Topic: The Trials of Shadow

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-20 15:54 EST
If the daylight dies, the Shadow's are falling on me. Then I'll be at your side. Maybe "Then I'll becoming wild" Always in the moonlight shadow, I can't get out, lost in time for eternity.

Children of Bodom - Deadnight Warrior

There had been no warning. Not a single inkling at all when the call had come. Pulling her from a deep sleep with a chill of realization. Around her shadows swirled, even in near total blackness and she felt them. She didn't linger, simply rose and dressed in a rush, with the long auburn fall of hair caught back hastily into a ponytail. With one last item added to her leather clad form, Vestia was slipped into the sheath at her hip and she was moving. Cieara's smooth easy stride carrying her swiftly towards the portal that was housed within the family keep, and would carry her the distance to meet with her grandfather.

Even before she stepped within the dark spiraling gate, she felt the mental stirring of her mother a short distance away. It pulled a smile from her suddenly stoic features and then she was gone. Knowing shortly her mother and grandmother would soon follow. She didn't know if her brother and father would come to stand vigil, as both seemed almost reluctant and concerned about what she had been working for the past few months.

It was only one rush of movement and she emerged, and found her Grandfather, Rhystil already waiting. "Come child. They nae care to wait long." And even before she could utter a simple greeting, she was swept up and moving with amazing speed through the dark paths. Once more arriving to another destination she had not seen before.

It was a clear night with only a sliver of moon above and the stars shimmering and fading in turn. Set high atop the Dark Hills of Zymire, with the craggy rising of rocks and trees abounding they merged and just below, around a large, ancient looking circle tall looming stones stood with their shadows all falling into the middle. Cieara could feel the energy, but she saw nothing as she gazed downwards from the hillside they stood upon. Even the creatures of the night seemed to have lost their voices, for it was silent. A deafening thing when used to something otherwise.

Rhystil finally spoke then in a voice that carried no emotion at all, with just the lifting of a gloved hand to point. "Ye enter the circle. Do nothing for they will take you inside. Stand in the middle and nae make another move until ye be called. Go now Cieara. Tis time for the Trials of Shadow."

Swallowing the sudden lump in her throat, she took a deep breath and started down the slope, nimble feet serving her well for the earth was uneven but soon enough she was moving quietly up the weather worn steps. Reaching the top she paused. This was her last chance to turn back. Drawing in another calming lungful of air, she moved, heading towards that dark point directly in the center.

She stood there then, silently, aware that no air moved here. Sound still strangely absent, and even the sky seemed to dim in the place she now stood. A momentary glimpse of her mother and grandmother and then, even sight faded into a dense blackness. So dark it was nearly crushing.

She didn't move, remembering her grandfather's warning. Suddenly aware that in such a place she could become quickly lost having no bearing or sound in which to adjust. It was sensory depravation. It was cold there too, and yet no wind stirred and reminded her suddenly of what a grave might feel like. It wasn't a pleasant thought.

How long she stood there she couldn't say. Straining to hear something to see something but it remained utterly and totally void of any color or tone. It seemed to continue for what felt like ages. She took to counting mentally. It was a way to keep track and gave her something to do while she waited and continued to do that for had to be at least an hour by her counting. "Enough!" She hissed, feeling a bit of temper starting to spark within. She was told "they" didn't like waiting and yet here she was, doing just that. Such unfairness she thought and that suddenly she was blinded with light.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-20 18:32 EST
We are spirits passing through the doors of time With an invitation heard before we find Shadows on the mountainside Eagles find the souls they hide And the outcast child enchanted by the sun.

Tea Party - Shadows On The Mountainside

She stood silently on the rise, looking downward at the silent circle below. Arms folded over her leather-clad chest with a stance stiff with tension. It had been easier when she had entered the stone arena. It was far different when your youngest stepped within in to stand on her own and out of reach of aid.

Behind her she could hear the quiet words of her own parents also at vigil, though the words didn't quite reach her to make any sense. She could feel the jangling of energy in the link with her daughter still active but knew communication would be unavailable while within the dark realms. It was difficult, and not something she had expected.

She felt sure she had prepared Cieara well for what was to come, but the Shadow Council wasn't always predictable. They liked to play games like every other race and could be capricious and sly in their dealings with those they called "Solids", individuals not born of the Shade but of the physical realms of the living instead. So she could only hope it would go by rout and not deviate from the path she knew would play out instead.

Fingers flexing for a moment with a restless stirring that wasn't common for her. She prided herself on keeping control, but realized in some situations it wasn't so easily achieved, such as this wait that could take hours. The effect of her anxiety drawing old memories to the surface of Fiona's mind, about her youngest.

Clarity in such moments was always a curious thing. Memories so sharp and vivid as if only happening yesterday and not nearly 20 years back. Remembering the moment she had learned she was carrying another child. The delight from Luc, who hadn't cared if it would be another son or a daughter and her son, who had been nearly four years of age declaring the new sibling was a girl, before anyone else could have known. Brief as the flashes were, they still carried the emotional responses and she just wrapped her arms tighter about her lithe frame.

Clearly she wasn't going to manage this self-imposed sentry easily. Images of Cie growing up danced over across her mind. The small auburn haired child running and laughing gleefully through the halls, flinging herself into one of her parent's arms for cuddles. Growing older and taking to mimicking her brother. Following him around like a puppy and then playing pranks upon him as often as possible.

In temperament she wasn't anything at all like her mother, but she hadn't been raised to hold in all her feelings. Cieara had been allowed to grow within a very protective bubble of safety tucked inside the walls of Gharnholme and now she was entering another phase. Unfortunately the hard part for her mother was the inability to aid her there. She had worked hard to ensure her child had the skills, but that didn't seem to help her apprehension and concern now. Indeed it was going to be a very long, exhausting wait.

Daniel DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-21 15:24 EST
Eyes blinking open, Daniel sat up and looked around the dark room. All was quiet; the only sound that of Kaelyn's soft breathing as she slept beside him. He had sworn he had heard Cieara, and stretching out through the familial link, the young man was surprised at the quiet he found there. Mom' Dad"

Cieara's been called for the Trials, Daniel. His mothers voice, comforting in its touch, carried a tinge he had not detected before, and couldn't quite place.

I'll be ready shortly. Already swinging his legs over the side of the bed, the young man stood and padded to the bathroom door and the shower beyond. Even as he undressed he was still talking to his mother. Why can't I sense her"

She left earlier for Zymier. That explained the unnatural absence from the link the family shared due to their demonic bloodline. Distance muffled or even cut off the connections at times, and it was a cold feeling Daniel had no problem saying he didn't like. Part of the connection was the ability to pick up on other's emotional state in the family, and right now he had to consciously muffle his father. Lucius, never one to control his emotions for long, was emitting enough worry for them all, along with a healthy dose of red rage.

Quickly showering, he stepped back into the bedroom to find Kaelyn sitting at the edge of the bed, shrugging on one of his oversized shirts. "Daniel, what is it?"

"Cie's starting the Trials." He replied, grabbing and throwing on clothes in a rush. Kaelyn sighed softly and stood to move over to him, taking his hand in both of hers.

"Daniel, ye sister will be all right. She'll have nae any trouble, ye will see." She finished buttoning his shirt, and then leaned up to kiss Daniel gently. "Have faith." She whispered, hugging him tightly.

"I will." He replied softly, holding her tightly to him for several moments, and then reluctantly released her to step back. "I love you, Kaelyn."

"And I ye, Danny. Now, go. Ye family be needing you." She smiled for him, though it faded into a worried expression as Daniel stepped into the Weave. "Goddess, please be with her?"

The passage through the portal to Zymier was quick, and Daniel was able to use his mother as a beacon, slipping through the weave to the Standing Circle. He nodded a greeting to his grandfather Rystal as he moved to stand beside her. "Where is she?"

"She already be in the shadows, Daniel." Fiona replied, her gaze moving from the empty center of the circle to her elder child. Her brow furrowed as Daniel mouthed a curse, his hands clenching. Her own found his shoulder, drawing his attention to her. "Daniel, what be eating at ye?"

"I?" he paused, and then looked down for a second, before his blue-green eyes found her emerald-hued gaze. ?"I didn't get to say good luck." Or goodbye, he thought, but angrily he drove that idea away with a mental growl. No! She WILL be ok!

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-21 15:58 EST
I've felt darkness Closing in on me Chilling shadows Surrounding me I've had the poison Leak into my skin And it corroded My heart away Bled away Cut away Dark night of my soul.

Fear Factory - Timelessness Pale green eyes blinking to adjust she glanced around. It was a large gray marble hall. With tall throne like chairs sitting high atop a ledge in the form of "u" shape, from which she could see forms. Dark unidentifiable ones if she was asked to describe them. Oh it was apparent they were Shade kin, but each one wore different features with eyes of varying colors and expression. In the center the one that was apparently the leader of this council was a strange looking creature. Jagged peaks jutted out from his form, spikes rising from his head with large gold slanted eyes that gleamed like a reptile. To Cieara he resembled the shadow of an elongated dragon just smaller in size then most. By her count she was finding six to sit and judge her performance this night.

"She's an impatient one." A rusty voice rumbled to her right, emitted from a tree like figure, with sagging green eyes and twitching black fingers.

"She lasted more then an hour Trazar." Another spoke up, obviously a female, with lean pointed features and cool blue eyes, she wasn't nearly as odd looking as some others. "Now hush, Whisthak is about to speak."

"What brings you here this night Cieara Jade?" The dragon looking one obviously named Whisthak was addressing her and she turned her gaze back towards him, heading tilting to the side with arms folding casually over her chest.

"I have come to take the Trials of course Milord."

Whisthak snorted, waving one of those elongated hands towards her. "Yes, yes, but why do you wish to take them child?"

This part she had some awareness of, but didn't recall if any others were asked this in her research. "I wish to move forward and gain further knowledge of the gifts I was born with. So I was told I had to come here before I can advance any further then where I am now."

"Ah, good answer." Another voice chimed in, this one resembling a man mixed with an animal but she couldn't define which part was more discernable.

"She's impulsive." Another who was resting in the darkness, using it to cloak him still now spoke in a bored tone.

"Quiet Jarkin! Silence Galenstar! I am leading the council right now and wish to continue. IF you don't mind." Whisthak's voice boomed through the massive hall then and instantly all voices ceased for the moment.

"You," One of those long digits pointed at her. "Are not one of the Order. Why?"

Now she was sure; none of the others Shadow mages that did speak about their Trails had not ever mentioned an inquisition. But she just took a deep calming breath and looked at the elder shade steadily. "It isn't the path I have chosen to take. My Grandfather also doesn't think it would suite me."

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2006-09-22 12:31 EST
I promise you, for all my life I'll be Always on your side In the shadow, in the light.

I'll follow you, wherever life goes But I'll always be aside In the shadow, in the light.

Enigma - "In The Shadow, In The Light"

As she gazed at her son, a hand resting on his shoulder, she gave a faint smile. Ice green eyes holding the warmth of love that few others actually were allowed to see. "She knows Daniel. Tis sure she takes all of our strength along with her now."

He still couldn't hide the worry he felt and Fiona gave his arm a light squeeze. "Do ye remember back before I had Cieara" It was back during one of those many wars we were fighting while involved with Prophecy, ye were still very small then. I had taken a leave, as I nae wished to do harm to the infant I carried."

Those quiet words were spoken for herself, but also for her son as he stood silently before her, a frown marring his handsome face. She felt his concern keenly, for it was the very same sensation also permeating her own heart. It was a poignant emotion he didn't even attempt to mask.

It was one of those treasured moments, a snap shot of the past caught and carried within the mind. She suspected Luc also carried the same. One of many but had been a foreshadowing of things to come. Awareness of just how close their children would be, for even before Cieara's birth it was shown.

"Not sure if I do remember mom." Daniel wore a curious expression now, seeing the playing of emotion over his mother's pale lit features and caught her hand. "What about that time?"

Glove encased fingers wrapped around his larger hand and gave it another warm press and she gave a low husky laugh. "Ye were such a scamp then. Ye used to follow ye father around trying to walk and talk like him. I recall that ye were excited about having a sibling as well."

Quietly her words flowed as the tale was spun. Aware her father and mother had come closer and stood listening as well.

Lucius lowered himself onto the bed with a wince, before rolling over toward Fiona. She was watching him intently, frosted emerald eyes filled with concern tinged with just a bit of amusement. "Ye seem to be having a bit of soreness, love." She chided quietly, an ebon fingernail moving to stroke his whiskered chin.

"I'm just getting old." He quipped softly, while pulling the covers up to their waists. "These battles take it out of me." Fiona laughed softly as he settled beside her. She wanted to be with him during the war, but Lucius had been adamant that she would not fight, not while carrying their child. So he fought for the both of them, such as tonight, and had just come from the healers.

Fiona sat up on a bed of pillows, to better rest during the last part of her pregnancy. Her distended belly poked over the covers, and Lucius slowly ran his hand over the tight skin. "It should not be long now, love." He said quietly, looking up at her.

Lips turning up in a gentle smile, she nodded slowly, her own hand rubbing along the bottom swell of her stomach before coming to rest atop his hand. "Aye, love. And this one be ready tae join us, if the kicking be any indication." Lucius chuckled softly as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to her stomach.

A soft grunt from the side brought their attention around to a small bed in the corner, where their son Daniel was stirring. The little boy sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes before looking around slowly, a large yawn escaping him. "Dadda?"

"I'm here, son." Lucius glanced over to Fiona, who was hiding her smile behind an upraised hand, before he sat up to swing his legs over the side of the bed. Daniel slid off his bed and toddled over to Lucius, a small fist still rubbing his left eye. Lucius took his son under each arm and hoisted him into the air, twisting around to set him between himself and Fiona. The boy immediately curled up against his mother, his head resting on her stomach. Lucius shook his head slowly with a smile as he swung back onto the bed, pulling the covers up over Daniel, leaving his shoulders and head uncovered.

"Ye will soon have a little brother or sister, Danny." Fiona said softly as elegantly tapered fingers slowly smoothed back the midnight-black hair from Daniel's brow. She winced slightly as the baby kicked again, the impact visible on her lower abdomen. Lucius noticed, and he started to gently rub her stomach, under Daniel's outstretched arm.

"Little sister..." Daniel said sleepily, snuggling closer to his mother. That brought another soft chuckle from Lucius, who rested his head gently on Fiona's shoulder, his eyes half-closing. Daniel had insisted for the last two weeks that he would have a sister, ignoring Lucius' and Fiona's gentle words that they would not know until the baby was born.

Sister...his mind reached out, briefly touching the soul of the baby within Fiona's womb. He felt her touch the tendril, wrapping around it and sending warm thoughts back to him in return. The link calmed the unborn child, whose kicking quickly ceased, to Fiona's relief. He grunted softly, his eyes closing under the soft rhythmic stroking of his mother's hand. Displaying a side no other soul would see, Fiona began to sing softy, her low voice washing over him in a gentle lullaby.

Daniel quickly fell asleep, and with a hint of amusement Fiona saw Lucius had followed their son into slumber. He lay with his head resting by her shoulder, his arm cast over her stomach and the boy's shoulders. Fiona leaned down to brush full lips to Lucius's forehead. "I love ye, Lucius." She whispered, before leaning her head to his, watching the two men in her life sleep, until she let her eyes drift close, and warm dreams of their coming child came.

Lyllianne DeWil

Date: 2006-10-03 13:09 EST
The hunt had been her primary thought for that evening. Yet suddenly she had felt a stirring within the shadows she had chosen to use to make her hunting easier. That stirring had ended with her being unceremoniously dumped within yards of her prey.

She knew of only one reason the shades would deny her access or use of their ability to conceal at that moment. For her lapse in realizing the nearness of the time, she mentally kicked herself before calling her more conspicuous means of transport, the whirlwind and flames.

It was part of her nature to keep track and tally of those in her charge, and she considered her children and their families to be among those in her charge. So it wasn't difficult to know the moment that Cie arrived to greet her grandfather. Nor was it hard to detect the moment the girl slipped within the shadows. After the shades took her, however, there was no more means to determine her situation beyond the fact that she no longer tread the realm of mortal men.

She had been careful to not come in on the flames to close to the place where the trials would take place. Instead, she closed the distance between Rhystil and herself, only greeting him once she was close. She was not really one for small talk, which was one thing she really appreciated about him, for he never bored her with such pleasantries. Light banter at this point would only have served to annoy her.

It was the recounting of her daughter's memories that now drew her attention. She knew that she had been right in encouraging her granddaughter's choice to undergo the trials. Though she had some concern, she was also sure that the girl would not disappoint.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2006-10-03 15:27 EST
Somewhere deep inside me I hold a picture of a time long gone A time of ease and simple pleasures And days in shadows not so long Now with my mind I'm struggling Holding on to what I believe Listen to the fragments of my thoughts That leave me broken and deceived

Sarah McLachlan - Trust Whisthak seemed to accept that and just gave a nod of that strange head of his. "There are three parts that you must pass. The First is the physical challenge. The Second Emotional, the third and last is Mental. Once you step past the black arches, there is no turning back from the path you have chosen. Think hard if this is what you wish to do Cieara Jade." An arm was swung towards a black portal to her left and she looked over towards it and without even taking the time to consider she just walked towards it and entered.

Once she was inside the voices swelled again. Comments and remarks tangled and mangled but soon faded with the lifting of the High Member's hand. "What will the first test be?"

"Shadowblades." Galenstar stated. "I vote twenty."

"Twenty is above average." Another spoke up, tone softer then the rest. "I say fifteen."

"Trilyre, her mother handled twenty easily." Was the instant reply to that counter offer, of the other shadow lord.

"Her mother trained with the Order from a far younger age." Gray eyes shot a glance across at the one still reclined in the shadow.

"That should not determine what Trials she faces. She is impatient, impulsive and likely careless. The point of these if to see if she is good enough to have any honor her by standing under her banner and if she survives, she will know she didn't come by it easily."

"Galenstar is right. She is not of the Order, perhaps it should be harder." Trazar added with a slow pondering wheeze. "I vote for twenty."

"As do I." Piped in Jarkin.

"I do not." The other woman stated, with a frown drawing down on the black ethereal visage with a look over at Whisthak. "It should not matter if she is of the Order or not, but to lower her chances of a success hurts us all."

"I shall abstain from voting here Wistria." The High Councilman stated. "It shall be up to the five of you to determine its course."

The last member finally spoke. Voice reedy and solemn, the wizened features smaller then the rest. "My vote is also twenty. Her mother managed that, and I would think she would have taught her child to handle such a number if not more. I do not see this as a cruelty."

"The Vote stands, three to two. Twenty Shadowblades it shall be."

Where once the young woman had stood, a dark pool formed now, allow them all to bare witness to the Physical challenge they were to unleash. Some with concern, others with amusement and a few with a simmering of temper apparent.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2006-10-04 13:33 EST
Lucius, it's time. She be called to the Circle.

Fiona's voice, always soft in the connection they had shared for so many years, held an edge that took him right out of the conversation he was having with one of the merchant-councilors of Cisroe. It wasn't until Grant McVallen had repeated his name that Lucius refocused. "My apologies, Councilor McVallen."

"Nay, Lord DeAuster. It's late, and I've ranted on enough for one night." The lean merchant rose from his chair and nodded slowly to Lucius. "I thank you for taking the time to listen this evening."

"My door is always open, Councilor." Coming to his feet Lucius walked with McVallen to the door of the office that served the Chaos Lord when he was in Cisroe. "We will convene a meeting of the council when I return to address your worries on the new trade agreements."

"I thought you would be in the city for the week?" Having stepped into the corridor McVallen turned back toward Lucius, who shook his head in reply.

"Something has come up with my family. I will return when it is resolved."

***** By the time he returned to Gharnholme Cieara, Fiona and Daniel had already departed. Stripping off the light shirt and vest he had worn for the meetings that day, Lucius quickly donned his familiar plate armor and weapons, feeling just slightly more comfortable. He could faintly feel Fiona and Daniel, but from his daughter there was only a muted silence, and that worried him. As he tucked Drachmel into the harness slung over his back he reflected on things, and could only think of one other time when he had been as worried for Cieara, and that was when the cliff had been blown on top of him and her both.

Shadow-hopping to the family room, he stepped into the portal, and once on the other side slipped into the Weave, emerging to the side of Fiona and Daniel as she finished relating the story to their son. Rystal and Lylliane were spotted on the edge of vision and conciousness, but his energies were cast out, seeking his beloved daughter.

"The shades block all contact." Rystal said softly as he neared the small group. "Cieara must face this alone." At Lucius's growl Fiona brought a hand up to rest on his forearm, thinking her husband was about to charge her father. The tension between the two was well known, and now, more than any other time, she couldn't afford the old animosities to flare up.

"He's right, Love. In the Trials, she be without aid or even contact with the outside. She can nay afford distractions." She leaned close, lifting a hand to draw Lucius's gaze from Rystal to her. "I faced the same silence when I took the Trials. I was cut off from father, as was Sorcha, and as father also was when he took his own. Now, have trust in ye daughter."

"I do, my love." He replied softly, canting his head to press his cheek into the palm of her hand. "But, by all the power of the Quadravant, if anything happens to her I'm going to get her out, even if I have to tear apart the entire ShadowWeave to do it."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2006-10-04 13:47 EST
You all alone there in the dark Shadows sinking into you You're so afraid of everything Is there something left for you

Why bleed for the wicked If the wicked don't bleed for me Got to stand up Psych myself up That's the way it's gonna be

Tantric - Paranoid

She found herself yet again standing in totally blackness. It continued for sometime and then faint light started to grow. She could see nothing of the area, only dark. No walls to be detected. She knew there was a floor but no idea about any ceiling. Again her senses stretched, waiting and wondering what she might face. She had been taught plenty about fighting shadows. She knew how to utilize them to the best of her present skills but there was still that little tickle of worry. She didn't know what would be thrown at her.

She caught the sound first. It wasn't one she knew but reminded her of something else, but before she could even think of what, one shot past her, narrowly missing her as she jerked back in the knick of time. One was bad enough but her sensitive ears caught the buzzing of many more and she moved into action. Feet dancing as she evaded, she couldn't determine the number for the light was dim but she could tell it was more then a mere few.

She couldn't avoid them forever so using what skills she had shadow bands grew from her hands, sending out one whip like towards the spinning blades. It spun off wildly at the snapping kiss and faded into the murk.

Her mother had always enforced that injury in the Shadow paths could kill, and as Cieara had no intention of dying at this point in her life, she went into action. Bands lashing outwards in many different directions, dropping a few in one spin, and having to drop and tumble quickly a split second later. They were coming in faster now and harder.

Another spin and she kicked one back, the sound shut off instantly and landed with another wheeling turn then hit the floor backwards as one quite nearly took her head off. She got a good look that time however and frowned. She knew these. She could handle them, if she used her brain.

Rolling up on her feet she took another deep breath, hearing them coming closer and just braced down, legs bent slightly and her fingers flexed. She practiced with something very close. They didn't stop until dropped so she had to take them out methodically. The last two would be the hardest. Knowing that didn't help, as she couldn't determine how many she had left, in fact she had lost track of how many she had already taken out.

She fought them off, taking the few precious moments when the Shadowblades regrouped and would catch her breath, bear down and go at it again. Even though she wasn't in her actual physical body, the pain was building at the strain. Muscles tight and corded with tension and starting to feel the exhaustion. Later she would be glad this had been the first test, at the moment she was starting to think she had bitten off far more then she could handle.

With her endurance nearly at it's end, two came in fast, bobbing and weaving, she dove out of the way, feeling the wind of one just miss her and hissed faintly, rolling up to her knees and lashed out, the snapping sound loud with the sudden dull buzzing now down to just one.

Her ears could hear it coming closer and she tried to track it. Knowing it would be coming in faster then ever and had to scramble fast, catching it zooming past from a quick crouching shift. Cieara always had trouble with the last one. She usually got it eventually but she was aware she was tired and couldn't afford to make a mistake do it that. Another slowly indrawn breath and when it came racing towards her she sprang up towards it, and just punched a fist outwards, then landed, with a shaking of her now stinging hand. No cuts thankfully but it had still hurt being unused to such attack styles while in the shadows. One thing she knew, those things were far easier to deal with in the physical world then here.

She had done it but now she just dropped down to the floor and once more waited for the powers that be to direct her to the next trial. Hoping it didn't require she move much, as her shadow form was shaking from the strain and exertions she still wasn't fully used to.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2006-10-11 15:18 EST
Bridges burning gladly, Merging with the shadows, Flickering between the lines. Stolen moments floating softly on the air, Born on wings of fire and climbing higher.

Pink Floyd - Burning Bridges

"She has succeeded." Whisthak stated with finality. "It is a pass on the first Trial." Golden reptilian eyes now moved over the others assembled and a hand lifted, a finger pointing towards Trilyre. "I ask you Lady Trilyre what shall the next one be?"

"I could find little the girl actually fears Milord within her thoughts. I suspect she was guarded against it for there are barriers there I can not slip past." The small delicate shadow kin stated with a rippling of black hair and gray eyes met the golden regard. "Hence, I can't not say what would be suitable for the emotional trail."

"Family." Jarken stated. "It's common enough to use what we all know most are not prepared for."

"Death" Galenstar suggested and earned him hard looks from all the others. "It was just a suggestion. Most fear that above everything else."

"I am curious what your problem is with this young woman Galenstar?" Wistria commented as she turned with a sweeping of a long sleeve outwards towards the glowing figure they watched in the center of the chamber.

"Why do you think I have a problem with her?" He retorted instantly and rose, moving to the edge to glare with hard light blue eyes that flashed with silver annoyance. He of all of them looked almost normal, and could easily pass for a Drow if he so wished to walk among the solids.

"Your words and attitude speaks of some dislike perhaps?" The lady answered while the rest watched him in silence.

"I find this irregular but it has nothing to do with the girl in question. She isn't of the Order, and that alone makes her unique. I don't think making it easy for her, is a requirement, or do I feel her Mother's reputation should color our choices here." His words were stated succinctly and with a faint edge.

"I shall take your words as Truth then. Consider this if you may, the girl could have easily been of the Order Galenstar. Would you still feel as you do about choices" We are here to judge, not execute." Soft the words, but the meaning was clear enough and the younger shadow kin scowled but returned to his chair.

Whisthak cleared his throat them and nodded. "As we do not have any specific fear or phobia to test with, we can use her attachment to her family for this Trial. Do we all agree?"

After a chorus of "Aye's" the next Trial was set into motion, with the players being constructed by pieces of shadow, with details used from Cieara's mind. Those things she hadn't sought to hide behind those mental barriers.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2006-10-17 17:53 EST
Close call there in the shadows There's a fear in the dark There's one out there All those memories, pain and anger, flood back one by one They must be just around the bend, they always come At night as I lay sleeping they come to me in herds Their lies remain, the dreams the same, it's only fleeting words No one calls there in the shadows There's no end to the dark But there's one out there, no one but me. The hours pass so slowly, the life's slipping out of me No way's the right way. Is there a way out for me? My life's slipping out.

Sarah McLachlan- Out Of The Shadows

The rasped voice of Whisthak rolled from the darkness, and Cieara's head lifted with a faint sigh under a breath. "Rise and move towards the glowing archway. Find the next circle of light and remain within it. Do not leave it for any reason."

That was all she got and she rocked up to her feet, still a little unsteady. Dragging curls from her damp brow, Cieara followed those directions to the letter. Moving under the arch and following the path that was lit faintly toward a brighter pool.

This was one part of the Trials she had few clues about. Her mother hadn't spoken much of it, only to say here they used ones emotions, fears and deepest worries against them. Apparently few others liked to discuss it either. Likely due to it's effect on the mind Cieara reasoned. She also was feeling a bit nervous. She had the usual fears of most, but had tried to hide those deep. Of course they still might of found one of those to use against her so she just braced for what was to come.

After a while she sank down to sit in the circle. It wasn't large but it allowed her a moment to rest there. That earlier burst of energy from the Physical test was fading and she found herself fighting back the sudden drag of exhaustion that fell over her quite suddenly.

She had to wonder when this test was to start, even as she began to tilt over, the edges of sleep pulling on her senses. Cieara had a moment to realize it might not be normal, but even as the thought registered, she sank down head pillowed on a bent arm, losing that battle.

A dream' Could shadows move into such things she wondered as eyes opened and she found herself sprawled atop a flat rock, while around her a battle was being waged. The smell of burning flesh thick in the air with the screams of battle and death ringing in her ears, a memory she knew.

She heard her brother calling, and spun around, pale green eyes finding him in the middle of the fray of tangled bodies. His sword swinging with sure effort and sending more then one falling back under a spray of blood.

She knew instantly something was wrong with this picture. It gave her pause and she turned to look off towards another voice she knew, seeing her father and mother a few yards away, with Drachmal slamming into one of the many attackers, and her mother spinning with Garith screaming gleefully as he was thrust into the gut of a monstrous looking dragon man, and again that twisted sensation tugged at her thoughts. "This is wrong."

Oh, they all "looked" perfect. The images were nearly flawless but one major sensation was missing.

Her head turned back towards Daniel and she winced, seeing him falling under a pile of many, but she didn't move. Small hands balling into fists as the image turned quite ugly. Her big brother was being hacked apart before her eyes. His screams assaulting her ears as he called her name, wishing her help against the volume of attackers. The sight made her sick and she dropped back to her knees, fighting the urge to vomit, and cry all at once.

The moment of silence was a blessing, but inside, she was getting angry. Red fingers rising, twisting and turning within but Cie wasn't going to let it free. She controlled that rage and just cringed as she heard her father screaming for her. His face contorted with pain and anguish at the sight of her fallen sibling.

Lifting her auburn head, she saw her mother battling her way towards where Daniel had fallen, only to cry out, a sword suddenly emerging from her back and out the front, with a Dragon helmed creature snarling behind her. Cieara's screamed, the sight shocking as Fiona was thrown off the blade almost casually. Dead even before she actually hit the ground unmoving with eyes glazing with death.

A bellowing howl broke into the air then, the sky seeming to darken as Lucius swept through the bodies in a sudden rage of movement. Drachmal cutting through several with every pass, and sending blood and bone flying in Lucius's struggle to reach Fiona. Cieara could only watch, feeling the heat of wrath growing inside as her father swept her mother up against him with another ear shattering cry.

An instinctive scream of warning broke from her lips as she nearly stepped from the rock platform as a sword swung toward her father's exposed back. A sudden showering of vita in an arc of air and Luc's head bounced and rolled toward her, coming to a stop just a few feet away, dead eyes staring blankly up at her.

Cieara finally released a scream of fury. The sound carrying for an endless time but she didn't leave that circle, instead she was sick. Body bent over and heaving violently for several minutes. It took her nearly twice as long to recover, and drag her trembling hands from her face.

She wasn't amused, or even remotely pleased at the choice of torture. Had this been done differently, she would have gone into a frenzy of rage. Nothing would have stopped her from flinging herself into the midst to save her family. Instead her anger just grew, forcing a low growl from her lips and a flickering sheen of red in her eyes hidden behind the fall of hair.

She wondered if they would parade more of those she loved before her eyes. But already her mind was throwing up walls. Hiding other faces such as Kar, Myri, Delana and Kaely, along with her Uncle Lor and Grandparents from detection.

Cie's demon side was already clawing inside, struggling to get lose and she was finding it harder and harder to contain it and she didn't know if she could stand more. Just the idea alone was rattling her badly, had it been as perfect to the other senses as it was to the vision, she would have failed. No doubt in her mind about that.

Darkness fell down upon her and she just dropped back to the floor, her small hands curled into tight balls. Tension holding her in a grip she wasn't able to shake off. She wouldn't forget what they had done. Each one had been designed to put her in a position to act. To save her family, if she had moved and to her, that was pretty freaking sick. She doubted there was many that could have withstood such an emotional assault. She had an advantage of course but now was starting to think they had wanted her to fail.

That thought made another washing of red move over her thoughts, quickly contained but someone was going to hear it when or if she survived this and she was going to be brutal when she did unleash on them.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2006-12-15 17:04 EST
Look in his eyes and see your reflection Look to the stars and see his eyes He'll show you tomorrow, he'll show you the sorrows Of what you did today

You can call him foe, you can call him friend You should call and see who answers For he knows your eyes are drawn to the road ahead And the Shadow Man is waiting round the bend David Bowie - Shadow Man

There was silence in the chamber at the completion of the second trial. None spoke for several minutes but finally the wheezing voice of Trazar broke the quiet. "She passed."

"Something isn't right." Galenstar stated, sitting up from the lean he had taken in his chair and pointed at the image of the girl bent over and breathing hard. "She's far to impulsive to have not acted."

"Perhaps she's not as impulsive as you believe." Trilyre stated calmly. "She is also determined. Nae only that, but she realized it was a test. Not a dream, not real, but a test. She didn't leap and plung to her death upon the black rocks below, so I would call it a pass."

"Those that see beyond the illusion do survive it Galenstar. You do know this." The elder council lord added. Whisthak rising now to pace for a moment, obviously lost in thought a moment. "She had passed the second Trial. So we come to the final step."

"Endurance." Wistria replied with another glance over towards the young lord and his frowning features. "How much pain can she sustain within the shadows, and this time I vote for something simple."

Jarkin nodded as well, a clawed hand tapping against the frame of his chair. "Shadow Bite, Shade Rack, or Black Clouds."

There was a moment of some discussion and the six finally settled with some debate upon the Shade Rack. A test that would pull upon the shadow form of the candidate until they called a halt or passed out from the pain. It was simple but did often leave those afflicted drained rather badly.

"Then it is settled. She must endure the pain for a full 4 turns of the glass." Whisthak moved to take up the large hourglass, the time being approximately 10 minutes.

"What is the record for that trial Wistria?" Trilyre questioned while tugging upon a strand of inky black hair and looking concerned.

"For the Rack, it's 23 minutes if I remember right. Few have ever lasted past 15 for it pulls at the Shadow form to the point of agony. Those not born of the shade, feel such things more intensely when taking that shape." Her softly spoken words falling and drawing a snort from Galenstar, who just seemed still irritated.

"I still say something was wrong with the second trial."

"If she survives the last trial, you can ask her about that Galenstar. Until then, try and contain your foul mood a while longer." Whisthak snapped, starting to become testy with the younger shadow kin's objectionable tongue and conduct.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-01-26 08:17 EST
I am watching over you I am living in the shadows I am just a word to you, But I am very real and cold Cold to all of this Cold to how you feel Cold to all your loss of reason

Stone Sour - Reborn

That voice again rang in and echo around her and she frowned, but rose up stiffly. Directed to another arch and another trial. She was wishing there was a way to just stop them now, but knew once inside, the only way out was to survive. Something she was now even more determined then ever to do, but oh yes, she was going to be hard pressed not to attack a few of those dark forms once done.

Around her now there was blades of light. Rays that cut sharp through the blackness, an abstract version of sun though clouds. If her mood wasn't so dark, she might of appreciated the curious beauty of it, but unfortunately she was on the edge of a enraged and unwilling to give it any attention at all.

No warning at all, as her form started to waver under a force she couldn't see, she felt the shifting of her body into the shade and scowled, a faint growl radiating outwards. Suddenly ribbon bands caught her, dragging her upwards and pulling her in all directions.

The pain was startling at first but growing to agony rather quickly. Dragging another hissed snarl from her as she felt the strain upon the form. Something inside started to break free and she fought it back. Using every trick she had been taught and along side the distress her shade now endured it took an impressive effort on her part to keep from screaming. Cieara suddenly refused to give those sadistic shadows the satisfaction of hearing her.

It felt as if her arms and legs were being slowly ripped from their sockets. She knew it wasn't actually possible, but the sensation was still of that nature. She was also aware that her shadow body tended to feel more within the paths then outside of them. A flaw perhaps in the ability, but as few ran into such attacks, it wasn't the worst of disadvantages.

She couldn't tell how long she had endured, as each breath dragged from her and she hissed again, no longer fighting against the pulling. Instead she was in another battle, her Demon side whispering, trying to seduce her into letting it free. In that moment she even learned the name of that which lurked down within and mentally struggled against its power. The name it called it's self was "Seera".

Cie soon was lost in the battle against that darker side, her suffering giving it more power then she liked and eventually, she was past the point of rational thought. She sought refuge from the torture and gave in.

To those watching, the glass was turned for the sixth time, the sand drifting down slowly into a mountain of black when suddenly the restrictive bands snapped. Ripped free as the girl struggled against them with a low growling howl of rage. No weeping from her. Indeed, she had barely made a sound instead she broke free, the shadowy form crashing downwards into the circle of light upon the floor and then leaping into a crouch upon the floor.

Wistria gasped and rose up with a swirling of dark skirts and fluttering energies. "By the Shadows, that has never happened before!"

The elder gave a slow nod. "It has but only once, many, many ions ago. Cambion, the Champion."

"Aye, and it was her mother that eventually retrieved his remains for us. His skull was found nae to long ago by one of the solids." Whisthak added, watching the scying glass intently. Only to intone a moment later, with a look shot towards Galenstar. "She has passed the last and final trial."

"She broke loose, how is that passing?" He instantly challenged also rising smoothly from his throne chair.

"She endured them to nearly six full turns of the glass." Stated with an animalistic growl by Jarkin. "How could ye not think she passed?"

"I still dispute this." Galenstar wasn't backing down and inch. "So what now" Don't we all have to agree to her passing" If little else, she should have failed that second trial."

It was Trazar that replied then. The ancient rocking up to his spiked feet and lurching to the edge with another rattling of sound. "Then we follow the old ways and a formal challenge is called. You would face the candidate in hand to hand and in her world of the physical. No shadows allowed. It's how it used to be, long, long ago."

The elder slowly nodded. "He is right, but he fails to mention the price that is to be paid if you lose."

"Which is what Whisthak?" The dark slim form folded arms over her chest. Keeping his tone as neutral as possible.

"If you lose, you end up serving her. All you command as well."

"And if she loses?"

"If she loses she has but a short time to exit our realm or she will die. Tis also possible, a loss would negate any that might serve her." A taloned hand waved around. "Others around us watch, we know this. Some may ally with her. If she loses, few would care to serve then."

"Anything she says he will not like." Trilyre rose now and moved to the edge and pointed at Galenstar. "You wish this challenge. You have done nothing but push for it from the start. Do not act as if you didn't know. None of us know why you have been so disagreeable. You have always done as you wish and for what ever reasons unknown, but I stand here now and state, win or lose, I shall ally with her." There was a knowing look on her elegant features. A secret unspoken but her gray eyes warned him not to push. "If she loses, she will not leave here empty handed. She has faced the trials. Others have not had it this hard and try and deny that and I will challenge you myself."

"I have pushed. I admit however I shall not give my reasons, for they are mine alone." He didn't deny anything being said and just gave a short nod. "Yes, I will seek the challenge. She can say nothing I shall accept."

"It is now up to fate to determine. She has already received support from Trilyre. You may very well end up serving her also Galenstar, is that a destiny you seek?" The gruff tone holding a wealth of irritation now as Whisthak finally spoke.

"If I lose you mean. Bring her in and let the Gods decide." He stood waiting, having not moved from the defiant stance.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-01-26 08:23 EST
Hollow Seem the stars in the sky Where my dreams they seem to follow Shadows In the walls of my mind And these thoughts they seem so shallow

I can't make sense of all this Delivered to confusion from bliss Suffered so long and I miss Feeling alive

Earshot - Goodbye

She struggled in the darkness, pushing past the mental swirl of energy and just wrestled control away from Seera. It wasn't easy, but determination and pride forced her hand. For the moment it did seem as if her demonic side was willing to allow it. Receding back inside and she rose upwards. Taking deep soothing breaths and counting to herself silently as it would help the state of her mind and the ache still lingering even in her solid form.

Another washing of light and she turned to look at it, eyes flickering still with the runners of red in the green depths but already starting to fade. "Follow the light Cieara Jade."

"Oh aye, I will follow it alright." Hoping she would have a chance to give that council a piece of her mind. The rage she had still bubbling deep within. Her mother hadn't mentioned that little effect of course, but it wasn't as likely Fiona had allowed anger to thwart her own trials. Cieara on the other hand, wasn't nearly as contained.

Soon, she was stepping back into the main hall, shooting hard frosty looks at the six of them while she stiffly marched her way to the center.

"In most cases we would be sending ye back right about now, but there is a dispute. One of the council feels there was something wrong with the Second trials. Care to explain to us what that may be?" Whisthak questioned while gazing down at the slight form before them all.

She considered for just a moment, not saying a word about what they had missed, but it wasn't her way so instead she cleared her throat, feeling the rasp of her exhaustion in it. "Simple enough. I am connected to my family by more then just bloodlines, but also by mental links. Even here I can feel them but oddly, can't not communicate with them, but that was missing in the second trial. It was that which held me from taking action and only that."

"See, I told you there was something wrong." Galenstar stated instantly and then smirked. "In effect, she cheated."

"She did not cheat. It was us that was at fault there. We didn't consider the emotional and mental connections. She had no idea what was to be unleashed upon her, so I say she still passed." Jarkin stated, shooting a disapproving look towards the younger shade.

"I am with Jarkin on that." Wistria chimed in and was quickly followed by Trilyre and Trazar, both also in agreement.

"So the only one that stands against this is Galenstar." Whisthak replied and then turned back to regard Cieara. Long fingers then moved and he swept out a hand. "Rules written before even our first moment of understanding, state that in this situation, the only answer is a challenge. Galenstar will need to stand and face you directly."

He paused a moment, only to turn and gaze with somber eyes at the young shadow lord. "Again I shall ask, is this what you wish?"

"Yes." He didn't elaborate, just dropped down and turned to face the far smaller opponent.

Cieara was about to explode. She knew her shadow skills would not stand up against this one and the anger started to just simmer, bringing her demon rising up yet again. "I am not sure that this will be fair at all. Can I not just turn down this challenge? After all, I am not up to the same shadow mage abilities as that one likely wields."

"Ah, but you see, he must face you in the Physical realm. He cannot use those skills against you. It's the only way it would be fair. Should he seek that, he would face an even higher court then us. It is the old ways and to break that single simple rule, would mark him as an honorless heretic."

Under normal circumstances Cieara might of still felt a bit out of her depths, but as she was impulsive and angry, she turned and regarded the smug looking shadow noble. Pale green eyes taking on a hard flinty glint of light, and stepped towards him. "Bring it on then."

Trilyre still frowned. "I still don't think even this is fair. She is weaker from the trials after all."

"It is the old ways Trilyre. Older then any of us here I would add. He has the right to dispute, and we can only watch now." The eldest of them all replied, with a coughing rasp of voice.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-01-28 10:36 EST
I hear you calling, voices are here again I hear you whisper, taking control of me Watch the dancing shadows run away All alone once again, afraid Godsmack - Voices

Fiona sensed something was wrong. The final trial had completed as she had felt the conclusion. Even though the link was muffled, the pain Cieara had suffered registered upon her senses keenly by her mother and she had ground her teeth in frustration. She could do nothing to aid her daughter and left her feeling useless. For one of Fiona's demeanor, such a thing was hard to swallow.

She dared not voice her sudden dread however, for at her side Lucius was holding himself barely in check, his black anger radiating and hanging oppressive in the cool, soft night air. Even her mother who usually took delight in irritating him had moved away some distance.

Knowing his reaction should she mention a problem, Fiona was fairly sure she could not contain him. He already distrusted this entire process, even if those he followed were far more taxing and deadly. At least in her mind they were.

Ice green eyes flicked towards her son. He was standing off to the side, under a tree with one hand pressed hard against the bark. Tension rested tightly upon his stance and she could see the flexing of his jaw and caught the threads of his own worry and anger drifting on the faint breeze.

Around them shadows moved in a slow dance of waiting. It was a silent vigil with each holding their thoughts to themselves. The subtle hissing of shaded whispers caught her attention and her dark head tilted, catching the words "Challenged" and her blood chilled at the thought.

Sharp was the look sent to her father, seeing the cast upon his own hard face. Rhystil frowned and one greaved hand clenched into a fist. Little else showed upon the carved visage, but she caught the emotional upheaval in the thread that connected them.

"Mom?" The query caught her off guard she her head snapped around to look towards her Son now. Daniel's own handsome face gray with stress. He had moved and she hadn't heard him approaching.

"Aye Daniel?" Voice soft and faintly husky, she answered him feeling the flaring of emotion from her husband beside her.

"What does a Challenge mean?" He didn't even try and mask the tone of concern, having not been taught to restrain his emotional responses to the same degree as she. Surprised as well, for she had not thought Daniel would even hear those barely discernable whispers.

"It means one or more of the council disputes one of the results trails." Rhystil replied with a low rumble in his words.

Tone sharper, the blue green gaze of Daniel now swung to his grandfather. "Which means what exactly?"

"It means Cieara will have to face one of the disputing members in hand to hand combat." While he did try to keep his tone neutral, the tremor of how such a thing actually did disturb still leaked into his reply.

"This is normal?" Luc then growled, his own steely gaze swinging around to glower at his father-in-law.

Fiona drew in a slow even breath before answering. "Nae."

"It is not normal." The elder replied, no longer controlling to the expression and the frown darkened, marred his elegant face.

Gloved fingers caught Lucius's arm, feeling the sudden rage rising even before it could touch his narrowed gaze. "Ye can nae do anything Love." Under her encased hand she felt the swirling fires of chaos growing.

A hard, rough expletive erupted from Daniel then, with hands dragging through his hair and he stalked off, pacing around the clearing like a caged animal then. Fiona said nothing about his vulgar language, having thought of a few choice additions to her son's momentary explosion as she fought back her own fears. It made calming Lucius down more difficult but she attempted to nonetheless.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-01-29 20:27 EST
"Ye can nae do anything Love" That phrase, while designed to try to calm the building rage within Lucius, only served to add fuel to that fire. His hand moved to cover Fiona's where it rested on his arm, but his gaze remained on Rystal. "What in sacred feth do you mean, 'not normal'?"

The elder Dewil returned Lucius's gaze steadily, though the storm was building there also. "Normally, the Trials are designed not only to test the aspirant's ability to command the shadows, but also to answer any questions the Council may have about the fitness of the aspirant."

Fiona spoke up then, continuing her fathers explanation. "For a challenge to be called, means one holds a grievance against the results of the Trials. Why, I nae know, love. She passed the three set before her. And They were nae easy either."

"And what happens if she looses this challenge?" Daniel asked from where he stood near one of the plinth's surrounding the clearing. Both father and son noted the sudden flash of emotion that crossed both Rystal and Fiona's elegant features, but it was Lyllianne who answered."

"If she loses, she'll most likely die in the shadows."

No words could had enflamed Lucius more, and he jerked his arm from Fiona's grasp. "I'll be DAMNED!" he roared in rage, and turned toward the near stone, grabbing Drashmel from where it leaned against the granite.

"Lucius, stop!" Her normally cool voice raised in alarm, Fiona grabbed Lucius's arm and spun him around. "Ye can nae help her!"

"DeAuster!" Rystal yelled out, raising his hand. "You cannot intervene! The laws..."

"Feth your laws, old man!" Eyes blazing a deep crimson, the chaos lord took a step forward, even as FIona and Daniel both moved in front of him. "Feth your laws, feth your damned Council and feth you! I'm going to get my daughter back!"

"Luc, ye cannot! The shades wo..." Fiona trailed off as her husband stepped back into the shadows surrounding the circle and faded from view. Daniel shot her an alarmed glance, and the shadow-assassin growled as she drew Granith from his sheath, the impling blade already hissing.

"Fiona, you know the laws!" Rystal shouted, reaching for his daughter, but the hardened gaze widened in alarm, and the reach became a grab on both Fiona and Daniel's shoulders, pulling them aside as Lucius reappeared where he had vanished. Only, airborne, as though tossed aside like a gnat. He slammed into the ground with a metallic thud and slid across the clearing, forcing Lyllianne to leap into the air to avoid a collision.

Coming to a stop next to one of the plinths, he shook his head to clear away the cobwebs, his family moving toward him. Coming to one knee, he growled and reached for his fallen greataxe, but the action was arrested by a black band that wrapped itself around his wrist. Others shot around him, pulling Lucius to his feet and dragging him back against the plinth, holding him in place in a shadowy prison. "Let me go!" He screamed in rage, straining at the shadowbands holding him in place.

Fiona shot a hard look toward her father, who returned the gaze without apology. "The shades have rejected him. Cieara must face the challenge alone, daughter. You know this."

"Aye" she growled, turning back to the struggling Lucius. "Love, please. You cannot interfere. Ye know Cieara can do this. Ye trained her, just as I." Her words, said in a soft tone to try to calm the berzerk man, had little effect. It was the next action, however, a fist slamming into Lucius's right cheek, that not only knocked his head back against the stone and silencing his raging, but widened her eyes, a startled gaze moving to Daniel, standing next to her.

"Damn it, what in the hells are you doing dad?" The young man's eyes, blazing a crimson that neither parent could remember seeing, bored into his father's shocked gaze. "You're going to get Cie killed if you don't calm down! And I'll be damned if my sister's gonna die because you can't control yourself!"

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-01-30 13:08 EST
Before you fall into the shadows I am my worst enemy Fell into the life of the wanderer Searching for a way to drag you Down...

Seamless - The Wanderer

"Begin." Whisthak called and moved back to his seat, dropping down into heavily with a slow shaking of his jagged head.

Instantly Cieara lunged, anger pushing her to take that first swing and it cost her, as he quickly ducked and a hard boot sent her crashing back into a pillar. He at least waited for her to shake off the daze and roll up to her feet before darting in fast, a clawed hand flying out towards her face. It caught her, as she was seconds late in moving and she felt the tearing of skin but stepped in swiftly with a palm soaring upwards into his face.

He was taller, bigger, but usually that didn't matter to her. She often faced those in battle much the same. She however was feeling the edges of fatigue, and knew she would have to think to survive this now.

Facing burning from the searing of those claws of his, she danced back, staying out of reach, while plotting and attempting to predict his next move. Only to miscalculate, and move the wrong way when he did eventually lunge inward. Leather ripped free from her midsection and leaving another four lines of tears in pale skin along with the burning agony.

A low growl as she shifted back again with eyes taking the red shimmer once more. Seera shattering through the blocks and taking over in a flash with the demon leaping on the taller heavier form and returning a few of those razor clawed attacks. Sending Galenstar reeling back in sudden surprise.

Preternatural strength became her ally as she crashed into him, fists flying without finesse. This attack lacked any reason behind it as she eventually sent him skidding across the floor roughly. A dragging smear of blood marked the path he made before he came to a stunned stop.

Other then that faint sheen of eyes and the claws nothing else showed of her demon, as Cie was still somewhat in control and stalked towards him with another low growl of fury.

What ensued was a vicious bloody battle that was close up until the very end, when he called a halt. Conceding to her. It took her a few moments to pull herself together and then realized the pain she was in and just sank down to her knees, breathing harshly.

"Did I pass now?" It was the only question she could get out, as she started to slump over, the exhaustion and blood loss setting in rapidly.

"Aye, you did Cieara." A calm soothing voice stated, as Trilyre reached down and caught her arm. Galenstar limped over to aid, wearing an odd expression. He didn't look angry or upset having lost.

"We need to get her out of here now." He then stated in a voice that was more then a little raspy. Knowing time was short, as the place even while in a physical form, was still making the injuries she had sustained worse. Here any not born of the shade could bleed out before they even knew it.

Proficient and swift the pair moved, and in mere minutes there were carrying her free of the realms of shade. Back into her own world within the stone circle and letting her down gently, while up on the rise her family waited.

Daniel DeAuster

Date: 2007-02-01 13:41 EST
Silently Daniel cursed, flexing his hand at the ache that had blossomed. Gods damn, his chin feels like a damn stone! For a second he considered what he had done, and there was a thrill there. Later, he would probably both laugh and worry about what he had done, but for now, he glared at his father.

When a hand came down on his shoulder he tried to shrug it off, but Rhystil was adamant, pulling the young man away. "Enough, Daniel. Let your mother handle him." Daniel started to protest, but a look, as scathing as any he had ever received, from his grandmother killed the words.

Spinning away from the plinth, he stalked away, fists clenched tight in anger and worry. But it was a sudden flaring of sensation a moment later that had not only him, but the rest of his family also, turning toward the far section of the clearing. There, two indistinct shades were lowering the limp form of Cieara to the ground. The shout slipped out as he started in that direction, to join his parents and grandparents as they clustered around her.

Fiona DeAuster

Date: 2007-02-20 04:23 EST
No tears fall on stony highways That skyline splendor lights my life We wander westward my heart's desire With seas of light Shadow us under the mountains of time Guide us to endless paths

Maire Brennan - A Place Among The Stones

Fiona pushed past the others, moving to kneel beside her daughter. She was aware of the shadows around them, but paid them little mind for the moment as she drew out the elixir Maerissa had given her for this very moment. Gently lifting Cieara's limp form and poured some into her mouth.

Her daughter stirred for a moment, crimson shot eyes opening briefly before she slipped back into unconsciousness and Fiona muttered. Her ice green eyes' lifting to meet Luc's filled with naked concern. "Ye will need to use ye stones. The healing potions can nae combat the poisons of a Shadow Elite claws."

She relinquished her place with her daughter, moving her gently into her fathers arms as he kneeled beside her and waited, gloved fingers brushing back auburn curls away from the torn skin of Cieara's cheek.

"Well Fiona. Ye daughter may not have broken any records in regards to time, but she still has made the Order's history books nae less." Rhystil stated with his own pale green gaze resting on the two standing only a few feet away. "No other Adept has ever returned with two Elites."

"Ye be wrong about that Lord DeWil." Trylire replied, voice woven into the wind and air around them. "Cambion had three of our Elders as his companions."

That brought Fiona's eyes up as Lucius prepared the soul gem, and she looked intently at the female shade, but said not a word. Remembering that name keenly and considering how Lucius paused a moment, he also didn't miss it or it's meaning.

"It was his skull Fiona retrieved many years back for ye from Lord Ranulf Correll. I remember that well, but the history of Cambion was lost long before my first breath was ever taken Milady." The leader of the Duihb Order bowed towards the Shadow Noble out of respect even as he spoke, then silence fell around them once more.

The echoed scream broke the night and Fiona winced at the sound. She had gotten used to it over the years but was usually more prepared for the effects as the greenish glow flowed over her youngest child. Cieara's instant reaction was to sit up with a snarling of rage, eyes glowing a furious red and was caught mere seconds before she could lash out by Lucius. Large arms catching her up against him and holding on tightly, with a frowning glance sent to Fiona.

Moving closer her own arms moved to enfold both and she started to whisper softly to her daughter, words guttural and ancient flowed over her, soothing the fury and soon Cieara stopped fighting, just sank down against her father into a deep healing sleep.

Rising back up she stepped towards her son, who had been watching all of this silently, catching his worry in the threads of emotion that linked them and gently placed her hand on his arm. "She will be alright Daniel."

"It's time to go home." Lucius stated as he also rose, cradling the small form of his daughter in his arms and looked over at Fiona and Daniel. Rage barely held in check, but also mingled with obvious relief. Cieara had survived and returned.