Topic: Lust for Blood


Date: 2007-07-17 08:41 EST
Flattened nostrils flared. Steaming heat pushed out and then sucked in. The process was repeated. Concentrated on breathing, the reptilian creature paid no mind to the occupants of the West End. How her body twisted and coiled to get from one place to the next might have appeared like she was walking on air. For a towering beast at eight feet tall and a solid mass of bulk, muscle, and scales, she moved languidly. She had feet. No, not feet. Lower limbs that existed as the form of legs but at the bottom was a round, mishapen looking piece of hard bone that was held solid by four massive talons. Her motions were a balancing act, a continous motion of rolling one clawed fist above the next, fueled by the swinging of her spiked tail. A humanoid reptile.

Mimicking the sound of nails on a chalkboard as her talons screeched across the pavement when she slowed, Lytissa looked upwards. One eyelid closed and then a second set of eyelids closed atop that. Solid inwards but translucent out, she could almost see better this way. It was the reptile way of playing possum. Passerbyers would assume the creature deeply asleep. Safe. It's when they'd get close enough to check, she'd strike. Like her snake cousin, each move she made was cold and calculated. Risk measured over rewards. Her arms wrapped and tightened further against her body, molding against her form to look smaller. Everything about her was about deception. Decieve the eyes. Pressed back against one of the walls in the alley, she pinched some cloth of her fabric about her neck between herself and the wall, sliding downwards until the the piece had been stretched far enough to cover her head. The black, thick woolen material came down flat across her forehead, creating a shadow on her face.

Now came the waiting game.

Though the reptilian was never a sociable creature and tended to stay well hidden from most of Rhydin, she paid attention to everything. What had drawn her out from her musky, damp home was the bout of killings. The brutal, merciless numbers of slain bodies gave Lytisa a warm recollection of her own sins. The people she'd stripped flesh from. The many fetuses she'd dined upon. Something about that made the reptilian at piece. She was satisfied only when fed and fueled by other's blood. Now was the time for rebirth. So here is where she'd wait. Stay. Remained coiled without sleep for as long as it took for someone to approach. She could go a month without eating...Let the game begin.