Topic: Shadows of Rage

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-07-12 19:56 EST
We love our tragedies We're broken in our own little ways We're broken but we fit together just right You know I saw the black inside your eyes I saw they were eclipsed By mine And they looked just right

Evans Blue - Eclipsed

Stepping into the silent halls of Gharnholme, there wasn't anyone around that dulled senses could even pick up. Rose tinted lips taking a thin line of annoyance Cieara stalked along the halls on silent feet to her own room. In minutes she had ripped the green silks from her form and was donning the leathers of a scout. Her riot of burnished curls was severely drawn back, tied with a simple leather band to keep it from falling into her face, or obstructing her vision. Sliding Vestia into the sheath at her hip and finishing with an array of weapons to support that.

Dark gleaming emerald eyes regarded the whip coiled amidst the ruin of her earlier clothing. She might as well use it at least once before returning it to the Mage. Cieara wouldn't keep such expensive present, it wouldn't be right and she was all about doing the polite thing. However she drew it on this time around, sliding it into the belt shape with a somber sigh. Only to growl a moment later as talons breached the leather tips of her gloves, seams splitting at the sharpness of those black razor honed nails. In moments the black leather was cut, turned into fingerless gloves instead, less chance of ruining the garment this way and still making them serviceable to some degree.

Cieara was furious, confused, frustrated and the worst of all the tangled emotions, she was hurt. It was as if a fist was squeezing down upon her heart and it wasn't a sensation she found she appreciated. She really should have listened more closely to her Grandmother's advice about that. Even "He" had warned her not to allow herself any emotional attachments, and yet she failed to prevent it. She had tried to avoid it of course, but apparently she hadn't been created right. It had still managed to sneak up her, stealing away sanity in the process. She was flawed somehow. It infuriated her and set the demon half growling within her thoughts.

Thought skittered away from any self-admissions at that point. Instead she focused on something else. The means to working out the rage swimming through her mind and sending the blood pounding fiercely through her slim form. Silent feet carried her off down the long quiet halls towards the other gate situated outside in the main courtyard of the keep. Only one family member even notified of her destination. Daniel sent that mental message mere moments before she entered the portal. The front line waited. Even though she wasn't expected, Cieara knew they would welcome her nevertheless, that being a benefit of her status as Lucius's daughter. While she normally didn't use that to her advantage, this evening was the exception to that rule. She needed some release.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-07-12 20:26 EST
Clock is ticking while I'm killing time Spinning all around nothing else they can do to turn it back Breaking partnership in this crime Ripping up the past, condescending smile Time to forget The fall of my truth Time to forget Our ways of our truth

Lacuna Coil - Our Truth Under normal circumstances Cieara might have shown more caution. However that prudence was lost for the moment while the surging of fury clouded her often more reasonable thoughts. She had found two opposing scouts roaming about the parameter of that invisible line. Crimson shot emerald eyes narrowed as she watched them for a moment. Had she paid just a little more attention she would have detected the ones following, seeking a way around to flank the nearest DeAuster camp. One dropped swiftly, caught by the thrown dagger, Vestia restraining her scream until impact and then it was a low cry of delight that rang through the dense forest.

Methodical and coldly Cieara reacted, stepping nimbly from the shadow provided by the thick trunk of a larger tree the very moment the second scout swung about, unleashing an arrow that flew wild as two silver stars were embedded into his throat. Only to realize seconds later that worse trouble was heading her way. Hand stretching outward, ripping the dagger free with her will, the ensanguined blade was soon back in her half gloved fingers as her gaze narrowed faintly. Sharp pointed ears catching the sound of leaves and twigs under many moving feet and the volume of sound alerting her to the number being more then she had planned for.

This was the moment she should have stepped back into shadows but taking that extra second to listen, her auburn head tilted slightly in that direction. She never saw the bolt, until it slammed into her shoulder, throwing her forward with a muffled growl as she landed in a roll upon the rough, foliage laden ground and found her knees. Pain radiated from it, and as fingers rose to touch it she hissed furiously. Bloody blessed it was and made it near impossible to rip free.

Rapid thought had her drawing for a handkerchief, pulling it from a pocket and using that she managed to snap the tip, and send it sailing off with a clattering against tree trunks and stone. Cieara muttered a harsh Elven curse before straining to pull the rest of the shaft free, feeling the instant relief of that near searing agony. She stumbled towards the nearest pooling of shadows, aware she couldn't step into them, but planned to use it as cover while she sought to deal with the aggravated damage that holy tainted weapon had created.

Daniel DeAuster

Date: 2007-07-13 17:13 EST
Eyes snapping open, Daniel stared out into the near-gloom of the bedroom, the soft words of his sister still echoing. More telling, was the flaring of emotion in that sending, white-hot in its intensity. Sitting up, he dragged a hand through sleep-tousled hair before swinging his legs to the side of the bed, trying to get the sleep-fogged thoughts flowing.

Hang on Cie. I'm coming. No reply and he didn't know if his sister had actually heard the words, the distance growing between them as she traveled. Sighing softly as he reached for the discarded pants from earlier and hurriedly dressed, leaving the chainmail hauberk behind in his haste. Grabbing his weapons belt as he went out the door he headed quickly toward the family room of Shadow Hold and the gate home.

The arrival at Gharnholme held a bit of worry on his part, given the current state of affairs with Lucius, and Daniel was happy that he did not sense his father around. Right now his worries were on his sister, and he did not want to argue with the chaos lord again. None of the family was about, if the quiet was to be believed, including Cieara. Cursing softly at her impetuousness he headed up to ground level and the portal set there to facilitate quick travel back and forth between the ghoulhold and the lines with Torvien's forces.

Fading into view near the center of one of the camps, he couldn't help himself and stopped a moment to breathe in deeply. The smell of summertime woods mixed with the scent of cook fires and horses, the soft sound of men and women talking quietly around the fires, accompanied by the occasional raucous laughter, brought back good memories, and a flash of emotion better left to other times.

Casting out his thoughts, he could feel his sister nearby, ghosting through the forest on the hunt. Her rage was clear, the feeling stirring up his anger and stroking the ire of the demon within. Eyes narrowing slightly as he swallowed the bitter lump in his throat, Daniel set off deeper into the quiet camp.

Daniel DeAuster

Date: 2007-07-13 17:14 EST
It wasn't hard finding the tent of the commander of the camp, the site being laid out in typical Northras fashion of the leader's tent in the center and the rest spreading outward. A quick question to one of the barbarians brought a bit of a smile, as the commander on hand was Falki Ulfirson, one of the Black Tiger tribe with whom Daniel had fought alongside in the past. Falki was seated at the low fire in front of his tent, and came to his feet to welcome Daniel with a bear hug that took the half-elf off his feet.

"Daniel lad! Now this be a surprise! I nae expected to see both the master's children this night." The barbarian set Daniel back to his feet with a low rumble of laughter, looking Daniel over with a critical eye. "And here I thought ye to be living it high in the city."

"If only." Daniel said with a shaking of his head. "Falki, you said both..Cieara's been through here?" He silently thanked the 'sibling telepathy", as the Scathachian leader Isuelt had dubbed it, as the larger Northras nodded.

"Aye, she came through here not fifteen minutes ago. Said she be scouting the lines for ye father." It made sense to Daniel, for she would have let the barbarians know where she would be. His next question died in a sharp gasp as pain bloomed in his left shoulder, the power of which sent him staggering forward into the steadying hands of Falki. "Lad, what be wrong?"

Daniel reached out and back, expecting to find a wound, but the silk shirt he had donned was whole. "Cie'she be hurt?" Grimacing, he straightened and looked into the darkness, letting his connection to her open as much as it could. "Sa-khan, ready your men?"Rotating his shoulder to drive back the ache there, Daniel glanced back to Falki. "The enemy is coming.?

A curt nod was the only reply, the Northras spinning and starting to shout the camp awake. Ignoring the sudden frenzy around him Daniel stepped into the shadows, seeking his sister along the Weave.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-07-13 17:58 EST
Don't know what to take Thought I was focused, but I'm scared I'm not prepared I hyperventilate Looking for help, somehow, somewhere And no one cares I'm my own worst enemy

Linkin Park - Given Up

Fumbling with the small vials she always had on her person, Cieara sent it splashing against her shoulder, the blood seeping freely. The self-repairing leathers apparently effected as well by the magical properties of what ever it was that had hit her, as they hadn't yet started to seal it. More muffled growls as the healing waters bubbled and fizzed upon that jagged injury she had sustained. This wasn't good, but luckily it was her left side.

Abnormally scrabbling, Cieara unleashed that whip from its seat around her trim waist, the power radiating at the lightest touch. Red flecked emerald eyes slanting out from her shielded location noticing a few stepping into that clearing and hearing the calls rising into the air. Lovely, the place was about to become a damned battleground. Only way she could get clear was to fight her way out. Another mental call sent flying, this one to her Shadow guardians before she sprang out into the open the deadly tines of that whip sailing outwards, with that instant thought of the power word echoing in her mind, "Irydyhs". Instantly activating the Psychokinetic wave upon the creature, dragging that Draconian down to the earth screaming in sudden shocking agony, while it's life was being fed upon.

At the same moment it registered upon her senses that her brother was close, and more then aware of her predicament. Cieara was fairly sure he was likely cussing her for her impulsiveness. Something she would deal with later she hoped as two more rushed from the darkness towards her.

Gracefully sliding into the steps of a battle dance, Cieara circled them, spinning swiftly, feet nimble and preternaturally deft with the barbed leather spiraling outwards, avoiding a thrown blade. Hearing it make a firm impact into the tree behind her, senses attuned with that surging of adrenalin and making her ears even sharper. It seemed more were coming by the sound of it, the warning shout alerting their enemy to an incursion. Cieara found the length of the Bloodrose weapon useful at keeping some distance, as most were unwilling to get to close to its deadly touch. While around the air started to stir, with the shadows wavering and growing denser still as one of her guardian's had arrived.

Carmine flashes amidst the blackness of shade with those forms undulating as they arrived. Galenstar's form coalesced from her own shadow, nearly on top of her as Cieara sent the tines of Bloodrose snapping and crackling outwards. No words were exchanged as the Shadow Elite launched himself with a feral snarl, his deadly claws spearing into one of the enemies. Razor-honed talons rendering the leather armor useless and unleashing more terrified screams into the gusting night winds, the sound soon fading to moist, bubbling gurgles as the creature started to drown in their own blood.

Off to the side where her brother materialized, Cieara called out shortly sensing his arrival with that familiar link flaring. "Behind ye Daniel!" That sneaky cleric had been moving steadily around in an attempt to get another clean shot at her, and now her brother was stepping into that one's line of sight instead. Demonic energies having tracked the movement of those agonizing, blessed bolts he was carrying.

Daniel DeAuster

Date: 2007-07-17 17:46 EST
I want to resist - But I can't hold it back The beast is unleashed - It's got to attack Again and again the force is too strong It's breaching the chains Accept " The Beast Inside Pain...anger"the red mist of glee as blood was spilled"These emotions drew him along the murky threads of the Shadow-Weave. Travel among the myriad twisting ways was child's play, the young man almost seeming to float in place as he let himself flow through a dim mirror of the real world, the distance of nearly a league as short as that of a few steps. Hulking tree's made for a way back into the real, Daniel stepping from its shadow as one would a doorway into the thick of the fray. The first impression was Cieara dancing among two who sought to close, wielding a hissing whip as though it was an organic extension of her body and will. To his right another was falling, clutching at the ruin of his throat. And to the rear?"Behind ye Daniel!? The warning sent him spinning around, in time to see the leveled crossbow. The twang was deafening even in the din of battle, and for those few seconds, time seemed to slow. Daniel ducked away, to himself seeming to move as though caught in molasses, his right shoulder dipping down and away from the speeding bolt, but not fast enough. Silk parted under the kiss of metal, a line of blood appearing as the bolt grazed his shoulder and passed onward to whistle by Cieara's ear and embed itself in a tree behind. A bare hand flew upward to clasp his shoulder, as even the barest touch of the bolt had sent pain flowing over his entire arm, nerves tingling from the alien and deadly power there. Hissing in rage Daniel turned back toward the cleric, who had reached for his belt to grab another of the cursed bolts. He never had a chance to load it as Daniel leaped forward, his right forearm catching the heavier man under the chin and driving his head back into the tree the cleric had been using as a back guard. His skull met the bark with a hard thud, and the cleric dropped to the ground, stunned. A quick glance to his shoulder, and the sight of the blood running free despite his body's attempts to stem the flow, brought the cleric another blow, this one a hard boot to the solar plexus that left him a crumpled heap at Daniel's feet. The pain of that cut, tainted by the holy power used to bless the small arrow, coupled with the pain and battle-lust flowing from Cieara broke down his control, the darker half slipping loose as Daniel spun back to the small clearing and the fight there. Other's were sensed nearby, his lengthening talons ached to feel the flesh of the enemy under them, and fangs flashed as Soroth snarled and charged forward, toward his sister and those she fought against.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-08-10 16:18 EST
Bow down in position against the polished steel this is something different you'll like the way this feels no time for asking questions no time for wondering. Meet your Master - Nine Inch Nails

She caught sight of her brother's form, hurtling past her in a blur of movement. Cieara paused only a second before the whip snapped and spun about the deadly barbs slicing through the leather of another scout like paper with a very satisfying scream to fuel the clawing need to kill that was struggling to explode inside of her.

She danced nimbly out of the way of a blindly swung sword and just wheeled about, bringing the hard pommel of her weapon into the startled soldiers unguarded face. The delicately crafted petals of the rose slicing as the impact sent the man's nose shattering under the startling force and crumbling to the ground at her feet. Cieara barely had time to savor the satisfaction, as around then the forest seemed to come alive. Voices calling out in a harsh foreign language rasped abrasive to her sensitive ears and she growled faintly as more of the enemy exploded from the darkness.

More forces had arrived. Those being better equipped with denser armor, that much she caught, in that mere second before she was tackled down by two of those heavier forms. Pain sending a sudden shock coursing over her as one managed to send a dagger deep into her side. Before she could even react, he was hauled away and sent flying. A flash of crimson from her brother's eyes before the second was sent careening off with a yelp of surprise as he found himself airborne, her mule kick slamming the creature full force into one of the solid oak trees with a sickening crash of bone and metal.

She knew that scent. The taint of reptilian and hate rolling off them and moved to her feet as swiftly as she could, using the agony of her wounds radiating thought out her body as impetus. Her brief foray into unleashing the rage assailing her had just turned into an all out battle. This hadn't been her intent at the time, but now caught in the midst of it, she had little to do but fight for her life as another wave of Draconians surged into the clearing.

Daniel DeAuster

Date: 2007-09-10 17:41 EST
The clearing was quickly filling with pressing bodies, the first two that charged Daniel and Cieara were sent flying, the impetus of their own movement used against them with a quick duck. Steel met steel in a hard clash as the next two surged in behind, and Daniel felt the sting of a razor-sharp edge as he took a near hit on the neck, a line of blood forming. "Are you ok, Cie?" The growl was low as they again found themselves back-to-back, protecting one another in the swirling melee.

"Oh, just fine." Cieara's growl sounded similar to his own, a sign her demon was near the surface. Daniel/Soroth hissed in amusement, despite the obvious danger, and sent the one he faced backward with a swipe of his talons, following a circular riposte of his blade. Now, unlike the last few previous times, the two were indeed one, the demons strength backing up the man's training. Reaching back, his hand took hers for a few seconds, an exchange of energies to help her own with the work to heal the wound in her side.

Shouts were heard through the trees, the Northras arriving in the area and following the noise of combat, to join in their own chaotic fashion. The din echoed through the copse as the two sides locked in earnest, and the red glow to his eyes flared as he unconsciously took in the aura of battle around them. "Sounds like this is turning into a right party."

"Yeah, it does!" Cieara replied, her voice rose above the noise, and a glance over her shoulder toward Daniel revealed a smile, sinfully angelic even in the dust and blood of battle. "Care to dance, brathier?"

"Of course, maur sethar!" came the immediate reply, having guessed her intention. With the barbarians drawing off the main press, only a couple came at the two now. Cieara and Daniel stayed pressed back to back, keeping their opponents settled in front of them. Feeling a subtle press on his arm Daniel ducked his shoulder around, and the two spun around. The one Daniel had been fighting had to swiftly sweep his sword around to block the suddenly-lower swipe from Cieara, while the other found himself stepping back from the swipe of claws that would have sliced his face wide open.

Almost immediately the two switched again, keeping the mercenaries off-balance with having to change stance and footing to fight a different-sized DeAuster with every whirl and twist. The dance was pure instinct, Cieara taking the lead as she and Daniel spun in place, the spoke of a circle of clashing steel that was slowly drawing tighter.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-10-08 20:09 EST
Rest against the sore Push, breathe and pull Ripping out compassion Instincts adapting Sin sings a moan In slides night Unite and spread the heart apart And smile of pain

The Recipe - 10 Years

The shadows surrounding that clearing came alive suddenly. Swarms of blackened forms with razor sharp tearing claws exploded into motion and sent startled and terrified screams into the night air from those surprised targets. The stench of copper grew thick around the wheeling siblings, as it seemed as if it had started to rain down a misting of blood.

Cieara spun with another snaking strike of that whip lashing outwards with a sharp crack. The tines tangling and tearing into legs and with a sudden brutal yank nearly ripped to the bone, sending the attacking soldier down, shrieking in agony. That sound send a washing of energy into her wounded body, and only fueled the blood rage already alive within.

Crimson red eyes glowed with sadistic satisfaction but she only had a moment to admire her work before she was spinning again, parrying another blow with an immediate rise of her dagger. Cieara's swift counter attack, lashed out and parted flesh with gurgled cry and sending yet another falling to breath his last.

The darker side was taking over. Subsuming her as controls finally unraveled in a sudden surge of bloodlust. Fangs snapped with another agile twist that sent several scrambling back from the deadly barbs of the whip she wielded. Movements became even more lethal as the beast took over and she launched herself into the fray. Preternatural speed along with deadly knowledge sent forms flying outwards, under those unexpected blows. Cieara's strength became magnified by the darkness engulfing her and now used to deadly effect.

Pain didn't even register, even though she had sustained a myriad of injuries. Time became lost as the battle waged. Bodies falling and the screams becoming a serenade that flowed over her in it's allure. She lost herself to the sheer release of destruction that even when it was nearly at an end it Cieara barely registered that succession of this transitory conflict.

Daniel's voice brought her out of it, snapping her back as he called to her from across the clearing. Around her the ground was littered with mutilated bodies and the scent of spilled vita permeated the air. Shadows stirred, then slowly started to fade as she sank down where she had been standing, knees folding in a second. Surrounded by many of those lives she had obviously taken.

Exhaustion abruptly swept over her along with the realization of an array of injuries she had sustained and still riddled her battered form, and yet, it still felt somewhat distant. Awareness coming back to her in a sluggish fashion and leaving her feeling almost numb. Cold. Confused.

There was a feverish light in the crimson shot emerald eyes that swung sharply to regard her brother as he came towards her. Lips parted, but no words issued, just the quick release of breath that continued to fall rapidly from the earlier exertions. With the slow rising of a blood caked hand, Cieara pushed back the tangled and snarled waves of damp auburn hair from her unearthly pale features. She was obviously struggling to collect herself and say something coherent; An effort that seemed beyond her ability still, for thoughts were still in a deep morass of tangles and rage.

Daniel DeAuster

Date: 2007-11-02 12:56 EST
Leaves crunched underfoot as he walked over to where Cieara had slumped, tearing the last scraps of the ruined shirt off and tossing it aside as he knelt beside his sister. He also bled from a multitude of cuts and scratches, the worst being the gash in his left shoulder from a lucky sword thrust, but all that was pushed aside as he looked her over. The normally crystalline blue eyes fairly glowed crimson from the amount of emotional power he had absorbed in the fight, and even now it was augmenting his body's natural regenerative abilities.

Pale talons clicked together once as he reached out, taking Cieara's blood-caked hand. Fingers laced together, and the energy flowed, moving through the touch of flesh from him to her, channeling toward those injuries she had sustained, as well as taking in her pain into his own. A soft hiss escaped him, the multitude of fangs flashing as his lips grew back in a muted snarl, and a surge of unholy joy at the thought that those who dared hurt his beloved sister were now in pieces flowed into the threads connecting the two.

"Br"thair, ye shoulder?" A black talon rose to shakily trace the wound, drawing a welt in its wake. The corded muscles tensed at the brief sensation, sharp even against the aches and pains of his other hurts.

"It be no more than ye own, piuthar." He was about to say more, but sharp hearing caught a soft moan from the treeline, and a glance that way reminded him of the initial entry into the skirmish. The smile as he looked back to Cieara held more than a hint of sadistic glee, as did the soft chuckle that came. "A moment, piuthar. I believe a surprise awaits ye."

"What be ye about?" Cieara asked, her fingers slipping from his in another attempt to brush back the tangled mess of hair. His answer was a quick brushing of a toughened fingertip to her lips, and a quick wink as he heaved himself to his feet and started over toward the treeline. He had forgotten about the priest he had knocked senseless at the beginning of the fight, but now, as the fighting moved deeper into the wood, he was beginning to stir, trying to clear the fog that seemed to have descended.

Clarity returned, along with the realization of his position just as a hand closed over the neckline of his leather jerkin and yanked him to his feet. The cleric found himself nose to nose with a snarling Daniel, the young man's features contorted by the demon taking control. While still predominately his own, the elven features were warping, the elegant sloped ears taking a more jagged edge, but the most pronounced were twin horns breaking through the temples, the bony edges almost glittering in the light of the moon and nearby fires.

"Bane preserve!? He cried out, one hand grasping the wrist that held him, the other reaching for the holy symbol that hung around his neck. The mere words help power, forcing Daniel to release him and step back with a growl of pain. The priest stumbled backward, trying to put distance between him and the demonspawn, and grunted in surprise, feeling the trunk of one of the great pines behind him. The suddenness of the stop had him taking his eyes off Daniel for a second, and he missed the sudden movement forward.

It took a couple of seconds to realize pain was radiating from his right shoulder, and more to understand it was coming from where the ornate dagger-hilt was protruding from his shoulder. The cleric's left hand rose to grasp the hilt, only to scream out in agony as his nervous system, having been shocked by the suddenness of the hit, finally registered the full effect of the cleaved flesh and pierced muscles. Pinioned to the tree trunk by Toroth, he could only try to pry the blade from where it had passed completely through his shoulder and into the wood underneath as Daniel stepped back again and looked over toward Cieara.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-11-15 18:01 EST
We can stand together, we don't have to look back now No one can stop us now The world is rushing by The wind is at our back Everything's new tonight, we're going our own way No matter what they say The bridge is on fire, we're flying higher now We Don't Have To Look Back Now - Puddle Of Mudd

There was an instantaneous urge to just rip into the creature that had caused her so much pain. Tempted even further by that dark radiating voice housed deep within her that called for blood. It was an unsettling hunger that was only fed by the waves of terror the cleric was emitting.

Blood and dirt marred pale features, nearly resembling war paint as her visage danced with the shadows of the trees around them regarded Daniel's captive. Intensely aware of the emotional flow of vicious interest her brother was emitting. Crimson eyes gleamed in the shade around him as she moved. Steps unsteady at first, but she was regaining her strength slowly. The pain from the various gashes and cuts that riddled her lithe form just another flavor added to the moment. Circling their pinned prey, her laughter rolled up from the well within, throaty and holding just a hint of a purr in the honey warmth of her words. "What shall we do with this one eh, mo muileach br"thair?"

The panicking man started to pray, words causing her to step back with a wince and a low guttural growl of sound. "Skeayll ort rass as cass!" Cieara spat the words, cursing the cleric with a hissing of sound before spinning away in a flow of tangles coppery curls and fury. Those pious pleas to some unknown light god drew a dull answering throbbing of pain from the aggravated wound in her shoulder. It would take some time for that to heal, even with the heady infusion of fury.

"Perhaps cutting his tongue out first." Was her brother's instant reply rife with a cold ominous tone of laughter that carried through the rustling of leaves above and left adrift in the cool night air. The glint of raged filled eyes, glowing with a dark inner light seemed to brighten further while he gazed upon the cowering holy man.

Cieara was only vaguely aware of the battle that continued some distance away. The line was pushed back, with a serenade of that echoing sound of clashing swords and shouts starting to fade within the murky dark. Impromptu this skirmish, but Luc would have gained some ground yet the stalemate would likely remain.

Her pale fingers, marred with the gore of battle drifted upon the hilt of her whip while at her side Vestia hissed and sang. The darker half was slipping loose once more and she hadn't the strength or energy to prevent it. Caught in a siren's call that was far more powerful then the controls she struggled so mightily to hold in place. Slipping deeper into the haze of black rage.

Daniel DeAuster

Date: 2007-11-20 10:37 EST
The monster of hate overcomes rational thought Fast fuse burning the lessons I've been taught It's just too late to remember who I am The things that I believe in and the way that I stand About peace, harmony, respect for fellow man All that shit just got thrown against the fan In my violent rage, they say that I am a criminal There ain't no labels within the human animal In this world of bigotry and pain The violence spreads and terror reigns The opinions in our minds replace our souls As the human animal takes control

Biohazard - Human Animal

"If we do that, br"thair muileach, then we will nae get to enjoy his delicious screams." Her words, so silky in their deliverance despite the rage and fatigue, brought his gaze back around to Cieara. Seeing the crimson glow settling into those deep eyes his smile grew, knowing that her darker half, his sethar deamhan, was joining the game.

"Bannaghtagh y luaidh sethar!" Stepping back from the struggling priest, he moved toward Cieara, his steps feeling heavier than they actually were as he approached. Leaning in, his nostrils flared as he sniffed close by her ear, the soft growl almost like a lion's purr. "Such a wonderful fragrance ye wear this eve." The smirk firmly in place, he circled around behind her as she turned back toward the tree.

"As do ye, m"br"thair." Her movements were more fluid as she tilted her head to look over at him, then back toward the pinioned priest. Snarling, her movement was a blur to the eye, Vestia twirled around lithe fingers before being brought back and hurled toward its target. The bound imp squealed in glee as it was buried deep within the unwounded shoulder of the cleric and joined Torth in beginning to feed from the priest's lifeforce.

"Excellent throw, mo muileach sethar." Snickering softly, the sound almost lost in the moans of pain and blending ominously with the backdrop of the fading battle, he moved past her, closing on the struggling man to inspect the wounds. "Aye, excellent indeed!" He moved to glance back at her, but jerked back as her arm shot out, accompanied by the hard snap of her whip near him. A sickly scream erupted from the priest, whose hand now covered the ruin of his right ear. Most of the lobe lay on the ground between the two, and Daniel looked back toward his sister, who had a most evil smirk.

"I nae believe ye would wish him to have grabbed that necklace. It positively reeks." She nodded toward the pinned man's chest, and the small trinket hanging from a silver chain. Leather-clad fingers closed around the holy symbol and jerked it from around the other's neck, the fine chain snapping in the process. The cleric shouted something, but the words choked off in another scream of pain as his head flew back with another snap of that whip Cieara wielded.

Daniel didn't notice the result of her latest attack, for his attention was focused on his hand, and the pain radiating from it. He clenched the talisman tighter for a few seconds before tossing it aside with a growl of pain and rage. Smoke hovered around the scorched leather, testament of the reaction of blessed metal to his unholy touch, and Cieara's soft snickers only heightened his dark anger. His right hand held by his side, Daniel reached out with his left to grab the cleric's chin and force his gaze around back. Only one shocked eye met his gaze, the socket of the other a bleeding mass, result of the kiss of the whip so skillfully wielded by his sister.

"You bastard?" He began, lips pulling back to bare the mouthful of fangs in a hard snarl. Unintelligable words were drowning out his own, and Daniel reached down, drawing on the dark powers of his heritage. When next he spoke, the tone was lower, the words almost echoing in timbre. "Quiet, little man. Be silent!" Willpower flowed in the words, the calling of the Wierding slamming into the consciousness of the hurt cleric, his babbling trailing off into soft whimpers as he met the narrowed gaze.

"Before I be done with ye, ye will wish to have died in the fight." A half-turn of the head brought Cieara into sight, and again his lips peeled back as he turned his gaze back to his prey. The Wierding flowed again, carrying with it the force of his own pain, and simmering rage. "Prepare for pain??