Topic: Some assembly required (Bringing back Mar pt 5 and final)


Date: 2017-01-18 20:29 EST
Chryrie looked down at the collection of things laying before her. Her face was a mask of neutrality. She had agreed to help Kitty with this task, but she was still uncertain on how she truly felt about it.

Her eyes lifted to the walls of the cavern. Certain things were best done not within the confines of modern homes. Not with the power that would be involved. The light of the torches flickered, making the uneven stone glisten like gemstones. Was bringing their brother back really the right thing to do' Even as a goddess, she was unsure of the answer. But....

A promise had been made. She would keep it.

Her gaze dropped to the remains of her brother. What was left of him, at least. The people of Urnst were rather thorough in ensuring he wouldn't easily rise from the dead. He was in so many pieces, she was glad she had a medical background when it came to placing everything in the right place. He was laid out on a stone slab, carved from the very cavern they were within. At his feet rested the box that held the amethyst statuette she had sent Hawk and Kitty to retrieve. Above his head the pyramid shaped soulcage gleamed softly.

Her fingertips went to his skull. Most of the flesh was long gone, so the skull grinned up at her. She could see the remnants of his hair. What was left. They had even cut off his long locks. Moredhel did not cut their hair. They pulled it back in braids to keep it out of their way.

She closed her eyes before she slid down toward his feet, reaching for the box. The amethyst statuette was pulled from its confines and set firmly between the moredhel male's feet. The box was set on a bench nearby with an absent gesture.

She went back to his head and picked up the soulcage before centering herself near his chest. One hand held it to her own chest while her other hand went out over Marlenthal's chest. Repairing his decayed and butchered body was the easy part.

White, smoke-like tendrils began to wind their way out of her fingertips, spiraling a few times, and then sinking down to Mar's remains. The tendrils spread out over him like a wildfire in a drought wrecked forest. Soon she could see his internal organs begin to reform. Shortly they were obstructed by muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Finally flesh grew back where it had been before. She even made sure his hair was long once more.

When she was finished and her hand was withdrawn, he looked once more like the brother she remembered. To the untrained eye, he looked like he was simply sleeping.

Her gaze dropped to the soulcage in her hand.

"Please don't make me regret this."


Date: 2017-01-18 20:30 EST
Her voice lifted, echoing off the cavern walls and doubling in over itself as she brushed her fingertips over the amethyst statuette.

"Sor myr sai sor shydia. Shyl shas ail eilyraes jhal. Sajael shia ei sarysyr eis Shol tia shyraes syndraeraes!"

The statuette immediately blazed in a blinding white light. The light soon engulfed Marlenthal's body, starting at the feet and working its way upwards.

Once the body was completely bathed in the light, Chryrie held the soulcage over his heart. With a flick of her finger, the cage was opened, releasing the soul that was held captive inside. Instantly the bright light sucked in the soul before it had the chance to escape.

"Pas tor os si thysaer Shi shyli oli eindral."

The light became even brighter for a moment before it erupted in a shockwave that would've sent her flying back, were she not the goddess she had become. Even so, she closed her eyes as she felt it flow through her.

When she reopened her eyes, the statuette was on it's side, resting against one of his ankles. She moved her gaze up toward his face and waited.

She waited only a fraction of a second before she saw him suddenly gasp for air and his eyes fly open.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, Mar."

Slowly he turned his head to look toward the woman at his side. Groggy confusion was soon replaced with shock and fear.


She simply smiled before she reached out and brushed her fingertips over his forehead, instantly sending him into a comfortable slumber.

Kitty would be the best to handle him from this moment on.