Topic: House Helston Holdings

Kitty Helston

Date: 2012-12-23 22:02 EST
With the absence of the family leader, Larook, Kitty decided to seize control of the family, its assets, and its land. With this power, she put it to work to make it a flourishing enterprise comprised of several businesses.

What businesses you may ask? Well, just look at the business card!

She also is a silent partner in the coffee import company Kaldi Gourmet Coffee with Alain DeMuer. He won't let her buy him out!

A side note: Horne Housekeeping was the most recent addition to HHH, purchased by Kitty from Audrey Horne.

Kitty Helston

Date: 2012-12-23 22:10 EST
A well maintained business has reliable employees who are happy to work there.

Horam JakChar: Admiral of the Helston shipping fleet. Has control of 15 heavily armed cargo ships and 3 salvage ships.

Kuori Thuliaga: Head of Security for the House Helston Warehouse Department.

Traeline Helston: CFO of Helston Holdings, in charge of Tru Customs and Horne Housekeeping.

Moonlight Dusk: Secretary for Helston Holdings, assistant to Traeline.

Nicole 'Ruby-Rose': Warehouse Clerk

Zynnara: Purple-PrissyCat Sales Clerk

Christopher Danger: Kitty's personal cook at House Helston.

Bobby Smithson: Kitty's Personal Assistant.

(Others will be added to the list as they are hired in.)

Kitty Helston

Date: 2013-11-04 19:51 EST
House Helston's Floor Plans (Originally put together by Larook and Geryn Helston) The House from the outside. The Main Floor The Second Floor The Third Floor The Basement/Cellar*

*Please note that the Arsenal in the basement is a room protected by thick steel walls and heavy magical warding. In order to enter one needs to have a Helston ring, a key, and to pass the retinal scan.

Also, if someone is seen on any floor except the first floor wearing any sort of weaponry, they must either be a Helston, or identified as a guest of a Helston. Otherwise that person WILL find themselves in a world of hurt by either an armed guard, or a house mage. Possibly both. Kitty takes the safety of her family VERY seriously.