Topic: The Blade Dancer sharpens His Blades

Sadi Dahala

Date: 2006-12-25 02:45 EST
:; He went down into West End where the murders Kitty told him of started..many pickpockets and thieves knew he was new..but how to test he turned down the wrong alley he made his way back..three figures he spots..a glint of steel?..His blades were out..his dance of death was increadible and fearful to behold..three theives lay bleeding but not dead as he walked away in search::

:: He might not look like he belonged but the way he took them out was enough to warn the others of his ways..he was warning them..he knew they were there...slowly he continues to ask hint and questions..paying those who would answer and using the blades when they did not before he spoke a bit:: was a to hopefully find a name...why would she target the Scathachians...:: he was whispering and thinking as he continues about westend::