Topic: An Unlikely Beginning

Shaye OConnor

Date: 2012-05-07 10:43 EST
((First in a series of scenes depicting elements of the backstory shared by Shaye Dervla (First Blade) and Liam O'Connor)) _____________________

The military training camp for army brats and others had been stationed in the region of Phalia for centuries. Every year, a new contingent of Arctra's brightest and best - usually more female than male - were inducted into the camp, given their barrack places, and set underneath a training sergeant. Even those adolescents who were destined to be the officer class spent their first year covering the basics with their fellows. This year, the group was smaller than usual, but strangely determined; a purposeful set of young adolescents who seemed to want to prove themselves beyond any shadow of a doubt. It was beginning to look as though the first day on the training field was going to be filled with so-called 'accidental' injuries again.

The boy stood out like a sore thumb from the others. Tall for his age, but lanky, all arms and legs, not having filled out yet. Unruly blond curls tumbled across his forehead, framing hazel eyes that seemed too old for the young face they looked out from. The son of a royal guard, he had been born, bred, and groomed to follow in his father's footsteps, and in the footsteps of those who'd gone before him, but he expected and received no special treatment. He was just another youth looking to prove himself worthy for the position he had yet to yearn, despite his family's birthright.

He was a quiet boy who kept mostly to himself, those sharp brown-green eyes in careful observation, not missing a thing that went on around him. Those eyes would serve him well in later years, but this part of the story is about his youth and how he came to meet another of the trainees that fateful year - one whose fate would be tangled with his for a lifetime of adventure and companionship. This is their story.

Shaye Dervla, at twelve years old, was the youngest of that year's intake. She was also the smallest, weediest, least likely warrior you could imagine. Even their training sergeant, the gruff Sergeant Makos, couldn't see quite why this tiny, immature girl had been accepted into the ranks of his recruits. Her father was a sergeant himself, known for his cruelty to his men, often posted as far from the main cities as possible, always leaving his daughter behind to fend for herself. She'd become a familiar face around the Soldiers Quarter in Phalion. And now she was here, taking her first step on the path that might well send her following in her own father's footsteps, but for the intervention of one particular voice who influenced those first years of their training together.

"O'Connor!" a voice shouted as the boy made his way onto the practice field. "Stop lollygagging. This isn't a nursery. Your mama isn't going to come and wipe your nose for you. Get your ass out here and get to work." The Drill Sergeant tossed a glance around the yard, catching sight of the runt of this season's litter he was in charge of shaping into young recruits. "Dervla!" he called, waving the girl forward. "Show O'Connor you don't have to be born of a royal guard to be worthy of serving the Queen."

The laugh that answered the Sergeant from the small girl was wild enough to match the almost feral cast to her dark eyes. Those dark eyes found the boy marked out as O'Connor, her laugh growing louder - he was bigger than her, yes, but she was willing to bet she was faster. One arm reached out to grasp a training staff made from springy ash, supposedly so that it wouldn't kill or seriously injure, and she made her way toward O'Connor, twirling that staff with worrying ease. "Royal guard, huh' Ever been beaten up by a girl, ladyboy?"

The boy threw his satchel atop a wooden bench and turned toward the Sergeant when he heard his name called, cutting a glance to the slight, blond girl who was headed his way. Those sharp hazel eyes looked her over, as if sizing her up. She didn't look like much, but he knew looks could be deceiving. "I've no quarrel with you," he replied, his voice already changing, deepening, though his body had yet to catch up. He turned his back on her and opened his pack.

"Yeah, well, sergeant's got a problem with me," she countered, advancing on his turned back. "I've got more to prove. Looks like you're the one I'm proving it on." The staff swept toward his back, only to stop short barely half an inch from making contact that could have broken bones. "You're not any better than the rest of us, you still have to obey orders!"

He froze in place, almost as if sensing that staff coming so dangerously close to making contact with his turned and exposed back. If he lacked the skill of a soldier, he at least possessed the perception of one. He glanced at the girl over his shoulder, turning slowly to face her. "It is dishonorable to strike an unwary opponent," he told her, as if from rote. His father had taught him much before sending him here. Whatever he lacked in skills, he made up for in bravado.

She stepped back as he turned, meeting his disapproving gaze head on. "I didn't strike you," she told him, applying a very specific kind of logic. "And besides, it's smarter to strike first when your opponent is bigger and stronger. But then, I'm not going to be a royal guard. I'm allowed to fight dirty."

His chin lifted a fraction as her words wounded him, a matter of pride at the imagined or unimagined slight. He was proud of his bloodline, but had never used it to his advantage and wouldn't start now. "Bigger just means a bigger target, and strength is nothing if an opponent is faster on their feet." He studied her as she stepped back, knowing he had no choice but to engage her. He, too, had something to prove. The son of a royal guard, failure would bring shame on both himself and his family. His destiny had already been laid out for him long before he'd been born.

As for Shaye, she had no pride, nothing to lose. Her father wasn't interested in her; her mother was long since dead; any siblings she'd had were keeping themselves out of her life. She was working up from nothing, and that made her wildly dangerous on the practice field. She'd take an injury as easily as she could give them out. "So what?ll it be, ladyboy?" she asked O'Connor tauntingly. "Pick your weapon, or are we going hand to hand?"

Shaye OConnor

Date: 2012-05-07 10:46 EST
"O'Connor!" the Sergeant shouted again from across the practice field. "Are you here to practice or to take up space" Get moving, boy, before I show you a thing or two myself!"

Liam threw a glance at the Sergeant, frowning at the barb. He knew what he was capable of, believing he could hold his own against anyone here, no matter what any of them thought. He slid a glance back at the girl, eyeing her again, knowing he had no choice but to accept the challenge. "It looks like you've already chosen," he told her, as he stepped toward the pile of wooden staves and picked one for himself.

"I'll beat you any way you choose," Shaye offered, her eyes glittering with excitement for the challenge as she moved further back, keeping her eyes on him as he armed himself. She thought she had him read accurately; a daddy's boy, his path already set, not feeling the need to prove anything. A soft target.

He curled his hands firmly around the staff to get a good grip, spreading his feet to ground and balance himself, sizing her up again. She was smaller and lighter; she'd be faster on her feet, and he already knew he had to watch his back around her. "Have at me then," he challenged back, at the ready.

Shaye's grin faded as she settled herself into a stance that screamed of experience of being hit, if not at actually being allowed to hit back. Her fingers shifted on the soft ash wood staff in her hands, testing her own grip before she let out a grunt of effort, swinging the heavy staff one armed toward the older, bigger boy.

His own staff met the swing easily, blocking it and knocking his opponent's staff aside, one foot in front of the other to keep himself balanced. He thought her first swing weak and realized she was testing him, seeing how he would react, searching for his weaknesses before she gave it her full effort. "Is that all you've got?" he challenged, readjusting his stance. He had taken on the defensive position, but whether it was because he judged her weaker than himself or just wanted to test her in return was unclear.

She snorted with laughter, rolling her eyes at his challenge. "No. But I don't fight people who are too scared to fight back." A laugh went up from a couple of the others who were fighting nearby; it was a derisive sound that cut deep into anyone proud enough to think themselves good at what they did. Shaye's grin returned. "Are you chicken, ladyboy?" Her cheeks puffed as she clucked at him impishly, dark eyes exhilarated with the prospect of a proper fight for once.

A small crowd of trainees was slowly gathering around to watch the spritely girl take on the older boy, a few catcalls and derisive comments mostly aimed at the guard's son, whose chin lifted again at the wound to his pride, hazel eyes glinting in anger at being the target of their mockery. "You're the one doing the clucking," he retorted. "Quit talking and let's get this over with."

Where his pride was hurt, Shaye was obviously just enjoying herself now. Whatever she had said, she did have nothing to lose and therefore nothing to defend. Her smile was bright and cheerful as she took a hand from her staff to beckon her opponent closer. "Come and fight me then," she challenged him. "Stop standing there like a pansy and taking it!"

He needed no further goading, his pride taking over where his good sense left off. If she had nothing to prove, he was the exact opposite, having to live up to the expectations of his elders and impress those who would have a hand in deciding his fate. He darted forward, quicker on his feet than one might have given him credit for, and thrust his staff toward her as he lunged forward.

She held her ground, not even shifting her feet. The thrust of his staff was avoided purely by leaning away, bending right back until the trail of her blonde hair touched the sand beneath them, her knees bending to keep her balance. Her arms rose, twirling her own staff as she straightened once more, sweeping the end of the sturdy wooden pole around to swish toward his right hip.

Her staff made first contact, connecting with his hip and knocking him off balance as he was lunging forward. He righted himself quickly enough, using the momentum to swing the staff around and try to take her legs out from beneath her. As the two fought, the crowd around them thickened until they were the only pair fighting. The small spritely girl who was no one and the tall boy from whom much was expected. The blow hurt; there would be bruises later, but he didn't think about that now. If it had a been a true battle and his life was at stake, there would be no time for thinking, only reacting.

Buoyed up with the triumph of getting the first hit in, Shaye utterly failed to move back. O'Connor's staff hit the back of her knees hard, sweeping her feet out from under her, and she fell down onto her back with a loud grunt on impact. She wasn't stupid, though - even on the ground, she fought dirty. Her foot lashed out to kick at her opponent's knee, aiming to buy time to get back onto her feet while their fellows jeered and placed bets amongst themselves.

Shaye OConnor

Date: 2012-05-07 10:49 EST
Liam was not without friends - a few of the guards' sons and daughters were among the group - but there was competition even among them, and some of them had misjudged the quiet boy as being too soft for battle. Sending her sprawling onto her back, he hesitated one second too long before going in for what would have been the killing blow, giving her time to lash out with her foot. Quick reflexes saved him and he hopped over her, the kick only barely making contact with his knee. He swung back around, taking up the defensive stance once again. "Get up!" he shouted, unwilling to attack her while she was prone on the ground.

That was a major difference between them; Shaye would have finished him while he was down, regardless of honor or practise. The fight had been his for the taking, and he'd given up that chance. She wouldn't make the same mistake. Rolling onto her knees, then up onto her feet, she charged him, thrusting one end of the staff toward his head only to abruptly change direction and thrust the lower end with unerring aim for the inadequate training armor that protected his stomach.

With little time to think things through and used to fighting honorably, he misjudged her attack and lifted his staff to parry her blow and protect his head, realizing too late that she was feinting the attack, the lower end of her staff making contact with his abdomen and forcing the breath out of him as he doubled over momentarily in pain. He stumbled back out of the range of her staff as he slowly straightened and tried to catch his breath. If she wanted to fight dirty, he could do the same. He waited for her to make the next move.

It was just as well he did stumble back; Shaye's staff had already begun to sweep down toward his unprotected back as he doubled over, only to miss his head by an inch or so to thump into the sand. She over-balanced because of it, staggering back into the range of O'Connor's staff as her soft-soled boots skidded in the sand.

He regarded her for a moment, not really wanting to hurt her, hearing his father's words in his head: "Don't think of them as girls, lad. They won't give you any quarter. You are nothing to them but an opponent. You will have to earn your place, if you want to be a royal guard. Not everyone becomes a Queen's Man, no matter their bloodline." This time, with his father's words ringing in his head, he didn't falter.

He drew a deep painful breath and gathered what strength he had left, bellowing a challenge as he charged her, swinging his staff around to collide with her chest, following the blow with his own body to shove her onto her back on the ground, his legs straddling her chest as he held the end of the wooden stick at her throat. "Do you yield?" he asked, eyes glinting green and brown as he hovered over her and waited for her answer.

Only just regaining her balance, Shaye didn't stand a chance. The blow at her chest knocked the breath from her; her smaller, slighter form went down hard under the crash of his body into hers. Dazed with such an abrupt lack of oxygen, her grip on her staff loosened, sending it rolling away over the sand as she coughed, blinking up at O'Connor's triumphant stance even as she struggled for breath.

"I'm small, not stupid," she rasped. "Of course I bloody yield!" Even out of breath, though, she lifted a wide grin up at him, approving of the way he'd finally harness his fighting instincts even if it had taken a few good hits. "Going to let me up, or did you have something else you wanted me to do while I'm down here?"

"Bloody fool girl," he grumbled as he tossed the stick away and rolled off her, reaching down to offer a hand and pull her to her feet. He hardly had a chance to recover when the Sergeant was barking orders again, and the crowd of onlookers was slowly dispersing.

"You two!" the Sergeant shouted at the pair of them. "You're done for the day. Go clean up and get something to eat. Put the fight behind you. We all fight for the same Queen."

"Aye, Sergeant Makos, sir!" As Shaye pulled on her opponent's hand to pull herself back onto her feet, she flashed O'Connor a cheeky wink and grin, turning the same expression onto their training sergeant as she snapped off a mockingly smart salute. A moment later, she let out a yelp as the Sergeant thumped her soundly for her cheek.

Liam had no sooner turned his back on the girl when he heard her yelp, and without thinking, he stepped between her and the Sergeant, placing himself between them, shielding her with his body. "Sir, we're just going." If the Sergeant wanted to strike her again, he'd have to go through the boy first.

The Sergeant, unfortunately for Liam, was a hard man who was there to teach the newest recruits to obey without question or talking back. Despite the good practise of protecting a fellow from an unfair blow, Liam had just earned himself a thump of his own, which Makos was more than ready to hand out.

The boy staggered back from the blow, but brooked no argument about it, taking a thump that had either been meant for her or had been cast in order to teach the boy respect. Respect, however, was a lesson in which Liam needed little instruction. He wasn't foolish enough to argue or even defend himself. He only turned away, rubbing at his stinging cheek and snatching at the girl's arm to drag her away before she earned a beating. "Come on. It's over."

Shaye OConnor

Date: 2012-05-07 10:52 EST
Despite the bruise rising on her cheek, Shaye was laughing as O'Connor pulled her away toward the barracks and baths, brushing sand out of her hair. "Moody old bugger, isn't he?" she commented mildly as soon as they were out of earshot. Her hand shot out in front of Liam, offering a handshake by way of greeting. "I'm Shaye, by the way."

He pulled her aside to snag his pack, tossing it onto a shoulder and letting go of her as he started with her toward the barracks. He eyed her suspiciously as she seemed to suddenly want to make friends and he halted long enough to take her hand. "Liam," he returned the greeting, without a smile. Now that the fight was over, the pain was setting in, every muscle screaming in protest.

"Serious sort, aren't you?" She tossed blonde hair over her shoulder, pulling Liam toward the baths rather than the barracks. One hand gestured to his stomach. "Sorry about the jab - you left it open. I'm full of tells, I thought you'd catch it straight away. But hot water works with the aches." Like her own aches - thanks to Liam, she had a wonderfully sore chest. If she'd been an early developer, that probably would have hurt more, too.

One blond brow quirked as she pulled him away from the barracks in the direction of the baths. He'd never seen a girl naked before, and he wasn't sure he was ready to see one naked now. The thought of it brought a crimson blush rising to his cheeks and he turned his head away in hopes she wouldn't notice. "You're quick, I'll give you that. I've never sparred with a girl before."

"Really?" Shaye was actually surprised to hear that. In their society, the ratio of men to women had definitely fallen in the women's favor over the centuries, and as such, women were far more powerful than the men had ever been. "Now that's odd. You've really never fought a girl" Where have you been, under a rock?" She grinned in her engaging way, nudging him into the bath-house. As soon as they'd stepped inside, she began to unbuckle her training leathers, propping them carefully on one of the benches in the steam-filled rooms.

The blush was still there, along with a small frown as they stepped into the bathhouse and she started unbuckling her leathers. He shrugged his shoulders and put some distance between them, setting his pack down on a bench adjacent to the one she was using. He didn't want to brag, but it was no rock he'd been living under most of his life, but the complex on Palantine Hill. "I suppose that's why I'm here. My father thinks me too soft." He started working the buckles of his own leathers loose, turning self-consciously and modestly away from her.

"I'll toughen you up," Shaye promised with a grin, shedding her leather jerkin with a groan of relief. She wasn't used to wearing armor at all, even this lighter training garb, much preferring the cropped vest and loose pants she wore beneath that protective layer. At twelve, she had no shape as such, and no definition, and hadn't yet come to a real realisation of the differences between boys and girls. She wasn't at all shy of stripping down in company. Glancing over at Liam, she smirked at the way he turned away. "What're you hiding over there for?"

"I'm not hiding," Liam contradicted, the youthful face flushing with embarrassment. "I just have never seen a girl naked before." He drew off the leathers that covered his tunic and laid them almost reverently on the bench, rubbing at the sore spot on his stomach where her staff had met with his abdomen. His own build was lanky, not even starting to fill out yet, but his shoulders were wide and his back straight. If he grew up to look anything like his father, he'd be tall and broad-shouldered before long.

"Well, I don't got anything you haven't," Shaye informed him brightly. "You've got junk I don't, though." Even as she grinned at her own joke, she was pulling off her vested top, proving her own words by displaying her very flat chest. Yet despite the lack of potential in her coltish body, her face was promising beauty with maturity already, and she was likely to be a tall woman, despite her current short stature. The slam of Liam's staff had left a dark red mark across her chest, which she rubbed gently with a quiet hiss. "Why didn't you take the first opening?" she asked suddenly. "You could've had me when I was on the ground."

He snorted at her innocence, seemingly knowing a little more than her about the differences between a male and a female. His gaze flickered briefly at her bare chest, the blush deepening despite the fact that she was just a girl and not in possession of womanly figure just yet. He should think of her as a sister, he told himself, or another boy, not a girl with such a potentially pretty face. He shrugged his slim shoulders again, honest to a fault, knowing precisely where he'd erred.

"I made a mistake. I hesitated." Brown-green eyes flicked a glance at her again and he frowned reproachfully. "I'm sorry about the bruise. Father says one mistake is all it takes. It could cost you your life," he added, as an afterthought.

"Oh, don't be sorry," she grinned. "I earned it. And I'm not apologising for your bruises, either." She kicked out of her loose boots, unlacing the waist of her pants as they continued to talk. "Your father's right. A soldier fights, and to do that properly, she's gotta be good at stayin' alive, right' So we're gonna learn not to make mistakes and to make the most of other peoples'." She leaned close, muttering into his ear cheekily, "What's the blush for, ladyboy?"

Shaye OConnor

Date: 2012-05-07 11:04 EST
He glared up at her and shoved her away, albeit gently. "I'm not blushing and I'm not a ladyboy!" He moved away from her to flop down on the bench and tug at his own boots. "I'm not like you. You get to choose what you want to do with your life. My future is already chosen for me."

Staggering under his shove, Shaye giggled, the sound very girlish despite her pretence at being a boy. "Everyone's got a choice, Liam," she countered confidently, shucking out of her pants finally as she stepped away again. "You know my pa wants me to be a whore, not a soldier" I made a choice, and here I am. So don't try and hide behind that - you wouldn't be here if you didn't want to be."

"A whore!" he exclaimed, eyes widening, appalled at the thought that anyone's father would want their own child to become such a thing, much less hers. "Why would he want you to do that?" He set his boots aside and worked at loosening the strings on his breeches, distracted if only momentarily by the conversation and forgetting he was talking to a half-naked girl.

Now it was Shaye's turn to boggle at Liam's innocence, blinking in surprise as she began to slide the last of her clothing free of her unformed body. "Because it's a quick way of making money, and I'd have to stick with him to stay safe," she explained matter-of-factly. "It's what he did to my ma, why wouldn't he do it to me" Lazy bastard, my pa, a right nasty piece of work."

His eyes narrowed at her explanation, his face darkening but not out of embarrassment. Whether it was a female-dominated society or not, he'd been raised with an certain moral and ethical code that demanded he show women the proper respect and honor they deserved, and to protect those who needed protecting. "I won't let him do that to you. Ever."

He felt a sudden unexpected surge of affection for this waif of a girl he'd just met and just as suddenly, privately pledged to always protect her, even if it meant putting his own life at risk. The statement was made with conviction and the hint of an unspoken promise. Not yet a man, he would become a one who was true to his word and stood behind his promises.

She stared at him for a long moment, her own rough upbringing offering her little in the way of reference for his sudden insistence on protecting the little girl who'd taunted him so impishly on the training field. "You're not half bad, are you?" she asked quietly, appreciating the promise even if she didn't believe it was possible. 'C'mon, time for a soak. I promise, I won't dunk you unless you deserve it."

Flashing him one of those cheeky smiles that had earned her a slap from the sergeant, she turned her back on Liam, moving into the next room to slide down into the great sunken bath. The water steamed naturally, fed by hot springs from the caves a mile or so away, constantly replenishing itself in a natural system.

He watched as she turned her back on him and moved away toward the baths, puzzled not only by her c*cky attitude, but also by the feelings she was stirring inside him, feelings he'd never felt before for anyone outside his own small circle of family and friends. She was unlike him in so many ways and yet, it was those differences he seemed to find intriguing.

He pulled the ties loose on his tunic and tugged it over his head, stripping off his breeches to reveal a nasty bruise on his hip where her staff had made contact. He was a walking mass of bruises, it seemed, but if he was to be a soldier, he'd have to learn to live with the pain. He left his discarded clothing on the bench with his leathers and reluctantly followed her into the next room, hoping she wouldn't notice how hot his face felt in her presence.

She didn't notice his blush or, if she did, put it down to a flush from the hot steam that swirled around them. Stepping down into the water, she sat herself on the shallow bench that ran around the edge of the deep bath, submerged to the chin in the hot water with a happy groan. "Oh, I'll tell you this, Liam ....nothing is better than a hot bath."

He grabbed the first towel he came upon and wrapped it around his waist, feeling as naked as he looked in her presence, watching as she submerged herself in the hot water. All he had to do was get in there and sink down low enough that she couldn't see the obvious physical differences between them. He felt a thousand questions bubbling to the surface that he wanted to ask her, but he needed to hold his tongue long enough to get into the water without attracting her attention. He stepped closer, a tall stripling of a boy, not yet a man.

If she'd been paying more attention, Liam would have been given no quarter as Shaye's sense of humor would have left her no option but to tease him mercilessly into accepting his nudity and getting on with it. As it was, the concept of a hot bath you could submerge yourself in entirely was still new enough to the c*cky girl to take her entire imagination as she leaned against the warm stone edge, her eyes closed in softly moaning bliss.

The moan was distracting him in a way he couldn't quite comprehend and he very carefully stepped down into the water, only removing the towel at the last possible moment before submerging himself to the waist, lowering slowly until the water was halfway up his chest. "He shouldn't have hit you," he found himself blurting out, without much forethought, as he looked to the bruise that was blooming on her cheekbone.

Her dark eyes blinked open to look over at him as he spoke, the expression startlingly soft from someone who seemed to thrive on jokes and humor to keep the world at bay. Shaye could feel her newest bruise beginning to throb, but it was nothing new to her, really. What was new was the concern displayed by someone else because of that bruise. "I was asking for it," she reminded Liam with a smile. "Doesn't mean I'm going to stop being a c*cky little cow, I'll just get sneakier. How's your head?"

Shaye OConnor

Date: 2012-05-07 11:14 EST
"Fine. Never better." For the first time since they'd met, he flashed a dimpled smile at her, displaying that he was, in fact, capable of smiling when he so chose or had something worthy of smiling about. That smile hinted at a sense of humor buried beneath the serious exterior. "If it means that much for you to be here, you shouldn't push him too hard," he pointed out, sinking deeper into the soothing, hot water.

"Oh, would you look at that' Lord High Snooty Pants does know how to smile!" It didn't look as though Shaye was going to ever stop teasing him, one way or the other. He reacted, and she enjoyed the reaction. "I'll push because if I don't, I'll get sent to be fodder in my pa's division," she explained belatedly, stretching her arms high before relaxing back once again. "If I push, they'll let me prove I'm better than that. I'm gonna be the best ever, you wait and see."

He smiled a little at her barb, realizing now that she was enjoying teasing him and deciding not to encourage her further. "Who's your father?" he asked curiously, the smile fading as he watched her stretch and relax. She was just a slip of a girl now, but even he could see the potential in her, the strength and determination, the will to achieve greatness, the self-confidence in her own abilties, and he found himself admiring and even envying her a little.

Eyes closed once again, Shaye had relaxed into the water once again, sighing comfortably as he spoke. She had a feeling she'd made her first friend here in the camp, one which would hopefully survive the years of their training. Opening her eyes, she lifted her feet from the water, stretching out her legs as her gaze turned back to Liam. "Fionn Fargil, sergeant-at-arms for the 17th," she told him, a shrug lifting her shoulder above the surface of water for a moment. "Yours in the royals?"

He nodded his head at her question, watching her as she relaxed in the water, searching his mind for any memory of the name she mentioned. He seemed to recall hearing his father mention the name once or twice and not in a favorable manner. "He's an officer. Lieutenant, next in line for a captaincy." Liam had no doubt his father would achieve his dream and obtain the desired rank of Queen's Captain, but he wasn't quite sure yet if he shared that same dream.

Shaye looked suitably impressed, her grin lopsided and shining in the steam-filled room. "Very nice," she agreed with the pride that was so audible in her new friend's voice. "So you're from Loscar, then, the capital" Have you seen the princess" Is she really as pretty as everyone says she is?" Shaye, behaving like a girl" Liam must really have made a good impression.

Liam shrugged a shoulder at her question and sank lower in the water, going under for a moment to get his head wet before popping back up and pushing the wet strands of blond back from his face. "I suppose. I've seen her a few times, but we've never spoken. We're not royalty, Shaye. We serve royalty, but we don't mingle."

He hadn't really thought about it much, about whether the princess was pretty or not. He'd been too busy to think about it and having been raised to think in terms of service, there wasn't much point in thinking that way, knowing she was above his place in society and out of reach. He supposed she was pretty, like a flower was pretty, something to cherish and admire and protect.

She snorted at his thoroughly unsatisfying answer, ducking down herself beneath the surface of the water to soak her long tangle of blonde hair through. She was under the water for a long moment ....too long not to be causing mischief. And sure enough, a few moments later, Liam was very likely to feel the playful tickle of slender fingers against his thigh and ribs.

He blinked a few times, concerned when she didn't resurface right away, and then he felt something or someone tickling him, and he blushed crimson again, mortified that she'd dared to get that close to him beneath the water. Hadn't she embarrassed him enough already? He jerked away from her, ribs aching with the sudden movement, and snatched at her beneath the water to yank her back to the surface.

Shaye burst from under the water at his yank, spraying water everywhere with the arc of her hair slapping back from her face. Her laughter bubbled forth wickedly as she grinned at him, blinking through the torrent of water pouring over her face, naive enough not to see anything wrong with her physical teasing of him. "What?" she asked innocently. "I didn't dunk you!"

"Have you no sense of dignity?" he asked, the question sounding harsher than he'd intended. She might still be only a girl, but he was thirteen and starting to feel the first stirrings of manhood as his body was starting to change and hormones were starting to rage. "You''re....incorrigible!" he blurted out, choosing the first word that came to mind, one he'd heard his mother use against his father when they were having one of their spats that always ended in laughter and long hours spent in the bedroom with the door shut and locked.

Cackling with wicked enjoyment of his scandalised expression, Shaye let him shake her as he declared his shock at her behaviour. "Oh, lighten up, Liam," she snickered, easing herself back out of his grip. "You take things way too seriously, you know that' Life's for laughing at."

"Life is not for laughing at," he countered. Sure, there were moments that were meant for fun and laughter, but he wasn't sure this was one of them. Confused, embarrassed, and feeling just a little humiliated, he pushed himself up out of the water, unconcerned suddenly if she saw him naked or not, leaning down to swipe the towel off the floor where he'd left it. "Life is about honor and loyalty and purpose," he told her, as he wrapped the towel around his middle and glared down at her.

Floating comfortably in the water as her companion scrambled out and covered himself, the girl rolled her eyes even as her grin deepened. "You're going to die of boredom if you spend your life all about honor and loyalty and purpose," she countered, leaning on the side of the steaming stone bath to reach up and tug teasingly at the trailing end of his towel, glaring comically back at him. "What about fun, and friends, and living your life?"

Shaye OConnor

Date: 2012-05-07 11:16 EST
He tugged the towel away from her and sidestepped out of her grasp, bare feet slipping on the wet floor and going out from under him before he could catch himself, going down hard and whacking his head on the floor, dazed for a moment. He didn't have much of a chance to answer that question before he went topsy turvy on the floor. Oh, the humanity.

"Oh, whoa!" Shaye winced as Liam crashed down, moving without thinking to lunge and scramble up and out of the water herself. Slithering over the wet stone, she laid a hand against Liam's chest, feeling for the beat of his heart even as her fingers very gently eased beneath his head, testing for blood and bumps. "Liam' Stay still, but say something."

He emitted a single groan, before his eyes fluttered open and tried to focus on the face that was hovering in his field of vision. "Something," he repeated, not even realizing his own sense of humor that was swimming to the surface. He was none the worse for wear, a small bump on the back of his head to add to his other injuries. He'd be sore for a few days, but he'd live. He blinked up at her as her face swam into view, not moving a muscle but for the blinking of his eyelids. "You're pretty," he muttered, stupidly, not even realizing what he was saying.

She snorted with laughter as he said exactly what she'd asked for, laughing to herself as her fingers withdrew gently from the back of his head. "Nothing wrong with your brain then," she grinned down at him, still unashamedly nude where she knelt at his side. But then, she had nothing to be embarrassed of in her boyish, coltish, immature figure. His unthinking compliment made her blink in surprise as she met his gaze. "Uh-huh ....can you make your eyes squiffy by hitting your head" I think you can." Smiling, she inched back from him. "If you can sit up without throwing up, you're fine. That's what old Mother Magda says."

"Who's Mother Magda?" he asked, enunciating each word slowly as he just as slowly sat up. He closed his eyes as the room swam around him for a moment before it came to a stop, but the contents of his stomach thankfully remained there. His eyes opened slowly, and he reached around to rub at the lump on the back of his head, the fall adding insult to injury.

Shaye watched him sit up with concerned eyes, but as soon as he showed himself to be about as fighting fit as he was going to get for now, that concern was tossed aside. She rose onto her feet, padding to take a towel from the rack on the wall to wrap around herself. "She ran the brothel where I was born," she told Liam confidently. "Magic hands, that woman, she knows everything about healing."

"We could both use a little of that magic right about now," he muttered, the only complaint he made about his injuries. If he was going to be a Royal Guard, he was going to have to learn to take his lumps without complaint. His first day of training hadn't gone so well, in his opinion, with the possible exception of meeting her. He turned away from her until she had the towel wrapped around herself and then he looked back. "I'm sorry I got angry," he told her abruptly, looking remorseful.

"Good, so you should be," was Shaye's worldly wise response as she leaned down to him, offering a hand to help him up. The only problem with that hand was that it came attached to the grinning girl standing over him. "Don't get angry, get even, that's what I say. If you can get even with me, I'll ..." She frowned, trying to think of something he'd actually want from a rough and ready girl like her. "I'll introduce you to the prettiest girl in the city, how's that?"

Shaye OConnor

Date: 2012-05-07 11:18 EST
He flushed again, grasping her hand as she helped him to his feet. He'd already met the prettiest girl in the city, or so he thought, but he held his tongue. He lowered his eyes and let go of her hand as he found his feet, mumbling, "I have to go."

She nodded, stepping back toward the door to the changing room. "Gotta get your head looked at before dinner and lights out," she agreed sagely. "Got your dorm bed yet' I can get you one out of the drafts, if you like. I've got a good right hook."

"A right hook?" he repeated back at her, a blank look on his face, not understanding the reference or how it related to his dorm assignment. He clutched the towel at his middle to make sure it stayed in place as he followed her out of the baths and back toward the changing room. "I don't understand."

Shaye glanced back at him, squeezing the water from her long hair before they passed into the changing room. "I can punch better than you," was her helpful translation. "Don't get a decent bed if you don't fight for it in the barracks, didn't you know?"

He shook his head. No, he didn't know, but he did now. He knew he wasn't going to get any special privileges because of his father's rank and status, but he hadn't realized just how much of a struggle for survival and competition for dominance this would be. There was that proud lifting of his chin again in answer to any challenge put before him. At least, they could never accuse him of being a quitter. "Thank you, but I'll handle it."

"Ooooh," she grinned, falling easily back into teasing him as she set about scrubbing the water from her skin. "Hark at hoity-toity, doesn't need a girl's help to get a decent bed." Shaye flickered Liam a cheeky wink as she laughed. "All right, then. See if you get a decent bed on your own."

"I'll get a decent bed," he assured her, stiffening and squaring his shoulders defensively. "Would you like to place a small wager on it?" he asked impetuously as he snatched up his tunic and drew it on over his head and pulled it onto his arms.

"All right. Name it." He should have known better than to challenge a girl from the lowest rung of society to a bet of any kind. Shaye's grin widened as she pulled her pants on, lacing them swiftly before slipping into her short vest.

Oh, he knew she'd take the bait, like a fish nipping at a tasty, fat worm. She had, in fact, played right into his hands, this time, and he couldn't help but smile a little at his success. "I wager that I can win the best bed in the dorm, and if I do, you have to do whatever I say for one whole day."

Brows rising at his over-confidence, Shaye thumped down onto her backside to pull her boots on, smirking up at him. "You're on," she agreed. "Same stakes if you don't - and no complaining." The smile on his face was, admittedly, a little disconcerting, but she was pretty confident that she could beat her way to the best bed before he could.

"You're on," he leaned over to grasp her hand to seal the deal, having to quickly grab the towel with his free hand as it came loose and almost fell off his hips, a smug smile on his face, confident he'd win the bet, and if he didn't, he'd at least fight his way to a better bed.

Shaye's smaller hand slapped into his, squeezing as she sealed the bet with him, sharing a similar smile. Little did either of them know how fateful that handshake really was little it took to bind together two threads in the great weave of life for the eternity to come.

((Thanks to Liam's player.))