Topic: A Covenant Of Memory


Date: 2016-04-17 22:54 EST
I've been losing myself in anger So much broken by the rage. Nothing could take my mind off, How to make them pay.

Killing myself for nothing And the pain won't go away Losing myself to madness And the game's been played

If I could turn the hands of time, I would But here I am "Tell Me Why" by Within Temptation"v=z6dkxUgTiKc

�Why"� The word exploded from her, wheeling about to confront the form looming up behind her. Pale hair fluttering wildly before settling along her back. Soft tendrils clinging to the soft fabric of her cloak.

�Because I said so.� He growled back. Blue eyes blazing in sudden temper. Gauntlets taking the form of fists, a silent action that stated clearly he was ready for battle in more ways then one.

Her lithe form stalked away from him with a low growl. Every step exaggerated as if she was trying to send fire off her heels across the marble floor. Spinning again she waggled a glove encased finger at him. �I can handle myself. You ensured I was trained for anything!�

It was a sudden release of an exasperated grumbling and arms folded over dense metal plating of his chest guard. �I promised your mother to keep you away from this.�

She was furious and diamond dusted sky blue eyes flashed, with fleeting red sparks dancing within those commonly placid depths. �Why is it �ONLY� me that gets shipped off every time you go to war" You don't send the others away!� Facing him again her hands whipping about in agitation.

Alsandair was the Grand Commander of the Legions of Rimmon. He was the Prince of Lightning and Storms. Yet none of that had prepared him for his youngest daughters rage. �Yes, I know. It's NOT fair. I never deal in fair and you damn well know it. Not only that, I have heard this argument before. It never works so you are not likely going to get any further than the last time. Do as I request. Your grand-mother needs someone with your special skills for a time. I am sure the work will be far from taxing considering the realm.� He was attempting to placate but she wasn't buying any of it.

Reia knew there would be no satisfaction. Never was really but that didn't stop her from trying. Teeth grinding down in barely restrained irritation. �Fine!� She finally snapped, peeved and waspish in her response. �I have another job to complete first before I do your bidding.� Tight lipped, each word still clipped.

�I shall send word you will join her soon.� He handed her a missive from her grand-mother. �This gives her current location. She's managing some new interest for one we all serve.�

It was readily apparent that Reia didn't care what her sire's mother was doing. She was being sent away just when it was getting interesting around here. It was a typical situation and had occurred many times over her lifetime, from childhood on. She had no other choice but to do what he demanded. He was not above locking her up under the frustrating guise of �keeping her safe�. She wasn't about to experience �that� again.

Her mother had been fatally wounded during one of those grand battles. Before fading into what ever beyond there was for their kind, she had invoked a promise. That very same oath that prevented their daughter from taking part in the conflicts in her father's realm. A fact that Reia hated.

One side of her dual nature needed to battle, to fight and clash. It was annoying and deflating to always get shipped off. But this was an old complaint on her part. She had tried every scenario there was to convince her father she would not end up dead and none of them, not a single one ever worked. So, why would it be different this time"

However, that realization didn't change her current mood in the least. In fact it seemed to feed it and her demon half was fully enraged. Thus she stalked off after tossing a very vulgar gesture to her father with a scowl on her angelic face. Slamming the heavy door behind her a split second later.

As silence settled in the chamber Alsandair, now alone just heaved a very deep sigh. Words low but obviously pained followed. �I'm trying to keep the promise my love but she's hard-headed and takes after me more than you.� Words said to the air before he turned and moved off into the shadows. He was being called to battle once again.

To be Continued. . .


Date: 2016-04-21 22:12 EST
Tell me, why am I still here when it's all gone I'm living with the ghosts of yesterday Tell me why am I still trying to hold on I've got to tear it down, to let it go

I'm too tired to keep on trying, But I'm spellbound till the end. Knowing that there's no closure For my wars inside. "Tell Me Why" by Within Temptation

That low moaning sound registered in her senses but she found it more of an afterthought then a concern. The soft play of wind through the alley had found some perfectly positioned crates that allowed it to sing such a somber song. At her feet lay a dead man. His eyes staring upward at nothing and without so much as a wince she claimed his hand. The brilliant glint of gold surrounded a molten ruby that seemed to be alive with fire and encircled one curling finger. This was her prize. Solitaire left the ring where it was, just dropped everything into a burlap sack. The coin purse was also lifted. Not because the assassin needed the money, but it would look more like a robbery then a professional contracted job. The client wanted it that way, so who was she to quibble"

A street urchin caught sight of the cloaked figure looming over the still bleeding corpse and raised the alarm. The screams and shouts bouncing and fading along urban stone walls. No time to wait and so she vanished, scaling aged brick upward towards the night sky, before taking off nimble footed across the roof tops. She left enough of a trail to keep the watch hunting, but they would find nothing but a dead end once she reached the Tathe Canal. At that point, the shadows awaited.

Wildford, was a surprisingly lively port town. She had taken her time locating her mark, tracking him until the right time presented itself. Solitaire had learned that the local patrol in this city, were not your typical bumbling fools found in many other areas of a similar feel. They had a constable whose reputation was said to be competent, and even intelligent as well. This of course made Solitaire extra careful. So she had planned every detail before she struck. Even now, she was returning to her room at The Howling Cat Inn. Clearly she heard the sound of something large hitting the water. This was quickly followed by more shouts and the sound of many boots clattering upon cobblestones.

Moments later a pale hand gently smoothed the damp fur of a large obviously disgruntled shadow cat. "You did well my sweet savage.? She crooned to the large beast who had taken a leap into water just for her. Dante had been with her from a very early age. A gift from her father, as a companion and protector. He was a near titan sized feline, with dense black fur and glowing red eyes who moved easily through the shadows.

Placing down a plate with a rare steak, her friend was soon purring rather happily before padding off with his reward. Flopping down before the warm fire playing within the small hearth he wasted little time as he set about consuming her generous gift with obvious pleasure.

Tossing the dark cloak across the bed Solitaire lazily dropped into the chair near her companion contemplating her next move. Time such as it was in her world generally meant she could make the delivery of the trophies easily enough and return with none being the wiser regarding her actions this night. Except the one that had hired her, had decreed they would make contact. It should happen in a day or so, at the very least. The ring was something they wanted badly enough to pay a kings ransom for it. So, she doubted she would have to wait all that long.

Once that exchange was done, her grand-mother awaited. Reia was still angry, but anytime she had to spend time with her sire's mother, it never failed to be lively and stimulating at least. Just the reason for this visit rankled. Unlike her father however, Lyllianne would not hinder anything she wished to do. In fact, she usually encouraged all her grandchildren to enjoy themselves. Which suited Solitaire perfectly.

To be Continued. . .


Date: 2016-07-10 23:54 EST
"There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men for this treachery." ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

It was dusk and she was sitting on a bench in an elegant city park. The heady, fragrant scent that reminded her of roses, lilac and wisteria. This realm likely had different names for such blooms but she still could appreciate the delicate balance of smell and serenity such an experience suggested. Shadows deepened around her, where she waited. A white blooming tree offering notes of vanilla, provided shade from the slowly setting sun. Solitaire watched the meandering of a few couples who were also enjoying the beauty around them, and the cooler evening air rolling in with a coming storm from the ocean shore nearby.

The clock tower off in the distance started to toll and before it was finished the gas lights sprang to life, casting a golden glow along the paths that lined the opulent setting. To a casual passerby, she might be dozing. Diamond blue eyes closed and her features composed and appearing to be relaxed. It was a very deceptive posture to be sure. She was tracking some figures lurking in those unfurling fingers of night. Solitaire caught the sound of a cane tapping along the walkway. Her contact was coming closer and she remained still and seemingly tranquil.

The tapping ended abruptly and without evening opening her eyes she offered a smile. Pale pink lips curling faintly mere moments before she spoke. "You are late Mr. Whitham." Her tone mellow and almost pleasant in tone. "I will not apologize for that." Came the gruff tones of the man staring at her with flat, soulless black eyes. "I was waiting for the sun to set."

"Oh' Why is that sir?" Her blue eyes slowly opened and she gazed at the small fellow with his handsome coat and silly top hat. Due to her nature, her the diamond bright eyes glowed ethereally in the diminishing light.

"Give me the hand." He was looking down his long crooked nose at her. The coldness in his black, spiteful eyes was also easily noted.

Her tone was still agreeable as she sat up slowly and hands moved to rest upon her knees, her gleaming gaze now piercing the man. "That is not how it works Mr. Whitham, and you know it. You pay me first, and then I hand over the item you so deeply desire."

"I am changing the parameters of that agreement. Lord Curhan won't care as long as he gets that ring." Whitham smirked then, sending a wave of a hand outward. "You are just a silly little girl Curhan hired to do his dirty work, and that you have. Admirably so. Surprisingly even. Thing is, I see little reason to pay you when I can take this outrageous payment and fill my own pockets." Both hands rested upon his ever so chic cane and he smiled, sort of, as the expression was far from congenial.

His comment brought a peal of soft, deadly laughter as she remained seated. In Mr. Whitham's twisted little mind he saw her as a victim. She couldn't help but find great humor in that and that was very obviously in her tone as she responded. "Do you know why my services are so high Whitham?"

"I assume it is because you think you are better than others. Which, in a slip of a thing like you, is laughable. You drew the ire of the watch." He countered flatly.

"I was told to make it look like a robbery, which I did by drawing the eyes of a rather formidable watch captain. As to the rest, well, let me show you why my services are so sought after and well worth the price." Even before she finished speaking she faded into mist and air right before his suddenly stunned eyes. She was going to happily display just what this "Slip of a thing" could do.

Already two of his thugs had fallen to her cat Dante while they had been speaking. He was an extremely deadly ally that she had at her beck and call and used. Between the pair of them, they eradicated Whitham's little army of goons in short order. As a result of their actions, there was an array of bloody human wreckage strewn about that pretty little park. At the end, there was only one survivor left.

In a blurring action, she materialized with a gore covered blade at Whithan's throat. Into his ear Solitaire whispered ever so softly. "I find it rather hard to believe that you came up with this plan all on your own. In light of that," She paused menacingly while her tone became almost mocking. "Sir, I am taking you to your master and we shall have a discussion." Upon those lingering words it was the first time he tried to make a break for it. Only to go still in terror upon seeing Dante, who strolled aggressively out of the darkness, growling low in his throat.

Somehow, in Whithan's arrogant little pea brain, he had believed he would manage to kill her, and take the price for himself. Such silly little creature he was. No one ever survived trying to cheat her. No one.

"Notice that not a sound was made. Every last man you arrived here with, are no longer breathing. A waste of life to be sure, but their souls will make some very happy." It was a very silky laugh that drifted. "Now, shall we go see Lord Curhan' I know he didn't want me to sully his home with my presence but," This time those usually soft dulcet tones became hard and sinister. "This contract in now breached. That means invalidated by your actions Whitham. One of you really should have read the fine print." With that said, the assassin and her new toy both melted into the dark, leaving his muffled scream to linger in the air where they had once stood.

To be Continued. . .


Date: 2016-08-18 16:59 EST
I keep your star light I control you Far up above You do what I do I keep your star light I control you Pull your strings You do what I do

Nothing Personal by Night Riots"v=bTpiIuLOz3Q

Lord Deryck Curhan was a very meticulous man, in both appearance and action. He was always perfectly turned out in his manner of dress. Every dark hair in place, clean shaven and handsome, with a cultured demeanor to compliment. He was council to the Royal Family of Pharaday and every action, deal or contract negotiated was to ensure the family's safety and his own position granted to him by their favor. He was a man who held a great deal of trust and power from the very family he served and he was determined to keep the status quo.

It was true, the last thing he wanted was the assassin he had hired to take out one of those considered a thorn in the side of the family he served, to be sitting pretty as you please, in his study. The sight of that cat did give him pause, but he prided himself on being unflappable, so aside from the rising of a brow, he dismissed the beast and focused upon the young woman. "I had not expected to see you again until I found need of your particular services, Solitaire." Curhan stated, before turning to lock the door, ensuring that not even a servant would stumble in upon this discussion.

Stepping deeper into the room once satisfied that the area was secure, he did pause upon spotting his Agent curled up on the floor beside where she was sitting. Whitham wasn't moving, but did offer the occasional blink. It was a rather disconcerting sight but it also told him what he had suspected some time back. The man had been on the take. A price he couldn't resist trying to claim as his own by the look of it.

"That may be what you had hoped Milord, but this man tried to have me killed." Solitaire's luminous blue eyes remained calm and serene. The air around her held that sense of rage, but her look remained tranquil, her emotions tightly reined in for the present. "I want you to look me in the eye and tell me if you were part of this plot to cheat me." A flat statement and she slowly rose, every moment deliberate, almost exaggerated, while behind her the large feline growled low, the sound emerging from deep within its powerful form. "His actions as your representative have made our contract invalid. Do you know what that means Lord Curhan?"

With eyes nearly as cold as hers he leveled his gaze upon her own. "I told him to pay you and return with what we had discussed. Do what you want with him, as he's a mere tool that seems to have become broken. As for the what you acquired I shall pay you as we agreed."

Solitaire shook her head with a hand lifting to point in his direction. "Did you read the fine print' This pathetic creature," She nudged the eerily silent and obviously terrified man curled up on the floor. "Is your representative, therefore you are responsible for his actions. It makes this not nearly as simple as you might like. As it stands, this contract became null and void when this bastard attempted to kill me and take the item you wished for.? She was referring to that hand with the ring upon its finger.

To be Continued. . .


Date: 2016-08-20 16:33 EST
There's so much between us At least we're not alone We're locked into a secret That we can never show There must be a solution For there was a crime It ain't no sunday I need some calculations I had to break the law I had to become an illegal You had to take that fall There's always a solution Always a way out

Halfway To Hell by Eliot Sumner

Curhan was not pleased. Several deals would fall apart if he failed to collect that item. The man it belonged to had long been a major thorn in the side of the Ruling family, and that had been taken care of obviously. The now dead troublemaker's son needed the ring to claim the title. Considering the young man was even worse than the father, Curhan wanted that essential bit of jewelry secured. With that in their possession, the royal family could replace such contentious nobility with another clan that was more accepting of their rule. Which meant, this assassin had him in a vice of sorts. "What will it take to complete this exchange?"

Laughter drifted from her as serene light blue eyes regarded him. Her graceful hand had moved and now was tapping lightly upon her chin. "Lucky for you Lord Curhan, I sense that you are actually being honest for a change. Since you didn't collaborate with Whitham, pay me the amount agreed upon and," Here she paused, gaze glittering in a manner that wasn't nearly as angelic as her appearance might suggest. "you owe me a favor. I might not collect on it anytime soon, but sometime down the road." From the shadows, the paper was drawn forth, with fanfare that would make her grandmother proud and planted it down on the desk.

"Favor" What sort of favor did you have in mind young woman?" He looked at the paper and then at her. It was apparent she had surprised him with this. She knew quite well he had been planning to offer her more money. Truth was, Solitaire didn't actually "need" the money, but she did like the reputation the work garnered for her.

"Could be anything really." Solitaire chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't ask you to kill anyone or rob a treasury. I might show up needing information or may ask you to be a mediator for me. Fact is, I am a horrible diplomat because I have a dreadful temper. Now, go ahead and read this. Please double check the fine print. As for your conniving servant, Whitham here, I am going to give him to my father." She smiled so sweetly. "He will enjoy playing with this little rat. Oh, and as a side note, be sure to ask your local watch to check out our victim's pockets. I caught him after he made a deal with another assassin. It is possible evidence of his most recent activities will still be on him."

That made Curhan glance up from his inspection of the contract and actually smile. "I am starting to understand just why you come so highly rated Solitaire. I shall certainly have his personal effects looked over.?

It was only a short while later Solitaire made her way from her client's home. She returned into the shadows from which she had arrived. Curhan had what he needed now, a hand with a ring still attached. She had a chest laden with gold, Mr. Whitham as a gift for her father, and bag of captured souls for her grandmother. She was most satisfied with this job as it had brought her more profit than expected.