Topic: Taking a Gamble.


Date: 2013-01-16 04:43 EST
Leaving the comfort of their street-lit terrace, Roman leads the trio away, a plan working between his ears as they go. He couldn't say he had one worth the power of audio, but the thought of this 'immortal' man burned him in a way—-no one should have such gifts—-no one like him in any case. Then there's the bit about it's origin, this Martyr. He couldn't thumb it, but the name held a place in him. He thinks it over in the literal context, sure, but it sounded right as a title rather than a term. Used as a name before, he thought. Working towards the convenience store (since Clyde's constant bitching over the filter-less failed to cease), Roman pulls out his cellular and begins thrapping away on the luminant screen.

A few blocks away, Roman's feet give up their pace, the Slav now still upon the pavement, peering into the screen.

"I'm thinking I found her. I look up archived issues of newspaper, since her name seeming so familiar. It says she, or at least a woman by the name of 'Martyr Slane', was hired at that Bristy....Cree....Well," his tongue having non of it, he decides on pushing the light of the phone against Lil's nose, letting her read it for her self.

Lilly Murdock

Date: 2013-01-16 04:52 EST
Lilly backed up from his phone, squinting at it in a way that lids threatened to touch one another. "Mm?" The woman asked, staring the phone down. Then, an idea, she held up a finger for a pause, and then rummaged her pocket for the pair of glasses. Then she was holding them against her face, allowing the frames to hug. Darting from left to right on the screen, the woman nodded softly. "Yeah, that looks about right..." The blonde nodded. "A nursing job....Sounds like a right fit," Nodding up a storm.

Then she was turning to Clyde her back to Roman. "So how does one go about the approach' We could....Wait a few days....I mean, we don't want to just bust into that place...She barely knows us, I don't want to scare her..." Tapping that chin within thought, Lilly eyed the skies and took in a breath.


Date: 2013-01-16 05:02 EST
"F'ck that," the tramp says with a mouthful of chips. He'd overheard Lil on his way out of the store, a hardpack of filters between his fingers, the other wedged in the purchased bag. Chewing like a horse, a slew of crumbs and grease pocking his lips, he exchanges glances with both parties.

"I say we go talk to her now. We need to find out what she knows about Gamble. Maybe she's whoring out the blood or something, who knows. I bet just about any psycho in town would pay a pretty bit of silver for a taste."

The boy, in a rare stroke of genius, can't even comprehend himself how right he was. Sounds of teeth grinding over the potato wedges reverberate in the night as he throws his head forward.

"Let's go pay 'er a visit. It's not too late, so she should still be there. Agreed?"


Date: 2013-01-16 05:05 EST
Mr. Apalkov's piercing eyes linger on the pair as he awaits instruction. His vision trails Clyde's indication, peering past the quickly-darkening streets past the rows of fence and architecture that block the site of the Academy.

"I'm knowing this place, this school. Always thought it a bit seedy and mysterious, you're thinking they'll just let us walk in and talk to this Miss Slane?"

Lilly Murdock

Date: 2013-01-16 05:10 EST
Lilly sighed, she lowered those eyes in defeat—shoulders drooped and those chocolates lifted to Clyde, and then drifted to Roman. "Alright, but! We're not going in there accusing her of anything! We'll be nice, and we'll ask. And I swear if either of you step out of line, I'll make you wish you were never born!" That gaze lingered on Clyde a little longer than it did Roman. An eyebrow raised, the girl glared. A finger wiggled at both of them, before she nodded. "Alright, let's go..."


Date: 2013-01-16 05:30 EST
Roman accepts the girl's chastised lines, squeezing out a smile, displaying obedience. He takes one last cigarette from the pack Clyde had back. How many 'last' cigarettes had he smoked in his life. Referencing his past, he couldn't say he ever took a 'last' cigarette for granted. He knew too many who will never have another. Never one to air-out the dirty laundry, he keeps his expressions frank as they move-on, circling little corners of the city he could admit to not seeing thus far.

As they approach, he thinks of Natalia. Thinks of the fifth bullet that he craves to push in the green-eyed devil's heart.


Date: 2013-01-16 05:41 EST
"Alright," Clyde whispers as they stand outside the school. "This is the place, right?" A loaded question considering the signs that had lead them, the letterheads above, and the obvious regality of the structure—-in a nutshell, yes , this was the place. Folding to habits, Clyde withdraws his pistol and sneaks a round into the chamber by yanking on the slide.

"Okay...let's do this."

"Do what!?" Roman had time to neatly eye the boy ready the gun. There's a furious way about him.

"To...go....get this chick, go confront her."

'What're you gonna' do with a goddamn gun in a school. Leave it out here, please."

"F'ck that!"

"Then we're not bringing you."


Date: 2013-01-16 05:50 EST
Making her way on out after work, Martyr looked around. She tugged the coat closer to her body. Thankfully, Val had come up to the school to pick little Max up. Later, she'd find that she owed the man for it. Then she was off, traveling off the campus and toward their shared home. Martyr had been careful, her arm tingling lightly—ready to transform it and fight. No, she hadn't expected an ingrateful, gun-waving Clyde. Instead, she was expecting Neth....Without Phoenix to protect her, Martyr felt more defensless than ever. Practically strangling herself with the coat, Martyr headed off.

Lilly Murdock

Date: 2013-01-16 05:56 EST
"CLYDE!" Lilly's eyes widened and then her finger wiggled in her face. She was just about to rip him a new one, when she did a light lean to the side. Her voice dropped to a whisper, that digit barely pointed. "Wait a minute....There she is..." Chocolates scanned the girl over, her face softened lightly. She looks so frightened... Watching the girl who was practically sneaking from the school. Lilly ducked down behind Clyde, "What do we do' What do we do?!"


Date: 2013-01-16 06:11 EST
Following a swat of her finger, Clyde joins Lil in observation. Those yellow crooners flash in the night, buzzing their sulfuric luminance, giving away his position like a cat in the dark. He takes their orders, pocketing the gun. He didn't spend much time talking to Martyr while he and Lilly were guests in her home, but he didn't see her as confrontational.

"I don't know, Lil...I guess...let's just go talk to her, 'eh' Sheesh, why the hell do you two have me all freaked out. Hey..."

The boy whirls his shaggy head around, those feathery black threads whisked in the wind as he pigeons his head in search of Roman.

"Where the f'ck did that bastard go?"

He rises, snatches Lil by the wrist, and makes a b-line for Martyr. Whatever the case, he wasn't going to sit around and watch her fade from view.


Date: 2013-01-16 06:21 EST
Roman had ducked the couple, deciding on taking matters into his own hands. The woman's scent was lovely, the sight of her lovelier. Stalking from below a hedgerow, he keeps those icesickle eyes trained, piercing her lush frame from the shade. It almost drew a smile—-the feeling of 'stalking' prey. He couldn't discount the wanting felt in his gut as it pertained to a simple taste of this girl's fabled blood. It was almost overwhelming. But the name 'Natalia' rings in his head, in an instant the passion is buried, and the mission is back-in-hand. In a move that was sure to frighten a pretty thing in the dark, Roman slides-out from the hedges a few feet in front of the girl, his palm flat and extended, signaling her to halt.

"Hello, Miss Slane! I was wondering if I could maybe be talking to you about a few things....if you have time, of course. Is very important."

Lilly Murdock

Date: 2013-01-16 06:43 EST
Looking back and squinting to the spot where Roman had been. Her mouth opened to say something, but Clyde had literally snatched her attention away. Lilly nodded and moved with the snatching of her wrist, and nodded. The girl stopped in her tracks, and blinked at the man. "Where did she...? The girl asked, eyes scanning him up and down.


Date: 2013-01-16 06:48 EST
Footfalls silenced as the man approached. Those vibrant violets shot wide as the rangy little immortal froze, petrified. "H-how d-d-did y-you know m-my n-name..?" Staring the man down as she waited for an answer. "Oh, r-r-right! Y-you p-probably are f-from the ac-cademy...!" Martyr chimed, softening the stiff posture and smiling weakly. "W-what c-c-can I help y-you w-with?"


Date: 2013-01-16 06:51 EST
"Ahh...what the hell....where is she" And where is that Commie bastard at?" In the moments he'd spent trying to collect himself, he had temporarily let the woman slip away. Clyde disengages each finger, letting Lil's wrist free. He slaps a cigarette in his mouth and kicks the curb's lip with his heel. "Damnit....Let's keep going, we don't know what the hell that Russian's up to."


Date: 2013-01-16 06:57 EST
The smell....oh, such a fragrant elixir, such a divine temptation. The weathered Vamp stifles his craving, bending and cracking his fingers one minute, gliding them across his close-shaven head the next. When the antics ceased, he collected the collars of his olive-drab coat between each hand. An easy smile, lowering his head.

"No, no....I do not work for Academy. I was wondering few things about you....personally. The talent of your blood has become common knowledge, you see. I of science, so-to-speak. I was wondering what you could tell me of it?"

Poor many "Men of Science" had come before with similar offers.


Date: 2013-01-16 07:06 EST
"M-man of...?" Martyr trailed off, eyebrows furrowing as she thought for a moment. Still, she was about as easily manipulated as Natalia had been. "M-my b-blood, y-yes....It's....C-c-comp-plic-cated....I m-mean, it h-heals p-people w-when they d-drink it, and t-they g-g-get m-my p-power f-f-for a little w-while..." The dainty martyr mumbled and stared up at him, hugging her coat just a bit tighter. Those vibrant violets stared up at him, "Is t-that all y-you n-needed?"


Date: 2013-01-16 07:13 EST
"I...I uh..." Stuck in the headlights of her beauty and scent-alike, Roman has to tickle his temple with a prying follicle to remember just what the hell he'd come here to ask the poor girl. The Slav's eyes thin, and from knee-to-neck, the girl is examined.

"Is....very special gift, Miss Slane. Now...please be honest with me here. Do you, perhaps, sell...this blood of yours" Even you cannot overlook the profitability of it, no?"

Lilly Murdock

Date: 2013-01-16 07:14 EST
"I don't....I just....Yeah, let's go find him..!" Lilly nodded and followed after the man. "I wonder if everything's okay....You don't think that Martyr is....Capable of making people disappear, do you?" Hey, to be fair....Lilly had been on the edge of death, and a drop of Martyr's blood ripped her away from that cliff. Anything was possible with the girl.


Date: 2013-01-16 07:20 EST
"I....N-no....I c-c-could n-never s-sell m-m-my b-blood..." The girl wondered if he was propositioning her. "W-wait....I d-d-do h-have a w-w-woman b-break into m-my h-house and t-take it s-sometimes....D-d-does t-that c-count?" Martyr asked, tilting her head off to the side. Mocha tresses fell in front of her fragile face, and she pursed her lips. "W-what d-d-did y-you s-say your n-name w-was ag-gain?"


Date: 2013-01-16 07:34 EST
"I didn't say my name, Miss Slane." The words are spoken with the amount of grimness expected as it relates to the said-line. Dead eyes of blue tear across the girl, Roman's hands sinking into either pocket as he inhales some distance between he and the girl.

"And, I would say yes....that's probably case. You see...A friend of mine was recently abducted by bad man...and, what?s even worse, is fact that I shoot this man," while speaking, Roman twists his fingers into a gun, the fleshy barrel pointed her-way, "Four goddamn times. And like magic," hands rainbowing-out, as if he we throwing glitter onto the pavement, or making something disappear, "His wounds sew up as if they were never there. It may not being your fault, Miss Slane, but whatever deal you have with woman, is letting blood into the hands of madmen!" While traveling towards the climax of his speech, the Russian's tone increases until he's mostly shouting in her face.


Date: 2013-01-16 07:39 EST
"M-my b-blood is....Oh g-g-goodness....I d-d-don't h-have a c-choice, t-though...S-she uses m-m-my b-blood t-t-to m-make it an even m-match....She t-t-took s-s-so much, w-who knows h-how much t-that g-guy h-has..." Martyr's eyes lowered darkly, her head fell down. "I'm s-s-sorry, I c-c-caused t-t-trouble..." Martyr mumbled softly, and finally raised those vibrant violets to him.


Date: 2013-01-16 07:51 EST
Not being familiar with the girl, Roman could only surmise that she was either the incredibly kind and over-trusting sort, or one hell of a good liar. Taking no particular side, he stands only two feet away, reclining his stance, rummaging around in his coat pockets while he thought of a the following steps. "I....I don't know what to do. This girl...her name is Natalia, she is close to me. Maybe she means more to me than I-to-her, but in any case, I took it upon myself to protect her. I failed. I track her down, I find her with this man...she is in love with him, maybe a fever of some kind. The only way to be breaking it is with the death of this man. So I need your help, Miss Slane. Is there anything you can tell me" Maybe about a possible....weakness of some kind?"

Roman's attempt was earnest, he really was trying to find a way around Gamble's immortality—-but boy, if Val were to find out that she openly gave the secrets of her weakness away....


Date: 2013-01-16 07:57 EST
"W-w-weakness" Um....P-poison....I c-c-c-can't t-t-tolerate p-poison, n-not even alc-c-cohol, b-but I d-d-don't think t-that w-w-works w-with p-people w-who use m-my p-p-powers....I m-mean....M-my b-baby's d-d-dad d-drank all t-the t-time w-when he d-drank m-my b-blood." How would he take it if he found out he gave the secrets away for no good reason"


Date: 2013-01-17 00:19 EST
"Good lord," the Slav says to himself with a disarmed cadence, his words in native-Russian. "Who -hasn't- had a taste of this girl's blood" Frightening to think about how many 'immortals' are running around this town.". Roman's face softens while nodding a comprehension of her words. He lights a cig, foregoing the pageantry of naming it his last, and takes a seat on a tiny concrete ledge that houses the bush he'd creeped through. The man's eyes rotate contemplatively, freeing her from his sight, assembling the situation the best he could—-her stammered lyrics didn't help his too-poor understanding. Roman raises his pinky to itch at his cheek.

"Is no good, Miss Slane. I'm not knowing what is to be done. I spent long time as soldier, back in Russia. Is hard to accept being at loss. Is hard, feeling of 'nakedness' without chain-of-command. Makes things simple, yes. Though orders rarely sensible, rarely take well-being of soldier into account, is simpler; better." He raises his eyes to meet hers, "Is there nothing else that you know that can help me" Who is this mystery woman who comes for your blood?"


Date: 2013-01-17 00:28 EST
"I think h-her n-name is K-kairi....Unless she g-gave m-me a f-fake one," Martyr said with a light shrug. "I d-d-don't k-know w-where t-to f-find h-her, b-but s-she f-finds m-me.." Martyr mumbled softly. Those violet eyes dance across him, without that fear in them. The tense position she once wore had fallen into relaxation. "All I c-c-can d-do is offer y-you a v-vial if y-you p-promise n-not t-t-to b-be a b-bad g-guy.." The little lamb said softly.


Date: 2013-01-17 00:44 EST
"Either you're too-clever for me to figure, or you're too-trusting fool, Martyr Slane." Roman makes it a point to crown his words with laughter, trying to take some english off the insult. The Slav rises from his seat and spits the half-smoked cigarette into a the storm-drain fixed to the curb. "You know," he grins, twin rows of too-sharp teeth purposely displayed. "Offer is very tempting...very, very tempting. I've been finding it hard to resist a taste since I first catch your scent." Roman lowers his head and grins, taking a threatening step her-way.

"I think I take you up on offer."


Date: 2013-01-17 00:51 EST
The tenseness was existant in her form, fear resurfacing in those vibrant violets as the woman's lip quivered. The moment he began to speak again set her off in a trembling rage and she matched his step forward with one back. "T-taste" S-scent?" Yeah, those were words every girl wanted to hear. Mocha tresses covered the horrified expression on her face.


Date: 2013-01-17 00:56 EST
"Indeed. I...haven't hunted in long time, Miss Slane. It's been so boring simply purchasing what I need to survive. I have battled with beast I am for long time—-often found it shameful, found it tiring and evil. But I 'm learning to ignore those things, for the monsters that walk the streets of this city make me look as kitten. Yes...yes. I want a taste of you, Martyr Slane. A nice....long....taste. Are you understanding?"


Date: 2013-01-17 01:00 EST
That porcelain face stared in awe as she listened to him speak. "Y-yes....I c-c-can understand....And I'll g-get y-you a v-v-vial of the b-blood s-so that it w-will b-be a f-f-fair f-fight," Martyr mumbled softly and hugged her coat tighter and tighter against herself. Another step back was taken, those eyes darting about, seeking her chances of running.


Date: 2013-01-17 01:06 EST
"No," the man sternly objects, keeping forward-progress directly-related to the girl's shrinking back-peddles. Finally revealing his hands, his arms are free to wind at the bit, swaying as if nerve-dead with each menacing step. Upon his face is the omniscient crest of the predator. A badge not worn for what felt like a soft lifetime, now cruelly adorning every stitch and seam of his face as he throws his reservations away for comfortable addiction.

"I want it from the source. No stale blood in jar anymore."


Date: 2013-01-17 01:10 EST
"S-s-source" Martyr asked, eyes falling shut for a moment. "I d-d-don't w-want t-to d-d-die....I h-have a little g-girl who n-needs her M-mom..." The girl pleaded for a moment. Then she stopped. Where had pleading gotten her" Where had fighting gotten her? Nothing. Loss. Those eyes squeezed shut tightly. It was time to take a new approach. Then she was off, sprinting away and screaming out.


Date: 2013-01-17 01:17 EST
Silence is his virtue as he slopes his frame and speeds off after her. He would have found it easier to just run-up from behind and tackle the girl to the pavement, but as cited, the man missed the 'hunt', missed the chase, missed the chance of failure. Roman, keeping his body low, stealthy, kicks his knees up as he swiftly sprints along-side her, using the hedgerows as cover as his mouth breaks, a hiss shrieking in the night as his fangs are bore.

"Run, little Martyr. Run!"


Date: 2013-01-17 01:22 EST
Those vibrant violets wide as ever, Martyr's legs sprinted. "S-stop it!" The girl shrieked, stopping dead in her tracks, hair blown from momentum to cover her dark features....Lungs heaved as muscles begged for oxygen, and then her fists were tightened.

Where are you...Phoenix?

There was no time to stand around and wait for the woman. Her hand flicked at her side, replacing with a metalic talon. "This is y-your last c-chance t-to l-leave m-me alone..."


Date: 2013-01-17 01:37 EST
The Hunter bursts from the bush to fall upon the pavement before the girl. The loose straps of his olive jacket flap and snap as he falls through the air, his eyes flickering on the tarmac as he catches himself with a flat palm on the ground. Blue eyes raise, impressed with what she had crafted. "Full of tricks, we are, Miss Slane. I'm curious just what you may be, pretty-one." While crouched, Roman retracts a cool silver knife from the leather binding hooked to his belt. Purely for protection, but it wouldn't stop him from brandishing it as if he planned to carve a sensitive-section from the girl. He rises and fixes a smile to his lips.

"Enough of the running then? Good. Was getting tired of chasing."


Date: 2013-01-17 01:43 EST
Martyr stared him down, those perfect violets fixated on him. "I'm a w-weapon that c-can't d-die..." The woman said, trying to bring confidence to that shrill voice. "You sure y-you want to g-go up against m-me?" The girl asked, raising her arm. "Anything y-you chop off will only g-grow b-back..."


Date: 2013-01-17 01:59 EST
Shards of him spoke internally, vying for airtime, wanting to inform the girl that he wanted only a sip of her vitality, not her life. Despite the aching addiction, Roman's pert humanity wouldn't allow him to completely drain or turn the girl. All he wanted was sip.

But the danger....he wanted her to feel it. His kind's dispensary of fear was legendary, and utterly intoxicating.

"Yeah' So the power of blood that strong" Good to know, Miss Slane. I like to test theories of 'immortality'. Shall we?"

The Vamp slowly climbs to his feet, flicking the blade between hands, artfully juggling it, the sheening edge dripping moonlight as it flutters in the air. The Slav slinks low, his frame twisting in ways it shouldn't, a very 'acrobatic' appeal about it. An instant later he had sprung forward, lunging for her throat with his spare hand.


Date: 2013-01-17 02:03 EST
"Th-that's t-t-too b-bad!" The girl shrieked, tightening those fists. As the man jumped, the girl all but yelped. Martyr, spinning on a heel felt her entire body twirl around just out of his reach. Then, as he passed her, the talon struck for his back. Had it landed, she'd rip through already dead skin and cloth alike. The terrified immortal, still in horror, had her eyes shut the entire time.


Date: 2013-01-17 02:14 EST
Roman contorts his body when his palm meets dead-air, keeping eyes trained on the target as she slipped-away. Using those contortionist skills, he ran a noodley arm behind to fix the his knife between her talon and the skin of his back. A sharp 'shtwing!' rings as both parties steel meet, sparks shaved as he applied enough force to keep her deadly claw from tearing into him. His body uncoils, arm withdrawn, knife held overhand and across his chest as he stands his ground. The Slav's face is overtaken with a feral-ferocity, eyes thin, fangs wrecking the charm of his smile.

"I like, I like. Come at me, Miss Slane."


Date: 2013-01-17 02:16 EST
"I d-d-don't w-w-want t-to c-come at y-you...I j-just w-want y-y-you t-t-to l-leave m-me alone!" Martyr screeched. But, the heart wanted what the heart wanted. So the girl was sprinting forward, determined to strike first as she drew back her talon and all but tackled the man.

I don't want to fight anymore...


Date: 2013-01-17 02:23 EST
Hopping like a spry boxer awaiting the haymaker, Roman's crafty feet tickle the tarmac. "Yes! Come, pretty thing!" The instant she applied her weight forward to get him to the ground, Roman snuck the blade in-between, the knife's razored end gestured-out, awaiting to pierce her neck as she smacked into him.


Date: 2013-01-17 02:28 EST
Violets widened in horror as the girl impaled herself upon the blade. It sunk right into her windpipe, and her body tensed up. "Ghhnn..." Blood bubbled from her lips and throat alike as she hung limply on the knife. Her arms fell to her side, and she sucked in air like a fish out of water. Sorrow filled her eyes as the girl coughed out, collapsing down to try and get the steel from her throat.


Date: 2013-01-17 02:36 EST
She wouldn't have to worry about the removal of the blade, Roman had wriggled it (surely painfully) out of her throat. He wastes no time tending to the geyser-like eruption of blood, his tongue lapping the sweet sanguine elixir from the girl's flesh. Swiftly he tries for the girl's shoulder as a frightening hiss slips from his dangerous maw; his intent: keep the girl pinned as he lowered his head to sink those teeth into the tender skin of her neck.


Date: 2013-01-17 02:41 EST
That tense talon fell limp, metal chipping away from the flesh to reveal a soft hand. There was a light struggle, but aside from the absent, Phoenix's strength, Martyr was weak. "P-please....d-don't..." The creature cried out and shoved at his own shoulders for a moment. Then she trembled within his grasp and allowed that bottom lip to quiver.


Date: 2013-01-17 02:57 EST
Had the poor thing's pleas reached his ears, she might had been spared the feeding. Sadly, they did not. Lost in the twister of his roiling primitives, Roman wastes no more time addressing his prey. Fangs puncture the fair-film-of-flesh that protects the luxurious artery nesting below. Blood is oiled from the twin-set, Roman drinking at a pace best described as break-neck. Difficulties rise. The wounds feel as if they're trying to heal around his teeth, the blood that flows coming at a slower pace as the wounds seal around him. Thrashing the fangs around in her neck, he re-tears the punctures, and continues to feed, draining a healthy amount of the girl's unusual vitality from her body. Feral breaths break from his lips.


Date: 2013-01-17 03:00 EST
Wincing and tensing, the mocha haired mess tried her best not to struggle with him. "I d-d-don't w-w-want t-to d-die..." Martyr said softly, those eyes falling shut. As he tore away her healing skin, the thing bit into her own lip and clawed her fingernails into his shirt.


Date: 2013-01-17 03:08 EST
Atop a gasp, Roman unsheathes his teeth from the girl's flesh, a horror strewn across every fiber of his face as the man's blood-soaked chin unhinges, swaying in a shock, every razored tooth guiltily painted. "Oh no," the Slavic tongue scarcely stammers. The Russian jumps to his feet and arduously begins wiping himself clean of the girl's blood, each sleeve marred and moist with it. "No, no....No. Miss Slane!" It was no act, but he couldn't blame a soul if it was seen as such. He lowers to be at her side, hesitant fingers writhing as they petition her cold hands. "Oh no....Miss Slane! I'm so sorry....I .....No...."


Date: 2013-01-17 03:13 EST
If anyone was to understand how it felt to transform into a beast, it was Martyr...."C-can I g-go h-home?" The mocha haired beauty barely lifted her head. Violet eyes resurfaced inbetween lids as he took up ice cold hands. The two holes in her neck slowly sewed themselves shut as the girl closed her eyes. Blood stained her coat and blouse.


Date: 2013-01-17 03:22 EST
"Oh uh..." It was a free-pass, so-to-speak, but it wasn't much for quelling the rebellion waging war on the man's heart. The beast had sprung free, more-terrifying stares the stark satisfaction of the 'snack'. An almost stoned feeling filling his head as the girl's blood mingled with his own.

He couldn't say he felt any different just yet.

Roman tries to bring the girl to her feet, hooking onto her shoulders and dragging her up. "I'm so sorry....I haven't done that in....very, very long time. Miss Slane, please forgive me. I am lost for words..."


Date: 2013-01-17 03:50 EST
Martyr looked at the man, those eyes trying to find a focal point. It was all lost to her, as she collapsed into him with a soft grunt. "I d-don't w-want t-to b-be a w-w-weakling anym-more.." The dazed words spilled from her lips as the soft, skinned woman—battered but without a wound—clung to him. "C-c-can I g-go h-home?" Repeating the question.


Date: 2013-01-17 03:56 EST
"Yes, of course, I'll give you a hand...unless you've had enough of me, of course." Laughter spills-out onto the virginal evening as he laces an arm around the girl's shoulder, keeping her afloat while they head...well, wherever she leads. "You're no weakling," Roman admits with a stern face, the words whispered. "I've never seen powers like yours, Miss Slane. I almost feel bad....feel like I'm the last in long line of people who taken advantage of your gift. I'm very, sorry, again. You live with....daughter and her father" Is you?"


Date: 2013-01-17 04:00 EST
"N-nobody is l-like m-me," Martyr said softly. "I'm an ab-bomination of g-genes and p-powers that s-should have n-never b-been m-mixed..." The woman informed him. "H-he's p-powerful, b-but n-not like m-me..." Fully answering his question as she led him the short distance back to their place.


Date: 2013-01-17 04:06 EST
"Is....troubling to hear you speak such way about yourself. Don't ever curse yourself for what is uncontrollable." The hypocrisy of the statement is almost too much for the nocturne to stomach—-not many days had passed that didn't end with a long sigh and a wish to lose the shackles of his bloodline. "He must be protective man, you are beautiful, special girl. Maybe..." A touch of apprehension finds his face as he looks the girl over. "Maybe is best I make quick exit once getting you to door, yes?"


Date: 2013-01-17 04:12 EST
Those eyes fell shut for a moment. "Y-yes, I think m-maybe t-that m-might b-be b-best....I w-won't t-tell him w-what y-you d-did....I k-know w-what it's like t-to l-lose y-yourself.." Martyr nodded, leaning to him for support and heading off into the night.