Topic: Light & Shadow

Lyllianne DeWil

Date: 2006-06-17 18:40 EST
A shiver ran through her and she found herself in Aleron's arms. How many times had she teased him and pestered him, imagining this very scene, willing him to envision it as well? Now, all she could do was tremble as he held her. He simply comforted her. Comfort she needed now. It had been so long since emotions of others had felt so foreign to her feasting nature.

She was a creature of choice who used the choices of others to give herself sustenance. Now it was overwhelming her and her legs felt as if they would hardly hold her up. "I need to be elsewhere," was all she could hiss through clenched teeth. She wasn't sure where she would go. For now any more emotional energy was more than she thought she would be able to withstand. Then the thought came to her. The shadows. They folded around so comforting and shielded her from so many things so often before.

Once within the shadows, she moved quickly, putting distance between herself and others. Time. That's what she needed. Time. Time to sort emotions. Time to reflect on her choice. Time to...

The agony startled her with its suddeness, shoving her to her knees and causing her to cry out from where she landed. Here, she knew that none would hear her, or at least hoped they would not.

Time passed, but how much, she was not fully aware.

Lyllianne DeWil

Date: 2006-06-17 18:50 EST
Time passed and when she did emerge from the shadows, she was on the edge of the sea. The waves were much more calming than the crowd at the moment.

Still there was an intensity that wasn't quite as severe as pain, but as close as it could be without being painful. She moved to a small pool of water and knelt beside it. That was when she noticed the first evidence of the change she was undergoing.

At first she thought it was a trick of the reflection of the pool, but the longer she stared, the more sure she was. Her wings were actually loosing the bloodred coloring. They were actually a deep pink now and seemed to be straying to a pale pink as the minutes passed. Where there had been wings which could be described best as leathery, now she could almost swear she saw feathers reflecting back to her from the pool.

She reached back as she spread her wings now, almost not believing her eyes, and gave a tug. With a slight wince, she pulled one of the feathers off and held it in front of her to examine.

"Oh, this is not going to be good."

Then it hit her. Fallen. She was going to be in so much trouble.

Unlike many of her breathren, who had originally been created to follow orders without question, she had been created to think and reason for herself, to choose her own path. She had chosen and never regretted one moment. She had "helped" others choose their own path, and never apologised. Each had chosen and followed there own choices. Each had let her feed on the energy their choices created and for centuries she had feasted well on their greed and avarice.

Now, though, something was changing within her and the change was manafesting itself in the strangest of ways, for no longer was she a lady in red. Instead the image before her was dressed in white. How was she ever to explain this?

Lyllianne DeWil

Date: 2006-06-17 20:57 EST
She sat there on the beach staring into the pool for the longest time, watching the color drain from her wings and attire. Tears slid down her cheek to splash in the pool. It was the first time she could remember ever crying since her conversion.

Crying simply wasn't her way.

She glanced toward heaven and then it came to her.

"You did this didn't you? A joke maybe?"

Of course she didn't hear anyone laughing.

"You said I had a choice. You said that I could choose my own path."

Anger started to well up in her. She had known the day of her beginning. She had been told by the Creator of All Things that it was her own will that would decide her destiny. Yet now it seemed that there was going to be a reneging on that deal.

"My choice you said. Now are you going back on your word" You who never lie?"

She could only look on in horror at the obvious effects of one choice she had made. Oh Fallen was not going to understand this. She had been sent to the world of mortals to affect the choice of Bel, compel her to return to her place at Fallen's side if need be. Lie. Play tricks.

She had assumed that she had been chosen because the world of mortals held so little appeal to her, except as a place to quench her own thirsts and desires. The souls she brought back as a collector of the dark realms only added to her prestige among her brethren.

Now the choice she had made had landed her here. Her own emotions wrecking havoc with her senses, and clouding her perceptions. And her ire rose further.

"My choice you said. I don't choose this." She pointed to the pool which showed her reflection.

"I am not one of yours. You can't have me. How do I change it back?"

She waited as heated tears streamed down her face.

Silence can be a very loud response.