Topic: The Blue Shimmer


Date: 2006-04-03 01:07 EST
-The bustle of the city probed at her, her sheer gown and cloak concealing her face and she hoped too, any fate, any tendril of destiny that might try to probe at her thoughts and her feelings, urging her from her purpose.

Hurrying on, in a shuffle and a scurry, she clung to the shadows, pressing her blue-concealed self against the night, hoping it would shield her glow from the perils to surely come, at least for the time being. Anything just so she could rest her feet and feel the wind as a comfort, a thrill, rather than the propane of her existance, constantly riding with her, her invisible vehicle propelling her and with its myriad scents, guiding her.

Finally she slowed, to catch her breath. Her thoughts were not clear and a mess with a flurry of options. To be here, in this place, she felt off kilter. Her equilibrium was not centered as it should be, and a grimace rippled her pursed lips at the very knowledge of that. Her tempers had flared more than they should, steam more oft than water, brimming and simmering when provoked. But she would hate for anyone to touch her and flare-burnt and aghast at her betraying her Aes Sedai Promise.

Sighing she backed against a partially broken beam and stared at the sky. The stars had always ebbed lessons in her dreams, vivid and tangible, as she held them in her palm, watching their twinkle, and their whispers-"Blue Shimmer"-and she had believed she would radiate through time, somehow. About now, she was desperate enough to believe the stars had arrows, tiny sparkles, pinning her soul in place in brackets of white and an austere grey, keeping her rational amidst the madness of her soul wringing, rocketing through the cacophonies of time and colour that had planted her in Rhydin.

Starting off against she kept to the shadows, the Blue Shimmer keeping a watch for Light-