Topic: The Slicing of S.E.C.T.O.R.

Stefan Salvatore

Date: 2006-07-01 13:34 EST
"How much longer?"

"Not much."

"We've waited too damn long already."

"Relax. It's only been five months; less than a drop in the proverbial bucket of time, my friend."

"I can't stand this waiting. We should act now!"

"Patience, Lord Salvatore," Dupres said with a smile, as they spoke in soft hissing tones in a room so dark that only the Vampire Lords could discern each other. Smoke from thin cigars rose over the table between them. Upon the table were two glasses of wine mixed with the blood of a recent kill.

"I don't have patience."

Stefan Salvatore

Date: 2006-07-01 20:06 EST
Two nights later. . .

A spacecraft arrives.

The S.E.C.T.O.R. name and emblem have recently been painted over, leaving the spacecraft nondescript.

The two vampire lords sat at the same table. The room was slightly more illuminated for the convenience of mortal eyes. Sitting across from them was General Jimar Sinarath, commander of S.E.C.T.O.R. Quad IV operations, one of Lord Talomar Longden's top men, and someone Talomar considered to be trustworthy.

He was a huge (some might say grotesque) man with massive shoulders and chest. Silver chains hug from a neck that was short yet as thick as some men's waists; and silver bracelets were on each wrist. Every finger had multiple rings adorning them. His black hair was tightly pulled straight back and tied with leather behind his head. He had a black mustache that was grown only at each side of his mouth and down the center of his chin.

He had people murdered at a whim, and he did it often. He would occasionally carry out his own executions, delighting in the way his mechanical left arm could be used to inflict extreme torture and death. He had lost his left arm just below the elbow in a battle with his own brother. His private research labs designed a bio-mechanical arm utilizing nanotechnology and electro-impulse synapse generation. The arm was truncated at the "wrist' with receptors that could receive anything from a normal looking and functioning hand, to a grotesque assortment of devices that were designed to either bring extreme pleasure to a woman, or to bring unbelievable pain and torture " depending upon which attachment was inserted into the wrist receptors.

To Jimar, it all became a game. He enjoyed watching the eyes of his female victims as they stared in horrified expectation, waiting to see which device he would attach to the steely "forearm." Screams were common when General Jimar Sinarath was around.

"Thank you for coming all this way, General. We anticipate you'll find this assignment quite . . . rewarding." Lord David Dupres spoke in his usual slow, calm whispers.

The General made a barely perceptible bow of his head. "You'll have your demon army. I've already dispatched a dreadnought to pick up 10,000 demon mercenaries, completely armed and outfitted."

"I'll believe it when I see it hover over Rhydin," quipped Lord Stefan Salvatore.

"You shall not be disappointed." The general's black, pupil-less eyes stared at the Vampire Lord.

Stefan smirked, "You know, you still have to take out Lord Talomar and that little vampire wife of his. When are you going to do that?"

Now the General actually grinned. "You make sure they're both in Longden's castle at noon, three days from now. I'll reduce the entire castle, grounds and all, to a deep, smoldering crater."

Dupres lifted a finger just slightly " a signal to Salvatore to not say anything. "Very good, General, it shall be done.?

The meeting ended soon after.