he now followed her commands,loyal to her in his own way.

Though she was certain it was now due to their shared life force. If she died, the imp died after all, so being a creature set on survival, that bond was fully shared.

Another low hiss and she returned to the shadow paths, taking them to the sanctuary that was her flat. Her uncle had best take care however, for the next time she wouldn't give up but hunt them down and later send him the pieces of what ever was left.

Zaleena Veil

Date: 2006-09-14 17:22 EST
Zaleena had indeed heard quite a bit but it wasn't to Morningstar she fled, but to the Dracolich. Finding him deeply ensconced in his laboratory instead. Shaking the rain from the glossy black curls she strolled in and grinned wickedly. "Well, ye wanted to know what has your pet Deathknight all distracted, I think I have found out."

A glittering orb rolled about in her hand as she gazed with dancing eyes at the lich and just eased her way to sit on the edge of one of the many tables that lined the walls of the room.

"Well, what is it?" he snapped almost waspishly. Not one that liked insipid interruptions.

"See for yourself." She said, as soft laughter floating from her lips as she leaned to toss the image orb over to him smoothly. Only to end up nearly slipping from her perch at the snort that soon followed in his coming response.

"A woman?" Frowning at the images moving and also listening he gave another growl.

"Oh, not just any woman Daugie. That one is actually related to Lucifer. I remember her from a while back. Used to be one of his pet killers for a short time. He's still a little hurt about her leaving I believe."

"I don't care. Remove her." Was his instant reply. "DeAuster's distraction is slowing down my plans and I don't need some specter from his past doing that."

"As ye wish Daugie." More laughter as she had eluded the woman earlier all to easily and had no trouble at all taking her out of the picture either. Her boss from below might even be delighted if she did, so it worked out on so many levels after all.


It took her a few days to finally track the woman down again. Only to aware she was using those shadows to move about and that limited the Marilith. She had not yet found where the female was staying, but this evening she had gotten lucky and caught her leaving that slaver compound and heading into town.

Staying some distance behind her then, using every skill she had to mask her presence, as they entered a rather seedy part of the city. A place Zal knew quite well, as she often fed there and just bided her time. Waiting just outside one of the rustic waterfront bars.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-14 17:29 EST
Inside Fiona was passing Luse his share of the contracted gold. "I do enjoy such easy jobs Fiona. Feel free to ask me again any time you need." He quickly pocketed the bag and with a flare off the end of his cigarette, was strolling out the door, likely to deposit it in a safe place.

Perhaps it was her location or maybe just that refined instinct she had which had carried her well over the years, she however caught a sense of something the moment she stepped back out onto the docks.

Her dagger hissed low, picking up on her mood instantly and gloved fingers wrapped down against it with a snap of the security that held him in place at her hip. Ice green eyes narrowed but otherwise she maintained a relaxed posture, striding off in her usual way back towards the main road.

She didn't use the shadows, being a little curious about who would dare attempt anything with her. Was it one of Catdrina's old lovers perhaps" Or someone bent on revenge from some old job' No way of knowing except to simply confront it.

Innate senses stretching outwards then, seeking to locate the danger she knew lurked nearby and caught just a hint of something moving up behind her.

It all happened in an instant, and she went sailing in a skid across the cobbled road with a hissing of surprise. A dark form was hurtling towards her and she reacted, blade coming up in a swing even as she sprang upwards. Blazing red eyes met a nearly matched set and the true battle commenced.

Hissing as claws raked through the dense leathers and she danced back, Garith screaming in her mind. A quick spin and she lunged in quick, the sharp edge of the blade slicing through flesh and drawing a startled growl from the creature attacking. Blood sprayed as the two forms circled and clashed, with neither gaining the edge.

Fiona already knew she was facing one of her uncle's hellspawn so her tactics shifted with talons tearing through the leather gloves and she sprang towards the beast with black claws ripping viciously at it.

The lashing of a tail sent her flying off, crashing into the side of a building, with debris falling down around her. The scream cut short as she found herself choked with dust but quickly scrambled to her feet. Slightly blind she moved now on instinct and raw power and leapt forward again, the shrieking blade slamming hard into the armored side but she was again sent sailing back, feeling some of her own bones snapping at the hard impact into another building, the brick wall unrelenting.

She could see the beast bearing down on her, with swords flashing in several hands and even through the pain she moved, rising up on shaky feet and unleashed her Sentinels in a last ditch effort to gain the upper hand.

Zal hadn't been prepared for that, as she suddenly found herself caught up in a maelstrom of razored claws and snapping teeth as the woman called upon magics or powers she hadn't known of. She did the only thing she could then, shape-shifting and taking flight away from certain destruction. The dragon's scream ringing in the air as she sailed off at high speed.

Fiona wavered on her feet for a moment, before finally slipping back and sinking down. She had survived the attack, but getting back was going to take some work. Every breath was agony and she was sure more then a few ribs were broken, along with her left arm and right ankle.

Drawing in every bit of energy she had, she muttered darkly. She didn't feed as one of her nature should. Usually she would soaked up emotions along the way and funneled that instead, but of late she hadn't allowed that link much room for it and it was showing now just how lax she had been. Eyes flecked with a sheen of blood red narrowed faintly. Sending out faint threads in a search for one that might help. It was just her luck that her aunt was nowhere near. At this point pride be damned she thought and just latched on to the next best target. The link weak, but at least she could locate it. "DeAuster, I be in need of some aid."

It seemed to her that he arrived even before she had finished the request and just lifted her bloodied head to look at him. "Ye be quick, I will give ye that."

"What happened?" He asked in that usual emotionless way.

"Something big and nasty attacked me, what do ye think?" A hiss of pain as she sought to rise back up on her feet. "I be hoping ye have a means to get me back to the hall, as I nae can use my usual method." She was still losing blood and that meant her shadow form would mean certain death. It was one major disadvantage to her talents.

Feeling his hand coming down on her shoulder to steady her, she didn't jerk away for the first time since meeting him again. In fact, she rather welcomed the cold touch, as it jolted her out of the lethargic sensations moving over her.

"Brace your self Fiona." She registered the cold request mere seconds before a shudder ripped through her. He had used one of those blasted soul gems again and in and instant felt the heat of its power moving over her body. Leaving trace of the echoing screams bouncing around in her mind. Once again the bloody thing had triggering her demon, which was already hovering just near the surface and she shivered violently in the aftermath.

"Gods I hate those things." But she couldn't say more as the agony was easing somewhat. At least enough so she could breath without feeling light headed and weak.

"You will still need to rest." This added even as she felt herself being swung up into his arms and her body went tight for a moment with another instant stirring of that demonic side she carried. Personally she was starting to think her other half had some serious issues, as it was reacting to the touch of a dead man, but wisely held her tongue and just gritted her teeth tight against the pain that lingered and those insane responses.

In mere seconds she found herself still held against his chilly frame as he settled into the saddle of that Nightmare of his and just took an even calming breath. The cold he radiated didn't even bother however, her dark half's reaction to it, left her fighting back against it with determination.

A bit stilted, as she was rather uncomfortable in this current position. "I thank ye for coming to my aid DeAuster."

"I could not ignore your call Fiona." Was his stony reply with a glance down at her from those equally dead eyes of his.

She remained tense, feeling every little jolt all the way back to the hall and just forced herself to channel the pain towards something more useful, such as keeping her demon side from doing anything inappropriate or stupid.

In surprisingly short order she was passed over into the care of Brutin's own personal healers and only then did the tension in her body start to ease. She knew where her attacker had come from, but not the reason, for Fallen was not prone to killing family, even those he was angry at. It would cause several unpleasant ripples across his domain and she felt pretty certain Belial would gladly make those into crashing waves if given the chance.

She could drop in on him and simply ask, but the idea of entering his domain made her skin crawl a bit. She hadn't seen him in several years and felt certain it would be best to wait several more before attempting that.

Zaleena Veil

Date: 2006-09-14 17:32 EST
"Oww! Watch it bone breath!" Hissing as Daug dabbed some sort of green goo on one of several cuts while she glared at him with reptilian eyes.

"You said you could handle this woman Zaleena." His tone more then a little displeased, even as he tended a rather impressive array of damage.

"I thought I could, but she pulled out some sort of strange magic I haven't seen before. I was assaulted by at least a hundred hungry beasts Daug! They tried to rip me apart!" Hissing again with a swat at his hand which she totally missed as he moved back with surprising speed. "I very nearly had her until she did that!" She finished with another growl of pain.

"Um, interesting." Was his reply as he clinically inspected a rather deep gash on her hip.

"Is that all you can say' I look like I got thrown into a paper shredder and you think that's "Interesting?"" Her voicing rising to nearly a shriek.

"Did you record this event by chance?" Seeming to be curious about that at least.

"Of course." She snapped right back with a tossing of her head. "Just not sure I want to give it to you as you seem to lack sympathy for the state that bitch put me in!"

A pale thin hand stretched out towards her. "Hand it over."

"I will not!" Huffing, and then wincing at the painful movement she shot another baleful look at him. "I'm a mess! A total fracking mess and you don't even care!"

"You will recover just fine Zaleena, now hand it over before I simply take it, and then you will really be in pain." So matter of factly did he say it, she found it hard to disbelieve that blandly offered threat.

"Oh fine then, just remember Daug, you owe me now. I tried to take out that distraction after all." The orb appearing in her hand and passed over with a faint pout on bloody lips.

Instantly the lich was inspecting the battle with a frown growing deeper by the second on his dead face. "What manner of beasts does this one command?"

"How the hell should I know" I already told you, she has some strange magic you old bone." Growling still as she shifted under the multitude of stringing slices still marring her flesh.

"This only proves the old adage. If one wants a job done right they need do it themselves." Draconian eyes narrowing with intent upon the cloudy figures the woman had called to her aid.

"Interesting, very, very interesting. Perhaps I should capture this one and learn her secrets instead. Such things might be useful in my own endeavors."

"Knock yourself out old man." Growling faintly even as her head lifted and she muttered. "For now the lord and master is home. Can't let him see me like this."

"True, true." He absently lifted a hand and touched her and she fell over like a landed fish as a surge of intense energy slammed into her damaged body.

"Ahhh!" Squirming away the second she could and rubbing her arm as it still ached as if she had grabbed hold of lightening bolt. Noticing that her wounds were healing at a near instant rate.

"Find out all you can about this woman Zaleena. All you can so I might capture her and force those secrets from her."

"Easier said then done old boy." Her form wavering as clothing was changed and the blood fading from her pale skin. "She uses shadows the way you use portals. Don't even ask me how that works, because it's some family secret I am not privy to."

"Shadows you say' Ahh, this is getting even more interesting."

That word was starting to really tick her off and she frowned at him. "Interesting, yes, sure it is."

Stretching now, free of the previous damage and gave a faint smile. "I will see what I can find out. Know some that just might share a little. If the Great master asks, you can simply tell him you sent me on yet another errand." Truth usually worked best in most instances, even if one was twisting just a little tiny bit to suit their purpose. Already over the lack of any emotion other then that creepy urge to dissect others, she was fading away, already on her way downwards to speak with Fallen. He knew the woman after all and just might be in a mood to share if she caught him at a weak moment.


Date: 2006-09-16 18:07 EST
Daugolozan stalked along the quiet tunnels that ran underneath the old keep of Ravens Fast, growling softly as his irritation of the current state of affairs grew. None were about to see him, otherwise he would be tempted to take out his anger on any such unfortunate. Given the mercurial temper, though, it was a toothy grin that graced his razor-thin features as he swept into the main hall.

"Ah, I see you have returned, DeAuster." A bow, almost mocking, had his sleeves sweeping the floor before he stepped away from the doors and headed toward the large table set along one wall of the chamber. Lucius stood there, looking over one of several maps laid out on the tabletop. Beside him the skeletal warrior Sir Herzog stood quietly, only the creak of the vertebrae coming as the black eyesockets moved over the "mage". Another of the undead warriors stood at the end of the table, flanking a cloaked and hooded figure. One of the so-called Acolytes, Daugolozan recalled, a sneer threatening to bloom.

That had been quite a morning, as the sun rose over the mountains to reveal a ragged group standing before the gates of the keep, keeping the ghouls and other undead at bay while their leader called out for the ruler of the hold, petitioning for an audience. Their leader, Karthos by name, asked that he and his followers be allowed to serve Lucius. The gods they followed had led them here, he said, to help build an empire that would eclipse all others. Lucius had been both quietly amused and surprised by the request, and had granted the petition, allowing Karthos to settle his people into the cloisters of the old chapel, while Zaleena claimed the upper level as her abode. Lucius and his knights dwelled underground, in a network of tunnels slowly being expanded by undead clawing at the rock unceasingly. A small watchtower served as Daugolozan's laboratory, off limits to all except the Lord of the keep and, secretly, Zaleena.

"Well met, mage." Lucius rumbled quietly as he turned to regard Daugolozan's approach. "And to what do we owe the"pleasure?"

"I came to talk to you about my supply of subjects to continue my experiments." The disguised dracolich replied airily, waving a hand in the air for dramatic effect. "I have nearly run out."

"Indeed." The deathknight's eyes flared slightly as he regarded Daugolozan. Out of the corner of his eye Lucius saw the near-hidden stiffening of Karthos's frame. The Acolyte had made his objections to Daugolozan's experiments to bolster the undead's already-formidable powers. His early experiments had made the predatory ghouls faster as well as lengthening the time the paralysis caused by their claws. Karthos thought the alchemical experiments an affront to his own god's beliefs, and only a timely intervention by Lucius had spared the human's life when he had verbally confronted the mage. Afterward, he and Daugolozan had kept a respectful, if quiet, distance.

"We are making plans to get you more subjects, mage." Lucius pointed to the map, specifically an arm of the Ridgedown mountains. "A nomadic party from the plains have decided to camp here, due to the weather, most likely." Piercing orage-red eyes met each in turn. "A perfect target of opportunity."

"My lord, some would undoubtedly make excellent sacrifices to the Quadravant." Karthos looked to the undead warrior, and Lucius could easily see the gleam of fanaticism in the man's eyes. Another time, and it could have been a mirror of his own. "Khorne and Tzeench would wlecome such a gift, and would smile on your endeavors."

Slowly, Lucius nodded his agreement, and behind him Daugolozan rolled his eyes in irritation. "Yes yes, all power to the Quadravant. Blood blood blood, give unto thee!" A hand again waved in the air, and the knight beside Karthos put a hand on the living one's shoulder to keep him from diving over the desk.

"You blasphemous heretical?"

"ENOUGH!" A fist slammed into the heavy tabletop, sending a booming echo throughout the hall and silencing them all. "This will end now!" The guttural voice, usually little louder than a loud whisper, now roared as Lucius glared at each in turn. "Karthos, you will have your sacrifices. And the best will be turned." The robed man, for Daugolozan could never decide if he was magus or some kind of priest, slowly bowed at the waist to Lucius.

"Your will be done, m'lord." He intoned softly, then straightened up with a dark glance Daugolozan's way. Had a heart beat within his chest the undead may have felt a bit of worry, but the ancient being merely flashed his rival a smile, sharp teeth gleaming in the low light of the gloworbs.

"Daugolozan, what is your progress?" The bastardation of his name brought Daugolozan's attention back around to the deathknight.

"I have a new formula that shows much potential, but I need new subjects to test it on. After all?" he continued with a noncommittal shrug,?"a wrong mixture is hard on the test subject."

"Indeed." Lucius growled again softly. "Tonight's raid serves two purposes then. Though, it would be nice to see something positive soon." The low voice held a soft edge as undead stared at undead.

"As I have explained before, these things DO take time. Alchemical combinations is a lot like playing god, you know." His flippant attitude toward his work brought another soft growl from Karthos, but Lucius remained still in his regard.

"Time is one thing, mage, but procrastination is another." The deathknight growled softly, before turning and heading toward the chamber's exit. Another glance shot Daugolozan's way, this time with a sneer of contempt, and Karthos strode toward the same exit.

"Yesss, you stupid simian, keep thinking you've moved ahead in his eyes." Daugolozan growled under his breath, already planning a most fitting end to that one.

Zaleena Veil

Date: 2006-09-17 13:21 EST
"No, I do not know what relation DeAuster could have with this woman" The voice was somewhat distant, as the speaker could truly be said not to be all there. The spectre Corbane floated serenely floated over the floor, facing the seated Daugolozan, who was lounging in a comfortable setee. "The only female I know the paladin to have known is the bitch Sapphire, who lies mouldering below the chapel."

"Really now" So this would be someone new then?" the dracolich waved toward the gloworb, resting on the tabletop. The news that Corbane did not know the connection between DeAuster and the as-yet unnamed woman nonplussed the ancient undead, as he had hoped the spectre, who hated DeAuster as much as Daugolozan loathed anything other than himself, could add a piece to the jumbled puzzle.

"It would appear." The noncoporeal undead replied, and without further ado floated through the wall and disappeared, even as Daugolozan started another question. "Bloody damned ghost. Should trap him in a bottle for a century and then see if he's so damned obstinate." Muttering to himself, Daugolozan tapped the armrest with talon-sharp fingertips. So lost in his thoughts he did not notice the newcomer until a figure suddenly dropped into his lap, arms wrapping around his neck. Zaleena fairly beamed as she smiled at the startled dracolich.

"Hello, Daugie. Miss me?"

Zaleena's efforts in the realms below hadn't worked out as well as she had hoped. Fallen had been in a snit over one of his siblings and simply not in the mood to talk. She had tried and nearly ended up getting herself into deeper water. It was apparent he didn't like interest in one of his family members either, a mental shudder at the memory as he had snapped and snarled and told her to stay out of it. In most instances she would have, however that woman had very nearly taken her down. Such a thing was a little hard for Zal to simply ignore. If nothing else, she wanted payback.

So, she had made her way towards the one place she knew that shadow wielder frequented. Considering her inquiries were to be discreet, she moved quietly around the walls of the compound, listening and learning what she could. It wasn't long before her frustration level was rising. She wasn't made to have much in the way of patience after all and eventually had to do something. She couldn't return to Daug without something on this mysterious creature.

It was bad enough she hadn't even been able to get a single bit from those below, that alone he would deem a major failure on her part and knowing that one, he would mock her for it.

Standing silently under a tree as moonlight washed down across the stone covered road and plotted. One long fingernail tapping against full lips as she fully considered the place and what it stood for. Slavers were an amusing lot, but even she was aware that Brutin was a shrewd male. One couldn't be as well known or as successful as he was without some smarts working in his favor. So in light of that knowledge, she wasn't about to saunter her way inside without setting off warning bells. This would require a bit more finesse. She had to be cleaver and careful all at the same time.

In fact it was a delivery being made that gave her the idea and in moments, she was walking towards those gates with an armful of flowers.

"Greetings kind sirs! I bring flowers for a lady that be inside." She had taken the guise of a simple village maid, one that wouldn't draw that much attention.

"What lady?" One Tarn growled, giving her a sharp and less then impressed look. "The man said she be one of with dark hair and green eyes. He didn't give a name but said she would be well known here."

The other guard was younger and less suspicious and instantly replied. "That must be Fiona."

"It's unlikely the Lady DeWil would be wanting gifts from any strange men." The grouchy one grumbled low with another narrowed eye resting upon the woman.

"Hey, no reason to growl at me sir, I am simply delivering them." She didn't wait, simply pushed the bundle of floral frippery at the younger of the two males. She had a name and that was at least a start. She was then heading off back down the road, and once out of sight of the compound, once more making her way to the realms below.

It was a simple matter of dropping in to visit Fallen's librarian and after a bit of flirting was able to get her hands on some of the various histories of those of his own line. If there was one thing Morningstar was a stickler for it was keeping detailed records, as one never knew when those relations could be exploited after all.

It took her a little time of course, as he had many, but having a vague memory of that woman from many years before she did eventually find the line. Her azure eyes reading over what was listed, including an impressive array of collections that one had made while in the service of her uncle.

The name of her mother was clearly noted and was actually one Zal knew but couldn't say she liked. That demoness was a bit of a snob and didn't mingle often with what some might deem the lower classes.

She then glanced over the vague writings regarding DeWil's father, seeing little of use there and did wonder if the talents that woman had called upon was some unlisted gift given to her by Fallen personally. She knew that he did that occasionally and those didn't often get recorded, although she had little doubt he ever forgot what he had bestowed.

It was more then she had hoped to learn more about the ability displayed to use the shadows, but found only a few ambiguous notes regarding that ability. It might be a trait passed down by the mother or maybe even one carried by the father for all she could determine. This she knew would irritate the liche, but he would just have to settle with what she had managed to find out.

With what information she had managed to find, she was soon winging her way back to make her report to that dusty old lich and let him make his plans with it.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-18 00:13 EST
The physician grumbled softly as he closed the door and turned, nearly running into an armored figure standing in the shadows of the hallway. He jumped back with a curse, only now seeing the blaze of light in the murk. "DeAuster, I'm sorry, didn't see you there."

"How is she?" Came the rumbling growl as the undead warrior stepped out of the shadowed niche, accompanied as always by an aura of cold.

"She is resting for now. And her wounds are healing much more rapidly than I would have thought." The physician, one of only a few priests Brutin trusted, shook his head as he spoke. "By morning, she will be nearly completely healed."

"Good." Lucius replied, looking toward the door. "That will be all." A quick nod, and the physician hurriedly moved down the hall, relieved to be away from the deathknight. For his part, Lucius dragged a chair over by the door and sat down, where he kept vigil for the rest of the night. Only as the first rays of sunlight crept over the walls of the compound did he disappear, sensing Fiona beginning to stir within.

"I was unable to find out anything about your attacker." Lucius stood before Fiona's desk as she looked through her papers. "Whoever it was was very good, not only to leave no trace of themselves, but to equal you in combat."

"Thank ye for the compliment, DeAuster." Fiona replied off-handedly, frowning as she looked at one of the papers, a letter from Brutin informing her of a visit later that day by a representative of the Co-operative of Slavers, a small faction of slavers who had banded together to compete with the larger groups in the area. Of course, the representative would insist on his own bodyguard, they couldn't be unarmed, a host of other things. Fiona was already starting to get a headache from the thoughts.

"I believe that my attacker may have some connection with my uncle. If that be the case, then it's no surprise that ye found nothing." Tossing the paper aside she looked up to the silent deathknight.

"Then I will speak to your uncle about this." He growled softly, and his words brought a short barking laugh from Fiona. "What is so funny?"

"DeAuster, it is kind of ye to make the effort, but I'm afraid that Uncle would not tell ye anything." More likely to set his pets on ye, she added silently as she slowly stood. "Ye let me worry about my uncle."

"Very well, but I would suggest we add more regular patrols around the compound." Lucius slowly turned as Fiona moved around her desk toward the small bar in her office, where a servant had set a plate with fruit and eggs, a steaming beaker of coffee beside it. "Just to be certain."

"DeAuster, that would be a bit of overreacting." Pouring a mug of coffee, she glanced over to him. "We have today to worry about a representative from a rival slaving faction coming to see Brutin, nae worrying about something that may happen."

"Fiona, I?"A knock on the door stopped Lucius in mid-sentence, and a dark brow rose on Fiona's features as she moved to the door and opened it, revealing one of the tarns holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Pardon the intrusion, milady, but these were brought to the compound last night for you." Now Fiona looked indeed puzzled, as she took the flowers the guard held.

"Who brought them, and why ask for me?"

"It was a young woman, milady, and she didn't ask for you by name, but the description was dead-on for you."

Fiona was silent for a second, then nodded. "Thank ye, tarnsman." Nodding his head to her the man turned to leave, Fiona shutting the door and turning to Lucius, who had silently watched the exchange. "Coincidence?"

"I do not believe in coincidence, Fiona." He said simply. Setting the flowers aside, she nodded slowly.

"Neither do I." Taking a long sip of the hot coffee She looked over to him. "With the visit of the Co-op this evening, things will be quite hectic. A perfect time to sneak into the compound."

"I will have extra guards, on the walls and around the main hall." Lucius turned to go to the door, then paused as he reached for the doorknob. "It is good to see you well."

"Thank ye, DeAuster." Fiona glanced over at him, and slowly nodded. And thank ye for getting there so quickly.? Orange-red eyes glanced over to her, and he nodded slowly to her before opening the door and leaving, heading to put preparations into place.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-18 00:15 EST
The hall was buzzing with activity as preparations were being made for the coming visit and after making sure all the security was in place and set, Fiona fled to the peace and quiet of her own office. Sinking down she picked up a message from Brutin himself and just snorted at the request. So he wanted her to dress for this occasion did he" A frown pulled on her brow as she tossed it into the trashcan nearby. It wasn't that she didn't have such garments in fact she had an entire array of them, but had little use for attempting to fight in them. Long skirts made warfare near impossible so she didn't wear them much. He wanted her to adorn herself something other then her usual. A smirk pulling on the rose pale lips then as she did have just the thing and would be sure to don it prior to this event.

Her overly sensitive senses picked up DeAuster moving about the grounds likely ensuring the entire place was as protected as a prison. At least she knew that with him handling that side of security, naught would be able to slip inside. If nothing else could be said about the dead man, he was good at tactical management.

So far in the past days of working with him, she had managed to remain cool and polite and DeAuster had seemed just the same as before. Her efforts seemed to have eased much of that earlier tension, which was likely a good thing. Of course Garith seemed to feel a need to interrupt her thoughts with remarks that made her growl. "Stop ye lying Imp, else I will lock ye up in ye case."

More garbled hisses and she rose to her feet with a light stretch and gave a shake of her head. "The only emotion that one can feel be rage Garith. Tis ye own over active imagination that ye be creating. Leave it be or I truly will lock ye up for a few weeks." The blade instantly fell into a sullen silence, which suited Fiona just fine as she headed off to finish up the last of the internal details for the evenings entertaining.

In the way of all Brutin's events, everything came together seamlessly and with near perfection. He was looking to impress, that much was apparent as Fiona slipped quietly into the main hall where the meeting was to take place. His Lordship had sparred no expense on any detail, from the appearance of the very room right down to the food, drinks and slaves.

She had dressed up as requested. Of course it likely wasn't in the manner Brutin had hoped, as her lithe form was adorned in snug black suede. A black silk shirt under the tight vest and matching silver tipped boots, the edges of the outfit had a muted silver trim so for her it was rather festive. Even her long snaking braid had silver wire woven into it. Of course if any stupid enough to grab for it, they would find their hand torn up, but as a look it worked for her.

Brutin turned and glowered at her before rising up from the lounging chair and hands went to his hips. "Fiona" Do you even "own" a dress?"

"Aye Milord. I own several." Frost glittered in her ice green eyes as she stopped to consider him quietly.

"Then why in the Name of Gor are you wearing that' I know I sent a message that you were to dress for this occasion." There was a note of irritation in his voice but it didn't even faze her.

"Aye and I have Milord. Ye nae stated expressly that I was to wear a dress, but to dress for the occasion and in that case, I believe I have." A raven brow arching slightly, but no other expression showed on her pale features.

"What is so wrong with a dress anyway' Woman look good in dresses." He grumbled, resuming his seat with a shake of that brown shaggy head. "Or nothing at all, but as I know you wouldn't do that. . ." Words fading off at the cold look he intercepted from his head Tarn.

"Perhaps Milord, ye should try wearing one and enter a fight and maybe then ye might discover just how irritating skirts can be." She smirked faintly at him. "They are nae created for ease of movement for one thing. They offer little protection, even those made of leather leave much of the body exposed and render it little more then fashion."

"That is the idea Fiona." Another sharp look shot at her but where others might back off, she did not and just continued to regard him impassively.

"Considering my job is to ensure your safety, a dress could hinder my abilities to just that. Tis that simple Milord." She knew it had nothing to do with her profession but was more about this curious need to see her in a dress. Perhaps one day she might grant him that desire but now simply wasn't the best time.

As she had arrived early, she took a few minutes to make herself a drink, leaving the silken scarf resting around her neck. The bitter-sweet brew prepared and then tossed back before she glanced around. DeAuster had not yet made an appearance but she could sense him nearby, aware that the guests had arrived and he was likely one taking a good look before allowing them entrance.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-18 00:16 EST
In a surprisingly short time, the gathering was in full bloom. Standing in her usual place a few feet behind Brutin's chair, she just settled to watching. Frosty green eyes moving around in brief inspections of those around, noticing that they were just like all of Brutin's usual Slaver associates. She endured the insolate raking of eyes over her person without any hint of emotion. Fiona never cared if they looked it was the attempt to touch that drew her ire.

A silent nod send towards DeAuster as he moved into place near the door and just waited for what ever antics would start, as the combination of food, drink and other entertainment once the basic talks were complete often lead to other forms of trouble.

"She isn't a slave Captain Barban, but an employee. I would suggest you leave her to her duty."

The large dark man gave a snort of laughter at Brutin. "You have a woman as your guard" Tell her to come closer so I may have a look at her." Those cold black eyes making a very detailed inspection of Fiona, behind the Slave Master even as he spoke.

It was those words that actually brought her attention back around. She didn't often listen to Brutin's conversation as most tended to be about things she didn't need to understand, however the gaze was starting to bother her. Returning the man's stare with a chilling look from the icy green eyes and a raven brow arched faintly. She didn't move just remained in her usual pose. Arms crossed casually over her chest with legs spread slightly to brace her firmly on the floor.

Brutin gave Barban a sharp look before turning to put his mug down on the table near. "I will not tell her to come closer for any sort of inspection as if she was a common slave. She is one of the best Tarns I have and should be treated with respect due her position." Twisting back he rested his hands on the arms of his chair. "Feel free to look at my property across the room for anything of interest. " He then added with a wave sent towards the array of woman set there for that very reason.

"Ah, a Free woman?" That was followed by a course hard laughter, but he did at least turn his eyes towards Brutin. "One that doesn't talk constantly' That is a very unusual thing to see Milord."

"She doesn't need to talk much. Most of my Tarns don't for their job is to observe and guard." Brutin's tone was showing the strain that his tolerance would only last so long.

It seemed as that potential irritation was averted and she simply resumed her own habit of watching. Even as the evening wore on, she didn't relax her guard. She was only too aware that the more the alcohol flowed the chances of trouble would rise. Considering that her Demon was still hovering just under the surface she was hoping this would be one evening where she wasn't required to manhandle any. Knowing only to well such a hope was wishful at best, for Brutin was much a magnet and also an instigator to finding and calling down Chaos.

The moment a hand came down on her shoulder with a rather bruising grip she didn't even think. Her body went into instant action and with a blur of movement her fingers were wrapping about the man's wrist and with a deft twisting flip just sent him skidding and bouncing uncontrolled across the floor. She watched with a detached satisfaction as he sent several chairs and a few tables flying. She started towards him while idly drawing the leather taut upon her fingers in turn. "I nae like to be touched."

The look of surprise on Barban's face shifted instantly, to one that seemed up for a challenge. "That is because you haven't found the right man to teach you otherwise."

Her tone was chilling with the green eyes narrowed to cat like slits, which didn't hide the swirling sheen of red over taking the color, but the anger couldn't be even noted in her softly spoken reply except for the faint hiss she made. "And ye be thinking ye can "teach" me otherwise?"

"Fiona dear, please don't hurt him. . . Much." Brutin said with a slow shaking of his head. "I did tell him to leave you alone, but like so many before, he wouldn't listen."

"I believe I can." Moving back to feet a little unsteadily, he gave a dark smile full of intent and pulled a whip from his belt. A quick snap and light danced off the metal tipped ends. "Most bitches like you just need a good beating to learn the error of their ways."

It was at that point DeAuster moved in with stunning speed, and before the man could utter another word or move, an icy gauntlet was closing down hard around his throat. Barban's eyes nearly bugged as cold crimson orbs bored into his and he stopped that instinctive struggling, just hung there in that one handed grip, with the whip falling useless to the floor at the Deathknight's feet.

Fiona stopped with an imperceptible flinch, as Lucius's rage nearly over whelmed her already ignited senses and she struggled to get a handle on her suddenly rocketing emotions. Realizing that when she had seen him draw a weapon her own had been taken in hand, but she was battling the darkness and had stiffly re-sheathed the blade with stiff movements. Her fury was self-directed now, as she had nearly lost control, something she prided herself on never doing.

"I did warn you Barban. Now, DeAuster you can put him down. I doubt he will make the same mistake again, Will you Captain?" Sadistically Brutin watch the man try and pull the hand from his neck and just gave one of his sudden smiles. "I have some of the best money can buy acting as my Tarns after all. They are not the kind of people to cross swords with."

Sending a silent hand signal to other Tarns standing off to the side, three instantly replaced her behind Brutin's chair and she just walked out. Temper hidden, but she knew only to well it was barely in check. Outwardly none might notice but she knew intuitively she had been about to kill that male dog without a second thought.

Slipping out into the garden where it was quiet, she drew in slow the cool night air evenly, while using every trick she had to restrain the demon trying to claw free of those very bonds.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-18 16:40 EST
Barban's skin was rapidly turning red as he struggled to escape the clutch around his neck, and was unaware that his feet were again on the floor. Leaning so that his eyes were still locked on the slaver Lucius growled softly. "Raise a weapon against a female here again, and I will feed your guts to the sleen that guard the compounds before the sun rises."

With that warning in place he finally released Barban's throat, letting the Gorean stagger backwards into the arms of one of his guards. Coughing, the slaver glared over to Brutin, who was making no effort to hide his chuckling. "See, I DID warn you, after all."

Barban coughed in reply, casting a dark look toward Lucius, as did the guard that helped him to the cushion. The deathknight had returned to his spot by the door, arms folded over the battered chestplate, and his eyes gleamed under the drawn hood as he glared across the proceedings.

"What in the name of the Priest-kings is that thing?" Barban growled when he felt he could speak without croaking. There were stark white imprints along his neck where Lucius had grabbed him, the raw skin looking almost frostbitten.

"That, Captain, is the reason why I hold power in these realms." Brutin laughed as he raised his tankard for a sip of the rich red wine being served by his slaves. "And the one you insulted is even worse in her temperament."

"Oh' "

"Indeed. You still have your fingers."


He waited for several minutes, watching the party and, more importantly, the braggart Barban and his retinue. They seemed to have settled down, watching Brutin's girls as they began one of the dances native to the men's homeland. With the other tarns spread around the festhall it would seem he had a moment.

Stepping to the well-stocked bar he grabbed a goblet and was in the process of pouring wine when a finger poked into his armored side. "Hey! Why dincha crack some heads back there?" Slowly setting the bottle of wine aside he turned, and then looked down to meet the narrowed eyes of Tara, Brutins "administrative assistant".

"Lord Brutin asked for him to be set down, so I did." He replied quietly, taking up the goblet.

"Should have crunched "em." Tara growled softly, the noise surprisingly animalistic, coming from one so tiny. Though diminutive she may be, the self-styled "Cockroach Killa" was not to be taken lightly, as many would-be heroes had found while trying to either sneak past her or mislead her with their words. "I mean it, Looshus, they're gonna be nuthin" but trouble." The spitfire was agitated, enough that her pigtails were swaying against her body's movements.

"Perhaps, but for now they?" His words were cut off as Tara whirled, a grey flyswatter appearing from nowhere in her hand.

"Hey you! Yeah you, you knock-kneed son of a horses ass!" Like a dart she was gone, practically flying through the crowd toward the double-doors leading to the entry hall of the SA. There, one of the guests was looking at the bulletin board next to the door of Tara's office, and had committed the crime of touching one of the papers pinned there. "Ain't got any respect for other people's property, have ya" Hey' Hey! Come back here!?

Lucius shook his head to the tarnsman standing near those doors, stopping him from intercepting Tara. No, let her go about her business, for it kept her from fixating on Brutin's important guests. Turning, he moved to the door leading to the expansive gardens, slipping out into the night.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-18 22:24 EST
Her eyes closed, Fiona basked in the soft wind blowing through the garden, using its cool embrace to beat back the demon lurking near the surface. Since she had felt no further flares from the beast she decided no blood had been spilled in the hall. At her side Garith grumbled softly, lamenting the missing of a delicious meal.

"Hush, imp, lest I toss ye into the pool to wait the night." She grumbled softly, feeling the beginnings of a headache forming, and not wanting the addition of Garith's mental proddings.

As the tiny voice died down she took in another deep breath, and lost it almost immediately as she felt a wave of cold wash over her, independent of any wind. "You nae need to ask, DeAuster. I be fine."

A small 'tink' drew her attention down, to the gold goblet that had been set on the railing. "I had no doubt about that. I merely brought you a drink."

Even with the rough rumble his voice seemed sincere, so Fiona took him at his word, picking up the glass and was glad she wore gloves, as she could feel the chill in the metal. The wine tasted exquisite cold, she noted offhandedly.

"Ye have me thanks, DeAuster." She said as she lowered the goblet, causing him to pause as he was turning away. Crimson nova's met her ice-green eyes as he turned back.

"There is no need for thanks, Fiona." The cloth of his hood shifted slightly as he nodded to her.

"Nay, you distracted him and the others before things turned ugly." The thought of her demon escaping control under such circumstances did not please her at all. "He will not soon forget his trip." Lucius chuckled softly, the sound eerie in the darkened garden. "Will you be rejoining the others this eve" Or should I tell Brutin you have retired for the evening?"

There was a pause, as she considered her choices and gave a slow nod. "Give me some time and I shall return. Nae wish that male dog to think he chased me off, would look bad."

It was a short time later she returned, slipping back inside with a cool drift of eyes roaming over those still in attendance. Her mask was firmly in place once more and she felt reasonably confident she could keep her dark side reined in.

Sensitive ears caught the whispers but for once she didn't care if they believed she belonged to DeAuster. Let them think what they wished, as long as it kept them from trying to touch her she was willing to allow it.

Taking up a lean against one of the marble pillars, she didn't resume her usual place, but stayed more to the background now. It allowed her a vantage point without placing her into the direct line of fire for within the thrall of dancing slaves and their masters, one was radiating anger. Glancing over towards the silent deathknight she gave another nod and wondered if action would come this night or another time as the emotion was not easing even a little.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-21 09:56 EST
He silently watched Barban and the small retinue as they closed ranks around their master. Outwardly they enjoyed the performances of Brutin's dancing girls, said to be the most exquisite in the realms, and Lucius had to agree, they were better than most slaves, many whom actually had ideas of controlling their masters. He himself trained under Brutin, albeit from a distance.

Even now, though, he found his attention returning to the dark figure standing off to the side, and he considered the actions earlier he had made. Beyond threatening a comrade-in-arms, Barban's drunken boastings, along with the brandishing of the whip, had stirred something within the dead chest of the warrior, something that had seemed impossible to have again. A sharp glance to Barban, who was laughing drunkenly at some jest of Brutin's, and thoughts returned to his silent musings.

The thought of the whip touching pale skin had sent him into action, even as Fiona had moved forward, her impling blade in hand. It had been a red rage washing over him, and a supreme effort of control that kept him from snapping the fools neck out of hand. He had also felt, to the side, a flaring of energy unlike anything before?"except when using the gems." He growled to himself, the sound muffled to nearly nothing by the heavy scarf that covered his lower face. He had found that energy invigorating beyond anything before, except for the times he and Fiona had been together.

He caught movement, a short nod to him, which was returned as Fiona slipped from the hall. Staying behind, he oversaw the wrap-up of the party, making certain all were on their way and that the guards were alert. He did not trust Barban not to try something foolish in the way of retribution, for that one was known for holding a grudge. It was a simple precaution, and after, he sought the blackness of the weave, crossing the threads of shadow with ease.

His path led him into a small, well-groomed garden, a pale sliver of a moon casting a soft light on the flora surrounding him. Drawing his heavy cloak round him, only the orange flaring of preternatural eyes would have given him away, and he actively sought to reign in his aura, something he had bee working on recently. He did not want to disturb Fiona, sensing she had retired for the evening, and he knew she would not like being spied on. No, not spying, he told himself, for he did not seek to learn any secrets.

He was drawn here, but why' They held an uneasy peace now between them, after dealing with Catdrina, and after the recent attack she had called him for aid, something she would have not done before their talk. They fought well together, and he was truly happy that they had managed to become, if not friendly, civil allies.

A creak brought him instantly alert, and Lucius looked about, and eyes blazing in the dark. A raccoon looked back at him from across the garden, startled by the sudden flaring of cold, and scurried away into the darkness. Growling softly to himself Lucius glanced back to the dark townhouse, then turned to the garden at hand. It took time, his curse making the handling of something so delicate hard at the best of times, but when Fiona awoke the next morning she would find a calla lily on her doorstep.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-22 11:28 EST
The next day, one of the gate guards arrived at Lucius's small office with a sealed letter. The deathknight was poring over papers, as Brutin was preparing for a trip to his homeland to sell a contingent of slaves. It was a trip that he would not accompany the slaver on, given Gor's unique lack of magic, and thus was preparing reports for his counterpart in the other realm. Those notes were nearly complete when the guard cleared his throat. "Yes?"

"Pardon the intrusion, but this was delivered for you at the front gate." Like most of the tarns in Brutin's employee, the young man was extremely nervous at being around Lucius by himself. Even at the door he could feel the coldness that waft around the deathknight like a shroud, and the piercing orange-red eyes could send a thrill of fear through the stoutest of men.

Lucius looked up to see the small letter the tarn held, and nodded. "Set it on the desk." He growled softly, which the tarn did, gratefully making his exit and heading back for his post. Lucius finished up the last of the paperwork, a task he found tedious to the extreme, and then regarded the envelope setting on his desk. With a faint snort he tore the flap open and pulled out the small note within, but the words had him sitting bolt upright as he read them.

I know about the attack on your master. If you wish to know, Meet me at 117 Warehouse, the warehouse district, tonight. Bring no one.

Thus far, the search into the one who had ordered the attempt on Brutin's life had come up empty, and it seemed fortuitous that an offer to shed light had come to him. Lucius, however, did not believe in fortune as that. A fingertip idly tapped the paper as he considered the myriad threads of possibility.

A quick glance out the window, taking in the sun dipping down toward the swell of mountains, and he rose and headed for the door, taking up Deathlight and sheathing the sword as he stepped into the hall. Only two of Brutin's kajira were in sight, and they quickly vacated the hallway, seeing him heading down the hall toward them. The sight of the two scurrying away brought a dark chuckle from the deathknight, but he quickly focused on the task at hand.

His path led to Fiona's office, where he paused to knock on the door. After several seconds wait he knocked again, this time casting out with his senses to try to see if she was inside. Ever since their talk, when both agreed to try to get along with the other he had purposefully tried to mute his presence around her, so as to try to keep her at ease. Now, though, he felt nothing. Growling softly to himself he started off down the hall, stopping the first tarn he saw. "Have you seen Lady Dewil?"

"I don't believe she came in his morning, milord." The guard replied with a shake of the head. "At least, she did not arrive through the main gate."

"Very well." Lucius growled again softly, and belatedly dismissed the guard with a wave of the hand. She was undoubtedly working on some project of her own, he mused, perhaps stalking a target for one of those wars her guild dabbled in. In any case, she was not there, and Lucius's idea for backup was fading. He did not trust any of the tarns enough to be inconspicuous for this upcoming meeting, so he indeed would be going alone. However, he thought to himself, I doubt there are many who could hope to stop me, should this prove to be a trap.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-22 11:30 EST
Three hours later, Lucius stood in front of a dilapidated warehouse, staring up at the dark building with growing distaste. The only sound he could hear was water lapping at the pilings under his feet, for this part of the warehouse district was built atop wooden docks jutting into the river that bisected RhyDin City, emptying into the harbor.

Enough. He thought to himself, yanking open the door and stalking inside. The interior of the warehouse was only dimly lit by moonlight streaming from the windows, but it was with unnatural quiet he proceeded into the warehouse, eyes taking in the place with a glance, his preternatural senses cast outward.

In a small open area at the back he spied a darker shadow, someone standing in the opening, waiting for him. "I am DeAuster." Lucius said quietly as he stepped away from the crates. "You have information?"

When no answer was forthcoming, nor did the man move, the deathknight looked around, eyes narrowing as warning voices started screaming in his mind. Hand on his swordhilt, he moved forward, and as he approached the man he saw that he was quite dead, if the gash over his neck was any indication. He had been tied to a board to give the appearance of standing. "Damn." Lucius swore softly, Deathlight hissing from its sheath as he turned back toward the distant exit.

And turned directly into the attack, the snap-whistle giving a split-second's warning as the bolt slammed into his upper left shoulder, piercing the pauldron easily and burying in his flesh. Another man would have been sent spinning back from the force of the blow, but to Lucius it merely forced his shoulder back, rocking him in place and drawing a growl of outrage.

A growl that turned into a hiss as pain unlike any he had felt blossomed from the wound. It felt as though his whole shoulder was on fire, the pain growing in intensity by the second. All this Lucius registered in a flash, even as a second hiss foreshadowed another crossbow bolt impacting in his right chest, sending a fresh wave of intense pain washing through him and forcing him to drop his sword as he staggered back.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-10-03 12:48 EST
Six shapes moved in the murky dark, though as they closed he could make them out as clear as if they stood in beaming sunlight. Two with crossbows, working on reloading their weapons, and three swordsmen who were closing the distance. One, perhaps more eager than the others or thinking Lucius was helpless, made to grab Lucius's arm, but that put him well within reach, and Lucius was anything but helpless.

A flexing of fingers, and twin blades dropped down over his hands, called into being by the spells enchanting his gauntlets. As his left arm was grabbed and twisted back he half-turned, his right arm slashing upward and sending a spray of blood across nearby boxes from there the blades sliced upward along the swordman's chest. Forcing back the cry as agony washed over him Lucius followed with a hard jab with his left hand into the man's midsection, giving a quick twist before roughly withdrawing the gore-covered blades and letting his enemy drop to the floor, clutching at his ruined stomach.

Using momentum to complete a tight circle in place, Lucius found himself facing a readied crossbow, the wielder having finished loading as the deathknight had dispatched his first attacker. Lucius started to duck left, but the bolt flew too fast, and true, and he felt it bite into his left thigh, seconds before blinding pain blossomed, buckling his leg and sending him to one knee. His hand hit the floor to keep him up, but the jarring pain coming from the bolt in his shoulder forced his arm to crumple, sending him into a sprawl.

The two swordsmen circled, one to either side of the fallen knight, and while Lucius struggled to get up a familiar voice grated on his ears. "Well, well, fancy we meet again, and so soon!"

The last shade detached itself from the background and stepped forward, revealing the beaming face of the slaver Barban. "Did you really think Brutin was the only Gorean with contacts in the barbarian realms?" Grating laughter filled the warehouse as Barban walked a wide circle around the struggling Lucius, staying behind the swordsmen as he did so. Stopping beside one of the crossbowmen, he shook his head in mock sympathy. "I know those have to hurt. After all, they are blessed by one of your realm's arch-priests."

That explains the pain, Lucius thought fleetingly as he finally got back to one knee, hidden teeth gritting with the effort. He had already tried to bring forth the power to kill, but he couldn't focus enough to call the Power Word into being.

"And did you think you would get away with putting a hand on me?" Barban continued, still keeping a wary distance. "You, a barbaric infidel, dare touch a Master Slaver" It's bad enough that Brutin lets himself be protected by free women and abominations, but to allow them freedoms not even a Chief Tarn would hold" It's heresy."

"And you?talk too much." Lucius growled, slowly turning his head to watch Barban as he paced. "So I hurt your precious feeling of superiority, and you needed to get revenge." Even with his body wracked with pain from the blessed bolts there was no mistaking the contempt in his words. Again, Barban laughed softly, shaking a finger at him.

"And you think this is just about you?" with a low snicker the slaver started the slow circling again. "You're being so self-centered you're not even able to put the whole picture together."

"Then why not tell me.? It was taking every ounce of willpower for Lucius to remain where he was, as the pain from the blessings put on the bolts coursed through his body. Unable to rise beyond one knee, his eyes followed the slaver as Barban moved around the small knot of people

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-10-04 18:48 EST
"Simply put, I plan to get rid of Brutin." Barban paused in his walking to turn to look directly at Lucius, the smile large on his chubby features. "Oh, he has enemies in Gor and here, many more than you probably realize." Snickering softly the portly slaver continued his slow walk. "And not only those of Gor would be sorry to see him go. Haze, and the LeFays for example."

Keep talking, bastard. The undead knight remained silent, though there was no mistaking he was following Barban's path and words closely. "You see, I've been one of the backers of the Slaver's Imperium. And they've been an excellent font of information on you and your cohort." The slaver stepped up next to one of the swordsmen and continued. "It is common thought that in order to rid ourselves of his corrupted influence we would have to go through his barbarian defenders. And tonight, the first falls."

The swordsman laughed darkly at the thought as Barban continued talking. "Now, all we have to deal with is that free woman he calls his head Tarn." Even though he was several feet away it appeared as though Barban was leaning over the crouched Lucius. "And I don't mind telling you, I'm going to enjoy breaking that pale bitch."

All the men with the slaver began to snicker and chuckle, the sound drowning out the soft growl coming from the wounded deathknight. "Take this image to your grave, abomination. Your fellow barbarian kneeling before me, those lovely legs spread just before I throw her back and show her what a real man does to a woman."

"You...will not...touch her." Lucius snarled trying to rise to his feet, growling as the pain flared to white-hot brilliance. That supernova was augmented by the dull impact of another bolt, slamming into his left leg below the first and sending him back down to one knee.

"Oh, I'm gonna do much more than just touch her, friend." Lewdly rubbing his crotch with one hand Barban joined the others in raucous laughter. "And when I'm done I'll give her to my men, make her a camp slut." Almost giggling like a young woman now, Barban sneered at Lucius. ?"Course, first thing I'm going to have to do is trim down those pointed ears of hers."

Of all the threats the slaver could have laid on Lucius, there were none that sent a wave of absolute rage through him as the last words. Blown away was the blinding pain, crippled muscles now moved with red-hot purpose. Howling, the deathknight lunged forward toward Barban, and only the last-second push of the near swordsman saved the Gorean's life. Steel-strong arms wrapped around the man, and both he and the undead monster slammed into the wall. Preternatural muscles carried them on, sending boards and splinters flying as the wall gave way, the two falling into the dark river.

The remaining two mercenaries hurried to the gaping hole in the wall, Barban just behind, scanning for any movement in the water. Only when the ripples from the impact had disappeared and the only noise heard was a soft bell clanging on a buoy in the river did Barban feel at ease. "Well boys, looks like it's one down and one to go."

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-10-04 18:48 EST
When they hit the water Lucius and his enemy had sank like a stone, weighed down as they were by their metal armor. The man had struggled to free himself from the deathknight's grasp, but Lucius had the hold locked in, the ending a foregone conclusion when the man stopped his struggles, water flooding his lungs in place of the life-giving air.

Finally letting him go, Lucius watched the corpse slowly float away to quickly be lost in the blackness of the water. Not needing to breath himself Lucius had no worries there, but the four bolts remained in his body, and when he tried to pull the one in his shoulder out he howled silently in the watery depth, the pain paralyzing him in the attempt.

It was some hours later when he was finally able to crawl out of the water, a small part of his addled mind noting he was no longer in the river, but down the coast, the fast-flowing river having washed him into the bay. Clutching at cypress knees and branches to pull him along he finally settled in the shadow of a large water-cypress, the heels of his boots still dipped in the dark water. The moon was setting behind the mountains, sign that daybreak was only a couple of hours away.

There was no more strength in his arms, and no longer able to keep the pain at bay, he felt himself slowly slipping toward the final dark. Mustering the last of his willpower, he sent out a call to help, daring to hope but not expecting to be able to reach any who either served him or allied with him, and dim orange-red eyes slipped closed as he drew in on himself, trying to marshal his energy to fight the raging surges of pain coursing through his body.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-10-11 15:31 EST
Returning from a meeting with her father, she was struck with an odd sensation. It wasn't something she could pin down, just that sort of uneasy feeling she couldn't quite shake. Arriving at her flat, she slipped from the shadows, still on edge and ice-green eyes narrowed. Something was wrong. Just she didn't know what.

The mental call hit her then, bringing a hint of pain along with the contact and had frosty eyes narrowing. She didn't linger, simply melted into the swirling black of the paths and followed the link. Coming out near the water's edge. Fingers of light were creeping up from the looming shapes of the distant mountains while her sharp gaze searched. It was a glint of metal that finally caught her attention and she moved.

Gloved hands dragging the prone form of Lucius from the murky bloody water, and onto the muddy bank with some effort, for even her strength had some limits. Dead weight even for one of her nature was often harder to move. A quick inspection taking notice of the bolts buried in his still body and frowned. The glow they carried made her hesitate to touch them at first, but she soon became aware of their effects upon him. Blessed as they were they would be leeching the energy of undeath from him. Weakening him to the very edge of nothing.

Bracing herself, for even with gloves those things had the power to also do harm to her as well. A sharp yank and the first silvery arrow quickly tossed aside. Smoke curling from the seams of the leather protection she wore. Yanking another pair of gloves from her pocket she used one much as one would use a potholder to pull the next. Soon all were removed and cast to the side as other senses stretched to determine his state.

He was still not moving or even reachable via mind speech and she muttered darkly. Her knowledge of his condition was still rather limited, as while she had sought to learn more, such tombs simply didn't exist. It was more then apparent he was weak. The energy he usually had, the very essence that she found so unsettling was absent. Bared fingers moved over him, searching through pockets, seeking those stones he carried. She soon managed to locate 3 and preceded to break them open but the souls trapped inside was obviously not enough to rouse him.

Shivering now, as the screams seemed to have affected her more then the one she had hoped they would, she sank back, mind racing in hopes of solving this dilemma. She could move him through the Shadows, but to where? Her flat perhaps, but until she could determine the means to helping him, such an effort would be useless.

It was the dagger at her side that started to hiss that finally drew her attention away from Lucius. Eyes flickering with the crimson sheen of her demonic side meeting those of Garith as they gazed from the blackened hilt, listening to the guttural words with a slow dawning of understanding. His suggestion would leave her at a disadvantage for a few days as the sentient dagger would have to recharge, but she could speed up that process with a few killings.

Sure she would get a chance, once she found out just what or who had attacked her partner. For the moment however the problem was recharging him to where his natural healing abilities would resume. Muttering she rocked up to her knees, with the now silent blade moving downwards. "I hope ye be right that this will work Garith, else we both may be weakened by it."

Through Garith, she could channel her own energy along with those of the blade into Lucius. In theory it should work on another demon, but she honestly didn't know how it would work on a Deathknight. It was a dangerous risk, and she was aware that for anyone else, she wouldn't even think to take it. It could have serious repercussions of the unknown, but it seemed that whenever it came to Lucius, her reason was often scattered or absent. Such was the case now.

The dagger was pressed flat against the cold bloody chest, the shimmering glow of energy slowly rising as she sank down beside his still form. Crimson eyes closing as her energy was sent coursing into him. Time slowed as the flow of her demonic essence was released. She couldn't tell if it was even working, but the transfer continued.

Breaking it only once her limit was reached. Slumped down beside Lucius she drew in slow even breaths. The energy still crackling over him as the light was defused in the rising of the sun over the mountain tops. Shaking fingers fell away from the nearly depleted dagger she felt the lethargy of exhaustion pulling at her senses. She now could only wait to see if her effort would bring any sort of rewards. At least he had found a rather secluded spot to land, for little stirred along this part of the riverbank. It was far from the usual paths many walked so she wasn't to concerned about being discovered. She did intend to collect those bolts, once she could find the energy to move to do that. They were evidence she could use to track those that had attacked Lucius.

Pale, nearly colorless eyes lifted to inspect the Deathknight and she muttered again. Undead as he was, she couldn't even tell if it had worked and hoped it wasn't all for naught. Sinking back down, having not even the strength for much more, her limbs felt weighted. It now came down to waiting. "I'll just rest here a wee bit." She mumbled, fighting back the urge for sleep. Senses aware, but knew she couldn't act should one attack. It was vexing really, but she was going to hope luck was on her side.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-10-12 18:19 EST
A veil of grey"featureless as a morning fogbank"a blank void in which he floated.

So, this is what it's like to be dead.

The thought ran through Lucius's mind, but was immediately discarded. First, this was unlike any Hell he had been told of or read about. And any thoughts of Purgatory was similarly discarded, as he took a better look around his featureless prison.

Featureless, but not silent. All around he could hear"things. Mindless gibberings, in a multitude of voices and tenors. One would rise, then fade back into the murky din of the rest. He slowly turned in a circle, seeking whoever was toying with him. "Show yourself!" He shouted, and immediately cringed as the words echoed back at him a thousand-fold. Men, women, children, ageless and aged were the voices.

Anger flared within the dead chest, and the deathknight whirled about again. "Enough games! Show yourself!" This time the blowback sent him careening, spinning like a child's toy through the void, until finally he slowed to a stop. Cautiously he drew his hands from his ears, and warily glanced about. "What in the name of the Nine Hells is this place?"

Ah, finally, a question worth noting. No multitude this time, but a single, clear voice. Gutteral, feral felt the timbre.

Yes, he finally thought of a true question. A second voice, this one reedy, almost nasally in its arrogance, reminded him of one of the librarians in the Tri-Spire's Hall of Records.

He is impatient, demanding now, rather than using patience. A third voice, this one behind Lucius, was definitely feminine, husky, almost wanton.

"Who are you?" Slowly he looked around, and it appeared to Lucius that slowly, arrayed around him like a compass, four darker masses were lurking behind the veil of fog. "And where am I?"

Two questions, before the first is answered! And now, a fourth voice, sounding full of plegm, like one of in the midst of bronchial problems. This one is truly impatient!

Which is not a bad thing. Feral, as he quickly tagged the first voice, replied, the scorn fairly dripping from the gutteral tones.

To answer your second question, you stand between your fate and your destiny. Slutty said softly, feeling as though she was whispering in Lucius's ear. He whirled around, but all he could see was the wall of grey that surrounded him, and the formless masses beyond.

And to the first, we are the powers that be. Bookworm sounded as though he was posturing, but Lucius wasn't that impressed. And, something was nagging at him, tugging at the edges of memory'

"You I know!" He shouted, turning to point into the fog, toward where it seemed Bookworm's voice originated. "You came to me when I was dying, offering me a chance to avenge myself."

And you succeeded most admirably. Bookworm did seem to be preening, if the self-appreciating tone was any indication.

And now you are a plague onto the living, undead as you are. Sickly wheezed as he laughed softly, sounding as though he was about to cough up a vital organ. The very sound threatened to make Lucius sick to his stomach, even though he knew there was no true way of that to happen.

Aye, you have given us a banquet to feast upon. Feral howled, the sound sending shivers down Lucius's spine, and he instinctually ducked, almost feeling the graze of claws along his back. Slowly glancing around again, the deathknight felt something building within his core that he had not experienced in many a year: fear. Death, destruction, ruinous!

But it is time for you to move on. Bookworm's authoritative voice echoed in his mind, overiding the others and setting Lucius's teeth on edge. It is time to face fate, or seize destiny. Fury came right on the heels of Bookworm's words. Slutty and Sickly following.

To be undead is to be unmoving along the course of destiny.

To be unmoving is to be stagnant.

To be stagnant is to diminish.

Diminish, and cease to exist.

As each spoke in turn the voices all around picked up on the words, and soon the void echoed in a cacophony that again had Lucius covering his ears, his eyes closed as he tried to block out the tumult. Finally, he reached out to either side, his own voice joining the din. "ENOUGH!" As the roar faded into the greyness surrounding him the voices ceased, as though cut off with a daggerstrike. Slowly, he looked around at the looming shadows around him.



Orange-red eyes snapped open, staring into the canopy of cypress limbs above him. Daylight penetrated the leafy shroud in small rays, spotlighting the soft loam on which he lay. He didn't remember crawling from the water, and as a second thought, he didn't feel the pain nearly as bad as before. And, there was something else?

Slowly, he turned his head, to see Fiona sitting beside him, her head dropped as though she was dozing. So close, it was almost like he could feel her breathing, the warm air rushing into her lungs, then expelling again. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced. Beside her he could sense the bolts, even covered as they were by a cloth, and even this close they sent an arc of pain through his wounds. But, all that was set aside as, slowly, a trembling hand rose to slowly brush a fingertip against a pale cheek.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-10-18 16:11 EST
Pale green eyes opened slowly at the touch. She had drifted off but wasn't to surprised about that. Drained as she was of energy, the body took what it needed, but senses were still alert for the most part. She had even been aware he had wakened, but moving as sluggish as one weighted down, her mind wasn't as quick to understand or truly comprehend how.

One black nailed hand rose and caught his, perhaps to draw it away, but the contact of skin against his cold flesh held a bit of an electrical charge. Had she the strength she would have scrambled back from that, but it was released slowly with the surging of her gaze moving to meet Lucius's crimson regard.

She found old memories reflected back at her. Before, the only emotion she could feel from him had been that of rage, anger, the baser triggers, but she detected something else now. It was faint, either due to her weakened state or worse for her own imagination could be creating it. Her mind was not able to assimilate it, still moving through a mist of fatigue.

One thought was clear in her mind of course. "What had she done?" As there was a thread, a faint line of connection that had not been there before. It held the echoes of that time before. It was nearly insubstantial, but noted never the less and it made her nervous. The instant reaction to it was to run, to flee from what would only end up ripping old wounds open and leave her broken again.

It took her a moment, with the welling of uncertainty, to collect herself, controls pulled together within before she finally spoke with the lifting of her raven head and gaze sliding away from his to look down the bank. "Nae thought ye would ever wake, although Garith assured me ye would eventually. How are ye fairing Lucius?"

There was a husky tremor to her voice, holding the lingering edges of exhaustion in the soft depths. Perhaps even some undefined emotion but Fiona wasn't able to discern that at the present, except for that tingling thread of worry starting to build within her.

Not even waiting for his reply, she started to rise. The weight in her limbs wasn't as bad as earlier after she had sought to heal him, but she was still moving with more lethargy then normal and again her pale green eyes shifted, searching over the nearby lands. "This area be a bit out in the open, tis best if I move ye now. Think ye can stand?" For now she would wait to ask him who it was that had attacked, but soon.

Another spare set of gloves was being pulled on, stretched taut over her long fingers before she turned and extended her hand toward him, a silent offer to aid him upwards if he so needed.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-10-18 17:23 EST
((With Fiona's last post, the reposting of the story started in the Blood House Onyx folder is now complete. From here on the story is being presented for the first time. And now, on with the new additions.))

"Aye." He growled softly, availing himself of the hand Fiona held out to him to rise to his feet. It was good she was there, for she was able to catch him before he toppled right back down.

"By the gods, this armor must weigh a ton!" He heard her mutter as she slipped an arm around his back, bearing his weight on one shoulder easily enough. He was doing his best to try to limit the weight she had to take, but found it was harder trying to manage the wounded leg. Even removed, the effects of the blessed bolts was draining his strength and undead spirit.

"There is a building over there." He pointed toward a copse of trees near the edge of the water, a shanty half-hidden in the low-lying cypress branches. Fiona just grunted, changing direction, and the two limped down the beach. No words, just a shared desire to get out of the open. Luck was with the two, as no lock barred their way inside the shack.

The interior was a mirror of the outside, rough-hewn boarding, a rickety table and two chairs in one corner, a pile of bedding that looked unappealing to both in a second corner, and a large pile of bags of wheat in the third. The bags, of all in the room, looked new, and Fiona slowly leaned Lucius against them, before moving to sit down wearily in one of the chairs.

"I'm thinking, unless the owners of those bags come for them, we've nae any worries about being disturbed." Fiona wearily rested her head in her hands, fatigue coloring her tone. She refused to let Lucius see her being worried this new tendril of feeling she was feeling, quietly afraid it would somehow give him control. Lucius didn't answer from where he slumped against the bags, and after a moment she glanced over in his direction. "What happened?"

"It was Barban." The words were soft, but the anger was quit evident there. "He lured me into a trap." There was a pause, long enough for Fiona to wonder if he had somehow passed out, before he continued. "He was using"local mercs."

"Now why doesn't that surprise me?" Fiona growled softly, shaking her head at the news. "He's a power-grubbing little worm of a man." Leaning back in the chair, she sighed softly. "Brutin should have let me kill him."

"There's something else, Fiona." The soft words brought her gaze back to Lucius again. The deathknight still had not moved, though the dim glow of his eyes was an odd comfort, showing he was still"alive. Fiona almost laughed at that thought. "Barban"mentioned others"helping?"

"We'll deal with that later." Closing her eyes for a moment, she sighed softly. "We need to rest for right now." It was a war to raise her head again, to glance over to the now-quiet deathknight. "I'll keep the first watch, and the rest we'll deal with in the morning."


Awakening with a start, Fiona blinked rapidly, trying to figure out where she was. For a few seconds confusion reigned, but then the sleepy memory kicked in, spurred by the sight of the bags in the corner. But there wasn't a sign of Lucius in the shanty.

"DeAuster?" Standing, she reached down to touch Garith's hilt, more for reassurance than anything, making certain the impling blade was still at her side. With the dimness in the room she guessed it was late evening or night, and the supposition was confirmed when she opened the door to the sight of the last bits of light settling in the west, washing the sky in a panoramic of reds and pinks. Quietly she cursed herself for sleeping through the day, putting the two at risk in their weakened condition.

Lucius stood under the low-lying branches of a massive cypress, a hand resting on the tree's large trunk as he looked out over the water. The sight brought another flash of memory, and Fiona bit the image of what had occurred the night previous back down, hoping the "link" had been an unforeseen and short-lived side-effect of her unorthodox healing. Slowly she walked down the slope toward the water's edge and at her approach he slowly turned, blazing eyes watching her. "Did you sleep well?"

"Aye, as well as could be." Stopping close, she peered at him, head canting to the side. "And how about ye, DeAuster?"

"My energies have returned, and the body will mend in time." The sepulchral tone dropped a touch, as he regarded her. "Thank you again, for helping me last night." He slowly nodded to her; the head dipped long enough that she would know it was genuine respect.

"We will need to warn Brutin about what happened." Fiona pulled on her glove, wiggling her fingers to insure it was seated tightly. "He'll want to deal with Barban himself when he finds out about this.

"Aye. Perhaps call a hunt on Barban and those he plots with." This time there was no mistaking the grim tenor in his voice. Lucius was imagining wrapping his hands around Barbans throat, and this time not letting the pressure up until the slaver's spine snapped under the press of undead strength.


"I'm sorry, but I can't do anything about this" Leaning back in his chair Brutin looked to Fiona and Lucius, who stood on the other side of his desk. Fiona's eyes had narrowed at the refusal, and she could feel the anger flowing from Lucius. Bringing a hand up to forestall an explosion from the deathknight, she leaned over the desk, her other hand bracing her.

The two had arrived back at the SA halls a few hours after sunset, neither speaking of the personal contact between them. They had discussed at length what Barban had said, and upon arrival Fiona had sent a message to the slaver lord. Soon enough, they were ushered into his private office, but neither had expected the bombshell Brutin had dropped.

"And what exactly, do ye mean by that?"

"It's simple, Fiona." Brutin sighed, clasping his hands before him as he looked between the two. "First off, I believe you two. But, unfortunately, neither one of you have any proof of Barban's plans. Without that, I cannot bring him before the others for judgement."

"Gah!" Snorting, Lucius brought a hand down in a slashing motion, nearly hitting Fiona's. "I've seen you move against your enemies on less that what we have told you this day." His voice was low, and both Fiona and Brutin could hear the edge in it. Fiona nodded in agreement, puzzled over her employers's refusal also. More than once she had dealt with slavers and their plans for elevation within the rings, and her taking of Haze's fingers was still whispered about in the SA Halls.

"Perhaps, but they were declared enemies. As of now, Barban is a trading partner, albeit a shifty one." Brutin's hands parted as he shrugged. "If you can bring me proof that he was behind the attempt at your life?" A quick cough, as he trailed off for a second. Fiona caught onto his unspoken meaning, and quickly nodded.

"Aye, ye be needing proof. And proof ye shall indeed have." A quick glance to Lucius had the undead turning for the door, though he was stopped as Brutin called out to him as he stepped through.

"Don't go and take his head either?" Again the trailing off, and Lucius silently added a word to that sentence, as he and Fiona left the master slaver's offices.


Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-12-15 16:43 EST
If there was one thing that Fiona found as loathing as a two faced lighty, it was politics. Brutin's response to their news stank of such things and it drew a frowning furrow upon her smooth brow. Stalking into her own office, muttering darkly now, she pondered these recent events with disgust apparent. At her side the dagger hissed his own displeasure but through that, she also keenly felt Lucius's own anger.

She was attempting to ignore that, but it wasn't an easy thing for her to do. She had walled herself up, and after so many years wasn't willing to acknowledge this recent wrinkle in what hence far had been an uneventful and comfortably numb life. Emotionally speaking she had carefully crafted a barrier. One designed to avoid painful entanglements that would leave her bereft. It had worked brilliantly for some time and had kept her safe from the ever-constant rotation of lovers and manipulative fools that might think otherwise.

It was an impressive display of control, something she did hold in high regard. Given her dueling natures, shunning such contact shouldn't have been easy, but for her, it felt far more natural. Jaded and dismissive of those that sought time in her bed had become second nature to her. She had learned other means to feeding that side and felt it suited her demeanor better. Yet now, something was disturbing that peace she had worked hard to acquire. It was vexing and brought an uncommon tension upon her lithe frame.

Settling into her leather chair, she drew forth a small key and with a twist, turned about and unlocked a small safe behind the desk. Low muttering of an Ancient language slipping from her lips as the mage lock was also deactivated, and with a snick of sound, the heavy door swung open. Inside she took out a small well-worn book from a shelf and placed it upon the desk.

Relocking the securities, she swung back around and with a flick of her wrist the book was opened. Names rolling over the various pages, all old contacts and connections she hadn't used in a great while. However, all owed her something. She was about to call in some markers and hadn't any problems doing it. Barban wanted to play dirty did he" He would learn such a casually arrogant attitude carried a price. One she doubted he would care to pay, but as he started this game, he wouldn't have any choices on the results.

Long before she had taken up a position with Lord Brutin, she had served in a large assassin's guild. One that still had a vast networking of available members whose names she now regarded with frosty green eyes. Brushing the snuggly braided rope of black hair over a shoulder she now inspected them. Brutin had said he could do nothing, well that meant others could in her mind.

To do nothing would undermine their position, but many she knew could start the process to finding said proof and if Lord Barban was killed in that endeavor it hardly bothered her. It was all part of the dance after all.

In less then an hour she was sending out messages. Secret missives to be delivered into the hands of those old associates, but her personal Shadow guards. Fiona had learned over the years that letting others investigate had its benefits. Once said proof was collected, verified and inspected, she would then take personal pleasure in enacting her own form of judgment.

As the final letter was sent, her dark head lifted, eyes narrowing slowly at the mental thread of information sent by one of the Shaded Sentinels she had sent on patrol. A lower guards was apparently on someone else's payroll and was preparing to send out pertinent information. News she didn't wish released as of yet.

Rising silently she picked up her gloves from the desk and slipped then over long tapered fingers with a slow cold little smile. Garith also hissed with sudden anticipation as he would likely feed soon and that little fissure of delight was felt readily. A momentary thought of contacting Lucius, but it was a fleeting one for she was fading already, unaware that Garith already had.

In seconds she had the man pinned to the wall. Taloned fingers wrapping about his throat as she glared into his wide and shocked brown eyes. He was taller and bigger but only a mere human and unprepared for the sudden demonic strength he now faced. He resisted of course, but she gave not on quarter, just let him thrash about and slowly bands of black were falling around his limbs in a tight hold and soon he was still and terrified. The emotion was felt heavy in the air as he stared back at her.

Holding up the note her Shade Sentinel had intercepted with an arched brow, and watched impassively as the blood drained from his face in a sudden dawning awareness. "Thought ye would notify ye Master about the failure of destroying Lord DeAuster did ye??

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-01-10 12:47 EST
While Fiona had begun to contact her old allies, Lucius had left the compound, stalking the moon-and-lantern lit streets of RhyDin City toward the Temple District. As the night grew later the number of people on the streets grew less, with most migrating toward the inns and taverns across the river that bisected the city. Which suited him completely.

When he had stormed out of Brutin's office he had taken one of the bolts used in the ambush, having wrapped the thing in a towel beforehand. Even through the layers of cotton and leather he could feel the lingering presence of the blessings that had been placed on the weapon, and the touch made the darkness within him want to recoil and toss the bolt aside. Resisting the urge with a soft snarl, he moved deeper among the quiet streets, slipping from shadow to shadow like a wraith, avoiding the more lit intersections in lieu of murky back-alleys.

His plan, if it could be called that, was simple: Find out who had enchanted the bolts, and wring any information he could from them. It had come in the white rage of being denied a chance to chase Barban, but now, as the boiling temper cooled, he was considering exactly how to do so. What do you plan on doing, just walking up and knocking on the damned door" He knew as well as any the grounds and buildings of the temples were blessed areas, anathema to beings of his ilk. Even though he felt he could force himself inside the compounds, the mustered might of the clerics and warriors within would undoubtedly take advantage of his weakened condition.

As these realizations formed against his plans Lucius slowed down, finally pausing near the mouth of an unnamed alley to gather his thoughts. He was trying to think of a way of luring one of the priests away from the compounds when soft laughter gave him pause. A young couple, walking hand in hand, had paused near him, drifting into the mouth of the alley, where the deeper shadows were thought to hide the kiss they shared. Neither noticed the hulking form, a deeper pool of black in the darkness, just behind the young man, nor did they notice the twin pinpricks of orange-red suddenly flare, as memory surfaced"

They were strolling arm in arm down one of the many canals of Straddleford, enjoying a mild autumn afternoon. Both knew the time was fleeting, each having to return to their respective inn to prepare for the trip back home. But for now, they were at ease.

Lucius smiled, looking down into Fiona's pale features, and on impulse he pulled her aside, between two of the brownstones lining the canal. Her startled laugh was quickly cut off as his lips pressed hungrily to hers, a spur-of-the-moment sharing of affection each knew was dangerous, should someone who knew them might be watching"

The brief reverie was broken as the girl pulled back, complaining about the sudden cold that filtered down the alleyway. As her beau put his arm around her shoulders and led her away Lucius melted into the shadows behind him.


The call caught him as he floated in the clutch of the Weave, and he immediately diverted back toward the compound, fading into view behind Fiona as she held the guard aloft. She wordlessly handed the note to Lucius, who skimmed over the contents, the air around him growing cooler as his anger flared. He glared at the traitor, then back to Fiona, handing her the note again. "Look at where he was sending it." Again the bright red eyes moved to the guard as he struggled in the shadowy bands, his hands itching to wrap around his neck and strangle the life from him. "The bastard's running for Westridge.?

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-02-07 21:21 EST
Having turned over the traitor to the Tarns, he was tossed into the dungeon where he would await Lord Brutin's judgment. Had it been up to Fiona, the man would be dead, but having caught him within SA holdings, she felt it prudent to let the lord himself deem the fate of the guilty man.

If nothing else, she knew Brutin's verdict would be harsh if not outright brutal. The man would be lucky if he was allowed to live. Something she actually doubted, considering the man was caught red-handed communicating with one was conspiring towards Master Slaver's death.

It took Fiona only a short period of time to pack a few things. She didn't know the lands of Westridge well, having never gone there for any jobs in the past. There was a vague memory of it being Elven territory, which alone made her hope they caught the man prior to his escaping over that border. Unlike her own Dark Elven bloodlines that leaned towards balance, it was her experience that most others tended towards light loving, tree hugging ways and would hardly be willing to turn anyone over to those representing a slavers organization. Such a headache she simply didn't have any interest in suffering.

In moments she slipped back out of the shadows embrace and tossed her rucksack down beside her office chair. Her lithe form sank a moment later into the plush leather comfort and awaited Lucuis's return.

She didn't now what method he wanted to use to pursue Barban, but she was prepared for anything at this point. It was now a matter of time. They did have a limited window of opportunity to capture their prey. It was also a sure bet he would have plenty of goons with him for protection. One thing Fiona was confident about however was, the man would seek his rest in Inns along the way. The one thing she was sure that would work in their favor, and as he was likely complacent, thinking his flight was not yet known, he wouldn't see any need to deprive himself. A man of habit and one used to those creature comforts could do little else. So that alone would slow his progress to imagined safety.

As she waited, she sifted through the pile of messages littering her desk, then paused over one wax sealed envelope. Slicing it open, she inspected the contents, the listing of names and organizations and a cold smile curled on her lips. Lord Brutin wanted proof well she now had a firm solid lead. With some encouragement be that through physical intimidation to gold crossing palms, she would indeed have substantial "Proof?.

Normally Fiona would oversee such an undertaking personally, however, time was not being kind. She wouldn't be able to pursue Barban and the evidence at the same time. Leather encased fingers caught up a pen and moved to write a few notes, calling upon some she trusted to see what they could learn and soon, more missives were off to Luse and her uncle, Aleron. She would cover any payments they saw fit to offer, and felt confident one or both could acquire just what was needed to convict the arrogant slaver and if lucky, might even learn who else was involved in the conspiracy against Lord Brutin and his organization.

Once satisfied with her choices on how to handle what needed done, Fiona resumed waiting for Lucius to appear. Using the time to reinforce the mental walls, as spending to much time in his company tended to weaken them in unexplainable ways she had yet to fully understand.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-02-21 11:18 EST
A heavy knock on her door brought Fiona's attention back from her light meditations. "Enter." As the door opened she was already coming to her feet, knowing beforehand who had arrived.

"I am ready." Lucius stated simply as he entered the office. A slim brow rose slightly as she noted the lack of any baggage, her own rucksack now held casually as she moved around the desk.

"Aye then. Have ye thought about how we should pursue Barban?" As they started down the hall Fiona slung her sack over a shoulder, looking to her companion. Soft-glowing eyes shifted toward her for a second before he nodded slowly.

"I have a way for us to catch up to him, hopefully before he crosses the border." The deathknight turned down another hallway, leading toward the stables. "According to the guards on duty when he left, Barban was traveling by carriage, along with his guards."

"And may well be meeting with more mercenaries along the way." Fiona added, "hmm"ing to herself. "If that be the case, then he will nae be traveling with at great speed."

"Allowing us to catch up with him." Lucius finished the thought, holding a door open for her to exit the compound. Fiona bit back the flash of annoyance, merely nodding to him instead. "I have a way to travel the way quickly, if you are so inclined." The undead warrior led her around the side of the stables as he continued. "It will allow us to arrive without bearing the strain of long shadowwalks." Fiona stepped around behind him, and paused for a few seconds at the sight of the steeds that awaited them.

"Nightmares." She said simply, looking at the infernal creatures. While the body was that of an undernourished horse, the sparks of flames striking from the hooves and the flame-red mane, moving with a life of its own, would be enough to separate it from the more mundane. But to look into its eyes, pits of dark amber, was to catch a glimpse of the lower pits that spawned the beasts.

"Aye. We'll catch up to him soon enough on these." Lucius said as he swung into the saddle, Fiona shortly following suit after tying her rucksack to the saddlehorn. She glanced his way, frowning slightly as the faint thread of his ire seeped past her mental defenses again. For his part Lucius was looking forward to the chase, and on getting his hands around Barban's throat again. And this time, there would be no Brutin there to stop him from finishing tightening his fingers.


"Let me guess, they've already left." Fiona sat back in the saddle as Lucius slid into view from the shadow of a large oak. The deathknight did not reply as he moved to his mount and swung into the saddle, but the feelings of ire and disappointment she could feel told her all she had to know. "Nae worry. We'll have him soon enough."

Lucius turned in the saddle to look at her, eyes glittering under the drawn hood. It wasn't the first time recently that Fiona had guessed something that had been on his mind, and vice versa. Even now he could feel a cool calmness from her, counterbalance to the icy rage simmering inside him. The hunter on the path of her prey, her demeanor held him back when he wanted to lash out. Strange, he thought to himself, I wonder if she has the same thoughts.

"A man fitting Barban's description and a small party of armed men stopped at the inn for a few hours, and then continued on their way." Spurring his nightmare, he moved up beside Fiona's mount. "The innkeeper said they appeared to be heading for Westergate."

"We'll nae catch him before he reaches the city itself." She tapped a fingernail against her bottom lip, thinking. "From what I read before we left out, Westergate is an unofficial checkpoint for those entering and leaving Westridge."

"And it is a haven for those prospering in the cross-border black market trade." Lucius added with a slow nod. "Many vices to be had, if one knows where to look."

"And the perfect place for our quarry to stop and relax." Fiona finished, looking to her companion. "With a bit of luck, of course."

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-02-22 12:18 EST
The mind had a way of playing ticks on one, if they were not careful. Fiona was in no way immune to such flaws. Her thoughts could catch and linger on a thought or a memory on the power of a word of an effortless reminder. To say she disliked this would be mild, for over the years, she had become almost arrogant in her confidence to handle all emotional entanglements. The answer had been simple enough and easily achieved by merely avoiding them.

Any attempts had been turned away with the ease of one swatting at a pest. Once done, it was just as swiftly forgotten. Some might buzz back around for another try, but most learned swiftly the first time. So why did this one man, dead or alive, have the ability to shake up her emotional barriers without any effort at all" It was a question she continued to ask her self. He wasn't the man she had fallen in love with so many years ago, but he still he still carried that vexing ability to rattle her. It was galling, puzzling and even frustrating.

Well known for her single-minded ability to track, stalk and kill without allowing any distractions. Fiona's usual professional focus was strangely absent instead she was finding her mind wandering. Random memories, annoying and unwanted, would bubble to the surface of her consciousness and wreak havoc on her emotions.

To make matters worse, he seemed unaffected. The traits of his un-life that part of her envied, for it allowed him the luxury of being distant and analytical without the more basic emotions she found herself battling.

The reached the City just before the dusk. They had stopped a mile or so away to secure the Nightmares, as such creatures would certainly draw attention and had gone the rest of the way on foot. Arriving just in time before the walled gates would be closed for the night.

Few gave the masked pair a second look as they entered, the weather foul and cold so many were also thus garbed. Ice green eyes inspected the main street, seeing a few Inns dotting the way along. Even with the setting of the sun, the place was teaming with life. The city folks closing shops and heading home for the night while other places were only just opening their doors.

"We need to get a room DeAuster. Unlike ye, I do require some rest on occasion." Fiona commented as she strode off towards the first reasonably decent Inn to catch her gaze. "We can use that as a base and spread out to search the town for our prey then."

"As you wish." He replied, the glowing red of his eyes blazing in the darkness.

She wasn't fully sure but she thought she caught a hint of annoyance from him. The faint link a curse she sought valiantly to ignore. "I be sorry if my weakness irritates ye, but I am nae dead after all." Fiona replied with a sharper edge entering the softly spoken tone. "I can nae help that even I require sleep on occasion. Will ensure that I will nae be a hindrance when we catch up to our pray."

"I have not forgotten of the need for rest Fiona." That voice holding the echo of rust and death in the nuances floated over her senses and she scowled, temper rising but held in check only barely.

"Aye. Was a time ye needed it also." Her words carrying a waspish tinge, quickly reigned in as they arrived at the destination she had mentioned. Already she had sent some of her Sentinels out to start that very hunt even before she stepped through the entrance of the "The Mage and Crown?.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-02-22 12:22 EST
The place was full of activity, for the weather had become colder with the winds heralding the storm following the drop in temperature. They would be lucky to get a room, but knowing the ways of places like this, Fiona was prepared. If one offered enough gold a room could be had and one that would offer privacy. Considering Lucius, appearance, that was a requirement for his presence alone would be unsettling otherwise. "I nae suppose ye might have some special spell that will allow ye to appear to be alive for a brief time?" She asked, adjusting her pack on a shoulder, feeling the weakness in over used muscles with a tightening of her features.

He gave no answer to her question but the blaze in his eyes faded, giving them a dull appearance like brown stones and just stepped in after her. The chill still rode him, but in the hallway, with the door opening and closing frequently, few would pay it much mind.

It was an obviously popular Inn, which suited her well enough as it would be less likely they would draw attention. Her only hope she could get at least one private room. Of course with enough gold one could do just that usually and so she headed for the commons seeking the Inn Keeper, while pulling the black scarf away from her pale features.

Mrs. Gliradon was quick to offer assistance, introducing herself as the owner of the place and after a bit of discussion, a room was acquired with the exchange of more gold then it was likely worth. Of course learning there was a festival to start by the end of the week, along with the wicked weather, Fiona was aware the cost might not be as bad as first believed.

A glance over the bustling tavern, Fiona was quickly aware that there were a surprising number of armed men about. Some appearing to be Mercenary while others belonged to more formal Orders. Most of which were standing near the warmth of the hearth with tankards of ale and talking quietly amongst themselves. Other patrons were scattered about at gleaming wood tables. Some drinking or eating while others seem to just be socializing, as such places did allow for such.

"Here be the key Miss. I only have one rule. I expect nae trouble in my place. Ye break anything and ye pay for it, or I have ye hauled off to the goal. Though looking at ye Lass, I nae think I be having trouble there." Mrs. Gliradon smiled as she patted the smaller Fiona on the arm. "Of course ye man there be another matter. Ye keep him in line and all will be well."

"Aye Missus, I will be sure to keep him on his best behavior." Ice green eyes flickered as Fiona glanced over at Lucius, quite aware he heard every word.

"I will have one of the maids being ye up some food. Ye be welcome to eat down here also if ye like, but I know most just want to rest after traveling."

"Ye be very kind. Aye, I would rather just relax in our room for the evening. Thank ye again Missus." Gloved fingers wrapped around the key with a faint smile, and then Fiona turned and headed back towards Lucius.

"I managed to get us a room. May nae be much, but better then staying in a barn or stable. It will at least be private." Two days without rest had her drained. Shadows under her green eyes and due to having to keep on constant guard, she was actually feeling just a bit shaky. Food would certainly help that, having not eaten much while trailing their mark. "There be a festival at the end of the week, and along with the weather, as there be rumors of another storm heading this way, I got lucky."

It had cost her a bit, but nothing major as Fiona could well afford it, as it was, the room was a surprise. It was decorated in a simple but soothing manner, a welcome sight to most travel weary patrons. The large bed was appointed with down quilts. Two large comfortable chairs sat near a warm hearth and a table between. Double doors opened outwards to a private balcony. Something that Fiona found useful. Would make entering and leaving easier.

Tossing her pack down beside the bed, she glanced over a shoulder at Lucius. "I did ask about two rooms, but the lady only had this and space in the commons left." She hadn't thought that bedding down with others would hold any appeal for him anymore then it had for her.

Stepping inside behind her, he just nodded slowly with a look around from eyes that appeared dark. The red sheen still banked for the moment Fiona suspected, so as not to draw attention. "Indeed. I shall reimburse you for this later."

"Nae. Tis my own comforts here, and I can easily afford this." Tossing her silk scarf down over the back of a chair, her cloak quickly followed. "Unlike ye Lucius, I do need to rest a few hours before I start to search. I have sent my Shadow guards out already, if they find him, I will be alerted instantly. I also be sure our man is nae staying in this inn, though it be apparent if he is looking for more Mercenaries, he has come to the right place. The town be crawling with them if the sight of the Tavern below be any indication."

At the knock on the door, Lucius moved away from it, stepping over to push open those leading to the balcony and walking outside. Leaving Fiona to let the maid in. The girl immediately setting the platter of food down on the table with a smile, and then bobbing a quick curtsey she spoke. "Just leave the tray in the hall when ye be done Miss. We will collect it later."

"Aye Miss. Thank ye." Handing the young girl a silver Fiona watched her depart and then glanced back at Lucius. "Mind closing those" Tis a bit cold out there.?

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-03-11 14:54 EST
"Of course." He kept forgetting that others felt the elements more acutely than he, and stepping back into the suite he closed the doors leading to the balcony. "With a festival there will be an influx of people into the city. It will make finding Barban harder."

"Aye, but there are ways around that." Fiona settled into a chair and her food. "I have the bridge and gate to Westridge watched. He'll nae move that direction without us first knowing ahead of time." Lucius nodded once as he moved to stand near the hearth, and after a few moments Fiona sighed quietly. "DeAuster, would ye please sit down?"

"My apologies." He replied, and sat down in one of the chairs near the hearth. Fiona tried to return to her meal, but there was a niggling sensation at the base of her skull, and cold green eyes moved back to her companion.

"Alright, DeAuster, what has ye in a mood?" Her question caught Lucius by surprise, the dull gaze moving to her now. "And don't ye sit there and say it's Barban." How she knew that the deathknight was troubled by something other than their pursuit bothered her, as it heralded back to this new'sharing they were experiencing.

"It's"hard to explain." He started softly, his hands coming together before him, fingers interlaced as he pondered the right words. "I"feel." An elegant brow arched slightly at that, Fiona turning in her chair to face his direction.

"Ye feel what?" she asked, a thread of genuine curiosity weaving into the glacial tone she normally took with Lucius. Again, there was a long pause, the hint of uncertainty now coming into his aura. Finally, he came to some unspoken decision, and continued.

"Since my return, the times that I feel anything that can be considered an emotion is in combat." Leather creaked as his fingers tightened for a second, and then relaxed again. "But recently, I'm finding myself experiencing feelings I thought long dead and gone."

"And this worries ye?"

"No".yes." Correcting himself, he looked again to Fiona. "It's not easy to put into words. I find myself drawn more often than not back to when we"were happier." His gaze strayed again, to the flames dancing in the hearth, and when he spoke again, his voice was lower, and almost carried a wisp of sadness. "Do you ever wish you could go back and change things?"

Now it was Fiona's turn to pause for a second, and it wasn't until she had stood up and was walking to privacy blind that she answered him. "Yes."


Later that night, the only sounds in the quiet room was that of icy rain falling against the windows and the occasional pop from the fireplace. Lucius still sat in the chair near the fireplace, having slipped into reverie when Fiona had returned for the night. It was in these times his thoughts wandered back, reliving past events, as another might dream. Another inn, another similar night, only the two were not sleeping. Moving as one, they basked in the stolen moment, whispering soft words as they explored each other with soft caresses and fleeting kisses. Enjoying the short time as though it was a lifetime. For soon would they have to part again, separated by duty and circumstance.

You lived in the moment, caring not what others thought. The silky voice resonated softly in the dreamscape, carrying with it a touch of sinful malice. Throwing aside vows to god, vows to betrothed. Answering the call of the flesh. As the words faded, the dreamscape wavered, as though on waters surface, disturbed by errant wind.

The two rolled together, soft laughter filling the chamber for a second, to be replaced with a throaty moan. Hair raven and auburn mixed on the pillows, contrast to the sheen of sweat in firelight. Cleave unto the flesh, and you drew strength from the affair illicit. Strength that failed you only when you ceased to sup from its fragrant cup.

A pale back arched at the touch of hands, a breathless cry escaping parted lips, mingling with the soft growl below. This can be yours again?listen"listen"DeAuster" "DeAuster?" The calling of his name shook him from his reverie, and his gaze, blazing a crimson sheen for a second before fading again, landed on Fiona, already dressed and sitting on the side of the bed, pulling on her boots. "Do ye plan on sitting in a fugue all day, or shall we go hunting?"

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-03-15 15:51 EST
Fiona thought she felt an emotional flash when he first woke, but fobbed it off as having likely startled him out of that meditative state he had been in. Perhaps a lingering memory and little more, and in truth, she didn't feel fully comfortable at the idea of trying to identify it. She couldn't maintain her own distance if she allowed herself to wonder what "feelings" he was experiencing.

His question the night before about the ability to change things, had been answered honestly, but she hadn't given any explanations. There were a number of things she would have liked to change, but as those "things" were now in the past, it wasn't possible. It was more a case of revisiting old wounds then to ponder long upon those. Fiona had never been one to pick at the scars of days long gone.

"One of my Sentinels reports that our prey might be ensconced within a gaming hall in the heart of the city. A place of both gambling and ill repute so tis' a decent point to start I think." Tying the snug laces of her boots with a firm hand, she glanced up towards Lucius. "It may be best we use the Shade to search first. Tis' a good bet he will nae be easily taken from such an establishment, without trouble."

It had been a long time since she had actually ventured into such dens, and knew from those long ago memories, that places rolling through the gold and catering to multiple levels of power both above board and below, tended to hire the best security. Their target would be well protected while within those walls, so if that was the location where he had taken refuge, they would likely need to bid their time. Irksome as it was, waiting for him to venture out to continue his flight might be their only option.

As Lucius rose from the seat near the banked hearth, she shook out the heavy velvet of her cloak and swung it around to settle on her shoulders, the folds slithering down to her heels and reached for the black silk scarf, gloved fingers draping it along her neck with long habit and then frosty green eyes shifted towards the Death Knight, still feeling the lingering strands of emotion hanging tangibly around him. "Tis' called "Hades Haven". Such a blatant name for a place of that nature but should it make it easy to find."

"Indeed." His rusty voice rolled over her as he also secured his own scarf as it had slipped some while he was in reverie. "You are certain this is the place he is entertaining himself at?"

"Nae, never certain about such things. My shadows report what they learn and one fitting his description was seen there recently. Tis' entirely possible he be staying somewhere else, merely visiting the place as any other patron." Sliding an unusually silent Garith into the sheath at her hip, Fiona turned once more and gazed at her companion.

"It is at least a start. Perhaps it would be best if I searched the place while you stay outside and keep watch." A suggestion perhaps, as his gauntlet covered hands clenched, the movement catching her gaze.

Frosty green eyes narrowed, detecting something that didn't fit, aged lace and creamy silk that looked out of place but before she could be sure that was what it was, he was pulling the edge of a glove up, masking it from her view. Mentally counting to five she lifted her gaze, regarding him with a bland, stoic expression. "If ye be saying that to spare my "sensibilities" ye nae need bother with that. I have been in far worse places over the years, even worked in a few while tracking a mark. Such things to be found there, nae shock me nor trigger my baser instincts." Her last few words holding a bite in tone as she turned away from him.

Lucius's eyes that had been dull in tone flared a bright crimson with a sudden flash of anger mingled with something else she couldn't as quickly recognize, yet Fiona felt it instantly forcing her to turn away from him and stride towards the door. "You "worked" in such places before?"

"Aye. I have." She didn't pause then, instead she stepped out in the hall, failing to explain that the jobs she took had been more in line towards innocent of occupations such as card dealing, bartender, security guard, ladies maid and as a dancer that was clothed and not what she knew he was instantly assuming. He had thought her morality questionable in the past, and was quick to make that same mistake now. Such a realization triggered the anger to curdle within her, but she was just as quick to bank it down. "I shall meet ye below." Her tone was frosty and clipped as words were tossed over a shoulder towards him.

Fiona strode away, steps just short of stomping as she dealt with her own swinging emotions. Outrage, resentment, infuriation and even old hurt all swirling and in mental desperation she sought to bury back down deep within. Let him think what he would. Fiona owed him no explanation, but did promise herself one day she would knock him flat for those erroneous assumptions regarding her morals both in the past and present.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-03-15 19:02 EST
There was no mistaking the anger rolling off Fiona, and for a moment he was clearly confused as to why. By the time he thought to speak again she had already stormed out the door, heading downstairs. "Women?" he growled to himself, flinging the door open hard enough to send it bouncing off the wall as he left the room, following her.

As he came down to the commons Fiona looked over, a carefully neutral expression in place as she cradled a steaming mug of coffee. Damped eyes glanced around the room, noting the few sitting around eating, and then moved back to the lithe shadowassassin as he stopped beside her. The busty innkeeper gave the two a cheery smile as she spotted them together, and hurried over, wiping her hands on her apron. "Morning" to ye, milord. Would ye be wishing a bite for breakfast?"

Before Lucius could reply, however, Fiona held up a hand. "Nay, my comrade here has taken an oath of fasting for the week." Ice-hard green eyes flicked to Lucius as she leaned closer to the innkeeper, her voice stage-whispered. "He also took a vow of silence. But, you know how those paladins can be."

"Oh! Forgive me, milord!" The woman bowed her head quickly to Lucius, before retreating back down the counter. Fiona's excellent hearing caught a mutter about 'strangest-looking paladin", and she just shot a smirk at the seething deathknight as she brought her mug up for another sip. After a moment, though, the waves coming off him threatened to give her a headache, so she set her mug down and reached to pull her scarf up over her features. "Come on, DeAuster, let's go." He silently nodded, following her out into the streets of

The storm from the night before had let up, but low-lying clouds still threatened to unleash more of the late-winter precipitation. Despite the threat from above, many were going about their normal business, many small clutches standing near street corners, talking about the upcoming festival. From what the two overheard as they passed, the city was joining in the upcoming celebration for one of Westgate's scions, coming of age. Lucius couldn't help the smirk that bloomed under his scarf.

It was easy to tell when they had moved into the seedier part of town near the river, as the building became more weather-worn, and guards more commonplace. Their first run-in with a patrol came blocks down from their destination, six heavily armed and armored guardsmen, bundled against the cold. One stepped in front of Fiona, a hand out. "Papers, gentles."

Fiona looked back to Lucius, then to the guard. "Certainly, sir." Each pulled a small sheath of papers from their belts, and handed them over. Handing his pike to another guardsman, the leader of the patrol took the papers and glanced over them, then back to the two.

"Slavers?" The tone was kept carefully neutral, but both could hear the distaste there. Fiona shook her head, sighing silently.

"Nae slavers, but in one's employ."

"But we have been empowered to look over the local stock." Lucius added quickly, earning a look from both Fiona and the guard, who shrugged as he handed back their papers.

"You'll want the rings, down on Stovor Avenue. And no collaring on the streets." The last admonishment given, the troop moved past the two, heading down the street slowly. Fiona paid them no mind, still looking to Lucius, a brow raised slightly.

"Empowered to look over the local stock?"

"We now know another place he could be hiding, should the gambling hall prove a dead end." He replied simply, and she nodded slowly, seeing the logic there. But after what happened earlier, be damned if she would give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

"Come on DeAuster. The club be a few more blocks, if the address I was given be correct."

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-03-22 03:34 EST
Across the street from the address she had been given and Fiona glanced at DeAuster, frosty green eyes were flinty in her pale features. Masked as she was, he couldn't see the thin line of lips. "It be rather popular as I suspected."

"If he is in there, we shall have to keep watch until he leaves." He rumbled back, he shifted his position then, leaning against the brick of the shop they stood by.

Her dark head turned and she regarded the doorway. It was flanked by two burly bruiser bouncers types with muscles bunching even as they stood stiff and still in place. The look of the place appeared to be more of that a hotel, which gave her a moment of thought. "I nae got much information about the place, but tis' possible it be some kind of Inn as well. Perhaps we should see if that is the case."

"Aye. Wait here." He straightened and then strode across the street, slipping easily into the flow of humanity heading inside and she scowled faintly at his departing back.

Aye, she would wait, but was none to pleased at the presumptions. He had always been that way, so Fiona wasn't surprised, but she couldn't help chaff at his persistence at continuing it. She didn't like being reminded either. It was becoming a bit of a problem when memories mingled into reality in ways that created tension with in her.

He appeared to be taking his time inside, and she was aware that the guards at the door were starting to watch her. She turned then and just entered the shop behind her and had to muffle a growl as what she found on sale there. Woman's apparel hadn't held much interest for her over the past few years and walking into such garments put her teeth right on edge. Lace, satin and velvets abounded and she had to keep from snarling at the sales woman that came out of the back area wearing a bright smile full of dollar signs.

"Good afternoon Miss. Can I help you find something?" The woman called with a swishing of full skirts and a professionally pleasant tone of voice.

"I just be looking Miss." She replied curtly with her frosty gaze moving over the array of colors. A rainbow would have felt colorless in comparison and belatedly she drew the silk scarf down from her pale features.

"Well, perhaps you could tell me what you're needing something new for" Perhaps a ball or a day adventure?" The woman was tenacious and Fiona felt the calculating gaze moving over her, but wasn't sure why.

She nearly snapped at the woman to leave her in peace, but that would likely get her tossed out so she moved away, finding a spot to peer out towards that gambling hell but of course the lady followed. Likely noticing her gaze shift, even as Fiona tried to be casual about it she her smile faltered. "Only ladies of a certain persuasion are allowed in that place Miss."

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-03-22 03:37 EST
The woman then moved to walk around her, looking her over, even with the heavy folds of her cloak she continued to look her over. "We have a few gowns that might work, but they are not what most of the "ladies" that frequent that place care for."

The word "ladies" holding a noticeable sarcasm that brought frosty green eyes towards the woman. A faint smile touched Fiona's lips then. "Ye mistake my interest for something other then it might seem. A friend be looking for one inside and I am merely waiting for his return."

The woman looked skeptical for a moment, but only that before another smile moved over her staid features. "While you await your companion, why not let me show you one gown we have that I feel would be perfect for you."

In actual fact Fiona would have rather had a tooth pulled then having to try on anything but as the woman was going to let her wait inside the warmth of her shop, she could see nothing wrong with looking at the garment in question. "Aye. Though tis' unlikely I shall care for it. My days be often spent wearing leathers such as these."

"Ah, but all woman should have at least one distinctive dress to wear for special occasions." She bustled away, vanishing behind the velvet curtains and Fiona could hear the low murmurs of conversations from her seamstresses. Special dresses had long since become a thing of her long distance past but she would mollify the lady and endure.

Another glance out the window, still seeing nothing of Lucius, her jaw tightened slightly, tempted to send in one of her sentinels to see what he was up to. He wasn't in trouble, that much she was sure of, as the faint link shared would have alerted her to that fact, but he was obviously taking his time.

"What do you think of this Miss?" She held out a gown of a deep wine red, the velvet so fine it shimmered with light and warmth.

Fiona was startled, having expected something else and turned to look at it closer, and a brow arched slightly. Most seemed to want to fling pastel shades at her but this, was unique and she stepped closer, looking at the cleaver design. The fabric of the skirt cut to flow outwards without the stitching and piping many used. Not a single flounce or inch of lace to mar the simple perfection.

"I think the color would suit you Miss." The sales woman continued and smiled again, seeing the attention on Fiona's face.

"I shall purchase that." Words falling from her lips without thought and she thought for a moment she had gone mad, but she had not seen many a gown over the years that caught her interest. Gold coins drawn and she didn't even haggle with the price, only to run into the over zealous shopkeeper insisting she needed all the accessories. There was no question of trying it on, the lady insisted it would fit and Fiona, being unwilling to move to far from sight of the gambling hall's doors allowed her that assurances. She let the woman pile purchases on the counter without a battle. It was unusual of her, but she did have a feminine side that had been captured for the moment.

Payment wasn't as high as expected and a brow arched slightly, catching the suddenly curious expression on the sale woman's face, only to realize the location of the small dressmaker wasn't exactly the best. So prices had to be competitive to draw in a cliental. "Did you wish this delivered Miss?" Fiona was then asked.

"If ye could bag it up now, that would be best." Another glance towards the doors and she frowned faintly. He was still inside, she could sense that but little else for the moment.

The woman did as she asked and in a matter of minutes she was holding just one bag by the stiff hemp handles. The timing couldn't have been more perfect, as Lucius appeared on the steps across and looked around, and then moved towards the shop. "Thank ye miss for your assistance." A faint smile given and she was moving to the door and out to meet him. Not wanting him to get a look inside, as then questions would come and answers she didn't wish to grant.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-03-22 03:40 EST
"Took ye long enough DeAuster." To her credit the tone wasn't sharp or stinging as it could have been.

A glance to the bag she carried, and then a short nod from him as he held up a key in a gauntlet hand. "Had to wait in queue to get it. It is also a brothel with rooms available to lease for a night."

She had known that and just nodded slowly with a glance past him towards the bouncers. They were no longer paying attention to her or the Death Knight. "I nae think I will be allowed inside dressed as I am, but perhaps I shall use the shadows."

"There is a side entrance we can use. None the wiser, as this is obviously a place a great number of affairs appear to take place with no one talking. The clerk at the desk was willing share that information with me." There was a slight note of black humor in his words, as he didn't think he had the look of one willing to frolic with married woman.

"Then let us take this side entrance and have a look at the room. My Sentinels have lost our mark, but with a bit of time we can likely track him again." It was likely best that they saw two entering together. Apparently such a thing here was common enough that they would draw little attention in the least.

Few did pay them any attention as they entered via that side door. Fiona was mildly surprised it wasn't some seedy looking place but spoke more to the wealth likely collected from those gambling below. "This must of cost ye some coin."

"It wasn't cheap." He replied shortly while leading the way up the stairs to the second floor and down the hall. Pausing at one door he used the key and just pushed it open, letting her enter first.

A raven brow arched at the sight and was quickly followed by a smirk as it did indeed bear the stamp of opulent decadence. She dared not look to close at the various accessories the room offered. In the past, DeAuster would have been utterly appalled at the idea of some of the restraints, and that thought brought a dark smile to her pale features. "Nae your kind of establishment DeAuster."

"If you mean in the past' No, it would have not been a comfortable place." Even as he spoke Lucius settled his large frame down into one of the large wing backed, chairs, the plush cushion muffling the sound of his armor protesting.

"And now?" Dropping the bag down in front of the large four-poster bed that dominated the room. Her cloak followed, falling in folds at the foot and turned to regard him, hands moving to leather clad hips.

"I have seen worse. This is," A hand lifted and swept over the place sharply. "A fa"ade of what others use. My own dungeons hold some items like this but they are for pain and not for what many here obviously think."

"Indeed." Taking one of his usual pat replies, Fiona lifted her head catching the hint of whispers in the air and gave a faint smile. "Barban is here. Surrounded by an escort to be sure, but nae gambling but drinking for the moment. Drinking with his men I also add."

Such carelessness was a personal peeve of the Shadow Mage. She found over the years working for Brutin that some slavers had little regard for what true security means. From the use of less then legal substances to the over consumption of drink, they tended towards the excess. Often opening themselves up to attack and if their own bodyguards were also involved in those very behaviors, they usually ended up injured or dead. Fiona was always grateful that Lord Brutin had never been one of those. As if he had, it would have made her job far harder and his pocket even lighter then it already for her healthy salary.

"If he follows his usual pattern of action, he will eventually find a woman to sate other needs." DeAuster replied blandly with gauntlets moving to rest on his knees.

Behind that scarf of his, Fiona was fairly sure the Death Knight was smirking. She would almost swear she felt a certain sense of satisfaction from him at the idea of capturing the slaver in such a situation as well. "Aye, I think ye right. We may be able to yank him out of here if that is the case. That is if the pig actually gets a room."

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-04-16 18:51 EST
"Yes, that could work. I seriously doubt he would want his men there to watch." He watched Fiona as she sat back on the edge of the bed. "We merely have to wait, and then we have him." Again she gave him a sidelong look, and Fiona's thought that he was looking forward to the next meeting was quite close to the mark.

There few in the realms that Lucius could say he truly hated. The closest was the assassin Corbane, and he had exacted his revenge on that one. He knew it galled the spectre to be forced into service, and the deathknight relished the hate that always rolled off the incorporeal being. Glashion was another, and his bones lay moldering at the base of the keep's walls. By rote, that hate had transferred to the church which he had once sworn his sword-arm and fealty. Oh, he knew old compatriots still lived, thanks to their elven blood, and one day, there may well be another reckoning.

Barban had, in the ambush that had nearly succeeded where so many others had failed, leapt to the top of the list. Lucius's fingers flexed at the thought of wrapping around the man's neck, and the joy he would feel of watching the light die in his enemy's eyes. But before, there would be much pain"

"Would ye mind?" Fiona's words brought him out of his dark thoughts, and his attention returned to her. She had half-turned to poke around in the bag she had brought in, but now was looking over at him, a cross expression on pale features. Moreover, he could"tell she was upset. "Ye be radiating again."

"My apologies, Fiona." Slowly he nodded, at the same time reigning in the flaring hate for Barban, letting it slowly simmer deep within. His thoughts turned to what needed to be done to capture the slaver, and on impulse he rose to his feet, a hand reaching for the clasps of the breastplate.

An elegant brow arched slightly as Fiona watched him remove the breastplate and lay it against the chair. "DeAuster, what are ye up to?"

"I am going to take a turn at watching Barban." Settling the cloak back over his shoulders, he turned to look at his image in the mirror overlooking a small dressing table. "He knows the armor, but without the breastplate I believe I can pass as just another sword looking for a good time."

Fiona had a look of bemused skepticism at that. "Ye do know the shades can watch Barban as well as ye can?"

"True, but this way, I know our target." Satisfied that the hood and masking spell was enough to hide his features, Lucius looked back to Fiona. "A hunter, after all, can enjoy stalking the prey."

"As if you would know about stalking prey." The grumbled words were barely audible, said to the departing deathknights back as he left the room to go downstairs.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-04-16 18:54 EST
Even in early afternoon, the Hades Haven was bustling with activity, the raucous laughter from the stage area giving a backdrop to the quieter gambling tables toward the back. Men and more than one woman of varying stripes mingled, many talking to the ladies working the floor, plying potential customers with compliments, drink and drugs for the more base tastes. Everything that Lucius would once, long ago, have avoided.

How fitting, to have fallen so far. The thought, unbidden, but fitting for the moment. He paused at the bottom of the stairs, slowly looking around the dim common room of the commons. He was forced to step aside as a couple started up the stairs, the man groping drunkenly at his chosen companion of the hour. Muted eyes followed them for a second, before he turned his attention back to the room, and made his way over to the bar.

"I want a bottle of your best red wine and clean glasses taken to room 204." Gleaming coins were set before the bartender as he ambled over, but Lucius kept a hand over the gold as he continued. "Tell your girl to be quiet about it. My lady is resting for this evening, and it would not do for her to be overly disturbed."

"Aye, and I have just the girl for it too." And as the hand was moved away gold disappeared from view, the bartender calling for one of the scantily-dressed serving girls. Lucius looked around the place slowly, looking for the slaver and his retinue, but found his watch disturbed by the bartender again. "And would you be wantin" a drink?" The question nearly had him laughing outright, and a soft chuckle could not be overcome. Nodding slowly, Lucius ordered a drink, which remained undisturbed as he went back to his watching of the room.

Familiar laughter caught his attention drawing his hooded gaze toward a table in the back corner of the room. There was Barban, as Fiona had said, drinking with his guards as they enjoyed a private dance. His eyes narrowed, and it took all of his willpower not to charge the table right then and there, and Brutin's decree be damned. No, not yet, you fool! From his vantage point he could see the table well enough, without untoward risk of being spotted in return. And even at this distance, I'm just another sell-sword, enjoying the show.

Watching the serving girls and dances come and go at the table, he soon picked up on one the slaver seemed to favor, a dark-haired dancer of some beauty and more ample assets. Again he would call for her to dance for him, spending gold as though it was a free-flowing fountain. Both, items of note. Yet, as the minutes moved forward in the observation of Barban and his men, Lucius's attention was drawn to a closer table, and one of the card games in progress.

Watching the next couple of hands of the high-stakes game, it became clear that two were professional gamblers, working together against the other two. The third, a young man no older than twenty-one and fresh on his first pouch of wages, was holding his own, with luck and a good draw. The forth, an older gentleman whose coat had seen better days, was the current target of the two gamblers, circling as a shark does wounded prey as gold was thrown into another trapped hand.

"Well, looks like Lady Luck just isn't with you this day." Drawing in the pile of coins and trade bars from the center of the table, the first gambler looked over to the older man, and then noticeably glanced down at the empty table in front of him. Following his gaze, the forth man nodded slowly, sighing in defeat.

"Nay, and ye took my last, so I be guessing it's time to leave.? He slowly started to come to his feet, but stopped at the sight of a small scrap of paper in the second gamblers hand, the weather-worn visage paling. Cutting a sly glance to his partner, the second gambler tossed the scrap into the center of the table.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-04-17 23:09 EST
"Now, before you go, there IS this little matter about the small line of credit you were afforded yesterday." As the older man slumped back into his chair his younger tormenter leaned forward, fingers splayed on the tabletop. "Now, as you know when you were given the credit, it would be due at the time you were prepared to leave the establishment. And since you have no more to continue the game or to enjoy a time with one of our beauties?" It was a polished speech, one practiced by the two many times. The trap had been sprung, and now they reeled in their catch.

"Of course, if you've no coin to fill the payback, I'm certain we can come to some understanding." The older of the two gamblers leaned back in his chair, black eyes watching the old man like a viper would a mouse. "After all, most anything of value can be used as payment. Horses, land?"

The old man's mouth moved as though he wanted to speak, but before he could be swept deeper into the trap two trade bars landed with a dull thud on the tabletop, drawing the attention of everyone at the table and of a few nearby. "That should cover the old man's debt to you." One of the two glanced toward the gold bars lying on the tabletop, while the other glared up at Lucius.

"This isn't your business stranger. Go buy a woman for the evening with your money." Turning back toward the table in a dismissive gesture, the gambler's eyes widened when a heavy gloved hand clamped on the back of the neck, but any protests were silenced at the breath-stealing cold emanating from that hold. His partner started to rise, but Lucius slammed his other hand onto a shoulder, forcing him back into his seat before he leaned closer.

"The trade bars will be more than sufficient." He didn't bother to hide the sepulchral grate of his voice with glamour now, and a red glint peeked through the spell's masking aura as he looked from one to the other. "You have your money, the debt is done." Releasing both men, he scooped up the letter of debt from the tabletop and motioned the old man to follow him as he turned from the table.

Mentally cursing himself, Lucius led the old man to the side passage leading to the door he and Fiona had entered earlier, well out of sight of Barban and his group. Turning back around, he cut off the attempts at thanks with a slash of the hand. "But milord, I just wanted to thank?"

"Do not thank me yet. I paid the debt you owed those scum, but now you owe me." He held up the scrap of paper so the other could see it. "One day, I will come to collect what is owed me." And as the deathknight leaned closer, he edged the man into the passage, toward the door.

"But, when"how do I repay you?" The older gentleman was almost sputtering as he tried to fathom the turns of luck, and Lucius shook his head quickly.

"I will find you. I have your name, after all." Again, he held up the scrap of paper, and the other nodded slowly, accepting the situation. Lucius pointed toward the door, after pointedly looking back toward the common room. "Unless you wish to deal with two disappointed gamblers, I'd suggest you take your leave now." He waited until the man had left the building before he cursed again, this time audibly.

You fool! Why in the Nine Hells did you do that' You threaten the entire point of being here! Holding up the paper, he could barely make out the script in the dim light of the passage.

Hades Haven Bond of credit in the amount of ??" gold. To be repaid in kind or property of equal value upon demand or prior of leaving the premises. Paid to: Bowen Vas Dailar.

The signature obviously different from the rest. And below that"

Credit assigned by receipt of one ring, ruby inlay with silver clasp. Good for partial worth of credit.

A trick of both the owners and those gambler who split the rewards of heisting their marks; giving an elevated loan much above what a person would normally be able to afford, and then when the line could not be repaid, threaten a trip to the local dungeon unless the mark offered up something more in repayment. An honorless, yet effective trap.

"Sentimental idiot. Your days of benign intervention are long past.? Still cursing himself, Lucius looked around, and seeing he was alone, sidestepped into the deeper shadows, using the weave to return to the room he shared with Fiona.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-07 17:49 EST
The young woman had come and gone quietly and without much disruption. What she found was just one woman, laying a few things out on the bed. Nothing easily identified of course, but looked normal enough. Bits of lace and velvet, a common enough sight in most rooms around here the Shadow Mage was sure.

Once Fiona was alone again, she helped herself to a glass of the rich red wine they had brought, relieved to find it was a decent vintage and just took a seat near the fire. The warmth welcomed while keeping watch, on those below via reports of her various shades. Lucius's own activities were also note and brought a faint twisting of rose pale lips. Dark as he was these days, he still couldn't resist the need to aid others. Of course there was also the potential the man would regret that assistance at a later date.

It was something to consider of course. Fiona couldn't quite pin it down or place a finger on it, but something was changing inside Lucius. His emotions were shifting and not what she had first become accustom to. While the rage was still readily detected, other sentiments were springing up in varying degrees. Recently she had caught the sense of regret, a somber almost sad mood radiating but quickly snuffed out as if the flame of candle caught in the wind. Those flashes of humor coming at unexpected times along with a sort of hunger she personally couldn't define.

For her it was a frustrating puzzle she couldn't put together. It didn't fit what she knew about all that Lucius had become. Death Knights shouldn't feel anything but rage and blood lust. He was dead, or undead. Which ever it was, both didn't usually allow for emotional flares in such contradictory levels.

She quickly put those thoughts aside when he returned to the room. Frosty green eyes shifting over towards him the moment he appeared while she rose to her feet. Gliding towards the bed, she started to carefully fold each item and return it to the bag they had arrived in. She would save this for another time. "Find anything of interest DeAuster?"

Fiona's dark head turning for a moment and then a smirk touching her pale features, as first one mental whisper touched her thoughts and quickly followed by an array of others. "Perhaps ye should have waited just a few more moments, as our prey is moving. Looks like he has selected his toy for the evening."

Shadows sending in reports as progress was followed in evident details and Fiona reached for her gloves on the bed cover, drawing them on to her long fingers with another frosty turn of green eyes towards Lucius. "So what do ye suggest we do for this capture DeAuster?" She was being kind enough to seek his input after all and a dark brow rose faintly with a lopsided little smile touching rose pale lips as she waited for his response.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-29 16:55 EST
"Simple enough"we use the shadows to take him in the room before his guards have time to interfere. By the time they figure out something is wrong, we'll be halfway back to the compound." Any thoughts of his earlier encounter with the gambler was put aside, as Lucius turned toward the task that had brought them to Westergate. Fiona nodded after a few seconds contemplation.

"A good plan, and as ye said, simple. And we would nae need those steeds ye used to get us here." Turning back to the bed she put the bag of clothing into her saddlebag. Cinching the bag closed she turned and, a smirk tugging at the corner of pale lips, she tossed the saddlebag to Lucius. "Ye nae mind, gallant knight?" She knew the sarcastic remark had hit home, by both the sudden cooling of temperature in the supernatural aura that seemed to surround the deathknight, and by the sudden brief flaring of emotion. The fact that she had felt that, given her own recent ponderings, had the smirk fading as fast as it had appeared.

"Of course, milady." The saddlebag caught easily enough, he swung it over a shoulder and used the straps to seat it into place. "Your sentinels should let us know the appropriate time to take him."

"He has just entered the room with his toy. In a few moments?" Fiona trailed off, her head cocked slightly as though listening to an unseen speaker. "Soon?"


"Would milord like a glass of wine, or perhaps a dance to start with?" The young girl, known in the fest hall as Ruby, her real name being the plainer Helena, sat on the edge of the bed and watched Barban as he crossed the room to hang his cloak beside the dresser. It had been her bad luck to be the next in line when the slaver and his party had entered the Hades Haven, but hope had sparked when the portly Barban paid coin for her to dance for him and his men as they enjoyed their drink. The money had been three times what she normally made in an evening, and despite the grabby hands, things had been going well. Until, that is, Barban called the manager over and paid for one of the upstairs room. Now, she was loathing letting Barban touch her, but given the writ with the owner of the Haven, she was indeed stuck.

"I've seen your dance enough, girl." Grabbing a glass of wine from the dresser Barban pulled the cork from the throat, and then took a long sip. It was after he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, incidentally muffling a rough belch, before he spoke again. "I want you on your back and legs spread. I intend to get my money's worth tonight." The last was said after another long pull on the wine.

Inwardly sighing, Ruby stood and reached for the shoulder clasp of her simple dress, letting the material pool on the floor around her ankles as she stood for a few seconds, letting the besotted Barban leer at her. His eyes were only for the ample bosom she tried to shyly cover, feeling uneasy under the hawkish eyes, and after a last swallow of wine, he tossed the half-full bottle into a corner, sending glass shards and wine spilling across the floor.

"I said, on the bed, slut!? Giving the girl a push, he busied himself with yanking off his boots and breeches, though his eyes never left Ruby as she scrambled back into the middle of the mattress, giving him tantalizing glances of her hidden treasures. The slaver smiled, more a drunken leer, as he climbed onto the bed after her. Clammy hands reached around and grabbed her wrists, holding them onto the bed as he leaned closer, the acrid smell of stale wine washing over Ruby and making her turn her head away with a wince as she tried to mentally prepare herself to sate his lust. or, more likely, be the (un)willing vessel in which he expended his need.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-05-29 17:06 EST
A tickling of cold that brought tight nubs to hard arousal and doused the male ardor washed over the two, the only warning as ice-cold fingers closed around Barban's neck and yanked him backwards to crash into the wall in a heap. Sitting up in shock, Ruby caught sight of a tall form stalking toward Barban, a grey cloak billowing behind like demented wings. Nature finally overrode surprise, voice found volume, and snatching at the sheet she started to scream.

The cries of the woman not even registering, Barban shook his head to try to clear away the fog from hitting his head on the floor. He had barely looked up when a shadow fell over him, and he found himself hauled up against the wall, held in place by the steely grasp around his throat, his wide eyes locked with the flared orange-red of Lucius's. "Never expected to see me again, did you?" the deathknight growled, his fingers slowly tightening to cut off the slaver's breath.

Barban would have spit defiantly, or perhaps yelled for his guard, but all that escaped was a croaking sound, akin to a chicken being slain for the fryer. "You thought to kill me, and let the river wash me away?" Lucius's teeth were bared under the concealing scarf, the anger at this enemy, and at himself for being nearly destroyed overtaking all reason. He could snap Barban's neck easily, but no, this one would suffer, his bones laid on the Bone Altar...

Skulls for the Skull Throne...

Ruby, her scream cut off in having to take a breath, saw a flicker of motion next to her, but her mind couldn't comprehend the fact that the figure now standing next to her had seemed to simply step out of the wall. Another scream of terror built, but had barely been given birth when the new intruder spun about, and Ruby's world went black, her last fleeting image of steel slashing toward her head.

Turning back from the bed and the unconscious woman, and ignoring the disappointed babbling of Garith, the imp unhappy that she had only hit the girl with the pommel of the dagger, Fiona shook her head at the bluish tinge Barban's face was taking. "DeAuster, we need him alive." An exasperated sigh escaped her when Lucius did not move, and the shadow-assassin stepped over and grabbed his arm, forcibly pulling it down and letting Barban drop to the floor. Ignoring the coldness under her glove, she kept pressure on Lucius's wrist until he turned his attention to her. "Alive, ye stone-minded dolt!" Lucius growled softly, and aimed a kick that Barban would be feeling for some time before he stepped back. With another glare at her companion, Fiona grabbed the collar of Barban's tunic and stepped through the shadows, dragging their prisoner with her easily.

Lucius paused for a second, hearing the heavy thud of men running down the hall, undoubtedly alerted by the girl's screaming, and allowed a feral smile to come, hidden by the scarf as he also stepped into the Weave.


Outside the city, Fiona and Lucius bound their captive, and the lithe half-elf knelt down to look him in the eye. "Alright, here's how thing's be. If ye give me any trouble?" She leaned close, enough that her breath barely washed over Barban's cheek, her voice sugary sweet. ?"and I mean ANY, ye'll be wearing your testicles around your neck as a necklace. Ye kin me?" When he didn't answer she drew Garith with a sharp gesture, the point of the dagger tracing a line from collarbone to the bottom of Barban's ribcage, bringing up a small red welt. "Perhaps a bit of a demonstration be in order?"

"I hear you, I hear you!" Barban shouted, looking at Fiona as though she was some demonic creature from his personal hell. She just smiled sweetly and straightened, looking over to Lucius. An odd sound, and it took a second for her to register what it was. "Something be funny to ye, DeAuster?"

"Nay, just realizing that you have indeed earned your reputation among the men." He said quietly, stepping up to grab Barban by his binding and hoist the imprisoned slaver to his feet. He had meant it as a barb for the earlier jab by Fiona, but was taken aback as her whiskey-soft laughter filled the small glen they had shadow-walked to.

"Ah, that. Aye, I be known as the Ice Bitch to some. It's a title I find amusing, actually." Lucius started to turn to retort, but instead met a hard boot that had arched into his cheek, sending both man and deathknight tumbling. For a moment he was in total shock, and in that time he lay sprawled on the ground Fiona knelt beside him, her voice pitched for his ears alone and carrying a steely edge. "Nae ever think again that I used my body in any way in my work, DeAuster. I nae"NAE ever lowered myself tae that either before or after we knew one another."

Rising back to her feet, she gave Lucius a smile just as angelic as the one graced to Barban she turned and faded into the shadows. "Don't tarry now, DeAuster. We nay wish to keep Brutin waiting." Her soft giggles echoed in the trees as Lucius stood up, snarling as he hefted Barban in front of him and faded into the embrace of shadows.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-11 15:21 EST
A week later she was sitting at her desk, working through a pile of various reports while Barban languished below the hall. Brutin didn't seem to be in any rush to drag him to justice. It was also not Fiona's place to question, so she didn't bother. Just let the matter fall from her mind, letting others more pressing issues take its place.

She was involved in another guild war, spending much of her time within the SA Hall or in the Retribution Arena in turn. As usual Fiona was an easy target. She didn't hide from those that might challenge. Thus her pale features wore the mottled bruises with little attempt to hide them. Every battle fought, allowed her to unleash the simmering rage that had been riding her of late.

She was picking up minute changes within DeAuster. Unexpected emotional flashes that didn't make any sense and had actually taken yet again to avoiding him. Fiona refused to admit even to herself he still unsettled her. The current war with yet another lighty guild (the names having all blurred into the other in her thoughts) was the perfect justification. The only good thing they offered her was they gave the excuse needed to steer clear of the Deathknight. Something she had taken to using, but her body was taking the brunt of it.

She wasn't healing near as fast as she normally would. Fiona was spreading herself too thin, and while she knew she was walking a fine line, it was as if she couldn't stop herself. It held the echoes of the past in a way. The self-destructive streak rising within her once more, as the last time had been just after learning of Lucius's death. Of course she shoved those thoughts away before they could even form. Her mind instantly created a mental barrier to such ponderings for she knew it would serve little purpose to recall her foolish stupidity.

Her lithe form rose from the plush chair behind her desk, the various reports completed and she strolled out. The silent gliding step carrying her down the long hall where she dropped the bundle into Tara's in box. She had another challenge to answer, and considering the opponent she would face, she didn't expect to win. Yet there was little concern to be caught radiating from her. Frosty green eyes just glittered cold as winter as she strolled from the large building and out into the falling dusk.

The holy man was waiting silently. His healers standing just as quietly to the side of the field, three that looked nervous around so many of Retribution's far darker acolytes. The battle was to be fought on her guild's territory. Her call as right of the challenge after all and Fiona knew the Paladin would feel the less then pleasant headache those upon her side created in one of his ilk. The weapon of his was given a sharp glance from frigid jade eyes. The consecrated glow from it bringing a wash of cold over her already pale skin, yet nothing of her thoughts or disgust showed upon her impassive visage as she turned to nod respectfully to Anathesius with a swaying response of the long snaking black braid as it swung forward. "Good evening Milord."

"Good to see you Fio. You ready?" The dark haired man was looking stone faced at her opponent as he spoke, muscled arms resting casually over his equally broad chest.

"Indeed I am Milord." Was her softly spoken response, while she felt the gaze of the crusader resting upon her, his own emotions far less guarded then expected. His abhorrence was detected easily by the Shadow Mage and drew a cruel little smile to rose pale lips.

"I will stand as one of your healers, along with two others." Her leader informed her, while sharp blue eyes looked her over. "Damn Fio, you look like hell."

"Thank ye kindly for ye flattering remarks Milord." Was her droll reply as she inclined her raven dark head to the two others willing to stand as her healers if she had a need for their services. "I be fine." A leather encased hand lifting to forestall any further comments and she strode off towards the center of the large field. Darkness closing down and torches springing to life, creating a center of light for the two to battle.

Protocols read out by the proctor, the standards of the battle spoken in a rapid-fire announcement of rules. The results of losing clearly stated and Fiona paid little mind. Thoughts already centering on what was to come. Her waning energy a minor irritation but she was far from out of the fight.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-11 15:23 EST
Lord Malurick was skilled. Of that she had little doubt as his first attacked sent her diving swiftly out of range of that Holy cursed sword he wielded. The radiance it emitted nearly blinding her as it surged higher every time it came close.

It was a dance for her, keeping herself out of the reach of that deadly enchanted blade. Fiona's own attacks seeming weaker somehow. It was if it was drawing her energy away with every vicious blow or sliding step taken. The score was ever changing, with her taking the lead with first blood, only to drop back with a hiss as leather parted under that Paladin's stroke like a hot knife sliding through butter. The gash deep upon her stomach and she staggered back, the searing pain stealing her breath a moment.

Her weakened state gave little aid to the healers, as their attempts proved less then effective. Field dressing barely stanching the blood and quickly the red seeped through the layers as she returned for the second half. Down only a few points, Fiona unleashed the shadows with a soft whispered word. The command lost to the sudden wind as the light was suddenly mottled with a swirling of black forms.

Malurick struggled under the unexpected assault. Razor sharp claws tore at him, sending that sanctified sword flying from his gauntlet. He was nearly overwhelmed. However, aware Fiona was the source he lunged for her, sending her down hard into the dust and rock strewn earth.

Blood sprayed from his nose, as her dark head rocked up sending a blinding impact right into it and then scrambled away with far less grace then was normal. Fiona's skull was pounding in agony at the touch, and could only hope his was just as bad now.

She hadn't gotten far before he took her down with a roaring of fury. The heavy weight of him pressing down and smothering sent her into a frenzy of attack. The leather was pealed back from her hands, claws ripping from the gloved protection as she lashed out, black talons leaving their mark upon his hard features, just barely missing gouging out one of his blue eyes.

The shock of that sudden strike caught him so unaware and while Malurick fought to clear his sight of the flow of vita, Fiona was able to mule kick him away and again found her feet. Her energy was fading swiftly now, what little that she had and as she was thrown back by a bludgeoning fist that would leave her with another black eye, the dagger was sent screaming from her nearly numb fingers, Garith impaling himself deep into the Paladin with a bloodthirsty shriek.

The warrior tottered back, the stand off in place and for a moment he attempted to free himself from the blade that sought to draw out his very life energy. So close to the final, Fiona just unleashed slicing shadow bands towards him, but they failed to connect as a bright pietistic blinding light exploded around her, sending her body flying backwards into the arena wall, striking it so hard, bricks fell about her in a cloud of dust and debris as she landed in a heap.

She had lost. It had been close of course, but she would find little rest this night. Any time spent for one of her kind in that lighty dungeon would likely require twice that number to recover from. Fiona knew only to well what those so-called holy faces hid after all. It was far more twisted then some of the denizens of hell could claim as their own form of personal tortures.

"I will seek a trade Fiona. We have far more of theirs then they hold of ours." Anath told her quietly as Malurick's compatriots clamped on the irons about her wrists, having twisted her arms harshly behind her.

"Inform Lord Brutin I will be absent a few days will ye Anath?" A wry smile from a split lip, her pale features swelling with one eye already closed and blackening, but that didn't stop Fiona from flicking a frosty gaze to one of her captors with her good one, finding the touch of a hand invasive.

"Aye, I will." There was genuine concern in the dark blue gaze as he watched her get dragged off. Aware of what she would face and it drew a scowl upon his tanned face.

A glower shot towards the smug guild leader looking his way and Anath stalked over. "Anything happens to her, and you will pay for it, Celidon. Mark my words. Rules of war apply to you same as me. Keep your brutes away from her or else I will gut your guild since I have most of them in my own dungeon anyway."

"Unlike you Anath, we are of the Light. We wouldn't do anything to your people that was unscrupulous." Celidon replied sharply.

"Willing to trade?" Anath was quick to counter. "I will release three of your members for each of mine you currently hold."

"I will not take that deal. The one we just took was responsible for several of ours you're holding now. I would have an uprising in my ranks if I released her." Celidon returned with a snap.

"Yeah right. Heed my words. I will send a representative tomorrow to ensure that none of my members are suffering any kind of torture. And each day after until this war is done." Anath growled and stalked off already planning a dungeon break. "Good thing it's close to a near washout for you already."

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-12 12:50 EST
Fiona had not been the only one musing on recent changes. Lucius had spent many an hour considering the little sparks and thoughts that would come up, unbidden, on the raven-haired assassin, trying to figure out this new"connection he held with her. He would catch fleeting emotions, nearly alien with his near century of existing in darkness. Fiona had taken to avoiding him again, and for the (un)life of him he could not figure out exactly what he had done to set her off.

It has to be something to do when she found me in the river. That had been when all this had started, and in truth having memories thought long buried hovering near the surface was maddening, nearly as much so as being kept at distance again. There was a part of him that wished to speak with her, try to figure out what to do to bring a measure of peace. He knew she was pushing herself, but every time he tried to catch her, she flitted away again.

The knock on the door startled him out of his thoughts, and he turned from where he had been standing at the window as Brutin stepped into his spartan office. "Ah, so this is where you're hiding." The master slaver looked around for a second, then back to Lucius. "Kinda bare in here, wouldn't you say?"

"You wish to see me?" The words were a bit curter than he normally would have allowed, but irritation had set in, the deathknight slowly turning toward Brutin and away from the window.

"Right to business. I like that." The disarming smile that had women swooning to his chain and competitors growling were firmly in place on the Master Slaver's rugged features. "You're going to be handling some matters of security for a few days." Brutin took a lean against the doorjamb, watching Lucius as he stalked over to the desk to stand. "You'll be acting as my personal bodyguard, should I need to leave the compound or if I have any visitors of importance." Lucius nodded slowly in affirmation, but as Brutin turned to leave something nagged at the undead warrior, and he quickly gave voice to his question.

"What about Fiona?" His words gave Brutin pause, and slowly the slaver turned back around. "Is there some reason she will not be at your side?"

"Fiona's duties with her other employer are keeping her occupied for a few days. He asked that she be excused, and I have relented." He shrugged slightly, and turned again toward the hall. "I'm certain she'll be back in a week or so, when she's feeling spry." And with that, he was gone, heading back up the corridor and his own offices while Lucius returned to the window and the overlook of the grounds behind the main compound of the SA. The visit from Brutin already being put to the side, as he brooded.

It wasn't until later, when the setting sun painted a mosaic of pinks and reds on the few clouds and he was preparing to return to Gharnholme that what Brutin had said finally registered. When she's feeling spry"He knew about her work with the assassin's guild, and talk around the town had been about a new series of internecine skirmishes between the various factions of the RhyDin War Council. A cold feeling that he would later recall as being one of dread grew in his core, and after a few seconds of consideration he turned on a heel and headed away from the portals.

His new destination, the twinkling lights of the city below.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-12 12:54 EST
Anathesius glanced up from his desk at the commotion outside, but immediately dismissed it, intent on letting his guards handle whatever was going on. A few of his commanders lay sprawled on the sofa's lining the walls, a couple wearing a bandage or two from their recent fights, but most simply tired. Given the time of night Anathesius should have been in bed also, but the work of a guild leader never seemed to slack up.

Again came a soft thud from outside, accompanied by the muffled voices of the guards. Looking up from his paperwork in disgust, the leader of Retribution and Vengeance glanced toward one of the sofas. "Karl, would you please see what?s going on out there" And if it's another of Corazon's flunkies, tell "em I'll see them at a sane hour." The quip earned a few soft snickers, as the brute Karl got to his feet and headed for the door.

His hand had just touched the doorknob when the entire door caved in, sending the commander, planks and one of the guards sprawling across the floor. Anathesius blinked in surprise, as did the other commanders, but the group sprang to their feet in near-unison as an armored and cloaked figure stepped through the shattered portal, crimson eyes blazing over the enshrouding scarf as it glared at the guild leader.

Anathesius didn't have time to respond, as the other's leapt to take down the intruder. For one wearing full plate their target moved quickly, shifting back as the nearest reached him and grabbing an arm, using the man's own momentum to spin around and throw him back at the others, sending everyone crashing into the floor or sofa. Over the shout and curses a cold voice rose. "This concerns Fiona Dewil."

"Everyone, hold up!" Yelling to be heard, Anathesuis's voice cut through and silenced the din, and as the others regained their feet he stepped around his desk, to stop a few feet from the one who had just burst through his door. "You're that one she had watching her a few months back."

"Indeed. Lucius DeAuster. And you are Anathesius, leader of Retribution and Venegeance, two charter members of the RhyDin War Council." The sepulchural tone matched the aura of cold washing around the deathknight, though there was also an almost-palpable heat flowing from him. "What has happened to Fiona?"

"And what makes you think anything has happened to her?" Anathesius affected a smile, seeming at ease, though he was wondering where the rest of his people were. Probably off celebrating the latest win, he thought sourly to himself. He had some heavy hitters in his ranks, even a few supernaturals, but right now they were useless, being elsewhere.

"I've known Fiona for a long time, and I know it would take something drastic to keep her from any duties to her chosen lord." He took a step closer, and the sound of steel hissing from leather scabbards filled the office, the members of Retribution ready to attack again. Lucius made no indication he even noticed, keeping his eyes on the guild leaders. "So I ask again, what has happened to Fiona?"

"She was unable to overcome her last opponent, and has been taken prisoner." Anathesius replied evenly, seeing no reason to hide the information. "Her captors refuse to release her." Lucius silently cursed both the ones that had Fiona, and the way war had become in RhyDin. He could understand the ways, differing groups fighting for land and honor in both battle and gladiatorial style combat, but the strictures of the system could be grating, from what little he had seen in his travels.

"Who has her?" Lucius demanded with a soft growl, but he resisted the urge to grab up Anathesius and shake him until he gave up the information Lucius needed. Not only did he have four well-armed and experienced men behind him, but a guild full of warriors and assassins at his beck and call. Besides, Fiona would surely disapprove.

"What does it matter to you?" Head cocking to the side in question, Anathesius studied the deathknight as he continued. "This is our problem, not yours." Waving a hand to his men to stand down, he moved back around the desk, ignoring them as they moved to collect Karl and the guard from where they lay senseless. "Putting aside the fact that Fiona seems less than endeared to having your help, the people who have her will not answer to anyone, unless they are a commander or leader of the guilds."

There was a moment's pause, before Lucius reached for a pouch at his belt and withdrew a small object, which was tossed on the table in front of Anathesius. Picking it up, he rubbed a bit at the tarnish, but could make out the bas-relief of dragons encircling a blazing sun, a sword fronting the sunrise. "This looks like one of the UDoL's emblems." He blinked once, and looked up toward the deathknight. "They disbanded over fifty years ago, with the collapse of the Council of RhyDin."

"Indeed." There was a hint of satisfaction in the other's tone, as he stepped up to the desk, thumbs hooking in his swordbelt. "In their heyday, during the Dragon Wars, I was the Talon Commander for the Swords of Light brigade."

Frowning slightly, Anathesius tapped the steel emblem against the desktop. "I can check on that easily enough, as a couple of the old members still live and are active. But what does this get you?"

"I presume that the old rank would be honored, since the last remnants of the old council was absorbed by your own war council. If so, I would then be a commander in your guild, able to help free Fiona." With that said, Lucius waited, letting the guild leader think about the possibility. Finally, Anathesius slipped the emblem into a pocket of his robe and rose.

"I will have to check into your story, and then see what I can do. I would ask?" he hurriedly added, glancing over to Lucius again. ?"that you refrain from doing anything until I contact you again. This is going to take careful negotiation, and any actions on your part could turn the people we're going to need against you." Not even a pause, as Lucius nodded slowly to Anathesius in reply.

"As you wish."

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-13 14:46 EST
Just one word, that was all. Whispered into the darkness that she was enveloped in. A word that was older then man, and blacker then this mire she was current encased within. It had released the Demon from her dagger. The grotesque form that looked more like that of an imp, released temporarily. None would even realize that the blackened blade of the Shadow Mage had gone missing. It was just one of the many weapons they had confiscated from her leather clad form.

Shunted off into pitch black. Those of light ways having rather a curious yen towards using the dark as a form of punishment and unlike most, Fiona found it far more comforting then placed in blinding light. Shifting gingerly, her movements more then a little hampered by the sanctified bindings keeping her secure against the wall. Apparently she was considered a threat and thus kept trussed up. Some part of her mind wondered if she had been placed in the deepest labyrinth they had considering few had come near her since her arrival.

Had she the energy she would have laughed at that idea. Unfortunately the only thing holding her to the realm of sane was the pain radiating from her bruised, bled and battered form. She had little left to fuel her own regenerative powers, so the blood loss combined with the rest was taxing what minute threads remained. It was taking all Fiona had to maintain while her head just throbbed a constant beat due to the blessed chains holding her in place. She had no way of evening knowing just how long she had been there now. Time rolling into a blur in her thoughts and tangling about old memories she would rather avoid.

Garith was searching for the Deathknight. Intensely aware his Mistress was failing, which meant he would eventually fall in the same way. What affected her, also worked the same upon him. The Paladin had been a most heady meal in some time and he had been sated, even after the fight. Could he have found Fiona directly within that maze of cells and tunnels he would have and gladly given of the energy he had collected but Holy Magic had thwarted that plan. The bound demon sorely despised "Holy" anything.

He could sense that Anti-Paladin around due to the link he himself had actually forged. Unknowing and unaware the pair hadn't even suspected. Contrary and capricious was Garith's ways after all. Unpredictable and often prone to nasty tricks, he had taken advantage of the situation and suspected he may have made a mistake. Even if the confusion it created was delicious. But at this moment he would use all he could. Something needed to be done.

The small winged form made barely a ripple as it passed through the wards of the SA hall. His Majesty may hate magic but he used it the same as others in this cursed realm and the demon found that a great source of amusement. His remarks only understood by the female his fate was bound to.

Spirally down, resembling more a deformed black bird, and likely explained away in such a fashion if actually seen, the dark essence found rest upon the cluttered desk of DeAuster. Only then realizing they may have a problem. Garith had never bothered to learn common and doubted the Deathknight had made any effort to learn Demonic. Squatting down, the hideous little beast found rest upon a stack of untouched documents and just scowled and muttered in disgust.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-28 12:53 EST
Bureaucracy. It never failed to irritate him. It was part of the reason why he had helped dissolve the Council of RhyDin decades before. And it was threatening to again drive him into a rage.

He had agreed to give Anathesius time to go before the War Council and press his call. Though it was easy enough to sense he harbored misgivings, the man had already started drafting letters to his allies on the subject. "Go back to your slaver compound for now. I'll send word to you when I know something." It grated on Lucius's nerves to have to wait, but short of trying to assault the holdings of the one's holding Fiona himself, an act that would undoubtedly result in much carnage and destruction before he was put down, he was stuck.

Returning to the SA compound, Lucius stalked back to his office, sending the slaves scurrying out of his way as he passed. It wasn't that unusual, but the cold aura emanating from his undead body was even more oppressive than normal, a barometer of the anger inside. Had he stopped for a second, he would have marveled at the emotional response, but that moment of clarity was not to be had. Instead he allowed himself to skirt the red edge, relishing the deep burning, even as his mind went over a hundred things that could be happening to Fiona, and each of those thoughts took him deeper into the fuming.

Why, why do you care" The soft voice, silky smooth and laden with lustful promise, echoed in his thoughts as he turned down the hallway to his office. What is the elf-woman to you? A dead man, no libido to stroke, no manly drives to satiate" Why risk what you know and have" As he reached to turn the knob to the door he paused, staring at and not seeing the door before him, and softly, the low timbre holding an edge that could not be identified.

"Because I love her."

No other thought could have stopped the deathknight cold in his tracks, no other admission could shake him to the core as it did then. Slowly turning from the doorway, he crossed the small hallway and looked out over the inner courtyard of the SA compound. His thoughts, though, had turned inward"

"the soft sounds of waves crashing on the shore filtered through the half-open doorway leading to the balcony, a melodic companion of the moonlight streaming into the room. That luminous fall almost made Fiona glow as she slept curled up beside him, head resting on one outstretched arm, his other laying over a shapely hip only half-covered by the satin sheets. The nights were temperate this time of year in Tignus, one reason they had decided to meet here. The fact that the church had a insignificant presence in the island nation was another. For the week and half they had together, they could be so without fear of hiding.

Now, laying here beside her, he could let his thoughts roam in that foggy twilight of near-sleep, the time when a person would be most honest with themselves. Leaning down, he brushed a kiss to her forehead, his hand shifting to brush back a fall of raven hair, before returning to it's resting place under her bosom. And laying there, watching her sleep, he whispered the words he knew not if he should say aloud, when she was awake. "I love you, Fiona."

Giggling from the courtyard, two of Brutin's kajirae walking amongst the flowering bushes, brought him out of his reverie. Turning back toward the doorway, Lucius yanked open the door and disappeared within.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-28 12:54 EST
Stalking into his office, stunned at the self-admittance, Lucius did not see the small being that had been sitting on his desk. It was only when the angry chattering broke through the fog that had descended that he noticed the small being standing on a stack of papers, waving his arms in an attempt to get the deathknight's attention. "What in the Nine Hells?"

Never had Lucius seen anything like this before. Gaudily dressed, with ears and a nose that made up half the face, the little being squeaked rapidly, repeatedly pointing to Lucius, then to the window. He had no idea what this was, but his mood was not in any condition to deal with another strange calamity this day.

"Shoo! Out!" Waving an arm at the little thing, Lucius forced it to take to the air, small wings beating like a hummingbird's as it hovered just out of reach. Moving around his desk, he opened the window and turned to wave an arm again at the little thing. "Go on, get out of here!" Whatever it was, it had no attention to flying out, it seemed, flitting around Lucius's hand and pulling back the hood of the heavy cloak. The next thing he knew, Lucius felt a hard tug, and realized that it had grabbed and pulled on his hair.

Growling, he slapped a hand back, intending on crushing the little sprite outright, but again it flitted away, the high-pitched voice non-stop in its chattering. Following, Lucius waited until it had lit on the back of the sofa before lunging at it, only to have it bolt upward and over his arms, and then avoid the swing as the deathknight spun around again. Again he felt the tug on the dirty hair and slapped backward, growling in annoyance as he managed to only hit himself, the little being darting away again. Landing on one of the rafters, it made a decidedly crude gesture at Lucius, and he could only assume whatever it was saying wasn't complimentary.

"Cursed pest." He snarled softly, moving around to sit in his chair to brood. Not only was Fiona being held by a light guild, but the SA Halls were infested with sprites. Leaning forward, he was reaching for paper to write out orders for a pest sweep of the building when a dagger thudded into the top of his desk, narrowly missing his hand.

Twin blades extended from the top of his ensorcelled battle-gauntlets at the clenching of a fist as he came to his feet, scanning with eyes and powers for the would-be assassin. But none were visible. Even the sprite was gone, he noted idly as he looked back to the desk, and the dagger. It took a second, and then his eyes widened in sudden realization; he had seen that dagger before. Snatching it up, he again looked around, trying to figure out where it had come from, and then another look at the blade, a closer inspection to hold it up.

Yes, it was definitely Fiona's athame. He had seen it many times before in the past, and would recognize the unique workmanship anywhere. Trying to figure out exactly how it had come to him, the deathknight started and nearly dropped the blade when two eyes popped open on the hilt, looking at him unblinkingly. "What the?" the words escaped him unbidden, but were stopped when a high-pitched chattering erupted in his mind. He did drop the dagger to the desktop then, bringing an abrupt end to the mental barrage. He stood for a long moment, just staring at those slitted eyes.

Glancing up at the roof again, he regarded the empty space, then back to the dagger, meeting those unblinking green eyes of the hilt. "She is full of surprises." He finally said softly, picking up and hefting the dagger in his hand. "Now, let us hope Anathesius can get us to see your mistress again."

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-28 12:57 EST
"The council has agreed to your admittance, and will recognize your old rank." Anathesius couldn't stop the smile that was slowly blooming at the memory of the council meeting finished just hours before, and the guildleader looked over to Lucius as they were being escorted toward the gates of the stockade where the Retribution and Vengeance prisoners were being held. "There was an argument over that, but one of the Templars remembered you. Silver Puma?"

"I remember her." The undead knight replied tonelessly, staring up at the walls of the stockade as they were ushered past the gates. Anathesius nodded slowly before continuing.

"Aye. The final decision held, but you are unable to fight in this war." Again Lucius was struck by the way things had developed in this realm, so unlike that which he was used to at home. But, such was the way of RhyDin. "The Templars did agree to you being the observer to check on the prisoners." He snickered softly as they stopped at the doors leading into the stockade. "Malurik wasn't too happy about it though."

"Good." Lucius nodded to the guild leader then turned back to the now-opening doors. "I will report to you when I know the condition of your people."

"Just don't go trying to break them out!" Anathesius called after him. It was a half-hearted attempt at humor, but he did worry that the undead would try something like that.


There had been some argument as he entered the stockade about his weapon, but in the end Lucius had turned Deathlight over to the guards, after making it known that if the weapon turned up missing, he would tear the place down around their heads. The cold tone apparently had the desired outcome, for neither of the guards was keen to pick up the unholy avenger from where he set it on the tabletop. Lucius waited for the guards to lower the holy wards of the cells, and was silently thankful, as the aura of the strong enchantments on the place was setting him on edge, repelling him with powers he had once possessed. Ironic"

He was led deep into the place, his escort finally pausing in front of a well-warded door. Lucius again had to hold back until the sigils were muffled, and even then it took all his willpower to move past the open door into the small cell. The sight of Fiona chained to the wall, the fading aura of holy protections on the manacles easily visible to his sight, nearly had him spinning in a rage on the guard. "Get out." The words were soft, said through masked teeth.

"Not a chance." The guard replied, his hand moving to his swordhilt. "No way am I leaving you alone in here with her." Slowly Lucius turned to look at the guard, his eyes blazing a brilliant crimson over the enshrouding scarf.

"Leave now, or I will kill you where you stand." The guard made to stand his ground, but his companion, who had just entered, grabbed him by the shoulder.

"C"mon, Larson. Besides, it's not like he can get her out." A last glare between living and undead, and the guards retreated, closing the door behind them. Lucius was immediately to Fiona's side, a hand at her torso to help steady the shadow-assassin where she slumped in her bonds.

"Fiona?" He whispered softly, looking to see if he could release her from the restricting manacles. Finding no visible or easy release, he growled softly to himself. "I'm here. Hold in?" He quickly pulled off one of his heavy gauntlets, revealing the pallid flesh beneath, the fingers flexing at the unusual sensation of being uncovered. Reaching into his belt, he took the dagger hidden there in his hand, the chattering immediately starting again in his mind as his fingers closed around its hilt. Ignoring that, he reached up and took one of her hands in his, his cold fingers entwining with hers, the dagger held between their palms as he willed the life-force he carried to flow from him to her.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-07-17 04:39 EST
Her black nailed fingers were icy to the touch. While she may not have suffered the indignity of any more intimate assaults, she had been used a few times as a punching bag. Thus pale features were mottled with more then a few bruises and even as the energy was transmitted, she didn't move, at least not at first. That aggravated wound marring her stomach through the damaged leathers was still oozing blood. The flow was slower now, but any movement could cause it to resume, so she had tried to remain still. Except when dealing with the pummeling of fists from those so-called "Lighty" sorts.

The feed of energy did start to register and dragged a faint whispered gasp from bloody, cracked lips and slowly her eyes opened. The pale green so faded it was almost silver glimmered under the dense drift of lashes. Her hand twitched in his grasp as she felt the surging of power radiating from both Lucius and the dagger. The most surface of damage started to heal and drew another low hissing of pain from her parched throat. In the midst of all that, she also caught the swelling of emotions. Fiona knew those were not hers, so something was off, unless Garith was feeling concern, rage and frustration.

The agony of those bindings was now felt more intensely with each surging spike or power sent careening into her battered form and finally stirred. It was a mixed blessing. Energy welcomed as it would aid her regenerative abilities, but it also made her more aware. Dirty raven black hair framed ghostly pale features lifted to regard the Death Knight with a bit of surprise. Confusing as she struggled to remember what day it was instantly followed. Determining it had been about four days. So much for the war being won in any timely fashion apparently as she was still locked away.

She also had to wonder about the promised jailbreak or trade that seemed to have fallen through. Most wars only held prisoners for three days, perhaps she was an exception but Fiona also knew just how many of the "Lighty" types viewed her. She was one of a few they wouldn't willingly return if they could find a way to avoid it.

"What ye doing here DeAuster?" Her voice was raspy and rusty from lack of use over the past few days as well as no food or water offered. Not that she could have availed herself of it, considering how she was bound against the cold stonewall. She had refused to respond to any of the interrogators or guards, having remained stubbornly mute. However now she wasn't feeling as reluctant and while struggling to collecting her scattered thoughts another question escaped, all be it a mite sluggish the query. "How long have I been here?"

Heavy lidded red flecked, icy green eyes swung about, not seeing her usual captors near by and offered a wry smile to Lucius with another flexing curl of her cold, taloned fingers against his, and her voice still a low weak rasp of tone. "Think ye can sneak me out of here DeAuster" Have any tricks ye can perform to that end??

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-07-18 17:42 EST
"You have been here a little over three days, Fiona." He said softly as cold flesh met cold flesh. The anger at her condition was threatening to send him into a rage, and right now Lucius was fighting to keep that in check. Had he time to ponder, again he would wonder at the emotional response. "I was sent to check on you?" The glowing eyes moved to gaze at the chains holding her, the wards muted, but still very much active.

Growling softly, he reached up and clasped a small medallion he had been given by Anathesius, concentrating on the guild-leader's image in his mind. I am taking her away from here.

Like hell! You're not empowered to do that! The noble-born's mental tone was both shocked and somewhat resigned, as though Anathesius had been expecting this. Remember what I told you!

If she stays, Fiona may well die. Opening his eyes, he allowed the image of Fiona to seep into that mental connection forged by the medallion. They are using her to vent their anger at losing to you in this little "war", and without healing, she will not survive.

Alright, alright! Just hang on! The link quieted, and Lucius returned his full attention to Fiona, willing more of the energies that sustained his existence to flow to her. The bloody torso worried him a great deal, especially given the time and rough treatment she had been subjected to. And that led to the yearning of getting this "Lord" Malurick in his grasp, tearing the man limb from limb in front of his people in a fury of savage retribution. Fingers tightened where they joined with hers, and garith, sensing the flaring of emotion, latched onto it and let it flow to Fiona with a chittering of agreement. Help's on the way. Be ready to move.

"I'm getting you out of here, Fiona." Lucius said softly as he leaned close, supporting her slight weight against him as he looked to the chains again, following them upward to the hook inset to the wall. Keeping her hand in his, he reached up with his free arm, grasping the chains where they neared one another, and pulled. He ignored the faint wisps of smoke coming from his clenched hand, where the holy wards on the chains reacted and attacked the very essence of his undeath, and used the pain as a focus. Metal creaked under the pull, supernatural strength applied against holy focus, and in the end the hook gave, bending with a squeal of rent metal and allowing the chain to come free.

As Fiona slumped forward he leaned to catch her, bending down to sweep her up into his arms. "It's time to go." He said simply, turning with her toward the door of the cell.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-07-18 17:42 EST
The two guards sat up from their slouched recline in surprise as the cell door shuddered, a muffled thud echoing dully in the guardroom. A second thud had them coming to their feet, one fumbling for a key ring at his belt as he advanced toward the door. Luck would have his fingers just brushing the door handle in preparation to pull it open when a third impact sent it swinging outward. Wood fragments and pieces of the lock flew in all directions, the guard sent tumbling back into the table to land in a heap and clatter of mugs, pitchers and dice.

The deathknight stalked out of the cell, Fiona clutched protectively in his arms, only to meet the second of the guards, who had stepped backward in his astonishment. The glowing pinpricks that were his eyes flared, and Lucius pointed a finger on the hand holding Fiona's knee at the backing man, and said one word, channeling the power of the grave into that single utterance. "Die?"

The force of the power word washed over the guard, his eyes rolling back as he crumpled, blood seeping from nostrils and ears. Lucius stepped over the corpse as casually as he would a log, turning back only as the guard he had sent flying yelled at him to stop. "Pain?" Again summoning the eldritch powers at his command, the undead warrior sent the guard to his knees, the man's body wracked with paralyzing sheets of agony.

The trip up the stairs was without incident, but as he exited the stairwell Lucius found another standing in his way, wearing the burnished robes of a mage and pointing a thin wand at the two. He couldn't hear the word of command the mage spoke, but the flaring of power was more than evident, and he spun away as blue-green lightning spat from the wand, sending a rain of stony fragments flying from the wall behind the twisting deathknight.

Stumbling to keep himself upright and not drop the injured Fiona, Lucius slammed into the opposite wall with a soft growl, while safely within Fiona's grasp Garith shrieked in outrage. Seeing the wand turned to track them Lucius started to twist away again when a dark sharp hurtled through a nearby opening and plowed the mage down. Rolling neatly to his feet the newcomer glanced back, pointing toward the doorway he had come. "Go! The way's clear!" Nodding once, Lucius started that way, but paused near the archway.

"My weapon?" he had forgotten about surrendering Deathlight, and was about to try to head toward the front of the stockade when the other, identified by his small pin as one of Retribution, slapped a hand across his spaulder.

"I'll get it. Get her out of here!" About to argue, Lucius again paused, hearing the shouts of alarm from down the hall. Muttering darkly, he turned back to the archway and started off in a lumbering run, trying his best not to jostle Fiona as he hurried down the hallway. Behind him he could hear the unknown guilder laugh as he started battling the arriving guards.

The way was indeed clear, and as soon as Lucius exited the stockade he sent out a mental call. It was an anxious few seconds as he waited for the nightmare to arrive, but having already been briefed on Fiona's condition after the fight she had lost, he had been afraid to carry her into the shadows. As it was, mounting Dante was a trick, cradling Fiona as he was, but soon enough they were slipping into the Ethereal Plane for the ride back to the Retribution halls.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-11-13 15:52 EST
"You really made a mess of things." Anathesius glared at Lucius from behind his desk, waving a clutch of vellum parchment in his fist at the deathknight. For his part Lucius remained silent, letting the guildmaster vent his rage, which he had been doing for the past twenty minutes. "Now, the whole damned council's screaming for our collective heads, and Malurik's demanding blood and retribution."

"That bastard would have let her be killed, for the simple fact that his people cannot defeat your own on any type of battlefield." Lucius finally growled back, the preternatural aura that surrounded him flaring in his irritation. "I have reviewed the past skirmishes you have had with them, and these Templar's could not best a bunch of school-children, much less seasoned warriors." Slowly the deathknight turned his gaze around the gathering, the commanders, generals and Marshals that made up Retribution. "Even without allies, you have swept them from the field."

"And thanks to your bull-headedness, they may win in the courts." Anathesius slammed the sheath of papers back to his desk as he stood. "Right now, I'm damn close to giving you to Malurik, just to have an example to others who might try this crap!"

"Then do so."

Those three words stopped Anathesius's rant, and the nobleman stared in incredulity at Lucius. "If Malurik wants me so badly, then let's give him what he wants."

"He's demanding to settle the score in blood." Anathesius sat back down again, the wind momentarily stolen from his anger as he considered the possibilities. He looked back over to Lucius, who was steadfastly ignoring the whispers from those gathered to listen to the discussion. "Dulambor hinted to me in the last session that he wanted to get you in the Arena. Malurik wants a public execution."

"Then, he will have one." Orange-red eyes flared slightly as he spoke, and there was no mistaking the sound of anticipation in the deathknight's tone. "There's an old saying in my homeland, Anathesius. Cut the head from the serpent, and the body will wither."

"You saw Malurik's handiwork on Fio. Their losses notwithstanding, he's damn good, one of the best." The archmage growled softly, waving a hand toward the door, and the rest of the Retribution compound by rote. In one of the chambers beyond the shadow-assassin was being tended to by the best healers Anathesius and the guild could muster.

Keenly aware of what the Templar's may try in revenge of the breakout, he had ordered all his people to return and bolster the defenses of the compound. The Templar's, though, had also pulled back, as their leaders took their complaints to the War Council, the body that oversaw the governance of the collection of guilds under its authority. In theory, it was a stable system, but as with any political body, collusion and deal-making was the real balance of power.

"Malurik only became involved when she kept capturing their best fighters." Anathesius had continued, standing again to begin pacing behind his desk. Hands clasped behind his back, the guildleader finally paused at one corner, his head turning so he could look over to Lucius. "He has a nearly-perfect reputation in battle."

"You let me worry about that." The deathknight finally moved, giving a slow nod to the guildmaster. "In any case, you will come out the better in the end." Anathesius had to agree, coming to those conclusions before he had stood. Should Lucius lose, which was the likely ending, Malurik would have his pride assuaged, while Anathesius himself could claim that the rogue had been dealt with, per the will of the War Council. The shadow hovering over his people and their reputation would be lifted, and they cold get about the business they were best at: killing.

However, by some chance Lucius won, the loss would strike a mortal blow to the Templar's confidence. With their leader out of the way, albeit temporarily given the number of priests the Templar's employed, Anathesius could press the ad-hoc leadership of the guild to surrender, due to the losses already suffered and the lack of leadership. Retribution's coffers would swell, and the arch-mage's reputation and standing would soar.

Yes, it was a win-win. And that was the way Anathesius enjoyed it.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-11-14 17:53 EST
"I don't see why I have been summoned here." Malurik growled softly as he fidgeted in his chair, casting the occasional scathing glance toward the door to the well-appointed office. Belladonna Dulambor (Bella to her friends and allies) silently agreed, but maintained the always-cheerful smile she affected when conducting Council business. The currently elected first chair of the War Council, she found herself in the arduous position of maintaining, mediating and, in her opinion at times babysitting, the various member-guilds that made up the bulk of the council.

"You'll find out, as soon as Anathesius gets here." She appeared to be about to add more, but her mouth snapped shut as, if almost on cue, the door to her office opened and the archmage of Retribution breezed in.

"Ah, Belladonna. As lovely as always." The sharp gaze moved over her, taking in the lace and silk ensemble Dulambor was wearing, in an obvious tease for the men present. An idle thought, about how those who profess to be of the light truly walked the dark road threatened to bring a soft chuckle, but he managed to bite it back. Long robes flowed as though caught in a summer wind as he neared the desk, the rakish smile bringing a soft giggle from the First Chair, and another growl of annoyance from the Templar. Settling into one of the well-appointed chairs with a flourish, Anathesius glanced over to his counterpart. "Greetings, Malurik."

"What game are you playing at, mage?" Malurik's complete disregard of any formality or protocol brought a predatory grin, and Anathesius reveled in the anger almost visibly washing off the Templar as he pulled a rolled-up parchment from the sleeve of his robe and handed it to the other. "What's this?"

"My terms." He said simply, and sat back to wait for the inevitable explosion. Malurik's race began to turn an ugly shade of red as he read the scroll, and as he slowly crumpled the vellum between clenching fingers Anathesius looked over toward Bella. "We'll give DeAuster to Malurik for his spectacle, but on the condition that it be sanctioned combat. If he wins, then The Templars will surrender immediately, and a cessation of all hostilities will be enforced." Bella's brows rose in surprise, while Malurik sputtered in rage, sending the crumpled scroll flying across the room. "The same, of course, will be honored of Malurik manages to win out."

"This is an outrage!" Coming to his feet, the Templar's fists clenched at his sides as he stared daggers at the smirking Anathesius. "Your people flagrantly attack one of our holdings, against all accords, and you want to turn a demand for justice into another attempt to win a war?"

"Oh, come off it, Malurik." Anathesius snapped in reply, though he was silently amused by the reaction of his contemporary. "I have just as much reason to demand the head of you and yours, by your treatment of a prisoner of war and the total lack of attempts to negotiate a release." And now he rose, in a fluttering of wool and silk, eyes narrowed as he glared at Malurik. "Bad enough you beat her nearly to death, but had you tried anything else?"

"How dare you suggest we would do anything like that?"

"Enough!" Her hand coming down in a resounding slap against her desk, Bella stood up now, glaring at each of the men in turn. "Enough of this! Anathesius, you are prepared to turn over this DeAuster for judgement?"

"He has agreed, but only if he gets to face Malurik in trail by combat." His hands slipping into the voluminous robes as he folded his arms, the archmage nodded once to her, a sharp movement. "Given the circumstances involving the incident, we believe that it is fair, and should also be used to conclude the current state of hostilities between our two guilds." Malurik began to launch into another tirade, but stopped when Bella held up a hand.

"And did you agree before all this to negotiate a prisoner trade with Retribution?" After a pause of several second, the Templar cursed softly as he nodded. "Then the Council accepts these conditions. Tomorrow, you will face DeAuster in The Arena, in a manner that we will choose. Until then, both sides are to cease all fighting, and submit to inspections by the judge's council."

"Look at it this way?" Anathesius couldn't help tossing in the barb. "If you're as good as you say, it will be an easy win for you. They are rather few and far between." Malurik snarled a curse at the archmage, and whirled to stalk out of the office, doing his best to ignore Anathesius's soft laughter.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-12-10 16:14 EST
"Well, Malurik's people know how to whip a frenzy." Anathesius turned away from the small window to look over to where Lucius stood. The deathknight was running an oil-soaked rag along the edge of the unholy avenger, making Deathlight's blade gleam in the light. "It looks as though they managed to get most of their allies here."

"Just as you have done." Lucius rumbled softly in reply, tossing the rag aside and holding the longsword up to inspect along the blade. "It still surprises me how things have changed."

"You mean from the days of lining it up on a battlefield and tearing one another apart?" A soft snicker followed the words, as the mage walked over toward the fallen paladin. "Societal evolution, my friend. Armies still march and fight, the people still suffer, but here"we minimize the impact as much as possible, with the larger battles you crave being of the endgame."

"A class apart from the rest, waging shadow-wars for land, goods and people." Lucius shook his head slowly as he returned Deathlight to its scabbard before looking to the guild leader again. "It reminds me of the gladiatorial arenas of my homeland."

"Actually, that's not too far off the mark." Giving the plate spaulder a hard pat, the mage looked toward the door, then back to Lucius. "You ready for this?"

"Aye." Nodding in reply Lucius turned to stalk toward the door, Anathesius falling in step beside him as they headed down the hallway toward the entrance into the Coliseum.


The noise of the crowd died down as Lucius and Malurik entered the Arena from opposing doors, moving the short distance to the center of the hard-packed circle. Templars and Retributer's lined the seats, and the occasional badge or colors denoted another of the guilds could be seen among the others. Anathesius was playing up the spectacle to the fullest, with his people parading in the prisoners taken in recent days and lining them in full view of their compatriots, the gleaming chains binding each easily enough seen. An angry muttering grew across the way, and hands strayed to weapons-hilts all around the arena.

As Lucius gazed around the spectator's seating he wondered briefly if Fiona was among them. Ever since breaking her from the Templar prison she had been tended to by the Retribution healers, recovering from the beatings she had received and the drains the wards had inflicted. He had not been allowed to see her, and even Brutin had been close-lipped about her current condition. Biting down the flash of temper the deathknight focused his attention to Bella Dulambor as the holder of the First Chair rose to her feet, dwarfed by the hulking form of her husband Maleketh behind.

At a held-up hand the crowd quieted, and her clear voice, magnified by a simple spell, echoed over those in attendance. "We are here to conclude the hostilities between The Knight's Templar and Retribution." After slowly looking around the arena her gaze moved downward, to the two combatants waiting. "As per agreement, no magic will be allowed, and no healers used. This will be simple, straightforward and decisive."

Steel hissed against metal clasps as both drew weapons simultaneously, and Bella spoke up quickly to keep the two from charging straightaway. "This will conclude when one of you is either dead or too incapacitated to continue. if that is the case, when I call for you to stop, that will signal the end of the fight. Is this clear?"

"Aye, clear enough." Malurik growled, while Lucius just nodded in reply. Bella sighed softly, looking from one to the other, before dropping her hand back to her side.

"You may begin.?

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-12-10 16:15 EST
Malurik was easily one of the fastest warriors he had faced, keeping Lucius back-pedaling from the very start of their fight. Twice the Templar had gotten past the flashing blade to score hits, and while a normal man would be bleeding from their leg and side the blows did little more then infuriate the deathknight.

"You know, you can always give it up." Malurik taunted after dancing away from a blow that, had it landed, would have cleaved him from shoulder to hip. Snarling as he spun back Lucius slashed out, sending the laughing mortal skipping to the side again. "Come on! Too slow!" Lucius continued twisting to follow up on his last blow, realizing too late that Malurik had lead him into a neophyte mistake of overextension. Trying to regain his center of balance he left his left open, allowing his opponent to strike, the sword biting deep just above his left knee and sending Lucius crashing onto his back with the loud bang of metal, Deathlight flying from his hand to land several feet away.

The crowd erupted as Malurik towered over the prone Lucius, the Templar clearly playing to the crowd in the seconds before he brought his sword over his head in a slash intended to drive deep into the deathknight's chest. But the guildmaster's eyes widened in shock, mirroring the gasp from his followers and the cheers of the Retributer's, as Lucius's hand came up, the blades of the ensorcelled gauntlets extending and capturing the sword between them, stopping the blow before it could land. Lucius's right leg snapped up, catching Malurik in the crotch and staggering the mortal back. A half-roll, and again his right foot shot out, catching the Templar in his sternum and sending Malurik flying backward to crumple near one of the columns scattered throughout the arena.

Both men slowly came to their feet, Lucius favoring his left leg. Malurik growled as he straightened, a baleful glance shot at his opponent before he started toward the other. Lucius cut a look toward his sword, and started that way, but Malurik was on him before he could reach Deathlight. The Templar was no longer taunting or goading, lips set in a snarl of anger as he attacked. Sparks flew as metal clashed against metal, the ferocity of the assault driving Lucius back and nearly upsetting his already-damaged balance. His arms nearly blurred in the defense, locking him in a dance of steel and noise in the center of the arena.

The mistake came when Malurik nearly tripped over the unholy avenger, his shuffling feet catching the blade and knocking it against his opposing ankle. He darted a look down in the second's distraction, his own sword dropping to land on top of Lucius's a second later as the blades of the deathknight's battlegauntlets bit deep into his wrist. His other hand was batted out wide as his attention wavered, then shattered altogether as a heavy fist slammed into the side of his head, sending him backwards, a hand held to his bleeding ear. Another clubbing blow to his neck sent shockwaves of agony along his arms, and a third took him to his hands and knees.

Vision swimming, Malurik saw the shadow moving around him, and the rasp of metal on metal to his right. Fighting past the pain he pushed himself up to a crouching position, and finally got his focus on Lucius again, the deathknight standing beside him with both swords in hand. "For Fiona." He growled, and then came around with Malurik's blade in a roar of fury, sending the longsword cleaving through the Templar guildmaster's neck. Deathlight arced in right behind, the flat of the sword catching Malurik's head and sending it sailing into the midst of the Knights Templar.

Silence fell across the arena, broken only by the screams of the women who had been unfortunate enough to have Malurik's head land in their laps, as Lucius turned toward the First Chair. Both swords were raised high in salute to Bella, who had come to her feet as the fallen paladin had come around toward them, and then brought down in a crossing pattern across his chest as those of Retribution and their allies began to cheer wildly, many taunting their erstwhile opponents across the way. Orange-red eyes blazed with the fury of the fight as he regarded the War Council's first chair for several seconds, and then he turned to limp toward the door through which he had entered, Malurik's sword still held in his left hand.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2008-01-11 14:33 EST
Fiona fought her way back from the heavy darkness. The weakness still invading her form like insidious fingers that prodded her with needling pricks of stinging pain and followed by the slow process of becoming aware of the myriad of aches that lingered in her bones. Indeed, the knights had taken some sort of perverse pleasure in using her as a punching bag. One might expect such actions from a dark aligned guild, but hardly a light one. Well, most in any case for Fiona had fully expected that and worse. Often, those laying claim to purity, honor and holy vows, were merely the flip side of a coin. They too were just as corrupted as those they fought, if not more so for they're masks were always hidden behind those proud, pious smiles.

Reason, rational calm was her salvation as pale, dull green eyes opened slowly. The room was dimly lit, only a single lantern on a side table lit, sending shadows dancing along the cool surface of pale walls, flickers of that oil fed flame. Fiona felt the fragility of her own body, and will. For deep within the beast was stirring. That hunger growing and straining at the mental bonds that held firm against its demands.

"Ah, your awake finally. Anath has been worried." The voice of Synnova rolled gentle against sensitive hearing and instantly Fiona's eyes shifted. Taking in the small, delicate woman who headed up the healers for Retribution. "Lord Brutin has also been badgering him about your recovery along with that Death Knight."

Rising, the woman's pale blue robes offered a soft hissing of sound as she glided over. Fiona was sitting up slowly by this point. Movements careful and slow, for the bruises were still healing deep within. "Did we win the war?" Her voice was rusty, rasped and raw from dehydration and lack of use.

"Not yet. Your Death Knight friend seeks to fight against Malurik this very night. The whole of war hinges upon who wins. A Death Match I hear without healers." Syn never cared for those sorts of battles. The lack of healers always meant more work afterwards and those feelings were evident in her tone.

Turning a moment later a large mug of water was offered to the Shadow Mage, and a quiet smile touched the elegant woman's face. "Anath has not let him see you while you have been recovering. More so after this match was set, as I think he is hoping it gives DeAuster an edge."

A frown drew upon Fiona's pale brow at that news and she gave a slow shake of her head. "Lucius is a formidable knight Syn. I nae think he has need of any "edge" of such a nature."

"He's a curious creature I must say. He also seems to hold you in rather high regard." The healer replied before stepping back, with dark eyes moving upon her patient in that intense and silent regard.

Little emotion showed upon Fiona's pale features. Just a light shrug before she drank down half the water in a near rush, her parched throat welcoming it's soothing touch. "We have known each other for many an age Syn. I respect his abilities and I believe he feels the same about my own talents."

"Well in another hour, we shall all see how skilled his or not. The match is to be held in the Arena and most of the roster is already preparing to attend." A stern look was turned towards Fiona for a moment. "You will need to take things easy for a few days still. Anath will call a break after this war is done. I suggest you rest before the next one comes. If DeAuster does win, we expect his allies and associates to start preparing for another after all. Such is the way of things these days."

"Aye. I nae think ye need worry about that." Pale green eyes regarded the raw ligature marks still encircling her wrists. Fiona wasn't surprised that the efforts to heal those hadn't taken. Holy damage tended to linger with her kind after all. Luckily she could cover that easily enough with her leathers and gloves. "I nae suppose my clothing is here?"

"Afraid not Fiona. The leathers you wore when they brought you here were ruined beyond repair. However, I did take the liberty of bringing up some from the armory. Not quite like those, but should work well enough for you to return home." A delicate hand waved towards the items resting in the seat of a chair. "We were not able to heal you completely I'm afraid but we did manage to take care of the worst of your injuries at least. Hence my suggestion to taking things slow for a few days."

The whispered flow of slippers across the gleaming wood floors followed. "Now I am off to prepare for this coming match. I shall also let Anath know you are awake and doing better."

"Thank ye for ye help Syn." A slow shifting and she swung her legs around to sit on the edge of the bed, feeling that fatigue still weighing heavily upon her limbs, but that wouldn't stop her from rising. Pushing the heavy fall of raven black hair out of her face, she drew in a slow breath, preparing to do just that.

"Your welcome Fiona." Another quick smile and the lady departed, plunging the unfamiliar room into an uncomfortable silence.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2008-01-11 14:39 EST
Fiona didn't want to analyze her feelings as she moved along with the queue. Why she had come wasn't a mystery at all, but she didn't care to ponder upon it. There was an uneasy sensation within, mingling with the exhaustion and such things had a way of igniting uncontrolled emotions and she was thus striving to keep those under tight control.

Enshrouded as she was with her form covered within the folds of a heavy velvet black cloak, she found a spot near the back that afforded her a clear view of the arena floor, whilst keeping her well hidden within the embrace of shadows. Fiona's voice did not join with the rest in the rousing calls and cheers that seemed more like a roar about the air of the battle coliseum. She remained silent and watchful instead. Her gloved fingers tightening instantly, flexing with restless tension about the hilt of her dagger as Lucius went down under Malurik's assault.

Often tactics won a fight with two well-matched opponents. Experience and knowledge being far more effective, and in this case, it seemed as if both was seeking to find that weakness. Neither the "Light' or the "Dark" was the true test in these types of clashes, but in this case, the difference was in vanity. Lucius showed none of that. He may have been caught off guard, but to Fiona's eyes, Malurik was also treading upon the unknown.

The Guild Leader had made a serious error in the assumption he was the superior warrior. DeAuster was the unknown and he seemed to think that made him the weakest in the match. It was a foolish mistake and compounded by his need to inspire more adulation from his own forces, fell to a justified defeat. At least Fiona felt it was warranted. It would be a memory that would likely inspire the next wave of wars she was sure. However it was Lucius that she watched.

Pushing from the wall, she utilized the shadows that already covered her and in moments she was fading into sight a few feet ahead of the limping figure as he made his way down the long arena hallway. "Syn will likely be wishing to take a look at ye DeAuster. She's nae fond of battles that deny her healers their right to practice their craft and often hounds those afterwards." Her tone was well controlled, if still a touch raspy as she moved into the torch light with a gloved hand drawing the cowl back from her pale features. "Well done on ye fight as well."

Pale green eyes moving briefly, taking in the sword he was carrying and an elegant raven brow rose faintly. "Ye planning on keeping that foul tainted blade DeAuster?" Fiona kept some distance as she could feel and clearly see the shimmer of holy magic the weapon carried and in light of her current condition, simply didn't feel any need or urge to have it to near.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2008-04-16 14:40 EST
It was good that, for the moment, the roar of the crowd above faded with the press of stone and distance, as it allowed Lucius the presence to gather himself. The white-hot rage that had allowed him to stay in the fight and untimately defeat Malurik was beginning to fade, leaving behind the dull edge that always seemed to fill him when not in combat. The damage to his knee would take time to repair, even if there was no true pain.

These things and more were holding his thoughts when the soft words brought his attention back to the here and now. Soft-glowing eyes moved to take her in, and the noticeable emotion of relief tinged the fading fury, mingling with the satisfaction of vengeance. "Thank you." He said softly to her congratulatory statement, and held up the blade he carried in his right hand, as though to inspect it.

The aura of the blade wavered, as being used to kill one of the Light had weakened the enchantments placed upon it. It held enough of the energies to send small wafts of smoke from the heavy leather of the gauntlet, reaction to the unholy power that animated him. "Counting coup." He muttered softly at her question, before bringing the blade back down and away from her. "A trophy that will be hung in remembrance once it has been suitably"baptized." He couldn't quite keep the touch of smugness from his tone, as he found that idea highly amusing. "I will bequeath it to you, Fiona, as a gift.?

He looked on the cool features, the shadows cast by the torch dancing over fine-chiseled cheeks, and again felt the flare of'something'deep within, coiling like a slumbering serpent. From her, he felt the tight reign of control, and found himself unable to truly gauge her. His empty hand moved, straying upward without conscious thought to nearly brush her cheek, before he paused due to the distance she was keeping from the blade he carried, and realization of the very movement.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2008-04-29 16:51 EST
Fiona did notice the movement, and the sense of cold radiating from his uplifted fingers acted much like a caress of sorts. The chill lingering upon pale skin even after his hand lowered back down. To her credit she didn't move, composure standing solid against confused thoughts.

She had caught a sense of something within him, yet couldn't glean it's meaning. It left her feeling off kilter even more. A fact she wasn't at all fond of. She had been catching more and more flashes of emotion from him and in light of what he was, she couldn't comprehend such manifestations.

"Thank ye for the sentiment of such a gift, but I nae think I would care for it Lucius, for I suspect it will always have a lingering sense of it's history about it. Nae something I find I have a liking for these days." It was only a fleeting wince that crossed upon Fiona's shadow cast visage. Remembering the days within filthy blessed shackles and the effect it had upon her system. "My weapons of choice tend to be less noticeable. Hang it within ye own halls as a trophy, for I think that would likely be more fitting, as it is a tithe of war."

Her sharper hearing caught the fading of the crowd in the distance, as they were finally dispersing. Fiona was fairly certain Anath would be fielding war declarations for weeks after this. He would be delighted of course for the man thrived on the various conflicts, especially with those of the lighter ilk. Yet, the sudden sense of stillness and realization they were alone started to shake that composure she was so well known for. Although she suspected it might be due to her weakened state. At least that is what she would tell herself later.

"Shall I let Brutin know ye will be indisposed for a day or so?" Her gaze moving downwards to look pointedly at the damaged knee, before rising again to meet his crimson eyes straight on. "It looks to me as if ye will need at least a day or so for that to heal."

The shadows around them were deepening as the sun started to sink deeper beyond the distant horizon. The fading light creating a misty gray patina upon pair as they stood in the long corridor of the arena. Glancing back towards the exit for a moment Fiona sighed silently. More of a mental one, for she had never been terribly fond of puzzles and DeAuster was becoming one as each day went by, with those occasional flashes of surprising emotions that left her at a loss. It wasn't a sensation she was comfortable with, but she wouldn't ever admit that.

An awkward silence descended upon them and she shifted where she stood, the dark cloak rippling and merging with the darker shades bring born by the fading of light. It was an uncommon sign, for Fiona wasn't one to fidget, but the fatigue still pressed down upon her and in truth she wasn't even aware she was doing it. Clearing her throat, for her voice still held a faint rasp from days of having not used it. "As far as I know, I nae think he has anything major planned for a few days, aside from a few of those Gorean associates of his that tend to drop in for unscheduled visits. I can certainly handle them easily enough." Fiona had in the past and wasn't to concerned that trouble might rise while he took a day or so off.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2008-06-02 16:09 EST
"My leg will recover, given time and tending by my"by the Acolytes that currently serve." Shifting slightly, he pulled the sword back behind him and under his cloak, setting his unnatural aura between her and the blade. With the deepening gloom his eyes blazed brighter, an easy indication of the emotions that lurked within. In turn, the unnatural chill that surrounded him was in flux, and Fiona drew the cloak a bit closer around her, shadows shifting against the flickering torchlight behind her. "And I will send Lord Brutin a message, informing him of my convalescence."

"He will appreciate that, I think." Fiona replied softly, watching the death knight with those piercing emerald eyes he had been drawn too time and again. "I am certain Anathesius recorded the duel to torment the Templar, so I will ask him to send Brutin an orb." The thought that the slaver would show it to his visitors and crow about having that one on his payroll did bring the hint of a smirk to peach-pale lips, though that in itself sent the echoes of ache through her battered system. To any that may have observed, her countenance maintained that cold mirth, betraying nothing.

"Indeed." Lucius replied softly, the soft material of the drawn hood shifting as he nodded to Fiona. He wanted to offer his support to her, to enfold her in his arms as before, during the stolen moments together, and that brought a thrill of surprise. Uncertain of the sudden change in himself, he studied Fiona again, and caught the micro-look flashing across her pale features, realizing that she had also picked up on the fluctuating emotions. "You should rest, Fiona. You are still recovering from being held prisoner by the Templar's" His rage crept up again, turning the last word into a veritable curse.

"Aye, and ye as well, DeAuster.? Taking a step back, the two looked at one another for an awkward minute, before in unison, turning and stepping into the waiting shadows, each seeking their mutual abodes, and trying to figure out the answers to the puzzle of the other, answers that were, as yet, elusive.