Topic: Season In the Making

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-02-11 00:24 EST
The manor house wasn't one of those confiscated. It had been abandoned. It had survived years upon years of neglect, but it had still been stately. With it's Gray stone rising up amidst the over grown trees of the forest that surrounded it. The family that had owned it had long passed into Cisroe history and the old castle had fallen to ruin, until discovered by Myrialla and Fiona.

Neither had wanted the Urevan manor, the place holding the old energies of its previous owner and none comfortable. Instead that had been converted into a public hall with offices for the Captain of the guards, councilmen and judges, with one wing transformed into barracks to house the town guards and visiting troops. It was better suited due to its location for such a new station after all.

Instead, the ladies had begun a renovation of the old structure. At one time it had been a castle. That was apparent. For it was located in a rather strategic location. Set high on a hill above the town with sheer walls lining the road up towards it. In the recovery an old moat had been discovered, covered over with dirt from ages past.

Painstaking landscaping was created, the moat returned and allowing a few well-placed waterfalls to cascade from its high location. The road, overgrown and rutted was repaved; the building brought back to life under the hands of those that took pride in their craft.

80 acres of well defendable land was cleared and restored. Gardens brought back to life under the guidance of Myrialla. Even the crystal clear lake, was refurbished with the underground spring once more refreshing it's shimmer.

From the dungeons and labyrinth below to the barracks and even the attic spaces had not been spared in this refurbishing. What had made it even more unique and appealing was the design of the old structure. Curious as it was, the wings of the old castle spread out into an eight-pointed star. One wing dedicated to the housing of Lucius's military leaders, and their various offices including the lords. Another set of halls set aside for the servants. Any guests would be assigned to one that held nearly a dozen well appointed rooms.

Family such as Fiona's brother and mother would have a wing of their own, with extra rooms for closer friends to also rest. Daniel, Cieara, Kaely and Tasha had their own wing as well. One that actually had a door that led down towards the stables. Each had its purpose for another was turned into a training area and another into the slave quarters.

Another wing, facing out over the gardens with a view of the lake and the shadow of the mountains beyond it was where Fiona and Luc's rooms were located, with Myri's own suite at the other end. Only one wing remained, but for now it would serve well as extra storage. It nearly rivaled Gharnholm in size with all the underground chambers, but was not nearly as unique in design.

It had cost a small fortune to return the old tumble back to its former glory but Fiona gladly paid it. It was close enough to town and still isolated to some degree. Easily defended against any that might seek harm to her family as well. Of course one of the first things done once the work was under way was to lay down the wards. The stone set within the vast gardens and looking more like a decoration then what it truly was.

Keeping to the theme, the rooms were decorated to match the time frame for when it was built. Of course with many of the more modern amenities including running water fed by the hot springs located below. The old coat of arms had been lost but a new one took its place upon the old gates and above the arches leading over the bridge. The DeAuster crest now resided there.

The old throne room had been transformed into a ballroom for it was certainly large enough. Even now the newly hired servants scurried about, preparing for the coming event. The mosaic floors made of marble and shimmering stone now gleamed with polish and care. The walls of pale oak waxed and warm. The old dais remained but now new chairs replaced the old. Comfortable and elegant in style, and large enough to suit even Luc's heavier frame.

By most social standards it was a small estate, but at one time, it had been the defender of the region. A past that made its rebirth a symbol to the town it loomed over. Its old name was Coldmoor Castle. The new name would be something else. Something befitting it's new owners. Welcome to Shadow Falls Manor.

Kitian Albaelia

Date: 2007-02-11 00:26 EST
With a flourish she signed the last draft for payments on the various items of the season. From various wardrobes contracted to the party planer, for merchants and venders awaiting the monies. After dropping then into the box to be delivered by one of the Albaelia footmen later, she dusted off her hands then sunk back into her chair. There was darkness in the sapphire eyes as she leaned against her hand. Chin cradled there as she pondered.

There was still much to do and she knew she was nowhere near done, but she wasn't anywhere approaching a comfortable mood to deal with all this pomp and social buzzing. It made matters worse as she could hardly try and inspire her sister to enjoy it, when she herself was positively dreading the coming events. Social climbing wasn't something taught in any of the schools she had attended growing up. Then again, she had never bothered to pay much attention to anything outside of her magical studies. So if had been taught, she had missed all the details of it.

Her own season had been brief, which had been by her own choice. Over the years, fleeting appearances were made as required, but she knew that the Albaelia clan was separate from the superficial social climbers they would now have to mingle with.

Knowing her brothers, they would hold themselves apart. Neither had much interest in the glittering world they would soon step into. Ily was already balking, having tried to find ways to avoid it, but it was a family tradition none of them could escape. Each of them, including Molly, had their "Introduction" to the social circles they were considered part of. Soft lips twitched for a moment with humor when she remembered just how much Molly's "coming out" had been considered a total failure by their mother.

The eldest sister's insanity had been only more enhanced by the experience, as she had never done well in most social situations. Molly didn't know how to be subtle or discreet. She never had been able to hold her tongue, so many had walked away from her feeling insulted at her blunt statements and stark observations she hadn't ever thought to keep such things to herself. It simply wasn't her way and never had been.

Kit had been witness to Kar's introduction. He had been a favorite of the ladies, charming them with wicked smiles and compliments. A string of debutants had high hopes he would offer for him. Instead, he had been caught in the garden of one of the grand parties, dallying about with a common ladies maid. His reputation as a rake and Wild Hellion had been made from the dashed hopes of jealous little twits that were no better then the maid they thought beneath them. Kit knew only to well, he had frolicked with several of the so-called "Ladies" also.

Morg would crawl behind his fa?ade of a drunkard. Kar would likely make an appearance, walk around for a few minutes amidst buzzing gossips, dredging up his past antics and then vanish as he usually did. That meant it was up to Kit to play chaperone. Most considered her "on the shelf" having not made any dazzling marriage contract. Which lent her some respectability as her sister's guard dog.

The simple fact was, there would be gossip about the family, there always was. Of course none would dare say it to their faces, knowing in most cases they could buy and sell them outright. They might be a titled clan, but it wouldn't stall the waggling tongues over their eccentric behaviors. They didn't act like everyone else expected them to and because of that, tongues would waggle with feigned superiority.

It brought to mind her mother, complaining one time to their father about the hushed whispers that followed them.

Morcyn had sought to calm his softhearted wife, taking her into his arms with a smile. "It's fear M'dear. We are not kings, we are more dangerous then that and it scares them. We are king makers. The power behind the throne and it's that very force that chills them. So ignore it Love, as it's only a sign of jealous hearts."

She had been a child then, and hadn't understood, but now she did comprehend the words. It made them targets for gossip and rumors usually unfounded. Tales swirling about all of them that were often so fantastical they were laughable but that didn't stop others from listening to it. She did hope Ily was prepared for that, as it was just something that came along with the family name and title.

Placing one high stack of invitations to the side, she scooped up the smaller pile and rose to her feet, soft dark blue skirts falling down around her slippered feet as she moved. In her hand she carried the ones to consider attending, while the rest would be politely declined. Kit was going to let her little sister look over the ones she had selected and between the two of them decide which ones they could tolerate. She wasn't going to force Ily to appear in public anymore then she had to. Social interactions such as these were always best taken in small doses after all.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-02-16 12:20 EST
One thing they didn't tell me, Lucius thought with a mental grumble, was all the fething paperwork that goes with the seat.

When he had embarked on his march of war against Urevan, no further thought had been made except to hurt the presumptive nobleman. The Chaos Lord had set out to do just that, slowly taking chunks of land in a march to the city walls of Cisroe. The removal of Urevan from his throne and manor had not only been a joyous occasion for the people, but a personal victory for himself and his family.

Urevan's ally, Duke Torvien, continued the fight, and was proving to be a harder nut to crack, as one of his commanders had so eloquently put it. Of course, it didn't help that he was receiving aid from one of the Northern Empires, but there was nothing yet Lucius could do about that. All fighting along the front had ceased when winter, this year especially harsh, had descended, both sides taking the time to fortify the borders around the Duchy of Gharnholme and Torviensvald.

This left Lucius dealing with the affairs of state. Had he known it would be this much of a headache he may well have installed a puppet rulership. The upcoming ball was one such item that left a dull ache behind the eyes. Let Myrialla and Fiona deal with setting up things themselves, he had to send out the invitations to the nobles of Cisroe, well-to-do merchants whose happiness helped the businesses of the city and duchy, and those allies he favored. Security for the event was turning into a nightmare, as Audric, king of Malirid, was making an appearance for Daniel and Ilyona's introduction. The monarch was using the ball as a reason to travel to the duchy and confer with Lucius about their alliance, and where to go with it, or so Lieance said.

And the bills"those were set aside as he stood and walked from behind his desk to the window overlooking the snowed-in garden below the citadel. There was only so much he could take in one sitting"

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-02-21 02:39 EST
Fiona didn't bother to knock instead she pushed open the study door and stepped inside. Behind her a servant followed, carrying a tray with a pot of coffee and a variety of goodies for Lucius to sample. "Place it on the table over by the fire if ye please Dina." She said, while taking a moment to look at the stack of messages she had carried inside.

Laying them down quietly she looked over at Luc where he stood gazing out at the snow-covered landscape behind Shadowfall and caught an inkling of his thoughts. A raven brow arched slightly as she placed the stack down, only to pause. One already on his cluttered desk caught her attention and she reached for it, plucking it from the scattered collection of others missives. "Love, I know ye be already feeling the press of these social events, so I nae like adding to it, but did ye happen to look at this missive here?"

It held the crest of Zymire, one she knew only to well and as he turned to look at her, she saw the strain around his eyes. "I have only gotten through half of that mess." Lucius's tone holding a growl because he would rather be out on a battlefield, killing and maiming then playing diplomat as he was presently.

"Ah, I see. I be afraid ye headache might be worse once ye do read it." Gliding over she handed the embossed letter to him then wrapped her arms about his waist from behind and just gave him a warm hug. She felt him tensing up even before he spoke and ice green eyes took on a humor filled glimmer as the muttered curses started.

"Ye know that be me cousin ye be speaking so eloquently about. Tis' only normal she would wish to attend our son's introduction. Nae to mention, there be other items in the offering if ye but take a look further. She seeks a meeting with ye as well. She has her own house here as well, so ye will nae need provide security, Lord Mirawien be well versed in such requirements."

"Mirawien?" His auburn head turned to regard her for a moment, the grumbling coming to an abrupt stop up her speaking that name.

"Aye, he be Sorcha's father. I suspect ye will actually like him, as ye both have similar taste in regards to battle." Slender arms released him only to slip around to coil them about his neck and gaze up at him with a smile curling on rose pale lips. "I also expect ye will be offered another alliance from me cousin. Such a thing is rare, for that be few realms about she's granted that to."

"Fiona, even thought she is your cousin, that doesn't mean we will come to an agreement." Lucius wrapped arms around her lithe form and holding her close as steely gray eyes met hers.

A gloved hand moved to cradle his whiskered cheek gently as she returned his regard with a brow rising again. "I would expect ye both to reach a profitable agreement before ye sign. Nae would I think otherwise, even if there is a line of blood linking the lands already. Zymire has battle mages and warrior troops that would make a valuable addition to ye current forces. Ye have a variety of goods that would serve Zymire well. I be knowing Bronwyn, she nae ever does anything without reason."

"I will meet with her Love, but I make no promises." Lucius replied quietly, and then turned his auburn head. Sending a dark glower at his desk. "There is still many messages to sift through but it's making my head pound."

"Then let me help ye M'Love. Myri has all the plans well in hand and I am familiar with this process. I did manage far more paper work then this in the past after all." She drew away with a laugh at his frown and glided over to his desk and settled down behind it. There was one pile that was actually stacked neatly so she motioned to it. "Ye be done with those already?"

Kitian Albaelia

Date: 2007-02-22 14:26 EST
Kitian glowered at the man standing before her. Hands pressed against her hips with the tapping of a boot ringing out against the floor. "I said nae to that idea. I will nae have any caterwauling Opera singer at my sister's ball! I nae care if it be "All the rage", and considering me family be paying for this, I think ye may want to listen."

"But milady, "All" the foremost Hostesses will be having such..." Lamond sputtered, eyes widening in utter shock with the fluttering of lacy-cuffed hands.

Her hand shot up, stalling his words. "Ye do not understand me Mr. Lamond. My brother Morguian is not fond of such entertainments. He has likened it to fingernails on a chalkboard and will nae take kindly to ye seeking to force it upon him. As blas" as it might seem, we merely wish musicians and dancing for Ilyona's debut."

"Fine." The man's reply was huffy and along with the petulant turn of lips, that could rival any of the young spoiled misses to be introduced this season.

"Now, there be another matter to discuss." Kit snapped, waving a bill of lading at him. "This be the caterer. What be ye thinking asking for such substandard fare as this" Cucumber sandwiches" Be ye mad?"

He swallowed suddenly with heat surfacing on pallid features. "Tis what everyone else be requesting. Most young ladies nae be wanting to eat much at such events, due to fear or gaining weight so I was told."

"Balderdash! We will have many MEN here too ye ..." She stopped just short of totally insulting the man biting back a string of obscene remarks towards his parentage, as for the most part he had done a splendid job organizing the coming ball. He might have a few things skewed in the ways of her family such as taste in entertainment and food, but his sense of style and decorative eye had served well. Instead she took a deep, even breath and shook her head, honey red hair floating about emphatically.

"This will nae do Mr. Lamond. No man would find the sight of soggy cucumber sandwiches appealing and tis likely the same for any ladies. The simple fact is, the Albaelia have always served a rich, appealing and hearty fare for any event. We are nae prone to following the trends of the time. Aye, we prefer to march to our own beat."

Lamond nodded, aware he was on a very fine line here. Had this been nearly any other family paying for his services, he would have walked out. As it was, the healthy monetary amount was far more then any other patron he had served and along with the prestige of their name he had to just take the abuse.

"Nae only is my sister having her debut this night, there will be a number of leaders of state, both from here and many other regions. There will be discussions and meetings going on during the event. They will expect a lavish affair with no expense spared and that does include the array of cuisine we will be offering." Dragging the heavy fall of hair out of her face with a sweeping hand, while in the other she waved a stack of papers.

"Ye have shown excellent taste in the selections of drinks we will be providing, both harmless to the senses as well as those sure to please my elder brother. And believe me, he does have a very demanding palate in such matters. I be sure ye can use that same knowledge and sophistication towards the buffet and create a feast that nae anyone else can dream of." Ah yes, she was going to appeal to the vanity now, as that seemed to work. The old adage of more flies with honey and such was in mind.

"Indeed Milady! I think I can and it might just create a whole new fashion for the parties that follow!" The flattery worked as he beamed at her, hands clasping together while he seemed to ponder just what delicacies he could arrange for that would suitably impress and tempt any that might gaze upon them.

Kitian just returned the smile with one of her own, yet it was a little more strained then usual. At the moment she was thinking she would rather be riding the waves. Life at sea was far easier then this frippery. In fact, she would rather be under heavy cannon fire then facing this. "Ye likely be right about that, Mr. Lamond. Even if it nae becomes the next wave in party planning, it will still be unique."

He soon headed off, calling out to his assistant, leaving Kit to receive the last deliveries of the ordered gowns. She also signed for the packages sent by the Tailor as well, as it appeared that both her brothers had actually taken her request seriously. A fact she was rather relieved about, considering both could be exceptionally stubborn when they wanted.

As it was, things were coming together with only a few wrinkles along the way. She could only hope the actual event went as smoothly. For now, she would make arrangements to have the various packages delivered to their appropriate rooms and just prayed her sea legs could keep her standing as she navigated these uncharted waters of social insanity.