Topic: House Helston Roll Call!

Kitty Helston

Date: 2014-08-30 20:46 EST
House Helston Family members!

Time to be noticed for the level of awesome you are!

List your name and a little bit about yourself.

Kitty Helston

Date: 2014-08-30 20:52 EST
Name: Kitty Onyxfire Helston

After the OG Helstons, Larook and his brother Simon, decided to meander off for a land with other conquests, the Helston clan sort of slowly descended into obscurity for a few years.

Upon Fio Helston handing her ring to Kitty and declaring she wanted nothing more to do with the House, Kitty decided to bring the Helstons back to the glory they were once before....and maybe a bit of a powerhouse in financial matters too.

Kitty - "I firmly believe in Hedonism."

Xenograph - "Are you a follower or a teacher?"

Kitty - "I am Helston."

Khoom Helston

Date: 2014-08-31 03:33 EST
Name: Ev"nylyw K"uhm"t"vort?iv, or Khoom, Helston

A powerful young Nymphologist and budding Priest of Chryrie, Khoom and Kitty became fast friends based on mutual admirations.

Accepting a Helston Ring was simply a matter of course.


Date: 2014-08-31 17:56 EST
Name: Lesinda Loa Silverblood-Chazore-Helston....Yeah, just call her Les.

The story of how Les became a Helston is rather simple, if somewhat surprising, consider she is normally quiet and sometimes shy. She found herself in a position of depression and Khoom was kind enough to help the green haired vampiress out of it, as well as take her on as a student in the ways of Blue Magic. From there, she met a man named Rand.

To cut a long and xxx rated story short, she somehow impressed Kitty, or met certain, hitherto unknown criteria that resulted in her being presented with a ring.


Date: 2014-08-31 18:05 EST
Name: Skid

This origin story is older than time and less interesting than a broken clock, however, to those that were there when the watchtowers fell and who saw the glory when Goddesses bathed in the blood of their own Nightmares, it is a beautiful thing; a story of the natural order.

But seriously, Skid met Kitty right after arriving in Rhy'din. It took her getting control of the House and her sister claiming an immutable chunk of Skid's heart for her to realize that Skid hadn't been a Helston all along, and she liked it so she went to put a ring on it.

The Nightmare accepted.

Kuori Helston

Date: 2014-09-20 22:12 EST
Name: Kuori Thuliaga

Kuori started out working at the docks for Kitty, hauling cargo and moving around heavy shipments. Being impressed with her work and that when the massive Goliathess is on duty, there were fewer thefts, Kitty promoted her to Head of Security. Along with said position came access to Helston grounds and the House.

Kitty's also taken to teaching Kuori the proper way to hug people. It's become a the stuff of legends.


Date: 2017-12-13 06:10 EST
Name: Marlenthal Onyafal.

Once upon a time, there lived 4 siblings, one as hard as nails and tough leather, one as cruel as the dead of winter and just as forgiving, one as quiet a mouse and perhapes the original cat that curiosity killed, and finally one with wings.

When Marlenthal died and his soul taken to cover his debts, he never once imagined either of his sisters would be willing to risk their own hides to rescue him. When Kittarina battled for his soul, he was mildly surprised. She'd always been determind and forthright. It seemed fitting she'd go through hell and back to slap him around, when it happened, he found he'd almost expected it.

Marlenthal had known genuine fear a handful of times in his life. Mostly at the hands of their brother Kalentor. When Kittarina gave his soul over to Chryrie, that moment had gone far past simple fear.

But...Wonder of wonders, his sisters forgave him the cruelties he had been forced to participate in all those centuries ago, they even gave him a ring to join the new family Kitty had forged.