Topic: Alchemy House

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2011-09-05 16:37 EST

Welcome to the Alchemy House

The Alchemy House, also known as the Science House, is one of the houses in the Coven Bristle Crios. Founded by Morgan Doyle after leaving Dublin, Ireland, Bristle Crios ensures a safe haven for everyone who maintains peace and protection within its grounds. People of all races, abilities, and backgrounds are welcome as members or guests of the Coven.

Alchemy House in Bristle Crios is available for those who embrace technology and science and maybe even the occasional dabble in magic. Steampunk, alchemy, cybernetics. If your skills are based in chemistry, biology, technology, or any other science, you are welcome to join our halls to carry out your learning and experiments.

The house offers many workshops to work on experiments, develop weapons, perfect genetic engineering, and other tasks. The great library is filled with many texts to help to learn new sciences. There are many mad scientists that take refuge in the Alchemy House that are willing to teach, so long as they're not busy cleaning up one of their own messes. When you're experimenting with human genetics, you're bound to crack a few embryos.

Members of the Alchemy House may tell their stories here.

OOC: This is thread is designed to allow members of this house to post a more detailed profile about their character, give players an opportunity to tell a short story about their character's background, write a description of the character's room in the house with pictures, or any other brief topic. If you have any questions about how to use this thread, please PM any of the moderators.

Picture Credit: Victoria Jane Photography

Mechanist Heart

Date: 2011-09-10 12:16 EST
When asked to be the leader of alchemist house the half fairy waved a tool and grumbled on with the temper mental machine in front of her. Little did she know what the hell she had agreed to. For Jacqueline Absinthe this is her chance to push things to the limit. Chaos theory is what drives her to keep going on in spite of how many times she is set on fire, beaten by the very machine she built or on occasion blown up. Okay nearly blow up. Chaos theory is applied to many fields of study and as such is also known as the butterfly effect. Small conditions in the work such as rounding numbers can cause massive variances in the initial data the members are observing and as such there is never an end to the work nor a predictable outcome. Which is why that is Jack's first rule in the house. Followed by the close second you borrow my tools you bring them back or I get to hunt you down and beat you with the tool you borrowed. No...this leader doesn't have a temper. Ha ha!

The past only serves as the ground floor to Jack. Daughter of a human and the one and only absinthe fairy, she is a blend all her own. If you ask how a 6 foot man and a 5 inch fairy got it on, Jack will shake her head and raise a fist in the air shouting "Chaos theory!" You have to love the irony. Happy to be the leader of this group of misfits, but good luck getting that out of her, Jack wakes early wandering the halls to make sure all the members are still alive. Cup of coffee in hand and booted feet crossed at the ankles, her favorite is to stand in the back doorway of the house. The sun rises over the edge of the lake and each day is never the same as the one before. A new color, angle to the rays as they set the dew shimmering on the ground or bursting through the hazy clouds. It is a wonder that could be rambled on about, but is better savored in silence.

If any member has a possible theory or initial concept to flush out they come to their insane leader. Jack may look like a punk grease monkey, but working under the hood of a car is her way of unwinding. No project is to big, small, strange or simple for her liking. It is SCIENCE and that is what counts. Nine times out of ten just look for the smoke or trial of black sludge and it will lead to Jack. Yes that is what everyone calls her. None of this leader or Miss Absinthe or if you really have a death wish Jacqueline. The nearest tool will be sailing for your head and another one in hand if you don't get the words sorry Jack out quick. Welcome to Alchemist House!

Mechanist Heart

Date: 2011-11-27 10:57 EST

Alchemy house is able to meld a glorious mixture of modern and old world touches. Members are brilliant, but so it seems such inspiring intellect comes at the cost of common sense. But that is what C.A.M is for. Cybernetic Ascentiant Mansion. It was built by Jack to help keep everyone alive. Completely wired into the entire house, she, as the gender chosen, can be called upon for anything. For some it is a little creepy to hear a voice greeting them over a speaker system so to help make relations easier, Jack built this friendly computer a body. C.A.M maintains the house among her many duties. Helping to bring continued inspiration for the many absent minded members to come. The best place to start a tour of this smart house is the gathering rooms or living rooms.

The living rooms or more like secondary work rooms have clean lines and soothing colors so no one can loose track of thought. Leather is used as the main fabric not because of a look, but more to the point that it is durable and so easy to clean. At least until a chemical spill which does happen on occasion.

Gas fireplaces add a touch of home compared to the many rooms that serve as working labs ranging from chemical, to mechanical projects. Glass and plexiglass are another commonly used material in the house. Some of the windows aren't actually windows so be careful. Flat screen monitors allow the member to create the setting best for them to work in. City landscapes or the surface of the moon. What is your pleasure"

Picture Credits:"id=45605768

Mechanist Heart

Date: 2011-11-27 11:29 EST

You can wander around all you like and never find the kitchen to this house. Why' It might have been a random misreading of labels, but the point C.A.M will tell you is she doesn't like being blown up. In order to prevent this, she had taken the liberty of hiding the kitchen, even from Jack. Especially from Jack!

To be festive C.A.M will change the lighting and add a few touches for those who actually know when to stop working and eat. White walls, white chairs, white table, white..white...except for the pumice and river stone mix under the table. This is to help absorb any foul chemicals dragged in and the white makes it much easier to spot dirt and hazards so the eating hall can be kept a healthy environment.

A must see just below the dining hall is the bottle room. Bright white walls and plexiglass racks that create stunning arches along the ceiling. Back light in blue it can be overwhelming at first. A word of warning. Be really careful what bottle you pick up. One member might have picked up a bottle of ethyl alcohol instead of moonshine. That was the last time anyone was allowed in the kitchen. One explosion and a stomach pump later, Jack is just fine. The kitchen on the other hand took C.A.M months to get back in order.

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Mechanist Heart

Date: 2011-11-27 11:35 EST

Every member of this house is given their own personal holographic computer. It is worn around the wrist and voice activated. Pick your colors and away you go. A direct link to C.A.M so that if anything were to happen she can notify the correct people or try to take care of it herself. All of the data from experiments are stored through these little computers.

These little guys also allow C.A.M to monitor vitals. If you're sugar is running low she might appear with a snack or if you just so happen to be looking for something she can help locate it.

Picture Credit:


Date: 2012-05-21 03:58 EST
(Thank you to Jack and Fi's players for their help with this post.)

She was too intelligent to be hemmed in by administrative duties. Her talent for creating complex mechanisms was wasted on such mundane activities as signing order forms and pushing paperwork. The house needed her; the fleet would need her as well. There would be no room in Jack's schedule for admins. He however was not so essential to maintaining the experiments that were going on in this place. He was in a unique position, he had knowledge of the science associated with this house, but he had no expertise. He would be able to spread his working knowledge out to the members here, and still have time to maintain the house itself. Someone had to sign for the staples, keep the books, and manage the funds that were used to purchase the equipment. He hoped to bring a certain level of discipline to the house as well. The members were not soldiers like those he had left behind so he had to scale back what passed for order.

Sharp light drifts over the dew covered ground at what could only be 4 in the morning. Each footstep steady and sure as the well known path is taken around the coven. The silhouette with wings waits in the door with a bottle of water, holding onto her own mug of coffee. A shared smile passed between them as the day takes hold. Thanks to the wrist computer connected to C.A.M very little time is spent in the office other than official meetings and the like. A steady march down the halls from room to room, checking on the experiments that could shape the future, but more importantly those conducting them. Brilliance it seems comes with a price in so many forms and it was his job to make sure they were taken care of. Every image of the next inventor was more than just data and vitals on a screen. They were more than the future they were trying to create. These men and woman, their families would become his. No birthday would go uncelebrated or day pass without a welcoming greeting. Hours dedicated to them as they dedicated their lives to their work. Just as the day started with the rising sun, at its set a new pace and direction. Down into a bunker with dinner for two, unafraid of the ominous noises. Of course hazmat suits were provided for those not as brave, but this moment was theirs.

He did have one major change he wanted to make to the house itself. The engineers were called together and handed the schematics. A storage room on the lower floor was converted to a transporter room. This would be crucial to the ship yard that the Legion had begun constructing in space

(Image Credit to

Miranda Branson

Date: 2013-02-07 11:15 EST
Alchemy House Crest

The skull was chosen for Alchemy house as a reminder to know your past. For it is only in understanding where we have gone to know where you need to go. It is also a symbol of how life is fleeting and all that remains is what you leave behind. From inventions to theories. Family and friends.