Topic: Rise of an Adversary

Lord Tresillian

Date: 2006-09-01 00:57 EST
The hour was early, with the sun having only just starting to rise, the light barely touching the treetops beyond the smoke glass window of his office. He had finished his morning ride and was heading inside to catch up on various missives and letters requiring his attention.

He didn't keep the hours most of his station would, having found he could get plenty done and his clock worked on another time frame anyway. Had since he was a child. Tossing down the leather riding gloves, he picked up the pile his steward had left for him the evening before and just moved around the desk and dropped heavily into the comfortable chair he used.

Invitations to various functions were tossed to the side, sorting through them with half an eye. He seldom attended those functions, having little interest in the pleasures they offered or avoiding the various husband hungry sirens either. He, unlike many others he knew, didn't need to marry some rich spoiled bitch, having plenty of coin of his own.

Gleaming Hessian boots swung, resting on the edge of the desk as he continued his cataloging, and once complete, the whole stack of pretty scented follies was dropped without thought into the waste bin. Leaving him now only those items that actually held his attention longer then a second.

Inside the large Castle, all the servants and slaves heard the muffled crash, and then the shouts as the Master apparently exploded. Soon those bellows were heard clearly as the study door flew open and an enraged Lord Tresillian strode out into the hall, still yelling at full volume. "Murdock!

Coming from the dinning hall, another young man appeared with a large mug in hand and just regarded the angry noble with a questioning lilt of a golden brown head. "Aye Nick?"

"To the Study." The range of sound gone now leaving a low furious growl as the anger just rolled off the elegantly attired man, who stalked off and returned to his study. Leaving his cousin to follow behind.

Stomping his way though the shattered glass of the decanter he had thrown upon reading the latest news, he spun about and glared at Murdock. "Send word. We make ready to leave first light tomorrow. That damned she-bitch has rousted two of my ships. Pure luck they didn't sink on this round I say. Time to handle this personally."

"The 'she" being who exactly Nick?" Murdock questioned with a rising of a brow, looking just as elegant and relaxed as his cousin was stiff and incensed.

"That Albaelia Chit that fancies herself a captain. That's the 'she", with her witch ways whom I reference Cousin." It was another snarling of sound and a chair went skidding and rocking wildly across the wood floor of the book lined office.

Picking up the letter from the floor, Murdock read over it and then frowned for a moment while leaning negligently against the edge of the desk. "We have had trouble before with Hamond and Basil before, attacking ships while on supply transport. I suggest we find out first if that is what occurred here before jumping into the middle of this."

"Those are just two more out of a previous three others!" A low barking snap and Lord Tresillian spun around and stormed back over to his desk, pulling it open with restrained rage and with a fling of a hand, dropped three more reports down on the top blotter.

Murdock inspected those as well and then placed them back down in a tidy stack. "Are ye ready to face what attacking them might cause" They are allied in that war against Torvien."

"This isn't about that rotted, half dead, noble monkey, Torvien, he and his keep could sink into the eternal abyss and all the better! This is about that clan cutting into my profits, Murdock. I have kept them out of this region for years, and I will not allow them to undermine our own shipping now when they think, due to that war I will not interfere." Blue eyes were snapping with displeasure, and the tall form spun about and resumed the restless pacing.

"Perhaps we might seek a meeting with Lord Albaelia and discuss this by more civil means." Ever the levelheaded of the two, Murdock just watched his cousin pace with an expression of calm reasoning.

"Morgiuan Albaelia is little more then a lush. That one pickled his brain years ago." Snorting with another growl edged within the sound. "It's that sister of his that I suspect is really running everything. The sane one."

"It's apparent she has something in her favor, else she wouldn't have succeeded with five of our vessels already." A finger was tapping upon the desk edge as he thought. "I shall send word and everything will be ready come first light tomorrow Cousin. However, I think we should also seek more diplomatic means to end this present feud as well. It's possible a scare might work. Send "The Devil" after her and she may back out of our waters. If that fails, you should meet with the brother. He is the figurehead even if you say his intellect is pickled with spirits."

"You may be right about that Cousin." A hard, calculating flash in light blue eyes following his words and he gave a nod of a shaggy brown head. "I don't doubt he is as much the fool as any other drunkard and could be persuaded to reign in that sister of his." He was not above using threats, and was already planning a few to rattle the brother with as well.

"Aye, that was what I was thinking as well. I will send off a missive to Lord Albaelia post haste and make the arrangements. Cisroe seems a decent enough location for such a meeting as it is neutral enough." Murdock replied and then took up his mug of coffee and departed, leaving his cousin still simmering behind him.


Date: 2006-09-09 21:24 EST
It had started out as a fairly typical morning. Up with the morning sun to deal with the day's business. It was a rare morning that she did not find herself inundated with letters, invites and general business at hand.

The lady sorted through the invites first. She tossed aside those she deemed of no use to her. Many of the invitation tended to be for frivolous little sewing circles and tea parties. She rolled her eyes at the throat of being bored out of her skull with the gossip and backbiting that the ton tended to display. While she rarely put in an appearance for these little gatherings, her station was as such that the ton could not run the risk of insulting the lady.

The ball invitations were next. She sorted those into two piles for her secretary to handle. One pile would be the ones that would be politely refused. The other pile was the ones that intrigued her and thus she would attend.

Then she delved into the other business at hand. She made notes for her secretary to handle on how she would answer the correspondence. She did not bother with the details personally, only leaving instructions for her staff to carry out. Though one piece of news bothered her.

"Lise, could you send for Trystan?" the Lady requested of her secretary. The young woman in question murmured her acknowledgement and made for the door. Within a few moments, a large form filled the doorway.

Trystan tended to frighten the maids in the manor house. There were whispers of dark pact and forbidden spells that gave him his fearsome countenance.

The truth of the matter was, Trystan was born of a human woman who had been attacked by a devil. In the trade tongue, he was known as a Tiefling. However, he had managed to become the lady's right hand during her days as an adventuress and has been at her side since.

"You wanted to see me Amelia?" He spoke softly.

"Aye, it looks like trouble is brewing on the seas. Two more of my nephew's ships have been routed by the Albaelia captain." She replied as she handed him the message.

"Would help if he didn't employ men that were less than honorable to handle his ships." Trystan replied as he looked over the missive.

"This is true, but there have been others. Knowing, Nick's temper?" she sighed softly. "Feel up to a bit of a voyage?"

"Do you think it is wise, mela?" He murmured quietly.

"Wise, no. Necessary, probably." She shook her head and stood. "Been a while since we were last on the Ear"Ailoki."

"Too long, mela." He murmured as her drew his lady within his arms. "I'll head down and get preparations under way."

"Diola lle.? She whispered before kissing him softly. Very few knew the extent of their relationship. Fewer still dared to object to her choice. Only the fortune hunters felt they had a chance with her much to their regret.

Reluctantly breaking from their embrace, Trystan exited the study and made his way for the docks. Amelia, in turn, made her way to her quarters after issuing a set of orders. She also forwarded word to her Nephew informing him of her intention to put to sea.

Dominick Devereux

Date: 2006-09-14 05:19 EST
The Devil was in a rage again and it showed in the muted restraint of movement. Striding with hard steps that rang out over the moon kissed water of the bay where his ship, "Storm Wolf" was currently berthed. Recent news had set his teeth on edge again and up the gang plank he now stalked. "Damned nuisance of a woman. A bloody Sea Witch thats what she is."

Recent gossip in the taverns about Nerik Bay was about that bloody ship. Wild fables of her speed as if she was skimming above the waves. Tall tales of her ventures falling from the lips of seasoned sailors. It was enough to make him ill. Whispered words of that legendary Pirate Roecyn come back to terrorize the seas. Few seemed to realize that captain was a small, dainty bit of fluff that was likely just as mentally unsound as the rest of her clan was reported to be.

She was a bloody marauder. If she hadn't tangled with his own ships he would be amused by her antics, but it seemed none were spared the wench's greed. By the accounts he had taken, she had been very busy tearing a path across the ocean and leaving most vessels scuttled in her wake or limping (If lucky) into the nearest harbor town they could find.

Stalking into the captain's quarters he found his cousin seated at the desk and writing. "Evening to you Captain." He muttered without looking up. Always the most studious of the pair Murdock wasn't prone to the same range of moods his more volatile cousin was known for.

"What in the bloody hell has you so occupied" Have you any idea what gossip and rumor is flying around in the various haunts of sailors here?" The lean form was flung down into a sturdy chair with a growl.

"Indeed I am aware. The "Enyala Kuru" is making a name for herself on the high seas. Same as the "Storm Wolf" back in the days you were riding the waves more frequently." His First Mage looked up with cool blue eyes and a golden brow arching faintly. "I think this also has to do with her cutting into your own notorious reputation now Captain. "

A hand lifted to forestall the sudden protest that was sure to rise at his truthful statement. "Your aunt has sent word she is setting out to sea. Also, Lord Albaelia has replied to the request for a meeting with Tresillian. It would seem he is to be attending the Cisroe society events, as his sister Illyona is having her coming out. So next week is when he has set the time for it."

"Amelia is also sailing forth' Curious that, though we are sure to meet her. However send word to her that we set sail for Cisroe." Those words were then followed by a cold nasty smile, one that played upon The Devil's lean features with a short nod. "A sister you say?"

"Aye, one of the many siblings of that clan and reports about her are slim. Comely enough, if a bit more reserved then some of her elder brothers and sisters. If not for the family's known troubles with insanity, she would be a good match for many. The family is quite wealthy." Of course his cousin would ensure to get all information available. He was one that believed that every rock should be over turned and inspected, for one never knew when something of use would turn up.

"That information might be useful. A potential to finding leverage perhaps and it also means that the "Kuru", last seen in Tides Bend; will be enroute back to Cisroe. I feel a rousting may be in order." Blue eyes taking on a calculating gleam before the whip corded form rose upwards from the sprawl and strode off towards the foredeck, shouting out orders into the darkness.

"Look lively mates, we sail before first light!" Turning about he called for to his Helmsman coming up the gang plank from a night of carousing. "Mr. Talbot! Be sure the men be ready before dawn. We have a wily fox to chase."

"Aye Captain." The tall fellow replied with a salute before heading down to the crew quarters, shouting out the news to those below.

"I will remind you again Cousin, the Albaelia's are not such easy marks you seem to think. " The quiet words from his first mate brought him around with a frown. "I also received reports from my various sources. The lady captain isn't nearly the chit you think her to be. She's intelligent and skilled. The brother, well known as a drunken lush, has made some rather surprising alliances contrary to his rumored inebriated state. All of which has only filled their coffers more." "Perhaps you are right about that Cousin, but I am also not an imbicile and will play the game as required. She may be skilled as you say, but I have been doing this longer. I have faced down more foes then that witch has yet to meet. I shall not be played the fool. Not by the likes of a child playing at being a pirate. She's yet to confront the likes O" me." There was a hard, unrelenting expression on his tanned features now as he considered what was to come.

"I am merely saying we should not underestimate that clan. My reports show they have a talent for landing on their feet. Have from the start and even with the insanity that plagues them, they have managed to amass a fortune and make it grow against some adversity." There was a note of warning in his words and tone now, as he followed the taller form back into the captain's cabin. "They are not the weak nobility you are more prone to dealing with. They don't follow that pattern by all I have learned."

That brought another smile, one tainted with the edges of a wolf upon the darker features. "All the better, Cousin. I have yet to back down from a challenge and perhaps this may prove to be an interesting Dance. A game of wits and tactics might bring about a reasonable result." High topped boots were kicked off as he dropped a sword belt and pistols down beside the large bed and then looked again towards his silent relation. "Perhaps we needed this. you claim they are worthy adversaries then let us see if that is true. "

He continued. "Complacency ill suits either of us, so you may be right, I am not pleased that a mere chit is considered equal to me in skill. What burns most, few even know the "Kuru" is commanded by a slip of a woman. Some things can not go unchallenged." The Devil dropped easily to the edge of the comfort of the bed and regarded his closest friend and relation.

"Tis apparent your determined enough, but should more diplomatic measures be found regarding the ships, what then" Will you still seek to challenge this latest Rival of the sea?" The golden haired young man asked rather blandly.

That brought a smirk and a shrug before, he flopped back with a muffled grumble. "We shall simply have to wait and see on that, Cousin."


Date: 2006-09-14 21:58 EST
Trystan was over seeing preparations on the "Ear"Ailoki" when one of the men came up to him.

"Trystan, sir?"

"Aye, Malcolm?" Trystan had a sharp memory for faces and details that held the respect of the crew.

"The First Mate of the Storm Wolf is requesting to see the Captain. Told him she weren't here, but he then insisted on speaking to you."

"Bring him to the Captain's cabin. I'll meet him there."

"Aye, Aye, sir."

Trystan looked thoughtful as he headed for the cabin. He wondered what changed about this situation to warrant a visit. He was most serious when Murdock was escorted to the cabin a few moments later.

A " hour later, he found himself riding back to the Uruloki estate to meet with Amelia to discuss the change in trajectory. He knew that she would not be concerned with the changes, but some of the information did not sit well with him. He was frowning when he approached Amelia in her quarters.

Amelia seemed surprised to see him, "Problem, Trystan?"

"Not in as much that a change cannot be made. Nick is heading for Cisroe. He has a meeting with Lord Albaelia. Seems he might even be interested in one of the sisters, Ilyona."

"Ah yes, One of the younger girls. Very serious, intelligent. Some rumors about that one and the last school she was at, but nothing that can be substantiated. She doesn't appear to exhibit the madness" of some of the others, taking more after her elder sister" The one that has Nick aggrieved."

"Hrmmm, " Trystan thought about it a moment. "I don't like where this is going, mela."

"Marriages are arranged all the time amongst nobles. It's all apart of the game the Ton plays."

"Still don't like the idea, Amelia." Trystan scowled.

She sighed and directed the maid to pack some of her more fashionable clothing and gowns. "I will make sure it does not get too far out of hand, mela."

He regarded her a moment as she donned the leathers she once wore in her own journeys on the high seas.

"Until then"it's time to put some young upstarts in their proper place, mela."

He smiled wiry at that, "Aye, Aye, Captain.?

Kitian Albaelia

Date: 2006-09-15 00:35 EST
Hand braced on the rigging, she gazed out at the building clouds on the horizon. Her sapphire blue eyes narrowed slightly from the glare on the water and then dropped down light footed. "Kar! Hard weather ahead, do ye think ye can find a rout around it' "

Turning then, with the golden red flow of hair caught in the gusting winds that were becoming a bit less predictable. She caught sight of him bent down over the map. "Don't think so Kit. It looks to be a large blow, we may just have to either run though it or head for cover. Taluride's Landing isn't too far. We can berth there and wait out the storm."

There was time, as she hadn't wanted to cut things to close for the start of the season. Must as she might loath the idea, she had promised she would aid her sister and she never went back on her word. "Ye nae think we can run through it?"

"There is just to many variables. The current mapping takes us near Shark's reef and Dagger's jet. The storm could send is into that and we could end up lost, cargo and all." Was his reply as his blue-green gaze tracked the dark clouds rolling towards them rapidly and growing more ominous by the moment.

"Aye, ye be right. Mr. Shavier, bring us about! We shall take refuge at Taluride!" It wasn't one of her favorite locals. It was a pirates hideout, but as most of her crew would fit in easily enough, it should suit for the moment. Rough and dangerous the reputation of the place she was sure many would find amusement there if for a day or so.

A frown turned back towards the encroaching storm while under her feet she already could feel the chop taking a harder edge. It was an ugly looking menace and while she might take risks on occasion, against nature and its anger, as this storm carried plenty, she dared not take that kind of gamble. Morg was always saying a sure thing was always safer then the less then stellar odds.

In minutes the "Kuru" was flying over the water, capturing the wind in the blue and white sails and making good time away from the chasing gloom. In no time at all they were arriving into bay, and she felt a bit of satisfaction. Others had also sought a safer port from the coming blow, so perhaps prudence was better served. Around her the crew was scrambling, and she was soon caught up in aiding of the battening down. Rigging and mast secured once berthed and then relaxing to follow.

Many she knew would wander into the town, something she seldom did, having an aversion to most places sporting the entertainments of a less then proper fashion. However, due to the tension the storm created within her, she was restless and soon was dropping down beside her brother on the lower deck.

Had her crew still been wearing the uniforms of the Albaelia fleet, the welcome here might not have been as easy, but with the growing reputation of the "Kuru" growing by day, few would question their unusual presence in such a location.

"Coming with us into town Kit?" Kar asked, having changed into cleaner garments, the billowing blue shirt a contrast from the earlier white one he had been wearing.

"Aye, thought I might for a short time." She gazed over at Luse and noted the scowl on his Elvin features. "Something wrong Luse" Ye be wearing a rather sour face."

"Oh, nothing wrong, just a gut feeling. The place reminds me of another I once visited." The quiet words uttered with a cigarette dangling from his lips, but then he just moved off down the gang plank to the pier below with the siblings following and speaking quietly.

"I have set up the watch rotation with Shavier's assistance. The ship will be under constant watch by armed crew while we are here. There isn't any law that I am aware of so we just have to watch our steps." Kar stated low and softly, for Kit's ears only but of course the elf with the ears ahead grunted in agreement.

"Aye, I did notice ye had some set up as watch. Though once that storm blows in, tis unlikely any will make any attempts to board us. Most will be to busy handling their own and I nae want any of ours out in it.? Was her quiet reply as her dark blue gaze inspected the small town that made up Taluride's Landing. There wasn't much, but it suited their purpose for the moment.

Kitian Albaelia

Date: 2006-09-15 00:38 EST
Soon enough she was ensconced in a dark corner with her brother sitting on one side and Luse on the other. She felt surprisingly safe in their company but also felt as if her presence was likely cramping their usual adventures as well. Was a good think she didn't intent to linger to long she thought.

It was the looks that first caught her notice, but it seemed that it was her brother that was on the receiving end. Kit was well used to his attracting the attention of the ladies, but this night it seemed many men were also darting looks his way. Next, her sharp ears caught the whispers. It puzzled her at first but then the name that caught and held was "Roecyn" In truth, if Kar had darker hair, he would be close to that very image.

Of all her siblings, he did indeed resemble that ancestor the most. Of course she was starting to become amused and leaned to make her own comment to him. "I be thinking some here have the idea ye be the Captain of the "Kuru" little brother."

"Me?" He looked startled then started to laugh, a full bodied tone of amusement. "I can easily alter that idea Kit."

"Oh nae Kar sweet. Ye let them think it be ye. I nae mind that in the least. Will only add to the mystic of our travels, tis a sad fact few would be so willing to believe our adventures if they be learning it's a woman at the helm after all." Kitian replied with a low soft gurgle of laughter.

"I don't want to take away from your own skills Kit." Kar frowned for a moment, but seemed to realize that his sister didn't really care. In truth it might be safer if some thought it a man that commanded the "Enyala Kuru". At least while in this place. The old ways lived here still as woman had few uses other then on their backs.

Rising for a moment, he moved off towards the bar, leaving Kit with Luse, but returned in short order with two mugs of ale and a bottle of Luse's usual, the bottle of whiskey nudged over and taken up with a hand, the long earred elf cracking the seal. Taking a deep swig he looked over at Kar. "Thanks."

Dropping back into his own seat, long legs stretched outwards while one hand adjusted his rapier riding a hip and then leaned towards Kit. "Word has it that "The Devil" has been seen in these waters recently."

That brought a brow rising on her elegant face and she turned to regard her younger brother with a surprised widening of dark blue eyes. "Tis been a while since I be hearing that name again."

"First I have heard of it in over a year, so it's a recent wrinkle I would say." Kar replied before hefting his mug to take a healthy draw of the surprisingly good ale it held. "One old timer at the bar thinks it's because of recent tales of the "Kuru". "The Devil" isn't one we want to tangle with. He's a cold bastard." Wiping at his lips then, and brushing away a fleck of foam from his beard he gave a shake of his head. "He might be gunning for us Sis."

"Perhaps, if he is, he will discover that the "Kuru" has earned her name." Kit felt a little tension at the idea of that particular pirate looking for them. She knew the stories were often over blown and exaggerated, but she remembered a few about that one. If even an inkling of those stories was true, it meant trouble for them.

Taking a long draw of the rich ale, she lowered the mug and gazed at her brother. "What do ye suggest?"

"We prepare for the possible chance he is looking for us. His ship was seen leaving Nerik Bay. No news as to his destination, as they left early this morning." Kar responded quietly before tipping the mug to his lips again.

"Tis possible he could have skirted that storm, though nae likely. Think Kar, what port be his likely destination should he run into this weather?" She was plotting, planning as he suggested. They were two maybe three days out from Cisroe, and now she wanted to make that harbor before "The Devil" caught up to them, if he really was on the hunt.


Date: 2006-09-18 18:50 EST
Finishing his pull on the ale, which he quietly believed was watered down, Kar set his mug down and thought a moment. Dredging the maps into his minds eyes, he considered the possibilities for a moment.

"Well, given where the stories put his haunts...I'd say either Gover's Point or one of the lees in the Fayleth Islands." Rubbing his goatee with thumb and index finger, he slowly nodded, setting his decision down.

Gover's Point was a well-known pirate haven, having survived at least two attempts to roust the town by local authorities. Founded and run to this day by Arlo Gover, or "Ol' Blackcloud" to those who sailed with him, Gover's Point boasted a complete drydock and shipwrite's shop, as well as the many inn's, tavern's and brothels that could serve competing crews on shore leave. It was a known fact, that if one wanted the roughest crews to sail for you, Gover's Point was one such place to look. A lesser known fact, Gover's Point was also a transfer point for black-market slavers bringing slaves from the warmer jungles of the Southern Coasts, with unliscened slavers and bounty hunters meeting with the middlemen that saw the slaves to markets such as Ivory Flails or Port Car.

The Fayleth Islands was a small chain of islands almost two days sail east of Taluride. Two larger islands dominated the chain, the depths hidden behind verdant walls of semi-tropical palm trees and shrubs. few braved the depths, given the stories that ran rampant through the ports surrounding the island chain. Stories of ruined cities in the center of the islands, and of feral cannibals. Despite the apparent dangers, the Fayleth's many inlets made for good havens during a storm.

"Yeah, Gover's Point would be the smart choice." Kar nodded again, and glanced over to Kit and Luse. "After all, you're gonna want to keep the crew happy while waiting for the storm to pass."

"You're just saying that because you lost half yer gold playing cards the other night." Luse grumbled behind a long pull of whiskey. His words drew a soft giggle from Kit and a scowl from Kar.

"I still say you were hiding cards, somehow." He muttered softly at the smirk from the long-eared elf, and that had Kit laughing outright now.

"If I was, youngblood, you weren't quick enough to catch me, captain..." Kar growled softly, grabbing his mug for another sip of ale as Luse chuckled softly, throwing the young man a cheeky wink.


Date: 2006-09-19 15:29 EST
It had been the last of those dreaded fittings before the season commenced. She absolutely dreaded each and every one of them. Still she had promised Kit she would, and her word was her bond.

She gazed out of the window of the shop to see the gathering clouds on the horizon. A storm was brewing and the Enyala Kuru was due into port soon. She had to endure this final fitting with a feeling of dread settling upon her. She hoped that Kit and Kar would find a safe berth and wait out the storm.

"Ouch!" She cried out as she was pricked with yet another pin. "Do you have to continue to do that?" Her normally soft voice was tinged with annoyance.

"Well now, if you would not fidget so much, it would be a bit easier." The dressmaker was coming to the end of her patience with the young noble.

"I am sorry I am such a trial. I am very worried for my brother and sister." The younger girl relented. "A dreadful storm is forming and they have not made it back yet."

The dressmaker nodded thoughtfully as she finished the last adjustment. "Ah, I see. They'll be all right. Miss Kitian won't take any unnecessary risks and Lord Karenthesis will look out for her. There now, you are finished. Just in time I think, I just saw that young man of yours outside."

She had to giggle at that. Kage had taken to meeting her outside the dress shop. "He's not my man. Though I wish?" She shook her head sadly.

"What is it, milady?"

"I don't want to be part of the marriage mart. I am quite happy with the way things are."

The dressmaker gasped a bit. "Milady, if the matrons heard that' why the scandal that would ensue."

"I just don't feel comfortable being paraded in front of all those pretentious dandies that fancy themselves a ladies man." The young woman made a silly face that had the dressmaker giggling.

"Well now, they are a sight."

"Indeed. I am glad that Lady Tanner was able to smooth the way for Kage. Not many would dare get her angry."

"Nay, they have better things to do than commit that type of suicide, I dare say."

That last had Ilyona laughing as she carefully stepped from the gown. "Thank you. I needed that little bit of enjoyment."

The dressmaker smiled to the younger woman. She shooed the girl towards the door once she was presentable again. "Get on with you. It's not wise to keep a young man waiting too long."

She shook her head as she looked through the doors to the waiting Kage. "Indeed."

Dominick Devereux

Date: 2006-09-19 18:45 EST
It was one full day after leaving Nerik Bay that the first sign of that storm was noticed. Hard blue eyes glared out over the surging waves with a growl rumbling from within. Noticing the jagged shards of light moving through the dark clouds coming towards them and felt the tension the sight of it created within his crew. Few would be willing to risk sailing through. Even he wasn't so willing. It looked like a heavy storm and no mere blow to him.

"Mr. Grant! Bring her about!" He shouted to his navigator.

"Mr. Talbot!" The next shout rang out clear even in the wash of wind and wave. "We shall take harbor at Gover's Point. Nae any other choice."

"Aye Capt'n!" Rang back and then he was shouting at the crew to ready for the turn and sails were billowing with the sudden flooding of heavy gusts. It was now a matter of out running the coming gale but with the added boosts of those warning winds, they had the edge.

The sea was rough, until they had cleared enough distance from the chasing clouds and soon were drifting into a safe harbor, the lighthouse flashing the warning of the gale closing in. Other ships were taking refuge and the port, which had a decent amount of traffic, was nearly filled to capacity.

Once the "Storm Wolf" was berthed, and all the rigging and sails battened down, most of the crew departed, heading into the town for pleasures to ride out the coming bad weather, leaving on a skeleton crew to watch over the vessel. The Devil was one of the last to depart, meeting his first mate on the docks below.

"This means we might miss our prey. They may have tried to go around or through." Dominick muttered to Murdock as they both walked towards the main square of the Pirate settlement.

"Not likely. Even the most seasoned of sailors would be seeking sanctuary from a storm of that magnitude." Was the reply from the blond man strolling along casually beside him.

Sharp blue eyes took note of several meandering about and then another cutting look over towards his cousin. "I need to remind the men about this place and the tendency of Crimping. They may not want to wander off alone."

"Aye, most have gone to the "Mast & Crow" to start, so perhaps we can find Talbot and have him spread the word."

"The Devil" knew this town, having done business there on several occasions. He turned down a side street and headed in the direction that was often the Hub of the entire town. While the place sported many taverns, brothels and the like, most stopped at the "Mast & Crow" before venturing further.

In due order, he was settled at a table, with a flagon of ale before him, a woman on his lap and the sound of music rolling about the place. A fight breaking out and quickly those involved were sent tumbling into the street by the big burly owner.

It was during one of the brief lulls and the woman was pushed off his lap and he was rising, moving to lean against the wall with the mug in hand and listening, sea blue eyes taking a hard icy sheen at what he heard. That bloody ship was still being talked about.

Snorting he spun about and glowered at his cousin. "Roecyn, indeed."

"Calm yourself Nick. It's the ways of the sea. Tall tales and legends still roam the waves after all." Tolerance was apparent in the response of Murdock.

Aware of the truth in those words, he gave up arguing the point. Instead just listened, but other then overblown fables he learned little else. It was more then possible they would make the Cisroe Harbor before he did as that storm had stalled their progress rather effectively.


Date: 2006-09-19 19:58 EST
Amelia had set out almost immediately after the Storm Wolf. She was not taking any chances and in fact had even set a few wheels in motion before the ships had departed. Things were going very well until the following day.

She took her turn at the wheel when she surveyed the clouds. A feeling of dread settled into her stomach as some old memories threatened to paralyze her.

"Trystan, We're setting course for Gover's Point!" She shouted.

"Aye, Captain!" Her first mate called back. He turned to the crew and got them moving. Her knew the strain that would be on the Captain. He also remembered that other storm. "Get a move on men, we have to make the port before storm breaks!" He growled and moved to secure the ship with the men.

The Ear"Ailoki was an elven ship and easily was able to out distance the winds. She was able to see the Storm Wolf turning in the same direction and breathed a sigh of relief. Her nephew was far from stupid.

Soon they found themselves awaiting berth at Gover's Point. The storm was causing every other ship in the region to take shelter it seemed. That was worrying her; this was indeed a powerful gale. Once the ship was docked, she lent a hand in getting the ship secured.

Trystan had been watching her the whole time as he worked. Once the ship was secured, he beckoned her below decks. Amelia had to wonder what her first mate was up to as she followed him to the cabin they shared. It did not take him long to pull her down to their bunk and drawn her slender form against him.

"Everything is secure, mela. Now we just sit and wait." He reported quietly.

"And the crew?" She asked as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Headed for the Mast & Crow. Nick's likely to do the same."

"I'd just as soon not join them at the moment. The storm has me off balance."

"Mela, that happened decades ago."

She looked up at him, the fear still apparent. "One does not forget nearly dying easily, mela."

He brushed a light kiss across her crown. "Understood."

"Let's hope this storm blows by quickly, we are loosing time.? She sighed softly and relaxed against him.


Date: 2006-09-20 01:02 EST
Kage approached the dress shop, messenger sling slung across his back bulging with clothing of all descriptions. The tailor had worked quickly, although at the cost of more than one bloodletting. He was tired beyond belief, but happy to at least be getting a chance to see Illyona for the first time in several days.

He adjusted his pack as he waited, checking the placement of his sword and pistols for what had to be the thirtieth time that day. On his other side, hung a black leather tube, hanging from his black web-belt on a rough leather thong. He hoped that the treasure it contained would be to Illyona's liking....He'd agonized greatly over whether or not to give it to her.

But give it to her he would.

He saw Illyona's blonde head peek from around a paritition inside, and straightened his urban camoflauge jacket. "Time to roll the dice."

Kyra Sage

Date: 2006-09-20 01:41 EST
Kyra paced the floor in the vast metallic antechamber, unsure about how to proceed. After all the trouble she'd gone to in her attempt to destroy her father, it seems she'd only really succeeded in bringing him closer to the family of that little blonde wench. The Albaelias need a good dose of caution, she thought bitterly. They can't see that their doom is at hand.

The great steel doors at the far end of the Hall opened, and three figures began to walk toward her at a stately pace. Two women flanked an overdressed man in a wide black felt hat that looked right out of the collection of Louis XVI, complete with a garish red feather poking out of the band. They stopped a few feet from her, and stared as if they'd never seen another human being. Perfect.

The man found his throat, and bowed grandly at her, never once taking his eyes off of her low neckline. "A pleasure to meet you, Lady...."

"My name is Kyra Sage, and I'll thank you to remember that I'm not one of your bedside treats, Malton of Karsec. I'm here to make sure you don't have any further....Issues."

The man took on a hurt look that played into his tone. "I'm astonished, Lady Sage. Certainly you don't think me incompetant to handle these sorts of affairs?"

Kyra gave an unladylike grunt. "Yes, I do see you as a nearly useless buffoon. I'm taking over, effective immediately. You will retain your title, but you're going to do exactly as I tell you from this day forward. Am I understood?"

Malton took on a dangerous air, as the two women stepped away. His hand fell to the rapier at his hip, as he flowed into a fighting stance. "You think to come into my home and make threats, Kyra Sage" I daresay you won't live to make good on them. Stand and fight, wretched woman!" His lips curled into a snarl as he gave out a mighty battlecry, and charged her, drawing his sword and attacking in a single fluid motion.

Kyra stepped aside, quickdrawing and firing her pistol as he stumbled by. The bullet struck him at the base of the skull, ripping it's way out behind his left eye. Blood and grey matter seeped out of destroyed socket and pooled around him as he fell. She turned to his daughters, and brandished the weapon. "Either of you have any bright ideas?"

Both women shook their heads, certain of what an objection would mean. "All that we have is yours, My Lady," the older of the two said, curtseying deeply. "What would you have us do?"

Kyra regarded them cooly. "First, make sure your brother Jondar is prepared for the Season. He's to make a substantial offer on the Albaelia chit. Last I checked, his father had had an eye on her anyway, for Jondar, if not for himself. Install him as head, and make sure he knows who's giving the orders."

"I know who's 'giving the orders,' Lady Kyra."

She turned, and watched the youth saunter in. He stopped only long enough to collect his Father's gore-covered hat, putting it on his own head. "Officially, I do. But for now, I'll do as I'm told. I have my own reasons for wanting to see that little chit dead, and once her lush of a brother accepts the Offer, I'll see to it she makes that end. That'll clear the way for you and I to do what we like."

Kitian Albaelia

Date: 2006-09-20 04:38 EST
The shipped rocked erratically under her as she dropped back on her bed and just sighed. This wasn't any small gale, but a Typhoon by the sound of it. Luckily for them, Taluride Port was a well protected and even as the wind might lash at the ships berthed, they were not taking the full brunt.

She had returned to the "Kuru" just before the heavier rain had been unleashed, and now watched as water fell in sheets against the small porthole window. It was dark and stormy all right, with thunder offering a menacing rumble and then accompanied by the flashes of light.

She only had a single oil lamp to light her room, unwilling to risk more and still gave a faint shiver. No magic she had could combat the destruction of nature when she was riled up like this. Even her ship was groaning in protest as waves beat against her hull relentlessly.

She wouldn't sleep, she knew that, instead her mind would remember other times, places and storms that brought lost memories struggling to rise inside her head. Some succeeded, where others were lost to whatever madness that had first buried them to start with. Some individuals would go mad having lost large chunks of memories, but Kit took it all in stride. Some forgotten head injury she had been told and perhaps one day she would have full recall, or may not. Either way she had gone on with her life and didn't see any good in looking back.

In the distance she heard the shouts and rose smoothly, having only to pull on her boots and just stepped out, listening to the calls and her brow furrowed, even as golden red hair was plastered flush to her head and back under the heavy sheeting rain. Had she heard right' "Mr. Shavier!" Ye be about?" No answer to her shout.

She didn't panic, instead she started moving, hearing more shouts and even the heavy thudding of many feet hitting the docks as she prepared to cut lines with a sturdy dagger drawn from her belt.

"Kit!" The sound of her name brought her head around, clothing sticking to her small frame but somehow, managing to keep her footing on the slick deck.

"Kar!" Shadowy figures were moving closer, struggling against the heavy wind and blinding water. "There be a storm surge headed this way! We need to cut the lines else we will be shattered against the docks!"

"Aye, I heard!" He bellowed back and suddenly the deck was swarming with the crew. The town crier's words making many a drunken sailor sober while lights sprang to life on several other vessels in the port and a flurry of activity soon followed.

The lighthouse was several miles out but already the warning lights had gone out, meaning they had little time to act. "Mr. Shavier!?" She shouted again, as another securing line was cut free. Not taking the time to untie them at this point as they simply couldn't afford it.

"Aye Capt"n!" She heard coming from the upper deck where he was already fighting to spin the wheel around and away from the docks.

"Get a head count as soon as ye can!" Another line falling from under the clean slice of her dagger and she turned, catching sight of the tower tidal wave from a flash of lightening that cut across the sky. "By the Gods!" She muttered and just dashed over to snatch up another rope and towards her Quartermaster she moved, soon lashing him down to the very wheel.

They would be lucky if they didn't get tipped, for it looked nasty, but she did have some magic's still available and soon her blue eyes were glowing, with hands rising upwards. Pulling down a bubble of protection that would last for a short time. It would leave her weak for a day or so, but better that then lost to the fathoms.

Kitian Albaelia

Date: 2006-09-20 04:43 EST
Shavier brought the heavy ship about, struggling with the resistance and then shouted at Kit to find cover, he was seeking the angle of the incoming surge and preparing to attempt to ride into it. The goal was up and over, but if done wrong, they would be flipped. Even if he managed it, they would still be at risk against rocks and other objects if pulled back towards the town.

Hard hands caught her, and dragged her into the mess hall, few would take cover below, for the water was washing over the sides and already weighing down the ship, but once clear the scuppers would be opened and she would again find her buoyancy, that is if they didn't end up turned.

Kar wrapped his arms around his shivering sister and just leaned back against the door as the ship lurched and rocked. The sound of the frame groaning in protest at the sudden battering of wave and wind and felt relief they had gotten back in time.

No one spoke, just sat hunched against the supporting walls, a full crew by the look of it and as the "Kuru" tilted, the faint sound of prayers was heard under breath and in mutters.

Kit knew the barrier she had thrown up was holding, but what good it might do was the question. She just stood there, rigid and shaking in her brother's embrace and just sent all thoughts she could muster to her helmsman. Only to hiss as the ship took a dangerous tilt but then seemed to level off for a moment.

How long they sat there, was only a guess, for all just waited in a sort of surrealistic silence while under them the wooden plants shook from stress. Kar, still cradling his sister sank down, his back still against the door and dragged her with him. Then he started to shout out names. Doing an impromptu head count. By the time that was done, they realized only two were missing.

Another indrawn breath as the ship leveled again and then started to rock and bounce, for what felt like an endless time, then settled, with a final groaning of the hull. "Remind me to give Mr. Shavier a raise Kar." She said hoarsely, her breath falling in a wash of relief.

It was a few seconds then bodies started to move with Kar struggling up to his feet and reaching down to pick her up as well before dragging the water soaked door open and out to the deck they moved.

Shavier was still lashed to the wheel, but moving faintly, looking slightly gray around the edges but managed a faint smile. "She cleared it! I nae know what ye did Kitian, but kept us moving."

Kit cut him free and her brother and Luse caught him before he could fall and just carried him off to his room. Her ship had survived, with some damage apparent. Some of the rigging was gone, a mast cracked, but all easily repaired by her own crew.

"Mr. Tollar, come take the helm!" She called, swaying on her feet, the sudden energy from relief fading quickly.

"Aye Capt"n. Destination?" The lanky form of the sailor coming up the slick steps with surefooted ease and taking up the post, even as the rain still fell in sheets.

"Taluride. We have two missing crewmates, Manes and Bailor, and the town might be needing some aid." Kitian stated, and the man nodded.

"Aye, aye Capt"n."

"Mr's Kiriat, ye two get to fixing that mast! Mr. Harag, Ms.Vaelia ye handle the damaged rigging! Get the rest to aid ye as needed." Normally she would stay with her crew, offering her own hands to the repairs, but she was about to drop and knew it, but had one last order to give before she could rest. "Mr. Vialcan, open the scuppers and start drying us out."

Finding her brother coming out of Shavier's quarters, she gave him a wan smile. "Ye be in charge now Kar. I need to rest before I drop. That spell has about left my sails done for the night."

"Aye Kit. I will handle things until your up and lively again." He gave her a pat to the shoulder then moved off smoothly, handling the heavy rocking with legs long used to the action of the sea.

This time when she fell into her bed, she was out nearly by the time her head touched the plush pillow. Dragged down into a re-energizing sleep having found a way to use her magic after all.


Date: 2006-09-21 12:54 EST
"Easy does it!" Kar stood at the railing of the castle, watching the dock slide closer. Tollar spun the wheel, turning the fore at the last second, and a soft shudder ran through the Kuru as she bumped into the dock. Immediately crewmen jumped over the side, tying the ship to the dock.

The surge had wreaked havoc in Taluride. Crates and debris littered the harbor, and the Kuru had to dodge the wreck of one ship that had been caught broadside by the surge and flipped. Now, only the keel was visible, the rest submerged in the deep harbor water. Now, able to take a second and look toward the shore, Kar could see that several of the dockside buildings had either collapsed or been washed away.

"Luse!" Leaving Tollar with the wheel the younger Albaelia slid down the stair's railing to the main deck, where the long-eared elf was helping clear away the collapsed rigging. "Need you to take a couple of men and head ashore. See if you can find our missing guys."

"Place looks a mess." Spitting into the wind Lusiphur glanced toward the dock and town beyond. "We better be packing when we go in."

"Alright." Kar pulled a thin chain from around his neck and handed it to Lusiphur. "Grab some pistols from the weapons locker on your way." Nodding, the elf sprinted off, calling for three of the deckhands to follow him.

Moving back to the castle Kar glanced up at the low-lying clouds, and hoped another surge or rogue wave wasn't heading in their direction. That brought his thoughts to another problem, and he leaned over the railing again, this time over the main deck.

"Tarv! Get a couple of men with boarding hooks, and make certain the hull stays clear. Last thing we need is debris blocking us in if we have to cut and bail again!"


Date: 2006-10-07 22:05 EST
Of course being presentable was the furthest thing from the young woman's mind. She pulled on the jeans and long sleeved shirt she had brought with her. If the matrons could see her now, they would be scandalized. A wiry grin crossed her lips as she thought about that.

She shouldered her bag and made her way out of the dressmaker's shop. Her smile brightened as she saw Kage waiting. She tilted her head as she regarded him, "Hey you."

Kage approached her, and hugged her tightly before stepping back. "Hello there, Your Cuteness. I'd heard from Morg you were doing the last of your fittings today, and I thought I'd come by to see you." He reached to the small black leather cylinder on his waist.

"I brought you a present," he said as he pulled a blood red orchid out of the case. And handed it to her with a flourish.

She blushed at his greeting and smiled as he pulled the orchid out. She gently picked up the bloom and looked at it. "It's beautiful."

He smiled widely. "I thought you might like it. It will take the water it needs from the air, so if you sprinkle a little water on it every now and again, it'll stay healthy for a long time to come." He leaned in, and kissed her briefly. "So what?s the plan today?"

She returned the kiss lightly. "I was planning to head for the docks. I don't like the look of the weather and the Karu isn't back yet."

The smile faded from her lips as she regarded him solemnly.

"That's Kit and Kar's ship, right' I'll go with you. Hopefully nothing too bad has happened."

She nodded briefly. "I pray so. The clouds do not look good however. All the signs point to a major storm out there."

She shuddered a moment then looked out towards the ocean. "I'm worried, Kage."

He nodded. "Let's go then, loves. Make sure they get a good watch and a proper welcome." He looked up and down the street, and a concerned look crossed his face. "We should go, and be careful. Besides, you should see some of the clothing that tailor shed my blood for."

She chuckled softly, "At least you didn't have to stand for hours on end for just one pieces and a gown at that." She made a silly face.

She took his hand and started in the direction of the docks.

Kage scanned the streets as they passed from the safer areas of the city into the Docks district. His sense of disquiet had been growing steadily worse as they'd gotten closer. Now, his head fairly screamed of danger. :We may want to be careful here, love. Someone's watching us,: he said mentally, as he scanned the street a second time.

She looked around warily. She was also feeling uneasy especially with the increasing number of ships seeking refuge. "I don't like this, Kage."

She got worried, as it seemed that the harbor was filling up with all sorts of ships. She shook her head and considered sending word up to Morg about this.

Kage spotted a flash of red sash, and squeezed Ilyona's hand. "My love, methinks we might have a problem." He pointed towards a man approaching in a red bandanna and sash, attempting to sneak up on them. He loosened his weapons.

She tensed up and looked about.


Date: 2006-10-16 00:23 EST
All things considered, Kage thought, it could be worse. There's only eight of them.He scanned the rooftops, and spotted two more, sneaking away. He turned on Ilyona, and pounced, kissing her as he pinned her to the wall. "Two up high, on the move towards the dock, eight moving in for the attack. Any chance you can get the ones on the rooftop," he whispered in her ear.

She returned the kiss and nuzzled against his cheek as she listened to his words. "It can be arranged, " she murmured softly in response and turned her thoughts to the shadows. These brigands would be in for a rude awakening if they thought the couple was truly alone.

Ilyona had taken to wearing a blaster herself as well as the knife secured to her calf. Her eyes hardened marginally and she readied herself to move on his signal. While the scene was unfolding below, the two above were unaware of the shifting shadows following them.

"On three, then." He reached between them, grabbing the plasma pistol up under his arm.

Her eyes darken noticeably as she started pulling on her power. Her right hand slipped down to release the fastener on her gun. She nodded to him in response.

"One." He kissed her again, and pulled back just a bit.

Kissing him softly, she felt the numbing coldness settle into place. She would not let herself to feel, as she made ready to fight. These fools made the mistake of threatening someone she loved. They would not be making that mistake again.

"Two." He glanced back to the pirate approaching on the right, and nodded to Ilyona.

She trained her awareness to the figures approaching on the right. They thought they had the advantage of being in the shadows and darkness. They lost that advantage as her eyes sight shifted into the lower spectrums, a gift of her mother's people.


He snap-turned to the left, bringing both guns up in a single smooth motion. He opened fire on the two nearest him, catching one in the throat with hot plasma, and sending the other scurrying for cover.

She moved in concert with him, turning to the right and firing the blaster towards the approaching figures. The men scattered as another of their number went down with a smoking hole in his chest

Kage sized up his quarry, and fired again just as the man foolishly decided to rise just enough to get to his sword. The lead round stuck his head above his eyes, and shredded. The pirate fell forward, his hand still gripping the hilt of his undrawn sword. Kage swiveled, and drew a bead on two more up the fire escape with knives drawn.

Meanwhile, the two moving across the rooftops were stopped dead in their tracks. Fear gripped them as a shadowy form emerged before them. Rage coursed through the shadowy form at the thought of his Ilyona ambushed. The Sentinel gestured to one of the brigands and shadowy tentacles wrapped around his throat. The Sentinel crushed its victim's windpipe as the other one scrambled to make for the ship.

The Sentinel watched the other one go and snaked out the tendrils again. The tendrils this time tripped the second man. The Sentinel lunged at the prone figure viciously. The man did not have a chance as the Sentinel ripped him to shreds.

The Sentinel regarded its victims in thought then made a decision that set him apart from the others. He grabbed both bodies and carried back along the path towards the ambush point. The brigands were about to get a very rude wake-up call.

Kage opened fire, and turned as both brigands fell, lashing out with the butt of the slug thrower at another getting a tad too close to Ilyona with that knife in his hand. As the pirate went down, Kage thought, Why does that one have a full shirt on"

While Kage was concentrating on the others, one managed to get with in striking distance of his back. As his pirate went down, the other slashed at him. Ilyona acted on instinct as she shouldered him to the side. The knife connected in a glancing blow to his side. This brought Ilyona into close range with the brigand as she whirled on him pulling her knife. She danced around the brigand's clumsy blows taunting him, wearing him down. She continued this deadly dance with brigand until she was able to seize on an opening in his defenses and jammed her knife into his chest.

As she was fighting with the brigand, the last brigand snarled and moved into to attack her from behind. As he tried to move into position, two more bodies fell to the ground with a meaty thud between him and the young woman. The shadow writhed and bled into the form of the Sentinel once more as the last brigand was cruelly ripped to shreds.

Kage heard more than felt the blow, and dropped to the ground in just enough time to see the last pirate rent limb from limb, and was dearly glad that it was on his side. He heard a groan, and grabbed the shirted pirate by the vest. The vest tore, and then the shirt as Kage scrambled to grab it with the other hand.

The pirate fell back to the cobbles, knocking herself out once again. Blood from a laceration over her left eye seeping to join the wet streams between the cobbles. "Hmph," he said. "I don't think her friends know she's female, 'Yona."

She growled softly and winced with the smaller cuts from the fight. "I want to know which ship they came from."

A little revenge plan was forming, "Bind her. I want information before we turn her over to DeAuster."

Kage closed his eyes, and touched the side of her head. "When she wakes up, she'll think she's paralyzed. She'll be able to breathe and talk, but not much else. You recognize the livery on these farks?"

"No, but that's what I want to learn. This was not a random attack. Too many people involved for my taste. I plan on making whomever was behind this pay dearly." The look in her pale eyes was cold and serious.

"Then learn we will." He rolled the woman onto her back, and applied a piece of gauze to the wound. "Let me just get the bleeding stopped.?


Date: 2006-10-22 00:27 EST
Kage dabbed the last of the blood away, and gave the downed pirate a hard look. He snapped his fingers, and she began to twitch.

Her eyes sprang open, and she looked at Kage groggily.

Kage smiled widely at her. "Welcome back to the land of the living. You've been injured, young lady. You're going to find it hard to move for awhile, so just relax. I stopped the bleeding, and revived you as best I could.

I have a few questions of you, if you don't mind" First, what ship are you from' Your compatriots will want to know that you're alive."

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "I am....Yamashi....Motoko. Must....Shirt, before go....Ship. They seek....Albaelias. Ship dock....ju-go. I know no why, only what."

Kage Stood, and turned to Ily. "Pier fifteen, that's where we'll find the ship. Want to get her to Lucius now, or later?"


Date: 2006-10-26 14:51 EST
"Mate, ye better be seeing this!" The shout from the wheel brought Kar's attention from the repairs being made to the mast, and at the urgent wave the young man hurried up to stand beside Tollar, who was pointing down at the dock below. "We got an outflow formin??"

"Damn!" Slapping the wet railing Kar turned toward Tollar. "Be ready to head toward the open sea when I give the order." Turning back again, he watched as the foamy sea lapped at the dock pylons, and cursed again softly as more of the pylons were becoming visible with each passing moment. He prayed it was water from the first surge retreating, and not the harbinger of a second tidal wave. The Kuru had been lucky the first time, and Karenthesis didn't believe that luck existed in the amount needed to survive a second storm surge.

Looking out over the battered town didn't improve his mood. Fires were starting to spring up, and already his sharp hearing had caught the tell-tale pops of pistol fire. He had already sent a group of heavily-armed sailors to the entrance of the pier they had moored to, to guard against any seeking to take advantage of the chaos. Two boats had already been spotted heading toward the overturned ship in the harbor, and he could almost imagine the fight over the salvage that would begin even before the rain ceased falling.

Seeing movement down the pier, the young man tensed, but relaxed when he say the party he had sent falling back, and in front of them was Lusiphur's band, carrying the two missing men. Shouting orders, Kar had the crew moving to help their fellows aboard and to cast off. "What's the status of the main, Mr. Kiriat?"

"We need another hour at least, mate." Kiriat called from where he and, Harag and Vaelia were supervising repairs.

"Rig up the secondus then. We're making for open water."

"Aye!" Already Tollar had started to bring the ship around, and various shouts rang amongst the crew as they continued to use long poles to move aside floating crates and other debris. Kar moved back to the poop deck, his long hair plastered to his forehead as he squinted out over the dark waters, cursing the rain that was growing heavier by the moment.

"Should we head for another cove for now?" Tollar asked, spinning the wheel to avoid a downed tree that lay half-submerged at the harbor's entrance. Kar shook his head, sending hair whipping into and sticking to his cheek.

"Naw. Set a course west, and hug the shore." He looked up at the heavy clouds and growled softly. "This beast be heading more north, so we'll leave "er behind."

"Aye, mate. West it be!? Squinting at the compass built into the wheelstation Tollar expertly brought the ship onto it's new course, and the Enyala Kuru disappeared into the heavy fog being kicked up by the outer rainbands.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2006-12-11 00:11 EST
Jondar jauntily tossed his hat to a knot of giggling maids, and waited while the butler took his coat. Karsec had grown preternaturally cold for this time of year, but the inside of the vast house was as warm as a spring day.

He readjusted his sword-belt, and climbed the wide marble staircase to the second floor, where his father's office had been before Kyra had slain him a few days earlier.

He'd been fortunate to catch Morgiun Albaelia during his visit to the Red Dragon Inn in Rhy'din, but not by the result that meeting had brought him. Kyra's not going to like this, he thought sourly. But at least I won't meet my father's fate. I hope

"Sir, is there something wrong," a male voice asked behind him.

Anger and frustration flashed in his eyes as he turned on his heel. "No, Robertson, there's nothing you need to concern yourself with. Have preparations been made for my Father?"

"Yes, milord," the older man drawled. "The cosmetician and the enbalmer have both finished their tasks, and he lies in state in the main parlor. Tomorrow, the announcement will be made to the People, and then the giving of Loyalty to you, milord."

"Excellent. Now, leave me. I need to speak to Lady Kyra."

"She's in the Office," the man sniffed disdainfully, and walked away down the stairs to break up the fight over his hat. In times past, he'd take the girl that brought him back his hat into his bed that night, but tonight might not be a good.

He stood in front of the heavy metal doors into the antechamber, and swallowed hard.


Date: 2006-12-14 12:24 EST
"The last of the rigging's been stowed below, mate." Shavier stood beside Karenthesis near the wheel of the Kuru, as both watched the crew scurry around the main deck below. "With the repairs on the mainsail finished, the Kuru be right as rain."

Kar groaned softly at that little remark, given how they had received the damage in the first place. During the voyage from Talirude's Landing to Cisroe the Enyara Kuru had met one other ship, a frigate out of Malirid with thier own tale about the deadly storm surge the hurricane had kicked up. Kit and he both realized just how close they had come, after hearing the story of what happened to Dagger's Jet.

"cargo's unloaded, our supplies restocked..." Running over a mental checklist kar finally nodded, and turned toward Shavier. "Mr. Shavier, I think it's time to cut the crew loose for some R&R."

"Aye, mate. I'd agree totally." The older sailor leaned over the railing encircling the castle. "Dobs, spread the word. All hands are to report to the quartermaster." The sailor Shavier spoke to waved a hand upward, and as the moments passed the two could hear the crew breaking into song, eager for the upcoming pay and chance to go ashore.

"You do know you're gonna have to get some out of the local prison in the mornin'?" The soft words drew Kar's attention to where Lusiphur leaned against the railing, arms and ankles crossed.

"Aye, but better me to do it than Kit." Kar turned toward the wheel, hands coming to rest on the solid oak. His nostrils flared at the familiar sulphuric odor of a match as Luse lit a cigarette.

"You could have gone with her, you know." The assassin grunted as he pushed away from the railing and moved toward the head of the stairs down to the main deck. "I bet your brother and sisters wouldn't have minded your company."

"Yeah, but they're gonna be talking about that coming out ball." Making a face, Kar turned to gaze out over the bustling city. "I mean, Morg can handle it, since he's gonna be half-sauced anyway's. But all that talk about silk and dresses and whatnot.."

"Don't mean a hill of drek." Lusiphur interrupted, glittering eyes moving to the younger half-elf. "Yer makin' excuses, boy." Kar bristled slightly at being called a boy, but quickly remembered that, next to the older elf, he was indeed just that. "You've been moping ever since we docked yesterday mornin', and you met that messanger from Luc."

"Yeah, and how do you think that made me feel?" Kar shot back with a growl. "Cie's gone into the Trials, and I didn't even get to tell her good luck!"

"Good bye, don't you mean?" Lusiphurs cold tone stopped any further protest that Kar may have made. "Look boy, I've known Cie's mom for longer than you or your sister both's been running this world. I've watched Cieara grow up from a wee babe. And, I know what the Duibh Trials are all about." The wiry elf paused, watching the younger Kar for a brief passage of seconds. "You're gonna have to get it through that thick head of yours, that if anyone can pass those Trials, it's Fiona's daughter."

"I hope so." Kar replied, soft enough for most would have missed, but Lusiphur merely grunted, flicking the remains of his cigarette over the railing.

"C'mon." A gloved hand took Kar's shoulder, guiding him toward the stairs with a pressure that brooked no arguement. "We're gonna get yer mind off things, otherwise I'm gonna brain yer stubborn ass myself."

"Hey! I can't..." the resistance cut short as Kar had to catch himself from stumbling down the stairs, Lusiphur right behind.

"Yeah you can, boy!" A smirk cut across Luse's features as he goaded Kar toward the gangplank. "Tonight yer gonna drink, watch some dancin', and maybe even get yerself laid. NO ARGUEMENTS!" He held a finger out toward Kar, who let the last of his arguement slip away as he turned toward the gangplank.

"Oh by the by..." The smirk turned into a full-blown smile as he followed Kar toward the dock. "...yer buying, right?"

Lord Tresillian

Date: 2007-01-30 13:47 EST
"The Flying Delight' boasted a clear view from their elegant balconies, and it was there he now stood. Sharp blue eyes gazing out towards the harbor and the array of masts easily noted in the distance. His runners had alerted him to the arrival of that ship, but here, little could be done about it. This was "Their" territory and a intelligent man didn't make a misstep given that knowledge.

Thanks in part to that storm the ship was still under repairs as well. One didn't start a battle when the weapon wasn't in perfect working condition. Of course a few days in harbor would take care of that minor issue.

Discreet inquiries had learned that the "Kuru" did indeed carry the contracts of privateer for this region. To touch them here, would be the height of folly and Nick while volatile was hardly stupid. He would bide his time and seek the more prudent "Diplomatic" means his cousin had suggested.

Cisroe had survived the recent skirmish almost intact he found. Rumors of its near destruction had been more then a little overblown. From the list of names his aunt had supplied to him for the coming social whirl, only a few families had been banished as well. If anything, the place looked cleaner, the feeling happier then in his past trips. To view it now, it appeared to be flourishing under the new ruling family.

Jerked from his thoughts, the knock on the door capturing his attention and he turned his head with a mutter. "Come."

"I have sent word to Lord Albaelia regarding the meeting. Letting him know we are in residence and await his response." Murdock stated, tossing his cloak and gloves into one of the large opulent chairs near the hearth.

"Indeed." Dominic's tone hardly delighted at the prospect.

"I also have notified your aunt about our arrival as well." Murdock continued before folding his elegantly attired frame down. Gleaming boots crossing with the shimmer of fire reflecting off the high black glossed polish.

"Good, good." Nick muttered before stepping inside and out of the cool breeze and regarded his cousin. Well aware he wasn't even near finished with his report.

"Apparently the ruling family here will be kicking off the season. I have already acquired invitations to the event. It's an introduction of the heir of I am not mistaken." Draping his arms down to rest casually on the padded sides of his seat he continued. "As we already know, the Albaelia's are allied with them so it's sure they will be in attendance. Not to mention the rumor that there is hope of a linking of the families by marriage. Either their youngest daughter to the second Albaelia son or Lady Kitian to Lady DeAuster's brother."

That news made a brow rise slightly in surprise. "Is this your way of yet another subtle warning Cousin?"

"Just stating the facts as I have learned them Nick." The reply was cool and given without rancor.

"It hardly matters if the families are linked. Nor do I care if that sea witch has some uncertain protector. They will back off our waters or suffer the consequences of refusing." To him, it was really that simple.

"Forewarned is forearmed cousin." His glance showed a hint of irritation at Nick's unrelenting demeanor and ire. "Just tread with some care is all I suggest. Would not do to alienate a rising family of power. One that might prove a profitable ally to us as well as to the Albaelia clan."

"Perhaps." Was all he said even as a mild frown flickered over his tanned face. "Ye might be right, but if we can get them to ease off our ships, I shall cease my complaints, much as it might pain me to do such.?