Topic: Chase N-856: The Red Squadron incident


Date: 2011-12-21 22:16 EST
First Report

Squad Commander: Weiss Faulke Number of Members: Four (Incluiding Commander) Mission Type: Recon Survivors: 3 Actual mission status: Cancelled/Failed

Today, we have sent Red Squadron to explore a sector our radars have discovered a few months ago. It curious that for many years that sector remained as a black hole for our sensors. But it resulted to be a common sector with a solar system on it. I had my doubts about this mission, but we must send these men, they are the best pilots the air-force have. If they die in this mission will be a huge waste for the army.

Two hours have passed since they left, and still no contact with them. Looks like we have lost them for good.

Two minutes ago we had contact, they arrived and they can see a planet like Trydia. Habitable it said, we have the chatter to the mothership. This is the point when the incident ocurred (The Following audio contains the original recording of the Solaris Data-Base:

Red 1: Attention, this is Captain Weiss Faulke to the Solaris, we have found the planet, over Solaris: This is the Solaris, roger that. We have solid copy, transmit planet data. Red 1: Roger that, Red 3, I need you to scan the planet, ASAP Red 3: That's a negative Red 1, I can't scan the planet. Solaris: Why you are taking so long Red 1: We are having problems scanning the planet, we don't know why but we can't Red 2: This Red 2 speaking, we have a lecture. There is a strong gravitational field around the planet. Solaris: This is Solaris to Red Squadron, return to base. Planet is not reachable, mission failed. Red 1: Roget that Solaris, returning to base. *Static* Red 2: This is Red 2!, did you see that light! Red 4: Red 4, it's a positive Red 3: Let's get the hell out of here Solaris: This is Solaris to Red Squadron status report Red 2: We are returning to base inmediately, Red 1 is nowhere to be found, he got lost after the light. Solaris: Understood Red Squadron...Mission the republic has lost a great pilot

After the recording, only three pilots returned, Red 2,3 and 4. Red 1 was nowhere to be found. Various recon ships were sent to invesitgate but they only saw a black hole there instead of a planet.

Thus, the investigation will be halted permanently. Captain Weiss Faulke, was marked as M.I.A until this day.

End of Report