Topic: Truth and Consequences

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-15 05:36 EST
The truth that could set souls free Is buried within sweet pandemonium Concealed by disbelief The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium

Drained by the anger and grief Fazed by the envy and greed The secret cries for a release The lucidity hidden deep in sweet pandemonium

HIM - Sweet Pandemonium

It had been late morning when she had slipped away from Onyx House, after having shown Veighn around as requested and with her patrols for the day done, it was time she seek her family. Knowing only to well what Icer had seen the night before, she had no other choice but to speak to her parents now. Knowing it would be best they get it from her, then someone outside. At least this way she could have a modicum of control in regards to the outcome. So a mental call was sent to her family, unsure if she should head for home or wait for them to appear in the sitting room at Shadowhold.

A dark brow quirked as Daniel looked to the side at hearing his sister. Wondering what was going on, as the call sounded urgent, he slowly sat up; wincing as pain shot down his shoulder and torso from the wound he had sustained the day previous. Even with Myrialla's and Kaelyn's healing powers, it was taking time to heal, so the two had brought him to Shadowhold to rest. Grabbing a shirt from the end of the bed he shrugged it on and started for the sitting room.

She had showered earlier, and now wore comfortable black leather pants; green silk shirt and a vest with her ever constant black boots and was pacing in front of the unlit hearth. Nerves taut and upon hearing her brother entering, a russet brow arched instantly. She hadn't known he was back yet, so distracted she was. "How ye be feeling Danny?"

Asking as she had noticed he was moving with some stiffness to usually relaxed limbs and moved to give him a gentle hug. One reason to offer some comfort to his pain and another to use his scent like her grandmother had shown her and hide the other.

Unaware of a duplicitous reason she may have, he hugged her in return, doing his best to hide any sign of pain. "I've been better, sis." He answered truthfully, leaning back to look to her. "Course, would have been worse if Sorcha hadn't been there." Another curious look, this time at the unease she wore so easily, readily apparent in her aura. "You ok, Cie?"

"Nae really. I need to speak to Mum and Daddy. Ah, Icer saw me with the Mage last night." She rested a hand upon Daniel's arm, skin upon skin and energy was sent flowing into him. She was carrying plenty after the night before. "I fear she will tattle due to concern for me, and I feel a need to have a bit more control on the matter. Would be best they hear of this from me." She was trying to appear calm but there was an underlying sensation of nervous attention and that emotion flickered faintly in her iridescent green eyes.

"Ah, bloody hells..." He had been afraid of this, and had told her so when she had confided in him previously about her encounter with Yhaull. "I'll be right here, Cie." His hand moved to cover hers, both accepting and giving of that energy.

The portal was a simple affair, made to look like a door that opened into a small nook. The first sign of use was a subtle humming in the air, as the magics built to open a pathway between the realms. "Here they come." Daniel said softly as he circled around behind Cieara, one hand moving to her shoulder, the other remaining over hers where she clutched his arm.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-15 05:41 EST
I didn't need any of this I feel anxiety in my neck The consequences now apparent Feeding back unchecked Incessant blue in spiral coils Fingers underneath the skin Adrenaline is not my mistress But she always knows just where I've been

Church - Chaos

The rippling of the gate drew her luminous green gaze and she sighed faintly with a concerned look lifted towards her brother, voice pitched low and soft. "This will nae be amusing Danny. Daddy is going to yell."

She welcomed that support he offered. Considering she felt a thread of worry about how her parents would react to her news. Cieara could only hope her mother could keep her father from exploding into a towering rage that ended with her grounded for life. Something she knew only to well Lucius could actually do if he so wanted.

"If he does, you let me handle it." Daniel replied softly. He could easily sense her nervousness through their touch, and he himself felt the same, given the oft-volatile nature of their father's temper. But, as she was well aware of also, Daniel was quite protective of Cieara, no matter how much he grumbled at her constant teasing.

With a ripple of air, Fiona stepped through the alcove, followed behind by Lucius. He had been caught going over reports that morning, as he had yet to don his armor for the day. But then, this was family, and there would be no need for that here.

Cieara drew in a quick calming breath at the sight of their parents entering and just gave a faint squeeze of black nailed fingers against her brother's arm as she watched then, feeling her mouth go dry in a sudden swelling of nervous energy.

Fiona glanced around for a moment, and then found her children and an elegant brow rose, as she was quick to notice the tension both seemed to be carrying. Her raven dark head turned towards Luc and she smiled softly as her gloved hand moved to capture his. "Ah, I assume there be something going on Love."

"Indeed." The soft words rumbled from the barrel chest as Lucius's fingers entwined with Fiona's, giving them a soft squeeze. Walking with her over to where Cieara and Daniel stood, he glanced over the two, an arm slipping around Cieara's shoulders for a soft hug. "We got your call, little sweet."

Feeling the bite of her fingernails into his arm, Daniel tried to send what calming energy he could to his sister. For Fiona he smiled, glad beyond words that their mother was here. Perhaps, just perhaps, this would remain calm...somewhat.

Pale green eyes lifted to gaze at her father as she felt the weight of his arm around her shoulders and a smile drew upon the rose tinted lips. She was also relieved that her mother had answered the call, but suspected Fiona was aware of what this might be about. "Ah, Daddy' Mum' I be needing to talk to ye about something. Something I nae think ye will be to happy about."

A look of both curiosity and concern washed over Lucius's features, and he turned to allow the two lady DeAusters to go sit down on the sofa. Settling into the chair across from them, he looked over to Cieara. "Why would you say that, little sweet?" Sinking down on the sofa beside her mother with the same easy inherent grace and her hands drifted down to fold in her lap as she regarded her father. He was the more worrisome of the two and took another deep calming breath. Trying to find the right words, but realized that no matter how delicately she put it, the effect would likely be less then tranquil. "Tis about Lord Yhaull Daddy. I wanted to speak to ye regarding him."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-15 05:52 EST
Well I don't know what to say Because there's truth to what you say I know it kills you I'm this way There's something different every day

Could it be that I never had the chance to grow inside" Could it be that sometimes I say things just to disagree" Could it be that I'm only being me"

Not easy living in my mind A little peace is hard to find My every thought is undermined By all the history inside

Stained - Could It Be

Oh she was nervous and it showed as her luminous emerald eyes met her father's straight on. Cieara was just going to say it and let the rage begin. "I am involved with him and wanted to tell ye before ye learned it from someone else."

"It be a light flirtation of course. Nae anything serious." Cieara quickly added as she felt Fiona's frosty gaze swing towards her and just braced for what was to come.

"A light flirtation ye say Cieara?" Fiona asked softly as she glanced quickly towards Lucius now and started to rise to her feet and move towards him. All to aware of the impact those words would likely have she was preparing for it.

Daniel moved behind the sofa, fingers slipping over Cieara's shoulder as he listened quietly. The wince wasn't from his aching shoulder, the bandage visible under the unbuttoned shirt, but from her words, and what he expected to be the reaction.

He had been expecting almost anything, given that he had Cieara in RhyDin as another set of eyes and ears he could trust, but the mention of the wizard's name had a frown playing. But never in his worst nightmares had he expected what Cieara said. He blinked once, for a moment truly unable to speak from surprise, as Fiona approached.

She welcomed her brother's hand on her shoulder with a grateful glance up towards him before her auburn head turned back with a rippling of burnished curls to watch her father intently now. Seeing the various emotions moving over his lean features with a sense of dread.

Fiona's hand fell to rest upon Luc's shoulder, the touch designed to remind him to think rationally before action. Hoping he would of course as her own wintry green gaze lifted to rest upon Cieara. She had suspected this since the meeting with Lord Lankyn. The Mage's words having given a hint, but a hint meant nothing until proven to be fact. Hence now she just took her own soothing breath. "Well, this be a curious turn of events to be sure."

"A...flirtation' Curious?" A fist clenched where his hand rested on one knee, the other hand moving to grip Fiona's in a tight grip, as he glanced between Fiona and Cieara. "Tell me this is an early birthday joke."

Daniel nodded slowly at his sister's glance, his thoughts silent except for the leaking of energy from fingertip to pale shoulder. "You be stronger than I ever will." The mental comment sent to his sister only.

Like mother like Daughter Fiona could say. However for the moment she held her words in silence as she glanced down towards Luc with another pressing of gloved fingers to his stiff and tight shoulder. She keenly felt that hostility just boiling up within her husband and sought to send a soothing flow of energy upon it like a cool balm. "Nae, tis not a joke Daddy. I was seen with him last night, in rather um, in close quarters." Not exactly intimate but considering the "Black Wizard's" dislike of being touched, it had been unusual. "I nae actually planned for it, but. . ." Her hands lifted with a splaying of pale fingers as she shrugged. "I like him."

"You like him?" That flow from Fiona was drowned out by the sudden flare of antagonism and his grip tightened again for a second on her hand, before relaxing. "What do you mean, you like him?" Lucius paused, allowing her time to speak, trying to remain calm. Yet, it was a war within, to do just that.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-15 06:01 EST
Mother looking at me Tell me what do you see" Yes, I've lost my mind

Daddy looking at me Will I ever be free" Have I crossed the line"

T.A.T.U - All The Things She Said

Cieara was being as honest as possible. She would make no mention of just "How intimate" she had gotten with Veighn, as that would just ignite her father's barely controlled temper into a flash fire conflagration that might just blow her right over. She also was careful not to draw her brother into it directly, but was grateful for his touch nonetheless. At her father's question she tensed, worrying her lower lip with a pressing of evening teeth for a moment before replying. "I like his wit, his off sense of humor. I appreciate his intelligence and the rare moments of charm he has. So, aye, I like him." She didn't think she should have to explain the attraction as she was already treading a very fine line after all. Fiona just returned the press of her fingers to Luc as she listened to Cieara. Perhaps understanding only to well her daughters feelings, as she had felt the same way. She however hadn't ever told her father about Lucius. Back then she knew he never would have approved of a holy paladin, anymore then Luc was pleased about this Mage now.

"That same wit and intellect seduced Tasha, and you know what happened there." Growling softly, Lucius shook his head at the thoughts, quiet for a few seconds before looking back to his daughter. "You know what he did to her, and what he has forced onto Lankyn. And now that devil sets his sights on you..." Again he faded into a soft growl, the fist clenching again.

Daniel could easily feel the building anger in his father, and he again gave Cieara's shoulder a soft touch, as his own temper grew a bit, but for different reasons.

Cieara gave a faint sigh. "I am aware of what happened with Tasha Daddy. He has nae made any such attempts with me. While ye may nae like hearing it, I have nae seen him force any such things upon anyone unwilling. Aye, he be less then pleasant to some, but," Her chin lifted a bit, with a pointed pause in her dulcet voice. "Ye nae be exactly the most friendliest of visitors to RhyDin either Daddy." "Aye, I be knowing what he did with Lord Lankyn as well. Again, I believe if the deal was nae fair, tis sure it would have nae been set." Pale hands lifted, palms outward now as she regarded her father steadily, with just the faintest of tremors as she showed unscarred palms for his review. "I have also nae made any deals with him either." Taking a moment she remove the covering of leather upon her own elegant hands, Fiona gently brushed a few stands of Luc's hair back from his brow before laying them back to his shoulder with another calming touch. She wasn't thrilled about this either, but did understand the attraction. Although she did have to wonder just what Veighn was up to. Was his interest of some unknown design or was he just as swept up as her daughter apparently was"

To compare him to Veighn was enough to make him speechless again, and he looked up to Fiona, truly not knowing what to think about this. His Cieara, his little sweet, liking a man who had already shown a penchant for hurting those they considered friends and family"

The next words came, perhaps from an unexpected quarter, from behind Cieara. "You know, it is her decision, after all."

She cast a quick look back over a shoulder at her brother, luminous green eyes shimmering with sudden concern as she willed him to be silent. Their father was already upset with her she didn't want him angry with Danny also. Looking back then to Lucius, she gave a faint sigh, tones low and carefully modulated. "Daddy, I know he be dangerous. I am nae foolish in that and yet I still find I like him. I shall of course still be careful in my dealings with him, but I find I nae feel at all comfortable hiding my interest in Lord Yhaull from my family either."

"Would you rather have found out from Icer, or worse, from that gossip paper?" Daniel's temper, while slow to rise most times, was building. He leaned forward a bit, glaring at their father. "She could have kept this to herself, but she didn't. She knows how you react to things, and yet she's here, telling you about it. Doesn't that count for something?"

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-15 12:11 EST
His hand has weakened at the moment of truth His step has faltered One world, one soul Time pass, the river rolls And he talks to the river of lost love and dedication And silent replies that swirl invitation Flow dark and troubled to an oily sea A grim intimation of what is to be There's an unceasing wind that blows through this night And there's dust in my eyes, that blinds my sight And silence that speaks so much louder that words

Pink Floyd - Sorrow

Lucius had glanced to Cieara's hands, and was silently thankful to find them free of marks. But any further retort he might have made was cut off by Daniel's questions. Steel-gray eyes cut to his son now, and narrowed slightly. "She knew I did not favor this...Mage..." It was hard to keep the abhorrence from his tone, as Lucius was truly coming to dislike Yhaull. His eyes moved back to the seated Cieara. "Why him, Cieara?" It was all he could think to ask, and trust him self with saying.

Cieara's gaze fell before the vehemence in her father's steely regard and she took another slow breath, trying to remain calm, but she was her father's daughter and there was a small thread of indigence starting to grow. "I was asked to watch him Daddy. Tis what I did and to be sure I nae expected to find him interesting. Yet that be what has happened."

A momentary flickering in her eyes, one of that carefully restrained temper building now as she lifted her auburn head once more and braced herself for the look on her father's lean features. "I nae planned to taking a liking to him for one thing, nor did my interest spring from ye own disfavor of him. Tis something that I can nae claim be planned."

"I nae wanted you to get this close, little sweet. I do not trust Veighn, especially after he twisted around his agreement with Tasha and used the threat of her health against The Bloods." He was trying to be calm, be reasonable, fighting every fiber of his being that wanted to scream with fury.

"Frankly, it's none of your business anyway. She is grown, after all." Daniel interjected with a sharp tone.

"Daniel, that's enough." His tone lowered as he addressed his son, looking up to the youth now. Daniel glared right back, his hand resting on Cieara's shoulder, almost as a prop, his legs against the sofa in a support to keep him up.

"Then why the frell do you look like you want to throw her in your dungeon?" The youth shook his head with a wince of pain, but did not let up on the intent gaze.

"I said that's enough!" Lucius growled the words, teeth baring for a second. The temper was boiling, as his anger now flared at his son. Now, however, unlike before, Daniel wasn't backing down.

Looking back over her shoulder at her brother she spoke softly. "Danny, hush please!"

"Daniel ye should calm ye self." Fiona's cool soothing words sent to flow across towards her son. "Ye nae be in any state to start a battle here Sweet."

"Daddy, please understand, I nae am telling ye to upset ye, but Danny be right, I nae wanted ye to find out about this from somewhere else either." Oh the rage was filling the room with an oppressive sense of impending doom and Cieara was becoming anxious over again.

The glower didn't leave his features, and came close to matching his fathers, but Daniel quieted for the moment, bringing a hand up to rub the pad of the bandage, now tinged a slight pink. His anger was a match for Lucius's, who had risen to his feet and moved to the bay window, looking out over the glistening water below.

"What has that...Mage made as an offer?" His tone was carefully under control, even if the hands clasped behind him held a faint tremor.

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-15 12:20 EST
I was alone, staring over the ledge, Trying my best not to forget, All manner of joy, all manner of glee, And our one heroic pledge.

How it mattered to us, how it mattered to me, And the consequences.

Placebo - Meds

Cieara's pale green eyes went wide at her father's question and she couldn't help it, sudden mirth filled laughter spilled from her. "Ah, nae Daddy, tis merely an interest at this point in time. Nae any offers of the like. I did say "Flirtation" after all and that be what it is presently."

Crimson eyes swung around to regard Cieara as he slowly turned his head back around to regard the others in the room. "And just how many times have you enjoyed this Mage's company?" Lips curled back at the last word, as though Lucius found it distasteful to say. Which would have been an understatement. Wholesale horror was moving through his wrecked thoughts, trying to accept the thought of that one near his precious daughter.

Cieara gazed at her father, seeing the various expressions moving over his face and feeling the swelling and surges of temper in the way he spoke and the flashing of his steely eyes and just took another deep breath. "Much of the time I have spent with the Mage has been within the location of the Inn." No lie there. "I did escort him last night to Onyx as well."

That brought another soft growl, as he turned back fully to the others now. "Lankyn is a damned fool, leaving that one alive." The Trueblood lord had directly told Lucius, Wylde and Lusiphur that Yhaull was not to be under hard guard, as he held the Mage to the agreement they had forged in the glen. Belial had also vouched for the "Black Wizard", as she hoped to bring about further agreements that would be mutually beneficial to their sides. Lucius had vehemently decried the whole turn, and had been shut down.

"He doesn't seem to want to try to force Cie into anything like that. He just wanted to talk." Daniel said softly, trying to reign in his anger also, but it was a totally different reason. Lucius immediately cut his gaze over to his son, eyes narrowing again.

"So far, nae much time has been spent with the Mage outside of the Inn and Onyx House Daddy." Cieara stated softly and reached up to catch Daniel's hand again at the sharp gaze shot towards him from their father.

"Lucius Love." Fiona now moved, gliding over towards here where he stood in front of the large window and caught his hand into her own. "I for one be glad she is telling us herself. Nae would have liked learning about it in that paper or that gossip rag ye be fond of reading."

Daniel's fingers slipped into hers, again trying to give her that calming reassurance, while trying to mute the anger he was feeling. Both of which, he was finding hard to do.

For Lucius, Fiona's hand kept his fist balling again. "Which is the only reason I've not yet ordered her back to Gharnholme." He looked to his wife, knowing she was right, but Daniels word had betrayed something. "And how do you know he just wanted 'to talk'?"

"Ye would do nae such a thing Lucius. Would do ye little good unless ye be thinking of locking her up and I think I might have some say in that." Fiona's winter green eyes flickered as she gazed up at Luc and just gave his fingers a warm pressing of her own. "Cieara will learn through her own actions, as we did after all M'love."

Cieara's fingers wrapped tightly around her brothers as she sat tense upon the couch, each word her father spoke just felt cutting somehow. She also sensed that the anger Luc wanted to unleash on her was shifting to be directed at Danny and she didn't want that.

"Because that's all he did." Daniel replied after Fiona had finished. He knew Cie was very much feeling in the middle, and he had to bite off adding more for a second, trying to be cautious in his words. "Why don't you try trusting her, dad" She's beaten the Trials, and beat your ass in the Arena, so maybe try to cut her some slack?" So much for being cautious, he thought to himself.

Whatever Lucius had been about to say was choked back, and he simply stared for a moment at Daniel. His hand trembled under Fiona's own, but he didn't speak. He didn't trust himself to hold back, and right now, the small part of his mind that wasn't screaming for someone's blood was trying to push that. Control...other ways to deal...

Lucius DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-15 12:24 EST
Do you see what I see" Truth is an offense You silence for your confidence

Do you hear what I hear" Doors are slamming shut Limit your imagination, keep you where they must

Do you feel what I feel" Bittering distressed

Metallica - Eye Of The Beholder

Feeling the shaking of his hand Fiona moved, releasing his hand only to wrap her arms around his waist and looking up at him. "Breath, Love. Ye be reacting and nae actually thinking I believe."

Cieara just drew in another lungful of air and tried to keep from shaking at this point. The tension in the room was heady and nearly overpowering and she wasn't sure what to do to stop it. Well there was one fleeting thought but it wasn't something she cared to offer and just gave Daniel's hand another press.

Lucius voice was soft, as he looked into his wife's eyes, clutching to her close. "I am, love. Believe me, I am." And, in that touch, he drew on her icy demeanor, using it to try to control the Beast raging within him. It would be released soon enough. His eyes still held the crimson sheen as he looked up to his children again, his gaze locking on his son's. "Daniel, I do trust her, as I did trust you. I trusted you to watch over her and keep her away from danger."

"Now Daddy, Daniel is nae responsible for me in such a way!" She sat up straighter now with a faint narrowing of her iridescent green eyes that certainly did flash with temper now and her tone was a bit sharper. "Ye can nae be blaming him for my choices on who I be liking after all. I have made many friends here after all. Lord Yhaull is just one of a few."

"He knew what that damned Mage had done to Tasha, and brought me the information!" Lucius roared in reply, the control slipping for a second as Fiona reached up and gripped his shoulder, her sharp nails biting deep into the skin and flesh. Lucius winced in pain, a curse escaping him as he looked to his wife in surprise.

"If he had tried anything, I would have been there to stop him!" Daniel shouted right back, his free hand clenching, even if it meant pain shot up his arm as muscles pulled around the arrow wound. "And if I wasn't, then there was Jewell and Stephen, and Erin and Corlanthis. Icer and Lady Wyheree too! She WASN'T"IN...DANGER!"

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-15 21:47 EST
In my dream I break the chains that hold this place together but in my dream the consequences would be so much better Then they are.....cause beyond the walls that hold us here Skies that stretch across the atmosphere Oh a revolution is near

In my dream I hear the echoes of the recent battle....yeah Lost and wounded as the faded cries begin to settle for the night But the words you use to hurt me now Only seem to make me strong some how Oh a revolution is now

Fefe Dobson - Revolution Song

Releasing her brother's hand now she rose up with hands falling to rest on her hips and just shot a hard look at her father. "I KNOW what he did to Tasha Daddy. I was cautious but Lord Yhaull has nae may any such attempts to me. I also know that he makes deals but nae forces them. It be choice! I wish ye would understand that!" Cieara's own temper was starting to unravel and she was starting to yell louder. Thinking volume might work where reason wasn't.

"Calm ye self Cieara. Yelling will nae work in this. Sit!" Fiona snapped out sharply and watched as her youngest did sit, looking belligerent and annoyed. "Lucius. Ye will nae be blaming Daniel. He does what he can but ye have been sending him off in other areas away from his sister after all."

"A mistake I will rectify now." Lucius replied, resisting bringing his hand up to rub where she had gripped his shoulder with that understated strength both DeAuster women had. "Daniel, your duty is to your sister. Guard her, and protect her. And if Yhaull does anything to her, I will hold you directly responsible."

Cieara just gaped at her father and bristled instantly, nearly vibrating at how insulted she felt in that moment. "I am nae three years old now! Danny nae needs to be shadowing me like some guard dog Daddy!" She couldn't believe what she was hearing and just reverted to an action she hadn't used since she was sixteen and actually huffed as she sat back down.

The grip upon Luc's shoulder eased with a light pressing of fingers, as she glanced at him and just stayed silent as he was fuming and Fiona could feel that intensely.

"You can't do that!" Daniel's shocked voice echoed his sister's, as he looked at his father, features flitting between surprise and anger. "I've got my duties to Terrak, and someone's got to keep an eye on things while you're not around!" He was also trembling in rage, and a thread of another emotion was trickling in now, foreign and making him recoil instantly at the feel.

He closed his eyes, feeling his children's anger, fueled by his own, and silently cursed Yhaull. The Mage had managed to do what no one else had. Now, he had to figure out what to do about it. "Indeed..." Lucius finally said, his voice low, but still holding the edge. "I will speak to Terrak. Daniel, you are to begin patrolling the West End. Watch over the Blood holdings there. Cieara, you continue as you are."

"I can't believe ye be doing this Daddy!" Cieara did make and effort to keep the tone even but it was edged with ill temper and she shot a smoldering look at her father, one of anger. "I am nae a child and Danny nae needs be guarding me. I have nae brought shame to the family name. I behave very correctly I will have ye know!"

Sighing, Fiona just looked at Luc then at their children. She didn't want to counter Luc in front of them, as that had never been good in the past and she knew it. "I think while Daniel recovers he should stay here. The patrols be lighter then the front line, and I think he can manage. Once he is able to handle more we can discuss this again."

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-15 21:52 EST
Promises made for convenience Aren't necessarily What we need Truth is a word That's lost it's meaning The truth has become Merely half-truth So lie to me

Depeche Mode - Lie to Me

"I said nothing else about guarding you, Cieara Jade. I said he would patrol the Blood holdings of the West End. As I believe yours is the North Shore." Snapped a bit more than he intended, he paused for a second, and looked to Fiona. unspoken accord, and feelings exchanged there. "I'm...sorry I snapped just then." Cieara fell silent and brooding now as she looked at both her parents and arms slowly folded over her chest and she only just stopped her self from tapping a foot against the floor. Grudging muttering faintly before glancing away with a bounce of burnished curls. "Fine."

"Perhaps this be my fault. I picked one that was nae favored by my own father Lucius. Tis a matter of circles within circles. At least she be saying tis a flirtation. May nae last." Fiona sent this to Lucius mentally; something guarded from her children's detection and just sighed as she leaned against him with another pressing embrace of slender arms.

Daniel couldn't believe what he had heard. His mouth opened once...twice...before he slowly turned away, a hand coming to rest on one of the tables along the wall that held various treasures Myrialla and Fiona had chosen to decorate Shadow Hold. That last command had cut as deeply as any words to Cieara, and now....

Lucius nodded slowly, having no reply to that for the moment. He fervently prayed that's all it was, but right now, nothing else would be learned. They were truly his children in emotion. "They need time. We all do."

"They be hurt now, and I nae be knowing how to repair that, so ye be right. Time perhaps may work." Fiona answered in turn and just regarded both of their offspring. Cieara she understood but Daniel she wasn't at all sure of. He felt the sting of those words more intently. Perhaps having not expected it.

"Neither do I.." Lucius admitted silently, following her gaze. He didn't know what else to say right now, so he reached for Fiona's hand, already calling the power of the portal to return them to Gharnholme. Hopefully, things would calm down, return to normal for the family. He could only hope.

Cieara was furious. She had fully expected Lucius to be angry at her, in fact she had been prepared for it, she just didn't know what to do about him shifting that fury upon her brother and as her parents prepared to leave she remained seated stiffly upon the sofa and keeping her distance both physically and mentally.

As they prepared to pass through the portal he looked back at the two. Lucius wanted to say something, but the anger radiating from both was threatening to trigger the rage simmering within him self. "Please, be safe..." The words went out through the connection the family shared, as he looked to Fiona and passed before her into the portal, returning to Gharnholme.

Daniel snorted softly, his thoughts as guarded as his sisters, while his anger was indeed roiling just under the surface. He had expected Lucius's anger, and had sought to divert from Cieara. Always had he thought their father too protective of his sister, and he took his role as big brother seriously. But now, effectively stripped of his command, he felt...he didn't know how he felt.

Cieara DeAuster

Date: 2007-06-15 21:59 EST
Shocked in silent trances Our eyes search just to know What makes flesh and body hunger For another burning soul Conscience quiet pleading In the corner of my eye But seeing is believing All consequences fly

A demon's day in madness kissed I swear I never had it like this Forbidden yet I cannot resist

Melissa Etheridge - Resist

"Daniel" Tis only for now, for he be angry. Nae think this be something against ye." Fiona's soft words moved across towards her son. "Ye be knowing ye father after all. He acts in the moment and it will nae last." She hoped at any rate and then her attention shifted towards Cieara. "I will nae say I be happy about this Cieara. However, I believe this be ye choice to make. Just have care. That Mage be powerful and dangerous."

"I know Mum. I know." Cieara was struggling to keep from having a tantrum. She was beyond that or so she believed but she wanted to break something anyway but did take in another calming breath. "It's nae fair he be punishing Danny because of me. Nae fair at all."

"I know Sweet. But Danny be needing to rest for a week or so anyway. This be a good thing. Ye will still have something to do after all Daniel. Better then kept at Gharnholme with nae else until ye be fully healed." Fiona replied, trying to sooth them both.

"Yeah, mom..." It was hard to work up a smile, but he attempted it as he slowly stood straighter with a wince. he would not allow himself to slouch in front of her. Not now. "I understand." Not exactly true, but he didn't know what else to add. He didn't say more for the moment, letting the two ladies speak.

"I be hoping ye father will calm down. Tis a shock after all, as he nae trusts that Mage Cieara. With good reason if ye be asking me." Gliding over for a moment Fiona laid a hand upon her daughter's taut shoulder. "Ye have care with that one."

She then made her way towards Daniel, a light brush a fingers against his cheek having drawn him about. "Ye know ye need to rest son. So use this time do that. The patrols here be easy enough. Likely by the time ye be ready to return to the battlefields, ye father will have relented. Ye kin me?"

"I kin ye, mother." He replied softly, needing that touch for the moment. It was a reminder of simpler times, and for a moment it calmed his own raging inner senses. His eyes flickered toward Cieara, on the sofa, then back to Fiona. He nodded once, using the edge of the table as a prop of support.

Placing a light kiss to her son's cheek Fiona moved away and returned the caress to the top of her daughter's fiery curls. "I shall speak with him also, and strive to calm his anger over this. Thank ye Cieara for telling us first however. I think ye did well in that."

Daniel silently watched, letting the two speak. He hoped his mother was right, but right now, he couldn't see as she did. But, she had the weight of experience on her side, and knew their father better than either Cieara or himself.

"Wish Daddy would see it that way Mum, but your right. Time might help." A sigh fell from Cieara and she gave her mother a stiff little smile. Her mood far from delighted but she was trying to get it under control.

"That be all I will ask for now. Just give him time to come to terms be all." Fiona smiled to both and then moved towards the portal. "I shall be around and ye have only to call if ye need me. Stay safe my children." He nodded slowly to Fiona as she moved toward the portal, and brought up a hand as she prepared to step through. "I'll try." He said softly, though he felt anything but right then. He glanced toward his sister, sitting stiffly on the sofa, wondering at her thoughts, as she was guarding herself.