Topic: Sg?ils a'd Cuimhne Riamh

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2008-09-24 14:42 EST
Stepping out of the lordship's office, she paused a moment in the hall, her ocean colored gaze tracking a few of the robed forms moving past. She had been called back from a job and now wondered why. She wasn't a bloody baby sitter, but it appeared she was to become one for a while. Eyes narrowing in irritation she strode off towards her own rooms within the Order. She had been here since she was 15 years old, on and off and in truth it was home to her now.

"Sorcha" Do ye have a moment?" Falcon seemed to materialize a few feet from her and she stopped instantly to look silently at him. She didn't know why he wanted to speak with her, but she gave a sharp nod of her dark head.

"Can you check on one of the girls when ye arrive" Simply send a message to let me know how she fairs?" He requested quietly with those unusual eyes of his holding a somber tinge to the glittering depths.

"As ye wish Milord." Already waiting for him to give her name, as she knew the place was likely thick with all sorts of "girls".

"Her name is Rhian. She's one of Lord DeAuster's girls. I simply want to be sure she is being cared for."

Ah, Sorcha had heard some rumors about this and her response was another quiet nod. Fallon had remained in the safety of the Order upon the Queen's request and most of the operatives were aware of the causes. Someone was seeking the power core of Zymire, which was a most serious and for many troubling situation. All those within the Duibh Order were to keep and eye out for anyone that might possibly involved and thus far had learned little.

"Thank ye Sorcha. I appreciate ye taking the time out to do this for me." He made a weak effort of a smile towards her and was gone, just that quick and silently. A feat many might find unsettling, but as she was well used to the ways of many adapts here now.

Into her own quarters she then strolled, already pondering just how long she would be forced to play a guard to her leader's grandchildren.

The frown deepened on her features for a moment, having also heard quite a bit about that family. She herself had come up through the ranks in the shadow of their mother, a woman who was close to being legendary in the history of the Order. It was also a well-known fact that Rhystil didn't care much for his son-in-law or his various practices.

In truth it had been a while since she heard anything about the children. She knew they had two, but the ages were uncertain. She remembered hearing that they were both rather unruly and willful, but most children were. That very nature had forced her own family to send her here. Of course Lord DeWil did often comment about how lax their sire was in controlling them.

Those memories of brief snatches of conversation made her just mutter darkly as she started to throw some belongings into a large travel trunk. It looked as if her job was going to be far more difficult then she liked. She was to be a guard for that pair now, and the prospect was not sitting well.

Gloved fingers moved to idly toy with the silver brace on her left wrist. It was a symbol of one of the last mistakes she had ever made. She suspected it was that very mistake which seemed to make Rhystil feel she was the best one suited for this job. Stormy sea-blue eyes narrowed with a stony expression at the reminder. She might not like this new contract, but she would make sure the job would be done efficiently. Even if it meant locking both of those kids up with enchanted chains to keep them from running off to possible death or worse.

It didn't take her that long to finish up the packing, having returned just a few hours before she had nearly everything she needed. Pulling the travel documents out of her back pocket, she looked over the itinerary, making note of the departure and was relieved to see she had a few hours still. That would be enough time to take care of some personal business before she boarded the ship. Author's Note: The Title of this story, "Sg?ils a'd Cuimhne Riamh" means "Shadows of Memory Past."

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2008-10-31 02:06 EST
In minutes she was heading back down the long dark halls towards the library. Inside the silent chamber she collected a few books for the trip, and then stopped in to restock her array of poisons. Once this was complete she arranged to have her belongings sent to the docks and headed to Minavyar. Lord DeWil had request she speak with her father before her departure. So she could only assume he was awaiting her arrival.

Less then a half hour later she was strolling from the gleaming arches of the portal into a room of Lord DeWil's personal town house. A luxury granted to a few within the realm, but it did make travel easier for many of those of the Order, thus the expensive magical transport had been prudent.

Due to the recent fluctuation in the magical energies of Zymire, long distance travel had been recently forbidden via the use of the magical gates. To Sorcha this meant something had happened to shut down the few rare portals that dotted the lands. Likely a rather unfavorable result of use, that caused such concerns. Sorcha actually wasn't fond of the mode of transport to be sure for the sensation was most unsettling to one of her nature. Short jumps to one location or another was one thing, but the longer ranged movement often left her feeling weakened and drained from the stress of use.

As it was, she was now to spend at least a week or more aboard a ship at sea. This was also another less then delightful prospect. Seemed more a waste of time in truth, but Sorcha's skill in shadow travel had not progressed to the point she could cross the great ocean. One day perhaps she would have that ability, but for now, she had no other options.

Nerves, that was what the tension that encased her was. She always felt this way when facing the prospect of dealing with her sire. A glove enshrouded hand rose to sweep back the drift of chocolate brown strands that had floated around pale features.

It was said that her father was a dark entity, a creature of great power who had fallen in love with a Elvin noble's daughter and had actually married her. It was a curious union to be sure but Sorcha had learned such things did happen from the many such tales she had found over the years. It was bit of a collecting thing, numerous accumulated books, baubles and trinkets of their travels and she cataloged stories about a variety of darker entities.

As it was that marriage hadn't survived, for whatever reason, as her mother never said and neither did he come to think of it. Although she suspected it had something to do with her father's roaming ways.

She had met with him a few times over the past years and found him to be pleasant enough company, just had learned it was best to watch what she said around him. Thus there was an uncertainty in their interactions. A certain strain that both were well aware of but never dared speak about it.

Forgoing the use of the carriage that was always ready for unexpected visitors, Sorcha instead found her way though the elegant halls. Welcoming the rush of cool air as she slipped out the door onto the serene street the town home was situated upon.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2008-10-31 02:09 EST
The few forms walking along at a casual and sedate pace caught her gaze, with the elegantly adorned ladies in their silks and the men in their great coats. She was adorned in her usual leathers and would be damned if she would change. Not for what should be a hopefully short meeting with her father. Sorcha also had the excuse of time being against her anyway. She had but two hours before she was to board the ship that would carry her away.

Minavyar was the royal seat of Zymire. Located upon an isle just south west of the main continent, much of the city was built upon terrain that was made of sheer rock that rose up from the sea a good sixty feet. Roads leading from the municipality had been carved literally from the granite plateau in which it was placed. It had been stated though the various historical intellectuals that the placement had been no accident. It made it a highly defendable position by both land and sea. A history that remained in the tall towers that still loomed all around the edges of queen's holding.

It left little room for growth in some instances, but in the matter of all things, the inhabitants found ways. Some of the lower land areas were considered a part and fell into the laws that governed.

It was the hub of Zymire society, as one would expect. Sporting all the amities that one might wish for. Both the good and the bad roamed the streets while openly political play was handled mostly within the tall bleached marble walls of the massive castle. The structure rising up and overlooking the perilous rocky shoals along the base of the cliffs it dominated. Some called it impressive, but even from a fair distance one could see those very walls shimmering in the light of the sun above.

Long strides carried her along the well-kept walk as the carts, carriages and horse and rider moved back and forth along cobbled pavements. Around her she caught the soft scent of the sea with a hint of a chill in it's offering. Wintersweet and Viburnum 'Dawn' wafted in the air, flowing across the main thoroughfares with the scent reminiscent of honeysuckle and rose blending from the large park nearby.

Sunlight danced through the cover of clouds on high, sending brighter splashes of light playing over the quaint buildings lining this area of town. Stone and brick buildings set in colors of muted pale tones with windows gleaming with near purity, as this was one of the upscale residential locals of the vast city. Flower boxes laden with winter blooms adding to the over all serenity the place eluded too.

Sorcha knew better. Many an intrigue had started behind those innocently seeming walls. What may seem too obvious upon the surface seldom held that illusion as time past. Brokers of life and death walked these streets and many carried the facade of respectability with was also another mask in it's own right.

Pausing to draw out her travel papers upon reaching the well-guarded gates that led into the sweeping courtyard of the grand castle, "Lileeagh M"rrach". The name meant "White Lily Castle" and had been thus before the "Time of Memory". Yet, the moniker itself was curious, do the use of "M"rrach' unlike the usual "caisteal, which bespoke of magic and mysterious enchantments that the various legends made mention.

After a very brief inspection, she was surprised she wasn't stripped her weapons as was the usual custom. Of course it was always likely that Queen Bronwyn wasn't in residence at present. The lady had a number of holdings across the realm of Zymire so might possibly be in one of those other locations. It was either that or perhaps it was her name, neither of which actually mattered to Sorcha. She didn't plan to linger long in any event.

Using the side entrance as directed, she stepped into the darkened foyer with a quick blinking of stormy aquamarine eyes. Adjusting to the sudden and rather abrupt alteration of light upon her senses. A hushed stately silence settled heavily around her as she took stock of her surroundings. Unlike the exterior, this wing of the massive Castle was decorated in darker shades of gleaming wood and stone. Elegant yet with a certain understated power that seemed to permeate the area.

Passing along the sturdy but artistically crafted chairs of rich green brocade towards her father's chamber of offices, she glanced around with a stoic expression. Sorcha felt rather out of place in such surroundings. She was far more used to the nefarious locals of such large cities then the actual palaces found in many.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2008-12-17 13:25 EST
"I took some liberties with the design, but it wasn't balanced right without them."

"Aye, I see that." Balancing the weapon in her fingertips she was pleased to note it barely rocked at all. "The tips be a nice touch too. Silver I assume?"

"Nae Lass, those be mithril. Greven had them shipped over from Tignus. He also named it." He father replied, mentioning one of his own weapons craftsmen, and then pointed at one of them. "Those be made to hold poison as well. Nae a need to stop and add that if ye nae have the time. "

That brought her eyes lifting with a glint of dark amusement. Greven's was a Master Weapon's maker and did work often for the Order in some rare cases. "That will be very handy. What name did he give it?"

He gave another pleased smile. "Ye just handle it with care if ye have it set up for such." A fork waved for a moment. "Ah, aye the name be "Shalaerer Valandrae".

"That will nae be any trouble at all." She was schooled in the use of many weapons but her choice was a dagger and short sword, along with the whip. A suddenly snap, and she gave another cold little smile. It was well oiled and reacted smoothly. It was certainly a far sight better then her last one. Coiling up the snaking tines she tucked it into her belt then settled her stormy eyes upon her sire. "Aye, seems a most suitable name. "Shalaerer Valandrae", means Baneful Ravager. Most fitting indeed."

Stormy eyes then shifted as she settled back in the plush chair and lightly rested an elbow on the edge of the carved table. "So ye wished to see me for this gift?"

Drammon Mirawien was a large man, muscular and fit, still looking to be in the prime of life. Long Ink black hair with eyes that was a lighter shade then those given his daughter. He was presently wearing elegant doeskin armor. Far lighter then the usual plate, but given the location, he was in presently, it made sense, for one didn't attend a dinner table decked out for war.

"Can't a father simply wish to see his only child on occasion' I know ye are about to depart for Kaylieth and it may be some time before the portals are repaired before you can return." Was his reply, but his gaze didn't lift from the attention on his plate. He continued to eat after speaking.

Sorcha wasn't sure how to reply to that. Since her parents divorce, her father hadn't been much a part of her life. Though in time of great crisis he had been there. That she hadn't ever forgotten. Still, as most children do, she often wondered how things may have been different had her father taken her with him, instead of leaving to the graces of her mother. That though was quickly shaken off. "I see."

"There are many things going on here that I can nae speak with ye about just yet. However, I am familiar with the DeAusters and suspect ye might learn much from them." He continued, while lowering his wine glass to the table after a sip.

Sorcha watched the ruby light move over her father's finely crafted fingers for a moment before her stormy eyes rose and regarded him silently.

"Their region is a bit different from this one. All those things ye mother felt ye would need are nae as important over in Kaylieth, Sorcha. It is my hope that you discover this and stop feeling as if you have let her down." There was a serious cast to his gaze as he looked towards his only daughter.

A hint of a frown moved upon her features for a moment. This was always a rather touchy subject for her. She was keenly aware that she was a great disappointment for her mother. One impulsive youthful act had dashed all those high hopes. Not that Sorcha has ever fit that mold. A fact she knew only to well. In fact, her mother often laid all Sorcha's unwelcoming personal traits and ills at the feet of her father.

"Tis a fact I am nae the child she wanted. I am well aware of that, but I nae longer care what she may think regarding my choices now Father. I was never likely to fit into the world she wished. Tis simply not in my nature to play a simpering twit, or let my head become addle patted with thoughts of styles, ribbons and bows. I nae cared for such things even when I was a toddler. Not to mention the thought of a "good" marriage. Most of the so called noblemen I have met are weak and often just as scattered as the female counterparts." Sorcha instantly countered. A certain ring of truth a quiet echo in the statement.

"Nae all are, even if they may see so upon the surface, Sorcha. However, I am aware ye are struggling to find balance." Drammon's hand rose for a moment, forestalling any protest she might make before she could voice them. "In many ways ye mother was right. Ye are far more like me, then her." A fact he secretly was relieved about. "So I speak from my own personal experiences. Simply put, try to be open minded on ye newest assignment is all I am asking. Lord DeAuster is a brilliant strategist and ye can learn much from him and his. I also want ye to be careful. There are many things going on as I said and danger for all of us is hovering."

"Considering I have been told I am to try and fit into their household, I shall certainly consider ye words Father.? Something was wrong here. Sorcha wasn't quite able to pinpoint just what it was, but there were mysteries in the words her father was saying. It was a sensation she couldn't shake off, even as she was making her departure an hour later.

Accepting the hug from her father, she found herself mulling over the many things he had said. Sorcha wasn't fond of being touched but there was the very rare few she allowed such attentions from. While she may not know him as well as other children knew their parents, he was still her father and even with a shaky past, she knew he loved her. However many of the things he had spoken of, had her feeling edgy. This assignment was obviously going to be different. In what ways she didn't know, but time would likely divulge all these little intrigues eventually.

She just didn't like the sudden sensation that she was some sort of pawn in a larger picture and being removed from the playing board without explanation. It was an unsettling emotional reaction and Sorcha wasn't happy about it. Games were in play and somehow she or her family apparently was tangled up deep in the midst of it.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-01-06 03:55 EST
She had made the ship with plenty of time to spare and just settled into the cabin that would be hers for the 3 to 4 days this journey required. While her mastery of shadows was better then most, her age limited her to some degree. She could travel great distances in minutes but over water was just a bit beyond her. She however knew all the others also had limits as well. Also, with the few select portals in the realm acting strangely, she had little interest in using those either. In other words, she really had no other choice but to travel in the more traditional ways.

Taking up one of the books she had collected earlier, she dropped smoothly into a chair and just stretched her legs out to rest on the bed and started to read. It was surprising to realize the actual similar traits she had with Fiona. Scanning over the ledger that was really old reports she was searching for one in particular. The one regarding the very family that was causing so many to become concerned, however she was getting caught up in something else she had not realized. Rhystil's daughter was half elvin with a darker side most left undefined.

A faint frown at that, having not known of that, but then again, it made sense suddenly just why she had been taken into the Order without a question. It would seem they had experience in dealing with such natures and she knew only to well the methods now in controlling it.

As it was, she displayed the gifts of shadow play pretty early on. Something her mother hadn't much liked, but couldn't seem to control her. She had also been a rather wild child. Didn't pay mind when she should. When she was 15 years old, she and her mother had a rather violent fight and in her foolish snit, she had run away from home. Children were often stupid that way. It hadn't been any great adventure she found, but something akin to utter misery really. A glance at the brace again as she let her memories wander.

She had ended up enslaved. It hadn't been any normal sort of service either. It hadn't been about sex or labor, but of death and fighting. Thrown out into a pit for the entertainment of nobles. Facing off against others that had more experience and it was by sheer luck or fury one might survive it. She had. She had taken more then a few lives in the name of survival and even now didn't regret it. There hadn't been any choices to be made. Pity wasn't a known commodity in such places, at least not by the ones used for that form of sport.

From what she had been told later, she had been trapped in the games for about six months when her father found her. By then, her demon had taken over. The elvin side buried down deep inside the hosting body. She didn't remember any of that time now. She knew they had fought to bring her back from the abyss, having been told of it. She had awareness that her parents had waged war over her. Had it not been for her grandfather, she would have likely been taken by her father to realms few had visited.

Her grandfather had arranged for Lord DeWil to take her instead. Something her father had relented to, due to family ties, while her mother had railed against it. In fact it had been the Order that had somehow managed to find a way to repair what had been shattered and she had been there ever since.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-01-06 04:01 EST
Once there she had been taught to control her demonic side. They trained her to use her talents and the rough skills as a fighter she had from the arena had been honed into those of a black assassin. She suspected there were many things they couldn't fix, such as her lack of compassion or sympathy. Sorcha cared for some, but was well aware the emotion was uncomfortable. She also avoided being touched. She didn't like having her personal space invaded by anyone outside of her family.

The darkness housed within also still found a means to feed, having discovered those very emotions she avoided personally were available and readily soaked up in a variety of places. It was more satisfied with the last gasps of death, and such moments were heady for her as well. Over the past few years her dark side had gotten out of control, but only briefly. It often made a bit of a mess, but she would quickly rein it in once the rage that had triggered it had passed. Such things she was used to handling now and found worrying about it was rather useless.

Over the next few days, she spent a lot of time searching for information about the DeAuster Clan. Learning a number of things about them. Lucius DeAuster had a rather unique history. Paladin turned Deathknight, now Daemon Prince, which made him very unpredictable and likely dangerous if crossed. He also was a well-known slaver. Some might think that would set her back up, but as he wasn't creating champions for any arena and all the notes mentioned he was rumored to be a kind master, she saw nothing wrong with such a sideline.

Fiona she knew about. She had been one of the first women in the Order and her resume was long and impressive. An Elder now, Sorcha knew she would have to take orders from her if given but doubted any such commands would go against her own ideas.

In regard to the children, she had their names and they're general descriptions, but other then a few notes regarding rather willful and wild natures, little else was mentioned. The Daughter had trained with her Grandfather for a few months, but now back in the hands of her mother. She had been away on a job on Calazia and hadn't actually met the girl, but heard she had a natural talent with the shadow manipulations. She had little clues to ages and to hear their Lord DeWil speak of them, they could very well still be children. Perhaps early to mid teens she was thinking. Of course every flaw she did know about, the leader of the Order laid firmly at the feet of their father. Such a trait was also well known to Sorcha after all. Her own mother was a master at the very same claims often thrown at Drammon.

In her mind they had to be young, as she knew neither had actually faced the Rituals of the Shadows Embrace. If they had, she would know far more about them then she did. She had been one of the youngest to survive it at age one seventeen, only a few months younger then Fiona herself had been. Survive was the word for it, as those that entered, either lived through it or died trying. Eventually they would have to do it, and it was possible their mother was waiting until they were mature enough to handle it. Most entered the Rituals by the time they were one twenty-five, but the truly talented tended to go a bit earlier after all. It was a little hard for her to think that Fiona DeWil's own children lacked that aptitude.

Most at the age of one hundred seventeen were not as single minded as she had been. In truth Sorcha had actually never been normal to start with, but events leading up to that time, had altered her greatly.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-01-11 04:48 EST
Due to the region being at war, she had to endure the registration upon landing at the harbor in Cisroe. Sorcha's sea colored eyes giving the guard questioning her an even, impassive stare. "State your name."

Words husky from lack of use over the three days of travel. "Lady Sorcha Zelari Mirawien."

He never even looked up, simply printed her name down on the ledger and then continued. "State your location of departure."


"Don't get many Zymiran's here these days. State your business." Still asking the questions from a script she was certain.

"I am here to visit family in the west. " Her own response was a little detached now, as she was rather bored with this routine.

"The name of the family." That droning voice was irritating her but at the question she gave a cold little smile, certain he was about to sit up tense at her reply.

"DeAuster." She added nothing more but didn't need to, as he did tense up and finally looked at her. She didn't lie, as there was a blood connection, as her father was related to Fiona's Mother. There was also another fainter blood line via the queen's family via marriage once or twice removed.

With a sudden snap of the leather wallet holding her papers, it was quickly handed over. "Have a nice visit Milady."

She did stroll away with a low laugh and was soon making arrangements for her trunk to be sent on to the destination, knowing the name alone would ensure it wasn't hindered or damaged either. She wasn't worried about anything being stolen from it, as few would have the skill to crack the lock or dispel the shadow magic traps it was also laden with, so that never was a concern.

It was about a four days ride to the lands of Gharnholme, but she wasn't actually going to spend that time in an uncomfortable carriage, pressed up far to tight against strangers. She could get close enough and after a brief rest, finish the journey by morning. So slinging the pack she had kept with her to a shoulder, she glided off to find a quiet alley where she would slip unseen into the shadow paths.

Thus far she could manage about a three days journey in about an hour, anything further and she stressed her body too much. When one was heading for a job that simply wasn't done as it could make one sloppy.

The time moved fast and she was soon slipping free of the dark embrace with her trim form already feeling the mild ache often left when she pushed the distance. Brushing back the chocolate brown hair she took a quick searching look around. The road was empty and quiet, with a chilly wind flowing along the curve ahead.

Unsure of how far or how close she was, she sent out mental feelers, soon finding that first brushing of emotion and energy perhaps five miles west. Slinging the pack up high on a leather clad shoulder, she started the walk that would carry her there. Using it to ease the tightness in her sore muscles.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-01-11 04:56 EST
In that trek she saw riders both coming and going. Some sporting the colors of Gharnholme, the black and green distinctive against the winter gray backdrop of road and barren trees, others wearing the badges of the Albaelia family and even a few carried an insignia she didn't recognize. All gave her a sharp look as they passed. The cloaked form indistinguishable but as she had no weapons in sight, they didn't pause just continued on to wherever they were going. It didn't bode well for her coming duty however. Guarding against bounty hunters in such a wide area of land had to be neigh impossible, even for those like the DeAuster family. She was starting to understand why she was being sent.

Head lifting to gaze out from under the shading hood of her black clock, she saw the signpost ahead, Briarstone and was rather pleased. She had gotten farther then she had first thought.

Down the lane she then drifted, noticing the surprisingly well-appointed town that lay up ahead. It was rather picturesque in a way she hadn't expected. Perhaps assuming the small villages around Gharnholme would be typically rustic and dull or primitive and basic. Behind it was the scenic lay the Dawnbreak mountains she was to travel to in the morning and a brow arched slightly. This place might just be surprisingly interesting after all.

Entering the "The Tipsy Bishop" she easily acquired a room for the night and was soon settling down in the common room of the Inn and looking over the menu. Settling on some roasted mutton, spiced potatoes and a slice of strawberry pie she sat back, and just listened to the talk floating around the place.

Considering what she had read, Briarstone had been annexed by DeAuster with a heavy use of force, and yet listening to several of the locals partaking of the Inn's bar, none seemed to be holding a grudge, in fact they seemed rather proud of their new Lord.

"Aye, "is lordship's done taken another village. Tha' bastard Torvien be throwing all he "as at him and he's nae stopped."

"He won't Jase, not in his nature to stop. Want another?" The lady of the inn said with a smile.

?"O course Jeena." Passing over his mug with a laugh.

"There be talk of another celebration. The young lad's name day be coming."

"Aye, and that means another one of those Rituals. My son is considering attending. He's now of age and is already talking of joining up." The woman then stated with a shake of her head.

"Ye nae be minding tha' Jeena?" The one called Jase asked with a surprised look on his weathered and aged face.

"Not really Jase. Aye, I know I will worry, as that be a mother's job but the lad is restless. At least if he joins his Lordship, he stands a good chance of learning to fight the right way and mayhaps make a name for himself later."

Hardly the words of a town of people set on revenge and Sorcha just gave a faint smile and was soon digging into the delicious meal. Lingering over the sweet desert, she wondered where they had gotten fresh strawberries this time of year but didn't ponder on it long, as several armored men meandered into the common room.

The sun was starting to set, something she had noticed with a glance out of the window and now it seemed the guards were about to relax. In light of that, she ordered another cup of hot coffee and remain seated, only to listen and perhaps learn more if possible.

Unlike the townspeople, DeAuster's men didn't talk about the various battles, only casual things, but also caught a few shooting looks her way. Her deeper senses also picked up on a thread of suspicion. She knew instantly she would learn nothing without digging deeper and doubted that would be taken well if detected. Instead she placed some coins down on the table and rose, and with a nod to Jeena she was strolling off at a casual pace towards her own room above.

Even after the early night she had, she slept deeply. Likely due to her travel from the day before and was up unusually early. The sun hadn't even rose when she made her way back down, surprised to see the place already showing signs of activity. Having to jog her own mind, realizing it was likely due to the military men they hosted as many of them were around.

She placed her order of eggs, toast and fruit and was soon drinking deeply of the mug of coffee provided when one finally approached.

"Good morning miss. Please forgive the interruption but I am the Captain Aether of the guard here in Briarstone, and am curious about what brings ye to our fair land?"

"I am heading further west to visit with family Sir." Head lifting now with a sharp sweep of stormy sea blue eyes over him.

"Ah, so I assume you will be departing already?" He was as least more polite then that other officer she had dealt with in Cisroe and thus she forced a tight smile.

"Actually sir, the family I am to visit is nearby so nae. I am hoping to arrive there sometime today."

"Ah, I am sure you will find our land pleasant. What pray tell is the name of this family' I might know them and can direct you towards them."

Nothing changed on her face but she gave a faint nod, aware that it actually was this one's job to pay attention to the random travelers, considering the heightened state of war. "DeAuster sir."

That startled him and he peered at her curiously for a moment. "Ye be family to them Milady?"

The "Miss" was gone as he seemed to believe it, even without a single shred of proof, but Sorcha was completely unaware her demeanor was a near match to the Lady of Gharnholme. "Aye, I am."

"Ah, ye be Zymirian, that would explain it. A relation to Lady Fiona aye?" Giving a slow nod he then bowed. "I again beg ye forgiveness for interrupting ye Milady. Have a safe journey." And just that smoothly he backed away and was walking out with a clattering of boots as others of his crew followed.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-02-09 03:21 EST
Due to the early hour she settled her debts with the inn swiftly and with ease and was soon on her way once more, taking the road on foot and again moving in the direction towards the keep. It wasn't to long before the area was clear and she could slip inside the waiting shadows, which was always easier going into them, then the exiting. So quick then, as the keep wasn't near as far now and in about ten minutes she was sliding free, a fair distance from the very gates themselves.

Her sharp eyes caught the array of wards that surrounded the place and even detected some that would alert those within of unknown shadow movement. It was an unusual and curious thing to see, as few tried to protect against that, but she could understand it given current events in play.

It was the voice behind her that sent her spinning around with a hand drawing the dagger from a high boot. "Ah, tis good to see ye again Sorcha. I was wondering when ye would arrive."

The woman stepped silently from the shade with the strands falling away like black wisps from her form and gave a faint smile even as the icy green eyes swung pointedly towards the dagger now in the younger girl's hand.

Lowering the blade, she shot a baffled look over at Fiona with a brow arching. "I didn't sense ye coming."

That only brought another cryptic curling of rose pale lips and a slow nod. "That be something ye may need to work on, however I have long since mastered the shade so my methods are a bit more refined." Then added quietly. "Tis" unlikely ye will need worry about an attack from such venues, but there be time to discuss that once we get ye settled in." She moved with a natural stealth that Sorcha felt a brief stab of envy at the easy way she stepped. Few she had seen had that sort of deadly grace.

"Aye Milady. Tis" good to see ye again as well." Finding her voice she slipped into step beside her, but could hear the faint crunch of her boot on the stony surface beneath it. Her wince was unseen thankfully as the lady kept on walking, moving closer to the tall black gates ahead.

That first look at the place and Sorcha could only think it actually fit the image she had created in her mind. Tall and looming it set high on a cliff with thick heavy walls surrounding it. It was certainly in a very tactical position as well. Easy to defend and also catch sight of any coming towards it.

"What be ye range of travel in the shade Sorcha?" Out of the blue the question caught her off guard as she pulled her attention away from the sight of that keep and back to Fiona.

"I can move about four days ride from most locations." Wondering why that was of interest, as even some of the Elders could only mange five.

"I see. Well, as Daniel and Cieara are currently with their father, that be about a five day journey to the north. We will simply have to make a few shorter hops to get there by this afternoon."

That surprised Sorcha as she had fully expected Fiona and her Lord to be keeping the children close to their fortress home. "Ah, I have nae done that before Milady." Nod adding she was accustom to pushing the limit, hoping her body would eventually adjust to the abuse.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-02-09 03:25 EST
That made Fiona pause and turned to regard the girl with a slight tipping of her head, as if listening for something and then gave a low throaty laugh. "Tis" a method I used when I was your age to move longer distances. It be fine and good to push ye self but it is about the power you hold and nae what ye mind and body can stand Sorcha." She resumed the smooth stroll then. "The control and ability to wield the shadow comes from wisdom and as ye mature so does ye abilities."

She had heard that before but was impatient and was aware of it, and now in the face of Fiona's unspoken censor she could only nod stiffly.

"My daughter is able to travel about the same distance as ye now. Of course being the willful girl she is, she uses the less stressful methods and hops distance. I tell ye this so ye are aware and can keep up with her."

"And ye son Milady?" Any information she could glean would help her in the duty she had been assigned so she asked the next logical question.

"Ah, Daniel's skills are nae as honed as his sisters, however I am sure his own range is likely the same. If he trained more it would likely be a bit greater."

Returning a nod to a guard standing on duty, the gate doors swung open with an unsettling silence and inside the two now stepped. The silent courtyard giving her no clue what she was to eventually find behind those gray stone walls.

"Due to the hour, most in the house are still a bed Sorcha, so we can settle in my office for a time."

She saw little reason to comment and just followed, noticing that the place was surprisingly well appointed and elegant, even when they seemed to be moving down into the very mountain. The office was a large book lined room with a warm fire blazing in the hearth. Comfortable looking chairs were placed strategically around the area with a large desk to dominate the entire scene.

"Care for some coffee Sorcha" I can nae operate without at least one cup in my system." She was pouring her self a large mug full of the fragrant brew and glanced over at the young woman.

"Aye Milady." Taking a seat near the warmth the fire provided and eased the cloak from her shoulders quietly.

"First off, ye should simply call me Fiona. We nae stand on ceremony here." Passing over another earthenware mug, the lithe lady sank down into the other chair near the dancing flames.

"As ye wish Fiona." She took a sip of the hot beverage while cradling it in her chilled hands.

"Now, I assume my father explained why ye were sent here?"

"Yes, he seemed concerned about this Faenall involved in the war ye have with Torvien." Came her instant reply.

"Aye, as that one has vengeance in mind, and is nae one I wish getting his hands on either of my children." Fiona's slow nod following another tilting of that mug in her gloved hands, and then continued. "Both of them are unwilling to have a guard, as they feel they can handle anything. In many instances they can, but considering that Faenall nearly killed me the last time we faced off, tis unlikely they could survive his brand of attack."

Sorcha had read the reports and actually doubted her own abilities in dealing with one such as that dangerous mage, but did have confidence in sensing any approach and spiriting the pair to safety.

"Ye are not to confront that one if he does make an appearance, merely get Cieara and Daniel out of his reach. As it is, they will not be aware of ye purpose for being here."

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-05-25 04:03 EST
Sorcha's eyes instantly narrowed at that and she leaned to place the cup down before her grip would shatter it. "Ah, let me see if I get this straight, ye want me to act weak?" One of the few masquerades over the years she had managed to avoid, and wasn't sure she could stomach it to spare the sensibilities of two obviously spoiled and uncontrolled kids.

"Nae. Ye best not act weak with either of them, most especially my son as he would seek to exploit it as he is much like his father in many things. Simply let them think they will be showing ye the ropes. As a guest they would be less likely to. . " She paused a moment, searching for a word. "Ditch ye, as they commonly say."

The tension eased from her then and she gave a short nod. "That I can manage." Not many could actually read her, as she didn't tend to emit much in the way of mood or emotion, with the exception of anger, as that did occasionally slip past her barriers.

"They have guards now of course, but both have a habit of slipping out of sight. Tis the ability to shadow walk and they do use it. Being young and impulsive they nae always think of what might occur doing such."

"It is true I have never taken part in a war Fiona, and also that we are related. Both will make this fa"ade easier to carry off if ye children carry any of ye own darker nature." It was an indirect way of asking if they did.

"Aye, they both have a darker side Sorcha. Less restrained then mine, but as they do have traits of their father as well, tis to be expected. They were also not raised to hold everything in as I was so ye will find both to be a touch unruly, but nae cruelly so." Drinking more of the hot coffee she glanced over at the young woman. "Contrary to what ye might of learned or been told about my children, they are nae foolish. True they are willful but they have been brought up to be strong. While I know both have secrets, their father and I did not seek to teach them to hide their feelings, but we have sought to temper them.?

Leaning now to place her own cup on the table as Fiona again inspected the young woman her father had sent to watch over her children. The girl was young enough to blend in with her children; she still would have preferred a male for the job.

It wasn't that she thought Sorcha wouldn't manage instead she was rather worried at what trouble might come. Daniel's dark half was far stronger then Cieara's. In fact it was quite nearly on par with some full-blooded demons she knew. A gift likely enhanced by his father's nature she believed. Fiona also knew that Sorcha was another that carried half of that darker side inside, but she wasn't able to discern the power or potential there. The woman was using some rather impressive barriers against such detections.

Sorcha had obviously taken the training regarding masking her nature to heart, but Fiona was conscious of the young woman's past. So she was well aware of the restraints being used. Nevertheless, her time in her uncle's realm made her more then sentient to the nature of the beast. She could only hope this solution worked for the situation and didn't create an even bigger one.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-05-25 04:12 EST
"Fiona, how old are your children?" Sorcha felt a sudden need to ask, as they were sounding less and less like young teens to her.

"Daniel is 122 soon to be 123 and Cieara is 119 and in a few months time will be 120." A raven brow arching as she had thought her father would have told the woman that.

Sorcha was surprised to hear the son and daughter were much older then she had first believed. It caused a little confusing for her as well and she couldn't help but turn to gaze somberly at the lady. "I don't understand then why I am needed. They are old enough to defend them selves."

"Against most bounty hunters aye, they are, but Faenall is nae normal. My father seemed to feel ye would fit in best for this duty Sorcha, which tells me he had confidence in ye own training and skills." A long pause and then she gave a snort. "This a matter of the two alone could nae stand easily against one that can drag the very soul from their bodies without breaking a sweat. However three trained and prepared for such a thing might even those odds. I managed to fight him off, be it by luck or fury, the same might be said about my offspring, but I nae care to find out. "

"Aye, ye are right Fiona. I should nae question ye father's wisdom." Even if she couldn't help but wonder still and slowly picked up her coffee from the table.

"There is also the fact that ye family is one of the five Sorcha, they wished ye away from Zymire. Out of reach as it were."

"What?" That made the sea-blue eyes widen with sudden shock. That news sending a cold chill over her that had nothing to do with the dark winter morning either.

That brought those glittering winter green eyes back towards her and Fiona's brow arched again. "Ye were unaware of that' Ah, well that be normal enough. It means simply ye carry a thread of the power that fuel's Zymire. A vessel born in the blood running though ye veins. Makes ye a target, even if ye nae have the full energy. So ye have been shipped here to watch out for my children and they will watch out for ye."

The fury started to grow, as none had ever once thought to mention that rather important little detail to her, but suddenly it made stunning and startling sense. Her father had been drawn to that power and in the end with her mother had spawned a true misfit. That nagging sensation regarding the various things said by her father, now became crystal clear, but she was livid that none had actually thought to share that information with her sooner.

Fiona felt that rage and just sat back with a lazy crossing of legs. The sound loud in the dimly lit room as leather hissed softly with her movements.

"Will your children be made aware of this as well?" Sorcha's voice was tight with the repressed temper but she was making an impressive effort to hold it in.

"Only if ye wish them to be made aware. Ye see, tis believed that Faenall is party to the attempt to disrupt Zymire's power base. At least that is the belief, but we have nae yet found anything to support it. That be something others in the Order are working on. If that is the case, he will be seeking ye in time as well."

So many pieces falling into place now. The reason she had been pulled back before completing the job, the haste in which they had shipped her here. The vague cryptic comments that hadn't made any sense at the time regarding her own safety, all leading up to a staggering disclosure to be sure.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-07-18 12:02 EST
"It would make my being there even more understandable." Sorcha didn't say believable as she felt as if she had been duped herself now. In her mind, she was doubly cursed.

"Aye, it would, but I will say nothing of it, if ye so wish it to remain unknown." Soft and quiet the words but Sorcha just shrugged.

"If it is a fact, then I nae care if they are told." Her head then turning hearing a faint sound coming closer, the ringing of bells it seemed which bounced over the stone walls outside.

Rising from her seat Fiona moved towards the door and drew it open, and a small woman strolled in with a platter of freshly baked cinnamon rolls and fresh fruit. "Good morning ladies."

"Morning to ye as well Myri. This be the young lady I mentioned to ye last evening."

"Ah, lovely to meet ye Lady Sorcha. Welcome to Gharnholme." A warm welcoming smile accompanied her words as she stepped over with a hand extended.

"Sorcha, please meet Myrialla, Lucius's Fiancee, eventually she will become his second wife." The words said almost casually and caused the younger woman to blink a moment.

Rising a little belatedly, she took the small hand and gave it a firm but quick shake and forced a polite smile as she quickly withdrew. "A pleasure to meet ye milady."

"Oh, just call me Myri please. Everyone else does. Ye rooms be ready as well Sorcha, but I will leave ye with Fiona to eat a bit. There be a few things requiring my attentions in the slave quarters. I will come back shortly and escort ye." Another sweet smile and she was moving off with quick yet graceful steps.

"It be a strange world ye have come to Sorcha." There was a hint of amusement in Fiona's softly spoken words and the girl glanced her way.

"I suspected that would be the case. I will adjust easily enough."

While they ate, Fiona filled her in on many things regarding the house and those within it. She learned about Kaelyn. A healer that was involved with Daniel and was also Myri's sister and soon heard about the slaves, acolytes and the warbands in the valley below. She listened intently as it might serve her well later.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-11-20 12:51 EST
Later that day, after having been shown to a surprisingly comfortable chamber, she soon found herself following Fiona through the paths of dark. The jumping from one point to another proving to be challenging, but not near as exhausting as one full hop would have been, and while she hated to admit it, she realized the efficiency of the method.

Her first sight of the camp and Sorcha just muttered in Elvin, while her narrowed gaze swept over one war band. Taking note of the almost primitive appearance they displayed. The war paint and the skins were just a little unusual to what she was normally used to seeing. Mingled in with those were the more normal looking foot soldiers, but as she passed along with Fiona, the scenery started to change. Weapons of the finest quality could be seen in the hands of fierce looking warriors. The layout of the camp was also of a tactical design. Duties appeared to be performed with little effort and it was very apparent that the tree of command in full use and working seamlessly by the sounds and activities around.

"There will be times when ye are sent along with Cieara and Daniel to some of the raids Lucius is currently planning. I will make sure that a tent and other camping needs will be provided for ye. Out here, ye will also need a form of heat." A pause and she spoke quietly with one of the officers, a tall stiff man with iron gray hair and a stern hard visage. To Sorcha he looked just like a lord's officer should with well-oiled leathers, spit shinned boots and an ornate sword riding on his hip. "Ferris" Have ye seen Cieara or Daniel about this day?"

"Nae Milady, but it is possible they are with their father. Feldamor fell yesterday, and he is there at present to deal with any lingering thoughts of rebellion."

"Ah, I see." Her dark head took a faint tilt and she then gave the Captain a quiet smile. "Thank ye Captain Ferris, ye are correct, both are with him. Ah, can ye see to another tent, near to Daniel's perhaps?"

The man didn't even question that request, just gave a stiff bow and nod to the lady. "Aye Milady. It will be done post haste." He soon strode off, barking orders and in minutes they were working on erecting it.

Sorcha stood quietly just looking about the area, as it seemed this force was already preparing for another battle. Such things happened fast here apparently, but as she wasn't schooled in the ways of battleground warfare, so she could very well be wrong, but the tension was thick in the air, and that sensation was an emotion she could recognize.

"Often Cieara will stay in her father's tent while she's out here with him. She nae cares much for the cold. Daniel's is over there. Ferris is guiding him if I understand correctly and do feel he is learning much. That Soldier carries much wisdom and knowledge and isn't unwilling to share it. Nae only that, but Daniel seems to actually listen to him."

"A good arrangement, and tis' sure ye son can benefit from the older man's experience." Sorcha responded quietly. She had learned that some time back that older didn't always mean weaker and in many cases one could discover a wealth of knowledge for the more experienced of agents.

"As they are now on the way back, we shall simply wait for them in Lucius's command center.? Weaving their way through the milling groups of men at various activities, Sorcha was following Fiona into a large high-pitched tent.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-11-20 12:56 EST
Soon settled with a glass of mulled wine she again was looking about. On one side it was a rather opulent set up, while on the other, purely military in its look and design. Her sea-blue gaze moved over the large pallet of pillows and furs towards the camp heater and an area veiled by heavy tapestries.

She wondered to herself where the girl slept when she stayed with her father, seeing only the one bed. Her thoughts more on the strategical value then anything else but didn't actually say it a loud, but was surprised when Fiona answered it anyway.

"On the nights Cieara invades her father's space she sleeps with him there." One elegant gloved hand waving towards the nesting of furs and pillows. There was also a rather wicked gleam in those icy green eyes that Sorcha didn't quite understand. "When it comes to his daughter however, he still carries much of a Paladin's purity."

It took her a moment and she blinked then turned to just stare at Fiona in surprise. Her thoughts hadn't even shifted in that rather shocking direction. Sorcha's own sire was very hedonistic but as was the case with most, he still treated her much as a child. She had suspected Lord DeAuster was much the same. It seemed that was the only time the male species ever showed any signs of love without the lustful intent was when it came to their daughters. Then it tended towards the curious need to protect and coddle.

"I nae understand what ye be meaning Milady. Father's are notorious for treating even their adult daughters as if they were still in leading strings."

That brought laughter falling softly from the dark haired woman and she gave a slow nod. "Aye, that is true. Though there are some that might think otherwise considering our family's rather over blown reputation." A brow arching just a touch then as Fiona paused to take a small sip of the sweet wine. "I am glad ye do understand however. I simply wanted to ensure that by my comment."

"I am sure ye know about my own father, Fiona. Tis" certain he is nae pure by any standards but still has a very different ideal for my own behavior that is nae anything like his own." A dry smile touched Sorcha's pale features for a moment, for that attitude was one of the reasons she didn't like to spend much time in his company.

"Aye, I know Lord Dramman. He be typical of his kind in some aspects but nae as bad as most in the service of country." She also knew that any involved in the abduction of his daughter had been tore apart in to many pieces. Dramman had showed no mercy until every last one of them was brutally slaughtered and knew Lucius's reaction to such treatment to either of his children would be much the same. Of course she suspected the young woman seated across from her wasn't aware of that but felt it wasn't her place to disclose it.

Soon enough her sharp ears caught the sound of their arrival, Lucius's growling mutters about bloody politicians bringing a faint smile to Fiona's rose pale lips. "I believe they be back Sorcha.?

The young woman looked up from her inspections of the maps spread about the large table and nodded silently. She had heard them returning, the shouts having echoed across the camp.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-11-23 15:48 EST
The man that entered was a bit of a surprise. For one thing he was huge but she also was instantly hit with the wave of chaotic energy that he was radiating and it caused her to step back, nearly tripping over a chair.

The armor he wore reminded her instantly of her father but the second he removed the helm, she had to blink again in surprise. She had fully expected him to be older, more battle hardened and maybe even scarred like her father's second.

She knew he had been undead at one point, but by the look of him as he hugged his wife, he had carried none of that decay in his change. For an older man he was surprisingly well preserved. None of her research had prepared her and that was apparent as she had made yet another erroneous assumption.

"Lucius Love, this is Sorcha Mirawien, the young lady I told ye about." Fiona made the introductions with another quiet smile.

Turning towards the woman he bowed his head politely as steely-gray eyes moved over her. She couldn't determine what he felt as it seemed all mingled up within the chaos so she simply returned the nod.

"Nice to meet you Sorcha." A gauntlet was then extended towards her.

Her gaze flicked down towards the hand and she had to force herself to take it. A firm but brief shake following. Even with them both wearing gloves it felt to her like she touched a live wire and had to keep from shaking out her fingers afterward. "Nice to meet you as well Lord DeAuster."

"Love" Where are the children?" Sinking down smoothly into the chair she had occupied before Fiona glanced over towards Luc as he kicked his own seat out and folded his large frame down into it.

"They will be along shortly." Was his reply as he pulled the heavy leather from his hands and tossed them down on top of the maps spread out on the heavy table.

Sorcha had returned to she place near Fiona and just eased back down, hoping he hadn't noticed anything unusual about her behavior. Considering she herself wasn't acting in her usual unflappable way, she could hope he just thought her that way in general. Well, Fiona's warnings had been warranted. He was certainly something. She wasn't sure what that something was, but the level of chaos he radiated was unnerving.

"Hello Mum!" A slim young woman came running in with a bundle of flowers in her hand and bright smile on her face. It was apparent she was the daughter. She looked like her mother with the exception of her hair and height lacking an inch or two. "Sorry for the delay. Had to pry a country miss off Danny. She was stuck like glue it seemed.? Her words followed by giggles and a snort rang out behind her.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-11-23 15:55 EST
Stepping inside with a slightly irritated expression on his lean features came the son. The look of him also followed the lines of his mother, even if he was built more like his father. The eyes however were slightly different and if one didn't know his grandfather, might wonder about their color. "Shut up Cie."

"Why should I" It was funny!" More laughter as bright pale emerald green eyes just danced.

"Ye should have seen the look on his face when she started bragging about how many pigs her father had and what a great dowry they would make. It was priceless!" Cieara added rather gleefully.

The young man took up a lean against the large table with arms folding over his chest and shooting another disgusted look at his younger sibling.

Fiona's lips twitched faintly with a slight arching of a brow. "How did ye manage to rescue him Cieara?"

"Oh, I just told her that she was very blessed to have so many pigs, but Daniel be allergic to pork, so she might need find another man for that honor." More laughter as she dropped down into a chair next to her mother and pushed a tumble of auburn curls from her flushed face.

Luc just leaned back with a hand brushing against his goatee and the act likely was hiding a smile behind it.

"She then mentioned chickens, but we managed to escape before she was able to go into any great detail." Daniel's comment was flat as he just shot his sister another look that held a promise of retribution.

Sorcha was only able to just look from one to the other as her senses fairly reeled at the impact of such unguarded emotion. If that wasn't bad enough, she was also clearly sensing the darker aspects both those young people carried and it was far stronger then she had actually expected. Again the warning had been made but she had taken the value to be lower then the fact.

Fiona gave a low laugh and just nodded to her daughter, before turning to gaze at Daniel. Seconds later he just looked away from his sister, the look fading from his tanned features.

"I would both like ye to meet Sorcha Mirawien, she be the young lady I told ye about."

Cieara bounced up to her feet with a quick smile and thrust a small gloved hand towards the girl. "Nice to meet ye Sorcha."

Rising herself with a bit more grace then speed she took the hand and gave another firm shake but as always removed it as soon as it was polite. The girl wasn't nearly as overpowering as the father, but Cieara's lack of emotional guards was a little surprising for her. "A pleasure.?

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-11-25 17:33 EST
"Oh, she's the relative on Grandmum's side we are supposed to show around Mom?" Daniel asked before pushing from that lean and stepping over. Those glittering blue-green eyes moving over her in a manner she recognized. She fought that instant urge to giving him a challenging glare, simply not wanting to start off with antagonist tension if possible.

"Aye Daniel. Sorcha's mother be related to the queen by marriage and her father is related to ye Grandmother, Lyllianne." An approving glance sent towards the young lady as her son's inspection was just short of insolent. In the next moment however, that look was replaced with a suddenly charming smile, as his mother's gaze jolted him out of whatever thoughts he might have been having.

Unlike the sister, Sorcha realized this one did have some barriers, even as her innate senses could easily pick up on that dark edge just hovering near the surface, she hadn't been able to catch the thoughts. Knowing then he had blocked her from that very thing and that made her eyes narrow slightly.

She again gave his gloved hand a shake, but found it trapped and wasn't able to pull back from it until he finally released her stiff fingers from his grasp. To any looking it didn't appear at all unusual, as it had only been a few seconds, but it made Sorcha aware that that youth's darker side was more mature then Fiona suspected.

"I expect ye both to look out for Sorcha and she will do the same for ye. She's one of the Order and does have training neither of ye have so if she feels a threat, I would ask ye listen. Sorcha, the same can be said for my children. Ye are now in their world. They understand the ways of war and if they say move, tis a good reason for it." Fiona told them all precisely what she expected as none looked at all angered at it, it seemed to have worked.

"Now, I have asked that Sorcha's tent be placed near yours Daniel, since Cieara nae has her own. I took the liberty of providing ye with a few things as well. Out here, they be needed." Fiona rose quietly and strolled over towards Lucius, who had been watching and listening but remained silent for now. "Love, I wish ye and the others to come home this weekend. There be some things we need to discuss, but I nae care to do that here."

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-11-25 17:42 EST
"As you wish Fiona." Lucius looked up with a slow smile moving over his bearded features and one arm rose to enfold her against his side. The steel-gray eyes then moved to each of his children in turn. "Sorcha is a guest and I expect both of you to treat her respectfully. You know how unpredictable things are out here so do not leave her behind. She doesn't know this area."

"Daddy! I would naught do that!" Cieara instantly huffed where she sat, sprawled back in a camp chair.

Daniel didn't even bother to answer, just glanced over at his father with a faint frown on his brow.

"Besides, Mum says she be with the Order, that means she can shadow walk, so we shall nae leave her behind, we will just take her with us." Cieara continued and sent her father an impish grin.

"Good. Now go show Sorcha around but stay close to the camp. We have a night raid planned and I don't want to have send any out to find you." Lucius then added, with a glance turned up to Fiona leaning against his shoulder.

"Of course Daddy!" Again the girl sprang nimbly from her seat. "Come on Sorcha. Nae mind Danny, he can actually be rather nice, It is just taking him time to recover from his earlier experience in dealing with the clinging vine."

The brother didn't say a word but Sorcha caught a moment of irritation rising from him before it just snapped off. She found that oddly unsettling, in much the same way his father's aura had. That sort of control without training was impressive.

"Oh that tent just behind Danny's must be for ye Sorcha." Cieara skipped ahead a few feet and grinned. "Since Mum got it set up for ye, should be pretty decent. Just hope ye don't mind the cold. I hate it so sleep in with Daddy as his tent is always warm."

Moments later Sorcha had a look inside, relieved to find it actually wasn't as cold as she had expected. It was cozy, and the pallet of pillows and furs looked comfortable enough. Considering she had slept in far worse places over the past few years, this wasn't bad at all.

"Oh look! Mum had them put a camp heater in here. Means ye will need to collect wood for it, but it be better then nothing." The girl chuckled suddenly. "Might join ye some nights when Daddy and Daniel are in bad moods. They are really uncomfortable to be around then, and even more so when they both blow."

"Cieara can ye stop trying to scare her?" Moving inside now, the tent seemed to shrink in size suddenly and Sorcha just glanced over a shoulder at the siblings while Daniel commented to his sister. "That hasn't happened in a long time."

Daniel glanced around the area for a moment and then flicked a look over at Sorcha. "Nae mind Cie, she has this thing about trying to shock others."

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2009-12-02 19:57 EST
Sea colored eyes swung instantly towards the younger girl with an arching of a brow. "Why?"

Color rose in Cieara's pale features and she sent a look at her brother before giving a shrug. "I nae think it would be all that shocking actually. It's also true that neither of them are easy to be around when they get angry."

A snort from Daniel at his sister's words and he turned and stepped back out. "Did Mom arrange for ye to have a mount while you're here Sorcha?"

Slipping out behind him, she instantly stepped back, as he was suddenly far to close for her comfort and gave a quick shake of her dark brown head. "Nae, I don't think so. We came via the shadows."

"Ye will be needing one for tonight's raid. Might as well find one for ye now." He started off towards the stables letting the other two fall in step behind him. "Do ye have a preference to what sort of mount you like?"

"I nae like one that be akin to a nag." Words coming quietly and politely, before she added. "I have been riding since I was four years old, so can handle even the most unruly of beasts."

"We acquired a number of them in the last skirmish. I am sure there will be one that will suit." Came his response to her statement. He soon let her wander along the paddocks, seeking a mount for her own use. She soon settled on one large brown stallion that looked less skittish then the rest.

"Carlin over there handles the horses, but never hurts to let him know if there is something wrong when ye turn them over to him." She was then informed while Cieara hung over a fence railing looking bored.

Soon enough she was shown all the camp's amenities, from the shower tents that offered hot water all the way down to the mess hall. It was apparent that Daniel was far more informed about the management of such an environment then his sister. He pointed out those that repaired armor, and weapons. Took her over to where the healers cared for the injured. Even provided her with some small glistening vials that worked for quick first aid in most instances. All the while Cieara trailed along having become curiously quiet.

By the time the tour was done, Sorcha was thinking that maybe she had simply imagined that first look from Daniel, as his manner had been polite and distantly friendly without anything else to set off her defenses. It also appeared to the outsider that while Cieara was the more bubbly and outgoing of the pair, she did have the wisdom to defer to her brother's obviously superior knowledge regarding the camp and the workings of it. As neither seemed as unruly as she had first expected, she was silently relieved. This post might not turn out as stressful as she had first thought.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2009-12-23 00:31 EST
As the children left, Fiona continued to watch until they were well out of sight and turned to gaze down at Lucius. One gloved hand rising to caress his whiskered cheek gently. "Have a care tonight Love. I am nae sure but suspect that Sorcha will nae handle this battle well. It is nae the same thing as what she be used to."

Capturing her hand against his cheek he pulled her down into his lap with a quick smile followed by a questioning glance. "What do you mean Fiona?"

"It be a gut feeling Sweet, and one I am nae certain." Arms coiling lazily around his neck as she continued to regard him somberly. She didn't really know how to fully put it into words and was searching for the best way to convey her thoughts. "Tis" what I feel from her darkness that gives me pause. It be restless and chaffing within the controls placed upon it and any chance it has it will seek to break." Pausing a moment with a slight tilting of her raven dark head. "I have nae lost control of my own often, but admit it can be harder in the heat of battle to keep it contained. Especially one of ye campaigns. I be certain the girl has nae ever been exposed to the energy that is usually unleashed."

"I will try and keep and eye out for that Love." He started to frown, the expression clouding down over the lean visage. He hadn't seen Fiona's break free often and knew the dangers it might pose to his own men.

A leather-clad finger drifted over the lines marring his brow feather light. "Fact of it, her Darker half is nae very developed, which is nae unusual, but it be like the girl seeks to ignore it. Even with my own at her age I was aware of it."

Nuzzling into her hand lightly he gave her another expectant glance while one hand moved along her bath in a soothing motion. "Which means what exactly?"

"It be hard to explain Love, but I will try. Tis like taking an infant and throwing it into a den of wolves. It will nae learn civil behavior, but be fully animalistic in it's manner. It will be driven purely by survival." Her head moved to rest against his shoulder and she gave a nearly inaudible sigh. "Tis" why I nae sought to place those restrictions upon our own children. I had always known it be a part of me. Nae something one can change and learned to accept that aspect of myself early even if I nae knew it's uses. It be true it was a part that was nae dominant but I nae ignored it."

"Rhystil had to know sending her here could ignite that." The words Lucius stated were flat in tone and holding a hint of irritation that brought a low laugh from his wife.

"That be certain Love, I am now wondering what he be thinking. Sorcha will be fine in smaller conflicts but she can nae keep up with children as they enjoy these clashes and are nae likely to be willing to remain out of it." Silky black hair brushed against his neck as she rubbed a cheek against him. "I fully intend to find out what madness my father is party to and will seek a way to perhaps help the girl find balance with her nature."

A low growl from Lucius as his father-in-law was playing dangerous games and he wasn't fully sure he cared for his children being caught up in it.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2010-11-16 01:52 EST
After leaving the command tent, Sorcha was taken on a tour of the warcamp. Daniel made a point of directing her towards areas that would be useful, such as the Armory, weapon smith, stable and lastly a large covered location where the scent of hot food was wafting out to tease the senses.

"I don't know about ye two, but I am hungry and want to eat before we have to mount up. Could be hours before we get back then." Cieara suggestion with a twinkling glance cast towards Sorcha and Daniel.

Laying down the blade she had been testing Sorcha turned with a quiet nod. "Aye, that might be a good idea."

Daniel merely nodded, shooting a sharp look at his sister but didn't dispute her suggestion.

Moments later, as they were settling down at one of the long tables with bowls of rich beef stew and a small plate of biscuits, Sorcha glanced back towards the pair she was with, picking up an underlying tension there but didn't know the cause. She had never been one for conversation and was realizing it. Of course she hadn't really spent much time in the company of those considered her peers either, so she was at a bit of loss. She was curious about how this raid worked so once Daniel and Cieara joined her, she simply asked. "This night raid, how does such a thing operate?"

Looking over at his sister who seemed willing to let him answer and after taking a hearty bite of the steaming stew he set to explaining it. "In a raid we move fast. The point of it is the effect of surprise on those we hit. The site tonight is a large camp to the east of the river. Mostly mercenaries from what I heard." He paused to take a pull from a mug of warmed cider before continuing. "It starts with those mounted, riding in attacking, and is followed by the various warbands to take the others on foot. From what I understand the one coming may not be as easy as some of the others. This lot is supposed to be well armed and we could potentially run into Terranthi."

"Terranthi?" A brow arching, as Sorcha had heard her father mention those on her last visit some months past. "Dragonmen?"

"Aye. Some are of mixed blood and they don't die easily." A shadow moving over the young man's face and even Cieara's sunny expression became a little clouded.

"My father mentioned them some time back. Had the impression he didn't like them much." Sorcha replied, but didn't look the least bit concerned. Human, Elvin, Orc, Dragon, they all had a weakness and it could always be exploited.

"Not much there to like." Daniel muttered and then dived back into his meal, finishing it off with surprising speed. "If Mom didn't provide you with some battle leathers, Cie here has some spares. Might want to gear up. These guys don't fight fair."

"Trick of these things, is to be prepared for the sheer chaos. At least it seems that way, but in fact it's all carefully planned. Um, " Cie glanced at her brother and then her glittering pale green eyes swung back to Sorcha. "If ye have nae ever taken part in any battle with over 50 others, it can be a little over whelming at first."

"Over whelming in what way?" A puzzled tip of her dark head that sent the brown hair feathering into her eyes for a moment, before a hand pushed it back absently.

As if she was considering her words, Cieara paused, tapping her spoon on the edge of the earthenware bowl. "Well, tis ye dark side. Ye see many of Daddy's men are followers of chaos and can really get caught up in the battle, then add in the ones dying, injured and just simply terrified and it can be an emotional explosive storm."

"Ah, I see." Sorcha cracked a faint smile at that information, but she felt confident she could handle that. She, unlike the pair across was well used to blocking such sensations and didn't think a battle would trigger anything other then the usual rage.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2010-12-31 11:36 EST
Entering her tent a short time later, she looked through the pack Fiona had so graciously provided her with, finding the leathers her son had mentioned. She quickly changed into them, finding them even more snug fitting then her own, but suspected such things were made to mold to the form. The black thick outfit carried a hint of magic on it that made her a little curious, but as it was heavier then her usual gear, so she was glad to have it.

Zymire's weather held the usual variety, having four distinct seasons however, the winters there was not nearly this cold. Even with her unique heritage, Sorcha obviously took after her mother because she did feel that bone aching bite in the chilly air.

The long fall of hair was caught back into a long tail, pulling it out of her face and out of the way. Following that with the yanking on of the warming gloves over long fingers as it would ensure her hands didn't go numb and her grip would remain true. Sorcha then set about arming herself. Sliding her new whip into the wide belt, she added her own swords to the array. Thankfully the lady had also provided her with some throwing blades, which was strapped to one leg. Her own personal stash of weapons hadn't yet arrived but she would certainly be adding to her arsenal later.

A horn sounded, hanging eerily in the darkening air with a mournful tone and it brought Sorcha from the tent with a questioning look around. Across she saw several already astride their mounts and just moved in that direction.

Daniel and Cieara were listening intently to their father who was standing a short distance away. Coming closer she heard him directing them. "Ye three are to come in on the second wave. Daniel, do not leave your sister or Sorcha's side, no matter what."

It was apparent the youth didn't care for that but he gave his father a stiff nod. "Aye Sir." "Daddy! I can take care of meself, nae reason to make Danny some sort of glorified watch dog!" Cieara on the other hand had no trouble saying just what she felt.

"If ye don't like it Little Sweet, ye can march yerself right back inside and stay here." Lucius's tone allowed her no room for any argument, as it was more then obvious he meant just that. "I also expect ye to STAY with your brother. Is that understood?"

The younger girl's eyes flashed before she looked down with a nod. "Aye Daddy."

Sorcha was suddenly relieved her parents had not saddled her with siblings to deal with along with the nature.

Turning, the hard gray eyes lighted upon her, and she had a moment of discomfort, which was banked down as she gave him a quiet nod. "I know ye heard Sorcha."

"Aye Milord and I shall not stray." She stated quietly.

"Good. If any of ye get into trouble that you can't handle, call me." He then moved off, pulling the heavy helm down over his sternly set features.

"Call him?" Sorcha then asked, as she felt sure in the midst of a battle, few would hear anything over the shouts.

"Mentally." Cieara was now looking at her in bafflement. "Does ye da nae talk to ye in yer head?"

Sorcha looked at the girl in astonishment. "Nae." In fact the very idea of that, made her cringe internally.

Even Daniel looked at her with an odd bend to his head. "Do ye not have the ability?"

"I do nae know. Such forms of communication are unknown to me." A second later she stepped back with a hand moving to her head and glared at him, hearing him clearly inside her skull. "Stop that!"

Cieara chuckled quietly and nudged her brother. "She does naught know how."

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2011-03-06 19:35 EST
"She can learn same as we did." Daniel replied while pushing his sister towards the waiting mounts and then turned to regard Sorcha. "It is nae hard. It's a matter of pushing the thoughts out without speaking."

Teeth grinding a bit as Sorcha moved past him. "It's invasive."

"Seems like it first, but ye can still hide feelings and converse." Something about Daniel's tone made her stiffen. Turning about with a hard glitter in the darker green gaze.

"What are ye inferring?"

"It will nae damage ye controls, so calm down. It be an effective method for battle, along with hand signals, only less likely to be interpreted." Daniel was using a placating tone that wasn't helping, but before Sorcha could continue another horn sounded ahead and he spun and sprang up nimbly, settling on the dancing horse with ease.

Sorcha was thinking that he wasn't all that polite after all, in fact that insufferable tone he took was grating. No wonder his sister seemed to enjoy tormenting him. Stepping up and settling smoothly into the saddle, she was soon moving along with the pair. Both were silent, likely using that mental method to make fun of her lack of understand it, she suspected.

"That be odd. I thought all with the dark blood could do it." Cieara was commenting to her brother in mind speak as they rode into the formation.

"They can. She must not have had any show her." Came Daniel's answer along with a side look and a shrug.

"She did nae like it when ye did it either. If you ask me, that one's got some serious control issues." "I thought for sure Grandfather had taught her, but apparently he did nae." Daniel then added. "As for her issues, do not pester her over it. Ye are too nosy and I would wager that one will nae care for the interest."

"Do ye think Mum was that uptight when she was that age?" Cieara stated, while sending a quick look over at the girl riding with them.

"I doubt she was Cie."

Out of the blue Sorcha looked over at them both with an expression that held little pleasure at whatever she was thinking about. ?Teach Me."

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2011-03-28 01:28 EST
Between the pair of them, she was able to pick up the basic ability on the ride across the darkening land, but felt disconcerted by it. Something about having someone else's voice in her head was sinister and unnerving, as they seemed way to close. Rather like someone whispering into her ear, an action Sorcha had never cared for.

She couldn't find fault with their lesson, as both were helpful without making her feel even more the misfit. She could see why they used this form of communication as it could be efficient but still found it invasive. Her mental barriers were simply not designed for it, but Sorcha did find she could still contain her emotions, and her thoughts were still her own unless she choose to share them. At least that was a blessing.

Between the pair of them, she was able to pick up the basic ability on the ride across the darkening land, but felt disconcerted by it. Something about having someone else's voice in her head was sinister and unnerving, as they seemed way to close. Rather like someone whispering into her ear, an action Sorcha had never cared for.

She couldn't find fault with their lesson, as both were helpful without making her feel even more the misfit. She could see why they used this form of communication as it could be efficient but still found it invasive. Her mental barriers were simply not designed for it, but she did find she could still contain her emotions, and her thoughts were still her own unless she choose to share them. At least that was a blessing.

Daniel paused, peering into the murky line of forest with blue-green eyes narrowed and glittering darkly. Sorcha could feel the tension building around them as an eerie hush descended down upon them. It lasted only a few heartbeats before the crowd ahead started to advance forward and quickly followed with the distinct sound of shouts and clashing steel.

The horses danced nervously as the signal for the second wave cut through the night and Sorcha instantly felt the first wave of emotional friction. It was thick and almost stifling so powerful the flood of sensation she had a fight to deflect it.

The riders exploded into the clearing, finding the camp crawling with movement. Fire dotted the perimeter, giving light in one aspect but the choking smoke also offered cover and confusion. The sounds of shouting and battle chants assailed Sorcha ears as she quickly drew her sword and started to swing.

Beside her she heard Cieara counting and gave a rolling of her eyes. Sorcha wondered if the girl ever took anything seriously, but quickly dropped that thought as her mount reared violently with a scream of sudden panic. That was a warning she took to heart and just reined in the terrified beast fast with the hand of a skilled rider.

To the left out of the trees black armored forms spilled, moving in fast with swords swinging. She didn't get even a chance to really evaluate them, but caught a sense of something being off about the forces sweeping down upon them.

"Terranthi!" The mental shout bounced around in her mind and she brought her mount around sharply, just in time to catch sight of Daniel being dragged down into the fray. Kicking into action, Sorcha twisted agilely, freeing her legs and just dove in after him with swords flying. Right on heels was the youngest of the three, cussing loudly as she hacked her way into the throng.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2011-04-11 17:47 EST
Plowing her way through the crowd, she realized that there simply wasn't any time for finesse. Ducking fast under the swinging blade that Sorcha rolled in quick, her action sent one creature falling back into his own forces and just dodged to the other side a second later. Her blade flipped in her hand and she rammed it hard into another who had the misfortune to get a little too close. She located Daniel finally, and just started to cut a path towards him.

She was closing the distance, but it was a slow progress, as the ones around didn't seem willing to stay down as she wished. A spinning lash of the blades in her hand sent another crumbling and she just walked right over him, eyes narrowed to slits of determination.

A sudden crushing weight came down hard on her back and she went down hard, offering an array of vulgar Elvin curses as she struggled under the staggering impact. However a second later the weight was gone, a large hand having snatched the enemy soldier up and sent it flying over the heads of several. Rocking up to her knees, Sorcha caught sight of Lucius before something else flickered in the corner of vision. No thought just response and she lunged, both the sword and dagger slammed deep into the black figure and the sword that had been meant for the Lord's back falling into the blood soaked earth.

Rising up once more to her feet, Sorcha used a boot to brace and yanked them free before spinning back around. The air was heavy with so many emotions she was reeling a bit from it, but fighting back the sensation of light-headedness, she plunged in again, finally reaching Daniel.

Cieara had gotten there first, as she was at his back. The younger girl was covered in blood with eyes blazing a feral crimson hue. The laughter had been replaced by her movements, which were vicious as her blades that moved with deadly precision.

The tall form of Daniel was also weaving about, that heavy sword of his cutting of a gruesome swath through the tangling of surrounding fighters. The movement of that long blade far faster than those attacking expected for some lost limbs from the cut of its deadly edge and sent sailing off in another gory spew of vitae.

Ducking again Sorcha spun just in time to block another sword with her own, and kicked out with a hard heel, then rammed her own blade into the enemy's throat as he fell. A sudden sharp burning pain in her back sent her down to her knees for a brief moment with a gasp and one hand trying to reach behind to yank it out, the thrown blade buried hilt deep.

Something snapped inside her then, the rage breaking loose and Sorcha rose up with reptilian eyes blazing in red fury and just spun about it with a hissing and snap of fangs that sent a few stumbling back suddenly at the sight she presented.

Before Sorcha could even launch herself into the fray an arm caught her in mid leap with surprising strength, dragging her back roughly, the action ripping the small dagger from her back. The sudden agony of that sending a scream breaking free from her lips and she started to struggle. Sparks flew from her taloned fingers as she continued to thrash about, clawing with little effect at the armored limb holding her with surprising firmness.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2011-04-16 14:28 EST
Fiona had warned him this might happen. He had even felt that crack as she lost control, and suspected his children had as well. The moment he caught sight of her eyes, then the small horns rising up from the dark hair, Lucius had acted. Catching her fast before she could get free. While he would not have cared had Sorcha torn into the enemy, a berserking dark Nephilim was a danger to his forces as well.

A mental shout sent and the girl finally stopped trying to shred his arm off, but the rage was rolling off her in strong waves. He didn't have the time to bring her down, and doubted she would care much for the same methods he had used on Fiona the few times she had ever lost control in a fight. "Control it girl!" His mental thought commanded, adding enough force to drop most to their knees as he spun around, deflecting a blow from a swinging sword and sending a sudden showering of sparks with the metallic clash of steel. It apparently got through as she went limp for a moment, fighting her way back to reason.

Even though the battle was winding down, it was still far from over, and he simply didn't have the time to spare. Twisting around again, he sent out another mental call and in a few minutes his son appeared beside them. Blood covered but unharmed, Lucius just gave him a sharp nod and then pushing Sorcha towards Daniel with a low growl. "Get her to a healer." Then he moved towards the forces that had been pushed back along the riverbank, for there was bladework still to do.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2011-04-18 02:22 EST
After leaving her family at the camp, Fiona went in search of some answers and by the time the sun was setting she was standing in her father's study biding her time quietly. Rhystil had asked her to wait as he sent a request to Drammon, as this matter regarded his daughter.

Fingers tapped lightly against the mantle as she leaned there watching the dancing flames in the hearth until she felt the disturbance and turned, seeing Sorcha's father entering with her father a few feet behind him.

Once all the social niceties were done she didn't linger just looked at the pair with an arched brow and a hard frosty glint flickering in icy green eyes. "As I know neither of ye are fools, would ye mind explaining to me why ye sent Sorcha to us, knowing full well the sort of strain ye would put on her?"

Fiona noted the quick exchange of looks and then it her father that spoke. "I did warn ye Drammon, as nae much escapes my daughter."

Turning slowly, with arms folding over her chest as she regarded them both, waiting for one of them to explain just what was going on.

The warlord heaved a deep sigh. "Considering current conditions here in Zymire and the dangers posed, I felt it would be the best time for Sorcha to face her darker nature."

Lips thinned faintly as Fiona's hard gaze swung to rest upon the man. "Did ye not think to at least inform us of that?"

"Your father wished that, but I wasn't sure if this method would work as he suggested." Drammon wasn't intimidated but seemed aware that the woman before him wasn't one to cross so his tone was respectful.

"Considering it be much ye own fault the girl is at conflict with herself, I am curious now what ye hoped this might accomplish?" Fiona didn't bother to muffle the tone of criticism in her voice.

"To state it simply, I was hoping to awaken her to the fact that her nature isn't a curse." Rising to his feet now, he started to pace with hands behind his back. "After it had taken over before, it was her mother that demanded she learn to contain it. Bury it as it were. At the time it was uncertain we could even bring back Sorcha's humanity, so I bowed to her wishes. I wrongly believed Cathlaine might come to understand and accept all aspects of our child, but instead she made the girl distrust the darkness within."

"And ye father" Ye agreed with this madness?" Fiona's gaze swung to lance her father with a frown marring her smooth brow.

"I tried Fiona, but the girl was unwilling to even allow any close enough. Her guards are impressive and I do feel her fear of it lies in the time her rational side was lost to its power when she was still little more than a child."

"So ye two decided to send a full jolting shock through her." A growl rolling up from Fiona's throat for a moment and then quickly followed by a snort of disgust at the senselessness of it all. "Nae any offense to ye Lord Mirawien, but ye former wife be an idiot.?

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2011-04-18 02:27 EST
Drammon stopped for a moment and smirked at Fiona's observation. "She loves her daughter Lady DeAuster."

"Perhaps, but a mother should love their children, even with their perceived flaws and all." She instantly replied with her expression hard and unyielding.

"In truth her hate for that side of Sorcha, be the effect of her hate of me." He said that blandly with a glint from the swirling aqua eyes.

"Again, that is nae ye daughters fault and she now suffers from her mother's loathing for it and in essence puts her at further risk. She be a time bomb as she's now of the age when that dark side will start to mature and ye both well know it. We are already dealing with this with our own children and I be knowing the signs."

"This was why we have sent her to ye Fiona." Her father stated calmly, having remained leaned back comfortably in the seat he had taken earlier.

"Ah, but ye failed to explain just what this was about. Ye above all others know just how I feel about deception Father." The growl in Fiona's voice was more noticeable now.

"As there wasn't really any deception involved I will not apologize Fiona. We needed to get her away from Zymire. Ye needed one with the right skills to keep up with ye own children. This other problem is but a side effect."

"I can nae have my children put at risk over this 'side effect' as ye call it. Sorcha should have been taught this before. It be neglect on ye and her parents side that she wasn't." Fiona instantly countered her father's statement with a slash of a gloved hand.

"My daughter keeps me at a distance these days Lady DeAuster. I believe she thinks I am the cause of her curse and I seldom see her, and suspect she doesn't trust me either. That being likely the result of her mother's influence." Drammon commented in mid pace. "I am quite aware I was neglectful in teaching her about other half, but ye are correct about one thing, it is starting to return to awareness, and I fear Sorcha's habit of ignoring it might prove self-destructive."

"And what is ye former spouse going to think when she learns of this?" A brow arching slightly as Fiona really didn't care what that foolish bitter woman might think but knew the young woman likely would.

"Sorcha is of age now and any agreements I had with Cathlaine are no longer valid. I do think it is long past time Sorcha learned just what her heritage is, but as I said before she doesn't trust me and any efforts I have made in regards to it, she has shunned." He turned and regarded the dark haired woman intently. "It is my hope she finds it isn't the horrible curse she seems to believe it is."

Fiona fell silent conversing mentally with Lucius but soon had to stop as his battle was commencing but for the moment she knew he wasn't happy about it, but also caught a sense he felt pity for the young woman caught in the middle of her parent's stupidity.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2011-04-18 11:38 EST
"I shall be blunt Milord, I nae have the time to do such a thing slowly or carefully. My own children were not raised with the same erroneous ideas about their dark inheritance, but have been taught to control its effect over time. Sorcha nae has that luxury. In light of the dangers she faces nae only from those here but also those in our own lands, she will either accept what is offered or she might nae survive the coming storms, tis" that simple. I will try but can nae offer a single promise it will succeed."

"You and yours are an example of those that accept and understand the darkness within Milady, tis" why I felt your clan to be a good illustration for Sorcha to see first hand." Drammon offered a stiff bow towards Fiona.

"Flattering as that might be, I nae see it the same Milord. I fully lay the blame of ye own daughter's confusing at ye feet. It was ye place to teach her about your blood, nae matter what other influences might of sought to thwart that." Fiona's arms slowly unfolded and her hands drifted down to rest on her belt casually. "Now that being said, tis nae for ye I will make this effort but for the young woman left to flounder all because of her parent's rather selfish animosity. She nae deserves that and I will seek to help her in light of it."

Turning she started for the door only to pause and look back with a hard cutting glance at her father. "As for ye Father, nae ever seek to use me or my family this way again. Should ye fail in that simple request, I shall let Lucius discuss such with ye the next time."

That brought a thin smile to Rhystil's face and he gave a nod to his daughter, aware of what she said and it's meaning. There was little love between the pair and any sort of conversation of that nature would likely end up painful for both by the end of it.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2011-04-22 20:20 EST
As Daniel led Sorcha back, Lucius rejoined the battle, Drachmel sending foes flying back with each swing. All around him the organized attack was falling apart into smaller skirmishes, which in the long run suited the barbarians more than the trained mercenaries they were fighting.

"Korg!" He bellowed, drawing the attention of a hulking Northras directing men against the mercenary foe. "Send a runner back, have the cavalry mounted and ready to move." Korg banged a fist against his chest in indication that he had heard the command, and Lucius turned to look for Cieara only to nearly bowl her over as she stood behind him. Looking down, a quick study showed she was unhurt, though her normally sparkling emerald-green eyes now blazed with a crimson sheen. "Stay close, Cieara."

Lucius clasping her shoulder for a second with a soft growl before turning to head up the mountainside, the greataxe swinging from side to side as he cut a swath through their enemies. The few who survived contact with that possessed weapon found the Great Dark coming at the slash of a bound impaling blade, accompanied by a fiendish giggle of excitement.

Daniel DeAuster

Date: 2011-05-06 11:24 EST
"Nay, Daniel, I be fine." Sorcha tugged again, to free her hand from the young man's grasp as he led her down the mountainside away from the fight. "Ye nay need to mother me."

"Father wants ye away from the battle, to calm down as well as heal." Daniel replied, stopping with a growl as Sorsha pulled her hand away.

"I said nay!" She growled, the sound menacing with the visage she currently possessed, though a part deep in Daniel found the image of black talons and small horns protruding from the tight curls appealing. Not now! He silently berated the other part of himself quickly. "I be healed already." Sorcha turned, revealing the gash in her leathers from the earlier hit she had taken. Daniel could see angry pink skin around the scab that had formed, and even as he watched it slowly grew smaller as her natural healing powers kicked in full gear.

"Maybe, but ye need a few minutes to get a grip before I take ye back in." Daniel glanced around, seeing only their men around the two young people. Most were heading away from the battle, seeking the healers who lurked behind the main body, but a small company of men trooped by, heading up the mountainside.

"Ye be a fine one to talk about control." Sorcha muttered under her breath, for she could feel the eagerness and hunger radiating off the boy, nearly enough to give her a headache. "I also be watching over your sister, remember?"

"She's with dad, so she's safe." Daniel replied, looking back to her. Hear me sethar" Be safe.


"They're moving up the mountain!" The cry, coming from a horseman tearing up the pass, drew a scowl across the scarred features of the mercenary captain Bargo. The half-orc turned to glare at the human next to him with one bloodshot eye, the other being covered by a leather patch. "Thought ye said they would not come up the pass."

"I said they would not be able to cross the pass." the human replied, an almost bored expression in place. "The barbarians are doing exactly as we had predicted before the battle took place, if you remember?"

"Aye, and ye nay said anything about a full-scale engagement." Bargo shot back in frustration. "I nae have enough boys to stop the devils, and they'll play hells with our supply lines once they cross the mountains."

"Captain Bargo, things are well in hand." The human patted the mercenary on the shoulder, and Bargo had to fight not to slap it away. "Watch, and learn what your allies to the north can accomplish."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2011-05-07 21:35 EST
For Cieara, everything was almost surreal in substance. That dark half, in a frenzy of feeding on the chaos around, was singing like never before. The closest she would later be able to describe it was standing too fast, and feeling the rush accompanying such a move. Her very skin tingled in her leathers, and she was moving with preternatural grace, leaping over a warrior's head and stabbing into his sternum before he could change direction. Her foe fell with a gurgled cry of pain, which stopped when Cieara twirled Vestia in her grasp and planted it hilt-deep in his throat.

Snarling, with tiny fangs gleaming, Cieara leaped ahead, a foot coming down on Lucius's shoulder plastron as she sailed to her next foe, her dagger blindingly swift as she slashed in her near-berserker frenzy. Her darker side was also feeding off Lucius's battle-rage, and it was transferring to her, making father and daughter closer than either would have thought.

Beside her Lucius roared in fury, sending one to the ground with a backhanded slap, while his axe spun to deflect an incoming blow. Cieara crouched to spring, but movement behind caught her attention, and the young girl acted without thought, sending Vestia twirling through the air to embed deep in the sniper's chest. The woman fell back with a scream of agony, her crossbow firing in reflex, and then it was Cieara's turn to hiss in pain as the bolt grazed her neck, drawing a thin line of blood.

Cieara didn't clearly realize what happened next so fast did it occur, as the world seemed to explode around her. Fire and dust enveloped her, and she had the sense of being lifted from her feet and slamming into her father, then all swirling chaos and thunderous noise faded into abrupt and sudden blackness.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2011-05-20 11:21 EST
Hands griped the railing before her, Fiona gasped as a sudden wave of pain washed through her, ice-green eyes closed as she fought for control. Rhystal caught her shoulders to steady her. "Fiona child, what?s wrong?"

"Me baby." She whispered, gritting her teeth as she forced herself to remain standing, using her father's hands for support. Rhystal blinked in confusion as his daughter swayed under some unknown effect.

"Baby' What baby?"

"Cieara father. Something has happened, as I nae can sense her or Lucius." She looked back to him, and he nodded once, quite aware of what that could mean.

"I'll prepare the portal at once." He said, leading her back into the palace. No matter what he felt about Lucius and his ways, Rhystal did care for his grandchildren a great deal.

?Aye' Fiona growled quietly, her voice more in control now. She did not know what had happened, but nothing would keep her from getting to her daughter's side. Fiona also detected Daniel's anxiety within the emotional connection, but was unable to get him to hear her, for the shock of whatever had occurred and perhaps the distance was drowning her out. Yet what puzzled her, as she made her hurried goodbyes, was the undercurrent she could feel in the familial link; a vestige of pure, unadulterated rage lingered.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2011-05-21 01:47 EST
Both Daniel and Sorcha jerked around at the booming explosion, their astonished gaze resting on the ridge overlooking the pass. Fire mushroomed skyward, sending boulders and debris flying outward into the pass. Combatants from both sides were bowled over by the shockwave, and a second later the two young people were sent to their knees, staggered as the ground rolled under their feet. But what staggered Daniel more was the mental scream of terror that was suddenly cut off.

"Cieara!" he cried, scrambling to his feet and staring wide-eyed at the disaster unfolding before them. The ridgeline was hidden behind a grayish-brown curtain of dust, masking the entire front line of the battle. Beside him Sorcha glanced around, and then grabbed Daniel's arm near the elbow.

"Come on." She growled, pulling the young man into the shadow of a large pine and into the nether, the two reappearing closer to the ridge. As she rested a second, hand holding her against a tree as the wound and strain of taking two through the nether winded her, Daniel took off toward the ridge. All around combatants were picking themselves up from the ground, shaking their heads to clear the cobwebs away, but they were paid no mind unless one of the enemy stumbled before him, only to be sent tumbling back, often accompanied with the sickening crack of breaking bone. The barbarians shied away, not wanting to tempt the fury lurking in that crimson gaze.

Cieara, answer me! Dad! He opened himself as fully as he knew how, searching for any thread of his family. Fiona he could sense, the shadowassassin already portalling back from Zymier, but then all was driven away as pure red washed over him. Daniel blinked, stopping as he pulled back from that contact.

"Daniel!" Sorcha waved, attracting his attention toward a clump of bushes nearby. Vaulting a splintered tree, what had caught Sorcha's attention came into view: a body, half-hidden by the bushes, but visible enough to reveal the gleaming dagger lodged in it's chest, cat's-eyes closed to protect from the dirt still hanging in the air. "Isn't this hers?" Sorcha asked, coughing to keep her mouth clear. Daniel nodded, taking Vestia and pulling it from the dead body. Sliding it into his belt next to Toroth, his own bound blade, he glanced around, shaking his head.

"I don't see?"The rest remained unspoken as Sorcha suddenly jerked him to the side, the tree he was standing beside blooming pockmarks at head and chest level. She ducked behind the tree while Daniel dove behind a huge boulder that had been blown from the side of the pass. "What the hells?"

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2011-05-21 10:45 EST
"Snipers!" Sorcha called, peering around the tree trunk, only to jerk back as an arrow thudded hard into the wood. "Up on the ridge at the crown!" Daniel looked that way, noting the dark forms moving along the edge of the ridge. Small puffs of smoke erupted along the line, the sharp crack of the shot reaching the ear as the round hit rock or wood.

"We can hit them from behind." Spying a copse of trees near the edge, Daniel was preparing to jump back into the shadows when a gruff voice stopped him.

"Ye'll be going alone, boy." Korg fell heavily behind a tree, clearly favoring his right leg, crimson clearly visible against the tan skin. "Me boys be scattered and hurt. They will nae make a charge into black powder right now."

"He's right, Daniel. It be a dead mans folly to charge in now." "Father wouldn't stop because of that!" Daniel shot back, his eyes drawn again to the rubble now blocking the passage upward.

"Yer father be smarter then that!" Korg growled in reply, ducking back as a bullet winged past his ear. "Besides, he be buried now, And I'm telling ye, Prince, we can nae take that ridge!"

The use of Daniels title stung, reminding him that Korg was a battle-hardened leader, while he still had much to learn. He silently nodded, looking back upward, features hardening. "Daniel don't ye".?

For the second time that evening Sorcha found herself cut off by another explosion of rocks and dust, this one much smaller than the first, but powerful enough to send small rocks bouncing away and forcing the three back into cover. Accompanying the eruption was a high-pitched roar, enough to drown out Daniel amazed shout of joy.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2011-06-02 11:38 EST
Powerful wings unfurled toward the sky, shaking off the dust coating, the figure emerging from the landslide easily half again as tall as a man without them. Skin gleamed a dull red in the dying light, and it was hard to tell where split armor ended and rough hide began. The horned head swiveled around, blazing crimson eyes taking in the ridge and the surprised soldiers crouching there, and another roar of challenge resounded off the cliffs, sending small streams of dust flowing down in miniature avalanches. Nothing of the face was human, the grim visage made even more inhuman when the jaw split in two, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth as it screamed upward. But what had Daniel's attention was the small black bundle cradled in the creature's arms. "Dad! Cie!"

Sorcha's eyes widened at the sight before her. If that was Lucius, for it was indeed something outside her experience, he had grown in stature when he changed. A sharp crack shook her from her shock, as the soldiers above regained their senses and trained their weapons on the beast below them. The thing whirled, shielding Cieara with its body, the wings folding around them like a cocoon.

Seeing it crouch, Daniel started forward, only to be jerked back as a whiplike tendril of shadow snaked around him and pulled with surprising force. Leaping high into the air, heavy wings beat once, twice, giving the beast altitude, where it then turned south, in the general direction of the camps. "Why did you stop me?" Daniel shouted as he whirled on Sorcha, his eyes gleaming ferally in his rage. In reply Sorcha yanked him down, saving him again from a hail of bullets and arrows.

"Mayhap I should let ye stand there and become a pincushion. Might be it would knock some sense into ye mule head." Sorcha snapped.

Daniel started to retort, closed his mouth again and nodded tightly. Seeing he was thinking logically now, the young assassin chanced a glance up. She could hear Korg bellowing commands, and the forlorn horn call that sounded the retreat. Taking Daniel's arm, Sorcha led the young man back into the shadows, knowing that if she didn't, he was about to do something rash and probably get them both killed.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2011-06-20 11:39 EST
A combination of portals and long shadow leaping had Fiona at the camp within a few short hours after feeling the first pain. She glided silently through the camps, heading with predatory grace to Lucius's tent, set near the back among a stand of oak trees. The camp was quiet as the sun set, for the most part sounds coming were moans of the wounded, and the soft muttered words of small knots of men, discussing the battle. While not falling into the morass that often follows a defeat, the Northras were still stunned. Many who had fought this day had not taken part in the battle at Cisroe, and thus had no experience with black-powder weapons. The unknown did not strike fear, but a grim determination to break the enemy even more.

Despite the worry in her heart a small smile crept to her features, seeing the familiar auburn mane bobbing around men's shoulders. Seconds later she was taken into a hug before Myrialla stepped back to arms length.

"They be inside, Fio. Cie nae be awake, but she be out of the woods. "Tis a healing sleep she's in." Happiness at the news blossomed within her, yet only Myrialla would have a sense of it, for Fiona's exterior calm remained firmly in place.

"And what of Luc?" She asked, and could barely stop the snicker as Myrialla suddenly growled softly, a look of exasperation replacing the warm look.

"That man man!" she grumbled, half-turning to look at the tent. "Will nae lay down, and barely let me dress his wounds." She glanced back as Fiona finally chuckled softly, her leather-clad hand resting on Myrialla's shoulder.

"I'll see to him, Myri sweet." She said, then stepped toward the door, but paused. "Where be Daniel?" So worried had she been about Cieara and Lucius, he had neglected to ask about him. Myrialla nodded, understanding completely in that way only a woman could.

"He be fine, Fio. Sorcha took him away for a time." Myrialla started piling food and bandages on a platter, preparing for when Fiona would go into the tent. "She felt he needed a break.?

Silently thanking the young woman for her quick thinking, Fiona nodded, before disappearing into the tent. Within, her eyes quickly adjusted, and she saw Cieara asleep in the bed, furs piled atop her to keep her warm. Again, relief flooded through Fiona at seeing her young daughter shift slightly in her sleep, and then frost-green eyes locked on her husband where he stood vigil beside the bed.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2011-06-20 11:52 EST
His back was scarred in several places, where shot and arrows had hit and penetrated, and in his aura there was an undercurrent of pain. But, stubborn as he was, Lucius was not even considering his own health at the moment, but was watching over his youngest child. Fiona slipped over and slid an arm into his, stirring the man from his reverie and to look down. "Fiona, I did not sense your arrival."

"Nae love, I only just got here. And ye have other things than to be scanning for me approach to occupy your mind." She replied softly, looking up at him. When he did not answer a frown crept to her lips. "Lucius, she be healing. Myri would nae rest until she was safe from danger. And the same could be said for ye." That brought a soft growl, but she did not budge.

"I don't know how, but Torvien has managed to keep an alliance with the northern scum. They used gunpowder to bring the cliffs down on us." Leaning over Lucius brushed back a lock of hair from Cieara's cheek, and then straightened again with a grimace. "Perhaps it is through one of these other lords, but somehow Torvien is receiving aid from the Northern Empires, and that will have to stop."

"Aye, M"Love. But now is not the time." Fiona took his hand and tugged, not letting up the tension until he stepped away from the bed and back around the curtain, where Myrialla was silently waiting, having brought the platter in while Fiona had distracted Lucius. Though his stomach rumbled at the smell of the sliced beef and ale, he shook his head.

"Damnation, sit down, ye stubborn ass!" Myrialla's voice, always soft and cheerful, held an edge that even got Fiona's attention, Lucius relented and sat down in the chair, leaning on his elbows on the tabletop in front of him. "I have enough work to do with those outside, and nae need ye acting a fool." Still muttering, she started to dress the rest of his wounds, though her touch was as gentle as ever.

"And when she is done, ye need to make an appearance to the men. Let them see that ye still stand." Fiona added, leaning a shapely hip against the table and looking at her husband.

"And afterward, ye'll be drinking some tea, and getting yeself into bed!" Myrialla added, taping a dressing into place along his back. "And nae arguing either. Otherwise, ye be cut off!" That earned her a dark glower, yet Lucius reached for a plate and fork.

"Alright, alright. I get your point, both of you." Steadfastly concentrating on the platter before him Lucius missed the look of triumph that passed between the two women.

"And tomorrow we will start planning on what to do about Torvien's new toys." Fiona promised, leaning over to brush a soft kiss to his cheek, mirrored by Myrialla to the right. "And ye know that we love ye, ye stubborn mule.? The soft laughter of the two drowned out the exasperated groan from the chaos lord, as he shook his head in total defeat for the second time that day.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2011-09-25 03:06 EST
Sorcha had taken Daniel back to one of the places Fiona had used as a stopping point. A serene lake, where the air was cool and the trees thick enough to protect it from the winter wind that might seek to pass through them.

Stumbling a bit from the shadows she dropped down with her back against a tree and just dragged the loosened hair from her face with a sigh. Her head was pounding dreadfully from the emotional battering coming from the young DeAuster. Along with her own mental berating of losing her control and the end result was Sorcha needed peace.

"Calm ye self boy. Ye be making my head ache." Eyes resuming their normal shade lifted to watch Daniel pace around like a caged lion and she gave another silent sigh. "Ye were making everyone at the camp nervous with ye agitation."

"Where the hell are we?" Daniel growled, and then spun around to glower at her, the dark hair caught by a faint draft of wind and his eyes glittering like rubies, bright red and furious still. "And don't call me boy."

"Ye father and sister will be alright. Ye heard Lady Myrialla tell ye that, so stop and sit. Take a breath and for the sake of shadows, Cool down else I will put ye down." Sorcha snapped right back with a sudden flashing of ocean blue eyes.

He stalked off towards the water and she watched him, still feeling the fury coming off him in heavy waves of emotion. It was such a tempting thought to just shove him into the cold waves, as that would certainly cool him off quickly, but Sorcha suspected he might attack her for doing such.

In truth, Sorcha didn't like anyone to touch her even in a battle so she held back the urge and just leaned her head back against the tree. The sights of this day burned in her mind. Lord DeAuster's human guise had been stripped and she found the Daemon form a little intimidating, but didn't like admitting that even to herself. Their children had also been a bit of a shock too. Both seemed to embrace that dark half they carried and it was paying hell with her own cursed beast. Now, she was watching the young man stomp about and just felt weary to her very bones.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2011-09-25 03:46 EST
Her back still carried a lingering ache from that earlier injury and Sorcha suspected that her current lack of energy had much to do with blood loss from it, but Myrialla had needed him taken away and so, Sorcha now sat here, hoping he would soon calm down before she lost it again and just knocked him out for a few hours. Finally Sorcha spoke again with words designed to be quiet and soothing. "Ye can't win every battle Daniel. Sometimes ye have to use tactics and nae rush into situations that offer little more than death."

"I know that." Daniel snarled with a hard look shot over a shoulder at her. Leaving her to view the tense set of shoulders and feel another blast of that anger.

"Then why this fury' Ye father and ye sister will be fine. Ye heard the healer tell ye that." Sorcha asked somberly while one hand rose to rub at a throbbing temple.

"Mind your own damned business." Came Daniel's harsh and instant reply, one filled with disgust.

A brow rose at the language and Sorcha just snickered to herself. "Ye be spoiling for a fight and I am nae in the mood to take ye up on it."

Hugging her knees she rested her chin on them and just continued to watch him with intent stormy blue-green eyes. "Until ye relax, ye can nae go back and see them. That was the deal after all. So ye best do whatever it is ye usually do to unwind, or we shall be here a while I suspect."

The tall form wheeled about abruptly and Daniel glowered at her for a moment with his hands moving to rest on his hips and gave what Sorcha could only call a dangerous smile. "I can nae do what I usually do."

Gazing at him with her hand moving to push the drift of hair from her eyes and relieved to find the horns starting to recede. "What method do ye commonly use" Perhaps we might improvise." Thinking if he was even remotely like her, it would be some form of physical release such as training, sparring or working out various moves.

If anything it seemed to her that the crimson gaze was a darker red now as Daniel stared pointedly at her then smirked. "I usually have sex."

Those four words made Sorcha blink at him in unguarded shock and she was glad the light was fading in the glade for she hoped the color rising in her face would not noticeable. "Then I guess ye be out of luck after all. Have ye ever considered a cold dip or running laps" " The words blurted out before she could even control it and stated firmly, yet there was a frosted cutting edge nonetheless. All making it more than obvious she was not even contemplating THAT.

Daniel had stated that so straightforward and blunt Sorcha truly believed he was serious and yet still found that unexpected to say the least. She also believed he had done that to see her reaction. Of course he was male, and it was her belief they often spent much of their time in pursuit of such hedonistic pleasures. Considering the anger rolling off him, she doubted many would find pleasure with him in that state however.

For just a moment she felt rather sorry for the DeAuster slaves and just glanced away, contemplating the fading light as it struggled through the dense foliage and sent shimmers across the lake water.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2011-10-04 12:06 EST
Daniel grunted a reply, sending a stick sailing out over the water. He also stared out over the vista, but not seeing the incredible beauty of the Ridgedown Mountains in late winter. After a moment he slowly turned again toward the silent Sorcha. "Hows your back?"

"Hmm?" Caught off-guard by the change, Sorcha was slow in answering Daniel, her hand slipping back around her side to touch the rent in her leathers. "Ah, "tis nothing for ye to be worrying over Daniel, the cut be healing." Stepping over to the fallen tree that the young woman sat upon, Daniel leaned to get a better look, only for Sorcha to jerk back. "Nae, Daniel, that isn't needed."

"Look, Sorcha, Myrialla told you to get me away from the camp and not bring me back until I calmed down." There was a fleeting flash of emotion from him that Sorcha couldn't pin down as he continued. "And dad's last command was for me to watch over you." He stood straddling the tree now, looking down to her with arms folded over his chest. "So, will ye let me check that cut, or do we both fail in our duty?"

Ohhh, he's a tricky one. The thought reluctantly played across her mind, but Sorcha merely nodded tightly and half-turned, bending over a bit to give Daniel a better look. Leaning down, he inspected the wound with a critical eye. The blade had bit deep, but the gash was already nearly fully closed, and he guessed that by morning all that would remain would be a small scar that should fade over time. "Damn, you are a fast healer!" he said, a bit of admiration in his voice. As clumsy as the praise was, Sorcha was still glad she was facing away from Daniel.

"Why are ye so upset, Daniel?" Sorcha asked, to change the subject into an area she found not quite so personal for her. Straightening, she turned to watch the young man, who was shifting to sit on the log beside her. Daniel stared out over the lake for a moment, the gaze never wavering as he finally replied.

"Cie and I are close'very close. Our connection formed before she was even born." A slight smile as he thought back, remembering telling his parents he was "gonna have a sister", and their indulgent smiles, until the day Cieara had been born. "It's the bond our kind share, only a lot stronger. It makes us so much alike in a lot of ways, people mistake us for twins at times."

After a moments pause, Daniel then added. "Except for a couple of bad times, we've never lost that connection."

Sorcha shifted uncomfortably, reminded of her dramatic change earlier that day, and again mentally cursed herself for the loss of control "Until now?? she asked, after he had stopped talking for a moment. At least he was calming down somewhat, which in turn was helping ease her aching head.

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2012-02-09 03:10 EST
"Aye. It's like missing a part of yourself, and it's damn uncomfortable." The last growled softly, and Sorcha reached out to grip Daniel's shoulder briefly, more to keep him calm that anything else. "When she blacked out, and dad changed, I thought I had lost her."

"What exactly did your dad turn into?" The question came before Sorcha thought to stop it, but, she was thankful, Daniel didn't seem put out by it.

"Dad's a daemon." He glanced to Sorcha, caught the perplexed look, and continued. "He is an unusual breed that worships the Gods of Pandemonium, sort of like a demon but nae quite."

"I see." She replied, though Sorcha was still unsure about what a 'daemon' was. "And he's able to change fully?"

"When he's mad enough, Aye." Daniel stood up and walked over to the stump of the fallen tree she sat upon. "Usually, his beast manifests much like our Darker half. But,?" Sitting down, he stretched, wincing at the aches settling into his muscles. ?"his powers lie along differing paths than our kind."

Now THAT she believed, having seen Lucius rise from under a ton of rock with barely a slowing. "I'll be certain to steer clear when he's got a rage going."

"Good idea." And Daniel finally chuckled softly. "Though, if you're a friend, that's sometimes the safest place to be."

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2012-02-09 15:59 EST
Cieara murmured softly in her sleep, slowly becoming aware of a press against her. "Move over, Danny, yer crowdin' me." She grumbled softly, pushing upward only to be met with an unyielding resistance. Sleep-filled eyes blinked open, and it took a few seconds for her drowsy mind to register that she was lying under a thick pile of blankets and furs. The weight she had felt was Lucius's arm, laying across her midsection on top of the blankets. Scooting back, she pressed against his blocky form, drinking in the heat with a soft childish sigh.

Her eyes had drifted closed again when something brushed across her forehead, and dragging them open again, she gazed into the eyes of her mother. A smile drifted across the young woman's face at the sight. "Hey mum." She said, the second word accompanied by a yawn.

After he had eaten Lucius had walked down to where the tribal leaders had gathered, discussing the events of the raid with them, and ordering a heightened picket for the camp that night. Myrialla had returned to the healers tent, to help prepare unguents and help with the injured, leaving Fiona to sit with the sleeping Cieara. It was about an hour after sunset when Lucius returned, and with little prompting had stripped out of his leathers and slipped under the furs with Cieara. After sending Tisha to Daniel's tent for the evening Fiona had eventually joined the two, sandwiching Cieara between herself and Lucius. Cieara's wakening awareness had tugged at her senses, rousing her shortly before her daughter had woken.

"Hello, little Jade. How do ye feel?" A warm smile, one that very few outside the immediate family ever saw, tugged at Fiona's lips as she watched her daughter. Cieara nodded slightly, eyelids still dropping from the effects of the tea.

"I'm nae be hurting, mum." She replied, her arm reaching out to hug Fiona, who moved closer so she could. "What about Daddy?"

"He be healing fast, just as ye are." Fiona leaned over to brush a kiss to Cieara's forehead. "Ye did quite well out there today, Cie. I'm proud of ye."

"Thanks mum." Cieara replied, a sleepy smile in place. Fiona could see that she was fighting to stay awake, and gently placed a finger against her daughter's full lips when she started to talk again.

"Nae, child, sleep now. We'll talk in the morning." A gentle mental nudge was sent as she spoke, urging her offspring to rest, and heal the host. Cieara quickly succumbed, slipping back into dreams as she curled between her parents, her head resting on Fiona's outstretched arm as she clutched to her mother. Fiona smiled again softly in the dim light, and gave her daughter a long hug as she finally let herself fall into sleep.

Daniel DeAuster

Date: 2012-07-30 23:08 EST
Daniel stirred, blinking sleep-filled eyes to stare up at the roof of his tent. The gloworb on the small table near the tent flap cast a dim glow to the tent, but out beyond the small cracks between the opening he could barely make out the tree's he was camped under. Early morning, he decided, his lean form stretching on the bedding as he yawned. Once, he had hated mornings, but he was finding himself getting up more and more at the crack of dawn while out in the field. Just one of the many changes he was experiencing.

His movements brought a soft grumble from the still-sleeping Tisha, who pulled at the covers and cuddled closer to Daniel. After he and Sorcha had returned they had spent time with Fiona, filling her in on what they had seen that afternoon. His mother had listened quietly, nodding at points, and then had hugged Daniel tightly before sending him to get something to eat. "Ye father and sister be sleeping, and nae need disturbing." She had said. "In the morning you will see them."

Sorcha had remained behind at Fiona's request, so Daniel had wandered down to the camps down the hill, mingling with the Northras. While much quieter than usual, the barbarians had still eaten and drank their fill, thus it was several hours after sundown before he returned to his tent, to discover Tisha kneeling obediently beside a set table "Mistress Fiona sent me to you this evening, Master." That had brought a smile to the young man's features as he fastened the flap behind him.

Daniel lightly stroked her hair as he reran the memories of the previous evening. Sorcha had disappeared into her tent behind his, and he had hoped that he and Tisha had not disturbed her. Though, no light had been seen in her tent when he had arrived. Memories and the feel of warm flesh had other emotions stirring, and he forcibly calmed the dark urges building, instead sitting up and again stretching in the cool air. Leaving the girl to slumber he quietly dressed and splashed cold water on his face and, after drying with a small towel, stepped outside.

Daniel DeAuster

Date: 2013-02-15 15:53 EST
Fiona was already awake and standing by the fire outside Lucius's tent, a steaming mug of coffee in hand. She waved Daniel over from his path toward the tentflap and, after giving him a one-armed hug, motioned him toward another cup sitting on the cooking grate. "Cieara is still in the healing sleep." She took a sip of the steaming coffee while watching her son. "Myri will let us know when she is awake."

"And what about dad?" Daniel looked aside to the tent, Fiona's gaze following suit.

"As well as can be expected, given the events of yesterday." A shadow moved over pale elven features as she remembered the second's flash of terror she had felt from Cieara over the empathic link that the family shared. She had been forced to dampen her connection with Lucius lest she be overwhelmed by the near-blinding rage of The Beast and she again thanked the gods for Myrialla and her ability to coax her husband back into control.

"After ye sister awakens and has something to eat I want all of ye back at Gharnholme." She caught Daniel off-guard, his expression one of uncertainty.

"But the fight..."

"Is done." Fiona cut him off, the shake of the head sending the long braid whipping along her shoulder blades. Her features softened the next second and she reached up to lightly caress his cheek. "Alskale, you'll learn over time that not all battles can be won." Her gaze shifted again to the encampment. "It is a bitter lesson, and one I sometimes think your father is still learning also."

Sorcha Mirawien

Date: 2013-03-18 22:09 EST
Stretching slowly under the warmth of the heavy furs that made up the bed, she slowly rose from the deep sleep her body had needed. Sorcha was shaking off the vague dream images and slowly a pale hand rose and pushed the tousled dark hair from her face. The myriad of images had come from day before. Stark and cold the lingering visuals of war and fighting and the energy of the moment, which she found just a little unsettling.

She had crawled into her tent the moment she had been able, the weariness of the battle still heavy on her entire body. The memory of the day still replayed in her mind but had become something else at the end. Sorcha was almost glad she couldn't quite remember what they were, but such was the fickle way of dreams.

Slipping from the warmth of the nest she had made while sleeping she was pleased to find that the small camp heater had kept the chill of the early morning air at bay. Another stretching and she leaned down to see if the pail of water she had placed near it had stayed warm as well and was glad to find it was the case.

Shedding the large flannel shirt she bathed herself before donning her usual leathers. She would need to repair the others first and hoped to find some thick thread and needle for that job, but only after she found something to eat.

Hair drawn back into a comfortable tail, she stepped outside while pulling gloves onto her cold hands and glanced about. The camp was awash in the first hues of morning, with the soft colors of mauve still obvious, but she could hear voices and the clatter of activity. That sound drew her and she strode towards the large command tent.

She found Fiona and Daniel seated a table and talking quietly. Just when she was about to turn back, not wanting to interrupt, the lady offered her a quiet smile. "Good Morning to ye Sorcha. Be ye normally an early riser?"

"Nae, but after the activities of yesterday, I did fall into a deep sleep once we returned last night." Her usual jobs tended to favor a night owl considering the nature of it.

"Come join us. There be coffee on the side bar if ye be wanting it." Another smile before the pale green gaze swung back towards her son.

"I was just telling my son that I wish ye all to return to Gharnholme today." Fiona stated as Sorcha took a seat with a steaming mug of coffee held carefully in one hand.

Sorcha could feel Daniel's uncertainty and suspected he was also not terribly happy at being sent home. As for Fiona she had a deft hand at hiding her emotions. It made the assassin wonder if this return was due to her losing control, but she dared not voice such a thought.

Fiona however, apparently sensed it before Sorcha could muffle it down, for she continued speaking. Her voice quiet and controlled. "Do nae think it is due to ye Sorcha. What occurred last night tells me tis time for us to rethink the strategy here and nothing more. This be common in war." Pausing to take a healthy sip of the rich black coffee before she continued.

"I am going to try and track down Anastasha." Fiona then commented, while reaching for some fruit that had just been placed upon the tabletop by one of the servants.

"Tasha" Why do you want to find her Mum?" That brought Daniel's eyes up toward his mother curiously.

"Tis" that ability of hers that I seek the one that allows for the disruption of our enemies black powder weapons. I think we need to find a way to recreate the effect she has and use it against our adversaries." She replied quietly. "As it stands, she be the best option else we might see another situation that happened yesterday. Such a thing can nae continue."

"Nae, ye are right about that Mum. I am sure she won't mind helping us out."

Sorcha had no idea who they were speaking of, but the idea that one might have the skills to prevent mountains from exploding, in what she felt was a most unnatural fashion, from occurring again seemed like a good idea to her.

"Aye, I am sure she will nae mind, though it is certain she will nae care for camping out." Fiona's lips curled into a wry smile, as the young elf's dislike of the cold, horses, bugs and more was well known. "Now, as for ye two, I will ask that ye keep a watch on Cieara for now and stay close to Gharnholme once ye return there. There be trouble brewing which means we must be cautious."

Daniel gave another nod and went back to his breakfast. Sorcha also agreed somberly, knowing it was her job to watch out for the young man and his sister. She had given her word and now considered it her sworn duty to keep them both from harm.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2013-08-16 17:13 EST
"Damn them!" The leather-clad fist slammed into the middle of the map, shaking the table and all on it and those around took a prudent step backward. Lucius was, in a word, furious. "Damn Torvien, damn his gods-cursed allies and thrice-damn that blasted black powder!"

Earlier that morning a party from Jerrak's warband had scouted eastward, passing the spot of the day's previous debacle and heading for another, smaller pass through the mountain spur. The small group, twenty strong, had encountered a sizable force mining the pass, and a jumpy commander had ordered the explosives detonated in fear the barbarians were moving in force. None of the Northras were hurt but the pass was blocked, with Torvien's forces holding the high ground.

"There is still the Hausdotter Pass." Terrak pointed at the map, to the third of three splits in the spur. "With four tribes gathered, along with the lowlanders, we can take the pass." The eyes of the other sa-khans flicked to the form of Captain Merrav Tio, commander of a contingent of the Mercyvian regular army that had arrived during the night. If the captain felt any discomfort at the Northras's words he did not let it show.

"And what makes you think that our enemy would not have it trapped also?" Lord Unther replied, his right hand opening and closing in his irritation. "These fools are proving themselves to be quite'versatile in their strategy."

"Mayhap not so foolish as we had thought?" Korg stood near the end of the table, using a crutch provided by one of the healers to stand. Though still recovering from his injuries from the previous day, he had insisted on being at the meeting.

"No." Terrak shook his head slowly, tracing along lines that marked roads and trails. "They're forcing us to either move east and then north where we would meet the bulk of the spacach's army, or they want us to turn west on the long road." His finger lingered for several seconds on that portion of the map, dominated by the southern curve of the Dawnsbreak Mountains and the Severland Swamp.

"They turn our own strategy against us." Captain Tio was studying the map carefully, a deep frown forming as he also considered the options. "My people would have considerable trouble traversing the swamps with our supply train. And we would be extremely vulnerable trying to move along this thin strip of land."

"Indeed." Still glowering, Lucius stepped back from the table. "And then we would have to hope that the Golvanin would not be adverse to our moving an army so close to their border." He sighed, the sound more of a growl, and looked around the group. "What would be our travel time to take the hidden routes?"

"We would need to backtrack close to Torrence, and then turn north along the logging roads." Terrak carefully traced out the path as he spoke. "Four days to move through the crossroads and into the timber. Once we pass the mill, the tribes will travel over the old paths while the lowlanders hold the crossroads." He glanced to his twin, who nodded slowly, and then back to Lucius. "In two weeks we could be in the northland passes again."

"And we give up the western passes to Torvien's alliance." Unthor held the look of one who had just bitten into bad fruit. "He'll be able to start shifting more toward the eastern approaches and the coast, strengthening his borders while we scale the mountains." During the discussion Lucius had stepped away from the table to stand by one of the support poles for the tent fly the group was clustered under. Arms folded, he was looking up at the mountains, the high permafrost gleaming white under the morning sun. Behind those peaks, his enemies plotted, and for the moment he could see no way around their stratagem. He allowed the gathered leaders talk for several moments before speaking, bringing the debate to an end.

"Korg, pull your tribe back to Gharnholme and tend to your wounded. Jerrak, take your warriors and set a picket at the ford while keeping a watch on the passes." The sa-khan of the Kargash tribe glanced to the others before nodding slowly, left fist coming to thump gently against his chest. The gesture was unseen by Lucius, who remained unmoved, gazing at the mountaintops. "Terrak, you will travel the high paths. Try to get behind the lines and get those bastards off a secure footing."

"My lord." Terrak nodded, and then reached out to clasp his twin's forearm before turning and walking off to gather his men.

"Lord Unthor, take your Bloodbonded and raid along the lines. I want their eyes focused this way while Terrak moves behind. And Tio, you will strengthen the garrison at Torrence. It will put the people's mind at ease to see the regular army standing protection."

"Aye, Your Majesty." Tio half-bowed toward the immobile Lucius, then gave the remaining barbarians a nod before taking his leave, accepting his helm from his adjutant as he left the tent. The others also made to depart, leaving the Dark Sovereign alone to brood. Finally he punched a fist into one of the tent poles setting the fly to wavering, dangerously close to collapsing.

"Damn them!"

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2013-10-11 12:57 EST
Yawning, Cieara pulled on her hard leather boots and stood up to stretch, wincing slightly at the dull ache in her shoulder. Myrialla had finally awakened her, and after having her sip a warm tea, had urged the young woman to get up and dress. Stepping from around the heavy blanket she caught sight of Daniel standing near the tent flap, fidgeting with the heavy canvas. She didn't have to say anything, for the second she saw him he turned, and seeing the smile coming to peach-pale lips, bounded across the tent to sweep her into a hug. Letting out a startled squeak Cieara returned the hug. "Easy, ye big dope, or yer gonna crush me!"

"Just happy to see you up and about, sethar." Daniel replied, letting her back down with a low chuckle. "And don't go scaring me like that again."

"It was nae my idea to bring down the mountain." A faint frown crossed Cieara's elfin features, the memory of the previous afternoon dark indeed. Shaking the dark mood away, she looked over to her brother with an impish grin. "I'm hungry." Daniel laughed softly again, pulling back the tentflap for her.

"I've already eaten, but Aunt Myri made certain there was plenty left for you." Cieara could already smell the savory aroma of eggs and bacon in the chilly dawn air, and her stomach rumbled softly. The early morning fog had burned away, leaving a crystal blue sky bereft of clouds. Fiona and Sorcha sat at the table talking quietly.

"Morning Momma!" Skipping ahead Cieara folded her arms around Fiona's neck in a deep hug. Laughing softly Fiona returned the hug just as eagerly, and then eased aside to give Cieara room to sit beside her. It did Fiona's heart a world of good to see her daughter not only on her feet, but light of spirit after the day before.

"Good morning to ye, little sweet. I trust that ye slept well?" Lithe fingers idly played with coppery curls as she watched Cieara start to heap fruit and eggs on her plate. Daniel, in the meantime, had moved to lean against a sapling near the tent, watching the small group quietly.

"Like a log, mum!" Cieara replied as she poured a glass of fruit juice. "I nae even remember any dreams, so I must really have been out of it." Belatedly emerald-green eyes moved to the quiet Sorcha, who had remained seated, almost as though trying to disappear. "Good morning, Sorcha! So, what do ye think about being out in the wilds?"

With a pause coming as the young woman popped a piece of melon into her mouth, the brown-haired assassin nodded to her. "Good morning to ye, Cieara." And when that intense gaze did not leave her she sighed silently and continued. "It is a bit different than I be used to, but nae anything I cannot acclimate to."

"Good! I was worried my grump of a brother might keep ye awake with his snoring!" Giggling softly as she picked up a piece of toast Cieara shot Daniel a sly glance, as he shifted in his lean, his own look promising later revenge.

"Nae, Cieara, I slept soundly, once I went to bed." Sorcha offered a tight smile, fully aware that Cieara was using her as a prod against her brother, though her expression betrayed nothing of the annoyance she may have felt. She also glanced toward Daniel, certain her cheeks were coloring again as flits of the previous nights dreams resurfaced. While her emotional guards were well enough in place to keep control, Cieara did catch a flash of emotions coming from her brother, eliciting another soft giggle from the young redhead.

"Ahh, I see someone's getting randy early!"

"I am not."

"Are too!"

Cieara continued to eat during the silent exchange, sugar not melting with that sweet smile she gave him. Sorcha, glancing between the two, gave a soft sigh. "Do ye two always do that?" Her words caught their attention, and two stares now went to her. "Ye know that can be damned annoying at times, knowing ye are talking yet leaving others out."

"Sorry, sometimes I just forget that others can nae mindspeak." Cieara took a sip of juice, looking to Sorcha as she set the glass down. She started to continue, but a soft touch from Fiona on her shoulder gave her pause.

"Sorcha, 'tis a fact the children use the link to talk freely. After all, it be a part of our nature." She deliberately used the plural form to include them all, reminding Sorcha of her buried half, though the young woman could well have done without the reminder. "Ye learned the basics yesterday, and perhaps ye should practice some with Daniel and Cieara. They are, after all, family, and would nae bring harm or ill to ye deliberately." Though she was speaking to Sorcha, Fiona's gaze was on her son, for she had also felt the brief surge in his aura earlier, even more so than Cieara, being both elder and parent. She was proud of his control, reigning in the demon so quickly.

"This I know, Fiona, yet it be something I am nae comfortable with." Sorcha unconsciously fiddled with the silver bracelet on her wrist as she spoke, the subtle movements catching Daniel's eye from his vantage point, and the brief glance became an outright stare, his hand moving to the ebony manacle around his own right wrist.

"I know, Sorcha, which is why ye will nae be pushed about it." Another subtle command, this time to the inquisitive Cieara, who was listening intently while she ate her breakfast, and who nodded quickly to Fiona's words. "Ye will come to accept in your own time. And we will be here to help ye, should ye wish it."

"We'll be happy to help ye Sorcha, won't we Daniel?" Cieara cut her eyes to her brother again, and the look he gave her brought a soft laugh from Fiona, and even Sorcha smiled a bit.

"Sure we will, Cie." Daniel replied, glancing toward the quiet woman and her bracelet again. Fiona watched the byplay between the three, quietly assessing the situation. Daniel and Cieara were going to see just how much they were going to be able to get away with, and Sorcha was one that they may well underestimate. It would make for an interesting time in the weeks to come. As the banter continued, moving into the area of combat, with which Sorcha was much more comfortable talking about, Fiona looked at each closer.

Daniel had indeed leaned up, his body developing the hard lines of a seasoned soldier. His hair, worn long ever since his early teens, now hung nearly to the bottom of his shoulder blades, loose to the wind this morning. He held an air of expectant energy about him now, and Fiona could see the resemblance with the young man who had become her soul-mate.

Cieara, to Fiona's eyes, nearly glowed in the morning light. Even with yesterday's near-tragedy the young woman brimmed with energy, her dark-side soaking in at a prodigious rate. And while she was blossoming into a woman, the tell-tale was in her smoldering emerald-green eyes, she will still very young by the standards of Fiona's people. When she had been a little girl Lucius had one day predicted she would be "a heart-breaker and life-taker." Watching her now, Fiona had to agree.

Sorcha was going to have her hands full with the pair of them, but Fiona felt certain she would be able to handle it better then most others. The young woman had a serious demeanor and a determined posture that hinted that she was simply not used to failure. In the process Sorcha would also learn more about her own nature and perhaps come to understand herself.

The following days and weeks would prove to be most intriguing, Fiona thought with a shadow of a smile touching rose pale lips.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2014-02-11 09:28 EST
Fiona felt Lucius's approach before her husband arrived at the table, and looked up at him as he stood behind her. "Ye seem out of sorts, love." She said quietly after Cieara had made a hearty good morning and hugged her father.

"Our position here is no longer tenable." he replied with a soft growl, reaching down for a piece of pan-fried ham. Taking a bite, he shook his head, sending hair whipping around his shoulders. "With two of the passes now closed, and the third undoubtedly trapped, we're going to have to pull back and come along the front from a different approach."

"Then we're just ceding this part of the border to Torvien?" Daniel interjected, stepping away from the tree upon which he had been leaning. Fiona was about to shush him when Sorcha stepped in, standing up and sidling over beside the young man and distracting him for a few seconds, enough time for Lucius to swallow his food.

"There is no easy way forward at this point Daniel, unless you wish to travel into the swamps to reach the westernmost marches."

"Eww, gross!" Cieara blurted from where she sat beside Fiona, a look of distaste distorting her features. "You're on your own, big brother. I will nae be going into a smelly swamp!"

"Aye, and I nae have any wish to either." Sorcha chimed in, though her features were more neutral. Lucius studied her for a moment, and felt nothing more from her than the vaguest of emotions. That one is bound down harder than you were when we first reunited, my love.

Soft laughter flowed through the link, and he felt the touch of her mind, a soft brushing that always let him know she was with him. Aye, love. She be afraid of losing control. A byproduct of her youth, I'm afraid.

"Indeed." He growled softly, unaware he had spoken aloud. The young people took it as though he was agreeing with Sorcha, and Daniel's eyes narrowed slightly as he frowned. "Daniel, now is not the time." Lucius desperately wanted to avoid an argument with his son, specially in light of the previous day and the morning's news. "We will demonstrate here while Terrak works his way north and see if this situation can be salvaged."

"And in the meantime, all of ye are needed at home." Fiona spoke up, rising with the soft hiss of midnight-black leathers. "Not only do ye need to train with Sorcha, but ye have a birthday coming, Daniel."

At the mention of the coming birthday Cieara fairly beamed, almost hopping in her seat with excitement. "That's right! And I know you're going to like my present Danny!" She looked up and behind to Lucius, who smiled softly, the quiet chuckle escaping him now. Daniel groaned softly as he leaned back against the tree again.

"And given circumstances, it may well be time to gather our allies, and let them be aware that the war goes well for us." He caught the glance from Fiona, and knew she had understood. He was also thankful of the deflection of topic.

"You're talking about another party, aren't you?" Daniel just groaned again, as he usually tried to avoid the stuffy affairs that were a regular feature among the ruling nobility. Since his father had claimed the throne of Mercivya that was becoming harder by the week.

"At least your birthday celebration will be at Gharnholme and not Antetion Halls. Be thankful." At Lucius's affirming nod Cieara stood up, beaming.

"Wonderful! Kaely, De and I shall go shopping together for some new dresses!" Sharp emerald-green eyes found the silent Sorcha, who had faded back to stand beside Fiona. "Sorcha, you're going to need something new also!" The young assassin tried to protest, but Cieara didn't give her a chance. "Oh yes! I know just the place too! Right in Brairstone also, so we nae need to travel far from the keep!" Sorcha shared a glance with Daniel, each reading in the others eyes that they were rapidly being left behind in the dust by the rapidly-planning Cieara. All Fiona and Lucius did was stand back, watch and share a silent, mental laugh, his mood lightened somewhat for a moment in this time with his family.