Topic: Jobs Gone Wrong

The Grey Market

Date: 2016-06-30 14:45 EST
0326 27 June 2016 Somewhere beneath the streets of Rhydin...

He heard the pop before he felt the pain and knew immediately that he'd screwed the pooch. He went over in a heap and Browen nearly landed on him, somehow avoiding the same fate. "Quit playin' around, we've gotta go!

It hurt enough that trying to stand seemed like a manifestly bad idea, but he did it anyway. It was everything he'd expected. Crosby slid down the ladder and hesitated at the bottom. "...the hell happened to him?"

"Landed wrong," Grey said shakily. "Think it's sprained." There was a layer of debris and litter at least six inches deep at the bottom of the shaft, the usual crap that washed through the streets and collected in storm drains around the city. Crosby gave him a blank, flat look and then shrugged. He hopped off the ladder and vanished into the dark tunnel running underneath the streets.

"You've gotta get up, Grey," Browen was starting to look anxious, not much of a difference from his usual expression of benign, placid confusion. He was hired for his muscles, not his brains or his skill. That was supposed to be Grey's specialty. Grey tried to stand again, teeth gritted, and only Browen's sudden helping hand kept him from faceplanting.

"It's pretty frakked," he managed to speak instead of screaming, but it was a near thing. There was no way to tell in the gloom if it was bruised or broken, but his boot felt far too tight. "You'd better get, Brow'. If Crosby's scuttling like that, the Chechens must be ready to kick down the door, blyad." He hated working with flim-flam men. In Grey's perfect world, everyone got what they wanted and walked away happily - excepting maybe the government, with its talk of taxes, and licenses, and Schedule II narcotics. Con artists like Crosby, though, only gave a damn about themselves at the end of the day. Sociopaths, the lot of them, and usually he knew better....but like they said, you can't con an honest man. He'd let the obvious money potential blind him to the plan's equally obvious stupidity. If he was lucky, the Chechens would just break his other ankle and let him go with a warning.

There was a blast from above that shook the tunnel, followed by a lot of screaming. It wasn't pain that made him wince this time, although his ears hurt. Honestly, the way the night was going, he shoulda known better than to even think about luck...

"Can't leave a man behind," Browen grunted and pulled Grey's arm over his shoulder. "I got ya, buddy." It felt like his arm was going to get popped out of its socket, but he held his tongue. Still better than the Chechens, and the tunnels were low enough Browen was going to have issues as it was; nevermind trying a fireman's carry or a piggy-back ride.

"You're a peach, man. A true droog," he said instead. Browen shrugged, and the pressure on Grey's shoulder was enough to make him bite back a curse. The bigger man didn't notice, intent on following in Crosby's footsteps - long since faded in the distance - down the tunnel. Grey had made it a point to walk out their escape route before the meet; he made it a point to always have a backup plan in effect, and then a backup for the backup. Unfortunately, sometimes the rabbit hole went deeper than his preparation and paranoia could account for, and then he ended up having to wing it. This was rapidly developing into one of those nights...

"Westies gotta stick together, right Grey' 'cause ain't nobody else gonna stick by us."

"Yeah, Brow'. That's right." Yeah, Westies stuck by each other. They also cheated each other, murdered each other, kept each other down like crabs clinging on when someone tried to climb out of the bucket. But there was no reason to point that out when he was literally being hauled to safety, and in better times he wouldn't want to strip that delusion from Browen's eyes. These tunnels were never intended for people to pass through them, but the Rhydin underworld was expansive and growing every day. Most people were smart enough to stay the hell away, but thieves always needed a shadow highway for their goods and services. The monsters and the hazards picked off one or two of the less wary, or less lucky, every month and the remainder counted themselves as smarter and more least until their number came up.

It was starting to look like the dice had made their final call when they got to the exit, and found the manhole stuck in place. Crosby had evidently been taking no chances on being followed. Grey wanted to swear, but the way Browen looked at him - still placid, still calm, trusting that his smarter, smaller friend had a way out - made him bite the words back. So he just smiled that crooked grin and said, "There's another way out further along - I checked. Hopefully the Chechens will think we all went out this one, and waste their time chasing Cros' down." And much joy may they have of the little weasel, he thought. They'd been hearing sounds of pursuit for a while now - the clang as the manhole they'd come down had been forced open, shouts and threats faintly echoing down the tunnels. They were still pretty far behind, but they were gaining. Browen hefted him up again, and they continued on.

The next manhole was sealed, too. Browen was beginning to look less placid, more panicky. Grey was beginning to think the world had it out for him tonight. "Okay," he said. "We're still okay, no worries. These tunnels - there's gotta be another manhole up the line, and worse to worst, they've gotta discharge out in the river or the harbor. We keep moving, we'll be fine."

"Alright, Grey, if you say so," Browen said. "I gotta rest, though. You ain't that heavy, but stooping like this, it hurts my back."

Grey snorted; he was skinny enough, but only someone Browen's size and strength would consider half carrying nearly ten stone to be 'not that heavy.' "Yeah, droog, take your time." He listened to the sounds of the tunnels for a moment, but couldn't pick up the muffled echoes of the Chechens behind them. Maybe they'd forced the hatch and gone after Crosby after all.

One could hope.

After a moment, Grey dug his mobile out of his pocket. Couple messages, nothing pressing. He thought for a second, and then typed a quick text to Roach. Miss yer busted face, khoroshen'ky. After a moment's consideration - was it too much' Not enough' - he hit send. Browen couldn't help but notice.

"Girlfriend?" he asked. Grey blinked, then shook his head.

"Nah, nah. Just a good time," he said.

"Booty call, then?" Tired as he was, Browen could still manage a respectable leer. Grey frowned.

"It's not like that, either."

"Yeah, I bet ya respected the hell out of the morning." Browen laughed. Grey shook his head, willing to let it slide - for now. The man did just carry his busted arse several miles through a storm tunnel, and it could probably be excused that he had the manners of a troll. You couldn't help what you were born as, after all.

"Saw her before the job," he said instead. "Looked like something was bothering her." Which, considering he'd watched her set her own broken nose with little more than irritation and bad words, said a lot. "Maybe I should have blown this off, stuck around."

Browen tilted his ugly head to one side like a curious baby bird. "I thought you gave up that white knight bull after your roommates got killed?"

"...yeah. So did I." He managed a faint smile, more self mocking than anything. "How're ya feelin'" Ready to get moving?"

Browen shook his head. "Not quite yet....couple more minutes, ya" How's the ankle?"

"Hurts like a suka," Grey gritted his teeth and poked at it with his fingers. Definitely swollen, so if he took his boot off to get a better look he wasn't going to get it back on. Besides, this didn't look like the type of place you wanted to go exposing your tender bits to, not if you wanted to keep them attached to you. "I might be able to walk, though. A bit."

"How long we known each other, Grey?" Browen's voice sounded far away. Grey glanced up, to see the bigger man standing near the tunnel out. He smiled faintly.

"I dunno, Brow'. Couple years?" He shrugged, tucked his phone back into his pocket, and let his hand rest inconspicuously behind his waist. "'sup?"

" know, you always look the same" Looked just like that when I met you. Freakiest thing," Browen said. He was rambling. He glanced down the tunnel, first in the direction from which they had come, then towards presumed safety.

"Brow'- just go, man." Grey held up his left hand to forestall the protest. "Seriously, there's no reason for both of us to go down for this. Just do me a favor, and give Crosby a good kick in the nuts for dumping us into the shen like this, okay' Right in the huevos. Stupid ublyodok deserves at least that much, blyad."

Browen shrugged apologetically. "Yeah, okay. It's just, you know-" He shrugged again, then lifted a hand and walked away. Grey shook his head.

"Shoulda left me an hour ago. Blyad." He rubbed his eyes and tried to rest his weight on his hurt side again. It still wasn't having any of it. He was gonna have to pull himself along, leaning on the tunnel wall, if he couldn't find enough debris to improvise a crutch...

It was then he heard the voices, speaking Chechen. Closer than he would have thought, far closer than he liked. He dropped immediately, and dragged himself into the little alcove he'd noticed earlier. There wasn't much to it, just a narrow and low notch in the wall, but just maybe - in the dark, with some rubble dragged in after him....He had just managed to finish tucking himself all the way in and doing just that when their lights stabbed his eyes, grown accustomed to the dim gloom. Half a dozen of them. High powered flashlights, mounted on nasty looking rifles. They weren't messing around.

"We haven't caught up to those bastards yet?" One of them snarled in gutteral, barely understandable English. "What the hell is wrong with that frakking toy of yours" Find them!"

"We're on the right trail," a slight man with glasses said in a bored tone. Native English speaker, maybe from back on Earth. He didn't have a Rhydin accent, but Grey couldn't quite place it, either. "One went up that first ladder. The other one went this way."

"What about the third prick?"

The slender man shrugged and gestured with his device - something like an ectoreader and a tricorder had met in a bar one evening and had a drunken tryst. "Just the two of them. Third guy must have taken another way out of the warehouse."

"Maybe it's broken," a third man said. Grey couldn't see the operator's eyes roll from behind his glasses, but he could hear it in the man's voice.

"It's not broken. I told you, I'm getting life signs on the last guy just fine, and I could see where the other one went up the ladder. It's working exactly according to spec. Let's get a move on, or he's gonna make it to the end of the line before we catch him."

"Like hell," the apparent leader muttered, gesturing for one of his men to precede him into the tunnel. After a moment, they were gone down the passage, moving quickly. Grey exhaled, not entirely sure how they'd missed picking him up. This hardly seemed like the time to worry about it, though.

"Sorry, Brow'," he murmured as he dug himself out of his hidey hole. How long had they known each other" Hadn't Browen been one of Sadie's little lost doves? So, that meant it had been....his head hurt as he tried to think about it, and he shrugged. Couldn't have been that long, then. Guy could fend for himself. He was gonna have to, because there was no way Grey was in any shape to come charging to anyone's rescue.

His phone dinged at him. Digging it out and checking his messages he saw he had a delivery error; no signal. With a sigh, he clicked delete. Stupid, sentimental... he thought at himself morosely, and put the phone away. There was a piece of wood just long enough to work as a crutch in the rubble he'd used to conceal himself - a part of an old shipping pallet, or a piece of someone's fence - and he started working his way back down the tunnel, slowly. After all, the Chechens had followed them in from somewhere, and that meant there was a way out...

The Grey Market

Date: 2016-07-22 14:39 EST
((18+ Warning: Mature Situations and Immature People))

Couple weeks ago; late June, 2016 Somewhere around midnight Market District, Rhydin

The buzz of his phone in his pocket was a welcome distraction from the boredom of standing around in a vacant lot and the irritation of waiting for pricks who couldn’t manage a simple meeting. If it was Jimmy texting to cancel, though, he was probably gonna have to whack someone. It took a moment of rummaging to unearth it from his overly full pockets. Too many things to keep track of when you were pulling a deal. The phone was sleek and ultra-futuristic; he’d bought it off a green fella with entirely too many limbs, who was pawning a truckload to buy a ticket back to his nebular home. It had taken a night of tinkering and a high priced hacker to tie it in with Rhydin’s mobile network. Worth it; while there wasn’t much in the way of service in the sewers, he hadn’t had a dropped call above ground since he’d started using it. Thus far it had survived the technological dead zone that was the West End without going mad, or catching fire. That it bore some resemblance to a lady’s personal massager was something that he tried very hard not to think about because it made answering calls a bit freaky.

A text from Roach, though, that was worth a smile. They’d traded pictures and flirts a couple times since she’d gone off with her boy to New Orleans. He glanced around the vacant lot again, shook his head, and went back to his phone.

Text to Grey: Yo Barbara. How’s your ass feel" Text to Roach: Little itchy. You thinking about it" Text to Grey: LOL. You wish. Text to Roach: You know it.

Grey’s texting style was idiosyncratic and obtuse, a language all its own. Uknwit. It probably said something that he chose to type “knw” instead of the simpler “no.” Something like, “I know what I’m doing is a terrible crime against language, but I do it anyway.” The end result was the same; the person he was messaging understood what he was saying, and he had plausible deniability if anyone - like the police - were to intercept his communications. The right combination of letters could mean anything, after all.

Text to Grey: Vasoline. It’s your friend. Text to Roach: Tell that to flies. Text to Grey: Why' Cuz you’re full of ####" Text to Roach: And yet, you adore me. Text to Grey: Keep dreaming.

He was gonna have to figure out how to turn off that auto-filter, though. He hated external forces censoring his language, like he was some kinda kid. A smirk at the banter, and then he glanced up and around again. First the bastards change the meeting place at the last minute, and now they wanna keep him waiting to the last second" This was not good business. He ducked his head back down to the phone, keeping it shielded so that the glare didn’t disturb his shadowy nook.

Text to Roach: You must be pretty bored. How’s Nawlins"

She was seated on a window sill at the hotel, smoking and watching the brass bands pass along the street below between intermittent glances at her cell. Her smirk dastardly.

Text to Grey: Oh come on. I don’t need to be bored to text my favorite gangster. Text to Grey: #### is going down. I am kinda freaking out. Text to Grey: I’ll fill you in over pizza. Text to Roach: I’m your favorite" Must be spoiled for choice. Text to Roach: Don’t freak. Can’t be worse than stew. Text to Roach: Looking forward to ‘za.

Finally. Bastards are nearly five minutes late. The blue Cadillac purrs into the lot and up to the figure standing below the streetlight, lights off. Grey stared, but couldn’t make out the shapes inside behind the tinted glass; it made him nervous. He fingered his phone as the passenger side window slid down - and then jumped as a stubby muzzle protruded from the black interior, and there was a roar as they lit him up. Literally; the stupid SOBs brought a flamethrower. The figure in the hoodie burned without a sound, and Grey sighed and shook his head.

Did they really think he’d be stupid enough to just wait around in plain sight like that' He thumbed a command on his phone and covered his ears as the dummy in the hoodie exploded. It’s amazing the peace of mind a kilo of C4 and two pounds of ball bearings could buy.

Shame. Was a nice car.

Jimmy gave these jerkoffs his number, and then changed the meeting place on him at the last minute. Such an obvious set up, and yet… Grey rubbed his forehead with his phone, ignoring the sounds from the burning wreckage. Blyad. Another supplier compromised.

Text to Grey: Worse than Stew. Stew x ####ing 100. She took a pull from her cigarette and stared down at the street.

Ah, double blyad. The guy in the rear passenger seat was far enough away from the blast that he could still try to crawl out. Grey sighed and stuck his phone in a back pocket, pulled his gun out on the return trip. The quick, convulsive rub over the protective runes inscribed in its butt was a habit after so long. He started walking towards the burning car. Man’s gotta clean up his own mess.

Text to Grey: Me too. Text to Grey: But don’t let that go to your head.

“Zdrasvuitye, tovarisch,” he said cheerfully as he strolled up. The man on the ground started to raise his hands, received a steel toe to the face in response. Ooh, butt tingles. Damn, girl, bad timing. “Did you pridurki really think that was a good enough trap to catch me" I’m frakkin’ insulted.”

The man on the ground gurgled as Grey kicked him again, flipping him onto his back. No, not gurgled… giggled. The other penny dropped. “Ah, balls.” Always have a backup.

You just gotta remember, sometimes the other guys have backups, too…

Grey leveled the pistol and pulled the trigger as fast as he could, dumping the magazine into the figure at his feet even as it shifted and morphed. Then he ran, tucking the gun back behind him and whipping his phone out in the same motion.

Text to Roach: Can’t be worse than Stew. Nothing worse than Stew.

He glanced over his shoulder. “Frakking golem' Are you frakking kidding"!”

Text to Grey: Let me enjoy my moment of melodrama, OK" God. Text to Grey: :razz: Text to Roach: That’s what I’m here for, to ruin your moments.

Oh, hey, there’s a voice to text option. Sweet. “Blyad! Frakk! Ah, message to Roach: ‘I’ve got better ideas for that tongue,’ send.”

Text to Roach:I’ve got better ideas for that tongue.

Draw gun. Mag out. Rummage through those cargo pockets - jelly beans for Taneth, the hip flask of fire whiskey he was carrying for Eibhlin. Somewhere, somewhere… balls. Different pocket' Happy pills, sad pills…

Smoke held aside, she brought the cell aside to stare with surprise at his last send. A flashback to that last time, upstairs at the Inn. Her on her knees by the door while he pulled her hair and… she swallowed, hard, and lowered her phone, stubbing out the cigarette and turning her back to the window.

Text to Grey: And ruin my makeup, if I recall. Text to Grey: You’re going to get me in trouble. Text to Roach: You say ‘ruin,’ I say ‘improve.’ Text to Roach: Where else would you be?

She rolled her eyes, trying to fight her grin as if he were right there to see it. Text to Grey: Touche.

“Donkeyfrakking polegobbling arsebandit, blyad! No, don’t frakking send that!” There were the armour piercing rounds, underneath the makeup case and his lock picks. Crap, he needed to clean out his frigging pockets. He glanced back again. The thing was nearly ten feet tall and barely even resembled a man any more; just a roughly humanoid lump of clay, hump for a head and two gorilla arms that ended in fists the size of engine blocks. Shreds of cheap suit hung off it, and its red eyes glared balefully as it stumped towards him.

“Why did I have to carry a frakkin’ nine-mill" Blyad! Uh, message to Roach: ‘Now you’ve got me thinkin’ about touchin’ you. How’m I supposed to spend the rest of my night"’”

Text to Roach:Now you’ve got me thinking about touching you. How am I supposed to spend the rest of my night"

The thing hit like a truck with no brakes, and Grey could swear he got flashbacks to past lives when he hit the ground and rolled. Whoever said flying was like feeling all of your troubles slip away had obviously never taken a trip on Golem Air. He doesn’t lose his phone, though. Or the gun.

Text to Grey: With your hand down your pants. Text to Grey: As if you had to ask. Text to Grey: But tell me what you’re thinking. Text to Grey: Gory Details Only.

She moseyed over to the mirror in the hotel room and glanced to the bathroom where Robert showered. She bit down on her lip and slid a hand down her jeans…

Ow, ow, crap. This was not turning into a good night for that ankle. AP rounds made holes in the monster… but that was about it. Frakk, frakk, why was there never a bazooka around when you needed one" Think, Grey, think…

Text to Roach: Hands a little busy right now… Text to Roach: But thinking about that last time… Text to Roach: When you were on your stomach, too tired to do much more than moan and push your hips back.

Get up, Grey. Get up and move. Somebody’s parked car got smashed into a giant paperweight as he angled through the streets, barely keeping one step ahead of the behemoth lumbering behind him. Haha, jackass, that’s what you get for owning one of those damned things in the city.

Text to Grey: #### Text to Grey: I’m touching myself.

“No frigging grenades. Why do I always forget the grenades"” He patted his pockets again, frantically searching for salvation. A glance to his left gave him the glimmer of an idea, and the faint beginnings of a grin. When in doubt, improvise.

Text to Roach: Well, duh, (Cyrillic). What did you think we were talking about" Text to Roach: Remember how it felt like I couldn’t get enough' The way I pushed like I was trying to slide my entire body inside you?

Construction sites. They were supposed to have guards around to keep people from walking off with the materials and the equipment, but this wasn’t the West End so maybe they didn’t think it was necessary. Or maybe the poor five crown an hour Top Flight security monkey had seen the monster coming his way and run like hell.

Text to Roach: Bet you can still feel my breath in your ear, my teeth scraping your neck. Text to Grey:

Roach lowered herself against the desk and chair, phone gripped tight as she worked her other hand hard. Her eyes were closed. His next text came in, and she opened up to peer at it intently. Struggling to type a response, her first reply went back empty.

Text to Roach: One hand on your hip - did it bruise you, holding you that hard" - and the other one underneath you. Text to Roach: And you said I’d never make you scream. Text to Grey: I still have a little bruise. I touch it and it hurts and I wince. Text to Grey: And then, I get wet. Text to Grey: Really, really wet. Her back stretched as she half-climbed across the table and chair. Probing her fingers further, thinking back. She gasped despite herself and bit down hard, hard on that pierced and studded lower lip, protruding out with her shaky breaths.

“Hey, arseface! Yeah, over here, you clayheaded sobaka zasranets!” There isn’t much intelligence in a golem. They were little more than automatons, following whatever command they had been given - in accordance with the words in their heads - slavishly and without hesitation. It had taken it a moment to catch up with him after he skittered down an alley - it had to tear a hole in the buildings large enough for it to fit through - but now it had found him, and it charged on to where he waited, bent over and pants down, giving it a fine view of his pasty white ass…

…and plunged through the boards he’d knocked over to cover up the foundation hole, dropping down into a twenty foot concrete pit. He had hoped it would shatter on impact. Instead, it bounced. When it could stand again, it started beating on the sides of the pit. It would take all night to get out; he could be miles away.

But he doesn’t need to be. Always have a backup. He reached over and hit the lever on the cement truck and pulled his pants back up as he watched it dump its churning load into the cellar. There’s gonna be some pissed off construction workers in the morning. Frakk ‘em.

Text to Roach: Mmm, I’d kiss it better for you - and then slide over and clean up that wetness with my tongue. Text to Roach: Surprised you left any hair on my head, (Cyrillic).

Man, he needed a cigarette now…

There was a great pause in her texting as she brought herself surprisingly quick to climax, goaded on by the memory of the shared encounter and his words - grinding back down along the very corner of the chair back, sucking on fingertips branded in the scent of her. Her body tensed and shuddered and she pulled her hand out of her jeans with a huge sigh. Her gaze in the mirror was both wanton and guilty. She wiped her hand along the waist of her jeans and gathered herself, in the nick of time as the bathroom opened with a cloud of steam. Robert stepped out, drying his hair with a towel. She scooped her mobile up quickly.

Text to Grey: I came. But GTG. I’ll text l8r. Text to Roach: Wish I could have seen it. You’re gorgeous when you lose control. Text to Roach: Stay safe out there.

Back in the room, she paused again - this time at his reply. She smiled softly at his sentiment, and closed her eyes for a beat.

Grey fidgeted, started to reach into his pants - and was interrupted by a siren, fortunately still some distance away. No rest for the wicked. No self pleasuring, either. He limped into an alley, already planning how he was going to beat tonight’s inconvenience out of someone’s skull.

Text to Grey: Control and me don’t get along. TTYL.

A grin as he read that. Preach it, sister.

((Adapted from live play with Roach Lee, with many thanks. ((Special thanks also to Saila-mun for editing and revision. <3!))

The Grey Market

Date: 2016-07-24 07:03 EST
((18+ Warning. Mature Situations and Immature People.)) Same night as above, late June 2016. Later in the evening. Somewhere in the suburbs of Rhydin

Text to Grey:Sorry about b4. Bad timing. You are going to get me in trouble. More trouble than usual. That is.

The phone was vibrating again. With a sigh, he stepped back and tugged it out of his pocket. An unexpected grin split his face as he read his message. "Hey, beautiful. Was hoping to hear from you." He looked back down, smile running away. "Not you, Jimmy. You lay there and think about what you've done." Biting his tongue, his hand danced across the touch sensitive surface of his phone"

Text to Roach: Tht u lkd trbl" Text to Grey: Touche, Grey. Text to Grey: But I can't stop thinking about it now. A pause. Roach tapped along her screen while rolling over in bed. Google proved to be an even better ally than usual. Finding what she wanted, she saved the image and sent it along.

Grey raised an eyebrow at the picture that came through. It was, unquestionably, a marital aid intended to be inserted into an uncomfortable place. This one was designed to look like a person, though; a stumpy white man, older, his features distorted into a caricature. Text to Grey:For next time. Text to Grey:<insert maniacal laughter here> Text to Grey: 50 bonus points to sheksual naya, bitch.

He had to leave it for a few minutes as he set up the white board and started sketching on it. "You see, Jimmy, an apology has four parts. You have to tell how you feel about what you've done. You have to admit what you've done, and what impact it had on the people it hurt. You have to say why you did what you did. And then you have to make up for it. We're still at part one, Jimmy. See, you gave those jerkoffs my number and told them how to get in touch with me. Then you called me and rearranged the meeting we'd set up so's I wouldn't have time to prepare. That makes what happened all your fault, Jimmy." He pulled his phone out again, lecture complete, and his eyes darkened as he read. "Oh, you are such a naughty girl?" His fingers danced again. Type, type, type"

Text to Roach: You know, you blame me for getting you in trouble. Text to Roach: But you keep starting these things. Text to Roach: I think you really like being in trouble. Text to Roach: You thinking about that thing up my arse while I'm railing yours, pretty thing"

He shoved the phone back into his pocket and sat the bound man upright before tearing off the duct tape. "Okay, Jimmy, where do we start?"

"Grey, I'm sorry - I'm sorry-"

"This is a good start."

"'do you really have to sext your girlfriend in the middle of beating on me, man' This is just insulting."

?"yes. Yes, I do." A pause, and then a shot to the jaw with a closed fist. "And she's not my girlfriend." His phone buzzed, and he let Jimmy drop back to the floor with a thump.

Text to Grey:Like I said earlier. Let me have my stinking melodrama. Jeez. Text to Grey: Get with the program. Text to Grey: And maybe, I want to stir you a bit. In case I let you have me again. Text to Grey: Putin it in me. Text to Grey: I need to know your limits. Text to Grey: Because mine are nonexistent. Text to Roach: Oh, please. If I just went along without protest you'd get bored and drop me. Off a bridge. Text to Roach: (Cyrillic), if you wanna stir me all you have to do is smile. Text to Roach: Or maybe get your nose busted, that worked really well too. Text to Grey: You're so sappy. Text to Roach: The only sin is that which harms. Self or others. Everything else is just good fun. Text to Grey: But. Text to Grey: We'll talk.

Ouch. That was a bit of a kick in the crotch. He winced, shook his head. Text to Roach: Has any conversation that began with those words ever gone well"

He put the phone back into his pocket with a slightly bitter smile. "Okay, Jimmy, let's start again. You are?""

"Sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so frakkin"-"

"Because?"" He punctuated the question by leaning on a delicate portion of the other man's anatomy. The answer came out as shrill as a steam whistle.

"I'm sorry I set you up, I'm sorry they tried to kill you-"

"And you did it because??"

"They set me up, they frakkin", they made an' offer an' I-"

And here it was; the answer he needed. The whole point to this stupid exercise. Grey leaned forward, prompting another shrill howl. His eyes were chips of jade, hard and sharp. "Who, Jimmy' Who tried to knock me off?"

The high pitched voice from behind him was entirely unexpected. "We did, motherfrakker!" Grey snapped his pistol out with a single, practiced motion as he spun, ignoring Jimmy's howl as he used the other man as a springboard. There was nobody there. Except- Grey looked down. Frakk. Pointed hats as far as the eye could see.

"You fink. You sold me out to the frakkin" Gnomiya, Jimmy?"

Text to Grey: I took this earlier. It's a picture of her, mostly naked - arms tucked in close to cover her breasts, her tattoos prominent against her pale skin, her blonde dreads in her face giving her a coy look. Text to Grey: And yeah, we need to talk. Like you mean that, anyway. Text to Grey: Legs" Tessa" Every other woman with tits and an ass, and hopefully a face. Text to Grey: Over za. She admired her selfie for a moment. It had taken some effort, and the camera's timer function, to take it. She tucked the phone back under her pillow and curled up. Considered a cigarette" but she was lazy, and her purse was across the room.

Grey groaned and shoved the phone back in his pocket. There are times you just wanna lay there, close your eyes and let the world end. And it was a nice lawn. He was pretty comfortable here" good grass. Someone put a lot of care into this. Two stories up, a pointed cap poked out the broken window. "Hey! The frakker's still alive!"

Feelings, man. Feelings complicate crap. Ah, well. With any luck, he was gonna die tonight and he wouldn't have to have that conversation on Monday. Hell, all he really had to do was keep layin" here" of course, if he did that, he was gonna miss Cosa Nostra. Frakk. The things I do for good "za" he thought as he pulled himself out of the shallow crater his body had formed in the soft lawn, and started running.

Text to Roach: Lookin" good. Text to Roach: K. Her phone chirped, and Robert stirred in his sleep. She looked back over her shoulder to him, then back to the phone with her mouth a straight line. She sighed and glanced back again; he was still out, just changed location. She tapped into her phone, its blue light glowing against her serious face. Text to Grey: TY. I hoped you'd dig. I do miss u. Just confused. Text to Grey: TY for earlier 2. I even had to go again later over it in the bathroom. C U Mon. Hitting exit, she lay there awhile in thought. Then the urge for a cigarette became too much. She launched out of the bed and stomped over to her purse to pull out her cigarettes and lighter, pulled on her black silk robe, and shuffled over to the window to peek past it at the sky. She lit up.

One of the good things about being a supply and information hub, a facilitator of transactions, is that you have access to all sorts of things. Like cabs that will stop for a jogger in the wee hours of Saturday morning. Even one who looked like he's been dragged through three of the seven circles of Hell. And then drop him off in the West End, a place most taxis steered well clear of. The driver tried to strike up a conversation, and Grey held up a single finger. "No. No talky. This is not talky time. It's just not. No." Maybe it was the repetition, maybe it was the look on his face, but the point got across. His phone chimed and he stared at it for a moment before he picked it up. He stared at the message for even longer before he replied.

Text to Roach: Not trying to be confusing. Usually I'm the simplest thing around. It takes a while to find the right smiley to go with it, but eventually he settles on a :grin:. Text to Roach: Now I'm jealous, still haven't had time to get one out of it. Text to Roach: Monday.

He closed his eyes and rested his head back, damned near propped into the rear windscreen of the tiny cab. He heard the driver rummaging around for something up front. Maybe fiddling with the glove compartment or reaching for something under the seat. He sighed. "Look, man, if you're gonna try to kill me - can you at least make it quiet?"

Her reflection in the scant piece of window revealed by the heavy curtain showed her turn in the murky hour of early morning, to the pocket of her robe where she plucked her phone out and weighed it in her hand while she exhaled. Her eyes were still thoughtful. She hit the screen with the swipe of a black nailed thumb and read, then reread the text. Text to Grey: Would another selfie help" Text to Grey: Y"know. For l8r. Text to Grey: =D Text to Roach: Does the pope $$$$ in the woods" #### YES. A very delicate motion with her wrist as she settled that precious little soldier on the edge of the tray propped on the TV set by one of her spiked collars, and she ran off to the bathroom, robe trailing behind her like ink thrown through the air, stark against her skin. She locked the door, applied a sweep of lip balm, and" did her thing.

"Thanks for the lift." Grey dropped a mixed wad of bills and crowns into the old man's hand and clinched it with a shake. He didn't even try to palm any of it back. "Sorry I'm a dick." The cab roared off, and Grey dug around in his pockets until he found his sunglasses. Dawn was just starting to break over the city, and the West End - even as built up and crowded as it could be - was brightening, the dark pools of night giving way to the exposing and cleansing rays. The shades were bent from getting punched or kicked or landed on at some point during the night, and Grey stared at them ruefully for a moment. Then he shrugged and put them on anyway. They were lopsided, but frakk it. He had swag. It took some more digging to find his cigarette pack. New pack; he'd only had the one, back at the Dragon before going off to that completely frakked up meet. They were smashed all to hell now, too, but there was one left that was merely bent instead of broken. He lit it with his Zippo and started limping towards home.

Text to Grey: In the picture, she was bent over - looking back at the camera with a sultry eyed, come hither smile, her head cocked slightly to the side as though in invitation. Text to Roach: +eeek+ Text to Grey:That's right. In the mirror, she smiled wickedly at her reflection. "What are you doing, Roachie" Even for you, this is?" She bit on her lip and looked at her cell. The text prompt flashed, waiting for words, waiting for something. She put it down, instead, as she covered herself in the spilled ink of her robe and quietly snuck back out and wandered back to her embering cigarette.

He was all but dragging himself by the time he got home. Stumbled down the steps on his hurt ankle like a drunk and leaned on the door jamb as he unlocked the bolts and flashed the countersigns at the wards, just in case the magic was up. Next came the part that really hurt. With a deep breath, he swung it open"

"into the thundering emptiness. "Well," he said quietly to the empty apartment. His mattress in the corner with the sleeping bag on it, a cable spool propped on its side to make a table across from it with a few milk crates stacked around as chairs. Kitchenette, barely illuminated by the light from the window near its ceiling, looking out into the garden above. "I'm home." He staggered in and the door closed behind him with a muffled thump.

((Adapted from live play with Roach Lee, with many thanks.))