Topic: Shards

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-07-10 06:57 EST
((Author's Note: This thread will probably undergo some serious editing later...I hope.))

Veian is a land of magic.

Years ago, many more years than could be counted, Veian was torn apart by war. There was no order, no hierarchy, and everyone played by the rule, 'survival of the fittest'.

It is unknown when the elves took over, but they did. They came bearing something the humans did not. Magic. With magic, they over powered the humans easily, they formed a hierarchy, and brought order to the chaotic land.

The elves were above the humans. They were not equals, the new society simply did not work that way. However the elves shared their magic with the humans, but never feared being overpowered, since their inate abilities were far more potent than the humans learned abilities.

Over time however, even the humans came to possess inate magical abilities. Some were even as powerful, if not moreso, than the elves'.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-07-10 07:08 EST
Over time, Veian became a land that had to depend on magic.

The water, the trees, the sky, The Palace of The Desert with its walls cold as ice, The Sacrosanct, everything. It was all governed by magic.

Every elf was gifted with magic. Powerful magic. Most humans were gifted with a fair amount, and the humans of the royal family that were only exceded in hierarchy by the Holy Mother were taught the most powerful of magics, even the magics of the elves.

New spells, new ways of utilizing magic were always being discovered....The brightest minds would come together, human and elf alike, to unlock the mysteries of magic. It wasn't long before they were creating magical objects. Staves, amulets, rings, and even weapons with magical properties.

Sometimes they had failures though. Magics that didn't quite work right....objects that gave peculiar results when used...

This is how The Amulet was created.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-07-18 09:40 EST
When creating something powerful, people often get greedy, going too far in their pursuits. They tamper with things that are not meant to be tampered with.

The Amulet was created in such a way.

They wanted to manipulate the very threads that bound existence into reality. They wanted to tamper with the Nexus, they wanted to control what would exist, and what would not.

It's not clear on how The Amulet was created. They managed to tear a whole in the Nexus, they tried to bind The Amulet into the realms of existence, and nonexistence. However, they were dealing with something far greater than themselves, and could not control The Amulet. The power was far too unstable, and the risk of tearing apart existence was too great, so The Amulet was broken up into four Shards, as it was too risky to destroy it.

The Shards were seperated, and were meant to stay that way.

Lydia Loran

Date: 2006-07-24 13:07 EST
In time, The Shards were entrusted to the royal families of Veian, and one to The Sacrosanct. They were always carefully watched, as each individual Shard held a considerable amount of power on it's own, so if they were united in the wrong hands" The thin line seperating existence and nonexistence could collapse.

But as time passes, things can become lost. One Shard went missing.

One was hidden in The Desert, so that no one could find it, and it could hopefully rest there undisturbed for eternity.

One remained with The Sacrosanct, but was stolen before it's fall.

One remained with Maria, who was about to become queen of Terone, one of the largest and most powerful regions of Veian.

Or so you would think....ignorance truly is bliss is it not"

Maria DeGlause

Date: 2006-07-30 11:23 EST
Katarina had brought her the third Shard. The Amulet was almost complete. Now there's no need to carry on with this silly charade. Now there's no need to hide in the war. Now there's no need to hold back against her sister. She could feel the power of The Amulet...the Shards...she could feel something, calling, beckoning.

The last Shard.

It was here, in Rhydin, she felt it.

The Shards in her possession cried out and ached to be reunited with that final piece of the puzzle. That final Shard that had been missing for so many years. But all the pieces were coming together now. It was becoming all too clear now. That last Shard, Lydia must know where it was. She had to....for it was her father who last possessed the Shard before it went....'missing'. And why else would she sense it in this god forsaken hell hole? It must be connected with Lydia, it must...

Long fingers graced over the reunited Shards carefully as those full, plum painted lips pulled into a smile. Such power at those fingertips...such power.

"It is time..."

Maria DeGlause

Date: 2006-08-02 19:50 EST
It was more aggravation than anything, but she did it. With the aid of Lain, she was able to confront her sister, and her sister's...male. She was able to use their...feelings for one another against each other to collect that last Shard. The burns and wounds she suffered were well worth it, to gain such a valuable item, and to hurt her sister the way she did.

Nothing could top what she felt when she plunged that dagger into Lydia and twisted it. Her sister's blood was still on her hands....She glanced down to look it over, those faded plum lips twisting into a smirk. She could only hope her sister was dead, but she doubted it. Lydia was like a cat, too many lives....especially if that..male was there. He was sure to have saved her.

She did leave Lydia with a promise however. "I'll destroy you and everyone you hold dear...little sister."

They were sincere words, a promise she intended to keep. And yes, that promise included taking out that male...just because. It was a shame to do that to Lain but....he really had it coming, no' Not to mention she just *had* to hurt Lydia in the worst way possible, and that really was the worst way possible...

Finally, her attention turned back to her new possession. That last Shard.

Shard in one hand, Amulet in the other, she could feel those power surges. She could feel the two calling out to each other, wanting to be reunited....Who was she to keep it from happening any longer?

Hands came together and the last Shard fit perfectly into The Amulet, sealing any and all cracks and was now a perfect orb, shimmering one moment, full of nothing the next.

Black flames enveloped her body and the surrounding areas in a surge as she cackled madly, letting that power merge into her.

Finally, it was all hers.

Everything in the area she was standing in was wiped clean, nothing but burnt ground left in it's place.

The Amulet was complete.