Topic: So, here we go, Bluebird. Gather your strength, and rise up.


Date: 2012-11-21 12:27 EST
Trapped somewhere on the line of consciousness and unconsciousness, Martyr was staring Phoenix dead in the face. Those haunting mercury orbs stared at her and through her at the same time. The image was like looking into a mirror, Phoenix was an identical twin all but the eyes"all but those visions of silver that held anger and sorrow all in one. "He" He's".dead?" Martyr repeated for what felt like the fifteenth time" "He can't be dead" He has a baby! He has Max, and me and he can't be dead! He just can't be!" The woman screamed at her distorted reflection. Incapable of summoning tears in the current state, she felt her heart cracking in several pieces. Even if her powers ever came back'she, the girl that could heal a knife to the throat, wouldn't ever truly recover from heartbreak. "This is a joke, right' A sick joke" You're lying! You're just lying! He can't just die!"

Phoenix spoke up. "He and Neth got into a fight' She killed him' I'm sorry, Martyr" I really am?" Thoughts swirled in her head, accusing ones that blamed soul but the one standing behind the mirror. "I know that you loved him, and I know that he loved you? But we have to get out of here, we have to move" Get Max to safety."

If my powers were working" If I hadn't spent them doing such reckless things" I could have saved him' I could have stopped her" If he had just waited for me" If I'd just been there" How could I have been so stupid?" How could I let him die"

"How can he be dead"!" That last thought rang out courtesy of anxiety and vocal chords. Then her attention turned to her reflection, her sister, her Phoenix, and that helpless expression turned to anger. "You" You loved her! You probably helped her kill him! How could you do that to us!" How could you be so selfish"! Phoenix"...I'm going to get you out of my body, and make sure you never hurt anyone else? And then I'm going to kill Nazareth' I'm going to kill her!"

"I didn't help her" She and I actually' We broke up, Martyr" I don't expect you to understand, but I was on your side" I wouldn't have helped her, but there was nothing I could do' Do you understand" We don't have powers right now" We're weak." Phoenix lent her silver, and lowered her brows to portray her remorse.

Martyr shook her head, refusing Phoenix's dialogue as anything but an excuse, a sad excuse for all the murders she committed, all the pain she'd put Martyr through. "No' You" You're" You just can't say that we're weak! That we're leaving! If you are on my side, help me avenge him! Please! Please!"" Martyr asked, taking a bold step toward Phoenix, though she knew there could never be any real contact between the two of them' Darkened violets pleaded with mercury, begged. "Well"! Be a good person for the first time in your life and help me!"

"I am helping you!" Phoenix snapped, expression going from dull and mournful, to pure anger in the second Martyr spoke. She growled lightly beneath her breath. "You go up against Neth and we're both dead, do you understand" Max will be all alone" That is who you should be thinking about right now, Max" Remember her" She's your daughter" She's the only person you have left, and you, the only person she has left' Are you going to throw your life away by going against Neth' What if she kills Max" Or worse, raises her" Do you really want Max turning into Neth' Is that what you want"! Because if it is, then by all means! Let's go after her right now! We can send Max to hell in a hand basket' Or you can listen to me, get your baby to safety and move on' It's not easy, I know first-hand what it feels like to lose someone you love"to try and move on, and become a beast in the process" You can't turn into a monster like me, Martyr" You're my good half" You can't become a monster, and you can't let vengeance take you over."

..."Where are we going?""

"To visit your old village?" Phoenix spoke softly. "We're taking Max there" Nobody will ever find us, and, on the off chance they do' It's a fortress" We'll be protected, and you'll be welcomed with open arms?"


Date: 2012-12-05 08:55 EST
The gated village was nothing like she'd imagined, though she had neither description nor memory to go on' She pictured shacks, teepees, or perhaps log cabins" It seemed normal; well, aside from the obvious wear-and-tear of war. We're here" Time to start your new life, Martyr" I'll only come out when you need me from now on' You ready" "How c-c-could I ever b-be ready f-for this??" The girl asked, her finger preoccupied by the vice grip of the overgrown infant's fist as she slept in the car seat next to her. "I still c-c-can't wrap m-my head around the f-fact that he's g-g-gone" How am I s-supposed to j-j-just p-p-pick up and start a n-new life?" You have to"For her. Martyr's eyes drifted over to the little girl with softened eyes and tear-stained cheeks. "I know?"

The driver of the taxi snuck glances at the woman who sat alone in the backseat, talking to herself. Martyr didn't seem to notice or care how crazy she looked as the vehicle took a stationary position outside the gate. The immortal peered through the half-transparency of the window to the hooded woman waiting for her. A stranger she would know as her mother" Once again, those vibrant violets slid over to Max, a bitter smile claiming her features. "I'll n-never l-leave y-y-you, M-m-max" Y-you're g-g-going t-t-to g-g-grow up w-w-with m-me, and I'll p-p-protect y-you? I p-promise?" Soft tresses of mocha mane that lined those fragile features would move down to tickle the sleeping baby's nose as Martyr kissed her hot forehead with soft, copious lips. "I l-l-love y-y-you."

The car was roughly shoved into park, and the driver leaned over the seat to address Martyr. There was a smile there, perhaps one too fat and with teeth too rotted and crooked for it to be considered anything but uncomfortable, "We're here," he said with a grin. "I sure hope you brought a lot of money, doll face. You've worked up quite the fare." With greasy hair and oily skin, he continued to stare through the stammering fool and hold the bloated grin on his face. That was when the stranger known as her mother knocked on the window. Cranking his arm to pull the glass down, he severed the fragile barrier between the two.

"This should cover it," A wad of green was pressed from her own fist to his. "Thank you for taking the time to drive her out this far, and if someone finds her here" I'm holding you personally responsible. I never forget a face," Cerine said softly with an expression just as deadly as the writhing tongue that slithered in her cavity. "Have a nice day!" The older woman chimed, her face turning warm as ever as she wiggled her fingers.

The swollen grin of the motorist quickly washed away, he suddenly looked pale and useless. "Yes, Ma"am. Thank you, Ma"am." He was almost submissive in speech now as he waited for the seemingly insane woman to exit his vehicle. There was some pity for the girl's woe, for the sniffling he heard from the backseat, and the occasional glance in the rear-view mirror to see the liquid sorrow seeping from her eyes. Now he snuck glances as the young girl untangled the car seat from the seatbelt, fumbling with it in the same fashion that she hiccupped syllables from her tongue. "You have a nice day, miss" Hope it gets better for you?" Tune change" Let's just say her mother had a way with words"

Martyr nodded, and smiled in the best way to her current ability. "Y-you t-t-too?" The girl said, tucking in the blanket around the baby, who had been scrunching nose and face alike in annoyance to a disturbed slumber. As Martyr stepped from the car, she looked at the woman who was her mother, this Cerine, and offered another twitching, painful smile. "T-thank y-y-you f-f-for ag-greeing t-t-to h-help m-me and M-max?" The awkwardness of the entire situation settled in, and only amplified as Cerine reached for the handle of the car seat only to have it pulled back by the overprotective mother. "I'll p-p-pay y-y-you b-back s-s-someday, I p-promise?"

"Pay me back" Don't be foolish, Martyr" You're my daughter" I know you don't remember me, but you'll always be my daughter, just like Max will always be my grandchild?" The woman whispered softly. "There is no need to pay me back, I love you. I'm happy to have you here, though I wish it were through better circumstances?"

The hardened shell that Martyr had built around herself shattered, and Martyr crumbled with it. "Mom"!" It wasn't a heartfelt reunion, or a realization that the woman before her was in fact flesh and blood. No, in this case, Martyr was trying her best to say' Help me" Waterworks began once again as the girl buried her face into the nook of her mother's collarbone and neck, weeping violently. "I c-c-can't d-d-do t-this" H-he's g-gone, h-he's j-just g-g-gone!"

"I know, baby, I know?" A hand moving up to comb through the soft, clean mocha tresses carefully kept in Martyr's scalp. The woman let her weep, let her grieve, cry and get it all out for the moment. "Let's get this baby out of the cold, and get some food in you both??


Date: 2012-12-09 05:10 EST
Time had passed and hardened wounds into thick rows of invisible scar tissue within the woman's heart. Forget him, she could not. Move on from the loss, she was forced to do. There was a sorrow buried deep in her heart; but a starry-eyed child was her retribution"her piece of him to hold onto"one she would not soon let go of. It had been a while since she'd heard the news, since she'd reconnected with her mother" Not so long that his face wasn't the first she'd see once she tucked those violets beneath lid and lash"

The ambience of the forest was a peaceful one, birds chirping leaves blowing, and animals chattering"a series of sounds that was only enhanced by the titters of a child hopping about, and the stammering playfulness of a new mother. "Where are you.." C-c-come out wherever you are?" The mocha haired dream, of course, knew the exact whereabouts of her tippy toddler, the curly-topped little girl giggling from behind a tree. Vibrant violets that rivaled her mother's peered out at Martyr, and she tried to mask her chortles and stay hidden. Martyr played dumb, turning her back to her, and looking beneath absurd places like tiny rocks and bushes. "Where c-could she have g-gone, now?" This only made Max giggle harder, a tiny hand covering her mouth as the little thing attempted to hold back her laughter. Martyr spun around, her braid swinging like a sharp rock, long hair touching mid back as the tied hair settled down from the rapid and sudden motion. "W-what was that' Is that a little M-max?"

After a moment of silence, Martyr spun on her toes lazily and swayed with the gentle breeze running through the trees. "M-must have b-been the wind?" The girl brushed it off as she pretended to look around for her daughter once more. "Max" Oh M-max" W-where could you be? When I find you, I m-might t-turn into the t-tickle m-monster?? In that instant, those violet orbs of the toddler widened, unsure whether or not she wanted to jump out and tickle her mother in a preemptive strike, or if she should remain hidden to watch her mother look around for her. More giggles escaped a covered mouth as the tiny thing peered out. She hadn't been the most stealthy, baby rogue in the world, but the girl sure tried.


Date: 2012-12-09 05:25 EST
"Ugh," the stern ancient sighed, stuck somewhere between an an eon of forest and a road he'd spent a long time following. His clothes were dirty, mucked and stained in twig and brush, along with a long face—-the stressed bloke had actually grown out a little facial hair. It was a problem he confronted the first time he'd taken Martyr's blood"the hair just sprouted up day-after-day"and since he'd been on the woman's trail since the night spent dangling from a wall, the shaded jawline was becoming more and more defined with black hairs. Val rummages through his pockets, pulling out the tattered clues left for him at the house"an uneasy feeling of cowardice tumbles in his chest, remembering how scared he was, scared that Neth would be there waiting.

But that time was passed. He grunts, finding a nearby tree to rest his bones. From the coat pocket came a crisp photo of his Martyr"he smiles, devouring her every contour of the picture he'd spent the last week feasting over.

"Almost, my love" even if I'm in the god-for-fck"n-saken forest for fifty damn years; I'm going to find you. I swear it."

He's not thinking it at the time, but he'd saved little portions of the vial for when he felt to be drawing closer.

Why' So he'd keep their mental connection fresh, hopefully it would come in handy, and he'd hear her lovely thoughts through the bush.

Or maybe she'd hear his?


Date: 2012-12-09 05:35 EST
What was that.."

Freezing in her tracks for a moment, the mocha haired princess straightened up and out. She listened for a moment; it was like static in her head. She'd heard it quite a bit as of late, but nothing like this. Now it seemed closer, familiar. An uncomfortable sense of uneasiness showered over her, goose bumps running down her skin. A feeling of doubt in herself, in her ability to keep still was prickling at her legs and back alike"telling her to run in the direction and not look back.

It was a feeling that was soon shut out by the chortling of the toddler behind the tree. Snapped out of the sensation, she turned quickly to see the peeking child and her expression turned primitive, nothing held back. "I found you!" The woman yelled, her body lunging forward as her voice echoed through the clearing. "You're m-mine!" she hollered snatching the girl up and tickling beneath her armpits and ribcage alike. It was delightful scream that came from the toddler's lips, followed by cackling as her head, turned from side to side in an attempt to protect her body from the prodding fingers. As the thing wiggled and squealed in her assaulting grasp, Martyr couldn't help but laugh out.


Date: 2012-12-09 05:49 EST
Eyes light the secluded horizon, pushing past the crowd of flora and paired fauna. Quickly he's on his feet, running a slick hand over his scalp, hoping to hone-in to the tiny shriek he'd heard" not to mention the slightest bit of mental static. He calms himself with a sigh, and tests a step towards what feels like true north, but in all honesty, what the hell did he know" Rustling is heard, but this had to be the home to thousands of species—-so long as an elf didn't pop up, he'd be fine.

Don't ask.

Val bounds head-long into a sprint, most-likely making an awful ruckus"which, for the most part, was the plan. From his hands comes the final morsels of Martyr, spared for this moment, he drinks it down.

"Hello," he shouts, stopping for a moment to squint through the brush.

Hello!" Can you hear me!" Please" Hello!"

He continues, though slowly, hand padding his brow, forming a plain, shielding rays of sun as they topple through the canopy. Val halts, hearing distant rustling and young, chirpy voices. He didn't know what to expect'didn't know what sorts of people inhabit Martyr's village. He approaches slowly, keeping low, palms flattening against every trunk he passes, hoping to assess the situation before running-in like a crazy person.

"M-" Martyr?"


Date: 2012-12-09 06:01 EST
The shouts and pleas were lost to her as she laughed and panted. A calm collective breath was taken by the child in her arms, Martyr's hands being shoved away weakly. Of course, the woman knew to take her hands away to let the toddler feel bigger. "No, Mommy?" childish tones accompanying the gesture for independence. Then the thing perked up at a sound, her head tilted lightly in the direction before she took off in the direction. Martyr stayed a few yards behind as she followed along the tippy little girl who had been touching every single trunk, every single branch of tree and twig.

"Be c-careful," Martyr whispered. Not like the baby couldn't heal a scrape, but perhaps there had been no stronger link than one of flesh and blood; because when Max cried, Martyr hurt. Bright eyes followed her every move as she followed after, a braid swiveling at her hips. Hair had grown lengthy, and the curly topped child was getting her own thick mocha tresses, kinked in coils at her ears that bounced with every single hop along the forest?s platform. "We have to get home, soon. You have to eat, M-missy." The immortal almost scolded as the girl ran ahead. Her speech had gotten better, the stuttering was present, but hardly noticeable?almost every syllable perfected.


Date: 2012-12-09 06:15 EST
The jostling of branch and the exchange of words were prominent in his ears, now wholly convinced that he wasn't alone in these woods. With the blood fresh below his flesh, Val was powerless to whatever it was"but he felt no fear. Martyr held a powerful trait in her veins, a trait he now temporarily held, but should trouble brew, he'd be powerless to defend himself

Yet"he's unafraid. A thin calm urges his senses; a smile had even slipped above the chin, his steps carrying him closer and closer to the disturbance in the bush. Ducking below an arm held above to sway away a branch, Val emerges from the rough to stand before a figure.

A tiny thing...a toddler, only a couple years old it seems. Large eyes peer up at him, his own thinning to get a better look, suddenly struck bashful as he awkwardly stands before her.

"Oh, uhm' hi, honey. I hope I didn't scare you," he smiles to the little girl, making sure not to startle her by keeping still. There's something so warm and familiar about her—-he melts all at once.

"You're a pretty little thing" you remind me of my daughter—-what?s your name?? He crouches, still keeping his distance.


Date: 2012-12-09 06:26 EST
A lightened curious expression, with wide eyes and a gaping mouth turned sour. A lip quivered as she peered up at the hairy-faced man. Then, all too soon, irises began to revolve. "Mommy"!" Tears were smashed from her eyelids as the little girl backed up a few steps. "Mommy!" The girl turned around and ran as fast as those wobbly legs would carry to poor, petrified thing. Her arms were out in front of her and her eyes, against an older person's better judgment, were closed as the girl ran. She hit a pair of legs and fell backwards, falling on her rump and scrambling quickly to her feet in a way that Martyr did, she even looked around to assure that nobody bore witness to her little stumble. That's when she saw Val again, eyes widening as she moved to hide behind the pair of legs that knocked her down in the first place. Clinging to legs and pinching at thighs, the little girl peeked out and pouted at Val for scaring her, a little sob escaping her quivering lips.

The limbs in question, the one that hid her clumsy form had been frozen in place. Martyr had stopped, and stared, her own much more copious lips quivering. A hand, idly, maternally came down and began to comb through the kinky tresses of the fussing toddler. Though, other than that motion, Martyr seemed otherwise lifeless, pale as though she'd seen a ghost. "Mommy?" Max complained from behind her. "Who that, mommy?? A stubby finger pointing accusingly at the frightening man.


Date: 2012-12-09 06:40 EST
"Oh! I'm so—-"uhh.." Val's arm had been left out-stretched as he watched the little thing go—-although his face is thin with inquiry; "did I just see?" Her eyes are what?s questioned. He takes an offering step forward, cringing a bit as he watched the little thing tumble into a pair of legs. Val's awful red eyes crawl up the lovely, fleshy pedestals.

His jaw unhinges, his eyes jump ship. His limbs go limp, his knees rattle at the bit. His shoulders droop at either broad side, his fingers hang.

And his lips fumble with scraping teeth, for the front two were embattled with tongue, relearning a language he'd known for centuries. But what can a word do now" What could properly relay the crushing salvo of emotions fired from the dirty sector of his belly; that shoddy region that houses the man's soul.

"Martyr" oh my God. I" I?" His eyes leave, the knuckles of realization throttling his squishy door of perception—-yeah, she called her mommy like a hundred times. As it comes home, Val crumples to a knee, ashamed eyes falling between the leaves at his feet, dazed and limply secure pupils sloshing around the interior eye, unable to find any certain thing to calm his shivering soul.

He lends a hard look to his daughter. "I'm' an idiot," he breathes, answering his daughters question, irises climbing to Martyr. "That's who I am, Max. I'm The Idiot."


Date: 2012-12-09 06:50 EST
Martyr had grown up, aside from the length in hair, she really didn't look all that different, but she had changed. Her heart ached to go to him, but knees wouldn't move. Instead, she twisted her body and lifted the toddler to her hip. Finally, after two lifetimes, copious lips part to speak. "That's not a nice word, M-max." Martyr corrected, looking sternly at Val as she spoke. "What d-do we say to unkind words?" The toddler looked up at him, and then to her mom, a tongue coming out between grinning teeth below a scrunched up nose. Chompers were removed from the equation, and the girl blew a raspberry and brought her thumb down. Martyr's lips met the curl-lined forehead of the toddler whose face was red, and cheeks stained with tears.

Then, she regarded Val a second time, holding the girl protectively. "Phoenix s-said that you were d-d-d..." Then she paused thinking for a moment. "You asked t-to talk to Phoenix....You asked h-her t-to lie..." Face painted with realization, and then pure anger. "Y-you....You left us..."

"Who that?" Max demanded a second time, pointing and looking at her mother expectantly.

"A ghost,"


Date: 2012-12-09 07:10 EST
His shock is apparent"but just, same as her words. Same as the misnomer lent' Val felt like an apparition' so far off, she was not. Pleas are written against his lips as they part and flail for words the way flounder do when tossed onto the dock. He has apologies, he has explaination"but when deep down your own explanations aren't worth the hot air their inflated with, what makes you think the people you've hurt most actually care"

Slowly, Val leaves his fallen stance, rising to his somewhat-imposing height. The man's fingers knit together at the waist as he thins his eyes and nods.

"Yes. It's true. My plan was to' rid of her any way possible. I knew it would either fail, or that I would go along with her. Turns out' I was wrong. Martyr, I"!" He leans into a step and extends an arm out to plead his case. It's not long, however, before he retracts and is found sweeping the leaves with sorrowful eyes. "I know 'sorry' isn't worth anything" I know telling you I did it for you and Max is" heh, stupid. Retarded, even. I don't know what to say to you two' I don't deserve it. I don't. But I came a long way, lost everything, threw my life in the city away just to come here. And by God, Martyr" if I have to spend every day for the rest of my awful life outside your door, curled up like a bum until you forgive me" I'll do it. I love you. Max" baby, I love you so much too' I can't believe?" His word are choked, eyes glistening as tears stand at the gates. Val clears his throat and sends his gaze into the woods to hide his shimmering eyes. "You're so big" so beautiful." Martyr's superb amethysts are admired in curt crimson spinners.

"Just like Mommy."


Date: 2012-12-09 07:20 EST
Stupid, retarded... Each one of those unkind words were reminded to keep out of Max's vocabulary through a series of too loud whispers. The toddler looked over at her father, and then at her Mom. A mind couldn't put it together, not quite then but she hadn't been too far off given television and social interaction, so she kicked her little legs to get down, and soon she was bounding off through the forest. Martyr had been staring hard at Val, knowing the baby wouldn't wobble off too terribly far from her mother's side. "Look, I..." Dropping her vision to join his in the leaves for a moment, "Made a life here. W-we did, and I spent a long time getting over your death, which.." Martyr paused to chuckle and throw her arms up, addressing him with bloodshot, teary eyes. "Turned out to be fake. How c-could you d-do that t-t-t-to m-m-me—damn it!" Martyr cursed in frustration to her sudden stuttering as she choked on words and hiccupped syllables.

All of her frustration and anger vanished into curiosity as the tippy toddler came bounding back with a flower in two hands. She held it out to Val, "Flowers make mommy happy," Max said softly, shaking the fragile flower a bit in that grip of hers as she offered it out urgently.


Date: 2012-12-09 07:34 EST
Val offers nods along each of her points, his expression growing direr as each line held more validity. Eyes cross with Max as she hobbles off into a nearby patch—-the man has no chance containing his smile. That, of course, before the flagrant heartbreak. Remorseful eyes plea with Martyr; "I know my choices have been awful" but I've lost things I'll never get back. I didn't hear her first word, or see her first step. I can't afford to lose anymore, Martyr" please forgive me." The pent-up tears don't yet break. The proud man's face raises, hoping the unseen will gift him a word or feeling to help him get through.

All this before a tiny voice at his feet blows the dam on his conservative emotion.

"Mommy' likes flowers, huh?" Val kneels, his voice is composed, but those eyes run like rivers, leaking into his broad smile as he kneels to accept Max's offer. His eyes move like hers, the pace not so dissimilar. "Oh....why thank you, Max. I'm going to give this to Mommy right now." Each blink shutters-out more fluid as he takes a somber step forward and offers the flower.

"Here you are, Mommy. This is from Max?"


Date: 2012-12-09 07:43 EST
Martyr slowly took the flower and forced out a smile, "Why thank you, M-max....I'll p-put it right in our special vase," she nodded, as she watched the child look between the two with curiosity. Eyes fluttered over to Val, cheeks flushing as emotion and memories alike returned to her and made her want to fall into his arms, showering his face in kisses, slowly leaning into him, lips pursing.

Vibrant violets began to revolve with some building temper-tantrum. "No, no, no!" Max yelped out, stamping her booted foot hard into the ground. This, of course distracted Martyr away from what she would later write off as a mistake. "From him... Max muttered, pointing over to Val and tilting her head. "Not me..."

Martyr pulled away from him and nodded. "Yes ma'am," she said with a small chortle. "Then, thank you kind sir...Max, come on, it's t-t-time to eat."


Date: 2012-12-09 07:52 EST
Val is empty. He can't blame her for any hatred she was to hold against him until the end of time, but at the moment it can't help to calm his frustration and anger. The man draws an arm across his face, relieving the skin of tears. Afterward, in one swift, almost funny motion, Val plops right on his back side, legs crossed together, that traditional Indian Style sit. The man's arms cross as he simply sits upon the filthy forest floor.

"I" can't leave. I'll sit out here forever until you take me back. Because I'm in love with you so deeply that I'll eat bugs and birds for years if I have to."

He tries-on a funny face for Max, teetering his head from side to side before folding his hand in a cute little wave. "Because Daddy loves you Max. Daddy loves you and Mommy more than a thing in the world. Believe me...?


Date: 2012-12-09 07:58 EST
Max giggled at his face, snickering and curling fingers near her own expression to try and rival a big, bad bear....It didn't work, curse the cuteness that shined in that ever youthful expression and wide doe-eyes...Then, her head canted off to the side as his words reached her. "Daddy?" she questioned, looking to her mother and pointing. "Daddy?" she repeated.

"Yes, baby....That's d-daddy." Martyr told her, opening her hand as tears rolled on down those rosey cheeks. Max came running over and took her hand, or rather, her mother's finger as she turned away. Only a few steps were taken, before she stopped. "Why d-don't you tell daddy to join us f-for lunch, 'kay?"

The toddler loosened from Martyr's finger and went running over to her weird father who had been sitting in the grass. She cupped his cheeks in her little hands, "Come, daddy," she practically ordered, and then held out her stubby fingers.


Date: 2012-12-09 08:08 EST
Val hops from his strange, seated position, and instead of grabbing the cute things hands, takes her completely in his arms before letting her sit on his shoulders; her stubby little legs over each broad side as she sits upon his neck. He looks up through his rough black threads that were quickly growing out of hand.

"I'm ready! What do you like to eat, baby?"

The man's cheeks are fat and content as he takes a step forward, both hands carefully holding the little things feet in place as he joins Martyr on their way back to her village.

"Thank you? thank you, Martyr. I don't deserve this" don't deserve either of you. But I'll make it up, somehow?"


Date: 2012-12-09 08:16 EST
The curly-maned little princess dug those stubby fingers into Val's scalp and her chin rested upon his head. "Umm..." As if she were thinking really hard on it. "Mac n' cheese!" Max said happily and held on tightly to the man's head. She gave his neck a squeeze with her thighs and nuzzled against him, kissing his head with affection and love.

"B-be careful, don't hit her head on a b-branch." She scolded lightly, keeping a watchful eye on him as her arms swung freely at her sides. She began to pull her eyes up to the man, tugging on her own braid compulsively as the brushing not-bride strolled. "Cookie," Martyr said softly, uttering the single word out to the man as they walked.


Date: 2012-12-11 07:51 EST
Val's eyes rise to the forest?s canopy, keeping wary of anything that could brush, scrape or poke the little angel slung over his shoulders. "Don't worry, Mommy," Val teased, flinging up a cheesy grin to Max as they continued. "We'll be careful, won't we baby?" The lanky hellion can't take his eyes from his little girl. Moments like these" they're so scarce, so precious that they can rewrite strict portions of a person's very soul, could rattle one's very foundation.

His smile had never been so bright.

As they continue, Val leans a quirked brow in Martyr's direction. "Cookie??


Date: 2012-12-11 07:56 EST
There'd been a watchful eye on Val, though he'd been caught and locked in peripherals from the violet eyed queen. "That was her first word, she likes c-cookies," Martyr told him, offering an almost gentle smile in his direction. Lengthy limbs tip-toed their way through the forest as Martyr took the lead.

Max batted tiny hands gently over her father's head as if she were playing drums of some sort. "Cookie, cookie, cookie! Mommy I wanna cookie!"

"After you eat real food," Martyr said, leading them off.