Topic: Fleet Days::Rise of the Hive

Mechanist Heart

Date: 2015-02-01 22:13 EST
The new warp drive had been taking them deeper into places uncharted with great success. New astrometric charts would prove invaluable for future fleet ship. Jack had only one worry, the Borg. A few sightings of known materials used in their ship designs and even a few ships nearby, but so far there had been no skirmishes or need to run. Not one to take any threat lightly, she finally brought the new shields online for testing. When scanned they would appear as basic encoding; standard issue; but with one command let the fireworks go! Glowing green eyes poured over the Borg console Hunter had given her once again. It had given so much data and in the last few days she had manage to get it to scan the constant scramble of space static for Borg signals. Fussing away at a relay that looked damaged the red light on the far left of the console started to glowed. "****....**** #$%^&* ****!" Her heart sank as she raced for the main computer in her lab. "Not now. I haven't fully tested. Computer! Translate!" A cool voice called back to her. "One Borg vessel. Current trajectory suggests our current location with an error margin of 5.8%. Class...." Jack beat the computer to the punch as the image was magnified on screen. With the Borg console wired into her personal computers she was the first to know. Eyes wide, her hands started to fly across the keyboard. Red lights flashing all over the ship. The cool voice echoed across all decks. "Engineering will begin evacuation protocols. Lock down shall begin in 30 seconds. Surround floors will evacuate to upper decks."

The morning and most of the early afternoon had passed in relative ease. The bridge maintained its usual hum of excitement, but nothing more tragic than a split glass of milk to content with. When the claxon bells rolled through the ship, it would be fair to say the bridge was more than startled. From the captain's chair, Hunter looked up at the sound of the claxons blare curious without letting concern show on his face. "Red Alert' Operations What is going on now?"


Date: 2015-02-01 22:14 EST
He turned to Eight who was keying in orders at her console, hoping that this was merely a computer error from the new shield system being brought online. Eight was the only member of the bridge whose voice could be more unnerving than his. "It seems sir, the alert was initiated in engineering section 7....that would be Jack's location sir." Hunter thumbed the communications button as soon as her name was said. This was not a young cadet's mistake. "Admiral to Engineering...What is going on down there Jack?" It had yet to come to a full blown red alert when things went wrong down there. Granted, her lab was experimental, but the occasional explosion wouldn't warrant this. He was a little concerned, hoping for the first time since her boarding, that Jack was wrong.

Scrambling from console to console, Jack shut her eyes and tried to remember there was a job to do, for both of them. Eight's console flashed. Before the screen could pull up an image of the lab, the computer voice calmly explaining that all passwords had been changed and would remain until the new destination had been reached. Coordinates flashed across a map of the current galaxy they occupied with a small countdown clock running towards zero in the far right corner. Like the blink of an eye, the main screen for the bridge changed showing Jack bouncing around her lab. Her voice was strained, but she tried to make each word clear. "I'm sorry, but you are just going to have to stay put. There is a Borg ship heading for us. By the specks it is the largest, most powerful seen yet. I'm doing my job and getting us out of here. The new shields should hold till I can make the last adjustments. I'll be the only one exposed." Freezing for a moment over the panel in front of her, Jack's hands trembled. She shouldn't make him worry, but she wasn't going to lie to him either. Choking down the knot in her throat, her voice came out with the slightest of cracks. "If it comes to that." Jack knew the probability in her survival of this event and the odds were not in her favor.

Mechanist Heart

Date: 2015-02-01 22:15 EST
He looked to the monitor then turns to Eight. "Is the cloaking device still off line?" Eight never turned from her work as she spoke. "Yes sir. We needed to power it down until the new units were in place and fully functional." His fingers grasp the arm of his chair. "Right...guess we go a little old school and hope that they don't think to look for us. Science station, mask our energy signature. I want to look like a simple radiation sample." Sherwood moved at his command. "Aye sir, dampening field engaged. All unnecessary systems cut to half power...helm on my mark all stop" The tones of Sherwood's console could be heard on the silent bridge. "and...MARK!" Alysha killed the engines, the lights dimmed in the corridors and the Unimatrix resembled nothing more than a hunk of rock in space.

Changing the numbers and panels of the warp drive over and over again, she was bound to get more than they had at max warp. They needed to out run and cover their tracks. Even in her lab and out of sight of the Borg ship her skin crawled. The Borg console on the floor lighting up to let her know they were being scanned. Just a little bit longer, she prayed. The chamber needed to be full. Ready to punch in the last of the math the first shots slammed into the ship. Thrown forward and back, she growled. "Computer, activate new shield protocols. Begin random cycle." Soon the shields would change their frequency every 3 seconds. Making it hard to calculate a direct hit or find a sweet spot so to speak. She only needed another minute. Just one minute.

In low tones H.K. spoke to Jaceko. "On screen" He didn't need to say what, the entire bridge heard Jack mention a ship nearby. It was there, way out, a small dot that was moving towards them. "Maximize." The small dot became a massive cylindrical object. Mabelle spoke up. "Cross checking against the database sir." H.K. leaned forward placing his left elbow on the arm of his chair. "Get a recording of this Lt. Commander.


Date: 2015-02-01 22:16 EST
"I wondered if we were going to get auto frequency shield rotation", Mabelle spoke up again. "The configuration seems to match reports of a Borg Hive sir. These reports are unconfirmed encounters by federation allied ships. No data exists other than those few reports. Shall I initiate a scan sir?" H.K. considered this for a moment. He opened the channel once more. "How is it coming down there Jack?"

A scan of engineering told her she was alone. The surrounding floors cleared too. The glow of the warp drive staring back at her like an angry god more than willing to take it's vengeance. Taking a deep breath, Jack punched up the bridge. "Sir, do you have enough data? We have to get out of here. I have taken measures to protect the ship, but I have no idea how long they can hold, Plus I don't think the phrase in practice should count right about now. The warp drive is ready and I am the only one in engineering. Someone has to stay at the console to control it. You will only have one second to brace. When we come out of warp one of two things could happen. Either there is minor damage and a lot of people heading to sick bay from not bracing or the warp drive...well let's just say you will need a dust pan and a jar for me. I have done the best I can for you on this matter. All data and designs are locked under your current passwords, which will obey you as soon as we are at the new location. Give or take we should be on the edge of Klingon space. Good luck to you, Hunter." Looking up at the screen one last time, Jack wanted to know this was all worth and in his eyes she found that answer. Locking the screen to voice only her whole body shook the words out of her. "On your command."

Mechanist Heart

Date: 2015-02-01 22:17 EST
Turning to Sherwood at the science console he ordered a probe launched, when it closed with the ship and began its scan, the Unimatrix would begin hers as well. "Get me as much as you can before we move out of here." The probe began its scan and as soon as the information was sent back a ball of plasma energy ejected from the end of the cylinder. The ball would have been enough to dwarf the Unimatrix...the probe didn't have a chance. "Right...then....Attention all hands, Brace for emergency warp maneuver." then finally to the channel open to engineering. "Ready now Jack...Helm Engage!"

There was a momentary buildup in the engines, a steadily rising pitch and then a release of momentum that would be violent to those who hadn't heeded the call to brace themselves. There were always a few who thought themselves invincible. The course was set, and that massive ship was left behind in a wash of streamers and light. H.K. only had eyes for the monitor in engineering.

The whole ship lurched forward violently at his words. For those who hadn't braced, they were thrown like rag doll up, back and down. The second chamber blasted out the stored power which would have wrecked havoc on any known scans. Preventing them from being followed. Racing through space the ship seemed to groan under the stress. Jack tried to hold onto the console with one hand and her feet wrapped around the floor support. Fingers dancing to make small adjustments in a desperate bid to keep it together. The panels of the wrap drive so narrow to force the particles she couldn't get data. Somewhere in the back of her mind she had heard the warning. "Warp core reaching limits. Warning, warp core breech eminent." Fingers and feet sliding back, she had one last adjustment to make to keep the rest of the ship safe.


Date: 2015-02-02 20:01 EST
"Transporter room 3 get a lock on Jack down in main engineering. On my mark you will transport her directly to sickbay" He watched the monitor, then for a moment looked to Sherwood to tell him when to do it. "Dr. Lang, be prepared to receive injured. Sherwood, what are we waiting for?" He turned to the science station once more and waited for his explanation. "Sir she appears to be locking down a warp core critical alert...if we beam her out now the ship could be lost." Dammit Jack work Faster. The thoughts went unspoken, he kept his tone level and made himself appear calm for his crew. They were a direct mirror of him, if he would they.

Numbers flashing by bathed her in a sickly yellow, all telling her one thing,.....she had to wait. If the warp core could be forced to stay like this then they stood better odds at not being found. The force being used made it feel as if her ribs were in a vice. Punching in the last commands the ship came to a halt. Bodies un-braced sent flying again. Jack was flung back from the console as it called out. "Warp core reaching..." The glow bright, violent was beyond her control. Jack's job was done.

H.K. took the sudden stop as his key. "Now! Initiate transport!" A look to Sherwood got him a nod. Would the transporter chief have held on to his console and been able to beam her out' H.K. watched the monitor, anticipation as the telltale signs of transportations beginning to take hold of Jack...the next moments could only be defined as excruciating for him as he stared at a chart with flashing zeros. He was powerless to do more than watch and wait. "Dr. Lang to the bridge, I've got her sir." H.K. allowed his eyes to close briefly and let go of the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. He stood and barked a few more orders..."Helm get our exact position...Maintenance..I want damage control teams doing a full inspection and diagnostics to all systems. Lacha, you have the con."

Mechanist Heart

Date: 2015-02-04 22:37 EST
As far as she knew, the engineering lab is where she still was. Jack laid in a medical bay. Lang and her assistances had taken her clothing and started the process of decontamination. There had been a leak in the warp core, but from the initial scans it was not enough to kill her. Jack just might glow a little brighter for a while. Sealed in her own little chamber, Jack tried to will herself awake. There was work to be done! Lang watched her face furrow and twist. As soon as the protocols for decontamination were over the addressing of that nasty gash on her head would be the first thing to attend to along with a full body scan.

H.K. headed towards the Turbo lift off of the bridge, doing his best to hurry without looking as though he was hurrying. He let the door shush closed behind him and spoke his destination. "Sickbay" The lift obliged him going a few floors and opening to let him out. The corridors were nearly clear, save for the few stragglers headed towards sickbay. Some had visible broken limbs, others had open gashes from where they had struck something in that opening burst of speed. He helped a few who needed guidance to the medical bay, or he assigned them to each other. There were fewer than he expected at this point, but the day wasn't over. Right now he was more interested in Jack's condition. Hunter approached Lang who quickly shushed him because she had no time to answer a lot of questions. He stood and waited impatiently. "Really Doctor, you must have a moment." was that a smirk on her face" He watched as Lang used the protoplaser to seal up the gash in her head. Head wounds always seemed to bleed more. As the wound closed He moved closer doing his best not to wring his hands."Is there anything I can do to help Doctor?? Lang fixed him with a look and spoke sternly "You can sit down over there and not bother me until I have finished with the patient...You men are all impatient boys at the worst moment." He complied, but could swear she was wearing another smirk.


Date: 2015-02-04 22:38 EST
Somewhere in the dark she was running through the numbers. Had she missed something or rounded the wrong way' Was everyone okay' Fitfully she moved as Lang worked on her. Jack's hands balled up into fists and fingers twitched as if eager to get back to work. Once the gash was sealed and her ribs braced, all that was left was rest which never happened when it came to Jack. There was no such thing as a break. Bruising was claiming her pale skin, but she kept fighting to wake despite the doc's meds. It was like living on a sinking marshmallow in hot chocolate. Warmth consumed her senses, lulling her body to ease, to sleep. Yet, she kept fighting, clinging to the muffled voices floating around her. It was the most pleasant and bitter of sensations as her body reached out for reality only to have pain flood her nerves.

Lang passed a medical tricorder over Jack, paying particular attention to her cranial area. There was no sign of a fracture to the skull, but it was possible that Jack had suffered a concussion...She would need to run more tests, Jack would have to be observed for twenty four hours, Lang believed she knew a person who might be willing to take up the vigil. Hunter gave up his seat as more walking wounded came in. Lang went to work on them leaving him to his own devices. Being male means several things, the first would be that he had little patience. Being in charge made the fault worse because in most situations he didn't have to have patience, what he wanted usually came first. So when he found himself standing next to her bed, unable to get satisfaction he affected a pout that would be denied until worms ate his corpse.

Face wrapped up in a fight, glowing green eyes flickered open. "I have to get up. I have to fix....aak." Jack tried to shift up hoping it would take the warm haze away and found a brace in her way and more pain than when she had stayed down. "Son of a.....gear box." Growling and shutting her eyes again. Well at least she wasn't dead and the ship was here so to speak. With this much pain racing through her body, she highly doubted this was some sort of heaven. Death surely didn't hurt this much.

Mechanist Heart

Date: 2015-02-04 22:39 EST
He dropped those blue eyes on her when she finally came around. "Relax now are going to be fine. The doctor has seen to the radiation exposure and the cut on your head has been closed. Your ribs will take a bit more time to heal, but she should be able to give you something to speed the process. How are you feeling?" All this said as if he hadn't been worried sick over her just moments before. Hunter put a hand to her shoulder to keep her from trying to rise again, and to keep her from accidentally rolling to the floor. It felt like he was touching her for the first time again. Remembering how she had grabbed hold of him and practically dragged them to breakfast. Even that hadn't been him touching her truthfully, but the pull of his arm closer to his torso had been. "The doctor is working on some of the crew who didn't make it to a safe place when we jumped. I expect she will be over soon. Just hold on for me."

"Like my tool box was on top of me and beat the hell out of me for my lunch money. How is the ship" Are we in the clear and why"..." Jack forced her eyes back open to look at him. Despite the watery framing, he looked as if someone had just called him a screw up cadet with the demotion to boot. "Are you okay, Hunter?" The features of her face that had always been so serious over mechanics had softened to worry. Flashing in her eyes so clearly as his hand rested on the bare flesh of her shoulder. Jack didn't pull away from him or question the gesture. In this small portion of the medical bay it felt as if it was just them.


Date: 2015-02-04 22:40 EST
There was an uptilt to the corner of his mouth, again uncharacteristic of him. "The ship is clear, I have crews looking for damage but right now all seems well." He cleared his throat and grudgingly moved his hand. It immediately went to that frustrated tug at his uniform. "We are far from where we encountered the Borg ship. I am hoping that we got even a little data on it since very few have seen a Borg Hive. If not then it will just be considered another sighting, but one that will carry a little more weight since it comes from a fleet officer." He then clasped those hands behind his back finally finding something to do with them. "I am fine, thanks to you...better now that you have woken up."

"You are just happy you don't have to order someone to try and make sense of my designs." Jack took advantage of him stepping back and letting go. Swinging her feet down she hopped and limbed onto the floor. Jack held tight to the front of the blanket soon realizing that there was nothing underneath. Her first steps jostled every bone and made her feet drag on the cold floor. Each movement taking the air from her lungs and making the world spin. "What are we waiting for. There is data for me to go over and I am sure engineering is in shambles." Her voice came out breathy and forced. Hunter had a clear view of her bare back and all the bruising up and down her spine. A clear imprint of the console legs she had been slammed into was black with purple edging. Jack forced air into her lungs deeper even with the ribs aching against the brace. Coiling the blanket around her like a towel she tried to stand at the end of the bed. She faltered for a few moments before regaining her sense of balance and direction.

Mechanist Heart

Date: 2015-02-04 22:41 EST
He let his eyes trail along her back, feeling guilty over the bruises. He should have worked the crew harder to fix the dampeners. "I don't think that the doctor is going to release you just yet Jack. You were put through quite an ordeal down there." Alone...was the word that came to mind, but he refused to acknowledge it. She had been the one to send everyone away. Would they have helped the situation' Hard to tell, but something told him they would have just been here hurt as well or worse. "Besides, someone else can clean up that mess for you, after all you did for the crew it is only fair." He looked over to Lang for some help with the defiant patient...strange that stubborn streak she seemed to have intrigued him as much as it frustrated him. Hunter wanted to wrap his arms round her waist and carry her to where ever would keep her still and that pained expression off her face.

Glowing green eyes looked at Lang and the smirk of a plan came to her face. "You are the captain and out rank her. The data and engineering comes over my comfort. Either you agree with me or I will do what needs to be done on my own. Lang is busy and won't miss me one bit. Going to rat me out?" Forcing her steps to be steady and quiet she started to move through the medical bay. Staying close to the wall for assured balance, Jack looked over her shoulder once to Hunter and it felt like a live wire had run down right side of her body. It left her extremities tingling and weak. Rather than letting him think he won, Jack maintained her challenging smile while waiting for his response.


Date: 2015-02-04 22:43 EST
Hunter considered her standing there wrapped in a blanket, another look to Lang and then he moved forward to steady Jack. "One condition or I will go now and rat you out as you say. After we analyze the data and I clean up engineering, you will take time off and not worry about the work. If you come by my quarters, I would love to show you some of the games I use to keep my mind sharp." Would she take him asking her to his quarters the wrong way' He hadn't considered it while he said it, but now" Hunter K'lar prepared to get an earful.

"On one condition. If I win the games I get to look over the data. Mind you," Jack moved closer keeping her tone low to blend in with the mummers of the medical bay, "Mind you, I will stay put where I am content. Do we have a deal?" She knew all too well what Hunter had at stake on this. Games or not people would talk. It was one thing for her to appear at his quarters for official fleet business, but this......The worst that could happen to her is they assign her to another ship until her return to the coven as house leader, but for Hunter it would cost him everything. Jack might have feigned ignorance when it came to people, but she knew what they could do if given room to talk. Well he would need to speak with the engineer who helped the warp core hold out and get them out of danger. Plus it is her that would be able to get the most out of the data after spending time with the Borg console. The cherry on top is that he would need to question her and run through all this and what steps they take to get the ship back in order for his reports so spending time with her wouldn't be too far fetched.

Mechanist Heart

Date: 2015-02-04 22:45 EST
"I believe I can live with your terms Jack...first things first though, we need to get you out of here. You'll attract a lot of attention walking around in that. You aren't an Orion after all." He spied a pale blue lab coat that was long enough to reach her knees. He slipped it from the hook and handed it off to her. "Slip this on and we can work on a uniform later." One eye on lookout, he did his best to not be to prying as she changed. The blue might seem to sweet a color for Jack's personality, but somehow he found the juxtaposition fitting.

At only a little over 5 feet tall it wouldn't be to hard for the lab coat to reach her knees. Jack worked her arms into the coat and quickly buttoned it up. The blanket slid down to her ankles. Not wanting to make the world spin, she braced on the examining table and slid her feet over it. Her wings fit nicely in the broad shoulders of what had to be a male doctor's coat. Jack just shook her head regretting it shortly after. "There is no way you are getting me into a uniform. It will just get in the way." Walking just enough to keep some distance between them, but not so much that Hunter couldn't help if she lost her balance, Jack made her way for engineering. There was data to collect!

He followed after her ready to spring into action if she suddenly needed him, but she never seemed to. He admired her strength...well that and the legs that stuck out from the lab coat. It was a good thing that she was ahead of him and didn't catch him looking. The corridors were still mostly empty so they were able to make it to engineering unmolested.